HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-10-01, Page 8WOOCI'Sl. • PhoSiphOdlincep The Great Ravish Reaudyi is an old, well estab; lished and reliable . preparation. Has bean Prescribed ' awl used over 40 years.. All drug- gists in the Dominion. of Canada- eell and' • tecommeral as being Before and After, the ()WY medicine of its kind that curesand gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms or Nervous Weak- ness, Emissions, Epermatorrhcca, Impoteney, and all effects of abuse or execs -.es; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opiura or Stimulaws, Mental and Bram Worry, all of which lead taInarmity. Insanity, Consumption and 'an Early Grave. Price $t per package or six^ for sa. one win p'epase, win cure. Mailed prompty on re• eetpt of wise. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood company, _. Windsojaent._canaila; r - Woods Pilo* le, line is sold in Clin- tuii by. Watts & Co., H. B. Combe, R. P. Reehie‘.and 3.. E. Hovey,' Drue gists. • Plic rlloKiIIopJiTuIuaiFirB Insurance Corlitiang . -Farm and Isolated 'Townyroperty-- -Only Insured.- • OFFICERS.. • . B. McLean, President, /Cippen 0. ; Thos. Fraszr,.. Vice -President, ltrucefield P. 0. ;• T. E. IlaYs; r See.- reastirer, Seaforth P. b. • • .DIRECTORS. • • William Sliesne3 , Seaforilt ; john 0r:eve, Winthrop ; George • Dale,. Sea - forth;. John 'Watt, • Harlock ; • John' Bennewir.s, 11.rocl1iagan.; James Evans, I:eechwood ; •Jaines -Connolly,. Clinton. AGENTS. • Robert Smith,. Harhick ; E. alin- chley,. Seafer.th ; . James Cottoning% • Eginontiviller. ; , J. W. Yeo, IlohntS- vine. • . . . . ' Parties. desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will bd promptly attended to- oil application' to any of the aboVe. officers addressed to their respective POsloffices. Losses inspected by tlie direetor lives -- nearest the scene. • 1 .7 The News.rtarord C .7 1 onsBank I eotpt rettal by . of „Parliament, 1888 $2,500,e0o - 11 , MONTRRAI4 Uolson Maepli-trson, President. Auriga Elliot, General AlnnaVr Note* diseounted. Collections rnatle. Drafts issued. Sterling rind Amer* ien Exchange bong,lit and sold. "m"--4.ntereet allOWed on deposits -- 'ISA.VINGS. BANK ' Interest allowed on, sums of $1 and eompoundA half yearly. FARMERS -4 Miley advuneed to fa mere on their own Inkes -with one, or uto eridoniers. No mortgage reettiredis eei rity. AVAnager, Clinton. 4,4,4444. "For two years I offered ter- ribly from dyspepsia, with groat •depression, and was alwaya feeling poorly. I them tried Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, and In one week I was a new Ma n," -John McDonald, Philadelphia," Don't forget that it's c," Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will nuke. you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying .some other kind. Mangart Use the old, tested, tried, I, and true Ayees Sarsapa. BANICER. rilla. bottle. Ail *mins, A GANERAL BANHING BUSINESS' TR.A.NSACTED. VOTES DISCOUN: TF,o. pitiaers isSouD, INTEREST ALLOWED ON' DEPOSITS. AL ra4R V.PREET, CLINTON. 1..., W. BRYDONR, 1ARRISTER, souci,.roL NOI.'ARY, PUBLIC,ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block- CLINTON. FIF,N.R.V (Succcssor to Mr. Jams Scott.) ' BARR,ISTER, OL1CITOR, F,TC office formerly =united by Mr. James Scott, in Elliott Block . • mONTa"rn LOAN. RIDOUT -& HALE Conveyanc.rs, Commissioners, Real . Estate and Insurance Agency. Money to Loan.. C. C. B. HALE B. R. HIGGINS.. Conveyancer, Fire and Life. Insur- ance, Mortgages, Deeds, Etc.,. . drawn for $1 each. All work • neatly and cheaply done.. • BRITCEPIELD, - - - ONT.. :DR. W. GUNN R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. :Night calls at front. door llf r,s:deike • on Rattenhery street, opposite resbyt;rian church. OFFICE- Ontario -street I •-;a'; DR. SHAW PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE-- Ontario street -CLINTON. •ite SC. Paul's urch. Setlerrifititirerk`;',W.T,1,ri tipbto.a., hs Ara rId tereibrimmteate. Follow ids advice and ij c win he aatiptied. Q. Aran Co., x.owelt, Mass. twessnennasneeerernmenee wen...neepesas 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or an up-todate HAIR CUT- I - AND.