HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-15, Page 1,
24th Year
.)temeteleosseleistelaietekltemetetelenerxctsti new,-teteisselciesemer,4-xoli
DI 49K-,-,ielsK,4eletercietimeletetetimeisii,+:3=MIEISR,100-Nieetaehililtt;li.it,-1-ettlt,"?
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2>< >
-Materials For
If you are making up any kinds 't
of fancy goods we will be pleased
to show you the materials we have
lately added to our stock, as we
are confident the selection is the •
newest and best on the market.
The assortnaent comprises :
Belding's Art Silk, 6 skeins for 25c
Imperial Lustre, per skein 5c
Orkney Shetland Floss; the best
imported brand, full oiince.ske-
ins, black, white and colored,
per skein
W. Cooper Co.,
< >
, >
• <
>< >
+44+ +++++++÷÷÷++÷÷4444
Men's Snits
to Order.
Our Tailoring Department
f. " has been too busy to Say .a good
wend for itself since the
- rush began, and it is only now
that we can begin to take
breath. .
Have you ordered your
Fall Suit yet?
We invite you to come and have
a look at. the largest and finetat
stock of imported Worsteds,
Tweeds and Cheviots in the
county. .
Our prices are moderate, while
we give you all the style, fit and
finish to be had in any city. ----'1.
• .
Is now complete with all the
new est designs in. ,Worsteds and
. Serge Suits.
In Tweeds all the nett, ateinet‘
• •
• •
• •
• •
• a
Fall Overcoats in the very
latest styles.
Youths' and Boys' Suits in all
Small boys' 'lobby two-piece
vokf. New Ynrk suits, Made
ti on n good serviceable 411.wool
tweed, dark grey ground, in
neat stripe ; pattern made yokc.
box pleats and belt finished, with
farmer's satin linings. Au) O'K
Sizes 23 to 28. Price.
• •
T. Jackson, ok.
• ,
*. •
0 0 0 O
Aothorized •Capital.,...$2,000;000
Pad -up ... . . 1,300,000
•ReServ.et . 325,000
*••••••• ••••••••••••+
We make a special effort
TY to a.ccounnodate the
farmers to the collection •
of sale notes, also the con-
venience we afford thetn •
in the transaction of all <t>
their business is the very -
best that can he obtained
bathe community-. . . .
Savi:ngs:Ban.k Branch:
- . . .
Our Savings Bank Bran• -
ch is especially the most
' • advantageous to all de-
positors. A deposit of $1
is appreciated as much as
one of a much larger am-
ount. Interest allowed
from date of deposit until
date ofwithdrawal. 3 Per
cent. per annum. cOmpta-
ted half yearly
The Sovereign Ban
of Canada.
H. T. RANCE, flgr.
0000000.00.000.0o o 00000.
A chance that never before
has been given the buyers of
Ready•nuade Clothing.
We have a lot of
Tweed that we are
going . to make
cheaper thaii you
would get the same
quality Ready-made.
This is a genuine
bargain. If you have
been in the habit of
buying Ready-made
Clothing. •
Givoll8 a chance and you W111
Soo that the clothing we aro
making tie at the amollpricotrill
last as long as any two of the
ordinary nottartaaaos,
A. J. Holloway.
The annual 'games of the C. C. I.
will be held in the park on Friday
ofnext week. It is expected there
will be as heretofore a large attend
mice, and keen contests, in, short a,
good day's- sports. •
'The local. R. T. of T. lodge was vis-
ited • an Thursday '.evening last hy • 0,
dozen of the Royal Teinplars • from.
tieaforth who furnished the major
partof an interesting . program.
