HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-29, Page 6it
I - —_ - -_ , 1-11-- — - ,�-, - . .1 - -1 r 4 1
ra, in Venezuela. it lowk-A �ta Incew I � -_ ____ - - -,--- - - , - * , . - -,-,- = - , -------, ,_
dhiN1100111111ft t1011. . to the, unpopulUrity of tile Man't It Wvvorth While HIS WAGES A PENNY A DAY -_ -_ .--- , -
7 I I . i4p4lush governor of tile, neighboring , �' , #
" . ..F1%_1 town of 0aravalledia, the Inhabitants . ASKING: F01i I � imere is onl;r One war to make A go0a
I __ I
. � . TS30 Uvvvoo COOX T.11LES cof teft—odd freah boiling water to
. of which migrated in a body, loav- Aillio�� � iNNEWIL LIXVI A RING. I �
1 . . . � Ing the-, obnoxious 01.11clal without , ,
I I � . , � liubleets to rule over. = . — \ 1 10.40
, taken posses,91on of their New homes, r . altu R 10 - b b wjetk n - -
. � . ' After La Guara had been built, . XTe Aides -to Xarket, And' Stops E6M
I --111--l- " - 1. - .. . - i 0 ,uWa the twIf-exiled 134rAvalledfins bad I . at Cofeee RQUSQS for
."A -I. -M5 I I of ItAIC;
A litfl,q*nlight 804P ''Will CUM they discovered that they had fol.� I . I � "I .Uefreshniont, I coo "'t"'VI �
pt &" Iliad Apth A meeting I The tell thousand -dollar clipf Of Ao"""`� ,
. lor g1tir,10S Until gotten to erect a church, .
, , L of the inhabitants was Immediately . 11 'L . . . itbe luietroi,olltun caral'4111,41',V, tilt' ,
01e,y 41111II14 and §pAtkie. SUnVight called, and it was ordered that ev- .. , . I "I . 11 11 ... .. , sealsliiil coated Ilead Cook of the oce- .
, np - . grcygoulid, till- dianioad-studed y1on Te a4v*� L'
,� � tla,ll eryone using the fAvorite 8panish, Q,k�
60,3P will W4%,$h.,Qthqr th! Plot4vo "carawba" should CEYLON NATURAL OREEN tea when it -costs -no i an
. be Libied rbef of tho willionalro's- kitchen, all., and Q10W to steep sevp4-, lulautes. .
dothm . . I a twenty-fivo centis. tile lIlorloy.to go ovore than the coiturnonplace Japan and is In - Ilord over their underlings, and Howe- The tea thot one arifloh tol-04w &$ro�WS' L ' . . I
- , .
L � ,
. � ., t4 towards rectifying, the omission linitcIr Superior, being absolutely pure and as 1 tilno�4 ON CA, tile O"Verlings as well. But for L another � � . 0. . .
,: � I � a I -ill rolled hArtu 0110,would not .
1~0_v� . ..=, r , all of th( I
- !M;=;'':� , Forthwith every plous pLarishoue 0 , 11 black tea, t 131P.0k. Xixud Ceylon Creen, A.-4 for 11.0 Label,
' deerued it lacuinbent upon -hini. t I delicious as the famous 11 Salad e . posSI's.4 4L tithe of the' regal diggity 11 �
TV, wait abroad upon the. breeze that SOld only In 00111190 )0*1111 P1110900, 240, A110 400, PDA* 113, '0Y all prootirs. I '. . lenveloping tile nativo Cook in India. T-5-SlIoUL0 ZZ IFXVTy �
DITIES BUILT HURRIEDULI particular Swear -word as often 'as . .1 . I . . , A uloderfi, Occidental lititlQns. 4rcl I , � rollkwir C'EN I it I
— ., ,�b could afford to do, so, and the L, * ' I 011111.10 .. I - . . I . . I
.. I I
," - vrowding hard upoll tile old, orderR - I
LEADVILX,V, COT lZed as it now nilwt be bNr till that of the orlent.. But in the, ,shelterod P _ �_!�.!'_ V�".t'" . . L .
L, ... _!_"'"!%�.��� ..
IN .& ]),43r AND A HAL:V. , .__
4%kAxlo, UOSE �Tesult NV48 . that a really liandsZe THE FUTURE OF TUB JEWS Christianity livis atchioved, ill t1le, sull . I
church iVAS soon rising sl�yward.. . . daring its cornerN, where traditions Still, hold 6VAWW9AVA�AVWW !� _1011 .
. . — '#'�' 0 1 1 say Bliggirls ll.;�. got)" Ill for I .
� Finally, for two modern Instance$ NO own couturles; of WdoJen good, tijo native cook rouialnB the ilow and, then the cook may regaW , � -at . ... ..
And Dawson City and. Nome C37' in polut, we turn to the shores of W SCATTEXLED OVEP. THE Oift', it Will ttirely ilat flower into its ' himself with g puff. wrItIng V��64*? "Yos. .,-'( l'J to .
Arctic Alaska. livro stands Dawsol ZD. . . I very quintessuilre of inherent hing- ,Vl,'.I,,LS VIiX1;E1J14I3LI,,8 IVITIT lrol.,.r4 death he's Irviting ht0d. .aull lias 1. "
Sprang Up in a VerY I CIVIUZED.Virolt thil"a natiolial poriod Avithout S01114.1 Ship. . � ", ..
Row Z14yo, . OitY; 4 ,vast, bustling, modern, mot- - I _ . llew precious fruit for the hurnan it IN true tile cook is never . on I Indovd he could not, walk! about 11 . eard. that poets all, bavo lon"'L 11'111�." I . . .
wL from Small, b rollolis. Half a doven yeii!rs ago It' Xr- 1$1`401 Z=Uv,ril, Writes Z,nter- race whose servic I o is its bigi.jest time with a A. t is i rre- :t -bo Iloor and SOIL Iiis fevt, ('vell At he 1 "M—That w�ts 1111.'..ki .)J*Q,-I� n ullo, -
Most places gro . e- was represented by half a. dozen fit- tainingly of Their ideai.,! Alegi, but tba . . just, Inkssoid. ,.',Ill. has ,im-11 at ovul, - . t
, I . . . *v bevi . -
ginnings. . thy Indian wigwams," and was known, . I . levant sophistry. No native. of tile required tile exercis , xll,�(, he Awl's 11 ay. of walking, don't Non 0,Ink?" I L ,
, ,
Destiny, SIMI) SAID -TOO 11111011. orient was evor on th-tic with any- his f#'"t (IllitiLk aS Illuell jus his 11giias
But not alit SomfLeities', inste%fl to the few Peol)le who had been t 11 I 11g. It tho, cook oversleops, or !a tbo preparatiorl of the Illeal, J,t(N f-,)b(.---"yl-S: yoll col4d it'll 111-r a m"Ja . 1,
, ,
of being born in the ordinary WAY, there, as "Thronditik," or the "Fish Wlien one reflects lipan tile Solid- "Now, Maud,11 said Edgiir, with a airay by that slfl.y wII.f,!v '.1 t..��:-., go
into, adt, , I if orders the night ,before, Nvore strell- peels tile vogetables us, deftly qII(I " I . � -
have sprung into. full,blown existence Itiver," a name now converted y w. -d porsistonev of vae ,Jewish complacent sinile, I gui ready to'try 1w . -.--
, . . liolls for all early breakfastj what slices thein as delicately, usiiig' oulv , . L .
all. at once, like Ala4din's pulace, - " "XIondike." race, tilt,. bripressioti. of a historical that little experiment, I anx sure I I .
. . � does it sigglify'? . There are religious, ]its toils, as Amy goo(r Oallt.ldlitn 11 NJ I .
St. Petersburg, tance, . miracle is produced in conseJouriness. Can bring you under, hypnotic influ- rites alid ablutions to be perforillvd, 11011-40wife call r fingers, i Minaret Llnlrm.�,,'. Cu; �J, DI'mpet. I
. for ins . 'Nolne City is ail even inore wonder. .A few tribvis of.1"Ill!"Alcipated sla.ves,, WACO it � You will . agree not to resist, Avith, be . 11 I lit JJ . ,
which has recently. .been celebrating f4l example of . what, call be accomz Ili t))c far distant pa.it, are led out 1 tho - 1110111011t Ito Wakes till In tile Iliq little stove 1,4 a grititt. workt�j% — - .
the bi-centenary of its fpu . 11 J 118t. Tillt V'pur mind in A passive . . I
Aldationt plished in the way of cityr-building- - - - t 'ay ci,,;1'1%1,.tIk, will I .
When Peter the Uregt ittseen , 4 of.Rgypt throuf,,Ii,the desert to tbei i�ry to think mornin , and they always are per- JR, bak It serivs of coppi?r pots, each I lUuggins- `111'�v "
. ed, the to-prdor by the magician 0,61d. I�hc Jalld (If th(k. CallaallitQ oil tllk% bor- it Condition. , of nothing .9 I � - I
throne of Russia Blopcow was, of yellow at t;.Il. r,ix your Cyt, ()1I till, 111,&t, NI-luedi w-Ith. solown. deliberation, Ir- $1tting 016 1*01) of the S,tQv(*, also tit-, turn the stifil N-ollow." i'llig".�h1s, "'I I .
, l6tal was Ilrst fouh(l. In tiers of t1le Aloditerranean gild Ili a Al,-siwetive, gnd-�-regardletis,of any- thig the till) .of' the -otber pots, ill Ishould sivy that's, right. 1',%-,,F� 01:10 .
course, the capital. But i;leter-trn-v, 1809i dug tip In shovelfuls oil a sea- few g, )low, And don't forget to kvep yolar . I .
