HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-10, Page 3ORP -S
- - I -- -_ . , ''", - - - ------_-_-._--____.______ , , ..___,__,___ - ,. _
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, - ._ I i 41 found to come )lot from the Milk 40
. 6 FALS4 To GOD. . ***"*O******** 6.. . . 6 it leaves the cow, but froall vor,9013
That . . wilien bavo been waulled with Con-'
- , I .1 . I I Falsehoods in the churchl and Abouttbo .1 60 1=01 tunl4liated wil,ter." and lie valls at-
. Means many of, us are weekly
bre 6
. I daily ,aking1tho. Public plodges, We . .1 I tontion to the fact. that "silizo the
I . I made to, liod. Take. for in- . 01 Advent of the Cream Separator, which .
have . 6 11
. ... .
W N I �1.11 . . , ,. � 1 .6 Stance, that promiso which Y04 - I - -_ I - I . - IS usually driven 'by Steam Polver.
, I .,,,.House . =;@0 fitealn. has been used to cleau all the
. . made whon. you joined the Church . I I , .1 , .I I ======_ ,
aVO YOU )(ept IV? ,NVCry Suuda� - . . FU:RE WATI01t. Utensils Ill the ,dairy. Not only Is
An 0 ca Lesson of the Divine Attitude To- night At, the close Of the nice"I"K` PFV-W1 99090900" I'll, it eiricient for tills purpose, but as a
. . ' -
the members of hundreds and thou$- `1!yPhold fever has often been As- germ. destroyer there Is nothing bet
. . ends of Christian 4AX1,04VOK services . cribod to -u contunlillated mill�� still- tor, becautjo it perotr%tes to the bot -
ward all. Kinds of Lies are roapatilig the Cbrlixtjail X41de4- Bra4sed Veal -Buy four or five .. ply. As during t , lie 1.ulniner and fall tom, of tit(,, seanis and beats t3io met-
vor p . .011lise him that I pounds of the shoulder of veal and . I - when this disease prevails Cows are Al to such A degroo As to Uill 'dull- I
. . I ledoo, "I In 4 to get t)loir drink- gOrOUS * 001'JuS. " .
- trive to do wbutever be would have tile bone taken. out. Fill with ,,.,, . � frequently, forced
MtArad according to KGt ofthe Far, . . will S a stuffing made from bread crumbs, Ing water front Sloughs And stag -
ballot box is their footstool. Poll- like to have nie' do; that I will MAU'-' , .
tical fulseboo�d will take the record nd ocilsoucc two nant pOWUs which may .be coutautin- � illIPPICI.MVE FLY DRIVEn.
tit of Canada, in the year one. . .1 with salt, pepper land E
1181-e � it the rule of my life to pray a , -i the gerins of typhold Tov- -
I.M.Mlid Nine 14updred and ,khrea. and best public mail read the Bible ' every day and to tablespoon$. of chopped salt pork Land atea witl of
Wita. nany, 61 Irtly-onto, at tits of the purest , Ldd. also a Pinch Of sweet or, it Ili important to know Whether A cheap proparation which Will
h Ill re. uwma-1 lives and rt my own church -in every 1'.", ture i3
wyop absolutely be- ba,con. ,A ,
artw 4t ok Auricuitu that, ever .4 And fa Auppo borlils and A: little onion juice. Mois- - '. I Such germs filiA their way into the ell Mes off . l,orses in pas
daub. it over with scandal, ISO V attondiril� all ]ter - .
way, especially b, ten with -u very little water� $at milk Supply through the cow or by made by mixing rraUQ carbolic acid
A tictipatch frolu. Chiel-1`0 Says :- accusations- But. though the COA- service.% I I
. regular Sunday and. midweek the_,neat in a pail, pour,one Cup of . . I contamination of the milk after it is With fish Oil, ill tfiO proportion of
Rev. I.,rallij. Ile NVitt ,yalivage preach- co(,ters and utterers of political false- prevented by Sonia reason �� 11 drawn from, the cow. This iaxAtter two tablespoonfuls of curbolle acid
, I. boilWg.water over, cover closely and . . "
(.r tire of blackguard- Unle's e give to I � I y a, bors,e- . I
ed froia the following text -. Act$. v, boods way, llev , which I can Congo! ntiously cook fit a moderitte oven one and bas becil the subject of very careful to one quart of oiW' sa 8
8 : "Tell tile whether YC Sold tile Ing and inisrepresentilig our public my Saviour." DO till the young poo- one-half to two hours, basting and javo r4,. I% pernot, o mail. "This .should be-applIC4 to
� ' . stigation, by I �
land fur so much." ,neu, tile acine of meanness is Only ple, read tile Bible every day'. And turnIng occasionally, When 0 .1 ont station, who those nart� vj%lch. the auimal cannot
tender tile Oregon Rxperilll ,
Morbid curiosity is to tile (WO what reached when, without Just- Cause, conscientiously try to attend the take ill) tl.o meat, Add one table- - 0 . load' oi- tall. The
tile political luire the . l 1, administered various gornas, includ- roach. with its I
gostAp is to the car, Tile grewsolno. they drag Into . well midweek church services? Are they spoon of lenion juice to 'the liquid 1. Ing that which causes typhoid fever, preparation Call be - Applied to the � .
the hideous, tile diseased, the Appall- wives and the, children of the perjuring themselves to G; o d And thicken with browned flour, 1 49 to a cow and examined the ulil� arid young, fouls as well its the brood �
Ing, art-- objects tit which SMOG Of us, whom. t1lQv would , indirectly attack. simply lips? Are they trying; Serve the gravy lit A bowl and slice . 0. excreta obtained, for tilo pl!esenec of mares, Crude carbollo acid should
.1ill day loiig!lii this generation the fandly Of Any with their. , . I - ��_ - as it is stronger than the
never tire of looking. . I conscientiously trying,, to live up to tile meat tin a platter. I 40 the germs. it was found "(1).that be used, sts. , I I
a steady strealki of. sightseers. PaHseslipublie mail is ne ble, like . . a pure culture of typhoid be, U4
,, to live above auspi- the teachings of the beautiful 'not- R.Ice (]riddle Cakes. -Pour two I 0 _0111i Inix- solution us Ily .gold by 1druggi L
in and out of tile Parisian luorgue. I C&esar,s wlIfL It is better to be' than to and, � .... I .1 . ed ,with water and given to the cow .. . I . I . . .
Ab,,tlloll, I wonder not that t:O, " . cups. of warm .milk oil to one a � .
The more biouted and di-fornied the I cion, the perjurozis of. one-half cups of boiled rice and beat I to, drink did not pass into the milk, .
corpses tile stronger tile fascillUtiOn I. -some of our public men becoillb bit- seoi47" Remember, I I I . _5__��,_- 2) tbey did.not pass front the COW - , FOR ,COAL OIL., .
� . V text wore destroyed because they ted. A, dd - ( . U�SIT; � . .
and the bigger the crowd . . Iter "and lose their faitil-iii .m4nkind. in, until .tile grains are sepai-a � ___M9_ alive with, the exereta;l and (3) that I fell is always af hand. . .
�`he Scene of 111N, 'lext. Th6re I wonder not that WARN' a public wore making w fals�- statement to tablespoon of� melted butter, tile I-IINANCIAL TR,RM. - I C 0 w. - Coul oil, wh , .
