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The Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-05, Page 9
iw N r 1 The Clinton News-oRecora Novowttl or Othp 19 l e saice u Started last Saturday and. will continue until every' Mantle Advertised"."is is sold• At the present rate of selling, that. will not be long,. ' $10,00.Mantles . are .selling at $ 6.90, and $12.00 ones at $8.501 because we clear- ed a makers surplus stock, and got -them at a 6gure that lets us sell new garments $3.00 ;ta .33,50 less than they are made to retail for. That• saving is yours if you take ad- vantage• of this'big sale: There wet'e 110 in the lot, 'There. is. not an off style' or. poor garment . in the en- tiae collection, every garment is new. • Aril were made four this season'' trade. We bought them. cheap, that is why we' can sell new and stylish Mantles for prices like these. Ladies and "Kisses Norfolk Jaoketa, with ebrappinga and halt, mada froth' ex- Lsdiaa Oohs .math from tra fine all wool Beaver, black and white. zibnilnec ' linea throughout, in grey, Emote front, shoulder capes navy and blaolr, a nobby made to sell at $12,00;' . garment, regular Value at levet $10.00 'Ladies J sokets matte from Ladies blaolt Be all .averJack- wool Frieze, .vOyet collar, loose back, liaLd eve, double - breasted, throughout, raided seams, lined tbroughout, Velvet and stitabing, in black or collar, very fine quality, grey, stvhah and seryiae- o re�nlar $12 00' coat,, able, ma to retail at. $10, Also several . odd. >000to :bat we only bave, one or Ladies Jaeketa m'ade.from two of, 'regular $1-1 0 0 "'Icy, black and .wbite gorda, ollosceof entire lot Tweeds, double test , oomm: oin g .6 a t u r ' a ., �, n . b _. d. yR V �� cloth with plaid oaog, :each-..:;,.... ' loose back, new sleeve, made to r etail choice of the ntaitre liol ,t commencing Saturday at ' 0 each................... 500Pair Sam p e !astmere ,fi o 's e, . • Another-big•lot csf travellers_ sample hose . go on Sale Saturday.. You reememb r the •.big lot we llad•'last summer.: The are not as many this time but -the, values are, .list a ood.': T .� S. g,' That means that you' can sa`•e . morey by buying Cashmare Hesiery here. and n(i , 500 pail's t'()* sell. -When Ihey are'. gar a -nn -MONO . • The saving is 8C to !200 per pair. ". Better lazy in.' a.. supply before the.se.aro alt.gane,: Good lel ••nu't8. ke • Not much Blanket .'weather et but hill nights are liable t coin •i Y ' - chilly g .o e. < ny time, now, 'and it. >te 'Lest to gist .ready for tzhe'm - . Tilere. is no ,econ6my in *Ouyiilg Poor blankets, 'Don't buy. a .pair juat. lie.- cahso they'are cheap, There is sistisfaction ''arid economy in buying' the - blankets .we. Sell,` Good' qualities .oply can be -hadhere., They are Lbought direet frons .the mill.that makes the best .bl ii.4.ets In ganada, and every pair is x;11 a good blanket should Ike: Fall stocks cam' list week: Here are three Sample valuek At $9.00 white woolen BI.aakets, large size, mado from clean, pore wool, soft:lofty f afeh, will .i,ot shrink and will give ex eellent wear, .ptnk or blue borders, per pair.. ...�3.�d At $1:Oii Extra finality fine all -wool Blankets, guaranteed Iree',from grease; or shoddy, nQthiog in thein lint claan, pare wool;utronR, firm foandKtiou, with, soft; fiufry, fialish, fanoybordered, per pair'. .,. ............... At Extra quali thoy nee woolen.nThank t • p o s, mads. from selected , yarns, troughly oleaEd tints scoured, guaranteed ab - sol ltely..pure, good weight on i large size, lofty finish, a durabie .and comfortable Blanket that will,.'wear for years; . A' nice assortment, bpedisl value -at per.pair.. S. Wo Those Samp1'e Napk •Better eome this wook if yo ,< watlt an of those sample Napkins. l'i'e .had over a thousand` to start with, now -over half of tl e, i are gone. Ever Napkin slightly damaged, but -,.you Can b,ty them at less than wtiolemle prices.. S!,mple Napkins itt 3 for 25C•... worth'$2,00 to $2,110 epee dozen . Sample Napkins at 20c each, worth $2:00 to $6,00 par dozen. $amQte Nitpking at. 29c each, .worth $6,00. to $$,00 .per dozen Three qua rtrsdalla.rBargains Three quarter -dollar Hiles that are good enough value to ea l'l ' 1 ARCAIMS We hunted the market ober to get them, ;end better g4alities for the money we never sold. VON at t3e' Ladies' ribbedtl7nderyydate, gtift finish, good weight, well made and shaped. 'high neck, long e'eevos, an extra good Vest for the honey, drawer to watoh,. each... ,. +. 25C . Cit hillelre Hose. at 25(s, Lathes' ribbed • Onshmere hoes, soft fintab, heavy winter weight, seamless feat, a splendid stooltine to wear ..., Woolen 110se at. 255 geavy Woolen hose, Made from pure worsted yarns, an as• trs strong stooklug, ja.t the thing for boys'' school • lveitl, [ler p911r.,...w....r.........r.....r.r...r.....,/G..'IfC BROS$ CIL IN T 0 lei ' R Moe To IUD A G re'at Sale. of Easy Bolling, • wtt;oatsi* .the price is thirty, cents ; . and it should make-immed- cu and saucer. bee ante and easy sales. of a •-- For Women and Children p its the best value we ever offered you in We, have sold more winter coats for women and children during October than in any two this line of fairly fine china, months since we came td Clinton. 'The reason for this wonderful selling is ,not far to seek. Never " Old bone shading, (the pop- ular .china color), gilt tracing, were values so great or prices so low as they are now. The reason why we can sell aur coats 'so with; .delicate decoration and cheap is -'--we bought them with a syndicate of seven stores direct from the manufacturers and by isa liberal size, If it cast taking Several thousand got the price more you might think it too down fully one third lower than if bought.4y one store. We good for generat use, but, note are selling them as we -bought them, one third less than, la asked b other a qualities about k-. , y o _er sloe .s for y e the price 80c and come anis the same; see the quality. For this week they will be -displayed in our south window, Men's find Boys During the past weeks several ladies compared our coats with ones being sold. at bargain prices and in every' Suits. and Overcoats case our coats were the ones .chosen, Agents Parker's Dye 'Works, Reliability and' Satisfactory is assured in ever ar It'will be to your advantage to buy your coat .here, ' • merit, Styles, make and finish are the best that Gang be- bad. 1l �►] CQ. ad, Our clothing is made -by tailors who know their L,ADIBS' COATS AT $4,50,5 and X6.50 h - business, and who are not afraid to guarantee every gar= Often the. Cheapest, 'Always'lhe Best: ment they turn out to give good wear. The bast coats to be had anywhere for the money aie ----- the encs we have at the above prices. They are made of About MEN'S ,OVIi RC'QATS AT $6.50,$8, $10 and $12 , wool frieze.and fine beaver cloth in .Oxford re and' Are the ,only prices we keep, but they are the very black. Some are nicely trimmed with Taffeta s lk ;All . People best that can possibly be made for the money. We have come in the new -loose back effect, been told by men who have been looking that, our Over Wext0 coats are by far the best values ever seen- in' Clinton: LADIES' COATS AT7 $8.and k'. If ,you have not yet -bought your winter overcoat be sure. $ pd X8;50 J O'ge Holt was in town on Monday, and See�Cur stock. when you see the O - • y . .cats these prices