,u(�,�Ltiollr .1 .
ailed abroad, and in I _ becolliV flxOd as I', I mind a blank. - 1, will count sixty Ithing el"v, .. . I which. ho ,bakv,, and *.boila and fries 1 1 egi�h In"N, .1)0y sIuo%i!1g th,�Ia I.P. . . .
L tile course'9f his beacb, the very sand of which was � . ! L .
Journeyings he came t 'Atusterdalli, cOnilloso 141storal, Warrior people, IIIII-30" tile Seconds by niv Watell'"L Breakfast eannot'be.iiiitll lie basl Only one 'at 'a time, (!all aet,agily I gets. taillit-d", - I I
,o ,d of brol�en robles 'gild frag- L � , . . I . . I . .
The sight of the Dutch VefiJee :so 111011tary garnots; and *to,. -d tile city Pr')teei'�ln "I'd ctxt'" Of the tribal "O'cl Tho girt followed bi$ directions, 11 VII(Ta-l-vd. it and lie cannot prepare It rest urloa the lirv� .but as SQUIA us its " . I . . . .. . . ..
ay J ,h,%-,., 11, I 1, t- i I
.eL eightjl CC,,_ , - Contents are cooked anot L Vor Over 61--tty Ytars. .
)bbod in 'rall.V, htntillt Is,' bouglit. Ili raw material. her goes Oil . I . .
ands of y 4, U. I . .
Impressed hini, that he there and is the 5101110 of warly tbous tury, 11.0, of a,. great part of t1leir bliti�oa. Ili twent seconIs how, Yc" i Th eref oro, wholl. his jirayoiq are Jill- bviwath, while'lt, acts ascover, and , 111%I.AVINISLOW'SSOOTIUNO �VVI'P 11118 b6la asadbit . �
then determined tbat he, too, would hardy prospectors, having at the , Ili forty they clos(ld, I 1 the lower grow� I p.11114w; 01-loolhors fq th.-Y, e%il"Irm whife looldug. .
- I" 8tro . Lipil n .
I . 114th by - the Assyrian ponquest ishe'l he, goes oil to, the lilarliet, . ", each, pot it(, i,g I I..svottio,4 ,Ito ciii id, fiat.ni t it.- s,,. ms. At I a v � i,ui .curo
, city with canals for streets, beck and call tolographsi teleplionoti, tlu_�N. still pe.rsi.sted st.ubbornly dn "Aht I knew I would miceovd! " ex- The cook jivust do till, inarkotinge, the otte above it warIll 11t1til.ille Illeal,; Ottlawliv. rq-10atQs the Prot-- ZLI', aipt 11,,uvj.�, itud In Also
c4dined Edgar, highly elale(l. ,,.Now L : I . I I o-ntr6w,lyforl)ij.rrlx�v*. 'V,;t�ijti,-!'.v,-cetitAixb�,LtLi I .
. � i alli _I:f 411.1141:1,L'l tl�r� ti;")1QtJ*
In 170.3 be was journe h A , . about tile Sac -�Ki Alaud, I Command � tj�.� %Vollkl. )I. allro Mill t
, yJAAg north- stoalnorsi tind.palatigl hotels, replete s()�j ern I)L�le'.�,tjup For ono thing, it is 'tile custoni, For is done. . I
ward to Finland, when his . q,irick eye with all tho vat -led luxuries of twen- ti L,,. () f 1 .
.10ru.'allelk), for another hun- - . � you. to tell An . e tile another, lie Nvill tako no vIlances '.' . bejlyj�ll L to I �Ut for "M ft,. Ni'M.31.01V 3 SIMILIWO h�RITP,!' .2�-74 .
. )r more. until they sef,mied I,lve,? ,,,,�ll Ille, I COI I ,a hurry I)IIII'L for IlisL ';tQ`ve Iv()JIld. II()t " , . .
noted art island in the middle of -04 tleth-centur*y �cilvllizatlon.-Pearson's* drZl(l yetirs ( socrets of your heart. Whom do Valk . of - There is no "way tilitit-V I .
NeVa River. "llere is my Russian' Weeldy, ' . I . � 13 a nation by the Al I rid N.0it . , , , )its natli'O assistant buying poor Ina- Ift-"Till-ro is only. half .,�Il -hour, bp- L .
Amsterda;n, " he exclaimed, and I Lt . utLerly abi)lisbed w A Illoillentary expression of resist- tevial, for which he will ,b I Id I try . evell. it .by some . miracle of fory tho trahl, guv.�I, klild ybur "trullk .
. ' 'e- "' ' . .
11 " A
L: of his Wb1tV_I _
, 4 IiO%�t-i�'itil.l��(,btie'litt(inovxur of 114bylon. r 9I graco tile coolc billlsvlf were willing ir�,I.t . .
. .(, girl's- face; then site u.9tC.L �VJIIIC file t, but"_ V'J�"'"(" "4JIt`_"l)Og'f ' I
torthwith began digging, The site A CURE FOR.RHNVXATISM. . Events or, as they- said,, Jobovall. ance crossed th . sponsible . , o Irined ,,I,-, . . .
was a pestilential luarsh in summer . . — ' L L favorod theiii in -the Persian.conqurst. .ppoke Ill a rilonotono:' . . . plo,,�vr',ti,ying.6 work in. some por- to make h .ewl ents -svorry, deur. I liuve iii I,olvivt oli", - . - '� , .
-And a frozen morass in winter, Two ' ' , f 1�ubylon I . ,, I love Jildgtir 1) _` tion, Pf 4 Pig, wherewith lie would of One ]lot 1.9 cooMtig Jill prepares the . . . ..!. X ._ . . . I . �
Even, the Most Stubborn Cases of ') I under Cyrus aifd the ".V I Ophalli, xvil(17. I AMilo his ..tulcred ,fingers, Nov will I next,. and 'When the last. is read,,, ho
,allserable huts were JQ1VIt"11 1.(.ZllfliitltL"C'ti.,K.il)llll(�d . . I . es, yclsll'� Cried Edgar, trembling . 1. CL11g, . * ' I I
the onlS, -build- . this Dainful Malady ban- .. I. trod pur- t . I ' L (" 0 L oil, 11, lie do his 1purchasi rig � the iiight be-�Ilnaktis lit,, sal,awn to Allah stralgllt-� 3,�. Tjp.%L�fia . . I .
41196. Yet within an incredibly brief, . . ified, -returiled tu the hoky.pl, 11 *all . . I minalh, W! nle,M .. I . I .
I , to wl Ii - dolfght. Tell .a fom" 01) nol It inust be fresh from 6ins, his crumped: legs, slip, o his , -
space of time a stately vit� * arose I . I be CuredL ' _ � tilt) Soctlets.of your -heart," , . I s n I .,�"___.i.';._ ,,�s....*..P" , . I I ..
I . . . . 1:16110 once Illore the�clty of David . . . and, slaughter . pen to his poi sandals arid %valks away'-ta some ___.____.._ Ili ...... 1- I I I .
I I . � . I� field . I
all ready for occupation. . . L . . . 11 - ITVre the nullonal � . 41 -I'd . pan, . . . . . I L . . r Nll�-IVA �
Rlio�lllngtlsm 18, ild tile Tvniplo ti, I - love I-Idgar Pophain.,": continued
The Tsar himself laid tile first _Catu,164 by acid ill i life IN,LIs Ingintaillpd 1111ilor, N,ti.t.101.18 10 girl, In -tbo sairia tone, '.'ancl I * titilet s'ecluslon for ii edro-free qlIlOkV I- 11 . . . . . I. I..
IL ;_' I , deep� -I
010 bloorJ. t. Is ail unr'il-�,uted Is *C . There'!,; more than that abotit. it, and 1, Tbo table bov jni.ist.. ial t. .. � ' - I
stone, the 111).hil 'uZer' ' BOV31
Cills 1111fil tile - 0 .1 twilis Ve I'll" niollo If 16 wore not . 15 .
date being Uay 227th, ,tJ)tIIr of _ would lo - I .
ca. � . I- 11"fellce- RO . It to go to illf? V 0 it. - 'J'I I e J .t;�' L % - .1
11,10dical truth IJILI'lluelli,91 `O,U*%V . , too. E'Vell a . must vin- 111) .tho 'dinner iiii'd sol,%- � mmlmv A HIGH GRADE
-1708; and tile cottage in w)lJcI1- lie. .. . . ' t ard aloni.'hy Titus Ili 70 'A 1), stingy. . T wal , , slillill falitil .. , *
lived while superlatending the �Iaylng . ,or mr -alat is yo,,Nval�d *till" Jewish "Il'tiollftit"%. vxe, theatre twico it week, and Ill, takes 't a 'aoy,en vants. 'Very COOk'S af,�Lsistant must Clear away Ill(- Gunrailteed. f4 ^ 9_1 I 0. I. L .
applications n Alm v % ploy at It'a's tier
rootqd Ili the blood. A'.blooll ' dl,�-'. � . . L . IfoNv, of tholli Vat ,or slovp at 'their debris, Ina olit -tile 11 -le .and'llollsli ,I ..* 0110 year - WATC " . . . .
Out of the streets is still standing. ease'Llike rholinlati . istud oIII,v'bN- rvavon of rai-lal and, We 0111Y once In three anon.ths,. I . . I .. . .
_ I .; L ' No * . -Is - 310 pot . .
