HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-11-05, Page 714,
F-- '' I ,
November 6th 1903
The News-,Rw-cord- Citntou
- --- , 11 . I I I - - - ---- - - - - - - I I .
- -- I _-, - -1. v-1 --- 11 ,--,-.-,- - --. . I - -
-'------ �-�- .
. .. .- Lr 1.01- -.1.1. . 111 � . � I - --- -'--- -._,_,__ � - ----
Owing to nevearsity of breakinK new,
kid, tile lack of Capital and tile dis-
tance front markets, niany settlers Ili.
tile NorthitiKest naturally find the
tit st, few years rathee tryl ng. Ill ror.
derto assibt the ploneeii fill-mers to,
keepafew dairy cows which yield a
litioltel't Cit'Sill i"Conle "lontlily" the JL)al-
jry Division of tile 0owlilioll Of"Pit,rt-
went, of.Agriculture several years ago
estliblislied a nUjrwhekof 01'ealUorje$
iind(fe governinput. control, At the
1) "Olj� Little t'll ore ai-e eighteou ereani-
evies of I Ilia Holt -it) operation it) tile
Tel-ritorivo. Sittlated at calgary"Innis.
falf, E'dawntim, Tindastoll, Wetaliki.
will, Red Detil"131ack Fikils and Lacown.r
Iso-ji) the. Tervito"L (if Alhorta,Uhurcli r -
6ridge, Aloose J., W, Wi)itwiWood, no_
9414, A10040MILI, SAILV041,tr, South Qu'-'
Appelle owid Grenfell in the Territory
(if Ami,inithoin, an(I at Prince Alllel% it)
'Ile Terwitory (if 8-askatekiewtin. Three
crealoories of I Ile creanieries formerly
I 0
,. Dark Hair
II so I have used Ayer'4 Hair vigor
for a great many years, and al -
1 though I am, post eighty years of
! itto, yet I li b I avol not a gray hair in
imy head. I
Oco. Tellottli Towson, Md.
I 11110111111�iiiiiiiliiiiii," , 'I ----- - .
I , We, mean all that richj
dark color your hair used
I to bave. - . If it's graynow, I
l no matter; for Ayer's i
: Hair Vigor always re�
!stores color to gray hair,'
I Sometimes it makes the 1,
� hair grow very heavy and
I long; and it stops falling
! of the hair, too. I
loneer Fariner, .
--- .
. .
UP to Oct. Ist (if this Year, the outpilit
of btitter frotik tile 0 overn tile riterval u.
erles exueedet.1 ttl4li of last year. by IOU,
0OOr pounds. Tito increat,e bas'licorl
XnAlhly 111 4111hel-t1l. This Velir 'till t'llet
butter bas lit -on taken by he illark-rel's
of Western Canada or has lieen eNpol-t.
ed to the Orient, notlie having heen.
ship ped to (Iri-Qat Britain, The exhibit
of the Callotball dalr� products at tho
9POAt 414MIK-00 EXI,)oaltion lit Osak:t
wits au excellent ttilvertisenjent all(i
.hits already horne rruit ; thrett new
customers forbutter have already been
sellived fly the Department 61 thtit
Countl y Its it (111'eat result (if th it t ex
bibitioti. Tho trade itt butter for the
I Ol"e"t "" for tile L4 urUperjuL residents
there aud Atilt the natives, and Mr. J.
&. Ittiddick, Chiet of tlio Dairy I)ivi.
slofl, holies ;&o to develop fin L exten.
� Rive trime sivith the warships touct A
� ling
Nagasaki for etial. It iti it good Lbilig
that thIS (l.alle with t'he Orient haS
.been worked lip by the government
kmlecung 1�ggs.
In conaectioll With the System 01
t'I't')$I.tle"le$,thi�(if�l)ikrt.ttjt,utbat3 adolit.
ed I lie plat) of Collect I lig eggs frol" tile
failoorsof the Torr! torips,all(IL holding
fill-", it, storage. It worked well the
Jl)',,, iwason and has linprove(I ever
t'illvv, I)Ubgreitt.el,iiiipl*o,votiienti�9 tic).
tivi'lible, in tire eggs this year than
everbefore. The plita adopted is as,
follows . 111401i Creamery Patron has.
anutriberandbeis reitioired to inark
tllj-� nutljbfir in pelivil in all the eggs
he 1-tipplios. No driver will accept the
j;.rs withoub �tbe nutillwr being on.
a are held ;it the ore, niery
b ILIX)o aild tllQjj Se it �
T111�1'11��Iae,.Tl t I in re-
fl-i,!Qrator CILPS with I Ile blittel' to the
Still age at, valgary. Thero all the eggki
lit 0 laxAnjilled and clausillod by an ex.
pert.who has the egg lists In front or
.hill), and every forillor ill credited
W 1 t 11 III o ex A C t 'I; u al A le t- o f slach clitas
ilt, I ggs he bas sent. The Department;
)ld%ances nrleen cente per. dozen on
the eggs at tile tinie they ave receiv,ed
,it it] later tile farmer gets the Aialance
11"Col-d; f f. 1� I -
. I
. I
I .
. -
. .
. I
. IV
: inanoged were closed by the De 4415 - 0 o Astillicitt'jon. -Tials . . I - .
i $1.80 a littille. All drozifirtis. loan- . I
U part- creitineries. its it reilnires .sonie fl yf.11l' t'he AVeraRt. pflee to tile .. . - -
---- - , tilent in 1002, owing to tile Jack Of silf. cilig and could scarcely Ila handl fartner - - -----, L - - -- . I .
. I , ea so %vill Ale *list abo,14 twe"tV c@nte . 1- -----��
. I . .
� ,,If ,your drur.mist; Q%nnot sa ply yoot fjlcietltpi�trouagal Thefailtive of the wel A by pri v it to e it te rp rime-, its I t is n eces. ', per WANTR ,D -Several persons of . chax. 0 . , � . . .
wid us one "JE 414-zeo 1:61. tile seatson, or fully. double �
I 1- - tl� ir andwe =1 expre" Ni'llierd' in those districts to rupport sal,y to have (.Very facility Vir study� I Marriage
w Mu (00111d have green obtained locally, acter and goocl toputatiou lit each . I .,
tiouriwand ,vothou to 'iAluorles did not, appear Lu arbe ing the marliet mid also be ill a Po8i' About 00,000 dozen will Ile handle state (,but., in this.comity required)to, . .
-- �, - i" , I
------v-. - . y r �i",est ex the cl .
I . .C.A.V"yes�sil cc, Adoress, ,om any lack of volidence, in tile dairy 11 ion to ship it t once,00 ri,eeipt of cable. . . �
. O., Lowell, bill". I fr . a. . .
. . I
� I I - "." , - I I .111111 1;-. . _ bobillest", but silliplY 1100-8100 they ave lerant. In the ca ) th r de w b Lost year 21,000dozen *its handled and4 rwrosetit and advortise Md establish-, ' . I � . .
