HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-17, Page 9a A6 I Ni fall Millicery Opening 1�u sda friday, and sourdayt. stpleffibep 14109 25w ad 291DO, We will make our annual Fall, Opening display . , ay. -of Millinery on, the above dates and cordially invite., you to, come and visit the, Show -room. Our Milliners have scoured the markets for what is new and nobby In fall hcadwear. I and never have, we presented such a showing of high-class Millinery as will be found on view in our Show-roomt on THURSDAYt FRIDAY and. SATURDAY. ... Come whichever day suits you best. Come as often as' you wish. You will be hiartily welcome and we" want you to feel free to come - and go - as you like. A Great Gollectlo'n of Stylish rdaht.les The new Mantles are here—h6re iv generous sesortments and a Lrt nge of. styles't.hat will give you wideness of choice colt will not easily fi�4 in an .6 .1 Y, other store here -abouts. We delayed our buying until the last possible moment, and 'are confident that the garments we show are those that will be: most -favored bQ­ fashion the coming season, We have prepared i6l a . big season's trade.—,The goods are here t is will bring it. JUST TH ESE FEW, PRIeEQ jackets. at $7.50 Jacketsat,$,;j,25 Ladies Jaohotd,made from all.;wool Ladles' Jac Lets, made from Strong Cheviots, � Friezes,. loose .Beavers and Chavi6ts, loose back, double-breasted's Sty - back, newest sqles, fly front lish and setyleable Coit,' at double breasted, a good r - %I Jo ow price, black or Oxford coat at a ineditup price.'. .$7*. 'Greys,esoh.- Jackets at $fo,00 rackets at $6.60_ Ladies' 'Jackets, .made fioin, '90od L%dieS' Jackets, loose back, double quality * tAl , I-wooll[erpieys and; breastd.1, made from, alae GheViota'Joose backs, single nality Beaver of Cheviot, ot.double - breasted,'the new adished Friezei..% garment edilatipse effect, or with coat that. will give 6koellent coflar, it big assortment of wear ardlook welli!blackm r t popular Styles,' ca,;h. $10 00 oxford grey, each .. ...... $6.00 Bett,6.r Coats Avery large range of handsome Coats, not more thail one or -two aliki, loosp.batike, with or without collars,.; Stylish- garments, it $12 00,. $14.00 and. ................... a Children's Coats-' Many different styles- in nobbycoats forAHS- ren and .young. girls, - . Ne�,and natty garments i'that cost. us a good -deal deal loss money thanyou can make then, up for, yourself.. fteefers $2.50, $3.00 and'$30'50 u1sters $4.00, 05,00 a Ild $0.00 at Dres W S.'*' Y11L2n moo® ' Our stock of Dress Goods -wasnever as good as it is ta-day - In'the'poptilar price.. -materialsL 'or. L the high-class 6ei uss.iV6 novelfies, t he :assoirtmont -we sho", L has never been as large as We have gathered. together for this jseaoon)s.trado.:'Ly U '& 0 .0an. Wo'ds bu'3. ing 'here, feeling confidbnt that wfiitever you buy it is g-midieriat that is correct in atyli§ and of depaudable-weaxing quality, Snow Mike Sui,tingg 50c - 60c and 756 - Fancy Zibeline -Sultings $1,00911,251..$1.50 flailheviots Vlc,' $ 1.00 and X1.26: Fancy C)heylOtS $1-00t and $1,50. 1 Of the best ones not more than one 'Dress of.a, pfittern. 