HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-09-03, Page 2-J'
TheNews-Record ObItotl
I S 11
. I
I I .
Septoutbonk ard 1,9034 1
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;__.__i,_,_1._,- 1. ''...._-1.11 11 .11 1._-_1-__.__.. .. .. . ..... _ I - � I - ---..I- . -_ .
' i I I
ou Wooden blaps and stood loplAnf, up .n
; r
A1M0b1j*.AMW.1WA9VWPJQ.ARb.1WW %, I
� , � 00"$01M.ANV#.:'4WA&1X -,..Oft "'I've always done my tridlo' beer,' I i - $1 -IQ �
"w . , _010 * , Sknll,ees, 111), th,it old IlIggpl, Nell, tile at him. a thin, lie4taUng hand on bl". 1]
+4e vild the feller, thinkitiO that Id sorter , , - I
11 Stuffed Vp * �++*+"+P$+++++*++++++++++++ - ,� + l * ,� + ill .144 ,4",#,* 1
+ 10aviry polo, but be said: 'Yea, tile yore , stalilemau, was in the garden, pateli bridle rehi. to �i .
,athe condition of many suffen erfs 4�,* beldild the houst., so siku. was that, Ily 11,1.1 aft-ord soulu'll'o liallpelled; To U 0 E�,. F I 'do, lu
catarrh, especially in the morning. By . . . , sivAill", tuo, I Ivul;1111, You bluck livervol. ` erse'r. She actually loo6d li4o she flolv.11 She faltered. "Ile hain't been
I Jailbird. Ult out. 11.11; 0 i I atim lerse't home fer tire whole days an' ulghts. Every fainler knows that ��
t difficulty is experienced in clear. WILL No �' utl' en tile fel. )vallted to tote 111 -the h, I tZ rm, a ill, . !
l Ytf "Me Ile Neil "InIe In wh I ruther'n bother in(,, but -you boit Illy old I III." about tInIQ ter '101 to 1) 9 I some plants gr6w better Vmn I
ig the head and throat. 10,� , )or Id gone,. but role Was actually too � I I'm powerful afeerd he's Ili trouble.
No wonder catarrh causes headache, I A�BN R HARXEN ,': A inacl to speak. ,Ile got off too durued , bones hopped offlu this seat quicker'n i till that ottier.s. Soil ifiay be thQ .,,zinio
I AaYhor of ', ' you could say Jack Robinson with yore I I '10v0d while You Iva$ In town � I
'I 4 llgl)t,l lie Said after awhile. 'I could 'a' ' � )'(Ili �
impairs the taste, smell and hearing, . I 1.0 $old Ilm a big bill W goodis fit 100 per mouth Open. 1110111,11t Inquire about 'Im. all, let 'Ind seed may sce,"n the -'; '�'l -I (!
""J""'fe"' 111 was afeerd my teami wouldn't lklt�It'�Qwlvl'Qlly()U(!Otllel),Iclt- "It'"i but some plants are weak and
pollutes the breath, deranges the atom. , . "r - - -
sell slid affects the appetite. : cent proilt,'fer be bad plenty o' money, in, by on sorter free lily inlud ii little. I didn't I
� , � : Copyright. 1902, by Now laelq,rldlul off laugblW ,at me.1 11 stand, fer tellers was a-4cootl, others strong. 4
To cure catarrh, treatment must be I HAKIM Q JBILOS., . . bit,yeles, but I tuck tlie� hams, to tile Omsk' illy eyes all IaI5t n1glit."
. . .-i . "I'll do till I call, Mrs. Baker," Alan I
constitutional-alterAtive and tonic. . I I 'th
I vlm)""ANIEL I . And that's the way wi
. � � back porch an' put tern on a shelf outIn
" I was ill for four months with catarrh i � . .k I ! I CHAPTE3 X. . re'ch, olfbe dogs. Then I ,Want back to promised. "But you inustn't worry. children.. 'Flicy are like youn,-g
in the bead and throat. Had a bad cough � I 41 �311 . , EIL FILINIORN'S store was illy wagon. She follered me to tile Polo, can taloe care of 111111140f, drunk or I
! . - -lie home, 11)
and raised blood. I had become dis- plants. Same food, sal
couraged when my husband bought a bottle I _41.11+4 . about half' �11 - !r,`,!w-r I'll Ile back toliigllt.l� ,
. � . I t mile from Moil fence, all, I noticed that soule!nl was - +
. * op's bouset tit the crossing of wrong with ter. She looked so funny Alnu rodo oil. h-aving the imthetle I sarne care but some grow bi(y �,
?W-4= 1
of flood's Sarsaparilla and persuado . NWWA9Wtlllh�"W-MZ.K,W %FAMMW V"i
to try it. I advise all to take it. , I . ,., , 4**-WV'��. er him, "I I , id stf ong while Others stay
It, has . � the Darley.road and Another tin, droopy about the mouth, an' kept ti.'41"T 'It tl'L' gate looking Oft ar
cured and built me up.1' MRS. Huall Ru- I � . I I that everything lyin' round O lit as I into east Tennessee. Alam had a-talklul like she was afeerd, I'd fly off. Nvolider," he inused. "what TJmcIe Ab
� ,
DoLru, West Liscomb, N. S. "Well, maybe it Is,"returned Abner; well. be his'n, ter he'd take it sooner ur gone down there one day to I -engage She axed all about Adele all' how She would say about love that 11.1s that Sort small, and weak.
rjr_� . .
lzuod's Sarsaparilla "but I didn't mean fer it to be. I've . later allyways." w..wblte labor to Work Ili his growing cot- was ll-maldn' out down Ili Atlanta, all' of roward. Iloor wonan! Pole Nvas her . Scott's Emulsion offers an
beerd you pralse up certain, preachers I . "I've heerd ol that nigger," said Pole, toil, negroles being scarce owing to the said she'd heerathat Sla was might CIIOWC, autl she has to make tile best of eas),, Nvay out Of theL difficult
Y . )`. 4
Cures catarrh -it soothes and strength- i ter the good they was a�dolnl,' an' I ency of that race to 11004 " popular with the young. well, all' from , that's
ens the mucous membrane and builds much to the preacher's disgust, which tend into the it. perlilips she loves the good . ans
saw no harm in nientloullil Alan's grow Us polo continued, ',Well, filey towns. With the aid of Pole Baker,. tbat r Ili the rascal." I
up the whole system. , . ,Ile axed about lily craps all' the � Child, weakness often me r
tilethod. I reckon it's jest a case 6, jl(_� found Itayburn MIllvr tit h1,4 dvs4 starvation, not because of lack .
