HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-22, Page 3Ir -
Igr t scholars of those tbreo crit- whieb, butchers deliver meat and Sows abie to a scyouger of the bog.
"tile gather
turies have laid tit his feet. efTect was it yet lie Should be allowed to
lijit as the. wall of Inertial and would Ile vastly bettor thiiij. itt good ill) what be eato before it begins to deal of the gaudy wall paper one dec and Send. off unhealthy and
EPUT ATIONS OF MEN spiritual Progress went on P,,rowillf, About higher and higher Century fter cen- isees In usp, without doubt. + off(,l fiIIIIIE.H. tent the
tur suoltierily about 1,000 19%) I . Clothes laro boilpd. for the game To a very csidabvx
spiritually it took tj lidractilous lift. thrift condition of tile Inother
ooe*H [reason that they are soaked -to los- en tilt, dirt. They should alwas be deterinine what the pig Will be.
Rev. Frank DeWitt Talmne Tells Christ's sacrifice. was laid 1111011 tit(, AsVie front color there are many 9 top -of it. The Calvar $toiles INIT IPut over in cold water, and llowed DAIltY otber good poijits-long Lind deep
+,n, .1 -1 + 11 41 I)O
Us Of tile tile
ru ly - Q reat I Those
layers or , ine, year i5v IV. ".
Stolle$ wll� lift all ucceeding
" Y � " � -
DOMESTIC IIECIPTiS. �crowd tile boiler too much. A rub.
bod, Jar e littins And 0houlderB,
Dairyllig ,has many advaliltages I Lt] I- h , e a
vermait other brixtifeliLs of agri-:0rick bellies for bacon, situ ol,
lligbel, ilt knowlt dgo kind
1 bing in lite siiiising Witter (lops a
1,.Nrgless CakeTakoj, I cup granula- culture.
In the $Irst place tile 110rY 1, fine cars, strong fraino witbout be.
higher than till sill te'-,uga,,
!good rival to whiten them.
" Sour njiM, I lev-,
-3 cup Important
watter of keeping up the Ing coarse, and they are very proli-
Matcred accortiaig to j%ct, of the, Par- of three or four -years, AQ read of
IiINILIEVIIII, Ili in. the ear Ono Then lie and
when jal, Nvas born.
hioiev thalf. all future condoitina- 01
I heard Lt worldly an
A little salsod, added to hard w4-
teaspoon saluratus, I tablespoon fortillty
Iter will soften it whou,nothing else
L of the land Ili secured bet-! tic
often bearing -front tea -to Six, teout
Thousand Ninti.1JUldl,E)d Lind 111hrrio,
by 11ifu. klaily, of Toronto, ut Eo"Tho-best
once lard.
mail that ever 11%e(I berries
Thicken with flour and add
raisins it desired,
by devoting it to this business pigs.
if it is yearly cultivated in the
Departinqnt of JiLgriculture, OttilkwGI.) itater, ELH a bo, lie never
the doctoro Iiitollip le.
went to . heaven on Ills OAVII
If we evtr reathe city of
Soft Omelet souille--Fut 1� cup$ from
and shine niav be removed
clothing by rubbing with eniery usUffli
way W14 hauled off alid fv4d,
Alluot the sources f9rtility ill
ICT., -P. A T
A merits.
he IlEraitt for eigittoolf, lulig
RLIV. age
It must be through boiling,
oil the fire to scald. When
add tile olks of 5 eggs,
hard enoJIgh to raise the naps, the
The A
all of
dairy farut. are returilud to tLbo
Ocese are scavengers,
Ill) of
eld frottl, tile was EndI what
(,lit fit. ling done, fol us kind not ki,eatell
11 with a altspoon of slik
fabric is not, Injured. wrnied soil
handkerchief Will remove U110
and it will increase ill alualThey
Will thrive In suninier oil Lill.,
to Water.
Xi, 11, lta�jk ti throllgh
fact Ili easteril.
wiltit, we havp dolier for salt
nd tablespoon of corntavolli.
L fruiii
year to year it rightly inaliag- rough
pasturage accessible
()N,� 11 or
g Xtf't thull John StIlves",
This - st4telivilt 18tir
until it thickens, t.liell stir.in
front cashmere. Id.
IhAt the dairy ruen li,111it study,
A. bog ineallow covered with wild
kernel, tile loflightly
tile whites of 11) eggs, which
Methods of. the great peeking: grass
just suits 'rile, will
Ill the Illealitillie who Was this
great el)(Jells Iligger ildt.1 Iltoro - This
tit(, I., '.John till, Baptist ill IjLEV0
belell beatelf, SOIL �Survof at
houses cLtid let nothing go 'to waste foul
more food than they Will eat4
to witil stock Ix
colousal as tile, awav , lulill the Ills
ubollt 'the Halue ago
oWn life grvat2 Yes. ()lice
lis least. in
oil. tog" t Or alone.
Bulled Catiliflower.-Wash, 'then
'rho following original 110 ipo for Atabl
they expect to inake business
0. The uAlk and butter a6le Clean,
allowed roarn
meadows- They should be per -
as wa the Illost, faillulls Per-
J,IjJg(IOJjl *
of heaven is gri-att-1, -sonic
up, in "Cold Salted Water,
has proved very bell ing for
Will in 01 ,prkbability not thent, LLI.nilttold
to have the freedoin of the
pher Ili[ ehdfind,:
ho lif(LId
will draw out any
Inlri1r.. 1'�t(IL, is- eas ly Pre- suiti
To I heaping, toasp on lard.
