HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-10, Page 7I �� **- � F 01,1 r I I septotuber loth 1903 , I' 1111. .11 W-W..'O'Cir .I... . r 1) I The"Ne o Is-Mc3rd"Citntott 1� :I . ­ 11 � . , . I I .1 I I ­.. I _______­ ____ ___ __ — .— ­ � � _14r___ --­­_-__­;-_ --�­ '/­---­­--_­________ __.__� TheM. wkJOANADIAN Ham 0(wity W. C. T. U. North Hurion Pioneers. ATITHORTZED 141PP-4 OVPOPr,, TXO1 olsonsRB ., XIII MANA01ilt WANTED. A jo There is society In Toronto ealled , .. IlIcOrporatvil by - - , PACIFIQ C 11111V(44141111- ; tile 46york Voltiopra", the object, of Trustworthy lady orgroutluman in bee Act of.Viiirlialliclit, 1855, 1 — each district' to hianago our business the t _-__ 1. -1_____- which isto keep In reinembratice the - Capital - ­ .- - $2,,900,000 . The sixth annual convention of the Savings guti.dolyigs of the, varly itott. and start .agents in the sale of thu tur Rest - -- ---- '-1,260,11(111 Huron County Women's Christian le�i of tile court t,y of York. I t is com. 011icial and Authorized Life of Pope res RHAD OFFICE - MONTRII�'All, HARVEST EXCURSION Temperance Union,was held Ili the vil- aeoes (If �eol 0 14co xiii. Book issued under thei im- ery , &�%:rsuij, 1'r.sidolt, lar4e of Zurich, off Tuesday find Wed- wlse(l ,,,, alrojers, and pr, I(.Ss11!)f11WI primature of Cardinal G ,ibbous I will af Will. Alm-.�ou 1lij*,;jP4 ,I) erch it,, � IVI,"en t, ch James E.Iliot, General Manager Will be run. on Sel tellibet; I,gtll xiesday,Aug.25-20, The meeting open- ge ottleluen, Their shanty. its tbey call c-ndursed by the leading Archbishopa Wi - I I r _ . - * Notes discounted. ColleeLlons tuatle. and 2()tll, returning until Novoiarber ed on Tolesda,y afteriloont -with if, conse- it, ia (in the exhillition grounds; it is anti pricsti; throughout the 'Unitlool rel Draft% issued. w13tcrliug and Alllcr- itall und loth resp�t';tively, i9o3. cration sex -vice, conducted by MrsG, Inade of olf.t logs. A. fetv velvi-8 jigo I States and Canada ; printed in both lit . b(pught aud sold. . Acheson. provincial seeretary, of Godi ican Exchange ,. wits -At the exhibition, and'visited the 144"'glish and French. $20 straight cash up( — Interi.%%t allowed on 40110$lts — RETURN FARES TO. evich, find Mrs. (Rev) Greene, Clinton. (,f-anty when Ule, 1petubel- recogul. salary and expenses paid vacil weeic abt . �or-$28-Whiuificg, Waskanda, ,Mtevan, At. 2.20 the convention was called to 7 . . SAVIN0,18) BANK ."d Int, I wits kindly wek-olkle4i, � for I direct from h4=dquartcrs ., expense lat Iifittwcst allowed (in suins (if $1 allij X'Ight, Arcola, Bloo.sciniu, Wuwa- order by the president,, Mrs 104. P. Wits 1110re of if York ploneet, tuan any trioney'advailecd ; ,.i g1ral -11 , !,aucj,,i,t position. Wi CoulpoluldL'tt half yearly. ues, Paulin, of Dashwood, Tile roll of ol - I _ ,SG 324 Dear� . Iiii III)i ,a, Miniota, Muscartli, Grand cers and saperilitendents, being called, otia of tbeiti, havitig bpon h) Toronto Address David 13, . - .- FA R A I E hI S, — View, Swan Rivqr. . faintitho township ofVaughah before burn street, Chicago. , erg the corresp6nding. secretary and the onost tit' the rifetol,exi, were born, I I Wi Money advanced to f4rmorp on For 49io--Regiva, Mooscjaw, Yor4too, treasurel"preaeuted their roports,the cberh4b. I It" life nory of beautiful tuwn. VOR T1IIRT,V DAYS. : rot For '$�;,s-Vr. Albert, Macleod, Calgary. latter allow babluce.of $15 88 After sl I their own nutQf; With 0114 Or I . 111111t; undorsers. No lu(yrtgage . 'Wii1p.of Vgtlgbtl)� it 0184-ki I got fily -_ I all For $.jo-Rcd Deer, Stratlicona. I meetitig all=t,nds of the year, fe, Irk. and itromid tire 14shAntv" it AXidsuni-wer Offer in Newspapordoin. old retluirLcl as sect titV. From kill -points Ili Canada, Azilda, Next Cattle the presideliVs Address, was typical off log shantI013 we land � � — 1111 11. C. BRFWI,,R, Alwalier, Clinton, I 1,4ault Ste. Marie, Windsor and E ,ast. whivil wits bvintfal of encouragement knowli so well in. North Huron, 'told The .Torouto Daily World,a iwwailaper 25 i ___._�_ Apply to nearest Canadian Pacific regarding the past, an(I full of hope brojo lit. vividly to iffy mir.il days long 'that pays particular atteutiootWtba gis I a,%"ay . AgeiA for pailiplilet. for the future. Tile election of offIcers P'ssel I . 'it has often occurred to. re Uire'llielits of tli-o fariner and has all liq , wits then proceeded with, resuittug its life thal; there ought to lie a sinlilar I reputation of publishing the illost . inE 0. D. IncTaggart 'rickets a . ru not goo( . I on Imperial follows : President, Airs 11. P, Paulin, Societv if) the gl-aild County of Huron. accurate Cattle and 11roduco,alarket Lititited. . I re-olected by an over.whelming major. I 14.111 tClso anti of tile toarly poineerm of Reports of any paper in Caliada,.to- � ` ",- ­_ . . I . . . . .A. II.-. NO rMAX, ity; vice prWdent, Mrs 0, Ac-liesim, Noeth Huron; but I am tot) old noOr to gether with A brief, liva and up -to- . B A'NK I,', R, Assistant General Vasschiger Agont, Goderlob; recording secret%ry, Mrs H, carry out, the. idea I t suggest. I mere. � olate flows. service, can I be secured I Torontm' Hooper, JNxeter; correspondinq secre- Iv mention it fox- 0 bill's to act. As lit . I . tary, N1 !as B. . M. Steiribach, Zurich; �Vingljatn is the youllgo,,q, towl, in tile clubbed Witli. The News-Recora for — .,,p Court ty,'- the Society could be np ropt-l- tile balance of the year and lip to 'KING BUST � , SSI t rs J. G, Scale, :Clinton, ately ol,ganized here and ineet eve ov A GENERAL 13AN . . . t the first of January, x9o5, for$,3,75, WI - 7,_- . . __ .'