HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-17, Page 41 4 116!5 � W �_ t � � . . I - ­ ..''.-I-11- _.­____­_____­_ .. . ­ forty-five. Two or three 'of tho, f4m- . � ­­­­ . 1-11. F. W. -.R� .i .. . HOW THE MUM WORKS Kedp on I I �� , I . - llz� are dead. - � I 4 A � I I i 1. -1. unmiarized. the )James and (It's- . Wa I , � " . 1� I . WATIQUING IT WIT3_ X.Ift"v - I � tinies of those memberlo, of the 0 , � APPA.RATTJS. . Rought family who are not forgot- .­ '"'.- the Right 81de" . � � tell are as follows:- I . ( I . , I � .. No social. affak � � Leonard, a joiner, works at Don. - , . . - When Dig;estlna FQ04, It Is Ever caster. ------ �, I __ is complete with- I IX1 a Coutinixous State of I Discard th Japan Teas altqgether � �* 1. Margaret inarried a shoemaker %nd ... I I I I , z41 1 7judulation. . ;hey're a doctored MWEe Up at their best 1 A little $unlight Soap will .clean live;5 Lit Lincoln. f� - � .. From tile very I beginning of crOA- . . ot I E4'lzabeth is.the wife of a foreman � ­' I , �' out the d4i'd0us- I M I 1.901%L.� � Cut glas�s, and ,her articles until foundry worker employed tit Lincoln. .. 0 1 tion Men an(l animals )lave possess 4 I IWO Is married to an agent living A ­�% lo . , . . 11 �11 L I lhey sbine- and sparkle. StinlignT at Lincoln. . .1, tasting I . stomachs and for hundreds of Yea � 1� _. .. I inquisitive bulnuaity, with a curios- I WAIter is to. fitter in a TAncolix ... I -1 __;i�l I . ity that probably long antedatod a I i Soap Will w6h other things than workshop, . ­ ( _N Galen's Zild century theory of tile . ... is Tom, a tailor, works at Lincoln. �� �11 - ' dothim Q. , - If I 'XIlth, who Is unmarried, Is a -, - 46 . L "four 11.1140ti0l)s" of that necessary Ii. � 111ill . organ, bus I wn trying to find out . . L w clerk in a Lincoln oflice. I I I . � .1 . L , PreL . how this out fl sent I musessioll 40- 1 1 1111 I nowwommusn, Lily married a grocer's assistant & B1 ue ... . 1. E,NM I - I -A tuaRy carrius oil but,iness. Therit . . living at Grantham. .�"dLL , I I � . I 0 ' ' was no tuan so poor all 'lot to I .remple, 1111i It to Bar- Jessie Is a mother's ,help at Gran- 'I 11 I I " a stomach and lao 11:1411 lave Natural Ceylon Green is of double strength, badoS� and S ell e I`pt�ur':"'� 19 wise enough Ot lip In , 'cc as a th ' 11 .. - - I . l)arristor. At i1irst be Elsie Is In aervice at I-Tallfax, . . to devibe a method .of lookipg into Peliel-ous and. 11 PURE.` ' � L . bj-14, a harfi "" - I o I . . . . its private laboratory d4rhig norm" I I struggle. But be perS6�ered, and Florrie married AL waggonor and I , K b'co' n . al business hours. A few scattered Seale'd Packets only—SaMe form as the celest con -ducted his cases So brilliantly liv6s� at Claxby. I i . . � I !!!! I . experimunts oil althuals during the _ that lie was soon the, lealling local . TITEA HOUGUT FAMILY I I 11 1, I - . . , brated Black Teas of 04 Salada" brand. barrister. . Ile went into politics - early 18th (,entur. Is ail 'adm4rable extimpic. of Lincoln- "I .vion, . I v has added very I I . I . I .1 and strenuously attacked the Short. i . $ - . little to what bad been known in . . I sbire country folk generally. Tealby I I - Ce T e) a I , comings of the Government. � I the second, for to Stud.V tit(! stuInach aninial was immediately rqflected by ls'ever' is a paradiso oil .4 bill, Tree -top- � . � I it was necessary that the the action of the stomao�h,.� n BRITAIN'S ALIE theloss the 44overnitterot reeogmized Ped downs decline on to stretches, or successfully -4 scie - � - , . I his ability by tiliakirog hint .Attornoy- . I owner of it should be comfortable tit!(*. observation, that should load — � - V '- The fravance and rich creamy . General. That was art unhearid of meadowland and corn, and woods of 0 . and under Conoplately norinal. L011di- thOuglitful. hunians to got mad or FORETGNERS'IN HIGIT PLACES honor , fop a colored Man at Mat Or, Ili which rabbits and squirrels I 1. 11 , tions. During more recent Years, Worry, it they must get mad or wor- IN THE GOVERNMENT, tirne arid it provoked -a great deal . of start at your footatops as you pass. . . V 11 I taste of this tea are -p ulb however, tile discovery of the X-ray ry, before'nioals, but .nover immedi- . I — criticism, The Government r torted The younger 'generation proftwired . . . . . ., ec _r to . . - Ad wonder- a�iely afterwards � - I . c tile congested towns, however, and I . . . has given science a now a? . . Arnerican Member of.Parliament- by.making hirn Chief .Justice as Scow . . it alone, . I . . ful method of exami"I'll, the interior _. .— . 4— . German Officers in Arm. * y� . a; Chem was .a vacancy, 'thereby have fled front the land. Out, of i . . . � . .. 0 of X-ray ' � I � . .. twenty-two young Men roared In. a .. " �� . � of living bodies and tile us NOTES OF INTEREST.. . . breaking a favorite rule ill British . . lo. A AV"% �, . apparatus In the particular study of * � . . I and Navy.' ' row of houses at Nocton sixteen - � . I — I .administration which decrees that no, 1. . digestive processes to will IV. The Only Men and Things o I - is *1E .or& Loents - I ch, Dr. lifty(i - forsaken the.. country �or tho, F -14c, 7 I I rd Medical , Kind On. Earth. f the "Tile Irish complain,iliat they are native of a British crown colony town; . - . 1. I , . %:ooha,m1d,be Fi r . of the liarva, , ruled by an alien race," an TD'nglish sbould be Lt Judge In that colony. . . a , . Mixed . . . School has beell for 4301110 years do- ' F leld-Marshal Sir' l,',velyn Wood is blember ofFarlia,men. once , said "and One of the well-known legislators In larg'e' families, it is Said, some 11 4 . cevlon Greelm . the Med ll�abel . I .. voting his attontion is an interesting t, - only man wh there may be a good deal of ground 'or Cape . Colony, the I -Ion, Vrelderic of the older onos havo to leave home . . I . I . -.