�_ ___ ____ . . say a feller that knows the law is who 'was clerking that day for Fil- meetin' goin' on fit Big Betbel, MiIally .
. � l broke all! don't report it to as guilty as Wore, he soon employed the men lie she got right white about'ille mouth li'llhilIg Out SOUle legIll do"Inent- of food, but because the food
. � . he "'r - "I'll Lie �
+ � the inap,who does the breakin'. Xio,wl Wanted and started towalk back home. tin' -said kinder shaky that s was :tlze it seat," sal(I Miller, .
There is at Cassel a library probably . ,,M: . Doil, . on the way hewas Overtaken by his afeerd you was mad about some'n' her thr"llgh Ill- it Rlilltl,'e- What's, the news cloes not feed, ' . I
.r MO, you -know how I come by . , . �
unique In the world. it is bound in - this nugget, all, eg you want to do* Uncle, who was returning from Darley - 01,,t y,jur wilyl.,11 ho .iI%(,oj as he tin.1shed Scott's Emulsion reallyfeeds I � -, , - .
_Z� I * . I pa'd said about you, an' I never seed a . ,, Q . I � - I
timber, printed on timber pages-posw . M 1, your full. duty you'll ride over to. Dalo- in his, wagon.. � 0 ' , , - . I woulan as nigh crylul as she was with- . lit', work ""d [)'It C"_%vn 'I's P I'- � ,and gives the 'child growing I
. .
I aoia on, tharl' the old man called . . � . *,,XoJliblI, new. I belleve," said Amn -i.
sibly from wood blocks -and deals ex- . I nega. an! report It to the right parties out dolul of it, I NQj strengt!
elusively with timber. The library In" I I can't.afford the trip.10 . out. 111-3 I! you are.a-goln' home, I'll rest- -l, told ,er I was at the fust of It, but ',,I'vu 4ecil awav for two.days, I . .
k,m%l . . . . I I . �
question Is the Holzbiblistek, which .. 11 I Abner laughed out at this and then 11 yo" . � - CW .. Whatever thecause of weLtk- - � I
1111 � - I . io legs." . I I I'd noticed bow worried you've looked . (TO BE NTINUR,D.) � I
I . - I I
was compiled at the end of the last cen- . I I � forced .a serious look. ori. his fa,ce Alan suilled -as he climbed up.Into I beer of late, an' so I told ter I'd been � . ness and' failure to grow-- , . .
- . , . "That's what you railly Or be seat b � y the old man. . I . I � I I . .
tury by Karl fRehleldbach and Is com � .t to 0: t 4feerd somoV. bad come betwixt You I I . Scott's Emulsion seems to find -
, '
posed of about 500 volumes made from I . "'. . . Brother Dole," lle.sald. "Them Cmsarfj 1� .111 Shall certainly, appreciate It— Liu i two. Then she put her begid down oil I . - nixtirely Ulght; , . it and set the mattor right. I
holle. I . over thar ud appreciate It." I t said. "I'm tired out today." I tile top rail a' the Tepee an' helt It thar I
I trvn in the park at Wilhelm", .1� . I , Tess -Oh, yes, I feel pretty sure of Send for free sample.
0 1 Y?/, Then Mrs, Bisho came o t to shake I - "I sorter, thought You looked flab- , -
! Every volume bears on a tab -not in JAI, '... . P In � ter a good minute. After nwhile, she him. 1 rejected hIm'witell lie proposed � S-tt & Bowile, Chemists, Torctift, Untaria . . . .
i timber, but. queerly criougli, In moroc- hands With the preacher and invite(l I bergaste(l," returned Abner as 1w, looked up an' told me all " out It am' Soc. and $x.00; all drugg6ts. � .
. . . I . first because' I was, positive bold try . . � .
co -the naine of tile tree from which It / i him to V6 to life room to 1*�vasb his face, I swung his whip over the backs of his ended by axin' me ef I thk , t silo was � � , ..v.x -1. --- -- "" . .
, ag I . . .
I �, and hands. As the fall man followed 1 sleek horses, "Well, I reckon I could ftafil, .1
I Was obtainod. There tire plates Of ths to blame In the matter. . I:tuld -ter no, . did - ;�� _:twt. 2evo-rra Formot. : , , I
11 - I bauled . Jesq-And you were right. ne vn. I, w . .
i trop tit all sta&es of it,3 growth, and the , stess. away Abner w y bad acted .' -[I,,.,-
� k hl� hos . hiked slyly I afford to gt've'you .a rlde. but her old skunk of it didd �_ e Iwoverb say,5, A pripst I
I . try agaln, and I accepted lllm.�-StraY i .
��tt(-rpre,;q 1% 11 tri-atise Oil the forest- tit Pole and laughed under his .1qug.. I that.cuss Dole three miles goin' t1other sech a fool that I couldn't bold'in, I S.()r10S, . � . I Is c"inielly If tie bolean; a four footod, . I .
I I .
I . . . . . . I I
I Ing and Illitur. q I Scrawny hand. . - ayj ' Ile had thb cheek to yell. at me
al 111 -tory of thp tree. - � 6 se an' axed reckon I told ter jest about what.. I . � . -------- I T,!,zl,,t i,� coltuply .,when lie is tilt; a, - . . . .
. ,
. �:. I . "Uncle Ab, -you ort to be '.killed 11 I f7l In Hablyersbam's glubou . . thought OP Olin, .all' the more Fraked ThL Ntm-s�Rvetird Nvill '.Le .sout to ' [,.,III Iqq-(.l1lvth comely when he IS wise, I , I I
+ . -
- Then lie kept me RaN addro.s until ,.Talk + i9ol, for ,*y ,1_ ()
. wi Silk Tree. --I--- inniled Pole. "You've been s Will beer me ef I'd baul ,jm � . �, 11 �v alan when she hath. a hus-
. 'I'lle 113111al �� I t ' (3 i ll�lt prayer an' read up aoq "im the better She seellied . . I .. , I
I hour poldn' fun at that waitin' till he'd . Lts. . I
One cf the ,roatost vil"104RE'S of the I I I the last half ' pleased. I tried to pin ter. down to what ce" ' . � . . - . .
