HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-15, Page 4mi
The Clinton News,-ReCOM
orptober 22nd, 190.3
- - moppommmmp-- I � - 1. 1. . -t- ."...'�.,�.�,--,.,--�-�--,-"--�.;-,-.,--,.��."-.-�.-.''-.-
...... —. ;�;.;�, , , I "—..-. -- - , .;- � , L- POP` ' ','V"I1T. QOT,B0RNV TOWXSR%r- ,Qlt***##Otl..i!#"Ii!46&,!66##.4!tO"�llbl!Lt*�tk;?,�,.�. ,;W 7--- .�,
aTiLLUTT TOWN0041-412. SLYTU. . � 4k
The NewszrRecord ct At the new 11lTLQIIdVd for last %vvvk.) I Oil Tovs(lay vt,elting (if last weck The, ifarinern in this vicinity who, ON I IV fl� .
Th"i IIIIIIAt cul"41 W I .w.aut vvVilt titruj; place -.it tho ilave. dog tilvir potato Crop flud, hull MCKINN(0)"N & 0010 B" if TH Ilk
. ,
I - (*
Mr, John SU,wart, Who has I., .11, .
published every TWIVSday�Pit Ig , �.111"V�11 0 "7,!!-�— —,— --.—!
irou. bridge oil Coll. 8 And 1) ("I Mon- it I I 11 1,;!c.%jN lieu ta Air. kind All.s. Thos-Rit-11- of divill jmttv . -- -- - - I --S.[1!'!.-;!
, .� q,
lqti, illst., a woriting ;11 Vol Lhis, blach;-Illit (IS )w has lilov- I
is , ()It ,-�r.
,lid after inspect- . %�11%'It tllt.ir V!Ido:.,jt dillighL Mr. .�lv.\. Civil of Carh 4
(lay, the I(Ir Soule tittle, Ilkls left llvrv� for tvitral.� ar ,
Tht, Xov5 -Record Priating 110uso lug the bridge, ,which wilhl(itclld to ford. I , Ace, I)MVIlil tilt; llvttt:r half. ol ell to his IIVNV 11(pille ;it Putilop ,%hil:11 I sli Buyers I qi� �
AIXURT sTRE'UT, -l i.�141NTOX. -, tile collneil atc!jlourued I �,,"r., l"I'l,ilip Putter, Cluderich town,ibill. I IV. purchwwd styli v tillic; i�go front -�c Keen,ea il'*
be satisfactor) of hiti I A
Air. It. Douglas Ila', dispos"Al Wlsull- of tile Nilv (Illiciat- tire vstate of title latc. Chos. m%wris. � . I . 4
— �Atl to tile residence of Councillor War- , " - 11 r. ", I . tw
. I)ak,try 1111% �ciiv, sister of Lite- ])Title, I
, . illuss to tilt, imirrutt llmi%. 1 4
. ,g -) IS not - . t�,,,.,, Ali`S, I,,-, ,libit, new church at tho Nile wits
T ription-,sl per year In rell, who), we re ret to 44) of tills town, but stdl 'ricitains the I', hit%, Air. Ilarry - tht-V bave 03,
vrms of subsc Ilaid %;t, ,,�rowded, till* Sabbath frocit the pulpit - A] wav .4 Nvv I'll thitil' IlitY (11 till" l4tort" w1le" 110
improt,ifig lilliell in health, but Nvas le business. We I
advance ; $i.so inay be charged if .,it at the ,,oATd Ili% t of the I ",i,�s 1, L',och-lich, wilipia-Lol the . �iiless Ili dollo Ill) it st
, ktljlc to . r gr�oFcry part ill tl , 1� ll'..'11�,i"',�'Sof s� , lear ed by expl-riolive that Im, I'let-ly cash q.
discontinued ! tittle And nd�.-!,,c with the otherinunn- that the Ilew proprietors will (to groom. After thu w0clingr dintivi: had tu the (lot). I .4
so ,)aid. No paper . trust I Invil Brunson and Walter basill'. and wbere, tbey call gilt dt'Per)(IftbIQ goods at tile lowe.'t. f 6.
not well as they art! Steady young Messrs. Albert, I . I ,&
,is usuail decisive and priicti- been partakeli, of tile guests spent thtl rash prices. � � V
until all Arrears tire paid, unless at I bers In. I I and very of)lIgbig. . . . eVVVIin�r With g�jurvs, .singing, ktQ. lie- Knight wertl in this localitY t1W past, ,@ . (Jup pul-chageq for tit(- fall trade have hicim) on it TY101-0, Qx- 4*
the pliblisheir. The Cal way. �
tile Option of . oil is Several ratepaytrs have been, - C0111- A llv�ulbcr of tit(, Unglish - church fvro 111:1 too �Iiuvry alid disposed. . (bar, usli.il to Inept, tile den).Ano'14 of our growing 43.
. living for. their ik-simctive AII- Week, selling Illitel I tensivo scale
, to which e ic)se Special-' drove over to 11�lgrave ()It LIS led t1w happy Couple (if quite a 111IIIII)LI: of Illaellillius. 4
(,,it(, ,vp I tile gIIQSt% 'Wisl l, 0 ( trade. Our ordersfor Fall Goods Will -e phic-i'd six Months Itgo, � 4
,ry subscripti plaillin ig o the 'Council'. tl 'PtIol)"' . 4 -r spuritv. ", - - Mr. Ned Hardy )d- I - in in' Ili ices, whiell puts 118 in it po4ition to of.
paid is denoted. (Ill tile label- t rds made by All'u'lay evening to Attend tile , tipp" inuell joy And pro, . I . y will move to before the advallo:
. . ucai future. � . fio
iv interested lit drain Awa Ill. connection with the rc-olwillillg Or f G ,odurich ' I fer you. goods tit lilltell lower prices than if W-0 0.
under the P. AxastQt Willie Vel"Ong 0 prich in tile . I hat . I � to 1) . uY . .
Advertising rates- Transient.. Adver- jbici township ungilleer tile 1�,uglisli church Ili that place- spent 0, few days with 14(ldic, and Mr. i aud Mrs. J. H. Alilliall'and -v thetil now.
tiscluents, 10 cents per noupariol And IV. C. Act, that the awards are were in our an were tile guests 4� . 11t I tv
,,(It properl it, Some of till. The C. V. It. surveyors I-lurbie Schoculial; this wcek- ATiss Birdie Milli I I
. Gri- V.
N, carri`ecl oil , ,y ofittons, witle width, now tivorth 8e, I',)" 0 0A
, iliserLiOn And 3 Wits :1 not doing their por- village the other day. Mrs. Aligns Gordon and AT rS - .1 as - of Mr, and Mrs. Aullrew Alillian. oil . tb, a 00
line for first parties c(Incilrim At ()if Ala' � 2 * r6tinneletitc-H. in fancy I)Irlk and bItIt! LATil's, good w1d' . tw I
per line for each subs�qtiocnt insertion. tiou at 0,11 .and others imptIrfectly, 'Ale inner TV McKeller, rel- Ifavi,len, Spent a lc�w, (lays 'at Bruce- Thanksgiving Day. 4� gre.at simp fit. '50. .
xeced 9 to- those who are ict (),I tile late John fliui4,. took plao:4 fiu'li[t last week. . . A � little stranger eivirre to tile 1104ne 40 q, in farivy pattern -14, Valid wide, beAvy Weight, soft . f*
Stroall advertiscinicorts - not tO q Causing Inuch. los. . large aultiber . , . . . Flannelette, � 1�>
s ,q,OSt,,, ,,Stray, willing to tic) theirs but can't blicallsu to tilioll cullictpry. A .
