HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-24, Page 6�A -1. I I I 11 ­ - ­ I _____F�_____. ,.""..''... _ __ "�;_;., �; � � . . 11 I � . I .11 . .1 .. . I ...­ - ­.­. .. 11 .. � . .. � I I . I � I— ..-Ir I'll .1 � . . � I I " �. .1 I 'i � �: . , , � ". , _ . _ � . 1 -4 � I . /r/. *6.-1____-. ___ . .. .__ ­. __ . r ­ �_m_m I - I - - _, . I ___ .__________,__ _________._..___. � _-, . . = 1/,(y BU15 U�11 ITHAY I NE WS of A HERMIT nom Tristan da Cunha, the rep been of . . Sunlight Soap will not cess' tinae a the other band, should the () takrn be downright bad he Is ' .., - - ,. I . I . . . . � ..... 1. . . , , the , visitS� . of - warships. -. .Tile - I lIt of ,the island is z -ats,.. which wUch have often tortIVI.J111�1?t1ile" 11 I 1 .80 p i LI . mand for �Comf6rt a s ncreas- . 'phonominhl� . .�. ,� I . - I - . . .. Gontlenichr-�-I,Vlljlc driving down. a, , ".. �It'll , I I nature. d bui the nap off woolens -n I aroppea gitogget1wil, � aad regretfully � . I � s , . horse "very ateep. fi-iii last August Iliv . I /, , W=L = THU AII�X Or, TUI� ONLY 67.INUABITANTS ON THU __+_ ; BIUTIU)AYS IN JAPAN. I . nor the surface off linens. �hv, Irainer owns himsellf beaten. Souto nien, splendid runners too, stuinl]gled and fel I i, c litting himself � fearf I 61jout. the licad and body., I I �' I' FUTUAB. ISLAND, Japan Is, the land of tops,y-turvy, , IS Of Course *another side to . , 11 . , I ciiim. The , I . ,d 'to pupil" a ordere t,k v badly to the restraints and �Iliy . . VSTAItV.S, j,l',N I,N1.1,'NT -T VecIV it!-. 6 d � ; Al . I I . - - and so, perhaps, it is only to be ex- � � bandshipti of training, und p, special i Should be Rugged And But That's Seventeen More Than pectod that individual birthdays- , 5U,NL"1(;-HT course has to, be devised tp meet their case. one noted and success - Well , - -I. li A 131.11AUC111311i1xN. .They ,,life llilud 1�eAAY Sturdy, Vull of I , . TUore Were .Four Years . Ago. with thi. pxception of that of the I 'taporor­ are not taken any notice VC fill runner, for example, Would in- fQr Work, Tlay or StUdy-X08P I � . Once a. as a rule, news is rp- o 1, but a sort of general birthday of 1t=DVCE3 evitably break down did Ito subject himself to the ordinary preparation. Them Healthy, ,,, � , , I ycar, celved of the fortunes of the Inhab- ('41101, is celebra everybody altogr told with , great rejoicing. There are two . 50" Ins Aead, , he contvilts Winself with .� -Growing boys Should always bQ ileady for play, Itants of Tristan da -Cunha, Who are aluoug the laost isolated people of these general birthda,ye, .one 'for 2�ZVXNSV4 vory carefill dieting, bathing hh,j Willis with hot Water S'overal times healthy anti rugged. . ' I ready for study, and ready at any in the i world. Probably no civilized each spx. The imile birthday, which is known as the "colobration of the A 44 fair the oe4colgl Aar. %2p 4 day. thereafter, before retiring to tinto for a. hearty local. This condi-L , folk are less in touch with.the affairs theglobe tball this bO,N's," ocell rs on tile. third day of I - I . ,t,.f rest, rubbing them thoroughly , with Cold is . but there tion denotes good health, entirely too many who. do not of otbor paxts of handful of white men and women, the third taloath, and the "colebra- olivo. oil. -water bathing never resorted to. oxcel)t by Wexper- __w�­�­­. ' I are , cortio I *up to tills standard. They unless it be the descendants of the the Pit -fifth tion of tile girls" talies place on the . day of the fifth month. - These I TRAINING FAST S led lonced runners, for, though ealculat- a taitt .nq part In the maillY 19 Me& CL11 Bounty Mutineers oil reek of cairn. in the Pacific. - . . days are general holidgIlys, for tile I I . to maintain the general physical condition, It exercises a hardening healthy. boys indulge in; ti ley are . stoop-ahouldered, dull a -ad listless-; The Tristan Island is situated in . dr. S.) young, All studies pad work goner- ' I are and boys - � . . SOMr14 SECI�IETS OIP THE CIN, clTect oil the inuseles which is not they compi6in of froquent headaches, the South Atlantic (Iftt. 87 about Midway between,, tile South I ally put guide,, and girls respectively mceive presents no- 'DER PATH IZEVE�ALF.D.. - at 411 dosirable.--Lon(lon. Tit-43its. . . . and their appetite is variable. Some- . I ,,Oh, they'll out- end of South America and Africa, It cording to their station. Tbe birth- I � - I . -, �, , . , . . . I times parents %ty, But they won,t-its the is out. of the track, of ,vessels and it (lay of the lihilporor, cz Ten -o. as. lie . " Ing A Sig. W"k1s Course -of. Train NOTES FROAT MANTWErDaM , row It." 9lood that's out �f condition, and it were not that the British Govern- ment sends a warship now ,and then is more property st ,-led, is also A I genoral holiday Vir .- tile Japanese . for a, Race Occupying a , One-third of the c graduate$ instead of- getting better they got , to see how its wakts are getting .01, everywhere. The bouses are all dec- . Few Seconds, 1 lollege now are wallien. I , Nvorseg, ,%Vhf,,t boys of this class re- and to lainister to their needs, the 01'ated with flags', and I . I Little does the average spectator The average depth of the ocean Is quire to mako them bright, active I seldom hear from tbelit. world wOuld s 1 the Streets ave gray with the lights of tit the athletic meeting suspect how about two miles. - . c, Something and strong, is ga. toni . that, will build up the blood and Alter the close of the last NaPOl- conic war, Ili 11316, ihe British Odvl innumerable colored lanterns, In the morning the bighest autborities prolonged and trying is tilt., prepara- . by The aborigines of Peru can, in the darkest night and Ili the thickest . make the