. . . I . . band. I
. . - . . I
- rilliallia Isthli'll..; 1.4 the vegetable Bill.. I ..... . � Celler, an' you know it. Well, Pro g,o- i to the family." -. . . -0 . him," said sheloi; be willin! to do in a pinch of 'or _�' . � I I .. - I _ � I _. . .. _. - -1 -..--. -1 . . __ - - - __ __ _1!1!1�_ .
. . . - - . . .
. . I . .
I roo. It is 11 1;1:tllt that grows I'lloul I , . � I in� oil home. Sa I ly'S a-gol nit to try t , I -., e ", "You'don't seem to Ill, m pa continued to bold out agin You, but, . . . I . . , �
fil'levil to twelity f,wt W."11. :111LI lit lip- - I o' this truck for meI all' I'm as hu.i;�iy I Alan. "I've noticed that for some tI e.11
. , 1� , . she was too 1911111T to COm"Alt 'ersc'f. It . !-,*�-*.--*.+-*.--.+-#*+#e.�-*.--�*.-+*.i-.*-o,,*.Pe.p.*.--,.,-e.+-.*--*.te4..,+�.*4.4�.,..#...#.-#...+�.+44"4..+.$...*...*,�i*+P..4p..I.eo.*e-*...4.1-4--.�-4�,*.44*.I
1 �. . I . � .*..
I "I � I . .' . . . . .
I .: -aiwe does uot Oilyor ,111:10Y fNi'll + � as a bear." . . "I reckon. I don't to any great ex� lost looked like she wanted io makc on 4* . . I . I . .� + . .
. . .
II( it I , , ( N�� !;.0 . . . I I . . .
."allier tree$, but tI1v 11121or hark N 11 ller- A, f ew minutes after he ha4, gone tent," Said Abner, clucking to his tired with you an' .didn't want no row v VIM _J_% � *r I
. I 11 ,edit. . . . I 9% Q � * I .
% loll'. sillooth find . Z � nuther. . . . I ,4 E4
, fvt I . souiler's, Alan that . - - -Best 1'"id .X .n' * e Y
-t silky Man Dole c ille -out of. his room and sat . horses, "but It.ain't rally to my el it, ...vhe' . . . � V . I
. (16wn ill his cliair again. "That Seeing A. feller's. wrong I I I . The Ir * & ,
. strong. The li,ttives separate It by � . I 11 � I horses stopped to .drink at. a ..., .. .11, . ... ..-.--- .
some method best known to tbelu- I . . 'to bo a Sorter bright young man,".he allows blssql'f -to hate anything the clear stream of water which ranacross. ? . .. . I I . . . . . ... I . .. . T I , .
. � . . struggled agln I 4 I .. I � I "
. Y. I .
'golves, the process somewhat rescin- roituarked,, . -. . I Lord ever made. I've the road oil a bed of brown pebbles.' .. Want to be thebeLt paid inan in your lit oressit)h ?, . . . .f. - .
I .
when once � 11 . "As . bright as a new dollar," return . ed that proposition ter twenty-fil". Yee"' The bridles were too tight to allow '5 I . . . .. . I .. - %%
liling that of beating flax. . . p 14 ,
. . . �. '. -P nece Yoti niust know your pattic"In �: .
It is separated and spun into threads. Abner Iii 'a foue' of warm 40miration. All this talk about the devil makin' the them to lower .1heir bead F.1, Go Alm u. v Two,(Inaliti"timiq lit ,sbai y.
. . I . . ji .
"Did you notice that bigOwedge shaped - had an' the -Lord the. good is talk . e - 141siness Itird have It thorough� priw0cal bu4.iness�-trtLiIling-kiio%v h6w 1�1 -
' I . * . . - 14�1.
. . " � to U pp I y 1) 1) es to yOuL. I . .
/ business. , . I., . 2 . .
"" Bad things was made � I . . . . 1 V 1
At can be woven Into a fabric so el ly went out on t4kA_,ca,vy tongue between -hiel . . .
. , -
resembling silk that it is difilcul " )r I . I . I I � heade-his"n? Wsplumb%tillo'bmins.- through a. hat. I . . *1 Mle---Plilr and Unfastened the . reins. . J, .. uAiieissq) I I : I . . . 1. . I
t fo I- . . . . Y '
tiny one not familiar with it to dl,. I I � ly . One olky"a teller. coraoi. down to Fil. I Iforoi the devil ever Jumped. f-10111 hiS When he had. regained his seat, he tOld y Such. it training give6-you just that npkled adviiii-tage ov6r otlit-i's � .
- �
I I . . - -ur 1T Ci nevi preferred'a , . V -our particulmr class of services. * . . .
tinguish between the two. / I � more's store He mad�e'a: busineis 01 I high e.+,nt6,* 0 r . the old.'mauiii'detail all tliat had hap- to get �ou tile Ilighest, milavy paid fill, y
- . . � . 'I've tuck D . . : . . . . � � - . I . . . le.* . I .
- .. feelln' ol' .heads at" -writin Out. c � . OtI01, I toto. oil endlng ' ""' . I . .e
. I . . 11 I . _11Art5- - fork to a art), . poned at the dauce:at tile hot *;. TheForQ0, (',iLv Businelts'and Short hitrid College has the bast quali 1* .
I .
. t ; I .
His Apology. .. . . . at 25 cents'.0.tecLP didn't 'was e � that the wust things I , ever ,seed was, I . labothl, T . .
. . � . . . � - -Ircr ' with the advice he had received from '� fled tenelli !st tilt), nd the tirleA acco I 4 I , 4
Mrs. Mjxxts-1 don't want to make a - . A the best. I . I . _ ng ktaff,the ftlo dern filellith's.l. I . .j
"Soo,y thar, Pote.11 . bnor ca,llod OW. . In_iW,1-;wtMf-o' on the rest o' the scab's h& I ;'sometimes tit , the root OP . RaYburn . Miller. -1 . , T Lion in Calind'a-Lumniouttiver 250 popiN every year. . . . . . _ . .. i I
'* , ,
. 1, � . , I .
