HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-03, Page 6.1
I -
J,�-, i,
. � _____ . 111.1 1_--____-__ �4 1 -11-1- 1.11.1 I I
drain leads and myself halted, I - 11 I I I
IN FERTILE BUSINIA ..., 17,11vil.."ilti, .,,,,,, other elaborate , I : UEART WOUNDS. - I _ �
� a P - I ,
Aloux, took our different wayli to I - . . � .
XATIVX;S AprvAn To BE, Cox_ our tautual, destivatious� M" EF I ..... _� 11"
I . Not Necessarily Fatal Unless the - I , . .. . �— : .. 14
TENTRD AND IND Weako.qt S , I I � - ... ...
, USTRIOUS. - --*---- , I. I ji�-
. � . I POt is Vulzetured, I 11 �..
. A XODEI� SALOQN. , _. __ ___ - 11 I i I 44doloel,
— In wound's Of tile Ili' itself tit ' I I ,I ,,, Illuar,1400 %
A Correspouilieni Describes His � I 'UI't I
� ; escape of blood Is never I e ! , .. _. .1 " . . .
Nothing Moveable in It to Use in ... ... ill I, I �. 11 r
Meeting With the FreAr . n large " -I 1!
, ph qua ....
L a . atity, And tile lethal I ..... I � I , . ,;�%�.:. .
Governor. . 3pight. — 1-S, . consequences I - 1�� �",.�,:!::- I
. I Ceylon Tea Is the finest, Are due, to the fact th . I .1� ,_r7 -
Reuter's Agency isend some Inter- Down at Walker, In Vernon county, - of blood from w At tile 0.1,cape i - .... r7- � 'i'i.
I - I. � ;�z .. f I ,�%
. I 1. I Jr. j,FiL.
� 7here are Very few cleans. Tea the World produc Mes ithill its cavlt� (or , ... �.. 1. J� " .
41sting notes from a conrespondent XQ-, is a saloonkeeVer naned Illook, 080, ) into tile surrouncling 1�ac of � J
deserves a wider reputation . 1121� I I - - .
who has travelled front Jibutil. to who Ing operations in whIr,h Sunlight and Is Sold on.ly in ,le t1I perloardjuln weebarlicall- -
. I �, jut * I
n .9 � � I 1. . old, ruptS the alternate ,,,,.trac,,,, or milli I I T �_ -
arld ' ,,,
11)arraor. Ile speaks highly of the .than lie enjoys, says tile Ka as Soap cannot' be used to advant., , .!, I .111511111111 11 I I
praptical value As well as of the _I,ty J ournAl, Uouk�s place. which . . packets. . 0XI'Mnsioll by which 11111!1 illill i T I I 1; ,
Is c'Alled tile ,iG its pulliping I.% W � r
,tin Cla ", is Unique g ir4tained. Accordingly trb,, r(,,U,, ' .r � i
picturesque and rich Appearance of b .I e. It makes the home bright ISI'ack, MIXed and 14res". l' -'a wuuau Of tile Ileart Are usually . .
� . 8 __
the Frenclit Somaliland protectorate because Of the I)rocalltiuns its Pro" and clean. . - . d I -
_ared prietox takes to keep within the . - . JR 14an tea,ddakers try '4.S&li&41'4�w IdeAti('41 With those of grad I silf- . .. .. I, If r I . , �, ..�� I .
as cotmp with British Somali- .net* Ila 114 , �
land. laws and prevent -brawls on his Pro- f I focation. This t was striklirgly . _� I
It Las excellent"huxbors, and nAses, *A strange patron is . —_ demonstrated it, tkbLle CuS01 of tile r '' I �;��', . �. I . .. I
the now, railway (TOL11 Jibuta . sur_ * t -f . ejlt� �� " - ., rrr .,
to tor what other representative men he I _r press Of Austria. A _. ..I .. 11. - 114-1 - - - - ..,
Dire DaQeu&L has tapped tile produce f ri7d to bave his beer handed Put r � ad the . r I 11 � .1 -
n t diabolic, - r I -
of Abyssinia. in CUP. could turn. They wery the ablest skill And prevision w I '. __. _� -.-. ' .tr, .
The land of Abyssin- L ItIl which the / '. . I ._-14 !-.,. !-�,,( . ... 61 -
ia. is very fertile, and the natives r men 11 1101, CUNO kiffer . M_--_ . .. -_
,',,'If You lead the �newspapers," as I'll 11 the most lowerful TEE TRICKS OF UNATIOS ,wound was Inflicted 1 1 , . - I . � -
look cerftented and industrious. Ook explains, "you -must have Ob- On the Rand , and it, Unfortunately, . . r i, dramatic Illustration of a ne(.es, . S I
ves ser r cen;t.'of the I L L I
tile fol- f)ghts In bftrrO()ln9 oligillate over 0(11101 to listrument used. was too lArg,
Tbe coinVA)0114ent , ved tbat a large po' their collective chat-Ewters were not — . sarily fatal wound of the heart. The - tvLnds any Test .
g! 'their abibtics, Qiere werer CUNNING 5TAOWN BY SUICIDAL , - to The most severe judgment.of the expert tea t4ster pronounce$
lowing picturesque account of his some iniagirlary lll��ult, which is re- at, 10"st, no otb(-.- men whom lie MANIACS, r 'fOrm a rnere "nceollci PlInct I tire," it So est. r W ? . .
eatry into A,byssjaia :_ . I I ,it In tl)(: el,pmt Blue Ribbon Tea ab lute . �.
It was moonlight when the train sented wlLh a 61ow with a bcor. glass could select wbo in ' this respe;�t — was inflicted too Illb rly the b hy �,
from Jibutil stemmed into its ter- or a, thrown beer glass, Wilicl, In-, would cominand, more confidence, Self -Destruction Is . Very often to be "noll-lienetrating, t It is free from tannin and other bitter su sta I
. . I I for 1 N . Lb nces-no coarse . .
d wound, You can't hurt � RULED BY PLUTOCRACY. Thwarted by Constant . 11meol with truly liptidl.�,h ingenuity. �
nitinus. As we came to a 0i with- Illets a ba vas fibrous leaves employed in its,making. I
I . at the pos,ition of one of be till , The taste is pure, rich and creamy -that nameless quality that - -
In the glare of the platform Ilirlits anybody with a tin cup," L Tho result, - at any rate, Is that I Surveillance, t 4
. # There' is not a moveable plec6 of walled of the four cAvIties of the I
& throng of natives at once pressed furni . ture in the placv,, ch4 Joh(trinesburg, the 111ransvaal, South on solf-desitruct signifies. to the expert and lovers of true tea that it is'the best . .
round my carriage, enquiring in .it-,, table, Africa, are to-da3, governed by tile is the niost cunni lan etra - e . . . I . I
,ion b( -art,' and tile directness of tile pen- i leaV s and shoots 'of the. tea plant pro erly cured. 1,
A lunatic beat I
FIreach, It the English gentleman htoVe leg, or anything else,* that nifflionalres-thitt 'our destinies are ng, crafty hun ,tion, combined with the tIlfU_ P . ..
had arrived. I iniglit .be used as WLwcapon.* . I in tbeir'hands, And that they Use. being in cxistence. Tile mind of the nesg of wall' Of the Le,avity, rendered ANOWL . I . .
