HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-24, Page 5V
Septotuber 24th t9O3
- ; 2,4c
Vie News ,Ord, Qfintott
- . - � - , � I I . . � I � . � . I . . � I - - I i , � . I � I I I . I I I I I . I . . I - � . .I b , . �� L � - � - I - . - I, - - - - - ;I I L � , . � 4, . � �- I � . . I i. � . I I I I ��In, I _ - - _ __ - -_ 1,� - . . _ 11 �
, . I L � ' . .. . . .. ' I . - � I . . I I , . I . I I . _*_
- , � , ---. - 9 folloo
-1 . AUCTION SA141,14. 4 4014,614+11+4 +-I'm -_ f �� -14.14-1. �+++.1.4-1.1-1..I-1-1-i-,.-I,4-H-.,., .-Io .!. f 003=40101r.
..*."".*,.4411.�-01-11..*."*...04..Ol..,*O..*.�.,**el�.*...:�.*.*."4.411#�-,I APPLE 8 WAXTU D. I 3MNSA=-
4& -of- *
.� The Uinsc,,i Reta 14alkeld, ,an4 .&Iicrj
I X When 1. C. Stoneman was dowU, in PARINI STOCK AND IMPIX, 1. I . : ,"(11""'; 11tt4'1lotCd tile 14OAdolt Vair
'& tile Ajontre I , etion. r ciontly- lie was .11K I guests Of miss salk� L
, The Clintolt Evaporator will be rva- a se c � alill were tit(,
*0 .& dy to receive apples on Friday, x1th great I y ,surprised at primitive luctli- Tito undersigned has beat', instructed . * Od"s .sistul, Mrs. J�lcrritt,
* X 8cpt., and tile highest price will be ods, u;-vd by tile farniers of that see- by Mr. George B. Hattley to sell by +.How- I- 9__9__1P__f_9 V
+ t 4:_I_1_ - -*-- - I I -to I I. 1 1� i-M-1-e�-M-1-1�wl-+4.+++*I-I-H-�Pl�0141-1-4-1,*J-fq -Aliss Rita Salkel(l will spend twq
f .paid. Bring your ap .4 0
Ii. BU, siiiess _ , .pIcs Aittlet and ti�n. 'Tlicy 'still, cut thoir grain, with Public Auction. on I %�-vvks at 8valorth tile gnest Of her , I
* : _ �e big to, us, hut rotten ones are not the old t'llic, reaper and bind it by Miss Jennie Bell has i Tito W. C. T. U. apron bwaar was iinvl,�, Barristvr Best, before return. .
r- * . I . Tuesday, October 6th w..triml to 01'r I'liblie Nellot)l trustees were ask-
- i-, Ivintcd- . . hand and the threshilig is dond with anti altholl It Friday was SO
T Kt Lot '43, Colt, 9, Goderich town- Nlagara-ou-the-Lake after a 121vasant held
T * * a, horse power to which five $pan of ' . ' showery and void and the .previous ot to, pun-hask. flo copivs oftlew . .
X '
# TOWN & CASIiL ship, the following; i drivinginare visit here to her inothur, Mrs. "';Irry � Not
0 . . . horses art., attacged. old, I gizuvral purposu inare Bell. days rainy, the ladies had the store ang Primer Pt . 2 at a cost of $9� *
t Sept 9th. . R. PicUard and wife have .returned 7 Years faucifulIv devorated With flowers. l(ir use in the towil sellools. Illspec- I
*0 - * . , . , ,cd to be in foal, We, regret to announce the (10,11,11 wi.
�' change. � . I io years old suppols
* -4 I I . 11 - from their V4uropeall. trip. T. general purpose mare 4 Years old a3th Sept. of Alice V., the i�ifaut Vases of RoNvers were in the window .t:or Tom anct Mr. Tigiort, principal
0_* . . I Coullcitlor ortwein, returned home
. K and on thu counter and till.' pretty of the I)Iil)li(: school, thought it fall.
# # . - , 4 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charle.s
T supposed to be fit foal, i foal . .
T I WOOD WANTED. the other day after a pleasant visit milk cows sw Cholera infanturut was the, call- ,,;tvli,;Il addition of fancy work made visablu to introduce the book as still , I
I . ,
* of about ton days witl� his sister of .,)posed to be in, calf, 7 Raftell. tliZ bazaar most attractive. The pri- lilvalentary reading. Oil inotion of
il Having bought the gro- � . I two-year-olcl steers, 2 two-year-old sc, of death. The funeral took place . . .
T xoo cords wood w4utod, in the near Milwau'lice.' Ile 11105 his, Ile Celly v onablL. .
* alth licifers, 4 oue-ycar-old heifers, i onv- on WQdnesday. Rev. Mr. Gralialtreof- 6 -ore, very reas ssr-,� Ball ,and Warnockit we -
* j! eery and crockery husi- bush or delivered. : I . . greatly benelitted by the, tTip. I The last. storin aid a good ,deal of ',led to purchase the books. a$ dL .
_J' itess of Mr. Feter Mait- 04 - 'file 'ladies' anxilfary of the Xetllo� year-old bull, 6 calves, I Maxwell ficiated at house. and comptLry. Lave- damage to our farmers.' Mr. Gould, CH
' t . . binder, i Decring mower, i hay rake, ly flowers were ,sent by Alesdaines Miss Beth Smith returned Irma her I I
f' land I ask the public for HARLAND BROS. dist church hold theii annual t Huron Road, lost a handsome moun- visit to London on- Monday, She was I
Y' ashare of their patron- *it August :?6tl;. . lllc��,2 x seed drill, i set of disc harrows, i Nairn,. (Dr.) Clarb-c, McXenz.le Mc- - IN-Ilij(, in that cit�, tile .
� � es . of e
-et , field Road, dairy, lost hissila which Ill,th, �
Y age. E'verything that is oe for the election of officers last Mimi cultivator, I s iron harrows, .1 Loan, Loftus Welsh, Packwoo Paid tain ash tree anti Mr. Beattie, Ilay , KU t 11 r . �
IV I .
Vo- to be found in an * . in the baseillont of the church when scuiller, i land roller,- i ,.;?inglv4'pIow Misses $aults and INT, Brinollcy, A . . .r1s, cousins, Air. and Mrs, Haili-
V T --- I " � was blown over, dk�v. Miss S_ I
4% i4 the following were chosen : � . newl i gang plow, r hand. turnip number of friends attended tile -funcral lilith visite'd Victorial,
: X . drill, .x pulper new, i single , 11aggy, ill carriages. Little .Alice was alle of Mr.- 011ie Buchatian. of the steaurer, * I,(!' ted to ducet I
## . FARM FOR SALE. President, Mrs. Med'a ' spital and 'was doligh
X Up -to -Date Grocery s vicoe-presidont, Mrs. YoungbInt W 14' Billmall. of Port Iluron, was thu .,Ill..,
* I I . �,
t - � T � 1 wagol i i set I)ol) sloighs, I hay the prize babies Who Were. PhOtogra- , * Coral Vivian, One of the nurses �
0 . -11 I .. - -acre, farms in Treasurer, Mrs. Rannie wer, piled in Uay� guest last wLek of his uncle, Mr.
Z I e Ono of the best xoo rack, i farming anill, . 1 horK- po 'eorgo 11. Fowler, I ill n .
I -iY I Secretary, Miss La- nuie I � � I and Mr. au�(I.Mrs. I-Iarry $canu of : - Maplehurst, BaY7 Mr. Priest, retud I
T .J1 Tuckerstuith, for sale. 4 miles from n : X Cutting 'box, I =,, rope, .ork Rldgc! G . Rev.