Such is . the church. 'Many and many church beaten yolk of. three eggs and � one. . they did not pas14 fro;n. tile . when needed, is an invaluable arti-
Is grout exciteillout ily. Jersalow. The I nian is tempted to carry his political I . . "Squeezed f6r Money.11 alive With the prind. . .* * a Cie in the .stable, garden And many
agittit.ion is Spreading e-verywhere. I hatreds down to tile grav, deliberate y t I . .
� cy. 4Wod members Who I a 010 .,cut) of flour sifted with two level . . Although the results in .this . eX *
-As the people axe rushing along to 'pity. the honest man w1io it), public churcli Altars continue to Ito to God teaspoons of baking powdpr.' Add a � . . other Places olI the farm, but it is
I .
� . - �s tsj to- . pertinent have been negative in trans- � benefit Iii -the poultry .. .
ward a coalition cOlItUr . s011IQ . by- lire Is having his heart gashed open 'and Continue to break the pronlis.( sal )oon 'of salt. and beat, all eS With cold water?" ask ortbe greatest .
by the attacks niade.upoll,the char- which they are making Sunday after gether Well then ad(I tile Stiffly- . witting the gernis from poluted wa7 house-,*, When -mixed Willi, lard oLnd I . � . .
stander asks a runner, "What is the:' � . . , eggs. veteran housewife, pityingly, of the ter'to the milk supply through' the Applied to fowls filfuleted with. scaly I
Inatter ?" Wh ...... Answers . lie, - W�-ters of his loved oncs., Truly, the" Sunday must answer to God for beaten. N,vliitQs of the t . liVeL five -weeks bri,de.. "Then lot me tell cow, it does not follow that the . ecif . .
'people, their Wns � a SAppbira, Bake in sniall,calies. , . . le and will. invaria, .
"haven't voll heard the nown ? You i3LS At tile cross, an .ungrateful f,s Anant4t all . ' You Something. Use hot water. It danger front COWS. using such.water leg it is a sD . re. Sprayed on I
- art, O(Tering hill, a, brown of thorns had to answer, . I. . ! I I Peach - Shortcake.�Rltb one round- Nvill dartypen the Cloths illove Ovelyly does not�oxist.. bly vestilt ilt a ell f the - . - - . I
know AiiLti-Ir.9, %N he ustid to live I I - to a cream . tile roosts, -walls dnd ceilings 0,
next door to me ? 11 instead of a, crown of treasured gold. A SUGGESTION. �. Ing 'tablespoon of. buttei. ancl they. will be ready for ironing � As COWS frequently stand in the � I .. . .
a," '"ll" I . tile . whole, trend cup ol- sudar, tbon add sooner." . I . 1. - houses And Cool,)B, it will destroy The I . .
We - 11"Itle NTRUTTf is. COWARDLY. � mT three eggs beaten light, ' . Slit three . Flies will not $Ottl lice and posts that make life miser -
dearest tit Ighl;or. . it, it. 11,..4 U . )Ins, my friends, with one Water to escape flies or to C061 them I . -
I � . .
preaching this munillig of this sornion is to prove that every - a on windows Selves, and their udders iAtLy thus be- able for-tIte fowl and render them . � ..
, ple. 110 took UI) ty. COIIVULLVII IUU "IV I A lie Is a lit- against whollisclover. d we'utter, whether . true or level teaspoons of baking powder t)iat have been washed ill wAter come' contaminated with the polluted Unfit to return a profit to their . �,
pocir. Ananias valile forward anditold. A lie i's especially cowardly wor I with two cups of flour three thhes, &ix,d with a little kerozeno, . ;
I .
. ld against'1311blic -xaeii---� false, that Word shall never. die, It dd to the first mixture.- Butter . Water, luvestigations were made to Own � I � .
When it'is to . Some persons claini that bakeld erg. By stilling one Part Of . � I
laid ills contributlon a ille judg- a determine to what extent germs in
etvaded that he'especiallY cclwardl�y because for tile shall at last niqet us,At three layer cake pans, 1111 --with tile , licious it 'til olive oil or .two parts korQs � .
the apostle aild pr . seat of God and mako us' ex- Vough nty - minutes, potatoes. are uioro, tie ey, this way enter the teats and 1. . 'it into tbo'nose axid mouth . . .
11101ION, to jile.1 ,nost Part the N.1ciiins njust. writhe Inent, . nd are half, cooked by ,boilind before go., . -ir . Injecting , '. I �
' _ forth ve In CONTAMINATE ,ni I MILIc. of fowls suffering froin roup. . .
had 1.1ven all his app�,ar Nvell!and t%�v1st'uncipr the in,&lnuating and plain why we ever lot it come. Spread ripe peaches that ba, boo ' Ing into the oven.- .. . . . . L Uses . .
. i
Church. lit, Nvanted to - and suffer" in oil- frolu our lips. 'It. is to .Prove Jilat parod, sliced and sweetened between . . . "Tile �6w used in this work was A; These and many.. other *01 . � .
his ft-'Iuw church tuembers. : Poisonous uttack. I . The Unsightly face of a bisque doll, - about 4 Years, old, with fair" Can be found, for Zllso"es .1 I I
befuie ehood. 1-10 once. Tile nature of a lie* is not God does not have one la;llgtlagO for the cakes, Put fruit on the top cake may � Sometimes be restored to. Smile- Jersey I I I
But Ananias told a fuls a xnei Luty by shaued u'ddor good teats of medium the , flock, ,and As tile -article Is �
had not given aV, as lie had pledged changed by harriessing it to a qual- the weekday and another for Suil- or spread it with ; -ingue made thing like Its pristine bet, . ireely, The - .
back if--ing nor is a Political day, - The , Bible distinctly. and. . ein-' froni the white of one egg and one Ing it, wic.11 sof.t clo,th Oiled size, reason -ably easy to Inilk," The cheap It .can be used .
. �
hiniself to do, but had kopt �y adjective, , . iies� A, pbatically states that .Christians rounding tablespoon of powdered rubb a . touts were., � * hieh sell for lower. . � I .. . I ..
ellous than other . . . . .
part of tlit�, money for Ills own use, ll� less 1i It out of the sinfu"I . . I . With butter. .. I dipped in .water contain- lower grado,-!, w actory as If,- *
Then Peter raised his fingor towtird lie told to besmirch 0. Political Call- must Come forth sugar. �. I �. .. . . Ing the germs And allowed to. .(try price and are not satist .
FA,nanlas,. thou hast , diclate or to belicht a polUcal Party world -and separate therns6ilves front , Carrots in.. Cream 'Sauce. -The. car- . . I . 4 � � .1 . naturally. . After the lapse"of sover- lunitnant, will be found fully RC I . . .1
. �
I .
heavon and Said, all,offense in. the sight of God it. In -no way can this bo done bet- r6ta must be vbry small to,. make -the . . MAKING IT.FXT. - - al -hours milk was drawn and ex- good for poultry yard uses as the . . .
not lied unto men, but Unto God.' is accounted for Caking . the Christian 'dish delicate, as the full grown vog- . U ss man has his own anyd d fox� the,gerins, but none was refined artiple., . �� . , .. I - .. -.1 .:1
Ininiodiatel Ananias clutched at ]its which ,,Vill,liave to -bo 11 liarS` ter ,than ' by sp, . stronger flavo ,very busine tie . . . . I � . ..
judgment. "A langue aightforward truth. otable has A 1�, Cool'; idea, -of aevertising, and. certain found, showing "that they were not .. - � - . � i i , . 11
heart. IZ, Aa,u one shriek and in the day of . . we rea I dy . . ca�rrotj In, 'slightly salted points that must be c � sitlered .ill talcon, ' into "the udder by capill I F 4 . '! I I . . . . .