U' L C.IL wrt In tile -and will continue to Use, their power s no mat�h for' - Possible that -tile ZLA I
n ub," ,'says Rook" "'it Wil balanced person'who has determined WO'llid couid, he "valvular." ,I'lle ;
shoulders of nuartarous lusty coollcmi, I be to further their own lifterests, which, to colninlit N%
and I was conducted with a cordial w't" weapons brought Ili, . Or with let us hope, will be identical -wit .suicide. To prevoiit self- Israelite warrior Of old sniote tile I
iature's. tools. " On the walls are those of . ". destruction on the spairt Of It) k)AtIeS vi,,eruy�wheil possible-:.-bellca A aw �
goo'd night front the statiori iii -aster, 1 th th e ,'Ri'*`i1')bo n j- 1
Ify kit was stacked ppon the G"If anybo'dv is ever I tile F.Inpipe, norlukal luan I the Ull— It Physically bn I
Ilws'e no*cs : Profano language will thus detoratined has been, a life lifth rib," because *0 inid)u1se of tile I
and a S;tammering recognition of . Tile 06verninent has already had a study on the part of noted itiloinists folt Ulere. " But ho. ,
his kindness from tile to tile hotel. not, be tolerated In this house,," taste of their power in tbe,Legisia. bu s Probe,
heart 1'
fW LO .
, . . I '6�
Efere I found that that spirit of ,Q1101's Wil) not Ile Femed and egn- tive Council, where the proposals to t no sttt4factory results ever were bly did not b -1101v tbai it is in that
courtesy which Mr. Gerollmato de- not loaf,in tbis rooui.11 Both are give votes to natives, un'der.certain obtained, predst. pbsiduil tilai wound of tile . mlon Te a�,, 407
� Tbo (11,01culty ot watching all, I .
lights his guests had lived lip to, 1.1ook will not ,stand conditions, "for the inunicipit the I heart ls' leudt becessairily fatal. The I
to show profanity, and be will not sell to . ,lities I I 332aclic, Mixed Should be .&OL for tlao I
prompted him to engage rolooms, for ll� met -WitJi such blipositio gat,0.1; through *hich it would be Italian ai,saskin of ITCent date d I's- L. COVILOlm Groem -
nxe, as well as to order dinner. minor even thougli lie has 'the par-_ it from the possilble for an insane person to plays "I'OU)PRI-111AY greator .skill and . 40ce lriftw . . R 0 d LabelL .
ents, legal consent. I . (. was illustrate . .
I . tilicifficial members that,it was'prac- talc, hig lif, I .
WAKENED FROM SLEEP. tically wftlidra,%vn on the,spot. I d not long knowled-ge. The 'science Of the pre.- " "- ------------------ — __________________
Furthermore, he novel- sells oil There is,,as �nlgbt ago , in it Massachusetts Asylum, sent day also PrON�es I that the � bli;- I - . . . .
Later in the night, a little after 3 cre'dit, lie discourages irpti, Of .gm , be e,xpecloid; a whetre an elderly woman bad been toric acc-OUnt Of flao duath of � Mmmm=RW C113sum
- ineans from patronizing lie to lot tl-e millionaires have their l,g . s )VO, to slooptical' I � . .
o'clock, a messenger fro,m the Gov hint, and all gl'Owing feeling amongst all classes sent with the disiLinet undorstax-rd- al . Nillelieuve I Admix- ... OUR .
ornar called tile up to say that I a will not -alloW a confirmed toper on that ber life could be savcd only floubt. ' Don't
. own way in the' matter of Chines Ania tile rOCent' -cases of su�." BRAND,& -
I by the most vigilakit watching..' turc, .of the heart giv ... . I I , . - .
. I
to Hiarrar at sunristi. . . . . . * patient was kept Under con- that "nOdern SU."gical &All may' at- King Edward . ( � - * EX130H1131011t .
- been.founill. heard tills expressed by sfockbrokers,' stant surveillance, . ,
would be in waiting to transport me seems at last to havo, 0 illustration �
riding mule and six burden camels the .rylgee. The .model saloolike'eper labor � I have, 'during the pas;t �%reeic The
. . . . tradesmen arid . The suspect did fempt,' atd ' with success, the I -�- - - . � IN . . I .
The A-by'-sainians are early Asers: . . 4 1. . artisans; : "Let .them seem- lwaaF . I . k I 01� Imih .
'CAUSED 33Y THE HEAT. . have 1110,11 it they want them, so not objeoit, but she watched ' aild Ingly impossible, . .. I .
fortunately, however, they accorded � .. - — . . , long As we'get prosperity, Instead of waited, r 'Orie afteruqou the nurse * . . .� . -,--+—. '. I 49 . . . I . W.,v . I � '. ft . . I other and � I
. . d , I,
m! all liour's grace, Possibly the A Rash. 0 . ,. Poft list, ,alone a monient in ille ells- or Oxio, Cx�rxr ot-! TOLEDO, I . - 110A light : ,J . 13,41' M U .. .
Privileges of the illustrious, and I It Baby's Skirt. That "Of-. this ini. ei able stateof allairs ! " This i tody, of. ono� . of the "trusties", a. . 3,rAT10 . . LUOA8 0OT!-411 . r 'Sir � I 0820- =e 11 .:.,rm I , '. Inforlor � .
lept until 7. , ten Alarms Careful Mothers, is i'xilctiv wbat the millionaires have A N Jr. I r.. . . I, . I. .
6 Then my duties for. : I . � Vfticulate� on, am'd -if the .feeling 'is w,otuan of flekve teniper -but althost PR J. CiIENHY rnak.cs oath, I I Eagle. 11 . . .. � . � I , 9 - . ' brande, .
sh. I Lhat Ile i.9 senior partner. of tiie firm of I
the day began in a ru. . muo arid. absolutely tr(ist.-worthy, I .
DIVIng Ole summer months a. ra4l. 'lot yet very widespread, it will not s ,&- . E " A Y
, ,
The headman appeared to say thdt I F. J, 0111,,INWY W.; doling, bklS.Il10,rjS I .. 11
.1d; another of Toledo' I , . . U a E
s on tbo face, necii ain,d talce . plig .to'. devel'op, an r -SL aulity and ---I I r11g-r2M , .
Often ap,150aa, I I'lle roui i bad been gone but it few I - .
had arrived. Did his . niorments when a number of Pier6 I 0 1 . ,
the camels b6dy of babies and small children turn or -two or.fhe scrow.-will soon I . . Ing Tt.tlllha.f.�`:Sdid, and tha� said ilrux w1ii of I �,%. � I __ �
Ronor wish to have his effects load- I Ories were, liclar'd. � I . (Llalltlle Sul" of ONS' ILUNI.Ililt,ij. Doi_ 16 vlatorl, � 1, � C 0., , . , ,
ed ? whivilt is liable fol, alarm t,bo caXeP..UI belp tQ im'. I � a .
A servant front the Governor . . sit it along.. , . . . I . . I "' 'or* each and- avery -case -of UA'. . . I .. .. .
ntother, It is olve. to the excek'si've ral publl� 'Lord X .1 N CITE 'PARIM tbat cannot be cured by .the . 11 I . .
called to inform tile that his Excel- � ,. . i1nor .. � . ,IS, NURSE TO MURDER, use of HALL'S UA Al . 24 . 6 - .
lency was about to 'visit beat, said', while not da:ng6aGas - I, 0 I to . . I . � 1, I, CUR1411. " Little CoMe . till . - '11UL . . i
should be rt fi,.dni'tJie oxtrinsic reas tl . . . A A .
ine-where t.b, ,Au,e - I? I . I , , . means. persona. 9vat.a - . Atushing back, she found'het' Pa- ' . CkiL'N.WY. . � -
Ing, , Ef . . Sw,ora'to � L�J' .. . �. . . �
s ,is II3�,�n i, ""r N D 1ED'u"Y"
I ItAN F.9 0 A
My body' madlaite xelief, is given k eial and' tile "trusty'-' stand- ii, . I .l. . 11CM1111113 931111MR1511= 11111,19, IIII&I .11 I
be received? of. m3i.ch suftel Irn.; ay Aria - ti,rit of ,. 11"ford not subscribed In * "In -
A,tc,het. . ,, Y.,presonce this 6tU day of Dccernbel,. . , .1
s vant ca,me with the lamentable, t. y dus-ling On of . general ile�ression there'.are ilig over her with 'a It I .L) iks,-�U. . . I . . .. I . .