After an alinost oxtictly slilidai'* I . I ,,In Illust be outed. .religious fle, -IIIIQ " its iitastvt Jlof what 1% hts Is theirs, t, s and palls. '. VrhCy 110. longov If-,yan will do.a few 11,011r,; Wn z fil.- uv any
I ., raLinibers want dleiriortil'i-Ings, and lie gives ine - . .. . . 'day after gabool, 110)*a Aln).st ene!ose rofer- .
th.roug.)I the blocid, riliat 'is �Flv , WV10 "Lltti,red tbrougliout illo world, rings Nvitl� inlitation. sto les III 'ilivill , .. uncea Troin , ll;irentiL or irlimrdi"n-. WrIto � L
fashion was founded Bagdad, the i .. A I It they cial A I I a 1) it ge I 0 v it X'j'y it� Away. converil t1le (-Ook.
, I'llet'llia-dain.aliolays ylvIds like I agne Thef� religion foi;badv illarriage Nvith I walit a d , clothe und house . ,0,)JU 610, No. 150 . .
capital Of the , . 1) . 1 � : t 1101�_ ITO 1.9, rich, if Iforgo.-L ,IS Ili * 'o'VI q, - r .. .
great sc,(racen I' ,inpire, .-to ,Dr. Willianis' llijik. 1111lt,--tbe' .. rlvo Ili the- Park 01WLI kW - . . . gilt,' WIIO to-da3" ' %,V,.r.11111" .
I N' ot-ber -peoples -whoill they 'flespi.q0t], twi sl4vvs, Lold Tloaven only Itnows 110-W linderk,tarlds tile ll,i(i (if 'thing'S. And Fiftli Ave,, NT#jw York, U.S.,& - � L .' - . .
L Cle - 1 41 ivook, and I ni'vex, get it. " , . . 'it -mortal ever understood tne 119 . . . .
and, so long as the Callphigte lasted, actlially ilrake Ifew, I'le'll, red blood ,for theirLidolLtitry -, . . , e or ... .
the e ., L. I . - jb(�v e()uld, doJtL ()n �tfjelr I)ouny a Eat
entre of the then civilized'. Nv ork , This new blOoid clonquers the -A anil morel COTTUTI- lirllori I go 6ut with him and get'. - . . 4 L I - . 3 . . . L L " . '
. . painful. -ti,lis, ' A., the "Chosen I,( . t �upll�. thi r 111ndu cook. What Jq I I . .
Its builder, tile Emperor' 1%,I&nsur,, polson, -swe()jl�% Out the a.0bing ,lei '. t,, � 09 IQ, ,,, hungry, lie 'ne�vr illwl�s. ot oystorq,. flay wasrv.q I I they �dld:not scrupu�-. rigs so do)Q8 6u'. . T 9 .9 . I . . �� .
I . I I . ,alwAlly owns the .
had at Vil- volloreIV-1, N�as,v(Tectvd Alut., Oniy' IN'llon I—,'. . , , - tip what i.9 left AbOut.t. no. . .
a I lo6sly �lk%l lie CUITR , he, 'who . . .
first tho'light of fixing 1113 ,qoeth6s . � . . . I. . . . i I I
I. . the 11,011%,Q15) loosens the nious- J by strong rtwlal . . I bun-valov., at night.,. to pre"vent, its . �%�luv und, flg-�nql IIII(ler, L Which b . Q t* .' .
place of abode at Cufa .but,, wtlxne�d -illstillet, );Ut NY J,W. " ft7noiigb I ". eviled. , tha young, i�iun, I . .1 . . I .. .18OT''ER -' �-HFJN EVII , " . �. .
by a vision, lie decided' on building'I"'I's "I'd -I)ajlishes..i,hc�tit��titi.glit froul illishri'liell tittlicill Spoiling I)erore� 11)(51-ning, . .L Htiletelresi lilillselp? - 1.11% hu bble-blibbIv . T 9 � .
. M"It IQ` the VON-ela- "Awal�e!.T coulluand.you!', And he . I Z I * k L I Art;'ws.as ivell hrid. bi.s siesta' !I as ,.Welruy it.o.b. oredl) on . rominisrion. W. o'.% o - . ] L . . . . i
. tile. sy�jteni. 'L Pro,of 'of tbi.q. is, follod floll of diville trilt�jl !it tife 1.aw atid flod� Nvithont. W , COONS DON'TWAMC, . I
. I I
an entirely new city on the Tigrls,* in tho. case of AT. . I,. Ubarlv,q Lvti.tlW,I;- , (I. Prov,11(ttg. It -wt' nititig to see the 'r�'� IL - . , L . .4 *Ill,(, ildityn-tir e0h.4f,gilr4ent,and dorresvorviono..). . .1 . .
i ' ' . ill I- thus tli.aL de- suit, (-t bh� '. . prorlolimi, tl� If lit, IlIld ten tlloLj�s I I .
I bl-Ock UwaY a year, wliitk, tile. dlnner�, �71iefi it, S � I . . . �
4 ,- dq-,uggist.',s- gs- aelle'd groups of Jews cu'llie to be (10611 , . but ;l, . . . b .
Wver, from tho banks of which )io 0ale, young �1 I ., con,311and. . As tilt, I'll 1� 'ti 'C llearki'L 1 'i 31UTHERF ORD,KARSI-rALL & ' 0
popular .� qlallinlod tit(. young g�lrl ol�(-1.101 I tbe(� v( � )ok Nvill not N,�,glk. - Cooks nev- � ppep�tl%.d, ,is tho "Vork - of. Li ACII)f" ,it . I . I � _If1PIt0NTk1.t I .. 42-4d � L . .
scooped with his own .liands 1lit, . . sistarit -of -Tilbury I ' Out-, I-fi, says': t Tollild fil ov(lr--'N� civilized nal.ion ..of livr i Ad ',_-!-1__- . .
. ,
FOR TI-rPil FilV: _6K, I "I 10110W L fro , till - � irorld und the 011ietto bas liotekl , . . �%'(Illtl snillod, .-and said: z . .. er ,Nyalj� to the 1?,ayulur If tht'.� Cull i is fit f(il. a, k I jl,r;. Itdt.tht.. king is I * . . __7'�' . . ' , ' L.. ' L
CLAY .;T J3RI. , III IJOWSOIL'kAl 'VXl)eI lerlt(l
, t'lltvt 1 '11h.. .1viffiftalts, Pink I'llIs 6111l';'L . . . I I bove f -did no't Spyin(r __ . . . . I
1, 11 listitutloil 'Well-111gli w; ., . . Ing . .
When finished, the,' city a I .. . A too "I'llell hef-p It, Ile llajh� g gharvie-i iiiak' stv'Oping, Let N� A L LL .
. . . louid L heels , , .1 .. . . hiAll.-Sleep, I .,
w gR I' POr- 11 AnIumallabi, becatise they, cured Ilw', . - 611 biInL .at, ()IJVQ. Perhaps I 81 tit.): in t�VU grt�gt i . I - - . .... . ..
o'llths , 'TI,_'ND0*AT. . . wljatlt lacks . -----+— .. UNT.RJE.90 L , �
feet circle, surrounded by three con- i of I - O,L1) . AS C11,111S bRVe'letL .1 lw . L!� 1 PATFUS "
.... . I � I I'll '11.19 A I . I
cent' - .�,g .s�v�we' attacR t)iat.fot Ili , . I . the'drivo und. O'yst6rs .go In � I)i .s, tilitt drawn by,tv pair .of . . 6,1�'T'rlxd oN_ - - - � I L ' GO I
. . .
ric walls, in which wo-c :- four,eitu.4�Q 1110-111a4 sloople4s l4glits liald But It, 91'ONN'llig sj,-irit.of tolerance till an(ith.er tinio," � I L . I L: . drowsy, sacrod, A . nalwsrl- bullock,,�.' L . A . - I . n( t I & .SPRO I IAU L ' , . . '
equi-distant gattSs, and hiclosing. as.a I p1Lttln1,%'. . I . I ly oh'outering the kftelrvnletll�
. Ivainful da-ys, I T lia.d tvitto� 4.:'nuln- Ili 'the world, WIllell, ",how(q , . — - . The . 1. . """&� I D 0,U T. I
Central point the Anagnificent, paltice . lel.II&L ,., ])lit, theN. 1, I , L .. .... I Nr Nyilt Jog about, huul� I in ali'd ly ()lie I inornink saw a plate .and knife I n . . . . . . ATTZRTION . ..
. . - L - .
- .. 6ut. at a ..-JuNN, but porvin a 1UUS doWL and . - I . .
and mosque i boi� ' L:61.� �t'her �Arod 8 in the vightovi.itly evillary, hil'il alt(il I. TO PATIiPaT "
I . foi4k, the former -of N01ch had : Ll. iaATiou'. � .
of the 'Callpli. ' It was-, failed, Thwl v � , -ato tfiv Gbett `7 WAqwINCRABLE . I ,e . I . . . .
. don". , . , I I. I - I . . .
VeS, . L' . I decided 'to Ali fliv., , to (it slintogi o'' I 1. . 1. . I roaching. sallieN.V11ort" :ON.id(inily contiflnel:1.rabbit plo.. Tho ' L .. IL � .
built. by sla I)rISoners taken- fit ! pills a �trlal. Before T had Iiii i""h("d .The eree(-L'Of tiLlig. Q'h'lI.V,-�,e-()II ft'(! JoNiV' �L.' .�..'. 1. trot .. 11I,xaN.s MAYBEE StandforMansibooli
I . I
. . .� . . � . .� .. .1 I 1,4C).1110tilliv, ,. b'ut. nvv0v a , mohient . bt�- lnd�� strongly susp.�et(ld a ci��rt,Irj I pe)- 103 09LY M�PTCPCNTO linlitatontl"". .:L , � 1. I .