'art, o excePti011s to this Are . to sp6a.1c that truth tile young - on . . otry I , . . �
dropped dead. Collie Ott; lot us go 1 -there 11 I � i
I � * - Can, be piere- . AN UNHAPPY WOMAN.- I
- -it may be found? I boiling watOl Until -they . order to " tising . as attraiction through the -teat oriflce.�' b - V
� make the adver
up and see what is next going to -rule -all hars shall have their part wherever . elt two level - table-. . . I � .
iin the. lake which buriletly with fire. -But there is ed easily. M ''as V ach The' ,that there I 1.
. . .. just- -one little sliggos- , . successful it- should be. . ro is Ad doubt .s a - � . I
happen. " . I which is the second tion. I Would spoons of butter In a saucepan, add idea which wl I help toward the teats �of dil- "Mary Queeil of Scots was 'a, -most . . . . . . . .
. and'brimstone , l.. like to make.before 1. I the bet- great variatioll in � I ' he?*' in- - - . .
LIES CANNUT lip, CLOTUED IN' . . �. I � a .level tablespoon of flo-ur, a few torment of'the' .matter published is, forent milch cows. . A teat - Possess.? unhappy woman, ,wasn't s . �
WJ11'rE. I . !death." - - * '11(yineinber, a lie -is not, al- . . . dred a thin man o en f � . .
. . I close. lips. It,can also dashes of pepper, one-half level tea- worth considering, And. each -line of -Ing a weak, sphincter muscle is im� qua . . I I I . .. 11 ..
- . it, the social world I ways. told with the . . . Spoon of salt, a saltqpoon of, powclo�- . . I I
These two men rush cm to-(Arard the I Falsehoods . . . I action or. thought'which has. helped p6riectly closed. it its extremity and train the other 'day, .
i Why ? Because fQ`W people can ac- be spoken bv'the hand and the foot. . . 'd one cup of thin ereard. the morchaut. to got results in the iiiiist necessarily . ' more acces- - '.'Indeed , ,lied the * I � � I
, ;. I I . �
temple. Tlivy collie to . . vor ed augar all be. , she. was."' rep . � . I .
the outskirts cur�tel,V ITIPCAV� al)N' statement ,they 'The last �w6rds ipY father cy th. and Well to enter' , through other, earnestly. -. . . I I I �
t tlirong. There the nlulti-7.. . i ,etc . . When the sauce is stiloo past -must. be considered fit tile pub- sible'for bacteria . � . . . .
of a grect, . hear' Without ilit�iidlilg to inisqu ; study were thesp, *"tile . I ' also far from I . . I . .,
-oweinge land pushing and , � which wrote in M4., I 1. .. cooked add Itwo, -Or ,three gratings of -he future. I e the Contents of "Queen Elizabeth was . I
tudes are cl they- . Language of Action.— . They N%'cre to nutineg, or -if, the. nutmeg, is objec- licity of- t, It IS not . for the duct And invad havi�g'happy, wasn!t she?' I � . . I I . .
jostling their n0ighbors.and. trying ,, make -�crbal , changes . .. f . the next sermon ' advertising experts to tell tile mor- the udder, while another teat 1, if .. I
. - U. . I . I
- speaker. Sudden- sliglitly or seriously affect the nican- be the Caption o . tiohable, add'& few drops. of 'onion say or how to. say It; 9004 onirapting power, "Very nruch so. I sho' Id say, . .
to g. t noar to thL ilig. - If y()u would prove this state- � hant Nybat to . musculal . C 1, . . . .. �
� a sim- he intend6d - .to wylte; Beware'. o.h, juice' instead.; Put the.cai'Pots into. c to listen to what they woul-d- to- be believed." I . . I. I �
ly tile cry is raised "Make way malce -,,oil pla , I litit. it is well . I I be less lilcoly'to admit ger'nis. ,history is . I I I . I I . -
I Inent I .would have . that when You attompi to -a 'few. minutes. � � * I . - . � .
we"N' I " The Kva Of hillilan. faces,ple gaiilQ which we Zlhildren used, t6. n.ian, . I . the sauce -and shniner have to say about'niethods ' and Yet It seems almbst. imppssiblo.� tllvLt ,"Ithen there.was Catherine .: . ..
I . * I .
I k in - this --lariguage - Of action",, Quince' -Vreserv6s.-Paro, core * and . -he exper *':may ',What I o . n earth I are yo . u r .1 . . . I
surgt-s to the right and to tll,,e left. play -in' Illy., Younger days. ,We w.0uld Spea. all honest. points in whibli ,� t IiO-vO any moist muscular . orifice coulck so * d iving at, . � � - . .. .
1111111111.1111 lit you shall'not. 'onIV havia . -set aside the � . .
Every head uncovers. The . . qbarter'the quinces and better. knowledge than even the ex- contract as to Shut out' -an organism may I A�k?" broke in t1W mail who- .
have. twentV 6:' thirty people s . . -but a-trutbful hand And . a cores skin and 1) .,ces Iliat are � I . 'hatit 'lifinself, . . ,. � . .,
voices i's hushed to the sil- I I r IO..- Then tongue,. . . . I 10 , ' sniall =cod , mere . .The -of Such hlinut� dimenslobs, egliecililly was being regaled With the names of � - - . !� .. . I . .
of intiny I 1 l6lbout ..the- InWor Ili- a cire . trut�hfiil smile_ a, trutliful Shrug Of or ii,'reg6lar* for -inaking -.inar alAdo. of. a'. proposition fits. the indi-: tho aoid, wilich are active- 7of history. . . ..' * . "' : . I I
ence of the tomb. Slowly alld - Sol-.. Nve Would; have one person, who was . , 19 . . ,scy like tyPI 1. .. 1. . the'unhAPPY Women . I � . � 1. � . . I .
I his ruthful foot and Drop the pared quince* into boiling -hat m%t- ly Intiltile, ' . ., -.� . remark 1� . m . , . . , 1. . I .�
I �,)(Ir a .qilll.1)16 viclital for.the I
I . , StAt' the shoulders, a t I � - handling of' I . ,
emnly down throufTh the open path- I 9 . ' : ` "I was just - abbut to I I .. .
I . i -tile 'leader, NV� _ I atively, a.trutht.41 Water and .cook until, they -dail � bd, * If the outAder � . i thin naan '`that.'� the , . . I .
way coino .the pallbearers. carryin . to the also, ..vorY. imPer . . - ter in the -best wdy. n � . . It is &iierally believed that micro- . I I I I.. .. I . I . I
. . . ido niti, SUgg0StIOhP Vrganisms gain Access . I . name, of *tile - '
them a shru � ud i* � F o" 9', )�Icryt or teli a, Short story,. . . U to Speak.' pieileed '-With ' a -straw. -Put, -the c6ntinubd the.., I .
between ed'forh . r his:right.- That-pei'soli silence. Thbre is a 1111L I r * A al call give th6. ills �to the milk . . urlhappiest .woman In - , �. . � .
Person upon . S ASO � i I I I t -will make the snace.us -ovilt. the teat,
-the young inery arose. " - . .-turn whisper thb. I t,thile to,,koep Still. quinces. into, cans ..or Ja s "(I � in to tha cd Of' in the cow!,s Udder* ihi - , the world does not,appear in. history. . . - a . , ...
WOU11d hilil I anic, There. is L .
