HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-17, Page 8,
I I $Optomlber 17th 1903
Vie Nows-Record. Cunton
. .
11 , .
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11 111- _ - - - -
' 11 1. ..."
` ''
- 140-
� _1--___ -I,-- _�.
. Management- of
—,-- -- ---,-- _-
Poultry Stations,
. --.----
vll-'., ulmll (�ilil IMATITIL
�- � _...
" "W- *-) It .
I `VVAXTR,08eV0ra1
� . , -
i �
40 U'll oil tile "bloint i:,; rich st"11 111tru
persous of rhax. ,
I acter anill good reputation In
. . I Ivcorpor�xtvd by, I - I I
� Act of. ,Vk1rji4jI)4VIIt, J$S5
C,ipital --w, $2o,500'000
BlackLtair 1
:Tile criticisto in ,tile flouse of Cout.
July Roth
I------ -... ,----
exhillits at A gricultural Mrs,- -tile all.
ll()W 11()I�",q V01,11t
thery i�,i 11 livalthful. itlow it) fIlk" L74411- f
lilt-hioll 4 hich Npcahn 0 fljk� vig,ta,
I 'tAetil. Thery
and Vita itv of the n% loci
st�ktg (onc.- Ill `
'thin county required)tol, , .
rk!j)rI:SCIIt and advertiso 6lot Ustabli.,�ij. ,
Uest - - - - - 'a)250, QQU
,, �, ,�
I 11110116 on of tile illastration
aw-fal, and educational benefits to ,tile
IA111"Ut, READ
. � ,
IS 110 Ill JrV for
woraltlix. bimilless hollso of rolid; '� ,
Ill-, .
t�,j h ve
foll We Ustol Your Hair Vigor
I Pooltry work of the Dominion Depart,
. went,of Agricultare was principally
faroxivra derived from tile - towl ;it
char o of these. powiltry Stations 114 Iftr
� �
ecrtailt wav ImIt,
wealt i . tll�.
bty" ain gow 44
allcial 4anding. t�alary $2x Nvvv:k� . .
Jill, �
lt� 14
IV Iwith expemws allditiollal, at
. Will. X01"'910aacphev.-on, Vrl;sidunt. , ,
.. r OVO YCA1711 An4 am greittly
.10 Avo �oe
� � . or
dus to the fact that in Government
A . of tboa
Jn w valielp triolint Paid t4jew in
If tile labul 04 ),Our
1wrnisteut uso. of
' pay. �>, " ,.'
ablo Ili, cash. direvt every -A ,Fh 1
,ell g;d
-Tallies 1i General Alanaggr I
. , Uliot,
P 4 1,
si .t,
0. t ocertalsily re.
. loilsod 'Vith -it. It
btishiopro the flocal year (Joily let to
. ry.
.1paper rvads Jan 97 it
Dr. Qlm,e's Food, thv lrrt:at
frolit head offices. Horse 0, ol carria a I
Xotcrp dlscount�(L Colluk:woitsivacle.
is tores the original Coto t
Jane Will) IN mvd for tilt oublio it.
1110"alls that yollowe
food cury uhich ftirvis ilktw, rich,rL,d
fourl'i4liedwheit necessary. ReferelleM .1
!)�afts Issuod. .Sterling ,v4Axner-
ican. li'xchangc bought and sold. I
air. Itkoops my. hitirso
It keep ft.
ki AKIlkej
oloon Kilkenny, Now Po and
rd , Me.
I . ccatult,liploteod of the collender year.
� (jan-ItAtoDee.314). Vortbatroas0n,
a .
for six years sub-
bloeld and creato-s iww sierva forre.
Mrs. 1VikU,,ou had a troat of rasp-
10mcloso self�addreswl Z-nve
'.10POI Cot- 1�1,
OU 0 S Ch �, .
Oulal, 332 1) , b ruSt,, jeago.
I — lntorwst 411owcd on 4aposit* —
M!"11111 . --ll", - -_
iiecolovenry expelises' incurred during
Within the last few Years tile con-
berrim and cream j,qt w,�.pk of Sept,
11 I
. . . . . . .
Arces Hair Vigor has
the woutba of A ril, Xiq and J%irla I
ion of,chickens has ificreosed it,
Does that look.
. .
. . - ,,, -_ I � .
TutQrpst allowcd ort, sitais of $x anij
tIquil)),ing -eeding
i , .an J31
Station Ivith. bouses, incubators broad.
tile pt -ice realized for plullip
chlekons' has adva l7red, 11oth
'w".11 ?
I . I, .... I'll
tip, cmirpoullolvil hall ye,44y. *'I
restoring color to
fol' h,It01I1I1g,.fVtQ,
t he ill-
� 1111
. . , . . ,
. — rA It 1k 1 R it 'v-*, —
gray hair for fifty years
4)2%, eggs Were QjoWn.
it, t he ,etrol-L tit, Lbo, Anj)ltar Veneral
crease vonsurn,ptlon ;md theadvarice
11) ore due to tile bilsim-14s,
, 0
Isn't it rather
� .
. . �,
�_ I
Xbncy advanced to fatine'rijon
. �
\ their ' wites vile ar
I . . ,. :�
and it nover -falls to 4 . I
before tile bouee, ,while it, ,was not
prices of
crate fattening 11"tkickeps. The chick,
ling, ,six years! too,
l(lig ?
i The raspberriev were pickea Ili, ]ter
I .
- � �
own with I
I inviti endorlivrs, No wortgago.
. I
this work, either. .
possible Co.showin the same report
the levellile defloolod from tho $uju(j
On's tljKt realize tile higbebt market
price today are ellicketis that ar" foltt.
1 . I
town gardVII.. � .
, . Mr. Ilea. ..Sattfts has two large 411)-
A Alhimilmiler Offer in Newspaper(Im. . I .
requited as real rity. I
III P. BRImult, xujja�tg, Clinton,
, I
You can, rely -upon ft
tbe,chicketledul-ing the rall , Arid wit),
col not formittket in accord.
� ,
To have the label
real I Jan
I '
i I)lv$ to sh(Yw Mle w0l9bilIg I 'Ib. 4
— . .
1 . .
. .
. —1
for ,stopping ' your hair
ter,axid wbich re'venue 1XV111 appear Ili
next K report. TIfla opers,ted
� ar,t!, 1ph,eparcln
. w I he directions Issue,ri Ilk th
DoIniz,it Q
oil DePartulent of Agricoltore.
Q4 would'
])a better, mucit bct_
otille0$1 �
I .
Thp. Toronto Vaily World,4 VQw8j)al)er . � 1.
. .— � :
from falling, for keepin __
: "lost on ologablat Lho Bowman.
ville,01it.,$1, tiou, which i,Vn;l establish.
QhIckens froul tbu Ontario and Qtle. : �
attlon St,
Ilea Illustr ations were sold a
0 . .
'I , .
I I .
- ' AtTuoltrzra) I, I r, ri, a r' P o I, ri, ,,,.U0
that pays particular attentiosuto- I
rat I Unicats of t4c farnier and has . I I
,,,�i irr
tp replitation of
alpc.lean, and
your s" .
ed in ithe spy- rig of 1902, The expevises
few day# ago to Sir. llellr� (latehoose
I .
label tell%. tile,
publishing the most I
actm .
making '
- air gr4w,,.
your h ,
(it Inst: I
Allifig be, statioll wera $225.�%
gild tile revelMe shown in the - report
fV I, 12 etg. per poutlod, live ,welgl it; and
to tile canadiall prodlice Oo., Tot I,
- 0.
tale. Mint (Toes
yours ray ?
