HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-03, Page 10Dep- "I
NOW aeaIM"Q for BuSiness
The Millinery Department will be ready
for Fall Business first thing . Monday morn-
aIng. Miss Randall has spent the, past two
weeks in the eastern millinery markets.. study -
Ing the coming seasons' styles, and making
connection for her Fall . stock. She will be
r back this week, and ready to receive custom -
ors on Monday,1Iready we are showing
early Fall styles in, outing. Hats and can give
you a large assortment of new and natty
shapes to select from.
The Rain Coat grows more popular every
day. It is one of, the. most sensible and serviceable
outer garmento a lady can wear. Thi Fall styles
are ';otter than ever, and show markeddiffere3lces
from those of the paft season, . Q .r new garments
a' here. They are titi3 tlllweat #styles 'and those
111 ):~t in favor for the co nine. 88ason N::ol;bler or
mora stylish Main Coats \ire have.'never a own Corm e
in and see thein whether you waxt.t . to bhy just now
or not.
New Rain Coats4 l ftgtlt,. greys' and
fawns each.:..:. .... ....:.. , , :.. ;.UO
New R.ahli Coag 3.4 length, larg6 (ollar, ..
or ( ollarless each ... • , : ,.. ; ; $8 to Ho.. '
New ton;_ Main .('oats,=11L'<vns, . greeds, or
grev, all.. to bbl, eacU .. • • • • .. • • ., $7•Ul)
Ne'It;' Rain Coats with or without collar,
pleated. backs, very slylish. each`9 to $15
New Cloth Rain. l"oats, f><ail lelr>< tli,evllch $5
R �t'/ S
sham® See . ,�
Ia the cheapest kind to - buy for--'".
t11e boyo. They mean._a good deal `less
darning for you: Black Cat Stockin�.3'
arp made to stfi,lid the :heard' wear boy's
give their stockings,, Where the , most'
wear comes there they -are: made the -
Black Cat Brand strcngesr. The dye is fast. and Will, last'-
Chicago.Rockford d8
long a8 tlli3. st()iCliin�(.t. all E_lZes, ltLle,
Hosiery Company -
Kenoshn, wis. meduim and big .now in: stock.
25c, 35c and 40c alio pair. .
Last flea)- it kept over 700 jreon%e Luay all rite tint.- to Fupply the demand
for Back Cat Mocking& This year, they out. put is doubled and Iu00 people
are busy to -clay making Black Cat Stockings %r Boys aud.0irl3:.
New really -to -wear skirts for Frill are here,
There is a bigger stdek•aad be ter'val'ueg than'ever.
before Styles are new a.nd up-to-date_ material's are., .
good and arorkman-sh;p first class. You save time,
bother and money,- buying these gat meats ready to
put on:
Shlrt6 at $3.110
Lailes' heady -to wear Pkirts, macre from Choviots,8nis11ed �pj)'
frie ee and fio.incapuns.perfeot fietin;.garmentsleach,. $3
Ladies' ready-to-vetir skirts m isle from all -wool' ClieViots
nicely trinnmd with m litary • brai(l,.black• .` and .)r,
greye,good skirt at a p1)h:. jir. pride each... . . . .. . . . . r..2
Lashes' Sliirt.y $450
bkirts made f om all -wool Olievioisi brick, Oxford Krey or
navy blue, trimrned wiih bunt ni or bri+id,�etiial at eaoh,.
Shirts at $5
Skirts m•ldo from good quality all -wool L`hogiofs snd Rome- .
spans, perfect fittin",i,,. H1 0iah ' garments trimilled
with strappings and ooveied buttons eaobe...
Shirts tit $6.00
Skirts made frnm fancy ClisviMs, Ilomospuns, cut in the
lat,rst 3•)lei;, nicely tris ood'wi.thstraps of TtffAWA
ellk and small buttons t..Xcll........................ 6x10
The -N-ei# Mendes,
Tile e first of tine i'lew 11Iantlea a1'o More.
