HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-29, Page 29
0 . I . . 11 #
. . .0
T11e, Clinton Nows-Record
Octabot, 29th.,, 1903 ,
11 ___1
"9111aw"Vap"41811"M - I I "I ,,, , 1.
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, _- -- . - _
P 1, 11 I � -
I � . - I -1 - I � .1. .1111 6� � "I'll",
-_ ,- --- - � ______
"I IX400M. N-11-11, I I I .
- � ...
J"KV"W_`"311_X__ . I ..
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I 4, 0 /Z to I? g S k I 12
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straight as a die, full of pluck, aa4-
sho's till riglit- all right!"
his temper was dealt by Adele AS she � .
came from the dining room.
. ' .
. .yore in 'r,
the '11 or Seedsi, an, don't you f
Ile the veranda to smoko
get It." .
I 0 C ft
Distress by 4ay an d night- -
T. .
went (lilt Ott
� will enjoy reptiathi.- these things over
Millei wants to (]rive me out ta
Ills bugg y to 8110"' me 111"' borRes," shO
"That they Orel" Intoned Abi'ler �
That's the compi altit of those who,,,
I. - .
I , limillixti In tit(,
Daniel. + .
tire so unfortunate as to be afflicted
it I lu, otrevt
"' '� """ " "
vi-f-ri, flying flown it) I 'I'd till I I lors. .1 round
salt), half. sitilling. won't mind, ,
, q? Yon sce. I)Wll want Ills team ,
will yo .
"I've drappifiI onto a little news," said
Pole. ,,you know, what a old Intoll-
I �
ivith Eczema or Salt Itheum-and out-
I. F
NN hich stood it few stragglers. but there
out there to get back it), and,'-- , .
Shiner E-ayn't pie); up III thvK0 11101U) -
I t
ward applicatioas do not cure,
. .
Their can't.
I I.
Avebar of 4
0"w"'"'-folt" .T. �
I %vas, .I I)Itize of now ii,ght over tile:
' young "11111'.4 hi -ad. A101441 IIN 11002011
"Oh. I don't wind," lie told her. "I
isce you are bent on niaking a goose of
talus from old pards ain't wilth Ivokfil*
Shylock was the man who .
Tito source of tile trouble is in the
� bad (lawilvil it glorlO113 rvason ror Ills
yourself. After what I've told ycu .
"Railroad?" asked Miller Juterpstedly.
Nyanted a pound of ,I
blood-inake that pure and this scal-
� copyripilit. 1902, by I: ,
. exNtellce. it reason that (118conlited ev-
4I)OTAt MIller If VOJ� Atlll"-
if That'Ei for you Una to mike out",
flesh. There are many I
ing, barninZ, Itching skin disease will
. I I
. 1.fA11,PXX �ft px0s., ,
i (11, he had ever ciitertailled.
.V rVa40II
1 Adiflo, Adde," lie v 1180f. all([.
" -'Ili to 11111 I
But she closed his mouth -with her,
hand. .
said Baker. "Now, I ain't a-goill, to
� i
Shylocks now, the Conv, .-
,,I was taken ,with an Itching on my
I . I
% 1 I
I 4 `1
,. . t".
I . ` 'OP. I.
01 ,
I then Ills cigar went out. Perhaps, his
I race with
thoughts lit their
"Leave him to me, brother," she said
give away my authority, but I rld
twenty miles y"iterday to substantiate
Cent the consumptive, tho
� 3
artus wittleh proved very disagreeable. I
concluited It %%,:is sult rhemit(and bought a
� o . ... . - . . .2 �
1011" ,;I
� run on mad
j balip] neto- perhaps, with Ilvi, fair )lend
as she turned away. old enough
to take care of myself, and -and -well,
what I beerd, an' I know IV8 notIll it
but the truth, You all know lit;b-
s ickly child, the pale youlig ,
bottle of Ifood's Sarsaparilla. In two (lays
after I began taking It I felt better and It
1 � I � I - I
I I ""Mm,EWON�mmh. I " N N W A " 0 0 PZ1 " r I" W M W A WA I -*:." W 11 14OW-
6n her Willow, 0110 was thinking Of 111111
as lie was of her.
I know men better than you do.',
� When Alan reached home, lie found
,by Milburn's been buyJnl timber land
woman, all want human flesh ��
was not long before I was cured. ffavq.
never had any elgla disease since," Mas.
, The Nvottian's sobs Increased, but "oh. I'm ro gim! to get honw,P' .said
Around the corner vame a crow,d or
that Afflict- and- Adele bad been there
up Etbout yore property, don't ),on?"
#;I didn't know how much," answered
and they can get 'it -take
IDA R. WAEID, Cove Point, Md- I
they were,sobsoof Unbridled joy, With Adole. 111YIng her hand on Allilvr's ex.
Young mon singing negro sougs- They
I Miller
- halt an hour. Ills wotlier met him at ..
Miller, "but 1. knew he had Secured
,' .
Hood's Sarsaparilla I
.. , bur- tonded arm. Then she rvIvaseti. It to
her apron to her eyes she rose und . .
. .
PARSed under the voran(la, and.
. I I
VOICognized Frank Hillhouse's voice.
. the door with a mysterious sralle on her
, , .
some.yj I �
.qCOttIS . .
rids the blood of all Impurities and
ried Into the house. . . . give Alan bor trunk checks.
The eyes of the two men met. Bishop brother," site said. "Mr. MIller Will'
"That you, Frank?" Killer called out,
sweet old face as she nodded at the
closeadoor of the parlor, 1. �
" Fust and last In the nelgliborhood OP �
SCOWS Emulsion is fiesh
cures all eruptions.
11 . titke v,tro of me. I suppose you tire not
opolm first: I I
leaning over thor railing.
"Don't 99. lit there now," she wills.
six thousand itcres," affirmed Pole,
lie's still on the warpath. What ftiet,
and blood, bo' e. and muscle. �
P ..
- __ � . . AC21CMW._PX__
�fTot�vv got to give in, Po.I%I1 he said. going to drive home tonight."
"Not If tired." said Miller In.
That you, Itay?" Hillhouse
Stopped out Into vlow. "Come oil. I We
pored, "Adele and Mr. Miller have -
been there ever since they come. VJ
attracted my notice was findlill out that
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
," you.are
Tou'd not Ile a man to stand betwixt . ,d
. yore wire till' a thing she 'wants as bad 4 tono Alan. hall never hv�ard Ill.,; frim
, are going to turn the town Over. I"lv('r,v
really believe they are In love -with eac b 1
old Bobby liain!t a dollar to Ills Dan e.
That made me suspicious, all' I ,went Ito
the digestive,'organs ,-Ind they
. pe.