01 4116.5 9 gas its a wwwwa 9t 4 WWI H6199 6111firy If"IND11 .1 Alore. Black Skirts at 98C -A:uotlkerbeg g shipment of the' famoug Black Saieen Ski rts'at'986.d Thear e the best vetoes inthe. traria, anWe have sold hundreds. of t6m sincaeve got the first lot. in. PadioB% SkIrtsimade from good quality ,black Sateen,. 'fall flounce, two rows'ofiwide frilo,.-rioh satiny fluish, special yalu.6 at each..... ......... 9 8L p ----------- --------- ps� . . .•. . Vv V V )#.4 -a VWV 11 vv UVVY'vy UV911%)VIO A d Homer -.Store, geo y We are aiming to make this the Rose store of the town. Business art the H mlery' Counler keeps I 1 119. -Our new lines Cash - grow* better all the fimo,_ of .,more hose are here, the Vitluos ara here.and the as- sortment large enough to make this the best Hosiery season we have ever known. Every size in stook: Plain Cashinere, 11080 for Children Ribbed Cashinere, Rose ior Soys Itibbed Casloniere 41ose 110 girls Plain Cashniere HoSe for Ladies bibbed Citishmere hose for Ladies. Many different qualitios and all good values, noDsINs BRos. The Clinton NewsoRecord Septentibor t7ths 1903 -0 School Our ']Fourtli- nnin sir " Supplie's And _M_,__1111nery -Opening Wn INVITRI YOU TO 'BRING YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLY Nlaiwt; TO Us AND HAVV, Tllr,,At SAT- israp,D. 01TR Cl.,ATAI IS TO Do DVANTAGEAND g: ,30 TO YOUR A To our Friends and Patrons,, Gra OUR PROFIT. Jr, YOU Sli'QND. , AV YOUR CIIII'mU.N WH 11,14 DO Tnn, Br,,$T WU, CAN XWR,TIIT,=. ALL 7M, REGULAR 130ONS AND SUPPIAE'S', GrIMUR- ALLY, OUR SCRIBBIJIMS ARE' Tlni,', BEST, -GOING FROM Xc UP, 13IG IN VARIV,,TY AND vALun ATTRACTIVH'INCOV-, J -,R OURAIADS AR110 AS BIG AS ANY FOR TITH PRI - 0. F4, OUR PENCIfit'-' ), BAGS, BOX - US, SIATH�$, II0Tl)VR8 VTC., I -',TC., ARA B11,TTI1'4R.'THAN' MANY SOLI), AT TIM44 PRICK I Wli' , DON'T BUY IN CARLOAD IOTI,,' BUT IVY-,' 13ITY BIG 11',NOU- GIT TO BUY CIIHAP AND Alit,. .Wetake Tills medium of eX1LenV111g LO YOU one and all V A sincere thanks for your kind patronage during the past four years. Four years ago, we started this, store (which Wits more than. doubled it's size in that time) with only this one object In view -0, The earnest desire and purpose to conduct our business so that every customer should be entirely satisfied with every purchase, . ther6by becodling regular -patrons of -our store. Our -success during the four years has fully repaid us for the . . . . . . . . . . . 00-0-Q0*0* efforts expended and more than that, it has filled us with determination to do better for 4 AgentsParker's Dye Works. you in the years to, come. With a large stock, careful management, careful.' selection of 9 oods bought In large lots with our syndicate. of 'seven stores, a sincere endeavor to please U.. a W A. Fajr� often the Cheapest, Always the Best.. in every transaction and assurance that our prices are - the lowest for best quAlities—If these important factors are considered, we feel certain of your continued patronage and About constant good will. People A. Rev, John McNeil of Bayfield was in .,..MILLINERY OPENING.. 0 town yesterday. 'Aliss - Agnes Grantow of Paris is the ,gilest. of her aunt, of. W, Flilk- isses Ail .. -Xilillie . Cook� have FR I DAY EVENING Septe.'