HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-03, Page 5September Gard t9030. J U CAREFUL; `" ,� . ' - 14f. . V_Ie��'I_w',',� I1. ,�1 STIt,ATF ORD, ONT. All Business Colleges are stat alike,. A �t:itoul with it reptitation like ours P, a sale one to putroniow. If you %%'.Litt to get a first-class pasli2fjii, tht•u get :t first-class business etluca- tivu. Often tiitteS students Cottle Ir'urr .Iritis td utiles holely to attendel thi tollcl;c. Our catalogue is free. .Ritter Ilt,w. 11' J. 11,1,10TT, Principal. The Hodd & Cullen Filling Co., Ltd-. Of Stratford have leased for a terns of rive years the grain elevator of R. Irwin -incl take possession on Sept. 1 st. They will buy all kinds Of grain and pay top market prices. MR. W. G. SMITH, WHO HAS 11OUGIIT GRAIN ON TIME CLIN- TON ATARI EIT FOR TWENTY YEARS AND WHO IS WELL KNOWN TO THE WHOLE FAR- A11NG COAIMI'NITY, HAS BEEN 1NGAGED To BUY FOR Tlil;A4. l-1'odd & Cullen .''filling. Co. YOU 0 DEQ PLE92E Lec us have your or- dered for Huckleberries and Thllnbleberries, we buy as ordered in ad- vallce. We have Peaches, To- motoes, Pickling Cucual- ber, Celery, and all sea- sonable goods. Also Fruit Jars at 10,111 - est prices. - P. 1ViAITLAND. SUCA__0 R. .10�� WE have just unloaded (t. our first carload of Sugar for 1903. As this car- load has been shipped C directly from Redpath's ' refinery, Ire are enabled to sell it as usual at the wholesale price. ( As we have on hand a, carload of POTATOES as well as a carload .of ` Sugar, we are putting g €, i both in the market at `' very small profits. W_ .T.O'Nei1. Carriages. . �V'ehlave a choice collection of Carriages in stock, in- cluding Rubber Tire Bik- es, Rubber Tire mop Buggies, Mikadoes and ordinary buggies. Also market and lumber wag- ons. We invite yon to call and inspect them. Repairing promptly at, tended to. UUMUALL and McMATH Huron St., 01intod. JAMAS A. SMITH, A-UCTIONHUR. I am a liccnscd Auctioneer . for the County, of xluron anti will sell by per- :wtltalrG or by the dollar. Residence lot 17 and 38, Bavflud Rata, one utile, ionth of 6iautim. Satisfaction: gltar- xtiteed. Orders left at The News-Rcc- )rd oflice or- my Mouse will be prom. lAly attended to: J AMUS A. SMITH, Cl)ttton P. 0. STANLEY FARM FOR SAT,I',. The undersigned offers for sale lot 6, coot. S. Sttailley, consisting, off, loo acres. io acres clear(d, balance tittt- I)ered with Pine, black ash and soft alnit, with so)trlc cedar, Will be sold xt. reasonaWe terms. If farm is not sold before Octoberlet, will sell tint- bvr alone. • Aly house and lot in Varna also. flered for sale, House, 1X storeys. 3ood stable and driving sited. 1larcf tote soft water. Orchard of peach Ind pluni trees, Best situated place fat tilt village, JOSEPH VOSTFR, July 27th. 7t* . VARNA. FOR SALE OR, TO RENT. A comfortable house situated . on ;orner of Church and Osborne ,streets, . Apply to I.CHAS. O.VERBITRY. Minton, July iOth. • HOUSE FOR SALE. The undersigned 'offers for sale a IX storey cottage with five bedrooms, .arge dining room, parlor, etc, Situ-- xted on William street, convenient to :he Collegiate Institute, For further : ,particulars apply to James Scott, )arrister. . • MRS.. LAIRD, Minton, June 23rd, TWO HOUSES -FOR'SALE. . The .undersigned offers for sale .a' 1X storey frame house on Victoria' street south of the railway trackor- , Smallall o r :hard, good well, stable, etc, Also . small frame house ion James street, near the knitting factory, ' X acre of land, gooll well, etc. Will be sold on easy terms:' ' JOS, ALLENSON. Clinton, January 6th. _ rucKERSMITH