HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-03, Page 8millinery Dept
The Millinery Department will be ready
for Fall Business first thing Monday morn
ing. Miss Randall has spent the past two
weeks in the eastern millinery markets study-
ing the coming seasons". styles, and making
connection for her Fall stock.. She will be
4 back this week, and ready 'to receive custom-
ers on Monday. Already we are showing
early Fall styles in outing Hats and can give
you a large assortment of new and. natty
shapes to select from.
The Rain Cost grows 'more popular every
day. It is one of the most sensible and serviceable
outer garments; a. lady earn wear.. -Th14 Fall styles
are Letter than ever, and show marked dil(ferexices
from those of the pact seiv;on. 0 r new garments
are here. They are the nowest4siyl6s and. -those -
111.),St in favor for the co, ning season N,.)Lt)ier or
11101-0 stylish Ita;n Coats we have never s own Come ' '
m y
in and see thewhether you want to ba just now
or not.
New Rain Coats 3-1 length, gteys and
lawns each
New Rain Coats 3-,4. leligth,'. hirge. (611ar,
or (ollarless each.,-- .... .....$8 to 010
New long Rain Coats,. fawns,.'greell s,011.
grev,. all wool, PRO X-00
New Rain Coats, with .or w1thottt-'.',eolJar.,.
pleated backs, very sl 3, lish eae-h 9. to, $15.
New Cloth. Hain Coalk 111ll lefloth,eakeh $5
�Tehvr I Stookings,
Is tile cheapest kind t 6 buy for..
the boys, They mean, wg9oddea.1 less.
Irdarning for you, Black Cat Stockingi
arp made to stand :the heard wear. boy',a:
give their stockings. Where the most"
wear comes there they .-'era *made 66
Black Cat Brand strongest. .The dye i"' fast and *ill last
Ch icag o. Rockford s long as the sto(�'kin , all Sizes,
ize S,I.ule
Hosiery company no W g
Xeno9ha,Wis. meduimand big in stock.
25eg 35c and 40cthe pair,
Last year it kept over 700 prope busy all the tinte. to supply the -dentakid
for Black 6t Stockings. Thia. fear the out -pill is douNedand 1600 people,
are busy to -clay making Black Cat Stockings for Boys and Mris.
New ready-to-wear skiyN for I-llare herea
There is a bigger stock and. be ter .VJ nes 1, than ever..
before Styles are new and up-to-date materials' are
good and w-orkman-ship first class. - You save time; ,
bother and money, buying these ga? merits. ready to
Vut on,
SkIrk at $3.100,
Lalies' Ready -to wear skirts, ni-ide from ClJoviot0iniabed
friezes and HoLnezrinne,periect fitting an rm4itseach
Ladies' readyto-vrear skirts m Ae from ail -wool Cliavi.pts,
nioely trimmed with twittary braid, bladhiand
greyB,good skirt at a popuhsr price each 4.2.5
Ladies' Skirts $4:511
Skirts made f om all. wool 0heviol a, bl.sok, Oxford gray or
navy blue, trimmed wish buritni or broid,srie6ial oteadli..
Skirts at $a;'
likir's msdo from good quality all -wool Cbdyiots and Rome-
slitins, perfect fitting, tilviish garments trimmed
witb strappings and cows id buttous each...... ; . 5.00
Skirts at $6.00
Skirts made frim fanny Clisviotg, 11omoo puns, ont in the
latest jo)lsis, nicsoly tylivi --)od viiiiu straps of Tiffettki
silk and small buttons Laolt ........ ; ............. 6400
The New IVAtiodes.
The first of the new Alantlesaro here.
Not quite aci inatiy t i here will be later but
a good representition of tba blegs6ns new
styles an]. enoiwh t,6 give early buyers
wupla vanoty to select from. Come in and
Fee thorn.
0 UL
The Clinton Nowswftcord.
