The Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-29, Page 3MA tvolnPentoncy and etorital hall- or any egetable fabric. The fibres lambs In market always bring the pluess, if not 11111haiti-d gotAl. Till', AboUt tb olral in forin and livat and cold is Illy slituln: Nmor Ili our life trY and rubbing draw then), till, while ,rho 1103h of the sheep pArtaltes of certain strong alkalies scent to prol, the flavor of Its food more than that TUE GAMBLING MANIA iare rVady 'to Rik equivalt'llt in labor t is, taerefore, a of any otlwr animal. necessary that flannels should ba The sbee that Is Bold for mutton and sweat and toll. Never spend it dollar unle.qs ou have firs earned It ,,,H o u Spe washed in. water of even tentporture, hecatiBe it Ili not worth keeping It I oc Corrupting Our Social and NelTT_ Wrung 'dry and rubbod as Ilith, as liardly helps tbe sale of mutton us, x and It in vour possible. Itub when necessary with CARE OP 110109B,S, meat. or run into ol(-Iji. over by vor poor lands and short pastures tion or by progregislNe euchro party the halids and not on a board. Do Ainul)g the liors,vs in this Countr 1111cop Business Life church fair or by QUIN01141 8401t MS. not put 11allitelli OkItdoat.lir to freeze Ill prbare decidedly better adapVa or by at fi - than cattle. it, tiny wily the winter, but bang tbem before, the to Quince the fruit oi in a warlix room to dry as 11flistahou kindaesi� and lacli; of skill rilb, most unfavorable condition* Weitered according to Act of tile P*4%p )land of the IF, Of 010 941111)11119 and all discolored ly as possible, and thvy will not arid Judgment, than front atillberato under which 1311cep Oct" be kept Is in lialitelit of Canada. In the yolow On* Or others.. Draw beaNily froll, ()'to bunk Spots. Boll 'tilt, parings in Just Bul- fee,ding on low, maraby pastures. or � that SIMI't 11111-9t forev $111,1111c. cruelty or wilful neglect, An im- liousand Nine Ilundcol and Thioiili gal"t ()Illy, and that tht- Of di- ficiout Witter to cover, until the 114- Shaped wool irudergarmenin hould inenso, niaiss of empiricism, prejudice Assort and grade the flock of sheep by Daily. of ror�nto. at th; by thc, good (Ind the pure. DopArtwout of Agriculturg, Ottisr'lits-) ounof jllt� gambler ill(, Villa grace. Circulate Ill VII, cry way vor is extracted. trui % t1wough A, be dried on wooden forklv;t, tile exiiiet and false notions In relation to horse intended for market according to :1 is Ili health and disease church has been, conl0-IIQd its Of and f0r- thick cloth and when tills Juice size of ' the garments when now. size, kind and quality. A roma :_ ;to en,71 forth its eillet Of And sympathy. Lilt nearly cold add the quilwes, out Ill Stretched on these frames the flannel has become traditional, and is hanti- on, good Sheep will bring in more Rev. Flank lie Witt Talinage 11 -pose be not. "bow call quarters And, cored, and enough more ed �111unicallon Upon the great lit cannot shrink, and reinaltis as long (Town froint. one generation to un- clear profif than two poor ones; IT ed from tilt. fullo.\% it Ii m it is cOnipelled to o1vularo, that overy I others serve but "how water to COOL, theill. ous it lasts As good as new. Frames other. EvOn, when the horse is ill fact, poor on III,, 19, -Ill tile wutvt of th face Lot your = possible,with es are often kopt at Shalt thou eat Oat- of tile hiligs Allot (Itwous $Ind Call I serve others ash, them cis soon as of this kind lbost about as much as apparent health, with no morlAil loss. Jacks of ,j)ades and ollAxIllollas ,%till faith, and pea.0 be contred in a woode . 