*",-,- ­­ _-_-_,__--___1 I - altern,ktoly bere. itodin Brussels or While evurvoric, is'busy atthe pres- -NOTES DISCOUN- . Tho public meetingon, Tuesday even I cut Cute kill there- is no otto so, . ing ,vas one of very great interest, the Illyih. Tho early settInt-ti. of North I WoQdls 3Phosphodiue, pastor of the church,, Rev W. J. Yeag: Huron bobb inen and woolaorri, were It busy that they cannot take advantage to I TF,D. DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST . . The Great, Eaglish Remedy, or, occup I�of)je class of people, . They were I her" of ii, ge-ratine *baigai.n and secure the I led the chair, and expr ssed 11 I is an old, well estab. )to, broad-minded And helpful to each bcst local lyap,er, collibilidd with one AI,I,OWF,I) ON D1,,pOSITS. - - - .. Wiled and reliable his great pleasure in-ineoting with the C . �z I preparation. Hasbeen W. C� T� U. workers, welcomin thein othee. It .18 riot right tEtat the nanies of the brightest on�tropolitaia news- . . . (% 11 . -ch -iiiory of such people should be papers published ill Canada. . , . I 1� prescribed and used cordially to the village and , IIL . and in, . AI,I1KRT STRE,XT, C.ij'NTON. - . .. I X over 40 years. All drug. One of the trustees read at very suitable allowed tb flide and bo forgotten. This offer is only good for thirty I .. . gists in the Dominion and touching addrmss of, welconie, Vil.1agoitwOre 60011 starti-dand there clav% frotil. tbefiriai insertion of thl.1; - ____ . � I , of Canada sell and '11, s in "lie . recommend as beiri v 8 wl � . ,refore and After, the only' medicine Oi which wits responded to in a mosr, (-out- was .it n fill X of Vi 1111,90 s(41,101 -S, but I ad' crti einent tich appQar, I � . . prehensive address by Mrs Hooper,: of do not; partivolarizo any of them for News-RLcord Sept. �td, , 'E, . E .Neter. Then came a solo entitled that prith,; were, Well $"toothed fill- I , W. BRYI)ON its kind that cures and . . gives universal satisfaction. it promptly and I, li.�RRISTEM, SO1,10TOR. permanently cures all forms of Nervous Wea.le- won't you qign our pledge," by.Mas- t4piri, tbeywere helpful, but tbey dial TIN RENEWAIT, A STRAIN. neivs, EWssions, SperinalorrAcea, Xmpotency, ter Perey Paulin, aftex. witich ihe ad. none of.the hatrol work of clenving the I . . . � NOTARY, pl,iiije, ETC. and all effects of abuse or excesses; theexcessive 'tho� I f Tobacco, opium or Stianulan(s, Mental dress of the evening was lVen by Rev Wilderness and making a fruitfulgar.. - Vaeation is over. Again L -sichool ando�rain. 1yorry, all of which lead to Infirmitlyo R. Hobbs, of Stra %ev Aft Hen- den, blossnining- liKe rose. When Ivir. bell rijigos� tit morning and at noon, use � OFFICI�_Sloallc Ifflock- CLINTON, aulty,fConsumption and an Early Grave. derson, of Hensall, .wits Advertised for Jonei. the Coltimissiondi, or the C.. najfk agaill with jells* Of thoil'alids the . I .... , I 8 rlool p r ackage or stx.for $5. One will the occAs! ' , b t ata; late lionr4ound Corup,my, and some (A tile co1rnpitny hartIcst kind of work has beguir,* tho . P , , r cure. Mailed prompty on re. on u . ",f, i;!l 'I o ­_ iftea acticable for him to lie officiai,i itiet to define the no"thel I mucw,ll of ,which is a ln6ital strain _____ __ W,pt , V" Send for free pamphlet. Address that it was impr, � . ,: Fite Wood Company, presenf,L Mr Hobbs'ou very short not- b6tindary of the company lands Oey. to all, exrept the most r . agged. ­ Tile HENRY 111�ATTII-4, . I I � 1. I . Windsor, OnVe Canada, I ice cani� to the rescue anZ1 delivered stood oil it little knolk. near. Rpincheastel. littl�e,girl- that afew days ago iiaa ' � . onetof his telling lectures. Hegave find Air. Jones said 'he would advise rost!lls 'it, her check's and too little bily (SlIccLss,or to Air. Janata SCO . tt I - � NX�Oods Phos*phodinc* is sold in Cliff- - the testimony of the Jail inspector for the 6oillpally not to go north of.1-lull. wilose lips were then, so rca:,d yoll BARRISTER, SOI,ICITOR, .11',TC­ ton bv Watts& Co., H. B. Combt, Ontario to th-e effect thatorallthe etLi" final I)Ointilli" t.o the wilderness of . . . . R. P, Aie,aild .J, X 1I0VeYj liTIT97 ' 0 irisisted that , they had, - , keti . . . w laid have - ollice ft;rllllcl*lv trutle prisoners.- nine -tenths, and of thq. Wawanosh and. 2-fori is, he. said those beL �n j,k.is. occilpied by Mr, . I . females, tAlleieen-twentiethsi . were terrible,woods will .never - lie cleared, - set, Ijv,strawberrI(%1;,1� .have . I jallies Scott,' ill Elliott ,,loci ­ - gistis m . L . . . . . . . . -to a ttlel. �vi already lost .sanctlihig oftlicappcar- . . . . . there through andbythedrink. Ile that conotry is n6 use. N a 11 � .. . M o,,T I;, Y . To I,OAN. �___. __ � ­___ ___ . —1: also gave stntistics to show that 4,000 ever go ill'o such a dreary, oliNma ' I atice of heu,10, N o,%V: Is a Unto w4cia. ' . I . . . . 