Not finite ad lnatzy bs there will be later -�It
a g0041 representation of tha.beasotls iiew
styles and enough to give early buyera
ampla variety to select from, Caine iu anti
see thele.
The Clinton NowswReaord. Septetaber Ord 1900
[)-neiiiiicrNew,. Ci�oods
, �, • , ti�r;,�> , We have JuAt passed through the Custol#xai.several thousand dollars worth o New fall Goods, all
1\I; INVITIi, YOU To BRLXG of which .came to us direct from Germany, Et and Scotland. The lot consists• of Dress Goods, Waist-
TOIU SCTID I, :iI`I'1'I. ' N SAT- ngsj 'Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats, Rain Coats, Gloves, etc., which are now ol.1, display at our store.
To Cis AND zI �.VI�, TIIIi;Ai S:3'r-
ISFIFD. OUR C14AIM- IS TO DO OUR STOCK OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS is by far the best value ever seen in Clin-
()T1R . PRO. IT. II+` YO XT ;ll.,ln ton and the rices are fully one third less than is usually.asked for same qualities., The styles. are 6x -.Y OUR CIzlI,mum 1\'I', \\'II,T, 1)O � � �
gTZII: BI,s'I` 1FI$ CAN. FOR T1II0I. actly the same as you will see in New York. The Collarless Coat is one- of the novelties this season and .
ALT, '.IIID, REX)rLAR: 'rIi;3'J`
BOOKS AND .�CXP1'I,II,s.c=I.NI,R- mrill be found here in many styles of cloth, etc,
CTP, BIG IN VARIUTY AND {•�q-�-� Bargains
y n (� Saturday tiAI.2I,, ATTRACTIVU Irv'COV+ Sililile BaJ, gains. For Thursday, Friday' and A` a urday
Cb,. OUR IPb, CII.�i, 11AG;i, IiO:s- S%.ICt. Waists aistss' at Less
U41r SI. ARV4' , 11FTTER , UTC., 15c Wra erette at 10c I r�
MAN SOL Xr TI',Ii 'i`1T,U" pp r ( Than ��1� �1'lCe
ATA:�'1 50.T,D :A'1` TII'b: I'1LICI+,,' 200 ytu•ds of wrapperettes in a chc,lce rangy of now designs, regular
11'1; DON'T BUY IN CARLOAD Values up to 150 for ....................... • .. , ., ...... , , ........... ■' 0 .I
ix)V9 IIVT-r 11'14, BUY IiIG I',NOI-- _ " '' i0c White Waists at 20c
(ill TI 13ITY 'CIII4,AP ,AND ALL, best �{5C Scotch Fingering Yarns for 55c I Your.ohoice of any white lawn Shirt waist in the store that sold litfloc ��
' .' . foe' ..:-. r,.,.1.. .... ;...... ..,.., ...... ,.. ...., ...
oaoo400c�o ac�ooaooczoo
75 Ills of the best blue scotch Fingering Yarn regular 75c quality for.... •�$ $1.50 and $1.75 Waists at 75.c
Agents Parker's. Dyc Works. Cushion Tops worth 75c for 50c Your. cboica of any white or. colored Shirt Waist In the store, that sold at. 7
$L50 and $1,7l for ... .. • .... ...... ...... .1 5
r �c fi;j111 r!!1■ Several dozen -of out best Uushion Tops that are regular 75c value for,.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. Save Mone on. `?fdh'itewear Thursm
Always 25c Towels at 19c .. y
100 Linen Towels size 18:x38, made -of a good strong'linen thread, regu- j
•�.� (� day, Friday and Satu.rda
A IU�! htir 2�c towel on sale at ................. ........... �7
■ 69c Corset Covers at 35c
O �e 8c Toweling.at:5c
Ladies' Corset Covers of fine, white cotton and cambric, retitl-
W yards all Linen Crash Toweling, heavy quality, regular 8c value for,. -OF, lar fisc value, on account of thein being soiled the 1)r.zre
We Kn0l-WWill be 35c,
More 30c and 35c Muslins at 10c'c Corset Gavots at 15c..
