HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-01, Page 9The Clinton Newswitiocora
Prico Not Bverything
Price should be the last and least consid.
eration in Fur buying. our safely in Fur buy-
ing lies inyour confidence in the ibm y013 buy
from. The prices of our Furs are based on
the quality,of the goods. The value is in
what you Aet not what ou pay, The more
you pay for Furs here the more you get
At auy price your money's worth every time.
We buy our Furs from the most reliable
Furriers in. Canada. People whose name is
anonymous with reliable qualities, through-
ut the trade. We stand behind all we sell
•-•••••••••••••••••••••• 401114.44•-•••••••
English muddies. .
No Flannelettes like those made in Eng-
lando4None that wear as wellooNone that
keep their color like them. Cheapest because
best. Customers who buy them once never
like to take any other kihd. Our new Fall
stock is here fresh from the Old .Country
Looms. Big range of fancy patterns and
many qualities in plain. colors.
At ltie
English • Flannelettes, heavy '
weight, plain or twills, soft
iinish,big assortment of new
patterns and color combine-
tione, different from what
von will find in moat stores,
waeh well and give excellent
wear, per yard •
Fan Flannelettes
Very fine qualitiee English
Flannelettes, h en de o m e
stripee,absolntely feet colors
suitable for children's wear,
waists', ebirts, very flue, per ,AA
Plain Flannelettes:120
Iteavy Flannelettes,
very thick and strong, 84 •
inches wide, pinie, orea1r11
white and blue, per yard 123,c
Better Qualities
Extra heavy English Flannel-
ette, plain colors. very soft
auct strong, wash well,pink,
cream and whitp,per yardIn
15c and me
English Flannelette Blankets.
• •
You will1 notice the difference between these
and the ordinary kind the moment you see thein.
There is a finis'a and a body to them you do not see
on the common niaLes. Tney cost a little more but
thy are more than worth the difference..
Imported by Ourselves.
Eglosh Fitieelette Blankets, plain areimit or with fancy border,
extra heavy weight, soft finish, matter •and will wear better
than the ordinary makes.finished singly because they are easier ...
handled that way.each 45c
• •
' .
Save your Carpets. .
Before you put ripyour stoves get one of our
Oil Cloth Squares. New patterns and color com-
bioations, finished with border all around. 11-
1, 1i, and 2 yards square .
Successful Opening
We are more than pleased with the direct
results of our Formal Opening, Would be hard
to satisfy indeed if we were not. It is our opin-
ion that we are showing the best and most sty -
Bah Millinery that has ever been in our Show -
Room. There is a greater variety and -more
exclusive styles than ever before. Come and
see what the Fall shapes are like. No need to
buy unless you
Kid Gloves.
We have hunt up a big Kid. Glove Trade by
selling only guaranteaable qualities. No low grade
glove finds a place on our shelves. Every pair we
sell we guarantee. That protects you fully and we
give you an assortment to select fr,im, yoia will .find
in few stores here -a -bouts.
At 81,00
Le.dite real French Kid Gloveu
made from fine, soft }Mine,
perfect fitting, every pair
guaranteed, all sizes, dome
fasteners, black, greys, tans*
creams etc, per pair ..... VIP
At $1.25'
Real French Kid Gloyee,made
from choice selected Aline,
very soft and pliable, peefect
fieting,dome feeteners,blacks
and all the popular color, /.52
per pair
At 1.50
Very fine Brandi Kid Gloves, pique sewn, little peatl dotaie fasten,
ere, rich eh ides of greye, viscera eta. CM 8g toO, a hand.
some and serviceable gloye, per pair... ,f. ..........
Coats for the. Little Ones.
There is a good stock a Cnildren's Jackets
here. Both Reefers and. tTlsters. Natty, nobby.
garments that save you the bother of making or
getting then made.
Children's 'Reefers 82.00, $450, $3.00
Children's Eisfers $3.15 to $0.50
More New Rain Coat
More new Rain Coats conte hi thin week
They are nobby. They are new and just a little
different from the ordinary styles you see every
day. Corse in and have a look at them.
AND- TO itimucE er-
3 for 10 oats
IflTCII Bm."rmt AT 3 1-3
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
The I B1 Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest, Always the'Best.
We Know
Mr. F. A. Spearin of S,tratford spent
Sunday .in town,
Rev, J, Kennedy of Lontlesboto- was
iti towri yesterday.
Miss .ICate IVIartin of Teeswater is the
guest . of' Miss Mabel, Chat.