10111ZIll indim cbildrda should Ile I . . go down to death annually in Cariada plii'ce. ,tt(..Iv �he Oau;61A -Cout.... , giVell a L I ___ . ___ I I .: . � . . alone, and in the United States 70,000, 1);tny took his adv`lce, Mr. Jones Ile- 'tcuj�, whicli-Illav avert friuch scrious, ' � ' The TRUMP fflUtUal FITO through L drunkenness. He closedhis lated life circumstances to uie "(line- trouble atid wqL*k-now of 1100ther so, , L . I I highly t6 lie recointrietyled a-, 11oc . RIDOUT & TIA14 I . . I address with a stirring temperance tinjeartytrward.:11! hb could see it pow - Id's . . JnSUtan'a -.CgMqa - solo, entitled ,.,Let Qanadh be freb," 'hewouldbosarprised. Hezekilt,ROPS Sarsaparilla, which &t.reugthens * -,tire I (innitissioners, Real . , 1 As. W , . � CoiivL) anck rs, C 0 nU . after which Airs Baldwin, of Seaforth, Was 0e firt-t set -t, or 11 E A awanosil nervos, perfects digestion,and asstin 1- LI � . Estate and Insurance Agency. . I I . � ... ' . ' . sang a solo. . . . S.00ri followed by my.-esteerned fpiOnd, lation and aids mental dbyeloptnerit I . . Nif Mollev to Loall. . L -F arnfand Isolated Town Property- , . Rob(iwt Currie, 14, " gild brothers, the by building up the whole s�vsticni. . - � . C. 13. 11ALE . - JOIIN IZIDOUT'. - . . -Only Insured;- . I . .. � . At nine o'clock on Wednesday morn- Williams. Win Arnlou�, the Liukla_' '. . . . I . . . I I - . I � . . ing the convention opened with devot- ters. fhe Netherys, Richaril U11RUIneyj . __ � . . . 4" . . I I . . . . . ional exercises; conducted bV -Alt's J- P- Lhe Shiells,'l he Browils, M&I-titis gild Grand,Trunk Ry .* . � . ___ . � . I . . . . or, ri ICF,I�s ., - , . Bro%vn, -ot Goderich. Tboi. principal � hutiolreds of- (Ahers. Tile firet P0,rs0n �, ,. , . ... . ., 1. . . .. . .; . . . . . . I . .part of the-16r'erioon, �vaif taken lip who died in W.awallosli wits lvkl.. I �. � . — 11. R. 11IGGINS . . . J. 13. MeI,q&II,' PreRident, 1<ippon P. with reports. by thecounty suporinten- 5,leSilaill.tiojill, alld the fil-bl: person rnal.. ­ . . . - . . . . , � . . usur- 0. . Thos. Fraser, Vice-Presidoit, dents of the %6rk douelh the diffevmt ried wm� Oil- late Jas. -Browii, `.Vlie' . _�LDOATIIZIOX�. - ' . . . � . I . Fire anal 14e I I , I ' 'iIay. *,�Jorl is � I . . , Convevancer, 13ruc6field �P, O..; T,14,'. s, _,96c'- "departinentsi - There -reports elicited first, set devin , -841r. Nlo;000� - .. . . . . . � tince, 'Alortgages ' Deeds, 14tc " - Treasurer, 'Silafo4h. I'.. 'O, * . .1 . considerable dis.cu�sion and brought fell. n higlily educa6e - d ar)0 HAMne(j . old - . . �TNTPVSTRIAL—* . .. ­ . I . 1 arawn: foT $I each. All work '­ . . . � I � . . I 1. . . it many features of important work lgt�, Mt to Ile prefilter of -tile - . - . I �.. . . . ileatly and clicaply done . . . . - � � .DIRECTORS. -* * I . . ol _gelltlesl I . I j - bel,11(yellill-W -on. Vilc6uragill ref � ,---;.r.,XHIBITION— . . "�. Or- Proilnee. Iti'st(i�i,y,(irtwo.a,ftet-I)vitvt!:, . . . . I . . . � T U. I Williatal,.-Shoi,mlel", ',Sea�orth '; . I Olin � J. -' . . '. . . ence was, tuade to ,the V I old Kenneth McBean cittne` lb --n the - ---:-TCiR0.XT0-- ' BRUICEFIXr,l), - - - ONT. G ,rieve, Winthrop ; George D-alli, ",3ea-1 I . .1 .. . 1, I .. '. I . . - John watt,.Ilarlock; rnissionarie�.:.. 1&' Leckie and Miss Brautlonit, McOrew-, Aru.,iro g.;_0011- . . . . . .1 : I . . . ___ . __. forth ; . . Johl" Sproale, who are laboring among, tI10 1,,tr,, Hen de.sons; Don ld'& o.t. aild . � . I . *�_4�*_.;��. . , . I I . � I ­ I .. I . I jlciiiticwits�, 13roilliagaii ;� J,a,iucs.Evails,, lumbermen. and' ,sc,ittered settlers in Illittly odlers, INIO14C tit t1rose tild Liet-t - . . . .. � .� .1 . . I . I . I I DR. W. G1TXN � . . llcccivx6od'; Janivs Coliliblly,'Cl:17,toll ; A�lq and Muskoka. Tiiese h4ve, i,l.oisll;tvf-itiler,q.,.til)g,l,(.)Ijl�ti�t:(,�.�t.ori(-s ,kl�c,T,T$'C.2'7t],,,to':,';I,,PTI,',I%IB�ll.R T2tlI . . I . . ­ . ­ . .1 . . . . . . . � . ,1pj)n'Mc.I,edu, Kippen. -- . . - omt, forgotten, comfort bags and ' , . . ,., . . I ;, . ', A .1 ; . I . . . n I vorillef-to-d , w.11.11 thein, hab 1 ,045111 Ili)( . . . , . . �,_: . . � R. Q. 11. and' 1,. R. C. ,14., ljdifiburgh� . . , AORN"I'S . .. literature.t'o at conside.rable, extent I tay. .. alltldp t.(,) tht-ill'Ilow ;.lieftller t -ball I I e., , , ­ . '-. . -:�,__�i_L ��* �� . - . , - . * I , ... Night. calls at - li,,Ilt (]()or of.rtsidelice, - ' . , �.�. k . , .. I .1 � ing been*. sent throtigh tb(, ybar, and 0,111 ffi�­.ti-iiils ittiol har-(Nhipiio1 I lie 1-1`1;,S�I, I ., I I. .. �.. . . I . . . ... oil lZattenhury street, Olipusitti ' . 'Rolyert, .Sipidf,*IIdrlcck ; Rohtrt -M�- .dona'tions of . Money towards the piiym set'l 1-18 : iillt the'ir 1.1 ials gild 11-tirdsbips, I CT,TXTON To. TbRONTO AND: I ... 11 I * i . . . . I I lit 's; ' Tliejuven!16 depart- . . I . . . . .' . llreshvt�rian church, . . Alill4n, SQaforth ;,. Ja ii�s . Cutlinli I P . nl,efit,of salaries. wek-e Iliattly'allid greatt. lllfb-zt. of. I'llost. 1. ., .R'STURN 33170- * . ' . . I . . Ujrni0ndyi1I6.;, J. NN , I Yvo, - . Holmes- merit'�s being,, viooroukv prislied', And -Atid old - -rware-noiv all o'r nearly . . . . .: : . . .. I . � . . ­ . . . . gr. - - Soto It, . . . : , , OFFICI�- Olitario street -CI,INTON. ,��l,16� . .