T' will he found lit out, sto- I! Brucefield on the Xill Road,, Seafor- The treasurer's report showed $42-25 joys, I set of double, hartics.,�, X town are in, town.. � � fidd Road. . India, addressed the .
X#+ " I Mr. Guernsey of '. ladies
ck. I have secured the *�--k tit 4X miles, Splendid location, sch4 collected for the ,year,. The member- 11(l1t, of light double harness, I Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Trout of War- or N'orwich was the �)ry 'fia" Baptist church, oil That, .
V . ,� day,
' - -, I ite. Good ate of cultiva- ent . * - tic�
,& services of . 'P., 00 opposi. st Ship is stone,boat, whiffletrees, ne,cloyokes, ton wish. to announce the, birth of a s� Air. and Mrs. Gr. 11. VowlLr afternoon. He showed them thostle-
!+ tion, large - orch4rd,, About 9 acres 9 etty asks for a loan: from the forks, rakes, hoes, chain, wheelbar- daughter oil Sept. isth. 1 4.
ship is 1,
* t I . # G. C. Jr 'I couple� of day. .
r : I cessity of takiiig tip mission wolj� ilX 11
*�* - COOPER- T gmd bush, 2 barns,,, large shed, cont, corporat Oil of $2000) to. be repaid- in ton We had the pleasure of spending all , ..
, .- -MR. OGLE . all alinents witliGut interest, to row, lien.,;, geese and turkeys and a , Air. and Mrs. T. Postlewhaite'left evening with Mr. and Mrs-. George H. �11, thoi Baptist. churches. The Lit,& I . .
r *J1 tortable, house. Apply to nual i st - les Aid will devote one meeting each I
- . I&Y,llg at thd ofilantity of turnips. . last week for Cockburn Islamd where Vowler at their pretty residence,
* r who will be giad to have 1.1 . I H. PLUMSTEEL, start a machine shop eirip All will be sold without xcscr,�e as .11r. Postlewhaite will be. employed all 41.11aplellurst," Dayfiel(I Road. Tit quarter. to mission: work,. all they feel �
i! his old custoiners and Y, start four hands and increasilig as the the. propriotor has disposed- of Ilia winter. ' . 4Y able to do at present. Later th I I
or niany now Onus call and . T August. 5th. : . CLINTON. business grows. . . . . have a very axtensive strawberry will form a circle, W, . .
V V � . .. I lul Volr farm. . Pied -On. Vridav, I%Tamic, daughter .
.. bee him tit the old stand, T . . I Death visited tire home of Jo patch -and the leaves in tile Soiptem- .
, * � .� ... .. .1 I I . .. ,. - Tuesil . T11' ,RMS--Al1 slims of $io and under, of Mr ' and Mrs, k. Williams. - Mrs. McColl and daughters, Te"a ' ��
I � . . T . lick, con. 7, Hay, on ay of lust cash ', on.over that unioulit 12 "Toll- Mr.4, �Judge) Johnston and famil ber sunshine were manv of thein, a and Mildred, returned - all Sal :d -y .. A
4r Y - �s, t
. - 'r** STANLEY FARINIFOR SALE. week, taking away tile wife in li�r . ho' credit wit be give -ii ou- furnish- of Sault Ste, Marip came down oil crimson glory. The raspberry buslic ' from . their visit , M I .
. I .
X The deceased had'been,ail- 11%toi; may, if ver quite an area. 31r. Pow- "' ' . J � . .
* : --Butter and Eggs Wanted .eo � . I 55th year, t L)ept.' Mr$'. Joh too, co l'3`tci'vart, Niagara. . � .
. . I I , 's
.r. S . rig for yc -, gradually,growingwor- , ILI, approved jOillt llotL - 4 percent. ,ioth', f Ier was able tq visit his.potato rfula . .
e# 4J, The undersigned oflers for sale lot , I - ar% 0119 for cash, I she call get a furnished house, remain and do a good afternoon's work oil Sunday last at, St. George's .
' REUBEN GRAHAM- * coric . ession se until released frmn suffering. Sho I three months in town, Judge John- 1. I I church Rev.'Rurat De .
T I r 2i and part 122 on the 5th was a member of the Methodist churoli * Sale at I X)'clock sharp. I t * � . ite * which .was a great satisfaction to, 41 1 an Hodgetis of � . I
I e . C BROWN, concerned its lie had becu, suffering scaforth officiated at both ,services. 1. .
4 T' of Stanley, containing 76,V, acres,mor all earlic9t Christian,, w, Bi HmN'LEY, , T. � s oil sold his residence it $ault ,' ..
+ �
T or less�, "Out 50 acres cleared and and . .� .. Marie and will build another.: 1. froin indispositfon Jor the pastitiall- Harvest Th !1 k's)rlvl'ng services at St.
:6 ## � . Proprietor. . Auctioner. �
ogle Cooper's Old Stand. X under grass, .balance . wooded with val- . : I � . Illessrs. Svoiney Belcher and 'Josh. George's oil IS1111, g ELY next. Rev. Mr. . - . .
. . I � . . I 1. � boillas, visited Hamilton -recently, ill, ,Mrs. Fowler's. recipe for giving a' aig or Petrolea will officiate inorn� . � .
# Pbono 28 X nable cedar and lictoiloqk. This is 9, � I . . � . T car preserves 1.4 t Cr. . I .
� $ . . . Mr, Armstrong, Bayfield Road ' * has ImLly taste to 1) 0 ing and evening, , 1.
I - good , pasture. farm, It is situated CLIN'TON DYU WORXS. ' I AUCTION §ALH1. ' ,(,,,, S t, sUnf)ly put a couple of sweet smiltoti , .
1- . purchased the brick .house Bfr - and Mrs. W.. IT. � Smith, Of I-Totel. . �
*Ao 4 -miles from Brucefleld, ,2% from Var- ' � -of- � . or .1 I . d ( crich left oil Monday. for their . I I
* '# � -inds 1ENTS I })�esorvcs before you seal. them ill).
--*.--*.-4.'--*.--*.--*.--*...*..e...*.--*.--*.--*.-*'*'W 4#4-4-4'4'1� na .and 6 from Clinton. FQr further I aill' prepared to) - (to all 1, I of ' FARM STOCK AND IMPLRUV� ,. - David's street one doo west or Mr.. guranium. -leaves oil tbu top (if th CX A �
. .
. fars apply to . Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing of . I Ilinton's. . ' L Ille leaves also the possibil- I home at Counpil 'Bluffs. . e I .
. . paxticu I I Clothes. .kit work done olishort not- . J�ev, Mr. Goldberg of Dungannon was '. preclude .-Vlr. II. Blacksiona and Missvietor� .
�t-1111k^. - ^ ^ . � . . The undersigned has been,. iii,structbol. t moula forming oil top . of , . �
. . . . . . . . ^K�� � n��T__1_1_1_11 I . . .
?'Kilf - M*0809NO - I MILLS�SHIPLEY, . fee and satisfaction gi4aranteed rs. Thoulas Webster to, sell by 'in town last week 06' giiest of i Rev. i v lof a ia went to London to hear the Cold- .
. August 29th. - �. CLINTON_ . . . .1 by INT . . Mark Turnbull. I .. . t6u preserves. NO* is pear preserv- ,stream band. Haxofd said- it was' I � .
. .