Airs. (Dr.) Stewart is in Tormato .tllis• .'260 yards tniire .nf otir best 30c and 35c-colorecd l nslinm, all of which are 50c white ' SkiTts a 35c
ween r perfectly fast colors to go at per yard ...... . ......... ' 0
Air;. \1'. IL N ewconlbc, was in 1 (mit- ' ^r
to illis ct•eek, i i�c Willie Skirts at 45c
Airs. S, Ccrlc ICitvus this tteck tri jofti
her husband at Ayr f
Mrs. J.:Rattelil)ury has becii visiting
Toronto friends the past vt cent,
Alts, X. J, Zeller of (htt(y;c1 ;s the of''B
o guestiifthe. Misses xas:iit,. high J School''ClothiliP
Miss Gertie Millar of Sault 5t1: iJar
is is the `guest of her sister,. Mm. ! '
I+:.?1I.1<J.13on: Continues.'Til�� ' ��tk
Air. R. J, 1X11 returned liannd .'. last
week from it visit among friends .
down the country' Boys' wits at 2,50. ,
Alr, C 11- Wallis.". wll� .yeili to iii(. Y $ The Sest Bargain of the Season in � Men �' Shirts
1\'est sodic Meeks. ago with a cal-- On Thursday morning we will place on Sale our, entire stock of Men'sl
load of h6rses, is home a ail. buys'two Tece )Slim, made of tin all -wool Hal#fax tweed, well -lined and Soft Font Shirts, They m in : splendid assortment, of atti fns
' h soy en a a p e c ass p
Mr. and Airs. .Albert'• Wlc13r!en crf'Ifeu hn.ishec , also i)dd lines'of tweed suits in assorted designs,, wortll up n including the colors of black and white, blue and white„t�tc. ''incl are
to $#. at.:..,..... . 255.0 Sall spent t1' ce�ttlale o[ da\s tl.is, •'” the best $1 and $1,2o.Shirts..we have. All sizes £romp to'iG? at one
week . with friends on' the Base hire. , price. .. ... .............. :,. .75
Mrs, I1,li McLavglllan .is' spending :a .Boys Suits worth up 't:0 $5.5U•at $3.75 _
couple of weeks : at iter grandfath- ," --
r', ATr..11 . It ulcer`, : of West lk a- choice of several lines of ,boys three•piec.e Suits, made . of good
t I 4 m'trong tweed, well lined and finished, some bavih double; seats'ti d '
knees in .ants `these ate sults thatsold a to 5,50 for-., .. dal' ,a111S )I MtYi' S SQ
Airs, . f;ageu. has tunica her honsc to. P .. '.. p $ ..■�� . .
AIr': C, hasher and ptirpOscs spend ,.. . Co
g P p
ing .Sonne luoilths with her cTtuighter BOYS . 1111Ckers .at 50c )O0 jlaira Men Cotton Snx in ts5i)tted colors re ulat tice•10c, to 1;o a8
apair for.,.,. ......... ... $
in Detroit,. r r- -0 pairs of Boys' Knickers made of v3ttra,atrong, tweed in assorted pat- ,
Air, I3. Arinstroug, A. 0. t . 'W: o terns, of,
of them have 'double seats and knees,, and seams .are 125 pairs�Men s.`V6ol Socks, heavy weight; ribs tope, regular price 1$c (�
ganircr, ryas 111 'town T uesdav assts- double stitched, 'These are.lines worth up to 85c for....... ■� togo at,2 pair"for..:.. , . .... .. .G
t11ig the lh etlxrn of tlwc lot ll Ic il"go .
and Oc,
ill : iiljfiatory, vvouk Our neiv.stoc.k of Mnn's and Boys' fall .tined Wintei Undertvetir'fs here and -
Garnet .1(cvl feu: 'aud 115. xioriid',. Will.- without adu'ubt it, is the largest and best assorted stock that was ever.. laced on
Bili * , s lent Sundae• with. the fork. •our couliters.. 1Ve Inake tt s ecialt of'Underwear ltind licks p.