- . . I . .. 1. . niany Sundy litrs arb re- aill.­cjni,,-"Lht- o'ki (4411li-Jar fiev's", �,V(. 'F'ood .g(�Iillg 29th to f;Opt.., I I tit . . . . � . .. - I. 1. � . . . , . I � � I All � . , 1. . �orted as It. V ng signed the pledoe. : , . . I . . . . I . Partids - desirous to,effect iiisarahou . a I 0 I . tut.y-e �rvw,olvtq Ito proud of th� ol(j, II-Ild , .., , inkisive.. - I .. 1_1 I . ._ . ___— - . . . I I 1:1 ''.. .1. � . I I � , . . - . 1. . . I . '. . oc Aransact,. other * - business �;vill b4. . I I . ..� . . the present* peop)e of Nort'll Iluroll. - '.* . I . . I I . . ­. I � ' . I. . I . :, , The afternoon s6ssion was opened - 8 A, D I052 DR, SHAW ' . - � tiv attended to on applica 161, SE ,PTE'Athl�R. 1, �, 31 S, N .7-5 ­ 1 . . . prortill t * ithA prayer anol'testimony. meeting, - .The old 040-iltined and bopef',il the � � � . . . . . I . I I I I .. , , .c,d w I ' ' , pres-rit, practicaf,and beaki I ; , 'kil -oc , , , 0 in . . � . I I to any . ( . ;f th � c abo-ve oflicors,address conductedby,ldrsGreene: Mrs Aches- tifti, of - : - � kets valid r turn g qn,qr . PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON'. -to - ti, . , - I . . otll$� I filean tho gills i)eIiiiii.rul ; the - .. . I . . . . icir respeetive )ostoillecs.'. Losses on presbnted the fiepoet of the commit- e � . .. - ipslj�eted *I)v thd dir . :%Vli( li ns and-:req6I: . like' of wt ow I not bold t before. SplAcillber I5th- : . ructov . y . , I (I say 'callnot , I 1 I OFFICR- Ontario street -CLINTON. . . . .� � . "�e' tee on' recominendatio It- befound . elize . where � . Thistinh Ile veri. . , . I . . . i I... . . * . . I � neal'e.st . tll,L, I seelle,. . .. I I � tions, it-, fullows:: ..That the -year's fit -d ,Aiiy.dayon tile ronds leadit , .� For furtlier .information apply to. . . . 1. . I I I . . � workb6 op�ned with -earnest praytir - � ,,, into . . � . Opposite St. Paul's el . itirell. . - . ­ I � . . .� all tn�e Union.4 for deepe-t spiritual- Witighain, wht re nnulber�,of girls, as A.G. Pattis'oii; or'F. R, 1-Todgenp,agents ,' � Z=7 _­­­ ­­- ­ ------=== ,in . . . . I . t . . . -------- � .. , . . . . . 1. , . . ity' among the nienibers,., and that .bm0tiful. as. it bright. suiritnel"A dtly, .At Clint6ll . . I - . - I . . . . - n . g Ili fas Ion . . I 1� . I . . I".., � - . i . I _1� . . gi�eitter, efTorts be inade to Increase. the ,-,.in Ile seen d Ila v I I ' ' ' hi able ling, ' . . I . . I I . 1. . . SON I . .W . . . I I . _. 7 ----- DR. C. AV. T110111' 1) iiienii)ershill. 2; That officers it). the hieq, at%id ivarmg1hg*their high spirite'd I � . . ­ ­_ . A k I I 11 , , - ,'event ol . . otses vith.skiii afid firtriness. L'over's .1 . I � I . . l,llySICr,.%.,.\ AND SUROVO.Y.- ' Arkwory - .. dill -epartnients pay particulgi, -**"*<�*******- . . Special attention given to diseases OX ., , , . � . . attention to all -correspondence from de5criptl6ii-of Alary Draper woulal fit 4�'��****. 1 . . . . . � . , TIM143 TA]3141�,. �', . . .1 -endeavorto.1.6iij , many, (if 1heni-, What it: -wooderfil) - � .. � . I � �'. . the Eyv, Ear, -Nosu and Throat., ­1 .' . . .. . . % county 6flicers find 9" t IF 611-1111".up-to-date ,* ,,; , I .1 . .. . � . I ' y s� � .1 . . . I chativefroni,the ox.sleigh. -BA Ititte, . I I . I I " * .i I ,it and. tl to 1 ali communications, �. I , � . . I 1, . I .. I . '. , � � _Oliiet: and Residence- � . I I rahis. -will''arrive. . depart' romp Y. tion if Lhe present, good -M tlio:y, Illay . t.. , ,. � . . .. . . 'hat wb heartily express our gr4titude " - ' 6) : from Clint6n. station as follo,ws . . �, . t , ' 1 . . , . � A1,13ERT STRY14T WEST, CLIXTON.* . . . . I 1.� I . I . . . . ­ tothe pi-oprie ors of, newspapers who, 1)�,,,Lio�tild;t.c6iiiiiO*Iiglli*fi4iethi-p,t,� * tdid: : - 1. - HX IR, CUT . . . .. - .. I . lir,thti-very early days we had riefther..' . . .� . . . - .. .. North' of Ra,ttenbury St. ,UF - G0"l%RiC1-1-DIV. , have kindly placed- a column at our . . � . ! . � -AND- . . . � P AT, - 0 AND . . intidstersi dootops nor lawyers', bill. . . . . . . . . . __ __ . __ .� � �. . I. . I. � . . disposal, and request that all press , 1. I . . I . . Goiiiw.Rait V,xpreg§ ,- :: . -, * .3� a.,in. superintendents avail � themselves of sotb6haw we managed to get ork fairly . . CLEAN SHAVE ' . - ' ., I ". I I I t) � ,1 .� . . .3."23 P-111., tbeprivilege .thusoffdred -4,Thatto Well without Ith. ein. jn tile old da.vs T . � .. . � � . . I . I DR. G. W. MANN1\0 SMITH * I tbP.pa,;sen9er pigeona were %�itb tis� in , , Going East. Mixed. - � � 05 P-1- view with anxiety tlk growing ten- . � � 1 4. trf the leading barbei% -' PIIYSICIA's AN]) SultGEON. , Going West Alixed -. I ,1 ilu-i5 a-ru. avilev throughout. the lartalAo.wards loillions,-.1nit suddenly and mysterious-, ... . � . ... . I . . I I . � . I- tbev ceased corninz which milise I .. I I � . I . . . ,� 7 - I � _��, I iii ,, -ii* __ - . . "**"—X -000, -ft i - � ­... I . _____ - _�, - __ _: �_ '' _'__'.___ __ ______.__. . .., ­�"__ - i . IVOR OVER SLXTY YEARIS. 0 0 1 1 9 0 . vs. Willslow's Soothing �;Yrup IraN it wivil by millions of jiiotlier.�lijlll 0 � ir 0xildren wlifle tevOting. 