Leitch -• was the last number' and it
very fittingly brought to a eloso an.
evening's enjoyment. • • • -
The thirteenth' annual Live Bird and
Target tournament • •of the -.Clinton
Gun Club held on Thursday and fori-
day last was wsll 4.ttended, . shooters
being present front Detroit,' Ridgetown;
Dutton, Fingall,. London, Hamilton,
Brantford, Goderielt, Crediton, .?.Zurich.
and Dashwoocl... The weather was all
that - could be desired considering the'
The first day's- shooting was at
live • birds and a faster lot were never
trapped.- To' Make the shooting more
difficult a. stiff breeze was blowing
from the southwest directly across
the traps front right to. left.;
The honorthe first day were divided
between J. Mitchell of Brantford
and .P. C. Wood of Detroit. Mitchell
made two straight scores and Wood
one. Both' shot 5ront the limit merle
The . shoot was ander the manage -
meta of J. E. Cantelon, vice-presi-.•
dent, of the Dominion of Canada Trap
Shooters Association. and *secretary of
the Club as well as manager. He
acted as. cashier and shot thrbugh .the
.entire program, inaking some -good
scores, . shooting from the. limit -mark.
First event., 5 birds -C. J. Mitchell
J.. E. Cantelon 4, Dr, Dallie 3, C. W..
Scene 3, II. Scane 3; D. Millar 3; • . A.
MeRitchie 3. . .
.Second event, 15 live birds, handi-
cap -Wood, 3o yards, 13 ; Kerr,. 29, 7;
McColl, 28, 14,; Miller,. 27, 12 ; • H.
Scene, -29, 12 ;..hIcRiteltie,. 28, ; C.
W.' SCOAIC, 28,.. 14 ;• C. J, Mitchell, 301
A $ilnp.S0/1,• 27, -11 ; Hattlip,27,
11 ; F. Met:hull, 27,. 10 ;•Dodds,27, --
-10 ; Cantelon; 3a, 11 ; Fritz, 27, 9. ;
Graham, 26, 9 ; ..J., Joheson, 26,8;.
M. Fletcher, 29, . •
Third event, to live birds -Wood 'ro,
McCall 6, Scene 8, **Ritchie 8, .C..W.
Scam 7, C, J. Mitchell 8„ Cantelon 8,
Miller 9; SimpsOn. 6, Kerr 6,•Dellie 9,
Tra.rtlip 8, • F. 7. Hovey. 8,
'Fletcher 8. --------------. .
Fozirth.evelit, mi.'s§ and ont--Fleteher,
IL. "Scene and Cantelon divided on
sixth bird. ' • ..
. Fifth -.event, miss atid oat -Fletcher,.
C. W. Scone and McCall :divided.' on
sixth bird. . • • • • •
. Second Day.. •
The shootingthe second clay was at
targets and three average prizes ;Were
given.. These were" won by P. 0: Wood,
Detroit ; J. E. Hovey; Clinton and M.
E: Fletcher, Hamilton. Thc. shooting
ivas. dillicUlt on accritint of. ..facing
the sun for a while .inethe niorning,
its . glimmer through breakiag. clouds
making •:the targets look like ten cent..
pieces. Tlid club added one cloilat to ev-
ery straight' score in the last 'fiv4
events- Thiswastaken advantage of
by. P. C.. 'Wood and M. E. Fletcher..
In five hours • over three thousand
targets were • thrown.. The. Sliding.
handicap ' used was • 'somewhat .different
from that generally 'used and gave .eittire
satisfaction... . The. . winners . • of. first.
money went '• to, the limit 22 .yards,
winners of Second' :to 21.: yards, third
.to • 20 'yards, • and .4th to . 20yards
and so an. •The 'reasenfor this Was
that provions to. this. •shoot a straight
score . had not been 'brahen. on the.
grounds, ...so no one had to go.. to.
the limit until the above were ia
First event, 20• tar. gets -The.' tnoney
winners were. : Fletcher 18, Rood 19;
:Seine 1•7, -Ifoyey 17, Ball 17; • Cantelon
Second event, 20. • targets, $no guar-
. ,.
anteed,-Iletelter 12, Mitchell •15, . goss
13, • 'Wood i, Dodds r6, C.antellon; 16,
Seatie 15, Hover .x7; Graham 13, 0.
iNr. Scone 15, Ball 12.. • • • *
Third event,•20 targeti---Fleteher. 1(8,
MeChell 17, Wood.20, Hovey. x7; . Gra-
ham 17, Donk 16, . • . :
. Fourth . event; eo targets---Fleteher
17, Mitchell iS,: Ross 16, Wood 15,
Cantelon 16 Scatie • •17, • Hovey 11 Gra-
ham '16, Dollie 19, C. W'. Scant 19, •
Fifth event, 20 targets -Pletcher no,
Cantelon 17, Hovey, 19. •
Sixth event, 20 target.--MeChell 17,
408S..15, Wood 17, H. Scone x6, Hovey
•x6, Graham 15, Dollie 15,
Seventh event, 20 targets -Fletcher 17
Mitchell 15, •Airood x6, Dodds ts, Can-
telon 13, Scane 27, Hovey TO, • bailie.