C lit
ILI Income to make 6 living farm,
and little In 'the baill,". each
if kept lit any colisIderable
nullibeis, NVo do not 'think a large
s it ll�Icllllt. IIIII, tho, volev
Elk4tt- lengthen: it.
in of il )lot EIIII.Ni echoed thetpigboul;
lit pleco;
-ad lit a lbe0secluth,
�f (
,;tent downward Ili slightly salt-;bolic
or 3 of olive 611, add , 8 drorg of car-
t tbeir prollts will be flock
requires speolial facilities,. wen
to talle
ULId tilt' l0lig flight of I.Liviv I the bill. also thrOng hout tile
boiling watpf, cover, aild cook WI..Work
ad and enough sulphille
into a paste, Mix thoroughly the
greater if they Will keep all eye on
by-products us tile packer does. care
a Small flock �tjijl be trusted
of themselves for nine iriontIts
Capital T,
rest sePultlt,'!; IIS f"011L itst-if. lie Helf. and
00 and tile young.. tilt%
The: OverflOw T34S Been Greater tendt
r. When done, reinove. tile
With the lade of. a knifeand Plot int- "Vile
Calves are oil(., of these products -in
the year. Ceeso are as inuch
tile 114.N t,h,.,,logIVLtI and heroille,; IM01% old
Than for Years. cloth,
put Ili a heated dish, POW!
to arl'air-tight tlt box' L13e strie tcl
6Lud flii, oil
y call b6 c-licapi rals d
grazia.- aninials as horses or cattle.,
Of Old, brOWS b&O1110 gi-Nortillion't officilf; find
to hiusQ.
sauce it and Serve.
no.more, carbolic. aeld, as"It is tile
ololinillilk,. AA-ith the addition of
lit turrinter they �Zced very little
,viii, of. No ii,like left their homes
Swarmed abotit
Authorities oil the river condition
Baked Cituliliower With Cheese.-
poison hich is healing only Wholl
so'lle.other Suitable food. As the
grain If they, ba,vof.gr4ss and vegota-.
tis So IlIfich us fe0t. Ureat crowds
at iagarp, F alls state that ill eleven Boil
the cauliflower Lis aboe direct-
used Ili mall alnotints.
calves tire fdt,oloipable. of consuming
bles, , Ili Winter they Will enjoy life
the JTe t'llat is Covered I [lip, strallgt� wherever
N%ith A4111 Went. Tli(,v llstream
the clitlainels- -of the.great ed,
bri.ve not"been so well. fillell layer
break into -,mail pleces, put a
tit the bottom of LA., buttered
all the ski inwilk produced oil the
the pigs should be oil hand to
better a:nd inalze better breeders - Ili
the spring -if their dlot is composed
s911"Ut kind trul were tpillples, As u` Continuoly
.aq during this ye a r. baking
dish. Cover with cream
assist lit kil-eposing of that rticle as
princially of cut hay, 'corif. stalks
RIVat ILIIJ.11 lit, lial.; ut Joint bililt ul) ti. glIpt school
Connecting,, as ii; does, Lake Brie sauce,
sprinkle with grated el . .
ausage, cant be kopt,fresh through
OL wplI us th buttornAlk, iipou. wbich
and vegetables. For, 4 rough
'pf and b1tI)tb:t1d Ills follow-
With Ontarlo', the Niagara )!IV- and
add another layer -of cauliflower,
the Lind 9pring in crock Or
they will thrive aii(I grow fat, only
hed with. a. good roof is all 'the-,,
Mat Fll'i.i g to-,Lltiv ,III' (IV,; by litill'olrods, Lind t1lollsall(IS. Many
er forms a good. pulse to the rise Fillish
with a laver of, t1w gCated
small with at i. lileh. or go of
neuding a ittle flillshing ell oil corn,
require-. A Toulouse gander aloEol
[ClIgtht-l�i! g of ILILL11Y -Ca(ly I )low down &;rid
It of 111(ill WE
fall of wattirs t! the great up� I choose
ruld brown delicately Ili it slow
lrd run ovei the . top *an
WI a ke Lhotla good inilIketable, ani-
Fib'den geese make a good inarket
the. il(ILIIIIIL,Ilt qlleMiUlls Wol'ship 111111 as a Willporal as
per litkes, The Niagrilra, receives its
Vell, 1) IICIOLI§,
kept where it will r, ift A, it-
Inals. :that , will grolottly assist Ili
)!tills Yet wlien supply
of 'Water frolij, Lake and
Hlgdoin.--Take two quarts of chop-
other good way is to Illake $ME -ill
111aking; Lt farolf. Lt good investment.
NIL JULt j*�' this illustrio(i man
%Yben the lake. is the flow Into ped
cliculaberg, on& quart of i
sack, of -and- tu(Y with
Afton the pIgs Will. Cblne the ohick-
the tbe Ny indrt�u(ly I to.sul-
&II0 down is lacreased Ill pool
grevil toniatool., cabbage and oil- 4
Leve enough room at life
ells* w lie I to botl ut-
trtll�N' llt)ljlv fl',,111 tilt- J olill.
kill f'L)I' Chrit.
volume, find Arlien is IONY ion.