-.. CLEAN 51-1AVE try the leading. barber. NEXT DOOR TO IRWIN'S DROCERT George D. Roberton 0 0 0 0 0 O 4i0.0-0<> 11.41114.1.411460..44.• Cook's Cotton Ro t C d o ompoun ft"10 .V Is thie only -dl sa,tflev°rrettlealge regulator on which woman can depend o'in the boar and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No, 1 and No. 2. No. 1.-Iror ordinary eases Is by far the best dollar medicine known. 2 -Por special cases -10 degrees fitrongetbree dollars per hex. Ladles -ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pill, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommencled by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any.address on receipt of_price and four 2 -cent postage fitam149. WU° Cook Company. , 'Windsor; Ont. Na. i and No, 2 are sold in Clinton . . bv H. 13. Combe, J. R. Hovey, Watts Co. and • R. P. Iteekie, Druggists. tt'EST WAWANOSII. Jai. VOrrester exhibited his splendid heavy draught team at Loudon Exhi- bition, Althoughonly 4 vettra old, they neighed 4890 lbs. each. Miss Sarah Smith of ti't. Helens, we an.1 pleased to say, is able to be lunne again after having been alsent for so lie -time in a hospital 011 iteCtifttlit ill health. Jr, C. Martin anti R. Miller of St. Helens left • a few clays ago for Mon-. treal,. Ur. Martin to take his last vear's • etprse in medicine and Mr, Miller a pesitioit in .the C. P. -R.- of- fices. . Fattening •Chickens. The crate fattening of .chiclieris is bottom, •beck aud top slats_ are oue a profitable business for almost eveey and a half inches apart. The top • farmer to engage in. It is a, simple slats are cut above each partition , . undertaking that can be managed by and three doors are formed. The a member of. the forma iamily doors are hinged to, the rear or ou wbo is suffieiently iiitt es; ed and enter- frame. The 'crates aro .pliteed on stan- prising to study the work and eon-. ;is sixteen Welles from the ground. A light "V" feed.trough„ two• and a hal inches inside, is placed in. front Of each crate and is carried on brackets nailed on the. ends -of the crate. • J. H. McClinton Mt last -week for Manitoba to look after some _proper- -ty which be purchased lust. winter. ,Lle, is 4 Aing along a carload oU ples and n. cousidotablo quantity of. honey. • • •• • ASMTELD. TowN$141r. The xernains of the iato Robert Reid 'win/ died in Winnipeg, •)an., front dropsy of the heart, were brought to the Lucknow station and taken - to Dungannon for burial. Mr. Reid Wan the youngest sou Of . the late William Reid t>f Ashfield amt. has beeli. in the West for about twelve years. Deceas- ed was. unmarried and was in Ids 48th year. • • EXPORT •APPLE• TRAMP AA1... OUNT TO A IVAILLION BUSHELS THIS YEARe • . . • Montreal, Sept. 28-Aceortling to the statement made yesterday by E. IL Wer tin all, DOnliniOn. Fruit Inspector, the apple export trade of Cafiada to. lingland this year will amount to on in 11 tiou btu rels, He- advises shippieg companies to provide teamsters with tie: pads with which to pro - Let apples -froni bruising when' it is necessary. to drop barrels, . NEWS' TOO 0001) TO KEEP. -Persons, who hnve • used Dr,' Chase's Kidney -Li% et Pills are. usually so well pleased with the benefits derived that they tell the good. news to their mei- Tbere .1s. no medicine which .so promptly. awakens the action. ' of the liver, invigorates the. kidneys and regulates thm. bowels' as Dr: .ChaSe's Kidney -Liver, Pills: and for this • res. - Son :they are unapptoachcd SS a family medicine. Ona pill a 0Se, 23 cents a •box at all dealers. . • .„. • WANTED -Several. .persons Of • char- • acter and- -good reputation •i Mich state (one in this 'ci)iiiitY required)to represent andadvertise old- establish- ed. • wealthy' .business lioase.. of solid financial Standing. Salary:, 21,- • wek- 1) w th .expenSen inld ltlollal, all .. pay.