11 Spoon. Add,V' 11). sugar symptoms whatever, it is bled, purg- ,io-u- ago I was walking In Boll j5 good garments originally do, and Purchasing a good rant And using I Oil (Ind blistered; harsh djuretics. and him w A! ewes is Falruiount park, Clubs and livartq lire knaves becaliso Christ the Savlour of nion and maho for twery pound of fruit. will last a lifetime. - ith, carefully selecte J"Jilladel- "Condition. i)owders" of unnown the best investment 4, sheep farme teards havo become publicly recOgniz- him the ' Guido And Xing or your minutes, then. put, while h Q I r ted as the gaiubler's, tools, AS the life- $ucA - a 1sstem" its I have small molds or calls. The juice of Composition are administered, with turned can and said to lue tool. on ac- inariced out is A,.,sure system. It iu 3 oranges for every 3 Ills. BATUNG PXBS, 110 very defitilto or intelligent Aim, The fleeco anil the 'Carcass malio up it trowel Is tile tc)u(. ev but tinder the vague idea that buch next weel, I am going to wilLe t Of thiI ganibl .11 ssteln. it will it er lade is a nice Addition, Q,s marmg- Pies must be very carefully bake'd sernion. upon the 'L4 life Mull dP111,111clation, rupt you this side of the grave ex- cheese—Make tile Baltic treatment will somehow iniprovo the the sheop,. and If. either is inforior, wort3i IiNitrg? I ,ItI goin to showalig-t-I of�NvVatll and f your sinful And lade, but not'until (11110 thick, so or they will be ruined. To Cook a condition and appearance, of- the the sheep Is Inferior, no matter how -it 1.1fe voilt o st0od with drawn. sword good tile other may be; that the solution of tliot qw0stiall, is Who � tty it is to bring ou In-rfect that When cold it. will retain the custard of any kind. too long gives it horso. It we are to rotain the pris- It is much the better plan to' keep or is standing to -d conditioiial. Wletlivi. life is fie entrance, of every public race beyond tile grave and give to you all form Of tII0 11101d. it nt.ust be quite that', disagreeable hard -egg taste tine health arid vigor of the horse sheep In a good condition All tile not liNing how at t ut as'flrX1 wbich requires careful Nyatching to under t1te aRificial conditions of do - all good tile lialitless wealth of the trvasum. SUIT, so that it Will turn o you live it. if a inall In this ti-ack sallig tO I I,tl.,k clt�y of IR the seat Of thy as cheese, and can be cut in slices, avoid. It is time to, movo tills loilla mestio servitude, we musi furnish it tillie... much better than to AIIONV world with Olt- IdOLL tk,,It i�V is only "Thou. Shalt not �htlre.' I jelly—W4sh and wipe tilt- quinces, of a pie from tile oven when thel Crust them to run down a part of tile it lle. is it) inp abortit tile of tile brow sh'alt thou eat brpad," As far as possible with. equally pure time to und not it) give, remove imperfect , Spots, but do not is cooked kind ill() top ot tile pie is 0, air, wholesome food mud wixtor 'It cursed with the vilerva-till paro or core. Cut into small pieces li has while running wilcL g Collyic_ at the race trac4? ght brown in Color,. But nil pple lanib is, ll�rliaps, tbo most dif- tion thut he niust be carriod around of 'Ally latelliglilice hnows that the in ficult of all animals to. recuperate un - does lint wailt Cac-A tracktoAlay Is vun. for PRAYER WI-IEELS OF THIBET. ATTU put -into preserving kettlo with custard Uoes not brown and cooke(I In the first place, tile stable oat after it has once started down -hill. oil a litter d if bt )YIth- cold water enough to cover, . Let too long Vie egg separates"anil wne.y 'be kept, perfectly clean at,all times, to be a a itthp benefit oC tho To Improve any kind of farnit an. for nkankind, the', life 1.4 'lot worth o If tile A Description of Them and the them cOok until tender, stiring from and the pie Is spoiled. henreinain lit such a linals an to fix their chief character- ! ut the dailinjoig Ilifill0lic(l ( te,bottom often. N�"Ilon done; re- Pie crust, to be flakey, should be condition. - that if a man tays ten 111all Ithe race would 110t Uses to Which They Are Put. tover .4 istics it is necessary to cross only that . alove front the. train through mixed with ice cold water and kept 111inutes Ills. cl thing :becomes satur- 4XIIJ11141S Of dead tile better. BUt if 0, Roca ttrL Ic t enough people, to-milay Its it ced 0 and eb aro most peculiar sqcloth, bag, then through as- cool as possible. until it is pla jmila� types t1iis world I zi 111.1; tile glar- One of -the QbJects a thin cliec. ated with jmngent ammorliaval odors, through intonoy Investment to pay for Ills oats connected with the cult.of Jama, Bud- a white flannel otio, Measure �tho in tile ovell WhIc.b. should