represent, ;lou: Mr. sl .Sunday .with'GmIcr �h Mv� �s 'en BOYS' OVERCOATS AND REEFERS AT $2..75, will wonder holy they can. be made %r the money. They $3.95, $5 to $6.50 are made of fine Scotch Tweed,Frieze and Zabeline cloth. Mr. and 'Mises, John Bayes and Mfss. Most of them are lined with a. good u Haves visited.. Goderich friends! on, . , sundae.. • MEN S: SUITS AT 5, $7:50 and $10 cloth and g q ality of Satana all nicely trimmed with strapping of Broad - Mrs. LLT kJmigh.. of Blyth was' the ' ' ' cloth or Satin. west' of, Mrs. •A. H. Goodwin on BOYS SUITS AT $1.50,.$2.50, $3.50 to y l uesday. • Miss Annie Sturdy has returned;.h cine. 1L,ADIES COATS AT $9, $10, $@11. and 12 to Auburn. ,after spending a .few �P days'. with Clinton friends:I e .. � Misses' Alma ens Mahal Goldthorpe .'Corsets T`h'at Flt' and Wear' Well "At the above prices we are showing coats. that . we cud.' Miss Grettie :Shears Df Goder have- never" before been able t : o sell under one third more icli spent Sunday in •town. ' . , than what � d Mr.. and Mrs: H rrv'Dar .ii That's the kind we sell: We have full. control for w at v e now 'ask. They aremade of. elegant, Zabe- r w and' Mas- , g t r a lit] e C1 r ce e C a e h bet ad cloths, it Pa r�' seal a the s in e Corsets i•.� o fine o i tYfaryfielYl., . Clinton of several f x> Canada. ne English Kersey.�loths; etc: All are nice were in Clinton' oli Monday. Ever" air'we,have• is fully :guaranteed to.: give. satisfac- ly trimmed and are lined throughout Every g b Mrs.: Geo, Iiuminel spent from Satur for wear. At '.506 we sell•an: all steel' filled -corset .nice-, clay till Monday .the Ttlest of JvrisSi y bittrttta Clo ke 1,, : trimmed. and finished. . At :756 & 1. ' 'you' m a y, of Iielgrave. ly t imine a d, � _ .y . May hay©. CHILDREN S, COATS" AT , Mrs. B, llor ,a our ch0 ce: of a dozen' dlfl'erel.lt styles. Ever cor t I n Y. of. Blyth.returnad,, y. l y y. Se , at 1:75 2 home oil Monclav after. s endiri a. • $2-50.0$3.50. to $5.;50._ , few days with' her mother,g this pl.ice is made from.a goad quality of Jean ox Cou.tllle Tholli s u iVlrs, a d• al'1 are steel filled, �Several� lines :have the cord. p a of Albert .street. n eye s never b d' such l Values: In-Child' ela's Coa s Winnie r t5 a8' V4'e `eve the old ones.' that have. this season,every coat is made of�. Misses b2,aucl aiid,.. \� Innis •Gookl•tvin lets w�llcll: are an . a, good strong cloth ' . and Messrs. A:. Conk and Douglas. a• . t; rust. that wil1 give excellent wear. Most of e Goodwin .assi t • In a" oonccrt at - h m 'have the, Sharon: on Thursd' ' little shoulder ay evtming. O ee . a1 c m tete ran a Of L dl . capes axed are'nlcely tri MI We als. k o, g , a .es and Chll. ,bra>ds, Mr. �y. Gpenn Catn heli or anis of ` t Z! p. et . p g....,4 dren:s Corset Waists, 50e- to tgl Willis church,'; returned. to lets llolno .': in:.Alyiner on Satlirddy lastr for a ' couple of ,weeks -•owing.. to ,illness YOUR, Oolvi&Y BACK •.A, U WANT. AT 14Irs. I,atornt;ll of: Ridgetown, .whti' had .been in .M-eaford attending' bbo funeral of Mr. I` mother, is' the guest of herinothar, Mrs; Combe, . Mrf Clarence Shepherd, who has beenr fn Uartney, . Man:, for a few iuolitlls,...; returned .last'- .week -dud.has, again. ; entered'' the eui'lo' th • Fair Co:' P Y of c : L • D, CLITr1'C)1�tT Mrs. Jolts Young.of melcnotv.'was t;liis week the guest of her cousin, Mrs: ` :D. Cook. Mr. Young and their`SOU, �_- w1lci ` have been ., in Manitoba' .:fox s Canso evcral ationtlis, ,retain iigInc' this' . aflCB, ' StBlhle .• T0yVAS11l week: Miss hergiisgn cif• Forest is. visiting Mr.