nerves strong. .There is no orainent. thoight it good Strategy to go to the palace to offer tholl, C0117 tion wilich, has to Ila undergone lost of tile runners ere tboy are C0114 . Woods, distinguish' respectively a medicine that oan,dd this as quickly establish a garrison on this singall . I gratulations in person,, and t1w low- it - to, be, 1w-Sporting.plIraseO- white man,, a. negro,. and. one of their , and as effectively as Dr. WilliamW 'Mary volcanic island.' its area is - Only: ger dogroos offer them vicariously ,to sidered logy, "lit and well." Tell or twelve Own race by the smell. Pink Pills, Mrs. Compton, Of forty-five square 111,1108, a little less 1 their superiors. All .the Japanese . seconds ulay suflice to take a runner A private in tile Gorman navy is Iderritop, Ont., tells what those pills Old Son. She than that of St. ITe'lenal it Wasi built lip by laVil, at tile southern end lwould, somehow or other, congratu- . t late . 01 to tape, b 'I from pist * itt this fact reported to have committLd suicide ,, by comnion device of exploding a did for her Sixteen year I . says, "About %WO years ag, o my so" of .the same sub-inarine rid ke on their monarch on having added another year to his ago. I � I ill not'llinder hini. from undertak- wi, . . I zlg'� a six ,weeks' course of training blank cartridge Ili a 4fle the barrel ' Samuel began to decline it, health. He grow vel --v pale -and I thin and ,9.Lt I ' wcAk . +im-s ex o�lenced serious ­ which the island of Aa�ension btalvils.. Por little months Ili the year it is exposed to severe .E 3torms . I. - ". . . 11 . . . IGED, 1 KENTS. . to ' 11 tho.ovent. �Six weeks' propara- if it Tot, a contest lasting A' duzell 10. . . 11 of which was filled with N�atcr.­ The . si0ido killed himself by tills "Coin - Inion. device" because of the abuse - be - � . . I . . . I , , I V L I spells, coupled With a tired, -worill of wind and rain and a uiorc blegIlK . I seconds is quite a volial.'-011 ta fig. had sulTered at the hands of a non- . I I t_X . out feeling, a . ad as the WC01,5 Went. and ithinviting place could .scarcely . le -sticqessful trainer ,is all auto- coiamissioiled ofilcer. � I NF -.---N- . . . . . I . . I . CASE REGALLT11 'I'l . ------�-�,���---,-�.---,.----.--.-,�----� 11_­Fzi!!!��� by he glrew worse. This alarmed be conceived; � . I I � 1. a rat of the .first water;.-h(t has t a b v, A normal child at 2 years of age I EAyZZM9WM_W_MZ=NM=%-_3MV& I me,. for my husband ]had died of 'A few � years after the garrison had ' I � . - . and Iloilo understand it bottur than should .weigh twonty-six and ono-lialf - called. pernicious beell. planted on the island the Bri- the runnevs thoulsolves. The sulal- � . . ,what. the 'doctors tish people began to ask the reason DYING" OF' BRIGHT'S DISEASE, will niuke all the di[TL,i;- pounds; it ,greater weight Is not avi- 0 * I I G anaernia. and I feared'my son WAS . � lest trifle dence of health, but the reverse, arid Coft to Paint tis. afl � going the same way. I had often ulhy, with the'result that the Fold- ' DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ence between a race won and lost, A tile amount of fats and sugars,�-ivvn ­ - I � . - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. iors Were - withdrawn. A few of � CUAED - nix. - fifty * of, a Second, for instance, will it. should be ies4eued. Its height It so, you Should procure the best . I read that them, however, Whose terms of' ell- . . � .. . appear to laost pZ,oplu the nierest. I I . would cure- anaemia, and . decide(I )istracht, had expired decided to re- I . - . . Ilash, of ti c. : It way be; but do . should' be t1ilrty-two and onc­half � . Paint tBrush on ltho market, ab*o- ill. '. . 11 . I that he should try them. A, couplr� dding rocl; in spite It I . . I inches and the Orcuniference of both . . I the most Satisfactory Paint ' . . . again on the forbi . ecent Deaths of Prominent Men they kaow that the .man who Snaps . � lutely . I of boxes made a decided iinprove­ vegeta- From the Most Dreaded of all the -winning tape by thlit shado � wy- its )lead and its chest Should.be Drusli'mado to -day. � of its, sterility. Its native I . . ment in his condition" ,arid by 'the tion.is very sparse .and includes only ,Maladies Recalls . the Fact that looking' fraction in -advance, .of an ninetceli inches. � - . 11 . � I .1 . . time he bad taken h halt dozon box- one variety of I Stunted trow.; and its - Con- opponignt is considered a handsome . � 61 I R -A 0% � es his or than it h . . Flexible - � act - risin Dodd's Kidney Pills"haVe I health was bott highest poliii,'a roun.ded cone� 9 altered It. ­ . . . �. I wilinger, for it is eqUivalent to a �Wo been for some years'previOUS, 1-11s' from thg�� -plateall Is -, - ­ . . . .. .. I ya . rdi�'-. victory? Thoreforo, if the I . . listlossiles'.) � � EXHIBITION NOTICES BUECKH'S" Bridled Brush * weight had increased, Ills D WITH SNOW Ottat6i,. Ont,-, S6pt. 14,�-(Spvcial); ' . ...- . � had disappeared, 'arid he was blessed . trk,tiner calf impgrovethe spriliter,un- . � . - . I -be r0novod'. or iippatitb, � I may add thg� year round except Ili inidsummer. 1 r­mTllo recoilt. pumer6us. deaths- of (lot- lit,, care by the extent of only 'a . THE GREAT "COMFORT SOAP 11 I I � The bridle can easily . with a good inen conceived thelprominent nwil from Bright's Disease red yai I ,d§' . . . . I I � -ted by water, I that other inembers of iny.'family But, these few fifth of a oecoad iri.,a. hund I. . EXHIBIT . I . . . replaced. It is not affeL I ould eke out 'a liv-: I recalls the ease Ol.- Oeo� IT. Neat; Of racp_ lie will be highly pleased With - - . . . oil or paint and works on '4. Pivot , . I have been bonefitted by 'the tise. -of Ing .there; ana as �oiiio woni.011 were 408 Gilmour. St.,- th'll.'City. . , . . . - . 