HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-26, Page 1111111F � � ." ON" . .1 " P., -I , 11 I 11 . I - 11 ( ) .� � I I I N �� I . . I I I.. FIE CLI 0 .. .­ . . . . . . � I .. a � ­ - I - I ', � , .." I I `;� I . .. . . . I K., ­'. . I'll ..- � I .... . . . i I - - . I -- , �,­ . I . � I "1� , -P . . ... z , , . , ,�.- . 2F -­­ - .. . % I -­ . " ., . , . �.� , ,4 . , ', �? . . - -- - , ", . I . �W ., t . I "'.: . . ��'. � �'. ., . . . , , - i�-t (. , e., . 41.4k , I I I . ­ . . , . � , . . . . I � . 0 4, a 1, J 6! I 11, I i! . . .1 . . � 11 . I.''. . -,, ... I :: :: --- . I , ;P r I . I - - - . . . . . I CLINTONP �ONTARTOo T11URSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 th, 1903. Whole Number 1294 2 Ah Year . . I . .4 . . I 1, 111. ; 1; . I 1. I -----. I . I � -, , � I I ---1 I I � - . - , .. .1 - THR LOCAL MARXAT, . AN ASSUMBT a �. I . �,FA--^+-�+ab^�-^4*,+^h*�+��.^'rP'gr-iP.",'k'.-4" ,X NEXT WHUX, . , 0ayfield. I � .'r�-'r-6r=­-�;, "'.1-11- . mlaratzx+" I ^,,,,, I I -, I . - � -mbly will be Illeld !IV tile e Kippen Presbyterian Church Mrs. John Porgusou is visiting I � , � ��.^ , ^ ­-k­­.� I , � --141'��1111­* " . , Th I ­ - -r,i� I I - ) Wheat 75q to 776- . Alt Asse friw . . . . . . . . . . I. . ,� Oats 286 town r -all on Frldf ,.citing of next , -y � ends in Godorict, at present, I . . . � . Butter l5o; to 16c, . week under the auspices of tho "Gall- Wrecked, and §everal People Injure4. Mists Carter KTAI ti -e fantily, of Dr, . U994 X(Q to 170- tlemen cf Clinton." The harpers have, . . , � Atkinson, WhQ spent SOVer4l months . POPULAR GAMES . I I here, returnvol, to. their ho.lue Jr., Detroit � � . .3 - been secured for the occadion: which . 1 3 . � 11 I 11 �. I I . I . I � I DEATH OF THEIR INFANT SON, prat i niscs to be, a very plvasantl oni . ,-. .By Acetylene Gas Explosiollp I last weak. I I I 0000000000<>*00000.*0000*0000000*00<)�o I TI a many frien. s. of Mr. and Mrs. A, . . I . . � Mr. Hantilton (yf Barrid syet,t ,a few . . . . I 4e,wis, Hensall, (formerly Miss Lizale WOULDN'T LIXP4 TO MISS IT. . . . .%���, - . . day., Ill tile village the past we � ek I . . . . . Twitcliell of Clinton) sympathi%.- With Mr. Robert Shepherd of London in -*,�-%,ft, . . . . 1 . . . . . I them in the very sudden -death of their . Miss Flossie Stanl7ury has been ell-. . I . writfug t6 have his a,ddrQs,.Vharigc.ld . ' . . 0 . Flinch 0 111 I intant son, Cecil Twitchell, whilch . TOV. , in portion of tile gaged as assisTant teacher of tile Pub- , . . . I curr4d At their home early 5u Oc" ,safe, I Kippell, N 25 -All, explosion of ed directly oil tile Ins, I lie school for the Coming ;;�rin With - morning. � . . . ndRy "I ' enjoy The News -Record go much RectYlete in thoz basement of -St, An� bLs.-meitt and was on the side opposite Mr. Robinson as principal. _a . ' oxplosiou .&I.- � , . . . . . that I do n t want to luiss a number, 'elr�!wls 11ros1)ytcr4aTi* Church,' j-�ip,jien, the church The . . I to ' Troper. The new and f ascin.RtIng, parlor Xmirip-More pimpleltlign . I I I look for it as much as a letter from at of Rev. J, McNeil and Rev. S. ell C'" I - 'DIED AT, BELFAST, . 9k o'clock Tuesday evening did*, most innittuiately tooli. plam ' it X� . . authors, more scientific thibn whist. k;omething entirely new . I home.,, . . . . � . . I changed pulpits oil Sunday last, I in cKrd games, each pack consisting of 150 cards which are ab- . . e . . . I . over $2,000- damages and. seriously:in- 4' Three or four of the Xippen rosi- . I , !, A telegram Was received y sterday I , . I solutely necessary U) plav the gatile successfully. The coub- � . . I apprising the relatives of the I d . eath of BETTER . . I I jured several persons. A tea-mocting * denco, were - turned into tomp Mr. Jig:ines Alacdonales left lastweek . � . . � I . - , . c�rary , I 1, " arli so intricatel that the - . . . for Clintori where he will spend A few binations resulting while simple . I Willie, the ten-vear-old son, of Bit I and ontertwinnient fpr the benefit 90 iiospjt�als, four.ol'the more seriously . tine has been pronounced by many to be more ol.e.lentific than George Swan of"Belfast and grknolson* rile ineLtings at tile baxracks, It, weeks witn his danglitkr, ivi,rs, ..John . . gi , 1 4vQ I . 11,1099 game which may -be , ..call better atteneed of late and int,t- the children of the Sunday schpc4 was iiijilred bdin-k accorninodated at the Torrance) after ,which he WIN go to . . u innocent, harl I 1, iu:in whist. Flinch is a by the whole fii,milY and enjoyed by old I cf Mr. will* Swan of the x6th COV, est in S, A, circles, ig, iftnprov,ting, being held in the basement of the manse. It was a sad night at. the Washington, - D,. C., for - tile winter. . . I . played in any home . I � Goderich township. The sad vVelit I I . . . and young alike. � I . took place on Tuesday. Next Sunday afternoon Captain (But- ef.urch, which is w,iLd as the Sunday pastc)V'S lJouse. r Mrs, McLennan to- Aft. IV I I � . I .. � I ton will cairvillission tl:o now local of- - School r0oul, � when the small of acety-' c( I � I abl .51. opt V �Slay Suall of Exeter paid, tj . . . . . I . . THU HORSE RAN AWAY. fleets and at night will give an ad� . )voted ill short order. and was C) 1.9ii to his. brotlit r, Rev. J. - . . . , a ,he min qbor, 4' . Sliell.of this villag last Friday. - . . I . I ,- < PRICE soc, POST PAID 55c. . . I . . , I. I dress entitled "TliLi.til),to-.,(Iage'tlii,if.