. -cw`�" . now in it, position to go into stole I I u .
lr,t, � :wwwwww2Kwwu7w" . swe ( f le L il it � tire town of Oulgary conautne(I then) ad weatthy'busiliess hoi so of . solid ' ' I Lie .
, . . k the w4irshilps for inritAnce ; the sorlie- -.11, 9 . � onse's .
. I � �hjppjrlgfll'LAclasq e gs financial sstandiug. Salary $21 -We' - . . . � . .
0. 1j. MeTaugart I I . I ! raising and grain-growing,and because times stay sever it) weeks. at tills coal. inevea'.'es constirliption, an it . , ek . . . .
14" . -1 - .. - . I.. 1- .-.---:- TT! -1" the), prefer the lilittev mealls, of livoli. , stati(;11 ancl in that tillie it would y gwriol 11"11171 ,ly with expenses additional, all pay- ' . I . �
I � I I . . hood., The ehankes of the past f.e'w I)e9pobsible to et a. Supply of fl-esh 40"m drue before this trade can possib- able in. cash , direct evely Wednesday ISSU34 D-,. BY I .
. yeave InkVia aftered tile aspect of fltpljj� Ili . luter to ti -oul Oii ada, Part of rowde4, because, t here is u. ni-Ar- froin' head Qflic0s, Norse and carriage . - . I . . . . . ,. .
BANKER. I "****"*****,8,""+*" V, 1) lk?1-1,1T-Toot4Vrjay itbd an ever gro*ing furniShed ,lvilell liecessarV. .. References. -
. � . 1� lrl,j)crations fit PAI-ts of `,Jle tile Witter Shipped this seaso'n, ,espec- market ill the Northwest To ,ritox lea. - JER RUMball Clinto'n . .
. For an up-todate ' 81. �"A,thsvest;. Last yu111111!yAv'e carloads of hilly In the t-timiner, tuonth�, went for. . . , I I � I 1,;nclose self-addressea envolope. Col- , . J . .
A GENERAL BANKING I1j'SlNE,SS I . � . . 4> butter front tho govei-nnieut creamor.- wnrd. in tinN, bnt it' -considerable . .1 1. -..''.... , . - . . ollial, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago, I . . . . I . 11 .
I I , - I � - i - !!�ntm , '. . .
. 4> leg were exported to Or Pat Britain,one qualit ity bas also been Sell t in bQXPq of IT IS ONLY FA'Af'to , 'I . . . . . . .
HAIR CUT , adtiriit that . . . .. � 1.
�01 -load wits Sold for ex -t to Qiieetis7 assorted.sfzos�-Jtslitnds the journey 4! vvie*and New Y(r)'k E;eellj I,fj tin 1. . I I I
TRANSACTIM, NOTFtS'. I)ISCOU,'.\T- . . . " car ' I . , ve I I . . I I � - I UNM . ". 0 . . .
� .
. - AND .-' . I. land, Australia, wind 2'tIpmelits were very well in the jitter, and. lv'is bee� sized each other, Lip. wftir a fair de . . . I I
. .
. . . .. . . X. filso 11)"do to Oilinfl, I Japan and the reported 'in very . good condition cin or mlectfracy. . . . � . gree IIERE"S AN OPPORTUNI'VY, TO VIS- ,MARBLEmA - I � . I
TFD- DRAFTS 1SSUI�D. INTEREST CLEAN SHAVE . .X Yukon. The remahidev wa4 dispo-sed artiviti, The Yukon trade is increasing, � . . . * .- . . I I . .
. * . . - I . . I
. . . I ot lit local and I3r1L6,1b Columbia inat k- and sh inents have been itrade to that . . . I . . . I IT TERI, Wr14vST ' VIA GRUWr NOR- .
. X � . . . I ! �
,110SITS. - - - . . � . I
A41,011'Iffl ()N� DIP try' f1le loading barber. . ets.- .. . 11 dist,ricipii boxes . jilso. - T I I I �, RNN RAILWAY, '
. . . � � . . t I . . VOR OVJVI,R SIXTY YV,ARS. . MOMENTS.. .
. . � . ' 1 1 . I . I . � . B . . �. . .. . . . .. �. . I .1 . I
A1,13R,RT STRF,ET, CLINTON. � NEXT DOOR To IRWIN'S GROCEpy . . �---. .. ---- I . . I
. I . 0 ... I I . I . - �� firs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has . Eliept.Ne 41ailv� until 'November 3oth, . � � .
. . . . I ... I. . . �. . I . been 11,91ed by Millions of mothers f�,r incjljsj)..c, .c (, .t .. . I �
I I . : . illei olmis one vray, second : ' �
I . .: The Byem:Election., � � r -children while teething...If dis- � I
-. - - 'Georgp U. RO'Dertona - . . . . . * I -s "IV Ile .1
. . . . . I . . turbad by'.nigh clas, tickets ill is-awd as' -fol- " . � .
. . . . . . . . . . I I t. and broken of YOUt jowS, V1, : I ... . I i .1 .1
S . 1� . . . . � � , i , � rest �by a, swiek child. still, , . . . "I I . 11
W. DRYDONE, . .1-illg 111114, . .. � �.
*******0- *� 0-"*** Tbo� voilative strolls I -cryii � ig I I Front Clifiton to Anaconda,, Bittic, . . .
. . . kl�h of. parties 0 tosition Candidat with paiii of Cutting tootli Sella I I
. . . . . . I . . I tRI 1� 1) . . cc and ! f t 4 IVI r s. I k and L, Jciciia� I �
BARRISTER, S01,1�'ITOR. .�.�!��:-; � . -� I .- . -1 in Llite I.iogiolabure is not chilinged by , - at oil �et a. bottle.0 chilloo I �Li(jjlt ..... :�$,18-30 . . . . . . .
. . long thAlt) -ailive so Ila(] it (:IIAPU- 9 . . .
. --!-N-- - . . T ()thing Syrup" for child- .
. . . L � . . . Lhe 11 or-el"tiouli 111 ltiLlskokLoi w%nd er has bebr) wi,itten in our, polftletil hit,-, wifiglo,wls. '800L . 11'r,oni Clintoij to .81;i)I,ii]jpa, jj"�Lsjj., ' * . . .
. I .
NOTARY P1111,1C, r�TC. 11 . �, I . . ' - I .
L I -ell - teething. I Nch4on, lZusslalid, Trail, G 1- and Porkg ,.' . . L
I ISAU-It 8tv. Ithrie. ].it tile ,44.tvlt 'Where 1(111 even nxide from .persontition 41 d little t. will relioW tit T7 . I
I . wo houlaeoto-botise briiwry whicli, isliv . . . .1 0 pooll "
Mr.. M . U Zol-son, ...... $401 - I
-'I " I i' ,- 'TON. COOR'S COttdn Root -Compound. isciiiiinpbetl bAd 7.1"littuf I ! suff�rcir ininiediiately, L11-11 And. 1% ,.. 13.'C . ............. so 11 .