FARM FOR SALE.. The undersigned offers. for, sale that .hoice Igo at.re farm on the Huron Road, Tuckersmrth, one mile ,.east of Clinton. New frame bouse with shin mer kitchen, first class. bank 'barn, drive shed, hell, house,- pig pen, silo, two wells, 'windmill; and small or- chard: The Bayfield river rims across backend of tat. Thirty acres of, flats,, the finest of grass land. This. is ' a splendid farm; well situated, 'aaad will be sold 'on:easy terms. ARTHURCOUCH,: Clinton June 9th, BLACI{SMIT.II SII.OP FOR " SALE Blacksmith' sloop• for sale. One of. the best stands .in Huron County,. Al so first-class. house and lot. Address THENUNS-RECORD.. TWENTY-ACRES'l,ux SALE. 11 The undersigned offers -for' sale north part of lot 36 on the 16th eon. of Goderich township, containing,zo acres. •, Good fraane . house, , barn with stone stable. 36 ed- orchard with all •kinds of fruit. Y ;mile frown corporation of Clinton, / mile from school. Apply to .. . Will sell the entire :2o acres or part of lot io slut ., purchaser. . JEPTiI1A HOLLAND,, Ilolmesville'P.o. - April 14th. . I STORES FOR ,SALE. Country store with postof ice. ,.in. connection for sale; Possession' can bcj given at once. MRS.' 1. •BROWNLEE, SUMMERI3II,I(. GOR TWENTY -FIVE CENTS. - The News -Record will be slant to airy I until' the' end - 'of 1903 for twenty five cents. This: is lower thart the cost of the lllanik' paper wild we expect the offer' will be freely availed of. To any of your famild who are away front Menne, a, suitable present would be a paid -in -advance subscrip- tion to The News -Record. 1VANTED-Several persons of char. act'er at%ol good reputation in, each slate (otic ill, L11}s county required)to represent acrd advertise old 'establisla- ad wealtlty business house of solid financial standing, Salary $21 week- ly with expenses additional, all ,pay- able in cash direct every •Weditesday from head offices, Il'orse and carriage furnished when necessary, References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Col- n,tial, 332 Dearborn St;, Chicago. VOTERS, LIST 19o3, Mitrticipality .of tl a 'Town of Clintlon Ccntroty, of Huron. Notice is her g iven that I have ave transmitted or le1iv red to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of thd. Ontario Voters' List Act tilt copies re- quired by such section to be so trans- lnitted or delivered, of the list, made pursuant to Said act, of all persons ap- peering by the last revised Assessment Rail of tile said inunicipality to bd oil'- titled i>rtitled to. vote in the said municipality at elections for ine7mbom of the Leis- lative Assembly and at Municipal R41eeti0us, and that tile said list was first pasted III)in ray office at Clinton on the %5th day of August, 19031 and remains there for inspectical. F;lect'ors are cancel upon to Oxam- ide the avid list and it, any oluissiotis or any 'other errors are found therein, to take illinned}ace proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law, W. (;OATS, Clerk of Clinton, 1)atcd nt Cl}tltofi, Augu:lt .1#ltl 1906. NOTICI4 OI. C140SING or ROAD. -, a The, x(al leading t to Ce,1 3 te MY bridge olt tile' Alaitland collecssion t has beat closedto permit of the contractor going ahead witlk the work as rapidly as possible. The council have, however, opened a temporary :'J road. acros4 the Halstead farm. and ; 2 through Sweet's which will be used t until the contract oft, the hill is t completed, A JOHN MIDDIJi T ON, t =oderich 'ret., Sept. 2nd. Reeve. s t — a TALI, WIIEAX FOR:zWi,D. I 'rhe undersigned have for sate -t limit � ed quantity