be quite it is not a fit place in I which to keep acterlstica, jous ,11jjol-ttillities of christian Use- land Ills blankets. ' On account ur ill(' dhism. as generally practised throug I 11- put into kettle And let it boll, hot, The cold air inclose.d lit ill(- �Tbo anialal cannot retain One advallt4go witit wool- growing fulness 111M if lit. is N%illlng to sp(JILL Ing Ailey a horse. Is it is a product which does not .18 galubling evil even tit(' bowl out 'I'llibet is the prayer -wheel, Add I lb, sugar to I pt. jiLlice. Boil paste 'then' expands quickly making rerfect -health- , In An atmosphere m6ol be otlit-l's, tile" the pliblio billiard write.%o a traveler. One secs -the na- and skim, - lie careful not to boil it ligilt all*(! flaky, Good Pie makers tal,w fertility from the soil as grain worth tva-litsinall's white Awl colloge loaded witWfoul gass�s, The -stalls growing. live oil Shall be I , 1 tives contsuntly . twisting those ia� too long. - Test its Conistency by have a marble. slab to roll the pa, and floor . must be cleaned every )tllt aWil. In !strunionts while bartering together.., 1dropping. a little In a P,'IR88 Of ice on *hlle one pqrticular expert, Alwas knorning ana kept ' F attening sheep should, not be al- -d r tilt, amouni of mon- while herding their cattle or journey� if it gettles to the 6ttoln, retires to. the cool depths of the eel- cloan, The drop- and tilt, Itiolt. A1 NV pings and.wet, foul litter should not lowed much range to run over, but h should be kept In a small lot where' lily which elianges handii tit Ing oil the highway; Ili fact, oil all tilt- liquid wil*Jell, The kettle should lar in warl weather to . make tier be tosgo'(I through a bole behind the It CA,�IBLING is 110111tv.k foutball gain(,, I is it Very gra"10, he range and b6 kept quiet, occions sive what time is co'nsunt- be talien from t Jelly pies. stall, and olt piled -tip there a reek- Caitiblit)g sIt it would not ))(,I bet- ed Ili vating and slociiii1g. Thu pray- cups filled itninediately. The color ing (Itinglilll, with the gases and ad- iter for tile difTerent, colh-go racultles WeAA1111 LOW giVeS 1101,11ing in return. I er-wheel is- nothing more'than a. of quince elly is quickly affAicted by ATER FO R TRE STOMACH.. ors of formentation. penoti�atifig, * the Ito Cast. their influellev against siall metal Cylinder four inches ill too inuch, boiling and'its quality is + W 'UAE CARME S AIt 01ts 'lot To Say nothing of tile Iviaste TREA Sport which %would takO students length. unit two or three inches in injured. �VOIILJ'S LIVUSIII�. It plants )to I . Copious Dratights Are Useful to of manure, whj6ji 'is often Lill item of It Ito gold froill the Ill-ille. away from the home -callipilit. diameter. Tills is fitted oil all, axle, Baked—Wash and Wille. tile 'quinces It some lrnpor*t�'ance, udh- a practice is Romantic -Tale of Xillions Vroklok (,a with cover or nar- Cleanse System, grows lit) PIT OF RMiltNAI, IT01,, one end of which.. pvotrudep full half and remove cor utterly. incompatible with pure air In .South Africa. 9 ot or so and'serves, as a needle. row bladed. I�njfe� Put Ili a baking ,aN- that you owl, it fo The babiti of -pe'ople in 'general do the Stable, The manu're and litter It lillilds Ito nAl'oung )oan, you tile ,Ind it vour olvn 1110110ST And havv..4 ,light t�() Into tha cylinders are pla*cod strips tin with a little. water. Fill In Setember, 1900, two iloerb, It I1l1IllIIhLCtIIrL:'5 It() 9000s, not seem so'bad when one considers should, be kept in a Sheltered place retftils lio fililshvd products. it 1100% -e: of each with sugar. Cook un- do with -it R., you will. .. �No,. y,)II of paper cci�,cr.ed with magic. prayers enti arin, Sweet the Average individual'.§ limitations nnd* frequv4tly sprinkled with. some nained Swartz aild ProtGrius, became nothing jor itational or social de- haye, not d e Iillat �lllanufactl.ired. by the lamas and il tondor &nd sery as to knwledge tind fliought. v absorbent, 'as g�ypsukii swamp muck, 'detached from Viljoen's Commando go -'elopillel't. it had no more to 'do I say'j"failker [(!it sold to tile credulous natives* At a oream-is nice with baked quinces and 't know, or if iisAlling better. is at hand., dry in the neighborhood of t1ia.Port9u- -), A. o f money? 