September ard, 1903
n g0.p a UpN It Goods
We have lust assed through ti to Custom several thousand, dollars worth of New Fall Goods, all
WE' INVITI-i't YOU . TO: BRING of which came to us direct from Germany, England and Scotland. The lot consists of Dress Goods, Waist.
TO U$ AND JIAV1, TIMM SATS Ogs, Ladies' and Children's Cloth Coats, Rain Coats,. Gloves, etc.,.whIch are now on display at our store.
ISVIE'D. OUR -QT4AIA1 IS TO DO OUR STOCK OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S . COATS is by far the best value ever seen in Clin.-
OTTR PROVIT. ID' YOTT SENl) ton and theprie fully arone third less: than Is usually aske. ed for same. qualities. The styles are ex.
-T11114' I31Jo8>T Wl, eAN VOR T111ii'AL actly the same as you will see in New York. The. Collarless Co . at is one of the novelties this season and.
BOOKS AND SUPI1IjIPS G14,'NF-,R- will -be found here in many styles of cloth, etc,
I'M DESIGN. OUR PAIS ARP�f Some Bargains'For Thursday, Friday acid Saturday
F,S SI4ATUS II01,I)ERS, ETC Shirt Waists at, Less
UVV�., , ARI,'. I114,TTER THAN" 1-5r, Wrapperette at I oc
MANY SOLD . XT TIIX 200.yards, of Wrapperettes in a choice range of new designs, regular Than Half Price
WE' DON'T BrY IN CAIMOAD' Values up to 15C for..., ..... o ........... .... — ..... 1 1. , ... 1. . .
I,OT,S BUT jj'R,- JJJTY 1311; EN01%sold 50' c
GII TO BUY "QWA11 AND AIA, Scotch Fin erinYfWhite Waists at 20C
CIIF,AP . . . . . . . . . . Best 75c Scongg arn or- 55c Your (;horse Shut
.)Ice of any white lawn Walst hithe store that at fit coo
for .., ...... ........ I ......................... ......
75 lbs of the best blue Scotch Fingering Yarn regular 75c quality for.. 55
$1.50 and $t.75 Waists at 75c:
Agents. Parker's. Dye Works, Cushion/ Tops worth 75c for 50c Yobr choice of any white or colored Shirt Wltjst in the store,that sold at 5
$1.50 and $1.75 for....... ..................... ...... .7
be oD. fair G.S
everal dozen of Farr best Oushion Tops thatfregular 75c value for... 5ire re 0 T, O.
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best, 2,5cTowels at.l9c Save Money- on Whitewear Thursm,
100.Linen Towels size 18x38, iriade of a, good stronit linen thyead, regu- day, Friday and Saturday.
IMP lac towel on sale at..... . ............................. .......... .19
69c Corset Covers at 35c.'.
8c Toweling at 5c,
PeopleLadiesCorset Covers of fino white cottoi-i and cambric, re Il-
150 yards all Linen Crash Toweling; heavy quality, regular So valuefor,, -015 lar 69c value t of theih being soiled 10 1 .
O11 accoun. ei prl(.e
We Knowill be 35c
More 30c and 35c Muslins at 10C.'
25c. Co�sot Covers.at 15c
11 15. (Dr.) Stewart is to Tormito this '-)60 yards of our b -est 306. and 35c colored olored Afrislins, all of which arc.
.810 50c White ''Sl at 35C
Air, W, 11. NeN%-coijil)o was in. Toroji- P0.1,fectly fast colors to go txtper.,ynrd ................ * ...................
N 750 White Skirts at'45c
to t1iis. q," -k:.
Tani, b. C(PIL; leaves: this wmk to join
leer husband at Ayr'
Mrs. J Ratioulmiry lia.%, beeli visitingToroi.io'friends ill'e past week.
Mrs., .7..7. Zeller of Cbicqgo is tiro .
.guest of the Misses; 7 -ma, Sch 0 0 I. Cloth '
The Sale of Boys, ' 1119.
