HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-24, Page 40 .
. 4 - The Clinton Nows,stRer,,ord . I .
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' , � . .
RON, G. W., ROSS AS A PLEDGE.- BREAKER, Live Stock Market " Masonry Is As Broad In Its Embracer .
, -
, .
� "', , I " 4 *4 ** Toronto, ,';vl)t. 22—Tliv run at this � As Charity Itself ",
. . .. 0
i,4-4 -'.'i--1.-1e.#e4-A. -X1#*+#--44X+M AV+4#18 city cattlu market toda% was ziq lomis .
. with 7,5s head of cattle, I,Hi,A sheep
M, Y, McLean 5A.VS the Premier Promised "Im. the and lavibs, 900 ho'90"I'd 41 1:41VCH, 1
Trade wasigood allround, v%er ' � thing
pretty'Nvell elc,aned out.Varly.
Registrarsbip Both Verbally,ana in writinx,— �11,ilurlrl Avas a' fair inquiry for export Rev. Rural Dean "odgins Preached to Members of
A Story of Duplicity and Deception. . catth.-, choice, i(peality boilig inosL ill
. domand. The , offerliigs Ili, till,% clas.-o the Craft at Carlow Last Sunday,
. I I were not of tile first class, though , . .
there were some very lair lOolds of, I
I . . . I ,cattle sol , d ;It frOlA $4.6.9 its $4.770. 1 .
(Vroi I n tile Torouto Nows.) ' A FISTIV UMPLAN.&TION. ' Crawford&Qo. sold live loadsolex- . I . . ..
I port,at about these figures. 11 Tile weml�crs of the Aljj�sollic Lodp In Masonry ail instrument by which
Ooderich, .Sept. x9--!rJn;re I.-, astory To explain and excuso tile. appoint. liutcln.rs�Tbe demand NA(ds goocl for at -Carlow Ili Colborne, together with lie call Ao more practical thillis which
of duplicity antil de,ception. lit connect- ment of Mr., Coats it, I,,; now. stated choice butelmrs' cattle antlK.'14.40 WOS brutliern froin Clinton, . G mdLricb, Bly— religion deinand.q. Masonry is not
ion: with the filling of thevacant. of- that Ilon. Mr, Hardy promisal Jilin I,),E,t,icl for extra choice p!eked cattle. . lit tit 'and Lucknow,- over one hundred dollars and cents, it is not alit, a , V-
fices in this county that is &r](10111 the ollice and that upon the occasion � general run, of fair to tuoditrill lit ,all, attended divilit,. sj�rpvice� -lit tilt- onini for sellish onds, but' is a field
equalled. It is. not a rar,: thing for ' � butchers there was a fair tradt., at �
of Ron. Mr. GarrOw s last eleXtion fr(an $3,50 U) $3-85 and $4 to $4.25. Presbyterian church at that*placu oil of tiction for benclitting (stir Ixother
Ministers of tilt, Crown to wriggle Mr. Cocits' services -were secured ,only -Costainomr butchers sold. at front $2,- Sunday afternoon Insi. The. church mail, aud for the cultivation Of Our
�� out of it verbal prooni,*n but WJILA upon ilia auderstaudi,ug that lie would 7 5 it) $3.25, , . w,i.k &oN�ded and alt1bough scalts bac� OW11- ItIghUSt natUft-and its success
- " I I 9'
. the) get the position. ,.Ili reply to tbesio Vecticirs-There is a deniaud for choi- still not accollimodation for all who tlle.SQ lines. Same look upon
put themselves ou records OvL, 1=11 placed I i t e aisles there was or failure must be inew9ored alon
their own sigu4tuxes, it is not Often 'Noxplanatitihs" Xr. McLean I)G�nts cc feeders at fair prices though ' at Nvished to gain adi I nission, Ma"'ollry as all institution where
, I �
that they fail to carry out their present the best cattle art, appurcutly
� Out that at his interview with ilia Thu Anglican service, was. used pro-, nica are banded togrether for
pledge. That is what lias happened . not coming forward. The reason gi%-4 babIv for the first thne fit that chu- their own stillish ends and arepledged
lit this county. Mr. M. Y. AlcLuall, i Premier and- Atorticy-Gonteral Ili March, is that ' farmers have 1. plenty Or- Jeul, rch iind the* preacher was the Rev, Ru- �to sluield it ImAlicr from the c(,)Use-
� . 1902, there was no hint given of prior yet and are Ili no hurt), to s6ild their ra . Ilodgins of ,Seaforth, Past clucaces of any crime conlinitteed .ag_
the forincr nieniber and clefeAc4 Lib- pledges, nor is thorii aiiyth � ing in ilia cattle to market while they call lit- J Dean .
'. . Grand Chaplain of the Granil Lodge - (it aiv.st tilt! law's of God or Mali. A
eral candidates was proinisLol tile oilice . crease weight at so little cc st. Good Canada,- whose . sermon, interspursol jilo-ment's considera:tion would show
.. correspondence Ill "IS possession ,to fWlill,g buffs, 1,000 to 1,200, pounds, with 'alit ilbistratious and beautiful
of Registrar, both verb4liv and in cause the least suspicion that there was at $2.75 and $3 ; good steers, i,000 to .the most .ignorEmt that ",licit was 4
writing, by if I to Prcui.icr and Other. a'bar to his (Mr. AlcLean's). appoint- 1,10OPolluds, at $3-50 aild ,S3.73- �Juotatioiis�, Ni,as lis.tetted .to. with'Acep base calumny. Were such the plasVI
interest, . . I � I � . . every ,meeting woulol'be treasonable
Ministers and these pledges have bcoll inent. Mr. Bard-,�Is pledge was not Tilt.- demand for light stockers is Mr. 11o(Igens, .wllc) took. his text -and would call for .its. suppression by
violatLf.1 to kilspoint, a clisL'a t rolativa discOvPrQd ,,until it was necessary to not particularly active at prLscut, froin, R(yllialls 12 : , 51 isaid ill Palt the (1'r,overnment, while . tl I It, faci,alcille
ii . - ' finol an excuse for violating tile . w"ri t- . 4 * �
of Holt. J. Al. Wilson. . farmers Oidently not being Willijig That lie had selected -his text lipeause, tilat- it nu-inbors arniong its-tuoubers .