'T 11 I , -
0Fl I , -Slo tile Block- C 1, IN at tile getioriii election the. ibib"ilil homki'Lo have bven rife in tile riding. NP011 'it, 1110thri-S, there'is no mistake ,. From Clhitan 'to Se,�Lttj(,, Taconj,j, � , 1;' - � I ., 1.- . - . .
�! . � LisdIess Favarfte, cAndliginLe i.01 reLurned l)y.*&veVILW 4n 16 roveitl?; th� (14veninietit j4v Willing about: it. It cures' Diar - rhoqa regn- Wash.�, Portland, ffi;��frofi, al,�o Victcir-�* . . . I . ..
.. L, ,
----- -- Is the ) 'L , . , I ..
. 11 1. OnLY safe, reliable nisj6tity. TheiL wits , 9601 d�al (if to ai-dopb aiAv timpedlent, and. as'te;ady lates the Stolliach and 13owels, . ellms la, - Vancouvel; and New Avestininsta, . mon - L I . .
I, regulator oil which. woman C rillpt,loti fit Lill-. coliteb.' V whl6b A;Air. to. (Ij-4borj('j-`A)j t .110 tellch, I . .
- . I
I I F', NR X' 'BEATTIF.' . , I call delielld "In Ahe tour L o t . ) 11K.4 012)(I triad-, Wilid Colic, - softells, the -Gunis, redtices I 1, C . .......... -11 .11 ................. $43-30 - L . . . I
. � and tinue, of, need', I Miscalutibiolt aticeeeded. Thlore'seeins itions of tile I'llieritl pru,t)", , It pron:i- Inflammation all(] gives tone and oil- � ; . . . . I I .
(Sticc,!ssi)r to Air. Jani�s Scott.) . Prepared In two -*,degrees of Lit jjjtVe beLell TSLW(ly lljore in tile con- keAt,I)e.ktAfe.wi )11 I A mi S. . Praj)ortionatic rates, frofil. all points Ratteilbur . . .
. .1 . lit 0 111onths of office ('rgv tO the whole SN'Stoill. , I ,y Street WorkS . L 1, * . .
. strengtfi.. No, I and No.,2. t et4 t. w I I i ChAlall just eliLti . . . in .Ontario - - Pull. partiettlars as to, - . . . I . . .
I . . 'to ii. party ,A hich has. governed OuLarlo, Wiiislow's ' Soothing 'S�,rtipl I 4or child- tima of trains, slLeping car rat6s,ctc., . ' Mirect inij.)ortevs. '"'orkman-
PARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . RT C' No. I. -For ordinary case.q � ed. The Bill)- . .
" .
I I-- Is by far the best dollar. 11"we"'Ll appesil tu'the ctipidity alid'10. , fOl'A gvllel� ' tIltioll. � . . L .. ren t6etliffig'is pleasant to the ias � to oil app �V,' , (3,iay.es,. - , till guaranteed.* . . . .
OffiVe forineriv oce,mit-d hV Mr. 1Z tifficine known. r . thm n'ecennities. of tile electol"i was ex-, . L licatlojl� to chaS.. shlip- and .Ninter . . . .
.. I
I I M . . cf�lltitilially - bir Tile 06veroilieritnow hAs live. of &. A"d is the' I3res=,(.)11 of oneof tile District l'assengcrTAg(-,j,,,tt(, 6 King -St., . . . . : . . . . I L
Jailles Scott,' ill L.,�Iliuttllfock - . Or 8POO1111 cilges-16 degnpar . wAiLad sharotiless. Ow- -ity willit North Reiift,sw still 6 (I st and 'best - I J. (J. I SIEL
' � ingtothe, collapseof t , . I 11'6t, 'Rooiii '.t,2,: , o'l) l ; or,. F. 1. .
140. A V - ys '
stron or I ,reo dollars per box. 11111jol pit si�ians and .
3�a g sliki's ... . I vacmit, wi�. t1lard . - and ,Co.. .
IMONEY TO LOAN. dle:�Ee Your- druggist for'co he Ciergue eu-' I . Nothi has ,happened llur-36i in the 'United .States, Price . . . ALIR I L L .
COttOlk nO Dt 0011atiound. Take no terprises a greitt ariny of 1.1114111 WAN illor I NVItitlivy, Gen,. Pass. .Agpnt,,St'.'1 ..Vaul, I . .. . I I I . . . . . .., I . .
L, and . e Ale.' --, I.... I
as all pills, mixtures and . . other al; the Smilt is , iscredjtiti,le to .2s cents a bot 9ola by , all drug- 1� i , . I . I
- Imitations are thrown out. (it elliployniell - Lb -0 SlitliStUl-fiLt'llan L wrate and per�- gists tbroukhout J110L ' ' Tinn. . . . .. . . . ". I . � FROPRIM��A'ORSj - . .
- - daligerous; No. 1 and ,No.. 2 are sold and - inthi�tj ini prospects oft,hr. Saul& 5014 * lie delil . world' Be sure - . I . .1 . . . I . . I ,.. - , . . I
� recommended byall druggists in the Do- 1" ilimlent d1ofmilelilse,illient of'* (flat, con- and ask- fol� "Mrs. Winslow,9 Sooth- � . . . . -m * . .. . .
. .ouslycloudpd, ThvguVeruolentseized . "-.--- -' ",_-__ .
Sr , ' million of Canadu. � .M�Ljled to ally -address . tilt, O, ., In't t , . titifLietfey. � 11, is now almost a yent-and ing Syrttp.�l . __._ 'LL . F�'�'��4' �., �
,�Tfi��77!1- '�="':'= - 111111111SMA-AVA
, . . .
RIDOUT Z ITALE . . ) 30 .1 I �, r.t . . I . . . . . . I . .
receipt, o" rice and four 2 -cent postage j 4, I 4X 40 0#4CS 0 14P , I I . I . 1. �� I I . . I
Convevaimrs, Commissioners, Real ptanips. T%b 0061k Coinvan-y, . . wpikll'jal�� ,.'rith tile pliblic Inquily And k half-Sinve I he.riding will"A opened, wind � - ' ' - 1� � : ! . . I . .1 111.1 . . . . .1 . . I
. . . - duving thAt tifiiC fiv� hye-eleu�tions - I .. - I . I � . I . .
,tirkince Ageacy. . � . I Wludsio)4 0*�. . I then ibrotigh dit-jr� ujillaijbitsi itind '.big . . I . � .. I . . .. 7 ). . , I � . .
I . I . . . . L q- . . .:
I..*Stlite all(I Ili,, . on. jovelthi�i rt - . . I . qpa� , 0 � �V , � a. n y'. , .)rf,en. 11 . . - . I -1 � I .
. . lt�; it
. � . Pel'is, have hetin held in canstit-tite.ricieti that -4 , �A 4; ?