By means of the hydroscope, an In.
us she does that place, an! by all tbat's vqe to any wontan, nor bad lie ever
, . ' 8
such all expression oil Miller'
8 Iga conies down. according to clistoill,
.you linow. Old Thad, Moore Is druuV, In
other. I never saw young folks act
more like It, When I met Iom It looked
work to Investigate. I
f ced the whole body.
genious Instrument, thq human eye can I
. good all' holy, y6u s4a'nit!fj seen
.6 I 1�v + 4+ face a's lay there while the lawyeeii
thooalaboose They nut him In late this
' �
,, .
Good boy!" s4ld'XJncle Abner in an I
. I
-i 4.1,44 A131.41 "
view the ocean depths and clearly dis,
tingulsh objects a mile below the sur-
face. . I
Fatal Joy.
� We are told by Livy that wheu'HvLn- .
nibal had valiquJilled The Romans In
the battle of CannEe two women, seeing
: their sons whom they had, supposed
dead return In good health, died Imme-
dIateIX from excessive joy. 0 . ..
The Americans and English, alth,ough
they consume twice, as much sugar as
the French and Germans, have much
better teeth. . I
. ±�;_. , .,----
I .
1� I e 1�_ '11�. �.,. A-- I A -
I f ga,--CT17772C�33= �S
, ,�, �.
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, ; A y
. V I
. . *
I o- 11. 1.� � I I, I
- .. -
11 Unless the soap YOU
1, / use has 't'h brand
� _�l S YOU.
11� .
- ki
. 11 are not getting the best
411A, 1 6 .
J .
.m �.R for the Octagon Bar. 245
tr,Tnl-� -- - .- - - --------- ,----.
watas the use v me try %.r 8
eVell. with Alan," Pole exclaluiedt "of
lite's eterntilly a-goin' to gIt UP WIMP"? -
I've been tickled to death ever since I
cornered old Craig till lIoNv, bu.t you
an' him., lilt,", sli'lled it all by this beer
. �
trick. it alift faho to me." I . .
,,Wea, it's don(*," mulled the old mlin
its be went to Ills borse, "art, ef ).oil
doll,t live 113ar ,tvjt�l Stilly .1111 make Per
10t a divol.o.", . . I I . I
Bishop blid.reaelicil a little p1gl)(11
tit a -fonce corner tarther along dii Ills
w ay I hoine when ),Iri . ;. Baker suddelily
emerged frotu a patch of high 'corn � ill
. .
front or 1111,1. .
. �
. . .1f
"Is he a-golao to takelt, Mr. Rlshopl"
-4he asked, pauthig from li(r hurulud'
walk t . hrough tit(! writ tbat hia hir
front tile view of tile vabill. ' ' ' *
,,Yes,,, Bishop told her, "I'm a-ftillit,
to. Bond two Nvagons over lit thi . !- moril-
In' to, move yore things. -I wish i0vilE
to , n times as good a place as it is, but
it will fli o 0111drou a
livin' an' a,comfortable home." �
After the manner Of many Of bqr
kind, the woman utterod no words of
thafiks, but simply turned back-Jut:6 the
corn, and,. occupied: -%vi.th her own vision
of prospcklt� and choking.with grati-
tude,she hurried back t6k the cabin.
. .
. . I . .
. . . . .
. � - . .
. .
I . . I . .
. I . � CHAP' ' TER XXV. . - .'
HE summer'eniled the autumn
eyes .were foastIng themselves ()a tile .
girl's beauty. . . .
. A14n hurried away after the trunks
and a borter.. 116 was almost I)Iln(I
,with a rage that Nvas nQw'to Mini Vas
Miller deliberately beginning a flIrta.
. .
tion with Adele tit 4 InOmPlIt'S flflitlCe?
And had she ,been so.spolled by, the.
" . fast set" of Atlantit during her stay
- �
there that sbe would allow it-oven.lf
Miller Nva� a friend of the family? Ile
found a . upgro porter near the heap of
luggogq that had been hurled front the
baggagp car and ordered his -Bister's
irunks taken to the hotel, Thon be fol..
-lowed tl3e cotiple moodily, up to the lio-
I .
I .L � . � . . I
tc-1 parlor, Ila was destined. to undr,rg,b
ttuolhoi, shock, for oil .eutering thut
I room lie surprised Uiller and Athlo oil
a sofa lichind the big square. 1)Jano
Nylth their ).leads sw4plelously -livarto�
� gother, '%Ind .so'deoply' were theyz 6i.
gaged lit. couver.saitiouthat,- although he,
,drevv ull'a chair. near them ' I thov ,?aid
no beed to hintfurth6l: tha ,
. .
I .1lizf.% Ills Appearance with a. lifting of
their qy6s. I . . I I. . .
Tboy. wero-tallchig of sdclal affairs in
Ailauta ,Ind peolile. Whose iiames Wore
unfamiliar to Alan. Ile rose,and stood
before . the fircphice, bbt-they'did not.'
. . .
notleb his .elutnge� of posi tIou. Truly it
. . .
1. was maddening, Jle told.' him self -that.
. Wele's prptty facc...aild far t6o easy
manner liad�attiacted Miller's attention
. .
'-s,io;-.g. Vi't, ar..� gohn, to mask and
A �
let Idill � out, It's a dandy racket. We
111 -Li g(jillg .to lliak(�_hllli think Ave title
N)"wt . a c ,aps.aua tilen set him In the
11woul Of Ills fallilly. ('out(% Oil," .
. -I -van't toffl,'I't," docillietl 151111or,
witi, a hiu;,.b. ,,I*,,, avati. tired."'
-Well, It you hear till the c1luich.
bE',Ils rhiging- you needn't. think It's
� .
fire and juillp out of .your SkIll, Wo
itill't golaR to sle.op tonight, .Ind we
don't intond to let anybody else (10 IV,
"IN; I 'go
� - 011,* -it'while you are young,"
Miller Iretorted, with a 11,111911, lind Hill -
[louse Jollied Ills companions III 11118 -
chief,, and they passea oil, singing
morrily. . . . .
'Millor -throw Ills 'clgar -away and
�vent to his room. .
. "Perhaps I ought.to tell Alan,10 he
mused, '11141t; he'll. find' It. Out .. Soon
exiough'; and, filing it all, I can't tell
him how.1 feel about bIs'own sister
after all tho rot I've stuffed Into him,"
I .
. . - �
, �
lr_--_U___11 HD'next morninga 9, scion as lie
was up Alan went to his sls-
I .
ter's room. Ile. found her
LED -:111W �% dressed an&. ready for him.
She ,was seafbd -beforo - a cheerful
. grate fire looking over.a. magazIne-she
had . brolight,to. pass tile time on the
train, . . . � .... . �. .
. , '�Como- ,Ifi,II she .sttld I pleasantly
11�� I& %r411
'. admiring undertone. . I.- F . or ne" y � 'y .7 .
i , 11)yoll, 1. found out,he was.uslul WII' - scottls Emulsion ha's been the ' '
I . '�
. sop's money.* all' secretly lbuylnl for i . I
! . I .
Ihim, all', what's more, be. seems to � great giver of human flesh. .
have inillrilited authority an' a big bank ' I . .
I account to draw from," - I : we will, sen'd, you a couple of � .