. I Would. In . -of tho'water An which .. the al- , ... .. . I ..
up and carried lilt' and buried. e story .But'if a inan keevs .still 'when- he a syrup . , valtie then the p1m). of thO but - in'this. 'Case they did not, s Now, I've got a sistor-ib�6iaw -named.. : - . .
. .
.1 out -S-, , And' 0.11 and on tb . Ce itself fruit wa's cooked, allowing three 'C , 11 though the! � the . . . .
. stot .peak t . 91 "�1111r. is! W;rth dc�llars to.the ma result might not be .. 3-lartha:.Tabbs, And just at'-pres . .
him. " . � it It. lied xqade the full ought to 9 heri silen Sugar. for - the 'utn . . , . . ent. . ., I .
, I N..,Ou,1(1* go unt, ii,,the* thundei,ous .."tolles CuPs'-with six. CUPS Of I I who is doirig the: work. . No - matto�. same with all COW.S. . . .. . , . I � - ;
Hard].,,- hat] the noise of the. shuf.- � . (I , Theli the. la'st porson in the may speak. I . it.' ' Boil 'the sy-, . she is the most wretched .Woman !Dn '. . I . � . . .. .
m a, iiewcoinor,-1 ell'! o' - of tho. loudest affirinAtives O�. .of. the four pounds. of fru " NN-liat w the * advcrtising,� it, .must .be . Bven.if it'should. be proven that - e.'urth. " , � I . . .. . . .1 . . .
fling fevt ceased whL - c i'r c It. would tell 'the.-�tory As lie I I r 'over th6, . atod. in this. the face -of ilie . . I � �
. - .. Lot yotir'jif 1* rup and skifil, .then Pou I ade to fit, 'the occasion or it will. milk, is hot contapain .. . I � . ... .1 . I I . ..
w' ]let- �1-vaY it, Thell.- the first.person louddst . -negatives. � . . e - ill . I I 'kettle'of mi . W � 1. . e- .. I I 'What's the ter w --:-lost . I . . . .
a Woman, began to, elbo . . : Set. tile, Jar into a . ., I itli h&r I.,.. . I I . .
. - .
I heard . al ift'lid quince. . . no *of profit. :.Keep ,the i ea . . - -is not removed.. b money?" .. . -..malt I. I . . .1 . . . . . .
through the crowd- She asks the told it.. all- -its . Arts :be 1.'3�ea, Ye "' � ., . . i prove * - to . way., the. (1'angei I. . .. � � . I , . . ... . I . . I � � � . .
. would tell the. story as he P . ,boiling water ,qnd.'cuok ton iuinU$A* of sales arid. roturpi well to. tile which has . ,. . ,I 11 . . � I .
along-: "Wbatiklid 'the V,0 st.o�ies -,koulld' b . ,Some inso ts have' , 8� . t , S 1*0 Cause the body ,of a cow "No-__�11 ,* - I � 1. . . I I
' � . . . ' . . .
q .. ' , . . . I
people as she pushes . 0 no ."naV,, nay.," ore; then, Seal.- I ' ' *1 . . 1. .. . . . . .
. �
is -any 6nitt hurt ?" .it tbo�sand . eves.. - The .. human being by -111 � �: but- don't make . the inlitake of thllllc� been wading. in impure water -is it- .. . 1. . .
. . . I. I . . � .
Is the niatt-er ? . I "I i je in the other. ' . .
inore. 'C 'than the s�tripecl. fur of I, niaybe?", brol, .
No one answers. They'pretend thev .. Lik 1. the, Ny�lite W001 Of 'a the "langu'age of tkction"�nay have - Light Corn :111'60-!L�-130&t 0110 ..egg, Ing. bbeause a. good idea pulled' busi-L self, it Source of c6ntaro�ination* since I . a, last week her .'. . I .1 . . . . I
. panther is. It ce. .. . .... . . worship' 'Ifght, 'add olic-quartor. Cilp 'of -sugar . n one locality it 'Vill iii*'anOtfi;- it is .inlpossibl� to -milk-'such- a cow , "No; but, you. se . , . . . . . .
do not hear her, but they 'do..' AS I pot lain . I .. . . : - .. .. a thousand tongues. These , . e cup of -flour And ness..,i .. . . d , . ,bought her .. 4 twa-guinea I . . .
. b . . . ,1, . mcly the - And ' the. -,witbout particles of nia:t - husbea �
I . � . one L I'll of inilk, on oi-.. ,St situation , 6rial., ia'll . . . . . . � I I . .
soon as, - . . . cithei, at the , � . . .. ' " I . . .11 . .. I .
� . -
silo passes -along inany an TE ja. - - altar 6f -truth or', 1 At Onc_hA:lf cup* of Cornmeal sifted Wfth If :you, find they - fit ' I he niilk and cArryin*g with hat- I I 'liat " .. . I I
liny a lip quivers F . - - suggesf ion, I' Ing into - t I
eye is incliSt. in, . . . . . .1 . the satanie slirine ; of endless fal.8i twb level teAspoons. oi. baking powt ' u' find they. don't - merablo'- germs. This we ,, ".And I suppose tbo.iwo�gaillOe, I . .. .
. � I * I I . I , . . . ' � . . ' 'Mary'- - . �.. . .� .
"God pity her I ' God pity )let- !" .. There are Ilially' social falsehoods ties. . . , . � 'der .amid 1pis�t .add a, tablespoon. of le ". 0 . it� . innu . made . I . let, more unhappy than . .., .1 . I .
I � . * . .
This is Sapphi ra, the wlfc� of* - the .every ,Community,. not I I ____+_ - - I . b, 'iat d�.bake in a. Ufis,te ��IhTn,ge 't'llionlyte ' that th8Y will 'know occurs to )such'an exterit'that * .
. . floating about . I . .. ulelted. utter. . 13L -an . . . -customary to Strain the - milk whbii she discov- . � I
litis�ancrs . . I cl� wha:tAs to be expected o.f.theni; it is, ,. . . - - I � . ... .
e deliberAtely - NOW' TO LIVE A CE,11TURY. - shallow. pan t1i .. . . . . . - . . - , . ` . . . .
dead perjurer. She is her because jio! I I 11 . . renty minutes.. I I I . .. . , I Ign I - � . I .. . :. , .. . .1
lie. . � . . . to remove the particles of -fo.rei ered that her neighbor had 'one Cost. I .
I �
confederate Ili the premeditated ll�d against -*. neighbors, but because * - lcs.��FrSr a fdw�sliCesl of RAI bacteriological Ing five?'! . . . . � . . I
hor he points� ' I 'the - -C - LWAY.- Wbbn a ... .1 . I . I . . .
I .
As soon as Peter sees when * gossip.. . start � 9 her. w.ork t1ke You - Have, a- Better -Chance, I� a salt pcl4k'and take.tboin froill . . AN ARCTX � - ' � Matter. . . this sedirrient the I,That w . as not it, at all.. She .Wag , , I .. - ..
. .
d . , . . . . � .... � � ., . .1 . � iorly railwdy id tlj� study, is, madd of ' ' skylark in . 'June : ' . , .. . - ' . ,
to the pile of silver and gold all johts lliade in, reference to, .a Wonian Thin a 'Nan. . I I .1 slice. Sour, appies, witlldljt� i The.'xnost AQftl � I . s ' of these as .a; I , .
st atpni . �, ... I . 7. - � ..� pal,, w:'wooks. ago. nuftiter � . and - kind . germs . as -hAppy a . . . . I .