. . - - thin-' but a* cake of. � . . . � 1-1 . -
the shoe beln' on.allother fbot -W- t . . "I don't ..know. about that," Abner T , ' .
scene, but that man over there ls.star- ,�exaQned, .but ,when 'he got to Pole's ' Manure is a bad ft, I I V I
� . . . . �
I t - -Mas, . halt `te� - - Fall tf� . - Is t . Xupklet and'alf desired inforniatiOu .*.. . �
Ing at me very offensively. nogg n he talked ter a good:bour. I i it will produce. a. daisy bigger In any , Till opens Sept.
__ I �1 � . . said. 11'.Maybe Miller could call a, .. . . I . . I I . .. . �� I
.3 you 11.011ty--al-IS misfortfule. .1 I . . y .1 � .,. . I . . . I . 11 I
.. Mr. Minks -He is, eh? I'll speak to . goin' to tell , never boerd the like. He said ef his . Intbefleld. Dole'm altos- me gag some. *.: , f ree ror ii..p,)L-,t ,,I. . . � . . #N . .
��. ; o' Alt's hn& . like that an go on like nothin' had hap- - . I .. . I . . . X 1.� 1.
I . iir- I'Iels'been . ' xt 4the . I . I .--- - . ----.------'-
him. ! . I... I it . Lte.d Pdle. . times, but as n'arrer as Ile is tW" I . .
.. I talents had. been properly directed Pole ; . Veiled. 1 tolbialt say he could. nur t .... . . � . .. � I I . I :
� . I
I - crazy mail ever since if hap- me &od. I reckon .. .
%4,� Airs. Minks (a few moments later)- i 19_ it . , . He'sald oys's h6 - may do so I . I .
_�-_ ud 'a' made a big.public man., . eduldn't; but. it's fool...,advlcc�i You '#*Ko - .. Torest City Busille, 5 cblle,gia - , '.. 1. --
I - i pened. It's been. all Alan obuld do to I - r . . . . .. S I .L � . - - . , ,
. � " �. � I . I I .. . - . . , . .
I I - ':I - '�� . I DO,�. .
. '* , , , ,
'T'�-)%, he apologize? - lie .hadn't run across.'sech'a bead in a .that h6ll.flre se irion ' lie -gave' us last . moUght miss It,.. an' regret It to yore - I . � . . . �
� . keep Ilm from . g0lill to Atlanta. an' . � � . . sweat � . . . . . ** I - I LONDON. ` I 0 �� .
,Al�'-iillnkS-Y-e-S;_�-.-.T&I-he was I � - . inionth o' Sun(lays.,.He.was right, you I - August mhole 00ime. ol.the crowd . dylill day.,, . I . � . W. WESTEI�VELT, Pr ncipa ,- - I . . I
. � , . . � .. � . . . . . .
. " I � I . put a,littlo ol thoVinewiliess: I'd W � . .� � . . . . . .. I . .1 I ... , : * . .
the life out ol Perkins. 111ole; so en . bmts I . . 4 1 . I . . . I . . . ' � . .. .� " .
' ' . Alan too . Om .. '44�1+�,#. '.4* '..'. . I I .. . .
to �ils ru'Other and thought at I choldn . A bet,! all', every one oP thd v . . - ked.at blm� Ili S" e surprise. - 040 1.
loOkIrig I 1 got so mail. whent how6fiholult let 'tin I ':. beed iful, o'll"Sech 4L'hot (Jay -til. . +.. . - . + . V . �
l st aA peert aef he is. i more mere' I ".,..*4..,.,-*.--*.!.��-*.f.*.*.*.4.,.I.e.-e....,-*O.*.--.*04!�44%#!�."�-*-*st.*t4,4P#*.W.',.I;. '9.;� V.,,. .�14.M�."%.e. . �
. first that you were she. i 111010's got Is je � . � . ted. Just that stand I . . .. I . I
,h. HQ mought 'a' reset .1. -.-.- . . - I . - .. - �
. I . - � 1. I �. thoup -ved'i�at . He -bad hardly expec d 4 _�,�T�V-O`Ilixr_= �.Wd"'"V,-t-. . .
1� . , go that be went off cussin' lim ter all ! Ile up ill idlellc�s an, lic.ilarfof d'coilfirine old bachelor - _. - __ _ - . !
, ; They are a -grow � oil t .1 . . .. - . _. , � .. --. .. 11 . . .. .,
� .- '. .11_.�:� ...-"--- he Nvas worth. 1. .N%,olie V 'jyfint.sort I - 'day in' Dccem- . . . . . I . .. � I., 11 . � . . � . . . %.
__ t.._� _.!_________ . . rags:t6o. I WISILt I cop]d 'Iriect some � harangue f6t some c6ld like his Uncle. - The. old man's- glanboi - . I�;_,�-?Zw--jr-11 . I .
_ .- - - - - . � . . . . . � � ;e:��J C:1 - -,- ;, . . . I I
. - of it denornhiation -a iui�n ud it into , d -them. durn .big Yankees that are' : ber ,%vbeli the stove. flu.es Volildn't . :, . I .� � . I . - ..
I I . � swept. dreamily - oN:er tile.: green fields � � . . . . . - zr-' ?X .4 9, - .. ..
. that Ill cuss his'best friends black au".' been a-goin' .to tell . . I . . . . . I . ,_��( '4, - I .
. .
I 1-n I I i. a-sendin' tbetr money down beer ant 1 work. Ef I'd 'a' cross wblelx. ., .,. -, . I-,.. . .
.. .. '011 .d 't! ,'�:,,�i.V. " / . .
'� _0 ,7--_ r ,�ft . blue beca'se they won t let llm'� fl -ht either st d.of the road a � . Guessing at the heat of an men SPON - - , ,,, --,?-�:,, �,,--',�: 1."t I "'
6,ar ;ko W -A& buildhil fine schools to -educate niggers 1 about future torment that hot*day, I'd , were. -, � , . .. , ,0 I .t.
' . X... Z I I �. .. . .
-.- -.the red rays of the setting . . , . 4 . � .
., .1, . .. sun . _�_._ ;.' � "..... , I - I . I I
� _ fer. lem. Yes, he'll ft� glit, . all' e ,�, . � . � . . . d - � . more food th� . , , 41 . . �
%i"4�# i e wail WA u in inex�ekicriced ebaks... I -& 7 . .