45,• 'McCall 17.
Eighth event, no targets -Fletcher 2,2„
Mitchell 17, Ross 15, Wood • 20,4 1)0(1dS
15, Cantelon x6,, Hovey :18, C.* . W.
Scone 16, Dollie . . .
Ninth event, no targets-Eletcher 16,,
Mitchell 15, Wood 19,. Dodds 19,
tu1011 18, H. Scam 18, Hovey 18, Gra-
ham 17, bailie 17; McDuff 18.
...Tenth event', 2() targets -Pletcher 18,
Ross 15;• Wood 17, Cantelon 15, 11.
•SCatiC 15, IHOVC)P1/, Dollie 16, Xe,
puff 17.
Dr. Holmes and C. j.. Mitchell
handicapped the shooters tin pigeon
events and as there was no kicking
it may be taken for granted that
their work was satisfactory.
C. J. Mitchell has donated the Club.
a handsome trophy; to become
the property of the shooter • who wins
it three times. • This was won by S.
E. Hovey with J. 1. Cantelon second.
Mr, J.' E. Canteloit had a' large
score cord on the table from which
a shooter could tell his standing
Without hating to ask any questions.
The visitors, said it was the best'
thing in that lint they have yet Seen.
Mr. W. Hollingsworth of Dutton
. was late in arrivitig at, the shoot
owing . to a prior engagement the
night previous, but as he had never
Missed a Clintoii tournament he must
needs turn up at the 136. He was
formerly a resicleht of this teem ancl
the boys are always pleased to sett
The shoot was a SUCCe..V.4' 1111)(1. tO 110
One Must (more 'credit ilmgivett than
Mr. S. E. Canteloni
, the ndefatigable
manager, who was at everybody's
beck and es,111,
On Tuesday Sandy Fluter. brought
The News -Record some ripe raspber-
ries. which he had gathered in their
garden. • "I have never seen such late
raspberries as these," said Sandy,
"and I believe I can get as anuch as
two quarts.''
A #thauksgiving service will be
held in -Wesley ehurelt itt Ix .o'elock.
on .T1tursday, The preacher will .be
Rev. • Dr. Cook. At 1 o'clock it wed-
ding . will take place whenone of
Clinton's . most charming young lad-
ies will become the bride of a gen-
tleman from t1.3rampten.
Large congregations greeted Rev.
Dr, Potts in the two Methodist clutr-•
cites l'ast Sunday, 'at • Wesley in the
a.. in,' and Ontario street in the Cven-
ing. T1i6 discourses were- such as the
reverend gentleman is. famous through-
out Canadian Methodism for deliver-
ing, The collections and Attbscriptions
were large and betoken the interest
taken in the Educatiorial fundof the
Citizen. .R. Irwin expecta his family
all home for Thanksgiving; Mrs. J.
D. .Kiltv has airee.dy arrived- frinn
La.utittal, Mich. Miss' Mary ,C. Irwin
will be up Irma Toronto, and Harry
down from Ooderieh.. • John Irwin., G.
T. R.. trainmaster, is expected -from
Barrie- +and Gregg W. Irian Spring-
field, Mass. • The- latter is assistant
secretary -of the • Young Mea's. Chris-
tiait Association •in that- city. •
. •
-.The • News -Record haS been informed
that Mr. David .Beecom of Hullett
pureoSes retiring • front. farming .at it
fte diStant date and will . take t.p his
•abode 111 •Clintoti„ As a resident Of
Goderich townthip. and later'of Hul-
lett.. he has become widely .1cnown•
and respected and aoir that' .he.., pur-
poses to take. things easier .his num-
erous frientlii -will wish him, many
happy years .cif ease • as a tilting re-
ward Tor an •inclustrious lile. .