. � .1 I I egu'll to Tr, ls�rfii,ll; Zan . - . . . I I . L � — I . 1.
war, seventeen thousand of. -iirhoin. the second bak.the ptiLtis 1.) iq tild's n6t. -forth by I W_ I I .., BUT'. 19' 0UH-10, 1� . . . . I . I I . _ .
perished I , f4ill !lit 't , , � .. � L I L I lore, - jio�Nevol- vitral-busly flit'le vh�- liceillan .of havIng: supped off. it, gild I I .. _ . i
during the eight years it ea,vO. . me, . 'and.AW .tbo tline I hu;d I �! I.(, Loudon. Daily �ll,W : .. I ..... . I I . I . . . .0 I . I .1 - .1 . . I ,.
. I . "
. I .. .. . . , ,.. . ,.., , 'tile lad -A, . 1: C*4 B -M& X - =" '
tion, takoll. two In "I'lie-fl-Akn. tile Jew I.% left .1111v Ill 11 C-44.ue dri\ve allay � appear to tbv'fo'llowbig couvnrs.atioli to
- . - L ore.bOXes; th( ci were ,on,. - ., . ok,place . . . . .: 3M %
, .�,pdtn. L 1. � M " - -
e, . ' L ike a new Inti'll, J�I,o i4 . JOSEPH . Jjookn L L -oil' Ili responFv to ail earnest- betwevil her and the L , . M9 � , - ` ,
There is 'little doubt ,but that. all go.n ` and 1. felt I . . vil'ols it . flot tbV%:kIyds (.lilt Ntlan-' . " % I ' ' , AT' ,, wbilix i.t hew* . 0 . �' '. Cook: - I. .. We 4- 1 -Yin very 'high prices fo� ,-. .
Brigham Young had Matkir's e. n1go. I -`ds Ex *bilai .AGAI t' - liuriy. ; But% oi.all , "ilisti-oss ,
)Ioit 01", itY, 10"'al . . . . . .."" ',)all(-, whai's W�donio* of . ,
N1 That ls.pliore II six mont'll'.4. , . -Wer. N, iow of it L IT AVTEV. S,J�Vl�:Y, YX,;ARS`. solicitation ,L cleaii,. dry Etoot, Ship at oneol. Prices - . . .
.: "' . I tile beq ' . . I
in his mind when he 'Set'oilt, I and I Ji�my� nbt -had it, twitigt, 'of'vli�,u- I LNE130' - ' . jll*[�jr (lt'LJlitiJ.8 �t
11 J uly, . .,�. I Ittid toWards*the� IICCL�I)tlitlet' ()f. ('hli�qt L - It R.. ,. . v L . deVeloped i�i* tilt- vold. rabbit tile that was left?"- wilt, deellne. . . I . . L. 38�50 . L. �
. I
Ina, A' I . . .. . I t, 1 it , the Apo.,,,tollc . ... ' . . . . .i . . I . tl-wj 1�, uhi I i ty 'w stand * 4 '3d1ir. MX ku 0 1. .
1847, to found .1-4alt 1-t jSL Ili% 1, '. L CbLlill of 1."�,))J.k ,
Lake City. JAI_ UZ1111 sInep, .f. 0 a "NY . . � L . . 1. � . without 111tellt JaI1P�-'-'0h,;-.1 ol.ldfi't think lt;,,wa. - �E�,aLZ;W==C:io <>
. , . . . be) 1 1 , I . . . . . I , - A . � 77 . . I
. I
deed, tit+, two achievements are' It � p a fail, collirsepf Dv: -.Williants, pill1k 1 �)rophet.-%- 'I'lle. 1XI-odell - J . . __ : . , , . , . , I ing, Wl1&reVQi* they ilre, allo*ed to �vanted, wuni� �,,�qo I zl.vi,-, .It to . tile . ,King 3t, ga6t, Toronto, , ,'. - 7 - . .
.1 - 1. ' - " � * , L . I . .1 .., ... 'dog 11 . - , � r . - -. - . Our Mariti.ifacturers, . , -"Pe'ild�t*tl C2t a.1 � . ...
Xkost I L I . . a)." L . � L - . I I I s, IL ", ' ' , , - , ;, , - ' : ; .:) '- " " "" . .. '' I *�
InatiS i
.Ill but Of t'�e S.V.14� 1 1 latelvVI. 11;10�)l ad D ' " ' �j
The Sal se of rhoui 71ll'hb()rI1 'fillivo tlio:iduais�of ,�,,i . � (; tn' cura-b e, I -Te :Us _� ' `J�JIVYL old, 'Pl(14�1%. �Oldvst . F those J%F, tross fsat.(�'a.qtie*all,v')—l't)o(,F; tile.. I .
to a cert;iliin point. - curiously alike, Pills - will '.'drive tibe i prol-Christlan only -too ",' ""- i s '� -
I ,ag-,�, ( o ',d- Discharged -Froi-4 file Ilospital. as �top. .
-acen' warrlor-prleit,, insolred ca I .11 I . .L odd's' ki. s * . _�._ .Ia -
,h( ecii thou` dog use ii. kx)lio. Lind .Iork tb�in-) Y-4 OR . .
. I
by angels, set out into the desti-vts'.(if teni 'and as -a result of my Owli e';�_ I lives. anttid; (mlY tOo unt-I-Itichl, 'I ql.. L : ney. 11ills With' . Sj?Iendid ;Ete ults (War old. gliarries.. - I have S, . I. EANING-,* '%�'A,kf"6 I I
. . , . � . . , . ... . I .. . $_ .. . ,, I , L IL" C_% I . . ,. V OUTING .
Arabia to seek a site .for tli6. Cft�l_ . I , . , ry NNIe � Q V it
- 1. .6bet'rhilly. recollitilleltd. t,ilotill i Vil )I . . , . ; Sa . ' . . d .
'perlelvc-L , . , at , . . 'e of .flu,"), blit.l. novel' - 'J ne (ujiabh.8hod)-',N0t ve it 1,
L be little doubt, th(II vf ol'6. , t 1), .''. , I I . I 1108 alld mot � . . ' EADIr-q) ,11 SUITS
I . . . . :f tilt- Jew: lef-L to .filnfq(�If and 'Cottle's Cove, 3�ew Bay, l4fld. oc t.. saw ft tiew, one, - writes a e6 I I - . . . .- I . I
tal of tile, enipire .of the world�". for this' .Vr(�ubla." .� I I . . I "I'll", . . , . . ATOSPOnd- ,Vet, 'Ili ill -, � b�tt 1, arg teachiAig, liini �.riftwbadoueperfettlirbyotxr French Process. Tr IL . .* .
"Vile , 11*11)),1064 al�d 'Ilepvp), I Q. - � b _ s(;�* .. . . .. , . I . y .
. pills cure flle(i * . ,en en C .... O! , , L
Brigham Young, a wa�rlor-prlest al� Lb . givIi, ruAJ 111j: i.-istull-doill. and � J9-,-(8�pvcfal).-AftJlrL 1�1['iug for I : , . .., � .. .. . t I . . . � . .. BRITISH AMERiaAli DYFINAA.06, . , . I . .1
. . . : I L . . . . . . . - _ - - ,-,-- .1 �, I I
I , ell. �rp�v elliow-room 1lo' .w.wild Ili 0 d yvars a Iioilvl(,s.,4.-,IfiviiII(f,- unable -W , ,Ak& itgo,- NvIlen t)�oy Ie4t, till., art� . . : � � _ "____.�__ . L _ . � . _____ - '. .
_ I I T . .. . . l&Q-4T,ijg.;;!;;:,*;()Ztlb-�T().. 01tta 1 QuEnza * , ,
9 rhournati.q
00, if ever there was one, marched ti, 0 Ub IeS .-,tl* . '111, !�.�.igti_ - I I I � . ,A .
. * . . , . , , , ,
1 I
I . .
with his followers into the ca'. partial paral,�sis , St. . Vitirs� :vourso of, a fow.gerivrations.,b-i- iwac- work and rackp(l hy.cwhes ailld pvt 1 1 . lliuqt 4-44 , .. . . '. ' '-' . "
-great Am-, . .1 . . . Ps, ist's . studlo, man -.v 'of -thell) , * �
, , 11. , . ,2 RAI& �() One , , ..
erican wilderness uall�e�, 'ainuenda, ��.ulftlgia, iudiges- , ticiflly , inerged' witil his'. enNirp .1 oz�-pll 136ano of llli,� phtvb 1.4 back al have ljv.(.Ii Works Of arit� M1011id's 11ollfloot. Cmes U1,4,:.eki .�� -...---.-- .. . .- ___ .'. L
similarl: , . . � . :'�' L �
y *gulded . Ill( � , . . . - . . * - I L
,. , , lilt," L . . . . 1. . . - . - , I � . . . . j. * � It , "
. .
and with a ,preeisely similar object, , tion, N -6 -laches, *ba,cloacliles, . Lidlikky. ! l, 0111" . . . . . . .. I hi,,_i old VoVk as A,�'T.,;4lVrr1Il11I. .. : I't fo 61L .711 till d redill, of society eNer I'Llelln- . L I L 'L' : _-, . . I . . ' , . . . .
[.�"t(,Il,donl:� 1,,.q "
, , .� I . I . L
' I .tile aillAi6its tl . � V,_�t 'too Jill- I . . . I I Lr ., ,
. .