- 401 . . � ... chapter in modern Scientific' investi- , lile , o, after beginning for tbeir complaint, but they are not Scherrilbaticker, , is a German. from sheer lack of aiccommodai , 145 .. . wo, . . I . . . � I . � . - J . . it, in one service, the Nayy, has 11e That'is not the chief reason, ]low-: � Joined another, thei Army, and risen you , -idly off as.- we 1,,'nglj.,.h are. If w -as - I . I . . I gation. , so bt .. born near Vrankfort-givothe- ever. The, en.glilcerlbg shops -at . — -----.--,.--..-------�-....--,.- ­_ 1. _. ..., - t -f � I .. The operation ot a cat's digestive .thillik about It, you will find Main, and served in 'the Bavarian Sheineld, .0 ' . . . . . to the Very highest rank In it, rantham, and Lincoln � � - I K%TWM&OF,kafs)k-clwai.�MZRLII.;Ww�49;i ig . . . . . � 11 organs, so fur as they areyet known that we. are ruled inore or less, by Army before he emigrated ,to South seem to have swallowed tile young, ,VMCM � � . I . I F Tiic only time when the H,nglish , ritatives of all tb He lias never'been natura� -.4D � are very much like a itian'S. But a roprese , e alien races Africa. . . . . ,vious Channel.was roally'swum, from land active lives which.should have'stayed . * 0 r. . cat's stoulach I,. Ilot i1UPOI to unider the sun. Take the case of the lized, ,but that-favt does not -seem on the land. The army, too, has ^ I r ordinary Alattliew NVebb swam, from Dover to I.re . - much of the ripe young � v " - . . I : � X-ray pic- to lund, was When the late Captain ,late , Sir Ellis. A,sdunead Bartlett. to interfere *with his political career absorbed I %10 . was -the son of-Ellis.Bartloi-tt of under the British ft g. , athar", ne, 11.11"1011 el"', 1�i � ture taken thl-ough the middle of a Calais !it August, .1.87-5, t � a . man -hood which 6n tile land StIll W s 4 v . . . . I � akJng 21 PlYlnotttll' X"s.,. and of a Philadol- ; . � � . . cat would gi%-c no tangible result 1. . . lives to a green old age and leaves IS TIN ME,06A FOR CANAMANS 114 Tlig. PURMIT OF IIIIALTU. I . . I , whatever. - It the cat had swallowed hours 4:5 minutes to do It, p1lia woman,, who was Miss Ash- L . I ___+__ I . I . � .1 a small metal button, -however, the The only Prinie Minister with a ilioad. before her, ni'arriage. - . Yet he . . . � . behind it many yourog.lives to renew FOR RHU, UMATISK, - , . BOATING, BATHING, - . ... I .. Moustache is the unique distinction of sat in the British Parliltinent . its strength in other generations, I � . - -odilco a shadowgraph I for . NERVOUS TROUBLES, k. * V,,- FISHING, GOLF, . I . :�� . . � X-ray would in All- l3alfour; all his predecessors be- .several* , - Go V. � ��, years as a reprosentati.ve of 09RED LONG A � '%',here Lincolnshire tolk'.bave Stay- � I .:. of that button. Lind it follows 2111- ' Ve .*was . I ed on the land they have stayed S,CIATICA, . . " . VA BEAUTIFUL WALKS-, I I . . .11 . . . . . nach ,, were - bYd and Suffolk, long.. There - are innumerable Will- LIVER.TROUBL AND DRIVES.. I . . turally if the cat's stol ing either clean-shaven, like Lord Sheffi BUT STILL' GURED 'ES, . . . . ) I Rosebery and Mr. -Gladstorie, or, knighted by the Queen, atid twice . � I I .1 ; . f , . . . I . �� � . . 11 I . � � filled with any Substance Illo"O or less - . - iffs,-slippherds and waggoners who - � � . . . I . - . impervious to the X-ray, that a . havin. beards as - well as Mous- held ofilco. , in the Government, ,as � I . — have lived four and. five decades In Or a strohir tQnlo for run down , � kk.% . op ,-sun r oil and roaf Pronientlao, . . I . . . . I . tachL.9, like Alr. Balfour's uncle, Lord- C-1vil-Lord of the Admiralty,, Time, S. KERNOHANIS INCURABLE . 151110,11 alld Women. . . . tong bletantia Plionos Ito Ench Roo.ln . I practical shadow of the stomach it- Salisbury, . I and again *the legality -of his post- DISEASE CURED BY DODD'S the 'service - one farb�ly. Oontinubus I . . . . .--,-, — I � � , . ' . self would become visible on the lum- � . . . services of fift,v-sevexi, fift three . . . . I There is only one regiment in the tion was questioned in the House, KIDNEY FILLS. � , v- . � � . ror Booklet Apply MALOOLMSON BROS,, at. Gatilzrines, Or Q. T. rll� Agents. I . . � - inous screen of the X-ray apparatus. British IZe . .. . — . . . I and' Afty-one 5,0ars obtained *suitable .... I � ". I . . � . � --- ____ - _ -_ - -_ �, . . gular Army whi,ch -boasts and .1 am, ready 'co contend'that he rds at , the Lincoln show re-- I I . =00 P-eM, . . I . IIAI�41S OF l-,,xpn EtIMENTS. nor on its _colors� wil , S -neve . r properly naturalized; oven Vive Doctors 1�ireed, there Was -410 . rowa - - . . I � �� . .. . .,. ' This Is the basis uf Dr. Cannon's and that. is. the .21st Lancers, who. if he wont through .ally form of nam. Hope for Him, But Re 31as cently., . � I . . � .� ­­_­_­�___,­__- . . . . . I . ;. of experiment$', 11 . . . - Been Strong and Well for Years. Lincollislilre's . fertile acres could. . . I . . I ,., I ave the simple record, 111Khartoum " turalization at all, which is doubt � . . ent . just I now for.. much . LACK OF�CONFIDEN . CE. : . .TJNIQ,UE 'A�IEDDIINTG .GIFT. .. . I . - . I - . . . I roinarkable series I -honor they. Fon at Omdurma'n,. -, And Ile was only one oi many," Golert, .Ont., Sept. 7�(Spealal),- find cinploym — . ago a French ide , I . . . I . recent ly duplicated by the an foul . . I . � A few nionths . br* . . . . � . � I'll . anore -h scientists, Roux and Balthaz- when -they inade their.famQus char e The co�lmplaint -of . this AleMbdi- of The - wonderful cures -b3i I)odd's Xid- Moro labor thaii is to. be obtained. Wireless.. Telegraphy Is Not Yet received froia a friend a silVer Sugar-' I . . . Prow - . In the towns thousands are without . ,. 