-. able in -.eash every. W'edneSclay . Irom: !lead • &Ikea.. 11 Oise. .and carriage CI inished. whoa • necessary, . . • ROC re -tees, •IemeloSe. a;lf!aidcliassed .en v elope. 1 °obit,* 332 Dearborn SL, Chicago... • Lever's Y-Z(Wiee Hee (1) nisi n f entant 8omp PoWiler is be: ter than 0- her ear) peat:ere • . it also acts nen d.binfeet;tint. ' . 2. mr.THoRrzuo. . or iiOPE:LEO• '. X1IT MANAGER WANTED. • • • • • • ' Trustworthy lady or gentleman in each _distriet to nianage .our bi;siness -alird • start'', agents- the . S•a1e. of the and', .Atitll'orited Life of Pope Leo xiii. Book is -wed ander the' prini ate re of ' ie al Gibbons . and efidorsed by the. leading Archbishops afid. priests 'throughout . tbe- United States and Canada ; printed in both • English and -Ereuch. • $20 straight cash salary and .expenses paid .each ' week ' d-irect from headquarters ' ; expense money advanced ; permanent position. Address David It :Clef'. son, 324. De•tr-. horn street,' .Chicago, ' • • . DR: C. W. THOMPSON PHYSIC/AN AND SURGEON.. Special attention given to dheases of the Eye, Ear, Nos.: and Throat . . . ..• ALBERT STREET WEST, CLINTON. North of Rattenbury St. -011ice and •Residenee- t.40.4DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. • Dffice formerly occupied by Dr. Pal - `ter on Main street. itti[FIELD. , - - - .ONT. irt/Z.S. AGNEW & rowr,h,A - DENTISTS - - 1401,te adjoin:lig Photo Oallk ry. Olen Oery day and Sa.t, ray until o o'clock. - Auburn every Monday: P • Dungannon ocry sley.- DR.. G. ERNEST HOLMF,S Specialist in t. rown and Dralge Work D. S.-Craduate of the Royal Col- ' lege of Dent,a Surgeons Ontar- io. 1:15.1-1.-Finopf.cla.Fs ItoIN E;radtiate of Dental Department of Toronto University. - Special attention paid to preservation • of children's teeth. Will be at the River Hotel, Bayfield, every Monday from lo a. in. to 4 p. DR. J. FREEMAN • VETERINARY SURGEON. A member of the Veter;nary Medical Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io Veterinary College. OFFICE-- Huron street -CLINTON. Next' to Commercial Hotel Phone 97 IVIarriage Licenses ISSUED BY 34•33. Rurnball, Clinton. , •.. • , . • • • '6.1.• lap,..pwroarog ThAnIt IViettite . • OttiaNa .000YRIONTsi &d. ri one eendleg a sketch real descriptioa ituty aseettain our opinion free whether OA iiin is Probeiey patentable, Communiat, etrictiyeonadentua. Handbook on Patents tree, oldest oftener for_securing_paterits. stouts tailor. through mum tie co. receive Alercial tones, without earwig, fly tile_ tientifit ffsi104 oeN•lt. tersest tin .lition et chy VOleisSio Itut.i.st., Terms. Sit srt feta hnths. M. titatthrtulperrederders UN P. cti s61or.246v3y, NAIR ,yorp • SYST E M TIME TABLE. Trains will arrive at and depart from Cliuton atation as follows : 13UFALO AND (0DERII DIV. Cloitig I:Taft Express ,, • I, Going East Mixed Going West Mixed Going West Ekpitss (7 71 7.38 a,.in. 3.23 P.M. 4.15 P.m. /0.18 a.m. 12.88 pan, 7.08 a.m. 10.32 pan. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE 1)IV, .7.47 4.15 1015 &ism', 6.88 pan. Going South Express Mixed " North Express 11 Mixed A. 0. PATT/SON, Agent. P. R. HODGEN'S, Town Ticket Agent. J. D. MACDONALD, District Pasem- ger Agent, Toronto. LIPPINCOTT-MONTHLYMAGAZHS The lied in Current NIANio SHOR`Is STORIES AND PAPERS ON TI.NIELY,TOPICS 1217121AY MMUS tiOMIALittle ITIIICLP 12 605.1111.0% NOVI2L1 $2,60 POI 41154121: 28 Ont. COPY NO CONTINUED itTonteso. A riamt.v.Lianitrir Grand Trunk Rg ANNUAL. WESTERN 'EXCURSIONS, • , Single fare • for round trip to Port , Huron, .1%fich ;. Detroit, Mich ; -Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Saginaw,Mich. ; cago, Ill: ; Clevehtnd, Ohio ; Ohio ; Columbaa, Ohio.; Dayton, Ohio ; Indianapolis, Incl. $28.4o to St. Paul. or Minneapolis, Minn. Tickets good going Sept 24th,. 25th or 21,tli1 valid returaing, on or before Oct,, T 2 th. SPECIAL coi,oNist ONE WAY. CURSION TicKiirts NOW ON SALE TO POINTS IN Tritish Columbia, Montana., Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Colorado and Califor- pia., , • • • 'HARVESI.' L'')CCURSION.' 