I I ,
: There'was a startled pause. ,It was : I I � . ounces free,
I broken by Miller, whose .eyes were � ' . -
igleaming excitedly. ' I SCOTT & sOWNE, C.hernists, .
� .."It's blame good'news," he said, eying i Toronto. . Ontario. .
Alah. I . . soc, an4 Voo; all druggists.
i � � . . �
'I "Do. you think so?" said Alan, who I .-F,V.W_r."r-,.4-,# -!-"=A,�rAl,.,-.�",Wv-.d..�-,.�j,��.� . I � .
'. was still under his cloud of displeasure ', I . . � . - . .
with his friend. . . I ,r eagerly
.i Alan was looicilig at Alillf P I
"Yes. It simply means that Wilson 'its if trying to divine tile Point* 11 � was
, I
i.Intends to build that road. Ile's been about to make. -,I must confes."," ho . I
qVict and 'rptendlug flidifference for i smiled, "that I can't Iv011.sc(i how We -
I two reasons -first to bring us to closer I' I
' call show Ilidtapolid(%ce right lloxv,", � , - -
I . terms, and. next to secure more Jand,. .i "Well, .1 think. I see a way"' otild Nil]- .
Tben.they all'went to find Bishop to for, tile, flush stealing ov"r Ills facc
� tell bim.ihQ news, . . .� . . i dgatn� "You See, there is 110 doubt tl-.dt.'- . "
. � .
I � . I I . � I Wilson Is oil his high liorge "Imply bo- . .
I I . . . ,� I I � all Oil Yon I
OIIA,PTE R XNXII� - . i cause lie thinks lie could, cf
for that $2,`i,00U auil rlut 1*611. to $onto
. �
UT was a cold, dry. day. about . . . . . �. I . � .
the middle of Jiiiiiiary, They I , , (lg(.), 211i,l CONTINU ED.), . I . .
killin' I I � . . �
I were g hogs at the farm. 1, . I . . I
fm� 6,t ... � ft.... -A'" �i- ,4:w,.r_.X,%=-,t.11�=Z.=.1.
. Seven or tAght negroes, men - . -1 ., - _ � � _ _... � _ - - .. .
. .
.and Nvomen, had gathered from. - iall t - .
. .about in the neighborbood,to assistAn' I . . L . ... � . . . �... � . - � .. . .
. the, work.and- get the parts of tit(,. ineat .1 � � The harder you. cou,( gh the, worsa .
usually, given. away in .payme . lit for . , .. . . . the cou,�,rh gets., . . I . . . I I
. such services. � .. I . � . . . . . . '. I I . .
.. rAbner. Daniel and old ninu Bishop 'LIZ., I . I 1 9 ; :. . . I
, ,
were superintendln.�,-tllese proparattons-tt5hioloh- s .. ' . I. .
. . . . . . .
.when Alan cam& from the house to Say I d91% - . . 0 (n Tr71 I , ,
+1-4: Vcv ho'" Wfill- h -A -l"st rid,Z". Fa .d-N)TMM_v�1TM,n*-Q
11 ,.� .. 16 ul- I , . 1. t , , , -%v , . enough, .Ile refiectedi. now. a .f. I .�. . . . . . . J. . .
I 0 . � passed- a ' ad Chriq mas ai),. imnI). orar.11y, and the f ollo . wa 8 daring . ,w,§'iiot pro�ent to absorb heri atte.0. "11,6a.-drapped oitto d jittle, wil,ws.1.1 - out 'to!see them - oil -business. .4'1: think
, . proa * ched. . .Vothing.of much to enter one of Ills fllrtntloll� right be- tj . � I .
. I . . . on. � 111.6xPeLted you to get up a lit- Jest. like he WiInted to kiss. ni it's., the railroad,PP Alan - ilff6rilled his � q:
A Course. ill I 'Importal.ice, had .taken place foro'his eyes.. . Alan would , , . I � . e, he was . - of
I . oly ' 11 111 a tic earlier. Those guns down at the so ha ' wouldn't It be fino it
, L i I . father,,wh ypil. sIgu]s'
I aracWis of this lit . . . I ppy. i Now, � imost I c . hildish . ex,citement: when the - I .
among 00 ch tlo Ills- piece of his mind at the. first opportuni- 'bayroom . just -,abobt ilitybreak waked they was to get n3arrJed? lie's the a ,
. , . I .. �
I 1. I tory. The Southern.Ldiad and Umber ty, .*veil If .he -was under. -obligations'ici - �,, ,Ind. 1. couldn't 'go -to ,Sloe caiiio.uii Illdr fix -
. . .. I � in , . p-aguln. nicest man In- the state dud.the.best subJeot ... They founa 'M �
. I , 'distip- .
company, and Wilson jii particular, hat! - him. JIldei_;4,,'TNllIlcr had greatly* I ... � . .1 .. - - .1
- ' . I . � Wele. He lit - Ld. - There, is no uso'(Ionylng it, Ali. we . catch.." ... I.. I .,. 1: . I ... the parlor being entertained by'.Adele,
Advertisill disappointed�Miller and Alan by their i)oluted him, and so had J , , . I ... � .1 . .. who immedintd, y left thexoont, on their. ,,
. .
aticence . in . ,regard to-thp.progr s � , � , . . Y.. . have 4 barbarciiis way Of.amusing our- ,�'Oh 'mother," said. Alan, "you don' t . . .
'� .
. 9 . I I r . 0 s .of, always thought she, like bolly.Barela 8131ves up here it I i ribrth Georgia." . . . . ., * Rayburn XjIllor is"?_ I . arrival. They till sat d6i�,n -betore'the , . �.
. . � . . understand. . I - . - Miller showed &rlalii - -
the railroad. st�hqule. At evory meetth- wa dife,orent fioln,-Otber,-gli-I9;. but no, , . Ho w,elit on aTia*st6'q ith his back . . Il.know liow'.io, man- ' cheerful.. fire. 2
. i` S I , . . I; . . . 3' 0 NY . JVeII,- Aaelo NvIl - .
with Wilsoil..they, found .111111. ,either. site was like thein all: 1i 1110r'ii atteu.' . , �. , � �, , ii ,
, , ,
I . ' . . . to the- fire i4till uhable to rid- his brow. ..age hini'll, broke, I'n' tho.old- lady, tO6 full 816s: of. embarras,41noilt, 6 ' t I'st, lint �.
. . . really or pretendedly lildliTereilt lvbout tion had siniVly turiied ber:,bead. Well, n - It'lia d wo'rn tbb .niglit b.e� ' . I .,. - got d0NVD '.
- : � . of th6. ftoo�,v. � . of her view.,of.the'r.ommice .en ,. gradually thrOv,1:1101.11.0ir ,Ind " . I
. . . �
One T0114.r . � - e . His,con,ce 'he told them� - as soon as. lie had a chanod be �wouhf, I fore. - ] , , *� '. . '�* - . I . 'i . q to'.hEirk to the niatter.4n. hana.quitti with his I .