11 ilis-, 0 HOW MWIS YOUR 9 bvdby night and larub-cit oi , your 0 1 -0 , . L by a, A0, child sullering allot. I 0 LABET, READ'? 411 * I ingwith.paill of cuttillgrtm-tilbulld 0 0. I � once, and get it litittitsof 1,1%lr,,;. 0 If tile label on your e. . uslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- * Daper reads Jan 97 it 9 . . . I . I ifeth , it will relieve the poor . 0 nicalls that You owe 0 I on . . tlu 811111�11cv illlnlvdli"�Qly. Depend 0 for ,six years sub- 0 � . . )it it, mothers, there is no niistaUo i scription. 0 � )ut it. It cures Diarrhoca, regu a 0 I us tile stoluach and Bowels, curvi I 0 Does. that look 0 ud Colic, softens the 0 ,unis, reduces 1; 0 well ? . . * I lamination and give6 tone anal en- - 9 I .* y to the wlloli� systvin. , 'Mrs. 1 0 Isil't it rather 0 1 tislow's Soothing S�rupll forchild-I 0 loug,-six years too 0 1 I. toet1ling is pluasailt to ill(, taste, 0 'long ? I . 0 . d is the prescription of - one of the 'I 0 . ... 9* I est aIld best fellialo physicians 'and I 0 . To have the label 0 , L � . rses Ili the United ,146xtes. krice i 0 road Jalt .04 would a cents ij bottlL. Sold by all drug- Is Ile, better, much bet- , � .. . 0 ts throughout tile wt o ter. � . ,. . 0 1 . . . I d ask. for "Mr.s. Willa , I 0 . 0 . Syrup. I I . I 0 � The label tells the 0 � . . . ; . . 0 � title. What . does : * I . . . . . o yours any 71 0 1 . just to. Iffaire sure, � 0 1 �. I . W - 'llistomer (to waiter who has brought I I . , . 00*0000 I . in a beefsteak very much -miderdone) I - 0 � . .0 . . iValter, just send for the butcher, 0 . 0 11 you? . . , , ____ - - I � - ___.. ­ � ­­ ­ . _. . _­ _....�__ I - . Maiter-Why, air? - . . . ' . . � Dustomer-L-This steak doesn't�lseem, . Lever's Y -Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant Soap I � bo qdIte'dead yet! . I Powderis better than other . soap'powdero, . � � . it also acts as a disinfectant. 20 . :,% I . I . . . � . ­ I . � . !" . I . .. . I I . . . � I . , I '�: � - * - , -_ �_­­ - ­., ;­ ____ . . . I . 36 tintud I I . . . � . I . . I . . . . � ATestern Faip,, - * Loindon I ./ T V . I . . . I . . . . � . . . � . . I � . . . I . . . ' - ' ' . . Sept. I Ith to 19th, 1903. . . . . I . . I . . . . . . I - . � . � - I � . . I . . . . . .. ­ - . . . .. . . . . . . � I I . . . � . . � . . E'litries Close September 10th. I I .. . . I . . . . . . I I . . . ,. . . . . .. . . ,� . � � � I . I . . : . . . . � . . . .1 . . . . . . . � � � . . . . . . . .. . . . . � ­ . � .. I � . . . ­ . . � . * . . An exhibition of merit. Bigger and better than ever. A splendid . .. . . i . . I � � ,it 611 per orming . � ., ,vay of attracrions-Tony - Ityder*4 eelehi,ated tr pe of f I . . I . . .'Monkeys, Balloon aseensionsi it Parachute c1top. front a parachute, an&- . . . . �. . the best Gymnoists,'Aerial Artists And Acrobots to be bad. Fireworks . � .. . . . . each evening concluding. with- If The Bombardment of Alexallatilt, a . I . . � I .1 . I I . . . � � great triumph ofmodern. pyrntechily. . I I � . . . .* . .. . . . I . .. - . . . I Extra, tfains-and Specinl. rates over *611 lines. Prize Lists'Anid* Pro-. . . . . . . grams'on application. . . . i. . . 11 . � I . � . I � . I.. . - � I . I . . . EUT-�Cft. .W., M. GARTS"O.Re,' , I . . .. . J. A. NELLES,' ; . . . . I . I . . . I . . I . . � - . .. . I . I . I . . . . . � . . . .. .. I . President. . . . . S6cretary ,,. I . . I I ­ . . . I � .. � . . . . I . . � I., .. .. . . � . I . . . . .. . . .. . . .,. .. I I .. _ - ___.. ". ....... __ - - __ ---,.--- � . . . I . ___ -, _ __ _._____... -,. --- _­__ __.._­_---­--­--�-- - . . . . . I . .. . . . I . . I I . . � .. . . . I . .� . . ' � . . I . . , . I . .. . . . . I . . . . .i . . . . .. . . . - . . � ' ' . ' I � . . I . . . I . . . I . - , , � I I . I . I WE . . K ..'.. � ... `K6. ­ . . . � 11 . � .4 . ...... ...BA1C.. .. ... .. . . . . . . I . I . . . . . � . . .� . . . ­ I .. � I . I I .. . . . . I . � . . .. . ! I I . .. Women and meti.who suffer'frolln � I .� . . I I . � . . I . ­ I . . I I . *�ak back or, pain in. the lumbar - � . � I . , i . I I I . I . ,. I .. � I . . . . region should take�. ST.,' JAMES WA- ' . . I . . . I I I � - � . , . . . I I , I I . . ..... -.1 . I I . rg;Rs, which posses$ temarkable cura�- '- .. . .:. I I � I . .. . . . I .. . I I . � I I I . ' . . .. . ��'. . tive influence on - functional -derange- , . � - . � � I I � � I . . .. . . . . I . . . . . . "Ll: .... .. , .11 2*nfts.. of :the' kidneysi s - and - exert '.�". : '' � .. . 11 ­. I I _� . .. . , . . special, tonic , action on the whole , I. . .� . . .. . I . � I � . . . . . . - �� . 11 . 1. . � - . urinary system. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. -.1 .. . I .. . I . . . . .. : . . I . .... .., I . . . ., .. . .. . . .� . . . . . .� . . . I J. I .. ,ST. JAMESVAPARS cure bladder . ..i I . . . . I� I . ' .. . I .11 .. . I . -1 * . .- . trofibles and paifis 'of -micturition . .. .. . . . .. ­. . .. I . I-' I I , I . � . . . I.. . . .. -1 . helping th�. flOw -of � urine and ar. .­ .. . . I �� 11 ... * i ' cle .1 . . . . . . .1 . .. I . ing it from any sediment. , ST. J,�Mli$ . - * .' '. I . � . . I . ­ : tz - WArgis,,are also a �oteut .