Or ,,,, er.u.p.tion llbe�ally, 'NVU."i Baby', other. causes to accoun.t for fbW. . . "Did you hear the names she call . ......... I . . A. V�, GLE.&SON - --' I _.__..___,__._ - ... . .. 1. r-1. - ...... � . ---.-- _-�_ . I
tidin-gs that my bath was packed, wbi . all ornay be'htad.at . .. . dd itub ?�' shouted , 'tjie "tilb9ty,". :. SEAL'i - � . Nvta7llli!;�blic. �� . � . � . L I , .. . �. � . . ..
except a soup : � 11 � . . . NAWI-ONAMITY NO DIV- F IUMINCE . SMIT111 & 11111AMEND"
y receptacle was in use any 'druggis`t1-,' �but. - to cure `Uie He is, Undoubtedly, an able admin- vhaking her weapon. in the Air. . . I .
and that ever, ON%-,n,Pow;der . INS' WORK 1.9 DONE. . I .
tureen -would ......... � .
VE41 . . personal ep- . .. �. . � . Z011643ra Of Patent
.n. 2 - - The - cunuing.'lunatic had ALcom- Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter. ill I ey are. Canada Wo sailds, .
sahib Lare to use a soup turep the trouble. a - me0ioine must b'D ' Wi .istrator and, of untiring * . lwjgliin�, in Washington 1:1) TS Twooto..
To wrestle with questions of that "M - cool the blood -of , -tille. erg.;r, but, Unless the consensus - of nallv and acts directly, ; � P , 11A I
�ny NVI ' by".insulting* the and- �nucous surfaces of the iystem ovei � a rdbulce that a Mlntr� writo for tree #471at .
kind at 7 a.m. a little sufferer. Baby's Own Tablets Opinion is wrong, whi6h it r plisbod, her purpos oil the blood .,
. . I .
Is little trying . * arely is, ,itruqt..� and tauneing her until. ber Send for. testlinonials, free.' of ille, depa.iltiiic-iit,;'aoiiiinis�tc,i,ed re -w' . . . .*�-aox .. . ..
I ,wil-T be fqpi�d a positive bleodoing in his Weak-POIllf Is his judgment of oivn half crazed mAild gave -way, a . nd k-Nh3y'& CO., Toledo, 0. cently to. the Russian Ambass6dor's '--'--' ' - - .
burt I seized Upon the soup tureen, . I 1-1. J., oil .
k1cked the Governor's servant . shich cases and will iifo,oin restore..t1he character, 'aq evidenceld by big A P- she turned- to punish her insulter Sold -by all Drug'gists, 75c. . . � I .
�, � . 11�? . , I
. . . , , *
out i ' 'The fact' seems I ' Hall's FuLuillY 1'1113 are the best, ', . . . I " 1. AM HELPING `,�r
or . dercol the )Xm d beauty of baby's S?kilrl poi o be with the first, w d. find. . ,. ..
of my chamber. and cileajinec,s ),,n nbrichts. couchman'. ��11* - . .
camels to be packoid. � . . . . Clittan Cuylo�, 'of Kincandine, tbat be does too Xnuch work . 66p6n sile coul .. . . . . . . ., . ., - . .., I I . . I. . I . I . Tlie coachinan, it, appea.rs, wished -��,,*,g I .
,him:- Crazy King .Ludwig of B it), , . I -0 � 1;104A . .
�f %
. �, . . .
0alt.; says : "INy baby had a. raoli W. to his'sub- - ONE THOUSU I - .
If arid leaves -too to drive his init-Ker's eari-lage. along I , I �
THF. SOUP . I "Ji�s't "14001C at,me " eX(141111(�'(( th a lead- . -otvkway that for soiiiie.reuson was founs Man and women . . , .
little grinned , triumphant when -his , 0- I , .
TUREEN. . break 6ut Olt her face And all - over ordinates, ivith whose Ability h I.a.i I �- .
I I . . e call dian-.9 cOrisenteol to let - Mai tak - - ft. 1119 IA-Wyer, warmly; "I never tool, 116rr,(1, . ... . . .. . .. t- . , . .. .
* � . , " 1 I I ...I- . . �
- different inT 0 stpoll, thtrough the park und ' -rop of Ittiedicitiv in Iny ilrb, and li . . � . I .. .
The clamor of these hpr body,.... I gave her medicine, but therefore affOrd, in great mcas.urdA er eq,cort a d .NNII,,eit the w,imy.refused..to To prepare ,
barely subsided when 'tho olru..ptdon never left .her until J vani . . � ,�t the carri4ge pEws - i�e,��do'ao:hmau 1- , "', '. I �
strumnents bad dispense- .There ard'ra y shrewd of an athletic physician.. ['ill as strong' * .. I . . . Much b.e[. . .. . " . . .. �.
, � . ,
. . . . .1 . . �� I ... ,,%. :. , , :
gaive ,her Baby's. O' judges: who. lacllkd to - tile , .1 That 1)4rk � as. oqiy two of, your reinonstra,tod. . � . Allwl I . . � ... :,.
an increasing tualult attracted my . Wn. TablOtis, alno .vlow that boridered upon a d.eep lake, and.aVen patients put togetl�vr ". "Well, , "i dr,ive " lie' sald !'ze RuAuiaii by hand. . .. , . ...
aftev.usjn'�. tdiern :a 1311ort''time ".: .,tile. thQ ' Gov&rlliliellt is too much -.What , I 1. 0 . . ie I . .- I �
attention. kbove evorythili � patron.of Iflehaa r I flut-t's. nothlilg,i, , r(ttortdd the f)llysj.� M. . - " . . ... I r,,.,1,d1�jO,, I . �
. g I the -.d Wagne lad �; . .1 inister,. � .. . .. ling - for t 11, .1
. . . � .
could .detect the shrill tones of my 1-M-111 elltjrcly� disliappea..�dd. I have .they 'are, pleased. to call.4 "One. man brUrIIS enough left to. know that a ciall.. : ,,I r - iever went to Jaw in � Illy . , . .. . ... "I . . I . .. - �_.. - - . - -
. also given ,her IJ,ke �Jlasbleis fcr . show " -and they prodict consi . -I , ('Etn',t telp � it, ". returnecl the these . . . I I .1. . " , , , , . I . .
small Somali atte i CPU- -derable good &Winmier. risks, to -be drowned I 1 fe, and - I'll rts f!4 i . , .. 11 A I - . .
ndant, raised in I . ,,It its, an- t 1%, 6 .,- I I .