Mr. R. Fitzsimons returned Tuesday
from a business trip to 13iiitalo.
Ws. . R. Glazier is spending a "con-
.ple. of :weeks visiting friends in, and
around Surnenerhill. • '
Mr. Joe. Rattenbury 'was in Goderich
this forenoon and present at .. the
swearing inof the new registrar,.
Mrs. . S. IL Mercer .of Woodstock is
visiting her . mother, Mrs.: . Saville
• Sr., who .has been very ill for some
time, .'• • " ,
Mr. and • 'Mrs. •li. Kerr of Whighain
spent Sunday and Monday ,with Mr.
T. Ilieaccati mid other framids'in
111r. - mut 11Trat Thos. Rainball an.d
of St, Jacob s spent a -kW
days of the past Week with Clinton
1)r. Williams, •Allauford„ at one. tittle
a resident. of Clinton, was the guest
of • Principal Longh. from Saturday
to Monday.
Dr. •Plackall• of lienSall was in -Wein
. •
. yesterday.' Rotel-keeping seems to
agree teitli him for we never saw
• him look better, • ..
Mrs. Abel Read 'of OWen'SoUnd, who..
has been. visiting. her father, Mr.
David COok,for a fortnight; is now
'OM guest; of. Ashfield• relatives.
Miss ' .Alice. Burnett entertainede, few.
of 'her Clinton 'friends at her hone
in . Goderich township. Tuesday- ev-
ening and they all report' a Most
enjoyable thire.. • • ; •
Deteetive Hodge' of no G. was in.
town .Satiarday last '• looking tip • the;-
- person or person S' who. stole a quan-
tity of. &timber feop. the Company's
premises.recently,' • ' • . •
111r. and Mrs. J.. G. • Siefker . left oit
Friday laSt:. for • Marietta, 'Ohio,
where they perpoSe making their
'home. Mr; Siefker was a tuner ie.
the :organfactOry. •• • ` . • •
MeSirS. Oliver • Johnson and'• Frank
Fair left yesterday • for. Yorkto,,,
Assa. , the former. ,to „look . afte.r • his,/
liuSiness Antereitsthere and. the lat-
. ter .on a prospecting trip. , ' .• .
Mt, ;ancl Mr's. F. W. •11Taits were • in
Lonclesboro on Tuesday - evening • in.'
the ,ititerests .of the Royal Templars:
It is among the probabilities that
• a R. T. Of T..• Coattail Will be start-
ed there before'. long'. • . •
Mr. and Mrs. M. I)o'vscr Wt yester-
day for Denver; '•ColoratTO, with the.
intention of ,reinaining . there for lite
.wietar. Mr. Dowser has been in poor
health for some time and goes Sou-
th• with the hope that the, change
of ellinate. 'will be beneficial_
The litany friends of Mrs. • William
Taylor will . •be pleased . to learn
that she stood the trip tti
dosa, Man., well and. that she is,
as she says hetself in writing home,
"as happy as • .can be." She . is •
visiting her three . sees, who .have
• made their,. homes in that place and'
has for • the first time seen her thir-
teen Western grand-ehildren, This is
• her first trip to Manitoba and she.
has had sitch a pleasant experience
. that sheii ay be tetnpted to extend
hervisit o er the period originally
Mr. David Patton, who was a resident
of Goderich township kir very many
years, but left there twenty -font, years
ago, spent 'a few days in • town
• this week the guest of Mr. W. 3%,
Paisley; Thougit be bears marks of
the passage of tittle his old. friends
at once recognized him and they have,
had' many a pleasant confab, fight-
ing the battles of the pioneer days
over ,again. 1VIr. Patton has Seen
much of the world and is an .enter-
tainifig talker, I -Te was on the
Isthmus of Panama when De Lessens
made his vain but expetieivcr attem-
pt to • comma the Atlantic and ta-
ctile Means .1iy canal, Those were
stirring times, says Mr. Patton,
but a white inan took his lifq in
las hands when he went to the
Isthmus owing to the prevalence of
Yellow Fever, The canal tentract-
OVI tried • all. kinds of labor, but
the only men who could Amid the
' ellinate were the Ittinaiett "Matra"
and even they died SO rapidly that
a "dead train' passed through the
camps every day carrying the boa.