� . . tell pledges of tile. GovLrinnent, to Mr. to pay so wuch'�Itis year ',is they did, it seoul-Ld to
P, McLean. . - . � � ) teach - tilt poi lit lie want- the King -of Faigland, the 11resident
� � . . last, - . . I f -d I ' to enforce, tile universal brother- of the. Vnited States, tile high st
The people of tile count . y art- greatly , . Y]41�LING. OF LIBURALS, Shwis and lainbs-Vic market I,, flood of inall, .Out depenclance' upon prelates Ili tile church, the, itiosL loaLr'n_
J ' . - . I . , -firm ; everything sold out one. another. Alan abil,ve all created. cd judges aud the greatest and .best
incensed at tile action Of t le Govern . . steady to . .
nient, In' Clinton, where Mr. Wilt. Tile feeling among Liberals is thUt and lambs being a 111UN firtner than. 91"'91 is .-L social being. Ile delights lit Lvery land should be a. sulliciont
. allioliship of his fwlocws. guarantoc* that thei7e is nothing Ill its
Coats, the newIN-apiloint0d Registrar a leader who has labored faithfully last week. . . . in the coillp, to .
inerLhowit -IV for the osuccess, of lifig I ,- "Iting
is a prospcious 'and popular and honest . oadv ; prices un- More and greater'critnes have been � contrary. to the laws of God
t,lllcnt is r,�gaiclQcl with gre- party ill the cattlity, has been overlook� changed from last, ' ited by trien. ,when alone than or man. Masonry is as . broad Ili its
, _ week's decline to 1:01IT111
:6 I . I I when fit i o 'conipaik -the -sv s' embrace -it kilowor
tile appoill Ld.in favor of cutte who It Y or ir' fello as clitirity itself.
at favor but cIsLwhcl throughout tile . is little kno- 45.90 tot il C, best - &Ud ,'55-65 for I gil- . .
js�rect� wit and ivllose� services llave.bewi. Only* s� l
three ridings trip. titulOst, dissat , t. and fats. , - . . When In the company of honest men tic) race distinction, it recognizes it(%
lot, exists, Liberals and Coli&cryati%*e, local, Conservatives arc quite as sore . . . . . I I . ill all i s anhaillod, to ,,Ili or ' at Xcas,ti 'sociaf.- prejudices, but tire white lualt
I as their opponents. 'I lie), have, a high . I
alike colidenin tile action of the Gavert)- . I - . I . . . . I . ... .. . . finds, no pla"�. or opportunity for an(t tile black ipail, the prince alld ' ,
lillairt. The I jberals have rought twiti, regard, tot-. Mr. McLean as. a clean � th so, To live fit social interc(liursu the .peasant inect together on equal
. WEST TUOXERSKITH, * . "ill �
Mr. MeI,c,tn. for thirty -fly -0 years and fighter .ill the, iso,litical field and the . . �. . . wlth� ole'i fellows: is thu safest kind term s ,,is they stand on the. Mo,gaic
. . I
, , new Registrar is a ,svetioual worker . of life to .lead and tha�t lweti adapted, floor. One .of the great priliciplon of .
ill, that period Ile ba., carnecra rqvft�'t_ ' Mr. -ajid . Mrs. J. G. C -rich. spalit , .
. tion for hard hitting And square nghZ - Of ell,tirely (I.iflorent calibre, . � Cqllso- .� . . to showing forth our duty Ao. Ood Freemasonry Is- brotherly love, Were
- - I ly, I . 41i mr Sutida� in I'shorne. . � . . - . I tyi
. quc�it everywhere throug O�lt -thu ail(] our -duty towards our neighlbor'. it not for -ill-at principle. tI e socie
. lig that lia.9 won f��r, him tile respect . in Clintmi, �r Mrs. 1. 1-L Dodd of Clintonvisited �t men who finag- could , I be, no, life
I)f his ,oppoulvilts Yl e toll `1�xee,pl e Mr. her daught . er, Mrs. C4. INT. L; , S niptinles we tile(. not exist . There can
( . Via, testli noiry. Of (�Ouftliis p1lin'lairj- tile le'elin is that I ,ay ton, for � 0- .
the Conservatives is that Mr. A%Ejx,wn a few (lays till.% week. . duc because. of ,wealth or , social stati- .Without love and hence a trite Mason
aoly,transac� Mr. McLean lia-s 'been sliabl . treat- . . . (jiug they 'call gtit � - on without neigh- -is liever so happy as when extending
lie ver was guilty of ally sh, old and that he -is . justified rail . it Mr. J61in Iloppur- .is silliling 11 I,% burs, but. such mun art- very little use .reliLr and con.-61AUQ-tir to a fellow.
tions. All his work was fair, square . I '9 broadest these day,s� if y6n wish to . .
and above -board And his failure to,* th(s..,Gov�crii . ment twer.... . - I -. klit6w the reason why, . asl.i him. ' � in the world in which tll�y live, .To - boing Ili. ilie. hour of Iiis-af.Iliction,
the ricling I � . . . I _oj I .A. . , so far as We
hold against Air. , Ilturv; .. . THE, OODP�,RICH CASU. - , Mr. John .Avery tile London advlincd tile moral, social �r� coiiilmer� -and we are ., asons just
. 14,'ilber was not a fault as�tlje oxtre" , I . . . .�, I . . Rooa.d was One .(A the exhibitors at thij cial --well-beilig of society,' ever inali carry . o,ut iliat princ�lplo-and no fitr
-lilt popularity of . t"With .1 There is a, row an here ich. Western Fair. . I . I must .play his part. I-ligh-and low,'. ther. As Maso no le oo
that gentlellia -fit Goder . 11 ' we . ir examplo. The world'
the large . Genital, . population . m4olls, it pV�-r the v4ppoint-melit df Mr.. Charles Mr. J, � G, Crich * and' Miss Nellie rich , io�ncl poor, �arq: all bovncl careful of ,ou , .
intpossibili for. anybody: to c1cifeat, to tho dual position all County Roweliffei, Ili$ guests spolit part of last' tagetliLr'witli bands.' of.steel. We aid will judge us by what 'they. see ex-
, . . .
. . e . - . � all nicinbers, one of another . and, , it Outarios
Ilient. 1, 8r:wgarl .Attorney and Clerk I .of the week- .In-, Toronto. I ' uniplified in our lives. - , Ill, ' '
. I . . Peace . There - .three Canis Kra. S. Crich is ilia gdest O � I . .her was ,this principle Which led , to *.,tl'L* I there are over* 30,000 Jvlasolls,* ' What
, . .)Vcre appli ' I . ' ""ties a� tile a power for
MR. McLEAN pR40ATISED, TIIr4 OF- namely, Charles Seager, L, 14. Daincc� 601i, F, W. during th6 absence .of Mrs. . formation -of -such some I tj�ood they would �be, if
. .. . . . . Masonic Order,! When mon were in, a., a teachin ' of our bc-
FIC34. . . �alld, a Air. - Bla�ir of Bruessels,wIlo i,� Criclj fit L�'aliforilia. . t . . . I . all, l0fi led, 9 - . I
.. . . . state of barbarity their ivants ' wero I loved Order . : � . .
. I .
I -I � it . ron [or years was regaXo1b".1 lit East Huron'. With -ilia assistance Aniong'those who. tooll ax1vantagoi of saiall lit niagllitu�le: as fmv. Ili number ' 'rq dreattlea 'f. a 'thne when . . I
- South . .of the nientobers M. G. Cainierciii 'tile the Western Fair .last week were.: Mr,. � I . , 0 � I
� as a safe Liberal coulsticit.-clicy. in i'sq"4 I I . I ...
lirst-liamed secured.tfics plu-in; wl1ich is and Mrs, J. .T. Crich, Air. and, Mr's. C but - as soon. as. tlidy' banded ' together The wrong, ,%hall fall;
Mr. McLean who was -then tile sitiing I . ,. f inutual proite�tioji -and,' comfort - .And. the right anol'the good I
. worth $1,400 a- year and what call' be Crich, Miss 'Eunice Balls Mr, r,,.,B&i_ Or I
nicin-ber, was defeated by Mr Rilber" - ' their - 'civilization' began to advaillea ; . - - -
and the rich lit over to il .. C canted ill private practice; added. Alt' ford, Mr... A POI)per Of this neig�bor- _ , . Rdign over all ;
ng we . le OIII- fflair� never was in. ,the. rimiting. 'I'll * hood and t' ' nAld. as civilization- advanced thc.,�ran AN'livil tile goitle.w.ord and I .