of 1+:arly Prosperity w11cr4,t for seed. This wheat is a good yield- a er and good straw, free from any nox- ious weeds. Yield this, year 4o busht4s ::t: per acre: .. t TYNDALL BROS. v Sopt. 1st Clinton 11.0. b FURNITURE FOR SALE. ' v -- -, t I have ,a itumber of Pied of furni- 11 Lure, belonging to the late Mrs,Smith- son, which I will dispose of by pri- c vate sale. . (: a WILLIAM S.11ITH,1jON s Sept, Ist. V STANI,F,Y FARAT FOR SALE. t c Tile undersigned offers fi)r' sale lot 1 21 and part 22 on the •$tit concession • s of Stanley, containing 76/% acres,nnore ( or les's, about 5e, acres cleared' -and . I under grass, balance wooded ,° with val- 11 liable cedar anal hemlock. This isix' good' pasture .farm, It is situated t 4 miles. front Brocefield, 21' from V.ar- I nit and 6 froth Clinton. For further particulars apply to . t Mil.I,s SIllpi,nY, t August 29th. CLINTON. I . ( IQ . WOOD WANTED, e 1: MO. cords wood wanted, -in . the 1 bush or delivered . de e . ( HARLAN'D BR'OS, f August'26th. p 7 ROUSE FORSALE. t The undersigned offers for .sale the. 11 buildttig .lin Rattenbury'street former- 1 1v tt ceo 'as an otlicc by Dr. Dowskuy, . 1 the building to be. retnoved frolic. 1 the premises. 1 1IATtLAN1) BROS• ! Atigust 26t1a., ( - I HORSE.. ,S f RAYI l), ] Horse strayed. Color ..blade 'aloe l brandccl with • t11c: letter ' "S," Anv person giving information, leading to I its. recovery will be ' suitably reward-, t ed. t W.. J. ELLIOTT, -Base Line.; August• 25th . 25this, O" i .c STANLEY FARM FOR SALE.. 'Cite umersi.gned . offers' for Salo lot • NO:. 32, better known as - Lite McTag gart k arm„ : on 'tile a st concessyimi of Stanley, . consisting of too acres, . all l cleared 'except 5 acres bf busli. Well watered with' nodes -failing' ,springs. Orchard of good .bGarang trees::Two storey , house, large barn and 'out-. ' houses - 4;,` -miles ` from school and same distance froth Clititon... Will do sold on 'easy aerhis. Leer further par- oculars aplily- to 1 . . I,.I+,iV I WII; T SIt . : August 2! nWl. tE . Clintolt P, O. PROPERTF'IN CLINTON F'OR•SAI U.. The: undersigned oilers -'for:: sale •'tho .i,. storey, fralui house, containing eight ,rootiis, at present :occupied by . Joltn Irclatid.. Suniliner kit1.chen, good well, .etc.: Also the`1% storey house Ott. corner Towilsend and . East streets, occupied by, Mrs, J. P. Doherty, and the eott- age -.adjoining.. Both • are new, . . il I . sold oil easy %%sums.: W; BRYDONE, Clinton; . August 15th. • , FARM hOR SALZ . 1. One; of • the `best' loo -acre farras in. 'ruckorsrnith for sale. %.-i%'-wiles, from 'Brucefield .on tete. Mill 'Road„ Seafor.t. tit i :4% miles. SPlencl}il location, sclt �ioul" oppos}tle: Good' state of cultiva- largeorchard, about g acres bush,' 2 bares, large shed, : coni» abfe 110116c. Apply to II. 'PLUMSTEEL, August, 5th.. CLINTON, GIRL WANTHD:� •. . Good general ,%crvaut wanted at the i •Rattenbury House, • The highest: wages will • be paid., , . J. RATTEXBURY'., Clinton, May 27eh. 111 , WANTED. A good general setvantt. Two of a family,'• ,'Wages ,$12 a month. Apply. tq . MRS. RICHARD RANSF ORD, ., I PLUMS, . . Largest plume orchard in. the county. About 4,000 baskets choice plums fOr bale in season at right prices. WAlso a stook of choice quay ity honey. 11," C. Hoare, Clinton, Huron Central Fruit Farm ,w, �, . The , News-RMord Witt be sent to %tiny 'address until Jan. 1904 for twelrty 1*14 Cents. The News-Roco rd Citnteu 1. . MISS K1M1eG S CORRESPONDENT NT !. 7 M ­.. nX.aae�9. A/ Z ,4a11019. MCWHINNE'V-•--11t Ashfichl on August% Air. ,Lith, �Stictiex of the harness do - 1s Mrs. Wi r r ! � t T3;,. 