. 11 Trtns
-tworthy lady
rate and Produce garket .
Report,,, (if ally paper ill. Canada, txy-
. 11A.N ,',1R,
ol bottle. All Ortigt1slot.
.. '-_
wa,44 Only 00 lots. The i I
-evenuft derived
, onto, Out., fill, 11 ets. lu-P pound, live
I . .
orgailtlellian. in i
� .
each district to - iliallage' our bus"10's
goth lv� with I 4 brief, live and up.to� . .
If your drug6lat cannot supply you,
, us olue, do ar aud wo will ox-ress
fro I the ROO of the Bow inan villa
chipkens after the 1902- 08 year, closed
weight. These are profitable pi-japs,
tbat can lie obtained by tiny rtijur
000 .0
*0 0 0 0 0 09 00 0 0 0 0
1 1 I I ..
i and �start agents in -the salu of Elio
1� I .
news sr,rvice can ho secured
elul)beol with
.1 The' News -Record for � .
a � . I
. . I —
I � I
OFIIICE-Sloaue 13lock- Cjj'TTO2C
- .
(Succussur to Mr. Jaims Scott.)
office fornierIv olectopi(xi 11v Mr.
James Scott, ., in 14,11iottBflock . .
Couvcyanc,rs, Cominissione I rq, Real
Estate and Insurance Agency.
Money to Loan. . I
. �
Conveyancer, Fire and Life In-mir-
ance, Alortgaget" ' Meds, Y�tc* I �
drawn- foT $1 each, All work
ueatly and cheaply done, . ,
: .
BRTTcr,,Fi.r,,LD, - - - - ONT.
DR. W. GUNN . �
. . I
1. .
R. 0. P. and L, R. C� IS,., ]�,diniwrgh.
Night calls at hont door of r,Aide;Le
oil lZattenbur.v ArL'Ctl .0f)'POSil,43 . '
Presbyt,rian clitircli. .
Oj-'I;IICI . �'- ffiltarjo Street -CI,1'iTONX.
.. .
� .
I . . .
. -
.OFFICF- Ontario street -CT,INTON'.
. Opposite St. Paul's church. . .,
. . -
� —
. :
.-DR. C. iv. Irlio.A.11-'soy I
.. ' '
�Special aLEell-tiall gi-,en to diseases of,,
tile E�e, lear, Noise and Thr(yat, . : .1
-011ice and Residence- '
A1413%RT STREP,T. WJ�'�';T, Cj,I,\TTON.
North of 1?utteuljury.St. . - .
I . .
. �
. .
. . .
-Office' forinerly occ,.ipiL:d by Dr. Pat.,
Hater on Main §treLt. 11 .
. . . . . I
. .
13AYFIELD, - - . - C&T
. . I
. . . I
. .
I _—,
. .
Office ad.joiniug Photo Galkry. open
every clay and S.ati.rdav nights uji,tii
ICY o'clock. I .
Auhurn every Monday. I . .
Dungainion. every. T ilisday. - . .
. .
Specialist inCrawn andBridgoi 'iVork
JD. D S.-Gradpateof .the Royal Cul-
I�geufDental ,St,rgeuns ()'I Ontar-
io. � . . .
L. Do 8-Xirst class honor graduate'
. Of Dental DLpartinent of Toronto
� .
University. I . I . . .
,Special attention paid toifirpservation
of ellil4drerft.s taL-tll. -
W131 be at ,thoi, R.Imer Ilotel, 13.yrield,
(every Moi�lak. frout Io a. in. to.6
1p. Ill. . . I
. .
. .
4A, ilielinber of tilt.- Vletk.riltar� Afoljo:6LI,
Associations of Loud(m and Itollit-
I . hurgh and Graduate of tile 0'ntlir-
410 Veterinary College, .
mr,hep',- 1-lurou. street -CLINTON.
. Next to Commercial Hotel -
1111aft 97 . I . I I
. . I �
— , , 0 riA �09jtm
I .
Warriage * ,.i ,.-
'. Licenses
I � ISSIJU D 3W ' r .
1% .
.. . .
j.33. Rtimball,'scliutoh
r r-
-.- I I -11.- 1. I . .. . __
� k�il8t ,
-r?I0,�,`,,.:,:! , , 50 %14
. i, , ,,;,
�_ - - " " i ' �- ", I, t:X".1i t'; r� i 8 N a a
� " r, , �'
", " '., I�, . �
�31,111- .. - I
11 . . .0�4
1. r I 0 A f
- I
11 .
j0e)PY$ilo1%I4T* &C,
(Ayoftb sollaina A s1koitell oind doodVirtion Will
, I
fill"16jKly Asetittain our opitilan froor w jethet, an
, �jvsnttolft ilo MbAbl7ghtitiLble. Comnolln(O&
....nooStrietlymn6d6fital riuxdb60k6nIIAt#tIt0
ftt jj,bg, Olddgt Og lic
, tency- r A(iftrip toil A
I 'osengto.nig taken It rott'I'll AlUbt-5, � & 0M, r4cel'Vi
Vecoaj n#jwj witbout a M*40, SA 010 �
I $d0lit , Ifirc fiflierica"40,
. xbdildoiftels, Alomfe'tM, WoIc
Aft. Vdrolok Mo
#UjoItIorn cf AnV
, . Z4&
.0 joe,16jithis), Tolthl-031.
. Ar I ft)tlr 1110111tho, rl, sqhl by All IftoNvedon I 0 1 T?,
. ! 1", ON qt et co, - 46 I 60WWAY� N evi
A OtOPL,Oow..CA"14�)�Ht,,,IVFlstillii;tq..i!, .0
T-113bottle, 130sureatell ivo the name lkwounted to $320-84,180 thilot this- w sbiviiing the same oloality or cijicketj� 0 . , . . . . ; - I VA c al an" 46uthorri.ed IjIlp or VoV0 I t1w balance of tile year and up to . . .
r0st0xPYQs501(ff1ce. A dres4p . to 1140ocreal or Toronto. I I . . . I'leo, .-Ri. Book is'aled 1121olei: tile) it - UIL -
( I Mount Also abotflol lie ndded to the DO .1 . I I 1% � first of January, igoi, for$3.�5. .
1� "I Yllar Iljll� j� .&YBA CO., towel X S3, . _� i priinature of. 0ardival Giblit'llus I And . �
r ots. o:Ihown in. the report, it is leartled .KILLI,� I � -.1— — AvIlile, QW17V0111.1 is b6sy ,%t the pres- .
. . 1. I - - at of tile $829.84, $106,84 wits paid to n, ,4G MARKRT OFT4,010ES. I I endoTsed by the ,leading Arelibishops ,nt. tiIII0
. I � 1211- . I . , . . , 1. � , Ell � - W111:4111t, , STRATTON � GOT I and - pri-estii, nited .4till there is no, (mg, so, . . .