The one difference I.- fliat, Whereas . ial luak(', 4111 . . i . � . � I I - solinds likl� a inirat-lo 1�ut it �% not -m-` .*( ill '41is slilllptuoui+ .ailto with one- I , 'Do, vou. " think iny latest photo I . ..
- . I L . . . - . L I . .
� .. -I 'Nrr' . to it �Vjj,q 1�,jdrl6V 1.)I,q&q.',� _�N,lt4 th"', IuLat_� alf' till"' .."'liblil,16 t.�ttq�� . ' ' I . � I 1. I
the Oriental leader , .1-ri il ,� a Chi stiLln' tlll"I�%L � ' ZlLng-lyillf'- ,� . 'I I", , �Vfiieh . :chal:a�,t- (toes Ille j�stl�,c,V.' asike;I-the, girl who. .. . . � I I
, .311alry NI"Olnon" , . .B-il a. es ''
tPo1Ibl(;,alI,d i At , ,
It lives Of'so . .
made s , cit -V .. * L . . . . I . . L 'L I : . . I I
� . � . , , , irth I L ' . . . . . I I I L
a perfect circle, the we � .1 souree of alinost constant arisemr, NN`VICOInP 01- All -thee t)ft ititorfL1,1001,14. ter Nvitit bill].' I)6,dd*,, I'L, erl�/*"t , tit, 'nat . cow� In Nvas hoginning -to ,fqrget Iler b . . :.. .L.. . . . � I .
sterner - inade I I . .I I I.. . . I � Wiloy *. III]-[-, ! . o ,Ive , his:-ditst- I � . . .
L I InAtations &rid, subqtitute SU01 1118tall(TS .68 tliO D11o.VflI$.' ca.,,(� . ,UI,(,1 .bl L I . - -Thisi 13 .
,s are. Some- , lit, .. . : . ,L Y L'�U I , . 1. . Oat.-.qLt this, Lovires't Piric,ig" -I ,:- - ., . , : - -
. S410111(l I i)l prane(, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ns .wa r S'. � , witice"i,cf not�, .� : writ ' for Terra . ' _.- : ." ' ' ': L.
I ,� L, ' , . . L � . '
p W(ir . , L
his a perfect square. Salt -Lako I willes oaerod; and the bu,�-'r in 'th . . I I fJ1'rjlIl'u',eL1 ',tntitl1XV. 011' I ' Jie day, annivio' sarifi *11 I 0 Ala- .. : .
t erecte *hC I . : -i - I IV nizalill. , .. I I . . . ' I I . I . . � . . , I � . .
City, as firs .d by t A forinon i Silo that 010 , 1`01 naxni�,: -�"Iiiv I ,(" . ..q he T<i--;lIilIV[T 'lliasSg L I "It, . Is something I 1'elatba , I . . . :' - ,- - the proper word,' Oear, rbp1wa ber I . I . . I . I 'L '
, , , * his first gi I 0 1 . I . . � � I I
elders, was laid out .. . williaws , el S I n . Rut,), -O a .sho%%, the J)6rslsLvhc(� what I�n,d(l's Kidnev Pills liki've Aoj�� 'Btit tllj� ' 'InfArketL 1 "' not: rl fricild, "it .is. rnfll�y -and trul" REID GROS --: M4 ' 0 .. .
exactly, like * *- I ,,, - I - I 01, anti-Dernitle fwej�udjce iliat " . . ,'L , . I .. . . : .
a ; lllhll�. , Pills . for 1'alt.�.Pvol) o 1.9 , . will, I I .Y. . I .00, . 9 00. V.I. . I . .1
I .1
-board, with all the'' �blocks -plq,jed (11, th - I I . . I for irio,!' say -'i �111 i"�oollo, �ttn'd I wil. st.opplil" placo. 0 ii, not; Tboug'h. A�Aorgiful'tb you,.'�' .' : : '- � .ISS kIL 'k .W. ....
Chess . , I w I , , � . I . . . . . . . . . I a ! . . . . I . � . _
measuring forty Q rappt,* - -0*6ui rid,' every I ti'll d to' te011-'th(� JOWL 1441.1au'd 1'.6 r I nfic4liing for i, , . , -_ . a= . - - L
. rods each'�vgy .; 12. ' ' � '�rlad In t(Il it� � I had dovtor(�Il with thi� ..falilily Were, fat )reak- ,' . I . . I . , - L - - .. 'L I .1 .
, 'and � box. If. in -douibt'. &AA4'dlr0Ct.. to -.thQ I go'nPru'loil - to Collie" v�p(,6 I till v .�Juco . . -ell 'fri . ", . (�Vfrl I I I)e . foro he. * I . . . IL � ..7� _ I ''. .. . .
_ L ill" ' I� ') .r.d aild -'a, hin bis Ili, Lover's Y-7, (Wise JTe d in t .
all the streets '137 ff,e-t wide. ' - . . .. . I le. �lo�'Jl I i4 i i4evi dovtors * . . Itor kit N t ., , ),)e� aY. -, . .� I.. ..,
And De, Williams'! Xediciiie C.o., Ilr6c'k-1 half of, ti ( 0 1) 10] ( i* ifmvs ��u ant SO&P rL 1 4, ), Dist f � Steal'a'ships" ,
from this primary de§ign- it h tiev- * . . I I L I montiv; in ''t1w h6siiltal. s g�tit*les-. i't ,,dgnillos�fiothlng.. Tha cook's owder Is a*boon' to X. DoMinion' Line �'. '. I . .. .
as' ville, Onit.,' an'd .tbe Pills Nl-ill be,! are penned Ili tilt,. Jtussian I)Alo, ,il.lfo . . . . .1� . , , , . . I . L . . .. .1:
1 . . :
er since departeld. In the, place 0� j llk)lllQ us jllellrable,* �,L. " � . '; first vatl,b; rtiviays, at a corfc,j) 11()use,- home', It disinfects ,and el4gins' . at , . tAboitreal to Liverpool L I - .
A.. nrail6d at 50: cents� .1 box '.o* r ,-4�X:.onlY �.6tlidlft tivo Ani'llions (-�fl�w any- * I � . . . . I for Ills .ixiorning.�oup, .. - - ,: , . the'. same , tirne.. I . I . . . I Bettors to Liverpovill. I .r . '1 . . I . I .
the 'TNfohaininvdan 1. C41i�h's * palace� fjoXQS for So r)o - � L ' ... . I I , - , ; '401-fla')-d 0-uldil Wlib ],till bi.tm rur- .. . . . . . . . L . L .
L - �, !" . L �, . �. " . . ("Nlig like the ""vils1line of It tolo?"Olt L I . . . . .. . , _ � . 1. . . . . . . Large ana,vaststeamahl". suporior accaramodation, rr I I. . � .
,C fial ., . L . . .. I � . __ :, I . I . L .. .
r L s _ L - ' , , ' ' . ,o 6y Dodil's Xidtiey. 11!11!�, advhi,d Ill; vast'A all-eare ,away, dm�,s our r brall dfasm of.0aiserifern. Saloorill. auil StMeroocus .
Inosque is ihe Mormon prophet, 0 ___+� r ' L ' L I . , __rhr.V ))dVon,l fol Ild a naniL I
. - . , fri'Tdoin, � r I -� - ., I , . try. ttlf Itk - . 'ireatuidships. Speelm 6tttkttJqvbag bet I . - - , � . . -.
, I . ,
&Ce�tenlple a gigantic erection of A I , , ., . I . . I ., llle i () tind� I LLIjil .� I , took. rr.66k, ari'd'- �vlfflot, the ghurria ��b` . . .. I it g Van to th .
* , 01 ;*
I :PALACE L ON WHEELS. ' ,� : 1"T"I"J"CIr. 011I.VTOXIS1117 " . arlk[.Ltrh� (11,i . I . for I . '.tll(JC hIlby J.1t till. flai 11I)Stall's OQc d Saloon .ah& Third-Clawk adconimbdWoh. . I "
T * r I � .1 . I' �1 'a V. . .1 - ..
- a ' 1'�wi, ior-�:[ I . L I r , :. . 1-11 'boxos 1)(qopk� 1. iVtjsr L111le to go :to'l Ili ver'and.his, bifflo(ks . . L torof esso'ge AB4 ILI parbloalars, aovll, to any xsari . . I ...
I I .. .. � . .1 Lit.L Crjt�s ,.()�" .. I . .
.Ing oil tli'e cor- The C r ' I L T�e- . 1do's 6� IICN_� fo"'(, ()f : , I "J:t 1'(�l -fiailJlNf livvu it drowy,(!, � ho's h - halt , I .. . . . � I ., I g n a '. I � , -
grey gr dte, completed in . . I 1 r . . . �,'21'11,N` 1(
. .
_.;� yet,'� Ttv�'I'6 oill, 11, . I . .. . .
ty years after the lay I (1g, 1. JIS eolToe. 'rA , of the ( Vowf),447, or to assso er age L . . . I
L . I . � - i-ilt �Mti6il "Vi)rk. L "' m . .)�( 1�; ips � " r . , .
. I 'r !
imer-stone, . , arl-kni Ili thw inna-vol6us fartbr, of ,JIIVStllf I.,; rL , ,r .
arr NOV.r .13eing Built 'for tllt� lias ii _�a I . I .." Y tti. . I I . .
. , L . . . ' . I . -i I all 'iter. all those: hoill, hitnol! he NNvill have�i�vastivlwt- 6.1!� �. � . ,I;Ivelt, tha.0,31,1trangttl .ThO" ][)0I&1XIOX )LINE OV$101. . . L , . r .