"Woman,' tol�l . ,me * ' n - 'so the story goes,. �Ica� hd cores- arid fry in 4hb;�id W s.oPoned a. to . I
says unto hot,. In an's - ell aracttw.. by oft.-roPetition Of- E,'very wo ian, I Ing, .cut :out t . a . I -n -I. . If 611 meadow � Until, she tripped. And. tell -, ,, . .. . ..,
� I , . . . . ,. . . ino-king- its Whole lengthi it lies .within Sound Are truly sui.i.sing, . . . .
land. for. . so t, Ally boconic, malforin- , glis which to the the fat, Which - Should �be -s * I .Steps And spiairied. � * � � ,
. .
ton uninten ton . . carries .with her. si � . . . .. . I . . .. � ON91r. ., AT I The greater the ..g.erllis thus erA6rin& the milk going UP SOMO . bed . I . . . . i;
much ?" 'And she.. says, "Yeag; 'for' .11, . .. I . ctie regions. . sediinchi It hor ankle.- She is now lying In 11 . ,. . . . .1
,I -ed an'd satanic and : character. tie Te*periencad* tell'.WhethOr She will, live hot., - . rrit6ry, would ' remain - ii, the . . � . I �
. .
so much." Quick as a f1aqh th6 I I . .* -so . - � ; , -'ea:d. Sandwiches. -Make . it PaA� 'of it.. is in Swedish, to. . . - unable to wear the hat, And by. the .. .. . I
stroyiiig monstrosities.- : imig, Rere are ,me of the.sUPPOS Gingerb) Id be all right, �but unfortunute
of God's Wrath struck, . . " 'd soft gingerbread dnii'liii,ke It in and only a striall part-cbts� through wou . I . .. .. , ...
lightning . Social falsoh-oo0s are prevalent. ev,� ad signs of longdvitY' '. goo I . , I 'i t the milk With. this' time -she. can wear'!Vit will. probab- . .. �
. ,the narrowest.portio'n 'of Norway yin.; ly,-.tiropping in o. . . . I
"Then fell she down straightwaS, *at I � t I . . vit matter the germs tire lilberat� ly b out bf.iasbion.: .1 tell YOU U, - . .. .
. e r.y W. h 0 r Q, Ilow 1 a,t e : we� �9, guard The byes must be round and. -wide Shoe p in -shallow parls. . Cut - , ill
- . . .
his feet arid .yielded lip the ghost, . . . 1 Fir9t and foremost, 1. rather' -than long and.narrowl-and . if square,-,, Split and spread with- .a ti� it reaches the Xorw�glan liarbor foreig h*.conStant..-a9it4tiOu - . e - h her' looking Aearful� .. . . I . I
gainst. t ionl? . I . ief,obJedt of Allfa ed throug . I ,. . . .
' ' .
and the young man came in And al. IayL-r- of Neilfeliatel.chopse. 1or-Narvik.. The�clyl . . . . . is slid to. wate I I . . .
I carrying he)- by not making ouiisolves.�a medium they are brown or hazel life.will be illiti - � 'IN CIDIIXT'. TO MILIKI., . ' -hangs on �9, ' .., � . . . .
r . . I I . .. 0 orke-half cup. of ible, Which now contiocts the -north-. . XG. . ly � at" that *Iyat, ., which. . . .. .
found her dead,'aiid on " ' were bludli or * Peacii Cake,� ream . �. I . I . . I
An aspersi longer than it they� . . . � Ik 64- tho ' I .. .
buried her by her liusboaid." for their'propagation. once 'started . . I.. .. . � .. butter with one and - one-half -cups, 'of i i -Bal�io with.t1le Atlantic, Js. - to i :suitable pog. near her- bed. � Ta ab 1.11 . � . .
d' n, a. rhayl'$ character, " violet. - . . I . 0 U, the. rich mineral resdurces.of As -..wa:rin - nrill: -is a very v I'll. es-' unhappy Women .of historyl .. WkY, .1.11 . . .1
Such is the Biblical escription . of -l -P I . . . . , . I 'sugat, Add slowly one-half. -tuP .�Of OP911 - up . . . I -nititerial for germs to, groN . .. . .
. � .
. ..
two capital punishments. � . k . 'g.passed froln.11P.10 lip "01 -the . . The. neck ,must -be full and pillar- � Nv 6 q -tli -and to 'carry thein - . . s, 'the. she IS Mor ' ' ten of., I . . � ; ... .
I . . . . . � : ,. milk.. Sift t ,ups 'of four . with. Noy Sweden, preially typhoidAever germ 1. a unhappy than an�r I .
- - . � � - . I � �
unity�',Iycars it. 13u� ,the likes,rattier. than slender, . ... .. . . . number N,,hich woul(i.multiply in t 0 . . . � . . I .. . ,
BU$INESS FALSEHOODS.: .' I W."Olc Comm' I �t`WO level telispoons *of baking � POW�- ch6aply to Narvilc�,.�Tbe new rail- h in put:together, ,. 1. �
� . .
. ., . i cAlunniy, often Unde.9"arved, might be' %The brow must. be 911100 and ,siopa I which will be.. kn I ow.n� as': .the. '.. . troduced : . � --:._.. I .1 . I . . .
. . . . I . . add to ''tile. flrst, inixture. way, I tih�el_�o houl-s fi-onj *ihe.fewlh . - . I . �. -� � . . .. %. I
"a tile businoss.'svoild . per- der and . �. .. i - . � � . 11 .
Flasehoods I . .1 . stopped .by the oilgervation of a still- back oi4. an albsoluto I .. � I I', 'is abol.1t.140.yulles long, Lit t O. � - I . . . .
. .1 O .. � slightly..IT - must be - Irnond flavoring And the Whites ototen ine, . h tim6-cli-1,11ilkiing.would.be' on- KA . 1.
ey nest and thrive capedially Well wide Add a . I . I ,.
Th -1 . . . . I. . .. of four . . �.. , akethe And' .cost -'.abc . s- and *da � & .this . up, A tu 01 0. .
I lile . � r�le; ,146vei -believe, 4PY tivil P1 ndicitlar. ' The head )4t -%.7;5,00..000,- That � , ilacrous", , -
in the haunts of barter and gain;- .1 iny "YOU. ma . y behind and'over the cars, - . . --ot if W 11 R. 11. .. I � . . . LB -H. CORE 0 IIII . . . . . ..
rumor,' .. eggs �,beuton at , iff. 11 hicli cuts through .Nor- Forbes, of the Arizona R CAiA ses 25
� 11111011
They great you. at 1.11P opoii(0 doors � father 4ai'd.,'.. . � caAce in two IaY'ers- Pare 4 'dcy4cn part Point" . . I . .� . . ' ;
,. . . 1hoar -against, your neighbor. '.9ever The mouth:niust Ile fall- and well I . � Ab6lit,twonty-five'railos long, Stati011, SAYS : . - I . . I .
.. I .. . . ' . . I d'fir'. rilie peaches and slice'thew. ,: Cover Nimy is . . C� � I . �"F\ , is n*'dlrect to the dl$ayloed : .
of our large delyartinent stores.'They'i in, . Tile Norw parts by the Improved Bl9wer.
themselves fit: circulars-b-olieve it, UDICSS You have Positively set, � and the ellin.square an . full with Slighr ,to .Sweeten an.d.use a§ a and 'Cost $1,000,000 . When & cow wades belly deep in- . heitis t1io ulears;, cloars the air I
. . . - ' I * '
pictorialize .Ssion . lie wide ana. . * ' lie' 's'.. - Put gian .' Secti IV of. this Artie railway to 'a *flthy pool' kesieliving in the heat . .