111. Al ,1' .o %hien t Lief c 1111 ore t f tile t 4 1 axt1G' 1 � ib �' , store, iti A y r sister sr' , ! "� the x>, • � ; f 1413'. A. l )Loaf a ( C ' t E tit . or ( . n f stn i x� )f a watch w1ltclt.h4s' • .. ton, aged 32 year.;. done service in, three generations, �++s" . "' "� ",_,_1"'J';I'''H lt0(il':I2;1---•At Wing1tati, on Aug. 24th, and is able to tick off its mixtrT Mr. and Airs, Robert Hobsou of the funeral cortege, Catharine Smart, relict of tilt, late seconds to the luinute and the saille n, of o accom )anied h their n e'c • ' slowly wended which was. lea, C. Tbonias Rogers, ugett Ry vears. llnlnber of 'utinuton to the hour and, tK) , 1 y Ea E, } eudEd Its way to lite R. C. S., N 3' ,Aug.2 it t n, owner .• •4, s , Grand t r. + lA l l ItY--111 1.xEter on Au -atilt l wtl�cr hurries u and at,.r Et, s Alt, tcy c l ( rani .Rapichi, spcatt l cemetery at Colborne. Tile late 14d- Margaret F+,astwood, ituaut latigh nulrried is likely to keep ant ticking ,teir vacation at the residence of . vard Oampion was really Ono of our p heir aunt, Mrs. Anstcy of t<ltvn. ! c)tf rens, having studied law here% ter of Mr. J. Cr. $tanbnr}•, aged when his soil becoutcs the proud pas, 4 inOnths, scssor. firs. Anstcy of (ixaucl 1Z:apids is a with 11. L. I)c>:trls`, after flu-isliiaig ftp • , , � � :,,,� ;welter at (rran(1 Haven. life alit r SCHAbl1,R In Dashwood on August Mr. Joho Dumart' left for.'ltratford d a4 bailill, I1av1t11, urtldertakcar „11 -oth, l,ltuabeth Wildfon , wile, of artd Derlitr last week to visit r'e ds1 The Alisses Maud and Nell, Marcu C that position i t 86 r f 1 n 1i 1 4 1 6. In .187.1 ltiM Daniel Schaefer, aged 4,5 years, 11 and consult all aye .specialist. 1Ie ?enc ilteir vacatiatt the guests Of law studies ?legatn. A few years ago 2 ieix cousftoti, 14Tr. an4 1Virs. A. Ai<aot'e he was lroxrorccl with the titlex. C. )noutlls anti , clays. has been troubled with an afiectiolt ilei ]lave returned to their house, at Ile was born iu Ireland ;anti very yon- 1IiiD:!()N--Itt I+;gnt<utdville on August of Lite optic nerve for some little, othwell. ng When his parents %Ltt'leof on their 24th, Jolt" Melville, infant Solt of time past. ��qq,, ATr, George Iluclson, aged 2 .mouths nur. Charlie Scboemacher Ila$, wc: ATr, S, J. Reicl of Iiriitliwell spell% a farm, bctwc�:ti Carlow: aucl Dunlop, and 1 tier s. 'eek in town the guest of Air. Eti1d ()u1y one 1>rOtl)er survives of that 4 Y understand, bought out a Hotel at' 4 trs. A. lkloono. happy family, John Campion of ,Clti- 111 RN1,S-In Winnipeg oil Altgust 26, Parlohill and will, leave here to take Miss Clifton returned to iter Monne sago. The late Mr. Cantpion JC. C. Aimic Johnson, wife of Mr. Henry possession on or about the 15th -of t Toronto this week. I leaves a widow Ghee: Margaret Mort•• Byrnes, forwerly of . St:atorth. • September. ' . %, Mr. St, Clair Tweedie haagot tilt l roc), three SMS, John o f Pitts;bur h, ...,.-._. ..__.,..F_,.._ `', rick for Ills house and shingles for i Edward of the G. T. R.' station hero ' � �,��„ � �,� � � � ae roof, ser work will proceed with ' and Carl a student. #`* *` - Igor now. i Mr. 'rain, MCKendo is progressing Mr. Malcolin Macdonald, who lt" I very . favorabl'-v with the bullet ;hill { . ;;eft ill for sowe tittle with typhoid in his 1u'arrow Bone, • ;ver, at• his home ,in Asltfteld, hus ! Mrs, Crabb returned- front sotns xkeu a change for 'the• better and, months' stay at Rochelle, New York, ,111 soon be convalescent. Miss Strai�- whore .lite was tale guest of her son's ..4 )n of the Rochester hospital is hi.9 wife, Airs. Fred.. Crabb. Ea r I y Fal . I} t urse. Miss Hay and her sister, Mrs. Mary,' t 11xs, (Captain) Robirisott of ,Port both of Detroit, were guc5ts last 4 . arnfa, wlto %vas. the guest while Ilcrc week of tft't Misses JVIcCrogor, • r Mrs, (Rev.)