. ', . sf . I . . � sons 11, . . ; - . . .1
. an awlcward friend., and, that fl-,e.j.dozen. of your ciients pu't -to' Allur:" : - "'Let, - 'Itl .
indignant outcry. - I-Towever, I co stipation. with the- best of. . rosillts ; trouble. w6n'torfj IMIner goes'lloine, by . � . . . I I I nitry. - i Mail Les ... , I
, n- t1le.Y. 'act .gcintiv- but -Promp-tIn 'and The question wbether'he will returil . .g . m0 "'011911," I el:sis�icf � "e. I -from the � -
tinued lily ablutions in the' tureen . � .. .1 beqf, s.-whil;rner inust perish in 'the ' . — .... I .. I * * I , . . . .
ya make baby quiel, a,nld, rc-_,U1r 1'. . . . . . I coach�ultan. ".1ly.'nit=terAs'- ze Count .
when the door of my room opened alwa, I Lt, is th6refore very often discusse - d; If . a 'Anilit(ssatior :P,xtradrdin� . .. . � ,
tall I -ink tibe Tablets a sf,plen-did -niedi- the 'opiniori expressed above . plu-t-ch of it foL� detertialined to sinJ ' t. ', For Over.sixty. years,. uJini, V Cent'ral .% 11 I . .
violently, wy chokrEL' and a . tth . . . I Cac I
- 11 :rect . tbe fabrie 'will, on . t1le I - .� co'- When tile aftaininent of their fixed: WAR, 1V7X$L0W'5'800TlllNQ SYr.Ulk fias bem -used -by I ster Plenipotentiary of . .
stately Abysissinian appeared togeth- ckne for yoU �- diffldren." . B.aby .5 . . , . �vfth_ . - . . . .. villious of motherls for their ohlItIrea whi!q, i6oLhIng. , -ar and '51inli . $uslness . . 4114 . . . �. .
0;irn 11 I P'UX',pose is.at stake lunatics are cap- I�soothe-A the ohild, toftens tile gu1ji. 4112 1170zar of AII've RU,4.s4as." - .. . collega, -- � � .
or, the one struggling with the other _Thblets..nmy be,had from all dra,%val of tile One "Alan, most . , , . . .. . , yatsai,i.%ourso; ze . . � - . :. . .
*tairil cer" able of baffling suspicxqn by remark- "!ad 06lic-r4gulatou the'st � li.v�pd howels, and Is th - � . , . ,
The tuT,-.cn was neither dqep druggitts at 0-5 (�en'ts per box; anla y rock,. wild 'the desire for � his . . ; �6st remAidy for JAarrhoM. ?J)r .3 , �rz-rencby " said .-tl,e - sentry' 'I . .. I . I . . . .
. ably clever cogibination games. . InId b dru at, 'w*&t7-AYo oents a boulu : I .TORONTO.il . ' I . .. I I
,.ail i, throuchout the world; *Be auto itnil t -ert.. .if , . .
enough for me to get into nor lar - PoWdor at the' .�a,jne t0turn . anifesf .Unless -" it ,., ror� S�11 wouldn't 1e, you 11il,ough o,, W. . '.
go b ' 1� Ova will be m . I X - — � . I 1. . ..
a . J� ll�ticnt in the m6del.sanitaxiurn: .. . NELOW'S600TUX Q.8YAlJX1." .23-7.1 -bc;r * Arncrl-e. . � � . :
enough to bide behind. I had, perr B` y . ' er' to oTid6r dir- 'successor be .d. %-,'ho :.-Mll re- . . . — . . , � , . . i Piirty is MIGHT, and we - . . ''.
pirice. If you .pref ' ' I . aPPOInte your, master was ,a free n . I
ect they * at S6iinensieln�- nelly Dreisden, 'SaX, . . .. . . I I . . .
force, to face the situation- and to will be seh't Post 1�aid oil. establish stability' - 'either oil ', the 'ti � I . The bride : -I t6l(l hubby I can citizen.'.' ' I .. . . .. . . �. . Want to Mam another' � I .
'L . . ?6rmer o I olly, . .led all sorts of tricks to get . wa§- ' . . . . thousand upward In the . � . �
greet the Uovernor with as Tnuch r.aapipt of price by tlie,Dr. 'kill r a riew &Isis. :, In -view of hold oT.- some iron Impl6inialit thdt going 10 give'hini soln6thing. of. lily , ' ' * . . . . . . I I . .
. . . qainsl ' . ' ' . . mextilion1h. M111knu .
dignity ave n3'al&dy from. which,, Loi -it ccUld � . ., . . . '' . . . �
as I could rutisier Ili the ab- Medicine' Co3mVlAny,, Drccj-r,jl.1ef Ont. the -9)' .be Used as a .qubstitu'te fo' 6wi�.cooklllg, ftnd -)Ic said I'(J b -tel . , I . . .1 . . . . be ope bf them? Rates .1 I i . .. . . �
.. � AM . r. a . et -, . . I � . .. . .
. . I I . ... . .
. , . .
- . A. h a; ' , 'and fmAlly .foiinded a su6, . I ' � rekt thirty days. Write � � ,
series of all clothing. . . nor iecently suffered anil which 011,1c k1iiie try It on:a dog first.- WasIl,t that: , . - .1. . . . . . are dNolountcd 6OX for . . .
However, . . _ . I .
- my . . . .. l;e : Will :cesgful' schem of Aeu te Beonchlti$- at once foe par0culars. . :
coupled with the exertions of I i � . m4y n o ve lieen completely .cu'r�d. ' a cruel sUggestion,911 - 14or Bosom I was Cured: .. V
. It- seems - 1211prob, . e on 6.e ci�cuiiilstanc:6 I. . . . , I . � I
%V . . alpera- vey as . a . . Central suzinose colitize, I .
iou'd,no, : . ' J,. M. CAMPBELL, . '! .3 A-3.( . � . I
leave me to lily toilette and . ii, arild it - ptolne-of fe . . . Correapoudence Dep't., . I
chokra, I induced his Excellency Able 'that I that tuch sym FrIen(I : ,,very:[, ;ii�d I tb-o�lgbt you, Oy MI'XARD',13 LINIMENT �
he 9 . tive. that lie sl quick: Pulse 6n b6. stimulated by . . I 9s. ! . . : - . .�,
soup tureen. � 4 I I I . I t, with due . . any . . I . . I . I . I .1 � . TORONTO. . - , . I .: I
. . . . I nia lillysi6a.1 effoA� *� - , I I. , � ,. 'so -7— � " L . 1, I .- . , - -Islands.. . . , � . , I �
tt,, SOUTH AFRIOA'S 89HENA. rel-, ' v well bd i husb�ad was -Iond -of do 11
In the end he quitted . J I
-tments to await my * .regard to � *bis health � - . . . . I. I
my apai r* . His great . . . .. . . . I. i.. I . I . 1. e V &!s � y-7, (IVI A 6 . � . . 1. � .Bay. of% . . . . . I 11 I � . I I � . . 1. . .
. ...
&Ppea - .BOERS MAY SEEK ' SUPREMACY .Work. RESORTS TO SUBT . ERFUG+E. - t EW1t Read) bisinfoic- I was Cured . of Facial Neuralgia. . . ' . . . . . 1`1 . . . . � . ..
. . .. . . . ' LA DI FES I ..
� - . _'.....� . . is ,better , tban by� MI .
arwe in a more seemly state. J -s done, and will be'.an ever- . I .. I . . 1. . .. SOAP* Po,.%vder' - .1
. .
. � .. 19THAlt COUNTRY; ' lasting monument to him.. I ' .f . 11 . kARD . IS; LINIMEINT. ; � . . I
H9S nXOELLENCY.. . - .. . . -_ - � . . ..., . . . .. . . A man need not run (Ytl)Llr :Powders, as I � ,. wM. b. ..,
: - . .. I I . uphill with, a is both. ' . . kxm. L .
. - .1 . . . . . . I I . . . —4. . _._tl_�' . heavy trunk'to' illake his hditrt 1) it 'disinfectant.;' ' . I .. soap. - � - sl. OTTAWA GOLLEGE .