0 11, yo I I ji. I! good profit— I and it is the belief of,' may be passed whon, serving them.. fact is that most people don Ihiring ese, border. Mring the weary march iiiiii developinclit it to ,,,(I in his wl For Avhat on't think and lience don't care. Lot coal ashes . or road dust. tile tWelltiet)i Lt'litury thail the Vast the natives that by stalls, guttet and """Wartz, discovered the keleton of a dill 110 leave if to,yo,&? Did, lie not them read more- science, think 110rO a of the. phutical buccaneers of , its A trust? ' 11', . cylinder containing these prayer'. entire, flooi*. hould be Washed fre- mail with Ills arms clasped round ItIayq it Did not THREE CAK'E'S. sensibly and act moi -6 seriously, then )1ad it) do witJI creating tile around the Axle- by. A r0tary motion , 11 in-ber-of bags containing alluvial it 'to yoll -lit order- thatyclu their habits will bo. more quOntly with plenty OF -Water. . J)ry u all d the of the hand a certain . number of Cliocolato Loaf Oake.—Six eggs, and three bags wealfli (If the, fULIFt0UIItJ1 pread tory, land spr'WhIeZI.plentirtilly on gold nuggets con-: with ­ it Could! Continue io f h'" If .At Cup - o'.f. butter, three 6plis- f tabling �dlaniofids. fifteenth Attill ixteotith centill-it-IS. is a ontimes during life tile, joy� of tile A.1- I The alimentai-y ' ieceptacle the* tile � floor - will absorb aminoniactil '0 ixbronkl his. Cliristj it influt. gar one cup o Swartz and Pr tbrius took sino of inission is always ruinotA9. Ever ture, State are assured to' the.-fortu- f -Su I 1: inilk, foul, cups of. ods al[M emanations, but When wot it becomes ey Is, it representative word. stomach or vat -in. WI-11C)I., fo does it to I)la(-k ling of death na:to lovotee% wbo has peTformed the I f1011", - two . teaspuonfuls of baking. tile dihinonds aud.'buried t1t6 rest, whit.11.1[trallslattIol into the Jant'llage uare recelved.and mixool-:-Is h It- a sticky, 61)Jvetionab-10. mass.� A und ill(- Nvilite flag operation.- A yet 1,101.(�.euriotls form powder, four ounces ofelloculatb (yr at tile rato Of Pretorius was subsequently killed, I e, All" life IIIII,kils work and itntl bitully converted by many solkition t . Ind 'SwArtz was woundedr-and takea should lllwa3s liv carried by th of the prael-wtlecl is':tbe praying allelted� Hub butter and Sugar to- 'gvtber, Add Lit( of Aill. Sorts of one ounce to two gallong of water, "heroes osweat and exhausted doubtless the inspira- limten yolks of the kiti) a chein.ical Mart Ic . of Ili the. abis I 06 prisner. ilil to. 'NY I 1Y. that Edison. 'Phis -tile Inilic and ch6colat fid 4rugs And remedies, With.tbe, view --he ills Of the Very erfeetivo Al odorizer. "When Oil 1li return from -India. whither G'kLII1bIhlf,r V1.1.11110t L Illy (Il, flon, of some abo;i ,ubb ok is. nothing, bore -than it I. -go S 0n a party tilt. a, 1 m inA 'Lit. . the till) and o,vlIII_ stir woll; then put'ifi' tile floll, �vitb readiing and. rell6ving t t, Wartz foi ed:' has Various organs of. the body, frol ,stable is (!leaned tip 'InAhti niornlyli he wa fol. P1111il. tiider fitted4lificth akl� axle and suspoilcl� wfiicb� ..thc, baking poiwdoir been to get. the ' treasurer and on M po)�rillg�OIAAIIC nded at a'spot 'in a . swIfjI-.N,_flowing_ silted-. - Bake in a ring-iijoillol n a dalidruff'to 6ornis. 'The writer. be-lieves the bedding which is, ay Again should be! removN ry odorate oven arid se e hot liess is it hellefit to nuililiflifl. INbC11 �1110 tr a I, where the rush 'of tj�o wate�s 11, with that Iie call give iio more' and better to be used 7th otm men ' started, including one, -the- t 0 s tile,. ,)art or the stable ;to nanTea Van Nielcork. 