, ,it six large green .' Poppers
tell to fle ill), They call thon be kept
terwilk and skiiianilk Lind will , pro-
Tile, farziler is the niliIn tliat inakes
:alllow; ? v
ewilling to la�
the opposite tondition. xsAli i eL Allow it tablespoonful Ot
Chopped. fin
and sinoked or used without. . TO
ditee, eggs lit sufficient numbers to
the worl. is build-
d prosperous.
Joii.\ Wen't'i alld� oIll' entire tile
Niagara all 111111SI'llall aine of wh6le luse
ground cloves and the q
it, untie tile Stick,. rip It down
for their care'
py and will need but.
g' ratio s yet to come,
Ing for eltjti� 11
lilt) Work at Jesu'
ater.this year, it Is evi-,
hn)ouiit.of w. qoed and half d Cup of �-u-las
far as.required, and with ff, sharp 1010
else us a- regular Then
Every niau who plants a true
The (.f Lill %t'rIIWIl is to
111T. '
dollf t'llat the Overflow of Lake Er �knlfe
I gar, Cover the chopped Vegetables
sllco off in'cakes. Then tic up
when tile . tililo Comes the flock - fis.
serves the blessing Of PosteritY� 110
tilt, All
. i -
is more abundalit tbali..it has been;
with gait and let ,;tend over nlglit� 1
I i
sold� and Considerable addition IS:
i's the tru benefctor of big kind.
0 .
tI o0let' lilkItl before � john tile litiptisto At for
I .
some. years. I
add sugar 4nd
raMoc to tile income of the owner.
The fartuor has no tittle foi' folly; by
-I iwL19
'101 ersk6i'llis lite bv:WuS VUadV to
These water e6nditions Ili such .,I)rain,
cr'witli vineg . al.,
Niagar-are.3110st, ill-
These by-products %%-Ili represet tile
the itern d6crl&e of liature he call
divioloInds to livd'
Pool- Olitt ili:� -.1 I1.4"O dt .110itnet, kind attaek illt-rell
invulite rable sills
stream as the
teresting. The.,,, tell of an abilif.- French Calibae.-Chop: sonio cold
boiled 1!nz. Add
The 11 thods to
cash profit the investment while
the milk alid butter will -pay
olkaw only ell ough
iipoii, and the balance of his labor
Cully .
rucks Lill.! Ed tUt- e�mneb
tuty. Ile Wa. not
of Water or naviga,tion pur- cabbage quite salt,
Still ge to taste; If onion is
Employed .A,Oi�
Xaking Arrests'.
and for the labor
goes to benvfit and bless those that
Alton w1lo,al Lind
1 iWays stop
poses . oil - tile great lake§, ill,_
inediatelv at Ni6gara they pr0s(jrve '!'Hked. dd a little jelc e. For (.Very
. . .. I
Though there is every appRai ance
invalved'. Ilut theL great profit I$,
0110 uJAN-ays i%sible and
is not
9 after Iiiin.
hall collie
11,10 juirior '*aiid the lumberi . Ilan,
othe i lItly?" before tlwy attellipt
the sco-610 beauty of tile Falls or cup of chopped 'cabbu*ge, add Weil-
in all the great London shops that
is one Whiell is regarded .80, se-
hLtve. their uses, but the hon-Ed-niaker
t1ol-ouph Of lo
do What. tho� oilliht tu 0- 110
dElties Ilien, and
which it has becn. feared beaten, . 099, tabl s Oil sweet
th6ptiblie is to bot tl'UStCd finpliCity,
cis it sbold'Ve. AV e refer to
Nvill live Ill tile.. hearts of
oil t1le of �hy.sollle
Were tabe eradict and brmd.lan
Cracker cruinbs. A little .
ulabo'rate anti carefull organiz-
the manure saved %till;ually. to the
inell'whoin the inining towns htiEve
CLEM: ])Ili)[' tlltkt ]&is OHIA*
N-Elvel-,1011 cited
dd by tit(, power '1111% ed sys(ent, of espionage to
fields -,VhiCI1 is constantly- enhancing
crumbled into uhisil-an blackoning.
p, against
sIIIC& the develupillent r of:buttcIr is an improvement, the designs of 'tile pov!-;
the :va lite: of -the farrit,
stumps and desolate slotsjiii ig are the
Lud the hoiiw, v.'I i -h had
till IttightY. Ill his (lay. its . the
at Xiotgara: oloniltogether, turn. into ii� ]lot, well-but�.
Wer -aLLdllIg klep
Patetic thief aud. the inai
only liulnents that t I of luiiiber
Iand ileVE1
V floAN Aered frying part, and fry to' a del!
Ilth toinaniao.'
dead and
Llid J. he hills.
6-illit. t1lo Vigil tlie i!rinihial
MIIP�. Was rolauly -to look
6f the river at ring oft
the falls eaused by cate brown, stir ell. - I - ,The invisible detective, Whose .of-
the. Mverslon of wtitej�,i for. the, oper- Bak old With
One of the greatest ailvantages, 61-
stkiii1pollit a
Is a EtxLo uf�u great tilt. hideouli Squarely .1n
� &C is Sonic unsuspectLd n
tions of tile.' turbinirws, and -this a 11.1-11j. wilito. of cabbagia foi, 15 I the cellijig, whotice from urtrully tic-,
bountiful sup- Drain ild fresh. bo!l- 'the
aairying Over other Phases of -live
liusbandry is the opportu It
. OR, A., Wit CHASE'S
wtj;.;!�-, fill is its ,!vLting,. -theil .}lit at 1.11--tt'sill,
ally, there s* a Ilifinutes,: ild sigilLd' peepholes lri moulding liti
-tt;iit %I,'s -be as-
I'lle fbli4l pot L11(jugh Ills U01
ply fol� all Ing water. Ad(], salt to - this water, ostablisfiniont,
oeded' t we,d out nfer1or I'ndi-.
