HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-17, Page 3a
ch ing Skin,
so by day And nISM-
ii the complaint of those who
Worturiate *a to be sAided.
'a czema or Salt Rheum-Aud, out.
h r
, Ira applic4tion.8i 40 '40t cure.
V co
i Icy C444, I
The source of the trouble is in the
Wod-filake that pure and� this acal-
o -
irg, burning, itching skip disegae, will
� 11 "
41e;rppear. I
I , '�'9
1 wait taken, with an itching on my
arms which proved, very dipagreeable. I
couoluded It was Palt rherim, and wilght a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. in two days
after I began taldug� it I felt better And It
w4o riot long bot0o I was cared, Have.
nover bad any skin disease sinoe.11 Mite.
J%t X'W .1
, , . AiRI), cove robit, Md.
'H.60 1-9-
,�__ � �, d"S Sarsaparilla
rids the blood Of sA iMpuldtlea SO
. I
eu?ep' All eruptions. .
, .
. IMN agllr,�,"_� . . . . . . - - __ ___ -,
. � ... L - - 1. - � - 7
. In Irliere an Aweirlean Facet
. The, Nnglisb face, the Jewish face,
the Irish face,, the Italian face, tliq
chipese, face, the Japanese 'face, thtl
, I
. Proneb face, the Indian fate, even the ,
negro face -all. these have Something
I about them which calla up a definite .
pipture In orie's Mind. But the Amer -
lean fac.e has ug strong characteristic
to differentiate it froin other face.B of
superior races, remarks London Health.
It Is International, for here arid there
one may find the traces which suggest
I a relation to, this, that or the other face, �
It may be'a' line or a Ilgament-be-
queathed by tin early Ilngllsb ancestry,
or something Suggestive of Teutonic
origin, or it sharp suggestion. of the
Frenchman% face or the Irishman's or
the Itallan'i or the Scotchman's, But
' r
when one must deal with the American
abstractly.one call scarcely call up the
American face, r . . .
UnCle Sam, with his striped trousers,
. his sharply cut Coat, his plug'hat, his
whiskers arid his bland, good natured
� countenance, is' a happy conception,
yet he may never hope, to portray the
matchless'and Indescribable cosirippoll-
tanism of the American face., -
. - , . .
I ... . .
I .
. . . .
---.--.-- _�. __ .1 I �
-.00. ; )I %% PL -#M.. r
Shirt wai§ts and daiqty
. . I
linen are rnade' delightfully'
clean and. f resh - witll .- Stinem '
- . I - . I
. .
ligit Soap, -� ' , '- 5B, -. .
lal -
� .
. -
. �
'. I . I
, � . .
I. .. ....
.. � -
_ - ______._.... . ___.;; I—.
. .1
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Cook's Cotton 110101 compouladi,
...... I .. 7,11dies"'Va-vorite;
, - T.-4. t -ho only safe, reliable
�� - I
� _ _ I rG9111Utor on which.worlian'
. . . . . . call -,depend "in the ,houi .
- So and tim,c of need." . . I. I
A �� Prepared In two dedees of
4 I strength... No. 1 and No. 2.
, ,,, 11 No. .1 -For ordillary cases
� Is by far the � bot, dollar
medtclne.know - - -
'No. 2-V or special cages -!-10 degree,
strong r -three dollars per box. . I
U.dies--ask v6ur' druggist 'for. 661i:Pe
Cotton Root Comilbound. Take no other
as all pills,. mi,xture*s and Imitations are .
dantrerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and
rap ded by all druggists,in-tfie Do.
.G01M.tmol1Canu4ia. Mailed to any address
on receipt of p a
,,rice nd lour 2 -cent postage
iatainpa. 1W he Cool. Orn
. ,, ,a,pan'k. L
. .0;,!.034.�
- I ... .11 ..
Na. i and No. 3 ar� .,;old. in -Clinton
13-V 11. 13. colill.c, J. F, : Hovey- 'WALs
& Co. and R.. P.R.celdc,. br�tg'glists, . .
. �
. . .
tnt.---�'�"�, , -.
I . ..
. . I. ..
. I �
Our Headache
Cur R '**d '
Hundreds have:b�een
freed from pei-siatont I
h9adaches by our . .
56031[tifiCallY fitte,40 I
Ift53'as. - I .
en we undertoke . � :
to. cure headache we
4o it or refund the I
money. I I
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5_� �_' L . '
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OtIt kil()WIC(ILge of tile. att and 'Sel�
clice ,of Jill'ot-olgrstphy develops, all tIlLi
J)Cst poiats ortudi sub-'ect. .
()IJr rcl)I&Itioll for, iltl�cricr work
Iwo beell fairly e4riled and is a S.Erong
ass7iralice tilat %Vc. "Will s %tisfy you.
This is A 9004 til)lc to hftv�, Ott-
tttre% takell, WWII, Will You ,%;t. for
" I
yours I .
D ,
4 I ' . 1
The Clinton NewsmReCord September 17tho 19t),,,3 I
0"W""" - Q___._________,_____- . I.. ..oil I - I- i - L I ----- --
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...VW400 . . �
. . ft,0"_.,"_W400W*Am.--4W44",%", - 11 4010% ball of bair. I'm . .4
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. +000 0$0440 1 $ I $*'F++A14E0*++ 'lot 11111'...r. Wilell fitick yon for a high late of Interest," I ,
. anybody teacheS nle ally tri(IRS, I ae* I said: ,I've balf a notion to Sell. The I ,
"I knowleilgo tile corn and take Off Illy ne.54 for tun, while really our concern truth 1% I've got the finest Investment
. . I BY * 4. . � liat. it waS tillFj way. I dropped Ili 0 some Idle open to nte that I ever had. It X Could. I _f CORE
. he said JQ' 11101381Y. 'They don't do bust-
,, .; � happens Just now to hav I $Of'
. WILL No . to seo Miss Dolly tile other evelling., I Capital on hand. Do you think, you afford to wait a. few years. I Could, ,
, accidentally disclosed two tbings In could beat 0, per -c!ent?, I admitted that cola nioney out of tbli'priiperty, but I
,. R, IIAWDEN tin offhand sort Of way. I told her It was low enough, but I got up as it I belleve In turning money quick.,
ABN E� LL 11 ave, you 'It tile $if I Like the running brook, the L
A a rh a r PV -4 some of tile views I g. -was suddenly reminded that tile banks so do V said 1, -ant, watched 111m. ' red blood that Ilows tbroturh
Worofer.,felf" , dance Ili regard to marrIage, and love close early In the afternoon. flirt about Ili the fryllit-, pan, Then 1: . the veins, has to come froli'll
" I .1 r railroad Idea." T 41 11 4 A ,Z thin%
arid one thing and another, and then, Said; 'What Is the priee you hold It at?' -
III Complimenting you most: highly In I wO can MaRO the loan.' be an ,"but I "'I t1lought,l said Ile, 'that I ought tot ; somewb-cre. I I .