An hour elapsed before we met -Colonization! Plans . Ma ' Cibak. ' - . 7 . .., . 6, t,, alld.. I . Sprilig�ill; N. S. . I , . . . ..
. . . I I I . . . . I . . , . Hal nosuparlog .RESIDINTIAL 8.,h,-' for � . , . .
again. 'Meantime my camels bad an End y . . .A_X . AWFUL CAIPAS11�JR,op f'4. -,t; 'cjlno�hing his flsls witill pe.rsis-. , - , - - - � , , . � I was Oured: of Chronic Rheuma- I as a . . .
1&rrair: and .. I . eavqr to Obtain ' � I . . 1-10. I tent edergy will ,a:nsN%vr the -�same . 4AIrs Wickwire sl�oo'k tipm by UINARb'S LINIMENT 1. � I . _—, (41ria. - . �� ..
snoved forward towards I .. Power. 1. . I . - A. young wife caine.to her niothe I . .1lev sat up and ' . . I . I . 6i'ves AoAda.mlc, 11n.trio,ilifliya i,u 4, Sphicto 1 Coarse#. I .
. I . I I . . r- I purpose,':.aad. the 'life weiiry Saxon . §i0(?PI)tIg husband's. shoulder vig- .. � .1 . . . GEOo TINGLE*Jr. For WSIC(Catkadian 0�nsorruw Am Mo. ution, .. -� , ; . I
. .
� An Announcement ha.Q been � I I � � " lie niu'.m-; � AAbert Co.. Dl� B. ' . . - -9., 90ALUNDAH .
iny riding mule was in readiness'out* . I In-law. witli a heat-t-brokei &xpres- I thus -finpres-svid his doctor witli .the o - rouply. ."What Is ''it ?�, BteauirrapbY, Art,Watodlawork, L rA
side the hotel. Ifis Excellency, sup- quietly §ion rec6iltly and'.threw''h' blvd. I . . . . 1. .. .. � . . I . I . . I
ported by his Frerfeli-spea,king Intel-- , . er�(ilf ; ,. Oil I belief that lie ,had 'a feverish . bead- "'I want 'YOU - tO' shore either ' . ' .1. i :1, . . . .... . .. ..SEND FOR cAl.riNDAR. , .. . .
made .of a. .big c6*10nization scheme the floor ''in t -be abtandontnent. . .. : . . . I . . . �. . 2 135 ' � Addir4sa, THF, LA6Y!FRINOfPAXA. ' - �
for the�develo . . .. of I achc� . - , ., I . . ; r In F*Prallo�,' brws, .alto, � oi, - tell d - '. .: � . .1 .. . .—. � .- I .
. confine .3-otil, I t . , . 011, all I I . . . . ,
preter, had sca,ted himoself in the pment of South Africall gripf., . . . I Let'� mAke the best 61 t1lis chance For Q one -ane.' ; You - . .. . - .: . .�T-,5;s . . . . . I --( . �'. , , * .,
agriculture, SaS�s a �Johanncsberg ""'by, what is t],,e lllal:t ., Nr �y ?,, . 8A . J , .. - .1 . � . .1 .
coffee, and . . . . I .1. . I - , '' 01 . -another . I . ' "AL'"No'- " I . �
porch of the hotel. Champagne, . . . - ana haVLa gla.4s of lemp"nadc.," ' lial 'e0P, . -
cognac had t � I . . . .ei . al . . I ... 1, I vitchifig from �.c to .0 cer ! t I 'Hokv - wo . . CLEANING OR, . - . . . .
to been served The l6alding spirAs arb . L the elderly -lady exclaimed. 1* "Ras urged. his nurst,' and durJng ber. Q 0 raipiql"".Allat I egn't ilee, : . � 'First IT � . . , U I'd you . % 1 1-0-1 . OUTING I �
Ittin, and lie was dl;q'l)oEed :to re, B,ci,'tha 'bing happ to W . . . I . 1 . .. . . a. . � 6"" I I . - -id, � Mis,4 LADI'ES. . 6 I . , .1
.1 all;t't ened ill ?", momentary abserico cOntrived, ,,to I . . . . - . .. ., 1 : .. fancy 'a ,sailor for a husban. I .. QUITS, 1 '
. . . , . . � �
- 041 -Z -6k -?" , , - Aliss : Curzon %.:-Very. I . . anch, P coss. Try IL �
gret his earlier precipitancy. I Cheers -Emmett Daniel Gr�ove and "Wh ' mother ! He's, t 0 1, . � . Can Ini, done perfe6tly hy, on'r ve ro ;
X W.' Crieto. and the. sell . eale.. - - I. . � _ ak � - to I ZicnIch Off the stout; wire tbat. fo.rm,� . . . . I
thanked him for his guard of honor, .1. I � � .01,17, Stavin- out at'nights !" wid - t1lo, ed the.liandle bf his pail.* . - I . . : mod"SURIM' . . 1. :,. : .
braces the fomla: . led 6010 much indeed;. If he . were, lil%e youi- WRIT118" AM9RICA14 01111INQ 00.
ad . . ........ —_ , ; � .
lik :with a capital of Z2,00o n laPt' I ' . - i .. fabetin's , I I . ElAr. TORONTO, (yrr . . ..
the camels, and the riding iniule, Da 1. .. tion of a * Land U )' Py Woman. . - , . � .. . . .r F : lie I nd . self -?" Virs,'t Officer (lilglily.fl t- VONVII AWA & Q17SER
a . . fw W1,11: the AW of 'a'. little* stone lie * L � ., . : . . .
11 . . .. . — . I . a � . a ..
expressed lily pleasure I 0(yo. . - .. . � . I . I I . . ..
at rilpeting It is 1 "ElOw IOD9 ling this. f4een tcl!ed) : "It's extremely iiiee of YOU i . . I I 'TRONTREAL. : - � . . ., ..
such a distinguished representative Stated t)Xaf the co 90ingi had'Picked op in the garden. and 'Is-, : Mr. Ireland i; "Tills boQk.o' - . � . I . .. . . , - I . . . .
ncern will dn'. i4 deiii, ?. It Qoesn't scern .pos- I Ing his * blanket. to muffle the- sound, l, ' -is ve' I . o say tbat, but *11y so ?" mik's , - , .. .. . .
of his country. start. with the- ec;ntr0l!Of 800,000 s4blal' I used . t' . I � . . ling, V,N�,useflll ill sudden ciner- C . . .. . . . i-44 .. .. . . ,.
His manner was quiet and digni- acres, and that. the capital required o know' all 7.: about 1, be, thdii. ground -one- end. of the. wiro. LP; on c I es,; 1 It's. Ireland : ,-ITS it ?11 urzon: "Becauge he wouldn't . be _-1-,T_____-1. .. 11.",��-=EAKMMTGINVM , , , . I
1. . . I � . . . I I
. . lily, boy's habi6, iinol he never. went J.tD it needle point *and -�tdcd to *,N-rr, * ,home rauch'I" . . � , ..
. .
fled. He spoke `n very subdued is I'Lilly guaranle.6d. ' .1. . � � I PI'M( - It c and 4 "I �sli oil Id say so I it I .. . I . .1. I . .. . . . I I . . I I I a . I �
' . . I OLORED M -11N. .
. I I . . I— . ... . . .. ; �
tones, occasionally uttering a few � . to do-�s`lic stay away?'.1. , . . I.. � . . I . . . . � . .
it is stated that. one, object is ' anvNvitere he :shouldn'ti' flow late plemo 'his left sidd In* all.' di rectlon.q.., ��'ou Are drawning ttlryt�to page 108, " . . I . U L
consolidate whitd. interests in South � Avillen they tried to wwaken him tile - see )low to . . ' . I . I . . � 'I . .1. . I
words In French. a tile Ile . iind there you'll . . . I Save TuE oun,Ail, v.i�Rxs * OF The cut pus fijldlionlcni� of colored.