ies isf those' who had died to a
place of burial, called "Monkey
Kill," near the sea shore, Mr. Pat-
ton escaped Yellow Sack and spent
several years in that country. Since
the tr. S. war with Spain he has
been in Cuba of which he speaks
favorably though it is at present in
a, state of stagnation. The insist -
god. Cubans thought they would
become rich if they overthrew Spanish
rule and are muchieappointed at
Whig themselves no better off
titan before, Mr. Patton thinks
the island will ultimately be gobbl-
ed up by the XT. Se which is only
waiting for an excuse to take it
...,..?asta Wifttr ',Goa
Are Reacly For You—
Everything to wear, everything for the home. We were never so well able to serve you well
never so confident in assuring,you that your money goes furthest here in buying goods of sterling char.
acter. If you have not already been to air store this season we ask you to come; examine our goods ;
compare prices with others, Buy or not as you think best. The storefiefiright, the goods new and fresh,
our helpers courteous, and willing to show you the new things. We want you to feel at home here, we
don't expect you to buy every time you come, but when you are ready to buy, we can easily prove to you
that money buys the most at Newcombe's.
The New Dress Goods
• Our new Dress Goods stock is easily the finest and best
we have ever.shoWn, All the very latest novelties in Dress
Goods will he found here. You. are cordially invited to coro.e
and see the new goods and compare prices with any store,
One of, the latest novelties is the Scotch tweed effects, they came in I fin
a tine range of colors. Prices are , . 815o and I
Our stock of staple Dress Goods is very complefe,in Cashmeres,P0P-
hue, Satin Cloths, Venetians we have some excellent values 7 C
at 25c, 40c, 50c, 60c and .I.V
Navy and Black Broadcloths
At 85c, $1,, $1.15,$1.25 to $1,60 are the best values we have ever seen
and you will think eoto when you see them.
• More Hornespuns than ever •
We are showing more of these serviceable °goods .than
in any previous season and the' way they are selling proves
they are still in high. favor for.those wanting a skirt or suit
that will give lots of solid wear. They come in assorted shad-
es of grey, black and navy at 75; 90; $1, $1.15 and $1.25.
The New Millinery
Our Millinery Opening this fall has.been, th.e most . sue,
cesful we have ever held and we never sold so many hats a'
opening time as we did this season.
This week we are making a very fine showing of the late
est Otiting Hats. The prices are less than you'll find. else --
• Some Bargains. itit Staples for.
Friday, Saturday and IVIonday
13c Flannelette at 5c
200 yards of 25 to 28 inch wide flannelette in assorted
stripes,also plain colors of pink and white these ate lines
that sell up to 8; On sale at, . • • • 5c
Flannelette at 7c worth up to 10c
300 yards of Flannelette in stripes only, extra heavy
quality, regular prices 9 and 10c. Sale price ...... A 7c
.12%c and 1.5c Wrapperette at 9c •
250 yards of Wrapperettes in elegant designs some hard
finish,others soft make, regular 12e and 150 values to go .
951 sale days at. , • 9c
12ic Shaker at 10c
36 inch wide Flannelette in pink, blue and white rqg-
ular 109,
75c Scotch Fingering Yarn at 55c
-100 lbs of the best 75c Scotch Fingering Yarn in black -
to go on sale for three days only . 55c
All Wool Homespun at 55c
On Friday morning we will place on sale 100- yards of
all wool Homespun 56 inches wide, in black and -grey
only, regular value is .85c for. 55c
, . . , , •
. "
• • ,,,,„;„
Goderich Township. Warning. •
Miss . • of Thessalon The publishers of the Family lien:,
Speut • from ,Siturday to Monday as aid and Weekly Star of Montreal warn
the gitestsxf her grandfather, Mr. John the public regarding an Offer made by
O. Elliott. Site came 'down on the certain papers in which 'another Mont -
Algoma. Line stee.iner the King Ed- real paper, with a somewhat similar
ward and as owing to the bigti t t name to the Family 'Herald', is offered
in a Clubbing conibination. It is re-
ported to the publishers that in •scene
cases the offer has been a.ecepted
nn -
der the impression it Was the Family
Herald and Weekly Star that • would
be received. '1`he paper in question
has no connection whatever with the
Family Herald and Weekly Star. It
is the Family Herald and Weekly Star
that is offering the handsome premitttn
pictures and large colored map of the
Dominion as pretniems. 'The word
"FAIVIILY" should lie used when ad-
dressing that paper, This caution
should have the effect. of putting pets.
pie* ott their guard. • •
the Soo the •King Edward had tore --
tern without completing its trip.
Kiss VilOtt'S visit was very short;
Mr. George Carter of ',Mehemet,
III., has been visitiag at Mn. John 0.