�, 1 p y you will find file Jost a fe.Tv loft•, 141en's and Boys' Caps 1•o asset tec7 colors; shapes worth UP,(�
Siler 5 parents, Mr, and Airs. 1V., J: lie$tmlide goods fli•L'iinada: ... ■
McIlrlen of Sibinnerf ill, j' to 75C tn'go. tit, L
The fanlilies. of Bankers ,McTaggart,
Tisdale and Brewer, have returaletl.^------
from Bayf)eld.where they sp nt.tlle YOUR MONEY BnctK.
lllolltll`;. of Tu1�- and August. - - .`IF VOU VANT•14+ ..
Mrs. •P. I1: Cru s and leer a.ttle dalgr i-
ter 'of Kill ston have hcell thc.gttcs-
Ls of Clinton, frieuds.this week. She
lids alata, limn visituig at her old
honk ill Godcrich.
Mrs. Robert: Johnstone 'or .`Godcrieli• _
.spent ,Sunday and Monday with her
r, Mr Aclaui Cook, and on '
Tuesday . Went to Toronto ntto accolu-'
,ranted' by Airs. R B: Coultes.'
• T - s principal of t11C. +.�
HT1` � R. A. 'll 11 . (.1
c > n
l l
'IIainilt�)n" Collegiate Institute:•' and "-�-'- -- - �.■
vie( liriucij)M of Ontario N\arulal Coils , .
ego, •,bas :tile' guest of his brother;. I N,TISO�AI,.. VURSONAL..
.D'r. Tliornll)soll., _ froni Friday until lir. Toho i4-armucr of :iaritia is'visft- 1Ir.. R. A: Bell visited his' w6ther,
AI<nlday. i; ing ltfs, hcnlle ill, Clinton., AIrs. Altix, Ilcllor GoclerTolt, on Still-
Mrs.i , Miss Johns'. is vlsiti'n lair , brotllcr)': day.
to-viorrow Porta rvis t toifru. ds -in 1IMr. Sydney.:,Tolllls of:.,seilfortll. A r. Arthur'
..I Jackman of Cltuabo ..>
Toroilti7 'anis ' Cancll)h: Aficr they re Miss Jennie` 1i right spent Satur(lay spcncliicg . a fort,, int ;tit, nils :bonne .
turd Air, ;l{)ti;;ht inteiltls vioving ,to iota Sttlidtxy wit;Tl her _ slst•-r int (;, ii- in Clilttolt, ..
Rieliilloild ITill tis .it will l)e more Crich to\t•nship. , -Mr. Joh-11 C u u
o lies of Belgriivevisited 9
central for . the work iil .which fisc is ..-A•Irs, ' R: A. I1c11 Alis JealForty S a Ve n B.� 5
Miss . t Anil Mr. Jliiiis Snl.#tilt, 'sotttlt• of,.towiX, �
iu)iv Cilgagecl. lla3t['L. , 1\'lllfe1' tt:ere.:guests-'(if her Uris'. week..
i)r.- -Macdonald is*. in .'eltluge of . the sister, Airs. ' AIeI,ean of Goclerieli, ort. Alias . Strachan has returned to I:cr .