628 to $ao to pointe in Manitoba, Al- berta, Assiniboia mid Saskatchewan. Good going, Sept. 29th, valid return- ing until NOV. 3oth. tickets and all inforination-apL ply to Y. R. Ilbdgena Or A. O. Patti- son, Agentws ai HUNTING SEASON. . mu Grand Trunk -railway have issue ed a very handsome and illustrated pamphlet entitled "Haunts of Fish and Game," giving inforniatioh re- garding 6eason for shooting deer, moose . reindeer, caribou, etc,, in 1101 "Highlands of Ontario," and other ' points along the line of the Grand Trunk, Copies of same! will furnish- ed oil application at Grand Trunk ticket OiliceS GT to .1. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. MARBLE ma GRANITE ALIMENTS. Rotten ury Street Works Ditoct. 1 po rt t-rs. Wm knout. bbip told IVIaterini gitortifiteed , J. (1, SEALE and Co. P12.0PRIET01S4 4 street the fattenieg crates. No special beading is required in 'which to place .the ,erates. Grain on hand, with the exception of •corn and peas, when fine- ly ground aml mixed with skint -Milk or buttermilk, is fed with profit to the chickens. • If it is so necessary to buy, .grain line ,.gratiud oats are pre,. -ferable, 'The cost of tbe food for fat- tening averages tencentsper chicken, It is advisable- to Produce •thielsens with white _colored .flesh, as white colored flesh is more- palatable than yellow 'flesh ; it is firm, fine in grain and exceedingly •tentier. There arQ fat . globules- distributed throughout the flesii end untler the skin.- When the chicken is cooked the particles- of fat melt into and increase, the juciness of . the flesh.' With. unfattened chickens water- takes .•the :place of the majority of ths fat globules'. When the chicken is r.oahted the water eveporates and leaves the meat •.dry, • , The muscles of the crate . fattened chicken. are snore . edible .throxigli leek of exercise. TO kill a lean chicken is wasteful. . The proportion of. 'edible meet to bone and , offal is S3 s*n1j, All breeds .of.,chickens, with the ex- eepticm • of • Legliorns, Idinorcas. and Similar- small. chickens, cau .1,0 fattened in the crates with profit. eattened chicken'e pan be •marketed in - Canada and Gteat Britain for ten •to si20,Pen cents. ter pound, plucked weight. A great nariller of fariarprs have engap- ed in •the fattening business and are preparing their` chiekers for the home markets cr for ,,export; '•rhe "following letter was receivedby,, the department last vieek, showing t.!;c• sltisfactory • If only it small number of chickens are to• be fatted packing boxes can be adapted for the purpose. The open to of the . box should Irecoine bottom ..01 the crate and oiaa • side should be removed. for . the front, Slats • should be nailed up anddown the front also lengthwise of the crate to' 'form. the floor. A board should be loosene(j in the top of the crate to remove the chickens and feed trough arranged in front. During, the fall the crates can be• placed out- doors in. a sheltered position or in a Vacant shed or barn. Plymouth Rocks, 'Wyandottes, • or chickens'. of a al:Miler type weighing Weighing from two and a half poen- ds. each, are -preferable for fattening. Chickens of a inedinin size and .of. broaci. square shape, with snort :strai- ght legs Set well apart, fatten. . the most „ profitably, . .r• A suitable fattening ration is. one that , is palatable and • that Will pro - n. white colored' flesh.' Ground oats,. ground buckwheat,' . ground bar- ley. and low grade flour are. meals that have been fed with profit at the poultry . stations. The ehickens are fed a mash exclusively._ No who- le grain is given. -Several tures are given to • illustrate how aro,- thin 'can be formed Ground oats -arser hiills removed4 sv o poen. (is. ground oats, t•wo pounds 'ground reaults, of'. the first year s Chicken& buckwheat, 'one polled • 14.tound corn, eiesiae.ss and the enconragelnent . olher i 3-013e. pound ground oats, -ono pouird ed to engage:in, it • more ensively ; a'round •-barley, one pound ground ' Lest ) ear I. experimented - on a iruckWhea.t. 4 -Two - pounds. ground small • scale with • crate -fed Chickens harley, two. • Founds low- -grade flotir, . and the retailt was .so •satisfactOry 0114' ixnth-d wheat bran. • • that this year 1 m 'going to prepare •The ground., meal 'should be• mixed or my fowl 'in that .manner. to • a •thin porridge with thick 'sour Id -like.. you to send me the names. of s in tuilkGr buttertnilk.