Xisv. (,'ertio Miller of Sault• St(:..,,I<i>. iC.
le is t-ile,picist of lier-ilstur, M 1 ni, All%
AIt R. 3, Ball r6turned lioind last tiue-s-
on 1
week From - a -visit aiumig frientl&'
Mr. C. 11. to the Suits...at $2.50 -be.Siason in Menis.Shirts
fine of t P
West WM-1-9 111`0 'with a car- OdThursaay mop . ning we.will plixc'e on Sale our entire itock of Men's
load of. horses, is 1111.1c. again. Pee Suits, made (if nn all wool Halifax tweed, well -lined and Haft Ft,ont Shjrts,..They dome in a gplendida.ss I ortment oL patt.etris'
Mr.- atul .Airs, Albert Mellviell orf 1 -fell- Y-1611so odd lines of tweed suits in assorted designs, worth up including the colors of black and-wfiitp, blue rind wbitej etc. and are.
:,;all 81)(,Nilt a - Couple ;oaf d'aN-) il-is ................ ...................... ...... 2,50 from the best $1,%nd �$1.25 Wiirts we. have. AH sizes 1 14 to lol- 01 one
- Week wjtll fri'Mcls. oilAlk'q''Basu L'11�0; price.. 07*6
.. I ... �. I ................. ...........
11' li Mcl,aughlan is spendi xig : a. Pit.sworth tip to $5.50: at
emijile. Of at lice. giaii-dfath�
of;severnl lines of boys .three-piece SWts,'
er's TvTr W. Fliikcr's of West, -Wa- made `.of' Food
tweed, Nv011 lined and finlshed,� some baying double * seats and.•
vvannsli:. ted k. rie,�T, in t .2 Bar in Men - 's' Sox
Mrs.- Gagen has rwi her house, to prints; are surfs thftt, sold tip to $5.,50 for ........... gains
Mr. ::e. Fi%her and ptirpi)scs spend -.1.00.
Boys� Knickers pairs Qotton.. Sox in assorted, colors -xegnlair pri6o 10c, to go:. ilt,
ing some in6iiibs with her daiightlr'. .. . V . .2
)paivfor ........................... ............ �). ..........
:in. Detroit. -50,phirs of bop?."Itnickers in,�d6 of P�itra straing tweed in assorted pa. . t.
Mr. B. 'Arinstiong� A. O. IT, N\l . or- Wool So0m. heavy.weight, ribb tops,'regular price 180
- . - .!. .. �- I "I.
terns; most -61' �bern ba�e double- seats and 'knees and seanis, -tire - �125 pairs Men's
ganizar,,was in to Tue!�dav assts- iind 20c, to gg At, 2 pair ............. i25
ti double stitched 'These are -lines worth.up to 85c for ............
"githe Isrodre:rn' of'Alw local lcdgd.
Out- new stock of Men's and Boys' Fall and -WinterUnderweAr is-herennii7
in • initiatory W01'L.
Garnet * 11cBrien and, his friend; Will.. withoqt�addubtitJs tbe.largestand best ted stock that was ever placed, on''
w w)rth up.
King, : spo'lit Stiudav*" with` tile 101- Oui� doilb tells. '.,-NVe make a specialty of Underwear itrid h �re you will find. the. Just a few l6f t,� Men's and Boys' Caps in. asiorted; olors-, sbape�
Best iliado goods in Can�da,.,
-�iner's parents, BIT.- I Mi -9 25
o 75e to. go .it... ................... ......... ............. .......
McBrien -of. Suiii-nierhill.
Vie' families of Tankers AlcT gg.1 rt,
Tisdale - and Brevver have retitruetl
fro,in 13a yrie ld where titer .spent'tlie yourt Di . 0 . N iny BACK
months of July and Atipust..