11 i . . thus keeping tile -bristlos elastic. The. � * - liflaself; .but such iinlirdvement illearls. . I . . d I That Comfoi�t Soap is all right" . I briii-ided oft . oach Dr. Williams' Pink Pills an on- I e . found -Ili- Ascension who were willing 1A1-ii.,1<ont,. who is still living:,h6re . 11 r name "Boockh" a . mcdi� . " a doRl of sti,rn 'and arduous lit-bor. with the public,. .and is us d , I Sider these pills the Pest of 11, . to *luarry-, them and share, thloir fol ,-;tj!ung and hearty, 'Was dying of I . vding to*lay bare a (lay I e all brush. 'Sold by all reliable dealers. . . � . . . Before pi anxzl - , ­. ..... � .;uce iLgvee, tile, Dominion, 1 ' s evidenced by . A,aj . � elnes�.­ . mes they erected their. Tamil' -lost ther" 16 the life of a runner training foil .the . , I - - ansmm= - '. . tu . . . .Y 1.1right's Disease. I -Te had . . . . Poor and watery blood is the cause, heartfistones and ,set UP an their use 9f his limbs and bis whole body 11,11 , I ,great throng.of people to be.. I q I ---...--- ..."'. I.....---., -..-..-., ­ . I— ­ .. I si. bo� I . I � I . . I important handicap it should fou id at -all times gathered around ---------- -- ---.-.- ­­­ . . � ­­ I. -.-- I - ... of nearly ali'discases-, and it I, own hook. � . � was smollen to a terrible size, Three first Ile explained , that it-& a - grOat tile .exhibit. As usual, .'the, exhibit is TINIMFINIMU WIMWOKUMMM 11 . . cause Dr. Williams' PinIT Pills act d6 TAe British () overninent. looks aftcV A-Octoy-. * ;vote positive that -he must' many cases the. trainer Is, more cor- . I . , . � . I both enrichr 1. . . - ­ . � �. . . 0110 of the'mo�t unique and attrag- . �o* ce that it bear:i.the naine * rectly. upon the blood, . . their descendants Ili a,bene-Volent die. . . I . ; ... than an tiv, Of tho. Vair. The inammo.th . When y u buy a . I . . . speaking, .an employer I . . . � . . Ing It and incroasinlizz the quantity rectly . . WASUCARD s I. I ... . . ­ . . .. . . 1.4. . I., . . I., I ... I spirit and oil Some. 6ecasions, when While watching at his bedside his eniplo-me. , Ever ready to dotect-an4 cake of .Comfor* . 1, . X "Mousehold .' . ... .. 1, .1 . th t they curi, such troubles as allao- thpir circurustances.have been pecu- Ao i-eod an' -e� ."sign on,'. as . I . t� ,wore, .,running, tal- � t Soap, (the guessin, I ... . o i . . . a rheumutirm, indigestion . , I m � eli� 'I I iarly trying, tile Nisits of tile' war- wife happened advertis . .1 . . . of the. weight of which entities the I . . . 11 sp -0.11r,lt mia, . � mont that Said Dodd's Kidney 'Pills -in -ougit, , proligbly' haO -, U, - I . " [Ill); have bLon very ti' I .. - . ont '' tile I - ji� . k lucky -one to 'ail clegittit Palmer. P . Tavorite." . K.. I.. � . . ralgla. heart troubles, incipiont coll- sl "lite ,V. * would, cure Bright's. Disease. , They on -Ills, list the names'of � .. annod from ey �_, 11 - ... . . . I . . . . right Piano) is,'sc . .cry .� I .. I , . , . . . tilt- vixr1ous ailments 'The . . Ireturn- ' . 'of- . � i � ,. I , uumption and .ship that hits recently were scilt.for-alg a last resort. Froni. . S1111VIP11RAL'LIRELN' Mll',N, ,.' possible Standpoint, The-.ifiental 11, . � . w6l'i'lon.. Those. ed'frora Tristan 'da.,. Cunhiv reports . . .. . . . 1U - I 01 E " that a.ffllct so many .. S nsug shows ` ' . almost file first. -dose Mr. lCent: t,ays, . fort to' "size it up" in pound,, 'and "W"erim.", . , .. .F. . t!lTA11tl8NEi1 po.vlia. . . 11 �J --A �Q - ­�1_ . . I I a � coiisid-- and when soilie * morning lie sblpcts - . ' . I . I I I I I I . . pills may be.had from.any deal(Ill'. ,in that 06 10't ce ; lie felt. b .. 01 a: -_ . .. . I I I I . meditine or Will Ila sent post lAid- At. ci.afiro Increase ill, population. .. 1,,6u*� takifig� . caefted. by ,them. ,.. - A ' f ' t t One ,of thoixi for. a fortheonill1g. hall- oahepsi calls a serlou expression * to I . . .. . I ; . . . . . . I ' . � . . . 50c. a box or six boxes for $2. . 50 by - - years ago there Were only 50 dahab- four boxes he Was abl&,to ,H a ,eoliip�ete. change comes I many a laughing. face,'. for. the Mo- . . � . I I �. � I * I EO . F . T .. HE� A 1 130V I r,. NVFL � ]_'�NNOVVN BlUkNDS I . . � . I . dicap . .Ov�lr . �. I up: '1746y6liteen boxes -oared fi�inx Z�oiil- I 1. , � moliC. It eo, gabss. JN�JST ON GETTING ON I . . . ' ' fta�nts - but they llft-y`b Ilow! gro"vil. to . . I . . . . that mail's .11fe for,severat weeks to . sts I�Othilflg .to . , . I �. * � .1 .1 . : , . 1. . �: 0 : tb'e Dr. Williams' I . . - . .. . I writing It llad[L- I , - .0 . . . I 1. ­ . '. � . . . .. � . . gaad..6,ver��ody has, the privilege - of I . The BeTt Th'it .0an. 4a ML�O.' .. . , � . . I I .: . I I � cineg Co., Brockv�'Illc, Ont, If - �You` -07,; di.?"Idod aaiori,� seveltlieen4amil!68. PI tely.' nit's, . cur . a .1 caus( - cite- Come. I I . . . ! I . . �. V� , I � . . . , I . .� .. . . valuable Piano, Which . I 1. ... . . I I . 1. , � . , , It' - All,bf them except -four Nvcre-bo'ra�on 'Al.r. Ile �d great ox . kilectAtioa, perhapsl trying fov'this � . . �' --USE.EDDY�S PAILS Z-VTV81114. . . . , . . ' value your hca* It never allow a dqfi,l:� . __ I . . ' ment at tile time. ''People who had . Contrary. to �-o � 6 also on exhibition at the. ,stand. . I .� .. . . ,. , : . . . . , , . . . . 1. liel,'island., T,,�.o .- of "theSe i'll.nii- . . lie is far froul, bgotnj� treated niggard- . .. � I DYISIWATCHES. . . . 1. ,� : . . ... I . . _dril the � b6st hea a' r'o�m I ar' and nbar - . . �: ED I yo�o * 0 talee sonie . -t . . - . I . USE . . . I er to persuade . .� . . .t. . . 