Air. J. C. HodgSon; JI,iiSchool' in
Spector; Toronto, , paid hi,. official
visit to • the C. C. I. on Thursday and
Friday ' last • and after a close stiper-
visien of the work being i/onela the
ditku.-entdepartiaents he said in ef-
fect : • This school is all right. Good
teaching •iS being done and • good re-'
Snits sheold :follow. . • '
AS Mr. Hodisoa's work is kit 'one
end .cif. the province, mic yearand at
the other • the nekt;he..is mit expect-
ed to visit the C. C. I. until' 29052 in
the ordinary course of events. • .
.An amusement twenty years ago
. .
was known CIS • "The Publisher's De-
and.:could more generally
indulged.; in at . the present time.' It
Wag' .,pctfornted• aa •folios .:.• 'fake
sheet of paper 'and. W.rite your address
on* it, fold' it up and enclose a bank
note sufficiently large to*. pay up all
..arrears • on yourloCal paper and. • a
year's fsubscriptiini in advance- •And
what -adds. immensely to thti. feat is
to send along the name of • a new
'sabscriber . with; the cash .to balance:
Keep Your eye' en- the .puldislter: 'and
if you detect a 'smile the ..triely ,is a
sticcesS. Try it.. ' • • • • •
• , . • • .
.The telephone, -.Poles wlitch have
heretofore beensO nusightly a spec-
tacle about the new postotlice are all
being reinoVed,- very' much - to the im-
provement in the appearance of that
'part of the tOwn. The wires' . froni
the ;south end will be run irony Sta-
tion to Isaae street at thiSside of
the, 'foundry • mid 'conduit° up 'Isaac
street to the Central. •
The thanks of the citizens are in
no small measure due to Councillor'.
li`ord for the great intereat he has
shown in the 110.prOVCMClitS 1110* go-
ing on about the now postollice and
which inark him as a public spirited
A letter from the Island Of jatintica
addressed. to •.
• .j. A. Cooper,' . •
Canadian Magazine,
• Canada. .
'arrived at t1i Cljntii postoffiee
Monday. Prom the postmark it had.,
evidently •first 'been sent to WinaiPeg, •
Man,, and there being no such 'maga-
zine published in. that city,, the letter
was. superseribed ''Try Clinton" and
sent , on here; This would indieate
that. the postal authorities, in Winni-
peg regard Clinton, as quite ,a literary
centre, However, while. this town- has
, doubtless many el8iin8 to such
diStinCti011, it 18 'not the place of
publication of that very excellent
monthly, The Comedian Illagazine,a,nd.
the letter was sent on to Toronto
and no doubt has ere this reached
the party - for whom it: Was intend-
The. entertainment ,given in the town
hall on Friday evening of last week
by the "Gauthier-AmIdison combina-
tion of Massey -Hall Artists" . Was
good, Superlatives re i•glit be used
but • that would imply comparison and
WO have not had . suchan excellent.
all-around company here this' season,
Miss Adra /Atm, Soprano Soloist, is
an artist of much ability and greatly
pleased the • audience which insisted
upon an encore at her every appear-
ance. Miss Pauline, Atuldison is the
piatiist and eloctitirmist and excellaat
both. To hear Mr. Eminerson Morton,
violin soloist, once is. to wont to
again. Mrs, liathrytt Chaftse-Morton,
the contralto soloist, possesses • a
voice of great eonvpass MO her elm-
uniciation is very clear.. Sho is, in-
deed, it popular singer. Mr. C. M. Au-
ddison is the funny man of the com-
pany and gives variety to the pro-
gram. The company is now on; its
way to the ruffle coast and may
return ttA, Clinton again tiOWarda
spring when, we feel sure, it large+
Audience will greet t1ieu1/4
:DID Ict01, USE • SOAP.