Mrs., V.`11. Crews and her - tiLtle-. daiirlf-
tet X)f Kilitgstoll - havo, litchiU16 glres_
ts of. 03h, 01i friends this
lias,also beoll 1)iAtiii-.,tt her old
c in Goderich; yy
Mrs. Robert. J()b.nstoneof -Goderich
i SiXilt Slintlay aj](11, Blondav with Iter -
ifiotJi6r, Mrs, Adam Cook, - aii(I oil:
i.-Tuesda-v � -went 4y Tproilto . accom-
panied: by Alrs�. '11; B. Cmiltel%.,
i1r. R. A. Thompsoll, prijliiiial of tjl'�, C-LINTON,
Callugiate, IiistitlltL- and
Vice Priti.cipai of. Okaria'.Normal Coll-
eqc, was. . -tho .. gucoi'.. of hi.5 'bf6tliur,
X)r.- 1'h6ftipsoii, fron]. Vriday tintil
IT. J01in WarranCr of..Satiiia is Tar. R_ A, '13ell visit' mothcr,
Monday. ed 11 -is
Mrs, AlcX-'. Bell of Ooderieli -on.,SujV_::
Miss .- J6111
Mr.4. Knight' and kii ter Tr�ce��Ioave 1 s is Visiting Jiur brother,,
to-worrow for a visit tis friends in Allr. Svdnev Jolins,oC Scaforth. -Mr: Ai
thur Jackson of CliiaV, is
)rdronto, and Ottelph. After they re-. Nis.,; JL."11iiiU71N'i1ig1it "41)LIA Shtt'17day, spend0ig-a-fortilight at his lienee .
turil Mr.. Knight intcuds-�inoving to • and Sunday with her ' siqtQr in G,dk , in Clinton:
Iticlynioild Ir ill as 'it, will be iuor,6 • arich t0N%,jisliijy; Mr. Jplin Coultes of- BdIgrave vh4itelc.i OYS9
contral for :the work in which is Mrs. 'R. A. Mll, Mis§ Jeall ft Forty, -S fi-* 13
9,11d Mr. Jmn�s,'Sffiitjj,..s0uth o own,. eve,
DOW clig"tged.. .1faste ' r Wilric wore guests of her this week
Dr, .ALaccloualel.
is in charge of the of:Gudcricli, ail Miss -Strachan leas returned to her
practise of Dr. Xacek1hilill of 1,011- ditties at the Pa bice after -,vpldas- M
dwboyo while the latter'is cul ying Air. IV.' Glenn Campbell bas.retartied ant holiday jaunt.
And - No. ore..
a well-earned holi- to* town' after a i pilt)i's (vacation, Miss. Lillian W. AndrLws leaves oil.
:day. cluring" which 110 visit's his old at his . lioiiiw iii AlyinLr and has Tuesday next for . Alma. College, $_t,
jf(,1ie-J11 Iiiastern Ontario ic, d his classw;.. Ile -:has -(y
io and frivoids .4tirim pened Thoni�is,to contilitte lier quilsicaL stu-e Can get' a Suft.of Clothes here this Nve&k-
across. the border ()pit -a studio' (Wer-TWitell-011.'s sl a di and: �wfll pay. special
Ls , . . attentlon
Arr., Sinalldon: of Grey township, Fath- sLoru. to 7 the pipe.' .organ and vocal ciull�.for $2.75 that is worth' from $4 to $5, This -
Err of Mr,4. Jain` biitiforil, fornieyly • Drs. Gwin, Shaw* 'Xiid Tbompson at- ..ti
of * Clik6n: 'biii now . of IJ formerly
• twide(I OIL., big -jilecting (A the 111'adi- why thely . cEln' d6 it.Ae have .forty-seven
we want to cle�ar
f WWI; . in, town, oll Trichi-V la.A, 6)11- Cat asso'ciatioli iti, Loildoir ia8t wec�k,.. Suits''of Boys C.](AhCS(hat
I . ! on Dr. liliaw also took in tbc.eNoirsiwi HULLETT TOWNS3%IV q
:sliltij- � - of ;1ir, A04�,ly-kii,6wll Uick r School `is. just statt-
surgrm;l1s. - 1-10 - 1b: LS aCC0jjjpr�jfijLd '. ljy �topc�troitgottcn it,) wr'dicowaicos .�Ir. 'and Mrs." John Cartwright. are
outin-djuble orde
and thein Alone, taking in Torouto Fair this week. inig. and we thbyght'this would be a good time
Alicr dau�litcr, A atliction.