- .
t . . . �. . I . J, -T. 1,14EWARD, Public Auction oil - � Mi -s I)Wlie . -Rose of Wawanosh is alk ing ti'lle 'and we 'hope same of our such a grand- iiihsical treat he could- . . .
> � South of railway' track, . Victoria . Thursday, October Ist, assistant to Dr. J. 13,WhitelY. readers. will try- therecipe, . . not afford to lose it. , I . -
< I � . . . . � . at Lot .3r, Coll. lo; Goolerich. iowil- I Air, Goilwlti.C�nipaigilt i . . It. . Mrs, - 1. Clifford and the Misses --An,-. . . � .
U <> �R street, Clinton. . I .
N < JAMES A. SMITH, . AUCTIONER , I . S now Ing I - - - . . . � I . .
. . I
. . .. I . I - ship, the following :. M I gehling 4' operator at 1,110. telopholle'allice, - life Laurie aud Bessie May and Geral- . I . . I
. . �1) I . � __ . I ve-ars, Old, i gaiding- rising 2 years Mr.%. Boyer, Miss- F,thel and her dine, the three little daujilters of Dir. I I . I . .
4 I I .... 119N$ALL. .
. . - . . . . .
�. 6^U0%AR11 < I 'am a licensed akictioneer for the , DRIVER V OR . SALE, Uld, 4 cows supposed to: be in - calli . brother, have r6turnud to their hoUle 'Charles Graves - of Cacro, Texas, re Owing to a tecuicality tile, council . . . . I
, " .
I . � . . 1 after' . . . . . .
" , I < Couitty of f-Inron. and will sell by per- I . . - . i steer tising 1 years old, I lleircr� at Chicag . . ti.�.rlicd to .their hollie last w" were unable -to give the by-law grart- .
. . - -3 Miss ,o. .. I I . it st joy ., . . . .
� . > �dntagc or by the dollar. Residence lot JA rood tbrue-year-old olri,vier- lot, rising 3 years G&T,- . steers rising . , Atima Andrews accompanied 11110 able Vi,sit here and at .. A, . �
.5 . "I ting exemption to the Miller Carriage . . .
� e� -AWMEW mile �_ g . to' Farill, Mrs. -.Clifford's . old, . .
and 38, Bayfield, Road, one I years i - V611r$ Air,%. Janles.Stewart (in her visit to . Qo. from taxatioti-for toil years; the -
5 37 'c Apply at .1 . Ad, 4 heifers rising., , . . Morriloll .- . I I . ..� .
� . . < south of Clinrton. Satisfaction. guar- -�`i - - � . old, 5 spring calves,' ii, store pigs, Winnipeg. Mrs, '..'Stewilrt. anti Miss litylue. I.- first and -second readings'prior
� . I .. ' Fish -and Uiss Ada . to sub, . .
�� . . () an'Wed. Orders left. atTheNews-Rec- . ,, -11arris binder iiearlv now, - � in Miss I'lorence �.
. . .TIrR XF,WS-RViCORD OFl,'ICr. i lu"ssey - Sharman were unfortunate having atittilig it to. the people. -The char- . .
�5 rd office or triv liolls.d will be prom- .. I . . I I -ev-Ilarris drill .ncarly'new, I. - a� .,t c. Jiluett of ,this t6wn . visiteil her ina- . I . 4 . I
. . . �. . , - � . . i - Muss . -arly tllcir trunks go, stray. oil that rol 0,0 - . . ter had not ycl arrived froni Toronto .
f) WE have just unloaded ' ' .1 I , . i lumIxer wagon lie We - regretted very much the .non- - ther's Old liame whil n her wav to .
ptly attelideq, i'6. , � . . . 1110wer, . constitt, ing.the company a legal. cok�' .
( . . . . � * . .. . . - i euttLr� ne,arly tte,*, I set . f the late Air, Abiraliall, visit relatives in the Queon Ci.tY. t . - . . .
4. . JAMES A. SMITH, . : . * LIVE PIGEONS WAINT.V�D, , - llow� t . ,recovery - 0 1 ayfield . I . 1 noted for hav- poratio-ii and the council. though anx- . . .
� . .
I . 1 .1. pioug1r, . 1. wingang Smith, . one of Oil 0 . The B OOK I$ . -It that'the, full legiiI . I . � I
our first carload of Sugar . . . bob-staighs, . . r . Id established -- ,
. . 1. Clinton P. 0. . . . . , " U)i- xi,iuer� ious to roccool fL
I - : , , active, vigoroll inkided It . 1) .1
� I . . . . . I I ` i set Iron harro,W-9, , I business intil. About t ago 1119 I �� forritalities must be adhered to. It 11 .
. . . . plollgh ' � acre of �corn. 'Mr. , Smith - suffered. from' iin attack' .all ,Mr. 'George . Fowler in his � .
.� ' Any quantity of Live Pigeons). wailf- tooth, culeivator, !, .
for 1903. As this car- . I . __ . , � late illness found out their real wor. is the intention to submit the ily-liLw . . . .
- . . - S . he really � . I . I
. . b I . . � . ed. i5c per pair paid., delivered to N. yraii,��97- of mangolds, I liay rack, I .Of- sans,tkokc froin which e ,and took ill askilig a loan'of $3oaq for the Pett .
.> load has been shipped . STANLEY PARINI FOIL*.SALE. Ball, R. Graham or. J. F'. CantO011- fanning mill,- i. turnip pulper, 1. set never fully reebvered, yethe) attended ill. They made ii,.�bc I . Y - . � .
. , - ' * . .
. �
. . I I . . . I . Clinton, ,Sept. 14th. 2 � . . of disc harri)ws, I set OT d0lible, 11qr-, to business and* always soculed bright 11 I r', Fowler's harvd.5t. for wlitchhe, is, 111"chilIQ shops at the same ti=0, tuus . ..
>. . < � , I . . . . . . . . . iless nearly lie )ugh liar- - ,)tit the , .,t . . . saving expeme., , I . , � . . . I � � I
I . .. . . . . � . 1 7 . W, r Set Of: pl( and cheerful, pa, - . low m4611tils trtd� grateful. ' . . . . � . , I I . .-
" directly from Redpath s ' The undersigned offers for sale lot ,heit- � cry known Af:r.. and Mrs. J. IV. Black Aild � I _. . . � 1 . � .
. - - I ` . hens, i licart failure 'set ill and ev . . . .
I . -ncss,...:t Daisy cliurn� So .. * . . . . ... .
. ( 6i Coll. 8, Stanlo�y, .Consisting, 0f, IOO . ing. - se't W10file- - - - to, -�o on children' visited tho Toronto. oxlflbi� 'CREDITORS . . . .
" acres. io acres claared,'balance tim- HIGHEST PRICE PAID. r4 ORGRAIN seove aild.pipe�,, I .o rentedy seemed -fail, I , died t With quite a ADVJ�,RTI . I
refinery, we are enabled I . i iiLckvokc, fofUs, ,,hovels. and ilith 'Sept; Mr. Stnith came., -from tion, Mrs. Black nic SWII�,NT FOR . .
. tiered with pirie, black ash- and soft . . . . � . � , trees, , . . all .. .scriuus accident while gCWug. oil ,i .. . I.. I - : � � . � .. . .
s, too Inuncrons . I .
- I . � Other article.' . . . to "I'll- Woodstock, wileft qT.uit.e,a young ill . I - -t' - esTa3t-o of Thos. ' . . ,
elan, with 'some cedar, Will be sold I �. .1 � . . . . . 1,ted * for some' tinle street Mr, ' ii the mat at of the ..