'rallts dre Italialls, and � �d of it call! I � ly -,vitli I food, A. liberal . bi,L41cfast, Nineteen '. other boakitiful V014"valit. � . , I � . .. � 11 . C:= : - . . .. � 1. 9 � . 'X34wggm3L4a,mr,= =3-%--c."=--_,1;r-wvZ2.1m, -. � � . . i thing else. --..,.. . . , . ducatea,poYs6lis in'..the colbfi-,%,�,. No .t6,*,sc6 him,. and nil went a*w,i,v con- . .6- haill -and able.'prlzcs,'g,S 'consoldti oil prizes, are . M�emw_ 'igam-k,;E� Vv.Zr. ..-.----% sz, I . . . � mr­ m ,.- Tm".f,,,h,M . -------.& , . . . . 9 .. � . . . -ch IPR I .� 'nineteen guess- I mm _,�2 . . . I . � . . marriago -hds been - colebtated'in, the vinciaxi that Dodd!s J<Idiley,pills will olTibracing nitittou .0 . � . to,be aNV�irdcd to'the . : ' . . I!Zli;' next ,followg a . . I � I . . -.---- - ==-'. I .!. . . . trDTTER LAST Y-r�,All. - , -; .Bright?,;-Disvaso-� � - eggs, � is'. allowed 1'... . . . ors next nearest to the correct one- .. � __.__._,jt==T. - . . I. . . � . . . . .. 1. �. . . �. ­... : phst three years, but some of tilt, cure . . . bV go9d,.'plain. dinner Or. grilled or roast The'Aftlyor . of Tdron . to has kindly �. ,. � I .. . . , . . ; . tuiq . i(.) nic. 0at tile . . . ... "Bishop I :one of 'ihe, approachbig.biatilifty '.�Tlfis conviction is. strengthenc,d . 1. . 1. ... . , Nyhittle,'! s4id flldr6n, are, ; . lstoak..-untlordone, .plain . "Aladani,". ' -bb&bi . th JI1117-i'It Soo � - . I c I I I . ' ,. pudding, and e fa till! sbod . . . .,. ,- "tile ilext 'colllpil�ti6ll f- Social a, number of othor'capes rppor"t&d , I . . � ilted to�wcigh tije llugo�cahol of . I ) !s d0rell(lilo", "011V c[1:",o is . . . . . I .' I prelate's *,.. Irionds� '� -$at, aild . � 0 . . .1. . I . collqq . � Tp . - , 'r W t' e-,tj-:,�.it.ant Ian-' . - - I famous,. . 11 Llli,, - ho lack of-frult.. ,Soupl'or vtigetii-bles , Snapped t,l (TuStY-1 la'vyL I through a long' and a ' tatistics is lexpoeted to show'. iia� throughout the colintry whei.0 .1 � .. � - Soap tit 'the Comfdrt. Soap. exillil)It tranip: �'Woll?" - �, ng I . . t to list q trocious str- a - . . . ' ., . 0 'le tweity � . 1. . � , however. are usually conspicil(lila by . if I learn , `oil`c: tj,inl� it N,Vas� . -ning .0,67cluent, in -this particular. �'groat R'idhey roin6dy,has been* used, .1 I oil the last day of the Fair and: tile h011s.�w1f0- , "Aladaiii, . . I 1--, * N I I . I . . ol With pi . . I wojuld .yor lilt l"'. dilago," . ail . , , . mon on.a.bot sprallier Ill. . I their absence' 0oia the dinner -table. us of-Ahe -luaky guess- bark like a, dpg ., .. I . .. 1..11-.W , how 1 ., .. . '. 'it The % report says, *rather litaiVelY, and Bright's_Diseaso vall(laished. . result. and'nam . . more Pxtravagailt H you . . . . an immovabl6 countlunance. lie, St011- .. I . ' .1 1. .. . ! .. � ., ., Throc hours laier ,�,=69 �fgea, ,which . ' ; I - aS welil. - , , . . � . N - that the inhabi'ta-litA . have become . . .., - � i W . � . � ers will be published. - - I . live 'Ili de kennel eti': food ,hiL . . . i I lailell lic� is-'eharding uw f,;r fiis.scr . . ed to, Metaphors that ve -o'mixed, I , , I 0 illfill- .. .., . � i 'r . . -ed as 1'plain,�' . .1 . - artistic as . . . . . . . . . � thoroughly bronzed lm4er th � - be doscrib yer-'do-,.t�ilit gdo;,?"; . . I I . I pathos that w' batlips, �uii�if huino":r Tile, prosbeuting. witness to'st, ail hardly The exhibit is:also, made . .. � � .. N, iceii; � " * ., - .� .. . . I as . -, . . ified a -' St la3� -of I � � .. . - I .� I I., I . .� .. , . .1 ­ 1. . I I . once. sunimer, suit, but' still tat I seeing tha:t. i 'couOle'of 'eggs, 4111105 , . � __ . . that wap sad. The ,t)r6achor:'was a. ,,of. ' ihe ti lie defendant. had kn&kod him � - ched 'and* underdone, and .. attraefive. 'by .thq- disp . � . . : . . ., . � . I . . I 1. I . . )r ' poa . . . - . . . I . . I '. � . . . . I , , . loge -a %,cry they, may.� - bg� considered as white ' invarlabl, . . many of tile handsolao-pieltures imid . . . I - . - 0 , - G115.11 11 Con . �, � �.. . youth Just out I Of C01 'ar.- of larde frame - . I . . a 1piliba" U1813 .,U, 'i . . � son�pjesuq, and then kicked him ill the qr, fish,,go ulong with -It'. - : ill, I Unimpt-:1-um L. I A , W . . foWs. 1111he -men e other. . ticles 6.f virtue which. re milard t . I � ta, . 1119fols U11 4111111 . .. . .. � . ­ . I . youth.* 140 bellowed ' heaA arid face for se'vekal rninutes. "If At,8;30 all . g�v .awa� . . . I conceited . . . � I pper is served, and .no . jis souvenlr:s for Comfort . . I . . . - -- � - ... . I . . li�tt cliunkily-built. and are anythi ig X on , . . . 1 ,i.r,.g1­ . - . I I I , , , , , . . through his sernion fit the top I of I . I lie knocked you senseless," askod., the. supper-digh is ni' I . I . � ",if it 'wasIT'.t. for 11 . . . ; , ut �E&ilds6ine.., - The women are ,ore patro,nizeo by . I ly vife,". grillb- . I u1s: stures ,were - violOIA, b . isti-lite, know :that . . , ils lie a -well-informed -tild),19" "T I I . . inagi . . "hoN� do you Soap - wrappers. - These presents - are . . . I ; . - his lungs.. ., ge I ore agreeable In. qppearanee and � . ... . . tile ,skilled. trainvr- tha ' n .tile' easily- so .much--filipreciated alid'sotight af- - Jis. wife tells biln led Oil, filst. , ll:aq..at. t;;o roi-E,ption, ' . . I .. I At wl�ery - "' I ' lie. kicked.v Were down?" i - . enough to break his arms. atilres, whioll. sl�iggost , all after you digested iripe,. though boiled Spa ' .� � .-' � . _ have regular To I . . a- .ter, that the 1%latlufacturers, have to -. 0. .1 I (I 1,t , )ik� hel.p�:!�, . ­ Neither . . . S -, � .. . itness iefle ' . I C e, 1 Al -n , ing.'P� , I . I . . . . 1. "I woul I .. , - . *1�1 climax he fiked the *BIS11oll-with hi � .are The wi ctod. .'I know it " -los . I . -(I - th other ond.'' : . � . . . I the Semitio .type.