I copyrfix(lit. 1900 by must Ilrot see two or three of the dl-
RAKr Other things, I confess I sort of poked .got as pinch an I pald.1, spri!
. F41L 4t 410S.4 rectors. Cau!t you- give me two hours?1- ,,, ,Ile T , J!Fs of red blood are I .
DIANI�'EL A I . flin at you As Inueb as you paid 4i 11 -C
orh,�. I ,, The �
"I tbouglit you woul(ln!t. ralod,11
grinned Frank. "I used to think you
were the one man, I bad to fight but I
reckon I was iiiistalmn. A feller'la
love imagines everybody In creation Is
against him." I
I Alan made no,roply to this, but bur-
rled away to where Dolly sat, ii new
Magazine In her hands and. a. box of
candles on the grass at her feet "I
saw*YOU riding, down the 11111.11 She
saidi with a pretty flush and no little
excitement "To tell -the truth, 1. sent
Frank after �the melon wbet% -1 recog-
I . .
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nized You, Ille's -been threatening Ao
:go all the afternoon,. but 1. luslated on
it.... You May ba'surpiJsed, but I'llave
a business � message for.you, and I
� . would have made Frank drive me past
o he way*.4ome:lf You
.. .
. ..
hadn't iaome.11 ,-, .. . . i. . . - . .
. � .
"Bitistfiess," Alan laughed. merrily.
. I . , .
"He felt very happy In her.prosence un-
-aer till her assuraneeR of 'welcome.
i'The.Vea of your having.a, business
. I
I message!. That's really funny. t# �
. "Well, that's What . it Is., Sit down."'.
I ..
Sh . e.made room for him in the bam-
. I .
. rnock� and he ant -beside -heri. tile fool-,
-, .
- I
, Lsh b�aln Iwo. wh . 11%. . dlivilv. 'yes, It. Is
I .
. I.. - . . . I .
I . I . I
business,. and It concerns you.. urancy,
It Is import6ilt.. Antw lay ii'may take
. I
� You to town. tonight.0) : . . .
I V .
"You don't mean it,'� lie. laughed.
. .
.Sbe looked Veri pretty. in her light or-
. gafidic gown and big'rustic hat, I lwitu
' .. �
Its widej flowing -ri,bbons. .
� I .
ItYes, It Is a,message.from AnYVurit
. . . I
I Miller about. that railroad Idea :of
� . I
yougail". , , : .. , . I .1.1 �
. . '
'. "Really?. .Their - he.. told u about .'
, . YO
. thatr' , - , : I I . . .. : : - ,
. I . . , . I .
: "Yes. ' lie - was down, to' see me last.
. week... Ile didn't seem to think much.
' * I I
of it then, but"-sbe hesitated.,. ,and
smiled as'if - over the mom ory of soM e-,"
. thlug amusing-"hels been think1bg, of .
It .pinc - e. - AS Frank. arid I drove -
through the'mall� street this m6rnlIig'7
Fitriitt lina gone In a, store to, g�t k
basket of, fruit -he came to me on Ills
. I . .
,way to, the.. ,train for . Atlanta., lie.,
hadn't time .to SaY�.MUCJJ I L but he Said
� .
.'I.f you'were out here.today to tell you
to como in town tonight wlthout� fail,.
I so as to meet 111111 af. Ills ofIldo. enrly in
(be.morning.. He'll be baek-on the
'*midnight traill., � I 'asked bim If It was
about the: railroad, and he said it -was.
7 . I . . I
that he. had - (IlgeoVered something, that,
looked encouritgIngr1l . I , �
. L
'tilm glad -of that',", said Ahiu, a thrill
,of exciteinent passing over him. 1111�y-
burn throw. cold -%�,ater.on , my ideas the
. i
other day, and"- � , - , ' :
. i
"I know lie didi arid it was a sliame'!,
..said. Dolly -warmly., "The idea of his
. thinking he is the .only man'lu Gooigla
, with OrIginalItYl Anyway, I hope it:
� will come to something.1f, . . . .
"I certainly do," respqndeclAlan. "It'd
the only. thing 1 could think of to help
.my, people, and I am wilting"to stake
till I have on it -,which Is, after all,.
nothing.but time and ebergy.11 I ,
�. #'Well, don't you let him or any one
else discourage y6u," said the girl, her
eyes flashing, ' "A man who listens to
. other peopld -and puts his own Ideas�
-aside is unworthy of the brain God
I .gave him. There Is ' another thing'p-
lick Voice Sank lower and her eyes
sought the -ground-"Rayburn Milleris
it fine, all round Map, but he Is not"per-
'feet by any means. He talks freoly� to
me, you know; bole known me since I
,was.knee high, WdII, he told, rne-w�ho
told me of tli6 talk he IlAd with you tit
the darice: that night. Oh, that hurt
ine-hurt Mel"
"Ile told you thatIll exclaimed Alan
In surprise. , . .
SiYes, arid It actually disgusted me.
Does he think all men ought to act on
'tilat sort of advice? Homlglit,-forbe
hns made, an unnatural man of him-
self, with all his fancles for new -faces,
but you. tire hot thai kind, Alan, and
I'm Sorry you and he are so Ifitlinatel,
Vot that he can. Influence YOU MUChl
but he has already In a way, arid that
. has., pained me deeply." .