. � t' ' * r votes it) I-etil, 1i rin ii I ' I r I . . . . Z;; , . Of I - Z I
Alonev to Loan, . 1111,11111 I ple.adedw1ch theruto hand. AVTAORIZED - 14 I F Vi, Or POpE 1,,L, 0 . .
. Na, . T . were vacati t for'a. tit itch shorter pe riod. : - �
, I and No. 2 alrd.sola in Cli it - tile Mi ' - N W I , I NAGER WANTED, . 0 . . .10. I . I . . �
P ,&'n- cl-iticls wit .to. wltich lie iii sol"vdilles sub! - . , 1. . I . , 'llo I)oC,t posit!01)s u-ith lar�o Clornme, . I I . .. . . � . . �
t6n - b.v Watts &: Co., II. B.. Cibmbe,' Ahtievi;L1 be ij ietive nce..- Tit'. Liberal 6 W 4 0 ipod, , . I . . , .
' 'll., s'-fiml fatilt wit], the XIII DIA . i , . , .. . I
- 'OUT. ' , I. - ,�, -
C. D. ITALE ,g
JOHN RID - �� . � , ,
6ok i e and J, .'Ijqvc,,r, Drug-. jitlitto, � ill . . " . . .
� ,
I .. . I. R - 1�'. ix . � . � . Jtl.e:t"l.l)j0e votrious's,ripm to W-hi,stmltl 11' ., " ' � 1,101 . VV . . . . rcial 11ouses. are now . I . . . . ...
I gists ... . ... :1 .. .1. .. % .s ;. . . ... . Toidw(�in h*�,lotj r (if i -lit, -w-ol-kineli, &Ila cled, hutAiliw C;q . Kii R ell i v, xiistworthy jiLdy or gentlenjan in I . �- fj�ll 1* ith. yonn,g Inert froni. olghtelin iotwenty-fivoy.6ars.ofa . . .
ill . ,
. . .... I . . � . .. � . . , - - .. I
-�- � � � * wou rpeogiti) �'by, E -he Wlvetlnol�ll�. - � I . . . . i, . , ..,;, . , ' I ge. . j: . ..".
. ' 6 , , I'Lloso youl.g rilen rotwli . thpir position., by ke6p'iug in close,, I � . .
-.---- -------. . . . t�. ,, -n , Wd , . .Iro . 04 mid horiorAble- public wim ir'he, cacti. disixict, to ivaiiage* our businw;13 I . . . . . , . . . . ... .
I 'S . I I . . . .: 1. . . �, ind ft i ,� lo'Llie voLers als, the' plov"I tb"lll -It illel - Wit'Ve Will- % I -1. � . - �. .1: . I I I . . I � . . . . .
- - , , ,
� - ---- .. -, ,�-�:�=�7n�,-: ,tdve. ,'t'd :.11.n6t1(;ii,j Sm :fiotl4 KW and. start `�Lgoljts -jjj�fjlc Sale *of tll,p I . . . 1. ..
. I . . . -
. . . . . . .1 - : . .. I .
I i, I . .0w.anii Ce l ile"elactoore �c al and . Autlrori-4,od2 Life *of ,� touall'ydth ti. Lie. T111.1n,11 -CrS . .11 . � . I I I . : . I
. I Pope, I I . r?.. .1 , , . . I . . , , I . . "..
IT I. . � -co- of. thot pulAid-iiLid.by which. L y, or Awlh�lite'M;I*rie tiod collsel'its to onk- :Lco Xiii, - 1�ook .issued under the hit - o.got ill tolich with tho lleads of such ; ; t" , , I . " . .; I
P. 11, 1110GIN I . . .:� - Soul 4�, coor. 011 i ,p � '
Com ev"Alicer. File and L,if�v insur- . Likewi,o: vii the. eve -of ' . - ' i conciems I is rweces-� 1. . I .
�i L, . T11 OV0 K 1 110' I , I., rag -t tho Uotiol iLudon-and -to lie fit wait pri-niature . -of . Cardinal Gibb6lis, and ' 9 -5ary T LIT -btl.Siness-tiainino. 1� . . . . . .
kulc,.- a,-,cs, De' -Os, 1, c�, . @ Mutual -F! 0 il�ilfitlod.
,Alortt� . polliDA. a millfitel"or the d . ' , ) b' 6 a thorough
. ovyll, Kn- . .. . -�. . - ., .
, . . . . . . I 1. . . � . 401-A Lriek�t.tsr'14.kd v *Allt:)-g(A,, .is' in the *ondorsed `bv ilie, leading Archbishops - , , rll�.'-rioies � 9 I
drawn Fix $i tnich. All -work nourierd#ttk f)6hjjc lilreting that, car+- � Q1 '. I .
. a � GofflQaflU � _f,f (-.;%15� of ..Norl li, Ronrl ew? lie.. kbolova st. . � t City* Business and .Shorthand College gives .a -' . . . . .
. I
neatly atd chealAy done. Insu rart 'P. of.the indlit-tijeoij chlrough tho' ag. . Lind pries ; iUmmigh6rut the . Uxiitcd� e"i'l, . .. I
. . . . � . .. I U . . I 11 a , * I'Mir Jouch. he it; %acrifiving -fin- Mr. . . . luto and practical trainin"Au stonogrdpliy, financing, book. . .
. . atcl -anada , *printed in both - . .
. . . . licy.of wife 66yot nineut would romintne- . . St, , and"Q . . . 0 ., , I .
. . .. I. .. . . . � I , . Stratton 'ami. hill il:wchiiie and he . . . . keeping, higher accounting; otc. . . I I I I . � . . . I I . . I . . . . . I . . .
IIRYCT-' '1J), - - - - ONT. and. Isolated . 1,(YAV �?Ilisratiorj,R� Tilis, t ol, cottrise, wits (it - - 1,�Ijglisli' and Fronch. -526 straight cas . . 11 � . ,. . I
,V I P, �Pariu . 11 Property-, � . . AL . . . � I � I .. . . '. . �, . � I . . .
I I � . . . . . � I . 11 . I... . . . 16&L V0l1t,rqurorp Ad. workillell .%[Ili Lo .-hould know it I q", fillit We price IS 411i). saliiry and dxp�b �s '])Aid. cilell we - * ' I i � . Has tho boat origrailized and. most capable �stwtff of't I . . I
. . -Owill Insured.'- I . I ,. A60"01", Iliork." th,:61 he�'cah ii-ifor.cl t'n pa), . s� s L ; 7.cXI ' ek 1 I eachers in . .
� . � �.. y . , .. , � � . rlic.il werc,hant.0 whill thel is Wart flat- . dimici . frotin headquart6r: icuse . . � Canttda. . I I I 1. .. . . .. .. . I ,� � .. .� ,� . . . . I
I . .
.. . , .1 � . . . . . . . if -lie 'diosives to have , tit) h6norabirs - . I I . . . . . . . . . I . .. . .. . � I I . .. .