-. J. wW Reiil is visiting friends Mr. `fliers• 'Bell is still :in LondeA,0ro .her sister, .Mrs. R. LL., Jewett. She :. o. ou. rnd St Helens. not yet, haying recovered stiflicient- intends retnaiiting for'scrnie lilac. Mr:. Joh,tt Den ly tis take '' charge of itis: -business, Miss hate 117cR r'e eft'. c i iusan spent':1Vednesday o i, f Jr Warwick, at , the Moine, of Mr..ancl Mrs. wait, I31e is "FmproviLiir _ ;;apidlyt.;thou;rh;: on Saturday: %he_will, be missed b. so wts: ex ect hftn bask' ii'. a f a grea inany Y .1aylor. I> n ew . b c an in . our'village,.' da s, Ho is a main of tai Mr. Y.School Report.—The... folLawing is 'T a e� y amy fri- •, Raliert:•Arnystrong has shipped the October' moiltlily• ,report of S. S t • cti.dg. ]us..lionsehold :furniture and the fal,nxly. NO. >;4, ;Statile .. 'ills names • ere , will ret with Win this week to, wall- Y lu Mr, Thos. Jackson Jr.-returnped . cit' 1, seder of merit ; Monday from..a business trip,throu- accburg. ,. ' ,56"A: w., Johnston, Mary Johnston Mr; Lester .. Crich and Miss Minnic h . R. Clc r glh Manitoba; the Territories and F4 ` beg . ,lcoat. of Tilekers'niith.were caller.:aii I British `D 4th ~Eleanor. FIoot1 ... : C ohunbia in; the inti r Pts: E:ilwsrd . C le e k Of � Hitt � � ? gn. S .lav at the :lattt?,r's i ' cousin's, P Airs.. l ® �ver� a 7 C. E. Ir. Uldlnore: .. ,the .., ackso2t: ' Mfg, C:otnipaiiy., . As D. `iiulor's, • usual, he did a Wit business. Sr. 8r&-Uilinta;. Alair-, Normaii; .ion-- OnL .of the olilest,'settlerS was Calhxl as.: Mr: Israel Taylor; who'hasbecnipros- to the " tzirseen world iiitits persain Jr. Jxcl-•Orpha 112norc Y;tta .�arrblt" pc'cLing ili'.tlte Northwevt; dor sever-. of Mr. LLrirri'Sr.; on TJnlrsclq.y .1p;st. AggiL Cy.eutnnel, al weeks is :expected .. h ne - Deceas6d leaves : a wife and a lar I ,,to tYll sat b''e znd-=Ulla Mcl3eatli Sarali • a ur: ai t R t9iwt 11 nt _ d a mr"` a had to •1 -leave: v o au li . Made' . - y •G . _ abu.in on! • Mon— _ .. ri t, C� lisss.ht a loving, ��atntali• i)instla:le. da. acconn all, •c r husband. and fatlt 1'11.- funeral y P IL 1 by Mrs. Taylor, Lr c, to a� was. 2nd 1 t. -m -Arthur Jeans, Lola Ruth - for , 1• r 1' ,k'r)r i c e alt t' :tel i Man., v et xl 1 it ' wherL of o St t da• aft a , hq , will g .. , i , y Lrliooi>f; well, dobe:. Cameron. ; • engage,, in bus* Of' Revival services will be cant, .1 tat I'L.—LV.' 1VIc13eath V. Gemaitxll : every .inght :this week at .1:3o except ' ° Martha Dinsdale. 1Vliss 'Tillie Perrin leaves shortly 'far Satuxda� night. • , ,• - ., " - ` y b Oil Stud's next. there he best spellers 'in the . motitii'I :. Y1' a lookeiI.L. .thr6u h. ih� j, Ravtyttna;. Texas, where `veraciqus will be three services held, t f y g • Dac Rumor says she will be ane , 1 , `t zra;go{ spelling matches were : 5th Mary: k;. _,3n and . q, o. v T •�, of... tht . principals in an iivterestin 3 Jolsnstoii 4tlr.aiid ;'r. 3rd-;Zhina Sain los Of' 0,1 he.. bl { P i;. LV?rs. 1Vtlliann.• Prewartha anti dau 11-• C' g �0.t. ng event to takes lace, at an- Alair.; Jr, .3rd—Orpha,Moore; 2nci—�� P Y. ter of WinthropLLinhvisited it 14Trs. LV. Oda 1VIcI3eatlt 2tirl Pt-•-•Artllur Jon- Factor'ie's, O Ore we IUOU ht"a,nd �he' f date, but of that more again, 'Suf- Cook's. oil, 'Thursday of last week. r es,:g fico to ' -to say the happy lnaii that •�,,,', kis to .lie was dormcrly a resirlOi t, .of "" WHY IIE LVOUI,DN"1' ACC>aPT, IUest over'' ' t made xn CaiaaClil,, that , Clinton. THE "I(ID" mrMENT. �, 7 �y Mr. LV, J. Galliford-,. tdcrlione illi Michigan niiiiislers wile are preacltini can a ��'sold for $1.0 l.rs the one we sp.ctor, 'Stratford, was in town ern The llarristan POv1cW says : "The for contributions and an annual clanag. Friday last: Tlie. genial and obli - Uarrison sntaitbcry lies becoine„a hot tion will he :interested