Messrs. I?red, Ros,,A alid, NVil-flani Phil- Miss Maggie Hunter loaves f6r Da-
nTr. 1. Doliai:LV of' 8-iiiallujan & In lii,, , Nflio - are engag-ed in the liard- kota thfo week to resume her teach- to do iti. There is not in the lot worth less. than
rain's staff, Loild0n, who. has 1=11 ware businu.4,, i1i. Chicago, sp t .$4, some were $4.60'an'd some-were.$p.. We
"It' lug
a - guest at Rev. 'Newcallilie's tile L Vart'
part (it the past week iii town. Tlic ii Rented—The faint of Vrs, have made up our minds to reduce the number
past week, MiSsistecl in the .,;oligser- forill'er is "9. son or Mr, Jaines Ross ,Tacks 11 leas been 'leased" tinder nder-.
Vice in the Ontario street clitirch who wa,% formany years. 6, resident stand, to : Mr. Danby of Goderich of lines wd carry, and take, :this 'Way: to cleat
Silliclay The large congrg- of Clintoui and Wlio would, no township for'a term'
jation lilitch, appruciated his solos. M. of five years. the' surplus.
doubt, scialter be herc laic there; I-Tarvesting . operations. -are ahn()A
Air. alid Mrs. John, Hallyar of ilow- Alr, 11hillips sairg a solo in WesIcy coinpleted and threshing and s6wing Forty—Seven Suits of 136yal clothes, made from.all wool fancy
1111inville, who, have beeti guests of church Smidav a..in. and again in, fall. wheat are the order of tiro. clay.. tweeds, also plain, Halifax Tweeds,many of them tbg fawous.
Vicir son, Jeweler � Hollyar, for the dic -evening'. '111C Congregation much The early alitu'11111 itosts have already ,Lion Brapd", well made and llinsdfhrough-o'ut, regular $4
InvA teii.day,%, left Tticsilay to visit Lit OYM tho.11, colinnonced- their work of daeorating to §6,* on sale Satuiday at. y6ur oboico ........... e-75
Ilansall'. friends. It is fificell 71,0,=5 who our forest..
vjI t� Forgumm of Chicago, %
mw the. 'o Lias'0e. relititation of of , ThL Sick—Mr, It. lVarren is Inuking
sluee they last t
and •-ticy doubt they were 1pres%ed 06 best all riround'.surgeons in, Ani- very, fair progress since his removal to Boyso Coats $1.15
by thetransforin;4hijon which has erica,' was the .guest ' of! Dr, Gunn Loudon hospital. Mrs, T, Nott, w1lo
taltell place, oil . Saturday.. These oininent sui- has teen rat1jer, seriously ill, liftS,50,1110, D des your boy*ne6d a coatl We can fit
Mr, Josh. :Cools. spent :Sunday at peons were roani-inates in their %tit- what recovered
home after, an. absence of". Circe Imt. , (Jays,lxyth ,ttWndi1rg,0dTv1exh-4 Persottal"Mr.' Ilarvey •Jacksoit left him. up with a good one for one dollar and enty
weeks in: Peel and Hdlt< . nt cotititiwi cal College in Toronto and a close this Nvoc . 4- to accept a situation at r, 1-.�e Cent1sl Less than twenitof them to sell.