.' to sell it as lisual at . I , I mrepr�sent the Irbold.&Callen Mil- - . tion. ! .., , . . and was. associE ,qjjiitlI, Mrs. ,Skuil. Clark, St, Paul, h " - . I . .�
> I . oil : reasolia ae terms. It arm. is not . Ing, ,Company pf Stratford and ani .try I
11 I . U Ali* will be .&old',witlI(utresU,rvQ as 'tl , his bkother, Mr. 110 I �
> < sold'before October I 9t, will sell -tiffi- ill the market far all kixl6s, of gr i ' 'the.farm bas been '.-Tited. , I . . wi I -'left G sonlo' yleais ago !or co'hic a rqqiol�llt of our ,tGivil and has, (looterich, in the 'County of Huron, I. _ . . � � � _.
. the wholesale price. ber alone, 11 I 1. . . I I .1 .1 1. � ' - 41" ' who.. �odcrieh . - . CIA ' 1, taken - a house oil - Trafalgar street.. laraicr,: dqcea K.' .. . . I . ., . I .
.. . . . . . .1 - lit . ill .-be ; THRMS�All su is of $jo and�iijidLrj -thwest: . 1-10 . married Ell � I , , . �sel. . . . . . .. . . � �
I for which 'the* .ghest price � w 1. it the Nor. . I . I . . .
> I � Is' . I Miss co%UL spent, . . . ... . . I
. � > my� house and lot in Varna: a. 0 paid. Don't -sell your, grain . without: ca . hat kinimult 12 111.011- J 'fill Allen, '�Ilv� Mrs.'. .:Clark, ant ... 1. ----= . . -
. � sh -, .,oil. over t daughter of the late 0, - . i . . � '.. -
. . ' . C . . ths' creclil 4 throe - . rsuant: to . . ... I .. .
offer6d for . sale. 11011s,d iX - storeys. ' Standard: e tor. L . Abraham 0 Its at ','�L� P�ul -lately. Xotice is hereby given'pu
<> . .11 . seeing me, at th . . , . ,. . .leva will be giveii on furnish" ,whokii . lie, had " three sons) ' .,wce . ., ... , . '' � ' . ' 1� . .
I .
I As we have on hand a . -Good stable and driving shed. Hard, . . .1. . I . . . 1. .1 . . 1 -t, . . I ` ' f Chi� krs*. ' - Alex. Craigic-.1dit last. -Yveck 06 Rwiiscd Statute of Ontari,o (1§97)� - 1: ., .�. � ..... - . ..
. . � . - tppmved 'joint, notes. 6 i)er clell, I tcywll� alid BL-tijainin .and Willie 0 - _; . - . . . . . 1
� . � tchard- 61 'peach' - . . - , -1,: � Ing -� . . I '. :- I of ,10' � '-'. -� . .
1. � ''.. . � . W. 0, SMITI a - I . . - . 2 , s . . - �' . . .
*1 soft. water. , 0 1 . - I o1i for .clsb. , . . .1 .. � Pago, and live, daughters, 1\Iiss.Mani1i,e -Jor Port 11611c where' .�hc, would join - Chap. I 'y 'that all �reditor an .
��. . ,911... . .. 1. .... . . I . . 1. . I � . , . oil 1aving c aims against thei eakate . . I �
carload of POTATOES Aailcd plum Arees, Best situated PlAce Clinton, Soi � . 4*' * ` I . . j: Douglas,: diaccascd,'. her- Son, Cal)taill Alex. Craigic,' ' .. &rs I '* , , . , ..� , . . .
. I I I .. . - . I I p1clock* sharp.- fill and Mr� 1. . - . ..
.. . . . . I . 1. . � . .. .! .. 1. . . Sale at I C .. 4 -. Stil ' . 0 . . : I .
. __ -:, . . . ;I . 0 . 11F r M - , . Mis, I �A . .. I . I .. � . .
in tile village.� .. I . . M TER T. BROWN and -C. Allen 1amlink -.1 - his..9tewilier for Montreal t ,the said Th6mas Webst6r�'whd died,
� ... . . . - a . ' '13" Mrs. 1 I
as well as a carload of _ ' ! � . . ... � .., � " , . I . 1� I R,�. T I I OS - AKE ,� . . I . Mr. and Mrs. Bdaver and childruri, 6n or abo it tile 21$t .day of August, -
. ' : JOSEPH FOS1 MR? - � . . . , I . . ,. ., . . . . .. . . I . s... - Angtiolteer.. Hiss Eva Sulith N-dio- survive hini. -relatives ill . -.on .. .. ..:. . . �
r . I - COL Propriettes. - r . pjo� .visite(l'thu; fair�and are required', or. before . . ..
. .... �t*, _ . VARNA. STANJXY. TR&T. OF REVISION.;: ' . I . . . . . . . .II6 addullitilated a irc�t deal of . . . 14011� A. 1), 1903, 1 . . .. . . .r
Sugar, we are putting- 5 July 2.7.tll-. �. . I �. - I . . I . I . . I . ertv, - besides a beautiful . f6riti, part r (loll last 'Aveek. , , '.. . I . . the first* klav of: Wavoiluber, 1903, . �.-( ..% r . 1. . .. . .
.. I I - . '. .'� - . ., . ..-_ � � , I I � ... . . r . r . p ., . I . -s ' -A.- Mirliq' . has been, send.'.b " id, Or. deliver- ,. td , . ,,,r : a . . I . .. .
. . . . . . llm Mf. a . ..r '*�,
. . at . I '' . that a *-Court .. - �. . .hown -as,*Menc4otu* 61 rl� . )er r I V Post, rpre'Va: . . r . - ��'
, ,
. I - I . . . 1. koi,ice, 'IS hereby given . ' of, which i s. 1, ' "' I ' � .1 I I .
. r r . I r . . eld --pursuant- I t ,voters' I? ark I r . Air i � Sil - ed . . . , . . .. ONVU , : , . r .
FOR SALE. bRr To. RUXT .. . *. . - . ' Tlilr0e. 'Big ',. Sdager. Mr. '14111111)Lr's . lo�astleA, or G.oderich, in'the . � . .. I ...
' . . _ . . . LiiLh was also a cc p, a. Prou dfOot",&HaYs - of the � T
� t . . : ; � ssocioi,t appointed'I'611 Magisti to ill place 6f Messrs.
both in the marke will 'be' ]I 0 ther . ,
. . . . . . . I * t,�, ' '. ' I i honor the Judge . . r .... .. . - - . . with'his br'thcr-in-law, the iate Mr. Air. . County Or Huron, . r . I . I .
.. . Li4s, Ac by, Its I r . � 0 r - . ' ' . . - I
. � ... : . . . . B ownership 6f o are, prob,ably all .built ilow mid he'll solicitors J;r Margaret Vioftoria.Web-
very small profits. .. V. I I. I- .. . I . 1. I Of � the .county 'court di Anton at . . � S, .'. '. -n - . ' - George Cox" in th; . . 11. Ah . .� - .. - . : .
I . . . . ila,ve time' to -study criminal law. ster * the Administratrix 6f t�hw* said, . - - .m . .
I .. . : ,k comfortibla -house. `91tiiated* 6n .Varna oil Thursday',. Octobei 'Sth;.- - .11 . . I . . I . : Hilroll Signall. Tle wits one of-'a:largd . I dnae.--' hN �,% t I e, .their. Chrisit "all aiid sitTilantes, - ' - ` - - . I 4
Orl' commencing - at lo o clock .a. -im, to . , and was born: in.Di)rsetshirc, - We inet Mr. 'David 11611:.9 � . at 1 : : *.