11 gril. at. ufter a fast of some,. in their baptism of fird. - 9 Parliament is well founded.: A for- noy Pills Published alniost.daily, - . I Very Popular. - , bowl with it nl.ap.�of the world on- . . . . , I The e . , re: I , . � .. employment, and the poor rates . . . . . 12 hours, or about as,long as a'c.oll- The preseitce of both tile night eigner may even aspire to leaLl Mrog- call, the case of '53autual ICorilphail, of ' ' . ,,,raved on it; and .ah this mail the I . I . .i * . . iilout high. The lesson is obvious. . What. wo'* really thin.k,of each h � . . scientious housekeeper would con- Ron,. ,Joseph Obani6erlain, and his land's arinies, or. command her witi- this place, It is yoars now since ITO . . . . .- route:A6 take in the course of a very. . . . !� . sider to preparo the appetite for a 1130II; the Right. I -Ton. Austen an' .YhIps. The * - late Field 'Marshal, was cur d, but as -he rs still.cured. . it * . . . has. boon illLIStrated recently Ili the I . "I . Ph I- . . 0 . . ___+_ *� . -t . elaborate honeywooll., tour was ritark- � I . . It . . . I . . . . attenip" t.6 perlee *Ireloss'telq- . ' . . . . I . .. I I " mouso catching expedition. was giv. berlafti, in the Cabinet,.the. one as Prince -34dward of S"e-.NVehnar, the is well worth. recalling the facts., kind � � I . oil. . The ilames of. the towns.at. - . . . �,�. . .. . �. ' . graphy, Its most persistexit .draw- ivilich the � . .. I I en Secretary, of State.for the Colonies, solil.of a Gernian prince hild a Ger- Mr. K.ornoliaii delights ' to relaie . NAVAL PUNISITUENTS, . . . . bapp�, Couple 'would make � r.!� , a substantial weal of bread. sof-. . . �. I.. . . . I Lack. 1.9 ldcl-;. of secrecy, Neither &'inoro.or- less prolonged stay-WQ&V . . ,.1. . % - ' . toned with milk and mixed4itli sub- and the other as Postmast6r,aelieral, man princess, born in Gerinany, wa, t b L, Ili. ' . . . I I Ntival':�unlshmclits itre as'.odd. as business iiien nor nations could tlash -ell Ili enamel. � �'. � .- . . I I . . I . I 11 it harmless, non- ,is tile only I Colonel of the First Life Guardo. In ­,'-',ome th-ne Ili December, 1.898 ' I . lettel: . . . nitrate of bismuth, . nstance in our genera- . ' �. . .. - naval crimes. 'riot dxpectorating their Massages out through 'the air � ­� . � I . I i . irritating powder which presents.the -'tion of a father � and son.b6ing' in the British `Xavy another Oernian,% litt says, "I was taken *sick and laid - th .1 . oil . . . . � . 4. . I . . . 4 . . � .:: I - e deckt or I sonic other prohibit- over the*world if anybody might pick 1. .. . - . . . . I I . .. . I. . � . .. � 1. I � . . 11 * � . .. necessary condition of being imperv- the.same Cabillet. , - " . . - up for f6urteen months. . 1hiring ,illy ed place, a.man ha's been made to. th Ili u ". The. messages must' be . '14V . I . Prince Louis Alexander of Batten n . 1. . . . ' . ' . ' . 1. berg, - holds rank as . .. . confinement to lily house. ' 0 P .1 . TT -11-3, IIAT, QR ROUTE. � . . .. ious to the X-ray. Then the cat was ' Tile only woman. who has married I . , .. .. I . . and to my carry'An c6ormous spito6n.:suspdnd- kept secret, because -they hxclude-in- . I . I . . � . .. :. placed in a position to be observed, tWo�*dukt-s`is. the- Duclipsg of D6von7w .� . A R)PAR ADMIRAL. - � bed, .1 was attended at,various tinles ed round his * tieizk du'ring Smoking formation to'the deti-inient.of oth . c � rs, .. There is nothing more assuring ..to .. . I . . I I I � . , I '111. .. .. the traveler thaii big ,knowledge of - . . � . . . � I arranged especially with .a view' to shire. When �sfie inarried. her - present Ile, . .1iolviever, was naturalized as� I a by five doctor§-; .Three of.th6h, de- 0ending in like, in,antibi". Equ, y or because others; learning tile* Ines- .1 . .. :.'�' . I . content hilsbandsho, was the Doiva . cided that .my disea9d wits incurable, hours till bd. r . I .1 ... , the animal's philosophic I 'atight somebodSi I o, evil pur­ the fact,that be � is traveli lig, It it a, m, . . . . . , . . ger Duch- Br,ijish 9'ubject,' it't the ago of 14.' Ile' , . -ISO sages, would turn thom to , .. . . I .. " . I . . I I *iier had 'been. in tile servfee for Sixteen 117"olit'n . he'll ludibrous:"I's - the penalt . I poses'-`..'Xbi until� the,!i4laby-Brauli firm roadbol, upon which ls�- laid. the' . � . � . I . � during the ensuing of digestion. � ess of-Alanchestdr, -having evir a Ridno�, and , two ,of t y for -washing I . .. i a 1, . I _. . . . , steel tide. Irue in . � . . . .. Within five minutes after having married Viscount Mande,ville, ...wh6. Y,cai$i and only reachod-lbe* rank. of that it was Spinal. Disease, , ,� All articles of .w.oaring appai�el - at, . int- 0�gallization`,. . or MArcon! � Iwaviest of ., rails, -M, . . . . . or� Tesla,. .ail t11(,ir,. utll.N, , . . I...., . I . . ' . I . . - . . � . -�ijd I �. . I � . I . milk and .I . agroed oil' one'' thing�-tbat MY dascl, proper tinies-�-holding. thoin - aluft till . I ' l, - , es, . tha� the .train " . . � . . ... � � . eaten hot- meal of bread . ,, n tilne became Duke of Manchester; Lieut6tiant; - � when 1w.marrie<1 his I I . . q 11 90.t. -UP 'ail inviolable, I onAnterccp,� -:� 1,11L,s lilm is , 'f the. highest - ' . 1, I-— , . . m ine of the at's ato- By t a wa'y,' 'the . oftntl-qnade litate- .cotisill.'� �.� Princogs_.' N7ictoria "' was incurablO�'. .1 . .. � .on the end boathook.: 0ind ible" wiro'Ws§ %�ave Will th � c bid. calA .wl . 1-ich ( I I 0 . . I . I- -1 . . I .. . .1 111� c h " I of Hess6, I "I NNT'l . .en in' . . . dry ,,, of a . le . . . . . � . � . Ivi 1, I Standarcl of excollchce.. known'tit, r4il-� ' ', - I . , I . � ent that the - Duchess is an . .y. money. was �all gorl. � LiS tli��re..is �-omething grotesque in that and, telegraphic "IlDd is being guided to its des � I .. Mach, as represented by its contents, In I . , . Ameri-v Queen ct6ria's* granddaukhter. , Ili I . . 