I . , .
. : . � . � � . I orally a iivt,.Iv fear. that if the. Minkit. . . . money -advanedd t-perinallQ111 osition. - . .. .. . . � . � I L
- . . � '�e w wtiot refur tit&' . place iu the 'hisbor� of. Ails province. Address David J�.. .p I Write for booklet givingj.qj particulars.. le rsesi costs,*etd . . . . ..
DR. 11'. GI .NN . . I I ... . - . . .f ; . . . eripil varidloia .or -ned I . . He may w! . North Retifrevv, and, the . Clarkson,- 324 Dear- - ' ` .. I . . . � . . 11 . . . . . of 6u . .1 ; I . I
. Or,r.ICI�R8. Governiiii)nVa providenbial OL n . . .1 . born -street, Chicago. . I. . I . .�, .. .. . �. . I 1, . ' I . ' .., . , . . .
.. j,e for the Victory way glve his'Griverainent two - I I . .. I . onlis), . . . . . I
R C. 1'. and L. R. C. S., H,dinburgh. J. D, -�TcLe,itfi,' PrLsident,' TZ.ippen Il, ir�ibrkrrjen, ** and inerchAtitiLs; And this, ' . . .. I I . . I. � . . . . 1. I
7- I or Wive- molle. ye'liva .of ,omce., -. . ... .. .. I I . . . . I 1. . . . . . . 0 .
, ' ' . .. . � .
. . � . �
C id IS sidence 0 - indust.riescil" tfiet SAult, would cootie'.- . . . . .. I , ,� . 0 te - . is' . I
'-, N gh L ,it fl (,lit door of rk. Thos. F-raser, Vico-IlreSident . . . jis; - 0. 4 ,B . . .
, , lit Short, lihe-Gov,bill L Aide 'it' . " way - lose, ituil - Lf �. be - - I .' . , . I . . ., . 11 . . . . � I . . .
- . . ! .. . . ; � . � ., I . I
. .
.1".1i". Ilays, ec.-. * 'e"' d�)es Ilim .06vevilmen't %Vill bard- *. tever'sY.Z(�Mse Hqo:d)Di81nf6Otanj Soap � J. W. WF�STERVIELT, PRIN. �.. , ' Y. M. 0. A. BUILMNO.' LONDON. . I
ite 13;-4c'r. 61,1 1'. O:. ; s tit lit in 110 . � � I
oil 1,1attviibury Arvet, oppost ,
Presb-Nt,xian church. Treastirer, Seaforth P. 0. chittittise. of Uie ibilifoitup.es: of the jy sol.yj ve '. . . I . .
. . . . .
. . 1. . . .. s , anQ or soap- po% iders '. , ... , .. I . * I
* . . , , C0111111111JILy, and deliberately twed tha - , I all Lb(i -811 uffl" Powder is bettbr than oili I , ''I .. . .
, , ,
. . . . . �� .
� I . .. ..
. . . .
I N T 0 N'. . . DIRF,CTQR,S. � , - . I -it --git also det9as aditsinfeia�ant'.-' ' . - . I � . I I
. Ingandplot-tin andbuyllig�-of-tbe;-Iaftt . .. . .
l0FFICF-- Onwrio sircet -Cl, I . . �:." ; . . .... . ptiblic ixioite.-y and the p0blic author . -y fe%V vears will flave golle Cor llo,tbing.. �. . ..., I � I .. . � I.. . 1� � I - I I - . . .1 I I . � .
William Shestriev :Seafortli John . to buy yoti!ti.for its coLfididaiiiii. . . � . .. . . I . . . . . . "I . � I .
I------- .eve fi,!; (.e 1� . . . . . . lit aii� livent, a change of (33 ovet-tiniant I . t . i-- �, I . ,� I . . I . I I . . . . . . � . .,I I . 1. I � .. I
- .
. .. Gr7 -, Winthro , , 'corge Dale Sca . . It it; not. vlory-surprisink,- therwfore. ill- Owliirio cannot Ile lolig (Itilli 'ed,%iwd ; . I , . - . I—- . - .. � -, -1 - I � 7 I ---. .., � 1. ... ". 11 % - - ,-- --�---� . I ,.!r . . ,� . I I . .. :
. .
... - y . � � . . 1.
. . � . . . . .1 .� . .. I I t I . . I - - I . I ,
. : 1(irth ; - Johii Watt, liarfiriek -1 " Sohn thit under tFeen eircullistAncell bull- t6ril.e. is grave4eason Atl fePti. 1.1 -fat the 11 .. .. . , . . ..; . I . I I . I I .. ,� � . . .� .. I .. .
1UR. SHAW � Bvillielvies, llro(lllakall`;�� J ailies E'vaiii;. alredsuftlit elector's g6ve..'t boil, V41ttle Libori�l ijarty. will go olit of,61fivi. , . I I I .. . I . 11. . I .1 . � � 1 .1. � I ... . �., . .
.. �
. I . - --- . . . . ,
Bee'cll-,vood. ; J; tile.-; Coil . � . � . . . I I., ", ,. :
. I . t 11011y, Clinton. to `tllei Go�ernnie*rit norniner. Th6jy . loaded with it recovd . of, officia I Sh - . I I - . . �. . .
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. . �. . .. .. . . . .. . . � . . I - . Liffi ,. . . �. .. I I . . .. . . . ,
. ., . . AGE,NTS I 1. . 71i 0; a feFtrftl.l Of 1696' Lit w.Agemi or lose of ing and of electoral ill.dOi6,-- thAt will & � . . �. . . . . I I . . I I I . � .
.... . . . . . . 1. . I hallimiss . through , idli� workshops ' Aiscredit.,, it '116r balf A k0ne'rittion, . MNNNNMMNWM1=MHM=ZW,3A 1 W151153MM . � . ... . . .
. . . I K�� . I
V1)I,'FICIi`- Ontario streLt. -CLINTON. Roillert ..'81iiiill ' , Ilarf6ck , R.,Iflil- They' kneiry what, Mr. Miscaut-pholl M-tich of this mi�., Rosiii cotti'd have pre I . . I � I 1. I . I I , . . . 1. .. . I I . . I . .
. .. - �
I. . . * I I . . . .. . . I , . 1. . . . . . .
Oi)p6site St. Paul's church. I chlovi StaffIrth ; . "Tainlius; culinnill,gs;. . .i.)uld havi. no influence with-si Lilies . . I , '.. . , , .1 I
L . . ( .Al veritod kiid' Ile, moi;e thiat. tiny. ()that- I I I . , I � I .
, . . , .-A . . ..
� 911101ldville - ." JT W. ,Ycq-, Rol." ill 1) I . I . . I
I . . . . . , 1. ., . .1 inew', AdilihilstrAtion4, The.y were olp'li'velien-, inan wi e b0d to wi6illot,for tile un- . . . * I , I . . . , . I . I
- -- - � . ville. .. . . . � I . . . 1. ., -wave 6II-tiL.Ainipi,ieks �rbb.*would meek lu w Well �Iiis 'Govern- = . ... . . . g , r . � .�
- . . . � . -t . . . worl:hy. pitetices by . I I . . I , , . , . . �. I . .