. I ��( C . ier of! C . litirch .and Osborne streets. hca'r. anti determine coniplaints, of.er- .1 I - , t1i,v I nid came :with .his visii 'to' Detroit to look ill)- solue news 'aildresses and descifilifions, the full - � * � . I I ..
. . I . . I la �
1. . -0 . . ' . . . I itt i8i6 s .' . . . f �f .his son, .B.1iltolt's .�djsappearance particu rs of; their claims, .a state- .. . .
. � . .. . �. . . Apr -JY to .: . .., . rors Anil � .Omissions ill tlw' .Voters' . . palTents to WoodstoO, at,the aft 0 1 1 1 1 . . . . . � .
. .. > C13LAS.. GVERBUR.Y ' 1.�ist, of tile Ivianicip f '. Stanley argam..flays . jiT,fgl�no. * l ' His parents preferred S.0;11 that-. city last' summer. Ile mcut . of - their ,accounts and.the nat- .
0, . , , .. .. . ' . I .. " -.ility of' ' � . I . ,. � � . . nine years,: le says 11 r I 9 -(if -all ; , e, . .1 . . . .�
WerAr...UNOR � Clinton, ,July i6th. . I �. for. iqG8. .Ali parti'es havifig business; : .! , , 6 is; retu'rt from Detr6it hei ure bf their scoittritic. . � y' h ld . .
. . I . . ' . . .. .
_. .. . � . . ,.. � . �. 1. Englalloi, to Canada and returned SX)n a's, � sine - Wit's by them, . .. : . . I . '. 1. il .
. . ' te h ro�ccivcd a letter; irani . his, � . . .
. I . . . . . . at the Court ire required. -to attend ., vears 15,.go.. and died there, The to. I . . .
I . .. , ; .. .- e sai tihic and. place.,. . . . . . . M ' d" * Tuesday awyer, who wro � . . . .
� . . . . . I � . Slilith .had three brothaes and 1 to him , that INTiltolt And further, take. n6tice�fhat .after I . . �
, . at-th of I . . , -.10n ay Mr - * . I .. . .
I . . . . . � � . . . . . , . ioned da -lie . . .
I I I I- .. � , . � all - of bom, sur -jive him. woUs on tile Kartsas Press I such last ineut te* t said � I
J,atw_ - ;---.- ���"^,.,,�li.-^I-911e-ilcl-lln�i-^ ic I ,. TWO HOUSE$ FOR SALE. - , ' . �.. - fiv L, sisters, w � . . .. . 1. . .. I . .
r7r, . . . . . '. . � I dis- ,� . 11 �
) . . . 't U' Cl , - an 0. I .. .J�lhit,ely,:Clin,-s Mr. .aiiol.,-%,r�. A. 14, Cullis of Sault Adiiii is rat -rix will pr . . . .
. - I . I . J . r,! TIAIiNNI I J, erk . d W dnesday'� . h'and Mrs T. � . � � ill .t. acced':to, :. I
.. , I -ing
. . -.I- I . I . . . i it' , tribitte-thL ' assets of the , deceased, .." ' - - �
I . . . .. Mr. Swit ilteir ' I .
. � I a. - f 'ou ; r,,
___ . . . . . . Dated at Varn*s. � *this. ��'12tll.., it Y . O".'. - - . ' -96 28 & 2%. . j -Williani at Uina es ,Iowa ; Hen- Ste. Marie, ;who were.visi . I � I . � . .
. . : . . s at the 6ld I Auburn, .,, . . �
. �
I -a xX 8-efite : I .. . . I � , Sept., . q , 11 � Mr,s� bogol- frielid, loj�be, bi.� anioug the parties, entitled thereto,.
s for sale . � triber - 1: . � . . I . . . .. 1 ; I
� . . .
The undersigned. offer . . . 1 11903. .1 � . . � . . I I . 1. . . . r*ai R6sslaald, B. C� , - t -he , gue5ts 'Off having regard only to the claims . .* .,Of . I . I
. . . � I 1. . I I , . - I. . . .. . , . - - wLrej while. ill town, ' .
rq .9 sibrei, frame house oil Victoria, street � I . ,. I ... . I . I I �'at - ,� ,- ,. . at Woodstock ; Mrs.� Cmyati. Bri _Alm, 'G . * ' ,.
. . 0 L.of the, railway track. Small or- - . . i . . I .. 11 . : . � . . .. . .1 . � . . I .;. . . * car . . � CUxlevoix, k'jch. ; their frienols,� Air. and oorg� Nvhich olle, sliall then'llave 114d notice,. � I � . �
. . �. . . . ... .. � I . . . . . . � . . 4 .. . I . . ll � - . . . 0 1 , '11Z - - Tars... -Ir-nighl , . . . . .. � � �.. . . . � . . � . 11
� chaid, good well,, stable$ etc. . . : , K'UNICIPAT ' NOTICE. .. I.. - , � ,. Lowd, Montreal. Air. and. 1�issctt- : . � . *, , and� that the said administratfik. Wift_ � . . .
. . . . � . �7 anTlMrr I is ,vi . - .
. � .. . allies � - .. . .� �.. ., . ?� . Mrs. Goodyear rs. Cowan, Mrs. T.. Mrs. Call. Murphy siting. ast.1lex not be liable for': the. said- as�et§ .()4 ' -. I.' . .
.. t Also small . fratne house on S - � . , 1A] . ' , . to any ,pdrsofts .11 .
. . t, near the kititting., fictoryi. . Y4 . . , . . James: Smith. all at- old home in.Kingstoll" . � �. . any part thereof I . Of .. . I
. G. . 0 s 0 not' have .
. . XOTICU� is hereby given. that, ,the ' . - e & I air Whitely and Mr. - . .. I .1 .
Udur"iagese , I sStruete, . I � Shi r' . at, I,ovcly. floral Lm- ing 1101110i - - . . , -,Yll se clailil llotic, Shall I .
acre of. land, goo#..�well ,etc.- . - ' Coun,cil I . � . .. .:. I . . . . -tended. the furi6r . of . . . .
. . I of the Corporation * . of . thd � � . t)f flo,.vers - covoired We. leartiAliat Barrister Blair. .( been received, by her at the time; - of
. -
. .
. .: I apy. terms. ,. ,. TO,wn.Of Clioto I n intends � to � edrig-trUct .1 .. - . .1 . . I. . .1 ... 11 I .1 blenis and. builChu� . . . . Bra s , �is, &olniiig. - ba�qk home � t ' , I I 1. .. I I .
. . . Will be sold oti e. . I vere his ssel _6 'suqli distribution, - - . �* . I
. � 11 . I . . ' .. . .
, I
I . . I 1.
. I - I . . asket. Tlie*:paUbeateks% � . . I
. . . JOS, ALI � . gratiolithic sidewalk oft tile -east the C� . . I , .
.4ENSON. 6 . I ... I .
. I . . . . � - . . 'A PARTIAL � pr OuR. BAR- Abkall�� Williall' . and: G;Odericll. . , . � Dated ..at Goderich-this 21st.oldy of, . . . .
.. . hrec soils, - - All. H. ., ert' �JALIII " - 1. . . . I . . . .
i .. -Cll-rltori,'�auuary 6th .. .. . in . `4 ABOVE Tilk.HE t . nis: Poiniii jud her doxiighter,.