. , . the Station bv tile Win Davies Co., by dialoeating its, neck its diffei int ft,atIA . busy that they . canuot take advantage
MA -r.—. 1-11 . he niethod of' killing file chicken TITAT'S ttlitouiliout tfto� V
._ — ; � ..' - - � Torropto, On*., $160,.60 by Me 1jelipy � I . . States and Canit(la ; . pr1utf-A ill, both of il� genuine barjain and secure the I �
Oatehouse, Montre".1 Que.; and theold-faghloned way ;if wri . . T11P, TIN, . 1 Untrlish and li'rench. $,-,o straight cash
1 $21.25 I . . Alging at- I . . � .. 0 1 . , I beat Io6al paper, carribiliqll N,viti, one . . .
f '.4 ANIVAID I AIN I . by forillerst in the 11wieting t-bonk-k-1 NVI'Vil tile chick, Salary -and expe.Xisys'paid eacil week , I i
%a _ vicinitv of.Rowalan. Ary friea(I Itis- ca, , � I I of tile brightest nictropolitaA � news- .
rV gues
. - . . ;1I ville tot, pure hrrtid cocker�ls an'd put. ro,., 116ek is dislocated ond tile )lead is , a well as I , . allig. . for you (14rect frow, hocadqiiarto�.,ra. ; expclift paj,�cl..q ,)Ill), . I �� ..
. 11111% a � � ishedin Callaft. I
11 ��
ACIFIC iets fol th-improventeiiL of their floCk P"lled froin the ii(�ek Ili the � manopl. 117herju, Strattoll , .got Ell money advaliccol ,, permanent positiou, This offer is: only g.00a for. th' t .. . �
. I . rf . . of potilt.I.Y. . . .., I described in Ibe bullet,j6 ,Ipt,oeltable , 0 capital Address David 11. ClarLson, 3M Mar- (1.14, Ilr . � .
. . Potiltry viarming" (lie loose, 111).hroken IT C6113titilelicics to' buy born street, Chicago. . . fioln the firit insertion of tilTI, .
81:4,41ONS NOT RUN 'AT A. LOS$, skill Ill 1,110. jje,k. f,ojrjj)s it was his I:oarty that c,1131111, , '' .1 6olvertiscincut which appears in The " "" -
' , - slick loto litical .sta.s issiolldc. I I . I News -Record Sept. 3rd. � . . L , . I I
.0ther 1111lotratiotl Breeding " I . -
I g1lbelch, the ill() lilin to sail po'
I The I. 11 pd of Ow ebickell flows. I - — I 1. I
11A RVEST EX 0 U R 8 , o(ty of the ebleken it, its well it search where . . . I . I
. ON Stat,ioriq wore etfoeted in it)(- sullia I (if fl,qh and 4ta.04 .
way. The chicketis lit tile ljoilnesvillo. draint-olof.bloodaq if Lbe-head w -re 'air. v9iratton got the-lyrotei., ,. .VOR 01TEM SIr.VY ),rr4,AR$. __� I � .
. �t � ." — .
� . . . .
AVill be run oil September - i5th , tion were ,;a1d Inet, yoai4 for $551.1,1. .cut oil with. tkii nxto: tile Inarkot appeal,_ ' . . . , . . I i , . I
' ,
and 2()tll, returning until Nov Sta, ek, _ It WAS fl,Rt it little I Tdr,i, NViuslow's Soothing Syrup - Ila-, �� . .. . . . 1. . , I
I . eniber The ellickenli lit tbe'-Hoodville, .Qtie, alive of. the. chi ell is huprov . f .party, an associ- beon llsed by 111illivils (it mothers for 00 . . � : I.. I
. . , . (Ad hy V � . �
.16th and ,19th rt,,Iocctive�y, jqo3, $tat,joo roalized $593,17. Froiji - th(k killing IiIv dis)ovatiog (he es he a ton like . . their childreii whilt 'tectlang. If dis- Wo 003�0-�- - - - ' @ I I
. . . . , : I it h of t That, felt. its I (Roo I . .
RETITRN FARES TO� lKtt(;t, Station two hmidred Rtid Llill,ty chickoo is ruel,e jtiicv And edillip, Oil 1wolis. grox� sll4kaY likc turbad fly night and brol�cn of y6ur (�� I -11DPI!>�i?�_ 30$qF)`") * . - . I
.. six pore bred Bail -ed Flysmakth Itock tile volitrary, Nflieo viiiektons-are, k Mod a grectiv (ill a bilte I - I . . .. . 00 I 1
I (14, R8tevall, .(A0(-.kvns were shipped jo the 'f %rinal-s Im tw6ting They -walituil two more 111011 -Lb . by a slick cllil(l 'willexing and 0- A'N IMPORTAVT - , (o) . . "
Tor ft9-1Viuujj.,eg, .11yaskall � Mile ueek death results � lers just rest . 1,
1�19in,, Arcola, Aloosellijil,_. Jiv'aw - *of the Motrititio Provinces atid sola at Mainly frolin 6tvangkilati0fl.'. The bo(ly I to. keep t1le party I'll' . . arying with pall, of clittilIg tcj!tII sell(L, (o) . 0q, I - - - . � . . . . � �
110a, Milliota,' 11inscarth, �, Graitt'd allp1m. i-Ikell. These-purla bited .crocker of tile chicken is 11ot free(l rroff I blood so ther coughed right up a"'d that �4.t olice Itild get a bottle of ll.Alrs.' & XOTICV,, .1 � . . . I (0 * I . . . I . .
�. View, Swait River. I explains, . I . . I willslow's 'Sootbing"Syrup" for Child-: (W) . I . . I
� , , , air and 1111110ts proved ver�' antisfac. on acrolwt of their being no space , . . I . � . (0) - - . . . I
4, . -ion.. Ill, -which the �tllifig. It ,%Vitt relieve tImpoor (e) The News -Record and The 00 - � . I I I
For- ,%3o-RewiI1aj Mouse,jaw, York .. Y, mod re(Illest lilive lipen leceiveot *hl the Ileek Into blood call 11, here, Stratton, got the tiij,� . . I rell t-
, by I 110 Depitrtmoillt 6f �Agriculttwa for flow ' . littlt�. sufferu'r- ,- initho(Vately, Doitiond e" IN'uokly ,")%III of Toronto will (0) . � I � � I .
For .5,,&�-P�, mbqt, MaclLlod, Calgary. I -itho appew-anciior.lhoffi,shof yall. L.Ilaw th ' I it, illothers, 'there is 110 wistake) . . I . . . I I . . 4
. I iwore pur� lueml ehickerif3 tlii,*.yeKr.. tho elticken that ht- heo�ll killed by � era i% a treasury slip- i upot , Oe Ile �peut to ally address for Q) . - .
For 440 -Red � 1), Lr, Stratheolia. - , Aside altoget-her froni. Qje practical twisting it,Q lie k d I , , about .it. It. -curc,� Diarrhoea, regit- tile balance - of. -igol for the, @ � .
. e -is red b4b"llid jjloo(j, , 111)"ted by thR land , " _ I . .. � . .
.. From all points in Canada, Azilda, olvork t1int the 11lostration. P('111try coln Ile �t,]Killly obted in it, Tu seveval WhLre all ihg public rnoh6, is at . latestheStolilach and.'Dowels, curcs. $ suiall ,saul Of 35 c(�ItS- 00 I I . �. I �
Sault - ,lite. . Alaric, VVitrdsor and, Y,as StIkOoll" I'll's conollet Ilkf AD(] V1,11iCh- is Vitik'S it). (141I)JUN 11, 1AW 19 ill f0rep pro; . Gov,erivilent cominalid. ' Willd Colic, softens the Gums, rLdaces (Do , Thol Nlowr-Record le,�ds for (:0 - - . . .
t , I � I .
" ed bV the fal-tillers of Canada, Rail; kii-ew lie wa.9 'a, goner if, sogne 11 .