• ...A einali some • reliable dealers in Ottawa. or Citumtity of nit .should be .added to Montreal to whom.. I can ship the fat.. the mash.• , tett chickens When ready." . • . • . • . . • • the ciackans Should' remain in• the'. Mr. F. C. Here, • Chief of the Do 'fattening crtit•ea for abont • twenty- inition• -Poultry bivisiom in this ar- 10fir • days.. Before the chickens • are ticle will gite directions for, eeeseeee_., •placed in the erates they should : be• tion of fattening crates and feeeieg • dusted "with • sulphur to' hill the lice, the . .chickens.'. A anhsequent article The • first Week the 'chickens. shoirldbe will contain iliforniation, about kiln.. fed.. the sparingly three trines .a ing and marketing" the. cliicens. • tile day. in order to.. :accustom them to the fattening _ crates in aiae. at. the Hilts- change • of .• diet and the colifiaemeat.- 'tratiint •StatiOns • are •..s..x feet long Sixteen' . Wide. and twcui.3i 'inches After- • . the • first Week. the. chickens. should 'be;giV011 tWice. a. day as ',mud( mesh tlieV•.will canstune.• . For •. ()lid week hefOre the:chickens are L111U1 11 Each.. Coiliptment 'holds four 111e 5112 211 quantity of tallo-w should . be ..ens.A fraite of . ote inch by. .icldeci .1.0 the mashes to -.increaSe.• the' -.two' inch .. oat . with ..jiteiness of •the lieS11:' :Fresh-, '...water.. slats, -. -The slat:* • are placed 021 thice 1,e giv cu. • in the trOughtwice a. Sides7-. batont, . beck and to 1.11(1 i Myy :end grit- (ir . gravel •twice te Week; • and. ..dOwa, the front., 'file., gluts , are . At all the. Illustrating.. Stations' . the one. inch :Wide and • half. -.an Chiekens • • are. .fed.,. from • the.. trough The: seacini'!'1.etween.' • sl tts in: 'front , throughout -the fattening r.eripd: The arc • twO. inches wide -tcy';'enable...' the'. .cramining 113 'Illl 11 5 not: been 'chickens . to 'feed. fro 0-. tfio • 1-17.Jtfgh..'..11 e.for , chielet.s ftr Priests Are Scarce. The scarcity- 01 priests in the' tho- ceiie of Loudon • has become sa pro- noanced that the Mad . of the dioese; Bishop MeEvay; has- issued a circular to the priest's wh Mt was 'read :from the pulpits SunclaV editing attention to the sitiattion tIIC1 praying that stnne youeg men -of the dioCese Should enter the priesthood. The circular says- part. • . . • • "It is: to lie 'deplored that there are in the. 'di()CeSe "several parishes,; large and smelt, .iq whichnot eVon a single pritst was el.erborn or educated,. , In fact • 'seine ordinary pariabee• 131 Ire land end the • pro 1800 of ,Qiiebec heve given More -priests to the cherch than all the yarishes in the diecese of LenL don. , •. ": ' • • •-• , . • And yet we have a nuniber of well - to -tie parishes, :a wealthy country at' - • 121 Z. spiced i4 collee.e • .1312dW1ch and otre of the best Sem-. inariee- in thc- world for the I.rdilling . Fop. syVT:R strrY YEAP.S. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup- been used by millions of .motherS fur, their thildren while teething. If dis- ,turbecl by night and broken of ' your rest by a Wick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at . once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.. Depend sPon it, mothers, there ia no mistake about it. It enrea Diarrhoea., ,regu- lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the Whole syste2n. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the preseriptioe of eine of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the -United States, Price 28 Cents a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists throughout the world. 