�I lene -gas, was noticed- nd t i With the ass�staucet Of several of elia � a) ,� , . � . . . I . A couple of. young men from 1,ondes- . , Rev., Mr..�Xcl4ennan, I alie, the caretaker, ladies of the congregation, to see -that - Mrs. Sinions and Afts. James Reid of . . . , . . I boro came to -town the other da. A SPELLING mkf CT -1. � , . Goderich spent'Friday and Saturday, , . . . . . . � y and , . I � W. Moore, were investigating the cause the-sufTemrs were made as Coln . . I - . � � I shortly after, stdrting for libme fteir the A. Y. P, A. of St, -Paul'& church of tile leak in tile 1�encrator, The leak- ., fort" last. visiting'frien,cis in the village. - � . I I I , able as possible. There I,-, no pliysic� . . .. � .. . .. I I . . I � . . horse shied, threw them n met on Tuesday evening, when a. report a was supposed to be in the conneci . � Mr. 'Norina:n Cameron of Toronto is � . . . 1. ' ge . iau in.the ,village but Dr, XcD,�arniid. . I . . ions, -it was definitel(y. loca- � home on m. sh -I. -, - I e � . . -aft. 11 on in Lolidonin Dctob- t but� Ulfore I ,ort v sit .. . vehicle and after smashing thcj sh 4 of tile co venti � I < 0 a Pit . 9 0 . I ran 'away, but we.s caught by Mr. Ben.. 'or was given by Harvey Calclough,'41- 'ted with a ti rrific cri-shAlte gas explocl, Of HousAll was soon cm the, sven6 - I . I z . . � I Churchill when some distancel out -of Ok 'le oloctor - Mrs, ,Tallies Flitgresc,n,* 'who has been. . . � -, - I . I . ter which a s,)c.1Iir2g inatch tO . P,aeoi. tol. The cast end of the basement Was I whi . '3 from SeaforLh.alld Broce visit,,rig her parents, Mr, and Mrs. . . . . . . . . �, I I . . . . town. .The boys pracuredr another Miss M. Clufl.and Air, White acted as blown out at.d the school -room. shat� field wart-, a-l�%() In itt"ondanec tcdaY, Porterf! -ld of * * . . I The . new game -For few or linany playel-q-49 pur . e and . . biiggy, and one driving and- the otixw. captains, ,the latter being succassf�ul, wred. . I . .. . 1. � .Ainc-rig tliosL who were injured are tile IL Belgrave, the past few I . . funny. The jolliest, game ever -invented -L I 11 lcacling'� tile colt'they reacted-'. holille 'rile youniK. I p I eople � are requested to at-' A large niphil . . to prt:s,,,nt following : , � - - : . months, returned. home last ivee1c, . ; . . I I I .. . . . exciting, . 11 . ,� . hanet any further mishap. tend ,I . )er of people We I . . . . .. harmless, I I IL wit , - : . I . L for an informal good time. I I . 1. -L I . . ivine worship Ili the church mi and ininivdiately,the wildest excitemer.t Rev, Al. C. McLetinan,' burned on . . . . � I . I . . . Tuesday evening -next, it -cleing the first preqailtet- Ti - made a rush for -'the face, - hands and neek, inli'altd. Ilames, . . . . . . . . . I . z 5 . . . I 1. FIRE AT TH9 ITNIVERSITY. . I . tay L I ' L I . . . . . . - . �3 . V in Advent. L eyes �iu d, . Varna. Z 2 PRICE 50c, P05T-PAID 85C. ( I . . I ­ . . wee . � door leadhig, to the yard; but so gre�at . jlil,re hair. burned, condition . I . � . . . �. . . . . I I. . . I . . . - . . . . . I - Fire caused . considsrable. damtpge at . � L I wits tile .struggling. mass of nien,womell serious.. , . I . . . . .. , . I . I M . . . . ) icagO, STOCXI�i RS FROM. TORONTO. I I' Cooper, daughter of tile L . :� . . the Notthwesteri.i. University, Chi . . and children that the doorway was. soon Wliqs X,.II ' The -anniversary serNices of Utc- Pros, . Ili add. . � z 5 . . o - and gioll to. tile! . . .. kud. Those behind ,were prevented . a - byteriall church -lake place �,on Sunday I . � 1. � a few d ays; vg Cattle for wint(r' feeding which last 510e . late Janies Cooper, lOt'17, Con"--, Tit- . . . ping and ill their frantic,i)(Yor- cloorstufth,. badly' burned on, fF-ce and 'text when .Rev. '.Mr. Hanfilton of . , . . I z . I I lo�;s suffc-red by tile Ul"ve"'ty 'tse"j fall i re tea picked up neartr five from esea, led on one ]land-.%. r ... . :, * . I < > . L < many of the students were ininus Cools . VCL dily I ts to,tnake - their escape trainp . . Landeaboro will preach. On' Monday z 5 . < . . than four cents per pound are'this 9.1a, . I . I . z 3 I < ate. A number of dismornberLd 11stiffs" . . another, Many were bruis-zd. Ili the - . . evening - tile tea-Ineeting' will be keld. . I son easilv a cent. easier and the 0,arge . . . Mrs.. J � IV. 1%TcIsean,.acA11.,2, Tucker- '1' para.tiqn6.,are being made thf-t will . . I z 5 0 40I . also want. up in smoke, Among. those' I . course df.tweftt� minutes. tile uninjured , . . to * . Ping Pong , . feeders are 9.1ow at �uying aCeven igiat sinith, face and hands burneol,' , ,,., . � 5 . . -( , in attendance at ilic ,dental ' depart- Yj - hadextracted ti:,einscives from the crush I I . ensure an �cniovable and profitable titnob ' * 71, . I . . . . . ment. were Bert Jacl;-s6n apei'Wallacd rate, not being in. tile- Uitsillies. oir, tile and had -gained the w?en air, leaving the. - Mr.,;.. James. McLmii, Cut oil head. -for those who attend and a big Crowd . 11 , I . I . . . s I . I . � . . . I I . . . . their health .alone.. . . ' rUlicl Algic, a.child, daughur , o . I . I . .. I . . . I - ,Irwin of Clinton, who�m:studies, as. a. good of: 4 . . I injured - inside. , They,,.too, were thtn .. f is expected. . . . I � . OR TABLE TENNIS, . L , will be sonte I The Messrs.