%,urvativo coll"11111. . -. As - the tiine, for . d Ito Misset Stanbury. . *and is. and':,desires of the conlillullity . �. 'Tile kindly cle�d ' ' . . . .�
I cyacll� decision lay. betwe'en the two Goder. Waldron, Messrs. F , Waldron, G. Lay- to thesu called forth, . - belhil .
the, getteral elveLion of. x9o2 appr � r , ..T6 supply Shall come like . to I . �
- doubtful 'of Mr- ich.-itien. Mr. lj�ncLv--Iiad r6nder&l.tile, toil, G. Watt, I. Wever of the boad0*11 �, w sniiitV of - individuals.. Th � - '_T116. hearts. that bleed " .
-cl, the Government, . . . , the. Inge OSCI : � I
L I . . I . party. rornaTkable' iorvices and ' whev Road atid. inatly oillers'. . . . . � . .
McLean's streugth- in the' rldiugv lit- , - - .. who, .could. not supply these � W4itt% had . . . I
. , these. were recounted � the Attorney- -Alassfi,* Nott"Of Algc�ina arts giexsts . ... Let its , gi), oil then ill, tlie , future, as
I . .
nces'l him to -,; a lriall� . , I Q - title c, - J -.()it . - '. . � ,. , - s cr tly 4ml. silently
ill tand- aside. Aid allow to resort , to the ,miperior knawledgu In_ tilt- pust, e Q I
. tile ircii-nillatiflit. ( . - t icir cs, N . like c heir lit . Thus 'inct . ..
GenLral, -'Mr, Gibson, is rapotte-d - i Of I i * , 1 * , a -ill of . (fist .. .
- ,,I Mr. .ticsi,. i have -said that Mr*. Dallecy clescr�-Qcj . )II(low:-R , I ., * . . . if. i Aqlrbors. - �ising *out. Mas6nic supersttructure on
tit who it was toil- I 1. . I Lt ()'it .1 .. . . o�cssl6tls a . 's�, Anlowr tit, . ro . brotlictly
� - . I � . . I . . I j - - pr ro I ie archi:, (hu, s * folladatic it stones of
. itfacturer of Zuri . , 1,�itll . t to . . . . arx' Noit ',�Ijifi' D I C1111.10 . . 11 .
� ght would be strong , I � ,Ger,-. the ofl'.ce- _. L . . Miss - , Al: . . . I I �1.1 .. � ,,votild be -first as men's first love 'Kelief al .) i�at: wfibil
, - . . . . . .. � . I . Crant -,%i)etit1_a few, ilavS aL ;],:.r r 1.) , � . .. 1. lot. truth, sO'tI �
mails and thus (Ictach'support. 'froill, . Mr-. Daticey -befrays his deep disap�. . ) o t. �dtltv Would Ila � to supply ?IlemsdIveS ill() Great' Architect of tlle . uitiverscs.
Mber i* tile ` I . . - . E x1libitioll. � , . . � .. . ' . I . . . .
. .. I .1ys ollc� in the
. jA,jr. 14, 1 clivisioais.whetres .his. p6intment that his claims were over- I � . With sli-elter*3roin the neat and cold. comes to fit the k , t,
. . . I
streingth WFIS Chjc1lN;.. 1-t wlis. found looked. He it -was �vho ,arranged ilia ,. ' I � . . ..'Jr. 11(idgens.-alluded; tilth6 spl- did' It'
. — len ,ct I
- ' I : � . . arch it mav be,lound perfL 11 I s
lio,wever, after lyc.j,ll,r Ili 1.1ici field ' 461! � doj)arturc. of the mitorious Link.later . I . - I - .
I ., . . . . .. p ., spectinens. of Orvciau' and Roinari, ax parts. and'hoircirabl'L to, -th011uilders. 1.
. . . .. . . .
it year that M:r.� Hess' was ;ipt* io- and ke,lit Iii -in away,; he'served- as a - .; . XARRIAP-74oS. ' chitectum that .toclay excite tile ad- The' church cl i ,red goo(I scv�,
' * . . I . . ." I... ... .1� toll: rencle .
. . .
to r . scruthieer. 'hi. one of Mr. Garrow's � , inir ' n a I vi.eL, wh I 116 Miss. -Pattersbil -11,the,
illi . p ave a sirong 6aAdidate and' , .., I . I . atio : of the le "rued, dnd argued ,
. tile Coverhment, in the quandary, -elections and- in various -other rela- .�'-IB.SOY-R,T,I�IOTT-7At the residence from these there!. was founclatiOln; at SW t, , 0 wandsh," 6harmc�d*
I ' ec of Wa . .
as,kcd . Air. McT,ean . . - - . . . � � . . - . 5'1,,e�T her solo... - ' � � ..
'I to go . into ,00 tious lie has- exercised patent influence. , -of 'tile bride's, parents. in. Stanley �.Iuast. for the, chiin.l. SO. Often . - PlIt all licarts
COIALSt al. tile hist-- hrolil'ent. H0 was , fit elections., These, -fie '* considered, . .. on Scpt. r6th, 1W 'Rev. X Q. ' Rev: J. L. Sniall, past -or of tho:cItur-
I . fqrth by -Fr�Tpnasoiis that their Ortler
t . `(Jislla.wd to do g(). Ile had I Jentling.,;, G'ertritd� Al.', eldest dau- ' t , in , U 'it. It ed the -service. - and pro-�
,cell ontitled, film to. prior -considtxation. to . .is '119 ( Jlv�',� tit'' wo. liticient. , but 611-. , itond
. It() . . gliter of Mr*. Robert F .. I . I . . . .
. eL ,aside in,. favor of another . � �iihq. Arjr Scager Who. scrVi6es'h � alw , - ,111'ot�t, toy ,most -]toil 6iblc' bistitutlon:'ovev or-� no,unc, I
. , w ave. ays . - . 0 ell tile bwfediction.-
,, . � E'Llkar E,A',il)s6lT of NVolluslev. � -�iilong mcli.*-'Tlia preknit use. - to their
ited a vi , . ' r - Pt blic. .11 . ,d When .the brethern returned .
bad was Lar of vain , able tillic' 'Wen generously 'fewune'ated It gaiiizL . . ill anks * .were tendertid
11 abortive corinpaign, ea'viivg 011': Opinion' llc4evLr, isi 116t at ii -11 oxciit�' , of, Masonry fs lioL ill the crection, of. 'hall votes .'of' . . I
in a . . I . I . ATB1tSOX--BATIvS'-At . Alillbrook
. [wrow the Oti�g ' �o " 6intill , * Parill" - "italilLy, the residence , of . I$ Rov.: RuTal Dealt . IIodgilv�, Rev; .J. . I
JV two .111011th"; I cd over tile app , li .. The Xlew of- . ' I nuiterial biiilding.�, likit its object
-,ght. The ,,itnati011. 'It t to � -tile. liride's. br6ther, MrI, George A
,-,,,I,, tile f 110 ficial is conceded - . O lotid' pion by square, con;klk.ct. .16--l. ,C'Y'lliall, ill elli, ill"' I
1, 'finally. Mr.. clit lot ,t .� lie ' ail )c quite Colliput ' I�atcs, On ,Sept. ibbi, li�, Rev., 1. � - I . e . ircli inatiag . or& .ail . cl. .. )
, -tep a . .