." Daniel, Twasf called f%Iiss Morrish of Toronto Itas been 4 - wav suddenly by the illness of her tile guest of Mrs. McKim, CllureltsoW .epclaughter; Airs. Cook, street, for sonic. weeks. I Tile' children.of 'Mr; James tI'ostic- Air, Henry .Robiuson_'is holidaying eddings 'haite have recovered frons .fever, , with his 'parents and brother, Mr. .. . ;Allan McCAulcy Of the Steairier Cor- James Robinson of Boisevain. . erns of the Anchor line, is one of Mr. .and Mrs, Will, Sinful returned t to. rescuing crew that rescued the last, week to Chicago) after 1t two j rcW - of tete Steamer Queen of the weeks' .visit at the reslclencc of Mr.. We Solicit an inspection of • ;est in Fake I$rie, when •sbe • ,,yeas Sinith's parents, 1v1r. incl 'Mrs: Abra- • Inking. Captain McCauley will 1)e '.-hain Smith. - - � -our s'l ock.of Si.lve)rware, � _ cite proud • of lets son's cOiorago. 'rhe Rev, Father 'West ill, lieu of a ser- . . . 5. noverirment will ,inake thein a iron on Sunday last gave 'a status of Cut Glass and China" andsoltw reward. the church funds. Next Sunday, a.m:. ,g . .. . . 'file yacht Venin fa did not attempt at 8 o'clock, Father West will say Ills 4 • Ice ;Cleor Tian .Bay trip. but sailecl.for last naso here, as Parish Priest, ffin- A Headquarters for •Watch Clock . letroit o t Monciav week. ni �4fatel•s after he will 'drivc to f ' ' it's Eire exceedill,gly pleased to note Xiugsbrfdge:: . .4 a eler a 7airin ♦' - ic' success of In. Bcosair II,. Hantil Mr, Alclt;wan' after his prolonged . , an Cl •J W y K 1. . g . , 1 b an, cine of the pupils, of . the Collog- illness,- is • now, able to, .attend to--_.:___,.._•_._,_.__„.�.._..- }' t rte Ialstitute of town anct a former business. • ' �] j } ' . ublic school teacher al Saltford and Our W. C. T. 1:. ladies, Uri. T, P., '.1 W. HI. H�. I �7� r� ' lorrie. IIe tutored it utty ATeclical I3r<nvn, Airs, Stucetli• awes Airs. eco, ✓ } . :Alege ip.- January 19oo, and .graduat-' Acluson were at -Zurich last week,. ' , . A this year, 1903,. with first classy McGillivray Mission Band will'ineet � Biddlecotnbe's Old Stand, . JEWELL.ER •AND OPTICIAN ', onors. Ile has. also p- %sed the_'Col- .at' 3 p.• 'iu, Saturday, ..The' box of %o' of Physicians and ",urgetins of, gifts for 'India twill be packed. clltir- Opposite Town liall. Eyes Tested Free. . • . Int.ario, svllicll is the liceiisittg body Eng. _tile, 'afternoon" and .all . wlio earl, I. it tliis provinco. He has also sccur-. hell) fill will' kindly take toy% for.the - . tl' the license• of the State Board of boys. or auytlifngr they think suitablq �►. . fichigau which entitles hien to prat-- to send tits; cbildron, • to tile .1Gcturel —_- .� ,..,... - r- •--- • r 1 e state.,; o t room that ' 1. _-- _ _ . ____.. _ .. <_.__.__ _ � : Iso ur ,several otr.r•. E f he afternoon. ruoil. IIe left..+fc. , the ' 14'Cst ,' hist Rev. .iatttes A. AtultlrstYtt' is portico ►��.>�!>~6�- **&*#,..&&#*1.. �cek. larly an is to meet all his voting (Our citizens who, roarembered .A'Ir. people oft . Sunday afternoons . at his ain. Wyatt when lie.. was in tho uni- Bible .class. . ;.