- F ' , . . ' .. . . . . . I � consequence, what tnter-' I air, who av winter quickly-re.4cued. - . . : ,. . . Robert Algic, lot �20, Con. -, Tucker- . - - Alt. Ted Cht I -.1jusy-this Week, . I I feed. soma head, Iry -ith, burno .1 . I - . . itLr is . a ' , . � , .1 . I I . . . . .rupted f�f a few. days... . . . , irinct,� this , WeCJL- 'of all ilicy,se.who are tr,day suffering 9.11 4. . . . . turrAlig'lieckyokcis and whillletrees for � . < The ever popillar Parlor Game-PrIces, Recording . to the . I . I . . brought tip a czrload .c,f stockers from . ' . � I I I . . I . . � T - I I he - cffact§� of the explosion* the W-ni. A. Moore, Rippeti, burned . * . . I 1. . I . . . . . from t . .. . . ... oil- -P. J. Purdy -of the Varna. qLrriago . > ity of the outfit. , . I I . I ST,AUGHTER, HOUSE DESTROYED. oronto where the, price Is lower - than - ofthe church, scalp, fam and hands. - '. . . . . . . .1 . . . I . . . . , . , . . Condition of tho.pastor, I �.. � shop, � , . . ; . �. I . . . . qual ,� I ... . .1 I � . . � in this district. , ... I . I I I . . . Re%� - 31" G, 1%IcI,ennan,, is Causing. the I - . . . , . . . . . . Mr. A -i Coucb�s slaughter housei was . ., . . . .. � . : , . Miss Alice Taylor,4utghter of Mr, Anuiveksary services Ili, . connection, � . . . . . 1. . , � i 50c To $1.5o PER SET. I . . .. .( .. Acitroyed, by fire oft, Saturday- night A SO4N!3 SERVICE. ', . . . most snxiefy from the fact. that 110. George'Taylor, Ict i, coti. Y, Stanley,. wit],: the4lethoolist . clitirch will lie held . . I I . I . � . . I I . . . , . . . . '. . . last ther wit�, a-11 its COlV.t)Ai.t.4 . .1 . . . . . seems to'ha:ve inlialed the f1wine, while . burned. ' % . 1 .,. - * oil Sturde.y aiiet-Alduday, Doc: 6th and , . . , I � . I � . . . ,� I � I . . . ' 1. -1 .1 I . I I - . . I � , � . � . . . . . . . 1. � - whicli noted, -, a uumbo�r of Hie *iiiiis , Anniversary,, ,services. Witq be- held in in addition'llis Iface and hands... are - Rev. Dr, Co5ok of. C-lintori will : . I . , . Si � . � I , . . z . . . ; , a W1 ii- jeareld '!that � Miss Flora Taylor,: ist&: of abo,�c,. 7th. . I . .1. . . .. --T ( . ,nd , giro -big porUers itchs bjr!.� Clattell .tile' Ontario street Church next-Silliday, friglitfully blitrived. 'it . � I.. . . I pr . I 't � -end gentleman's e;esight -may Iftirned. '.., .1 . each. at .io�3(j a. ni.- and 7 1). an. On . . . ­ I . ,� , ' lid Rev. Dr. Cook will pr6ch, eYoth a. tile rcve� I , . . . .. . $-�000 d' Slaughteroe-Atid,Aressed foT Mr. �t . - I ) ' Vonday.evming a fowl, supper will -be . 1. -f W1. . �, - I A16xaii4r,",. son o AleN. McMurd ' . -0�- �` . - Ili the evening them will' . perinailently injured and this afte I . . . I . . . . � <>O-O-(>O-O�� I . .. . 8.1. Cprrie on Saturday, 'the place m..and p. in, . . . 1) e I r- . . . . I . -wil together with * a gpod .prugrai4 . . � . I . . . I ��. - I I . . . * I - a .song scrvic6 'fo-z'whicle: . opteial I - heart was so, pay t6wnspip, -bufned. ...'' . gt. . . .1 . . ' 'Mr,,. S he . the action of his . 1. � Ito,which reference. willbe made next I . I . . .. � �­ was also used by cruton, and One I . ''. 10011 .... ' ' I i . . I I I . . > . .0 . I ..., I , ., :of.,tb6' ' 1)utcl:�rs lta,d-..' i'fire there. on lnu�ic is'. being preparcd� Aniopen ses- weak as to qlarin - the �;attcnolauts.. .'Jcihn,�broth,or Of above, hand - ell t. 1, . . wed1c., � . � ..� .,I ­� . . I . I . I . .:. . . , ,linton.�.., .. , �, I . , . . I . , S, - , - -Id Jig tAi ' thosoii;�iiresl'-'h . ave -been.. I ill's * * Li . I . . . � . .1. . ... . . I I I , , property wa,v �Instir;qd ..%,ion ,Of the 'S'. ". Will. ho.lit . a, Xbont: all of s )in Cooper, lot i7l;� 'coil. i � I � . . ­ I - < W. Cooper Co. 1) 1: . .. < �, � Saturday. I lm� . ­ .. . � ,. � .... I. . . . .1.1 - .. I to their to- � ­ . . . I � ? On: MGnday last a largre nurnter of , � ­. . � � $2o& whiclk� Will - 'not Cover . I ... . ed from the -village . T sinith. . . :. I. � I . I .. : - V V . . Mr�, "afternpor. . . . rcrnao� ticlo--r. � ­ - . f . I I I . , . . hCin.oS ,It .; the , I lk,atty Wrbs. I I . .. . . ) I . 1. I . I ­ 1. . . . < > for I . � . sl:rrounding ­ .. owl were, delivered . at . 1. I . I < - : . I.;'a jol�q. 411e has since bOuIg . .9peetiVe . � Mr,,i. YRo ' -M - . . ' � I .,- I . .. � .. � . . :<) Cone. , rk'�� a , At' the reception stiivice last Sunday - I ancist . .. V., CLefinan, litti- on head. store which-th6y had.-�oiiglit for Mr, ' . -- �., 11, 11 . *ro�e st;a�ble from Aii:,,41ilne.amd is having . I � to*wMips. where'they,are for.the ' . I— . �. . . � -.^ ^ � I . . .. I I . , '. , . 11 - ­ -1 11 ....... I ­ ^ loe ( ,, . � .. twenty-two new liaAnes'were ad.ead t)o pall . *' . . . 'I , well. 1%.Tc.-Yrurtic, burnm . * it and.on W'tdni�gda,Y . , , . . .. 1. . . . . r-#V-r�+^*�NFXX W"^0�434C+6^44' I it nvoyed down to the Si,W -of. Uia . onn -rship n5ll; eleven b -Idt ,t getting alP John . I .' � ..: Cant�alon of Unto . . ., ng surprising Y , . . . ­ W,4GT1Py-1­*-1-K`^QT1 ', . . , . � � I I the nbe -I - . . .. � . at " ' ' � - delivered to, B-. A. : . I I ., I . . I , : ilaq.htcr honi , .1. . -of the. .Sunday Win. Ar'.nsltrting, 1�ippen, burned. : several. 'hundred were I . ­ . . I . I se. . 