� .
- . 11 ... . L . ,�. . I' i .at L I r. CVej,'�ttfliug '7&W,siilt�,Btilstoia�. 11St.S&4rJkM"bSL.Ak4Atft4 . , .. .
. . . I 1. '- fl. .1 and J)rf�w 11 - lipighbors have 'ealled' .It _ . , r
Leadville, in Colorado, ten thous- "I .. , X.in-- of: Greece., I. .Vij)II.isIn, '. of NI"llit'ji .%Jr, L Aungwill, ry,:acm of .sit . . . � f (, 1. )rubd 01110. No I , - ... . �
r I., ... ,. -,. I - .. . . . . . lt�l.:Jrlm' L r - � I . L. . L _. r .11 . � . _... - ... .r., r .. .1
. s , L � . .. .
feet above soa_lovel� and the I ,-The ino9t inaguiricent railwil;N. tr ,a,'% ". � r .1 I . 11)odd,�,� * . or. e to 1 o w s i t 1) ot'ti-r ' t h all h c ro I. * is ly, could thiul�L; Of! ", �' . I I � r . . . . r . . I . I-, I
and. . . I . , I X I it 11'etv, i" I I in 111 -Aver finit Jo - I the .. � . .. r r
. -
hh W, xillIng . . nV_ � .'.'i�;or., as if illdec�d by a Ilistorical vu r ro all. fort I n", r 0 1, N I dll f,v * 1) I sx� a He,. prol! L del. of -his:own Iliade co,lyvv. ikor . _,____�_ . . I . r -, . , *, ' " ' � ' .. . '
its size Ili. tho orld, . Saloon ever cotistructod is L . L . I I L I I I . . r . Poultrov. KINDS W I . I
I . . . - * . tit ,t'.11 L C : 'L ' . . . I.
I L InIra PI "Pli 'I 1, , ieo I , 'acka0la, to livight, 1, Di ease. Is It. it v, annot wait until hen' .1 .ffl 7 ALL. .
rose in .- . - ' tretiring colil-pletioil ;ht' �it.*- Veniq -1 """ V ju8, 'i", . , "" . """ I j,� P, Q 11 n .S t . L . . I. - � I I . . .
. L .1 . r . . I ., tol , I . I L "i r . . I . I .. � I L . . .
A DAY bgrap.hs tile Paris cof.-r4spoildoot r Of is to..'wvtd�vil anol tho segr.vgat- . Tiicusalldq, or, ellred will tell yoll so, It b-RirupI,,a lll'tttrel' t&CIA"Itoul, . ' � . I . 1. . JL - ' WITS - .
. . . .. . r I r
. AND A 11ALF. -,. L .. tile London bdxpregs, � 1-*��11 rit" (Tr(litionies, ,wil;I dlot.aq, . . . � L . .. . . .. L ruter, . .
. ii,� .L , . _____.b_,.. * ,_, r __ ' L '1N1u'(jL'JgrlJ 11,11 lirrioNvii a,ges-his grand- 'O.' . . 00 I .1 I.. . .
r . .
A man shovelling 11,11v .. r 'it is for � tile t * tp di "'soINI'�; a nQNN' I c0I1C'%X%'('. ' . r Iji, . . , . . C. - C. RICITARD9.r & L . . . .. . r
ItINV9 I .� 14?qj�ii. 1),Y L S(�11,, . . d great-gvantlf, .1 ,,,r _ I , -11 r I , . And Farm . Pro- �
- Orepce, -and will cost X . 'r ,N-(' .1therg till athers sto�- D � .
,20, � , , li,
t" *was struck king, of _4 force rtlises . to ,hit . .. I " . , I, I , L L . . . � ear ri�,-I havo great fait in '
tit � tile eofy(.,e hOuAk, ' - r'
by Its weight and found'on andlysIg UOO. The car is forty -fou Vt lon 1. ld togiltbin" the Iwd . ell tit T.�IXT.j ,�N r r I Eggpj!p
I '11 _'J". as � last vear ft, .. .
d �,Lirld-has its door In,the'widdle. J.'roll, � e left -to iho bOvular, ' to�ljurerhase. t.livir . . . .
I r N g r L 11 IN121- " .�Lllllie. Od n . coat of ,liluck o%id CIA' way 31INAI�V,q , � rr CIUCO
that it was not dirt lit all,. btit lea lloosvniilg�.ftt011ls C)f Israel, 0 ' I , �re fier�lly, . r
I ,,Cdorm IIIJIY4 ort -0 is PwIsc. 'I J � I . fr- . * '�sig,n it to us ,
s it waC' ,11��'jl.)'S th I cured, a horse of.11 it ))one,, itli C o I
, , Ile rol)L ,, 01l. A -011'arcor rolIlligy, 1,4 the most pel-
n _ ' 41' �11 , i,,oll r he fondly rA,,,, 1) t.tl .s . . `o�.. .
carbonate,L containing th(3 ; i . . ().Vl d ('I L ,
allver ,VCSti out the rec yti n � of, ra( %vaS ' liihstvv's brtiakfasf, aird , 6 (, Honey, ' ;RIM.IL ,.Ve
ous. quantities. . 01 o _ill, JIt1itN_ 1110 InItfit'lit follirt*,.of I n1ld r a . I . . . I . I � I . , . I will. get
lint, i:tild private Alpartroollt.. Llihs , ,1)01,11. . , . boi�.Se, .. t 1 r I
This. was . oil J � of the Wng" foj,(,(,� ( ,1),)$ it , r - hor,es - that .. , tile 14)8 . 11 . ., I
. .
� �
. r .
, ' . front ,. te 1 6 t ,idP,S;,-.
1. . .ill -1 ivh it it 110IIIIJ Of I'list d0eS. JT0t IWQ" . . 'Lit blistered At a. ,An .
I L, ldovp . ;f I slight al ages%. ])I'll(,(. Ills groat, r P
13tb, 1878, lit the early. giornink. By 01611;c hlclui:16� bed toilet ail([ biah'. I 11 N% 11 y .o� � I . � ou good pr
' Ill ,qe(,t�. VC111, adhi �r 'kill will bo stqpping y
r , .
the afternoon of the I 14th there were i ' d ' I " I�PQIJ)t`,jo))J. NN -as Qn] y A $!npi.r1lC'I ... 1. rolfilt - I . +111g, to t1'e. ,I(. a�' "ItId.c.11iiii, " n. h:, there wa's . no - ritlig-bonC and . P _ :_ . . .
�� L lbrgrN`rbt;. tilt,' lert, L _J�'(, o th . Th vri � fore 11 - - - that thoro,' too botoye r 9 rio-IalJlcIJe,,%S, r . I .� . I I. . I . r . . I . 19. ...- .., 11 .. ..
�gllt�,�'4LIT 'ill L !: 'ILtt(, 4voll. .01
fourteen .. I l'ooin'S' all I , . _ wer, b e . f rill. -L Illbtivo � A al tll('O),N I , . I .. their x1lornin � r I . r . . I .,f .1 . . . I .
thousand people, there, 00111C Oil tbc* Y' grand *IL . I . I � ., . . I . U . � ., : TH8 - . . . I . .L
e * POW01, 0 ' � ind 0 ejeulloLd' 'to 'i. lVilite' l'ILII*'.(\tjl g, - r '� . r., E L I tRCINSOX, . L'
L . - n;p be,� , Notwithstanding . all 1, , I . .r . . SSr[o� 00�� . � L . L ..
-!gilt ,iteet. squa,rC, � . ... . . . . 'whElthor ft'l.. " at'. ,f'P,'r,,,I1,,' . . . . 11AV ,iwq whicb.he lavil,hes oil 1) ... N.D.- . . 1. � L. ;.. I . .. . . ,.
dried , . 1, tu . .. f 1;o�callod ailt i-SoInit i,ovl., . iron must 1) '6 little Four Fal Is �
housed in two lnlnd�vd L adobe .'(Sun- I salon and Wiifiig�roani; � Cue .. � r'l'ty . NUT 011 i�vllu'loll , It - surface hy muldblast,oi, otlio , , . . thch . DAXII DawsoLn'COM'Mi " ' '
brick) building,;, - and ' .t *o. It L. . I . . � " ' se(,Itl�s _J4nt0,nl1)I(,. * r bixtu . iiii.§ol�, . . .1 . . r r I . . r .
. If -re' fire blue silk hangings 'alid 'Coll the trill. jlrosel%�Lltive of* 1ho I)e I � . , . . r b D.JS.. W.C3_R(;)'L_TjX0.L I.IMITIVA .
� , ,
thousand Jents, T*elye months lat�. 1111 . 1, . L 11 1[41 bahly. outiluill- . . just -ail eve . ryr-tla- . . r . . .. _ _ ... . r. L'
,,, b, 0 o k" � NVI) 0 s C ' I . . I . . . . .
er the city as it now I I v Ili 6 , .it I - -t, '.L Jiro. r. . I .. .. '—....... . I—- - r. . - ,__-. L .
s. stood IOU L ,!Polislied ' waln-ut furniLut th )J'N� "IILJ)e(�1)Iv., Ow Ziont.4t llkovvim;nt 1) . Il't dvad s an, lilt is I r r. . r . . . 11 .