, - . ,, mIty s s Ilil uptiglit intention.,; to* Old choir.' I �
. [ling was de�VpratQ' and . work if party fe . . ' � . . .. .1 .
r�i . . , visit To6c . . . . . 1 13.1 NVallwin, .Of Seaforth, Minerva , � , I :: I � '..
McLean wa:, i-dutod tO Onto is to be the test prob Illy 4es , erves olS . us to.willialli (1. 11atersun: df (',raiid . 1,odge .�bovc. 'Ilaso: lli:y is not As there is� not now. & hotel -.. lit
� .. .1 . . � 11' � I
where in, the 1larch. pi�.eceding- the el- nietch as Air. ,Daticey, . � ... .1 . - * , ,,it . .. I . tt rellgloll but it is tilt! soil ,. in Cak' w. the i icniberq of Morning Star
I -
ectioll" lie had, 'aft. lit . terviLw I With'the '�' 1. * � .. .. .� a .. -S -� . . I . . I , r 0 In .
.., � . . I 1. . aaCortb'. , - . . I . which religiall, '�Irows. Mok emphat- Lodge ,�crved lunch Ili their hiall .
. 'rT1PI1I7,IZr;4)YFFAt the residen,qc *of i.,ally, tile I I .-
I INIINISTEIZIAL,.I)U,Vli!,CI�fy... � � . . . . - speaker claiiiied,:-a Uastill I Colonel, Varcoc:acted asMar� ,
. Ilre-Illier ill his- ollite tit. the Parliamelit : . I � � . . oll.i ,
. I - . . . . . . ." � . - the bride!s'parents, (loderich',"Sep-. .should lie a rc�ligious mall -k i irre- - Ala-ior Becli organized- Wiruil
imildingS, other Ministers- 1)(Aug pres- .` ' , .t I , � .. i�, t - "
lea t i, his 4zolincotion it I,;. charged diat t, tillier t6thj by Rev. Jaine's A'. AhL. - li9iou,;:-niaTY no fnori.� , refleots,'tlic- tea- L(ycjg'� cw6r-.tIiiriy years, ago . c
ellit. Yega,Tdfixg - tRie; - v�attfdr-t , TI Al In t . .1 . . U I . . 11
that it kr...Mc ' -icity'of ilie A i ' ,Js. again , '(Ierqc)ti,, Bert], ' i � - MIA . .
I I " _T,,�,., ..the, dupl. I Iftristers ia, . �ceoiid d gliter citing 61 ka�ciliry than ' it 1,)icce. Of. (over Sillee, a. nigh-iber. - � H
Was arranged displaved.' Xj� to ` within , 'a few tlavg � . colitinuoii. 'I c
I'vould c6iltest the xidinjgr and" . ;,Er _. . � . . . , of-Anclrew' Duff, to Reuben Road common coal rcfl��ts the clu'ality Of iii-arclied with the brethern.on .Sun-
, .
I � .
I . defeat lie Would Ile appointed t6:tl". of tile. appointment Mr,.' Dancey was Tupper,- qnbr'eha,nt,. Koppel'. ..town-, it,, I diamond. The roll ioui man sce,q'Itiak, . I � . I � I
. . assured � the. .;cAliep and. when Mr. Sc� . . . .1 I . . I . . . 9 . . .. . . . .
oilim of Registraj -yvliich had. already . -1 � . . P- ." ship Co ' Bruce. . I . . . . ... . . . . � � .. I I.. I
. gor --vvas given. tile post it Was' -ex- DO,�l<--;�'�IbC.ITI,I;O'U.C�l-I-()II Sept. .gill, . � . � .. � . I � . �. .. ...-- . .� . I .
. beWl VaRailt -for m;arTy illree years. to. -his collipefitor that ilia , . at ilia r , esidence of Mrs. Aliniv Ale- . ... 1 . . ..!_ I .. .. I
. . . . I
. I . � . . � 1. I 1, � . 11 411 . .,iiil)cr 'had' t1freiaten6d to rL- . . . . . . MORRIS. TOWINSHIP. .. I . . , .1 . I I BLY . TH. I .. . .. ;, ..
WRITTEN . . I�Iain!'� , I . . . .
M , � .L Ctill6ugh, auni' . of' the bride, 474 . . .
I?IXOG -13. , sitting . . . . . . . .*, .
I .
. � . . en the i :, I . . I
. . . I � � 1. s;gn irliless ,'.�eagcr was giv I ?0- ' - York street, London,'. by the Rev. . . . .
. . vi ion . . , - 61 t1le. �Ird 11116' :of �
. This"vLrbal arrtingcinciii* waS1'aftLr-- . -t- and' that ,-thc�.narrow inajo-fity : - I - . Will. 'S.I.Stilbbs � . . Trfliit�- church will be closed for re7. 1.
I . , 0. T. ,9cott, Miss -KarLAiw, Adclie. . !pairs f6r a 'couple' of.'$lnld;iYs. .Mr. �
wards . colifililled ii is ��tlitck by lot- '01 ill ' 1-Iouge; CorrilicIlLiL� the Go,vcrii-. . s I - on . . I
I , e I Willis to Roberi-JainLs i)Olck, , j), :I�Torrls, 'and Airs. Y'ralices Parkills . I
' . 116 , b Ille, It: uring ill,(,, . tithe
turs frain the Preinicr; upon,thd streii- -nielit to ca.1iitu'late. - . .. : Goderich. . .. .. . � .. I . -%V .. .a -cyin �!Paigiand ol, I Janics W, -w and lifs' helpers .front.
. . � i , . ere 111ifte'cl '111 .tile 'holy- St. Thomas 1�111 fresc li,
. 1. - � , oc,pid, pailit't 0
. I i% �i'V -COU TR'R-At . the' r i_ : I"st vear AV . I .. . I . . � ..
gill of . which Mr. McLean Littercid -06 . Anather cause.of d'ssatisfaction. XSTIit --: . .
. . . 1, esi .
. I t Of &xpe bonds of inatrinioiry tit 'tile! M thodist church.alid, pillrpose inaking, a th6rough
�Gnt&st, bearing every cell 118 0 that all tile comity � oflicqs are held by ' - ,dence.. of the bricle's parents-I'Mor- . L . have
. I - , .