1. . I . . �, d rS. � TICIA' Y, 10112131g. � - The. .battered wreck . . . I . . . .. . I . I � a .. U I w1jOL boilgllt� thent for Mr. .. . I � - I . I .. . . . . . ... .. � . . . . . t bull;1 against tile rtar 6f '. Tit(! explosion was .remarkable 1111 s Higgins . . 1, --1-- �­­ , ­ , I I I . . . . . sejlRt�l tit, - I . . . I . I . I - -� � p 1101111111111111111111111111141 - .- - -- -. . - -� I - 7- -14 ,TI-JESURVEYORS. - . .'. - ''. ­ P - little Church is, -to T urlibull G1 Seaforth. 13611; Makes ., . . . I , -- - .- .. - ­ ­ --- - I .11 tile pretty. %, effect upou...1 ' . � . 't k ' 1 I . � .. . I . . I .� W­5COTT,, PRI�SIDENT.' -� : . a ­rirAi Llie. Sun,day schoo1j build- . . . .1. . . . 1. � .1 . . . . . (I W I - : . . - -n alt litisIle bit i p . . .ii�� I .. .. . � . .. �. I + - I thel ying, tur eys, ., . .. .. �. 081�1>:i:ii,$:1111� . ... . �*�- ,. . . . . * �. . .. , . . ., . inindep of what .Will go, 0 it Ili, the ing. ' In the ,-ba.wnicut everything i.,4 - - "" . � ,�, � . . .� ... I .11 . -. - . . I I - - , . . , . � .. � I I . .. � � . I . � +++++++++++++++++ I ,�­ ... - , The C .11, R. survdyciits, Who. 01�ve The -autvif0 meeting of. tile Cc,,11.54tva. ' � .. I ill ,C, � .., .0. Scitle of'U.4 'Clinton. inar� - . 1. � . I ­ .. .. I . .. . . history of Tit'o!�ersaij tl� ,as,. its . 1110st, � . onflisida ansl here, the f�ill d�l�as- - mt ' , 'I ' L , . .1.1 I . .. . � . + .. 1-Jurou -was s '. , + .� . . . , L - . 'ago on busi- .. . . . . 1. . been. staking out t1le. line from� Oo.der- +ion -of Wek- ' . � It Works Was ifi.. fl2b vill * . . I . . . I tivo. Associat grim episode. :, . . .1 .. � I I I . tr-tioli Cali. + best be sl!en�. A th'ick li . . I .. .. . � .. . .. Authoriied Capltal,.'.'.$4,000,1�000 ich.to Clinton, afe' tic.w. ;workin ' i rt Ttiesda:y with * W.itS'L intil.about�llalf past.- brio'k wall'stipp6rting the. fl6or ( L A tile nLss On -T11 " ' -: L . . . . ­ 1. I . � 1. ' . 9 ITJ held at. 'Smjth�g Hill-. o . . L .It . esday. . . . . � 9 .. . I ' "' ' ' . the +neighborhood .o(this town. - . 'They- a: good attenclanci:'tolisidering, - the " not, I . in . Rev. 1%1r, Sawers'..of Beig . rave occu- - . I . . . .1 'ta:te of L . � L .0ward scl�ool,ro;�ni is practicaIly blown . + . Paid -tip Capital ,.*4,.:....-. 1,300,000 - : seven.o1clOck thatilic first* -Whl 1. . . I . I . . . . . . . . ,.1, . 'are 'reiicent, bui it i.-vituderst000l they. .19 I the --weather, As indicated, by I tral ,portion being. iiied the I pulpit . -n I t � ril. i , � 1. I . . � . I , . . - . -1 . ,.3�5,1M L have stated that .the gradeS axlei much The News -Record last week there was . , . . . , :: JACKSON S ' . . incident developed. Then it was thgtt j,tval. tile: upper con he Presbytelia 1 .. Regervei....... o ......... 1: I . L . . I several people, ;in .. various Parts( of. cut oil -as with a knife. ..But for the., church on' SitiTclay last in thi. absence*. i '. L I ­ , .. I . . , ,�. . I...... . I I.. '.. I. . I I . . easier than those thrc,ugh C61borne and -c6n�iderablk Challie'L in: tile wk-clitive. ; 'tight they: . A ected the fact that the wall reinaine�d . inr .pJ.LCo Of the R I ov. Mr. Pavicl6on � . h , , . . L I . . .., .1.11 . . 10 et w o was . . 0 . - . . L ­.. 'L . I 11 I tle line Will 'be chiaper to lArild. The, liew, president is A-fr. 11. W, Scott the -rcom Al _ L Mr. . I . . . . of***"#**" . t tat . odor of escaping gas "d one ,or two. .'at ,both ends, the floor'Above. wotild in T6ronto. , Davj:clsoon returned : . . . . ' - . . . ., . I . L . I I # .� .- Two linas ill be. surveyed.: cast' .of of East W wanosh who � has well earn-' ' . . I . . . . � ' 1 FINE CUSTOM '. '. . """"* . � . . : ., .Wl Lill 'a L I gb� . I � made a mote ift tile direction of lea,�- haNfe,fallen in,� �As it i,§ it lias sajgned, home OIj Tuesday. . ... . - I I .. .. .1 I . . . . . . I I .. . I . . ... . tlinton, one' to $eRfor nd tite-.9t.ker ed,.the Lpramotion. - There is. -not a it4 the i3lace. . The ,caretaker of . Ovoi clown in the, middle : for&'.Couple, of "L. I . . . . .i I . ,. . .. L, . . I .j. �. .. . :. , , , -* * . . L . I I ., I X � 0. . W4.rnali e i oppelal effort - . �crosd. conntry, to''Constane'd. . ficirn more,active wo.rket. in tbe Association.. church, ..TVIr . AVIn. A. Moofd,-and- -tile feet, bilt it 'has been timberkol up arA . I .. . . . . . L . I . . I " ' I I 31 .to aocom�iodato:the, � . - ..� Aijother line will also be run The. next meeting will be' held'at Ati-- .pas�or ,.veto- &I-noll-k tile firs is,iiow saf. to wilk upo.n.. Tile 'Ido,or I . . ".. , : . . . , . .Z ­CL . . ,... .;- . . ' .. . 1. . .1 . , . I . . -� - I Wnghipi _ '. ., _, , " L 'L .. I farmers in, the ,dollectioni, �. �... GO(ferich eastj up ihcr.ialie� , Of � the - buta whicli is-ratlitr4nore 'o�ntfally WIL - L w I ified: And �: I �.of,. the. ma,chine room Was sma shiLd into' . Stlanle'y, To . I ­. . , I .. .q . . I 1z W I . 11 . . . 'notes, Ab6the con-, I -. P. Maitland, butt it i ' t , 00114oilerad situated since I-Iullett:­bas, tliceir piaped WL,ff, .into tile litt a- � , . . I— . ,.. .. . I ,, I L . � .. �, - 1 . . I of iiiale I L I . ere a ar an . . . :., - : TAILORING'* . . I I A b6 room W-lierein, wag. i inatchwocol ,: (1 hurled . transversely � I . . . . I .11 I . . route. will lie -ae-, in. tip ridjug.:; I . ­ I I . . . I I .. . ­. Miss * ': "spent . . " . I ye, ioncelwoaff6rd tbem. - . probibble that this . I . .. . ,tit acetylene gas maAiinc.- This Qpefi-�' ,acros-4:, the rooln., * . . I Rary Reid. of Britcqfield I. . . .. . 