1)uring he a IIIUII like old ('0111111ULIOIC -tile VORPO Illay turn it at a-r4pld PAM 4'ellocolate �av '. folloivs-, � reasons- for.his ronfidence in the O' if to cu, 'each Of sug�' St dry, and the journey fi ,p Swartz alid. y P, Lit- and wa- 0 Iralieutic vaIu6 6f remedies than in' nover' thrown undbr, Leydsdo ' i Van Nickerk went,to collbet fir hilt A31.41-tt'd Out to I[ILIII(' I'MCC-OFs iii, for lAhe d( PIZA physicians, but lie wish ewdo.d Oils. world not o,tvn Ids ii" 0 mail, ter, (Our ounces melted choc-0i ,a t! ,n anger, near tho,horse's, bedd, in. lost inti'. Do you"Illeall to 0 hand ;not half ate, offie-i I I an d ,Swiirtz states that., 116 shot a It �jf - countion similar- to those used. in the tscondo , accordahco. ivith it quito,,too Ilitil with.. tilat.-at tho giiiubliti�r table' -,,oil have k1 teaspoonful of vanillot and.hali ernphasizo here'.tlia' traE strument are and it stailds.. GtiM the 'bwbei ounding it, and wbilo )to, was being all to A Cup Of .Boil uguo­and wa� ment of Common. sense An their ad- ekist.olil.. Tlow w I' Or buck, Ni.,, VL having -s c an odorous fitt ifing. it Van-�Nleloerk disappear-... son that revolving unctiagingly I opm­Chjp� rs o.ter for':fjv6: minutes. it h. A out-. wbo hold fil t),,,rea intlied miftitr&tt0n. Swartz also disap�earcd, and like �1 I it and day on e otvthesp a;,g(,, il4a; L ed,* Val "unider tAb lbot!olate'slowly, th� I Lind 'tile Before and. above all jbill.g.s., ..how., mass hIs'6wn 16? ing�s %%-lilt old Cornelius alwa-63 Aud.yet go into 61le pl. the ,, - 1:� . .. . :: , I the -rest of tile party returned to that lie was looking out-. to-dy� ayIng-VheoIs must 1ccollipi 16� tills oat)', dOOk a nillauta or.tWo,., then ever, what is w4lited is A .Clean. gas- work of rQuity smller 'ones. Ilast fo I, hiniFelf, and for IlialisoAti, young. Pon Alt the IoUbf) ll�t in a -bowl set fix bbilfilg,.wa�' tro-intestinal 'Canal, and; Ills Clain you Will filld manner tlie,7busy man; or (,no whose -Air, 'propel S' CHUB AND ust the town' :they Caine: te!Il tlnt�il -roadv to leiii tile th Ait wat .Iy used, iq'ilip, b'est [Alone. ble not more a U rvi : - ' . . �1 . iko*a across, Swal-tv in a faminshed coridi-' olaill'ing t, cises* is I i1il-. c0lit"o of thd'. ca e with: hipped agent to ofTect'tbit- Cleaning. On a Tile march of pedigree stock rorailroad. ill, A time rot.-devo, k - 1 - - ti, 11 cit apdol-Ing. tion. 'ITo .' stated[ that afterJ6slng was also ited Ili comparison with Ills noigh- lie �tllv Inonv,;v that Nvas won by. the s f- Cream, after rmuri'lig the cream, ver par, With th1s, ca'nal In jinpol-tance 'art, mighty avalanche' is -.sweeping o ver Ibor, is enabled by tills oriinal in- - 'from the them lie visited the. treiisura and liloll. I lit]. ilis railroads .t. Delloliolls. and organs of this cbuntj,Sr Atiantic to todk sarne Wairtolids� buti -lost thein. t2 9 i to enjoy equnl*adv, C qstoln, the -kidneys, the inucons. the' bringing a -new prosper� igfLVe It to and one 61se saVs "tbc- Vell f Loat the� nj�ll np� Across the Olil ihant's is. 11 kill(-. (lid the devotional eight, tablesiyoonrUIS oii;�vcet grated. inenibrane and. erapeu . eftliousi-incis of inen and up- 3kin..` 'What . 0.7, ity"to with lmpt6vedslock, 13 - mean h 'choeolat' ti " III - River, ty'returned to. 9 Tan- of h6t%TTAIlk Ilub to ti agent, properly usAM is botter Capering , io so anWn:larketinly, tile pOrt0d 1110FL' nten s fartrilies. Ills it -on not inherit it it given to -4 of it eso pralv 'y is carried 'a roads unique ineth6d -of ng6 . . eani-balf I ., Mrs. Iktve it a_cup�of'butter and, it wateir? Aftei, all. tie asstan A— farm� CropSL at pqd1greo. prices',,driving -Van Xi hve Noll on. Itone be at enruitv with ,it man rgkerk had e��quj ribs in- st nevvi sugar; aii'cl-. ilit� ,tills Itive and Plitillilative org'an and U- the krub'Wick, vVith.the ox riaeant to , it r .ge. than' -r ight to flu with it is. only necossar,v. 0) t ti 0 Prtv,', estitlifeci, With - the result that lie Tipped, Pggs, bo'. digsol-ved. j-si.104. htive beell. thorouglil ritisf*14. wiih 'oblivion. to, ukv not. "I'll a t tter t be e&cl, tly� " so- Profo�ssoir 13tirnett says: 'IT. be scrub' Jiusband's . body was ivitli, iAive's wheel of the 1, 'elate, ' 'pint Of prepared' fl6ur pur , soft ivate�, . t bell I f , I t be. still Iill(! locoult Von illaao I , not yokills, I -ed meit). ChOL alle edj' T.biillelt,wound- in the I cilred oind twis"t and it toil t is NN lien uld Cornelius ly, an, spoonful of Vilitfil. Bake' liocoss,iry to: adininisto, - clicmica:t. nitist placa-ati hfgli priced land hel-bilt ilitode lufNiolls of % dollars rot, to your Children; ertain direction Opposite to the in a. loaf and r bead, 'Swartz,- in t�IA6. nieanwhiI.e,.or- I e, agonij - th Angola_ the Hereford,, the 0111drel tIIAJ :,",]I .. . . 