His attitude to- Africa and . ensure � "You'.know 'be� IISUaIIS, le ves , xt, morning they found Ills, heart. yourself." - � - � I I .. . -% ai - .
wards ine was at once cordial and cordial relittions office at five raill,'.which .occursAn -ious parts,
between Briton anfl Door. . o'clock, - mother.' On hail st.olyped beating,* 11hat lee paili I - � .. .. . . I . I . ..... '-.-!',4DO . - . . � . ' '
- - I . I .. . � . . I . I world,� has at ex- I- I
� � I �. . I . . ..
'Ist in #)very- f1dult �to. S. I . , got , � *
politely attentive, whi � It III dif- �11 6 . � - O f 'the I .1 . I I I la . 4t,. been
� night before. last be nevet wad rudned and liaU to.be flurig.away � . lef. -gloAus'. " plaiii6d. . n some cases the coloritiLt, .
thin iliat this anviable: oifficial did ce how the formation Of honio-'until six, 'and last night he. bUt'it *)lad ansAvered- the - purpos . 0. ,o . constitute .bne. of 1�er cli, I . I I . I .- . I
Lwed his desire to render me Se . f INGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT' They . co,ntain ficlas, . - fo'rcsts-,. end , inatter Is to I I . . . .
be I this- hTIM011' agricultural society is didn't. set ' footjn 'the hoUSe 1111,01 ctfiing his 'fever forovei, . � . . . lind to be' not drig' but .
any it going tu achlev6 the'latter' object . . I . . I 111, ains, .t;hey are watelic-d by creol,,s tlic,pollen:dusi s-liakon out offlowers
a.%sistance in his power. in . ; t%,�ertty inibutes pas,t*sIx. Olt, IU6 (ji- ,� At , tliel r I -�45xporfsc suicide aiilan- "lleinoves sill hard, soft: or callougaii'lunlre - . . . .. . . . .
little lie roFe to go, . but what is not dililcult to under -' - . . own nild bleinishes from hiirsw,' bloild spavi and rivers And contain villilges iii-ol (in certaln.trees at sucll�t inet; as a . .
and, as he bade . , ei. mather, what, sihaill I do ? I# I ia�s will experiment N,�lth all ROrts P,ul'jis. I i .
I '
me adieu, I ddscoverecl that It was stand is that the selienie'differs in. .' .1 I . ,. � 1. 1. � t I—- �� . Splints. ring tone, swoeney; Atilles: farin-4,ouse',s; they ha,,�e. kq),lings and s1rong will(! wes blpwing.over then). '. - .
no essential 'dcgr(,e froln. a . - �- . . of',picisolm, and. the c arrosp o n dent. of wrains.sore'and swollen threAt, cillighs, 6tc. h . ' 1. ,
11-'�umbient upon me to return I . land __+_ ... lak,es: wherd otels and otber placcii, Fit- tre0p - .and cypres trees wrien . ,., .
. "" league, save r . . � . medical journal. rplates his expor- Savo$50 by use of.6no,bott* Warratitea I : I . . I
visit. ' OIAY,in ,Its commercial . A' . tho niost 'wonderful -filainish Cure. .. of entertainiticat ary f6iind for tbakip I groUped fogAher in large. tovests at ' ' -
his d . '.. � I . . .., . -able ' . . . over ,seeking health an -d rcejoatlon certain scasons of ;the i-dar give Off , . .
Within half an hour of apar- aspect; ,. . EVID . ERE, MAT.- ' ". Jenge with an incto , ,who was J:ad , v,w . I I I � .. . '
ture I Whether th ' very astute Doers I' taken s.ick about twILVI a month ill.a . , - .. _� I . ,acli ' ,tbe,,4. enormoils qu . allfliles of' pollon, and .
dismounted at los oifficial Ee * E Ali D 9 Ti inanner.that left no doubt aboUt tile .-Pl�tvlct Visitor I 11T.hope you .To ' eil'able people .to rL
quarters. On mY way through . tlip whose ,names Lre mentlon'ed will. do- . ION C' I. UB . . .and favored localffl"7 witliout. Linnqe(,,s-- I this vcg6table dust is often.carriod
1. I . . . I
ground,; of his compound I vote the power in their -banilg to a . . I cause of his aili'nonts, ! -volir btisbmid agree 'now,' Mrs. XO�- sa,ry expenditiuro-of fline or inoinvy, -nialiy Miles U.,yough the dtmL%phera. ,� � .
passed fusion of races or Use it. for tl;d poll- THAT: . DODD'S . . . Nr . 1) S. I ., ?11 . � Alrs� - � . '. . . I
n4morous servants, who bowed low tical . XIDIT)EY PILLS VNXIEJERJ�Alll' ' -9. .IVITIT .OISON -tact - . Nothei : "Oil YOS. t1he UNION FACIFIC bas putJinto IV tile wind, aiid fl'eqU0Il1I-V falls to - '
t � I I ., . . I
before nip. At the steps of his au- advantage. of the Dut(�jl, 1.0- ARV .THE ONE' SURE CURE ..'Fovqr, . violent -retchilig fits, a Illuill; We agree oil everything now." effe,olt . very ION,., rates and siplendid, t)1ib'(,Art1h .In a shower of r�in; . The
'I of seen. - It njay be pesal- , . thick coated tongue, 10 d YOU WAS train service' from �' Mb.00uri Ilivor to) 'iiiicro,seope clearly, reveals the origin .
,Gxcclloln , - t, - VOIL RIIEUXATISIV�, � I I I
dience hall the son of his r lyiah s to 1) , , indicated. tl �Aftel, w pause.) "Ito .;ai I � . I . . . � -
. ,
ov rilistle,'but is -only reasonable, to a � in6dollffig old ftiol Votheil d a,� -, ' .. �
welcomed me in the name of his .. � . I I -agoncy of, sollid virtllel)t -gub9tailce, � 0 . I �� 4 1 Denver. . �; of such color�od rdin, which.11as. on , *1 �.
father, point ' out ihat. th�c organization V,' . 8 - - Inuill 1'. , . . I -e -proviadd for more than 'one oftw4on puzzled and I
He then Accompanied ine . I �, . E I. Ellio got so He Could Not though. tile patient porsi ted .in inak . . .�. Accoxiiiii.oda-tions At ;
' . . -
. � I . .
. - - ,
* distant dato . I � I . my xPerlenced. - . . �
to the prosence of his father, wbare ... ay at . no ve�y . I ing light of all, those symptollis. . . . all cla4s,-s of pamengei-5 on khene : stifled the Inc., . . .
I was formally Ill Ave acqUiretY. absolute c d '_ Walk or. Feed Hliniself-Re Tells, I -aills, the equipment ,luding fi-ea . __�..�. .. . . .. . . .
presented. Rere. a.f- t, ol h . . . .�Iust a. sto-inach tr.oublfl.". lie IQ 11 I nt. . --...---
ter the Usual formalities, my cre4en ' Over. the. Dutch v -t, ' of '-;Ila Cure. . . I would rallia khr Bad's ,and lak'a no bthefll. 'reclining, chair� ears, dinijig. cars. . I . � ... . � .. .
- .,O, .. . rk between Peep.s Lit ,his 11"' . . . I . � I I .. . .. .
tials were examined, and I was en in the Colony, and become a P . ower - Coolar Dale, On.t.,, All' I I . photograph albdin,. ' , I had . 10loqe - I . . . . I—. � . . huNct smoUng car,,;,. dilawing-room I - '1� I
'trusted with letters to the Glove Which, under 111pre-senta' g. 24."(Spec- w *1 sle6libirs, Iday cbacbe,s, etc, : . . .4. . .