practise • >f . I)r." MucQ-alitnui of Boli.-_ 5nuday.• dirties at • tho Palace after, -a pleas
desboro tvhild. the `latter. is cujslyiugr Mr. IV. 'Gleiin C riilpbcll has, reittirned ant holiday. jaunt. ' A gl � � � More
a long-dela'*ed �1nd tet Il<carlrcit ltiali- to :town after: a k1lonth's vacatinn.Lillian,' J
( Miss I,llllau. 'lI. AnclreWs leavea: ori
Slav during whir h lie.'.vislts Ilis old at his limen in Alyttier and ]las Tuesday ilLxt for. Alma• College:; St,
ho"ine ill F,slsterif Ontario linin frft;llds rcisnued his classes. IIe has• opened. Thomasito coutintle, her•tuusical stu-
Can get a Suit of Clothes here -his• week
across the: border. i)ut a. s ttdio' over Twitcll,Gl1's 'shoe dies' and: will liar-specfal'.attc!ltioll
Ari Slil'alldon of 0 totvn'lii) .la111 S1t'.ri ; t" tine 'pipe., or jail. and vocal cul- for x$2.75 that is Worth from $4 to $5 . Th' I,S
Drs.. Gunil' Shaw >a
l' tinrl'rllernt )son at;
fir -of 1VIi•s'. :Tatiris ,ilitllford, formerly . .T I ;itlre, why, they: "can -'do it.. .%e have.' Forty'=Seven '
of Clinton::. but llow of I;istowel,'. aencic(l the big .nlectilig of the 111adi-
tal ussocfation ill I,outlo)u'lastsvicek. Sui't5 Of BO s'CIOthes that.we .want:•to Elea).:
was ill • t0w;i nil 1 riday last Coll- HULLEVe TOVUNSHIB y
)r Sl •, the
stiltin Y . one of our widely-k.11oWli T last also .tciok t t t (c xcursicin
out in double quip l:.order School is 'just start -
r• lucoui iar.ied li to Detroit ottcar ill) for t}t(s.inedicvs. Air.:, aiid..ATrs. .Toliat CarCticrlglit:'art
st el t er llgl NVILS l itittl .thein aloite. UAfn in'Toronto hair this Svc k. in . ' d ' hi would time
another elan +liter itlris; Aiatl,i:scrn. , ' (, g an we thought t S WOUId be a good
a' - Messrs. bred. Ross and William Phil-. Ali$ Maggie Bunter leaves. far L`a
Mr. J. )oherty iir Snialllnatl .e Ili-. to do it There is not In .the lot worth -leSS.than
AT 7 4#ps, tt11a ora cugag�e(J iw the hard- lata• this week t(). resuute iter teach-
"91ram's st'i'll', Tinil4oll, : 'tvho• lids Basil ward husiness in Chicago, s )cut fn
IL rne:st� it Rev, Newcuiube's -tile t I n pJ4„ 501110 Vi/ere wx1.50 and'.some were .5... We
t pitrt of the past week ill tomes: The I.:trnt Reuteil—The: fttrul of Airs'U; -have' made U our mantas to reduce the number
plist wecic, "1Ssisc�cl in tine snug Ser- rornicr• is a son of Mr. Jaw Ri>ss Jackson , has • been leased( wp under- P
vrcc or Clic immA Ontario s'church
„ ,;.,_ teho wtiS . rci•rinany years tt i•esiciciit stand,: to ItTr. .Hanby of, .Gorlerieill of lines.•We carry, 'and •talo: 'this Way ,to clear
51111dav even•ijvr, the large coliki-c . of , Clhitoit, . and who would, . na to.wnshili .for ,a' term ZA - five years. -
t gatioti . nincll apprvcTu:lcd his seines' doubt; sooner .he ' liere than dWre. IT'arvesting, operations are •'almost. til(%' Suri3�US,
Mr, tlud Airs, Jolla 1Ie11} ar <rf I1ow Alc. Jilldlli,l:s sang a ..i)ici lir \\'esley , Completed and threshing alid scnving Forty -Seven Shits of Boys' clothes, made' itoln all wool fanny
aliville,, win) •have.' loon guests. of Chi1XCh',Sunday it, nl. Suitt again flu Itt11. wheat arc the orcicr. cif thi day, t\aeeda,lalao la..n''$alifasTweedsman of them tbiifamous
ttleit sell, JewOul TT'cllylu, for . the the evcniir i. 'rhe call pre ratiog much The carly atrtluinn frosts have, .alread ''.%Ton $rano' s ell made 'and in d t roan t rem ar 4
rust :ten' days, left .'1`uuS(tity lei visit 1' l ' b 5 , v lino
h „h on , ens. h 2.75
i 1 Yr`, cltjo-,g, iha.n: Coirnutan¢ed their .work of decorating' is $ i, on bale 8atarday at your obofce:. , .,, , . , :..... , . , . .