1. I . h opted. . .. . . . .. . � I ., ": .1 . , .. I . .�. � .. a .. .. I . - . . I .. . . , , , ., 11 .1 I I . I I . .. �. - .. ,. - ".. ,� I. .. 1. 11 .L. I .. , . I I . . I .1 .in the transaction of all i , _ I . : I L . I . I . . . , . . . . � . . . . . Sunday at.her home. �, . I . . . ! I . .. . . 0 - t * -the - ir business is the very . . I .. . . . I . - . .1 � I I . . . . - . .. - .. I L . I . 1, . . I � I . , � .. I .1 . 1.� L . . . ! .. , ,.best that can be Obtitined ' .;L . -PE - , - . .. . � . '. . . . � I I . I I .� . .. . ­ I I ., . ., .. . . .3%.Tiss -Laura. Horner of brysdiil6whs .. - - . I . . L I . . I . ; I A NARROW USCA :. I . I . � I . , ­ I. I . I . ' I I . ;. .. .. . engage . Henry reck's .: . . � . .. 1. .4 . . �* . . . ,. .. .1 . I . ... .., . . . .. . ­. I I . I 11 .1. � d se'Wing ' a : Lt Mt'- .. . � ., . . � . . . . . . . . I I - . ' ' Goderich Townshi , I : , ' * , L � -��� 6. � in'the Foinmunity,'. ..,C ... ... -A. Morris hod, a narrow pscape . . - . I I U ' . . � - . : G�delrieh .Tbwnshi . � - . tile past week. . ; . . .. I . I L. . . . Mrs. . Br' cZfield, ' . . � . I . . . T � . . : . . .. � ip,., . . � . . . . . 4: .I- I . I , ; :­ I W., ., . v. � . � . I ­ � . . I . . I . - I I . . I L, .1 I . Eoit4 IVIOS.%ol. ': I . I m. I . : : . . . .. 7� ,on Sunday and -brut for . the thought- ' . i I . . I , �: ; - I I I . . ­ I.L �� � . . I , I . I Rev.. I Mr. Wright, Who, has bmt in-' lake ihoro� fdt,�about sevell miles and mis s* I' L ) cff Varnit spent ' . 1. I . . . I . % , . I I � . fulnos of lifts. D,�B. Kennedy. would - " ..The annual Aliank'offerint meeting of Sunday at, the ionic of Mrs. JCaltr : - , , . I I . . : : I . . � It � � �. All � 10 � it 111..410.11'..,IWAL�A 1! , � . . L . ; I . . Pulinbout of the Midolileton'lia.ii*h for 'sirikos e'ast'e.t'the Cut,.Li-lie.: it. cfbs�- ' * "'L . I .. 4 . 2 , . I hav * lyeen, Cut dow' Ark r. . ­ , , , * . ... - � I i ' - I L � .. I a n .b!�. the - gt* M- 'the: -Women's Poreign Missionary S67 * ps.st two Lye, . . . I . ., . ... . . . � * � . L I . � I I . hi Reid. :: Mein's Suits ... L . . .1 I I q , � I :-, ,. . . L ... . . tLe :ars,* Will. preach a (;s the aird colt. at Henry Y6ting's, the. � 11 ' ' . . .s 1. . L ith South . Me, . I I I . . I . L. , � . per. . . ­. .. . L. .1 , � wian �clvurcli was 0-Y. _ 'I 5th'. near . Rethel church, the sSr,S. Arthtr Welshand Pere T * � . . I I I CietyL of the L Prc.jbvtL - .YL� �­ : 4. . I I � L. . .. I . I . . farewell sefirrons ziixt Skind L - Lt Jolt - � � �l.,. . .. ' , i " * ' 11 . I Not, noticing 4ny �st,r a6c."t her� held. On Tuaday -veiting Nvlicn'�-Rev. . ;, 189 -a si Ell jott'S L alid� the-, . 9th 4:. Cole of -' th4i Dayfielol i. le, : GOdet . . . . L 9 4 W Savings Bank Branch . - . . . ., o L. 0. L, Xt . Will in -et Oil , Ithe L of, Janic. .. t, . L .. .1 . * ... I .. � lig Mrs. Kenn- L .L � I I ­ . . .. . , , ,. . . . grado�, _,VLill J)Q t6w11.SIljp, Spent. a rno't PI aS&nt a It-.., . ...' .. . .1 I . . I � ! -"---. .. .. neig"libor's All tile 11100ii , � t .LM6114y in December Ad 'it CantCIqil!s,. -The: . . . . N a I ve . ­ : ­ I . I , .. � I - Pe'ek , . .. . . . . ,-. I . I ... ..''. Dr. Swith, a"refurnecl inissionary-frioin . firs wheii ,41 a%' - . tit L . - ..... . I � J. . . I . I � . .. . � .. . 1. City went over ... to see if. ti-cre, was. afty- L L I L ' . 1. oWcr g:. at the 1101,11C I Of. Mr. 11,eury., 1: 1. 1. . I 1. . I ' ' . . � to Order. - . . . L . 01 L ia,. delik- red a very , the ,.mentibers, are requested t6attend milelt :1 ail on -the!, Grand'Truilik. in, L .1 . . .. . .. � , . I .. , I.. . '. I thirtgr tliv, rriatter, -but found the eoorsL, Japan.. and. .IrA . . . C. . . . ' a .be, I Wfr,*-an4. .. , . . . . I - 1. I L . .. . . ans- bg as business'�of i-inportance 19� t . Mrs. John Cunlffiings� left it last Week. . . : : L. X . . -Otir Saviilg's�Bank Brnn­� , . all cl6-,,.-e. , and Could ji6t *get. ally inteiesti -leettire. The.,church clioir . ' . . . . .for.tkcir new home** in ' Dominic' Reid�of'Su iinLrhill visit�d. : , , . - , . ­ ' I .. . . - MISS MCC �11. % transacted .' *1 L . .. 1, . . .. . � short,, ttuio ago I ii 1. . . . . . I . ell is especially the imost er tolier encluiries. '. Suspecting tlat. and' . j1ppli"I tIle InuSiCKI - I 'Morr s -township where they have scAtl� . . Sunday, I&st. . . . . . .1. - . . I : : . . . � . %V 11 - tit . .( . �... . �. . ' Ii61ias I*en � at. his::horme on , . . . �L . . ..; 1. � . ': ---­-.� I .� , igeous to , Mrs'... Alex'. Ostroni, W � . � . L advAnt.; all. do. , , sol e -ing Was wrOng .she prccuri:4, the part J I � . ed on Ahe favin owned by Mr. Cian- . . .. * . . . 