0) . . �� � � . � . I ; to . it � - .pull" h ht : for' moinor . companies go out of � - . . 1� I , rol4dii . . ,� . . visib * the screen ol'the can is a mistake; she is German, . 1884., , , . '. I . I . i.& .matter of necessity and as My last coiil:�t of- ' Lrienced thinds.' - TheSq. - . , became le on - �. . . . . is me buslne,m,' because they call cpnvey So- thiation by exp " I . I I I . � . I X-ray apparatus, the screen bein� Th oy. instance .of'.a father and. Amon tile foreign -nieinboii,s 6f the �h6pe I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. . I fences "facing''Alic. Paint," its -it is ct,60-' -with - which people* generally are .tile conditions which become Etp- - .. . � . 9 . : ! . I � above the cat and the mechanism i6r . son boill 'gaining the Victoria Cross Dritish Parllaiftent,, to *the legality, 9f hud only taken three boxes -wljen, . 1. called. The bluejacket. has to stpuld cannot'ba itArusted.. it N�ould:be a ' * " I' , I . � . . . . ' . generating the X-ray. being, -beneaili 19 in the case of Earl,lloberts st-rid whost posltiqn exception lids been was abli.- to walk about., I. took Ili 'witb his face to ffie bulwerks, for all . . parent to t io irequent traveler on . �. . �1. � I I 1. , i: I . �. decidedly .14 queer" wo'rld.in Nithicli the ',Vile. WabaSh:lilrio; Lind which Ailivo , . ... . � �. . �, . . I I the support upon which she. reclined. tile late Uon.'Frederick Roberts, his talcen,. the, beg't'knowxi is - Lord Roth- all,:. eighteen boxes, wh6l. 1. was (,it- the world like .a disobedient child oral conscioulanessiuverr, so.clevated ' . . .� I . , . � - I ' - . I M . made that line 'Justly fqulcluli, : The * - .. - - � ... � Ine of the .50n,� *ho. was fatally. wounded at - �he. sehild. .-It 1S.S. Litiestion whether his �ix?ly cured. hnd quite� able to work. .who has . been whipped. 4nd put Ili ' a -tbat� our , - � , I . . . I . . The shadow Is thus an outl . . . I . � ' .. :. .. . . communications . would be W&bdsh:hqs its-6wil.rails direct. to ' . . � . �� disastrou. t ,D6 her. Then'if any young blue- . . . I . . . 1, stomach that practically reproduces , § battle'. of Colonso; - a:nd- father was ever litituralized as & Do,!- Lid's Kidney Pills are the ' best cOr I . .1 ­,�ea, .yea,.. and nay,'nay,'.­be' Lids in . ,'�alut . . . . . � I . d I .. ' .. : ' I . catlSO tlie'World's'Fair ,Grou 1, . I .. I ,1 . . . � : 'friend I , .'' Jacket, attempts to cultivate a Mous- . . . I organ with which recovered conseloi 'tish-. ,t;.. a 6 :. . I I never I Asness;, - and .su.)�j 0 n1d -iAiether,.'-' lie lists ever: found. '� . I ' . . inly . . . . .- . .. . . . I.. ,.. tadlid, however frair, and tender, he we b6lieved tfiat'.','.whotso6ver:is more Louis. All lVabash-through trains . - ': .. . .. 1. . ' every sch4lboy becomes familiar ill. so� never Icnew he. had been:rccolil� Won naturalized himself. .. Certa , I 1. . 1. . I .. I . I I . I , than tliis,'..conie.th: of, evil.7 . - - stop atWorld's', -Fair Stal,loti (For- - . i� his text book 'of phyjSiology. * . . mend6d for tfi6'.hono . - Queen Vic�. ho'has­a� bewildering collection '.of . . . . I . boot: 'He call be either bearded*.oi . , I I �, � . , . r . .. The ingenuous. simplicity and di- syth) in order to -give p;tss6ngcri; *an .1 . toria.1s,said to 114-ve-pers titles. a114. seellis to owe idlegialice to. soon loses A -and'& month's pay., to- - . ' _` tile I . . I �. . , r � For a few minutes this pear shaped , I onally prem I . E, NGLANY9. BIG 'FAMILIK clean -shaved I . reclnes� of tfie transparent inind and opportunit� to"view front - trains . . . I - from ,sentpd,the Cross to his mothei several Stittes', Ile succeeded his , . .1 : I .. . .;, but ahy compromise . . "Buildings. .J. . . . shadow remains quiescent but ., Lady. * . . ., -uilele.4s heart would produce a des- Ole World's'. Fait I . . I :,� ­. 1. 1. . . � . father ' ustrian Fill- .. " ** ' '- . I between.the two extremes is� strictly - � I . . .1 1, this time on,: until bread'and subnl�- �316bertg. . .as Baron of, the A . . . . I . . � . I ' I * ... . . �, '' cided sensation' III this selfish, ter- Richardson,'Dist. Pass. Agent, To- I 11 trate of bismuih have left the-atouir The only man w'ho has. twice been. p4re, and .his uncle is,*in EligliAi I�IFTEEN-AND- SIXTEEN- CHILD- -forbidden . . _ . I I I I . . , . * * . _1 - . . . I 1 I . . . I *us world : : Thomas.'. . . . . I . . . . I 1 � . Bar��net. - I -To became a -member of � - REN QUITE. COMMON' . . . . . ­ � tuo of oursi. And yet all ronto and St. . � . . � sell, the inner.mechanism. works, un- heir to the 'thirone of Britain with, . . � . " , . o4 .1 . ... iii, . .eSS � i4VO fo * I i '. . I -1 . .. I I . I ,� out having his expectations realized,. the German Parliament in 1867, ,at � �. . . — . . . � . .. , 0 - . .. e progi I*c6s of our' civiliza- � . . .. . � I I — � . � . I . � ".'' . . . I I— . der ordinary conditions, x,htli clock- . . ,tile very titte lie was:44tting It, tile Ten Lincoln Litborelfs With 0) I I I. . Cata I rrh' I Cannot Be' qured - ... tioji:. tend that- . way. . The MO'A , A quee � r-looklng custoinef Inser . ted .. .� . . - I . - 1, , , like regularity, and the outline. of is, 11.11.11. the Duke of 'Cambridge. � .1 I � � - .e . . .. .. - ­ " *1 . I. � 1, I . . British Rouse of Contindas. as . the . ' ' . splendid and - chatactioristic tritux"Pbs Ilia -head into .an auction-rct8in and - , � ... . .4 .. ... I This he. 'as at two different. periods, . s. I � Hizildred iind: Forty-, . I . I I I �i the shadow Is in constant-mofim w I . I oile, - I ' - with LOCAL APPLICA-TIONS, as,thoy .of tile past century have bcbn� those g 1, ,�l '."'