AplirvCIAt hihitingthe ealt.,of thickt,ns 11111all" rl ati oil allol, giver, tone and ell- 06 local news, No otlier paper e, . .
Apply - to' nearest. . Canadi t thilt Are . I . � . � I L I ..
. Agent,for %'painphILt. . ail I Pacific 110 I evenoe ;6id expenditure accounts k!IIPLt ,I I twisting till I'ack. bence 0.611le 4 coilld not bag I � ergy to - the* whole s,�stew� I 'AT rs, 0i, in iluron contains ustscy @ ,. . . . . -
. . . of tile Poultry Division sho 'a that' tile sen . esquess o the i-itlicule, ' So hc.rai,;LA tho lid of this � o,T,l box *' Will.410w's SO(ith 19 S�r III" for child- & ilitteli of the local - � . . I
Tickets are not good oil Ilrol'.iorigi I w ZA il hy + - k I happen (�) � . ... .. � . . .
. . . I he viiii-kens reared at Stations pay it - eerLsfln Invillbut's of tho Howie ill,cle. aud Straitell ,§cooped flie swag. - rail teething is' I)Imsaiit. to the toiste' - (o:1,' iligs, 'while there is no bet- (�) �
� ,
. . . � . +
. . . I . - I . ,
Limited. I - . . '. 1. . I an(l i's thoi , paper -than th,6 @ . . . . .
. . . . I .1 � . good profit-abovecost of feed And in,', -if,t(ereg�t.t(litig:th�.detitile(I aireettiolls � . . pro.scription of one of tile 'Co) ter fariuerS,L; � 0
. A. H. NOTMANNT, . - , tervpt -on -tile . inviestmont. Thip inph in"I"jol'itlible Poidt0y Fat-varig" far I' never Inix ill 130litics, I'm Canadian olclv,st and best foinale ph��icians.and (9) Sul], I .. I @ I . . . . I
.t .
in ellarge of Lhe Staijtilm are farinm'Ns? kil-ling tile clik-kon hy ditilovathig it.ol, thro0gh and t1irough ' in the Vnited Sia,tes, Trice (0) ' ,15 cents - pay$ _@ " I . ;
Assistant General 114as e Agent:111 . . I , for both . . . �
. 'to g r -e 'Y' -(!k' wid tha libsu, * I'm dis's,fusted with tile w4ble al iul,�:�,.,,, - - I . '0� to Jall,,.1904- (SY - - -, I
. . . . oI to I and lit ,..thus able to impRI't poultIr lit 1, � if making tile �'i. i r, 1 "5 L ts a battle., ' 'Sold by all drug- � � � j
. . . . . . knowledgit, ino-at satisfa'c ,,,,!IV , . . . .
� . . . . toAlv to othet, slalvineut that di lae�;,tiag the neck tiow ro-all-v,arluot yOil , . &ts. tbroughout the worid.. Ile, suri., (0), . .1 . . @ . .
. .. I - -s of their localit'v., thei and writ)ging'the - and ask fo� "Mrs. IV,juslow,s SQotI I I- W, It @ *0 O�R 0o .% . . .. :
I . (tirtnrl address - neck. 0 e sq)$Ooso 0j j) 09 3V:36 .o'
I . � . I . I . 14 011 and 3111C to think'of the Injustice of the I 0::R C,( 00 , ) ) I I �
__. - . _____ I - PatrollciW Institute weetiogs. ittiA, inake j1bo qatik" 1-hing. ' I .. I I . . . t1lill"E'r is lmght,� toligh . . ing Syrup, I I . . . I 1@ . . � . . �@ . . . I . . I .1 I
. . I I . I I I . . '. . � . . �
. . . . . . I . � I .
. . , . , ... I i . I - . . , . I . . For it was not off , ,of, laullell stalki; I : - . I . . .� . . . I . .. .. . . ... . � .. �
� .
Wood's 3PUosphodine, � .. �. . I 1, _1_7_______. . that o"Siratton got. the, �tujl . I -*--- ..' �4 - L I � . . � ; . 1
. . I . . I .� - . � . � I . � � �11 I I I - _. ;. ... ,, ._-7-.�--_-- -
I . . .. . . .1 . : � . . . . . I �. .. .1 I . . . . .. I . . I � . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . I : . . : .. ..
. � The flicat EarlishRimelly, . . , . . � I I . . . I.. . - � � . I . I . I . . .
. � .. .
lipmd alld relftilike . . . I . . . ., , con . . . � ... . . I � . ..,
.. . � . . I . . � � . . � . I
I 11 =. - preparation. Has bean I . I . . I .. . .. . — _ I ..., ... 111. I .. But Ross is ten. tinles worse',* bu.rideg h . a. , . , . I 11 . . : ".. . I . "I T .. . I . I
,, . is anWd, *ell estabi, Handling .The A e Cr6p. :, � ,Y04 Gaibev Inay.1"c �'aluqv . and his ., . . j
. � I vo. , , I. I science r-Ither black' . . I
t 4, ..'prescribed, and used' I , � . ! . . I In I I 1 7 *
, ...:� X .. Same tinlety And vellintblo advice.on ensily inside a-liarrel,.ktid a n Olaped aq . lina the,iii.441c track- . �� . . . I . I
- over 40 years. All.drug., tilv ,q,,ljjjj.g, . . . - 1. 11 �
.... - I I 1W . . . .L..''
.. . I gists in the Dominion . . picking 'and gmiditim i4 to allow' t he it 111des. I 6 be, 1.111-riod olit, Alto] I,c'll bang onAil-e. a btill-clog I I . � I � I . . � .. . . - . . . . I I . � "I I � I ; " .
I . . ..though the colintry goes, it) §111ash I . I 'Y f I I
. - - . of..Citnada. sell and IkI)OWn k- givell fly MI -L' W. Ai Nacl(icv- will,i . I, golitift.."gli(liog ,)�tqit)jj. . Ill I . Y I . : �.. . � . I .
. . I reclamanend as beip liall � ()Jjj�okf o(I ji� Pr %if, . Division, Ott-. �piokjng',I o:aiilI'&h'6(0d hu-ta.ki-ii t,,,tvojjt To that ald thii.L-worn prqvAu' .Itl 0166t , , - . . 1. . . . I . .1 . . I .1 . 11
115 let I . � .
. 4efori` dftd Af&r�L' the 0131Y medicine to I � litereAted ill the hi�c-ot.kkjk, oij� '. , I � .1 �. . ... . I I 11'' ,
. I itskind that cures an -it ";v 1-pilra, w1fli-11 .. where Stra�toli got the'eash... . . ..
.. 1. d 11 %% . FJv' . o" � i . jilct,fr�lit '' , , , , , � : :i
.. . � , - ... . 1. I . I I'll � . . . . � -11-1 � I - .. .. . I
give I s universal sittdaotfow Itpromptlyauld. 9 g AIM �Enarkeddg Alf ftj)�JeS t1olitilitAs i be. lwomb-e .of itext, Y(,,�.al-', - '. , I I .. I __ -.X.er,�OuSpess, predominates in Wo, � I. . .1 ,�' i
poirmanentlyc'uresall,forms of Avrvou;. weaki a1`11(`l1':'11111t lvlitu too- colly -of Alr, Mite-, ��rojjfs. .�. .. . . I , - � T1wre's fliat bullat sttdlitw, ell,cwill-, I' .. � I . I . I I
; Bmissions, Spermaiorrhcea,' 2mpotolney, JK i i, ,.I oTI,jj 1) . , � lhill-Iling" loiv, lAoo.(Usnelihj�. , � � .