. . . r is On Sept .15th b,`V ternooll"'by'.. Rev' Y 'Wesley - C in, aintl6rtakell tile cxpensc� I. , '. ,
� Ill coullecti,011 therewith, .ancl, 'as - his mun. front, West iIuj�ou.' The, 'South 'in(, , � Rev j . , pa�%anagc, �Brussds_ on Wednesday af- job of it. The Ladies' Guild
I � . gs hava becti. entil,ely over- I . I 1. I , . W . r., J a;
frictids say, ill perfOet -confid"cethat .14,ast ridin . Edni6ii(is, - Air. Alex.' 1-1. NoLll�xy Ose 11
-� ild carry. Out his, ver- and local, sontilnoti is some- � Thev will ill�111 nes Hamincind* of Detroit, son
tile Traillier wov . - look ed ' of Sarnia, to Clara Charlotte, . ,rts-io:Ie oil Mr..'St ..q tin, , .
11 % . . .1
� - lit _. fafill. : - � . 1 of ilia late M. JI. I-lainnic3nd, a' former
. bal and written . tiliclerta,kilig.. Littlet what strong .against' tliL Goveririiw youngest daughter (if Mr. aiid Alis' .1 -1.1 .; .. � . I . � ... and T
' '
dependence Was pkiced Ill- tllc#'Promis'�s .:oil, that-accolint.. if Mr.. McLeati. had ". ,Jaincs� Coulter. ... . . . I . . I . . . � . I . .. . I I Gr, runk a�gcnt��at Blyth, has -bLeft
. . .1 I . I visitinp� - -among ,91ol Blyth - friends:
Of lion. -Mr. Giw;o.jj and ',Hon. �Mr, been ' it . the Registrarship.'and Mr. *Sm-LITTI,U-0-ii Sept. j.,5th, at . . . . . . I I �
. . COLLUN I . . I I . AIrs., Hammond and' family are now. .
�)Jlcii confidence in BI, give Attorneyship ' there ' .. the rtsido�nce of the I)riclo's moth -
Stratton, but in, -air till County , , , ' . 11
the written prornise of .1ion, Mr- RoSs -would have .been a fair, division 6f er, bV Rev. Dr. Gtliidv,, Willittin AucTION. SALE REGISTER. located lit Detroit wbere_06 boys
. . I
. was entertained.*. . I 1: tilei office . _ 1, . . who, are -big enough t.o: ,work:,are-. do�
.s, %vel-l-ofutilified men would COWLS to Aliss Lizzie J. Little, . . . .. . . '
. .1 . . Sitioll both: '6f' Wiligliam. . . I . . TUCS(IftV, . .9ept. qc�t . It,' at, I P . .. Ill.., , * well. .' 1ames is'studying. jndli�
, have been selected .and .U16 Qp�o. . I . � . I ng
After the ciection ill which, thollig)t I eille ; Chatincey is ail.opie;:Aor -on'the
-oil the Inajo,rity of.Ilj4 *could )lot have"takoin exceptiiintothe oil lot. 6,, coil. Y., Staiddy,' farni stock
defeated,. lie reduc . I . .. . . S'rU.1413�,-'�I)ARXIi-,-SON7'-IlI Biussels .. Yabash railwav and Urudst L,v learn;.
� .ill' to appollltlnents�� � As it is ill, ilia words ' Sept. i 6th, and illiplenients. R. ,li. 'itell, I �( pric- . -
0110polielit, AT'r. McLean clid no Ing I � ()it , - by, Rev. T�,Wvslpy , � I * , I . I �.... I
W; fulfil- of Ale, Alcl�uan, who. ' . * ,� In I s ..
� GOVAOffillitillt to il probabl� ki.iows: . Cosulls, Air, NVIU.' S. Stubbs to, tor'; 'Thos. 11iowii, auctioncor.,- I g tit, drilf, (busine s. �
') )ouglas left lost week for
, ress /lie tit
111mV' of a plecigeK given hilli until tile cou:11-ty as well as any wans. the . Mfs -Frances Parkinson, both - of ATonday, ,Ijopt, -280, at � 1)*. in. ,.'at ,
. . j.Il,at G overil,lilell t 10, ."Ill: I)a:cl 6dor lit kit , I . . . 11alililtoll. wilere fib will witcir'tbo. head
to wArn MITI . I . , Morris. I # die Cointhercial thotel, ,Sc4forth it . I �
his frietids begall . � �. . ., . . i . . large brick store. oil A, i ,. ollicts of .ilia Bank of Ilalllilton�` , FO,r*
. I' to' Aj r. three, ridings anil has little proapoet , . .. I . . . I cast alit, street .
"it wit . . I , foui )-cars and 'a It air lic. was
the appointal- s got `9 thos'o of Witinifig ally . . . I BIRTHS ... , tit(,- P Ist . � .
Coats. lie refused to believe . .. . .1 I . �, .1 . . . .. " . formerly owned 'lly .- Mrs. MeGarey.- a ,
. . .. I . . . ., . � . � . Connected with tha"Myth, branch 6i
. I I
rninurs, The d(irrespondence lie holds . I . .. . .. . . CARRICK-111 Clint I Thog. 'Brown, Anctioncer,' ,. 1. . the Bank 61 Iiiii?nilton.'aivol durin� tit I at
' I . - Sept - 19th .VC(Illesdav, Sept. 30th,,.af .. - �
fro -in it r, and which lie I 1) ay I . � � . . . I . . . . on'- oil v - ' .1 rs in. 1. - . .
to l5rutnic: I I . I � . s. -Robert Carrick, A , iline. rose Irwu the position* ofjunior
I lblish Iat(1�17 011 was 'ill his U ti . ..,to Mr, and . ,Air., I... � . 10tf.25s IIII[toll Road; 'Yuckersiniih,
In 3 lin't- 'HIP', LATE UDITOR OF, T 1I E, TOR- A, $oil. , . � I clet-4 to %that Of teller. * I . \
tiou so definite in i1s. terins that lie "' - .. . NSAW 1. I � Ill es 'west of Seaforth, cixteltsillo. I �� I . . .,
ii Sept., * i I I I..
�jS TURNIFUZ-11i Clinton ill Toth, sale of farm stock and implentents.-
,OI,OB# 01, � � l . -
Coats, 0 N'T O � , cwvm , (') rL Turi ' I .. .
Could not 1)�Ilic that -'.TV - , to Mr'. ai)d Airs, Albe 1&, it ,
would be'appoilited. W11011 Ili s fricittt's � I . . I . 11 Frank Taylor, Propri'etor ; Thoinas . I I . I . � �
, 'Four steps taken by tile Premier in . . soll. 11 . . . . � . I
11, , to activity ll� w6uld .1 . Brown, Auctioifeer. .. .
would urge Ili l,t do 'It. 1', lj�-,�OW alfeSpticial degree 'challenge. our disap- JOHNST611-At Blake. oil Sept. Toth, . Friday, Ociaber.,2n,cl, at i P. "in".at The News= ecord
,v ,1 They cm . . . � ()it, The first must be his, cour O On i Dick's I 'hotel Seafortli,-. stock steers . . . . . I
".�� ; ejTlj,t appoint anybody but 111c.t) probati . 1 scs t M r. and Mrs. Ross' J61inst ' I . . I
, . .
tile Of ilia alInc,julcollij i it. a ,4011, . .. and fieif6rs, Also softie newly, calved , 'is published e ' Very Thursday at
Y 1.) to tile clay lit with regard to Prollibitto For a 3rd ; . . . . . .