(,'.an I bid sh, ?" % . .� - . . - for the -first ,tw , . Xepresentative� ,of A,vIo5bury. - Ile. : . cannot reach -tile qeat,�. of'.tho, disease. vely i6quirod! 11 "I ­ - . o moiltlls� of, his life_ - . � . .� - . .' . * - Catarrh is. 4 blood or � consti - ilutional Of Science, and the very cor'o and 1,_ � ,,., . ' I . I... . 1. .. . : visibly undulating in monotonous �e I beLd that seat for twenty year.1,, and, . . . I . 0141dren. ., , � . . - Cortaftihr " repliea the auctioneer. I � . , . sqrIes of Waves passing -till' 'the: birth 'of the Princess . . . disease, and III order to cure, it you' I'l I . ... . werving :'%?cII twij,"' r plie, 1. . - . V'c�' Was 'then mado' a peer ailid promoLo'd It is -' soiration of science is. an-uns . I . I over its surface,, and showing plain toria, daughter.of ,the Duke. oft'Kent . .. . . remarkable that alf;hough must - t4ko , internaf - -remedies., '. Hall's 'to � - I. - - . . I 1, I O �. a wag, walk- . . . I I to t ' �... I . devotion t] e simple truth, . the ing oil,. ­� bid you gobdrnight."' v . lie House of LordS, of wbich I)e large fkMilles are rather'� the ' rule Catarrii Cure is.taken Internally, and .1 .. . . , . i.11 " all d afterwards the beloved Sover- -. - , ­ . I riot only the Method by wh- the . - .. is now , one of Aite most influential -tha I . I I acti dir�ctl:V on the blo6d.a.nd mucous value'of whi4h'is so great -that it is . � . _.. L . . .I, . . . . . . ! I . . . I .. I . . I stomach churns and digests its con- oigti;,and again from the Queen's ac- . . . n tho exceptioll ' iri;�Titny agv cii - surfaces; Hall's, Catarrh.. Cure 'is not a a sadned duty ta Mdko,lt known. to - . . . I . I ... moinbers.'. ,�-.Ilc is also, a m6mber. of Aural counties tile- ru I paptilation quack medicine. it was priticribild by , I tents, but the way Ili which it pass� cession to. the � birth � of - her first . - I . _. . . say � ".s - mper. . . . 1 �1. , � the Kink's, Privy Council,. is . continually'- decreasing s tile otio of the best physicians in; this caun- tile whole � world-, ' Sedr6�y a' 4 di-, Mlnarft� Llohed C ' s - 01 I , — . . I 1. I . � . * es on the digested bread and milk child,; the Prin6oss �IoYal, afterwards Lcord Goscheni the'former �Chan�ei-' London 'Mail. . . . t.T,y for years and, is a regular piescrip- ence ar6 contradictory tei'llis. 'The I . . . . . . . . I Impre * ' I . �. -he best tonics . . — . . . the L ss Frederick of Get . I . . tiZoll, It is coloposed of,t; . .. . . . , . . . I � � 'InItily' - lor c5f-the.Excbequet, and First Lor& In - Lincolnshire,, for Jnftance, there known, combined with tile bost. ))Iood , only wireless.'telegrh y .. . .. , I . to the -cat's intestines. I . , ph thO. scienWt' - 1,W-bat,do 6 . I . MOVIDUENT OF IVAVGS. . The only ordinary. citiken -who is L**, - is- another famous are - innumerable I�oausehctlds which P_..Jfle, acting directil,'On'.the mucous ne�eds is .� on*e,- that.will 0ash unob- . ;� 'u. think.. of this lidy.1'.' " I � . I I . of:the. Admire . . . . �. . .,,-,*- at ,the, saine,'time a. - henditary ruld�r inomb- . � - Rd . us ..of L6rds whose cont in � fifteen and st .ul.f...1, ..Tile perfect cirrobination of the .: of. . asked one of the gcrni,,,. that -'.had . . . . � . I I .� - ' Collents is . whii,t 'Produces ch . . . lvby, the wornan's Skirt. � ,. These waves, er of th�j e . a . cteen children,, su strufted ni.6sages-from the centre . . a r . I . been - Swept -Q . . I . starting near 1116 ccn� and autodrat,'is' H. 3A, Sir Charles �natio,nalit bas'4boert the sub'jeci; - of . and When a man'boasts of: twenty, two d'..;!I.l - results in curing � Catarrh. a sphere Edon all its railil. ._ I . . . . ,I . ' I I . . . .. I . . .. -tg no'onc considors it, worthy.' " , &.60, Pro . I . .. ., .. � . . . . . . , . . -1 . I . stomach and moving'tO- Johnson 13rookt�, linjah. of.Sarawak., .y i I = I. t�stiinonials rroo.' ' .91. .1 . � "I al'ol. , gret -ple :,. , � ! I � I �. tre * of tile i � aisplite. - Hls� parent age� I-; - German, off Pri . So � old * , Wy ol�ttaclled to hot .: . ., I - - ,.� . . . . . 10 . LN1l,Nk,Y . - 114 . I . . . : , "In fact J . . I. $11 : Janles- b6t � thdre - * .scenis to be. litl;W:�Ooubt o r -than passing notice, .. ... ­ - I . � J . : ToTdo, �0. I . ".. . . answered the' ., am . I ward what might be called the In 1842, . his uncle, nor6 . . . � . 0, . � . . . Ile, of otyler. ' . � . . � I ­ � . I ral�- Soc-, ::� t3 . old by drufgists, price -73c, , 0 t owers In . - that � , I . - t - threshold ,of the intestines, is B' . be'tilosi� rt2rden fell I rooke,.known in history *as ilailth. 'tha.t.* ;Ile I's roLNotfly Lt BritisIv stjbj4ct. The Lincolnshire Agricuitu I I -lead) Disfnfeet-� .1 , � . . . I . . . I . to say, the sinaller end of 'tile Stem- ' ' ,. � � . 1 Lever's Y -Z (Mte .T �1� I . . .1 .. Brdoke', btained I -Wey,aklleless, Ile I has -hail -to fight , iety, , with cowm6ndable: judgment,' . � I I Ill,11,8 T�,&ml y Vills.. oxit the best.. . alit S . 101, eritin., . � .. .. .1 I . . . I I " I .1 .1 11 0 � . .. a concession of , . . . . � ­ . . � 1. . � Lich that corresponds in the'famillar' t . , ­ I � I . ;- I oap� Powder dusted iii:the , . : "I � . . . .1 . - �#vAvxeFA�umjil�aloanfp!E;LLNFZIA��;e;!m,Lmxmv . . I erritory froni'the. Sultan pf-Brunei*1 hard:againsei-thd ivejudiie which hasthas offered a prixt,4or .. � I I . . .­___.__­­__ 1, . I . . many. - years :, 1 ­_ . � I I � bath, Softens the water' and disin- ` .. I . '� description 'of the stem end of the On subsequent occasions further con7, opposed Witt throughout his,political which' Is -calculated-, to encourage -Ili. - , 1. . . . � . . :.. .... fects . . .. .1. . ..., . . pear, recut, at 10 -second intervals; clissl . ons wer . 