W, I i I
No two are 'Mlike'. is sent direct to the'diallase,if
inen State that wa- and cooi.`; mitil .1 lie cabbage. is -1 is tile Itiost foil I O tile.
-If Ni fluctutite to -They
viduals. . COWS PLrts by the Improved 111loweli
,oliffer as ' N0& Ili, milk Ile "I
(If .1011,1 Itl.M is t D4 Lt. .Voting git-1 'as
W ild, I)L
� in 't r a, der; Drain
, ago a and ot. cool; Chop thio ilivre are only a'few I
. .
butter c4pacItY, as they �o in fo.rin
org, CIL
pcI U11141 11 hiderable
it IiIa
PlIt 1 large tablespoon of
'not qixiee has " the I S11OPS'.so. ,tructurally that
it 1) Lt 11, wheft It 'kind
Lind colon'..* ritover there i� -no
Circle of
su�veillailve of this is
high:'. It Is said tliat;SjIr
IT(er 'in 1 - lablos )ooll lf�jivjr*; all, 4!
I I I I Or6cord�
.lure. ring. them except' Way" of comprL.
fre Ill 1 d..B. A. ;V
Like a bile ,
Wastillealy arid hypoci7isy.-I. ..!.hot inilk and. "I (!Lill stock o 1, water. aq es I a I"o gual,4.ud Ill tills 111a.Ilklel. and
' is
of c� ell
by a -lodied I Ily
testing , it
I�s co li- .4.d r -u lit Wilt. , ketl6jIL,wjIII .'alt
])tire 11,11 it ndenil nu ..cow'g
11, theAr, found � Ito iiiake assuranL,o: dotibl sure, no
t6 the norIllal Stage".;
iiii1k, pet
ai*1 iiguring lip Ili 'Plaill lid.
light cr n Ltilll� ado a
"(I kllld� rdi attendant is, wi t hout his, seeheavy iffalls
tile halPod;' 'J"Lylgai-lic.or onion juice, LOW* tuld - .
'tit' (horell; Ile Nrlio 'a war tie 'cases
.jal yield of wilk
Tile 'ii habl't. is vicious an
t1w, ewish d it is I eye �o
It1lall choill in. the comlitloms Lill -.of and butter.. Appeaxilides are- th(� it . J heap.1 jig. t blespoons pail - is
fif 11 'I tile JjjeItlIjg�S1JOWS 'Of gelb-9 to the. PuStOlnor," I ceitful. The fullness, Of the
eq. Wy
demoral .1t as easy. to under
As IStir W(,1I and njiX
AIfe standing at L the Sales- no safe index; It is lot oxact ill
I ht, *,'LlIIl`pII)XI I'll K ,
(oitl Ili, of . Avinter tittle throughout 81-h 'Vtll*jl
siap . d Av:by whOL -travels :in
of ;Lt
that illlul
iJJtE)Jj *ell I)JItiere(I I
Ci )0W .110 1.s cows tilk' foanis
tilt 11130,11 S L Wing" sollie
'Vast Watershed . as .It. while silo a
a, Pullulan ca,r Allauld pay the Ior-
toln 1111-A Ijurled-,* the dlvinu
. .
it s
iilios:� 1,01) -ellail otl erg� L' The colors"Is. not
ter bruslAng L 'I'S clothes and .
LIErallist the
crijixib.q, nd%bahe in t I Ick CarefulL Watch *9 ltte
P,�011 tile lie-ight 'of tb� At all I I !an indicut
Ills Sl Ou
l. el�ijl I s and -carrying
of fiL
to that i t It Li 611 dress esfblisimIon vLain Coloring.mat"
ba I 111te, Thig U&IT a ce
J a 91' 9, a. 9 ,ii -these are services for,wict
IW l:lW t IL'Itt
I that ITui,04 Dun" .1.1411f into ;
ill(' �'gOod Jilost ar 1
ill(: )�tigll Wttter 11. is calill- : buttte'r c I ed.] cioclirolile. . in these
this t h, a
. I
110 does no.t..pay when, lie uys. It is
to Lt
a tit -lipliest I
LLp It to; be Ili volifin foi- 'Illore Lit S le timeL for it 1 X lia.ve
the I a s -.01 collipt tition We, must I -I Cake -Whollus..,
fol .111ore than gu $7. L
tlaket-but it is ard to uh-dersiand
Nvliy a-rkiil'sliould tip a waitek in. a
Ithis. oc-. t tbat (�Ovec
of lns, N,;Iio was, d.Unq 4d rh( -ousliess ovei
11, ill be. abol'It ill(- tinle deIis"I't, Illay he 'made --.is' tollows: .11111 It arid ille.crowd
�� 111�11 11,14 I-C,liable
q,,�kj. tNvo cows each getting
-restECUX ant or � knight 6f the ragor.
of Ile -'a IjJnt.df cold, fi,."-It
�w ur er state of-thv:sh ps"fa the- p1ck-.