. . 1. ,,, . . .11 ;. .. I s.ido�of'%C g' street. between tile T'Ost- GAINS -FOR !114111V . .1 BLn wnin, nd his neplieWlil I Oil - 8L ber, Ai. D.. 1903, . .4 . . . I 11 . I I '.
c . 1. . I . I I Zailway Track . I . . � , , - tful. , . .. . .. . . � . . . . 1.
. . . - S �i , , 0 - - . - . .
choi e collect�on - 'c' . . ,� . , . .
We have a . . . ofli a and.-Ithe G. T. R. I .. . . I I' 11' Mrs. .Carey, .who stiolif 0. 'deligh
I � I . I .- . .., ... ... 1. . : .. - ' cost. th6reOf DAYS': . . . '. , ,,, t,, iiin Whitely 'Of C lilt ' , - -IAYS,' . . . . ' ' . . .
of Carriages in stock. in' " . .. . .. I . I .. . . -icild - ,Pk( MiMOT. ,,,.,I linist .
- . I .1 I .. . and to asscss.. tile final . I � . Lig their. It s anct . . . , )L .
. . . . .. . oncer Guest Of town. - Rev. Dr. suinuier, here. anla _TAr,X. . IL * . I
�LX FOR .SALE. upon, the, proprietors:ben�fittcd and --df Viiselitio f6r� ............... 18c afid -Sp . (�me at * , Solicitor4 for, said Adir. . . I ! _. . I . . .
-1 - iX . , ibe bottles . 3.t: lloilst,. and ccinO7 others - have roturn�d - to. i-lloiii h I . .
, . .
I cluding Rubber' Tire Bik-. , T.TJCI�BRSMIT�l . . . . . . I n assessment. . 1j. , - it , - , .1 Daniel Officiated ; .1 . . . I . . I I . . , . . Goderich P. O.' . _. . .
. I . . . not exenipt by- law ,frol , I . � * 'large, Petro ta. , .11 . I.. . , .. I . I . I �
. .. � I . . . 5C . . . ........... ........ :AP 1 , . . �. . . .1 . . . . .
I . I proposed 'wall t The ftlu0al was..verY I � � � . I __ . . . . I � . . I .
- -_ -
- � I I- I . 1. The, total cost Of tile t f.- Toilet Paper for ......... ?5a . ory.., . . - - were wUlI I . ......... r."', ............. .... 7____ . I . .... . . . -.-.. . - - - - - Mr -A. . . .
. . � I - .
es, Rubber Tire Top . I .:.. . . I %, the 10 ; 7c packages o . . I . � and Mrs.- TiMPIlink I . I 11 . . . . . . .17 . I � . . . �
* ,Tfie xitid.ersigned -o is. $I,,zl4.,521 ,, t8*n's'share I, Tooth Picks".1-.1 ....... I.; .............. .............56 Air; I I I 6�����, . . , . I . I
Buggies, Mikadoes,- and . � fell is $531-70� * * � 11 ' �tllc- late Mr. -Smith *during his .1ate ' ,������ I
. . . choice* 156 aLre farm, :on -the UurO'lT wh Baking, Powder . .......... I.'.... I I ................ 15C . Ben- ,� . , . . . I I . . I . . I I . . . .
ly .. . f Revisi ' -will: lye held on . . I esa' and , his sons - Willio 0-ild 1. . . I . . ,
ordina buggies.' Also R ' A Court of Oil . . Parlor Matches .................................... 5c it 11 I . I . . .
r . . Oad, -Tuckoirsmith, one mile east 0 I ro spcllt�-sonle time I � I . .. . ... . � . . . 1 -1 .. I . .1 .
market oil. New frame house With sti I I I . .1.1-1-11.17111. . . . I I . .. .� � 1. . � . I � I
and lumber wag- Clint I . ii,, in the .council Chamberi for. thii . � ....... -i .............. .!-.t..11 ... 1.7c Ivith * hilm. .. . I � - . ,. .
kitchen,: first class bank barn., p. I .. . Dust.pans I . ,� � . rdy' met with a ser . . .. I . I . .. j . . . . ;
*pitrl - Com"L . � , , - Mr. 'Jatnes 1-.1a I .
I :)ose -of � ]I 01aifits ageLinst, Chair d�ats, - 1, .. . ........ 11,; ...... i2c , Of his hands at, Ut , ' 0 . I I .1.. ,.,. I I
in-*. Thursday, is( .Oct-., 1903 at 8 o'clock.. Extract tiny flavor ......... . 11 ...... 5c ja�will. Of chicag, I .. � � . , � IC,
Ong. We invite you to me' earilig I ..-I..., - -Bea � yl R �. hAOSS
I . drive .shed, lien house, pij.pen, silb, -mishap tO One � � I I . I I . I � . . .
call and -inspect I th indmill, and, small or- the tirolposed'ass6ssirient or inaccuracy Bird geed ',� .... .............................. I ...... 9C ions I I .. . . . I . � .
em.. two wells, w . I ry last weell. . I I . . � �, . ,
. . in frontage measurements and any. otli-. Cake - tukriers ..�., ...... t., ..... o'.. I ......, ...... 1'.5e - the Organ facto. . ... _. - .. . . � I I � I . - . . .7, . . .� . .. . .. . .. . . .
It 1. The Bayfield. river runs across . . � I .. � . i
I-Itepairing promptly at- .baNk' end of lot, 'Thirty. acres mplabits that persons interested .,Mr�- Vrank.Diail6p has opened out- . � . .
9.1itipouia) ................. . loc .. 01(l . . �
� . .may desire to ich are by 4 . , . I . . . . . . . � . .
the finest 61 irass1aria, T is' i . I machine Oill ....... ; ... I . . . . I . 1, . ". I
. It is a . I - . . . .1 .. I I . I .1
tended to. . -by the said - cd�rC . e . - ,.. .. � I . �
'splendid 11 situated, an. la cognizable : ... ; ......... 4c stand. An'd 'N o. wn. , ss; . , , I .
or flats, or C, . ma1c, and wh' I arge bottle . ....... � ... � ........ �c%J.loc a - %tuam. . laundry . ill Consigney's . I ,
farm" we . a w . I . . . . 5c bottles of niticklege .......... . I e to Lou'don. " . I . I . .. . I . � . . . I . � . ..., . I . . . . . . .. . . .
- . I I . . . in4, large box ............... �....',,5c Tqr, Culbert If""' g 'n . . .1 . . . . . . . , . � . . . . . . .1. . . .. .. '. . I . .. .
fl - , will' bi sold on .easy torms. . . .1 I WILLIAM, COATS;. Clerk. , liaii li�, engineer in a b�x f"Itary .. . I . L I . . .
. . . 1. I . . . .. Aoulletan. thread ....................... � .......... 5c .. Smith.spelli tile when -you visit: . 1. I �� . . .
R. COUCHt Clinton Clintolit Sept-.,.��th) 19013, . , - s-, for ....... 25c Aligs :Beth .1 - Past -, . Greet you- at every step . .. . � �
' I .. . I. . . . . I . .. . � .. ,. .. 1 .2 bars of Premier soap 3 IT) . C , in .. Load oil. I . .1 . � 1. � goods continually arri . ving, rep I I. �,. - ... . . ��. . . .. .. ..
RUMBALL and 211RIMATH June 9th.. .. : � I I : . I . �. . � �.. . . . . 1 .. I .. . : 5�Twin bars of toilet abap for ......... 4c. 'webl L ;, . a .is. t' is store. " New . . . - - I I I ... ... . .
. ... I . , . � 7r I . I . c ... Mrs.. Albert Vigar,q Of - IOrOut . . h . . � � .