Elliott's. •
Ripe • rasPharries may be had for
. .
the picking ih Mr, •Thos. Ilarrlson's
slash, There are cittetts. of theta and
some of the bushes were '.still in blos-
som on Saturday last. ' . • ,
To Mrs. '.Chos. Webster
ticar Friend, --It is with Ieeliugsof
deep 'sorrow that we, the ollicera and
members of Holthesville Council No.
301, C. 0. C. extend •to you ottr
sympathy on the sad and sudden
death of your late husband, who was
an honored member of our council,
We know that our sympathy can do
little to alleviate the sorrow of your-
self and the fatherless children, but
our fondest wish is that , you may
long be blessed in the care of those
little ones left to •your cart.
Cantelott, C. C.
0.R.Forster Recorder,
To the officers and members ofieHolmes• -
ville Council No. 301 :
Dear .Friciuls,—r hg to aeknowledge
the receipt of one thousand dollars,
being fttll amount of inseraute held
by my late husband, t also teuder
my •sincere thanks to you and your
Grand Council for the prompt pay-
ment ot tho same. • Wishing you and
your noble order every success, I ant
respectfully yoers,
Mrs. Thos, Webster,
1,, 0 T, No, x3g, which should meet
an Monday evening trod, will not do
so until Wednesday &ening, A. good
attendance is requested.
'Mr. Sohn 0. Elliott. and Mr. Alex.
Elliott visited friends at teeknow
the past week,
Star, ley' Township.,
and, Miss Howard of Drysdale
were guesth of Miss Sharpe, Babylon
Lino, last . Sunday.
• • • (10deriCh.
Miss .Etta Barry has gone to .ton -
don to visit her autit,' Mrs. ,Tolutsto-..
ne, who is indisposed.
Miss• Barbara Gilchrist of •Kinear.
ditto has been Visiting. Goderich fri-
ends.‘ ' .•
The want of an authentic of our
own Dominion of Canada was tamer'
so much felt as during the'present ses-
sion at Ottawa: when: the Grand Trunk
Pacific Bill was being diseussed. Few
homes, business offices or schools havo
such a thing. The publishers of the
Funnily 1-teraid and Weekly Star Of
Montreal, always alive to such other-
gencies, at mice saw their. 6peortunity
and have had engraved a most cont.
plete and up-to-date snap of the
Dominion: with „an enlarged map of
this province as well, It is a IleNit
Quick Reference Map awd.. is all that
the naine
The map. is only ono of theta val-
uable premiums given this year to al'
who subscribe to that popular papet.
The two ,others aro pictures entitled
"Heart -Broken" , runt "Hard to Choo-
se" and are without exception rho
most delightful subjects over Selected
Anniversary services in connection' as newspaper premiums. Family Iter -
with Londesboro Methodist elturch aid sebseribers always gat big val.
will be held on Oct. xtth. Rev. A. rte 'Ina this year certainly looks the
Attdrews of Walton will preach both limit as to what can he given.
mornieg and evening. An Offering will
be taken at these services in aid of
the trust fund. On the following
Thursday evening a fowl supper will
served front 3 to o'clock, after
3" •
winch addresse.s will be given by Rev. Sept. GtNricht
Mr. tt)tvidilrlig
ltsri. fsac:the
r. P. Coupland and Rev. Dr, Daniel it
win, Will deliver one of his fatuous GIU14(411.-Tin (d3aoilgetiliteehr' township •on
lectures, Singing on both occasions Sept. t3th, to Mr, and Mrs, Oliv-
by the -choir,. • cr Grigg, a. •eo%
Do not wait until the .Spow flies before
getting your Winter Overcoat. Now is the
' best time to buy. Stocks are better and as-
.sorttnents better than they will be in a months
time. Wise people .buy early and they buy
here, because this is the Overcoat Store of
this section. •
• We are showing the newest in Over-
coats at $7.50, $10.00 And $12.50,, And• '
also better lines at $14.00 and $15,00. We
havegot the right styles and we have got
" the right values too. Come in and see
, . . •
It is better to change to heavy underwear
than to run the risk of having a Doctor s bill to pay -
Its cheaper too. This -ohangesbie weather 14 the
dangerous kind. Underwear stocks are big. Every
size in litany kinds and every line the bait for the
price that ready cash and quantity buying eouidgive.
Underwear for Men at 25e, 50e, I'Sef MAO and
$11.50 the garment.
Underwear for Rays all sires ftge 40e and IV)
ttoti.t7104.,,,,louaotmotoi the garment. )440..)"___
nodgens Bros