. ,�r ... I - neglectilil tbeIr own rh6e..bcoalse it !' `a' said that every lost ioill . � -he ath - .. � . - I
", W., A -- . . tin, . . I . . stredming. - Then took a deep bre, .. - 1. � .1 . . .
. . -, .. " _> , -�:� . . .. . I
1.�,, . -windy . I � , .
, _W, #0 .R . I �anks above �elll. ardly beat i to. set on 6 cdke o' lee Ili a , spot . . . Daint el are - . - � - ; I . 1
- ever dbee Jine the ,pastry a'nd:d icate cakes . "
jf:;�'-.'-R�, - ' tit agin' !eni. ,You cilyll't 11, � and lowered the. relu I they rested - .. .1y , . i � . .
- f I . . �
; . . .
- , .1 -,
�r� '. into'n niggeir's lidad,.iin' Itud , through all et . ruined oven Is i6o hot or tot . � . -_ . . I �
I , .,�. .. .,. en' thar's ,arlill,,. Om I A. he backs of the horses.' . . � .
V, , _�) ' s till; t,
�, . I I , � , '�� I do the work ol ten men wh i iiy an' I'd til"Sttirte I . ,e . . . .
'. . . I I . .
'... m — , 0, "I P1, be only common & ,. . I , . "My � egan, "I'm. a good - . I . . . I . . .. I � .
ol . � . I - .
.... I "O, .. ' 'he least experienced n't6l to a
� , I - -�- � 0" electio'n . When fie ,was ost-g6od. -1 aiarl't ; Mountain! But .Rin?t what I.axed on t . - . . In iperial Oxford 1�ange . . . I
. ." � blood to. Spill. I .seed '!.in in a ..row I . wise tb sperld money I out li�. singlul 'On. Greenland's Icy . ' hot enbugh. The oven therincmeter.of the a
. . . .
I . ,_-A C . I once * durin' I 0 the in I that . b6y,II he b - - . 1. -ay with all ca -
. . . . v. -�, -whftr It ud (I . . . I ,I .. mind to tell S,ou solhelill that I'llabl'i . do6s am": guesswork. T .1 . .
. .. .
I , __..19d � leggin, fer a friend V 'his'll. III- g0t.nothful agin' a nigger'.beln' lar*nt. I- YOU to git ifi, my, ,,,%4agon, ter. . . . certainty when the Oven is- ready f6r baking or roa'sting. .. . . I :
- . , 0 1 . I . � I er. . . . .
". __ --tood right at the Offs 'an' -Wanted to �Iv .. 11Y v4Jrt mentioned ter mighty nigh forty je I
I ., . . toreadan' rite_butIenynit-9t6im' h ou diaift intend to try -to. con . I dolf t- bell . eve aliytblng.'� bu�i my in- �. E, vekyhotisek-oiep6r .v, ill apprdcihtc this conVehi�nce of the -, I .� ,. . .
�. ac . I . . .. � I . I . . . .. .� � .
A `i,,,_,! Sanlight Sciap will clean' . . . ol deservIIA'.. me then?" , .. , . . . I . 1. . . . . . I
A . , slug every maxi that �voted aglIfi 'im. I he'r ,.bein' for0d allead 11 .t ' ' m' .1 trust In tbat'town.gal linl,you would I � . �. I . . .. i
. 1 1Ie knocked three men's 'tpetli down . . !,No, I didn't, for you. are jest my . . .. .
C ' ! o4ffier articles until . . wl�fte folks sooner In the Lord..counted -1 � . make -me brlhg-lt up* HUM RayMil- . .. . . . 41 . 1&__b1 , , , , .. I , . ,
I I.- . -c . 011. . .1 I ' ter says I ... I , ... . . .,.. 1
� � . 0 IR 'r,
Sunlight i ,o thilt they looked lik, they had on ' , . . . I %.,W , .
�lt ,,,�:s and I Gier tbroats Mr.' bunged.up two more inem xind -o' Yankees Is the same J sort .of, -a Cliristlan -L bbtter'n' me, a I you kin pa;s ler�over jest as . I X 11" d
:ae and sparlde. . sort that.makes pets ol:do all' pam-'! siglit, for. you don't shoot off, Yore -ba- mp,riia %..p I . I A � . I . . I- !
. .
" �, tllL�y L..'. false faces." I . �. .. ... . . .1 . I I gs. � . . I , of You'd never seed ter, doen he? An' - �� . . I . . . . . .. .i . . I
Ill . : � . P . I . - ..
! I r..* ,
"t , I
-ig thl
Z40 -
Iloljut' I ri,
a0h a" ,
Foolno,41 .4 -
I 1� I I
.1, I
! . pers lem up, when pore white children � zoo all 0110 -side or Vother, ,ill' that's, the . : I . I I . in-, I �. . . . . I .
'n(,s than I . U.jd go oil an, pjelc qn'-choose agin. 'Hillil , ... I . . . . 11�. � . .
. �
()ap Will Wash other th, 0 .. 11crethe preacher. permitted.himself btloil.11 , h 1)it I'm try1ft' to tlult,.- --11�f 1 60 . . I I ' � - - . , , " I , ".
. . . %.0 - - i . . . . � . .
S Is in need of food an' affe 4 1.11 � . ! . k54JR 11 , 6" .. ; -
. 433 to laugh. Being a figlitinig mail him� . I I � I wasn't Is Old as Yen. are by -five, y6oir. . , . .:, ��r . I .- �. . 0 .. . . I
. . . "Pole looks .like. he had ------- 4. - hold'In wbou Dole gits to sp(jutilil,11d .. I . . .. � I .
civales. . self, his heart, warmed toward 1V man . .. . , a bettvi: inaii. I thillk i;lI o'b tter .when the one_Ilm.ta.lkin!. about.passed ... .. .:. - . .. .. .- .... I .. I I I I � - 1: . I � � 11 1. . . .
. pacity;'I said Dole. He. was fond Of. be I . d- e . . . . I ' I � I . � * . I I � . � 7 : I . . . . 1. -
. I . . . I away, jest. a Week after.We un' herld . �
%vlio seemed to be born to that sort of conversing with 'Abner 60. ally .topic ! ,low., I've got n. teripenny'riall Ill my . failures may be traced - to the fact' that you don't kndw , * 4 - . ,
. .. . I . , * Most cookifia ' ' . � . . . . ...