A. soap manufacturer was once asked
why lie did • newspaper advertising al-
together and didn't use sign boards,
etc. Ile said . that in Ids experience
he had found that •the tnan: who does
not read the newspaper does not use
soap. ,
Saute of our . correspondents' haVe
overlooked the . fact . that • owing to
Thangsgiving falling upon Thursday
The News -Record goes to press' a day
early this week. Accordingly bud-
gets - .of news that our readers look
for every week have not -' reached •• us
in time for this issue: - • .
Mr. George 13.. Hanley of Goderich
township • is moving • his household
effects to the Agnew preperty and
will next week become a. resident of
Clinton. The News -Record bids him
.and his eshimable family welcome
and. trusts that they may find Clinton
a pleasant And profitable place in
which .to live.
The News -Record has been informed
lately by a number of farmers that
this- will be their lest season with
silos. They give several remains there-
for'the , principal being -the scarcity
of labor. The tendency has hereto-
fore been all the other way, but it
remains to be seen whether there will
be fewer or more silotwo years
Nue. •
Wheat 74c to 76.
Oats 27C to 28c.
Peas 6oc.
Barley .40e to 42e,
IIa.y $6.5o.
The local bilrers say that . only
small quantity of peas hes • been mar-
Ieted but. that so far they have
seen no hugs. •Mr. Srifith of the
Elevator says, liciwever, that he mi-
derstands the crop is . not entirely free
from them and renews -the advice. to
farmers to go out of pea. .. raising
altogether for a 'couple of . years'. •
,fr James Connolly, president .of
the 'Western. Dairymen's Association,
is* in Ottawa this week in the inter-
csts of *the Association and, on the
side; to .use 'its influence in fa.vof :of
the appointment -of Hon...Thos.. Bat-.
lantine to' the -Senate.' Mr. ;Dalian -
tine has been a. intr.nber. of the On:.
tarie. Legislature and Speaker thereof'
and there not being anything further.
for him there, he WOuldlike.to pass
into that House' of••Reftige of . 'has -
limn politicians, • the Senate. kr. Bal-
lantine understands.- the dairy inter-
ests ol this,: province and • as a mem-
ber of the 17pper Chamber would be in
a 'position to hci. at_ service to it. Ho
is ci. Liberal, tobe surenone• other
need apply at the. present time, •
Next :week Mr. Coenolly will Spend
1 thedlt
,aViryyodsit;ncsIli.cticeltisptrr,ict accompanied
• '
The -WCiitiiei 01 thepast , week ,- has
just seited 4the grille/7s who havetak-
en advantage of it to the fullest ex-
• Off Thursday last the. Clinton and-
Seaforth' clabs tried conelicsions witb
the following' result.
Pearce 0 Mcaggari G.D.
Walker4 Agnew
Griggs, , 4 .. IVIePherscift • • .o
-Parkes. • o-.Doarding • • 6
Wilson 0 MeLeaa . 5
Kirkpatrick • xBrewr, XI. 0
.Stevens ,,Brwer, A 0 -
Coleman • 7 McTaggart, M.D. o
18•. . .12
• On - Thursday Clinton and Seafoith
combined -six playersfrom each town
-go to Guelph to :play. that .city.
Clinton will be represented by G. D.
*Taggart, C. E. Dowding, M. D. Mc-
Taggart, . R. AgneW, • E. M. McLean ,
and one' other hot yet chosen. •
The Ladies'. 'Aid .seCiety . of Knox
cherch • here. hold •a social oft Thurs-
day eytining in Temperance hall;
Many of those who attended •CE3lyth
Show counted a good cleansing as
Part of the refreshments on the'lionie-
ward' trip. . . • '
The Orange • brethern raised their
flagpole one day last •week.
• The Auburn union choir, has • re-
organized' . with the .natne or Auburn,.
Choral Society and an increfiseclitaten-
bership. It, will . practise Friday �v-
- ening, • . .
Joe • Lawsou has had. IPS house
'freshened 'with a coat of white.. •
Several. took in Dungannon Show
froini. this viCinity.
.Tlic' new Presbyterian chunk is 'to
be of • cement blocks and the cost is
not to exceed $5,500. The Intikling
committee are littstlerS Otal will sho-ve
the work along. • . .