3. r- , king's bedroom, L and tile t . . eorm"potimled. V till tilv"v-:611-vo soptir. er . I. Ili, liviog stars by nalln" it. lno,j, d a v'�4 pay.w6uld not l)urehase even. it . I . -L . . . . :01cli"=1. S1.,&.X . L
ollet rooin ; filet ors"evokou by I be IntIlAolis it) One breakfast at ,,r ,,,,,,, �o,-4atr- 1. I I . - - . . 7.19 � I , .. . 1, . _V:m . . . . . . . . .
SqUiLre, solid, prdsper6us,:� served � by, IS .11 greaf , achieNvilient lIl.*iu'tlstIi; .. alid-send6sin, . " 'Daek Stars, Ell- An Ott g`(W I . - =0-.— I . r . . L
raCial I I . . I . . r .� . . r . . 1. �
bhree railways, and taking. third .' I . " ,,yInpathy, uJ4(l..IIl�UJJI%�dL lhot�&,ll invisible.to the -eve, inay -y o t, rantAll tllis�'Cottlltry. - . . I . . — . I . .
place in a State twice ' I tasto. ' Tilt,,' library, which is Ili the �. rvd� . . I . 'r , .1 �]" L 'I?AI'l"ILJS, . I ' I. .
the slia !bf 1. I N, �;,, lk* Viouglit within till, rango of hou- . , I . . U'S , P()It NI",JVS , Jn1'Zr.VOU A,UTOMODILE TOURIN(l'
- .
. . I I .1 'RQIJ '. . r I . , ' . I . �
�'Algland. Ikeiiiii8sarrice style, Is furnishodr' ' ill b. 1�)11 9iOM4 110)3(4-1311114 Cottle ' 10. Cry lirs l')T,. -ISITP,,S I � I .. I I
, I . . I polish ed ivafiiut, an,d -the ortlantents huft 'to fliz-ftitegraLiot), j(l�,rcf1tl1v 111 Inall jr) . I , )".;tir%,.nti()n, as many of. them - - .. . I . . .. .A well-k-nown viellue.w. arellitoct Oar, new'slwillgg.. kill ronna, inachin- . ' . .
r - . .
After inuch the sarne Ananher, too, I ft, bujit I,i,,,,,(rlf . SlifflItt'Urt, tires
. - al -v of broii,ze. * Moss --green cloth, i olice (ho Jmo'J�111 people I'volti. penc�oell- 00"gli. , no longpi- luirdnous, - ,iaust . ',I'll(, jq;harriv, and the cup cost Will 11 . -n in the . .
tame -Sburgp ,I � - r I . . . s ., Li. Alvat and very ary not Lwoi I
into existence JohanjiL. r 1 %.i�"JT J)S yv)iol(igy---� Vill - do, t'lley Cost his fri's(r-"julling boat (lilt. of old news- tow this ' ' I
.with i tion and tho, JeN it heat and tutty be L Jill ()I ogru,l)IIecl liothing,., itelthor - s
-ica sauth, of' ivith its ravo v1pil Itual prd..'Im 0f`r'()IIN . oil philos sollf4flzvol to the, irifru,-�red InIJ."trel' aw,thilig. Tlivy a�v porcInis I)g))IiV8. . " Tho framvwork� Is of wood, duplicate parts. V,or sale at.great .- �.
the biggest place in Afi fille .Valbroloory. Work, vo�vr.s .spring, -SPTing cusl1lons', ,
i the, walls. The Salon is, hunit * %�jtit . .. , . . I - I I I '� - . . I - �
. . rlAys ,4J)eetrnll r : . . ,3()i 'Zy. . .. . �
Cairo, Gold was. of courNe, the ma. ellee 111L the geff('I'al lift'. . . . of tile , 1, L . ., . .. . Aes of bl�% posit oil, iroin, tilt) )AAarhet- but gIlL tll(� ljlaiildn�r 1.� of littijer, vaell ItiltIlorifice, cost $2,50, � . . .
I crushed * atrawberry-ablored. sl1k, and oublnerg r . .. I .1 ' . .
gir-lan's wand tbat� ilalsW it In ilext'.1 t1w furniture is in Inallogally, Xv6ry - "-Jt - 1,111tq -tof."othor, ft, thousUild T)W AlCl that (ILIN'. bUd.14 b0et)lflp Align, It' is Abe: great selence. of ,It- i)lt�n;k roquiring 2'r)(J" lVgN'(is' This . Ttutjj 00co. ToroAta. , I . .
.fr6n, I ... , . r , . - Inig . � . .� _ . . . . L .
to no time out of nothingness, . 1. aifd h floct linial` ut 'ratiall tfrlw� uttell- flor vomus *capltal, stfjr)posed to ba hoat_iIti to be, seen (III . .
i color Oft'llge to'.VioI('rt'Js World- va,eflk.(Ors � oldti' Ilion fii ' the, . L A the lientitiful - I . . .. I
. "k ....... "_ I —_ . .
I ed Ili :the wiling, from the 'Center of 'otherhood, L . V product, o . . en"11411"'n- NVOI-ther.C4141, til'id 110.14 fW61"od. an un- . . 1. .
Fourl-ded in 1887 with a Population! ))) alvafting tl1v'�lWVeN1,1,r- Inge not.eq liHod oil no o tiler � occuhl(�Il th I . niodern . . .
. �
� � . r
I 1
all 'told It bad * Ill- �, . huttel , lit the N-eall, that thvi, Ov Lit a spood 01 kv OIIP trado'-9.111liOns, bItI I, - ,(tuah(le( . I L .1 SErST WAY
of 270 souls AvIlich hangs a -c-up elee. j!y4.,IoiV, fullibnolit (if th.e nlv;VvI1wi)t-,�, bi,N.()1.d'th(,jr L ordiJI'a. )It it . r L . old- l SUCefl`414 THE. . . . L
. , owvrs am] at or thati thp old gray hill.,;.. , I .r '' ' . , " . �� � -0-. . _. I r, I L 1. .
to 100,000. b, . = tile * Salon . , I , 111��Ightn In"voi)(I their 'halintp, Ivi . I. . , , r . TO ,- . .
1.889, . . y the end ofitt'.1c IEN�lnp. k to allu-'a rolb'Idy legally -assnued houre I;k 1),
. , ____ __ " , - ___
. . a '. tfie dinIng-rooni 1,q a Step tllrolrgll� . lit lkalltstille., - �Alvaftlllgv - without id8 .If tilt,. bazaae wallaliq did not pay , 4-d64IW0*60*00*�"(0*Q*=M - . . . .L
Sicle and weary of N� ' wor,king 14 Dr, (Itake to-bolleve that theN, P014- * I , . . . .. I � . NFEW YORK .. � . I . .
al' and Strife, wirl'ored doors, This 1,00111 is bung. a. rovill *of opfilin-oa,tilig- 1 h1s.gharrit, fare and coffee ellock, lie. . I 1. . 4� 1 .1 , I . . 1. L I
and old Viceroy who ruled In Spart- wlt.h ,late -colored cloth, 0 the dbmwastl of the Jelvi sess III 111011. f)(3wers-of,ilfg,hit, and i . 1. . . I I I ; * I .. IS VIA L . � r . .
. IIA131%)I(jered it hes bVe" would simply .boycott 'thein und � 'r . I . - — I I
Ish South America decided to bulld'r f with ,, 'a is souring f�oinv . . . � . . a I I .�, . .. .
V,ilk, gIW tile foArliftlir . '1)01JSII_ rj*()I' f,hrlitevil e6liful-los to filti)xfvate� I'rIIJL('IJ)Ie )lot eJl1.r1I()�,-C(J tradc, mmivwbero . else. .. That , 's all. � L' I . .. � . . . I
In What now con4titutes a portioli,ed, willtiat. ' � I . himself wval�l.y with vl,.donq of Colin- -(1 11 ully otlwr� 6eriwioll and bitbort.0 ma, ()It(. ivilo sll4peetw that i 1,e COrnl_ if , � . I I 81 . THE LACKAW 1 I
r � . I .
I I �
via, a, "City 'L � . . Ing. gloi�y 11 I WIWI I IWO aCCOUIlt by PUCIurfAl- . r . .
. . . . I ( 11 I � %. I
of the republic of 1461JI . . —411 t - . .'4 L .. I . . Inission I.,; added to the price of Ilis I , . �1 . a � RAILROADI.- . . .
. i4ts. 11 . % lall�0'4'. ]Lit , .. . --- - . � I
. I
* *
Of Peace" (Lit 11az), wherein men . I # --- L , .AVOILKINO AND N11.111IIIIIINQ . . . ,vols ojily try 2IIa0l:vtjI)g . I " I ..
should dwell In ,brotherly love and I L I � . 4 I . r I lifirlsAf, 'soillo (lay, to discover how . r ; 114VCST, IN TIA OFST. I
ainity. lie applle,d to $;pain for the 2ABY'S FIRST TOOTH. Is a lioble stilliulatloil thAIt .1% Ell- . '. .. I . lifyAl Aver tho rhc(lljo � _
. . ' How'$ Tht!g I mucii Anore ,lie has, to vivy yor. vour- 11 -1 " rivii tvaltu Nr n' "'
. a rQJIaj$,,4tIIl('e of � r . I . I . %", (Ig'."
� I ;.1 - . lliadyv pro'duving - r , L 1, . . 6 I Al m ritains.11'. D.11',,.0 10 "I"_,"j�"l. . r
11 r � . I . � ,
necessary perinis I . , ft. IV t C(, rR )lei r V ."No .
aild ! iga, " A.
Rion, and as soon As . ping. _ W6 61tar" (ino cr ' . 8 I (Vnoiee. ".U�(Juelllthria, D :11 � on
Jewl .411 , , altd Rurldrarl Pallarg ttdward produco. , . I , ' '
it arrived he Set to work, chootIffig 14"vory Illofbor , 1cliolivs. llow� niliell -off tile ig, . .4 ... � I 11 I rivers, 03Iwent,toal-tostuar celti. .