. be. 1 Sth fr®m 8 to 10 p. m M Annie and returned from a visit. to, Toronto -And ALL DAY. SATURDAY friands. lilts. John Bell is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs, X -L Oi Bell I . . . I .. . ..- - . . . 'L : ., op,are cordially.,invited to attend, of y0 Master . George. Flintaff retuned' to the institute for, the Blind at.Broin tford ycsterday. Mrs. James Raith.bV and Mrs. itiltoil .Ball of Akar Atibuiiv� visited . l , 1 .4 friends last wcelr. Mr. .-Jallies Finch and his daughter, and Miss D411a, 'were guests OK'Aift. Bell. N w 1.1 Dress Goods, Silks9, Ladies, and Children's, Coats, Furs. e a Spindler of London this week. I I . . . I:. � I 1 11. . . I Mr, Ed. M61e of Aubuill was in town 6n Monda)�. oil his way honle after. Kid GIO.Ves, will be',O�ftDisplayMilline'ry.O'peniii,g. D' 4ys a couple of days'. visit. to Sealorth. i frields Miss Unitna R(?4e,:. Miqs, Constable and Mis% fflos,%i4 Stewart of Se"a, fart, . sl:eirt Sunday 4 t Mr, 110ry• TH FOR . 1 .� ..., . MEN'S.AND� BOVS.'�CLO ING FALL: ANI) WINTER' F Routledge's. Mr. 9C, Robinson `in writing - 4rowt says 116' likes U16,: Colt Manitoba sa:. country We have twice iriety w hiia'laA �Spring and we had afi-ne big lot theld. -But. it isn't, y well so . or. 'verybody is On: ic Ahe,.:� e ver I 'T, - " .. -ie seduis are -sewn' so about- as, the way the clothes. are inade, hGw. tl the rix.411", lie added. so much- the -variety we want to alk 'about t Dr. Ball returnca'last�week frog L, at ff bnt rip, the pockeis.stayed,so Ahey Nyon't, sag,. the, shoulderspadded to' hold their shape, the. styJ tliey..) tending. the Daininioli ',4010-01 of ... . . I . .. . :. . I I .. I. I . . 11 . I ... . Lillfbal-nifirg at here. lie- lit, t;1 -Toron-to w rig xe, prices low to Please thm. who buy. was aw'ard%l. a diploma.. Air. and Djrq. John Ttirner of. S�ca,- Men's S its� at S5,,..$6i50i.-$7-50 to $10 ..-B.dysl Suits. at $1.75,7.$� to $6. Ybti.tfi�'s.Sulits -at!$5, $7 to $16 �,orijh . and lv4rs.- (j• Dr.j. -Irelaoltd- of alarri,qt0li wofe..gucsts of 1%fr,' aiid Ili Beattie 0, t 11 1(ourL Dl.oNEY. BACK Mrs, Featil, Yeo, after. havingbeen, a IF OU WAST %T guest at 116i.. fatb's, Mr.: H. Catii ar . 161i's for a fortnight, returned d- to. her'. home at Mt.. Foreston The.sclay. A -Tr. -Tlios. Jackson Jr. left- Tuesday morning for the Pacific Coast., to ptigh trade for tile Jackson Mfg. Co.. .11is triP -will extend b,cr scl- INOUE— Ctai .weeks, Mrs. J W. Chidley... all(I.family turifed Friday from Go 1-16ino Bay -C-LINTON whe*L- *Ulcy had lieerb'.slknhdiiig the. where I . . surrilver inO Fuld Mrs. J 'r Clark. of torontoll WREP.SNIM, kli--. T*JC 'Dr.. Scott 'of Tacoina,..W 'ashi,i igto.%i,, a former partner'of Dr. . Gall's, Russel Andrews was in Stratford on 112iss R. Landslioto, loft an Wealles- 0 few day - to lio�in her btother;. Rev. . J.. F. ra dans with friends, ill town and at -0 expects Landesboro, in Iowa Vfliere sli IZ:, Fitzsimons is c. guest at. 576 -o 'reside �or'tbe. fittitre. She:,. will be ek rL�ttirjie(l-' W st after spending CL Monda:V. ti I I I osllcst�ead ill �Stal Icy. I Cl Horton street, 1,oildon.. 