, i a . . . I e - to' a understandin'. I've. seed ''. . ...
. .-..--... ___�� i thin,-. . . I . excoii)fthat.of religious Matters. " . ! p6eket, lin' -vo,lidnever lie stilits Ili I'1111 . coin � . I 11 �. i - " ith tfie1rapeiial Oxford RiInge you.kno* that -the heat . ...
t I _'. . 11. . women, s .. .Your Olen Wi I . . . I . .. :. I
I 11 , Of - I up d6tective,"';, gpill, to, bite it all' ketT -t on it w6rifen, WOD16:n, ,ence I seed *1 . ,� . I I � istributed and'ifs'exact .- . I . . - .. .
. . - He looks like he could do a sl �oxy 1101 . � - . . - .. .. . � � . 6f the oven is .evenly d .. � . � I ..
i . . 'Held make a bling � I . I . . - . ..
. . . ter corps amon'gst all thhf% i 11, . - I I. .. . . . ..
. I . 4 . 'tin bed Abner *"One dav I was at- i. � , - , . .. .. I � " e that':day I . . .. A I - - .. K�.`I temnerature. � I I . . . . . . ,. . I .
it,, was his comment. � 11 i I .111 . ., I . .
I . . . &` .. .
1___1117 I) : At thisjunetur6 the'.sfibJeet.of tile - , ,s when I
; 5f . ,Fllj4dreI.s store, Nell sometime I I I
I., r : conversiltion came round the Jiouse,. . clerk, f6r Olin, I
I 4s" W -��"`�"_) - %�_'�'Z_;:_, I . he's rushed,* gits. Pole td I *
- 7/-, . : carrying a,bfg piece of bac6u wrapped' �. It bapv. I
W , -Z--' ,!--- � becalse Illi's quick at figures
....... _. . . . . ... . I I . If self .1
, I % ijened that Pole had the store to. in
I ,� : In a tow grain bag. I .
_��F :,�1:�� I . . . �. I
- . - & I "Say thar, role," Abner called. out t6 - I
t .., .. i - 17 - -, I I ' "1*,Vd are a . igoint' .one ddy'when Neil oad.goue.6ff to -cut ,1_
�� � - -- i the long, lank fellow. down a bee tree With a bassle ol neighi, i
. '
�101_ I .- ..-.e preachin' at. Rook Crest t6- , bors,. an' a I triflin' teller coi . he In -ant, i
. I I
. .
. . ,L.. . : morrow. You'd better bave a shlit-.i begun to. nose . about. Ant when Pole's � ,
� . . '
. , �,- , washed, an' bull,,- out to dry.. They are
.- � - : . I Lt -be . atIn' the bushes . f . ek yore sort." . . back was turned to' weigh. Tip some
I cotton .I the seed he 'stole a liocket-
�, 1� 11 Pole Baker paused and lj�rushed back ' be . ok out.o� the sho-vyoz � ase, . . I reclion �
. , . . I . i t -
I . �\, I - .�'? . his long, thick b,aIr from his heavy Pole didn't like his iooks,'niuch nObOW, '
I . .
�k (_ . � . eyebrows. I . I . "I I.. . I - - soon, as the s -
r- � , . . .1 ter as . I kunk had gone he i.
- / , . 'N . "I've been a-waltin' to see of meetinO I begun to look ef held tuck 1
� about to See
I 1/1 I I . .
I 'J . ever Id do you any good, Uncle Abj missed the'i
. I
N .101 . // 1� I Le laughed. "They tell me -the . more . anything. All at once he I . ight .
. � I . . . pocket�pok ,aW told �Nell that. n!
* .-you go the wuss You git to- be.' Nell that lie was mighty lllg"h shore the fel- .1
n't Frown � Filmore said Vother day Lit --you'didti't ler lifted iti, but he couldn't railly i
. I I
w 1111111y I rm,s are inarred �)y the I quit shootin' off yore -mouth they'd swear. to it. About a -*veek. after that 1
I. � . I � . . . . .
give you a trial Ili meetifitil. . I lie,seed tile same"feller comin' down 11
tigly wrinkle CILIk'd a frown. . Abner laughed good loaturedly 44 he - re on . blFJ I
. . . . . 'the, road headed ter' the Ste .
-oni trying to fix. the eyes Split over. the edge of the" v6railohf. floor 1, . . . � .. . I . , , , .1 I
IL collleS h I . graymule. Ale an' Nell, was both thim, �
to the ground. . . . � ... . 1. an' Pole hulitied us in the back room
()II �t given poi;it and forcing t1leiii to "That's been talked; I know, Pole I 11 �a - III told us;to Stay thar. . lle said fie
, petfolin tasks ft,r which they.am in- . lie said, "but they donit.moihn It. They - -wag . a-goin' . to.. find, out. ef. the feller .
vap'leltated lilt know how to tulce,my fun; But : Otold the book. Nell Was afeerd Of'a
A l,,%.I1Z op (1.0m) G.T,ASS1-'S, FITT- you come on to meetln'- It wIll." you -row ate tried to'lirevent 'tin, but he I
Jj' ' I I ... � . I
'I) ]Jy IT,14 I W11J, ASSIST IN good." . I I . Jes . t . Shoved us back an' shot the doot
.��,_. 17� IwIVING, AWAV T1114, FROWN. "Well, maybe I will,". promised Pole. on us. Nell got 'tin -a. crack Ili the par. . I
% I ;" r-,-:-.Z:-_;=-�' -� I _ -, . 1 And he came to. the steps, 'and, put- I . :
, __,-,,`� he bent' to tit on, ant I found me, a knothole. I
� , - " , ting his bacon .down, . . ward . . I I
I I � . I "The teller hitched all' coine n an
Ilil) ,I. : . a-- r -L X G G I them. I A I � 41 J- A . 4, + �. .
,pile ol wild 'flowers- -that old an young . �' � . . . I I . I .
. �___-_ � . . I
. � - 7 : _�,
- t . . . .
.7 07
fetchea'from. the Woods,'Whar me &V - ,�%4'110 . �.