. w yea's DI., 1T. itergimoit, A- Chica,ga), 'wlio ottr. formts,,
hlcumall drun(ls, It IS brise
n.irue they last -.,mw' that village has t#ul reiratatiinl elf 111-ukig our of T IL Sick^ Tr: FI: Warreit is inaking .
l Euicl act tlriilht they wilrc flilprc4sc(1 (lit, bust, all around surgeons ili Ain ver}° fair' progress since his, romoval to Boys' Coats
b} llio3 trausl'(ir11taLion; wlti0i lla s eticil, ttas the goes t of )r.. Gtnlli 7,oilclotl hnspititl. Mrs. T. 'Nott, who y
takell ltlotee, (.tn 5itturdat ,.; '1'llcSc. tinliu�ilt slur- rias becit rather, seriously ill., lras• soine- , .
Air. Joslt. '('clerk spent. ,Sunday at 1;Cnns t O'k, ro(r111-111ates ill their slit- 'what 'rccovcred, Dies, yOL(r boy need a Coat �'i!e Il,an fit
hums arivr ;ti1 libselice of throtr cit tit days,'hotll attlttlldillg. 0lo 1\ladia 1'crscntal--41r, Iiarvey Jacksoit 'left �lim 11p Witll :a good one for ono dollar and Twenty • '1
weeps 'ill, Peel Gild: 1lilltoll counties cal Oolltlge in Toronto and a close this , week to accept a situatioll at Five-Ceuti� . Less than twenty of them to sell.
wbum, ttcti tg for Mr. 1).''callt0oll, frielldshill hits over since "existed. Niagara Valls South.
he has rollr,tt•tcd. for (rvt•Ir oite hon . ltacli in his, s1)hew lilts aellieved BoyO odd coats made from strong all wool. Tweed s, well made
Bred orchards. Cur. (`Ook is no) giv suv'ess suit is widolr known. \Phil j slid lined, assorted sixes, regular $1.75 and $2.00, choios t�..
cn to letlilitg'tla' gt•nsn grow Monet ill tslsvil- Dr. l0glisou vi.fRod the s0 of this tot..,, ...i..,:.........:...•l.rli
his Net 11110 is strlgiline that the Illis01a1 itu(I 1)crl'0lriXle(l opera= i e • e �.� •
risults ft'oni thu d#strfrl rvllcrc liptliiXls. r Bring yOUr, �10�" 123 early. Slttllydlis, ' or 1118
bots beell working will be onlire•ly 'i1,n0ko, 1)iivid,..Co(ilt lcf.t'e)It 'I`ut day >1 ilO\\' 1)UT;S IOC?lt •
sittTsfat°tori° to 111s eniplmyor. to illlelid rho Coronttr l�air,aiul visit 6 VZ m1k)r be gblie before you come,
Str rets-
• •+; Tt • thl, t
hiv n11 t .., _,,...�..-.,... �.. ..-,
- lift. 1)ulrCiin ,Tnwctl of .1 nil 1Turou, J �' T,A1iI.,J,, ILI,AT) � -•�
who, hw4 becfl thus guest of h#u,cou. villt' (lino•#ct, kinking the latter art .