'Be sure and ask for "Mrs. 'Winslow's sooth- ing syrup." of priests, immielv, tire grand seminar/ of Montreal, where the young men are paid for. during their theological:coin-- se, and finally. we can take. advantage ' of the Canadian dollege. 121ItOir.e' for: students wishing.' to finish thcir .stu, dies •iii the Eternal City. it may be said What :Mdre do we -Want ? • . • -. We want more (zoo& students. We , want priests enough t� do the. work • I in • this diocese and we do. not want to , be obliged to go 'elacirliere for them:. Alter nearly • fifty years' existeece the .diocese should produce its Own prieSt- hood„ Great. •credit. ;is . due to the good P1 iests,. Who• came lrqxn I eland axe , France' and other places and who fre- quently did liererie Work :for -the 1sal 1 thinS: of smila ; but with the ativairtag , es we • now enjoy we should have plenty of young men ili the diocese' to fill the ranka of the prieStlitiod. ' chitreli s desires -a native clergy and kt es endeavor to obey : the. church .in thisas in other. things.'.' • 1 ' • A 'HOUSE o, DREAMS., "Not a house to dream in, but the 110111213 many have . dreamed of, • the homethat one has planned for some future day when he chn afford to real-, 3ze it in fact and whiclt. embodies' all his ideals of Individual-, family . and neighborly happiness, 121 the. Delinea- torfor Catober Miss Clara E., Laugh- lin ' vv.i.ites of ' this House o' Dream's and the paper wilt strike a chard of sympathy in every reader, • for -it gives a broad, beautiful 'conception ' of the 'external. features of a home. From library to Ititchen, up -stairs and down stales, in bedroomautd hall, it is per- .fectly, happily .• planned, andd the many varied :needs of the home it Meets in every detail. It is indeed a hottee to .dreaiti. of and prespeetive- builders will find therein ,a fund of saggestivenest • as well as a wealth of 'sentiment to. illumine. •the bare. details 'of architec- t's plans and estimates. FOR _I • THE FEARS Tnn POTATO Lumbago anti (mop. DEALERS NOT SANGUINE ex- •• Anoty‘a"rnE SUPPLY'. A London, Ont., despatch says that the potato crop in that section looks like tt, failure and that the price has jumped from floc to $1 a bag. Sniith & Carmichael, a well-known Toronto firm, believe that the yield is below the averageand that a general rotis the cause. They handle nothing but carloads and in several instances, are . unable to obtain sncli • quanti- ties. • The pOtatoes seem all if& until they are dug, Smith & Carmichael said; but they sooli show the taint. However, we caret speak definitely until tlie winter supply 43 harvested. At present the ()faith° market is like- ly to keep us busy and on this ac- count we declined orders from Bal- timore. The Ramses floods are respou- • slide for the scarcity across the line. The demand is rather hard to fill, $aid another provision merchant, but the price has net exceeded ese here. As to what may reset when all the potatoes are out of the owed, I ton not prepared to say. The prospect does not mincer to be nue of plenty, however. On the whole, tlierefore, prices are almost certain to advance. * Pains in the Back Thuilly disabled aids blerehant-physt. C1111111 faired, but Dr. Chase's Kidney.. Liver rills cured. M. TliostAs A. Vienenn, general tnerchant, Springhill, writee:- "As the result of a severe cold settling on the kidneys, I contracted kidney disease, which lingered for years, causing me much suffering from terrible pains in the back. For some time I was entirely un- able to work, andthough I tried several physi- , Clans 1 could only obtain alight temporary relief, "Having heard of the merits of Dr. Chase's Rickey -Liver Pills in many similar cases, began to Use thent, and after using seven boxes , Was completely tined. The cure is due entirely MR.EBESEEE to the use of this grand medicine, which has since cured several per- sons to whom / recommended them." Dr. Chase's Kidney.Liver N' ils one pill a dose, ag centsa box, all dealers, orEdirtanSon, Dates and Co., Toronto, TO prim you against imitations the portrait and signature oi Dr. A. W. Chme, the famous receipt book author, me on every box Of his rawslics. 