6ch missed ill our Adaaii . Foster has--kone''toD . riis- in Ge -in, thp A ucighliorlwod,vs- r. orgL Busk .'veLcran. wis T ir. pcclall� in tile -Hpworth League �f Tur-, 0 siollary, - paid. � his allnuea, Visit 10. "J"; W work tit his be a d e '10 r �7 a. and •wishes ilei�s 'C'Iturch where �slle� haabeen- one O22„ 10riday last time. 6f, the 7t active members. 'Clint Rain Msel, Ilea Z -Record to ti,r.,',0g'11i. 'Ti, News ack 11111, re� M. �e pips q I . low Mrs. R.J. :—till aild Miss C clerli mt of - the Clinton S. A. C ledge receipt of 6,50 ii aid, . of his -,�ork. turned oil Monday •fralli 04 tan- la corps addressed I the, League here on: dwe'show, �visit in TotoutG.' Slill&y evoling last, 'giving a, most We think, we 4re.-Safe in saying ths '44 'Mis. Bishop anif her' dailgllt�r' Mrs. 0 for M , that can r Jint. and -stirring address on: thei. subject, "Eter- be blaz�est stock� f Raiii Coati; on Colin Macdonald, of tllv AilChigall Mrs. James Finch, Xa.%to. t Miss F.lsie were visiting Toronto nity,) e County ..of , Huron. S(yo� vi,§ited. at. Mr. David, Gook'sin- any store. in th. Ivrally-of our - residents. will be inter- fri-ends iii . towly . ­ . . . I' took stock �Iiss Ettie Hall returned . -'to Drunilia esbad in a i(ftlidt point.' It is a friends last -sveek. - . - be foiiiid and Wit! other inarriage: w itch Ri S. is not IN on Y -strong and, I Goderich township this ' week. place -at an early hour. *oil Inarning i.nes and n6bby Styles; They fjnnilerly resided , near Hbrhies� oil Ttics after a tn6uth's visit ot good Rain %- Coats, natty with her 11"?&ller, of the 8th Sept. at th6 bride's 1101110- .11 itue made Ville. - thoroughly '00& qligiii.ies and vidues t a City agentL Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Josepli Brown of Beet- near Brucefieldi being that of Mis. 0 ;.. 'vN" e 1) 1 Y, To.rtinto, Lilly �* Wilson to - Mr.- 1113n. Chapninn. ilty buyi M 'Coqnpauy, -oil, fointler Cash: 1,114 r,, W -ti IV of Clinton, � have been for the Ogilvie Milling. Thotigh., quiet it was'.tasteftil� hil P quan. of his c0lisill, Mr. Spending a few days. ill towill -,xvas the'. • guest Inegiate relatives alone. -being present- A.'J, Gri r on sue day and )s 'Mr. Thus. •. Cluirchill.or Goderich After the wedding.brc6 . Lkfast they were. ..investment 0 an now - spen'ling a, few .clsys, with his Ship . left (>it Tuesday lot a trip 1 ti�k(! thQ A good Rain 0 acconipainec, � to Scafortli to brother,.: R. G. Webb Of 'LQJI(lcs� tilrough Manitoba and tab-Territor- .,eight olc�IoA train for Toronto. :W0. 8 for it kill savO-its cost in. .-a - 8ijigle' season' ics, . -,.: I �. . . . 1 .1 ti pay , : . oro. i "tend congratp a tons. . ..deals is e CC). Rone A p6or Rain. �defib at any price: M1, David Sr.urned b6ine has rdurned to Coo;k r. iL Miss . McNauglitbn* Saturdav from - a tell, a, s' visit Chicago where she is a, nurse -tit- but, good coats are herQi alI � among 4 host or friends in training at one' of.. tl 0 large Ville district. lie says lie had �a als, Alu'd Coats $2,50.. Vet;,)r. pleasant thile, mlict, we can we N1t. ou,s Mila Coats made from rood quality Gotten Coyert. ansford is in. Torwito,this vr and Mrs, 'John Turwlt and litt-tal 