*sexual . - - - . I I.. . . . I. . � ,� I I I P I st,religthqner. � ' - . '... . . .. . .. ....... I .1 � � .: I . . . I . . I . . I I . I .. .1 . ... I . I . . . S�T.jAmus WArrms- help stomach,. 1. . .... . .. .. - digest food and Petid the'nutrinient - - ... . . .. .. tllroqgh.:th� blood, and th . s is the' . . I . . I � ' .. . .. . . I . I PV� . I A . � I honest way to get heafth and striength, ­ I .... ! . . . . . . K .5TRENGTHTOWf I . . ­ I . �� I . . .. I ,�-j 3TOMACl,1wEAK HEAR, f , :.thL-. kind that laSts,- develops and - 1. ... . . . . .� . tv ,HIEA 0 . . . . . I .. . . .. �. . . . . z1- � ie�nergy w Ic accoul.s. '': ., - I . . ,it�"iat F-01ICTIONALWIZO . breeds the Ill 4. .. . . . �. . ��_ NICH THE BLOOD &S' 14- ' plislitis ixi-uch� . , � . I :1 ­. � . 1. . . � . - 11 � I �_� %THE CONSTITLITION . . I . 1. I . . . ... . �, . � . , . I . � � I . . . I . � . I . � . . .... �� A 01 . ­ . . . . . I � �. I . . . I � . ,� . .. ,- 5*�w , - - - �,.'Thevaiud Of St. James Wafers .. .� I . .. ... . .. . zz_ � .. �.. . . cannot be overestimated. ru the . .. . . I . 1. . . .. . � I most Obbitinated cases of kidneys - - . . � . . I . . � ` � aorydorikigN60-tr�aI.Cail, ... . and urinot'iry troubles they have , , . . . �. � . . . . :Z -Z . 0 . . . . . . �z . ... .B . . tendered me remarkable succes- . . I . I tl_,-i;l . .0 I . � , . . 1, . ... . .. .. . I . I � . . ­ ,��. 6- , sead, . � ,.� . : . . I - PRICM�. . ­ . Mr.'Chiarles H, Powell.. I . ,� I I I . . I . $:�- - T BRITAIN 4y' -a AMFOICA , , 'Ffttgeral , Scotland. . . - - . . � �tREA . . I , . . I I � I . d . . .. . �t� all hp ., ., i r ,.i I . . . . . . z . ­ � . Office forineriv occupied. by Pr. Pat- . Going licst 1,,xprLss.' . 1.12.55 P-lia. , , � . I . I . I$, . a.m. the deseeration ot Me oaubath, and to depreciate the more violation hf . . . I . . i- r was gerlej .. -woride andregret. ThiI're . .is> NEXT.D00K T0.rRWI1V:?rjR0Cc 1 .. I . 1___� . U44 5 a Qu . . � . ­ .. I � .. . . I . . " , lister on Main*strcet. � I '. I � . �, . 7,,65 . I . I . , . I . 10-32, P,111 - - .11 . 11 :. , A t. . . � public the.law, respecting "-he day, � �ve tire 6s- a] spe6ilation art to what- had becofne� ... . . * � . . . . . � I . I .. I .. $ , "I , . . . - . - 'IT -1,I), - . O�s 13 AY F I 14, . . . . . . � I . ... .. . . . '. pairied, to I'liow -cially at; so many PL tha, of them ; rib date. could tel '.. . I , . . � I . Geat e'D. on$ � ��. I I . Robert 9. � % I . I . . . � . . , LON1 '_111TRON AND IMUCE.'DIV. )o\ . at r6imecicid - wi th - th e c b1ireb es . -e. im- rear�d thev had -becorne exti 1, . ­ .. . 11 . � . I , . .., . . . . , .1 r : . % - I.,. � . . I . . � . . ... . I , . - . . , .� . � , : . . - . . . S( , . . * . � Going )IIth HXI)Tcs�q I7. 47 -a.-., . , ' of plicAted. *: I.T,be� habi t driving to, and. the s�ending hours -of Sabbath tit dif- . if, i s s ace7rtAined. they Wrn.ed..their - I . , flights to Perd,where tbeynxia at-pres. . . .... . . .. . *44,$"" - *""* . I .. . *""* . , I I . . ... ,� . . � I I I I ., . . I'll . .. . . � �. . % _ I 1: � . : . . � � . .----- . - . . . � VOW1, H R . DRS. AGNEW & . , . " I'' Mixed 4.15 P.- . . I - ! 'r' ferent points the, Take find else� ent, in'cotintless million,; lit I lievasland . . � I . . . ____ _ - 1-1 ........ . _­ . . . I . I . * � - .. . . � , � . -- - DYNTISTS -7 - . . " 0. 0 --pres, 1 15 a -M. .N rth F�., si � .on . _ I ases the where; involving in many - 6, Ar6adful forests along the slopes�of-the, *;none. � . a Pric0nCiinada: $1.00; . - - -. . . . . . I . � . . .1 . . . . . . . - . . . i0fli,ce adjoillilig 11hoto Galhry. open j . . . � . 11 . . , Mixed 6.05 1) . . . .., .in, . I . : \ I � I -igs,.pte j thus xxegject , . hiring of i ling the .. 1-�C.CA A, U ;1 A l_ ,I Andes, viliere tan* follow - thetit. Penple who atteib pt to miliett-Ateth6be I - I . ' . I � . .- .� . MF. ' 1* Six bottles fdr $5.06 1 . : � " 1121121 10 .il OHM I . . . , � . -1 I - dav and Sati;r_ay . . . . ..� . . . . . . . . � I . I everN , . IlIgL1.11 111111L 'A. 0; I'-..%,TTI,%O'.\' Agent. � . � s .. sery ces . o s ous , wo eel, �F" dark and dismal­*oods' am seldont. iviomw � U. � I 11 I I . . . . I . � . . � . . . 10 (;,Clock. . . '. '.. , I . I , lore. We desire ,also to express our . .. . . I I . � - I . � I � . . � F. R­I­10DQV,XS,. Town Ticket Agent. -incere sympathy with ilie Lord's Day r; heard -of akain, To �this day. no � � ­' . . .1 .. . I . � I I I . I. . . I .. !T I 11MR, I I I . . � I . . . � .1 . I- I ... .. . . I 81 . ,� I I I I Lh . . . . I . � I . Aiij),tirli even- '_N1oII(lZV. . ,;. , . . , I I I t- f. ,�v �;!. A , * - I . . 11 � 1. I—— — ."'y .� . Hy . . .. . I -111i.'sday., " I J. D� MAC )ON A,T,lj, District Passell.- Alliance in their blessed work and - . 6. . . . I I . I I)II11gwilloll �%ery _. . . . . � .. I . . . . . I . . . �. . . . I . :. � . . . ger Agent, Toronto.* call upon our 'sieterk everywhere to hide- . . � — � , . unite - The ninst; Uind itn'd fria� r ____ � I . . . I " . � . with us in prayer that God may ­ Ildly feeling .. I . . ... . . more and more. These rec- getiondly prevailed arnot'j'g tile egf-ly I . . . . — prospq,:it . I .' I , - . I � � . - ­.. .