,r could, of a century. or, more Mr, Ross was a MA1S),S14.',At St, * Joseph' oil: the ' 14th cows wid 91)"ringers.-A Smith, Pro- '
, lie refused to Ile li�ve. that the 0 . ,Sept., tile 'wife . of. Air' .,Xcl%oii - tor - Thos' Brown, Aueticifteer Th � 6 News -Record Printing.House .
'breach of faith with. hilli, prot-nincint and energetic advocate . of- Mits;se Jr., a still. . 1. -prie, I * .
. �
lie such a with as .great. a legislative prohibition ol the ;Iilqti(,T . � Saturdav, 'Oct.' Ird, at i. 1). in., at ALBERT STREZ4T, -' �CLINTOX, . ,
. ' I . I . . I
. .
1 sc) that it cattle ( d* I . �vartliitg . trallic He rose to high�rank ill, ol�e of SCITATZ-11i Ray on ,Sept. Is,th, tile Lot. 26, colki. 2, McKillop, clearing 1. . I . I .
Alock as 'if ,Ill Ila I 11 I a Ao �, I tile OlLw societies which have clone ek- wife of. Mr., Win. Schatz, of , a salo': ,,f . . . . . ..
I .1 . . . . � , �o dafry cows, aLso, . somle, Terms of subseriptioli-m-$l lier year ill
whatever. . . . � ... . c0lont work ..lit tile - directi6ft Of telli- , 8011. .. � stock steers and' licifers.-Jaines COW'- - , . �
NA13141�11 BARGAIN, � pLrat 0,14',Akv�-Ili Tuckerstilith., . advance ; $1.50 may be charged iP
XX OBJL,'CTXO � . . . - ,,,, re reform. 1 -le was I the rccog�- on - Sept a . it, Propriefor ;� . TI . ios.. 11rown, Alto- it I ot so . piaid. No pal) r discontinued I
., Cxpontqvt of Prohibitionist opin- . lothy the wife of Mr. Peter Clcar� ti6icor, � . I . c I
]ZOali�I.ing tile o,hicatfonalb., naturci of Ion _c. in tile Nowat anil Hardy adinin'- of a - soil, . . I . , . .at
. 10110A�', � OeL 5th, at x 1). in,,, at - until all. arrears are paid, unless i _.
. .
Ito I Coil. T4, (',key, ilia option of the publisheir, . 'tile
such bargaining w'jtIl public, ollices Mr. . fstratiolis. Wficn* the, decision of - the 4 ANDRI4,'W-At !?ion, 1!s1lorne, oil t lot 71 'farm Aoe and
Alel'i"all (IL�fe,ljjls his course by say' 12th ,t�Cpt. to Mr. and Mrs, John ill1pJ0lllol1t.1;.-Jcbjllas TVIaCdollAldt 1'r(X- (late' to which 'every subscriptiort.is
'ug I)rivy .Council placed Prohibiti oil - with- I I
that it lilts been the practice lor sonio ill it, . limits 'of Provincial, powers Alidrew, a daughter. prietor ;-Tho.s. Brown, Auctioneer, . .
Years to appoint detoate,d 'candidates to Afr� Ross waij priltnict and was char- COOX-In, 1P,ast Wawauosli .on Sopt. Thursday" Oct. 8t]l,. at X'p m at paid is denoted- oil tbo label. ; �
- :ar� gad with the, shaping Of tile policy 8th, the wife O�f Mr. 16 . lilt Cook,, I
Offices, and that Ile is tile" first of lit, . . ,stock .alliff i'lill)]Lili.ci.lt.q�-N�'illi�l��,' Wwt- Advc�tisifig. rates- Transient adve�r-
IV a dozen who has been tufne, �, . � .
d (town. of his G(Werillinent and' Ili's ,)art of a dalighter. , 4 lot -2, c011. 7, Tuckersmith, farm tiselliont
, points to, his recor't of thirty-five SnoldenIv. lie c ob,bj�_.. 1PILLICOTT-111 NN'inglialn 011' 'Sept, 15, .,oil, . Proprietor ; I 1 f S, 10 cents, per 11011pakiel.
3'1 L - , � eased to be a Pr Thos. Brown, Auc- ifte or,5rst insertion and 3 conts
ycar;� Consistent advocacy Of the Lib ionist, It is not' necessary to coft- A . Im, Will. I"'lligott, it daughter. tioncor. � , � I , .
Oral party alitt compares it With tile cl,nju tile referendum in itself ; Ott r I .
, ards it. Bit t 3)XIATUS. I - 14'riday, Oct, ()tit, tit t p.m., at per lific for each subsequent insertion.
s of Air . Coats !�VJJO is not own Opinion lealls to,Nvi . lot 21, 0011- X4, McKiII011), T&rll1 oil
jivrvim out of Clinton ,� alld I Small advertisellielits notto exec
kilo,wil rive, Iltiles AIr Ross was the last mail Ili Ontat- 11;LIVIN-Iti Durham ou Septeniller 2T, AOCIC and i-111001110"Its—GeOrgO 1-ratillil- onb inch, such as 111.,o,st," ,,Stray-
pere; confined -to hand- i , resort- to, ill I .
whose sorvirCA I . to to at expudiellt� It Georgina Alaud rwin,, daughter of ton, Proprietor ; Thos, Brown, Aitc-,
lilIg tile 'campaign futift ill tile (It.,;- wits not for a convinced - and - active . tilts, llstolull,f, dtc., itiserted once
.1 . -,Little England, 11 . ate t * - use tile Air. . W. Irwin of the Chronicle, tiotleeir. . I . for ,3,5 cents and scach subsequent in-
trict ltroWll as Prohibitionist to hesit O aged 16 years, 5 fii-anths and i2 Saturd Oct. Toth, at i p. tit., at
That Air, Coats will 1110(ty a good . power thrust into his hands. Alr� d it v s. . . . . Lat it, ayiUrOft Road, Wexillop" �13' Siirticin io cents.. . I .
known. I -
Registrar everybody adinitF,, 11.0110 UAW, 1Z.Oss, opinions long had Inell ( eltONA-14"9111 Clinton (311 Sept. 19th, lifilesf cast, (,Yf .9cotfolill, farill stOU Colluntillicatious; intended for publica-
readily than Mr. Mrr,cail but 014L 119 Tile Ontario Liberals chose 111111, � f 3r Mrs, jaine's G, ChOwell-, Aged 39 and . iltlplellrents,- Janits Atkinson, tIOn must, as a guarantee of good
js entitled to it in any way is strell- theig 1padtir well aware tbat hiq almost years and 3 nionths. . Isroprictor ; Thos, Prown, Auctio-n-cer. falth, be acconipained - by ilia natuts
jl,)lisIy denied everywhere , ( I Alt0idu Of lifelong principles and VrO,1cs$ioll$ rQ, FRI�'RMAVI-Iji Scixforth oil, Sept io Tuesday, Oct, 1,101, at T 1), Itt'i aff I
Clint()n, Afttily. diftcrent rumors We quired hill% 'o illiposp, Prollibitioll. 1-jum Joanna McKay, wife of �Yifliaiiij W, MIlAt's., (locletich, townships T, of tile writ or' ..