0N1 ir Vorv. WAIVANOSII. Ono ,person in eveek' four sinfia,, more Arr. John Mowbrav- 8old hi* or km from itodog 4:11,ihu do farm to Jas Fyle of SiorriS. not know the nature- of their ailment alpe„. value. Brown of Lakelet ha* mut others have reft heard el Dr. . been visiting Mrs. Wtsley Walters. Climie's Ointment as tin, only aka.- lute and guaranteed eet•e lir this din. •The Sabbath school, which meets in tressing diseme. If vou are a sufferer the ischoorlionse of S. S. No. 9, has ask your neighbor about this great purchased an organ for the use of the preparation. It has grown popular us school. The Sabbath school is well ing paSsed from friend to friend. a result of the news of its merits be- Itutrt(.Auttlsoli:oinet,riclitiiosIlaat present in a pro*. The • News-Reeord will be sent to any address until Jan; 19o4 for twenty five cents, IT PAYS TO ADV143i.TISR , IN TIIE NWS -RECORD. .7116 Day of YounY ,)Yeen. . • The- best positions with largo Commercial Houses aro now filled with young men from eighteen to twenty.-4ve years of age. - These young mefl reach their positions by keeping in close touch wiLli the managers. To get in touch with tho headsof ouch concerns it is neces- sary to have a thorough business training. ' • The Forest City Business and Shorthand College gives a comlete and practical training in stenography, financing, book- keeping, higher accounting, etc. • Ilas the best organized and most eapable staff of teachers in Canada, • • • Write fer booklet giving full particulars ef courses, costs, etc. J. W, WESTERVELT, PRIN. Y. M. C. A, BUILnINO, LONDON. JAMES WAFERS No remedy covers so large a field of usefulness as ST'. JAMBS WAFERS. They are indicated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone tip the different organs . and bring strength to the tissues. i,liliIE STRENGTH TOWN( 4075101leenveEmusgt,WIA ).....L.t...,::::allie,44.pticTiititiNiTIEOBN1,0A01.0WaR05165 ut. tit CONSTITUTION • 4ondonx.91,4ontreal.G.Bosto*,,........:,,,:,....,, •....•- v "` 11/ ,,,,,re- . ...4' „..., ;„i ORA .10E.- --. i.e4 .aaatar BRITAIN -y- AMRICA '•-..--•'14:t;; All Pfliqq1.5t.5 Cc Chemi. i5r.5 ---- ., Price in Canada: $1.00; Six bottles for $5.00 Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, anmmia, and chlorosis, are quickly relieved by Sr. JAMES WADERS ; they also repair the waste caused by hard wofk and fatigue. Sr, JAMES WAVERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health andstreugth, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "St. /nines Wafers furnish a moat • powerful evidence of the vaatly increased power of medi- • cement by combination of Judi - clone pharmaceutic prepara- tion. X have used them with good aucceaa when my pa+lenta , needed strength.' Charlea ' . ziverpooi, RUM% St. James Wafers are not a secret remedy: to the numerous doctor:re- commending them to their patients. wtmail the formula upon request. Where dealers are not selling the Wafers, they are mailed upon re-- . ceipt of price at the Canadian branch: St. James -Wafers Co., 1725 St. Catherine $t., Montrod. • . ' • . • 11E-\:-EEKLY:GLOBE Canada's Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature Of The WieBRLY GI,OBE to be added - this fall, will be an .Eight -Page Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. Por the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo -engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WiInitzle Gr,oimunques, tidnably the most desirable home paper ixt Canada. 25 Cents Pays :rho Bill The News -Record will be sent to any address un- til the end of 1903 for 25 cents. The News -Record is a lehd er. If you are yourself a subscriber, please recOrn- mend it to your friends. THE NEWS...RECORD CLINTON. • „.