­ ­_­_... ­ ­__­ I---- ____ . I DR. (I. j,',R1,E,ST I1Ol,AlXS- I . . . I I . I I ormolendations. were enthusiastically. , settlet.8, sotnedii6g like w tat social istli ,, .1 . . ;Spuci.,list inCrowli andl,ridge 'Xork I . I .. . . ' - * . issupposealtobe occasionally bordA!i-7 . . � I endorsed by the convention, . I . . I . ii). i), S.-Gra(lilate of -the Roval Col- ... tr PAY'STO ADVERTISE- - � . I . I . � I .. . . � I illt� on altrukill. . I .. . j I ., .. .. . , . . . � I I . I .. . lei, .. t,,. I - ot Ontar- . I . ' . I . .The closing meptinrronWedripsilay' - Manyof the tihilflren of the eiirly' I I I . ,c ()[ 1),ui Snr,,cuas . IN TIM NEWS-REC01' I . e - . io. . .. � '. , R 1). � - ,. . I I I . I 1. I . I . a I eveningwas mostinspiring, the cliare'R -a tt!04: remarkably clistidit.1lished I . . . 1,. 1). .S. -I �'irst cla�s liciiior gr,Ldviaiev �-t-. ,. . . . . . ..., .— being well fill6d. '�ha. chair wits occu- themselves both Fm biwvvts al(;dt('r� I _1 � (,i Dental 1)upartinunt of -TortInto ,.6 . . . � 1. .. . �, . I . I .. . . .. gied-by the president, .who wits Ili ]for and ininsters some of � ' thein even.gidw- '�, . 1. .1 I ,rsitv- I . .. __ - I.- . . � .. I I appiest mood. Prayer wits �offered iDKP1`0ViIIci1iIfa,m9-' lbismostgei.iev . .. . . � . I VnivL ) ion; . I . ' , by AIr E. P. Pauliri, itlold the Scripture alIV:'Adtilitted that'ono of ,r.be toost, , .... I . ,Special atteiltian paid to preservat A . pIN00 . .0 lesson reacibythephator.. MrRalliniv, bt�jll lant geniuses. th at 4 ver g; itil it Oted . - . 1. 1. . .. I I of children's tLeth. . ,, ' . . . I , Jr., rendered 'it beautiful solo, after frow Toronto Univer8i y:wb6q a Noy t It , ­ - . � ill bc. at the River Hotel, Bayfield$' ' up, , ­ I 10, which Mrs -Ai3hEaon, in herclearand Huron bov, Sorne of tile 80fid-Und (111,11 � . . W every wooday 4ro,ju it) a. Ili. to 0 � . . , * . 'A. .L. - I . . . . � . I . I . lel �Vjy M GiAzINE',& 0 v - MONTH . . , ,expressive manner, gave ti. s1ratch of gliters of Not-th - I-Juvon are' n ' % , Rattenbury Street Works . 1). Ill. I A FAM1LY;0BAiRVr_ I the origin; desfgn and progress of! tile 'Scat.terod it]-] , oviet from the Atlitbtic . . . ' - - ' ' .--- I I - . . ' .. . I . � work of the association. A short but to tho Pacific. Annap of thein becaine . . .. Direct- orters. ' Workman- . Is ne Bost in - Current "Literature. ' eloquent address by Rev J. Gveene, celsl�rated travellers. Ole of thein ' hip mAmLatorint. guaaranLee�i - . 1)R. J. FREEMAN . . . . . . I . . Was followed by a speechby Rev 11, now roted goo Ong tile most wealthy I . k� . .1 � . . VETERINARY SURGE09 12 C6MPLETz NOVICL& YK RLY% W i ; A�01ical . . � . � . A . N . 'Knowles" of Crediton, . who is it, rnen of Bviiiii on. Aj.oiber �of thern J.* G. SEALE. Aild C, 0. . � . A inorriber of the Veterinary I MANY SHORT* STORI E -S AND forAble and eloquent speaker;heina ,whoin I often mw as it child plifying in , I Associations of . London wid, 9din- -PAPERS ON TIMELY.T.0,PICS nioAltIgical manner showedtholille� Wawarfosh tow tiship is now if, -meolibei : imovpavroRs, . - - .�.. I . burgli and Graduate of tit(,, Outar- . .. . . I . T11I.- . A . COPY,, I ty of legalizing the litinor traffic of) of the Suick Exchangeof New York, , � � I . � -.- . . . . ... 00111 I . .. . . $2.50 PICRVIKAR:25 0 � fhaeligrounds that. it is the funclion of and said to be amillionatire, Many. of' ­­­_ � . . . . io Veterinary College. , INUIO STCiRIES'a .law to . , . . "I � " .NO CONT s some I (OFFICIi— Iliir(')il .street -CLINTOIN, " . make it easy to do right find the girls Also did sit, gulot-ly w. -Il . , I ommercial HO -toil . XVICRY NUMBER Commetit im iTsELr difficult to do wron,i., of l,bem- bel n g Married to wealthy met, Roma conual. I...* I - � I . — , , . � . � illiant and sticaessfal . - � and some being-bri ., . Tliona 97 . . .. I al Presid a . I . . . , .1 , .Mrs Thornley. Provinch . ent, school ontstresses; find cert-abaly 171 I __ — . : t-:!L�--.-:_-_"±ttltl!�--,--,:,---tt!L*t"�--12�-1-11-1�,— of London, was to hai�.e addressed. Ilia kit a the best and urost natura.1.1, teacters . , I � . I � meeting, 'but on account of illness foe- children. . It. . I no , ;=��� could itob be present. A resolution These all e fancy sketal � ies. They ate ID LAU Marriage - . . tendering thanks to the trustees of the tette aill I (,till give niany wore and .. StBaMBA" L! I — I church# the Zurich friends tot, their rki,i,h fuller detalls if necessaVy. . . . . hoQpitable entertainment of ,the de -e- Our you u people of we much grill I tit � . . . . .. : ' M6ther gates, the two little pages, and to till do to the oll ; and it is hoped they will ,Toj,EDO_SauIt Ste, Marie Division, Lic � who. it any way contributed to the do goulething tangible to commornor- .11 � I �- - — . . . I teceaq of the convention, was Tnoved ate tile old I nol show tho young trfx#-to . . 10reight aild Passenger, - . . by Mrs Brown and. Airs Green, . I . ' . . C4 My mother Was troubled with , I . . "Auld Lang$yile." . . . I 1 . — . . . IS coitsurription for 'many years. At The meetin was . brought to a oloso I � . . . Yours, (Stc,l . . . itting � steamers wi . 