� -The children , , , , 'd fall baions.gaild rice *tun it -siock equal to that'd , . ­ . . . I - yopli. A, .. . I .. eplied, "'.chust). that's what I, . re:fs little :t hat 'I s . all g�-- CiLrr�., ,a' ; ..� . I - . . *buld , V' " � ., . eye, to see if -a s4itable, imilgreSsiorl. clean, fat; welitbehaved, Nrelt-cared-: Ile � 'r I . together, the � . I. . a jaij-;e. departmental st , '- -1 . I I I I . . . . . . , "The - , is d.g).Aui; fr.h.i;nd. of �. , .. I 171 1. .� . 'a' done to him if I'd got him down - . . re and'the . . llostw?s .1 . ­ ,. - . . - . . . had been ma,do. -. , I - � gestive. of starvation-- lit the day s �Ilo -. .roollIs at ,.5,!�. ve*aiin' * , s6ip-��iwllfectiuit ..-- is .wiyu,q f , . . flo�.and particiliaxly w011-61ad-a grd ' I W . gton SC I .. is s,lto� �. 4i; friond' o , . .6 t1ils - - ' i - 1. .. ! Lifell Loy .. . . L 111v I . . . I ;�, "And at tbe*and 6f the SCrvIc 1. tifying Statement which �h6ws,:that -po 'theral". .. . . I . alve ali 'thb 'tomrS.. W. Toronto,, ''and at 16-�6 Notre strongly !,ecommend6d. by the mcdi� , "tITO;., sllc's il­* V"'Ifo ". ... . . � L . � � . ­ . . . . . . . . Nor If . yqu4'i?" . �Y. � ': .. . . . .. I I I .� . . .. . . . , . . . -ed * ul?. to Bishop, the garments brought to -the Jglalid-' ' - � -_.. � . . .1. . I I . - ' g rd against . . . I . � -_ . - .. . . � I ,�_ young snip swagger . . �. I I . , eiftbraoo�d in it. -been �xhallsted, Dame St.,' Monti-bal are veritable Art* ,.c&I pi�oression asa safe ua . . . . I . . I .. . Said;- , - . .-' . ' . ors . * -e beeh, advanto . . Catarrh Ca;nxt - h,inporitthis - Weil, worth a 'visit of trifectiova diseases. - ` ' '. . . . . .. . 1� Forbver 6;XtY V%lars - .. I I Whittle and . . * ' ' hai .goouSl.v - util- ot Be'.Ctirea - . llaw eggs and pprt beaton'tip to . . � . I � . '' ' *. . " 'I -fancy I did rather well to -day-, ized. . At tiniRs they :Ifav�c bl�e]ti te- with LOCAL' "VLICNTIONS�. I ba -they gother -forin a "pick--me-up.,., many Inspection. ,�- I . . � '. . . I I .1. . . � . I . . .11 . .1� - . .. - 'R a soo-i-linva . syrz r hAs bouri iltell'by. . . . .. . . I . � � ' . . .. � .1 : .. - I � . arts, wym 1,cgiv, . . sir. Don't you think,sbT , . luced to a. gad state -of .raggedness catilitot. readi tile seat .of the disease. trainers Jlavii,fdith. in. Tho- reason . rnalm-9 for tbeir elgililmn wlulo ArieWrig. - : � - . . � I . Comfort 8 - quille-b6twepri you?'�' "'1l""`l"g of hi, , .rofte'lla.tIld. plv. 06)10,5,8 L)3,111, Oural . - . I ( . . Catarrh is. a, blood or constitutiorgal, .. . . .. oap in pso, and Ili.* popu- - Clarm-'!What hi:oOtIn,StI1e,Z '11 . I . 'blit b C . .0 ' ' . - 'it: Chlov-"Oh he showed so Ilillell ini- '�Illd`­;Ic. rftultlt .. ' I . . . I - e'ause; I, lnadgiqu4t'c' I b ' the otlinn-oh un I 1;o%4J0n. and Ig fho. . . " 'Ves,' returned the�Bishop, , , ' diseaAe, and sit ordOr to curel'it you Of this, abrupt change fron eel, -is lar . favor, has Ito coal atitor, --givo o�ents a boWt . t . - I . 01,,. C . . . . . . I I ,j[,O,r I I's . P I . I bf,,, .ft,�'IjIggrrJmg,. Tireot3 . . I 1. SL 'alleg . " " ' ' ,; �01,1 1-7 k1rugaiglt-4 1.1iroughetl' the worill, F,o glure nod I ' . . '' you did better last -year.!'. . I . TPPLIE'S. .. . 1.1 XG. . I must taid) internal' reniedics. 14al that. men, it is , " geld, w ho , 1.1 6,V0 ancW alone as tho *great family. and pa-tictico w Ith, 101 d (s. " . .� . . t ppnle,li I . . . . . . I . " 'Last yearV said the -Youngman" . ' . . . Qatarrh Cure Is .taken -internally, and I for" Many' Weeks o gro � , . 1�dlx'in` I I . � k. fir., MRS. NVIINOLUWS S111yXu1t;u Syat". r.11 .23-74 .: � . . ... 'Therie are no signs of Intellectual acts dlrecil3r.on the blood'e.nd iilt.uPou-9 het'll training. . ... . w household Soap of.,the I 1011, . , - , ,' - , - ,�, I th � I � . � � . .,Why, I didngt preach at all '. last deterior%ationi Ili spite -of tile sy�tCla HUl`f',!1CQS. lJOII'S Ctl.tft1TIV Cure IS not a ,it, -MiLmsive, ,nervous,, -and 'evoif, do- and . . its its . o is7 rapidly extending to 1. . I . . . . . � . I . I - . . .1 ... .. . � .11 I I . . . . . . � - I . I. �­ I . .. . . � 1. . , . . 1. I � , I . . inedlehic. It was prescribed by � . . I . I . I � � "'Doll't 'you thfnk� -that'young man . I . � . tell axe Ex I - year." . . I ig". of close inter-niarriages;- Wit' "U"", I.' pr6ssod with tbo'ne4ir.approadi of�st usohold in every t wa*.-.an& ENGLISH' SPAVIN 11 N 1 M -E N T I, ,Lfflictott -.with' asv..oAcahead?" - �- ': � I .n., �f� t.hL, best physigialls in this coul . � . . I 1= )to' I � .. . ­ O . � � a rel,,, . . 11 'That's tile' - roas6 said the, ' I ,I arlous trafil- t..in the country. .- - - . p6movelil a � 11. hard, .. aliff, � ' .. , . . . I ji necessary , evil 6f their paucity - of try. for .years 'arid is f t ar ilroocill)- the event fat ' d rtv,;. and v . I i ting, 0 (I ]un)T:o � . I best tonics . . . Ir Ca "No," art.qworod �Iliss Cavernic, ""lie's �- _L 13ishop, with a. pleasant smi a - � fatheis' and hi,others, liob, It I" c0lnP08g)( 0 ers believe that a Judiciou.% its(, (Vf - It is kratifying"to 1he ffi&�ufgaotpr- rg,nd blernishogl front binsiga,.blood-spav-111'. , .. , . . . . .. nuinbers.-'. The .. 1. - combined witit tile ll)cst 'blood I -it.,' - . . . I � I � . I . . at S6methhig stialul t ' ' i i I '. arked "efTect ers to know, that'th ir . fTorts to ';urbli. spiluts, ring bane.. swricner, Ptifloo. not alTlicted, with Iti lie 011J.6yS Ixilressed. the :wish th "low", * - 'ticouil ail .9 exercistis a in . e e . . , 11 +_ - C . - acting digreetl:v on tboin - - I I . . oitt, coughp, ofe. '. ..,. �_ + . . '' . . . . I ducation P. Irlic. perfdat'cornbin&tion: of the I . � MAKE I, GOOD. - be done to Jaiprove the e at .gv.fi,�',-,-�.