6 obtained and th .' . . ­ � . I I � . . .. . .1 I � I . . . . - . . � . . L I .1 . �. . I I I .. '. . .. I � . — . I � , when one wave isjust beginning SLV- �il�t.q' Mad * . .1 . . . q . '. - I . . 1 3E1.%x3p_" -Mxm(a . I 0 agroo- ,career . � ... 4 . I Avays'. of careful Inariagement. illose : : ­jj,ow do yoli prohodnee'-this word, - . I �0 .111c I r -s who find.that.-.' their -zed : pleasantly. '.,:"'I- notice that you and. Charles no . Will � . . ; . q, vall&. by the P,riltisb, ON ACCOUNT OP �TiS 13IRTI-T., rural labo ei my (IL,.ar ?" he 4sl . � �, eral others may. be seen running oil Rajah . . I I I . . I 'ithor way loinrei :,)Ia,y pin wo tore lroullix �000s, ioto; of theia, , Uhm no - � .. . . . ngle period I Government. Brooke, died .in I e , . .. . . . � wages of fourteen fifte6rl or sixteen -1-solate or is-S'lato ?­ I F, , "No 11, . . 1. .1� 0 , . , . ahead of it During" a Si . I � . t, i 1,6hg." Ili- other tM8111 will aid tho ) t ey ,ine tol us. ' 1868, and Sior Charles. then succeed- . ie. as made First Lord.of t.hc s1lillings a week has .to ,feed,a fam- is correct,,, for y9u,` responded his -Illied the demure. damsel. "We'don't "Nvh%t we get vio hold." , eba Ili,, al'to, st " . I . . .. . . : of digestion their number reLkelied tile e(l. 11W eldest- son,' - Vyne - I,-, I y, F; (.-' English newspapers ily ()f ' ' � . I . thc 'gamc L ptimussla a �, I al", I "" $. 1 . I I , - Charles ,I .' vory liLrgp- proportions,, It .,�.Ij-Li -tartly, .. , I I . caro vory* much. for , that Tbat'aoitr* Ptbmt U�1,,�. , - . � -i amazing total of 2,600, succeeding B1. ke, is Ilcil, to . * whoi . t we may , all , % I ': lie cry, '.'Our navy is now awards premiums of four, three, two� -_ ' . ; I . . ' tots adgooA of tAke w& I torat ee so ttar, Is I . � _ a *- I Ity vat I I 1, I . I 00 . . I . keops us. at opposite cilds of a play it raust koos&h , well loss I wa-yes. . I . - ' ' ' I . ­ I . . . I . . r. r"'u'L yolt sAn't, tile principalityj and. bears. the tAle � n I. 16 by a German." and one iictiand to 111aborers In hus- vrarso while. oil it. le a . .. . 30fle.yoa 11 I � . I ,�able." . .. . . . , �N . 00 = � - . . . . � I kN 8$ , . %.111 � That such waves existed Lind play- I no right' . � . .1 .1 I THr, 13 .L 41� , I Foreigners who have - bandry who have brought up arid rules �Iphlh6rla, I . � spadill 'r ToVAT'ro, . of llajaAl Muda.. The Rajah's power. . I . bard's Wink, U �.N_ I .1 . .., . .8 3 - ed an important pa,rt in t1he, 'daily is absolute, � Theta I!, a legislAt I 1-�e- whatever to tile title of Britls� � Sub- placed 0`�t tfie 'greateit'numbel- of . I .1 . . I. I : � . . . .� � , - , .1. ­1.._­..,­­__._�­- ....... . ­­ r .. . .. I . 1, : . . . I . . I routine of digestion was known to � - Ject rise to cmlil6nce more easily I children . w thOut bli,ving . re . ceiv � I . _ . . 9109rd's IM1011 Cure 1. , .. � � . I . �60. to , assist .himi but the , ,a'p- � . . I I P. i ed . , 3 'Gargel, in 00181 . I . � . . science long before the use of the X� . -ITInglabol's colonius tv A,: - "Let nio Seel ISOUIOT6010 I I . . . . . I . . , . poinflnents Jo it arb by him, and not I an hey do '.in -parochial :rorlief .or occupied more - read.of a'boo'k .ehtitl6d '-A Young . � . --- *. .':. . . I I . . ,.., , . I I t . � S . I . . EnglLn'd. �An, excoIldilt typo o . I � _ . . . ray - revealed ,thein'actually in 1110- . f thiq. than half: an 'acre of. !find.". * . .1 I *ulcno�� 'anything Her Vather .' "Wh�at I you want 't . o . , b! I 'A tion. What had not been . either : by popular -eleciion', He has -be . en, of foreign rit . . I I (11ris-1-Teart.'Doyo � B-iflied ..."Ta le. . . I ­ . granted the. title of Ris �rigbness , ,, .Sort. ler Js'�Sir Dioitrich- � This year. the result wasas-fol- ' . . c . alit . � out. jilst marry my� daughter ! NVIlvi Sb., you 1. I. . . . .1 . I . I . � . ,. I . . � . I .. . : ' . . a4* I" , , . �of ii ?11 'U.: I .Yes. . . . . , . . Ilrandis,. FJ1,.S. ow's :- '.* . I I � . I . � I I � . I g �M.it . c . .. can't' sit . be.. . - The Beat Mt t , - - . I . . known or theorized, hoWeVer, wits liklr� ' .., Tc.a�r.r,�,� i -re, w I pport hor,'l call rdly .'do ' . 6'e Loiiwast Frlcoo� . . I I 1. h as � been oil titled .to a Sotluto Of� ' . . a,fter. � .'A 'Y oun n's Purse.' " . . . . .1 . .. I . . . . . that they extended over only about . - hilen at Bonn, Ili Germany*, the.son 1, Thomas IIought,,-TeaIby,-Mktket . .1 :. � WrIfid for Terms . . . . . I I ,. . �uns to the s'amn number as 6, � I . , , It inkself W SUltor (blankly - - . . . . . I , I . half of the stoniach, .thus dividing- loldioli., ajivo prille , with tvh ftl4lg: of & -P�r6fessor* of P111-10,;o0hy, - an d Aeasen, 19.children bor . n,'17.br6u.ght ­. � �,' . . . .. � "C_Cal):� we':L I join i I I . . . - . . . . 11 � . �. � . 0 - . I . � EID I.&ROR. -1 . . i. 33 e . 01 Ile- -ol at Copen G .- up, . . lip 11" beel; kvild by ... I . . . .. — . . . A . .% . . . . . . that useful piece of aninial mechan� � . .was e0unatc Illigon, " ottill, 12 .placed out. . . Mrover6ixty Yagiris okothe', ?" - . , �R MIfIa 0 0. ,!),. � stands'upon an e . . . OT111NO Syl I I I . . I . ,qttal footing, MIP wilion.ow's So . . I . . . gen and T1,onn universities, me .Was , 2. Jariles. West, 'Covenham' 'St. 'nilil4lomitt inisthdrei for thbir ilkildiell Ivillie.1,8601021 . , . . . . I . . Iss king at. W., - I . L I � Ism into .two distinct divisions,.the .: i � �� I L I . . —.- .. . � i,00ftonotbef�t%)Av,alit.)-Ai)aln onoyo I one - a r"-orvoir for food and the . . . . . . ihade lnspevtor-C4encral Of F01'08ts in.'Bartholomew ,. Lincoln, 15 children ltsoathftl the 011111 1, . Tliditt. 1i I PRENT ­-­­ , - " - , ­-­­­­— ) I other a churning apparatus, for di. . 1-1E'AI,TT-1Y . ) HA. PPY SABI . ES.