"Ile ling Influenced me?"' cried Alan
In Surprise. "I think you are MIsm
,taken." . I .1
"You May not rettllze.lty but be bas."
said Dolly, with g6ritle, and yet un-
yielding 'earnestness. "You See, you
. tire so very sensitive that it would not
. be hard to Make you believe that a,
. young filan ought riot to keep on Caring
for a girl 'whose parents object to big
attontlorml, . I .
"Ahl"' Ile had caught bet drift. I
There *as,a, pause. At the foot of
The hill a little brook tan toorrily over
the water browned stones, and It9
Monotonous lappitig could be board dis.
i fiflotly. Under th6 trocs across tbo
he ouploa had drawn
togothe� 4114Vere singing; - - -
% b , % k 6
,;�t 3 -
111 thought you ,had," Aald, Alan good
�4_ 'y' ""' 4' a44 prorntse" to me"
at the 10inball House at 4. X -rent
kins and Perking?' I said, with a grin. . I VU11 in So I. core of the .
L)oncs the -and I .,
_. �
naturedly. go on.0' .
"Well, she, first read me a lecture
to a.matinee, saw It half Over 4nd,went
ill at the ladies' entrancoo r till) hotel.
'Do you think y,ou could possibly sell , called marrow
I , ' �
I a piece of land for as much as thoset SOI11e say red blood also comes
F ,"low, 4d11%b1*qW"W49"W=0WWA0Nft�NW
about bad, empty, shallow men, wbose
very souls were damned by their past
I saw him looking about for me and
Sharks? If YOU can, You'd better go from the spleen. Healthy bone .
In the busJness. '
"I see the boat r,o round the bend,
careen, tnterferfilg with the pure Im-
dodged him." .
..)edged him?" echoed Alan. '�Wlhyll-
real estate You'd coin .
' money. Why, they yanked-twd tbou� � marrow and healthy spleen
, I . .
Goodby, my lover, uoodbY."
pulses of younger wen, ant). I'll swear ,
Miller laughed. "You tion't suppose
sand out of you, didn't they?' are full of fat. � .
_JDQI)y had paid exactly what be had
I felt like crawling in a hole and pull-
V1 lot a big fish like that see me ffirt-
,,, I
I don't really think PorkIns bad Scott's Emulsion makes new
noyer hoped to Ilear lick any, and the
, Ing the holg In after me, Well. I got
through In. fashiori because she
Ing ray book and polo ab ut in. open
o �
anythingtodowltblt,lho.saI4. ,That,s ' blood by' fee ing the bone
fact of her broaching Such .1 subject la.
such a frauk, determined way sent a
that a
didn't want me to see her real'beart,
Sunlight, do you? I saw'b'
7 his: man.
Just 4 report out about old man Dish. i td
op's deal, I bought ray 14114 On Illy � MarrOWand, he spleen with
glow of happiness g1l. over him. I
and that helped me., Then she took up
per that was anxious to meet me,
and that Was enough. Besides, IOU,
0 . ; I . .
"Vir, judgment., : the richest of all fats, the,pur e .
. 11
,,I don't think," be. began tiaought-
fully, "that Rayburn or any man could
the railroad scheme, you know I bad
heard that she advised her father in
can't close a deal like that Ir,k 4 minute,
11 Vell,' I said, 'how will fifteen bun, I CO . . "I
. I d. liver oil. . . .
4red round wheels Fitrike
keep we fromll-he looked Into her full,
all his. business, matters; but, geewbil-
and.there are Many slips.. I went back
to the club and, threw. myself on a
you?' I For pale school 'girls and .
"'I believe I'll take you up,, be said.
expectant eyes and their plunged mad-
keep from caring for.
lkills, I never dreamed she could give
me but she did -she simply did.
lounge and began to smoke and .read
11 want to. ranke that other Investment., inValids and for all whose .
ly�llcould we
you, from loving ,you with all my heart,
She looked me straight In the eye and
an afternoon paper. Presently be came
in a cab. I heard him. asking fof me, in
So Nye closed, and I Nvent at once to blood is thin and pale, Scott's .
I . lavo Eli) deef! recorded before lie had
Dolly, but It really Is a terrible thing
to know that you are robbing a girl of
. Stared at me like a national bank e*
aminer as she asked me to. explain Why
the hall and buried, my head In the
He 141 to I
6 c4aucq to Change his mind. 1 E mulsioll i�. a pleasantlard rich . . .
Ynn s-. I'll) Interosteti. In tI.JQ t Z� �.
Nbloulv' ' blood food.. It not only -feeds �
not only the love of her par6nts, but
that particular road could riot be built
bonanza for
paper, Caine me, and rose
and looked Stupid, I can do it when -1
I I I I . .
I and I'm going to bell) YOU Put It blood -making organs but
her rightful Inheritance, when -w en"
-he huriled on,.seeing that an impulse
and why it would. not be a .
the owners of tile timber land, I
try, If it Is 'something God has failed,
, through, It your folks want tile 10411. i - I I
bring. them In in gIVe15 fliern strength to do ' .. .
to Speak was, urging her to - protest-
thoUght She was an easy fish at first, .at,
and I.began to apologize.
"Ile dIdWt seeni to care, 41f it bad
the morning, and If . � .
we can manage -our Yankee Jus right I their Proper work- �
t � �
"when you haven't 4 Cant to your
name and, moreover, -have a black eye
and I gave her plenty of line, but she
kept peppering me with unanswerable .
men a deal of yout Own,' be said, with
- we'll get the oney," . . . .. , . . I
In I Send for fre e. . . .
. I . q saapl I .
. _ .
from your father's mistakes." � �
questions tili I lay down on the bank
The first bliff she
a laugh, 'You'd have been moro'
prompt,! andI managed to'look. guilty.,
.1. I SCOTT &'llowNA, 011cmIrts,
I . . . . . Toronto, Ontario. .
