HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-03, Page 7� l!"
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I The Clinton Now6i*ReCOM � � _."
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So totubor 3r4o 00 ' I . _. I - - ___ -1 .1", .
P __ - .11'.. - . -- �-----�-.---.J.;---"-,�.�.-....--
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. 1��..� ....... .. - - .1 _� 1; - -----'-- I I NORRIS ITONYNSHIT'. GODBUICU. ,unk RY I
1 _ - - JOANADIAN The Fight With Weeds. A Tribute to . o Miss Aguen hlvlvcr is, telograpli up- I Grand T1 .
I - I
_r . I...." 11-.�_
. heMolsonsBank w.Q reati in areciaw mytbolor of miss. riount-castle One dav last week as Couvrill r cratur for Mr. Joseph Kidil. �": -_ -
. . an lt . 0�.o ris Jhvkson, hith lint-, was aidilIg ,
r,T-PACIFIC it o-olikesL betewen Hercules lie a ativOl ill hatililig lit grain in Hill- Aliss Pai'lull [If J110 t"'llegiato till lier I - DOAMMON--
11 . . Ineorpt ratk (I by - - . giant , Art tixetw, Son of mother -Qltl.th And Allo-;�,; MO1TNTCAf,3T14k', AIRRIT'S lett township he jillet with art ace!- rotirit. frow Spendill,r JIj:r VM'idi0lli1t
Act W.11arliatticut, 1855 . - __ �,�-_ Nined for his Strength And skill in OUR ADATIR&TION AN -1) PRO- dent that although serjou.9 might hL.v hoine at s St. Tfi mas, vj!iitt2d for _._I.NDj1.4TR . IAT,7—
Capital - - .. - $2,500,000 . I . U I
Rpst - - . - __ - - ',3,2.50 vtostlitig Alth ugh Hercules wag 1%bIts rUrNI) GRXrTTTTDF,." easily have been worse. Ile was on ! a I j. -w . day!; in Clintou. � I —UMITMITION—
" Antagonist to the "ground by Miss the loud driving up th,Q gangwa 0 . . . I
HEAD OFFICH i'l.' 1, HARVEST EXCURSION %to throw his 0 A poem calle4l "Last" .y t , .
I - MONT from each fall Antikeus, would rise froul
All. Molson Alacl)IlLr fin, President. ' ' A ntcastle of Clinton has ap�,eared in tile barn when a, hame, strap broke, ______— - . � V , I
. General Manager. 1�111 be run on fSeptember x5th 11 0 herltarth st"011ger than before. I -ler. IOU . F � --TORONTO_
aults Mliot, miles finally killed hitil by lifting hill, one of our Turonto paptim lately, pro- the teltin backed tip and upset the *IXTY YHARS. . 14_9- . . -
I lotts discounted. ColleCLIOUS ititiole. und- nonh, returning until NoveRVIXT und And sque . eQ Lt) faced by a Mlost eulogistic lloti6t, but load, over the gangway. Air. Jackson 1MR. OVIM IS � C'1_4*_*_ .
Draits is.-itted. *8)terling i joth respixtiviely, ,903. . from the gro �Ing him
4nd Amer- i6th and -iner to one, Which I,,; not ill the least exaggo,'r- fell about -.o feet, we' willurstaild,and ' r has . '11TUMBF,31 rath . .
death. The struggle (it the fits laid heard, read hall his lin,I)s injured so junch so as Mrs. Winslow'$ SoOfllillg 8Y 111) Al"GITISM 2�th to, S1,4
icall 1-Nellangv bt'llght and sold. I R.I,,ITXTRN j.,.&R1;,,s* To. freellisfields from tbj, dortilrititionof atc(l. I havc rcud I . - (if luotlivrsfor . . I . I
_Iuterij�,t allowed on deposits— �or $38�_lVilillipeg, Wa,skanda, FNtevan. noxinus weeds hits been appropriately alotid tile PO(Im in (Inestion wore than so render locomotion impossible. No bven. usk-d by Illillioll., .
SAVINGS BANK I .11011, IIVaNva." likenj?d to that of the Gresilk f4ble, Yllv- fatir thues at least and oil each sic- bones were brolwh fortunately and we tlivir childriii llilu tek"thilig. 11 dis- � . . *_*_*_1111-�1* . I .
Interest alloued (Iii sulils Of $I alui I lilgin, Arcola 1 Muo,9v I ho is intevestad in agricult iiro casion now bvautjt�s were revca4�d, As hope It(! ,Will soon I)(,, as well as. uver. tilrbcrd by 111glaw and brokou of ' your CT,INTON TO TORONTO AND, ; I
. liesa, Miniota, Ilinscarth, Grand (,Pyono %v ' s-alleflug alulo . '
11I)i CEqjjpjjuljd,.d 11,11f )CArly. , ktiows wt -11 the great eXtellt t(l. which ot pacLical picture, delicate vet Strong,. About three cycloc.k Tuesday worn- rest 'bv a, Nick child ,,, tauthsend RT4,'TITRN $3.70.
---- FARNIF — , View, SWall River, . . wpellsetolut In Our cull,ivatell lands. it is othilost perfect. 'I'lit-sinall girlS who, ilig of Just WVqk the bank Vara of cl�vIlIg,with I)ELill Of cattill, . . .
IRS . Yorkton. . - I V b at 011cti and get a bottle. of "Mrs. . .
ltor $,io--RcgIn[,L, M0OsQ1jaNVV lijillerto Our farmors hktve been oli- wLep 'ratiter for the grief Of0theTs at John lit0d, 30 litie, ,% as struck y . Good ug.
Aloney advanced to fft In4vrS - . for child- . going A 2901 to Sept, 1701 .
their ()Wit Il(,t,S ,,%ith out; or IPor $.;,5 -Pr. Albert, Macleod, Calgat'yi bout its successful in their fight against their loss than at tile actual diso:011.1- : lightning and a. little whilt- later was Willelow's oiciothing Syrup" I . I . . .
, fe vlldjIr..jt:j*s wetidS, oth; lie,.cules wki,R in. th,ts'ettrl, fOrts which their Situation afford.,4 ia a mass, of simmilduring rubis. it was ron teething, it will relieve thelloor inclusive,
,. No mortgage 1,'or $,lo -Red Deer, $tratlicona. . - . liercy jujille,illately. Depelldi SR
ill( jel-I stuges of his contest -svilsh-Antaeus. .Silllple vet replete with vivid, oli�tail,; it built only about.three years ago. littlei sit I. ,I)THMM It X, 3, s, 8 AND io $2.75 - -
required as sectrity. -rs, thcr� is Ito luistalto . �
,NVJ�R, Mutiaier, Chilton. From all .points fit Canada, Avilda, , They littye hoon fighting Away blitiolly is sOjIj�tjtiljg which every woluart. call 3oo busboifs of fall wheat'and the bal- upoit it, illotht: . gil- All � ti � cit t,i I .,Valid returnin on or .
e. IlRR ,Sault Ste. Marie, A�'indsor and 144,ast. l t4�oatjng all'kind$ of weeds 111"0e same miderstand and the coinfi)rt they huol site(! of the sT'4'son's crup were burn- abouC it. It curly, Diarrhovol, re e ., . 19
— . ic wily I witl . I the result 00-40tfla weadli in ti1c, , that for once tIIC7 "LI'lla Lot, -ack latcs tile Sionlach, and llowuls, cures .