11 . last she was given up to die. Than by singing "god be with you till we A NORTH UVRON PIOXDM,U . he tried Ayerli; ctoral, meet again," At 'both evening, meet. - I __ depart per schedule sliown below, .. - cherE .. . J. B. RU�nb96119iC1i11t0X1 , Sand Vag speddilY cttre 'Ire 11 . ings the pledge eArd was circulated, . 1. .e ­ I 11, — . I b I i . . . I . . . . I . -t�,�_ 9 F . r 4 i iF L� D, P. 3011yi Avoda, X. Y. and a, number of signatures obtained. Jessss',8009 (il Osseo, Woe, 0. ,�*)-�D@ .14'. . I , . . L �.'r ' aunt of tboplace of frileeting be- . @ I I I . e I . ISTRI r "XING 1�,DWARD! I , ... I . , . L ' I ,% "..., -*.,I ,.,-.'.,".!S1 e, r r . ing somewhat out of theway, and the . (j� AX IMPORTAXT - '. , ..@ - umves Goderich, ixorth bound' every ". "' � - , , , , No matt how lisird weather on Tuesday morning being (. I �" I,.;; ii1.'V,` --,.,I L1(d1-1r_reIk.U,r= . I I .) . �. I . % - "A_,- r . - � � 11 � I ,_ showery, inany Nvere prevented from @ 8aturday at 9 P. tit. fot Sault Ste. . . I 11 I your -cough ,or how lo�,g I 00 XOTIM . . r @ Nfaric, 'Leaves,Goderidi south Jound F"/ attending: notu ithstanding it was one @) . .1 .. : . yoU have. had it, A�er is of the inost proll table vut held, and ure I 0 every 'Thursday at 11.),,jo p. in. for I I 0 1 _ havereason to belfe�o that the lfi� @ The Nawk-Record 9:14 The. (�) Windsor,. Detroit and Toledo,, calling . - Ch�rt Pectoral is the @ NVeckly $uit of Toronto will @ ,. tit intetinciliate ports. t 7 fluenco upon those who atOnded., upon egg for (F) . . . t , . I . be. ing you csin take. the place- where heldi and upwi the r * Ile Sent to any ,addr "OSSIVRAOU." , ----- I . S tile balatice of r9oi for the Oe STR, 1. 11 A Society. generally, Will pro-Ve lasting 0 , Of I 0 sult I TRADC MARKel It's �too risky to wait - . all auln ,5 touts, 0 Wi,:I leave Ogderiell, Xorth Bound, , , . DE610-No wid hiliffill, I , . ,, I Copy rifGHT13 &d. � until you have congump- . 00 'rlie XoWs_R(�'(' )rd r lea(IS for .* - is o'clock 1), lit, lVoidnes(l.t.y.4, for Soullt . one Scalding it filtelth nfid'd0orlEtlesti, May , Special mention was made of the @ local news, No other paper @ Ste, MaTic and intermediate I?ort$ ; 'Any Ill, colinion frail W othIlY all tion., If you are cou hin' gpeat assistance rendered the cobven- O!, fit Huron colitaNs just ad OW retl1ruing will leave Ooderidli for -n tsprohn1lbr.ratontatild, COMIl'al"Ieft- � Ill ') nuic of ilia local liat)l , ventio I tion by the presence of Rev J, Greene, (o It Ono Strictly 01illdent 0- lifuldbtift On I'Atetlitil "I qUiettly 04i,ettain n r, , today, I ot bottfe 0 ourago In � , *let'- 00 Windsor I)ctroit atiol Toledo ,at a 1.8t 0 ebey for aecuriff of Clinton, whose moral 0 (07 in 8 While there is no bet- (�), e6ho, fro,j). Oldt 0 1 . VW,Ilta tokerl t9rough blurill & W"ro.n.t.,f'o Cherry Voctoral at once. ti%ldng the stand he does against the . - t LFr I o'clock 1). lit. oil Mondays, loreiialoaltftd, withoat ellilrilar. lit the. .1 . I.. . - I.., . iniquitous traffic, will .prove a power e Still, fanners' paper tha . 11 the @ I , .1 I _1 I for gttioil in the advancement of th 00 - I . For rates alid further information 5do0c Alftfit"Afto three -alotla.'"a Alwfof� for If or , 0 (a) is couts pays for both I address Will. Leo,'Goiderielt, or , p r I I Ijja%6(,-Af0dw(le1t1v. Trotgo.Adt WId;506.jU4*j;At for ronelliti'llos altusts, t '* jeosif 01, 111611t aeon A lumdilil�)%' ti�bAfd etildd, ate-,, I 0*01 i " , '" (6) 0 JI'll., 1904. 0) ,y I,o,j.IjjojjX incquif, Fierin's, 0 1, . if .0dintloft r, I I . "Oold yalwlwiltlep)OM for 61d seegandtokild Ottlip.114 . - W. 13, ROSR,VUAR, �_ f folir Iflontuff $1, �11 AV= CO., =0111 @ ,jcl`(J'1� N P, ,r . '% r � � 11 PAYS TO ALI)VURTMA Jm*%04 (0)0. C006 *-'41)11 14) 1i) DO & ") Goincral Tvallic Manager I I . , , l!A,,IA+A'i1V, fill"It'! yffl'R . I . I ` "! , �, 10mumpup�­ Sault ,18te, Marie, I _.� 1. .1 19. THO xl�w$-RUCOAD. e 0 blit., t)l"%1A1L­­.�,. v4,.-44�,­­­tAJ"A . - I I . . I ,,A ,�;' , �j 0 1�, i llhLL�. '�,��#*%'=-*­,,*,� * 1140111^1 I , � - I �,,� ... ... %,.-, 1. I � . , 'k... alk,,,^ .*Ole "^A&AA-"-0' . aot* -, '.4 * � , w^-Uffi-0-"!, "I.. Y_ It #9 4' . "11,0114L . —N L I ", ,�,­�, ., I , -1 , W ,�#, ,.&.- " -`e �, � . . I . I � I I . '. , I . 1. I I _. . . I . . I . 1. 9�. 0'. T 0 0 � . . �. I . � I . � :1 ''... . . . . . , � s *0,1o' E a e Be t P vep � N'd I ... The News-,Recorad. . . . . I . ' ' . the leading local paper. in Huron, . . . .- . � . . .. I . and the '.. I ... .. I ... I . -1 . a . ... � . . I ... . .. I .1 . I � I � .. Familiv � Herald, 'and . .1%F I 1''.. �. . I � . ''.11.1 I. �. I I I I � I I I I I . . . I I ­ . a,": ;, - .1 � . Woe'kly, . tclv.L .. .. �� �.. . I . � , . � , , . .will -b.e s03A *to an -y , address until . .. I I . . . . � . I Jan, i-904, for 40 cents. �- ....' . . . . . . .. The News�;Raec . ord will_ swoply I I . 'r I I . . I . you withall the locAl news, and the * Family Herald and Weekly Star will I � . . give yon'the news of th . e world and I. .1 .. I * '.. the greatest amount uf good whole -d . . . . . . � I I . ome reading . to e found in any, . . . . . I � %wspaper or niagazine. . I . . I 40 cents pays for'both of th- em - . to . end of iqoO., Call or �s�elnd your sub- ' . . I I . . scription to . � I : . . .1. , I I The - NeW.S"Reproord . � .1 I � MIXTOX I ,_,,,..� �. -to