'r I . 'to his "She alb!t no fool, son. I .
. -th s me - . . I . I I . .. ' I I. I She'l I . I . I . .. . . . . . � I
. . . wa busy In other Arters, and Ile t0l he� ii few things about Miller and "Oh, I reckon you've, got too citifl6d , - :, diffice'niamier I . . .
W$Rk�lizmlva"7wl�-l'.1,11,11,11� .V_vWa=�%VWA . . . . * ' is. 'vie w's'' . of women. Tbt . it Would I put .'k . . . twist I)IM around her.' finger it site ' I ..
. � iK
- X "I : ---,.---.. -th would� h * . .,I've 'gqt.,'� propositicib to make to' ' ,�
. really did not know what. V . . I r us,", he said, "along with Other aq- 'wanti to. She's pretty, And- stylfsh;gnd ' . 11 . , , , )I. - "
. � - 6 . 11 .
. finally do about it. : . 1. ., . hei� ' on lier guar4., . but *Jt would' pot- cilinpilshutents -th�at fast set, down- � as shalrp'as it br � !or, �.Ah, lie's jeft Seell* you, Ali..Bliilioi), . be..opened. tip, -wit
. .
. . . � � I -a slight flush'on his face. "I've-bven ,
Alplil"SISION.i, ;k tilolithly. joll, "He can't pull. the wool over Ply - draw but'the poisoned -sting left -by 'there has taught y6u." - . '... %,,_, , IV Is. 41 1 :
I I � 1) . I . . . . i . . At, 1111 11)3"p want r. Ou,Cftn. vo... . I I 1'"'i . --1, .--. - I I ,I 11. .
I mil of hil'ill".148 It eyes, Miller told Ills friend after one Miller's. presumption, or, indolicacy or 4delelaid ber book open on her la:p. I making. some biquirlds about Wilson, ' - _;- -�. �.. -1. I I .
m4ing iiien . . . . � . me! I knPli h6.;V�7peoijJle'llet when they . . . . � ,. P ... - - - .,.,�_ I - 1� ''..I - , - . .1
� . - � ' of those lnterv'lew.&. "He simply thinks , whatever ftwiis. Alan rose and stood- . . "Look, borc,. Alan,'! she said, quife in. lovd� Vve sdei).*�un'iir'ods,'aiid I '#nd-l. Am more and.' more co,uvillaxl . :. . .. . . � .1
. � , . .are I - . , �
:1110 NklfitIl'..dtlril)g tile, yv�tr. Ild cali7freeze. yon -out by holkllug'Off *af, the: fire � unnoticed for � several In.in- - * I " . , I . I I , 11 . . 1. th' t "he intends to � freeze 'us. out� Or - - I . I ,� 1. . .
1. I . . � gravey, wliat'stht,;ib.dttdwit.h,yo",u?". . - ' . a � I I I.. . � 1. .1 � -
. . , . never saV w w6rse Pase, on both sides,.-.: are, . . I.. I - I . . 1, I . . �
. . . - till you buxe, to rk1se molley�ll * :, . nt6s �and then lie sfiowed�that he was .' � ` - I .1 . . you, rathiir-�-by bolding off till you .' . . -0 .
� . , . t , . . . � "Nothing that. I .know of," be said,. than this Js!" , - I . I . . * niT h � . . . . . . � I % - " ev :
giv&s a i , to-migh treatirient, of .tit -He . may - bave Inquired' Into., my.. '.Itledsta good -chapi6rqn, for lie reached . vithout meeting her direct gaz6. . I . ' . . � bbllged t6 sell your propertyfor.a I c '. .
I - '' .. . . - N1 . 1. . . . . , armff.6. . * *
. Goilig'around ,.to the stables to .see ... I
. . * � ' �,I'Vell, there J.�," she said, as' the out- I . . . � � lower figbre.-Aban You -now ask him for I . .. I � . ,
. : father's financlal coliditloon," suggested out and drew. the 61d fashioned ,bell . . . . I . .
din't-ient 1.ha.�es of advertising, - wi Alan, with a l6lig.face I.._ . ,� . .. ... .. . . � . thtrt his.h.orses-wereproPerly attended. - * I � -1 . I. . .1 .. .. I I 41) I
. I .. . . . . I .. I me. of he -slo Jnspection 6f.h.1 I . . . I It.41 * . -1
. . . . . : . . . - cot r w * . 9 � -t 't h!i;*iancle leaning,qver the � . . .1 I .. . - A . . ..
'Wost likely," replied the lawyer..- - - � . - a ... I . . ..
lie set, to 'lly addi-e-, ill cilllvda,( I . , clouded - fe tures.. . � 1. . on think so?'� grunted 331shop, In . , or -111 P ,
. . . I . . OP Alanmo .; .41Y . . . . . Ili.- � � � - F ', Pr Of 11grL 4.,� d. ...
i "'And . discovered �xactly. wbere we, ,. . . . I . . I . � I . . . . , rail, ` fence looking - admiringly at a' .long. face.. - . ... . . , % ., i - . . .. I ..:. .. . .. . . ..
. . I . . . . . . . � . � . . . He shrugged his shoulders and. gave - - O'Dit that was prg-ricl g a ' rid. : frig, a . � . . . . . .
- . .. . I . I . . . . , young in rou . - . .
t.11(- 1Toi(_.tI 8l1jLt.s for One Dt)l.l;Li . .sfhnd.$' . . .. I . � . . 1�. . ,,or lils-eyes steidily... .. ., .. - .. . . . . .. .. I . . . . 1. : "Yes., .but what I. *n,o.N�.- want, to do is .. ri.ver� Faritier.should :keep . . . ,,
. . I . . . . � . I . . . . . the lot. '. � . . �., .. . � I . . � . . . . , . 11 . .
. "I don't like tile way you. and Miller ' �Vhvlstnia . 9 . gift," ,said . to'show'him indirectly that -we are I . ii- .. 9, hree-wo-rds.cod Y. .
. � I �Irjorh, . , mall . � ill I .
'011(l VVf,lt,S - IL L-11 . o)l'0V,C0I . lips, but, we most not... believe . � 4 I I � . . � ". t4p� old , . *.. . . . . es t stantl . I . . I
that till '110NV . - .. "I . . , - . in inind.and
S t(Ill fol .)� I Aye It �` it. I'm going to try . . 1# .a're carrying on." . Ile hurled the wordsr suddoill�. . -ketched you. that *tillic . deiibndciit of, 111m." I coliduct. his farm
. � , , . . . . . .
I It know - how, , I . mow him . . . . . "Unit!" eja ulated Blshop,a even lliore j . . - .
. I .;to elleckitititd film. -I don . 1V sullenly. "You see, 11 . I . . � I .. I . c . . . . .1.
. , ' � � at:her I I .. . sllorc.pop." , , . I I I.. a 1. I . . . . I on strict business principlesi . � . .