- . - -- Apply to nearest Qatiadiall - PAcii , "I" also .his best horse, wagons I I Colic, solto,114 tile Gulus, reduces I . . liefore"Septeluber 15th, I
' killed,some tho"g I, full .
rkgcni for pamphlet. are tre njejely kelit in absorbi!,1�11)4))V of tile houselrold will- harnos, Lie, Hall it noi been for IV - ell-
ljour6h and increase. take.a , 11141twiniation al ' to
viteck,and isome T . jam lit the iu- -1e*aLi,ev and W. NV � loss ill gives tQue and vor further infolituatioll, aPPlY .
Tickets tire not good on. Imperial , ",)Ill ,) . mother's W. I oudrow the
1% . If they 4troover to be eradicated entire- 'c, b n even heavier. They ergy to the wholl! I
0 ". MeTag-gart ' afTectibu is uxtraordinarily would Ji4v L v systelm I 'Mrs. A.0. Pattison or P. R. IIodgcUS,ageut4
�. Limited. I Bloold,s while - Wi�s
--,-. __ -1 . of gtowth, theirfitrong -ly Were sleeping LLt .joNjos Soothing S�rup for child-
�'. ly,their habits. truL� .to nature. Ili, this apparent Mr.
I . A. 11. NO rMAN, , . -and week ,.points, mul't Ile studied by ,sinl,)IL idyll -Of. pioucer life - tiler(., is pro- employed at C. Cauipbell's new house, rell teething is pleasailt to tho talato at Clinton".. . . " I
li.%\Klilk. As%istailt General -PiLssutger Agent, tile culti I vators'of the soil, even Pis Hor. . it,,� (;f thought and keenems* Qtud. and roudered valuable assistance ill and is the prescription of ollu of the I .
Toronto, . cules studied this week.1jeab . of his ad- fund of vision, coupled with that rescuing. � all that Was poss-ible 'front' oldest and lwst felliale. physicians and .� - .. . . . I - � _. � - , _-lC--7-._^!4
. I . . � .
. * - . breadili. all nurses in tile T'nitc(l States. Price I . . . I
. . I . g the last yeall 01, tIN 'The . I a a: ,So -Id by all.dr4g- I V '
. ' , . verilliry - ,o it great lucid Iiinpidity- of expression which the devouring element, Air. Budd It
ING BUSINR 9SI I I ___ Dut2i - $500 1
GBNRRAL DANK - - __ - - _-1 ... ... I . ,s the genuille poct. - style fits I $5oo insurance oil tile 1) rit lid 25 Cents a bottle, U er's Y.Z (Wise Head)INsinfoetant Soap
.. _. , - , - - -- .. . . . deal has been done Isy thU'll-grie"ItUrAl iiiarl I s tbrouillout tile worid. Ile stir
I . . . . I departmerils through the. inedinin of to perfection the subject and the Story on tile content'; bitt lie will still be a ) I 800th c I Powder IS better than other soap powders,
TRANSACT10). NO � icultural of tile' chila-worsian ' with- her. cry, ",'I heavy loser it lie is paid every dollar `f;s I I .
, r I e�,t 4 I)ISCOITI%Y- d' 3?hsiphodine newspapers, bulletins, ;%lid agr . a, 11 ask for "Mrs. AVillsl( W's .-,a it also Acts as a disinfectant, -94 1 . .
. $ . issenit'itte inforlivitior, art, 1161, afraid, ()It no !". uttered with of tile insurance. He. is sympathised , ing Syrup . " . . . . I .
Ti.',I). DRAFTS ISSUM), IN'TERli',ST I . __ The 0 1 root English Remoilly, meetings to d Is ss of ed. troublilig vo i c e � yet indmuitable, Nyith in his Joss. The lijIltiling is I . . . - - - - ,__�77 .
11 is an old, well estab. on, this, Subject, .,Ihe prove . _ - - 1. I . - '. 0=NM�M� .. - - � .- - - . �
I , Uslited and reliable riogtion, hoWever, is nect,ssaribr .,410wi l4pirit as .site tries to clicer (ill her lit- also. said t:o hava* struck Mr. Day,id- I . .. I .
AJ,I,OjN*p'4D ON Dl,',POSlTS- - - - = preparation. Ilas been -and it seeirm to be, gtinel-ftl Op.ik)i011. 0 tle ewurade is- tile .,story which the $011's lionle, oil .,tile 311(l colicessionilbut . � �. 3.6. -Annual - . .
... ( I 4, proscribed and used progresSive fat liters, as reveAlvil by fAl'- great freemasonry -of Arim woquatilmod fartiniately little damage was done. . . I I . . 1. * . � � . . . *
. _ cIver4O years. All drug. ite nivietings all OVQP*I,be undenstalids. Tlie despair which x1rive-s .we. are sorry ,to hear that Milton . I 0 - .
A1,1WRT STRIU,"T, CI,INToN- gists In the Dominica mets' institu . I , . . I
___ . Canada sell and.. country, that tht, tir,18 Iles � I I to action kind . . I � I .
___._ ____ . recommend as being a herculean Mot t must be made to lift 11lost, trivikil inishall looins) as great as ag�, 'of the 2114 line, is.not in the. .. �
Before and Afler, the only medicineolf , s e ' F r Lo' d .
.. .of I collie whell tile lijoinents when the Jerinvu, a young man, or i8 yeorm of
. this giant of "weed donniontion" front , We t' rn - ai Y n 0 .
its kind that cures and a Greek trstgedv-w-all is told With the. enjoyment of good health, He calight I . . . . . � . I
W. 1IRYDONIP, gives universal satisfaction, it promptly and the earth aixd, destroy it. Thigis w ' liv al)solutestaimp'of fidelity to,detailblit cold at a picnic aud, 'it has( suitled I . �. . . . I . I I ' . I I . I I I I
I t, O R. permanently cures all forms of Nervous IFea4- The bill regarding OlThe Inspection alla to a detail which lieverlor a Tnolnicut. oil hi% lung$. His many friend%* 11 . . I . .. I I I . I .
- I . I
Sol,I, Sale of $eeds",recently introduced by -is allow(, ire or iiiterfem with* it. cliauge forAlie. )ett (illy .. Sept. I ltb to 19th, 1903. . . I . . . I
11ARRIS-MR, ness, Binissions, Sperniatorrhmas rinpoten9vo , I er Will spee I
and all effects of ab�sls or excesses; the excessive y Fisher, was Pro)- -LI to.obscl . . . I . . . .� . . a ... ., . . ... . � . �
NOTARY, I'V111,1C, KrC- use of Tobacco, Opium or $jimuzants, Mental the lion. - Sydne the. proportions of tile PuTf'ect picture, set in. . � . . . I . I
I .
Vorry, all of which lead to IcAr"'ityi ridunced by Mr. Givard (if Chicoutir0l ' has .4 I . . . . . M . . - - . . . .
and Brain I Incolle . aid that a po0ii "lust Monday week- Ba%il -Wallaoc, a laid . I I .
Insanity consumption and -an Barly Grave. and Saguenay to -bi "the ntob;t iii1pol't- So I . . . 1. I . . . . , I . .
OFFICI., -,-Ilokllle illock- CLIN TON - price it per pack -age or six for $5. One will lint, that has evex- 'been subilliLted to show the Work ofilic. Ili isician and tile Of 12 .0i 14 Years of age, was attack- � .1 � .. .