. . llarfies desirdtis-to effect insurance- thi8. ashalueless., fashioh.'to , Inly .the. . tnent�cor).tj i3 lies to bopi -pow6wo, and by .:, : . . .. .
' AI IISON . I - - ------ people Would not biositr.Lis 'to Al " ' . I . , . .. . . d tinaut in .. .1 I � . ... 0 1 � I . �. Is 40 . I -11. I I . �,-�,� . �.:.. I
DR. C. W. .[`1110� . or trailsact, . other-.. - businci,s., will 1)� nive ritiv- which his pa:rty,renaiiiins , ou . � 1101 . C I. - U.'. I r .1 .
. .. , . . . . I . .. . n . I �
PHYSICrAN AND -SURGEON, ...., 1Turtriptly, attendca to, on - applicaitioll, engL e I upon �he;. colisLituency if . Lh.# Ontari.o... . ..... . .... . I . . . . I I � . .. 1. I . � I . . . � �. . I � I
- . . I . . �
Special � t I . . .. . . .1 I .. . . . . .1 . 1. .11 . . . I � . .. � . I . . I . . .
, attention given to diseases of oanyoftho above,officers-hc1dressed I I I . I . I L � . . � I
. . .. � -N .. . d . 1. I .. I I 1. 1. . ---� . � --- � - -'j," ., . , , I - . � � 1 .
o ices. Lo lies . I . . . .
the F,3e, 1,,ar, Nosu and Throat . . . : � , flicir respecti've pt.,lat0fr I S. . I . I . I ... . �=11 . vwmmlmku� I ..
111'spected.., by . , .: , - . .. .1 I . A" Q-,R:9AT`1)-.A.ILY. PAPURi, . .. . � PEOPLEUP tHIS, PLAOR , r I � . . � I . I � . �. I.., . . I I . I 111 . . I .
. I ilic dircetur whu lives :, � . , .. . . � . . . I I w . . . I . . . � I F -
-01lice and 1?QSidC11C11- . I . .. . , . . �. 7. 1. I . .
I . . I
, I . . . , . . �
�St the'.SicellL. � , r.; ", , .. - .
- nearia . . , . I 11 Tb�re'are people I'll every town and, I I . . . 1, � .. . I . I . r, . I I I I .
AI,13J,',RT- STRY,HT WEST, eLINTON. - . . 1. . . . . - . . One Of thi . filbat w;-,Icotic, among - . I I. I , . . ,I - . . . . ". .. . . I
- I. . . . . . . . Ole wittily. exchanges 011ie -to - been' . I . . I I I I I I
att.L-nbury St - . � . .1 . which c � I I . . I
North of R . age of this-colui)try who lit v I ... . .
.. I :Vill, l. e
. . . I --�t� �- - . I .cut,ed of itchi , bleedirighrid protrud, . � 11 . � . . . . I I
.. ------ ------ 0 . I . .1 �
. .. � . . I . , ur desk is, .the Toronto ,News. . Fri,� I I � . . I . � . � : . .� I . . 1. . .
. iog piles by, ttlonse (if' Dr. Chai;6- . I . ; � I . . I
. - . . , . . .. , , . ends of the old News would scarcely . I I . I : I . I . . . . .. . 11 . . I �.
. 1::jp�"1::!! . . j� recogid . i I al. have I . -Ointniont., Ask yom, frioitils, About, I . I . .� . � , ":. - . . �. � . I � . . . . .
'NING SMITH : ....... ,�������� i"I'll 6 I � I , i * A ize , this 'great newspaper today,' this great pitiparatiolil, they Carl tell � . . . .. . I I . � . . . . . ... .1 I . ; . .. . : .1 ,
DR. G. W. WAN . ���� 11 i so ra r c )een .,tile changes. ill, k'o LL of its greatsooth i ng, hulding and . . I . I . . I I . I . . I . I I � I . . . . . a . . I - . . � � ' . r . . .. I I � I I
- ,
I S U R G I i 0 X � I . I form and . quality. - The News now . . I . I . . For the, convenience' of " N ws-... .. �, 1. "I. � . .�
PHYSICIAN AN]) , . � contains'. 12 - pagw� antiseptic. �powers. More reputable . I . I . e . I I . 11 .
. each '%wlilYt with peopid have andorsed Dr. 0 ase,s Oln. I I � � � . . . I I . ..
Office forincri OCCIII)iLA J)y Dr. Pal- 11111H,. TAII.LK . . . .fh � 1. . .. . I I " . 1. I . . .
lister oil Main y stre t. . I . f:roln. 20 J6 2.4 pages oil Saturday. inent thun 6 � s . I I . I . I . . . I .. .
. tity prepavation you.can I. . , , . . I .- I . . I . .
. I
.L . Trdill-% Will: arrive at and depart Its cable and felegraii,hic service is mention. I , . . . � . .
Is.iYFIIi'J,D, - - - - ONT front Clint . oil. . Station as follow's, : vcr�v' extensive andoits reports Of.PO- . .1 . . . .- - I Ae*cord subscribers we have made - I I
. � .1 . : .. .. . . . . I . . . .. I .. I .. � .. .. I .. � . . .. I I
. .
. � .13 UFAI�O * jk . NI . )� . �%.(,1Oj)jjRjtjI- I fiti�al affairs are very Complete and. , . 11 �. .. . . . � I . � . . . I
, I - . I . I � %, 'n. 1.1 . . . . I
� � I
I--------- ---.-------- . .. . . I .1 .
, ... �. I , --with - t
� .
DIV.- : � . �. 1. :. . c , * I he. -, . .
. . I . . . , in 6110,,�' 'TH.r,;.'.EORO.�;TO,R,,illjlt,kY 070�, it
. X,oill 1"ast Ji'-Nilrit.".. I . ,. . too, ,ire, whollv independwit ppettre.. w;U1t.4 (no I r1e. power. I -we'114 1. ". lubbing.�'arrangements, 11 � I . I I
I 1.6 .1, . 7:38 a-Illl 4leter, Th, . NeM'S'' siheo the �cllangcj ai , I � .. . I 11 . . . � , . , '. I . . '. � : . I . ... . 1. :)- I . . I
. . I �
. � I . I . o* . . . 1 3 23 P. -. . 'a Llis Lrigislat.ui�e Avill -Pt-pbalsly. gi ye� I . . . I I . ,. I I .
DRS, AGNI-M' & FOW1,HR ' . lit has takeii. a firji� liold aulotig till -- I I . . I . I I I .