I(. %vAl h. ovvith ;I dollol. to ytiti. but I'll thluk.of something.', Ile feels : .. through, and through." . I.. I .1 11 I . . � I . .. . . - -! I r- , . I . I.
I '. . dejecte 1Y. "Flub ,ay!"- ' ' -
I . . .. I . I- Yes, you.got ahead of 4no,'.I.Alau ad .1 - . . I Guess -work. and haoliazard' . I
, . .
,that Ile llas tile IlIiper-hafid uoir''but . 70 . '"Well,'thaVs hiI.rJghi;'P`.s�e.rep1ldd,- illitted. - I 1. . I I : . : - I - I . I 1i . . I I . I I . . I .1 .
I . .1 � I . I .1 . . .. I ,� . - . . I . . . . methods are no longer -Used by - - .-
�.osi itivi some - of tile' Se - day.4.1, . . � not flinching' from big, indignant -stare- - ----) � 1. . .. . I
. . I _-7. 7_'___-"__ �. ; . I . . , I . I
. . I . - . . - The� Old -ma-ri.,.cpame near,or to him, � I .. . .. . � . te f�r".: . .
I illyl P FRZESS IONS '-.I'll 'lite' , I 1. , .. .��..
. Afan,s-love affair had.also bben drag- . I . I I . . � . i . : 4ticcessful .and up -to -4a
. . i . . . � , .
. � . . . .1 ".but what's that got to do -with MY .. nroddin'g. ..Itig ho&d toward the 'house. . I . � .. , 11 .. .. . I . . I I .
. . . I . . . . 0 . . " ' . . 11� �
. ging., - Ila., hat!, bail-'numerotis, assur-. . I c6nduct and his?" ' � , '. * '. .. . . ., k - �- mers. . � - I q . , �.
. . . . . � .. P � I'Hoerd ttie..news?ll he asked. with .V, - . . . " � 1. .
I � I
t . . � ; ng THJ,; WrEKLY. , .
St. Catharines, - Ontarl. . ances of Dolly's constancy, ,but hor .. I . . I "You. -allow him to be too familIttr brodd grin of OoliAt. ., . . . UPS in the: Bad .� - - , r , By readi ' ,
. I . . 11 � I . . . . . � .
. . I r es'es had. lioe.11- opened to; the serious- .with You d.- '!Ile's not the . I'Wliat newfA is tliltt?i'�Alan asked I duw . ' . " ' .. . StTx-, . the Farmer's, Busilless . .. 1. �
, . . . I . . .,
.1 .-_'-1._ 0"Mmi ifess Of ol"Lunditig Colonel Barelay..$4e , � . ... .-to act that . . P . . . I . " I '
. , . . . aperi, you will get the vey:y- - .. - - - .
I . I . - ___ . . .kind of:a'i3lan .for y6u.to sly.. . ... . . . .f i Twenty' YOU'S . P, . :=.. � .
I � biou. � P P a . . . . . '
.. I ew-Alvit bor marriage'against , way with'. -'He has flirted with a, doze . . , . I; .. . . ..
. . I now ku I . ".. Iii"Yorthi MIssII_a.tjam.d',gIvcn Adele C.tiid' not thrit av4r: ln'bed'�-Kldneysi aud . atest and. most,,' accu rate . in- . .
, . . . - ' . I * � . � I,' J . . . . I - .
. .
-,,7;,-� - I .111.4 'will. would cause I= Imip�dlato � � .. n iind ' t�roivu them over; ho - bv Jlib ii&woes ,Ind � sonieffilleg. w,wil.: - - bladder affectod-experlented great::. . formation I regarding you� busi- - - ' .
r� .. .- 7 v,51-1-4 V-_ . . I I ' Wome , I .
. . - . . I .
, - -_ -1tance, and Khe was too sciml- I I . � I . . . . . . �
_ - _�_, . divdnbca I is - love pf a ' , , ; : 1. . . sufferIng. , . . liess. . - . .-. . � . �
!. , . doesn: t believe Ili the hQnt,t ' jestingly, . the' fallillyt--lIxoting� �)Ilss - - - . . � . . . . .
" - - . ble it girl.to V"Ant,ta g O' n ivitli- manfor,ii.wonlaDdi the 4ove has knocked the props clean frow under , Is mark�t re -
.; ..;�- -_ . 6 t -Ala - I . of.a wo- b; Z)Id- pe9ple'lealn � to. .trust in Dr. ChasePi
I Ottir Headache . I I ' .. . W .. � .. .. .. 2 . . ri�l . . . 11 I . . 111dneyj,Li�cr-JIilIs, for When all other. treat- . i ,; *Tfit SuN . . . � I Ports . - � . � ::. .
� outa-dolla, lie'doorq of hor � P man, for a man. , , . . ,. , I: , . ��. . - . '
.. I . .
! - 1111" "'it" t. - , ; . . .. M.Jll(! . � I 1. .1 , : thi �.Iftedici`ne seemi 10� 90. -, are worth -maiiy tim, 69 the s 4b -
fioI)lv:-(,lO-c&aga!�Iqt hi , �, . . . I I � . me�.ts 'il I ., at
� Ctirinp ,Re6bfd , I . " . " * , . -
, In Tleside.'s, she -1 . . . �!Ub, I�qm:ttt tho.fIrst.ofthW!'I Adele � . I . . . . ,.. � ,.: .
! I-Itindreds have been I. 1. I . I 1. . . . � . . I � ..Alan -frown'cd.and hung his 11,61a d.. for , I directly,.to t , ise4sed, part,' and. prquip�ly I I . . - I .. .
, ) frc:d frorn persistent . 6oll'oved in Alan'�,, flittire. Slio. . soine� - . I .Instead of being put doWA.Pby his . ' . . I .. 1. I I .�cription peice to you., ,, I ,�* ,I .. , ,.
11 J
-a wililient; then ho said:, . . . I , . �.
I /,J � - . L . . , � �� - , a .. . . I I I I I . .
i , dii,ches b.X our . llov� had 111010 61th -In tile .rall�oad, I . . . stormy, 'V�oids, was suillin.- Inwardly.' I I I � . I.. . affords relie an icure ' r cr' i �
R f", I.,-elentifically fitted . . I , � I I , , . "Unqle Abo'do. you Xemember whaf*. ' .NTU,-I)A'VII5*�IIS'B,;Pi,f�riner,PoitRbbin. � E very Va ni n Canada :* - .
iI I . I Lilan ap�-*otlttn- lii-,vrvstLd ppi;qon., She . . . . . . � . . . - � I.
"e" .. . I I . . . ..- : . Her lips were -rIgld,. but Altin.saw, Millet's*oJilulon oflove -.w'n, NVolland County,' Ontario; � wrItcs-.1-"1.- . qll6ultl -realize o full valu'e'of. '
1�il I (Vtsen we undertpk& � I ,. . the ,. 1'.'told you about . ill .