- In Steadying flit, norvi-S 110 aflordIng raake a. lalipil-saving'and pure soap ,glins. s ore and swollen th r . Vurfanted . - I . . . , I . . , ' ., , i . BABY. YEE' old ilic-, two ingredientwitig - 'what proditilgis. 8uoll sp.P,350 by.ute of one bott'a'. - -. . - , 'OEM ' M , 'M 1 I 1. I ii I --- I i i I .1 - S,ST N. GETTIN , , O , - , 'L. . . USET . USE�: , _ . 2 _.. _ ,6.x. Man ��� 11 q I . I - of 'them a I. Wonderful results, All curing Catarrh, that co)VIdence which is: no, necessany a s6ap. which .I.,;. the. best economy the most wonderful Blowitu Cure: evef , I ... . I . . itiallitles and Sonic -if by ,g,nd for testlanonials, free. 1 . . .0 . . " .1 , I .. . . I . I . -M-load's.Liflime'ni Cues 'Colds, otc, ..., I . -7 . would -like to leave'the islit.fid lid, " * , N thincr I.% for . � I � .1 it the ci ei track. ' � . o .1 � I every household use, are'being so kipwoww : . . .. . �. I �. ... .. . A baby's teriipor depends upon how doing so their.,.cht1dron might ha"Ve . 1, F. -J.. URII.NXY &. CO.; 11ro ,1, ­ . -illpreciated,. as it is ,to Z .1 ,. � ­ � . I � . . . . _�_ . . - . . , . . . . . ,roll to, success .than for. d1universally L . � . 1,3116 ( . firmly � , . "Willi ' Will 'a, T -crying - I I he feels. I he 'ad-,;antagp of* -good schools I . c.10. 0. . more fatal . . ')-"NN*O nlLlSt part for , A.I.11- (" tit onainy It ailing he Will .be Cross, t . . ,40141 by drugglats, price 75c, . . colillietitor.to too the. line felf4ing.. . the millions of patrons *.ho use iti , I To . , (Ili ­ alarin)-11VIly?". I . . . 1, ' worry the mother, and annoy, every- The -it � -di - , . . . . .. . . . ever." I .. for')." Willie" ­Just ' bocausp lie -, . I�riiicip. articles Ili th e liall a Faiiilly .�Yills ara thia best. 1, . . . - ays i . ) ,,, . ,,,,,,, . . . d _ .. , A,,,, . who benefit by it,., arid who a1w . I - ... . APPJIF . . di .1 . allng,,t�ell 110 tary, of�,tlic islanders are potatoes, , I . __ . �11,,N,9SIV.R, '01' .7 .. . . Sho_­I Ilave scovered that 1. luVe don' t. want. , 'to.loarn allything. � I I . body in the house: it fe, . . . . . I ­ . . . . . � .11 I � .. get. the beautiful, .Premiums in cx-. you W .. .1 . : . t. ., � � . .. . ' It milk, boef, in THB, ARAIVS 1-3 ,XCUSE. . iLnd this.feLling egN�ery good.trainer ,hango.-for the wrappers, which they �­ . . . a -ook*lfl.,� skveots and showed him. . ,will be bright,' active and'.-bappy. Utton and poultry. They . . ,��_ Ju t t . I . . . . i1v - ! . . . 11 . _ _­:,� how ' I * food , - supplies . 011clay send -in to. tlic waro-�rooins at �5 ___ ­:­=:�. �* I � ' � i is oa 0 keep your baby*, feeling' have these niizvs to be a dangerous, . to eat them.Q . Sy , t rocog I . 1�2 ,. .. .. I � '. ja....,S.._._;_..._ � ��ljggg­.Zb"VoglZ=VJ044MV11'_'.q;1g= . . 1 4u - ,.;once abundance, 'but for everything .else A capititlist whowas asked to Imid U, 1, ..It. for his best efforts - -to w ii- +A ,.cz+ 'tu o 91-,rOlit- I I . . _. ­...... . I ­ I - . I I . . � . . good by prout. ng by . , A" . ' of who gi-,�6 their, little ones ; .. they are absolutely .dependent upon I .money' for a questionable enterprise* . - I . stibdud, Of Course' the�o .are many' ' e g - . . ­ The rapidity with .which the de- ' .., - - ,. I . I . . . . � ..... 1. . . mothers Baby's Own Tablets. Ono of these '. . . the , visitS� . of - warships. -. .Tile - I lIt of ,the island is z -ats,.. which -refused lVith. a .polite� excuse.. � When the'Othdr in n objected Lhilt the'ox'- it - I �-xcellcnt sprinters,�Vho will not f0ildh Pihl�g. 1 .80 p i LI . mand for �Comf6rt a s ncreas- . 'phonominhl� . .�. ,� I . - I - . . .. Gontlenichr-�-I,Vlljlc driving down. a, mothers, TIS. G, W. Shore, Castle-. ton, Ont., says:- "Out- child, eight gue � . I P, , . .,swarm everywhere, , ,.Fish are abun- cuse: wow litme, the capttildist, told . . . intoxicating -liquors for an� So far, 'Qnly the brighter side- of Ing is simply and tile - � . . I . Colapally, js constantly. adding. ' to . I � s , . horse "very ateep. fi-iii last August Iliv . I months old a always been troubl- 'has . . daitt arollfid, the coasts, but zillck' I . . t the great tragedy. of some welit-,'�. I. 1, I . . t his'storyt . . I t Ohco o a' tlnic- ail' Arab went- O. 1, has be(. . - 'training �a totiched' oil. Thet.p. 'tII0 ' .tll,,i.,. factories. itnd facilities,, In try-� . . . . . stuinl]gled and fel I i, c litting himself � fearf I 61jout. the licad and body., I I " ed . with indigpstiom .We had medi�- doctors � '.tried . yeai�s- , ago , `i;VhvIi half of tile. -.men, ' ' ' . .a , . I I I Ills . neighbor and said..- ','Lend. ino' '.. IS Of Course *another side to . , 11 . , I ciiim. The , I . ,d 'to pupil" a ordere Ing tQ.keep- pace wit)i it. I I . . I I As is sometimes - tri tely `saiid .of it, �Iliy . . VSTAItV.S, j,l',N I,N1.1,'NT -T VecIV it!-. 6 d � ; Al . I I cine front. two and other remedies. without.bonefit. .. I 11 ' - , wdre­eaught by a storaii -,vilile. fish - Ing and.all lo'stAlleir'lives, flia I)OO . . . - . i.��ii.xolie. " �.' . . . said thol neighbor. Ill bed Lit 9 If. Ili., or 9.80 'a t I a t us t; not * I ­I.tj; the. Comfort of Canada," and * I was .11; , a lit - on him and .in a.'few. day I . . as �vor. � ­. then 'Seat for. a; box of: Baby's Own . . . have nott enipted! the perils of cafl't,lll. . -[V 14 I I � I - -W# Ili r tird to 6aly� so, but, he must aga I (3 . . items. . t its almost `.ii,piversal use .8 . 0 . . Well , - -I. li A 131.11AUC111311i1xN. Tablets and found them just .what V�c sea, but �.. have pr( I iferr . ed . to ' *be I$ ly C.11 Y . � � . �� rest ill tile middle of the day. . bear out the happy conceit.� - � . . . . I ... � I . . . 