- CHAPTBR Xv. Soc. asid$r.00; all druggists, . ..
"I knew that's,what he'd saldt" de-
clared the girl almost white with an.
ger. "I knew It! Oh, Alan, Rayburn,
as weak as a rag.:
. .
gave me was In - wanting to. know If
. there were not Many. branch roads that
Their he sat down.
.$ $Our directors are Interested,' he
. . .
PTER supper that evening the ,-;-�=��.; -.N.�, ,i.A",,-� . .
Bishops sat out on tile verall, �- - -!!,��---4* .. .
. . "Father," he. said, "I've'llad a talk .
dA the
Miller might be able to draw"back arid
leave a girl at such 4 time, but no man
qc shb
(lid not own their.rolling stoe .
, said she knew one In the Iron belt In
said confidentially. truth Is, there
Is not another concern In America that
to get . cool air before I
retiring. There was only one with Rayburn Miller about your land. �
, He and I have lately been working. on
could that truly loves no -as I belldve
� I
, Alabama, that didn't own a I car or an
. I
can handle property as Cho. , as, we
can. We happen to have a railroad
burning in the. house,. and that ! a little Idea of'mlne. You know there ..
was the little smoky lamp Ili the kitch, � ...
you love me. I have known how you
have fej� all this time, and it has pear�
engine, -and wouldnyt have them as a .
free gift. She said If'such a road were
about that length up Ili east Tennessee
. I are people who will lend money on real
en, where tIfe cook� was washing the � estat6, How would It suit you to bor-
ly broken my ,heart, but I could no't
built as you plan. these two malri'lln, eS, ,
that has playea-out, and you see we
could mova It ta where It would do.
dishes. Bishop sat near his wife, his - row $25,600 onAlrat land, giving tba,t, - , -
cohLt.off and vest unbuttoned, Ill's chair �
write to you'when you had never even
told what,you have- today.' -kon.
.would simply fall over each other to
or -sbIp-..
- .send out cars to be loaded f ,
. I
some Lrood., . . I
I � . , .alone as securItYlIP . . .
. tilted bacl� against tile -weatherboard- I There was � startled .'silence, and ,
must . net let anybody or 'anything In-
ment at competitive rates; By George,
� �
soon as lie told me that I knew
lie.was our meat, Ilesiaes, I saw trade
Ing. Abner Daniel,. who had beeiX try . Bishop broke Win, a tono of great Irrl- �
" 2 11 . . I i
, -Ing P ' .
ever since alippier to cliver,them u
fluence you, Alalr, I'd rather be. a -
poor man's wife,arid do my I own work�
It was. a corkerl I found out the next
(lay that she was right, and that doing .
Ili his eye.aA big as an are light. 10
Make a long tale short, he Is cpnilng
, tation.. s . . I
In regard to their financial misfoktune, [' "Do you take we fer, a plumb fool?',- .. 11 �� 11
,than let; it paltry thing like niy father's
' away. with the rollIfig stock, I shops an a
up lierQ-t011!" It, and it Your father Is
sat. smoking in his favorite chair near - - . .
. f he'asked.. "When I ,want. you an' Ull-
tile banisters, on top of which lie now ;
money Ir6o me.fiom standin by the
P It. ., I
man I lov6.11 I . . : I
so. forth would cut down the cost of
. I .
your road more than half??. .
NVIlling to. accept the loan lie can get
� . .
. . ler to dabble' In my business,. I!Il call .
i . . �
I i
and their placed his, Stockinged teet. 1 on you. Twerity-five thousand, I say! -
� I . I
Alan's fa . . .. .
Ice was ablaze. He drew
. . "That's a. fact," .exclalmed Alan
. . . .l ,curity-provided.
"and I had not thought of it."
tile money, giving only tte land as se -
we don't- Slip up,'
. �
I . �
. "Yea- needn't talk that a -way, Broth- ; if I Could exchange every acre of It . .
ei Ab" sighed Mrs. BAshop.. O�Yolre ' . . .
fer to lift, the
himself up and gazed tit her, all Ills
. �
poul Ili his eyes., 'IT I hen I shall. not
. .
-- "She's a stronger woman than. I eve . r
Here's the only thing. I'm afrald of.
j, enough M'olrtgage on this �
jest dopin' It out ol goodness o' ,beart. I farm arr, 'keep a roof .o"ver. our, ..heads, . 11
. .
1-"irot for
,give y6u.up,11 Ile declarm
Imakified,11 Said Miller. .,"By George,
it. -were I'd..
When Wilson here, lie may got tQ
making. Inquiries .around and drop on
� . . . � .
Wo ,Might Its well' face- -the truth.
. : I'd do it gladly.. Pshawl" I .
. . .
� We've. got to step down from the posi- 1 There
(mything in the world. And. If there
is achance in the railroad. Idea I shall
she not- on your stilng,
. �
t make a'dead act for her. A. wife like
to tile report Oat yotir ftither IS d'ism
was'another sllenc% and then . �
- � . � , 1. I . . . I
' tion we now hold, an' present way. �1, Alan" began to explain. � . .. I .
j)vork at It ten thries as hard'n6w that .
, .
iliat would .make a man c' omplete.
. Is 'in
gusted with his Investment, and'sWell.
. I I
a mouse and pull off., What I. want to
. . .
.111vin'. An' tbftr!s Adele. Pore child! I � . . .
- Ohb said In lqr: In I . I - Wbile be talked Mrs. Biplicip sat like,, . .
letter that she'd
I. have talked with you." - ,
-She love with you, or thinks she
do is to get at .him the flr�t thirig after
.at -.'a Agure out from stone, and 131sho1r. . , .. -
I . I
ery eyeA out. She was bent., Oil 'his
They sat together In blissful Igno-
I . . -
Vince of the passage of timw till some
K but she .hasn't that
.1 `wIil_O'_the-WlSP
glarnour. She's bitsihess.f.rom.hor toes
breakfast In tue morning, ko.:�ou!d bet-
.'or -
� . . : , ,
leaned fo rward. elbows on - bis. � I
I comin! borue, but ler Uncle William knees, his big1ace,in his hands. It
. .
lone shouted out that lIrank Hillhouse
to her finger, il'psi By- Georiye, I be-
, . . .
ter brIiIg. your father and mother In
. . ,
early,,. If we once get Wilson's i*eiJty;.