9.50: L it • kiloWing .,that he agrees wLck attending a 1110ctift-9 Of Oe le' Kughtcr 6f Scaforth"apent adtw be 've h saw 11 -Personal hup. Mallufacturers'. Assocla- double gown seamsi. tit old s, -Catiadian 'it leek the nests Of the for- Tv - .000 the Pa. M 1%,1`011SIP is ixast obtaillod, :by eadeav- iner,suncle, Mr. Jailles, Ti I" Co%tFj inane from plain Tweed effects, greys and zo im ind lines. at $5 oring. t6,inake others ltappy. new priLSt Rttiph Work Rev, FiLther Stanley, the " ..We"Ssrs. Fred, Berry, the poptilia shades of green. double texture, ' fiaeI5.00 rs. (�Ciorgo Swartz. 'left 6n St.. Peter'S I as �Cr, k6batt All -LI seams sewn and gualmedvelvet collar� each i4r.. alid h! churell'. oderic 1, w, Anall, Charles 'fro quality, a gitest at St. J0.1411 S I)rcsl)Yt-' Stelck took in tlieTur6nto Vtdr Thursday ihorning last to . visit their ry. M01181.dqui Coats, made f roln 9161libe black Rubber, donblo de,ughtei, - Mrs. J blin Spooner, at oil iiollday.. Will not peal and report a good. tillie. kibouldoi, high COURV, clasp. fastenera# I mail who Moosinin, Assa, They weti;t-via Ahe Mr Gco;rg,'. •lZing of 111�rth we.% in Mr, -Alvin Wbrkinall has , been rift, ti- off or havdoo, no better 00ai.inekdo for a 6 50 gar- L, r. it - and orn . owen. 1. 1. L bit a past week. has to be out in rough -weather, a regular $ by .1)(i,at fr aot Jli_ town oil 14ridav way eating tit the Bond th, � . a t�llre' ti Special price ........... L ......... -Sound t j. William. At , Owen %, visit at Sowing. fall wheat is Vic Ord"r of ment, nuc ...... .0 J�or . liume ff(-A.11 C L . I' * , . 66,und - they had ail nucxp�cted and '1.,bP.,qsaIolL the day iiii this Vkinitv t%.t.preselit, Bruce Mines and lillsgreen fticlulq were .00fits $.�50- aintoying two -days stop orftr, arrive Vicir niany X the big. '111r. and Mrs. 1-1, D. C01111I)c alid Mess� t of tho-deatli o( tader Price because ing ...at the wharf just as sorry to, ilea we tool( the qtlautityo &mca in grey awl � greens, 011ie had sl ry, 117, It wujig out. Wait for thent? rs. Dowding, He'll ' ItZS111101's (lZcv.) j. W. Waddell which occurred 011 no, tilt R� -does not wait aild Aiasoit were among those, where, ll Ltat amoki, seams I Titest ay� 0 at Victoria; hospital, 1,011d[611, sewnandguwtoedsy�ry stPiBli and drosay. coat foi belated Grand Trunk traills, Who wellt ti) " $tratford I v- the deceased lady had UndeTV110 all end extra good"value at caell ........ ; ....... I ...... Alt, and Mrs. 'Swartz do, not expect enffigtollcar tile ColdstreattiBarid., Circ to return hortic, for tw(y 111011thS Or �Tr. �vililalll Whittingt6n, forinerly of niany. friends of Ali$9 J Rain coats.$10.00- tiiiire,Clinton #nit. now of Pevency, Mus- Stewart are pleaSC(l to see tier oiblu Meng. Bain (Joabs made from good all Wool AbWef proof mat .$10 �Tr� and Mrs. Edward . C, Dalina C, IlEva been at�cnding Tor- to be around again. 6rjhla. gnRTf%ntedd to west, well, -take the place of a 119 r 11 �Vllo for the past year and a all, onto visiting Ill town, Rev, ha,4 returned f'ol yall Overcom, tailor mado,.oxtrt upeoial at ha�vp_ ])tell vesidbilts, of Sault Ste. oil I'L,)atlirday accoul- Bayfield after a two 111011tIls' visit - returned 1101110 Majio, L' Were in town, on Vriday last lialliecl 11V his inother' and his %is- rn 0 t, 9 Will Begin agaitts this Nobby Hats. WLy r itice,in I �4, -holds on their way to 0orrio, Tho, bot�- ter, Mrs,.' 