,4 cure headmche wii . know, I too�, ,that she W."is'.130")v .1110170 I I _� - I � . -light of keeif amusement In her eyes. . ' " ,. . . I . -ad ,A . . . ,.� 5 ' tlie.9crv`ice'Tx't Sux has keti- . ., .
4 . . . . I . . . - . 1. . . ... I and wome.n In general?". , . wish to state to you that � 1, h pain in MY I
I . .
1. 'I . It .r refund the, - .. . vIw--eIy.,.Nvntel;(fd tbaii.' fdruierly. ShO . "Is. be really *so, dangerous? - That I . The old nian saw 111's dri . ft -and, burst - P back ancl left side f6i over twenty ),,cars. . At . . I , , L ' I
V , * -oney, � . . . . . . . . . " I I ; ?. dcred,IiJim'in a publid. way. t I
. . Ind, with firru [Inality,- refused, Fr, . ,resting. . ' ' . times I could not turn over in bed, I was so . I . 'f;T � ' : L
I li, . � . ank * makes him,' dbubly into .. . . Most ull, round laugh. . I
�_ . . � I ifillholl,4o's ofi*,er:of litarringw_and tiiat.- � . . . . . I into it f . . . P 1xidly used up.* I ,had craln ps in.my feet arid � . was due to the action 0 -ilr . -
- I . .. I . . . .1 . . . girls loviy .to , handle -mascitline *gUn_ . "I :know �6u told me what be said I , ; and my harlds were so. entirely 'useless; Su ' ... ling ... voice to the . . I
__ ___ - - � .1. . lind not help0d tier ,case lit the* eyes of . , . ` T . . wder. 'Do you.know, if'l Wds,Do . Ily - I I � . - qq, . .. . . N 0 .in gi) . .... I . 1.
. - . . I . I I po w�ith about love all' wontenIn gencral, but I , . . � ,
I . her clxaspori.ttv4 -pnrent.' llor .niother 11 Barclay, forAnstfince, an'affair . I , flat 1. could scarcely lift Anything. : . . . opi tons of - thc� farmers that ' - .
� I . I doll't know LIS you.stlkl what he'thought - fq<j(lu,y clis,aso wasi . . 11
I . , . L . I
6,1tS TESte# �. I . , . .. . no*doubt, the caew � a --V : i*elating, to - cattle
. oceupliftl lleutrgl* gro tile h ,
! FREE - ., ,und.' 'Sit(,, .had ,I I you would not � be. mubli fun, . becauso. about,womell 11) particular. I *.,r all* my suriering, ,%rid sometimes the urinary - - , . I .
vag"tle. likil air 11:shop and, if . , � Vils heor's .
t . Ig for. Alt. - I . I I'd be �jso sure. of yon, � -The Aead.level I ti,partleblak case. I. - tclf�ou.sbo's fiXed troll � bl� would be so bad that I would have to - guards, , drainage across . rai I-
, .
), I ., I : .the,owbole trath*,tillist he told, Was 1 1 _' ..o . . I . . . ' W, . I
. I f your past would alarnl.me." or six tithes dtidng. the nig.lit. Ft)r- � ays,'-and. farm fires caused by - .
I I � - . 11m. Yore little SISA1,18 dolle tll(i Illost. 1,ct Up rivo � . I I
I �11 I' � I . rathei,enjovifig 06 situation. I , . "Thank fletiven,' all .women.. ate -mot I .. . . . � [ .'ruriat�ly., I began ug -ng Dr. Chase's lKiulney- '_ ailway-loconicitiVes has:been:,- , ', . .,
�, , I .. . I I I I 1> : . . I . . 1. , complete Job:ovt OP tough ruaterial I r. .
. , � . . �F_ .. ailkel % I I I - .1 . . . � � � . . I . I
� I � 'Oil Chr5qtnlas evo Adele wiv; expect- 1111 I 11..'wus the -bolt II6 hurled tit h6r� , 6v; It Inspected.. HeIg a gone cooli; he'll Livel. ilills, and they' cured Die *completely. - -.. amended. _- .1 � . .� . . .
. -, - - ''I M home'froin Atlanta, and Abin had 11 I I . I . I I . . 'do an(I quiti: well now., but . .. I . .. . .. ' I P .. . . . .1 I
� : - ' , . "if yOu know., its much about itay Mll- :11tivC L ,I am 79 yeirs ol . - . .
. . � �1. - , 11 � . I - - %, P . I.. . I .. P r make. another. brag; he's tied ,-11 casibnally wo these pills'to keep rny will solid TiiE NVrmict,v; - .
� . 4zonie Ili town to. meet-hpl'. As it hap; ..., ,. .. . le, .a more dIgniflod. hand an, fo , . .. Al oc I , I , We. I I .1 . . .
. . I . rasldo,youldactin . Ot.P) :. . : . . . .
I . � .
I . pened all Acelde'nt deta';yed bor trail � 1. . . " . F . . . . .. . : , , . , .'N,461"I in good order;. several 'persons to � SuNfrom'now to lstjiantlar ,: I
I . I I . , I She Way on aAlistl ac(ivallitance With III.M.' I -'iwat hA.vL,rcxommcndcd.I)r; Chase's Xid- j. . � I . YI. . :
-I-_ . so tit t it -,vo Id not re * . yaw Miller, .hi�. hand. * . ,. . . . Alan .looked straight Into his Inicle's , 1 1905j. in � 'combiriation with� - � I .
I . a, 11 � . aeb Darley un-� .. I : . 1. . !'On a, fint-oh, J see what you ,e-yei� A light was 131, iikl - lig Oil him. IAT,Liver Pills have be*en equally beriefited.", . . . I
. .
11 . . 'd of.6 in. pull ln'tl�e chlmney:torner. The:porter . mean!!' PAdcle put:iher handkere SITJncle All,", I y . , � ; . , - . . . - . . NVS= - 1. CO ' . I
. til.10 o'clock at, night Instea. I I hief to . .
I .
. I tho evening, go there' was 1.16thing for. P -appeared,alill Alan asked, "Is my sl0l; - her face and trea a , -a merry . nts a box, at � . . I " r . I
. . I . be 61d,.1,46 'on think lie ,f)r, cilase's Xidney-Liver Pills, the comfort Th- Ne . -Ze rd- .
" �.'..-:-.:7.��7---.7�-----.,..�"I't n :Z . I. ter's room ready�v - � - , I � . . I It El�b , erSelf to ' Is -really ill love with her V � ,� , "-f old age, otle pill a (lose, 25 cc' I I � .
. -, , �_ - - ._1,/ tier brother to do but arrange for the[ - q 'trail and signature of D : � For: 0.75. .
� I . . � , I "Yes, It's good and warm noW . ' laugh that exasperated him beyond on ,."E f be ain't an.' don't .1fx yoke pa lint 11 (Italt:is. Pol I . r. A. . I � . ,. .
11 " . r_. ,1c -,G (I stayll1it that night tit the Johnston, I � ., sub,',' aurance. - Then she stood up, sulootbilig . . , Oil Lvqry bo;IL , : .. I � I I I , . . . . .