- -- , Dl-' I ("iting East Mixed: � - I . . iig I)top16*cvcrywhcre through6tit tile, 4 rar'the.askittg�. - . ..: .. . I I . .C* Da'ilies . and '. W eeklies where'! . '. I � . I
,NTISTS '- - . , 4,15 P-111, I � . .. : . 1. . . . . . � ity , ,. . I
Going We'st lklix� d - '-'ul I .. I . � I 1. . .. I .
011i -co adjoillill)" NI-Ao (Ialltrv. open (, . . V 11 . j(y.i5 a -mi, . country'. H, )scciptions to, 'The News � , . I .-. - I I I . . . . . .1 .. . . .. . I .1 . I . . I I . . . 1 1. .
I 1. .. � I . ' .
. ,ollig Wast Exprk ss�- it, will be receive(! kit ihis office and we I., . I . . .. .
q:very dav and SaLunlay niglits until . ., 1) ,. .11 . . . � . .12-55 P-1 . . I SCRAWNY --, 0 P L P,,'7 . . � -930- . . . ,: a . . , I I . . .
. . . . I � . I .. . 1. it ha , paper and The, Newp I . 1`1 I by we,a bled t o' 0 them . . I
to o'clock. . . 7-05 a, I . I . ire. ena . . jaer .
11 . 'it ,� . f) : I I . I . .6w thino pille, and weak , , . . . . ... . i . .. . �
Aubtiril every Alonday. I � I . " X6.32 P -11k: Record to the tuld of - 1904 '-at - tI10 People, ?,I . . � .. ' . . I
1 I . '
* .. 11 . �... . . clical) rate I Think en th& blood .is thin and wa;tery, i .
c Of $'2 71:5), ' of it, a wh t .- ' r �
. . 'D BRUCE, DIV. grea daily and your fa- What isneeded to -round otT tl 'prid& � ' I T hi a I's of " . I I I
Dungannon very Tuisday. J10NDOX, ITURON . � I . . . is -
. 1 AN .. t 'Itietropolitall ' be.angle.4' . � �. a reducod� . 4 . .
_ I ' . . 1. .
. I . . I
--- . . *001,11g, solith. lixPress I . vorite loc I . Pitt -fill out the foeffi is not'�fat but, . . ,.... ., . . I . I , . I . . I I
11 , -7,47'a-ill, al vycckly fior,$-2.75, We will . .
. o secure samiple copies of. The News for ioulth nifiscular'd9stia. By enrich. I : I . I 1.
I Mixed � -.1 4,I5T.1U,* ox the blood and increa8ing its nour- course - when taken- : . �
It No . with -Th '
DR, 0. XRNFST 1101,AIF,S . rth. .F,xl)rcs.q . 1045 a.ill, .lLjiy of our, 'friendi; ilt ally tillic; - '. . . .9 .1 . .1 � e. . . I
... I . I I � .
,SpoCiali%t in Crown and Bridge Work . it 11 Alixed . &55 Imil I � I . � . I . . ishing qualities Dr. Chase's Nerve Food L . I . � I I . . . I . I .. � I
. I �. I.. . .. I . flAds new flesh and ti4sne to th6 body . . I I � . I � I I . . I �
A). 1). S. -Graduate of the Royal Col- I - .11 . 1. . I I � as*611.-tatiew%,Igc)i,,%nd(-norgy. You Ne'wa-Record, � . . . I
legeolDental Stirgeollsof Ontar., 'A. 0. IIATTTSWi, . Ag�lltl . . I . . . � .1 .. . . .. . I , .. � � . ! I I � . . . . I . I .
. . .
I WJZ. 1101)(111�rN"si, Town I Ticket Ag�nt, . Bo ' can pi-ove this by noting,, your increasb . wh . , � .... �, . I I - . . . . . . I . 1.
io. . . � , . xes foi.AOPleisi. , in wefght, while using this great food .., - . . 0 . : I . ...
-First class lionor graduate J; 1), AIA . CDONALD, 1) strict Pass � . I � . I . . . . I . ,11 I . . I � I I . . I . I � .
7,.D.8. .2 I ell- cure, . I . . en. your subscription. to ,. � . .
c,f I)c,ntal Department of Toronto . I .. : gtm Agent, Toronto., In view of the Scarcity wind. high. � . . .: . I , . . . � I � , , I . . ,. . � . I . , , . 11 . . . . I � . .
. �� I I . .
I . , . . I . price lot applo'barrels tbi seition4 and . . ,, . .! .. .1 . . I
Universitv. 1. . . . . I � � I .
- . I . I I .a d W kl I .. . I
Special attention paid to preservation ,----I-- . .. . . .1 ....: 8 � the Family- Herald'-.* in ... ee y � . � . � .
� - , ot' (lie Yaet that.in sonle districts farril, IT 1,11 ALWAYS WE, LL to look on I .
. I . .
9 tLeth. I . . I I I . . I - Pi -a find it impossible to procure barrels th�ti bright, side .of things. In New . . . , . , . . . I I . I . . I . � .. I I . . -
of childrvil'. . 11UNTINO SP',A.SON. at, any prive. the Frilib Dividlon rocnill- n I . , I . . . . I I I . , , . I . . . . �
NN'ill lie lit tile River Hotel, Bayfield, . . . . Ynrk'sila e th.-ve aro.2,700 'actors out . I I I I . .
� . I .
I .
I ve issir- � � y ai -and Empire,. � . I
every Alon(lay froin io a. Ili. to (ir -The Crand Trunk railway,ha . � mends tho g6tweral use of boxem. These of ajob, , I . I I I . . Star,, .. WA ee.kl . M i I . . . � , I
can Ile had. knot -ked down'at afuloalt; ..--'.., , .1 -, - 1. � . . . I . ..
1). ill. . eft a- -very 11MU.18011le and, illustrated sawmill for about Pight cents GAVII - . - : . ... .1 . -..--- --!n-!!--' 1. I - � .. .
-- !)stlllp1lIctjl olitifled "Ifaillitt? of Vislt "Illy a ' ' . - etc., etc, , exp res . I I �
- % I'll t.hey should not cost wore.tha Toronto World I I
and Gal "" givilig ii.forination re. ten conta eltell niade up. All thret, � . . . . .�- . ) . I . .
garding sca.son for sh(xl'ting acc,rl Nervousness . I I
DR. J, FREPMAN boxes hold m.bofit.as rnAnT Applotil 'Its a . . � - . � . . . . ' f.-% . . I � . . . I
, woose, reind"n', c*Lribott, .etc,, in thew barrel, they will be fouil niuch cbeap- . we will, be ple . . . I .
'ON, IN,tftlands of (hitatio,"' .and other ev, thlin havrels stt fifty ceuts And up . . , . I . . � � J�%j . .
VI-*TI.'11ZI ... . allid Indigestion . I. . I . . .
. . . I
. .