11 . . ' ' I - . � Because I want to use the rope - -!ng -aL . - I . � SlicAlrooke. . TEDO & CO, � . - d Is now all I . :. . . � �41116k, ! is . Ili ticall-v forbidden I * . Dgg H.'BA8 was required; .The. chil I J(Lriners in spitgi of tile 11100,91-0 2-0- Illysicli ", � . . . I I . . - 4 I . . .1 . '. . . . . right and is doing well," . . . . turns from the poor, thin .aoll. . .1 . . by many trainers, OkipPeially'eigav- I I . . . � . .. . L .. . . 1. . .77 Hirlir V., Ffist,. t0rcritO, . . � . � I , . . . . . .., NN. . bat d o you whilt - to do. with ' . I .. I I . . . ., I ­ . MANIJF�cruntiitsi OF FOR& . .1 Indigestion, �collc, constipation;,. The officers of the Warship.s. express - , borrower.' .. .. . Otto smoking, which,An theelo(tuelit Willic--"Sav 15a, didn't you tell .. . . ­ . - . It?" . diarrhoea, simple, ,fevers, in fact all the. view that the isrand ulay Some persisted tile ,�,orli-l�-ulgil- of tbu,tra6k, "plaxR,01d me tile - otli'er' 'day. that. it was wrong . I . .1. � . beakir;l"I'myFul. wia Qol.811,0. we givo bettet. . I . . , . . I V57 valitte lit Irtird thah agi), rgtl,�r house, Se -A for cotmloir, . . - I I - o 1 ess "I iivant'to tie up five cubic fcet of , . - Gomm-polt. to goll- wldr,", Nfulley reflin-led If 11"I . the niinor ailments of .little ones are day be made -a siation for %vil � . . . . ITarry with the wind." Noltl�or,,,Will to Strike ailyo'n(,- .smaller than your- , ___ . tipffict vy �ye itedlutfivig extra hVi v i"s for Go wator With it." . . . . _. I . . . . 01 . They South America ,, . � ,c-nibrvo chainpiow be allowed to iiielfr Pa-I'Ves'. Willie', that'si - - . - � 0 i. , I I . .cured by.]3aby!s Own Tbblets.. I ' telegraphy. between . earth,". aneerod the .th- the .1 ­ . 11 -­Woll, I wish Vond Vather( sIlOwillf,t.off,ills OIT- Vliog. S,elal f r. price - . . � ? 5 . aid. . . . always do good andcannot possibly and Afri8a, rL.il(l'.th�t'(.�ottii.iiei-cial-i-e- Itow- on relfeve. tbu - nionotony of t Valli,ing what I S. WIllie. , c )-"Now, 14,'I�ir. ­ -­ ­ ­ . . - . . . d . ylvelj,' to the, lations. Inay ilius be established -bo-. Or, "can ,,�ou. -tie lip Water With a . S t(411geli e � . . . . I . Ao . harm, and may be I k . I . With a cy . ­ � . g . , cle ,spin, for pe.dalling lias you'd .write lay teachora note to pring's in V)11 Elsio-­Dl . . I N A L L I , ." , tit, efh,ct ' - I don .. c , . . � I I . . � . -e - I . tha . I COUNTRIM ' , . - I . . I , I youngest infant with perfeft,safetY. tweOfi tho4e continonts and 1.11 ' -is- rol)v?' I . 1. I I . ' I t tit . ink- . ll�OP e . .. tile e(Tect of bringilig inusclos . in -to th , she knows d ail, What, is it cit "It A by luail,. lander -4, -Whose bolidition Will thei-eby 1111y' friond," replied tile poighbor .1 � . no�" Vp n d VtAbcr--­NA'Cll; %fl! Sold by druggists or dit ' iflay Which �' only hainper the. action. About it." � . � A 6,11imal that c4i I � at 25c a b . o:I�, ,by addressfag the - D I,. be Impmved. On tile whole, these "Allah, is great, and Ill,, peNilits us of tilose, laost depended upon in, . . . . I . .1 � t funny litt ' . - . I . 1, � I . Williams� Alodicine Co., Brockville,, t1dings ,tire tl* i . nost cheerful ' that to do Strange things With a rope . . . I I . .. . I � � I 11 creeping up the, stairs whon overy fift 6 0-ciAL 1. I . . . I 1. � . . . sprinting. * Dres ' Olit .],.,laige (proinptly�- OUT & AP I . .. 1, 11 I . pop rqcob�od for years from I whon -We do not Wish to Ien,6,it." - seven in tile 111o,raing ho must' Raid's Lift(nipt I S empelto One's' in ibed?" , . . .... . RIMOV I TTIINTION . � . 1. 1. Ont. . � . have b -�-�-'---- ..�==_t=!=! --- At . I i - I . . I .­________..__ _.!...____ ___ - _1_-7______, 1) out of 1)(!d,� and the inevitable rub ,.. . � . I . "Pillia.111 . . I . LITIOATION. . - .. I . . . 114 � � . � � I . 01 - . . , S,,­,,ll_,._�,� I . - ­­­:-� , , _mn �__i -_-__­ - i U . . I . I . I .':EEMZ=M1ME .... down op'elis tho da.04 Work, f011Owecl � . � , , ___�' I I 1 '.W$ � � M AV &E E tentiforilandboot , � DO NOT I)II00P. I I � 0. I .. Tle- then Wiry S,llin' WAS IlltOSTY� .r?VlV"",-t,-T0.r. -r�!-w " rjrt'-� I L�3 say.8t.,TC001VTO on l'utent4l, &a., . 06 by easy (Itinib-bell Oxevcise. I _ 11 I . Do not let your mouth droop. A 0 0 1 Jim Dumps had scarcely slept (11'e'ases all.d is ready foi- bi, - vakfast, . . . . ... I I I 11%* - . . . . I ­ . ­ . - -­.­---- . l . I .gdllall- tt" , .. . t CHP-NILLE - CURTAINS : I � is responsible for 0. ) � Wink, . I I but he dog5s not got It (luitc YOC Ile A yotln.gr goatleniall, WhOS10 V., - .. � . I � I I a . nd gill Wilde Of 110119011ftil,db", 4140 . . I drooping. mouth , , try -was � largely in'Cxcess Of IIIS: V(-- )A I . , . I I many an illness. When you are not a All tiltht held toss about arid, bas first to. undertake that ,fit'08t of � 1� DYE:) 4k CLEANsix I t I cuniary means, Sought to roinedy this V I .. . Ll L . . I . ink. �. � , . I . , .I. feeling well, whpn you are tired ; . --doing, u, little in � . 11 . i LION OURTAINS or all.exercises, a wall, defect taid Igave the money required .0 , ­ . . Kill. New., . . I . V. z Wtitig to lit 111101it, �01AI'9. � I . I 5 I 6 1. I . I . - I , � � . I ' BRIT10.31 AMERMAN DYNEING 00., ROX 158, Montr6al . . discoluraged,' disappointed. or d . for,tho purchaSo of OxPOnSivc flow- �`7 ' .. 'i . I I eprogA- � But that's all past -h6111 ntler company with his tralaer tit a brisk - �. . I ft I rdoner to ii; I ;3 , I . . endure . N_ . . I will lie 'tile � .. _�� � 1. . . . . rate. Another walk falls duL ritig NvIth a ga 1k, - .1 -1.4 1 . . ed, the first indication � . � eoul)l(,, (vf baur.q after breakfast# ors by arrang . . III ....... I_. __ I - _ .- ­ . droop of the mouth. W e . ; I .. - " I -- . ,.! - .., -- I I I I " 0 1 tnaomnla. . Hie's found a cure 1 lot hint. have a, bouquet'fYoln thile 01� I ' ' ' ' I b 'ad ' "af 7 cc .. Id 'oss t's all past- " d� . He's fog ge u 'y abo 110 fid 6, ul 'I, a ep n c_ U .1 e � 11' 16 ler re I I I I " ig I � . mouth droops, then the mental acti- I . Tis 4' For' t, Whik, sandwiched . botweet tile. two thile in return for his cast-olT 6 . 