. . I . - I . .. . i . I .. I .. 1. . . . " I . I kc!, P�ac Castile soa-3 for .......... 4 ' . � I . . I . I
Buron St., Clinton. . . . . . . . I .* . 1. � __ ._..__�_ , .., * . R SALE. - - 11 .. ... . A the s. Georgc.Trctl1e*aY' resenting the. e us and skillof the world's best I . I . I .. ! . .
. I
. . 1,11 U �- 0. - . , . . . . I � . . I
. I . . . I
. . � 1. , . O SE. F 10 B.rbe's sllavillg: 40,11) ..................... :.9t �Ile�t of Mrs g ni . .
. .
. � I . . . . , I . . . � . . . I . . . . ' * I Miss rilosqie Mccreath'is one of tile . ' . . . . . . . . �. � ... � . . I I .. . .
- __ _ - __ . - . 7cTar soap for ., .... ........ v ...... -6c .. .. . . ... I I . � . . �
. ,. I . � . . . .
. . SALZ . . I . styles bf, :back :contes �5P" . . . . workmen. , . . � ;- . I .
BLACXSMITH SHOP FOR I . I . . .9 post6fric. clerks; . . *u tied from . . . . . I . . I . . . I. . . I .
BE CARUFUL. I I �. - dersiglied 'offer'. for sale� the . I,at"t Walter'Naftel 1. r � . I
. . .. I The Ilti . . I . I .., for 20C . Air. lias'rct. ' . I
I I " 4ot.. f Griner - . . . , . I I . � Novelties. % in Broach6s� new designs .in Rings,'. . .
Blacksmith .' ' One lug -on, Rattenbury Stitt his visit to Toro . , . . . I t
I of build' litcy. . I . . . . .
. .
- * shop. for .sale . ley,, Side combs worth, �lor_ for ..... '..;.;l5c s bave . .1 . I . .
OZO 72 ds in Huron County,. .Al- .ly used. as an office by Dr: Dows anti Mr% I .. .
___ R4- . the best stan . � 'fro licy pins 2 for ....... I-- ........ I ........ 5C Mr. .. Oliver RhYna. , . . rtistic: fanciesin Pins. -, ,* I . .� � I . . .
� . A 11 � , . a .
,;, , ,� -house, and 16t., AddT �ho .building to be rentove . .41 d to Brantford, rel - . I . . .
I -so -first-class ess . I . at forks and spoons' ....i .... 5e remove . . Our Watches are ' iable'as timekeepeis, for* we
" I I . I s and children, � . . .
,� _'QggZe�. �. I . . . the premises., . � . White met ..: ........ 15C . Mrs. W. A. Rhylla. I .-I .. . I . . - ' I
. .. I . THU XIMSI-RIXORP, , � HAR14AND BILOS,, . teaspoons ' - half d(Well .......... ... ...... -�8c spent a week in, Toronto tcccntly� , . sell a watch th9t we cannot positively guarailtee. . I .
: - - . . I . I . jr,c Slates for ........ 11 .... I .... . will not I . ... . . � .
. . . . I
August -26th. : ... .. . ,.�� .............. -ell Watches of I ..
STRATFORD, ONT. : , I . . I . . .5c. S . . . .......... i4c Air. and Mr.%. Maot- Of Norwall". ' .
11 I . . lates.for ... . Mrs. Mack spent . DO not understand by this that we. only 's . I
4, . I . ellea,l) and good ,,school Ohio, are in tOwn- . e * . I I
I . . . .. . I
, I I . I
� I . . I . .
All Business Colleges are not alike. . . a ------ m- - �_ All'killds Of . Li�icr here,withlict daughter, extravagant prices. The prices. will'suit all. � I . . . � ..
A school with a reputation. like Ours �- TWENTY ACRES 1-.uk SALE. . . . , I , . I I . .. ..., I . I .1 I sijppljLs� �, - . , tile suW1 I ,who urned with , . .1 I � . . � . .
is a safe <)lie ,to patronine. If y6ii, , � I - . . I FOR SAL�& *Whit cups and sat.-Cers worih. $1. . Mrs. Pitt Curtis, - ret I . A large variety of 016oks..'. . . . . I . .. ..
. . � I � , �, , �, . pRapBRT,y� IN CLINTON a I . . to Norwalk. '. . I ' . .. . - .
. . . . I .
, undersigned :offers for sale north I I . - . . 10 . and Thelma . I : . . . � . .. I . I
want to get a first-class I]Oskt')D'n, ' .The . � . 'for goe Ifet family � . Georg I . . . . � I .
' '
then get a first-class business educa- part of lot ,16 on, .tile 16th 0.04 of Tile undersigned Offers for sale the L All sausel dishes dtcorated' pink, . .1 Mrs, Carlisle, till ill''town. - a . .. HT- . .1 .
, � Coll aliling . Xe s' . I � . . . � I . . . I . I I .
tion . often times students come hllll� Goderielt township; containing 2o acres. ,1,1; storcy' fr4iiie house-( It i i blue and g c for: ..... 45c . and Mrs, Milo 0 -1OdgsOu I and . . . 1. . . . I . . . ...
As of miles sole1v to attend thisl ' e I by . '� *With plates to Watch . , Mr. and Mrs.. Fred, I Col_. . rs for all kinds. of repairing.in our line. � . I - . . . .
(Ire Go d. franig, hou..�e, barn with ' stoll eight, rooms, at present occupied � ' Mr, yloolgsduls itiorther left for , . � � . . I � . .
atalojue is free. rwiter . 0 kitchen good c and -color6ol bowl$ for, ...... 129 1. . . . - I . '.. . I - .. . I I
college. Our c stable' Gdelid .6reliatd with'all kinds John Xiciand, 'Summer , , . 'I . 15C whit L ali IiIIgwOO(l last 'w.ccik, Ivits, llodgsou-'s I . . .. . . . .
now. ' fruit. Y --inile from corporation . . I dies'and platters M, . , .
of 4 Of well, � otd, I vegetabW dis I . . Later Mr.' and Mrs. Hlodgs0b; _. I .1.
. . .
W. i. F,I,LIOTT, Primipil, Clinton, Y4 mile from schdol. Apply . � . .. . I .� different prices. all 1,11 : 11CAlle, to Now York 0`114rdils"n . . * �
. . W o y Ids will go on. . I . W. H. Hellyar, - . .
I 'to . I . Bargains in Glassware-, aod after ChristuIlls- . I . . � ...
........ -1 if Faticy Dishes; - . there until I . I .
- Will sell. the entire 2o acres or parb - , , W. BRVDOXE� .13 r . 25e Mrs. Btiegal and little Roberts will . 0 1 . � tand . # , . JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN \
\HE . of lot to .suit, purchaser'. - . . � Clinton,' August X501- ' * - . ,� Clothes ushes worth 350 for ......... . 7L for New York on: Ist, October. Biddle I cornbR s Old 5 I � � . I . I � .
. T : . . � . I I I Clothes Brushes Woftlf loc f6r.15c Ica' ain with Mr. and Mrs Ptcd. . . � .
. J9PTRA HOLLAND, I . .., ... 10c, and rem ,* that . opposite To-vvn Hitill-6. . Eyes � � Tested Free. I . .
. . . I . I .
. � . . . . . I X-Iolmesville"P.O. 11 I . . .. . Scrubbing ilytl,411CS - - - ",...116 I.0, C CAI while they remain in. � . �. . .. . I 1; . I 11 ., . " , . .__ . _ � . 1.