. . . I � . I .. , . L Menj but ineil Are also;I sti . . �. . . . : . �
alletill 01) the E xi)(Ipit'Appip . . . , P , . , , 1) II(I I . . bject j6 ft.. I .. . .
=11 -effects of abuse or excesses 1, t4e excessiv , k . .. : . . . -I o I. A 1) I 1\, (". , I .1 4 . ,.. , .
use or Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, meniv-11 xrt olu.", t , ,.. . -a)�k; jmys,, j%.lip a(I I . , --- , - uxce�s of various kinds causes it'AlAd : .
. . . 6frad-ing illo_ Ali iii4iilt to otif prillutty, a dilgzalbotoi .. I I 0 . . I . . . �
11 -ain ry'allof III On 6 .. 'SELLIN& THE *0110P, , c, . . . " . , laud, . .. . . . . 1. - intellectual toil and .auxie�y. . I . . . t I . .1 . . 1�
a I 0'r Jolfirmity, . I thep. , t I RjIV .. , L . , �
.satity, onou 'ption. and 'Ila I arly Grave. . . . I 01) lilt - lightr Isr )IE,;tvy, NVIlt'll; Ow ' 1. , — . . � �, . ... . .. � , ... . . �.
. 'uld, - - -2so it dcos , .-I � . . . . .. . . - . ,
ride. $1. r icka I Onil uIM wilen-itio ttl.( ulIII wtti'lliv, 1wid'"o,41, tifl,41I-Alwol sil-id : NVith all this foaug �of parasit � . � . . � �
., . .
. I jx,u", . M )%N*t1f!':is It at, I -a lit) Px, - it I I I . . - . . . I . I $T..'JAYUS.W.k�URS are-peculfarly . I � I
,!a or six. for -
-ewst, si . it il U ro pty. on re- -t.t.r j1p. jjjjj� -'11 Elie 11 1pie IL.oj- ll -d -lljlj)!(..q 1111yo 1well romoved '1,11� Nt!vIll nitbe�, odr . .. . . . .. . . .
c �ipt 0 I n(I for va phlet.. rese . poll _V st I 11 ill Ill I I � I I I . .1 . I .. I . I I
, t,oV0,%v&) M. i-ither I%t`�;o 11111ch k1.1'el 10110wing cjwllillv!� "holild. Ill- , lid - Vin , pot sitrpriFtW that, - (Inc. 11 . . . cat Ili. any form.'of nervoUs &_ , . I
I � IX 0 4 1, � 4"p.an t- . o&l. too , 11 parkIllt -'I- ' ' . .. I . . � I inoll ' ed.. I ' . . I . : , .1
. . I .I .. o , Unit . ) tsliltu for t1w. PlItire �jl.ejj. 111.1 high, r geaAlt.; 4-lJolifol-111ILY ill S�lokn(l .ki8k wlierL Stratf.(m got1he - . , I . bility, is they tone up the entire sys- I
. . I I . .. I. o' 2�Otdfornjjty ill tof ' ,j " ' * tcl I . I 1. � , I . � . ' . I I I I
. I 'i':d -s,.(-ra7ljftvn mako their �cojj. It I%, ol". ,,, - W, , - . - - . .. — �
. '' At �"'iLA', t')o.' I, . . .. .. . :. . .. . � . . I
'0�jg ht,fore pjak ing. tInje L ej tile -I)III tit I � . , . I , 1i tem' and -restore.the ileives tQ. thoeii - - - .
Woods Phosphooline., is sold ill CIjn_. t I -a (I US . r :rtrjtIj_(joIlj f] ;ff;VI6,*, I . 1. I . I : . . .: I . . .4 . . I 11 I 1_< � . - I . iornial eciiiditioti. - They are. ifidi&.. .- - � . . .. . I
by AVatts & Co", H. - B. Combe, tue . . g'rades -wi)), uskjally he ,for ex. - — � 7 �. . st r I 1,
ton- : 010 Two 1. .. I I ,_;; I . .
� d involVes'consideratibro of tile . � �.. . . .. �� - , . .
. . . . . . I . . . . .
R.. P.'.keekic.,aud J..:4..Hovcy, Drug.. probable Ion rkef Tipice, cluring. fall itnot poi�t atid bothllf' the -e sho5kild I)& . . I . - � ted in eillaustio I ment . I
. . . PrAct- ,I, � 11 . U . al inertia a4d . I .
. ... . . . � . � i . Nvintet whic ' llyheefroull ill:s'i-�.tol';Itllt?t-.ilFjllr.ie.,t .T,e;rerJsT-Z(WjseT1ea iDisififliabantSdap S ' . .. I I I
gists. I . � L d-, . . 1. senile weakness. . ' . - - ' - ' . ' ' ' �
. I . I .. . . . . :, . h will ,tie reoullk-ted hy't-fie it -Ilk .. , .1 �9 L .. I . . �. I . . � . .
I . I . . . 1. . . � - total, S'litslily atiol. deniatid,, . fifluented dle, sec(illd hei,19.1tirel im. (o - I'lle 6 - Powderis bett(Pr than other'soap powders, - I . ,� I .. 1. ,. .... � .1 . . "I
� . - I .. . . � . I .1 . . 11,4t 1 . , I.. . �Z � . . . . . . . I
. I . I . . too 11V civill,ges, ill 'tile (11101ty of the. only ii.1 point �lf biZ(' Wool . � 2j �� � * -They contain no i1cphol -, . I 1. I
*-----!..:-- ___ -, _____. � . -d(0()v. All - it 8130, Act$ as a disinfeet.aut. - . . � ;Z tot being
- ---I-%--. -- �. Ille", pples ill ol)v grnkle vannot Ile Ion : . . . .. . '
. . .� . I . . Whell mi6ertilit4ty we .. . . I . . . I I . . . .: 11
. I I'D I . I I., M �. . . _�! .- _ t__ _ ct retore'
. . - I . . � . I e' - , ") I hI I . . . I I Z:E I I a liqufd reined y.,.Thelreffe I the' . I � I . . I �
. I I . .. ,(IT tile d Pr , VL4liIjIILtij)g if0l Ill in M�e'. likit the a riplel; 0M Angle . , ., __ " - o :. . I All, V . 'is fiot that of a' mer;6 st-iMulant, ..but- , � : . I . . � I I
. nouLfis in aduric-I!,!ty, a - totat v!old of imckaviesbould he.si), for Ell rvilit,41jr . . I ... . . . .
Vf ,.,I, th *"*<�***"*18I**""*"*. . - . I . ... �. . .
fla WHIG WIN Fire. i I � . . .. I . tonic and'permanent.: ' . I . .
P . I . � 41fiarchavol,'subject tit Of cholCrigos (it- Ile -lew,ed alld"'old by tile 1) vlo.itge: . . � � : � I .
. � I . . . . . � .
. � . . . I I . . 1. . . �
, Fo.r.an up-to�lato , - : 1�4 , " . , . I I I
. I . , . . I ". . .
: .
I ,
1. I wttaLb6-*., todyOUght', hail and wind It-tullyI well limppell 01:i..ol, thirtl . . . 11
R -cam . .. hess-like, haract rcull�Io, wil 1,0 . rml,id . 1. �'. . . ... . � .. � I I .
I . stortils.thu uIllinsi o: er of grade, jxculsivt-a. .. . si. JANUS WAPUP,S.help stoinac'hi * ..