. toil oure. Mailed prompty on re- nic* artist. In this therL art, both ed 3�v three dogs at Andrew' Laid- . Entries, C16se September 10tb. . I � . ...
please, sir � in - .
,-- cosipt 61 for free iia phlet. Address p arlianjent in.. the interest of farniers", sed s and: . . I � .
--...---- __ . _t 8 . . q � . I
. . I . .
I � �
Y0 The Wood Col"PAnY, - . . 11 In I t- .631or, forin and inusic ' lie miusic 31101. law" and Was bitt0i on the log . . I . I .
le Windsor;, Ont -I 01II13114% . in explaining his bill to the con . t,ight have, heard played ou- till, arins, The child is of a nervous taill- . � . . . . . I
. Krt� 10110 11 � . I . . . � .
RY Ill,'ATTIR . . Lee of 6je whole. tile All 6ter of A as . . I . I . .. . I I - :
I I I ."N . 1. . . . 1) d ..,Lud the, color �vortlxy'of .yerivindlit. and tile canines apparently . . . . . 1. . .
.. e pointed out that extetisive teAw oid liarpi,Wior . . . . � . - . . . . . . . I... . � . I . . . . .
(SjlccL-ss,L)r to Air. Janus Scott.) wood S* , )Ilodille is sold in Clill- cult it r . L,I)lc,, ,Ajis�,. Moupteas'Lle Werits 4new it� .- . . . . A spkndid
I P by the- seed biborii(OrY of his.depart- a Colistil, I - ion of.merit. Bigg,prand J)Pttoir than ever. . .
toil by 1�k�`ooltstls & Co., 1-1. B. Coulbe, ,tling 'btir ad niration .and profound . grati- During, ill,,-- past week Mrs. John . An exhibit, of performin .
IIARRISTIM, S0T,,TCITOR, L- TC �y, I Drug- ment had revealed a, rother Btai I of attracrions-Tony Itycler's celebrated' troupe 9 .
. I ' I �
. I . pajachute, and -
R. P. P,eckiciallol, .7. 1 � �,. Ilove R � with tile tjiLJc.�111or(;1lt0 Globe. � . . � . Aines Of Wingliant, daughtor of N.M. arNtY risions, a Para�hute drop from e, . .
. . . . .
office forinel-IN, occljpik�d I)v Air. gists, . . . � . btate of Affair, in connection - . . . and AI 5th line, Morris Ivionkeys, Balloon asee, 'Fireworks . I . .
y,lli()tt Bfock - . . . . . . he country. The inve4ti- . . � � . rs. Cardiff, I Hal Aftists and Acrobots tobe bad. . :
. . . .
. .
. I � . seod trade of . ' . . ' I . has been. at; Toronto colisultil I a tbebest Gymnasts, Aei ent of. Almiandria, a . . . . I . I I �
James Scott,' it, . . . � j;atjons showedAliat Ili many instance$ W . � � ,a � . each evening concluding with 11 The BombaT.olot ... . . .. . . . . . I I
. -
MONI�Y TO I,OAX. z;�. ---- � --!. A large .pkipoirtioh Of-ChO siled sold A Well Epuipped - . .. 1. specialist. relative' to lier'licalthwhicli. ,.in 'ph of modern pyrotechrly. � . . . I � � . �. . . . . . -
. . . mr- . great t ni . . .. . � . . . .
. . would'itotgrow,ill Other cases samples . .- has. beca of a very indiflerea,it cl . . . . .. . .
I . . . � dirt and , . News -Paper Office . I- . . I � I � . . - lines. , lets an. a , Pro- - I
. � . .
__ I . , I - * contained a. large amount ol � . acter or -late. . . . . . Rxtra trains and Special rates over. all .'.Prize. L . . . . � . 1,
— ThO =111opfflutual F1181 other insert matter, This condition of , . . I ' . . . . . .. � . . ,. _..
, , I ,Ws- The News-ReLord will be-stnt - to .� grams on application, . , . I . - I I . . L 11 ��
. - . . ut it, was Ali event. of. interest it . the ni. til'Jall, ,904 fOr kAY . I . . . .. .. � � . . . I
' . . - -its bad enough, .b . -Toronto lust weal, - . . . twe . . . . � '.
RIDOUT & IIA1,11, , . . affairs V% it in view of paper world in .atly * address. - it 11: .. . . . . LIEUT'-COL. Wt 'M. - GARTStiORE, .. , - I . I . . J. A. NELLES, � . . � I
� compara,tivelY. tinimportan ' cent � , . . . . . . .
. � Was the occu lvo`� S. . . . � .. . .. . . . I . . . . I I .
CollVL)'allCLrs, collilivissioners, Real I . Msutanw, cam[MnU ..; . the fact, llla�ttntitny of the samples ot . pation by tlw News Of '�fl �. � I I � . . . : - - I . . � Secretar . . . I
. .. . . , . i -,v buildit(g.-at the corner Of *I � I -_ . � . . I. . . President. , . Y . . . . . ..
JtL� ali'Ll Insurance Agency. � � I �. . * � I � - . I . . 1. . I I . . — I .
j,',sU' $61m,A!14 clover'�eolls wera found to be their nL . , - .
. . ill isolated -,J�awjj *Property- ous weede,. Yonge wid Adellaide. fftr&�ts in ,.that . - . I . " . I ______ . .!---- � � ____ . - — @��-milx , � _
Monev to 1,0all. . . 10111 with ill . . ..---.--- I i—.— — . . . . . .
-Farni at � . .1 e seeds of nox! ' . 'i-11 *TISF ' . .
. . . ' - be eradicated. froul the city. tile* latest. --told "wRt SeTviceah- . IT PAY$ TO AD V IR , . I ! . I . . � I . . .1 . . � �..
-only Insured.- - - - . wIlich Can only. , - - �qub I . . RD. . - . I ' . . . . � . - . .
C, ll. ITAIX - jolIN' RIDOjVT. , . ,. . ,8(ji.l by years of labuur. One, couid well . le .piechanicgl. L iiiiidut ill every line , ,, IX orH.H NgWS7RF,CO I � . .. � . . '!
. .
.. .. I � . . - . I . . inderstand tile illcillculable lo.'s Inflict-' Jtas been .installed by tile NeWs,. 'ill- . . I . .. . .. � . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . � �.� .. � � .
- . . . I ' ry in lug a )IC proso.- This is . . . d L: . V . . . . L 'L . . I I I . I � . . . .. .11 .. �
- . 0 F F 1. C, 31� RS. ' . . .-d ors. tile , fal-11jers of. the- count cludl Hoe sexillf I 1. . . I .. - . . . . . . I I . � . .. I I . . . . I
. . - T,eau,, - I I. iden , " 1<ipp611 P. .1111tt"way, In ('tiler colintilies efforts the, ,lurg,;st uct�,spaper presis in. . . � . . . . 1. . . . . . I
. . . . .1. L ... . I " , . � - . q . � . I . .
. .. . . I . . � . I . .
J. B, Me - rrd,n L t, - I I - � @ . .
11. R, IIIGGINS o. ; Thos. Fraser;.. viccj-Pr6si(l(��t', j.alve b,�en.tjjitda �iqwotectthe farix e 's and it Aias ,,a. capa6ty,bf 043 . (9� 1. I I . . I L I
� L tire seeds. page. lial . )crs per haur. Ali in . 1� D'.)r.-. - . I ... I I . . . I . .