I .
*onyt let $ez., He said she!d not. do any. � ' I . .
. � . I ,was a's If, n'tornado of hope had'blowix . .
iP " ' - - .
* ,
,,was ..60ming with the watermelorr.
� � . .
lieve ellemakes a business of her love
. . .
. . . . .
lave -thousand frito-It, we call-everitual-
. � .. .
. I . .
" � .. I . . . .r bIm,'sbakIng.hIm* through and , . .
goo . . �
" . .. Ovq . .
I .
An' she wouldn't," put in' Bishop - .
Then, all the couples Ili, eight or bear-
Ing ran to'th'o .spring, where 11111bouse
affairi She seenis to think sbe'll. settle.
, �
It by a sum Ili alg b . ra But to get .
ly sell out. The main thing Is the Wall,
. I
, . . I
through.. .1 . . � � . .
'. "The eight 6' you an! Alan be- . . I . I . I
gruffly i . I I . .� . . � I I
� .
Could be seen pinnghrg the big melon
. .
.,a I
: . I -Don't
back to tile ,railroad, for ll*e got lots
Yon think'so?" . . I .
"I . certain . ly do," said .Alan. '!Of
1UP I . I . �
e all th6 time 1 CONTI.IN ,J) )
I fore in h � 4. (TO 11L . I . ,.
� . . 1111�,-�-.�L� _ .
. �"�U.�,__
into t.ho 'water. Hattie A100-11der and
Charlie Dur I badbe,4n
to. tell yoV. Wbdt: do you reckon I-. :
I . .
1. . .
_ .
course a. good many things. might in-
...--- - �t
me what a,.fool I've -been."' - � _-1 I., :t!r�
,, ' - - - I . .1 . I . . � �
. You-, are both , crossin'. bridges �fore � . 9 . . . I
, ,
. . ant, .who I perched
.on a Jutthfg howIder;bi I gh'up'On'the
. found that day?, You couldn't:gpess Ili
. -
-a thousand years, � It was a,prelin-li- *
te , We'd Ilia. e to get a right of
erfere. .v "
* V the toad
. . you g1t; t.o,.Iejh,'.' .sald Abner. "A lots ol . . , . I � �
., :. -
- � . , -f - I
hralys.ls %Rd
hill 6ehinA Doll, klan, Came, half
I y arid .
half down, I
- * I
.ri.�ry survey of a rallko4d. oil.cepiannea
' ' '
way and a -charter
I - . . .
could�,be built,.arid,I reckon they woll't
I I ,
, ,
, i . .
folks has ,come out'n aprapes.-wugg'rr . I
L . 11
- � . 0 * ' I
,what ard'in, ten to one. I ain't f
L coffictor Afaila
running ' catehing
�, slidlur, *
from.. Di I , . Yougl; Your fa-
ar ey right ill
buy till.they are stiro.of those things.""
I I .
.You I .
- . I .
. e , . . . . .
n ver mentl6ed it, but my land baln't - i
at the trees to .keep from falilng. -,: ,
. ,
11B eitter .come get your teeth hi -that
, ,
, ther,s puL,�,Ila 96 to "Alor-anton, N. C.
. . . , .
U was made just., before the war bY
I No.'It"lliti.
I . Y take.- a longtime arid. a.
Jot of,patlence,". said Miller, 1%ut'y'ou"r'
, .
. . I . It, L - . I icureil positively by Dl,. cling I
I .got 110 1116itgage on an', Ycould'ralse. � O*s. Nerve Food .
. . I .. I I
, - I . MR. JmNms A. DEAL, Bridgewater, N.S., -
. I ald nowin
melon," Hattie a, , Nvftll a it
. 1. * Y
el Wadel. who, Ili his day;was
, old, Colon -father
I . I
could afford- to wait If: he car,
a,few� sbadsto bo'p keep up'yore Jn. Writes: -"Ab . out I a.year ago . . �
I suffered a strolte �, . .)
*. at an! taxes till could see
sal4le at Dolly, They uvea. next dotir
one of the Mosi notmod'surveyore lirthe.
.. I . . .
, * I .
. ..
.t., you
. ,,,, 4
yore'. of ,,,
. . .. ysis; ,which left me in a -very bad state .
, : � . I , � I I � I
to.oRell Other And w6re.quiteL intimate, .
, .
"Come oh,Alan.W.' Dolly rose. ,"Frank
-will never forgive . me. if I don't ba,k.e,:
I .
some.lv .. -, .' . . . .. . I . . .
I . I I � . I . I .
� . . .
"I slialn't have rnno Tr I go to Vav�rn
totilglit,""i-6piie(l'*Alan... "I have, 'some I.
thing to dout Iforne first!' . . . - . .
. . . '
., "Then I won' keep you,", Dolly .
, .t .
snilled,* I "for you . must ,go and - weet
Itayburn, Miller. � I'm going � io hope,
that.he has had good luck in' Atlanta."
. The world had nevRrSeemed so full
. .
'of joy a , lid. hope as Alan rode 1.6111e -
ward. vile eurxi.was setting -I'll �lur'101�2. �
splendor - bey6ild the towering - moun . -
. . I -
tains, 41jove which tile sky seeiried. art .
I .
odean of motbek.of pearl and liquid,
- . *I I d. I . .
,,, Tvuly It was good.to bo,allv'e�
� �
At the bars.he i.net Abner Dairiel'with
i fishing Cane In his .hands, his' bait.
gourd under his &rp,. . � , .. . t I I . .. .
"I know right wbar,you've bedn," he
said., w.1 , th a broad smile as he, threw �
down ' ,the .bars . fbr - Alan., to pass
through, "Useed that gang dolve,by
in, all tliblr Aukri this inorri . hil, .Ahe
. .