hLl' of ope d 0 vors
lit belli, I
iliq Sam -011e may, e giving
in'll; barber shop. Whell. a man p ays
heiv I!A �i- Lt trainlin,
I . , O
pall over. a �Vli Of onition-sidereol, trilles. a uiaii-�
iit .challger. bifli-s ii.. the side. of the ell- it boils vetil;
t we' ntv-five - End tlio Other thirty
$1 for a dilln !�' �-hy lie. should pay.-
10 cent's'pr 25 ceiit� to tile Avalter'?
ies S.
tdai we, With
of was
t f nio of the -jai -gest estatAisli.;
- or, the
doll, che Luces
;would know Slibuld not olourteous attention bo�
Ces it. It ifohn',
wil 0. of Iho Let-tbe rice.cook ,,Iowlv Ili the it --O r n6t
I Ii'lleltis ill the
I C ine ill.fol meit6f)oli gayq 4re tbat the Wile -inatter of 'and
yet tile ,
ldivortlila tv ! . one'expected as 6
the falls. for* :010re 0as *a
of Conlillon NVIL,
.,milk .then ,ill tboso d0partlut�ljis.that urt;.ncit -difference,
orl elli foi- olit� serVice
. 1 c6qI it� ill t1w for half :. (11-1 b pa�Iyigr f6r. hot- fe'' isll't liaYnl
spaviolls that pilfering IM11cipally nitit e 'is
iho Inkittf3r:
I . .
� 1% heaping tAhles
hoqr. ' �d(l
-ing..the profit- eluded Ili. tlic. dollar ?,,.�.N)rby should
goui oil, and that in tlieui .the othi inan Who Pas: 15 cento for a detective
cows for,,the
till" upon Lt
plate of, low Lt bitlo iilast, with 1 to 11I)L:
of suggl-, and stir well., Then add
(I flavor with EV.
gs ishopwalkr
silpervifoll. is always illost, acute. lts for a hair -cut
Lind q6unter at- Lri) hepro)- shave or 25 co
16 to the barber 7 He works
-]Vol d th(w gospel
IsbPenny MAIII or cutell
tile Stolle. the hoine.
but of' �Iloot 'Shb
Is ;of Grea-6 Assistance -to, Iler
t4ble.sp6onful.LA ciran�e fIQW(`r�WELt0V
t Ili offeet Lt. detective, but fit ter.., wi.tliout tbel n. but cents
lit of. Eiefeet-'Ib�.tfie week alid if'ha caii6t
with it
dons with pitw it* ill(- City hall-, tiliuilgh
... I . I
-Dist"iiigui u.
bi, Orange :extrfi, 11oll SO"Ift gQbL1
(1: N.4QFI'.y thifi, kj, I LII:
VICE v are sonir.' �Who,
asstane the gu !so t6 hide t1lefi. real
Ili retu:rJi,'fo'r'
ing- tlie boar( pby weig IfIlig.1 decent hi�
wa�ws with6ut blackinailing 1he poll
a NI es: of
for N�vll Illiollgh.:
Tile fame of, -Count, T.jL)Iqtoy is* so-
ding. iliotild,, holding� abmil 0110p,
n' of oa6h. 'at-larid
I ositio TC. stile ditty
Milk I�� -this was, i
testilig the of the shop lie ought to be
call We our licrus: miad 1 trons
shuttlecochs tuld ill,, ssholild reat -and hf I!' dru,s 'striking � tbut
4 g o
AvltII tile -4 t
- - lteridlifint
�wllefi' ild-As uspicious of a
I le O,ught , to
ptit theill Oji a 1-1.o%j 4 diswharged� T le Peep
ii,fil;it.N ls S cofultess., is
wttli tile' eggs, tigar nd
to �.all the ti..ttonitloyi.,of. tile
tsilut dowi-E on the tipping business,
but tit ell, COWR .
with till? ti -I'll it Over 01'r a 61riolis publIe. And yet to
pil t,tho.,pti rid! ng, lit-' itioderate
Oven to bialoe for4orty lilijillites, '141jell
i lfive AO hot,, not 13.1 ta
i'deto utly, bUi
a who run I .6t
d ojll� and :thos aurants and oy
.0 I Jig lit, to'be nkade! o
'd bar or "ho"s
of pur loved oties?
gods wmvt fiarit it' �tnd' the. befi-eive. all -we -Live tolka6ollt her ShOl
cool the pudding; , cover. it with n
I) . .
culate, all . guess" but'they
Witil 'do, 1<.liQw they
_ er,tfln they should ' �qy
the sp-ort. It inust, lie 4 Avogian. II I a
than ywirs of, IJ61
a c Aviiter, Lt li,ligitisti
Jig 'Thi%' niakns rin
find serve. a fl
, ...