� aaue lov of- the late Shcrill Gilllaou;s will ATr. W., Lashaiti "was able to take a � ` • C. --pleased ' ti! -hear of his marriage. drive .one day last week, •shoWing • � o miss Marine 13entiett•, . daughter of that lie is bogiiuting to axicnd, : 8d . . Ire. II dt aF Stratfc)rc1. Rev, C;eor= 'Getieral Alanager Brough gh of tlic. Do= .Ci�pj(� nn .Sale -e2' ` . •c Jackson,., performed tilt wedding million- Bank,.. Toronto; spent Sunday . ea'rin �w • rnotl.v, TI :e bride is, one. of • the with Air. Bron rh C. H, aitel Mrs. D... � . I ,_�_ V . ! HE t re ) k o ,lost. papal t'r. 'young .ladies of I trat--1Vlacdonald.. A°Ir, Brough has .,just re- 'yl A q' s Mrd and' •a: Gilt wlisiciati. The tied- turned . from a trip . to Grcat Britain, L � o _ 11 ' infr trip .,4stcii<ls iti.l3,ittic.'-Cru'uk,' ATr. \\',sigh ,'uiana*.cr of theNoxrlhryi .: �•�--T -- T' Iich., an(1 • C -pica re,. •Ates and . `ATrs. fuer. Piano 'Co; •re'r tG'red ae tlixi Park i b b Wyatt will. take up, their, residence in House last week. '1 . �J ' 11 rillr.t Y tit Misses. r - tford" A'Ir: 11'.vti t bolo t G. the A test . Olive Robe kg0n ': ,slue ltiEx f,.. Forahe. nett tlif't T. 1 t Lha xnut:. t1'inniFrede . Ball. atten(led t .ie t edldin r 1. R: stat a t ] l v ,: . y . -,. ?Miss .T! Bolton wird lEcr ,sister; ATrss tit Hanover of .Miss Lucy >IvwGll; .da rS e` VV'l lae@ 3, w 1,p. on Aittie Bolton; returned last: weak Aa' .daughter of Rev. J. E. I3c4oill, li for- a .11 . . T L ;ttelph.• after a. thrc,e weeks' visit'. visit'• to mer pastor of . North street chnrcll sale eV.EI' th1T1 . in,, �Llm- ' ��� M1ltch 11. ]lcrc< . Tr. Ernest Elkinsht as t} g ltctr uletic, A'Ir. Jaauc s . t '4 E s A .v to 1. • a�.1�4•� I -I, J. Strang, pint(:ipal of the,C: I,, happy bridegroom, mer Goods at,.bi� xed.uC- - . eturlied ., ecru 'rucsdaic of boot $icek Doctor .CArin'iebael of- Montreal 4c-_ BEST I . .. r_ ' 1 i ht f�l• tril;. oil Mr: Ale coni )anied Dr.: Iltitchison..iii 'tete• swine '• ti.011.,. t0 *Cle' 1'", cont a c El g t I li .. hant's vaclit ,'Iris":' to .itvrthelm por- city on,a .visit :to our, town:: "a .. . . . . S. Alessrs, .Fred, Mur ley, . Pat. Parr, • Miss Violet Videan.returned oaf Adain Tltatii�pson, A. 'Ai, Polley+ "and, . . . - 1itirsday ' evellilig ':. to her horn at some ,outer . T urfnien. were at Gttelph• . )etroit after a• pleasallt Visit with -races Iast week. Ladies' fine Kid Oxfor~dShoes'worth from. $1.50. to . ter aunt; hers. •Th(nnas Videaat, W..' Davidson' of Toronto. visitedhis $9; now. going at 756 to $1.. Misses oxford Shoes. . . Mrs. Parnham of .Detroit was tile_ iailocr, Mr• .A. 'B, David:sin, for a fmv and Slippers atsfrailar reductioni. -^• t last we k <if lice, aarciits', "Mr.. 'days aloe. ltas returned -to, .the Queen, ' ;tteN 1. t)tre lilrvs a fiill ranee' of• Children.s Slippers in, pat - end Mrs, : tV. Green. L:ity vhcre lie has. a 'gcixl positi(inu• We, ea will . s )cnclthis sea Air: Johir- lie dfi) d ntlate of the. Stcr 1 then' black and, chocolate.kid, sizes from . , Dr. A:: Dicks(tt) 1 r , i . , . 4 to 16h on '••at. Stratford, taking tine place .of amen . Wycmring has retuill0d •:before �' - . . r carou ivhcr lies: gone to. `-itit> 'the .weather changes. . D b. fa Walk' . tlie. hospitals. On: the 18th and, , 1 th ,Sept, .tile 1V:. . to t� rya p . g p . All the.:Latest Styles and at ' oh 'stile "wI)o' spent • a short C. T. 1', will bold ail apron ron ba.zaar. y • . . llr.. ,I,..J n. , ! P at' theta I• ni :t ne stere with lis fanlily .hiss Aon e Zell le, wIto :was tilts l r( r the: Right Prices tlinnicr r(sidwke, returned A0 to wl guest Of Mrs. Fred. Murnc.y to some • o last. week, weeks, Ila retutne(- to irer`.1kan'e:,. ate . . Fred Mnrnev-is In elle ring with 33uffalo. . 