14. tawrence, 611d faluilY q., Coloinau Spent As in Rain Coats so in 'Herts this store I 'Will Spend a. mouth at. ileven- Mr: awl Mrs, Tho. Bu3 Win so to speak, Iles' dropped out who visitin "P I itig cur Hats direct from week undisputedleaderabi of the Soo. and the population is Cy. .0, few days,the past 9 *S RL guarantee of, ver' Jittle snore' than halt of what relatives and fl!kHld-q Ill 11114 at'()nnd New York I latest StV163 alwayt;, it was two years ago. 'Illis. ti-ille Mr, William Glenn of staillay left oil. oilt burg. m t)Ortotioug L Ili x9o2 there were 3, 500 Dagos there Pritlay last to visit friends ill Salli- The truseew., of SCIlooi $tCtjoll X01, V111s reasons i are -hetet and tho swoii- lac Centre Mich. Ile.L Will Visit ollsitt for taid now theta are not many Ovot', 7 ellgag,ed. Miss Annic 1"4. C est Hats this store has ever Ahown are now on. our another year at all Incro they thin q club to the tact 011dou and other points as wel aqe it* mbl- The during Ili. s ob. �500, drop i, lit, thir qC1100 Wh . i�h Will CX.;' o.:ry of forty dollars Aild, shelves. that the pulp will alone of all t I Mr. John industries of the l,al*, Superior t0l(l over, tell days or so, t1l4V could not have done better, is Hard Hats $180, $2-0042- 50, $8.00, Co4walidated, C(Milptillics is in active Mc(hleelt of bear 13170c0ficl(I acc(ittl-, jji,,4�q ,Sadie Davillan of done Wi 6peration. The big syndicate is UCAV paCi1c4 Mr. Gletill, . are cotes s- 1�isjtcd, Mis-.; Annie Turner Ott Suliday Mens Soft Hats $I. , $14-50t sz-001 $t 50. They 0()4 ins and 4 undere,oing re-orgauization, which,. sliccessIvil fartners,lust, of 11'emall ip 190ysq, Hats toe, 75e, $1,04. those wh ght to knout say, will Mr. Israel Tavlor of Toronto "d ' Mrs. \Vi ,Xt spring. . rs, W,' Taylor of ttiowll Visiting lior - I)arelits, Alt. And Mrs. New Styles In Caps 25e4 000, and 15r. 110C be c())n1MP1TLd miltil Ile 11ilo 11itither, Al , velars at pra,.4- , 111tantinle the town i�,; at a 1(jt 1,neg(lav for Iflune(losft, MOL111., Charles Troyer Of this Ili the statillstitt and, busiltoys depressed, where three, ce, sons of Mr,,j,'raylor are in Mr. Dulinage says that 'N'5o it day in. drugs. anif the other Itiews. Ralph Wotkinall, and Tred. r 0A ill this part at 011tarlo, I)II.%illess" olle is worth bW() in, 1e,,tttl,C. Mr. tilit) llotxy attelut&I The 'Exhibition at More to a mall with a latifily than is of 11,118illoss Find pleamire. conic- Toronto IAA weelt $2.5ty at thc �So(i where the exponse IP -9 A SnitalAc qp- Missel Annie ]['on And Vilphellitt Hodgen Bros* billed for if, lie SW - Maxwell were in the village Sunday of livilig is very great, o1r, Dill- citing I'(,, 10MY locilte in that Colin i tradLd his prtl3erty at ' his, wife evening. Lt visited lit go ham J)nrhig Ili$ dbfs(Alct! ited friel1<18 the Soo for lots in JGorrio und 11lay Z di tit the parefital 110111c, \V li Mr. Will. 'Jatrol A�ro, I tale ul) Iris rosidenco tll J41110 6t0volls"