I I. I . from. the The nose must , liling between -t layei I 0 . I
%, wJ; I ch 110'x"d the' evil Conte I fA . . I I I . passacca, stops droppings in the . I
I* . * And -have . cake and'cover rtins 't .o - . .
. -
and newspaper advert iseni:onts r .1,16, malt a own ..Iipq, and even. then . you, through .`ItS. whole length,. on the top . I . hrough tcrrfto,r� altog, tber un- and fouled witb� exdr'et�ons.: ber'nillk I th.roat and -parinamantly attres ,
are seat broadcast over the I hoile itlyere*� Is sonic mistake open,_ easily dilating nostrils. TliisL peacbcs . � - . inbabit�dl I an,l Is one. of the '- most I I - inevitably sufror., , Not - only � Catarrh and Hay Fe!pr� Jalower, . . I .
I , � .
and country dis T h e4v p 0 S o 111115i t.11 . . � . . . I with whipped.creani. difficult pieces- 6 . f railway .� eng . . -Nv I I ter.she I fivi- All dealers . W,.-Cbase - . - . . . I
-go cOV" I al out I Never ,allow , yo.urself to indicatcls' . a, good hea:rt and. g0oc , bolery Salad. -Cut the white stalks , inoering *11 tile foyAl ,odors of tb�e wa -, or. Dr. A.
.. . I W1 . . Ana Co., Toronto sta Buffalm . .
I I _!d � .
. .
in fictitious reports of our lai ) a - . � . , I � . I alf-inch plecesI after Ili � tile world. In: this -short dizot.ance drinks be imildrted in . som.6.1'rrieasure I . . . Uedk __ I . . I . I . . I
porations und exaggerate tile tjnllual�listeji to any- maligndr of n inno-� lungs. ' *Io - of colery into It ing-Iii. . ice - cold there 1. ar I - but inillions"of bacteria' . � � -
dividends. They have. for their passi� - cent . -nian's life. and - th6reby make , If the orifice of the ear is WI. Cie. stand a sikfeen-*.'tunkiel9. the long -CO �tbe milk, . . I . .
. " . . , it,�Iyas been el � - . 1. . . hair And Udder will . -HOW TO -MAICE. A FILTBR. . ' - . � . I
. � I -added a lilt- cqt Of *hich is about 2, 00 ft.. adherilig to the . I . . 4 I .
ports whi te slips. of paper, purport- � Yourself it Party. in the crime, . Never noting a,d6eply ileated brain., there water tb Which has jeen I 11 .1 I . I . . . . . . diied. off aittl I Ik d: : A perfectly I adtisfactory 111, . ter :can . I I . . .
I , I I .1 Iniporrect memory to is'a better chance of long life. .. ,. tie lelnon juice.'- Pour� some rnaydn-! ,� . .. . I I I when ,�ghe is �L e .. . I
Ing to represent bonm fide stock allow your _. 1. MAT G DOCTOR. It be 'made -at , trivial. COSL . . . .
I I . an who appears taller. in and AN. AUT61 'I ;t into; the mil bome At a . I
gold and sif,vor . ibidll . naise dressing ovol, UO e0ld"Y . . - I . I find � their - Way as UIUE. - I . .
transinit NVIllit. idle gossipors iand .. The wore, . . . � I , 11 buy ft" it a large unglazed flower -pot � .
Whereas the I . . . niong . ors may revel in. ' I .. , . . sitting down than , ve it v ry cold ... . I .. At. most- .df the. larger ratiWay sia- pail. - . Quicic go�l np' of 1-liffic I r . . .. .. . I
Proportion when I Sery 9 . 1, - � , _ , I � 1. .. � �
ry. , seen d al ,� . . . - . ... ._ � . f . . weather . a, ' 'Put a CP"% . .
copper mines are purely itilagina . r ,cl. undesirable With an uneven bottom. . I I
enthrone themselves Ili � -the . PARDNTAL DISHONESTY'.' - when standing ,has-. a good chance to ., .. . . . �. . . 'A ,: - . 1.
. .. , tions in Hdllaticl an odd .addition has warny.
They . . � I . . . live, long , it the body is long in � . 'BJ,�I)Ro01v1 VZ NTILATION** - . lately been xnade to the collection -of Changes � in - buttOr and -.dficew, caused in the liole,.,cover the bottol *itli � I q .
I . . .. . � , . - of . pebblos, - a ofie I
"pits" of . the Produce exchanges: . . 'Falsohoodd .fit' tbo parental mrld! to .tile Iiinbs,. the heart, .. .. . . 1. � esult. , . I �. ii halt inch layer - .. I. . . . . ,
- the keys -of the* tel6g.raph . � proportion . . Uvbry room in'the bou.se sbould be tiatornatic machines, ,It :takes the by bacioriaj� it ayer - of flint Sand,' arid tile - . I . . . ..
They fingel XVt-- would. ]lave becyadoyie,4. this 1-e.id- - - � , lgos tva drgans are. large. 0 , f�a . . . � 1. . .. . .
r . , '�O lungs and , We'll vefitilated, but. : � I sly . Got. a . . . . . .
I t. oul& be Sallie, of e6nimal charcoal. . ...
jns�truinonts when tile breadstuffs a 0 ing, and. called it '.'1aIse1io6ds'in' d' ii - . the bed 'rOoni outward I rin. a n ol(Wagliiilmod . It would seem that,'these are suf- inch 1
about to be cornered. ' .The . � ,,,Vhe.pul�io ihould, beat* With full And, gi . 'I CarlY CJ&t(.,:ontl1r con- ficient relLSOns why COWS car's Arid out in it .. I .
,. tire , 1, uld be,especiOLIl'Y.v%,eil.yentilateO., doct-9, of ti 0 f box.frdni the gro .
.y it'). b uA, for. one reasoil. � .. ,F . . hted froul Ildving access to IOU to h Id ,the . . L
Just as Inuch at home with the ,doniestic. w-ol'i . L .. . normal stioke. - Liflabs and' 'Johiti 0 -ifice-4 at which air is act-.. tuiy'typo_ with �o; gicat peruk,e'on Ills prove 0 ...1. . .
I - I Whon a husband doceives' his wife or I . r lied, tile Land the ot 'of tho physician water, but there is tile additi6fial a hole Sufficiently large L I .
owe manipulator as with tho should be largo and. well .to I mitted gho4ld be well above tile love) li.eact. .Tho.: body - . . . or . . I . . . . I
Avholes . a. Wife her husband. they do it delib- . r of Ailbts, over reason Of danger to the licial.th. of the pot, and Place uhtlerneiath a bowl . .
retail dealer, with the great' Co -Pita- I flesh. neither too. hard hor too -sort, (if tf,.e' - head, of 'a- person, occupying displays . animal. froul. L 'disease germs which pitchey� tOL Catch the water that 111- I L . . .
- '
- trader soat-leratelY and .premeditatedly. TliqY . Those 'who rescillble their, niotbers tile room. .. . . I .. � .each. of* *Iiich the'rianto- of sonic Par. I I.. . .L. . L tors throtigh. It will be f6uud that . I . . I . I
� .