. the ,fow to, .t.1111fria luhlv for 1011 case of Catarril that cannot be Tbo modern range. j,L� making it . 0 10, X. Y. I L '
an ideal .site on t,bL.._b�jaIth,V central baby, sluffers wbile cutting toeth. C,,il-of Ili, (fll(�tto.L � Writis to Inumv. TIOX., D.P.A_ livifift
Alr(,rtJJ.V r t �-Urecl . y liall's Vatitrrh 0ire wav ovor.ywhorti, dealing,ldeath tot I /I . �, r I. " ,j5 L: _ r r W�A�.W---"�-" I I . . . r L
- . IV it L De . I. �
,of �J)Jyf�.IC'.al nin), F, C1,114bip, & 00" Toledo, 0. . . . .
-ight under Illilanit's ' SLNVOJI�.'n, teikler gainS vatipe a rt-vor- mvift flevolo'T mwnt I _ )JANtoor kiloWlt 14'. tilings th4t woro, Tho andent. Cook � .. : .�
Andean platMAI I - be J . .
snowy crown, her(�, in d1le coul,4 for tilt inst 16 yeari�, aud lint[ tilt- 3noth-ra sqove- do no I - K. .
I . I. 1611� 'fteiful �Ondltloll .40,111tillion sprf- I I I Ip.4,q , 1111do.1" 11i'%v )pe)I._uII, Co L
'i otlhl,� alTectilig babv's bealtli. "I'll is � I .
rose tho beautiful city which is io. . 11011.1011.41 "' th6 lJ"dd"1g1JC'd' , . �� 09 CASIL
( 1� I , I . .
I . o lit -Ing back till! alicitilit, %L tolle" Idliy))i perfectly hanorablo Ill. &II ill()fli (,,' Ito, lOgos uIltolfi , L. r ( � , of t . .- FOR SAEi, CHERIP P
I � bushibsil tt,ansacttorui and iWaAciallY I It gr Ws, . 11 . I I
day Bolivia's tariltal and Pr I ean be overconle, and the teething I'�l;".,C!l"�llil't""Ilqlt�tI It'. 1. I I if 6 8 I I � L
NoVer, howeVC,J,,L ride., t,vj, . othle to earry out'ally :oWigritiolls Aa4de ( gnity and pletilresqueness when, , I I . .
I . . � %,* .
Was a plaeoL . Illade easV by tilt. use (yf , . L
1110110 . � 11 t bending over a red- -ango. , M..I'nd Th �pre. Ow —
.1 rocesq Tht, ,road back to Thilestino; � Mr, by thoir. firsu. I hot I I BufTalo qsure bl' ' er, NO. ,1 I
egregiously IniSnatflOd Ilaby's Own Tablotf;, Proof of till ,, 'Polodo 0. JVAt1)JN(;, I I 140 I �
- In fact, La � . 8 Zangwl 1 lhhll�v, NVI'l, I)v 11 Ulf) Itatitral throno-roatti; is an op- . In. outlet. I . � L
. loll',,, 11ard %k 1�.,,vl, & IIAWAX, %Vholesale btu listIi, . It m4et no differ6tica . ,I � 9 . .
Paz, th(' CIt,V Of Peact), has probably r 1.4 by Urs. -1. Peckover, New kINNAI & . I . r .
I . sbitil, facingr f,ho everlasting Court wholler It in chrorda. 112 (1.10bo wolvo- J t I
0 utid Circuitous, told will Involve InatIV
. �iAlffiN, Wliotasmla Druggists, ToLodd. in p-.4 in. flangk.- .
seen lboll, and bitterer fightingLtIlati lllilielall!dl; lit-, "1110 "-N'" : "i 4111 i-eadjustillows ullot "Idaptilons to 0 . . i T I is throne it lilt of- tbe � . silcute or Inflialmatory, . r L . . . .
* ell cure is taked intbr*r . .1 Globe valv,0-4 Ill, llt-.�--Vl L
any other niodern toWn. 010 lit'ather of 4I. -C elliltdren. Lmal 3 Ilew lilt 14ales ViLtai gaillon, r . L
Iti streets 1 st()rIC (q)II(litious 'to N011C.)l Ole floor, Just. large enough to Squat A * "
have r(,gularly call truth -fully sov that Dally'd Own ,ye1v will ho1j,ftill" ,�Ilbnllt. 1110,11y, acting directly upott this blood .q � I I I"'arl sfewnt blowvr--10 Ili- fnIrt. I ...
� Y . Mid mucous surt'laos of the, 0110131, Ilium, clost, boside 11IR sinkil and neumatism I. I Irolk lleatx,1*0 fol . I
RUN IVITR BLOOI),, �� iTablets Is boti-or than arty ot,hot, wphun tt�llill(,I'(,t),.Iil'ctl)ittl(,(I, altil I-(,- -TeathrionfaIR gent free. I'Wo 74a, D& vory portilble furnace, I . 1 4 Ten braneh cast
I nodirl,ne I have ever IiPwd for the Ills 11111tVol," by UJIL oJA,UgkrJ8U;, . Of tile Muscles or 10111t:l r I I ill. pfpo. I . .
!) e()neIIUJJ's jqr.rV,IIIIgWJlI, "Ili, bottlo. , Sold . 11
Year after year, And within the Mallys VaInIlY P1119 al'o tht b811116 From the tini(,, wl)ell Ills iiri� Is ivell . �
I palar . . .
great Contra ,6, of little o7les. 1 ecat especialIV N!, wt.'I ftNvalt t1w oliport.1111ity of cololl- r rr L
. not so vor,v long � eonaAwnd thilrit for teething 0141droll, I , � starti-d' ho never loavea his throtits 0 A () t 2 Tron pulleys -430%, 94 r
ago, Fresident iie.lzu %vas joull 11til r_ ,s to w4i iyiilg tile Iloly ).and with 111.4 over- " I I 2 .
tile fkIJ& airid would advise all tilot)ioll 11 i T%o yoil bolif'Vo that p%qq,y 111,11, lintil tho diritivi, I-; readv to swrvo. -1 i 2 Tralt plilloys-321IX ;.
s't L Of lift ' . .
dered In s arIlly Ijy t)10113.11 r . i flowlug, polouliflior), aud thero rebi- "I" wI)II't d1f4J!II","J L If(' 11fts ' I -0( -od, . I I NT '12 ��� . I
L 1,111_ 11", ,
his erstwiffle routed A RT41r(lid altd, recut,1104th-d b- Ole i .4 Ill.'4 I)rief""" tw( h )1; s i0lis with JaCOAS011 I I- iron pulley -2, Mi. .
Val Melgarejo, ,ppit ,1,gbl0t,s CIII-6 all t1lo Inillor Ills , ttL' Ii, ,e-, I W40 1
,. - - - i I i1sd1I11111I1101 �Ii I cup
4. , w I IME -M 1 B
I 1
,. =W"=""W="="=,l,iiloavi=. � � �=rtk
I. 11 I
i I I
I i
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14 fteVITIal- d,roam, Ili, will , ,"ll ,** allswell-d Henatov Sorghum- W11501 to dr0w to 11hil, will i r . ,
whd thereupon Was hulnediately pro. froin which Infantg atild tiltilent Of till, Z, quirvs and that whitill Is. out (if lll�, 2 Iron pulle,ys--1830'. . . 0 -
Clailnod diet,%toki IY.V till$ hekle RolkllL ,voiung ellild. corltinll(� 1118 �V.()).J, toNvalid".. ill(, vrea- "but. T will,sas tbal tile rl.d"e,on MoIn I . curea and �urcs ptorltptly. I I . ortinent of' 11,01111, totli)
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eIT-POrhalrg tile inost idt'amatfic r ,r, kitAl axol glln.�Etntoed tatf, 4 10110), set, oil Alvin '4tay hollost Is .0 thtil price W440, 25C,i,"d 59q, . .
in- (,()IIJa1II 110 optato or hil.1,11INI, 41,11,9. :/Iorll'g� 11' a"'I'ed Is so Inlich higher fliall t1lo, pirlille", Iliffilstor-d lad--lil" sail, it b" r pulleys. . .
stance on rOcOrd Of vIct0rY 1411ittehed Sold by fill ine'dicIllp dealem or bY peot)rp . .11, Tilay be J 11glit. to till, . has onir.--who is, growirig lity to- ,hp a 1, S. rr,AV:t vill-som,
in the hour of defeat, � . -s . . price bld," rid ear'ryL L -
Another, mail at 25, contq a bov 1xv writing "Tho race wIllell prod'ut,ed Mir V11 I ___ L. I cook, and JVlto IutIstL ffjtell ttli 'R(Tv I I I I T3 Wast Adelai'le St'y I.
,Skl*uth American city iliat direct to the Dr, M1IIIiafns'�3l0dtclV10 Islah, alid Splikova has saill oi'llu,w, d, bpi ween whiles itift opposit(�,,, 0"*0*4*a413tbC"4IL1("83r=t=t0 . Toronto,
Waii; built And Itot born IsSa, Guay. (10.) 11roc%viIIV,,, 011t, . 11104saucs to opualk . k.1401flIg URIN11 cures CON01 [a con, 1,tL,0,o1)Inp, tile bubblo-bubble going, that a _ _.1_._____ , , L' , - .
. I I and cross-fortil- I I I W I . 43-03
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