1�irc ,,Ijtj 1,ife, itissur- .1, ' Ti F fl-otli ti ei triidoi iiihad or irlip . . @@e@@0' (�@80* @ 0.0* o. ---'O- 0_�_-)111- " 'Z' L . . L � L . I �
L ,rucer.cld p. O., ; .. Hays, -Sec,- I -L I . -, . s . . . . ..
Coliveywicer, . ill Gel'iffill))i, ill: Switzer- .is extended to- all L.�N-ws rQa( - . . L ... . I . . �
. , I Treasurer, , -P - . . . . In Eq t1gland, , I pbltlo @ I ' _ @' . . . I . I . . L . . ... I I . . ... 1. .. 1, ' � L .L , ' ' , * I
rtgagcs Dc,�.ds, Vic. . . Scaforth: - 0. tt0lltIOI3 favt ".to: At! exI i i ' "I vis'itoys e ANT'. IMPORTAN'T_ ' - @ . ' I . . .
alice, AI( I . . ; " . litn_(I -PlEjol'in * other countries a . � . . . . . I . . �. I I . causes riftra - -1 ... !-: I . . .
drawn for $I each. All work . � Dip_UCTORS. . . .. L had bepst directed. to the.inatLer. &lid to. call Llild inspect tile i 9 I . . I . . I . .. . . @ . . .. . Debility.of systein . ! . . . .
Cheaply done. L . . . . . . I . , - . �. . ,� 'j., ..O. . '... �. @ �. L" . . . I . - to produce - . . I . . I �.
neatly and . . J*Oln .MS., Of legi4lati011. )i�kd heou . , � 11., . , � . - tends' . . L . I
SLaforth , I . I Val-jOLIS. foiL . ,-it, : - and L plant, The � intr - 8 , N' 0 T I C R . . . . I . . I
N�qjiiallj Shesney, . ' I . Itte, of Use � ln�,,ioling . L I . . ,L. . I.. � . .. . gia, and ' whaievir - - - I . -
. la -le-,- , ea- adopied. :,11.1 'some oftihe SL , .0. , L - .� -:` L . _' . This 9Lffec � . - I .
- - - ONT, Grieve, Winthrop ; Gem. D S press'. �jul be:.8.'CeIj ill L oper�tiott. I L _ '@ .. . enfeeblement,; induces� it.' . . . . . .
,I), - j ge. . I . . . ' . i L I I I
a , Ilarl'66k ; Johill Uni6n in" 31anitoba .' and. in the - L ' afte. . @ - 'I'lie NP_ws-Roc6fd. atul The . (�).. % . - . . Us& of : ' L
I'l R U C I C, 1`1 I X, I I . . o,cI6ck �,,,ch -rilo 1 i ' y ,due to . .. I .. L .
, , wli �j 1111d j � I oll'. . . . .
— . foith ; John IV it I .itorie-, twc . I - ' are, NV - ' ' Iv, oiont(') Will (*� . I tion, is * unden. libil . � is . L I . ';.. L. - .' .. '
— __ . .;, Jambs.10alls, I N'o)j�tJl%%P6(Te�j I the milgilitl)dt. t% of the News . . L* 11 11 of. T .
. . .1
— iivniiLNvies 11ri)(1hagan " zed. -and Tjlo� local agen; ' Pt, 11'e�k .i` - Very exisb6ne� . . _'...- I L, . I
, �
lleechwood I -Taflies C()Illlollv :Cliltt6l, " 10 -tile eiil haid beell Ilecoglil .. )OPet- & (�O, ,Lnd the L LW. 11' jl�air* Co.m. , . (� -,(�llt to I a . liv. addrt�SL 4 fov ,@ . 11� vitality, and its * * . : I .., I
. . . It L I
.: .. . . i It(- efforts bad been inaole to Ioe�48011 it, ` lyal�cr 61.11 alWays 1) ) be , L .. ��� evideuc6 of defi6ldnt Strongth. . - .- . - . �. . - . ., -
DR. W. GUNN .1 e'au' Xiiii)(211. .1 . I btitii(sgetieral a4effii.it' fririn. Wlioll, the. I . L. (F)'.the .halau�u of' l9o; fii�*tllc. 00 - -_ . . . . � I.,
John All: , I ; � . . leg'slat br, . . , .L0 �� � I . . � I ,L , . '* . . - I
. .
, . .1
a 4
.i L, s. itaiiii)tIrglit. I I. . I . . . by Lola' to grill). obtained. A. posL'-Ca�.d to. tile N e %V s, � 111all Sjjltl of , 5 co�nts: - .@ .... . L . Sfiould tUej& . I . . .
C. 11. aud I,, R. 'A�GUNN`P'; - I , `7 - had dein Cmil . . . I . a!Mre I
- , . bt-ell In ,%ttiftlile c0l)Ves 01 (t, " r(I leads f�)r, e - *.. I . . Reinedial'ine $ ..
it. himt (1c)(A. () r(sideurc, . . I IF, ',Ile. evil. Tile proposed bill, Toropto,, ..W -ill hring . . . . ': ,. I'Ile'4NL"NYS_Ree(Y . . 11 - . : I . � . . . .. I . i ,.
--N i g i " , .. . I fore be directed to'finprove .
it Call:; at f , -, -Rbb�rt Are- 111. Ul ... the whole. � . .
Sulit.11; 11a.r1o;ck ,. . I .. . . I . .. L .
� Rolyert. , t liv -tililL. , news. .No other papei @ , , - . . , * .
. I . -11P4 fol , tlie paper it A . 1 . . . L 6, local , 'e,%'ns '0 * ..
, .(-.t,. ()j)I)os,te - ell-11111iings, ple -i. rps: vol ihat Seeds (Aft . . . . . .. I .. C L -sen..st . - ret t - . . ' . L '
t it Ratt-01hur% s, t r, jalilo, Mlicl 10it . - , , . : I 0! ill Tlll�roll c0fitt . -, for wh xength. ion . , �'L
, . I .
. Alilhol, SUAl"Orth t . s� . � .. , , I I �ills "illk so @ , - . . . _ .
. Holt 'd lot. purl.ly and vitalit) . �_ . - . sy Stein . I a� . I-
1!ij. C6
j,rL!sbvt-,,rian church. ,�,��Jjjojj(lVijl(j ;L,. .J. j\".. Y'L�(i 1. Iles-. Saje,�'.bjv LeAk . to quality I wn's tile . I . . .11 I......., - .... - . . .. - 6r. the: ,local liaplien- @ '. . . I I . . I �. ... . �, . I . . I ..
. . . ... �' g�atj(d iicqoi-dli)�, ' . . 00. f-liliell. . . .. . . thl;- . pygteinj , the- netir c . I . . I " .. I
. .. I. I 4. . dvertising. . , I no bet- (D - . . ... _. . . . ... �
. . of,*Lwo � I . . . . I . 1, . . I ..
()Iq,I(:p',___ ()ntario 1.?,. ?eals-caj-61111 stoidy, Alloll Persiste-rit.-A . 100, ing's While t lere Is . I . I .
.street. -CLINTON�- vAle- slll� . I .I- I . . of thf, nerve5 will. disappear. I .