Onli inull, wicit a - I yen thercl. The of syllrilathising 'friends gathu'red to 13ert Cullilitighaln, of Goderich Sun- . of Air. Itivil Mrs. Chas. Treble on V I finish, rogular price 1%0, Our PPIeP 10v- P� *
c., .inserted oll�e of . no out Itt being gi diiiVed at hoille. Tuesday worilho'g (If last week. 4o Wall pperettesi ill farivy plaids, worth 8e got, 5c.
erd", "Stolurl", 'A . instructe(I to paythistributu of rcsl)�ct to thu dic- . . I . � I % . ,q,bought be- 9 I
. was therefore ins is again Able Wrapperettes, WILIP width,"t-w patterns,fast volol
clerk s Mrs, 'llarry Hawk � . . . � forelhe advanc-o in ppievq and will be sold tit close prices. ft
for 3.5 cents an�l each subsequent In- ,notilv, tlie engineer of the- e0l"Vlaillt parted, I . to, hlave her rooin. ,� Ladies' Black Moire Belts,illeety stitched,hirge oxodized buck. (* -
- I I . - at , ()IT clv 4
all,, tit 110 ,,just attend to theni, at V three weeks tile Unylisli cluir les back an(] frolif goo(I
S.0-rition 10 Cents, . . . 011M . was Ill tile hands Of tile decorators Mr. Kelly, Blyth. Ila$ apollited. 111) a DUNGANNON, VIOLIP. at 500, Very special ,fit 35c.
- Mr, Ilearsoll's- 1 I Otte, till sizps, worth 20(l, 2 pair for 25c.
Coullunnic,A1,ion- to Who have, Indeed, 411- blackslilith, sho;1) Ili . I Lalles' Black W061 Iii
,, intended for publica, A number of accounts atuounting and. inters � . Stand. , '. . . a Men's Wool Sox, ribb tops, worth 18c, 2 pair for 25w,
tion lillosti as guarantee of goicid being Illostly provill, it very Inuch. A , . .oderich ud� 4:i ' , h 38 to
A. nalue about $140, for repairs 11 ,Inch credit is Revs. AT. Turnbull of G alking Skit,ts, 11) hoille9PI'll and viouna, langt . . I ,
faith, be acc011iPallied by tile, to. culverts and cliggiirg, ditches were ,1110 tile ladles of tile coligregatioll, M r. W. 13. IlawkillS attended thl'i - M. G ,o0burg of Dungannon ex�l anged 41, Ladies' NN .
. � I
()I the writer. passed-, also $i,,999 for IL B. irov, who :werot, to ,So great expelisu in court of jeVision for Ashl I !Lid held at pulpits oil 'Sabbath of last wo . 4� 42, black And Oxfol (1, worth $2,50, for $1.75.
1 . (if Coats at $2,50, $3, $4.50, $0 and $10- -
to ble, Dungannon on'Tuesday, 1 4�. Ladies?Waterpro,oat.ii. in tile ItitgIallette Ilud (,l)c's
flooring s Y Gool's house, And . I LI Irio Overe 1 terflehl
To insurepublication Ili �curreut issue bri'd less $87.6,9 for 1111" beautifying - A union tha,liksgiving ,Service If I it 4 Men'F; � Ti I - -
' this .
O,)y of advert ve' P. I Threshing Saw` its (!'list' in churches 1wre was. beld (Alt ' ianks- 4
isciptents should be lfflv(k by the townshi young People's Asstociaticill who,pur . � � . styles, in black, blue biack anti gVey, ju. ,Ill sizes, at $0, 1
. c . . � - seaSoll. . .
Sent in early. . . I LheappiclacliesIcIlasext ail organ. Section oil Tuesthty for this giviltg .evening at 8 ortlock. .. � $7, .
The Job Of - filling up ' is a Jarge congregation -,it �y Q%lictil eighty odd . , . ,50, $9, $10 it n d $12i I
,Ile following table to tile briolgo was let ' to 11, Liver- There w. . ! F.,rvicies oil ,91111day, I 1.1. Ha-,vkhvs thi r .��(ywu, a Mr.s. A. McIntyre, uuw of Kincar- W.Qj PAY 5c F011 -DRIED APPLE$. � -' 1*
Cuntract ratcs--1 I . Council adjourned un- the re-openull busbults Of � ()lit,% front a bag 1. 1-1 1. . . . . - ---.---- --- -
. . � .
- ---— --- .
shows our rates fur specified per- incire for $6o*, . . . . I Rep. Perkins of Exeter preached in tile good vield, . I . . dine and, fornwriv of Dallgaillicall, isl - ------��=;;w - . . . I
', Lit 10th Nov. at 2 P. in. . . . � I �auiountcd . � . . . visiting - And rcii�wing Acquaintance- ,
I . L.. . . . . M I ff 11 'A
it is with fuelillig.� 4 i, . . I
� - . . . . . .4�1
1 � T *
. i y . r. � 6 wo. 3 ma. I 1110. death of - Mrs. . - to $218'al- the ol1vtott., . C11 C
� iods and space a� Ill.. when . I a It ',#Wllp,� $Vi,
:)I ductiest,sorrow I �.
-wot chrollicle tile in the evell'itigbis lord- ships bur -Iurcru townshipi -is 1, r - & 00)
Colunin that took pilace, ou ,,illip the l3ishop of Huroul - ])reached � . WINGHAX. I . Afr.4. Jackson (�[ I McKINiv%0 111, .
1 $70 00 $40 QO $25 00 $%5 So) ISaac Lawrence which id I ar - � visiting her *sister �.. I I
o '6 cru * ' froul aliacinia and k _ allot Gie crowd which �gathc�pciol to) Ile . . . . . 'Mrs, - D. Gleult 14 , � �
14 Coluslin 40 00 25 00 X5 0 Lite "Ith irist. hill, was greater' than the vapacity of 'h6re of Wingliain has li.ccli Mrs. We-ish of.161oderich has been � - - . )a KA- W YA - .
I Column 2,5 00 15 00 .8 00 �� ,So IV sca'su. AIT's . ljm�rcncu s * waiden. The Offertory a I Mr. F. IS sicif visiting Acquaintances. . I . � . � -
0 avy" d I. , � , e w" thu. church. Illounted. - . dfijoying ber., � 4ill . I *
r�' Cultural i8 oo io 00. 5 5Q 2 c Arctic was Sil$lU I'voll And sit Appointed by tile bishop of Duluth to . -
/a . .. 79, a 'total IOT ille' (lay ()� the .Iuissioli 7 to State that on qVf#4VV";Pr"V*###4#V1" �
I Inch 6 00 3 50 '.2 00 1 25 the. third tlanghtcr of . Mr. aIId.M to $58. s of 11rineeton and WilluNy .
m . . . . rvgsottit - And ,WL- regret to have . . , . . I .
� . ,vol .Road. She �#7- .. It ver fit tlip' e of Mint I Priday morning Of last week Mrs. -W. - -- - . . --
I I --!- I—- . . - -,--- -
Jos, I'voll Of t1w Oro Stat L coinniuncL� Ilis dt"Livs . . . .. . .
NV. J. MITCH1�4TIT41 , y, evening a t1lank's,'rivi'19 * to ton, Of West Wawalv0st"fell Olt . .
. hold lb4u,niarriud. only About sixtLell Olt Tuesda . -left last wiec, A. 'eths I .
� I Editor and-pyoprietor. lilunths when death brok,q thil'iiL.that service was" hold at which addres,ses' it, his new splicru of work. Mr.,SIr,oT6 coining down Stairs And re,ceived a bad * ,
, � # -
. . . I . bound .. �buuxl -Aud - wife were delivered ' bv Rev, ("tillile Of is a . doevoted Voting "'Ali All(I Ilisl0il- fracture ol sume -cyl tile bones in. tllc) 0 . .
- -Thollias of, it and . charlicUr ]lave .OPuned tllfe� justell or . her - - .NELSON BALL * , .
I a loving 11W R . y _ fvet., We rimpe that + J. Bw HOOVER. , . .--. --
. I.. . �
I SACRIFIC together ; All was done that Willing Clinton And 0. !I. - A ' - It I � . --- - I
� I . I . S .--
I � .
11 and Anxious buarts c)-ulict do r,ucan. .: . way for Iiiiii for positi4lis 'a. ttlt which * . . .
. . hunds � c . I Ili connection with $t- through the so ical treatment + . .1 I .
CA'NADIAN I.NTERR'STS of Inedical skill to .save We .111ust extend congratillationt .to an S I . Applied 1111r�will lit �IiL, near fllt� .
' . with the. best * I Was , I .. .. 40 . +
11 IfN till failed -and her spiriti the -rector and cmigregatiOn uf� tile rani's cluirch' 'Wingbilill, and oce @,- it re becolue restored. I .
HD I\' THE AT,.�1fL')X.A.N' AWARD. hoci I- bilt , . . . , a x84dcr tsplivrv. his services . . 41 I . I . I � -0 . .. .