. I
qUeen . bee In. . the lead.with that'little.
�ffiakeshlft of a,man.11 % . . . I 1.
I .
Alarf dianiounto . d to proven I t his Uncle.
state. - This end of the JIxie -was � all I '
.cared about, and that was almost its
level as -a f1bor. alon�- the. river ,and
down the valley. into the'north end CC
town. It's a.borializa, my. boy!. Wb ' y.
that -big bottle 'of timber land has nev-
er been busted Is a wonder to. mo;,. If -
its' many kaukeeg -ha.d been 110'silig.
- � . I
ahput here as there have b . Cell Ili other
goutbern'sectiong, It wo�qld, have -boon
. - ' .
. I
shatdhed mi) lorig. ago"l, - I I .
I � 'II'm awftilly'glad to. bear you. say all
. I
t4ISI!, Said . )0an, "ior.it is the only
way out*,of.bur difficulty, arid soino" �
thin � g has to be done." .- ' ' � . . .
.41t may cost . You a few years. of the -
. I . . -
.ilarde . kit. . work. you 'ever I bucked . . down.
. �
to," said Miller, "and some ,sleepless.
hights-, b6t I really believe you 4ifLve
fallen ' on'to' it better thing than' tiny '
I ever sVuck. I.could make It wh&.
Vve already'done'sonitAliffig.that , *111
I a6binish you� I happen to.-kpoNy sflght�
. .
ly Tilhianh Wilson, the president of.the
- Southern Land tind. Timber comi*iry,
I .
. Their ofilces owe in Atlanta. I I'kne'w
. I '
q lie. was my man to tackle, so -when I
. got to Atlanta r o
hird jast as It it.were accidental.,' .1
. I .
wAy aheadi � I . , "IlLh. To add to my troubles last winter . I
. . . . . . . of W
' i
. . , - "Hub Ill snorted .his? brotlier-in-la.w.,
grippe, which. c9rupletely,exhatisted -
I tool0a , , �
. �'Do you idekon I'd ik as ol(l. a man '
Y nervoussystem.., I couldscarcely.walk or, - - . �
� . . .
as you. are, an' po. blood -kin, stake life
. . talk, "my legs. and arms - .
I . .
I , little all to help me outof -d hole that'.
. ...
I . I : ' , * - ., were partially paralyzed, , .. � . .
I fP blood did'not'arcu-
I Is. ditfiril all'. -.w�der all thetime- .
44�ge�, .1
. 11 �. . I . my . . . . . . 11
. I late �roperly, and I could '
a, hole I deliberately got. myself Into? .
. . � ,
'Well, ',
I-- .. . . - �
... .1 0 , notdoanywork. rnf�ct,
not mubhP' _. - - . . .
� . � � ... 1. I w9s so bad that the . . .. � 1i
I *
. . "I ,wouldn't listen to-. that ritither,"
. .
11 . �
.. .
.. , ,,00. doc'torsgave me up and' ' . . . .
'declared Mrs. Bishop, "but not many]
� I . �, I . th6ugbt I could: not live �. . . .
, � . .
I men would offer It." ... . . . .
. ", I I I
. .. , t , brough. the summer. . I . I
.. The.y .heard .a. horse trotting,dowp
. ", ... . "I began the use of . . .. �.. . I
Chase'sNerve Food;
I the road, and all bent their heads to .. !
. , ... I .
i, -Dr. . I � -
, '
Iletenw. "It's Alan," said Abner.. III was �
. � :ind persevered in the. . . -
, . . 'I - (_ rt�
. �tieamient, ,anti -how I ' '
thin.liln' it,w.as time he-7gs .show! , 11
. . . . . . n, I
. . 'The . . �.
, r. e0 ': ,am-atwoik again. I I
UP.,) I . ' . . .. � � . I. 1,
, " d. 10 - . .
chan in my con it n has be�:n most remark . .
Mrsi Bishop roia wearily to order the
able.,�, t is a surodse .to everyone to know � .. . I ;,
. cook to,get his supper ready, and re-.
that I at able'Vo -be arotifid again. My ner- - ' . �
IX 'was
tukned to �tbe . just. as Ala *
voua systerti'bas'bLen built. up wonderfdlly by I . i . . .. ..
, ,
. .veranda
. coming from the stable. Ili) sat down .
. -emefly, .I a able to. -,
ti - iis i I in rest well, my ..
circulation is normal, and.my general health -. ' -
,on the steps, -lashing the lege of his
.11, .
good. My appeliLe is firstclass, and I have. - .
dusty trousers .with his. riding whip. �
. I .
. I .
Ea in ed eon.4derably in flesh. " - I .. - . . I
It,was.plain that he bad something -
Toprote6ti,onagaiiistimitELtionttlic�p'ortmit I 1. . I .
I of-AmPortanee to..tay, ,and .they
' all
w.id.sigrnature ot Dr. A. W. Chase, the famons �, . . � .
- ,,
� . waited In Imp�tlefit. alle4ee. L - .
. , . .
- . . I .. .
. recell"i book author, are on�everybox. , I 11 ., .. � - ..
, I I
. =bZVONERW� -_ - -_ __W_" . . . .
. . I I � � .... . . . I . . I I
. . I I
. . i � t . �
� ,
. . �. . .. . ... .
I ; � 0- . I I I . . . � � I I .. .
I . I . I . I I . . . I . �
I L 11 . . . I I . . .
. .1 . I . . I .
I I _1_1 , 1 4 1
. . . . I . . . .
i . .
� W , 1. . .
I 1 .4 .1 .S. -_ - - , ': : _1 . . . . , . . I
. . . ,. / I .� ., . .�- .,;-.S, I . .. .
. I . 6 k I . . . �.
. . � " ,;::,, -!�1111 . �� . . . .
. ;3 :. r, , . 11 � .
lyll I . .
. I ,. .
from puttIng'up' tlie.bars, and ,they Invited him to..Iulich with .me at the "Tw6tW-J1v.a'thoiwand1 ,on' thattandt" . , 1 o -Alave a Lru y � C O�s S KM C . . I<) � , I .. I � . .. . ..