- � . .. I �. . . .
list as with the liunib�f I do it with th.eir. eyes Wide opon, and . 11 inflowing'air, . in tictilar ailment is Inscribed, If...You in be ilresent, . . . I �
tile counter of the little may expect to livo, lopgost, .a (I the The current, of . . 0 'that the drops will fall front, the .slight'
� ed behind they fully realize the onorinity of - � a cold, ,soro throat. headache. ,111t=u&'thede Are Idangors . ' . .
country store. We have all felt I - first�. born. is longer lived that! Oth6r. fact, .Should -be directed toNvard tile have ell ',worlh,' w1hili to guard bulgo-of the un ven� ttotu of - the . .
. . I I ' ,
. ),Ott it' is W. . . a `� I . .
i�thelr sins And toward what, destruc- d near the rhoulnd�tism,; cough -etc., etc., il , bleg, Sand,.
upon our )lot checks the baleful . . . cljjlrAlr6�. For exan)LI)IC, � 11 sistcr- ceiling, for -air adInitte (or a .'cent) into 'the against; it is evident, as Mr. Perout pot, Before ,us ng t id�peb . .. � �
born-toft year in sikist as, Put u, P61111Y - . 1. . I ..
touch of their infectious tive.rocks they are' heading, But 9 before allOtIlci- sister c -* . that, outbreaks of ty- and charcoal
bi-oath.; Th ' I ,ciling very soon cea�'-, I, they shduld be boiled, .
� I
. (7 hoh a futhur . .'novei� tollS it false- is supposed to have'six years' great- a disti .-Lurrcllt�atity %Vill be 'round proper.slo . t, I and ,.you. rdeck7e for points out; . . I '. . I . .
. . I it 'the Cause and whenever the filter is cleaned, it . .
ride down with its wholl'wc' 90 . . I . 11 , t, indeed, the, ne- phoid fever occur which,. , � I .. I
shopping in the inoriling-, 111hey con, . . , at a vw��t silo rit . dista lice froln. tile. 1'bur small -foe, no: ould be well to'ropeat thebolling.
O hood to his marital Companion with� er duration -of life,, . -,ith t,i,e got, , -y Oct' r, carefully traced, would bi) %'� .. . . . � .. I I , I I I . I . .
horne with us Nvhdn we turn 611ilout forethought, that parent irifty it is well known. that womon. live inlet to have 1ning)(,,d N - cegqat rnedicine, but tile 0 o a were * I I . I .1 I . . I . - . , . , .., - . I I
ghtlosaly fall into tile habit . of x4qn,. I. . � :I __� � , - rsolf. - � �.��.. , ..- . --- __ . I . . . . I . �
.s offlet-s At night. thou longet, than but �so ,far there is, oral mass of � ilic air, and..thc;*eforo prescription IlOVT to Curt) YOU . I I . . . . � .
backs upon the glar . � the. tonipetaturo , of the I . . . . ..,
Falsehoods Ili tile business worldl I deceiving � his childrefi., They are so it() Satisfactory explanation of why a'ttaihed . I . . . .. .. . 15 1 . ..
They figura not only lit the transit voting. lie think v*do,.not re- tills, is so, out oj� a inilliol 00 p e, 100111, pal-tiv owing to the larger . . pOINI.rED PARAORA * ' AM aft 8 . . . . . . .
I . I
. .
I � � I . s of- air Ill the r out wlilcll% tile � I . . . V& V V 0 - I . �
Sellers, but Iii i 2205 women A only 81-1 menre'ach Ines I Fans ,are ,now 'moving In '.". a n%m . .
cl� ., -s the, - i ,6 1 ' � I P' a- .
tions of buyers and , 1, yteinber and do not Widorgitand. The al! . , 0 tile best M . HeIP1
the declarations of , tbe ,taxpc�yer. 1 Sallie 16W applied ta.the wife 41 tile age of' 100'years, Maybe It' is inflowing Current 111111gles, ;partly to society . . I . . . � I a I
. ,
Here coilles tile co,u . ntN* assessor., ,Well as to the husband. ,ThP mother because a NVOnlan, gets more sleepithe action of gravity Ili cases -Whoro I it's ;L *WISO ,COW that : knoWS' her . . Wnt
., iho inflowing, air is col(ler than t.1ta , . � I ? .
,operty wortly. ? sokno day I . . own fodder. - . I I .
IT.Ow much is your pr . , , Woarled. by the perpetual than a )nan, foi- flic-longer a person; .. in the room . . ' L I h Paraly* sis
l I
I . al . .
Ob,II You answer, if a farinel', "not.racket, says . to lit -r child, "Now', Sleeps tile longer will life last. Near- 1,I)olllo incyl convince themselves by I �
much. I hardly inado a living, ofl' Ilarry, it you will go to bod till all long -I . ived. . people have been ventilating and warliling that the I trying to persuade others. . ' �. . I I - I
8 ly .
'My crops bar- nap ., Whoh 'Al. do Lessops arin and the boad - Chowing guilt $vvills to 130 the
the place last year. I lafternoon and take a iiiee long Cool.,. Those who complail f belt 9. , "Who ,(Dould Now be W011 Had.'They but
. . . ireat sleepers.
ly mot exPells0s. Tile house is at"'- I Will take Voit out for a ride this WAS on the ocearl lie Would Sloop tired in the nionlill[4 sliouldl O)ook fri.; nchool-girl's qu*id of� colitelytinelft. - . Nerve. Food. I . 11
* I
ply a 'white elephant, oil iny hands. I evening,1.1 '�Tlllo child goes to lied twenty hours at & , Stretch. .Glad- ,Ills niatter.at omf( , 1. . It, ,,jolnetinjoi; happens 'that nn ill- . . Known of -Dr. 'ChaSO'S � . .
I would get rid of I t if I vo�ld, Put I without a murniur. When evening . to t n.peent.nian al.o pleads not guilty. . . ......... � . . . . I
I Stone averaged twolve hours' Sloop EL .Tile tired fccliug. nlay be title to j, . ' . . � I .
I say, , for S%000-." The aq�;Coljlos th(? . At, sonic Period ,Ili lit$ - career ON Ory I . 'ft does not case by Indue- I . I
It down, mother wishos to do day . A man or wonian who Would an O-Vol-swolght, of bed clothing, to nlall carries sonletMlip, in his Pockbt Wo do not :cIall" that OvOry Ono ataxia' . .
' .
sessor departs. About M months 'soinotbing vIlso. Tile ride IS post7w leal-ft to'sloop eighteen hours' a day nior exertion.duritig flie day,,to in -1 . . all be cured by Ing unconsciousness .and unnatural
. . .
later a railroad corpora;tIon Wishes ,J)011,�d, What is the result? , f4he dom nlight live 200 year.q. . . digestion caused by taking ton late for luck, : . who Is jialalyvcd�c erve Food, for Sloop. IL does not deaden the . .
right of way through ,liberatilly breaks .her Promise . Occasionally whon IN. niati, doesn't using br, Chaso's X . do -olliatos and varcotics.
to have the . . .. She n he'."Crets of longievitv, a nwal., or to poor. volitilatio'n of .1 kil OW. j 11 si %%, 11 tit .to Hay his silence Is many'. are, beyond the reach of Any 11(ory0s as �
your propeft.y. The rt�r)t'oti.eiitatiy(";ftilsiflc.% becatise slit) does not think thcreforb, is to take plenty of aleop. tile tileoptng-l'ooni., If tbere, Is all- -,ilistli,itell for a su,tiotfor . brarld of.1110dical treatment and'itiost f,nith But oi% the otbor hand, by 4s3lating .
of that road comes to YOU- "I'-Ow.)t necessary to be honest with her other rilleA Wlljf,�b flie sockol, after. other rooll to which vou call nAir. ' their day$ ln Ilcililessn s A.nd,suffor-lnat�'to and Supplying thL� elonlents
much I q your property Worth?" child, .. . wisdow, . I . I OS . I .from which -are formed new blood .