. I ,ver with. clitirch ail the suct:c.�s of the re-clifien-, sion"ilIV in . . . . . I . 0 .
. . tool; il'� departure tic). be for, , .. I � .[ _1r1,WTJRN11f'ffT
. . front irg, servicoll, - . I licive, II�Lll called for and Appreciated. . I . . .. . I * # ,
'title .1laskato 130itudary award, ,,,tall,! tIVL, 1,ord, . Mrs. Lawrence WW4 . . larger. - fluid of useful- . � . Im 1. * .
. . ristian char. ad beell. visit- TIC 'low - enters a . I . ICH. � . . . . * .
pul)lic On Tuesday, I-, even more dis- lier youth a bealitifult �Ch 'Alr.. AlcNectinc%, *Who, It Associates and friends � ZVR I . lu RE40 *
, I . Iwr dailv. life being . a living - his sister, Arl.s. Billigh At tile ness and hiA, . � I . %U
strolls to Canadian interests than acLeri Ili,, . I I .� .. I . I .� . I . 10
� ct- VLeks here wish for him -i-4bilifid,111t -%"cc#-'Ss ****:
iu . . . cnitinercial,' for. a couple of v �, - On vtidav week . Mastbr . Orland . I .
- e , I. . -
. ., for Clriist, Site. took an a . S."'Ib ..
wittres . . A' scrions accidelit,, happened riecent . I .�ullgest sOu of Mi�. R. R. .. I . . . :
wits feared. The ITuited States will,, I all religion$ work Of the I tit s : returned -to his hairic Ili Cross- . .. it,
", ive part IT I . . * - . . *. . . � .
. .1 ha% sccllr�c odist church of whicl, well, Mich. . . ly to 'Andrew .Lienders6ii, 110 -was Johnston, Vol cident whi � .
l'onclusbo . �t with all ac will do - � '2'
All aloug. tile line alu To Meth ' � I . roin 713ltI(;VaI0 111411 for Jolluston" Int' tilt, - - inightJ easily. A I ittle of y. our monie'y spent here'
tire possession of twici important is- She was a d'evicAed Member, especially. . .� . . I . . . drawing luiniber I . ell, altboligh. slig . . I - I , 4�
. - I � tile Te -building of the inirn, oil the . I . . I
. lairds which cornmand the.entrance to in the '$-Illlday schbol and.. I'Lague. . � � . . .. I ' . have rL-sulted ill his losing a. Iiiiii), - folfne'be I . 0
1 . ..- . . ! Fowler pro t, ar tile Inaction. ' I � libuieb to make 1. .. autiful. . . . . +
. no' ,per Tic t,lriurc se iouily,* Ili trying to . I
. Can,. in tile song service ber 'voite.will . put on a very it nor . r I .. � � I .., . . . .
Port Simpson harbor., -The two, I � loil,ger be heard. She borp* her ailliet- MORRIS TOWNSHIP, I . - -Mr, Henderson itaicl . climb into a� Illoving wagron he gOt . � .- .. . . . . . � . .1 . *
I . - . '
adian CORLinissicium, .Sir Loni.,kJetto io,,;o without culliplaint, . rLs,ting . - . t- lloavy load of li�tllllrer. -and had j . - to wheel ' � � �. �
11SL ces- of tl . . . . . . Jardinier' tds in ma y :
. I'll'- Mrs. Joe' Hnrlitli i -S visiting ,it Stral till spol, . . ... n
of, And tit the last ford. - . left the mill whell one -axle, Of his leg in the
and Mr. A. 11. Avic-swairth, not. Only plicity in her T,qr . .. . . . . 11L , w AS . ,thrown and-, was being carried up .by its . . . . . , : . ' ' 11 chea
t'o sign'theaward but have wlien death I caine to her site .pi-inply . Wagon 'gAN'Q WAY. I Ilition wll�cll his cries attracted tile 1 . -designs.' We se .P. .. .: .
declined � . � - * ReV, Robert. Ailaun(lers left last �veuk off and tile corn'er 6i tile Ifiad (ell revo . I -river' Mr. ',9chuetler I I . . I I � . I .0
It: for Victoria ' University, Torcilltn,* .6i . 4 I .1 .
issived a dignified protest against the Al .OLSICCI) in JLSUS, 4'Blussed are! � 11poll libil, Ill' this-positi6t, lie. was -at ition cyf* tile to . " . t , glaii- . . .. : . . . .
I . dip, in thu 14ord'. ", : The ore tile . t,alro who i6ok- in f1c, situation. -a ,a I . . . . I
- inte I, .': . the (lead who aft�.rlcioou was. where Ile PlIrPosk2s S1?cIIdiiLg tile sOssiOn, dragged .,&-veral feet be[ , ,d -the tealn it(Staut]Yl - � . -1 11- . . . : I . .
sacrifice of the westq Of �Cai ada. hmirial service. on. ivritdai, We wish Iihil. sliccess in ..his StudiLs, - Al ll,toilcrs6n w" cc and ,4toppc 11KING
. �
� . ,the Rev:,'Mr, XQuitedy, ' was Stopped. r. I �lle but.. licit lialfa pecand.too soon' 1369 .. . I . . 1 41, - I
L(intion, Oct. 2o--Alessrs, JettL'and corricificted.,by We regret"to limir that Alex', - Ate -Call, folind, to Ili! seri(;nsIV iiljtil�udl C pretty.. . � . . . .
. al4sisted b.v the Rev, Air, Coinplanclof - 11LAIQ1 Jbtit rad t1lo licrib had already beconit � . . . I . .
� Canadiaii. convinission- very largel- 71,11 LilTe, is - in very poor thigh being 'crushed. 'And it is Ica ' IT I . . t
Avleliworl.11, , the AIII)III:11. 'tile funcial was I bOl)c . a , change � for, the 1)�ttcr, will - . I tightly iijanrined and soine c.ort was * iYALL ITS BRAN'd-TE,9, . I
. IV . a' ills Calvcirt reqn.ired. - to., extract hitu. froln ' tris . . . I � I . . '.. . 1, .. I .
refusing to Sign tile Award, Say * they Th )Se . . - a,qt ngilain Al few ol� perilous position. . At first it was .. . . . ' - ',
,tatunwnt of. th,eir reasunti for �Ircl 'Ifie'lld . S. -im s .sustained., . . I . . . I SATISriACT10i,T.-..GVARA�N.ti�,r,,D,— . . . I I ,
ciS, in a % . A Aatives , f Internal iii.itirio , . �
. LtQn(IL by sorrowing iL f- � I ' . .
speedilv. elisite., His..,ioft ,iainuel Oj Wlll� .Izol)i on and David
� firiolingof the Tribliaital . . c fraill a' cl'srtance lr�)rofit' 9 , rr�bcrry- left W i S � - I
consider the . Reynolds o was her . L.. ,during th . , p -Or Tit AY11 thoug4it tile limb was broken, but. it I . . I I
were ;, Mesdanics H. And R " week to seelififl. . .. . I . I ago for a trip.' .tic) �, 1'reland.: They . - .. . I . .. . . . I . . � . I I . 9 .1 . . .
. -
regarchirg the islands, at -the.entraincie of Aurora, BIT%.. Haggalls of Rack- Mrs_ Janvus ' Duripan, 4th Lim, is ' '� .., prUvord only a severe �brtll'S I c, I . .. t .. . ,q . I , —, - I . I I . .
Of Portland chal0lel nd the inoinit in Mrs. , t.Rolv.) Mudd. 01 Hcluqa�l holiclaving ivith - refkl.6��s al�rol. - old sailv�(l by the Tit . nisia.11 On Satu�d-AY . .. .1 . . . . . .1 � .1 . . . � . � .,
it. a wood * . . I . . . I.. Mrj:: Henry Zinitnerman ., I ol . .this . -.1t; .
line is not a judicial One.- They add ; , ss . Catlev of . M . ovint..' Forest:' -rer. health -.:'I" ' . . . . . . ,,,Ala � utide6ve-trt ar . mi. .. if"11 � . . ��
'. . . . I . atity Mi. ' . � fricnd,� aL"Lindsay, I . Vas . .. . I . . I . villkigel, t, operatitiVii - - . I P=% ,* I , I
I " We urg-ed our.. views as strongly - as who carric - to' Pdv their last respects not bc�ni'lg'goocl as ustral .of .14W . . i , , . . at -:tile. hands of. Dr,:. Gunn of Cliliton. . H .0 0% "Y" E r i ,&L- *.B,A' L . Lim, a - I 0 �.