. . . . I � 11 . .
. Capitol City club;�You know I?in a . I , . . to aturn-it 1� i
walked.lionieward side by side. I . get i his money. baCk 6y' I rich and juicy d6ne. . I .- , I .. I .
. . I . . . mearm of the . � - - . .. � .. I . I
nonresident member. You see, 7. knew . ust.be broileA. Yet niost.r-angesz- * 1. - �p . . .
"Yes, and I"Te had the time of my . . loan. I tell you tbat'S.,thernain thing. Ill . . . - � . . I �
I . - � � � . � .
I . . . : it: I, put myself - ill. the - lIght -of ,I mail . . d6h't make Pr r, provWon for.. I .
fin. . "I talked � . i I . ." . . � . I I f I - . . . - -
.life," said the young tin ' . with something. to sell, he'd". hurry, : ,If -1 haa off6reA to sell Wilson the ; - 0 09rZilin aild toasting.' door of the � . . I
-to -her for a solid hour." - - . .. Whole thing- qt -*25,0.00 -lid never would., I br 11ing. . The . � I I . .. . , I . �
. . . 1, away from Me,, but 1. didn't, As a � . I I . I . 9 . . .. I .. . �
11I.could see that In Yore face," said . 6 � have come ,up here but- he is sure now - - I . .� I . I � . .
pret6xt.1 told lilm'l-.had.sonle clients ' . �, I I I . I . . . I I , Is , .. . I
. Abner. quietly. "You couldn't hide It? . . . that the property is .just what be is �l . . t I wqk . I . I -
' - let up here N010 W'Anted to raise a consid.:. . I . I I . I : I - � '00 EL . . ... � 11 .�
an'. V Il I hot she didn't lose thue In - . � . looking for. Oh,.we are riot cort,tilli of .' � IL-. I "Mr . . . .
. . . . . . amourit of money. and that the .. . . I M:, , , , IWO AL i I '.1mv A'%- f 0 r a , .
orable ' . . . . .
tin' -yon. know �vhat she never, could . I . I him by. a long Jumpi it all depends , - : I . P , I I I I . � � . . I I . .
� . * _ . I � I . - �
me�ll . I " 1. . . Security �offerod Was fine thriber land. � 11 -whetiier he Nvill. .insist on going over . - � . � . P
. - . - .
� hide from . ;o � . . I
- -
".NVe. understancl ea t or er Yon gee ' that caught him; he was on tber6 or not. . If he does, those, moss. . I .� , �;,., � p. I I a� n 14mo . I I , � . .
C1.1 O h . , he'tt, , . I - , R . I ,B fp§.� . . I
fiow,1P adfilitted Ala' . . . his own gi�ound. . I' saw.,tbat he was, , , I � .. �7 . , , I .. I . 1. .* . : . m . . .
. n. . . . . and -I boomed the property, ' backs wql - bulst the' tbing'wide, opeA.: I 1, �_ � .. � I.. . I . � .. ..
. "Well, rve certainly set my beart on Interested,. . . . . If lie cornee straight to my office In . . 7 . .
. . , I I . is.particularl .ci
the matcb�on gittin' her ltv;ow tam., -6 the skies. . . I . ' ' � . . y , paciouS, You can g6t a largefe . . _ . � I
I . I "The more I talked the. more he .was. the morning, the Aeal may be closed,' .�, . . do . .broile'r easilk.int6the dogrand over , - * - . . . I I .
ily," affirmed A.brier.,-I'Durned ef-I - but If he lies around the hotel falkingf ' . ,- . . I
declare � sometfinWilm. afeerd Ilm-gono s Interbsted,- till It was,bnbbling Out - all. somebody . *111 sp I oil' our - -arid . I ' . F � . . � thc� glowin�. coals, without - I 1, . . � I I
I - . � . 11 . plans , � a - , in ' . r ..ketting. . the . I . . I I
. ,
on "er myWf., ,Yes, I Want yon an' I._ over him.. tile a a 14.eW Unglander, who Wilson wilrbang off to.make llls"own :1, � . � C� 00 . . �1
. I untry' la,wyer without a, IV I 11 - . . s' . . .
to make It. I want.to -set anl.smoke � � tfilriko h! co 11 I terms iatei-19 he makes tiny at a ill, i , . 40 . .. . . heaXo* ?th�oe..fire yourselE '. . , .4,
1 Harvard education belongs to an effbi:4 * I " I I I I . 1. .1 � I I . I . .
an' cliaW ofi yore front porch an' beer . . � I It's ticklish, b . . .. A . � I � .. .1 .
I . .
�... civilization, and I let him think he . tit iVe may w1n,'! I . - . - . �all at one of our agen- . . :
- .
her back In thokitchen frylif tam an' � , "It Is. a rather ticklish situatlon,01 ad. I y ..... t � . . . .
eggs�. an' 1�_tbe- old, man winked -111 .Was pumping me. I even left oft my.. . Initted Alan, "but even If we do..got , I' : � cies or wri-te to us. for : . .
donit� know as' 10d ob�ect, to. trottin . 9's arid Ignorod,my ros, I lot him think the loan - on the proiparty.0 don't you . I I . . bQoklot .. I .... .1'. . � .
. I . I
. . lie had'struck, the softest thing of his . . . I V � I .. . I I � � .
someln' on -my kno6 to , sorter pass the' want to think Wilson, may delay matters. and I , . � . .. . . � . � I -
I . . . . . .
time betwixt meals.0t . .� . life;. Pretty soon he bpgun to N hope to scoop the property In for the ' 1� I I I. I I.. I . 6 . . .
� .
440b, come off, Uncle � Ab!" said Alan, � � know If you cared to sell, but I Skirted debt?" . I . I ' ' . . I . .. I . I .. �
that. Indifferently, as If I had Jib Inter- . . I . �. The Ourner - : ; �
with a duali., "Tbatls going too far." . est whatever.in It. I told Ill . "He might," miller'- smiled, "if 'he ' . / . � . . . I f � . I
. in Your fa- . I . A . I � . ,
The old man whisked his bait goul*4 didn't want- to in ,a � . Fou'lmdry 'Co, I - .
round 'Under his other, arm. His eyes ther had bought the 1)ro�erty to hold . ov - that. railroad .. ".