Clit Of tile lyrovince till- moment tilt,, (loti-1411.0- Vreanian, aged ij years. Illile West of Porter's ITill, 0-tellsivel To Insure publication lit current issue
Wlaaf U) cv,l)lain tile appo"llit" ..
Mr. eoa$5 $01tic of t6ill. of it son, tional power was his- The Ilrol"li't"ll' UfS�.�R,U_Tii 11arpurlicy an Septainber L ,%jJe Of tll()roI)re(l licreforcl Cattle, also copy of advertisements should bo
r ecistifillma- i,,tP felt that Mr. Ross had beif4y,04 l4th, Mary Jane Tat4ker, dailghter 15 choice wo.4terit horiles, fillies aud, sent in early,
�gfttimat AoUTCC5 Init Jacking . I . thent. Ilis c.our. I . .
duthoritative, source. I (if Alt, Lancelot Tahk4r, aged 45 j�IcIjtlg,g._�j', I-,'Iliott, Proprietor - Tit- cantrapt' rateg--Thos following table
I tialt frolitt All them. We agree With . I . I .
'All, fact that.',& Coats is a distant F se argiteel Lithet that t to utterances of . . vevrs, i monith and '24 4ays. as, Brown, Aticticiticer. . I -showa our rates for speciflid � per -
0 Telative ot 110 , �, Y. oibson is not, years wLm false, that Ile had, btft ill RtTj1`1-AIP,LL_-In Ooderielfon ScIA, 11th, Wed1108(lav, Oct. 14th, at T. 1) In., iods and Space : . I .
" saflicient i1rus- .
gchor4 E.Atrwiltioll, Vroltibitiont4t for political motives alit, Alice X., datighier of Chailvs'and at LOt 4s' 0`rcv, '1� 11141C east of � x yr. 6 mo. g ilia. I mo.
,ill the Govern- icti( , or thathis anw- Abbic Ruffell, aged I year and 2 solS, farm *8to9k 0,11d fulpletivelits, .-
to explain his pull withj6lc not from conv in -0
3-11cilt rld there 2 for ej tion tot his liarty, had overpowered, his . - I q,. I,rOl)ri(,tor , Thos. 11rown I C011111111 $7 oo $40 00 $25 00 $1 So
is ,it g�( . N g 111011ths. 1Z. U, eclate. C011111111 40 00 25 00 1,5 oo 6 oo
verful iftelitive lot is4))j)(411" vA_,,tj for 11tolfilyltion and that to .qervc UITTI-Th (so(Icrich on 'o'clitelliber 11, Auctioneer. I
'Allore po%' I . 8 Column ,2,q� 00 is 00 8 no o so
twont. Public Opinion ill, tillfAT ift his party 110 had SLillied real 'Conviction%. Abrahain ,Sinith,' aged 6� years, Oct, i6th, at T 1Y. ail., fit
-c it I j ,11 311P to, I Choo.qo either licirn of tile dileffIll"a and YINOT,,I)SI�i1i Tlullett 0,11 Septe ber Coil. ,q, lj'jjoker�,411jithl farm �11 calultill t8 00 10 oo S so a Oo
I �
.-jlOW it, believ I at re at 01 j nfiqattsfactor kill 16th, Xatharine, MeGletrick lict "i ,a' I ijllI4er,l�ellt,q.--Gec)rgc; Brown- I 111011 6 00 3 so 12 00 I *25
-;tlie Attorillop(lefleralt mt�Oft as IV fliq uxidilet tertlaills Y. 1"t(E-k-1211it', I
Undotditedly is ill w-ocurit 7appoillt-] 0;�io 'feed Vot be) 4 Isrollibitionbt to of tile late John Reyncifils: d let, Proprietor ; Thoq, Brown, Alle- W. J,- MITCHR UX,
I IS y
. 211,410, take -4 Precedence Of 9 the Wfit'. 1, teprobato $114 a .0ourso.- Toronto 69 yean, I tionter. Uditor and Proprietor,
. I - .
..ppil ppodilise, 0 the Prelilic - ; NOW04 , +.- -, I
"I I .
I . .. '14 . _. ! t .00 T, ." � . . .
. I., " ..I.. I I I I I I � � I ( � I I I
( . �'j
� . I I .., e : .� , bawo. _. q. 46? 1�
" "
. . I ; ,. i � el. A" _j
- t 1.11, '. . 29061- _____
- _.
6,k AM I -
SepfetubO 24th, 1903
- _1r11;-4R.__Y I -
, ,."
Z __ 04 'r �.
.; .,�.
& P
I I 1
- I -
- .
. . .
14-kRt week %vp visitoil 14ondon rInling tile N'Xhibttion When travellers
fl. I
OM all the 10 --tiling WilotemIkk bo Ise -4 11) Montreal and Toronto a
there,showing their sainples an(l offering tipeeial bafgains to western
cash buyers. We examilled t110 8,'tllll)l(-,, and totind gormino bargains.
We Ilqught yory largely, and now have thegoods Ill stock, "
illt-Pectioll. BelOw we (Itiott, a few prives, blit, yon 81 0 'Indvispie" O"'I"I:
I 11
r aininotli establi3Oitnew, wilepe Yoll will Mill our con"ters loaded with.
bargain$ ill 11,11 Un".. I . I
1jaclies, ljVnVV Wool Hose, in
. .1 .
. . iN. ALL - PrS BRANCITJ�,S. .
. I I
till size.4, stfaulless4vet, regular
pi -k-0 25e, lial-graill priev '�) fol.
pair .15c.
Men's Heavy wi)ol Sox, rililit'll tops, sealillwis fEl0b, goQu ..M.
;it 20c, bargain pi iee� 2 ,ptit. rop 25C. . .
. . .
men's Reavy Wool Fleeced, Shirt's. and 1).rawers, good value lit
Fine all 8vool Tweed, !it new, faney patterns, suitable for boys,
( �1
.01, r XletOssults'. regolal. priciv (10C . 0 u r fill rgai u P r ice W h i I 0 tl�ey
, .135(".
Wool Tweeds, vol'v -41)00,11, it 9"Pat, snap it 2.5e. 1
' Ladies' Watel-liro�if (,!oa(L-, a sposel , .
a) I ne in gley 01.4venette,
f0 .
, corded flolince, E-olue Nylth stuall capes, others plains .with
-velvet, ")"al', I-eg"141' W-i"W$9, 011P hal'gain price $7,51).
- Ladies' Waterproof coats," V
, VVY specitil tit $2,00, $3, $4, $5, $0,
0 $10., .