The detectiv.e then keelis thol-'suspeA
not they
Wis inal;e niuch progress In
tj full g'� thei� em,plii�
to], to IjoA%I Illoulittlin-4,* thotig John the Baptist was.
and- a brilliant sciblet:v 1 -dee , Whe�
which 81iddld be .Well flavQi�vd
Orange extrae'ted and
alider her ,11ablediate eye., 1 it'
for iho wits also eat-Iiii
tiler Ili her Moscow hollie r at Ya��'
W.itli a I The orange
ar go ellIpOillUjils,
all alhicto
naya'Pol,y�ana, the fulilil ' Y estate ii(eal,
* '
extl.a':t is niatle Ir 'waking . the V6 , 1.�
tile inost
ST 0 T S
llowillit" said. air
Ili, We, Al and Cut away
With for,
Lt 111�
ILI is described -, "Lt
low pool o r L' Qttllforn,la' range - in
cause li��ast. conspicuous, dvt��ctivols
Oil young .Pigs b4l,ve all of
Of, the square hllmust
subinerg.t-d coiainvilt arid pulls ill) the st"I'll'is
I jig wonian of the world,' jspeaking
o per colit. Lt c ol for at, Itist, tWo
are wolnenj eitlier eiiii),loy6d. a� sholp,-.
siol ill 0, Y Call consul to they Will,
iespectfUlly deel e, o becoine, your
rol.tIll'-d E-11 tbi, ('It] IJ aild builds. I. lie, aml plalits the
pcj�f�ctly 1,�iiglilih, Fronch, or. ev-
peel 1jito. file al-
Lis Customers.
livilell-alf thiltks
a better growth 'the" if thOY.
otbor half,"
%,.ith in. that his Children may
nian its the visitors' r)rcfdr.4,, and eager
cohol - or', Pack ib In thi
I, and,
attendant Or
good-.: ra 1go . Lind ate fed on
"B -but the astallish-
why 9" asked
e7ink ,I ud di!-nillwal Itile N.;
to djgicuss ill.() la%test book' of Paris,'
see -that thOre is enough of- it to fill
lie something, 01 - notices (Ils-
crn --or litiskq,
ed young jnan� -who ha:d believ&d that
1411 -al Illull Jolin the
1,10110, kil
London, New* or.
th6 bottl& completely.
turbin g signs Of ... �1, lie. Speaks
� ..It is, not the breed so 1411 ell as
lie. was. the' favored one.
ity lilt() hill. for who should
grande daine 0 r tile school,
to- file dcioctivv7 who;. as ql.alegant
the f it, 1 -lot tile. feed so inuch
' -Because, re i d 1 'fe-
t le
furni� tit,. aftur Itiln, li'ViId his lfe and Lit
di sed Simply, but With exquiSfto
d -cust-ol,481" .-Seats -suit in
ly, �Yai e liel.
r the, br
as.ibQ Carol but AhEi bette eed
inale exten'dor of the frosty.
ILISI lad It down 'a' .John's
taste, ' dlid wearing a few jewol.4
1170 do not what
I ition commanding a goold view
tH6 , better tbe feed, and the. bettCr
"the inan.. .1 in Lt rry
digit' must
91,4 -at Will, a--,:bviwfwi(lIIt in itS
ing if I vAtIlit
which are . heirlooms and -Or Jiluch
. often a
sing it Is. *to liav'o good teeth
of-' the tispect and inalws hot- purch-
'wonian the
tilt. eoj,�e - the better wilt, be, tile IT-
be and. Td -night
I. Lt itloi,fil-r's delltll� jiliplit
N allu e.
who is twenty-ninal
we lQse. a few.,Of Iiind hile
�y. other all
wh I le.. dt a upon lich.''to
Ili.. selecling. brooding stock prefer
You lot cint,the t nforination that you
I , , ,
have loved. me for I ve long We ry
;t'.q �Itjjjilv Lind
ye�rs voiing-er than her, husi)LInd, has..
a -dentist, call Supply a set tilat. is
d, Tlrd, assinned by
T1,611I. daills which are
yers; but Jiltve iiot*;aaroU ii�eiltion it
IIIIII-11 it 14) Ole Iof'
great al,; SlIftanep: to ]ill
better than nollot, t cannot coiftli arei
thii hop detective differs dav b ybrooders
, ill to 'those
--until the jig. 'A ma. n
and iwitli.
InaliY ways. IIt
those that lilt tirc,provides. rrh6
If therc,'bo one mstilt lekis 4 :;ij�od
trut I
froin Ise ent Or- nrnIla%
no.itiore Ii erve then that
voll follow I lit, 14.k, of 'I he
sav" the "-lit i)rotett
. , *tI.
hilludgauwAt. woman would. much
hy the 41vop'. proprietoi antAller
oi� even if the latte bet ter look.
Idii bed while his
Would hide i r the
of ]AAn 1. . .
her 1willill, Ills lir,
of attractio-iol, if She. had poor
features -e
it is to Convict a kleljtonlaniae� jlro-ilng.
wife we downstairs to interview a
'N" Pat-
It WH, III V,t I -Y,
and ])I.., fill and
and plain are, often I -
I soclitiollih (10 Ji'oi forward
Considerable exte' t
To iVsfty,
. urglar �Aho a' rad on
i�fl; to' Count Toldtoy.
by tho, o tbat; art,- white - oularity.
Therti few
of feed
evenness and reg . !Jig
the falilily- larolciiI. Tberefore,.
oi§* oill
to -d LEY nd able to . gi;viu Ills
aro People who'carl ble ineans..
eVpIl - Altering conceiva
fol their teeth as they 010111d itO
work -tile (1091'ce of Success ;readboa
Ill. (10111k 10 t of.hogs formark6t.
-,Vill Avork the piano foi- iii
little inusle while the curtin
Of tile world.,
k'Illus to the -I an i(leal.
Ilerico a blind.' eye Is turned to what
der to keep tljelij� irl good. Coridition," is.a. theft. Ili ciabyro, and thol.
igs front till 61'd.so
tile J) �v
drops oil the farewell scene. You.