. ITorse Brushes ... ......... .....'-we and, 15 1 01 1 �
� . . . . . . . 1. . , . V*#*##9*", ***#####*" - - ,�, - - - - - - P; I
. I I GIRL WANTED, ........ o, 100 111(1(�911 - - � .
11 i4th-�, . : 1. . Stove Bruslics city ill . I .
11EL0 Apr � . . . . . , � .0 I " , last week � I .. I - . I - I .� . I
, , "' " ,
. TTE . . I . . I . I Shoc. Brushes � , �;�;tll"2`SC"for ... ..... ::20 Miss 141alcoller ,,I)Otlt I I .,� I - 1. � I . I �, I . I
. I . . 1. I I � .Uhavitig Brushe ............ ..._ . ..� .... ;.'-.-15C 13ayfield'. I I .. I I I . - I . I I
I ,) ,0 hope tha-t Miss Reta. Stanbury I I
� . � . Good general servant wanted at the I .......... �3,o Vv , 9@&S8@8S$88@8W(�G " 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 . I
I STORE POP- SALE. I MI '�khffl Brushes ....... -� ....... f ...... (�� I �. . .
I � � Rattenbury House. The highest wages Or ... � ....... 125C Itow Convalescent afterw her Aer" 1 � . . . 0 �
. 11, ill Ba fictil. 0 1 �
I .3 worth 35e I
I I I . - . will be paid.. . . . for: .... ; ... loe
. CREAM ' . - I 1. � �r100_1i)rL1l111r111rs11. 1*11)11� illness at her IX01110 Y ;.. * , - re ,, 1. . 0 1
. .gles worth i Se .
I . . Country store with postolftled in, ; in Granite nud Tinware. A Song. service was rewl6ted, very ., I ovftbeos Drug Sto . .
can J � %�ATUNBURY- Bargain! ressillg worth ioc pleasingly oil sundwy evening at Nor, . I I I .
�t I connection for siile, Possession Clinton, may 27011- * . . Bottles of 6110C d I for 8C tit. street - church, 11, tile ii,litilem 'at, * C . . .. . 0 I . . . - . . r:
. be(givett .at Once.: . . 0#q vy saltg�bdatl- * ' . 0 . I
SEPERso . . MRS, 1. BROWNLEE, . __ - 1. . ,,, . 11 .. Large bottles of Nonsuch pipe Vat- I the offertory Miss Schet. ow long , wilti * . . wfto%%~ \ I .. �
A .................... too Wally. the golo part 1,14 ; RB=ONE 0
1 . . . SIMMURHILL11 nish .. . ........ I ..... 11111-.� line ?" and tile Solo 0 . . �;
. . I I .1. -.-- I � 1. '11ULLuTT CO'URT 01" RE VISION- 1,arge bott,101, Nonsuch ,stove polish. - Mc Thou forget, Mr. Charles IT. * . I I .. I . I . q
. . � I . . - . . . tied, Of Jesus." a
. TOR. . . I . 11 Tok I-laniffietS ......................... -`-5e "Ashal � -Io loway, opposite To Hall .
. . 1. GRAIN WANT8 D-��DAG$ V OR SALE - Notice is hereby given tht6t it COUtt Woodell Spoons ...... - ...... 11. 5C 1111111ber Wig it, goo)(1, voice tile solo V In the store of Mr. A. J. I I 1 Wn. Hall . �
. . I . .
If you intend buying a CMAWSOV- . . :::::::::::'",-:,5t "'Kilig of. love,, my 'Shophetil is," 0 . . I . I . .
.. --- , , will'be held purallailt to the "VOt- All Potato MASh0r$ ........ I- J oreigU Mission' w ii�q 0 I . � i
erator, (.to not. buy without trying a Wo pay highest . cash price for er.ql List Act" by 'His Hanot t'liol All1oasters ............. "......, ........... �,-7t Tito WoUlell's r * . I I I 0 . .
mclotte . It SIMITIS Cleaner, turns, easier W ' all( Ourt of the coult. Ise Irou Italidles for ...................... 72C successfully broteght to 9,11, i8ffild I 1()r * I * ' : � .1
longer thalvally other lleat, oatk I Barley and all kind$ judge, o , I tile coiffity c ......... jJ0 victoritt street Church oil Thursday Eiffirely New Stock, � Evergrhing New and toepything
and will wear es of of graht. Drive right to wilt`6-110utO, ty of 9.111ron at Londesbard oil the 1p�lekagcs of Tacks . ......... . aq a * I .
L I I or, 1903, at . Oelt We li� 7)f lanip and 11- last. Mrs. (Rev�) W. it. Graltain. w , I
,;eperator ill tl e natkat. Six siz Bagill 26th day of Septoomb, keep all killil . y a a .
Soo Cotton Bags,: 15c ; . �oo Jute, the tern chijulleys �atld kill kitid sOc'et ; Vic -
1 -4 of candy. Chosen, president O -f 'the '
Hand Sepatatots. Capacity from 2SO .. 0,elock to hear and detertnifte . , rs, Georgid Hattl,14 " Re- 0 Presh, Nd old or -stale good& to be found in thki 8tor& 1, .
lbq hout. Priceo -6c, lor sale, . -ts of orrm and Out- . I - 6 president, - M � /
, . Ito T,oOo lb,ct. pell . : PERRIN, Clinton, several tomplaill I "'t 1 410 cordillg-srtrcta�y, Mvk. J. 1-1, Iffilliall; 0 Apnb forR astman Xodak Co. Agetib for Parie Dalls & Co, 0 .
W�. 0 , 0 1 Corkospoll 4 If, Al. I 1) I
froin $65 lip. � issious in the voters 1, of tile tary, Mt.,*. 0
Al.so It JIM Do Laval ,44operator for �, Municipality 01 Hullett 'i ,19o3. All ding �eere 0
It was used OTIIV two W00110 Sept. yth. - Shiefs. Fau iss Harry treasurer, �i) I . - _____ .
. 3t Elliott, and M W . . I 0
'o,"Ile. q replaced by a * now velottio. - .- - I -1 I persons Itaking"littsinesg at J16 Court N -Ir George X. Johnston, Ilayfield ( � 0 _ L aheMiSt a 6
and Wit. are required to attend at the said, �, upolt , is /I
Fa ,4
# -
,4 "
S �
L, ,
it 1�
, ,
( )
> (
.) (
'11 .1�
.- (
I' 11 -B,
I .
1 4
4 1�
1 I
'14 1i
A place. Dattil NTOX Rowl,, is to be collgratulatool H. BI, COMBE Ud Druggis
Will be Sold theap, , , the loth day BvAcomls OLD STAND, OLT 8. ,
� Tile xews-Abdord will be sent to time W I buildipg, a stylish new house oil Ida cg I 0 . 2 L' 1. I i . , I �
Houss, farift I
W. H. L01313o Agen'toll any ad&1rc8s 011tit .1an.. t904� ibr tweitty of September, 1903. , Clerk OPPOSITA Tug 9480tt i0L 00 A/
'01 , JAINII�-S CAMPgWit � 4 " I � .
o � . � I � .
Clinto P 106 ceitto., " __ . 41. . � v*. � i
.. o. . - . .
__..J...... -t . I . . ; .11 .
� .. , . �� X, I
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- I . I
....'I�m. I 1. - I . . . .. 1, . � �, I I - .
. . 1� I .,,,,,, "i �i__,A,111,�, �� �
. - , _a"L ,A&L, - . I
I I � ; . I A � _ _,&h,.._ . �,,� _,A�_ L � __
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