6 Mu tiv � �. . . . W E 3:F,L;p - . I I - I . - . . .. . I . I . I : - . . . . , I - 0.1. I % .*.- .
. WV w(.1'ru"i11)I,c,.btrl::we have been coan- �tc; the remains Of. a lowing c6ll� L jpe .the change Of air - and . STF . I and , lOcal q.)IIvsicIaII.j; is progress . � I I I
I I . I I . . i . . . the . I I .. .1 . . . . . ,0::,: .. . 11
. pelled to witnes 'tile saer" it"s '. sioters ana- ')"it . . . . . the )�Oiirnds,.b i . . . .. I I . ,., I I
� s ,red of the. in- Her � hilsi)and, paret ,. ; scene* will prove bellefici . ost -. favorablv, - ellig ! � . .
We were.powiprlegs ,brothers have tile SvIllb . . ah- lug In. - .:. .
� , . � ��. j, jl� McClinton has returnec.1 hQuId ' - , Night and Sundayealls answ . I John PoNvell'Or .4. I
� . � . A Iliesides, thetravibe -to resl& ic�o of -.Mr, I., .40 -
terests ot,'Catiada. lathy .'of thia . . . I. to ered , �. .
- . , * ,; .. � . , .. . . , his, trip t to Lllu West, , ... � , ab6*tit all 11641c, - , . . .. . . .. . � . . . .. . 1. . . I .
led that. the neighborliGod Aud ' .�cirore sweet dAy ,if . I I . . I . . . . . .. .. JrQui I � t. rt(�Stifting " froin rupture, which caused * either of the principAs., . I � � � . I . . I I I . I . . - I., . .
. I . � .
to prevent it, though siitisf . I . Si - . I , I I .1 . . t , I I
. ere -� , Jaithful'. All *ill niect a ain to. . '. � : .. . . . . I �� ',�Tr. and I Alrs,l A. B...Carr vi . ud - tile time tile do'ctor�, + . I I � . . � L
course which the inalority w o:Ictcr Oirly .9 . . � . . . . , " - . - colla, at . .. ... � .1. ... - - *
. '.
. . . . . inc . ire . . , . . . . . I . . . . I . - Golmr.10A". I I � . . . Clillto 'IT ' I . ce tly. ". . � . . hig pso ***+***** ***"+++#*****"*#"** � .1 I
inin,od to purstic in re.;p6cf to thu lnatt� part...no, . I � . . . I .. .. ii iunds re Ii. - - - . . Also removed the Appendix. which Was ++++# . I . I 1. . . 1.
. I . .
ors above Specially ref(,-rre(I to ignored. ...'" - ' � I � I . �. .. . . � + . . . . . . . � . I + . � . - I\ I is S . Ktt�L . Alebowell of Goderich. fi�lliul. to, I)e Ili a iiiore br. "less- dis- .-- . . ... . . . � . ... . . . . .. 1. I . . I .
. . I . . . ,ccurrect' Mon . . -- -----, �
the jus -1; righL% )f - Canada. ' � . . . � I . . . . . I . I A Shocking acci.dent. I t .jof her bpot,hLr, -Ilar *Laseol- , condition. , . . . ... . - —1 - . --.- . .
o. . ; . . L ... . I . , . . -a wil's tile gues . I . . � I . . I . . . . . . ,
. � . . I . . . dav aft�rnoon at the clvv tor: of. the I . � .. . I , . I � . .
. . . I . I . .� I I I . �. I . . I �
I I I Aft W, , Bell cr - i� . . , . - . . . .
. " . I.. . . I I . �BRUCEirIELD. . + , : Cv(klcri�ll 1,,levntor. Couipiloy wifereby vev, last week, . .. . L .. .. .. d visi.6d. Cranberry .... 1+ , . .
. . I . . . .. . . . .. . rintelichin 'I , , 11 -Will, Taylor, I 'iartoii,, last:, week * t +#****4016.0 40 * .
. �. . I . . . '. loigincer Fred. Lovc�, supc 101 - ' Otyrdoii W-iglitillan- ; lid I . Island,: uca�r IN . 0 t, .***-** **+#+*0
. I IFRr�E . TRADI� . I S. 1, . OPf . .'.t * . I -1 ',\IT Jack .McIntqsh b,is investied, in' tilp elevator, .was'. Alrstalltli� Itifleol. - I . I were bollue I u . r . thd , . . ,,, cilt. last -spring had: . . . . � . .. I I . I . . . . I. I . I . . . � I .. . . ... . �
, 'oolerich Al0iu I I see.how the post. . . . .. . . . I. . I
. of (' ..., . . . �. I � , . . � � . . I . . .. . .
. . - . I . - I le I new rubber 'tired 1)uggY. I . ' . . I.., 1. . I . . veg � during . . . I . ,
. . it fit Thie �1\ 1"' . - So .- , � . . - . No
� . , , e,,viroonlit w.as un!low lug a CargQ q,d Wa - ,
I . . . . I I . I An n it, up. ary. . I fared front wtfid a -ft
. Chicago, Out. 2ol--Varslial-Pield Ar*!' -mally frietu - of Nvjiulat at lie and tlie,-.stcani - . .atuncl .tljc,�eAst)ll. .Ili-. founda larg6nnnib.ier . . I
� I . Tile, . ' . . -so glit-nati:and wif� i - + . 1>
. I I , . Jack -it AN' i . - , � � . . .
. ,
-r a, VA7 0 , - aii old resident (if here, sc It-.Al�peared oile I I � of !.Lbuill washed froin; thdir fortuter -. lu . .
.+ it IS of Mrs. Duncan the 01 . . R� E A'a go wl' " 'Yff �� R- '' ��"'
. ii in 11, I the licar No rL ., - TH E
rivLd in Chicago vesteirday aftL Ccutuer . ahovv14 - NvQr . . . nioving.taGodcrich it I . � ffX=W R' . . I I- -J
tr; I � \ . �,cre very sorry to hear:: Of -her. death � tile drol�s. regulating tile- sildvols, I . I I positions, - but ,no-ne of thein ant bf . � I , t .. .
Pation ip (if three inoolilths.- Ili Europe. . of . *11croe U. . side, . .. , - I c' . . . I I NMI& �Wl - I
. . - at 06 horcre of her - lying �,slo� . I )r tc�a�IA�r, 1111,, . 4-. b, . �icu . nu, rea ,. It.. ITO ahs( or ,0 I ��
Ile was in Fm nigh- � to whi5 Ii I odcurnd was I . . . . ' ' � . . . . I
and .long cuo: li ' ' .Blr� Alorrisli . q e I " lco
91 re- anict vessel And '.z%lr,'I,jyvc 1ritist.- .11ave, . inore to incto I . tit vi- * I
. , The '- * �i' - T &uNre" A tpft '"" ' * �
. son. cylin -in Trulicilic Alan. Ck li0tW661 tile CIC'Vat(' .,v - tit v. will.rc. ) let. . -tile +con -tract I it F A LL K RJ " .
In,coine +a,bsorbed with. the idea - Ahat - - " � .ivere I - I . - I )r in . ter- - . , across * it' N�Ilcu the rope - stid ILIAC' to kit((:!:", it. bi,%.. "'chool dif.fies -getting atit . � .. . . .* , . . �. . . I . � I .
. I . . 'llaill's )rotoglit icric c stepplid , : Ill .11cal- cillity '' ..... . . . . I . . .. . . 1, 0. .
. .. fd\N, -Llays. 08vi'll to . . - . I . . I .. . . .* I I
Chanl1wrlain will win iiT;'llisturifl P61- rlient, tile, fillieral taking place. froun Sliunlylbc�alllu taullt .nd tlll.L�w tile 1111* �* the past. � ... . . . I 9. I I TIIc` flax ndWriestimed operati.ons.oli + I . I . -Borits . and Shoes ev . er .. �. ..
. . I I .