No ,iowl, I, uppear
It() t n, children,
bettle J lie. n if of Ls "'Crease
it, fil act of
clitid hoplifter caugt tile
Sit co in-
fall to grow Lis ' t as their
Will -find your Ant oil the u sxial peg
Ifoo, ndC�
.7olill fill- I I I(I i:
jai, are living. Ifiling
and they do a, thriving,
puillo under coer. of
om front younger Sows it may
ImIll .
of the ball -MMIC (lood evening."
Nottirro'never fov'tls
tho, teeth for it I t -c
.11 . I sked' whetboi� tlm
W�tterproof is
be''takolo -is all 1,111111i3takablO sign
that tile. old s'OW IF, faffing'.
Ill tho fourtli
II;,r: --air, nd Ila,; rol,
coiliy� 1vt (I chargo of tile litil) 11 1,11 I jig
t1oll whol-had a. rcinarkalj�y pooLI
articlo wav not�be sent home for her,
t umbrella of, tho'gap-�
If ilp, ill either
tile ITAllor then
Wl�;t Ell, Ids Iir-,t Ivi'l of
1;nd Illuit ill sLill
of hor b0loksI find
It, that:
'let 011, i0l, he oad lo.4
ffig llandbdg , the clot ecti,�ol alludes'
Side lot it b6 Ili low
In tile boar. It Ip. not it goo,d plan '
" yn when. all Indian'w1fe lids
liel't ,
it 116t.livi'll for her the (.1oullt Would
two of then),
doubtless have had thosr, lwo'ol lit,
With tilt apolohy, � fearing that mad.
'mill inadvertent1v
to lorrease convsviles9 ill Lilly Way
�ost hot- husband b, ,V death, she goes
by the'lipp,(w
for I flftby
ardto ill(,
ext reino flinit till(] the flintil wouid
had ,lot thoiii to 'crack hazle-
hits inecininioded
Wit) Solliefl.ling that. fell front.
into nio'6riiin 9 aintin
or face Lt deep
A t I'll itild,
now b(i No
1111ts Wllell a bo. 4lould ix.
'Millo to soil] extent
John tilo it 11 -It no som I I( I III
thtil thitt. Jhnit1lull
I ondy to /Vive thn Iributo
than how husband, their
Cleft ed fit 11,1.19t, 01)(T.o. da, ;Njtll a'
is, soft and tii.arrow,
Firs . t olTonderq are Off* fi red
this from fal
93 IIlit,
Ar Y
rIf))Ilf%l ivok the
and while
ls� 1-1�r
v such as
to ond
thoy art,. .
excellent tooill wwfll -�
ling into tho abyss that leads to the
and 111) 101--i und I)III-It"I it Lind
it tilitv IodAl;, %%itlw 11w
dracbms of lioWd ered
alid tilleitIre Of n1vi-I'll Ill ft Of
dock anti glilffly for ill(,-
'I I lloy
the Livia
I(, ItIt lit I,, (IC -11111 till
howilt(Ir, alid when eold add two
had all iWhile Inplint t�O JAII-Chasp
r a
be 11.1 in tili. III- to ]III I I lin
it ill.- � of IN,'
A ]tlo-
of anti I)ot;..
for Put It 1r!W drops on thol.
of . Lo Purloin ill(- goI
Clio Irish is
lisillg. It also a
into, na[Scares
of ti -lo Con-smon Ills of Life Due to Disorders
flat. if we ]IV(, fill
ly. ITv N%W4 "ilfihg to I,
nd in-itanclf!s tire* not wanting IoIITO
od mouth wash w1kell. dillited with
to lead the% trealyas4vi-jilick
poiths of roc0fi1d,) I.K of-
of Liver are Cumble by,
11111111t tills of thn grave wv Illy till
111�1. filillivnel! fill,
how that flivy have all their wItE4
lice III Inado tho of 0111.
1,)o %Av, 'loll,
th("volltholol. . io li\ I, ill.
thpin ill tinie- of dnger. -Art
ilir the
oils ile ill) act
got lilt long, Which It is
J1,11111w, ill � o 1(11111 ill(,
aftol, W
emploed In flie. it goo -d tooth powder MIX two
WE, Uto draw the But as 1.1110
It You In the liv'er,
are billotls.-blft C'
livef., . 0�(Vrraljlig, excessive, dritilon
f(h) Ilke zolliv of 01" 1119
Tp-ight, of 11 1, efty Was I or elialk,
lit dovS not.
Itig of, irrArtilar picals are very' likely
.1ohli I It(- litiptisti liftor, bo was
1111iiiCk one day to onilen powdored borax anti pso twice f,
beadaelle and
to upset the actloh of ill(, liver,.
It ft foot fast(.111;d !it -illat doat.h. 4 1-111) CIvan toeth are a mark of re.
of London ittid tilt, Case with whivit ilive,,, it yolir,
e rload the lystont Nvith bile and
fill([ to
Illat wl(till
A 'I'Vo
a it A. vifrol'oll-9 ef. I nnoine)it that novel, orcalwg the, eyo
I foft
brilige binougnens Or Sick -Ilead.