11 I fcr the eVoting. . I i . Mrs. ,Clias., Johnston and 111sa Gcor-� . . . . positors. A deposit of $1 : I I aaPistanc. of Alt,' J, C6pli and an . en� , ,%it living oil'' the.h.oviestead on the Bay- . . hcAi : Line ', . . . ; :� I . . .. . ,. . .I., I -ec ateil its much so ' ' I . I � � . G, 1%icCartney, -who It" been Ill bted . Ining's fatlie,r. Their many %friends in giana. - i6linston'of tbe Go6. . . L .. . I � . . . Is appi i 1: ,h a, window. xm . X ' . field Line for some mont1si, hasIrei ip ' - . trance. was, 61utained, throng for . So time i; alile to be around )14ce Ili , Clinton and will takic. �up this * tr..'wnsh regret their. departurel, . I I - � � . . . I . . visited Lucknow friends recently, . . I � . ient . . i one of arnuch ,larger. Ran-, and , itAll -of aga it. - A nt . but wish them happiness and prosperi- . .. . � , our Tailoring Departu . , the house ;Y�ag, foulbod to be I ill1i'mt from here. took in 1% I - . . . . . . -Y to NIty It good . . . � . otint ' Ititarest allowed I I ... . L' ii, L Mrs M L L ris lyilig- on tit' her abode there shortly. - � I � I . . . . . StKuley Council. met. oil .Nov. '16LA at . . . . . * , ­ coa _d .. or e th' tea-ineeting at 1�ip cii on Monclay , . . , . V -in their lie -Ai ab a. . - I . L . .1 ' I - � - . . % I . L . . has been tolo buc ,L' I I gas an L . unconscious ptate. . I C ' . p George.- t - -L od . I . . . one p. In. with 411 the in orp pres . . word for itself since the .4 1 , . f tom date. of deposit until . ., .. .L floor in I I . T11'ey, e�ellfllg.­ . . L . . . By the way, we hdar.that Alt. . I . .. . I . I emb ' ' . % . date of withdrawal. .3 Per - t - - . . tit. After th readifig,al)(1 adoption * - I ru,4� t)egan, and it id Oklly 00W -- * ook ptDtnRt indilzures for.rLvtving Ittr Shopoar, I a " . - , -d will ,4]tc)rtiv enter'the ft-darr- L I t - I L a . L. ... -- I cont. per annum, compu. , - t Rev. Dr. Stewart of Clintou preachi- I ... . I . . . . of tfie.1ninutes accotmt& were paid as . I . L � . that we cau begin to tAke . . and ,she has now recovered frout . he - . I . .. I . .1 I .. . L . . . I b! eRth. .14 ted bAlf YeKrly . .? . *. .' , I igbytorian chuich. on.Sun - icil state, but we Will . not vouch for . lows : :C, Gihgricih $20.25,1work in . . L I * . . . � ; - gall, but Lit Was, ind'04, . a). dol, 'ill the ,Pro ness of the -rumor, " he has, , . -H I avillei, . - , � �. fol . I.t. . . . . i . . . . . . . . � effert-of tile .. . . I . � 1,aiy evening. .The Dr. is an old fa,v- the correct . . ..'I 0 M01. I . . . I., .. . . . . . . � � , olosecall. *.* . 1. I . . , .fooled Daniii Ruinor hibre than once. - I .. . I � ­ ... . I 1. . . pit $3,75, A. Reid 540.24 work 17J P1 - . 1. ... . . I . . . .. I . .. I , . . .. I . 11 .. . . I 1� . . 1. 0 to of tbC Bru6cfield pco-ple, .. �b . . . ILI . I i� ,K Parke $6'48 W: Bi Reid $i6.­­� . I . .1. � , - - : Have you ordered your : : '. . L L I � . I . . . L . ­ afore. , 1 - � Oil: Wcofnesday evening of'neit week A6.�, , L ' M�Jt,,j6jpal L' . . I I . . . . . .:�� . . WIT,14 I . T - - , - ..m. sr "Willia. . . - 'i . L . .� I . . . 00,TO MONTREA ,. . The ally friends of, Mr. % and Mrs.' L -Mes s. tit aiia Wilbert. Ca,n- a Ciscuit Rally of *tile Holme,%ville cir- 46, John T - Reic. �146, 1 . I . 1 . . . . . I. .1 - I . . . . . . . Jas. Goinmill of Tucker.4mith! extend . . , J, X liarilwell, nails, . L . . '.. .1 .:,... . . I : , . . I ieloii who IN.Ve - been in the Souris Cuit will be" held in the . Methodist WcrId,:.$28-40, . ., . . . . L , � . I � , - a special i.neeting,' of. the. town tll,e).. * tj i . I . registering bIrthO, ,,deae-s 1 Fall Suit yet? .. . I . �' . . .1 . At L I tr4ch, Commencing at 7.30 .O'clo*. * ' . . I 00 . 'A M r gintete s,rinpathy ill -the Joss district, Mail., for three months, re- chi I L � P�C-, 54,37,- drain . : d on ItIcifiday night.a. report of tli,--:r son 'Doti 1�s, who died -very n Saturday. L T . * es B$ ... . V .9 I . I . .. It ned 0 . I hey haA a., !7j6OJ L' . . . � e gn from the President of the Board of ell Y. L ' . arl *'ag wu .. - , The Sover i Bank - ' : council lie' I . it' home The following ticbIlent " -'g a,;In Willi I and , "" ,Schwalm . . . I � I . . 0 , L . olri�fllL ' . . ,ite you to come and Ilavo : 1. . I . sitild I ' . . . I I . profitr furn &It matter for cons . 5�0, ,Stan ,,$9.66, L 3, �L . . I . I . ' pleasant and .jble time while. a- , -y ' ' . .. � . I . - R, exiension was . . . i - : i Zfroa t it � $15. IC . .76 L We inv � , Trade' re the Ce P . I . . y was holne for -,were flad to, get haRk to old � - 20 drawing gril-Vel S B. . . - - a look at tho Nrge8t And floest - - . . . - . - . Mr. Jack Rattenbur 1. . drain t w . . , . . I . � . I received and read . From the discuss- L. , W, & . Way, but i -How call we inz,ke 'our Public .Ij - . I . . I I .. .. stock 4)f imported Worstedo, - I ... . . ii W'S e ys last week. - . I Gode i ow , I cenloil $46�i5 . I I. . . of Canada. ibit which 11611owe� .Vident' that' a Le , ric) t astip, again. services inciry attractive :a�d helpful! ? 'Ing Mr. D. Camp- - I I I . - Tweeds and Cheviots in thl? 6-1 , � . . . 1. I L mary .Ur, CharieS Mason .It" Who 116LLS IX,,ell ''.Aft. --Howard Miller, $oil of Mr. 0 L, o,. How can better s�piritlreal results I* at, A . motion exempt . . . � I . X- I - . . I . I tha� Fathers do'llot thin't it ucu,orb_ in, ,I '�oftic' tillici to- Mille who las'been teach I . . . bell's Property froyin taxation was cat- . L county. . .1 . . . to-,, scind ft. delegation, to le Northwest for _r I ivg- in the tained r I . . . -to burned, , . I I "*#*"* . a Winton Charlie Soo , . I I . tied, as his buildings ,we . .1 #*"**"****** ... tres'l just yet awhile.' Wli�n turned lionle-ior tit hi'albi' and not far frodu Oiat 2�-Why do so many Of our ineinbers . Our prices are. moderate. while 4 1 1 . � . I . L I . , . the tittle is more appropriate Mr. looks as if the West a.greed with him.. fatirous, town itsclf,� has mwengagcd for Rbsellt themselves train -tile cl Tile cGuncli will, nicet on Tuesday., . I . ' we give you all the btyle, fit, and I . ' L 'those again ringing, L put at ail i1iqea* of;sulary, ass..uItLt- Dec. 15th, 'at io o'clock as per statutot . I I I finish to be had in any city. H. T. RANCEo 11gir.10, John, Ransford will be one of Wedding bells are, . ancther to Ing. Ho,w Coll this Tpoalla Of 'grace . . I . Ing of MV, Jotin Catiteloll � -J , E. 1-1growell, Clerk, I I I . � who will press upon the C.P. R. an- Alt,. Xnox fiapLnioved to Stratford : . Tho dwell . - be made inoTe.lielpful ? ,. I , ., , . "I . . I ­ thorities tile superior ac.1vanta,gto of . 