I tit � e mside*nce Of Mr. Williwn,l 'Sicott ()It fortntiatc, lotan up. betwmi a pair . 4f - th - . I . . . . . . I last week After 4 couple 1 . With the best. assortment cif. . � . *
ivy, . and thEft it -svill, be a - pirnishing, . . I . . . Our 1903 cl-01) . ,. . . -it. will pAy -to s e our IM! .' , ' ' 0 � I
� ,Friday. Hier f6ur so,no attcl�dcd * the drv,!�'iis on which the ropes are - wound, lzev. Mr. Coliphilid pi�caclivd -a C Se wt shown in Clinton. .. y9a' e . I � . . . .
' '
bl,t)w. to Allit-ricall illallsirieS Witell -differ,efit par'- ��\rq unt . "�'el- w�tllcsNed tha Thaliksgivill ' ()It .Wednipsiclay Of weeks. lo (to f 1,etween: tile fill- . . .� . . I ; � liclierise Stock'and Comijai,cl our prices.. . � , � , 0 .
I , * funcral,' all., cojiling frow ., Appears: to fill, K smlioll . . , illg .()*f 'tile Ohl crop And, tile 60111- . I I . . . . . .� 4>
, I * .. I .
the policy is ad6pted. . . . I . .. . .. � calrillwiliceillont. or' tbu dc6i(16ift, tholigh I i.11 -tile .N�'v�stfie:ld clumell. . . . Isil ... I � - . 1. . . � . . . . . . . --� ............ �� , . . . " . . . . .
� . .". . . ts of Manitoba. . . . evening luencuillcut.,Of u 6ratio. � it s ow +the new.. -.,, I I . .. . . �� . � .. I . : . -Z. + - : �,� . I ,
. . . . + ' . - . . . r tu tile ,opultilig of tile *now 11) , . . I I * - .. �. ,.,. � . % -
. . . ' Tli� frio?nds of M. - . * .ell. tire said to.. lulvu ONVing . . . -1. . I + I . �. .� , I . I - I I ' * - - .
,,Tlfcru seetas to Im Ili tills cOuirtry " i6s, Ycil Ross are one . or twcy ill � t N-ilL ilckt* ,Suu- � 1. . .i �! +. - ,. - . I . *
� -lire. ,orry to hear she is Ji,O� iIX piriwilig' SLUXI Ilin' li�' I -Cci Sound ,1% Ile -,Nlctlicidist churcli . " �, � ���� . i -
I , gg and , lect.1 U . , . . .: . � I . I. I I . .. � .1 �.
- �sion thitt. ariff s ' ' ., . , . . , * �., .. � .. .. . � .. . S M aroluin . . 0 .
. . I I I .
It( siaid, "anini cacer." * ,� I i . I ,tyd tween : tile -1kills. 'Tile skiill . . . � - . . . .
. a t� ". - . was hQlcl at. M1111Y7. . . .6c, , 1 B , , S -in. - ,
c - flint getting W "' ., - be tshed And. his lefti leg brook ' lid Wtstf did - :. ' , . - .GREAT I)AIf,Y PAPER. � . . t , � I . . I . . . . . . .
in Niqglancl Would affe t its vCry littl� ; � pas, � (11 day' tic; seivice . I .1 . e) I - 1. * I . .%
that we'would hardly lioticeit'-, but it, -A,Iiq,, -McColl-delightecE911 1) Singing w ,,, saverelv , ciii ,a .1 . . :. . . .. : . ,' A � . . .. . 1 I . 16� . . .
I . . . .
� . . . , . . . . .1
. * . . . . . -
. V Ell ... .11 . . I I . 'O.-, ,...I . tic . . , I hoes , ,. �
I . � .
.. mquies".s in ir6n - , �ill wits Ii-rokup, ev�iddlltiv wlIi�rc.tbc,.-r6pioi - . ... . . —. , - lic. 0 t conost,welcoine anvong 7" O:S I I . . *1 �
'g. I �L. 1):,�Iltlftol- ..4islel 8u,ndav eveil'ing . ' I � en s in . . .
is wTim. Our export .. � 0 . . -illiddle- . . I I.. I . . . . .
. I , , , � � etilikht hilli, Air, i�4ve .wivi it. . . . . . I . -to 1. . . ... . � . , . . . 1. . . . . . . -* . I
. and �stml, ill textile fabries, tilld �ill-� Lite. Trcsby�uriaii church, - . I `rgL -Ill 11, -ried 'and leaves four. - . . .. . the, jl�ally exchanges which � c0llit� I 'I' �1, � * . .
I - . 'T14,RPRISE . I ..
11 . MERIT - BACKEW I w� I .. . Fri � - * a, . n, Boot for $3 and $3.50' as
broladstuffs woui(l sitfTer. . Si 'cc I rca'cl ' A it iniai , r I iiy EN . . .1 . . Our ,desk 19 the Toronto N.ews V ii- . . . We 0 n give YOU im good ,
,I- � Miss -rorteolls of 1,ondoil i ,,, tile " 11 st. -.1)-'%Co . . . . ... " � 40 ,
utl this countr�y I; noticed a general i : : . children. -An inq e was. held . �- ,�, I . . il,ll'ly- pity froljl�$4.tci $5 fell-. See our st ck
till- . . . . .. . . , I AV -.yail Lisi I . 0 . � �
gnest of, All,is Birtie Gil)son. - . � .. . uds Of. tbe old ',,\ e* s 'would scarce ' � . . #� 1. ..
. . .
'alreadyt .. I . � � lincs. . I- . � Oile of .,tile .111-u- Signs.(V Approach- v � , -ne,% . vs,paper 'diiij, ... � - . .: . .,
, . . I . I . . 137 ..I)r. 116 ., - .. s st . to , onvinced.
. I . I . ' . One . . I . . . ghly.e. this',great � Avol:You will be c .
p�cssion that 'ChorinberlAiwis . - ks�lv- . . . . . . . . " . I has, collic to liand in the rue() 11 . ,. I . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .; . . : . . *I . .
'I C - . Miss � 1%,I all d Wilt,,(Yro spent 311a.n, . . I . .. . . I , ing winter I . � becu. tile cf'AllgcS� ill - , * * . .
I)caLen,'but ert- . I s8 radical I . 0
aiii1v believe, lie' will . — . i�aviu . I
. . . � . ' . atiac pill) shed by ati usual we have just what . . . .
- . . hig.::w.ith .11crisall friend!i.. . . J. . - I shott'a of' Doold"s. Alm, Ii, I . . .; You will,need Rnbbers and , . � I . .
will." I..., . . . I .. . I I . . . � I Ile, D )dd,sA glicille Co. xj.-Toronto. I Torin and'oluality; . The News ' 116w , , . W - I . 0 � -
. . . - , I Irant -0 . .
. . , . v6u an t. We are -sole agents for the G bvs� and '
' he TIII�� .W1IF,AT'YIRl4D I, . -. � . � 'e: doilit. char ban ' : I '
I . . I � , . . I - i of AtwoocL was . t . a I 11 .. T . 4 Me 12 1. . . -*4 , . .. alit Kracks an I dw I . . . ;
I . .A ,,�v. . .
I . . . ' , , dav; . .
. . - Miss I pecliles . I . . cars this tischil .little 1)()ok �diitains pli�gc`s ' ca.ch, -d.ay with' I . .. . K ,ge : An y Til 0 f;e. t
I i . . --r Sister Mrs.. A TIIK For, I3 Y . front. . ,2o tO' 24 'PAges' Oil .tur I . � . asked i!or Inferior grades. Our Ilubbers are I
11rices in this country havocl' abblit dair. , : -�\'O RT 11 WE'ST. - . ,,,,+-� . . I
I'llest of lif I . . . . .. .1 I . . 'Inice aud , . I * -.� , - :
reached tha bottorn. for ' the present - ,,, - - � .- . . . ;. I . . IIAS 'Inakle, all amitial appean ., . . .. . .� . . ... you am.. � .
. I . . . lie service, is . . � ..
Aliss, !%land Robinson, has -returnicol I . 11 ' � *el� It', cable and 1 telegrapi , guaranteed. So .ycju I un no risk. , . � * I � � " . I
. ) , was hno thleIr" . A Oct, 18- TI . �w 'Illore Uluiliar: or I I i Zvi! .. .. .. , . I
they tire (Inn I . frain a - plociasalit I visit to. Michigan.. Willilipeg, Mall., lieshilig Ilierc; are IL tile I litcyll-Los,of.Callad ver,,,.� cxten.%�ve- alid.pifs reports of pbw- � . . . . . I . . . . . . .. . , . I . . . . 4 .