I 'P.. 7 I I to IIII ,,,, 01a,;e I . .
, ---
I .-,I .� . House. Somewhat t Alan's surpriso, sydd the negril. - 1.11 started the fir ma f or Per before a, month's got I I I � ----==. I .
I .. fifi-en","
. . . . . 0 on "Let's*go to breakfast. ' ----,- -- .--.-.- . --1=77 . � .- .. .
. � . . her smile away, . . dood you m farm Noiv,.Iook beer. A . ,. I I � . .�, .. I
.I) �,cl,,�lr.&Mrj ,1',,,wqs1*r and, .. who bad never 'illsoo-vered. the close. . hour ago.'T . � . .Y . I - � I . . . . . 11.L!fZ2� � , .1 . I I . .
( � opti-clark . . . . I . I'm Its hungry as a bear. I told Ray� .follor kilows his own sister les.4'n'ho ,, � . I . ilt�� d4j, �.�_ .
. . .... I �
� .
.. , .Millar and Adele had paused to listen' buvii-I mean your dange . I . . . �� '_( . . .
. li"t �;7 q--, ,,�, aTqT. t filond�bfp and constant, corresporld. d � rous. friepa, -does'anybody, else;'thaVs becalbe You' I . . I . , . . 11 I
f,. -1, 1� once oxisting botv�een Miller and big !'Oh, you aregoing. to burry me off to � � . To get that' appetizing, - I . . . .
10 -.-- - �� . i 'd with an Oudiblo Mr. MIller-titnt we'd meet him It) the never have thought of Adele follorin, In I P . . � I ' I I .. . I
I . d .
^ 81 .. . - dining' rooIU4 � Ile Ott 's he's er"y for a . ap' carance andotit- , '__' ' '_ ' '�' .
I, : ,) r . ._,e;' �' , , d, - ' �,,-_ )) ) ster, the former antionneed 'that he - �, hed," the girt said, .. . I . y I .: , tho trail of womankind, Yould hato, - . bro'Wri , P . . '_ I. ... �'
- ,=�, - _ _ was going to spend tile night'at the sigh. ... L ,. I . " I . - I I " . .
-- .-:� _'. =_ I I � . '. , ," 7�:��
. Coffee with -whipped cream In it. , 1. I _ lq�� I . .
I tired after that rldet" ' ' for a brother.-Ol that toiw-n ;al to .be *.V " I N, , ,%,�,.. . .!. . I
1. drive out to 'tile farril with . I ordered It just how," - ... I I - . f ' " " . . .
. 'S 9 I - XJ), ,,, � ,�N t;, _ . . .
. ' I . . I ", � "N' P
- I - ' ' . . . raisin' sand about you, wouldn't you? , ___111 ,I. -1 1� �,.�''; %.,� .� P
, .. . I I ,V-.,,�."o 4, !�.,i,�il I
. __."�. 1.1!!� -_ - - them the next morning, Or course it said Alan ooldly, , "The dcvII- ' Aian bit the word in '�V611, you go .tight on an' let them two; 1 ,,-,4,,,-- , 1 .
� - - .
, .
. was ft reeable, Alan reflected, but It ."That's a f act, you must be," echood � I .. , �.�:. -
I 9 , : . _V .1." ,,, '*�
two and strode from the room she fol� - yl."�
, Ill their own rats." . I -P t " �- �
. _ -_ . I I .. . - !O� .
. �1'1 �
�': _ . �_ , , " _ .!�� . , "You must be cup of � ' s le criql)"ess oil 1`0a'
: . hotel and . la� b ' ' etc. -to -
t M ' c'�If e � i�a t le n �
hc� c
_. I 'ai a strange thing for, Aliller. to,pro K . M 'Ir �9 I
. w - Miller. "Well, if 1you have to �go you 11 UstTe bastsed. Iln-�tlieZd or .
� . I . . IqWlng. The first person they saw Ili - Alan and hismuclo were returning to I I ,,, , " ,,, ��, - "' , , , , " , ,.,�,, �41;,.. I I .
, .1
.1yi pose. ,can finish -telling me In theAnornitigi the big dining room wits Miller, stand- I . I I 1.11 I
# 4 . . � sty!Q stovc this necessitated � , , , ";,� �.,, . ", ;, .
. - . - , .. I . ,_,�,�,illl I
,y? I I I . , � I You know Pin going to Bilonil'the night- ng, at the stove fit the center of the the house when Pole Baker dliwountetl ., ., . .
�Ii ��-- - , 11 Iii. From .the icnig. veranda of the hotel .1 ' reaching into the hot oveft I
, y_ -� -a P
_� " . .
t .- I lifter silb)er that evbnlnl,, the two. -hore, where I have a regulai room, and at the front,gate 'and came into th
N I �,�.. f I'll see you at breakfast." . . room warming blinself. Ile scarcely yard, . I I and movinor tile hbt, ficavy-pan . 'and holciing it in the front 6f' . . . .�
1�P! 00111� friends witnessed the cruda.display o I .1 looked at�Alan In Ills eagerness to have . X1.!, . I . � I
I - I- Ill . , . 4 I the oven while it was basted. A tedioll.,,r"pm-fortriance with
. ..., . I -works In the street below,, "Oil, 1,111 so glaill" said Adele. I Yes, . "I seed Mr. Miller drive past my
14 � holid,iy fire . a chair plat.ed for Adele at *I little ta", house awhile ago with Miss Adele." -he unsatisfactory rcsults. The draw -out oven rack of thei . . I
I ; .,- tltlIf a doven big bonfires made of dry I ean ffillsh telling you In tho morning." . ble.reqorved for three Ili it corner of Said, '$art? I come right over.. I waut to . . I I . I . � . .
- 0� PA . goods boxes, kerosene anddtar'barrelg I Then she. oepitted to notice her brbther'a * the room, which was presided over by .1. . . a IM
. , - ml 0 I r. 1 long fitec" and she laughed cut teasing- see all of you together," .. I I %T 114%,ov'r le .
- .V , . (Ind refuse OP all kinds were bla7iii- . I a slick looking. mulatto Walter whose I .
I I I ., " . . IL tr%em,F�,iia %o.xxora
'. 11 1. %,� Plong-the simin stroct. Directly oppa. I ly, "I'll )let he*and Dolly .ire no nearer fatho' Just then !%filler came out of the par- M.Vo %.� 4.16 1 1 . ,*--%6
. - �).,i .., r had belonged to Miller's fallilly. 1, I . � . . �
!, . \ ,� site the hotel the only confe6tionery I to,ge(licr than ever." . live been tip all hour," lie said to .Ior -and descended the steps to join - . � . 4P es basting a simple and, . , I
. t I - 14 1 . . "111�1 I �
, , � . . . I . . a -e milt
.)��� and toy store in tile place wits crowded. 1I*JL*On tire T gilt" IvIllItir jolfied -in: h(,r 1, L them. 6 . .