where, acting for. Mr. 1), Cantelon, friendship has ever since existed.. Niagara Valls South.lie lia.4 cmitractLd far cyvt�r one luill- Rach in his, . sphere has aeliievcd
Boys' odd coats made from Strong All' wool Tweeds, well MAde
drad orchards. Mr. Cook is not giv- slicecM snit i,,; widely kiiawn. WMIL 0 and lined, assorted sizes, regular $1.7$ ana $2,00, choice
.en to lettinig fl -,t, grass growlinder in town Dr. Vergu%on visited the 0 of this lob.. , .... ....... ...... I ...... 1-14>5
his feet .1114 is sunguille that , Ole hospital. and performcd on-ind opera-
Avesull.c. front 010 district %Olere 11L tions. 13ring your boy in earl r or his
has 1)(en workin �vill 1w, exitirely 111ticic,' Devi(l Cook leftoyi. Tuesday 0 11OW DOUS YOTJR 0 y Satu day
.4atisfactory to It employer. to attend thd' Toronto Vair and visit 0 gize may, bogone before YOU 00,1100
Mr. Dimean Jowett of '116tt 11urou,1118 itiaity relatives in ilia Streets- to iAluu, RUAD
who lids been, the guest of his'eall, Ville (JiArict Ainojig tha, latter are
x i it, , Altiss Alive, Burnett, at Airs, ..two othis sisters who are too far 0 if the label on your 6 Caps andr.Stodings
Oac)rge Ijklilley's, tjcc()jijj)jjjjjed by advanced in years to uittlertake, the 6 paper reads Jan 97 it 0
Mise; 1111rilcit 41nici jfflss Lily Jackson, trip to elintan. Mr. Cook, * who 0 111can" that you owe 0 Bring your. boy here for sc1ool.Capi and
r wnt a week or �norci,
spent 81111day at tile bit nettlionic will lie ah. for six years sub- 6 and stockings, Wo Can fit thein Out With boili and
(ladcrich'townshij). -Mr, will ho gladly welc(llied back, 1)y wril)tioin,
Jowett carries a bullet in. the 11onG, itiore 11cartilv than that :group 0 .0 the cost tp you Will not be innib.
back of his neck a.% tilOL result of of friends Who gatllet ti't his place. 6 I)c)es that look 0
the crazy act of a Port Utiron of business in the, evenings to disf- 6 well ? 6 Boys' Seliool Caps, Tweeds and plain
girl with a, guit. Site "didn't cuss tile (plastiolis of the day, polit- 0 doth#' 13 and 20'e,
know it was loaded," tit(, usual ex- teal and theological, 0 x"'n't it rather 6 0
ruse after the dainago is . 111r. W. TiLr, late inathenratical inns- 6 long, six years too,
Rev. G. X. Vrallklin: of Owen Sound tv�r i 11, 01 L C, C. T.." is, slMll d i 11gl . V, 6 lolig. Roys, School Stockings, heavy ribbed,
has been %ponding a few (lays ill few days ill town Inuell to the 49 fast dye, 256.
t()WuL ilii the interests of the Cana- pleasure of slid, 1110,11y fricials, 110 0 To have the label 0
diall churellulau, tlw� organ of the, maces duting the, few inontlis, of his 6 read Ian, 04 Would L 41
Church of aigland ill Canada. 'ten- re-Mcletica in Clinton, Ile leaven "6 J)a better, much het-. 0
tit quite, reecti,tiv Ite was eugagcxl shortly for Winnipcto cuter 111)0ft a ter.
in Ilia regular \Vork of ilia 411iiiis. Ilia liew ditties as f(eturer 11b Mani-
trV' azul as it is Scarcely a. 1.8ult- tolut College. This position, to The 141)a tells the Hod e ms �����
dav passes but that he is called, which is -attaelied a; salary of. a tale. What (toes 6
and 6
upoll to preaell. Xc9t Sunday he $1,'000 a year With board a Your.,; say? slafte ors to 1101(son. Oros.
lodgill wij., Inuelt Sought atter for 46 0
will as.M.A in the %lo -opening ser
Vices ill conluxtioll, with it v1jurelt e,,% %vt.,Il OLq 406
jjiv�, Cjjj()li.ijjcut there #ajo# 00006660 0666*oo
at Moll's head in the Bruce 1'C11- is it go(xtj long ljoli(lay of - four Pr'