1� . . I i a Min P , I ce,!' At night, when ,. 0 1011.Lihe SteaMShl 9 '6 Ire d,m � I �V rtIn. oil tile eindor track.. I . I . � I . odily fluctionsi ! ... . . , . ia all Vas � I i I 4 - , lightsare dim, I - clotllos�. I , ii, . , �_ a I I F., �, - montraigill to Liverpoo vitlest droop, tho I)' - . . I _; "i , . ,!, .1 " . tile nerves of '. 51t, . - Tim "ad -to 1,1111 . , - I �r'gt � - - . _ apponed <)Ile (lay that )IO - tip, -and � the whole physical or- . I'll -of 4 i uft6y . Nearing 4 1. he IS rv(lull i 1k I : Cotton to Li.vdrpool droop, It soothos " the nervies nn I It thus 11, I ..... ( 19ADIC � 1 641A I . V I . . rilo ac,ii Irliststoll,rdalups. Blirwrf �,,r veeogrg"I i� . ( * alfilln; butnot'.until ,t beauti- k" . MIA X. glaniarn gets out of repair, and you I ; ,,, - l'im"o - . I A Itelh In received a bunch of the inoak 1�: . . .. . , r 1111 gligg,A415 of gworitwit H 4W.1n.A N11.1 watarongliggg, . feel droopy, and you look ,droopy. A . . I the .6voilng, Ili: tho harde., fill roays which he at Onco ,,eat Off Q, . . .;..", I'll . M .N1419091111111. l�OC141littt,,titi,ltili;igl.6[1,11 n to tht! I . I- I . �� I IQ ' I 11"live droopy Individual, liko a, droopy I t lie . prog-rainine -reached, for lie is to Ills lady -love. In .sure auticipa- �,L . I I tl so,T)d 1340,�a end If hird-Chm ilevoil. attoiv. rw I � ( V, , . ­ . 011 y,tt, of 1)994�lkg.) lklitt 11,11 JAKIOUIAN; $1110V to 411Y PIN, I I I .N*all, '. I r, shicken, 29 not a very. charpiing or 1%1 then. soent (Ili a.brisk coubtl'y I ' tion of a friendly Welcome he called '� I ,� iftbodotirvillity.or tollassotigormcut. I I 0 a � I . . . . inspiring Sight, and, pe'rhaps, like A Za A . I!, I .� .which ,Will be four, live, or even six at tile hollsO of the lady the same p &'4A I I)ON11141014 LINN OVVICII,it . milto, as the trainei, dvoins .. I if.A H c, %V T �y I , , - -_ . - - I --- ---- ___ I_ the droopy barriyard fowl, Should be .. � : . I It evening, and tilas not - a little Sur- k'2 vi - to - tatti - St. BOB . to I la. - 17'st, - SA.gra - tgggogit8t.. - No - nuta � isolated from his companions, There : BVISI� AT q'IIT-,' TIMM prised tit the fro9ty reception lie inot fi, I M ., � � I ). 11"d - flysoothing tod subduing' . Pill ; .. a, bowever, that with. I the ligiln. that's the VA7 -�i 0,00 Is nothing so doleful ack the company . It is worthy of not '? I I Pouit ALL MUDS 0 I A of a person with a drooping mouth, I I I not until th� last few days of the "You Seat nw a Yinto to -day," the _ . I . � a I '' I Cheer upt Gottho drool) out of � ,ation have been entered upon v-oung jady,,lll-vinarked, after it pause, 1� ++Or, s MO= . �� � prepat , I A I ,��, , I your mouth. `Aftlko the corners of . N .. . I I is tile pedos.tillan call(j,d upon to show in ilio nio;t frigicl tones.. & I ev .. Bulls . � . . your mouth turn up Instead of down, The 11giady-teg-Adirva 40069 i.4 ".1-A note'?,, lie inquired, Ift blank Al And Viftrll) Pr0- . 1. a couple of slippery livell", ITv, COW U I - Wholl'you tire feeling Irritated or do- ' I '� p1stol against astonishinolit. . . St t, Eg gs 9 . Pod or tired, maltes one chummy I then tried from: th I 1111 it nosegay," I 4A . pressed, or, discoura& . I (lie watch, and Ills ehaace% Of Nic- "'ClortaInly, -along w . Cur%$ I , corlsign it to us , . .. I I NA ill goet * Watch your mouth. Do not lot MO . With dood sleep, ; . t akon, "To Ile sure 1. sent You a nose- I . I i Homy , ., eornoriv nag, Make the eornorq bond I 1. I . it, 4� . tory are judged by the tilau, Y,pl . �� 4 I .4 a -� i ,Vlg� 9 4:4 I %ve %% I ,J�' . . c latOafwly trying nioininits ga .. TLI lum . I - . 11111080 Ar . I hylk Ll t�OOd' P600S, . % .1 , It , . I LN %W --- -_ - , P I upwafild, ovenlf you havo to us(- fing- . If the "And tlierol was a not6 In6ldo'-do V I , hp Iasi - �0 11 . glikO, foi, traffier and runner, t? 14 pi, er exerielke. Do this when you aro W**JId1%ggt bal*vo ail Irigrat l, tilne is satisfactory, well and good-, you still inean to deny It?" , , . ': Ig 4 wouldn't b#116*0 it 41 I tr1c . 11 . -feeling your Worst,, and very Soon, A It,"bitt I oil TH r_ . forlasomiggli. I used to I � if only moderately so, the trainer lVith those Words sho hAlliled the I I the sun will Shine brighter, the sky I rifttill Is A - . most droad- dumfounded Owain a od4p Of paper, 14 lorloop 06,41 gaitid SOC', ItAy, gilwalite,fig"113 � I 1i I stfuiiiinight. ow1giatat takes big challao of that will astume a bluer thit, the Weari- Mbowlifel of 1=1 jut b6logild, ping to Dawson commis'sioll 0041 1 bi 'bd I od of M14forturies, a bro4k­down, and On which 010 following WO LIMIT11A rioss, the annoyance, the3 di � rush "Don't forget 0.16 \ ltV01t%4,-N*1�Tr,Vt'% io, sappoint 4 Aod g,fto ag I havo, bmiliggia & .4 With Ills prepara.] VVIl'ittell: ...� I " 14, L, RVAMA." I, his wall On 41 I Jl 11 I., -,',t f I it ftt V, 4 Hi f M 0. W.M.4 fol a � _�.._ , - - I I wont, and depression will have van: fri"d . $ I ki ­ f . k. I I I ____, _, I 11.111, 11 11-111111 I tion for all lic- is worth, making lib- troullors you promised ine th3 other __ . isslar, 90. 38-03 . . . 1016d And 1ife will be all rosc�colc ,,W -.A �-AfIrftYwOlVA,%�a.4,�.-... .. - ""7???-"­­­­­-.TLT,;-­, - ,'Z'�,,,.­,_1*4�.J�--,1 ,� " oral . uto of pacemakers In the pro- 11dOW-" I +k � agAlft. I . ­ . ­­.. � .1. 1. . . .. , ....- P I � . 11 . l, . I I � I I I 11 ,� . � � I i� � - 'i $ 1 & ' li " �" 'L ��' 'A" "­_&-' �L­ � g ­­_ it i . I � . I . I I I " Af_ _­ I .,. I ( . 4 .. ­-, L- '­�­ ___, I glift'", " , . � ­ -4#AA*dVK7' ,�� iiftwW&L, i _...A� �