0 licar 11011110sville, hacl.�g narro�v as . I I � 11 I . I I .1 . : : CLINTON. Mrs, (Rm)-.81inp4oll ip.,visiting !rL- I . .1. ' we inoitie"e, tile c1liciency .. , . I � . . . . a g. cape. from destruction -by fi rht 3 -1 -ION can, � . . . . wh&t is. citilled the $outht:rn rout ' L Jora takin a ""' of Land deop , I . . . � , � L I . I I I I .. erids here for: a few. da);,El be .: to Ove .ell the interest in our, Stat- I L , 1. � . . . . . . I : : %0--J%-110� I . . . . is via Clinton.' . . . tip house, in Hoinsall. , . . I . last week. Alt. Cantelon wag aw,kefi- day schools*.? . . . I .. I . I 'Drysdale. . . . . I I . .. I be aiiii - I . OL W by the oincilce, and on going to tile . � I %* .. I rk might not ss to Call . at . g One t of his Uncle, 'M .' . an- L ill- . I 'bri.sa 1,411y MeCowon, has r William., C .4-Wh� shottle, we takeL.K det]iot . . . IL q . I I . tenti(m to.tbe fact that Blyth is 11311,14, It her sister, TvIrs. MC_ roont ,, _,V L Separate school, Stanley, is . � . : : EMMONSON-ft L Hamilton L to Vi9l uff oented. terest n our Upworth Le Our nQ . I . . Ing preparation.'; to submit a- by-lKw . . telon, lound him a4most .a 6!vue I and . co . ni,plettol, and is ,-, fine, com- . I . OUR ..... . . 1. lie electors ati tit-- January el X - ay, for the winter, . I xitchen Prayer Meetings ? What ate solne , of , about - . I . . . . : : . * 0 0 0 * 0 0 . . . . I . to t [�-Ction The fire criginat&t tulder tile fortable buildingi . � . � . L . . i . : : D . . , 0 to: ro.'Ise its share 'of the, expenditure birs. Glue of Seaforth, who was the stove and such a hole had been buriv� tile porsonal avol general benefits to he . it I . . eady-made I I . . , the right of Way Lit g'neSt of ,Mrsi. C. Wilson,. has returned ad Ili tile floor'that the stove was al- derived from these s�-,rvioes ?, : L Mr... Lo is Mousso, .With'his bride, . . . . . JN%l I 16 0 fteces.qary to .'buy I . . . L . takin ill his. honeynto .41 lii&itilig.. I . I . . 0 0 the route via that ,place - is finally dW . . . . I topplel iuto� tile c0llil,v, ' ts of Jcstts is . Keady-mad to her loine . most toady to I . ,�-How cati wb as follc;wc u r tife parental roof. 0 . . . 0 . . I . a cid'ell, upon, . L Miss Mar Gibson is �isitittg Mitch� The Itainea were speedily extinguilawAl" Christ make our personal life more noic '. . L . . I y L . I Clothing . . 4 ell friends. I .,. I -lad tho, fire gained much'farther ficitol-' effective ? What Is our respollsibi�lity , Air. Goo, Pollock ha� purchased an . Clothing . -0. DEATH OF MRS, SAVILLE SR, . way before toing discovered. the house as Christians ? I . acre 61 swwtup for wood. (;Co. behav- . I . . Wit. A. Beattie of Lcndon vis:tA Would Very likely'llaVe heeft-d-estroyed. 6---Thia . W. 'Al. L$L., its place and claims as in keeping things warin. , L . . . . Department . .% .. I 1. 0 .Oft S�IturdgL ,last there pas*d fro4n his sister Mrs. Scott, for R Aw days Mr. James Connolly, director Of tile among our circuit interest,,,. , I . Drying apples is now tile general or- . , e - I . I 0 I,feL tinto clet,t '4 ,verita�le mother Ili last wcei� I I . I mcxillop Company, in which the pro- . 7 -As Christiatis, what is our fman- der of thd eveninga and racko arei to . L . 0 Israel Ili tk.oa person at Mrs. George Mr. clecil Simpson of xtttleby .is . CA the damages ciAl responsibility to the Lord ? . be met With ill every house. I I Atbance that never betote o . party is insured, assess 1 e It" been glVan the buyeirs of a Sa,Yllle, ageK1 75 years.' Hier life was visiting ill our burg. . � . promptly. Promptness is ,a� feature Of 8-Consecrit.tion. . . L a I . . . . I . . L L indeed, 0, useful one and hor olk"s, oi I .. . I I . . tht, One speaker is chosen to introduce We are sorry to hear of the illness' I I . Ili now Complete with fill the . * Reji0,V-,niAda Clothing* . . a kinidness wart innumerable. She was -a - I . Lt C0111pally- . . of Mr. Albert Donomy Arho- had- td .. . It was an: (.�rror to �qtate that Mr. _ �,Ii . , 0 . I . . I . ithicet and L One JO open Ca( . L I I I newest designs in lWorgoteds and . . lire, Engialid, and for . I e� s lmvo Mr. J, Johnston on that account . . I I . I 0 . Sorge Suite. . 0 . We have a lot of * riKtive 61 �H'Aln" �, . I Saill, Switzer had bought oi .Iyai�r of t;a1,:C1,,,,�iOi1, at -ter which it will be op- I . tL 0 - over half a lecirtury wv.A a resident ot Portoeo Hill. . - frollt Mr Plitiniller Of Blyth. tion - but' we Wish him ja SINCedy meov"ry. . . L . I I . . . . bronphoo � - on lot general discuss - A most pro, Whiter appears to ha,ve set in, 816- . . I In Tweeds all the new s ri0ea, 9. TwOed,., that we ario ft Clinton, Mr. Saville predecedmd her a Mayffe d ex. Mt. pittlitealor does not LoWn brouchos fitable", and . enjoyM)le time is &ntic'. . I I I v all Overcoats in the very, 0 going to Make � - scdto, of Years- The rAirviving,intuth,Ts The Rev. Mr. McNeil of I I but pri7 I ,winning ponies which every- pitted, The Choir at the Church will_ glis have already becti used., , . I I I . . ,R e of their family are - E.' Savill.e of cha�gcol pulpits with Rev. Mr, Suel . 