6ver with chocolate - one may be selectb'd tliat will, 1 a y to get tile hililst.if lie also iliade millions for Iis. Customary: one, , en. all the previ- icing, ��ftlj these organs and tissues ili.bet- horthorn, and, the other beef S, ganiz6d . another part brv:ed to ou. Certalli. 0 -cols. of dus good etTects it has P r V half' a cup of ter coriditioin work wonolers.. Jf you which can be' - drown 'and. finished foe treasure, but in consequence. of - 011 A, Ad hundt Millions IIright. I Ovc t, (� jlllt what inoral �ionis: You had no sowner toward future as* armsted ht.Plejersburg for hii; o it sugar with liali -a �eup of molasieg, a to allbw youi:solf L -from. eightdch to twen- ol to 7ILeollic �a father uIllims you wello lie nullified. Ali enemy are so foolish a the market Ili on -a of ..'jutirdering Van: Me— rutilit id at the of Cal�it.tll tile WOrl to t of. You)-' ability to bliss, will n g. a two tablespoonfuls . of to become foul, from boad 'to . fodt, tV40 0 I ITS, and be �6. a man of tle� ilulnit lie best ina Also. be injitred lit the, following i)[Itter. NVII . ell those at,() well Iof,the � mj�rket� r1canso. yourso wt atcl� before re, t I look money Tho treasure is' stated .to be of Uarda it tilt- ITonilmrg, : . . lea.51, -no' 0110 Could' lbeton, add a teaspoonful' of s6da, Sorting to inferior: cattle'sliould�' malce I wh ich. tit flie gaialiflur ars vfllco', the, TPhibetan otherwise. as t1l iflissolved in half a cup t million, doll in one lAiglit.1 equal gains for tile food �consuiiadd worth "Ven. Y francs, (it- wJien, about the . saine table manlo�tt than tiioneY� It, 'this Ir, cinnamon o r g I n . , g�er pideticet.. In -t 'a . i t6 -taste, �and they still produce it iiferloiv grade I1 jilt(! ill Wi011iadcn two rreitcbrnen im.-alls You]- first plae(s, a iliall (1011911. in"T190- I ne and a hillf'cup of flour. . Bake -LOOK BE,JiiIORE �Yi)t :PROPOSE hich is wort -Olki . . .% 10 a P. mado e thv in a shallow pn in -a moderate oven Iier* cent. less t I -it -- I I # of .'earcas h lit T rove to 7,od tba selloolil1g, yuui childreki's i s- Dr. to linpoIrsonclA It then reli C ft -W �'tqllg 10101il Ile lost at start? in life. Nott, I was. a 'dinij religious - light to -1Z) hall tife w hase'sintmentisacortAlza V, injury is 'Sought., A :gooil cake- bred and *the wall grd,o�n s and 'absolute cure de- in tile: fllorlt� pal ;teAar. If - for each tile t1kLIIIiIlg ti,11110L it -was, who 'A to procu P e IS and every form- of Itching, re Saint, obiject belong- Spite its name, O. lie lovdd7mlore than life the, inferior steer is produced with- front 1. bleedinganaprotrudiniplieq. or lt4ftpr awhile will b6A!L0'lIIt_1 person of that 'Indiidual but the pri e . -,a; the premium,dri. the better )r� have guitrauteed1t. eotea- 1 Was Stan�djllgL and. lie. caught -out 10 the manufacture ab. tilt,. ideco of Cardinal NIQzdi%i-iI so oLall-16vu a r, 1 1110 ly Ti eas and ask your nei div'' ba!- "a" pb.)7irIg,* .6 . -at TIO lll;,ST FOR �VO�trilq. in his -Ills and printed 'a lovIt)g teer 'is profit.* There is a �,cry gre.it timont'Lls ITT th d I r itting front ill. ill be ill.ing )IC lua'!t6rit of 'all;' a torch,--' If thb dough who lie) at bors whil6ttajoy think ofit Yocanuse-it-ana aiIThere Very, row people are' kiss oil her lips. fTerence in' the value per pobad -of money backif mob cured. We a batiol Mr aW, got your, Duchuss (If I his own You I is prickpol mitli -not for yL by... them- ell br,ed calf and scrub. The zII dealers ATics 4 Co,Torarito, 1,ady Caf.tIvinaine of Cliaik-s' IMS that.is to. Cause tilt, onnMy nnAelf lcolli't lust ill one Ilight.ove .it is not. He 11lay not 'and if Its co 0 r n ochise?s 0ant r f ho, most rl pains, "Aves, if 6illy. fifteen ininute-s -br half' ni #to tell you that love you well b 6a cAiir.pays you a lvoilt. o Dr. ment �all houri., during,. 