I . I I I . . . . i I . � I*. . . .
. to) gic np", .. I � . . A. . � I I I . 111. .. . . .. I � . . I �
prediction of Air. Field, r , -` I .. : i& iiriictic�jllv courpicto&xill Soitithern pOille visitors to. . and I . DOts,Rabber Borits, and:Log- - 1 4 . I .
, .11 I . . . - . . � , , Manitoba allot the.; first ' dat . -is - litical- aflairs arw very coniplete . an- , . . . p Also A big stock of'Long''.131 . I 0. I , . , ,
. . . . . . friQn,c1s. ' . I � . ... � 1. stat .ties axe carefl.olly . ' � , .
.. . .It' a AIV( I � I I
-For a thire they vnrdtoyo. high,-" lid .Miss Cott' cl ivho -spent a few 'days.` and E astern ' S. best 1,illow '. autlouji- too,.. are, I wholiv incleptnidient -in �char�� . * gingg.,� in fa6t we fiave. eyety thingy'Qu,want ill I IJP-. . . * , ;.� I . .
. . � n .,. , I 1:116-rative . e%thnate On the average, prepared. by the n , .11 1�, I . . - .� I. 11 . .. . . I : � * . . . .
. All' have I)Len fc.)Ulftf� -ttiliforlilly 'Licte - 11 tbo� change,' . to -date Foattivear � . i .. . � . I , ,
said, I lbut 'a littl� sifulij. of things. oc-. with :Aier sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rogorsi . � ,province"s returns for. tj , . allict. I ,r, Tile Ne -s Since . I q" ' - I I I . I .
* in London. v.iold 1) I JAces tile . u1% . .. . . ... . I ' . I . A Call Soliciteo: , . 0 .
lit to ' ., �i firin� liol-il artiong Ahimk- . . I . . . . � . . .
casionaliv brings About a . rig. I adjast- . has returne(l. her holuc, I ,eiglltc6i, or niIiutLLII-b1I$IIe1Si- to correct, - .. .. . � .. . has taken; evcrywliere� throtighout ,tI . Ic, .. � . . . . � . . I
I . � . I I ' 1 qq kit I � . . �
inent." ' . I I . s ' to , 1!atclies of wl'Lat.. -yu, L(; thi's. Dudd*g Alinalir illg people - Tim *. News I � . I . . . . . . '. : . . . .
. .
. .. . . ... Mr . Jack McCowan IiA gom , the acre atlLast. Ili additi( Sub. (Y . I
1. . � .. I ", , ' ntry. , scriptiat's* t' -% .
- .. I - 11 I will be . his - ciffice and I � I . , � . I ,
. . , ' Canadian Tender. It gives it ' t WX. .wg"AYLOR &. v
I I Nlichigall to attwid.,the frictiterill Of his flave �ilireshed it', high as 40 'b"Stlels to a conta,ills jnuch .that is Of interest colill .. I #
I . I . . tile Dauphin district, 0.6 c , . ived at v t ,,-- ,X . I , .
. . .. .. . . . . . . atint, Mrs. MeDmialil.. I - , .. the Am lit . . . ,11 to 06 1 . � � recL per and The' 2.�ews- * , S � N 0. "' . q .
.. . I lie no lotil-west (if the. pro- illolunse'd forin I the . r am,offeringthat p -a I . . . . . I � . . I . . I . � ., � .
% 1. (�ntcndecl foAlast Week.) . generally Ili t ) ,. . . I cc re6o.rol for .thu yea )e end of T904 at tho * ., - . I . ,. � . . I . . . . � 1.
.MeXILLOP TOWITSF11 P. X I% kci I),cdiu6- Record .to ti I . - I . . � I .
. I ' stincr Operations are, riCrt I known' -D( h ', I . , . � .
. . I . I Communion' services - were held last Vince tll� "at' ve. -21 f6r a 'true esti, Of tilt we I . . have. cliedit) :ra.tol Of $2.75� T.hink Of ' it, I � ***J � ." .
"' ,
. nitly Advance that, first pr,q)ftI:cc1 it', Ckillada,- : a� . .
Mr. Robert Holland, , One . *of the 11 gufliciL I . -aud..vonr a, U#+ ,
Sabbath inorniq ill tile Presbyteril .t �. ., . . ietropicylit4i daily f . . .
lirt)sperous fartucr,,§ .6fthis scottioll is , . . I . . . I . .. . . . .1 . collic, to I)c n. liotisollold Word in tl I to great .'It * - . I I . . 1. . . . � . � . .. . 1. . I A .. 4 ' . I , . .
g , .. c , the warthy pas-, "'a c, .* - � . I " red worl(l� dy for'$2.-,5, "We.will * - - I . I . . ,.
, I church. . Alr, ,Saw rs . . A . � . . . . 's Of - tile cidiliz . . .vorite local. weel . � . I . . -�Z. - .
. . . I I . ==i�--�-�� .— - .= ,7�,,,, . . � �
retil-ing ironi active -fakiiiiii aw in- L , . . I . home . . ,. ple coples of -The '.N4cws;f6r . . . . I I . .. 11 .. .. : I . I . . . .
. I . f 'toll, preached ill the niorning I I O. . .. . —, . . dustry. secure saby . . . . I . .
j- tends residing ill ilit Vicinity 0 ' migregati on � VIA_ CVCII,- I . . . .. � : I I . I . . I.. . . .... , I.C. shows the grOwth 01 kill it, . icilds - � 1'any bille. I � . I . � . 11 ... .. . I 1. � . .. . 1. . : � .
i . . � . very large C( .. . . . litivate(f - by Any of otir..,fr a . .
. . . . I . ' foll-I . o � . �.. I . . ... . qi(i)� . . .1. . .
Wootton. . by our 'old' i(ILd On nicrit aod c, e@sec- @0. sesess(i)�@Cvs@swx�)O- 89(F)(�) 0-S 0-s-ess C-(�(i)so-
. . � I .
lug service., was, conducted . . . G091) ,M 0 �N E'V TIN' TIM ITOo. I . �ciation . & I � . . . ' , . I.., I . . . I
ll�llc. .,;ale at Artlu;r Galb'raith's- oil tillie ;friend,. . the Rev, Mr... AfeDiarlilid;, I . . I 1. . . .: T enterprise. It .shows tile apprL. � I I - 0 90 * . � . � " ' 1. Em" 16--.- - �� * �� �
. . . ion%. ill the prick paid lorliogs qf the pit lit, f6r a reiliddy that tlltw ' I . . . : .. - "Ift It I I ..
Tilt rsday In ,. sliccessfill, ,At pre, it .visiting relatives . . - 1-e .
is� ,tell Variat . .1. I . � - TOR .
I .
Five 5,0,1 � lug I O. . 'Chicago aniol. otbei -Wil%'tern inarkets Iln- . 1) _ isulves'allknOt q - J-*- TH G I &EAT.. �,OIAAZH ' .S I -Ii� , .
St was .quite I who ,a`. trii!d ther, fortud, � ; , BROAVT X'S SAIJI'� RF,('.ISTI,',R. � . E . . ... . I. . .. .�
. brhiging in this comuunitv� tit . I . . . . I . I . I . �
. . I � � I
I I � I I , . . . . . . C
botil .Stock aild . inipl . ciro,quts unit,ed with ific, uIll1rcliv follf pl, x w6uks, Ilave lbeca Nvailtillg'.' It Shows �t,W.boalffi Ifuhdrc- I . .... . � . . . . I . . . . . 1. I . I . . I 11
good 'price.q. . .. . .. .. ple . , )y during the past. tW( ' Ile d . S of Stolle . ludin. Dodd i -iday, Oct. 2,1rd,, at i p-.. in. -. at - * I � I � . I , t
. , al . ol5d er. ' "o7i t,a�(.,Pt (I AV -t n'ers have fol. 11% . ) .
. I % , . . pro fi�ssion of fa.ith and One by :letter, of till . ,,sit, I. -their nlisvt s k's, IiAlIel, Stittiorth, Wcs,Wrn e . I � . �� . . I I - I
. I � . . . I;'-. . .