Mr, Harvey Malloy oas returnecIto
-sItayead. Imre male e2auo-,-y ()Immix
ing .clering the 'summer with D. C, A.
Irowton, '
Miss Oensmer has returned home
from . the f•-itates after visiting ber
brother for it few months,
Mr. too- Mrs. Carter of Clinton
lsapsetntwe.pak, few days with his brother
Mrs. T. 'IL Coupland has returned
home from London where she • was a
delegate,to the Women's Missionary
society Conveution.
Mr, A. C. Sackson is •doing a rush.
tug business. Ile has added another
handto the staff in the person ' of
Mr. john Nagle.
Mr, Win. Mole and Miss MeWhinney
of Dungannon Slut:cloyed It Auburn.
Mrs. Thos. Nieholson 'spent a few
days in Dungannoti this week.
Mr. Henry Sturdy has, returned home
front l'arry Sound aCcompanied by his
father arid itis nephew, John Sturdy.
The latter iittenda going to Sthool here
this winter.
Whole Number ,1288
Death of a Pioneer. --It is with ex-
treme regret that we rikord the death
of Mr. James .Richardscnt of the 12th
con. which took place on Saturday
last after -a 'brief illness. The de-
ceased haa,been in his usual Ovid
health and spirits on Thursday, but
was stricken with apoplexy almut 2
o'clock on Friday Morniug. Although
he rallied sometvhat lie' never
:ed. emsehmsness and passed .iquietly
away twenty -foul. hours after.
'The late Mr. Riehardson was a nat-
ive of Queen's _Comity, Ireland, and
came to -America in' the year • 1849,
lateliag at New Orleans after a three
anantlis' passage. Starting up the
Mississippi river he remained for two
years in the :state of Ohio, wheeee
he came to Ontario, at that trine
known as Canada WesE. • Here ' •he
settled on' the saute farm which he•
occupied • at the . time of his death
and eadured all the 'trials and hard-
ships.which Usually fall'to the lot '
the early settlers ni . the unbrokee
forest.- .At the time of his death he
was Seventy -live years of • age- and had
editnoc• :etc, , tcountry develop by
pioneers from • a eomparative•
11085 into 0: "10.11C1 110Wing With *Milk
his efforts. and those- of his • fellow
The -deceased .was, during all hii
iifa,•an active • • and• liberal worker • in
the Church of. England' and was trely
Ethiller of. the Church and of the
faith. • The cominnuity loses by his
death a men over ready to do battle
for the 'truth and for the
. •
In politics the late Mr. Richardson
was -a Liberal -Conservative and took
a gmat interest . in the affairs•of the
.countrsi at .large. Indeed,. . for a man
• private„ 1if whiz- ha.d ncz political
arnbition t� satisfy he • had an: ua-
usual , grasp • of political • subjects • and
showed'himself to be possessed .of
-much More: than average itatelliggeo.no,
on all matters relating to he
and welfare- Of' his folloW, citizens: • ••
-wife .and six children- servive
him : Mrs. 1-1. Hicks of the 12th con.,
Mrs, • W.- Rowden •of the, xsth
Mrs, •G. Ludlow. of Rohneaville, Miss-
es Icate, and.- Franees,. and Rhbert nt
honie. . To these we, extend our:. deep-
est syrnpathy. in - the. bitter -hour. ;of
sepiaretioit :from a tender • husband_ and .
an ever loving Lold 'thoughtful. father.
The .reinains .'were ..interred, on Alien::
day Clinton" ..Cemetery.. A very
large • funeral cortege attested the re,:
speet- aneesteem .felt for .the departed
and- ilia • lam i I y their.. friends' and
. •
aegt-4iiita0C.cs• •
..Ainong these front a. diStance 'pres-
ent at .the funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. *.Robert Pearson of Ethel, Mr:
RichardPearson and, daughter Of Eth-
el, Mr.,• P. • Cantelon Morris town,
ship,• • kr, -John Richardsba, I)rother
of • , the • deceased,. of ••West • Breach,
Michigan, Miss M. 'J.' Riehardson and
Rev. W -. .Geo. Richardson B. of
W'Yr°111el•linfgtMera..1 Service. was :eorahicted
by . the,. „ACV. Mt. Wright .of Holmes-
ville which touching reference Was
inade tO. the Worth. of the departed,
Th'e::_pallbearers %were : john Holmes,
• Rommel: Sttirdy, W Ililani' Gould, 15
..Tohnstone; 'William Crooks • and
Gily. . • •
• ••
Miss • E. Logan •of the Parr Line,
,a'ec.mapanied by her friend, Miss qra-
cc .Torranco' of Clinton, who. Was Vis-:
Wag •-friends on 'the .Parr Line, were
at the,. home of Mr. W. L. Keys' .of
-1111;:t on Tite.sday . of
wk . .