1. tiv6 06verll- . 11,1, as she .1 WAIN.1w"M W%X3r40
.rno ial).'k,very - (I pells ever since - was a youn;-.ter; %'ThIs,". said .tile deal, 4 "MMI. "
. .1
of R-arrar, Cania-miatch Omnaine, as ment, in�Y Make them -do facto rul., .ay ,cveu�s -to fili-rii,ish . grot usod to them after a faslli011, ]6d the Wdy into 0: iiecluded nook in * Full inforrilation C-1100HU11v 1`1111111.1,11- . .P . I I � .
era of the land, *. 1`1 '!8h PrOofs *tb,at Doold's X.id:IiQy tl,.(,,y (Itillot .. I . * - . . .
iture And Permanent �. . . y, "'is what .
well as a letter of ceremony to the . . . Pills alo the one . bother -me n�orc titan, a U;t% c6iiservatior papit ed oft application to IT, i".. Cartel., .we aro CoWn! tholn, lot& of them, .. when no . .
� . thor Lzuss %%,I hold th,rn tbey'odnlo to 113. . �
.1 T,P,A., 14 Janes llull,ding, Toronto, * Is tile 0110611est", .
fit of hiecoughs." I I calls Ili's , lillatchbox, Everybody . 1-wh.it vra got wo bolil." I Thobeat ; I
British Consulate. Lom)-MILN'TOR CRITICIZED. I . cure fo�, .11hotlinativol. TbLq village vittlil -mining , C* I CanaAa. V� B_ Clibate, G�A_ Ine That's oar lomt-rit On le 04 It holloa
. . . . . , . , �uulat M94, � I
. . g t against cunning oriaps In .her& to propose.',
TIM, AUDIENCri, CJJ,AXBn,p. Thero.havo been no new dol�,clop� fUllAr-lies ovidenco that no one Can 111(ly.got tip a 111nisival antol'taill'illetit , * — , I . � tile wicell of tba 1#7,nd t6i'9010e 01) 11116t uIth flit � .
Of late In regardto 1Ab olioxibi in 'tile pereon of I i,. .. Woodwaild'A've., Detroit, Micik. - ' u Imoy A at % Olt : YOU ean't Not
' nont,s . V. '.r play it must hoal, 0
� . . while I.On we% 41. I'veuraLle only from .
--came ' I .or. E"' 1 s' for -Ili,,; speeffil beiiefit, and during his '. T111,11 13AXNE'R ROUTi-111 .. __+__ THE DHIIV AND Tilt 4 M'V(;. CO., 114tals I , ,
Then the conversation n � WOO
strained, les'l The millionail'OS allc'�Ppatenflv bid- V-1 S Story is be�it given Ili Ills own : ,stg. 3
and we discussed a bottlo it lv,olilg. I fll)`,"-C(! Overhol-ulc(l )ijs I'Oonl Ill all There is nothing knore Assuring to "Yo , "u"o-l", J 3 8 iadln,w ( � I .
01 19 their ,time, and judl6lau.sly np- -11 . . Lt difforent '13 . old. Million..(WitIt a s�eowl) : - ,— � I I
of Abyssinian wine. The Audiene Plyffig UnOtIt(Il' turn of Two 3'ents ago," sayq-A1tt'. Ellis el"miliest. 0,41 0�-tic-'4, ,the traveler� th�.0 his knowledge of � . .1
Chamber was furnished with strips This Is dono'by means Of screw, I With . as ni'any different nondeFrript tile fact thitt I daughter, (kh'? Now, 441'. emm I I N A L
. go Exchange, which is'. now Completely tl .. .
Trophies of it , I
of grass matting and ntany 0o .9tock " ' 1 I n ge on a fell m I
the ' . he is trave want 11"
r grot I III what .single instaxce have
, AltlAeular Rhountatisul. I Illixtureq. were thus picked fro'"t firnit roadbed, upon which is laid tile "Oil .
Tun,kish rugs,. A over exhibited any busfiivw�
lar led till ,;o.l`t3 01.1110old-ries, but ,n())I8 t1whhidingr places. JJ.,cw'had tried heaviest of steel ra'M, mado'truc in 'ttwt ,),, PA ENTS 669'Hvfillia�ll - -
rMS undor their control, the Small "j,;I of tholn did mo any gcod_ I
were suspended froin the walls; there hil6vfng been lit0rallY frightoned out "At la,,,P't U)y %j!Ife woul.d " his lack -with more than one Illetallic . i JaI40 1,01ows (grilmilig) : .
. nil f(),, d I oxl(W (vordigris, vtv.), with- all their ,curves, and. that tile train ,%-O)l PROIAL �
w6re two chairs, and a very ))road, of t)le Ifiarket, I I -ed in.1c, . that's. vasy onotigh. I pickv(I I R I DO (DUT&OATTUNTION .
.1 doetor. Whe I which cip,rics Iiini 1.4 of tile highest On'y ' i 1, A.f&t�."er-fil-14w." .
. " 1:e a7-1..'N�f'" sa'(1 '1)oc� harUibovil, nild a -villaf o s litlatige. Olt 0 . L
high couch, similar to the Chil)CF0 Py COS were, ,,ever Worse 11 11 I i I
Kiang, f4t,retchad Across the roon, I , than they tar, ean you V--urc IfUsciollar 31,heuln.it-1 . standard of excellence known to rAll- . . 9 , " L '' LIVOIATION.
I. are to -day, of curds arid old meat scraps cork , I . I MaY'EE I
and L as a consequence, tism. 7" 'No,.' - silid , Ib6 doctor, e(I trp and left to ferlylon't In. t1I �' roadg und Is being gulft-ol to its des.- 1A 0 1 1 tend for Nandbollih .
This was built Into the. floor and tl'CLde is at a sta�d.Afll. 11110 oul-sec 'Then,' I V 1101YNI) Tull., Iiaml;_��Sn EXERS .
g Iftid, ,'YOU are Of YLO US(Y tt) hope .that the, ,101110 tinatioix by experienced minds. These. 1.
walls; also It wag raised some th.reb. of the-tradesmon. are loud And . I r P . . ", A,e.0111(l develop f_ A are tile coitolltions which become ap- . Excurta-TONM 103 laay,�t . .,-'�.Oaorrr-�t_�n LaA�tl,- —,,a-
. I .
fp.et from the floor. Tt mxtst have -Was it, I, r 'deep. 110.-I, ' ' I . i;aet of sausn�,(' il,01801). . . is ED .