Airs; Drag'er who was.. 'ill a critical . prices .8s, the Ilict ril- Xiocillev. , 11ills whell it Y Di& 21 * . I ,
I ewbat I)cttf.r a - into . I . . . . . vaiied � lliore Or le . . . .1 0 . � . . * I . ..
The 1irickw6r4of Alr-. D. Ca4uIib,cIV9 . .. I . . 1§ * Immense R e. -,of
condition, is $0111 . t t, front Atwood, . � :.. - � ,ks being LIlt,v 'tll(.)Ilgllt (lentil was Clivir only Rafich hotses, fillidS And' .get( Ings, - . 6.-
s red- req _ I`cf. � . T. llaqford ' . An . a g , I
., ult at the clid of tile two wee
(if Ntirit.itrg. Tilt, poor w6incin, has: lj&na * a ducline 4)1 6o -cents to $1 per blind . . , I , 1�ropriet r. I ) , . I I I . U . . � 0) - I . . . : 1.
'.?IIop!au(l dwelling is go� . ' . . ,
� . � I 'Ahi Ill., 6 (0 .1 .
vt,ry il-I for upwards Of a itionth. bIqckslilith I .� . Weight, , .1 . '. And Dodds lablic 11AS - becoll"' Saturday, Oct. 24dr, tit I- Pv� . W " .
. .. under the direction . lid,, tclviertise� AtA)ick's-hoitLI, .8caforth, sLock'acers a I I
g ahead. roicWy. e I I'S liatiollal a
' its reilicil his farin - Tile roroin to wa�lCct (till nc)t fillet,,- oil,, .of Call -coturtrietil I I M e n's And Boys' I - 0 Vercoats . 1. .
Albert Dovd It. " balillic our hustling MaS011. ' cite go rapidly, oftly two drops in price, illents,* I'libli."hetl licifers, . . � 41, � I . . .
!)f . in Illal)V and I I .. I. . . - . . - � I (�), .
and intends "having an: aneUiou .. .sale Filling iilos has been .thc 'order of ' ' t � irute I [All.gliages it litt,S lit accle 'CAIIA(ht it .. .. . I I a - . . . . I . . . . I . lci� � ,
. . . .. I . cach . but .Iq cents per hnadmi And I . Monday, Oct� 26th, at I' 1) Ill., at . . I . .. I.
of stock aod implernepts* in tile. near 0 - . 'I . � I . . I - Oil suine . . of liar. word lit tllc,.-,c land-% where Walton, cloaxing sale- of fari'll stock * . I. just to hat3d an hnniense range of Men's Overcoats in tbck �. (�) . .
. ic clay. .... .. Weight. being recorde(L it faiiiii 09
fruirL, 1. . � 11 I , . .k. Torditib buyers paid. the. ' great � Doluillion bas Irerctofore , I A I . yery iatie&sr, styles. Never before have we offered better VRItIe . (41ty . �
, . I Maud. Robinson ba,, raturneol tile days last iveiu L hill&-incitts,.-Mrs. Lewis. IcDoli- .
I . I.
I ,Air. John Alcy'all-goblin, who lia"p; been * Miss ' were Obtained at. S'Ooicl for 'it dveary wit -it, , , Of forest And . I . . . . .. � I I , .in those lines. Now,is the tinle to do your . bit . ying, I Delay o � ften . .
. fraln hur trip to Michigan 100kilig higher Prictus thal.1 t I aild I 11toprictor. . � . Iss Of nioney - I ...I. . I . . I I", . . , . .
residing in Stratford for owne tillic'. . . I I .. . tile NN'estei-ii niArkeis ol the And. silow. ,And Wll�tcvier it I I as, gone . I . . tneans. a I( See the sndps we . C; I I
intord% ollo-i O by .happy- a . tiny of . . . I . .
lug bi,4 hirm iorbsal s alwav's. . .. . . follo,ved bV-Dodd's lKid- Tuesday, - Oct. 27th, at, i .p. ni.,. at Also; a fullrange of 'Boys' Overcoitt.q. �;!, �
. . , So far this 'wasoni tile it Illi, I . 1
4* , . au�j United 'Stiit6. , S bou'll � have In Boys, Wind'and Waterifiroof Conts , . 1 .�65 .
- . oil tile' litst. (lily of t is ilitcynth Mr,%. Ratteallury, iMiss Xeys - . . '
UUM t i Oil L , ir . visit Ontario.larinters ]lave every- reason to livy llillsand Dodd'.%. D�spuptic Tab lot 13, ioll, 8i McKillop, farlu stock , . .
I . I be And itupletnelits.-Josplill Morrison, I See tbnse� fal-nous Leather Coats foi- the cold-weatheir, thdy.' (.0 �
alid has nigaged Mr, trowli for ,that Mimi Mar" returtied 'frotri, tile . , pricesthey liaviu 16L.4. NO; otic,'in Callach, need% tO . . . l ., I I . .. 'Y
� purpose. I . .. . I . . I.o the city of I dildon, I . Ila satisfied with. the I . I . ., Prophetor. ... I � Weir like it -on. T. ' ' . . . . . . .. C�j
, . .4 Obtained for tho live liog. A very large told of tb6r:work, it is -folfiliat to o 0 '
I �
Aliss Rosa Sirlitli, wbo I is attelidi . lig Mr. And, '.%IT$. D. Alair were pleasiin 11troliber of 'ilogs. have already been e-vory hoilseliold. 81111iicie it tosav it 'Wednesday, Oct.. !28tll , 'at I P. Ill � � (96. , See the fine range of Furs that,. we have', this season� It* . C-5 ml . , , �
w , ,Sent 11,18 dolle holint, to, , rhc� Dodds Ale , ailley'. il,l nlil6s , . will p4V you t(i see our Men's Fur Coats, they ,ire excelletit Val- - . . . (�)
Chilton li,rodcl sellool, as buille at Lly SarprisLol 'last Thur;day evening marketed - this 'year kind tho pro. , (lie- Bayflield koad,, St ' (�) I , ' (� .
. ,ping' tile door bell to f*llxl- 01 , nalue of Call- Vast Gf navrield,. farin stock' and ilu-7 ;a . Ue. (�). -
Thmfl�sgrivingt thue. Hur inany friends Oil allsw� price I-, prolitable to tile feeder. .rlle inu Coy. and the.proild . I I ,New Driass Goods arvi0ig every few (lays. See out C ,hild.. .
I �peop.la who , dairy blisi- ada, . .� . plen I I .
lure wcre pleased t' Illect, hei, . , nost profitable part of thL cuts.-beorge Pates, PrOpri I., ren's C00s, theY Are excellent vaille. I . 6
. O large crowd of' ydllu�t st c1lair. I . . . . . . I . � ' 6 I CO I
I - — , � till.-Ilold Out to be tile Math,c)(Ii. ness is tile growing ficig, coll.stullilig ' I . - . I Thos.. Brown, kictioncer... . New"Ooods arriving in the Millinpry department every few Q9 ..
I x A VLrV 0110yable evening ) ables and ' - . . 1rh rsdav, Oct; 29th, at i 1). in, , a t . I .
I I � I . ARL r bad tile thin inilk, .r( ats, veget . � . � . . . . it ((V� - . . days. (�)
11HINSALT4. I . been Spent icrre.;hIIIentq * were s.,rvc,,Il coarse grains. , . I ..1. M � . t. tile Villaie Of.11orliltoll", 5 miles north Q�� : . Any quantity of J3utter itnd Eggs taken itilex. . . .. � I ,
. . Plefore Idaving the voting pcop.IL Pre- A t0egrain froin Lincoln,Nob.,stato, I k. alul bblileall- (�) . . . I . (o)
, ess , ��ith a LiveStoc4 arU ' of Mitchell, fat�lll stoc , ' ' 4 . . change ,for Goods, �'L . I I (itN .
*ecr of IlibbOtt town- smited tile host and ilost that tile recent sliIIIII) ill the prices Of . . ; T � I - ----
Another Vio , It , ogs uIcall . S a. JOS.,; of tit Ivast bj'000l. . � . . ents.-John, Walsh, 11roprictor It 1 0.9, 8. .. . .
ist - beautiful water set. Tire Ad- 1. -0
ship passed to the great avajority Olt lit( )13rier%, �, . the bog raisers of tit Torolito, Oct, 2o --411c. full at the 11rown, - Auctioneer. � co) . I . (1) . - .