. .md
Ladies' Now Stock Collar.s; .Ili silk, with medallions and long
- tails, very special at 25c, 3fic We- 71ae, and $1. . � I
Ladjes'Befts and glrdl,es, in o4ij'�be U'()$V de.4igns, Ili silk taffeta,
. e
� Moire, etc,, lit oxidized, black and gi I .
it chiti ns and buck -les,
. verY swell goods, ht�25v, 40c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.00, ittiol .
� $1.75 each. .
Our Millinery.Department is, in full blas . 0
. t. We are' baying a great
rush of orders, .. I
. . . � .
___ --------,�.-..-�--------..-----.-�— . . ..
� 1.
. 1
&I& . 011&
j,W . ,
WL N & U
McKININOM * 010-1
. .40
%,a 4
I &
X3.111Y�A_111A ...
� �
. .
4 . . .6
0*0;�f;,�4-04;j;w.g.0-440044,04z,4,4",*4,IA14*kt4r�p4-w4v"v,** "
. . " I
.. ______ - .
___ .-.----.--'-' -7 ---?t__. ' '
. I
� I
- .
J. - B. HOOVER. . . . . I � NELSON BALL ;,
* . .
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Ajitt.le of your money s pent here*7 will do.
I .
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.. much to make -home beautiful.- - - I .. ,
- I .
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� .. . . . �.. . ... . � � '. . .
. . ardiniere stan& in many
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surne. of then) were.uior6, all going A one oricei, : ... %
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+ .
. . . . . . . . ,�
L .
� I . . li, 25.pai I rs of.Ladies E . : I id taced.a'Xid-Buttoried Boots, I , I . .1 . 4
I I . . .
The 3
. .L : I .
I. . . .
, -
I .
. .1 .
. . iN. ALL - PrS BRANCITJ�,S. .
. I I
. .
I . �
. . . I . I . . . . �_ . . . .
I I .
. I —SATI.SFACTION G�TARAXTEED ' - - - . I . . .
. . . . . 0 .. . ,
.1 �
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� I . . .1 �
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.. .. '. '. I .. . �... I.
Night and Sujiday calls answered as-reside.bee. of: Mr. - John Pll
. . I I
-. - eifhev of the, principals, . . . ..
4 "..:
+ - I ..f
. . . I
. .
10 � . " * . I ,� . . . I I . �
*+*#4`++*4s*4s+***"+##+++ 4s_**_4s+_++**+4s4s+*4 ***40+ � I I
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I . .. . . - . � . .11 . 40
OUL 'c*_ . . . � - . . I . 2
R.-_jwP%-R10B&Sa - � 10
1. � I L I .
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'' , . . .. . � . � I.. 10
I... I � . I I L I . 10
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&*14 IT7" � 3
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... . 1. . :., - . . ..� �%... I '.I .
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. ---------.--_.— I _�, , . %.1 I . I..'' . 4
, . . . I . . I
. . � .. I
. . I I . _
I . . I . I
. 3
� . And.nowon&.r. Justlooka0he'following I
.. . 4
.� prices for.next Friday and Saturday, continuing . �
. . 0
. �
., . . all next wqek-and until f tirther -iiotice. � . +
. . .1 � ,. I . . :� 1 .. .
- : I - .. - � . .. .
. . . . 3
. . 29 pairs of girls Ojcfords,� sizes 5*to.1%, worth $1 -'
� . ,
surne. of then) were.uior6, all going A one oricei, : ... %
. , .1
. I . only 50c_agreat dea1less than cost, but we must ; . . . .
. . .: " Cleat, thetti-Out.- Be sure iindsee thelb. . ' I I . � . . 40
. . . . . . . . ,�
L .
� I . . li, 25.pai I rs of.Ladies E . : I id taced.a'Xid-Buttoried Boots, I , I . .1 . 4
I I . . .
The 3
. � . . n at $1.50. ,
well, worth $2,25, 6w.g6hig'. ,y are� .
. . i .. . . . . . . . . L. � . . ,.. � .40
. . .. . I I � cheap . I � . . . . . . .. .. I . .
. . . . .
I �
. : I . I I . . .. . . - 1 I � 1. . ' I .� 1. 0
�30 pai ps of B'oy§' tin d MissesLaced Boots; only SQc. 10
50.p�ilrs-Alissds'L4cedaiidBut.tonedBo'6t�, suit- 10
� .
. . I able for.pchbol boots.* They are worth $1.35,hut . 0
. 0
. . ,ail we,ask for'youp ,choice of the lot is ,98c.
. : They :' 40
. are a bargain. , . . . . ..
. . . 40
- . � . � � . I i I � � 1. . ,, .�
. ,
. I I I $everalbther.� lines �OiDk �at Slaughter Prices. I..
. I . � � . I L 1. . I I . . .. . I
. .. .. I .. . .. I .. �
. . . � . .1 �. .
I . I . . :
. � . . I. . .—
� . . � � I
. . . . .
. . .
. . I 4
. t..
- 0
WM_. TAYLO' In' & SO.N. o
I ... . . 10
. . . 1.
: . .1 . .. . . - ..... I I 10
1� -.:r . . 1. I 1. . I I..:,. I I I . .. :. .0
. . j. I I t. I — ,�Affimmwh��.eL_ - , �, _4�_, _��_�_ �'_,,V,_'__ � 71*7
. . . . . . . ; -
. G 0"ASH 'TO F? E �-;';
. . . � .
� . 0
. I - I W
. ' 11
I -
I . . ,. ..i
I. 41I.. MILLINERY 0 -9 .1
.. I .
I . � ..
., I I .
I I. . 11
..:. �We' will ho'ld our Fall Millinery Opening'On -
. . . I . . . . -
. � .
, � .. . .
. I
. - ' ' '
� �. . ' C.
September* &
AY Ci)
Fridu- , .and #�,)`atUrdR'Y, 26.1'and. .27 6!�
. of
� . I . . I . I. . I
. - � . . . . (�l
. . .1. . . . . . . . &
When will, be shown for your inspection tbelatest and nimt up -to. �!)
date HATS AND BONNE, T8, . . I . ... *
. Miss. Morriiloh is ntilain in charge and you can depend on getting it
�tylish and becoming ho,tat a reason able price. - A cordial invitation, %)
is extendbd to. all. ' . . I . . . . . I . P.,
.. .
. I . I— :
. — ______:_ _________._1 �i
I � � . I
See our Ne . w Ooats',for Udiet; and Misses . . . W
See out, New Blousings and Decias Goods, . . I . 1��)
I . (�)
See our Boots, Shoes and Rubbers before buying. 1�)
. I
We, have some snaps. . . . . . (0
In Boys' Clothing we have.an hmmense range.. � I . . (i�
An Y' qu6ility of Eggs and - Butter taken in exchange., for d , �141 >
. . .
— - . . goQ .9.— 0
. . .
. I . (P)
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. . .
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I . .1 1. � I � .- Cit),
_,__._________,__,.._,_ ___ __ ...... _.____.-___-- , i 0 C�j
. .
. I
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I . . . . . . a
D. M. MCBEATH - - BLYTH, (,..)
I Vretorla 131001i: . . . -
. I $R
I I,:
R E-8 U L Ts' 0 1 .
, .... __ 1_.__-_ 1- - -,. 1%
_iA111 W.".e.4- J �e
, �