. e with * . . I . I ... : 0 " Ijaper - (i), - � . .. . . . . .
parties desirous -to effect insurance he did ,lot think it Would tnt.frrke--� . , ter fariliers tha*11 tile I . . . .. -
— I IMIles,4 Will*II4, le�,slatioe. tritile. Howevii?r, b . e Was , To' insure, the gr�aieSt rosults Que ; � (F" Sun. . ; , . . L I - I I . .. . . . � .f ;
.--- , , . . . . . @ . , . � This now. is supplied by ST. SAIA14S . ' I : . 1. I I 11
. O.r. transact �otlicr*. bt litation . . he'doutils thresh, ',,just advertise I right. 'I'll(-, iiiethods . . SZ . M fail .td reli�-M; :: , . . .� 1 . . --
. prornistiv attCu6d t(' Oil app . desirous (if, hliving t . . I . 1,5 - couts: pays for . 119th (j) �* -4. seldo I .. . . I I. �
. . . . I- . . . . .
, iilg . - . . . . t I - % . . �
- SIJAW ( tile .above ,j)III,cers- - addressed . . . nonittee and, qialte, will ace cirdularUing, etc., . & � . S th" . UP. - I . I . :, L
. -
t' W 1'"
I ' 40 i
DR to allIII 0 ed out in coi .. niediums, sp ,� O� 1.6'. -Tan -i 1994. ' ' I . . 4 . � . _Z; the r. efie;ct is a general building. . . . I � L
S. . I -eel . A . ti,i,�JLS 1,114". Injos detail,. or . . ; . I . . .. . . I . . . I .. .. ... . �
' to "Ll�eir resI)C,.ctivL VOSLoffiCLS. 1,09$c to a( . su(Il'.Ittliendinen � I . . L' lie c(>,rrect. ll . @ 1� .
,11'ON. illspt7ct . I . . . . I L , ?-) S , - I , -) �", .L; . 11 In. I " . I . L . . . . . . . I
N AND SURG ' . toi, .,�C.9. House, inight- tile, 1. Tc.qults. 11 to -, 0*._.Y1'1\11D1P1 V�j 3_3::-D.,:)117 . . .
,o,ny,9ICI.%._ . wlity .Ii w" I I t be'ob6uh . . A Of the syste . . . .. . � .
ed I)v tile, direc idelinx degil-abl(l- , faIS'! L 4F@ P. 8,00 P. � . , . . * 11 I
I arg," , .eeoljoyllly . I . L . .. � . . L
INTONT. Irvare, I . In. the course Of the discui�iOn ln@M ed I � � is, dideforc, I . - q
street -Cl, st tile ,Scene, . It..1 @ , - I I . . I. @ I I �
0j-�jPJCI,'— Ontario . . L 4 . .. - . her after trieniber; Conset-vat ive as well to, use and careles4 Inethoids - . . . ST. JAM33S WA�i*.URIS� help St6inlaC11, - L . 1. . 4 1
' . .. .. . ' , poor . I I � . . . I ,. I . . . . . the- nutAmobut . � . .
01 't 1,�jjll's church. . I . . r7!��� Iti.. 1,ibet-jil, spoke of the se"iOu.sue-qs Of improper incolitsing, insufficialit Or sl'P- - _ . . . �1_ , ". ... .. digest food and send , . .
1posite " - . I ... * ... I I I !�
� . _. _=__��� . I -o virettlArs. or ' . . . and this is� the '� ' , .. . -
I - L I .�. . � I I L thv weed problem- audexpi-esqed dpw - crjluous� space, inferior , I . .. qw - thrqukh'.,the blood, - . .L . . .. .1 . �
. . 1. I - re ..L � ... 1. - �$�Wi>""**""44* - , . . .1 .. "
—,----.----- . .. v.ti (if. the *pirinciple of i be - i)iil,' 11' r L - . . . �� I - , . . .. . .. . 11 . 'honest Way to . , . I . "
I . I L e otbe printed quatter � L 1. * L . . .. . . -1. I . t health and strength I I . L . .� "
I . , R. .d :_ . . . GIVE srREkT00 ge I . ;�
alle Rollie qt) To . -attvin I . L Y. Is -: 'L. . . I . . - . . . .1. I
SITRGI� i fully SY abize, with the objertt oi,, t. - -Por �611 � j)-fo-datib . eirelopg. glid � i ,
DR. C. Av. TINIAll',SON I atatititilio ftoul angal pt to ,�;aN`L 'Illorley ..1j, 11 . . ' .1 . . the -kind ,that lasts; * d �.. L . . . . . . . ,
- I L
�ON'. . . I .. � I . . L . 1 . . I I �
N AND . I . .. 1. . . ... . 'CURE YUNCTIMA 9030 NG gy which . accom*- L , � , :, .
. 11 ln�fq ' guing cll(--tl) cirottldis' is uo ecolvilliv. -L , tv . �
pIlySICfAN . L : the. hifl" Nr 01 , ancy.), ,ITfiis b,6_I?(.- .., I ,j � �, . . . . . , breeds the ener : . I .. . .. L I
'L I .A -circular 1�oorly printed or�a blicap, � I . . .. , I ' . �. . I ..
S'S Of . ter, 'and ,1, - HAIR, CUT - , � . " I ENRIMHE-111.0 ,h, - ` , ... L
TIAM ', 'd .. . I , . . Z. 'RI a ST . . . � . .
Spuej,,11 al.Ullti011 giVell to diRea' . , TABI,14,. . .' . '. . come a very setious mat - . . . . I . ev -.r . I u .. . . � . �
I . . . aide Of :*paper -is seldoin rea by its I - &sh0s,rts, c - . � . . I � . . . L � .
. I Noise atid Throat - .. - - � .. . . L. . . . . I . . Vt think this-StOP has n"t.lietit.taken one rr" . OCS' at L Once to .1 . .. �_ THE CONSTIT 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 'i..
I 11 v -AND- . . .. I _
tile 11,�e' Xar, - I Re . sidence-�- � Trotint; will turive --at ,ind delial . olk dr.. Fowler); 'I dan recipient. .1i usuall, 9 . I . . . . . . . Z�Z.A .. . . I .. .. I .. L . . I ,
-0111-ce, ail( . sr roo soon" 0 ' . . . � .
I � Awqkct, or into tile StOve . .. dlat.jansteigWaftratievervalilleill- � .* . -
* tile - tvast,L ; I I , , . - . wuey arii. a teinedy Owithout a * � . � � : � I � I
I 41r Ci,INTO I . Ill 'is follows : rel �es that it is absolutlily * ilecess. . till a glance at. . I . I � . SHAVE . .. I � �z: . , . . .01 In titil . .L I . I . . I , -
Nv Y,,-, I . . NI froin Clinton ' statiO . . . ' -out in. with not, 'ev t. And CLEAN I . k#" .
Wily'. . . i I . peer, w4thout a rival : � . � -
I . I . . . "I
AI,l1l,',RT .'-;TRP',I1','1 'St. ry IhAt soine law should be . � -cccived.i.% that':. . I � . t . . � C j6n.E� I . OB . ,cases ofnimurailgis, they have pro- . . I . '. .. . . .. . .
. . I . .
� . . . � . 'bArber. . ired a noble at I . . . . . . .
,ittt ul)ury Jar-ItALO AND L to regulate the.. Stile Of if L tr C�a A 0 -
North of R, . GODERiCH DIV,. - . - ,ce in Order .. I le impres'sioJil atb,uce I - I .. . . Ld true 14117-" . I ., I ,
� . . . . . I .
- -
. ajjj. for I uct, -e s ' . Who cauhot� a [Tord - or midwf; Y ,the leading . . . montr . . .___ 1) . I . '.m,.
