HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-24, Page 8I .. a * � MWAQ4 *00daft bfidllldh�s ' A sig' Fur stock, I -The, SrtOck of Pars Tre, are show- 1 II`% to -day woula not be, oat, of pLace, in a 0771a many times bigger than this, n, or in a tovva ZarVer by,fqr than Clin- ton. Wlvarygarment has beencarafuZ- Z saZeated and made, by the, best far- I Zit n ,fur - niers in Canada. StyZes are correct anxZV( ,u can depend absolately on any I furs bong ht here, - ; 5. MR 1 g V� �. zr;,� r4swipowammoaprami, . . .1 do Millineryopcuig I 11 Friday . ­ : . . I . . . Saturday. atur og* . � I I I . . I . . I .. I I I Do not miss seeing the -great exhibition of high class Millinery on Friday .and Saturday. I of this week. This season we have excelled' ourselves.* Our preparations have been on a larger scale than ever before. We are show- ing wider assortments, excusive styles, more. high class novelties than In any former sea- son. Come and visit the. show -room. Look the new style§ over: - They will interest you. - . They are here for Your, Inspection and you will be heartily welcome whenever and -as of- . . . ten as youwish. to come. , . .; . I I .. I .• . . I ­ ­ . . . . . . . � I I I � Good.earpet.4. I � '' . . � . - .. . . ' 'IMA�-. re you going to buy"a new Carpet this. fall ? - If so do not miss` seeing the' big ,stock in our. big a et room. New and limids6me patterns.. Colors carpet rp-money-saving.. ..� that are Values thai are ,.We' � 11 I.. . . . do the carpet bu.siness'right. 1.� . 1. I . .. . . . . .•I . Caiiadian.Wool Carpet$: . . Canadian Union Carpets - . . . � English Tapvstry Carpets , - . . . . En4lish Brussels Ckrp�,ts :. .1 . I E.nglish .VeIlVet C.arpet..sI - , ' - - -. . I. � . All made by reliable makers: Thoroughly de'pand-. . . . .., . I . I I able qualities that will give vaOsfaet6ry wear. '.. .­ ­. . . . I I 11 . . I I I I .. . . . . .. . I . . . I � .� I � I Scotch Liholeums. `� . I I .. . . , . . . .. I.. � . � . . I . .No more'd4ruble - floor covering made. than a . covering . . I ,odd St-6ton'Linoleum;' W6 bave J psed 9 - I. . . have through the .customs a big shipment of Linoleums , . , IF impo.ited direct from Britain.:'The,patterns are new...:., . 'I he colors good. - "Every piece is thoroughly season- . y .. ' I ed, 'which increases , es the wearing' qualidos. , As. many'. . I .. patterm) or big a. stock ,ii.6-hav'e never shown; . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . � . . . 1; . . . , . . � I I . . .Scotch Linoletuns.-2yards.wide . . I .Scotch Linolemus4yardstriple . . . ' Scotch L11461eums 4.yardsvide. ' � , - ­ I. I I � . ­ .. . I . I I � . . ' .1 . . The same patterns widths., so. Ahat we , . can fit your rooms with . tuo least possible amount -of . . . � . . .. . . . . -waste. .. . . I .1� . . . I .. .. . I I I.. . .1 .• 1. 1. 4.4 ' �ns L, and . Can9diah Oilclot6 now I ) 4 I' � If.. . atterns 1 V ' I . I . .. ..� � 1 ,12 yds wide; . . .�.,* I . . .I... 1 �.. 1. I ... . . - � . . . � - . ... . I I U U . _,��Alwvdmvmvmw, WMAWWMW .. . '. .... ..�... .H2.ftsnmereose. - . . ' - ;IJ O*ver.One .�ThoIu1�sand p.. a.ir. s, . a�.n.Id.. � . .... good enough value ; to call therrA. . Bargain. . . .. .A c .. . . . . . Over, .:, 040., Thousand. pairs .*.,of . I . . Ladies' Cashmer ere) Hose' to sell at 25c -, a 1 pair. That's a'big lot. ' but Cashmere -Hose . arm advancing is price and we will not be . I a.j able to get a`s.good agiaia for many a day. - Rett ett er lay in .a supply -while- the, lot.1a,its'.7 I . . � I . . I � I I :-* Ladies Black 0aabmere.'Hoqe, -plain 0'1! . . . 'a �f ribbed, seamless feet, Fell and 'Wintei weights, I . I . made from fine soft yi*vias well 0haped and.,will - give -exoelJent wear , Idi Sizes, special valve at . pair..,..... . 