- 1) 16,64, aLI4 -11 � , wind atille. w9littes the norafto I Wd bowels, loncl It; the, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINISVI ON . . . eld tile Poit for -brirn, 13, brought up,'1-3 placed out. beAti-atia-dyior larritwo. Twenty-fivoicanthabotan 1. I '" " " I .1 . . . . .. . , N�ears.. ReAs 'now living Ill ',.,3. Jltme� 5*14 by drugilatit th'roolglicui, tile iviii-ld M sixote And Itilmoves all hard, soft'or ittalloused lu 09 ntolato . I . . I I gestingg it. Tbo food iDlitering the . . .. . . � hildren ,born (; Syxup." 23-14 sit"oo"ors . ��, . q Sewell., 14. c - 0 Canads Life Bulld'(A . .. __ . .�.-- PATENTS " Toronto; . . . . . : . redroment at 8olin... . nd 1-0 placed�out. I �, ,ak fo . r 11 Makt. WIN8LoVr,6 6041THIN . knd blondi;hes from horobs, blood spav n, I . Stomach posses first into the reser- 'very mother most earlifistly Lie- '.,� 14 brought'up, a . I I — .. . . , I � . inlirbis. ArAints. ring tone, sweenvy, vitifies, woolmom Wor, ot I I . 144 , it, DietrIch Brandis is,'one -of tile 4, Robert Bonner, ' Lessington, 119,11oroatidgwollenthroAt. conglor., 1110, 0 A 6A -_S � ?ft � kI2A#?L I I ­ ' voir, roughly speaking, the.large half sires to, .see hei- little ones hearty, . world's really. great'm . In after y6ars .'when a woman 1M.111101350 by usto at one botVill. Warranliod . , -, I . - __ . . . . of the, o . . ell who 'are I-Atfooln,. * - 16. children. born 12 wants to take the conco ' __ ...... _.- . . . -i rgan Into which the aes'llbila- rosv all(] It' It Of Ilfc- The hot'' wea- 1111khOWA OxcePt to. those with W116111 brought up, 12. placcd .out, ' . .it out of the most wonderful 'blemish -Cure ey,ov " ' �, . a 1%. I I . : . 1� 1. - - : ; . . gus clitevs, and from this resorvoir-it th I., I - w a tinit . At 1past, he I ,� her, husband she m�poats Some of the, L. I I . . L Q however, - ik � 'of danger they come ill contact. rPHIE T,E,V. LABOREIRS I I . I � --- � . I . . I - � � . I . 1. is fed slowly Lind systematically intolto till little Onc h things lip snid- during their ,court.. 11 , .. I I . . I � S- alld � at- tile VOry 1.4 . unknown - under his own proper e terixig for this-.Prizo .had had an sbjp� . . Flo , Jack is afraid he, can"t. Still- PA I rM , 00UNUIES, . I . '. . ' that port Ion of tile stornach where I 111*11t symptoin of Wicasiness or. Ill- 91, - but lie is known and admired ag of.. 141 children.. , . I � I . ... . I.. . ' . � . .. the thoiisands- of mono I) Me, grekhte 7 . 1. . part inu In thn style I'm accustomed ' .. . I - . ton0t1FI,V ra- I iii,%m, Baby's owil Ta�letii. should. be by millions 61 ji,eolile ag "Muller" in "Whero have your iihildren 'gone ?111 � I I — I - to.' I Dad -, .�'.IVell, inurry' Win., any- PROIAL . . I , . I 'IrTaNTION . . . i gular waves proceed to churn . and. givj?la, IL is vasler:to prOvent Illness Kipling's . sto�i-j "14 tile Rukh." Mrs. Rought was asked, 0 I R I DC.3p U T & I . � I . . Minad's UnIment Wes Colds- ic, how. - I Cau'l. kWp Wilp Itillell 10119 TO PATIINT I . digest It. . . 11 . I'll- I , ** . I LIT1424TI40N, I I . � - . ' . . . or it . . . . . , it, and till Occot;ii011al -new hhn'well In India, and' Mrs, .1loilight could not I 6m . ' , . � lyse 1. � than to Cure Moling 1, . . ein ber . I 1. 10 of Baby's ONM Tablets: will has painted his poril'aft to the life, 0111�, tlle� t1irde youngest of. the Iline- 0 . I - .. . '. . , � Bond tw Ilandbook . . j FOOD 3 UMPS ALONG ., doh MAYBEE .1 . . . I � . .. Iwep Httic otiol healthy and happy, N!bother Oinlil.an scientist. Nvbo .11lig tc-cf, were �ers, she. said for the first - T11PAIENDOUS ILAINFALL. . __ I . ... - I 103SOLyst. 615101`111TO _1 .; . .. �i . ­ . . . ­ . .. 4 . . I . I . I . . I . . � . ­ � ... - . � I . . This involuntary Muscular Lletion !if �Iioalvss doer, runic, -'Llle"e is 110 riSon' to *81stinction in the Britigh Mra. Hought.bad died peacefully af- Acm,ding to a correspondent the _ � I . . .. . . I slowly and Surely forcLs the food on-'QUIer Ilwo-Iftillo %vdll So quickly, CHENILLC- CURTAIrMS ". . I cure service is Sli- FeNlinand von ikluellor, ter having given birth to sixteen, annual rainfall on the Ithada, Hills, d &]I kinds of hetna Mallgibis, also . I . I I ward through t he pylo.rous�--thc tbe winor ills.of babyhood and chitd- K. 0, M, G. Ile Tins been the head of Tbe second Mrs. 117ought, ol, fine, tall to tile nortli-edst of (�Lticutt., ' I was Cured of Rheumatic 0 out . .1 . . I . . r "keeper of the gate," as the, lilu,-i- i 110o(1--aud ,,,oil havo a guarantee the Botapical Department in tile woman, . apparently about thirty, b� MINAVID'S LINX1114WIT, . LAUE .09RTAINS - "Y""' "N"11c' . . I I I amounts to,sonie (3001n., of' which . .\ . I 1.11(is NKVK � . I Pills long ago chriStoned tile little I tnat it con'lains ho oplate or ANDREW KING. . - 'write w its about, yourog, . . I I . pots- colony.of Victoria since 185*2j. ITO was nursing the baby, Charles Ed fail in seven, Inonths during the Ira, ifax. . . �. . � . . valvular floorway tbat opens or clos.. I oll(lus ,4t;.l(-,_ .V�r. - . I 1DRIT1118 AMERICAN OVKIHQ 00-i hax 168qMantmod . . % ,join) Mill, Pet- was born ang educaled in 4erirlan-,v, ward, who was ton � months .. old iouth-west, Inoti,sooll, ., -It Is u n_ I was. Cured of Acitte 'Bronchitis . I . I . . es tile low(�r end of what they ftlight!visburg, 0lit., Says :-"I hai,e used and is'4 Daroll of, the ILili�dom of Oladys aged four, anct Beatriee, O . 1--44 . .. . . . . t " - . . I ag . ed do6btedly the wettest spot on t 11 fly MUNARD'S LINIVMINT. � ' -'---I;-----' - - "......1.1. . . . I ' I I � . . . also have callod the hou,x, of diges- I fjjll�vlq ()%v 1. Table�t" and find 00111 Lt �Vurterrlberg, as well aq.a Witi . all two,' tugged at her S�Jrts, . ha Lille Steam.sbips . I . t:on. Naturally tile actual process!