_A Illeoll)er oI the V(:terinary Biallilal Ill) along tile line of tllu Gralid waiide. Theboxessbouldhewell and Dizziness, and sick-heitAnthe twored, and . I � . . "
Ass-latiot's cyf London 1111d. E'diu- Trunk, Copivs. .of saniu, will furnish. ott,ongly nAllad. And tihould hold nbout I � heattit bufft VIP by Dr., chasolit . I Y0119, if you so desire. We can give - . � �
bili-gil and Graduate of the Ontan , � ell, win application at Grand Trunk forty poilinds of fruit. Tilt din.4 niions . . Nerve Wood. . . 1. . . .1 . . I � . . ' I � � I � . � 1. � I I . I .. . . .. 1. . . I
jo Vclerini.ry Collegre. . ifeket offices or to .1. D. 51cDoliald , of the fluxes ued Oy the Gririjiihy ship, CAPT. WILIZAM RE-IMS113M, 8S Lockman , �' , I . . .
0 St-, Halifax, NAt states 41Before I began � . I I ' I - , .
lej0ICj,,-- linn')n street -CIANTO-111, Diatrict Passenger Agent, Toronto, ' Pesaro laine bv twelve by eighteen . the Famil' Heraldbr Weekly Wal
Next to Coininercial Hotel. 11 . . frichair, , while the British Columbbi using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was troubled . . . . I y . I . 11 I I I � I .
Thoft 97 11 -- . 1-...1!----- aft 4 teti by elavon bv eigh - � � . I . .
. 1. . �1111.111wrtlmsmsrlrft , oltAndard box i. a geat deal with- dizziness, itervousness, and . I � .
,. . teen ltichd!qt thego, haing. inside lxleot- silo headache, which seemed to be caused and . Emnlre, with premiums, for L . �
t--� 1. I I 1- . 1. . . I 11 I 11 1 . .I I 1-1 94;;;;A�. � 6 all 3, from indigestion. Since using this preparation I � . X- * . .,
should he inado of att-180 me it c . . - . I
. "e"lentli'" 'lot" Or Tile bcxi's tot a ti , 11 Ill So distressing symptoms home � .
I .. . 4;,�, ong tnsttemsd not I &appeared and I con. . . .
t . I , ,A q10114* 1�-.vit thilin five -eights of all inch thick 75 cents. I . .. . I
. �., . .. r4%."t'"iMN01� ,;0 for endijo ii,nd tiou -less threa-eiglits of dowN - Sider that I am entirely . I I . . . . . L . . I b .
I... . �
-1 . . I . . . . � .
I ' � I I
, P " ' ' %" have strips across tilt, er4fis to p . I . . . �
1. A . I I I LIPPINCOTT, ' win !rich for, the sidest; the tops phould � cured. I never used any . .
I ., . ��,�L . 'iq� medicine that seemed to
." , , , ` AGAZINF., trild me up to thorough. I . I .
r. , �
% MONTHLY', -M -revient I . "
� I , ) , 1 .X. � -1 tho weight, of other package8j. piled tin . , . I . .. . �
h . A rAMILV LIBRARY" . f And to -day I am in . �, . I
, top,from bestring directly, on the fruit, ' I tter health than I have I . . . I . I 1. . � . . . . � .- -1 'W I .. . . . I . I .
. , . I The Do! In Current Literature It I, also USUAI to 10AVO open corners , 001h for several years," . 0. 11. O" --idw--di"i 11, . '.. i I .1 � I I �1 ... 4 �imrrjLe
. ! at the top and bottom for ventilation. I . I By noting your Increase I I �. . . r
I % . 19 COMPLCTE NOV91.111 YCAFII.V - Littlb or no packing material should . I I .
y �`Z L I . . I � I L ,. : . . . .
11 - � �, 11 41 ogsfrat,id MANY S140111% VrOR19S ANO - be wised its plirchaserij like to find the I in weight while u9ing this ' .
11 r , L
eopyf`1110"T-S &61 PAPERS ON TIMMY T,01PICS � pAckitge quite full offellit, Ashoetiot �. great food cure, you can � , 'rr . L I . L. I
AnVeynn A(111019 tt sicoteli and dtaetiEtliln May. I cardbout-d wl't the top and bottony will for a certainty that ,
,tcj,�I$, nAcettain o, risoo cthor an OTS. A COPY ' L I . 1. .
ntj()n to v)rnbal,11174atentAble, CoulmeAutAlm I FlIve adding new, firm I L �
Ir Opinion $2.60 PCHVIIAR: 96 reduce the amoilrib of Injury . It 8, JIM
ii 110.lAdhook On 0 it, U , qeti, But It should be remetti- Hitwundbery fiesb and tissue to the . � I I
VNeelpitictl3rcOnfl(le"t- ill- &tcutm, NO CONTIN1131:0 STO"fr6a IfIraoll In, I 111), r It y1i "a - The '�Ne w, S- - Record
I twifitIty NUMBitli COMPI.rTr
PAI.C116 tAken t roulrb Atunt, & . Welve b6rewl that even In this year of scarcity ThrotwC the medium of the blood and .
cent ren 01(test Agency for squrinq . . I NL I 'till it Lir body!t 'I y � t I .
I wo
.1 I
I If
I bbl` I
1� .
I .
r,wpelat Ilatic6, vVitlitilit, atinMeo lit Md I 1, j �� 1.1'1,1 !J..Zji1.!. of lisirrols, It will not do to ship fiervits Dt. C ase's Nerve Vood scnd�� new . I . .
(, - I !ftpw itirlythinsr but first class frult In boie�q. vigor iiind eriergy to every organ of tile human I
0 the
�er I NP I I .L
scienlfl,f,e J112MVItaft6w, I .-, #- , . ,.. . ... . . . I I- All replitatioll of the CanadfAn , box System, and Overcomes diseftse, $0 tents K . .
't -A �'fti'*?. 1,rraiiAt M goliworal 11 box, at all dealota, or t - TONNI I
'k b"fidal"mPly 111II!,tv and of thp Canadian 'trade in I doi4mon, Pates and CLIN
,,,Iiftt,ititi,ifnnvf%e-,,L.r.tiiit-�titVlljil. Tattilft.4ill, '
, ysafferif itiferfor or corn I Co,, Toronto, To ptotect you against. Intim- L .
ear; lottr 111111 " A $1. �q " 'yall ".'%Vjjjl1%jjjot(j, XT 11AVS TO ADVURTIB114 will gr4at): \� .
jou'irq 01 . it t"'. 4, inon ft-uitiffpxported in Ilia box ur I Along tlio portrAit and signaturo of Dri, A. W, � ,I 'IL'I.
9 - V�.., ;tl1jV(,�l;,-,0,j, .
. � I �i
fil tj'-�, t -.� � ; 1, " 11, t �vx � l, , I til TIM. 4NUM -ILU CORD I any other Mucy paokage, I Chao, itto on every bo4 _ 11� 11�1� ?Zt, '11, I 111#1 111 111 I V, r .
. 11
Alfule, I 011too, W r tit., W"11111*g0go ux.4 . .. . . . L, � . wwml� 11
k, . .. r I I . L I
, '4KW.-