I . 1. � I <! � . .
. Wange . - Onu, '. I. . , . . , digest food, and send the nutrilneift - . I
. . . .". I I . .. 1. . . I . bargaining by tha. IIIII)p is Apparelli. ,,() collpfiii, of 144,4110,ket'l, ... I 11 . . , . I . : �.
� .: .. Ile rmat, :: * � HAIR CUT � '.� '� " . . %X
L . . � . . I.
II .. . . .1 I � .
-Farm and lt�olatcd To-wu.l1ro;jiaj;t.V_.:_. * Wbichever parvy gain-; prid ite 4fl vant! which the growwo fel-t(itsposeil t ) 0:'T.- I . . 'IL 4� �. - Giv HTOW through the bloo - 0 - And ' 'this is the . I .. I .
� I Age, Lhe Unde li"Iferw fe0tw- 'povrl, bl,iit I -I -sp.c. . � �.. . . K4, r'srReNdt . d I I . I. �-.
. I ured. , .. � ,this as y . 0 .. � I .. I - AND -;. I . . _ . . DRACH;WEMMAr, eit Wa t6 ' et health and strenght, . � , , . I I . I . ,
. -0illy, - Tits' . I.. "I !jlL "o.�isgrhdo, IlIcking.ou . . . . EVCU hon ' 0
. . � . . � . . � I . . I from tiny othet, . kiod (if gArliblinir, . 0elo'cellenee atiol si)owilig. I I 4I , : t I . 1. EY litILINC1108A R N 5 . the kil7thaft last ' . I . - I _..�*. _ 1.
. . . Tile systen) %Vitt% Ott -tingly conde'llinled pi 91"Clater parcentage''of wAhlo oftell I � CLEAN .5HAVE I .. �, 1, *, � develops-' an(I . I
. I . I � I I � - . . � : :Z, NQDICRR.ji�Rotli .. . . I I .
. - , - 1 41 a , . I I- M -N iffr"%I, I hi h ' .
0 W
N 10
I N t* .1, Nt,oio. E S
V112-11 0
Wind or
*I. i I
I (-I
I - National PMS lot.0 the pi'(lfit e:jrjlP(j 'fly the fill-. breeds the energy w ic. accoinplishes .
... . I F Y I c In ".. . . , . vp " C- ' ' . " . . ;-� 'T"t CONSTIT I ' 6 :
- . ign buyer,4 des. er 'fi%iilt. boli;illes redviding tile ,kenoral #*� leadhig bairbe -,.I-, to"e. - �
. � 1. - 0 . hy tile. Sldpplidrs Avso
I. . I intioll'and oill. 1�).!d I . . t 'try t�le � L. N-4 much. - , ." � . . . . .1 .. . -1 I L � .
. .
. . . .- . .
. 11 I I -vil. Surely 'repMation (if .the. allivil'or's �'hransl, # . ... . . � . . . . . I
.T. 13, VeTieau-, Prd�qidoit, 1<ippell P. cl,ill, �it. Ili ail tininixed t . I I , �-, 1117 . . . I '. . I .
.11, I . I I . . I �_:: - . I . . . . I .
Ii. I . .has. Vrgser, Vicei-Presideht, j,o. .IR,WINIS 09OCERY . I- I I L . . '. I . . . . .
.0 .. . � . -age ' 'IS15XT DOOR TO I - Y"W1k#'0 At 1��, .. � . I
rticefield..'11 .: 0 '. w0l A '., nolild *Ile sigid, to indiled Much bet,ter avei ."iestilr4aro likoly t5e, . I .1 .. . . I . . IntupartIculaily,i;o1eiged with I .. ... � .. . .� . I .. .
. . I . "; �... L . . . , .. N_ 01 Thety have, , '... . '.. . .. : '. . . . I I
Tie�as'urer' ''Scafortil 1). 0. . . 1_SZ MA, , 0 been a 'ecloilytcoefulin Itayprae. .1. ..
I . . I I IndomN - .* r,e I* St. janies Wafers. ,
I . I 11. 33',.Haysj� Sic�- both buyers atid .sellare to x1landon -10 Ili- otmailled Jh local. tliarkc�§. or !t , , * , , H'"t .
. I . . ch . . . � I . �Q . . .. .. .
I . $11 guesli,work. and to -bay a nd sell Ivy fioni-evaporiLtoi-R. j: G org D# Robert ,;� . , .46ciIa . : � I . . -
. .. I . I I . e I - 7�� . .. - I
. I I � . . standards of Ineasure. � .. The . irjo�rits of-1beelianfeal . . �. 01, Z�7_ I , . � . . .�805 . . ticew ent eniployed In nervous I .. I . - - . -
� . . , 'gi .
. . . l)1",CT.0R5.' .. .. � . fixed. -, .1 ' '* phl(,�d Jill ,the optt,k`o..tLfI,00I graders * ."'. 1W , .. - . � .. .. .. I I.. . I . PRICE— . I troubleg.70 . I . . .1 - . . I ;,. � . . . I I .
. NG k I Linle to . - . . I . . I
AV.ilI;alu Slie.sliey, Smfqi(h �; � 'Jblii . , P11OKI, ... I * - , @4'4kiTAlN4/-AjjER[CA � ;1 . � Dor A .� � 1 .. . .1 .
n , I . . � . I, I � . thileshould lio-,CAI,t�*ftilly...it.]%,estlgtvied ." 0. " - . I 1. . jrgj# Cruse, ,. .. . . . ," . �,
Grieve IV,* -hr-', "'! ;� t, 1 Q A I] It llil,at; ilhoffld ji.r,.j1"'o . IM, A � -**"*"-*" ,�"".<�, . �,:�- all Drunni,:%fr, kChemi � - . '': '�� .' I L khaut, 3111m I - I -. ' L . ,
, . . .
. � .... . � - � � .
. , , I--- * I .
I I . 1. I . .) 1. ._ 0, ea- I , 1, - , 11Y ;ffl ivho.�a-Aipuienta are I irgo. A- ' , , - 1 �
. __.t-=.:::::�� . . I I .! I . I ..
. .. I . . I
f(irth ; J-ohir 111att,. llarlock, .. jolln; "' klid, vitith the 6tehis ou �nd'witli� reitIly good alid *rnpld graderl %Vitt (-"f. —1 -1 P . .1 . �1.
lleliftcwifl� 13rodhagall ; lliltilllreit�kihg tile skill or brulahig the feet a great.savi , . � . . 4 . . . .
-Twines H � . . .
I . . . . . lik'In.timealirl Illoney - . . . . . , I . . . �� - .
.Bccchwo.od ; ,;' - )lly) cl= frait ill Itliv Inty. . .. . and pi . - . M, - ' ' el . ; - : . � . '.. . .1 .
I: Jame, .Coll'ilt �t - . , .1
� . . ., . .. ., ' ,oduce a tvooderful dif4q`�ticoul,. , .
.. ... . As It b -tile it I P., . . .
� .1 I . , . . g. neral I a advisabli for I leaprIvIal-Ance of, the fruic, ,li., ]WAROLEmoORANK I � ... I ... .. 11
'. � � . I I , .. I , -to 114rvest And pack their owo when e�L 1'�' . . ... . . I � i . I., -
., 1, g!owei a Size is plao:M hj� by lt'tof.' - .0 . . 1. . LLLLLL . .
Robert Siltith, . 11arlock ; .V4.41in- fruit, whether they eviintually sell it , 'I'lle ulem . � . . . I ...... . . . . . . . . ....