06 day; Lie down. all:iny henri-, nd, q'oul, nd to pver.V hugliel-of corn. nd every ton I ll it iwill do I L. — . . . . I.. I . ? . ; . ', I deal 11 15. sought it is 'oiily weessal. r wealth by 1, 'on tbCL bed or. allow the Ak you' if �Qil- will mrry .1110 eafg. .116 is -.an embryo s0 41,gqtT �l t 4 Tile Vital fiIlle bearty", o Shunted so CleS t O' i'eIQX, and tiw, io b, anish . m ­Td I gold inine as lie Walt,3 to* 1) iLD ti,00,ccitt loAtf (f Hread ? A G,O-.A1-1r4,. ABY.. Nv�iuld' be ilifinitelv 1110"L hulilan for Cattle fiolll 'figil re'L ill. prosper tllatk: the other calf lie TiTak cc ity. Iltupitill 111V inol pe to gllible. . . . - I it" hrink dog look.-' icularlY a single mian... )A t Ilimpry or give vII341 )�,.Tllcht to 011r tivik-fliat, you will novel be lni�rrupf..� .-I, I .fjtIl pow, If I. Catch ye mo lie wo . uld A man, part hi, lit ile away-iny gauli a any n.iore '.sure much liettor'lid, hung young. A I way a finds it difficult to know w. 'at pool . . , ed or ubjoct to cixll dill those few. eyes It �;Nllss licis . I . ' - bal dren'S. education.an'd oportunities. -,o for brouch 6f pronlic-el. *qo to say when a Vain, i-11 Seeking inoments, Etlid the habit of Sleep I'll Mie ThOL of maturocattle, ofte )y ollered for I , U N IIA I i y I llodead mother * a . . I . ndplinlents, often get tho worst of it; C()Jlie to­�otrl. - A rest� of even tell I will sol'o'ets inforiae grades, � of teei-S,. of iiisp6ction. The lfor N,iork C 11 t it'minutes, froe froni, interrup'tioil, w inspired with the lia, itance, allows tA4 . ppy gered bAck: Lit Etwit.11. colors. oil account of their lower cost the tongue, of im -art�. and, as he be- t)test I ed , I I it nd (16 more tow4l.d. s0oth,111g. tile 11grves tit' lif It( ,eat� thought: of'�tlie bac elok quote frbin their tit-,. as feedorq;' and,(laims there is. gi in 1.1,e livat L.' T110\ belong ).lot. 011il"J"'ed anil dishonored and flat A .5 'i-Adoil- 68 the Bafe length , of tili'lloti Up tile. light, .110 recogliriaod, low 't otith -A ill foul, tiln proilt, in them, This rny be true to t)Ic F.Illiv bl'ood of a gallibler wit,, noisy .11ridget, tb6 houseinaid � , Father (showini. 69 his. baby, boy. I.,;,: in 110 w.rty with . the Intin who foods, but how 'at . do IslitId I)v through . to bacb�lor frien'd) '.'Well, wrb floul I a t 6 i lie ISI ac It' 01, tho'llghtlAISS I To. and flow, but who''ralsed ill* illight Illy suill sonl C()Tnitl0tiIIgL tt`!child near, persons about the man illee iieard or? 'if go od Sometimes sell, t of ( -toil(It ' 61TO ldiacu.%sing the latit ashion. The lenight It you Wltik: of him ? Firte'boy, isn't froin I Clijistian hoine fil"I .1norning, tunied to h1q,.s6rVant and inino . rtal r it ..' 1. hae'- mattel, is to for, her voice cryii)g lolid hints niter I'll', fo than th6y are witirth this ill t 1 re, " *, '()Illt6, 't tile 1) ISt -nit1l.re. . L .1 I . . � L Bruche t� the rJtJI:e Ill' Lt. (JiVLY IIOX tL I -,I W tj 1) ia lor : rrier�d �'.Yea' L very finc, havo, :'o. C, lilLte' to buy fin of 0 convincin All at* gunicr# in favoi till * of. into tho 'still( Aoow do f loak, the I. 1114t lie's bald. � -S I . .%j bacearat. till his ojhe aEvon withotit 84.16P, —glancing a�t tb�e it is botiter than a ankid. O13JT,.14C1NT,N) T I 0 1 IS, WAITIXG. abald boad--clilidron''are not atis- g in 'a V -caw begin inbidd a i)ss they LIA Ills stollislicd (ji Ior6l,L)wng - aa- a tbait, fatbors.le L it off :alnlost*certafn to br, a troubled 0110,� bilijurd (If coin nlid grv(Inbavlos tlIlliple! T Dthkfi6d nbwa4ava. uIll, I:l,givilig. I'lim .1 (If si ally clianging' no' Ono w 'Or of cereihnny,: the rdst- Vert 1,,61nj�nt Dr, 110glIS'.14 1VOW-101-All 13Y continu oee ilftt-P fo I o- 1 'it Vol I i (Is iAs a, niatter Across t Ve t, the can bidild up'Ll-fne flock. 