Miss Rachel -Clarke of Seafortit
spent Saturday and Sunday with her
parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Win, Clarke Of
the 'Babylon Line. . • •
• Miss 'Addle Rathwell was the guest
of: Mrs. ,NelSon Keys of the Babylon
Line :one day recently. • .
Miss Florence Dawson of G0s11,39
Line • is at present Visiting •at the
home of her grandfather, Mr. John
McKinley -;
ad ui•P,I4fIr.Esgllie. s: . were in
Seaforth on Friday last. •
Visa Jean Ccunobell, teacher, of the
Babylon Line school, was a guest of
yrs, Wm. Clarke of • 13abylon Line on
Saturday and Senday last,
Inspector • Tom visited the Babylon
O schoel one day last week. • •
•Mr*s..• Wni Keys Sr.,accompanied
by her sister,. Miss Mary Clarke;
spent lest week' at the home of their
uncle, Mr; John 'Sheppard of °oder-
jell township. ' ,
Next . Suitclay .tnerning Rev.' R. A;
Miller will hold a, •Thanksgiving ser-
vice rill the Closhen Methodist church.
His people were,. pleased to•have lilin
'with them, last Sunday after his .re-
gent illness ' and are • glad that lie' is
well again. ;
.Mr. and Mrs. W. 3.' Stinsoli returned
home . on Sunday from a visit to fri-
ends in Greenwify. The latter spent
mt forfeight in that vicinity.
Mr. mad. Mrs. Chas. MeKiinion of
Lticknow spent a few days at\ .• Mr.
Chas. Solinston's last eweek.
Chas, ,Parker had the misfor-
tune to loso it valuable covtt last week
it !fairing choked on an, apple. .
. The wife of Mr, David Dewar pre-
sented hint with a baby girl on iSun-
Mr. JCS, 'Toward of Brussels paid it
short visit to friends in this vicinity
this week.
Mr. James Keys has bought the
farm on the Parr 14100 which Ire has
liad rented for some time.
• -Mrs. Richard Wilson and her son
Harold of Port Huron have been vis-
iting at •Mr. Robert A. Elliott's of
the 13abylon Line.
Mr. George Ilates, who sold his
farm some time ago, will have an
auction sale of his live stock, imple-
ments and houSehold furniture On the
,IVIrs. R. lUcDool, who has been ail-
ing for same titne past,is improving
and ahle to be around again.
Cupid has been busy lately in this
locality. Accouut of the wedding Will
Ito doubt. be seen, in. • next 'week's
Rev. 0. F. Newton, a former rector
of•Irinity church, is • to be in town
on Bible Society interests on: the 210
Of this month. •
It is stated that the Snovklen.13roo:
of the Sanble Line -captured over too
prizes at the various Pairs. this year.
Miss Florence Tamer ,sbent a coupie
of daysat the rectory this wc,ek.
Apple • buyers are not a drug on -the
market • in this vicinity this fall. , •
Mr. Holman, teacher, fortaterly of
13oyfield1 visited friends in Stanley; .
last Saturday.
Mr, James Parke hasgreeteda new
kitchen and woodshed which will axid
to the .comfort of the. winter months,
• .
Mrs. Robert Irwin died on Friola.a
eauning- last, aged 47 years. Her
maiden name was Hannah Ninirnans
and it was in Clinton the ceremony
took place. which made her the bride -
of Mx, Robert Irwin. She was .a
kindly woman. mid a devoted wife and
Mother, For n -early a score of years.
she so suffered With asthma that dea-
th „ccuine. at last as a ha.iipy, release.