,_ Goitur .Vl,ast F,xprcss ' ' ' ' 7.38 1. Such in1po' .tant farin prOd i s as.st d ?I a firin send out sift'll sti'll . . . . 11 .. . I . 4W , . . .. � . ri patricu 1363,1,0 . . . . .. . I . . . . . .
.___ . , "I :L : , - 1*1 -egatol thii-ii.its mo; -inorc than to.. 1 ;;:A%6a 1, F_ I . I . � I k . . . . I . . . .�. , �.
11 it ji� - 3.13 li,ni..L (ftr. Rt),,q, Outario)_ I ,. that is Le . . : . :., " biliblin, XV0111111do � , . . ,.. . . .f . , . :.
L"' as .t. oflc�hlg wiv- . NEXT DOOR To. iIRW NIS OROCERY . I I I . - I
. . I . � ertainly DO . . . - . . I IWITAI N I AWICA . . . . I � . . . . I : I �; "
(1,, NV. MANNING SAlIT11 . 4.13 pmi�* one �if �be m6st imPortant, ineaSul-es I . . I P, . .. . L . . I . . � . ... , i" .. ..
0oing is Tflie' �, r I—,; . I . . * I . I : . . .. .. � . . I " I ,'L
.DR. T I 1. . .. I for our fa S" -oduced its lilt (thing. AVO.rChy . Of consideirad,oil. .,a : .�,," V%'j, . . . I � . . . 1 . I . L
, �
' .
I)Ily,,-)ICIAN A'.\']) ST'RGV,ON- Go.i.119 West. Mixed : . - 10.15 a.1111 . Tiler .evoll.ilit ( I Mr.; Wright) ; logical ewiclusion' is. that tile firin 11 � George -D. Robertoftill. , - - . . I . . , . . . . . . I :reg . I . .:I I � . '. 4 ; I . . � . .4 I
� . 32.65.lMn.: -Donlintoll P,iii-littruent'! . . . 1. . I sl.jw.i, Wafersart Plot a set.r,. . ., .. . ; , L ''.
0CCLlI1iQd by Dr. Pal- Go i ng West. 3�,xpr(.SS I . . . 11 I I these .1 I .. I . .1 . I . . �gme#..ioih�ttlim,crousdocto!�s. I . . I /
. I 1. :.q.11donit ,ijej desirability I � . . . . . . . - . I I I
. 011*1cc formerly I 'I . 11 .. It I . . �7-05 a.m. :, (if trying, to that pays,as stile atto-Iltio)n tO , . � I e I . .. * M. � . . -1 - . . L ,�,,i,#,d&g,.jhgffgjp theirpattents . . . I .
lister oil Alaill . stret t. -11 4.1 � � . . . 1. .. . . -event,LlIp. ti,e of -seed'..con.laillilig All de,tails* is consistent ellotugh t(I ' 9i 1. . o��,�� .0�* . . . . we m.idl.ihe formFlal 11001% ,rsqljf$t." L., I 11 I . ; . I
, . ,
" . . .10.32 p. ill - p[ .. I e tile Seeds of noxious tjl� sainu kind of. . attetit'011. it.) t h (01 ..... . . L L , I . . I . .. . . . Where dealers . are i . iotsellinitthe 1 ; - ; . I . . . . . . I )_1 .
- - - ONT . I .L . .. .1 . I adillixure o I 11 - * —1 . . . . . I I I - L 11 I
- .
13AYFIF,141), . I 'Do I X I HURON L AN'D J3R,VCl;J. DIV.'. wp cl," Nit, 8proule) ; , 11 The MinsLer .,tiler' details 'ofthe business. . . 1. . _. ____ _________ I . . I I �: I wlolersl�thv are milled upon re- . I .. .. . .. . .... I I I . ... .11 . It �
, -falsu ecouOul - is . . . . . . .1 � . � . I L . I .1
. , I . I . the cassadian L L �. I I I . I
. . L I I . . .1 eo, , ?tl, jamos'Wisfers Cc,, 1728 ' � . ,
r . (
-.-..--.-.- - --,-.-.. - ______ I I . ,()\, - . . 1. A. of go io� ,IltilleiitOI)e(!on�t-txtuiti,ti-d�lil.., Alloffli6r kind. of . I y . .1 I -_ .- . I .1 ... ... I , ce al . . . . 2 11 . �'
. . 11 "' 'x1iress .1 . . 1 9, . erad-. the � irregular 'intermitting advcrtis-� it - rum L pric,e in Canada : $ 1 - 00 ; . .r sar :. . L :'-� �
_ __ .7-47 Mll 11 t� .h � I
Going South 11, I roduf..ill this Bill. If he will ufljtkv' . ,, I D . . St, Catherine St., 111011trall. . i
� L - " . 4 15� R-111 - d ill � . -,)ractised. so, -inuch. by a I oertaill L i f . .. wl* I I . . . � I . . . . I . .. I 6 . . I
�()Wlj,',R I . I Alixed . 16.15 �a.,Ljll this Ijill Wot ka,1110 and toiccee ing L . A UM 0 ., - . . I
' . . .
DR',,, AGNIeW & I 11 Nt)rL]I,' J-�,Xpress- ical Ing foul seeds - froul �hi� coltntry b,O porl.Gi of utailcrs�alid. othurs. . � . . . L . I � I ,Six b9t*510r.$5.00, T. . F � L . I . I .
* � I . . . _. F L .. .
. I . . .
__ __ DI�,NTI.1-"T1-I - - I , I , 1, Mixed . * `6�s5 I)-ll.l* thils, ('Air fivids will gksiv 110thil)g 110t an *adl I ill UIL, paper. I -k * 11 I I . . . . L ". . . .. . . I L .11 . - .. .
OI ell ... . . . . � L . . � . . I . . . . --===-- . I .. . . . .1 I ...
Olfirc(' Ll(I.j()il1illj,' I)ljt,t1) (;LLIl1.rV- I .. WijjjtiS8OL�nOjj. thtm he will double You place . . 0; � - I .. I .L . . I . I
' -ices'-- it
. L ,, -reads it tbrutigh- is I
. ' * I . " (,%It., ItLobi- reader I . . I
� jLt1.r,!a% Hight., unLil �ATTIS'O'Nl Agoit'. Vtlue of oiW far"j$1 .19on, favo - -will . � . . . . F --:----77----7-— . . . . I . . .
, F
ieVL:r - flav and S . . A . O. I � .- !.,. , . the. rably, i-Aipressed-41iiiiks he I L I . . . . . =I% . . _1.
. . I
. . T. -I ' fl, Agent, Elgin); Whitt we w4int W a law that, 'tile article advertis W- .
;c,,_%; I for . L ,
4o () cl(ick. . 141. R. llODQX.,,NS,, lown I . sxid or lie , . I ; ,
,%,,l).,lrll every Moliday. 'AT strict PaSs-711- will ilo , ',4onje Illetigure stopthe spregol or o1ceide-S to call in and 9'et one ne.xi, I I � . . L L L I . I L . � . '. I
j)jllrg;,mii(,n u, e I.N. Tilks(I.1tv. J. 1). MACDO\ ,D1. Di. oul Feeds and tbe-depreciation In I just . . I I . 1.