" length or. days should. obserVo Lire try what a change-of"31000119 allavt-I � . I Ing. � . I . I .
"Oh", you answer, I do, not Want I ,pho father comes to the _sIde I ... : , loplo enil I GMITTING E,VriM '' alld norve force, oftwets thorougli and
to sell Under any conditionq. This I tit- or these* inent. w 11 do. TUany pL 0 it, 1%-ratllor to tIlOFO \Vito arc Olily 'lasting cure and Is bound to benofit . �
o faivalftils crib and says, "Now, - S101% and to those Who all, who use it'. .
. .
,p On tile right side. � sleap better at the top of a. hous. -tially 1) ralYzOd I
Is the finest farin Itind in* All this liny son, it 'you are pationt and good I.Cepp the bedroom Window 'open than On tlId fir:!t.*1100�, ,clonlo re,talia,cions are too Clever to pal a evoloping tile
. . I
� . .
region. Besides, the place "as forland Will take ,your modieffies na'you all night, . - be resvilted. They seem to be al- are slowly but surely d Seldom, it ever, beta aily inedlcintb
ought, When YOU 'got NV4011 I lvill k1VO 'Which indicate tile ap. ,-ocurcd ouch hearty e
me a solitiniontal AS Well as all In bon't take a cold till) In th(i-inorn- hINT.§ TO T-IOTT'�ir-,I<i4'1!'-I"1-','118- 11LOSt a 10gical part of tho GirC-11111- fWull)t"Ills I., ,y)(lorseftlont 4 of
-1 . . proa(h of such Ailments that wo physicians, And ople aliko. The
ttdnqic value. My filther Was boril'you a bicycle or a Nvotch or & print- Ing, but a bath file ielilperaturo of fish that lies stalictvs that evoked them. . advise,bility Of us -
My childr"on wore born lieVe. - To' escallop fish use Ild buggest, the mires which it hial,�) brought abotit, .1
here. t Ing press or a sePoll Saw." The the body. I . Doctor Willes Was formerly tile w0t
well, if r must, I munt, That fartil sick boy thinks tind dreaws about Doll't allow any posts in tile liviug Already been coolcod. 1101110\0 till Principal of a boys' School, One day Ing -Dr. Olie,80's NOrvO 1"OOd, tile hallo often been most extraordinary,
land that old liomogtvad are Worth ., Way the bones and shred ftlloly`� Place it ho had occasion to tl'011nco it lad, glTat,, food ,cure for di�-oages Of tl'O ,Xnd anyono NvIlc) rogularly find per- I
They nro Cheap I that coming present. Dut whilft tit(, rooln. They , Carry discalso layer In, a baking dish an ' � bistently ims tiAN groat food (AlrO .
fit least $30.000. Ichild gots .Well the bills begin to gcrl�sI � Who lia(,urally rosoilted the punish- no"N'". 0 OH
at that", There are vour two an- :cotue lit. Tile doetor'ij bill and, tit(, � . with bread crtmilis anciAlnely out 1110lit I . NVIlen you .find your,solf IYlng ltifthO is Sure . to find It f in tininble
MVII(Irp. Wirt- the dIsvr�,p&ncfoA I Why, Take daily oxerelSe Ill open air, and. .
. cold boiled lyotutoe4- Soason, And julyer from Indigestion And ,Nalue as, IL nervo rostorativo And
the ' It'way be regarded aq till 0XIO111 in -011 0 he'tdocile, foci drowsy After meals J)lood btlildep, . �
druggiDt's bill and tile trictined live in tile country-. if not all the doct PIS front door %va$ a nigh1so
did Oil 1110co one Statement to thel boarflygy, tile one Word k
7 � her to the railroad nut"w's bill stagger the fathor, lie year, tit Jecist for JIVO or six month.,', If preforred, a little slo,oddod ollf0l, Plate, ol,.ergy, ambition tuld Ily noting yoUr Jacrease In Nvolght
assessor and aliot pgrg lilay, lit, added. "Will0q." That night, a bold and Alld losing I
corporation ? Did you lie first I 11,11eg,loctA his, Promise, or he gays, "I � occasionally change y9ur OcCuprv- Or hal.�_I)Ojled ver hand added three words to Courage, it Is time to, pay attention whilo using Ili-, Chaso'p Norva Food
IM _.Ou lie last I ;cannot afford That bicycle now. YOU tion, I . I I . IZjI;)OAt until tile dish is full- Filgi$;1I ale to 6e riorves� You may find ,your. you call provo that lle,w, firm fleall
., Did you lie both . intist Wait awlifle." That night the Take frequent And obort, bolidays. on tile top witli bread Crumbs and the Inscription, so that In tile morn- I Irritable tit times, w0ftl0d Over And muscular 09-ji , To are being added .
tfrno� I r-plixto read this WAY, 861
. GOD A1114,01tS IN190- mother says to her huSband: "Hus- Watch tile three D's -drinking wa- all egg, 1,pour over tills a draw- Ing the doo little tilings, 'uhablo to concentrate to tile bodV, 50 cents a box. Six I
not tor, daillPheag and drAills- butter ortuce and brown. "Wines And other T.Ickers," . tile 111111d, forgetful and absentmind- ho\o ft a vac 6
Valvehoodn in the political world! band. do you think It IS right fA"� ""*" .�._ . hPO I . s for $2.50, t 11 41 I IrS, P
.01 .
'R, 't .-. . � I 11, , IJ
N1 9 .19 I f 0_� '' hio 0 W&M. �?4�1�pw
_____ OLU S Je
i I �
oil, how niany ! Like the SOVOhtoellk to ,givo. the boy hiq prosont? lie- 1,11nit your, aftibitiOl1q, To remove tile vilut).vIt from ft Tilquiring Strangor , "Whitt branch ed, di4hetirt0lield and diScOurag0d, j,�dlntkusoli, Bato.,;; & Company, Tor.
Ar ltimlqtp, thov -never ontlroly do- member, you P�Otnfwd him." "Oh," Xeep Your temper. wicker chaiv Or settle, (I'Alk tile of oduca:Uclu (1006 VOUr tottellor Pro. p4ott6v give sonio attention .to the Olfto. To. proto& you Agixtllft tml-
ve file lega, partq upon wiliell tile friction falls. ,
, say,) tile father, "lie in Only it child Worry leSS, work wore, r r,,orN,101,4, I ations 'tie Portrait ty,nd Signature of
part frollft FL region. Thoy, however b ') 11cly : "ITO ilmt,t
Oj And will soon forget it," Will he Walk more, drink less, breathe more; The same advice holds good Witt, for ' 111Y ('y " 8, Dr, A, W. Mato, the ftli)OUA r60011A
SWarin 111051t, at Certain iloasOnS ,willow liallipers. n4a ho, bra;icll, r; lie bitO Uri With Dr. 011a"Is Ne",O jiloo(t Cures and �
tile year, Thoy AM cSilecielly num.liorgot your prowlsot Never, man, oat logs, Chow More, proach 'less, 4TO .you SWI OnAukle Your -clotlti. the ruler." . . Drovonts paralyols anti locomotor book author, are oil 6verr bo.tt ...
brous And virulent at electiollo, noillovorl . oradtfoo word, I I . � I I :
. . .
. . . � �
. I .
# L
. "I
�- I
( . �