25c per .........�'lI'IU'lm!'l"J'i�iS�l�1�J .; ....��.... . ..I AMMMMMM",mf . , I I . .. � I -..Black Dress Goods. I .. .. . � I . . 'case We have-juOt received through the Castoms aI .. of fine ,Blacx Dress Stuffs.' This - - season we ;,have given special -attention .to the Black D-rens Poods. Department. and the stock to-dtxy. ..is - beyond� 'question the .best we have . ever ' shown.: There io 'a wideness of assortment and. i ' . . . a variety that -.v.6u(. �!Wih not find in many . stores. 1A, I., ores. 'The: 'materials 'are I . those that are serviceable and wily be . popular 'thei , � I . . iA I , . "coming season. T.ue vL,lues., are good enough ,to " 4*4 � ,, make it worth your while to do your .'Black Dres6t . . . . YGoods buying here.. 1. ­ . ... . � I , . . . . . . . - � . .3. J .. Res � Ire Show at " A just a few 0111le m1oly I - , : , I .. . . , A . � 4 25et� 1.400 $1.60t 1.75ii , - I . 9 ., . . . I � V� . I ' I . . . .1 � � , Imported Lin.ings. I , A good lining is the making of 'a .dress. I his season we imported some very, Lin - fine black . ing that will wear better and have the same effect as a Bilk. . .1 25 and 50 cents peryard. . Is � I , ,...A-, � � 1.1 . 11 1. A 4 0 _. - I 1 '_,_­ � � V I - -, tho ClInfoh Noivs,-Recora I. - I, 0 Septomber 24th, 19()3. 1 ___._,_____ - __ I'll . . , . , , , � _­__ ___ -- - -_ --- ---- ___ .,.. - - � ....... __ __ I. ­ , . ": - 1 -77--7-7- - 11, *.'44 -*..+.**#*.**.*-.*441.4**.+**.. . 4+lk -* -'.-..-1-.+ **#* *#.+494 1� 1. +�J..J..j. �.� ..+*.4#...,FO.'4.....�. X.•+ +010 #1.0.1, ;1 1�0 School, - Z , .14:1134."f.", .:,,.- ,e --s-#-, .H. -I -4 -HI -1. r +.%.. " !1,,,, A.- 0 le � +11 supplies , -.i-.,:: -*.r,r , I . * I. to,.* Men's and Boy's N. ew St l*itI Y + ... � 0<>�0-0�0o.00oo<>00000*0,Q "::: . 44 *+* . qo*. o # Fall Clothing # 0 0.1 WE INVITE YOU TO BRING Is- . ..:.- I . . It YOUR $CllOO14 SUPPLY NFIEW".4 ♦: : . .. r IWIft, -_ -_ .- - . •;, ,!_ TO US AND IIAVE TURAT SAT- 0 . t , . I ,%W,W ­ .. oftwl"Wrlw. . �� . I � ' .. - � .1 11 - 1, 1J, I '%�" We announce this week some very sp : %+�. IMPIRM. OUR CLAW 1.43 TO DO . -101 . . I I " . , .[ I . r * ecial �� .. 0 0 . I I I . I . 0 4 . - 60 TO YOUR ADVANTAGUAND _., . .1 I - ,M -of clothing for I ::;!. , .: ! . I � N' I values in the newest styles I � ... .. I . I . 1. I .i. .. 11 . I . I - *,.- I - . I . X I 11 I . Men and Boys -clothing of good character, :: I � T 1, I I X I � T1II4,'B1Q-STW1-'4 CAN VORTHIP.Ar. t . I . . t , 11 . $ " Xs * , .. I I W '� I -440 OUR 11ROVIT. IV YOU SUM) � I . 1 k 11 +I � I I . I 1. I YOVIR C11114DR140N WE' WILL DO 4 k 1 4. -!T;p I 1. I Aq .111►. ALT, TIM RUGULAR THrO ,# ' $: . . good fit and made of the newest and most up. *: *4 0, ­ . � - BOOK'S AND SUPPLIL, S 014NUR- *%!+*, � 11�2 , •.. I .. . � A , .. - I ; X: "I # - I -1 101;w. I -C, .1 to -date cloths and in the best styles. .442, . ALLY.tiCRIDBLURS ARE - , . . - 0 1 -:1. T11TH, BEST, GOING VROAT ic t: : I . I � *14� UP; BIG IN VARIETY AND *• : . 0. � . . . . -0 VALUE ATTRACTIVE IN COV- .-?.: I I I . . .1. Fit RJ'SIG'N, OXTR PADS ARE 0 I Men's Suits made of good quality tweed also . AS BIGr AS ANY VOR TIIZPIZI- ". 1 0 1 ., cheviot cloth, linings are good so is the fit, . .i•; ., � . I ' CP,.'OITR VEMCILS, IIAG'S, BOX- ;i, :* -0 . k , � $ 1 ifit@ v.,. a # ,. * �. I ... * .. - 0 -'s * 0. s. 0,0.. $4.95 X' - R . . .. . . � ES, SLATES, HOLDERS, ETC, � I 1%W1%WA%WAW 4 special* 4.16 - I I 9 ., *.,%W,%�-%.-4wb.-%"qm�..-%,,W,%wl%�,%,,4&%�ol%w,q&.%-,%.,w#-,%- . , . . •. I . - I �.., - ETC., ARE BUTTER THAN I . .*� . � . ** MANY SOLD AT TIF PRICF�. ., . . Wemakea qpecialty.,of Meal's;