1 , , W-te for the Imperial, Oxford book�et�., Or better, I I . ..
� "�' I ..
I 2 : . . . . . . .... I, .1.
' - ' ' , , ,� 1���S'! still, Nvillyoucall at one of our ao�encies.and see,* . .�
ter used to. walk, but ef I live to be as ,)-� �-ol, - - . et, .: .... ... .. .. �
� 1. ,,�Z�;::: ,,, - '' " ' . - . . . I ...
..... .
.. old as-itbat thir hill IllLnever.forget. ... , . .�.Z �;: , the siove'itself? - . . ... . . . .
. I .
.my feelln'. I kin see,?pr right now as . , : I .0, -.1.Ll' � , �.- . . .,. � . .., , .. .1. . . � . . . . . I . . ... ,. .... ...
- . 11 - I �. *� "', ) . - I . . . . . . . . . .
-I. did -then; all' s6metimes. my.. � I . - . . .. . . . i , � / . I .11 -:. - I ... �� I ,
. . . I . �
plaln:a� ' ; - V__ 1! . .. � I . .. , � .
heart.-debois as bhd.`I T' reckon you I ?1�11'!,- "I . �' I : . . �, .. d .
. � _Z��_____R%_ - . � .The 'Gu'rnw�r , .1 ''... �. I
. ,_� � .. I � . ..
know-how Why I never, got warried.. I F.-.-,, - , . . I . ....
' . I I I
'& *�_. .. . I I
I �C, C), �,ILQ , �_"`k ry 0411. - - - . I �
. �. , , ,�, r C ' .
� Folks has pokei& a 16ts.o"fun at me', ., ! - '. . . . T1_%
. . .
. I . . , IS . .
. � hu' I tuc.k It as it was Intended, but a' ,.- _ . I ouiid' . �
lots o' times what they.stild made. me EE" ", -C �-_' -, . � . . . . '!
� . . �, .� .1 . . i . . I � .
. ;1 .Z C's I I Limited ...
.. C., .� i . � . . . I . I I 11 . I
. .suffer simply awful. They've picked. I` , . . I I �
. '
. out this -un an! that un,, from spring ". . 4 -19 Q., �'t I . . . I . I . . � , I
I . . � � . . . I . . Toronto, Canacla . � I . ,J
. L . � . . .I ,
ehickins to bags.o'.all agea,,ghapes an'. . .0 . � � . .. , I . . . I :
... .
sizes, but the very thought W givin' . - .. . . K03142-eal, Winnippli � . . ..
anybody her place'inade me sick. Thar . ,3 � b, . . . . . I __ .. . Vancouver I . .. . a . 1, , I . .
� . I . I
. . I . . . . I . �
I � � . I
novel, ,was but one ter me. , L may, be a ,, � .6 . I., I .. I � . . .� . .. , 1. . . .... I'll ��
. . .. I I I .
tool, but I believe I was. intended fer . . � � I . . . I.. I .. . . I . - . I I I
.her. . Shucks! . Sech skip . abouts as I M P) � ti,�% . ff% .
I , R.- R M.. I
s . - For 9 _� - W � 1`MLAN140�R . �
,�Illler may talk,sech,boill as,that,,but-. _E aI . e. t Y � . A V I 8i St.; P W.
I -
It's. b.ecalse the'-LOrd never give lem the . . . . . . . I .. � I : . . . I I
. . . - I
. I I . glory:.ol . the other..thipg, .. . __.__, -7- . r. . ____. _ .A..ell.". 17__P._1.1_X-W09_r__4.X.I.%4 �__n_Am��..t.�.�.-..�_ ..
- . . - - ... _ . . . � .
I . . I . . . , . . I .
"It larat me the trilith abbut the aft- I - ,�`. . .. - I - . I .
� er life.' I know tbar's 'a � time to corne, � � Z, LRUVE � � 4: . . . . . .
.1 �. = ST M.
. I � . I I I . . . . . . .
r . . .
. .
all' a blessed onet .ur the Lord ' never P I . I . I . . . , .
I would W give --me that taste of It. , , , * , - I I .
I Slie.'s sorhlerls out ol. harm's.way, an': . ^ , , , � � �
. , when, me In' hermeet I'll. not have r ft I . . . . .1. �� ..
� . . .. .
wrinkle an' I'll be able to'Walk As spry .
.*an, hopeful. as I did' when she wag 1 125 CuRts , 1. I I . 11 ��
. I..
h ' cer. Thar ort to.be punishment re- ' . I I � . .
- ' ved for hard headed.fooN tliat-stp- . . I .
ser , . .
I 1 4 Ii. I " I . I � .
I I Salu noway 0 -1111 13 RX V , U , . . I � I 11te lOvill Young 0 is Duca Su 0 0 I ... .
I "It's a p6werful hard matter to know. . I . . . . ...
I' I t V
.) _1� L'in;%tific jl�Nveler and � cheer nigh the door, but Pole . sto pod 1 .,,Llf Vou are. a-gotirbl home, I'll, VC8 ,07T , ur flower haln't'Jest so; many dollars ' "nill
clpticiaw - . ! (mxactly wbatOs right an! what's wrong ,Imi I . . : I I ( . I . � I too?." , , "I . . . tied Ili a rag'. Don't you listen to M11- . I , ,
C, INToK, awk. ! In some things," be said. "Now, looky . I I s 0 � ,e I .
( 1 beer." Thrusting his hand, down I , . I I .
. lito
(Z' _--��-: .�,,� . � elleve In , in ant make the ol .
- - �J'� - . he, . 11 want to show You someln'.1 The' sort' of A Christian, You b d man mad, but don?t .
_�� - - ! I lie pocket of big trousers, lie drew out . teller went'. an' I seed Pole yank oilt , breathilil fresh air Into yore whiolpipp, give up. Vf she's what I think sho.18, If 0 b . -
1(111",� " .N. � k I- . I .. "'Come beer to the Showcase,' SOO V11 'he fops. . y s, you nre Jest my ler. I don't say you ort to plun- right . Pays . 'h . I . .
�. i-:--.-. - _��_=_:,__ L. :� �1_ - I it piece of'quartz rock, with a himp of , . .