1- l Vengeance. His licirse . R,',Whiting Mrs, . • Frank •. Elliott visited friends. - - . .00k• first prize.. in.,tbe . at a pace.. at in Port Huron in .August.. t Afen's Harvest and •Plo'v Boots 4t.: '90c - . irrrs, s and second tuoney' at Gtlelplt The llilkaxlo"..'entertaiu'nrcut. given ' . u M Ii'q Kid Laced Boots and li the.2;27,'.class, also. 2nd airtmcy' at in the opera hoose on • 7htirsday awl p �. . 3ttel h in. the scrand race. Friday evenings'•of last week were• Gaiters* ' frDm,. $1.•25 U . -.'These'. p ! P ... Ess AMna. •xtoberts of Stratford fairiir'. well attended, The; .proceeds . Al • . .. are :extra (good value. - • s tile ':Wiest last' 'week cif: 'AT. . were in aid ,of the hospital fund: is . . .vas n _ ' obinso AIrs: ,1VTc)rrrs "dtas returucc} to'?']ter. . 101tn R n Miss Reta_• S'taubury> returueil- cine.'iromG it, Clinton. ,. . rhursi day last ,from a picasaut •visit fuer,' Boli. 'Gibbir. gs,.or. Detroit s tiro . with, a yyoung lady college friend at guest cif his sister, A _84S 142. 13. M.bI. AIrs. Dr. , • Stanburt' res. 3O Pair s BOyS School f30ots aoutllalitpton ( ) . )rove ;up to :meet, ,her daughter oil 1Vfiss .Hamilton• left on Saturday for . `luirsda .. afterni)ou .. and both ladies lwr hotrlc in Neto ' York. , • . . .. .. At• • $I, . . l Y , while ill tciwn were tlte•gaests of:Mrs. '1`]re News.-Recorit . will be "sent : to .: •' • �Ilarles . Svtnons: Thcv :returned hOtne any address until': Jan. 1904 ,for twenty . Bavfielcl the sate evonin - five :eeuts. . `These. are in sizes of 1.1 to 13 .arid 1 .to 5, to g 11, to sorry to learn of tlfu indis AIr. aliclMrs: Dave Beft.'Are alarmed and the, regular awl® price is fI'blll positio11 of Miss Frairkle Evans• al' iti.t the co ltiniled ,absence o'£ their • ' Mrs. "Stra}toai is recovcririg `: very sort Milton. I3e ' %vas employed at De- $1.50 t0 x'1.65. TIIiS IOL` .IS special..: iavorabl from Iter late sdvere attack :trait and was last seen on July 4th First'COme, First Served y. �f` inilaln!matory .rliettuiatisin:' when lie left his, boarding housq, ... . , . Miss E. na Straiton is -spending her Next Stindav the coriter stone of the I. Y ;__-__ _ • flolida s with relatives, at Oshawa Catholic church at ItingsbXidge.will be • y. End frien(ls ill Toronto, . laid by tide Bishop. • .Boys' Patent Leather, Boots, :that are good value at - . Mr. Oliver Rliynas :has been in<lis- _ _ $2 for $SI:60: posed` the past - week.' ^-- • . .. ... . . . l)Tr: Chrystal has. returned .to Ills ia . ltorne in London. - Vide keep a full range of .' the •Victoria11 Dr, PEtllistler;- foriircrly of Bayfrpld,. WUBSTER-,COLE�Ai tele residence o[ croi n her ue tu• iVa%ban t()tn..August.,,6 • Shoe for women olid the Sov g . ret'tirited to his t g tltc father, . • oil. - , . lie • . accotllpanied a -patient • in that - .by Rev. J, L. 'Small. of Auburn, and Albert fOr men. Also a large ; , . . state to Nopawa; While hero I)r. Vva,' .daughter of Mr. .,$atnuel stock. Of Trunks and Ba s.. • Pallister was registered' tit the Salute Cole,. to James A..Webst'er,'all ofI. g•• . . 1t House. Ile looked wollderfullqq well. Hullett. ltfr, Dottglaa Straiton. is taking Iris McLIa;OD-J&DONALD�At Leto rest- . first i101iday for sont(r time and , is detice. of .the Uritle's parants,'Grey, ' ' - visiting Toronto and other cities.' on' Aug. 19th%, .by Rev. Mr. Hazel Call on us if you need anything in . I - 'fr, : J amts AValker has •proved froin wood of Hamilton, Mr, Henry ' Mc . Dungannon to to; lid will live oil - Leocl of Ustevatt Assa., to Miss f . : Footwel 11 • . . . . St. David's street. • can, slaughter of • Mr. •Donald Ale- . . - We are all 'very itritch pleased to see- Donald of Grey. . 