Clilcyl;' 8-carcrdi .;4 , J�amw% - CitinrillingS, M161 pre Ili iseg or sljit� to foreign inar- . expert women wbo gnida Fromi MEN; . .. . . . . . I I . I I
11 "' ell fruit f6tkinRi'loetperfooki the opera. _ , .
ligulondville , J. 11". Yea, 1-161111ta- ko,l .In. either'04819. jr*N.4 91,eab.ftd. tion'without inechanieutl &'Ill. A , . . . � I '';, . , " L � . . . .. . "to W Canada.41.00 4 . I
i .. . . . fo!v I . - . - I . . . I I . . � . I 1 . *. 3114 00#105 tor $5,00 , . '
Ville - � * - ., I . ,vantage to Lbe.selletr to.,know exactly 41AYS'.practiaos. with r6CXa;',uriIjg�-ringS 's - ., . I
." : . the o4alitm -and Vitt let V of the fruit in . I . i . I . . . . . �
. art. es . desirous to nuce . - . . . . . . ... I � . . . . 1. I. . . . � .. . .. .
. � package, It w it still greattev .111111mcient to Plain the eye so t.h"Lt fl,111( , . . I .
. or trans.act. .otlwr busiiies's will b4 every Age to have an " , is avelivately graded within it quat . I I I . i �.. . � . . I . I "I 11 I . �. . . . . . � . .. . .. . . . . . �, . . r � . . . I �. I
kidvant ch vArioty pick tot, , , 1; , I . . I . .. � .
promptIv attended .to .oil application -lo- (if an inch, Many ivho anm at,tempt.. - - I � ... 1. . I 1, . . I . . . L I
- sit juet the proper thile. No who ing to grade by i . land 1 will find . that . ; I I . . � I . . I . � . . . I . � . .
to ally of tilt above * officek4 addressed Sal" boyer �is atile -to have his' men An . . . . I------- - . . . . . .� I � :
to their re.qpective.ii.ostollices. 1,osses' � . 'i vbn -when."the tilp'llse oif a pieve of shingle aff �otheip, I � . 0 , . I . . 1. �
I I il rel lit. each I trol jujit' I . i . I I .1
1113pl light wood, hi which h,)Ieq are' cut . . ... � � . I . . I I
. � � I I . � . i
. . .
. afted by tile '.dirt.oetor , who �li'W ,Hoples in it aroo' ready.' Tile, restlit .is , . .... I I I .1 . . . I �,�., I . . . I I . . . . I -M I - � . . . -
-alle, � I . . .. . . ' measuring two and a oltiarter, two Ilbol ' ' ".. I . ., I . . I I I
. that every t;easou . at great Inanv three-quakms,-three. Itrid three and 4 . � . . I . I . . . . I .
ficar(u;t: tll�� so L I
. � I . -
I .. . . - � � ' . I I .
. . '. . . . � . : , . , , � I �Irchards Lb'rovighoin OanaU . ar"e half knelips ,respectively .will lie of, ' 1. .1 . I . . . , I ` . , � ,
. . ...
— == I . . --- ! —. Picked - either too carly or, too late*. great assistance in I his work. By Last-— I , . I I , : . I. � - , . I * . . 11 . L ; . I ..
� � . I . . . . . . . � I Fruit 17.1, Ing An apple nottv and Ilk I ain the packer . . I I 1. . I - I I . . . I I . . .1 I I . . I
. ... . . . . . . . is ap6 to bec"6h:le tough groil tastelesp, � . . I . . � . .. . . I . . I . . I . � .1
. . - . . I I I . .. .11 . ��
. I
wf( it)- — - ____ �' , , , . . ,�
I - I soon boic(sinli eipt-olt ill deceptni , __ . _ . - . . . . I
, . I
I I .. . - en - , , ,
t�=7=�=M . clored Cot) early triny keep but- _., . I . ; I I I
fflam& I I I .if picked to� - late it will not:k0ep,,R4 ing , the ske wit hout the use of -the - . . . q 25 , C,,, ts .1 . I .. L .
. I I LIUMN the �r , teas of - decay has Already - be- . . . .
& im , 0 � I . ., � . . L . .
glin. . . 1. testing board., I I � Rattel-lbitry Street Works . ..;. . . . . . I . . . � I � . . .. I I � ..,:. .1
. . . . .
. � . YIMLO TABLI-IL � . . . ' . � , . I �, I � . , . . .1 I . . . . . . 1:.: . � . . . . . I . . I t . .
I . I , .. . . I . . . . I
. I .1 .. I 1. I I . . - TjMj@ TO PICK, � .. . . � . ". ,% . pirect.importers. WoArnan- - - � . I . I I I . I I 11 . � . . � ., L' '.
. a' � I . . . , , . -it ,guaranteed. �� Bill
Trahis, will atrivo t and depart Tooder varieties should noA be allowed . � �Ilip atid Materi. I . .
�roni Clititalt statiall. as'foIlo*S : . . . . � 2TENSALL. . .� �. I I I . . . . * . .
. to.ripen on the trees. oil* they will. n'bt , . .. .� .. .. .. . 1. I ...� I . I . . I \ I . . . I
! . I Carry well. Certainly others, $Otile. T, a a t `-wa a k P, Alelville. aamisted, .111aileg J,- G.. SUALE . a'ttd Co .."I .. I �
,BUF AT O' AND GO )UPICH DIV. times styled winter vilorioties such as I - PROM I . . I � I I I . .
1 4 1 , , Irr4 to bring. tlia largest load. 6i . 4 111ORS. , , �
. Sid M .
Baldwin and- Spy will gain, Ili color , . L I . I I I . I 11 . I I I 11 . . .
.Going E'ast r-Wress . .. 7,3$, aan. wheat ever br6ught to jiulisall flour __ - ammmmom* 11 ays le I \ I .
I I ll� I! � I .,. atiol AaVour If left on t Ile tro6elao as long mill. The load o1clitailltKI. 158 bushels --'�— -7�-,' I . I . I . . . I I . I I , . I
Going East Albl:ed .. I ' 3.23 P911, Ka the f r6st'.. will allow, besides being and 2z Jim, and :'te%;tcd (),vf!r 6i ' llv�. .11 . 1. .. .1 . . :
Going IvInst Mixed . . . 4,15 P411, less liable to SpOt '417KI Mould (lilt., to. tile * bushel which' with the weight ., I , I � . . . I ., I I
ro 15 AIM., storl1g,b Itwill poy;the fartnera Z I . . � I ,v- 0 . . . . . . . . . I . I I I � � . I .. . �
, I
s 12:55 P.:In. ;Ppi'l, is own ft tilt and see that (his of the wagoo addeol,�woilld inilkei ,o ROTH. central I I
. I.) , Ij ]I . . . . .
I . . ,,,, 'is no need- er , f1vC. to"-",* . .� . .1, . I.. .. � . � I . . T_ h e wews-Record . will - ' .
.to to It . 7�05 a 111: to, It step in tritirketing eritat I I � . * . . . � . . L . L � �,R. � : . .