in thexleclina g are., selling �o dayi This �e what -we Ing ."fete" I�ansey of . Wingliam> proportion, an. lttfernal nuisailoe anti a tion of $too additiontad salary. b - the ]las heretofore -looked after the Com disgrace to the 'town. :$e acts like "an Connecticut cler . mani. He' said :�-thinkj pang's interests here but' .this dis. apt, ons, the• stredt and at public enter- '1i3rethern and sls xs, the Hardest part blit come aud, see:, y�Our self. tricts . Having been re -arranged xluty .taininents his conduct would . make an of my labors attiong you has 'berm the does not, now call him here,. The uncouth- savage. _blush, Strangers view. collection. of the salary I an now At $10.00. Pell people's :initere.,is wi>il_ ntgt . suf- with amaxom+elit .this peculiar : product: supposed to receive: .I believo it fer in Mr. Galliford's liands, of an otherwise highly Civilized cipniv would kill mt' to, collect an extra Men's Overcoats, made -from -good, quality ail -wool Obovioto, munfty. It is. time the "kid” element hundred, dollars. I thank ou but-eall, two shades of dark gray, loose book, French fnced veivot Mr.. Janus Stevens left, this interning was takeln iii hand before we have sone clot c t �' ooliar, good lining used throughout a leader,', extra for Alle .west. I -lis destination ls. ,•, ,, a cep an rncreasc. Uctratt more candidates for Ienctang, Tribune, specialga:as ateach................. ...........,..,.. iU•00 Aberdeen, South Dakota, where.his . daughter, Tvfrs; Let, Eagleson, lives, • _ but hL went b way of . Afanit4 a tt y and will "visit friends in int' r a„,~om�e Good' Sweaters. Y Y � p d- Vince en route. Ile does not expect a i-� ---ALWAYS A PLEASUI��—• • to return for a month .and will be accolliallied .b Mrs,, lea lesoo who T(s- 17 a -- Nothing like a Sweater fur tall and winter will spend some time sixths hong• w N lI, Cll>Kton One Ntght.Only. We,zar, especialiy'if you are outside very much, Mead. ►'r The are 'ust`the thin , too for bo s Mr. Ilcitry 13eac<sfn returned. on Tri .1 hursday� Nov. 12th y 1 g. i v going to day from a two weeks+ visit with School. From the Cheapest to the finest grades, friends in leeswater, Karrision:and Fietchar&StronachpresbutCanada'sfavorite y6ujig.trag'edian '►t{Ie.haVe the bf st values to day that have Mt, I crest, Amon�. -those, be met a ever was a Mr. Robert Failise of near MR. ELMER BUFFHAM AS «SH9a'LOCKf' been inside this store. here has ?lever been as Ilarristou who , lie lairs, saw inArmagh, Ireland, 61 years, ago. They In a full scenic production of'shakespeaire's- many natty styles or.'as good an assortment to were born in the Paine parish' andThl6l,'Merchant• select from. were great claims in their nfoyhoocl O 'Venice clays. It is heedless to say. the tin-�---M ---i- Bays' Sweaters, 50e,, 75r, and $1,00 icetikig+` Was a Very pleasant erne, _ 1Ll r; W. Mci�eown w11ii far a score of Supported by Miss Aana Lovsring an Portla Sweaters, �,50 , years has beenn. a resident of Clity- And s' telact company of players--Seautiful Vatietlan Scoaery $ i' 0w $2r � 2.5 tote, leaves in a fortnight In conn- - _.. - _ . patty with Mr. attd, Mrs. w, Downs production complete In every .dmtall- mingtltiflodut coAtutnes for Lois Angeles, California. Mrs. Special:firieea for this ehgagement - ; Dowtis is his data,4ltter and ariothodflodgens. deet liter riles. 'bred Bakes, f lnaa P25o S5C anal. 500 Bros. ainr a : 1nLeu Tnviilg in Los Angeles for a few years. Mr. Mcliod cii z s'tier- Reeorvod seats on wile at Don't miss the finest Rybtnt 0010 thing Store. ling a and strict ti geld eitnzcit mild t6 t�itIir's Dooksto re. � of the season. wL are all sorry lie inns ctccidcxl to ... leava tts� .low w I