" . . . I . W.T. Agentl Torciiii.o., thoe I . . ill e lint dowit' toWil-bUt 110t. r . . I
u �
H __R
WIMM, lam I I I
. . . I . I � wilue 'of fileals all over tile coplavy". 11 .4 lie 'forgets At L I . . . I . L ' . . ' I . I .., I �.,
. __ . . .. . - . . . . then. Perhap ., about , I . I I I I - � 11
----.----- . . I � .. 1, .. L mn). ,-1 R61 thoroughly in . . F It . a 0 I . L I I .1
.- . . .. .!==:::r.r:�. (Mr. . 'Made. I, 'a:nd -if lie never $Lces - your TEVITle-in tile. - . � ) .. 0 Is THEI . I � L ..
_._-.-.___._ I . I . I . . I I .
=%-.-., _,_ =! . I 11ccordance h the.* ptsrp6---e of �hl ., . . _iLhc Will Ileve 1. I ,. Al
r IIOT,AII;,'S . . F � .. I . - � . . wi I. I -I think iC paper. again Chancleg, a ITZ I , F I I I I .
. (,,. ERNI-',S' . I . I .. . � . Bill'? (M,r.� Rio:fiArdSO'n) ; I I � .. . I . . ,f�
DR "M 11 jLud ltridj,e Work ,I 1. F - elfitel", Ill be reluilided.about It agrain.... I .1 . . 1 .... I . . . ' I I . I
SI - . I Tlig TO ADVRR ' . , - . . . ." - �'I
. weialist. ill C, T PA I bitye LU 111o'st decisive . , I ., I .
1). 1). ,S,-G,r.i(I11ojte of tile RO"al Col- I ''... . . . wil Ied seedg, it - "The'! stores ill any town are the .. I F I . . - I ' -
L .
luge oi D01LA ,1 -.,r,, . Ol,tar- IF .IN THU N�I WS -R-4001) . - c Wit ch advertise . tile 11108LI. rcigu- .. V
; ,c4ms (A I . . .. .L I . . .., . would.be wA.It"W' U1110 � stor _& I I u ,rs, TI10 pro- - _ . . :
. 6rtbtkr,i (Nir., ("llarlevoix),_ lilarly ill th' liew,pitpL
io. . - - poinuttly f F . . " I jillild 'L tip I . I : , L I . I " I
. . itig the'spread Of we
check , to urge, the . �
, L � . . .: " r tsing will I .
its', hotior graduate —__ �, .It per king Of all ! . . n .� vef I. . L L . L �,
. ily 6bl-etions ill prilici .11 . . -lade -
7 1). 6. -First CI . . I About the (11V . . � . HPIsti , 1% - f E -
" ,If I)e,.ltaI Dcpal-1.111-ellt of Toronto
I Iniversitv.
,`�I)L.(.i;1I ,lLte�1tiou I)kti(l to preservation -
(,f ollil(Iren's teeth. .
lAvill lie at tile. River Ilotul, Bayfield,
C ay fro,iii to it. In. to 6
very Nionol. -
Ti. Ill, .
- — - _________�__ -_ .
DR, ,1. FR14',r�MAN L
A moinher of tile N"ett.rinary meffical
Association-'; iyf ljondon and 1141ill-
I)jjrgh and ortidliatu of the, Ontar-
io Vetel*inary COIlLgC-
.01,q,ICI�,_ iltirwi strect, -CT41NTON.
Next to C0111111(!rcial Hotel ,
pie of the bill .Were 1,14is,-d by one' or- any. bughless �soi t at it will DecOille
. orls will) see% . ied-tol-inve no one of "The" .0 es -1:11L rLI)reselita-
two uieuib .
P.Of 14gticulture and tiv.c store in the trade. , . .
,LCLI iqlll ktiowledge
W% o failed,to. realiz6 Lilt'. gravity Of tht' - 'AdverLisin-gi to . be ;'succcsslul, must.
subject. *The details Of Use propose(l. be conri,611,nous. One big all, inscrted
in for coomiderable buce, will .110t,
. L �. .,..11� 11
.. I .
. . . — L ; -
I . . . I .. .
, * , , . .
Rattotibury Street -Works
. . . I I
. . . .
I . . I. . . . . .
. � I .
.. . . . . . I
. � . L .
--.---..-...---..-I— . �.
I .1 . I I . .. . I
. . �. 1 . . , L . . I I .
. L ,
I =
The New's . Record
oil cam6 or only .occasionally,
I , ,
,�- !tcl:ati tile Place - * ad
-t.!. isrivwhith was to'be expocted,in take � of . ail ordiaas�y
It i
, '
- , [)Iree,t Importers. Workilysan-'
ship and Mitterhil guaranteed. ,
. .
� . I
. I . .. I . � I . �
I � .
view of the fact that it is hased tipoll .published. rcgularl.�-*. Alight as weli
ja of seed (;Ontrol whictiIiamp think of taking One holge lucal a
systen: . .
. , . � L . .. . . �.
.. ..
^ . I
.local paper. in Huron,.
the leading .
proved iiuccessf ill inOt her COOntril. - a week, -instead O,f the three - rcgular4
1ch6w of llli3 11 , I v ry (Jay.. you,ol jeci ,starve
with whd . lieullitil's . I of Illost
11, , G. SIRALIB latid Co*..
. I , .1.
. �
L . L .
. . . . I I � I . 1. . � .
-1 . . I L . . . 6 a ii 4 . 0 e
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and . I I L .
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tiibe,falbiliar. It WAS polnted`��);
.. , . I
. I I . . I
' . .
. I �.
. . L .
Mr. Rose, (Ontario) that, lis � whiochJS reprostaltud by all O'C�CaSrional
A-vesitt.' I I JL' ional.
drop of seed will be I'll ol,Lh "' `L I , ad., or even All occa,s,
.. . �
I . 0 nd' .
Family .Herald A
.... ��
�-- 1, . I
I . I . L
7 I . . �
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and fit the warkel, tot -title Itt,"A PLO
,ble, .... f . . 011c, is silliply starved in be�
inlijosal ) the 9 . I ,
. datlij � t, won d Ile ' 0111. tweeft thiles. .
the Ili
L . . - L .
Rlgama GOMM
� . .
. .
, . I . .. . I , . , L . . . I
� . I . . . � -
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I 1 .
. tr&de'to offer. teed Such Pis . ring regal
S the A sinall ad. appea: -t�iy iv.,o
� I
I .
. , ar. I .. L
Weekly St
lea fop by the first of Pptember
. t t lit Th. in. wortl I than tile Same
I In Itch nord
. I I I
.. - . a I
. L
. . . .
. . � _ �
. Phone 97 1 . . . . . . mwmegia . date specineu in t, to ) I tc4,- amatult of space concentrated . futO . . . I steam. . '
. — -------- . .------- ster of Agriculture and tile comalit one b,jg ad. for - one issti4, The I pub. ' . until
__ ___ . . generally agreed with this view, and . has a short',ts Tory',for things BRIP LIAO . will be s-ent to airy ,address
. . I. . . . � . . colleludid that'it, would not Ile .ttdvis,tw lie liell .1 of 1.110111. - . � . . . . I . . . . . I I . I en+& . I
I . . -;e,(I_there'are so waitv .1 .. . - . I
-trriagO . 1. sic ble to bring the. bill into operation un advertis I � - � �.. I Jan, 19' �4 fo'r 40 c u -S. I
LATI, M : ill. next yeaO`��-� "limilissir p ocedure 'It is soon foIrgotten and 'Its useftol- , .. . � I . , 'sion. . . . 0. I . . - I . . �
___ Half k was follovve,, " - case 'of tile Fruit ness gone. Tho smaller ad. Way Ste, Marie DIVI .
,, Clio 'to" TOr,t-DO-Sault
t, Ai aetails of which were &ttr.act go miuch attention at first, I . I . The News Record will, SUIOP17
Licenses I � Marks Ac __ I ' I . I . I I
__ tiler eaverly critioised on its intro- but if persisted in da;y after day and I ,,. lilreight luttl, Passenget. I . . -
___� . I I I . -a wit all tne local news, and the
. ... . I s , - , duL.tforj, but which tityle hits shown to week after week, tile MOW I)erlll&tt- - . . — I Yo . h . . �� .. I I . 6
11 1 flirst used A er Is strasparills I 6ellefit to the fruit elit ,resulta -will, follow, Tile iMme of I 1
51 of inestimable - I � Imam' Herald an&W -'- ar will
I be 1.
in the bill of' 18 8. Since then racter of tile Weather - perillitting Steanvrs will . eekly ST,
1,SSUF,D BY I interests of Canada. tile firni And the Choi. I I .W ily 11 .