. , somewhere elsei arid, besides, you I . . I , ,P) . . . . 1. . .
. I . I .
twinkled and, h I e chuckled. ll 'Taln't for an advance; Ahat he i had ,spent , - I I . - . . . S/ . . 1011IM14.042 . I .
ther (!an koep the money in sultimble .. I I . . I . . .
goin' as fur as havIn' one on each years'of his life picking out the! rich- y emer . I .1 � � . . . . I � I . . . I . . :
. oat timber -spots and buying:thern up. . shape to Day off the note In an - - . I . . . . . � . I I . .
knee all, both phie blank alike an' ex- gency and free himself." .1 . I "I I , . .. .. . Tor.onlb - I . I .
actly the snme!age. I've knowed that Then he came right out, as I hoped he. III don't know how, to thank you, old' I " �, ; . I . . . I . - . .
to happen in my day an' time,'when would,.and nt you 5 1 �2 ff .. r4ontaleal whmulved � I
mail," a:nswered Alan. "It you had - . % . I � I . � I
wanted to borrow on, the property. I A, Vautdouve, . . .
nobody wasn't even looldn' for a Inm . - been personally Interested In this, you .. r, , 1. . . r I . .
erease." . had to speal,. quick,* and, remembering I - , /, , . I � . I
. . I � that you had said the old gentleman could not have done more." ,' �� I I I .
. miller threw himself back In his It . . . . . .... . 7 - . . 1. 11 � . . � . . .
. I had put In About $20,000 first and last, . ... I 4 'I" . . t .
. CHAPTP,111 XIV. . .1 put the amount at $25,000. 1 wag Chair and smiled significantly. "Do I - .. I . lk� I . Fl%
.. I
Rayburn Miller, standing In - asked � ' ' ' . 'V D AAV I Qc'� &. R 0"" W L A 4 I LJ,
HIM next morning Alan found taking a liberty, but I can easily get look like a man with nothing In It?" he F or Sale
: you out of. It if you decide riot to do It." . * I . .. I ------_- � I . .1 . �. � I . � .
the -door of his little office , "Twenty-five thousand[ On that 4.113ut you haven't anything It It," re. _ .----. =-=7'. __..,._ ------..-, -
building waiting for him. I -1 W Al. . p I A 991+ ,i,q,,%,IV1 +WAA torted Alan Wbrideringly, . . . I
I a I .
.I reckon my message surprised
'. -
. A L � .
my father to ,death -to sell It for that."
"That's all -you know About It," Ull-
You," Miller said tentatively as he
"I can tirrango the papers so that you
ter laughed. "If 'the road Is built, I'll
shook hands. ' . .
are not liable for tiny security outside
make by It. This to another story. AS
I "It took me off,j�iy feiet," smiled Alan..
of the land., and it would practically
s6on as I saw you were right about
"You see, I never hoped to get you In-
amount to a sale It you wished,it, but
putting a railroad Into the mountains
toiested In that scheme, arid when I
you doWt wish It, I finally told him
I began to look al'ound for some of
beard you were actually going to At-
that 1 bad an Idea that you would sell
that timber land, I didn't have. long
lantit about It I hardly knmv what to
ont for ,an even hundred thousand."
to wait, for the only than that holds
makeof It.". . I
"A hundred thousandi" repeated Al-
much of It besidos'061oliel Ilarolnya
M rn his oflice, kicked A
an, with a. cheery laugh. ,,yes, WeId
Petor Uo8ely, whom Perkins fooled,
chair toward. Alan and dropped Into.
let go tit that." . .
just tr� he did your fathor-came In.
his Creaking tocket..
"Well, the figures didn't seftre him 0,
110 *SS laying for me, 1, saw it In his
,rit was not due -to you that I did get
bit, for lie finally come right out and
eye, Tile Lord bad delivered blui to
Intoretted,11 he said, "Do, yon know# I
iWted Me If It was lily opinion that in
me, and I was duly thankful. no was
can't think of It without getting hot all
case his Company inado the II % ,U you
ft IhOrs.01 I liked to 1001; at- - 110 Opened
ovor with Shame. To. tell You 010 truth,
would agren to give, him the refusal Of
tip himself, bless you, arid bragged
there Is one'thing I have always been
tile land at $100.000. 1 told him I
about, his fine body of virgin timber,
vain about, I didn'i honestly thlill',
didn't know, that I thought It possible,
1, looked bored, but let him tun on till
I tilepe was a man Ili Georgia that con] ' d
but that just then I had no interest In
lie was tired; their I said:
g1vo me any tips about Invostmentsy
the Matter beyond borrowing a little
"Well, Mosely, what do you Ilitcrid
1 but I httd to take backwater find for a
� I lonoy on It. Ile itaked me how long
to do with your iftite elephant? You
woman. Think of tba�-a w0lpitn
lil was going to stay Ili Atlanta. I told
know It's riot Just thd sort nArnum Is
knocked me off my perch ds clean and
, Illm I was going to a bank and take
100king fOr-'
easy as she coul4 stick a hill, DIU 41 4
. . � ..
,' the Aight tritin, bAck, (Tho b4liks will
4 Ck
0110 kitid of b1i k 4 At thAti but A0
. I
. I
4`1 ,
. �
I ;�
I �. . .- ` 1- 1. � " .111-1. 1. -0, , .
, 11 . I
. I . 0
1� . I 11 , 11 . I ' . IN
. .k'.. _�__Afii _;AW i.� , � 'MW&: _11a -A=- -AAMMi.iM.Ii- . �,_ A.A"C. �- - ,i�t�___ 1. , . I � , .
9W6&,..-_,�_ '.. - - � � i. I IIIMi�L,�24A&1. .. -k L., I I 1. 1--'l- I �, � ". .. A�,_ _�, , 19� -