.k ii, i'lle ppicsqn 'Of Jollas dregs was read by Mr. J, 0 at state'; . . I . .
Stinclav 000 to itiv couiptised 1,2 ',Vridav, Oct, ,Irkll, � p., In.,. At lot W . I I . I �
, WOO .. . - . 0)
SilTY111611s, lie *Ag in Ili,; 8oth v air j who is till active Itietriber of tile T!0s gives its aft* idea of Lite, . incitrey city cattle market-ticio' . . (a) "') .. I .
by choir. Air. Alai 11111cli er Of tile hog ill a Western state . -i consisting ()f 1,69c) Ilead of 1,5, Coll. T2, AlcKillop, farin Stock And - - BLYT a
well klinwh irtud inlich 170 V Olitarl'o farnier lie 1'! 74149 ilITpIu111,ef.tS.--!-J, Crm,itt, llropriLt6r. . (�)
the circle of hi.s acquaintances. - The litipret-no(l. by "T ' if, (111'e ;xl not fitta'r that cattle, 12 241 AMP and lallll,)'�, . I I of) .
;peutoed' , lm�d% , 4) D. M. MCBEATH
I gave A. lel�*, hor has reticlied tile lililit In hog raising. 11098 Atilt 47 (:.lives. There4ac, a fail. Satu . rdav, Oct. 11st, at I 11, I M, at . ,,-)
I . r�Vatt's ShOwIl, , Toil R;ad, ITItIlett, ,� I'llil (-t'.
fulteral tcx)k lAace - to' McTak, liking good it .. 1>retoria 1310elt *
`lo`vb"i11"`%1�Vc Yle
emilic"tety tile resting place, of .qc) inatty the kind v(.)i;!hg il'i"�,)",4,1,�llf)(I)iytllt,lilr�ttll()".- The number could tic (1011410 011- every inarket, trade being. especially I )t 14, I113 c S �-� . . . . . I . I . � .
. .
. . "I l..'
. . - east of Clinton, . ate Of fatrict Z@S804, !" (smo--moo-8c"91iAD .
Ntensive ,
, � for blitchers' cattle and feeders e ., (�) . I
(if the early .settlers of thiq part (it ,rlltfttiluiss� fariti and there would be pit tell a8er-S- w""0.,C..,C,,sC- C."O. 0. Q&4)8x-;�S@0- (�8812*0- e,-- 00 04 �) , I (�) .
tile equirty. S be L dir - around Expott--ThLre mro not Inally export ,itock.-Oliver Millsl 41roprictorl. � ri. " . . . .. . .
It has alwav% ,LII .1 sAvlog Of our for t1w "siclects" till tlier I .. . I
. Oliv, of our farmers clealled' X40 village and al.,1110A 10-oked "upoill as a This is assured, because of Our largo�� cattl� offerving, tit( there was CL tic- ' Tuesoji0, ITOV. 3rd,, at I P. In,, At . I I -- , - � I -n--=::� -
served 1111t,"I'lo . --. ----
- r. werh t1lat tile people woure TO., pork paclIng factories that are Able Inaticl for choict, e. Several %lied- it, 16; AileXillop, fatin .stock !.m�—� �
bll.%111,18 ()I wheat which tested 63 , to, sell all lupv,titiou , Ili,,, to fiii r IOA,dS of export $('lot L 'It l6t A5, COI - �-, . Boyd, llroprictor� I I I � I ' .
po'llirds to the bill"110, Out. of * t116 And wolild licit call oil, their neigh- their product in co ef-01 $4,25 to $4-40- . . And iniplernent�, -A . . A J2
. I r tilt, first four ilays et
bor�s. This cannot Ile tr0thfUll. I *It. with rival foreign concerns. , l7th, :At I 1) I
Ab(-qvc clilillitify a3 only about y .4 it I In ark for .Choice Saturday, Oct, I a %tv�:
there w, Butchurs-A good �
half a'g,'111011 ,64 tailings. This Spc,aks AV, who 110:44 been, ill Al I lot" r dvirbig �T, ket for Dict"s holiel vards, Seciforth �xt�118f!
I'! I �
isi!d in tills ,ITT, 1), Aftirr of ti . week tile itultibur of hok�q butellL s, cattle and a fair inar le Of ,stock steets, liewiv calved AN, ADVERTI %avit" E IVI E N T
for tire illhalitY of wheat Tit Init1st dvtrhi�t tlw gliquiner tualiths, 'Ituos Tit top Ve, Aft
our it 5a"000lem that% soilledays Inedinqu to fair Yq1tality. 0 �. .1 - ..
seetiah. � I It On MOudAV fOr Toronto where, wa's Cows And apringers.-P, A. 8villivall,
I V - A 'V� in previoll.% ,i,*eks in tile Chicago cluar- l>icliAl, $4:,10 ; Ordisiary" $1,5c) to 3,1,6o. Proprietor. .
.1. 11ril3kirk wife and two children le will colltinlle7 his. Studies as, , not iticlined to price for finte1wrs fr(6 $4 to $4,120- 40 NEWS=REC-
r(itiv lied friolu� Chicago oil 1101 (lay ket,'the btivers were s Vair dieltiand, lot good (Ittal' Wednesday, Xov, 4th, At I P, Ili-' 1N THE .
r 8. .c.price, ,iprovince of 'Ontario Faedi"rl —1 . . .
)('11itling twicy pleNant - . rais .4. The ROaci,4 "I'loikersinith, IY4111ilug .
I Illorning after �11 '. ev Of Staillevisl ftlk- owes A debt Of gratitild(f to olli stilrdv, ity. lluavvleedN's. 4oliol, at *.65 to T,ondorl, I I . 1. �
. ,,
cek,s; visititig Mrs, Horiblicirk's sisfter Mr. 'I'lloS, Wit " 9, .. . I . 11 � I gOntli of 1�rueeficicl, exttellsivoc.; sale, of � O%k N -- I In
great. hig his rount1% Again mAkitif notice I Of pluCkV and ftStUtc, huI)OttCrS of sWitic, 1�1'75- tit-, .
I i
� I I , "
, 41
- , I
. I
I - I
- I � I �.`,.:)))
.till -eving tile sights of Sheq , lit IlOrscs and high arado c t
tile . . . - Ofire alld. I I %-,,-1,hec1) -�stcjticjv tit olrang A �
&I Who) balve 1)r(glght tit(,, York. , %A -` ")
� . taxes (1110, . , 1) allA,ii,alub. '$, --jain s 11atterson, PrOpriet )r UR D— BRIN '58 GOOL.op 11
citv. � ,to.5A',,:o -, larnbq (lull tit 1,5o te c .
IOV aftivt*l horlie recently Mr, A, S. XlIOx paid it fl q- Tatuworth breeds tO tile front- Thes, -',A - I o � � -4 o , . .
Will. Mee Ying vi. bogs Are best adapted to our patt* (If to) $,1i9() ', Inl0o' I � L L
fifler gpeadink AbrAlt two Months it to his hoille oil Sunday last. ITO thiseuntinent Lto 'qlll)l)lv 6or own, pork Ilogs-Alarltet �.qtqady prices 1111�1111114
to tilt ec)uljtitgq of Essex �fiq runititig oil a train; olit Of $irat- i;( Ili tImSt tilld $5-15 - IT PAYS TO ADVR,RT18n RESULTS. i \ . I I
land halt I s gelt- ford as $Jt)apO firetraft ande al- And flirnish bacon iild hall%,, for Great I nt $�(.40 (Or t I IN
alrd xOnt hT t(ydriectiou, with Ili. l 'etting [,Torollto World, . for light,q aild fats, ill THP4 XV4WS4tV4CORD1 . I . .�
,oral Agelley basillesq, I 01% ri, It, I .1 Britaill "L I 1\ . .. . I . � 0 . 11 I -. ''I . � . I i \ . I
I .
. . � I I
� t
, I
.11 . . . �
It - I I . . - . �
. �
I . � . , "I 1" - "'. . . I t.
I - � . . P . , I I .
. . 'l
I I . . . . - --' I 1i . . l .
. � , I AL J, . A , & * & �26 &. &A..&-
. wik� —1- �AjLAA- . �- � &-J� � -AL � &,& � &
. 41 AAL A A a -&A
a. . .1 � . ... . � l, , � . ,, . l, . . � A k � A A�. '�� ,