. - ____ __ & ! - .,. �, . , . . . . �
. , . . ----,--,- I � I I � .: 'St * Ina.. . ' .. .� - . . . I
. . I . . -
-to lIVROAN -P� BR . . goreover, rill vliri�ties of apple -.4 are , I .. .1 . . . .. SAID -lip .. I
T,ONI)O,\ ,T . AN _'UCI� DIV. � . eam 'd'- -0 L , .(. I I
. 10,32 p:1n as vvaqte, . _ , , . ---I-
. i I I � ..not reudy for picking lit tile same tiMe to , ' ` . . .. . . . be..sent.to. any address .un I
' ''. . O.. I , . . ,
00ing South 'P,Npress 11 1,47 A.Ift, even if destined foi- the same inarket-, . . . .: . .
It � I) Ali:xed -'. , 4,15. �, in, and sorne esirly varieties'should TION161 . t h9kV8 . . � � I .1 - 19 � J_ I I . ia.kL. . I I . � I �
� .
11 North R'x . press more than one picking to get all Clio � . , , . I - til the end of 1903. lor '25
have I I , '
* I
� . jo.ls a,in i so TOT4UDO---IvSauIt Ste. Uarile Div sio, . I . , . . I . � I . . .
. I) Is Wied, 6,55 parl" .Ift'llit lit the P"DiWl' stage Of IllittilritY, Kidney Osee . . . 1 In _ . � . . I . . I .
I .1 I Only the grow,or Is in U pogition to AiLd. hisUls fte nitstake or attributiag the � ntsr,� . �. . . . . . I . .. .
'A. 0. PATTISOX, Ageitt. . . I watch his orchited and Iiarvoqt the resulting ItIncultelke t& other 41161111166H. . .,, Vreight and Passenger. ,, I I I - ce , I . I . 1. I '5 . I I I . �. . � I . . . .,
. , . � .
. . I
P. �t- 1-101i4rWS, Town Ticket Agent, lercip to the bomt'AdvantaO, Awl it is Mlll� *0111411 have kidney disease and do I . . . I . . . .. , ,. � .. I . . . I .
J, 1). MACDONA1,I), I I I the. grower.who losesc when he enu!tlsts tiot know it, They contuse the symptolins . I . I I . � . I . � I
District Passell.- thim t,tsk to another, for buyers Are WIth thoso of"ItIlthents, of a forninine nature. lVeathe . r. permitting steamers wit I q. I . � . . .
. gur Agent, Toronto. skin . I . .11101's . I
I . certain to Allow for shrill Backache, loss of flesh, dryj harsh do. The mews -Record is a - - ,
kage froin ","as, dapart per schedule, shown Delow. .11 1. . .. . I I . .. .
. . . .. . pcl`�Its in the urine, swelling ofthe feet and I . . I I � . . I . � . I
. I I . . .. ,this canbe. Another loss to I he -grow. I � I . . I . .�, . .
..'', . .11, . � - --- I.. 0 er Itelses froal Carelessness of hirod. stillness and.Norleness of the 6uselea, weddliess . � .. I . , . � . I .. . I I I � . � I i
. . I . � . � � holts who ofton lhjuve trees by break. md despondenicy, aid symptoinis of ldohl6y . . . . . aer, . . . . ... I . . � I .
IT IYAYS TO ADV)MPISP4 r frig litnba And frull 6PUM . . . � . disease, And tall fc� . . STR. "KING, UUMARD" , � . � . I �. .
. � . REMOVAL OV DROPS, . I ptorrolitt,eatincillInoyder I . -' . . ' ' I ' I * ' ". . . . I . I I I I
. to prevent
IN TITI� X41WS_R3COVD. . 18 serious results. J,eavcg Gaclariell, north bound, every I . I if you are yourself a . I -
1. . '' , ".. . � .Iit . efore any frilit to. taken frotu the " URS. W. Wttxlxs, Satilvdaty, at 9 1). ill. for salidt, 8tc, j . . � . .I-
_t 'ttt . , -!t, . � .t _" - 1. - .1 ------ . trees, overy aWle,good, bad and in, Henry StIj Pelleville, Nlafl6. , 1'eaves. Goderiell South bound, , ' . . .
... I ... L. _.- �. -1, - , � I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,11, ... di [I, lie elearod. Off thO I I . Ont. i stateg-14 SuMrad [!Very Thilr0q. -M I I . I .�
- i��M_ groulid and vantled &wily, to he used . a great deal with pains Ili at 12.10 1). lit. for subscrilber, please recom . . . I
I I 1. . . Windsor, Dotitoit and Toledo, calling ', . . I .
�TTJSI, for foeding stork, mv for tiny other 1XI the Aniall, of the bItA lit liltermediate ports, . . � . I I I . i
Ise (of"whiell thev may I . .1,, t .
, . . be lat, blit . causedbyltidneytrouble. � � xnend i't o your friends.' . . I . I
UPPINC , 1111II)lPffor export, Similarly, ot)pf.ps I hetidyer I stooped If ' . . . '-I
. Y4 . V 4, Which drop dutoing tilb picking procoas 1 1 could aftr4ely ;1-10 again . STIR,, 1,O."11111RAG1,01.11 * I , , . . .. I . 'j?,
M 0, N T H C4 1. Z1 Z' " shoald Ile kept by theniselvea. We tho� pains were4o great. Wi1 Teavo (14oderich, Xortlt Pooftilt I
I I .
I .LVI '. I f �
A PAMILVI AV, I niciat givo I he truji, a Mir ehauca I row . � .�# The diteme became to 1.2 (),�,Jack 1). ill. Wwlnosdayo,'tor 84jult
I - -, rattan or otborwiso Mm Wifildas severe that It stfTected in Ste, Alaric alul interitlediate Vorbw -, � �
The *A . - Iterit the stil.11; wormy, , fl, 11 .1
Dust In Car, Oft d6oated npoles spread contsigion. sind gmord litalth, gatj I vWbt4oMIfl9',v1t 9 T H' % Eft 14M." UNSA"N' CORD, . -,
a �,,, 11111c raturning wIll . lvo,vo C,oillerich for . I - � � .
*19 COMPL919 NOVU11 YZAALYI#,' bl'tlist'd or,defective frait, ,will not pay run down. $fnco using Dr. Choate IdnOY11 Will(Isor, Detroit and T6100 - lit .2 . . I I I .
. for labor, heavy frelghbt,chitrges or Liver 11illsi I can say that My troubld hat O'.0lock P. tit, Oil Arolldfty,q. I I I �
. MANY 9140101% ST014ift AND ootliallsioin". . entirely dhAppeated. I can speak In tho I I . I . I I � .1
I PAPFAS ON TIMUY,T0 , . . ' . . I .
III ,pit* � LADD1311118 AN'D PASIMIrs. highest Unlis Of this 111dalcinc ffbia" the W41 it Por rates and ftirther information � I � - . I . . . ..
COPY, Address, Witt. 1,00, 00(lorielf, Or I . J 'vTO19
*VI1tA*- 9608.`A' CLIN III �
IF ." 41, I ftsp.laddors m.e(v hof 11ROA for gottinK ac V I � I I 1, . � . 1
4 1
. .
9, � ? ]oWet, linitso and lotIA pollit-top W. U. nos.1,wl."AR, I . I I .
No CONTINUICD std"1�6 fit till 1,
I - -ih
9VI.tit"Y JIMM Vitt! OOZ:LkT INIft(Mr ladd(sr-ol for the upper Ilitnablefit the Nig i3eiletat Iftailic WalitEger, I .. .....- I 11 . I 1. 1. I - - ... 11 -11 I- -- " .
1111 .11 to
— _ — kdo should bostriall ellough Lo Itim, rot I s4it"t 'M07 Afaric.t Out, I - ___ . .
. 0 ..
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