1VTr. 1+`. J. T. Neftel obit" Wbe,:?ab:()ut CHRISTMAS -DELL- In Loudon ou: .. - -- . again atter. Passing tllroug'h a datl- August 18th, '1)y It.ev: Clark, Mr, 100 gerous illness. rest's silflcrit harry Christmas of St. Thomas, �_r �7�% m Mr, Oliver : Rhy , og from to Miss. Mnwie' Bell,, -daughter of V ASe •i• VAI I ,it C- LL indispositiola the past week or tern the late Wtil, �' ,;1 of Exeter. days, was out On Saturday. . On Ai<)ilciay, -5th August, the fttft 4 cl nuud f 1 rte rc,ii E n ,iu c c t)tlr t`%tet, C Graf Of 8x8TS1 . C1� 1 ,0 1, Ont, Caittltion Ii. C., took place! . 'tO St Peter's church at 9 i1, tit, where a PAiTLSON"At East IIall, Penit (1011-. 4 I�ecluicnt Mass .was celebrated tyy Rev. e6rG, Oskalc)0se, Iowa, on AttgttA r �"#"# " "*"*" Father Noonan 0f $t, Thomas. 1' a- 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. C; J. , ' ther West •preached- a lovely Ill Alcm-. Paulson rnee 1!:ntitia, Webb of -.lin- 'a0000aoc�c M)8�o oo)Soo ortant sermon, Tire choir assisted 1)y _ Lotti a $%711. • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r• Rev. `I+"ather 'Ijingolillault of Clinton, , CRAIG -111, Morris on August . 2;4%11, �,1 . . r Clic far of a • ass C11t1 sang Lite;' . Greg0rlart. AT t11e wife 0i Axl•. Win. �� '� �� %%twee 1)eautifully, t At the oftert«y Lila Son. 6+ t•�Clot"y�~ f y"►Q . •t choir san Stabat ATater anti II()YI •--Itr Ifullett otr Augis;at 25t1t, •'1' e • tl c g •1 • on tile casket b6bg'i borne front � - the tile' wife of . Mr. Win. Hoye, of a � r: altar I' Tearer my 0od to Thee was daughter, • ��"I�'� � it the casket werescnMIOVLIyr TH()M1'SON--In Goderich oft August s ( ��• = y��.�l��•�-{{i�. 1E1Dih/W+. • 9ll11g. .(7 "`\� Oil l�j�y,;j�./r bogacts, the }its of ]c)v}ng frirort(ls, 2,grd, to ATr, and Mrs. D. Thontp-. • Anton the floral tributes was a ;yon, a daughter. C•1 • . , •.) from the Ilar'Of IIur- ;oderielt townshi Y onA.ug- (rod In the store Cif` Mr. A, J. Holi.toV4"il 0 0 i • Ilan<.s�ine sheaf GINIv�•-11i ( 1 yr �p ;�a to �bW'Il �aiZ • Orr a beatttiftll wreath front t11t, Moll- list 220%1, to Mr, and! Mrs. Oswald <3 rot family stere anti a beautiful cos %;inn, a d;alighter. 1161 ._-.-.....-..-._ �_ . • k t h(Y(net froth' VT, and, Mrs, W. Hol,'1'•- In 0rey ort August 22nd, to • G „1 Judges Air, and Airs. Win. ;T1olt, a (1411« t )ti`IYe/ New stools, I,ee. Tile pall -bearers were Jt Ever hint Ill G ` • Doyle andHolt, Sheriff Iteynoltls, liter. w yT .i New and Eve4thing r Llcrk Alcl)onabt, .Acting $II lt'1`RI+,1:1)--Iii Morris on Atigust (s) ry ;,urrr)l,ate Fresh; No old or stare goods to 6e fo%�l d i%? �hNs eto%°e • Registrar ':falnGs O'Counell txud ATr, t 24th, tlaa wife of Air. John Short-. C" Jose )h Xidd. As Mf'. C".ailalyioit was a rood, ,lt'„ of'a daughter. cb�y • t r t 1. Agent fol W'.tit111 Xodak 00, A ont for P • sll}ating' light allrong his colleagues, 1101111+,R�-•In l+,xeter' oil Aul,ust 2ra , (o >; c ttrltrt, Agit) & i7o. • itis Oratory was alwayis coulinented, tO ATr, and Ivlrs, Shirlev Boblet•, �) _., ._., _,.•_,:.•_.,_ • upon when hey gave any at)eceltes at a son. (•� ,�y the taulliversary dinners to 11U1•tlsl Or DOIr1:ItTY••�Iin Trensall oil Aug.7th, V R 13, C0•9BE) .,, Chemist an + s oil St. 1'atri'ck's Night. ire will long to 11ev, And Mfrs, Doherty, a (!i %A. 3� .. gist • be trtisSOfrontanri(yirg tis. Auerflras9 daughter, 4U(•)•♦••�•;@♦��•is••••iq,�•••••••o••••• •• I .t M,ltr �iiti �l+.. ati,•�_i .e4,Le+IIs..s,,,iwx,,,�,w, v...w,dr .Jawb..u.dt.... Yiv�.. . I. " '. �•�iU` �'IYIf ,P �. Ylpli Y�i.�4 ��.i:i 3 t , E, 0