� J .. or. "I took a stroll down the Street - n g-
� 1�,._ - � ��_ - to ,.overflowing' by eager ,Oustomerg,,� mood, ',the (!ol6n( "Clirlstinas gift, Mr. Mlllerl.pf cried - �) R . g�cce,g�ifLil'ol)(,-,.-,,ttioii, i)raw the . . �
I � , � � . !X still has his dogs. to see NvIlat dainage the gang did last ) P 1. . , i V I
Pole. "I ketalled you that thne.' . �l -11 f6r-
rv*ad� for Alai own or h . handle. In froat of tho op %
0 1. and III front of It the purchasers of 11, but theYI11 "lake It up night, , ,t1very sign Is, d ung . . _�,, I . .1 . � . ar(lan(t fliQPrack.bringsthepail
4 � , P, � I , fireworks were letting them off for'the 01iiii drlyf I hope, Dolly Is llooxt io-lue 'where It doewn't belong. To'teaso tho "And ft I paid up you!d. cuss ftlt� I .. h I w,
, , . I $If. silifirtest gdrl 1. know. I , - . . out," retorted the lawyer,'with a lau&h. . --- I . � . I , contotifq out of the (Wen
0 1 --' I boneft of the bystftriderS, Vfrcerftck� . I owner, art old negro drayman, whom - - . . .and i ts -
- , I " . w ere i ' 1)0 thoroughly . .
. ers wore exploded by the package, arid "()It, yotl nVo a flatteror," laughed I evotybody jokes with, 'they took Ills "I Ildven't forgotten the roW you raised - . _� . ., . .1 h It Illay
I I . vates ie. .
every now and then a clerk Ili some i Aillt, and sho gave Miller her hand, . about that suit of clothes, .Well, what's ,- . . 1, . basted with ific gi, ,t eas I
' wagon to pieces and put It together I .1 11, 'I'lic filiperial Oxfor(t Ralii!,o I .
,,go store would come to the front d door and "),"';]It forget to Ito up for early broak- I again oil tile root of Ilarmonlsdrug- the, news? Howls your family?" �. I'll � I i'll - .
. -It(,. inoril - �__:� , � labor of cc n
-, M."o,wit, -� � store. "About as common, Mr. Miller," said C_�_-> , �, all(l.
Xmas Is Coini I rive off it gun or a revolver, . Cii�;i st i4lart soon In I How they got It there Is a puz,v I 'I ... I Je1S,iu.Il.,j tilt, 0161",
, -
. g hign I'm dying to see, the hointi., folks.11 J role. I'My wife's gittlul younger an' f I, � .
All thiq nol.110 and Illumination ova I insureg the 1110"t sful .
. ! 0 al history �i * I I � " . " succes, .
,lo that will go (town In loic zkl`�XA ! . �, .
' . 11or had ft I -like tile building of the pyramids," I'��),. I �', I I
�i our friends will tit its height wlien Adele's train droW i Alan wau glad that 'Ml younger ever' day. Senco she moved In _ ) . ." t results. . .
room of his own, for lie was not in a I -
. The bonfires near thiteWaslifial t�,51) I : I 'td
pleased When up in the car sbed � I "WhIskY did It," laughed Adele I Per now bouso an' got to N �(�' 41�' * . � :, ('.allat one of our agencies or wn I
look mood to conveisti with him, atid wholl � "That will be the firial explanation."' ' fencog an' maldn' flower beds all' one , �P7 . I
day', and � N" .
at hand made It as light'asi . , If .0� 1, for the Imperial Ox6rd leaffet., . I
she had no trouble recognizing the two 111ler's I ,q think you tire right," ap thing another she looks Rite a, now per- � � R-1 �,� I � 1. .
they seo the Ph0t0- �
" � __ .
Adele had rotired he refused .1 .
. I I ,. -
I . ., ,
d I
graphs we have made friellds, I)rOl,fer(,d elgar and ,Went to Ills own ! for. I . I tion. I'd IW bought.ler a house long ago � 1. . . . . , �, ' The Gutifner . I
. .
,,Oh. whtLt an awful r4cketl10 she ex, 1`00111, : I I Alan bolted his food in grum Aticnee, I . . I . .
N 0,�V i S a I . I I' ef I'd a-knowed she wanted It that bild. . I .. . � , I �� " ry
1br you.. . " " -� . . .
. eased hdSelf from Miller grunted. as Alan tur Ab, We put on the 11190 now I We Wipe ��� , . ! Irounict Co. . .
" d nii she rel 'led' flWay, � ulli)(Aletid bY tile Others. Adele's. very I . � .1 I .. . . � 1,11nitod
U13- . I . �..
1",.),:),U .io to .. have AlaTle enibmee and- gave bor hand. to IME?'P; had - bad news of some. sort," he% � gi-ave tit the table, its she prepared 1111- - W P I Tolt-onto
& , , ith napkins after eAtIn", an' iny lit- 11
Lae -'a 'JulKell. tor lcmas. ,Miller. 0 tholl""llf, "And IV$ about Dolly llarelay, 1(,r'g coff,tio, and her apt repartee added I tlest un sets In a high chair an' says,, ( . .
� 411tra, In " [101, laughed t wondor, tifter all, If she would stlek I to his (Ilsectinfituro, Ile excused 11111). 6 I monivoalw wlaxitloed aftd
I - . your honor", Mil � .
" - ' -
adaChe .
- . . I
,lRed .
, h Co '
.. ....
. t' I r.I.,- _ '
_I b "' _ - r
1_ .1 t, - d
._d _.h_ w_
. f. _4 ,h..,
___ J_��
as, to Alan's vast astonishment, he held to a floor man, I begin to think ,;onto I Please pass the gravy,' like lie'd been �". . . 1. . I I J I
ould. Adele 11 of that f4tripe - ; self fron, the table before they bad h ly says sho's 11-goill, N I ?V. I iiAi6Lj6F1_ I -
.1 11 on to her hand longer than Seemed %Von'(!" NV I fillisbod, niumbling something about to send lent, an' I doilit keer (if site r,,o 1,, Q f,
, L 10 ye.i, she is, and Isn't Abe stunning look' I sovIng It tile b I , p
gilt.\ "Wo ought to haV# hitid. ti orses were ready, and does; they'll Stand head of they go; 4, . K I I * I W L
HEARY P&TO SUM r' q10 � 21)"11111 " 1,031 64 V'U"4'-WLA`fl""`
Dc le, by
q 'Ah�! ! # 0 -� W...
.��,Of the Jarat water, went into tho oojqq,� tP46'1t0J UtW- tO ther nogglWq look Ilk squashes. but _ L
a a r it �'�J,l$_A b04 opt"' - - � . .. � -4 _-... _ - ... , . - . - .. - 10 I
\1 I .
, I
� . " I ,
1. . � 40 .
I . I 6 I
. . I � )
. 11 ,. . . y ;
.. . � i �, ;"�.. �, ,�
�1 1-- ; I I t, _ ,, , L �i . . .11