�uljvrior ;-unwdy for troubles of the Xilight. . globe. A s� wany, as 1301n, I Vol Lt. -Col. 0. CREWE 1%4�D. Domliflon . I . . of digestion Slowly oniptids tho: car ' . . "I can't tell You about them ally" been ,registered In five consecutive * IS U.4's a x. I I � Mootreal to Uvorpool .1 I . ., ­Rtonlach and boiVels, From lily There aj,d distinguished non-Dritisli .she said, "You see, you call't think days, or all average, of 36ill d' . . diac, or resprvoir part of the ,;toIIl-!o%-I) o);(Jeriellee, I can highly recolfl. . -, a ay, I was Cured of acuto Ithoulmatisub nootbin, to Liverpool I � .- ailministratdrs In nearly oll of 1�11g_ of all their names," This 'distoilishing ainount Is due to by UINAUD'S LURIMEN1111 . . rArgo tnil loapt Steahmilills. superior 4-0trombillibl'1113 . . . acb, tll(. �-Jze of tile pyloric �)rlrt ill. 1: lovitcl th(.. Tal)Jetfi to (Aber itlothe"S." land's colonies but 1hey tire iliostly Vars, llought, however, managed to the abruptitess of tho inowitains . . Or lkll olilk.161 of risaina. Mloons Alta 1094or'loatki . . I ..I 0. 9, BILLIX0. 1, I crca!,.ing' Slightly as the otbr.r. grows ! .Nlco6ers. should ulwa,yq keel') theso nativC.4 of iflo col6rlics it, wilich t1leN- rL,m,*JnbOr elovon of tho sixteen child- whiell face the Pay of 13011ga), 00111 I . . . .ro, O'lidoltillipl. P601n. 41wition hAs 1)6411 21,ton to ttog r . . smaller. The food, as. wittalled fix ; tublelfi tit 0w. bou,w, t-vady Jor 1. Markham, Ont. . � poord Wool und Thin -Glaail Awallinto Wool. yet . . I . . killy For�ot and tI.erefore can hardly 13o ren who eonited the first fainily. %vhicli they aro Separated by W40 . . ,ate ,1fpftAA60o Afld till PitrLICUIlLft, NOW Us ally filoull . eillergellcy, � . I . of tile covip,wy, or to p7osencer agont. I I I wgraph, movvil Into I ,� . Aold by inedicine - fleal- pecgoned auiong Uhiirland's- foreign Tho oldest she believed, was about Miles of low� swaraps, and warshas. I . . I I I . . . I t the Intestines, one might say, by 00-Te"S 01' Se."t 00,84)010 tit 20 cents a rillers, I I . . ­�­_...;­­_1 ­_____-_____.__ . I - .1 !.. 14 _J .. I . � . � 3)oglmox LINE omarug; casional jumps past the keepor of the :box,. by writing the Dr. Williams I . . I � I . .. . . . . ­ . - I . -50 I StWest.4 Boston, IJ0t.8w)r16006A�st,.U6atkQsI I . . I . STR VIRGIM1,1, XAZ, K. 0. U. 0,, . I - !!L-_� gftte. UvWdne Co., 11rock%ille, Ont. : . � I Mil�ll�ll���illilli:��I�l�illl:,iii � . .. -1 .. . . . , , . -.....--.1--- � _­ - . . __ -t- a prominent inernber or tile Legisla- . . I I � I . I 1VI-',ALT1J`. UYS ALL KINDS C F . . . . . One of the interosting facts visibly' - Pauft I . . illustrated by thi-A curious Shadow A.hl1LL1O14A11lE,'8 CIGARS. - tiv'# Council of '51auritills, anti Sir I %ViQP%. 10,10, old gumilri� I It is recorded, of Cornolius Vander- . . . . � , 1. nive9t vigars 1.11 , , pantoinirto I.,; the close i1elation be- 'tel of the do Salvdtore Nau,di, a Ntaltege Juilg6 . . . bilt tIlat befovo ill, died tit, said to a i tte r� I - FRUITS . I . . I A pal and lcgi,Qatol' Of note, tire good . su . . � . I I tween tho condition of the mind and the world, 1,500 In number, has ' on 0 03 friond., "I don't Soo whtit good it . I . .. . tyj)es of this class of administrator. Id does me --all this 1110hey that you I E . Aild Farm Pro. . that of the Stomach. . . lbeen dispatched from the famous A still better type was the late Sh- 4P P%.O AIIA Say Is inine. I can't eat it, I can't CW . . When the eat became angry the Vupita-Abajo tobacco fields Ili Cuba Conrad 11covos, the mulatto hows� . .1 M989 duce gallarAlly, . . waveg that had been following each for tile consuniption of a Now york . 5 to &C 10SO I spend it, .1 mover vaw It, and I sm . consigil it W US ' . � I.. other regularly over thA pyloric re- multi.inillionalre si'lunker. Th never hadit ill nly handR fc It . � boy of 13al'bados,. who beranW,- Chief J it, a InO. Honor-$ tiok.l we NVIII giA . gion consod moving and digestion of one of these cigars 18 -equ e price Jastice of that colony and wac; 06 curO ' Mont, I dress no better"thall Iny I I ­ . . was ovidontly Suspended. 'The opor- S4.,,')(1. al to knightod by the (lueen. Ile Sold . I ^ . privato isdtretary, and I cannot cat gi a you gpiod priem . o None but tljo'most faultless taiwspapers In the streets s 1 onorge- . � APP10051 . 1, � . I SALADA ator continue([ hiq obsuvations, leaves tire used in. their I"Oduction; ticriolly that li� attracted tile. attten- Lumbago, _ land,_, �Scldfice` , , I asl Much as my coa0hinan. I live ih , . I I I . . I stroking thn cat reassuringly anti In the Making of theta is restricted to tion 1�f the newspaper proprietors, n, big servants' boarding house,. ain, THr . . I � ' a few moments Pussy was again pur- the most experienced workers, Who who gave Iffill a chance As a report- I bothered to death by beggars, lillive I I ''. " � ring contentedly and the Stomach can only make eight cigars in 4 day. er. ITo worked hard and beea.mo ell- 0ZU0116 'JS IMP 0120h, WbWA 4MO ft1L 1PIl'it0to :4Q, am's $0.0) dyspopsia, rannot drink champagne, Davison conimission. Co, . . I Iro i I had rosuilied Its monotonously roptu- L41very o4gar Is wrappod in fine Jap- itor, studied law ikt nightq, ,�,avdd and iaos)t of My money is Ili tho 0.1r) .. IROTITW 0. 111miltza � I I � ____ � li�l , ,I per'll, 11,110:9 N .,Z I ;qp .hands 0 �. .11. � Jar Inotion. N short any expork,nee tomose paper and onelosod In A, small lnoliely,- went to VIngland, and was 9 ,11ft'r1W ', , I in ( othera, who uad it inainry � Ait .Strong feeling on 016 Part 01� the , air -tight box of perfumed wood, aumitted to tho bar at tbo 2iddle, W for t1hair owiti bonoflt.lk � 1---IiBaur. No'. 07,-03 � I . - Ir I I . - . .. I . � V. � � � a