sill, Miss Alice, llurnctt, at 14T1't). two of Int( :.istol•s Wllo tire test fat �. If rbc label alt your � l.alt►s nd.Stoeliings
Oworge thullcv'S, acl'(rlltl)Illl#Q/lht 1111vill1vt-t1-in ycitt:w to utitle rtake, the paper reads ,Tutt' 9-, it i
Aliss 11urlwLi al,il Miss l,i1Y J&Mcmill lr#p to C tikoil. Air. book, . Who means tltitt you owe Bring your.boyhere for > ebool Caps and
f e Miltiett Jlonle wilt' fit, 101smit it wvek or ;'Hors, for six Years mull- io r
Spent Srnrilav n. the its j� e arizifit, tilclll ()tit With 1;ot1L iLC.t(l
ti(ciirl itr ()ixloX•#rh totvltt:liT i, 1\Tt. svftl hoi l;liully wrlvcrnre;d hitck, 1Xy � scril)ti<ru.` � aYl(� ${,>b0 11389.
Trrwctt. ritrrios it built t 1 iii rho nota .inure hrariJ'y 'hull that group the costi•tq you will not be ui'l oh � t
balk of IAf luck as dw Xo,;lt1I ill of 11101119 w11i1 jalher tit lits .pIuCc « Dolts . that look 0
the erswv Ito' of it fort 11111,611 of husinttm ill tho evenings to dig. • well ?• Bo 's, 8010 1 i�a1.l`, rX'1veed� -.in(] Blinn
girl WWI a gll,r, ' Sha „didn't cnsn the (Iticst#oils of ills (lily, polit-, .6
know it was loaclud", the lu:nill t•4 #cal )tedur
t ological, (s Is1r`t it rather a clot lilt15 and ty: r,,0la?t.
rnSc after tilt (htitiit}lr i>c ileus• i11r. 11'. Tivr, litre InaU►unnctieial tnitm- long, six solus too 6 , v: � .
It L. G. M. ltrltnldio. (A il\ron: ;wnnutl tot in'' tire, C. (`, I:, t:4 sprtfldhigl tt 1o111,fl ? 0 I103S `''inulol `to kiln rs, heavy ribboirll
has scent sprlydinl; )t lots dirt:+ tlr Irl' (1,1�'H in' tn\t'11' anticII to (tic r �, '�� �� r ►) ti5
town ill) thu intrllo,tXi t)1 thtt011111t ltlolu,uio of •'Ilii inluty fliond:a lie 6 to have ilialabcl •
Mail. 01orchwail, (ht• twi1'dtl of till' IMidv (ltll'111'n Illi: few 111ollt1w of 1144 0' revel � JAn 04 would r Y.rr„grt,pr)hn,piY<rB+i.r.,rlNt.(+rpt..ldl,+NiN•hlh.yetHl,*q1t,(tNKtr..qqy.MN.+I.+i.(1r.ray,4,6.N,.,,ri,t.
Chttl ch . of lynrcl:unl in (`ilnutLl
1111 .. � i rsideuvr iii - clinton,, 111c. leaves 6- Ile . Ilett er, uulell bet -
til -(pOW reemttls�. lir, wivi 0111"yell shorll,v for Wiiutnpeg to entet•. ltpoll, .6 ter. 1►
fn, the rY'gulllr svarl( of the nnhns hiv nctY that#oS lis lecturer ill,lMaid- t► i
r and as it in ;walt'Ov n Man• tirlia college. This positiolr,. to 0 The label tells the r fflodgens Bros.
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Slay laiX.gSem lint' illitl. 110 IN t'dllyd ' \N11it'lt 1H tlltit('11et1 it miliary i)f 0 ti11C. "#Nilo,' tltlem 6 � q y� p
itpon to preach. Ncul' 81111dt1V llls $1,r)t)(t a ;Veal• st'i'll hoard' olid # 'Fours mal' ? + 1,,�)�l1 tes".4 �N,`,1 to 1��11Lelson Bros.
will assist air the re (qu•lliul ser. lodgiil wcis touch souglit after f'or i
yicCm in coltuertirrtt with a; clurrrli its w'i I itv. it Irtcc rinoluntent there
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titl,ic)n' 7Ieatl Sal 'iiia 13004l)(tt iv It tread loch+ ltc)liday of four inti
iltsala� lrinntltsx � f