� . have taken it every spring as a 1 . . store and, R9 Offerings bevoulc Well departiser schedule shown below- . \ ' ' ' '
mrifying and neot, of tile public itial 11
blood - g ------------, I fixed lit th'a wind .. . I g' le you the news f 0 . I
1 Zo '11ton , strengthening ftiedicine." . . will finally collie, Site- � I . . 1V o th world and
J. B. Rumbal 1. 1i . . tile fesults 'STA. I 10WAUD" I F 11 �,
. S. T. Jones, vichital Kant. . ALYTIL coasful, advertising means Tersistrilt .1 . ,,XIN(T . . -
tn_ � I 11 "I . . . I . . I I the greatest, amount of � good whole .
. . I I.. - �. I jj,qjjji.� left last week foil aolvc�rtiting, , . . t,ellves..0oderich, north l3ound, ,every . . I .. .
-1 Rev. Johti Saturday at 9 p.,111. $lsallt Ste. some Tea in kund i any
...) 'Ici.j.�:01 . I if you feel run,doWns I .---- for d g to be 10 M
U kl.:� irf,�!,- . I h few weeks' vacation. He will visit - I
,�.e' -�,-".,e F_XPF_RIE,%,0C I Marie. Leaves, Go �
I'll �4?, . ,khjlt�-fAnd derich south bound
1, W, , . . �
. "I ,'1i111ZR I ... - , are easily tired, if your' with friends At Glencoi., Far s Poll! 1 1101% 14140 every Thursday at 12.:�o 11, In, for .
I , ,� - I, i. )resdon. During bin; absetipe hi, ATTTITORMUD 1,111M, OP newspaper or magazine.
. weak gnd your � 1 plied by Rev, Josills %* 11 MAXA(,1UR, NVANTHM, ' Willilsor, Detroit and If oledo, calling .
.". � nerves are. pit will, be ail -1 . I .
, 0 1 btood is thin, then begin lGieerie, of Mown; Rev. N, S. Bur. . Ttulstworth3 . . at ,jilterillefflate ports. . 40 136AS pays for both of them to -
wa, ,. and Mr. John P lady orgentletilah. in . I
I . odoldstand.9' ,ill, op Winghant . age our lnlslllic�ss STU, . I FO8.8HMA(,'sR,, 1 1 1 . I
. I to tsike the go . Wilford, of Blyth. I each district to I'lan sale of the I I rich, North 13owid, end of 1903. I call or send your sub,-
- . ier BI.Yth attol start 'agents ill tile Met leave GO&I . . . ,
I ... TRADE MOWS :ird jamily Medicine, . Mr, A, 8, Dickson, & 1OPIT � '4& 011icioil and, Authorized Life ()I Pope' r2 o'clock 1). 111, Wedue,qdaya, for Sattlt . I V
� K ., �� I '. DeMaNg . barrioter !low HVIng In Xatch", U'p" Book i�qsued ultdor thq illi- $te, Marie -illediftto Ports ; , tion to
� I - , alld Intel I I
COPYRIGHTS &d. Ayer's, Sarsaparil1g. 661ppi, �6.4 in the villa a for a f6w., T,eo xjiL �
n Aloofe.it and destirl9tiblol Trial diwo r0c0ntl�'. and while tore he was prilliature of eardill'al oibbous , And returning will leave Ooderich. for I . .
is ATLY011,01 80ndlng It opinion free w eth(ir an It's a togulsir perve thii� goobt Of his cous, I .q Detroit and Toledo .at 2
In Mrs. I IM, endorseol by the leading Arelibishol) Windsor
- alottly ascertitin 0% 10. communIC& thlitg�(T I
Inynntion iii i)robQb1Y,?(LtC,1ltrLb1 Patents I fthd pri-ests '(throughout Old o'clock p. lit, oil Mondays- . The News -Record
� tiong otriety o,onadent a], 11gy,066k on jifter, st perfect blood Cloomba, . . .
I oney for Recurin 11 t t1d Canada " . printed in both
sent free. ( Ift-A A 9 _b munn &I'M1111111co'i's, Mr. P1, 0. Wilford has sucemefultv Sta es Oil
, pato,ntg taltdn t Got tich. $!2o straight cash j,or r -tee ana,further ifilotillati011 �
� 11 O."ecidi lidtfu, wit"fiout chwit,00 in the builder, sws, mills. Att &.ul" Passed all bralleboa of juntor MAU110111. r"liglish and Fre ,
t,o him. Salary find expellses paid each week ddr,q
I I . iiii 11 ea ation. Continued success isead(luarterS , ,expense .4,k1n. 14et, God,orieli,70t I t ; CLIN N -
� I . scit"Ot 'i, Ask y6sr do6tor *halt 116 thinks Of ,&Y Congratulations. , , a I W. 11. R,0S1,','VU'AR, . TOX ....'....1. .. _ � ._..,
� -..-- , 09411 direci front, .
A hitliollofflo'll fifil"AttliltAll wotllfl�k I'Mraosst k"IN lislArilli. lie IdI6*s all abatis this gftVkd ,111 juixtey advaliecd I, Pellinallellt 1)01',itJO`iv, a- ---
� "Aarnilyinsdi,X,, yonoWlsts"T16441lool Rev. Tlir. 0allaod Traffic Manager,
)jjrc&jI 'J'UTPOP, a 11 61a lohnislors, of Lonaot), ,%
CM,(ttin), n .0 ii. godbYall'boNV0001014 1*6 vill bb sadaill . ,: -lreg.: Addrom David 111- 001(8011, 324 Nat- ; I I
!� ,� any t4('.,jeuj,jijc 11' - M. S. of DIV01 I . I Sault ,,,;to, Varic, 011t, ,qm--. __ - I I
eltr;fol, l"Intl , I Znft 06" U*411, wast, sadrom thin W. F I .
.i Y� tj " .1111 0 -1 ... __ J. 06 - . I liptomber lUb, j)OrIj street, Chicago, I I . . . I �
11 ,J'(14t P fl?�) 5,34, llt&��&Ial-, 'fj 0 - fj( - 1. _____ 1�ytt-risvl chat ob on. S . .
I i 8��,,til�ret,.Nvuht-,-L,00, ,i� . . . I I
I ( ,I . 'Prisoeho $I . . . . .411116 .
- . I . . .. . .
, , �,
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."I'Ailai - -.__._A
j1 -j .Aififi.41'11. 1___ __ � ___ -..--..- __ _ - — - —L,
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