O tIlls", they Y, 'that r I
been at lc'a.Qt folur feet broad an SIX lot FJOLI)a(l T Coll"d b -6f fee(I 11VA)RNTANCE, OPTIPIN I-IT"AGNET). Parent. to the frequent traveler on Olt August 1,&(h,. also September ' ORANCES LEPONS ..
eight feet in length. d we fOU411t I W,o wele better off li,,_ lnlf,elf 01' Walk alom�. Thon 1. was The Wabash Line, and Which have Isit and 360i,190;J, round trip tiok�
der the Doers; It costs US 11, tj,Ird luduced to tr'.�. J)Od(J1s KJJII(�v' r)JIJq . .k fa.vorlio triclo: of would Ile Self- mado that line justly faxnouSi. The ets will be ismied front Chicago and Wd have Mexicans, W tq
General Caname Used It as his more to Ji . .1
-.Rest of audience, placing me in Ve than bofore llii� war I took six lioxos of tjjeill-� whiel; do-etroyers- is f6kned ropentance. Wabash has its owa rails direct to St. Paul At .single fir9t-clays farl 'California Navels, 14AVE
' "'
a .k1kl(, drov4A. all tho IthoUlnitils-in out of -AIV F%Ul')'()tlll(lltlgS Mil'e tO blall)P," tlIe -'air ('.rounds in Saint plus $2.00 to points ,on the Gmai, Ville cj$k
chair to his right and the intorpr and we are not 'doing half the. ti . . I World's I a S. And . THE
. c- ']!here is no money to spend In J6h- 1110 alld left 'Ile in good health 00 CIOP41 gdarcle`(l patient Will Info)"ll LoUls� All Wabash through trains Northern Ily, In the states -of Mi! Sevil 1139ST
4ter too my right agaill. ,, les,
, r4i a s 0 I I anfiesburg. We'baVp fought to put agai n, I I � . - . CO-1171,T)aW,*, stop fit World's 31i'aft, Station (Jilor- Uevwta, Oilrogo-ii, Idaho, Wait-bingtoi. .
took pa.ft in the uncrflicial conver his dooltor. thicolligellial.
six- ourselves Under the, beel of tile. ,,III- Doold's Xidripy 1',Ill.q cllpj� illiquma- dvovn 1, -Lo. , I
tion, spealoing fluent French with, a . Illo mad, but fit Illy 11"'N"llt .qyth) fit order to give Passengers an also to all Point's 3M.ALAT_&.24TJ. -
110111dires, find whereas in old 1,-I,tlg. tlPun by )(,In I 111 0 ltfall Coll"' I Carload every week. All tile above sitt
ings, J. ! .
q(,.rp witil flic, uriv acid oUt of the)),roo'Li,ithey life, I.,.-, after all, worth living, A Itlebardson, Dist. Pa.s.q. Agent, To- passage wltihla.�Iil days from dat Butter, Eggs, Poultry, -
age, manner, and deport,ment waq lVould nOt hesitate 1,o Intel World's Fair Build Thme Ockets are valid roir retti;
voice. 1-T i s vI s' er'FJ tillIO tbe,N' had a mostor, who i Ili Xl(lileyl; in .,+.hR.,,jO t� tnke tion and volne fo, the conrlusloll that, the a 11' ''Market. prices. Wo can also handle your
SWeOtly-rnoiolulated g t"a oving the eftu.,�P-by put- "(1111,011f, I have found time for rvfloc- opportuility to view from the trains bla reached via, Great Norther
dignifled and his conversation quite their tyratiny, how they are free to AIWAys ellre LUinbago and S atic';x littlA 11110rc OxelViSP 11)[01t COMplPtO t I of k4sua, I .
Intelligent. roato and S . Thowas. I Maple Syrup And other produce to advAh*
Altog(,t.h4,r 'the au(Ilert do What they like, sure of support I . fk the same way. Inv Vitro. MI'lat about volur 1vood- I . I i 9 . I � Pull InforniatJon as to stop o,,.� tage ror you. . .
. ce throw all front the Governme.rit," . . __+ . pho ? Atid give nle 0: eflanco to ,� I privilegat, LAC., by calling on ( - + I . I
. I ft 11AW60H COMMON 00.0 ur"Itad'i
exceptionally int(�resting sidelight All of WN0,11 lini; a ceftain n(WAS- 0Olt1V1`XJ'TTXG A MISA.11P RR ,11V,X.� mal(d thYsOf USP(Ill. IDI'M11111 PLANT Or, ZAVA. Writing 0141trlos W. Gravilis, Di6tvic Colo. Woet Miltrkot 44., Tozopwro, -
upon the style and hearing of the Ure of truth fit it, ,mon It the view . 810.11. . ,,V�.-(i�4, and got bold of n F.harp rl' . lie d4th I I Jant 0 JaMa has flow, Pasmonger .h,)fent, a Xing Sti, wepl,, _-11, - . -
uPPPr-c1a1:S Abysininian. At.ssuredl be exaggerated, and ev av", thflll�-f Ille-niedi"al ex�rlol`t, but, F . .._,..&W'01--,._��17,7. S "
y �A unreason- -Yes, Johnnie. IvIlat is 11.9', Itoord 12, Toronto. Oat, . ..
they differ from till, Somalit al- itble. At Any rate, the 41scontent 91 It, duty bomid, has to votituro Ott (31's which contluttally give off a pel- 4 .� .!d 1, ' `
.4, .. . .
though In the elemental details of In general, and, asi is then alwaV Ma, isn't I)a halt bright 9" I tentative filldillf,ronee-4 thilt are al.: Nme so poweirful aii to overrome if I ,,You Inusli 1, I't Cough so Inuoh, 01aminion Line Steaniships � 9
_ "
. S tile "U'll'.y, whalt inal-.60 you. 00C sue I. ii, Inhaled for any leAgtlt of tinle, ' it Monitfitiall *6 11.1voriabol
their dres,s there is little apprelcial)le tatio, 'tho Government cdnuic; lil for qUe.&Ition ill ways apt to lead to n0sebid. I � I
alteration. . . ---+-- 'X com, 86atbri to Llvibro6bl 1, I
lop. ... Ctal,186 I Ileard Mr. ITighball -.a�, I 1`01�1111'4 Of la-WCt life 0141 Come under 11011) it, nuillinut", replied the little Large and Vat Ateximlipta Supetiot, aceoin1nodattAlt I
In half an hour my ttudiente More 111111,11 Its 01111111`0 of the blame, . . of thp� IC,,000 islands seattered bo- full grown Inano and will I ch Icills all , �Villle," 11"4 111001" SRI(), A t
fPhe GOverhInOnt, In thirl InstiLlice, t1tat If Im wi)re hitif bl,ight 110 we f� I I,tq billuencel. oy with tllo long goldpil curls br 411 el%taes of 01%,s0d erg, 840011K f4ad StMONMAM
minated, 10terou,ion U , � ,11061*111011001, 81,0(liitfl%ttkl.ntio!l))Itql,e,ll,ilvon to tbd
my kilift-dis- being T,ord Nfiltiel-, his conduct Is Ilover have Illarrie'd Vou.", twoon Afadagasear and India, oulv � Third.VinAll 1xv,(11111116i atilo". Po ",
. �.*-+�_ SoindtIling atiluses me ill it] Roma Saloon and I
v."nt inhabitated. . ,
posed best acco.�Tahlcld me to the naturally severely criticized, Ile "Mr, ll'igbbilll is a bad men, ab'Out 600 tire at ill I u,4ed to bo In love With your alroat.11 latv Of PROW autl kit phttlenliAP4, Apilly to 46Y 1% r
edge of a running gutter, —_ , . ift116 Coalplayls, Ot ti) r4slenat'r W"Ilt. 19119 �
Willich �hag, no' doubt, IftlI(XI to 010 J`11111- Jolinnile. Your papa is, oiloi Of tjl(. . wil'o, Charlie, but I got ovor It." . , DOMINION MINY 010FIVE11:
marks the houndo,rien bot,Wmn ! 11 aq., Unonn
native And Preach areas. At the , llonalrop and trusted greatly to them brileatest inen 'this country ever, � .11vell ,VOU beedn't brag about It. F I' 1. % I-mleat %. Uon0aa I
I ' �
ythe 'for guidance. It is Uifficitit to Soo Proidutod .,, Keep Minath Molmed In the Houseli So did I." I Math Holmoot 18 Red hJ Physidans "'o, ts%u . N 0. a. -4 3 :
. ,
A _.Mlt
. I
I i
I . I
. I