011y, "I' "I'! ation drives :t%vay tto their "go'l of j -hour hould be insisted oil, A POSSIBLI-� XCII, NV 1,11�0 A 1) ook, so ill (01 Iny. life You le -inos will malce.gooWntutton,if :0 �VTION. Work (]one after- it -19 011"taill o I I() an'd qttrlv� oil tlib A I -1 imr, tlia Warnings IIII(I of it rebul- Iif,, a Ifoii,t �act, 'do t tIoW-jk as bo it 'test tile tire prof)erly banilea and Vifo Ing itwhat do )-oil know Ili Ifof) ' out, -a simade fat. htildsonle men are proverbially - 'dia- V at, lllal�eS lip for taken as t lxyo I * 1poll it, ilNou aw oller hNV,., "IS. anpurclias- 'In pUrClIft'Sing hilep to form a flock,* agremble ill(. ust. of Illy working 11 r(I (IV tl',N' ,XI)p II It. to ill' doctot .Tus I 'don't know. _(,t 1.11at W(Alld ri6c, a 11611 Ilassa Qollyl froill work. ' I- -class aninials, . e;L I IL, L. 06 norvvs exhillisted hevi0r inounts iligr a I)ottlp of the inquired: buy llove T b and day of Ifiv X�vek vsvept -�o 1. lia%�eir I �,PL asa fleytoll's Jbil ride one! e earliest �lways try to be lleasant.."I of o. -fillich A ? Ili ilIIswhon. tho .4 01113 Itit , a that, J)y ap- IC(Iop in, mili'd that th lo6oll to 'Illy licatl 1, tt, it111011 I I XV it tilai's it i(10 Illy fittir Ilquivl. Iliasga, Nou I 'k A,,No doIII)t,I ELliswered the ine'dicall Is tilt! lt(if turrying blilllIvs )IIIII !'! . .. I ()f VC'I to tht'%" buillf" ord(It'd An y' oo re "M I I - , . any'Larticles it a I So, sealing III lit'd 4,t F; ull UC�l VS - , , I.f I do. 0 of th. (Affi-t-clit depal we 1. tile, lsiary 11! ! lool I artill IIII(Wit'. out of ofilers from linen or g'a I I to sillbLfiel, his with t of full allil I . . - . '11 : Not Heal by itpIQUI, I! w( iol wo, entirel difTeront Ili. t4v I Ihe[ of ho- II( sit](' AliINVIII l!fig it Wl;ilt' I(1111 will'i dorITIN, 4 Illy tit. hill.) Ilotti.w.N hop CAtSr-.r3 It, toil Any,Ulaeraflon Eiruption o r Irritation of the Skin' iI Illight Of t olil ll%e oil I'a14,N' Is Curable by MeanS of Illy Ilio. soint bolk D lilit., N% l Tbo 's 9'Intmen C tIt Was ill(, and bas just tis ,ruefiswork about the for eczema, Salt rlieum, old sores or IIll& fliseRSI'd, Ili' Ilt;tl who is vlaillit'd for till,; carq town vfl-. rosull,4 obtainable P-014 M. is Ijr a is silhitvt lo till liot Ision titIIIt lago or'sidol line in this wholp . land 1111tt IIf poli'llf-ti�L0 drodth plil-I of it sivolon In into . I'llal- iouand it half. Jiuldleftles takt but lloAllt to sonic CO." In which Ill.olion ho it) is I(ertaility Dr, Ointment has mi0e It njora or 1Q.811 ur ((.Ili of [I) lit do 0 ne Icitiv.,4 of till, world. ci ty it.; to tit(! lit, haville, its own I I., IIlot I( I:ot, Indy .not be oxactl its lildf, IS t known While thN nintin6t Is bL f-tur of, Ow Sit V il)lit if olu. �0110 oil account of Its onIv lilorNs fill, inollill and flily th(' '14,V11111tollis, I Illy Dr, chase's vess ill, elfrin tile alot tollturiilfr if, and tit) Ill'il: fi-st oil till IlIgbif rill ('11 )on of tilt hooll it on call Skin Anil tho nioqt of"Sing ing forms of lilles, it is ids(l 1,Nt!flll with.YoUl' Pveti,the definite re iiin Scores Of WftVI in 1101111, for iIlaillit Hill gillIdIlf." tkIbIt' AIR Ill' 011(10 sof the Certain results the Curo , of scalds, bilrils, woun I -lo A shoof music ill 4 of IV, Clinse's ol.d ores, Chafing, skin irritation, 0 Ill hagrepreparation. ore foot, plinple, rough skin and r V1111tor of vietilla hlt�l owned thvi . cat of ill(- pa"t ('011)(V to lip tantlard thil world W11101 fill Ant -XN ifig R "0001119 frOatITICIA I- o0d d At (;f ill(, Christiftly t has If it y011 ally III Ointment, a of a ill till, oll'itillont, doo.4 lit, do so oil Its fold '110 ma wol ul ol j: not ratht tr, to 11 S. ; 9SM IIsat till dealers, or IiA "son, it tills it litillos,41110 for doetillt ust 110 & Company, PIlorontLat, To. vord withill ill($ sall' h.V "viiig "This 1,q 'ONVI,' , 'AT101 s'I'll., tvat ou against irnitntions tile Certain livilltlyful i0ax. b(tLeal'-torturing ITT I he rx goo(I JAS pro It Is i�.,cllool n(AV owns 1% d"Ill' As it matte" of fact, Dr. Chasers. portralt And Nignaturo of Dr, A, W. front IN lof ey ­lTow proud that buIldog calla acti;l' sneered Callo with tho tollio inlug of ()Illtlllt,llt is now .so universall U. -k -d tho famous xec(,.ipt book Au. out tile fitIIIIIIII 7wad. lilt, that ovar3f box of his romo,. door Ilit?" asked th Vw (Jealpi-i think of offoring, thor. tire oil "What make lihn. so Va e 0110 with tilt- Sloyo facc. a doAen with ttingo alid IftLhIs bark 1parturbability. gmything (alga A, QUM Is Sought 414(4- Lbe leprous POW he's so conceited just, because the inaker IL , . iehk� W