Her husband and two- children sur-
vive. The funeral . took: place on :
day to Clinton cemetery, the services
being -conducted by Rev. Mr. .Allen,
The ..pallbearers were t John McKajg-
lit, George' Dale, Thos.. McMichael,
R-obert Ciblions;, john; Chesney • and .
James Biulholland.; ' '• •
Mr. William Bryant, .wito some time •
ago is- . supposed to have fallen in
barn, is,- we ;are pleased to say, able
to be around agaiii.
•Mx. E. C. Wilford of S. S. No..7 has
beeu reanigoged for 1494 . at an acl-
\ VIA% in, salary.. Me isa couseient-
ions,: painstaking and successful teach-
• ruder ' -the aftspiees•of.the Eriwcirth
Leegue• of the Methodist church •
entertainment was given on Monday
evening,' consisting of. •a lecture . on
" t ship: :and' 111a7lit0,..' delivered
by thd pastor of the church, Rev., J.
Ilolmes. , There was: also 'instrumental,
altd :vocal Music banished .by meta,
bers• of the League and outside
tuit. The 'proceeds ' amoented to $14.
which is to be applied to the pay-
ment of. a new piano bought by the.
Leagtie and 'formerly opened ...that ev-
ening by Prof. tainpbell. Mr. g.. C.
Wilford, president of the League, occu-.
pied the chair, .• • :.
'His honor Judge Holt. was he on
Monday 'revising the woters' list& for.
the township of Morris.
Quito nainher are 011: the sick liSt •
at Present, . • • '
• . Mr. 'Win: Cunititighathe lost' One of
Itis working horses on Thursday anora-
ing . of last . week which 'is quite a.
loss to. him.
Mr, Wm.' •-IIenry of 'Westfield was
the guest , of Mr, Pea. Million Sab-
• Miss Holyar was .the guest of , Misa
Nina Gerchiert on Sabbath,
Alr. WM. Ferguson purchased two
imported stallions. on Friday hiSt •-at
a. good figure.
On Saturday. morning la'st the in
* scat of Bre. •• and Mrs. T..
Goldthorpe Or Safford was taken :
front ,this life to the Great -Beyond
where sorrow and parting is no
more.. All medical aid .could do was
done to gave the child's life but
was in vain. The funeral took place •
on Sabbath to Colborne cenitterY
*here the remains were laid at rest:
The bereaved parents have the sym-
pathy. of the eminattnity in UPS their ,
time Of sorrow. • •
Miss Laura Bell cif ,W.estfield was •
the guest of Miss Mary . Walsh over
Suaday.' .•
Mr, Alex; Leisbanan, • who has heen.
very ill for some. time, ,is' recovering.
Miss Elsie Garton . was. the. guest of .
Miss 1V1ineie Campbell eat Sanday.y.
Mrs. R. Coultas of Clinton is tha
guest of Mrs, John •Coultes at prep- -
Misses Amanda and Era ' Nethery,' •
Sundayed • with friends in X3elgrave;
Miss Nellie Anderson oi Dundalk is .
the guest Of friends here, ;
Mr. and Mrs James. Nichol werdthe,
guests of Mr. and jail'. Wight -
man on' Sunday.
Mr. Rus. Craig or Ilultett spent .
Suuday with frieuds in this vicinity,
• •
• •
• 6
• ITOW DOES vonit
The uttrveyors have been through 4,
this locality surveying for the C. r. •
R. and we malerStand tve shall haVe 0
fitation near Cedar Valley.
Albert Mitchell purchased it fine
of Iintsea one day the past week
good figure.
The MisseS Pfeffer of New 'Stork Mr.
state are visiting their brother, team
John Piellott atit
If the label on your so
paper reads San 97 it •
means that you owe •
Lor six years sub- •
seription. •
that look 1
wel)II"8 ?
lonIsg_u't? • it rather ••
long, six years too •
To have the label is
read jail: 04 VOIlld
be better, much bet- •
The label tells the •
tale. What does •
yours say? •
**040.10000.40000.04100116 ,
a •