, ,X
I cult
fort to fa.1ledI A nf tile obsorver,
And a MIA
ache. Xeelv the liver In lundth I)v
Jig dowj) I vally a li(lep
tralill was backi Ilion
tIV(Is tlivir talent allod lit I t
C. Ill ill lIli-.
-yoit hav . JILL
lwall of' ftto btlil(
1, wIll if . , '['fit
docay In. tho to
In tilt,
into: Play, Probabl liveau
feelings of fullnoss
al, d will av'Llid nian of tilt,
life. %Vill thell
Art, AAv Ig Woll, b(- One of
thought I:o whillped ]Jig of taking
))is it, niedicinva like tinfi.-turo of troll.
o f s UrVoillallf-P Is So
LIft(Ir Meal; Lt
filaule t1 1, livpI
loll'ills of
TIC) ('0111961Mtioll, If(> stoillach troll-
that liWo tit,, xettrioldhig old
lknitt, out of Pocl,et, olu'llf'd
S g Nvith � IVII are needed they
tile fold"4 of Ill. 411o'. trill
capitally organ!VO(l and carriod out.
110 flaul ltrin-
Jig of 111lon Alv. w1,111. off orif, laer of sliniv alid
ttt their Atiotlivi, I.V
leut I (111titod with water arid
sOut,-, for fill tile,;(.
I .
. I . I
to Ilien lit! Po,
(; 1 1* IV, of Stoll(. llpofl (]Jr. fire-
"'I lint is Iz fill.- hlyt
fool, olit of file Shoo, loaving theitakoll throligh. it Straw.
I() A110110i tilorolighl and will be
All, Till,,.
while 6111 have -t rigllt toi
it InnY Ile Well for
It, ort -1101 so t1lat it," arld Illiell go to UIE-ir
art, W I
Miter ill the frog, (Ili(] jillill I
danger of iyqui-lug tll() teeth,
by a!littl I
"Itallo !.I's that the
I set. obOUL to holp tile liver,
faildly Illedielile iq till-
tilt ra I Ali(] . so tit(- wotlk 11poll tilt,
I N,
alld wll higlior alt(] Ili,
IS I I .
Itiargill of III,, litoll it
ITTNI111S 110 TTOV81m 1,1
Matti and Clinker Coal Collipally I)
I Avallt to Alvo Volt all 0111 Semi
)tit Of (11111 doubtfull (life to their woticlei
, -fu fgo,
Philip ! I'Ifitellklojil,
(if it
-alled 111111 Into A iflit-ror sliould. novel, be hung so
nroljfll� to X111
TI, ril bill. l'tile and their
quit 0
filtol' froln ifCoIjJl�jfJje(J orforj� Oil tile kldlloys� al;<1
]oft (I I lite, thall 111iii Ill(-
iner (if I I.e
of hin liarrow
0 as to of
111ith's, at olle
twi of��Wbat
tiffe"s cathal-M
is o inedicille ob-
tthlio to, (It'jilro
Ill (till and rulti. US
t aof Ifiletailinbli.
Will find 1,013.11111t, tletion o
it Is, IM ison wile,' left ill
N01101 Is more useful lit
Of enc the 'dige.,,-
But II -f; w.; 11)(11111
it of wol
('11co or Infild
Ill() ailialgain
kliow, but What hindl"
black. T didn't know It
1116oll 1, 4( If) Ilialiv. "tivC." 11111lary or exeretory Isystains
of 1) p.
flAll i's
el' Of %1`01W tile 1`101111flotod worl< of
ollIvIllitir for you to ,low Illy
to do � I
1 11olls Prote"t lilt,!),
I - Send It ill1b;
fdirforelit colors.
Of 11 r A. NV. Chaise. 0110
wag nn I I foilvil Ilkilil Alt tilt-, tilav
Ili(, Vol,-
iation of it, Miat Shall It
thijil(I With rubbor should
livor and billmisness, 25 cents rt box, at all
pill Lt,
.1olliv, Ill,- III'VIlM IIII(I WT!4
bo of lillowS Illort, of
llivillber not to silver with
.,�VEVJJ, a Jill fill
colijbilled Ell` I or Ilat 10,
0 s &
Inald I I R t !I- 10111co witlIg tit,
more, of clivillistry,
thein oil. clivillical ill
ilrubbor tritislieli,
tll(V killd, voll
It lot.
at1leil i
tion 011' HVitir, and 'I 0 11rotert voll against
lol?l 0 IV I,('. I'll to
of witroliff,illy, more of all ill(,
S(-JIlIJf-)JijjJV' 11414
did ou w;illt
,ve, it fill, ?
of 1.110 "I iportratt and Mgtla-
1,11.qurp it thowigh ;
of if!, .1 till rinknown tlwf,li.-
111an Illo Inall living',,
sthring's 110
I,OOd its f"er, but the I,
I lilt'
do oll,
-I,N - tell%. ture of Ili-, A. IV, thie fainoils
, .
er In if vo I'(
�Vll? llecalloo, he
good fit Lill now. Ve illight giv(
for it new pair av
A aw it roofil Ill
flotwe that was papprod with the
a \vLES thore
wIttlit it to buru-b-la-r-ii, burn ill
i14 Ito 'One orgroAl I-(,- I boo 11111,11IOV, Oil OV01`4.
'iho 'box.'
ext(IlLtIt'd 0 \i-4 only it shoi.t. pul I IOd
fahl,orbed the eonipaut Lnowledgly
tile last .800 W111011 tI)0
Lithring,41', sor,"
coarso paper In
If for so majify, ills as
of YL4111,
"A AA -&A -&-AAAA I" . . . . . . .