0 I . Mr. Switzer's pur� i I . � � latest styles. . to O , oil �Suriday last. body adin rea. furnish, itiusic for the occasion. L - . . . . . l a Clinton, Mrs. John Oliver 6f Uutltsm - spall of Egyptian ponics . . . . I , L i Youths' and Boyei! Stilts In All 19 cheaper than -you . 0 - Ville, Muskolia, and Mrs, S. 111000r Of Mt� Jas. Harrison is busily engaged chase Was f. A supplonlentary meeting of the I I I AO . 0 Wooestock, -?Vro. Saville was 6 knimn- in threshing, ligivving about three weeks' Which, we .are informed, wort a finit W"t 1jurott, Varniorl,.4� Institute will be ' I -* styles. prize at tile Toronto riair, I I I Make. , 0 would get tile same . . held )tare on,Friclay of next week. A 0 . . 0 her of tile, J�Jotjiodlivt clittgth. Sho 1)W work yat. MfQJ #loa4ie J, Cole opent Sunday meeting of tl,e W6mcit's Institute Will Wintry ,weather has aIrvail set in, L *. : Small I)oys, nobby two-piece . quality Ready-made, . long made her home with her son, Mk- : The Methodist 0ongregdtiOff Of 130th, with ]ter friend, Miss Idee 11olinvo of I ba lield. on the sixtue, uateV A y New York suits# 11111ab ' L 0 . 0 'P;. Sa.ville, , I I . 61 intend, to have 9. social at tIlb 1101196 Clint(m. . aso ograill Ila$ boon, arrairged for Causing pColAid 'to drii.w eloslor, to tl.�a X *Ilokg a good serviceable all,*001 0 This is a genuine. . . g,00d pr rom � , .1 - -arvices Will be held ill; a d, In ov Tht� ' larrly�atttndtd furneral took of Mr. Rutledgei 441`0OU i Oil tl A tv On $tellday next .s :t which, it is fire. I tweed , it , I ­ tile "en'ng meet ev , nest stripe -, pattern Made yoke, * r, bargain, If you have: place to C inton cemetery on Monday. ellillut Me, lot. ill tile evening ,n: Cole's church, coin I.ro. Owing to tile Oobs011cc Of R - M r - I belt firlif,hecl,with. A. - " I 0 - Air. 'J;hr,r Morgan has disposed of Inencitig tt 7 O'Olctk, 'Oeva Middleton' Will Davidsoli o 8 " The service wag condu6tWd by Rev- 0XI)e0ted' P ft unday last tile pulpit hog pleats an( .1 L been in the habit of [tit of Seaforth, 9'( Q, L ,. .: I falimer's satin linings. L Mr. Manning and Ufa pallbearers were his valuable brood more to 1% Goidericl., Messrs. Xoya and fkni wa.q ably firlied by R�v, Air. Millar, . I : 16e. X p iisy- Tile following jtdnl is taken f rom : to 2S, JPrlee. $3. * V . buying Ready-made e .1c.lin Scruton, Alex. XcXbw,it, ThO,4, buyet, . . . spent ,Sunday at, mr, 15. C010, tile Traherne kUdm) Thob-4 ii,ind refeits VAT110"L Tkete will ))a no shrvicanext! . . I . Sizes 23 . d 6 * Clothing. I . Itollowity, James Twitallell, �ftae The C. P. R. staed field Lifie. 11 is a . t prosant in. to a fOrina,i resident 61 the village - Sunolay, ft being �amtivotsary at V&r- � .. � I Jackson, and A. MeCtive. . aurVe�oro hme , 1% Miss Uffie Ro.thwe' Ila. . . I I . 44 : S olvoussoillAncle onilyouwIll . A tile line lot the prop,osed railway Cligton lcarltin,g the Kit of drogs-mak­ ,,On Woofnesday Mr,'.Geo. Morrison 'tit%- ClAtt(Alt topic Of tile I day is, U-0 . .. ft.^�� a 4; too thitt the clathillor. we 6rd * , Aniong the mourners were : Mr. wad ,miles South of Porter 8 Hill, mid Miss Vatilly Blackwelt were united a * nilikirig up at the aniltIllirldil will 10, Mrs. John OIJ,V,er Knd theit aoft Will.. h1g. Jordon *&q visiting atill-5 sOW. Ing. ,q of Stitnicy V,isitect. in inarriage by Rev. J. 0"Switzer of electric railway which W soon, to W . 44 laot it" 10%as any two of ho - Miss S. A.,Xey� built betweal ,4t. Joseph and, llcllisal�- . 0 ordinary ady-1116ACIls , , imn Cf Huntsville, MU-19koka, George i'll-14WIs, Alt, Wan. CUrrIO's, Oil $Utt- friands oil, t10 Bayfield Line last week. 11olland. The bride looked ellatini ig . . + . 0 Bradloy and Prank Meltoo (A St. . to - dreai.i trinilinled This it done nl�l benefit 010 neighbor. . I 4 1. � 0 Mr ., -', have licon a al a , navy blac satin, � �rys, ,ir. 4.t1d Mrs. ,9, Moreet of day. I a . - th Tilt C, 11, R- surveyor . L WO,)jJ.qtotk, Mt. and Mrs. James Web- tit, Richaird MCC , work fit, this townshil) for the tlfl,st tot .. tholl, . . .. . I ' Hollowfily. . Vor to tile line froln 06(forich W!'' I . � 'to Satill, Tileir inany friends 1100d ill InallY V AYR. T, Jacksofto Sr lelland Of tile'! L I With Will - A. J qI llappillevq in 00-T, Wedded Mr. Allan Vilet disposed Of V 11119 4:� , * 0 0 .4ter and Mist Isithells Wobatet Of Low Coll, has bold ,,is broticho (16 . (Ja,yj locating 0 , I . . ­ L ., 1. .. !4t, Oliver cwoo tot to Clloton4 T119L 1100 ritus dowil, 0101114�," (14wr to W, MI. Aloycq 1 % -4 I I � I I L doobt-ro. , it so(A Astivoi. I . . *11H.J+H-��I+M+ I . I I L , " .. . I I . 4. L . I.. I . � � . , I . I L . . . . I . I � . I . L I L -1 . 17 1 . . . 11 1� I . . .. . ,� .. I . 1. , L � 6 LL . I I . . � . . . 0 I . . . � . . .11, ­­ � . -4- .-- -- . L .. ­­ �..�-�'..�����-.�,,.�-�,,..A.-�-.- ­,-­ -1 � ------- ­­­­­­­ --L----- ­­­-, L ' 11 ­­ 111- ­­ -11.1 --- L ...... . - ­ ­ ---L"" '­ . ­,­�­­­­­­ ' ­---­­­'­­-­ '2WWh---­1111111'M I I . .- .­ .1 ­­­-.1--­­� -- 1. -.=2M1ftMUL­­11­ ­& . ,k.,.,, -- ­­ ­ " - ­­ ­­ ­ "