� the box 'at had the rest O' the pockot�' thalikill, (-4od With a- clear eye till) [I 900d : ant she sees you aln!t a-goill" to run � . . I . . . 1 . I
t yellow gold about the size of a pett half . . . . . I
� . 'Look y' beer,' role said I J . . . � .
. b6oks In it. muscle an' takin' What he gives YOU afjor no fresh face, she'll stick to you I � .
!----7-- I __ _ .------- Imbedded In It. "That thar's puoro , I , � . * - of lt!s han- -c the bark on a tree, The wait won't . I . .. . . .
I Ili li1ond, Steady VOICe-YOU could a' I all' axin' 'lill to pass more Ill, . . . .
. � 1,old, I got it this away: A. �feller that 1 liderd lln� clean to tile creek"'100k Y' I dy.. Yell know the Lord has SdIlt You. hurt nuther one of you either'. - MY � 'K - wi I I �
- .-..— ,,.sea to be my right bower In my still ' � - 11 I 11
. beer, The regnIav price O' these books it fililte tolils table, an' you believe In yrai' ain't a-hurtill' me [in" yoro'n w9n't . The NVews-Record
-:.�:,.,p business left me -when I Swore off all' . I t . . . � I . . I I 11
.. .. -!� li. : .ty - loin . . I . -merry, You. � I never seed a young woman I , ' I .
. . 'A -�. . cents; tlintls, what we sell . catlnl an' drinkin' all' inakin'
" ': , , . - - ��, -, a .: I went over to Dalonega to w6rk In them is tit I I . - . . ,
�: . ..:::t:-.,%�� n:0.. mines. Ir*other day he was back on a I .
,:: ..
i:::i.`.;�--,::" 8 .... i: ...... �:I% i!i: be sent -to an . ,ddress �An'
. .
1. - : : Qk-�P,^o . ;:.: ,��: ,
, I
OR %w'w : " , .�.:;!: .!*. ter; but y6u've got to run yore band' . Jost .like you'd have Lt body .do that liked better In I do the one you'seltet- -
. .. I I R I .y. a I -
, . ;..;%:: ... I .: 1 � Ult, an' he give. me this chunk an' � , ' in A I .
i . , :. ,�..j;-�ii . . down In yore pbcl;et an' give we dol opplu, over night with you. Yes, ed, Liu! tPv:e ent u* any potitioll
. I .: � ., i:., -�ffi i"Zf�--Y!; I � * . .1 a I Was St O' I p I . I . . � .
. .,�. ,
A �5 ..� N
I.i:j!::j;t::j:!j; ,I,,,�, , lav ter One quicker'n You eVeli ado �� I I'wanted to say somewill 'else, to Y U. that you'll both make It all -right"'I .
i- � I �.. . �_ I said held found It.. Nowi I know In I . in
t,i�,Ifl,`.i��*�Ii;� _i.; - , . d of '1903 -for 25
. ,
k , I
...r;.%.-.. , . As I got to tile Widder Snowdon's til the en .
`.-.1.::-.::-:::::; ;, ;,,-!!:-..; . trade In Yore life,' � I The old man 'raised his reins: and .
I . ..
- * :��� 1. UK-, It 6 clucked to his horses' � I .
....!,-'.'.�;%'�;:iA` . I 11 I reason that he nabbed It while he was . ,
I;;;;---- 11 I -I--- - I. . ; - I I I What do you weaull 06. teller I house, a mile tjljs�slde ol Darloy, She . I . .
P ,?i"4.41.1 ,,.'*. .. - ... I , N tit work, but 1 don't think I'd have a aid. . - . � came oul. un a "Uncle Ab," said Alan, "You've made I . . . . . I . .1 � I I
.:.;.. Z, .1r, - , I - I - - . : - xed me ef I'd object to . I I �
... 1-11 � � 1. ,I I I I � right to report It to the Winin! coml)&- 6 ,,:, . . . . I
'..; 11- 1. , ;,. fd, ant � deliverin' it couple o! 0 �nt, � .
h , - -1",';1 ". ce S..
I ;.: 11 4-:, �, .,. � : - il Ily, an' so I'm Jost obleeged to receive I Mean exactly What I � Si moko cured hams a better man of me, I've had it lot of . . . I
, -.- I
14ji `M': .:�_4_ ! fill to tt teller in town that had Orddred trouble over this, but you make me . � . . . .
- I i. -A � � ". 7,; . , ...., . . .
, ... ; l'... r - 1; r, ; you are ailosint time,' said Pole, talk I . I . . � I
, . .
�P.i� ,,).i,, -g;-:; A,- , g stMen goods. It ain't Wilth morelil a
R * ,7.ii: 1. ,what a old bach. lyve tried to give her up, but I
0 tk� ;.. I dollar, they tell Me, all' I'll hang on to iduder arit loudor. 'The price 19 fifty ' '0111. Of course that's . hope. I
�.; :�4 ; . .
. . 1; 1. I.. I like me Is beer ter, so I let lei flIng 'on! slinply cannot do it." The TN ews-Record is a
:,. `:;I.- i, 11 Y. 4: orluf cents; but you got to gl' me, a dollar � 11
I 4, r - ,� !: !i - Ill I. - It, I reckon, rather In have a lab If I I .
14 ; .. one, Haul lei, out, my friend; haul Ili the back end. . "She alnit lt-goli:it to give YOU U� I I .
Pki 1:: i4inn digehargeddipm a job. I'm tryfill ter . .
!!'_ I i :. I Tile speaker paused and Smiled know- nuther," replied Abner; I'that's the Pxlr- . . . . I . �,
:;! ! lily level be o'Tvo up to the line nOW let, out! It'll be tile cheapest thing you loader. - �
I ..:; 1. . i , . � \ \
� .: t.,t ;�:l : . I ' . Ingly, and Alan noticed that he slowed ty part about It.. That (Xin't no give Ur I
� . * lint I don't know how to matiage sech ever bought in yore life,' ' I � .
1, 1!pti ::g ::�, 'I 1§: it . as a Sheet. his horses up by Arawink,firinlY Oil the In for, She ain't that sort, She's goln' . . . \ . ,-
, ;"
:1 ; v . If , ,
: 1 1 :!: ;, I. V a tiling as that. I've come to the con- "The feller was as White ''L
- . )
, M . ;:. i I- . I al I Lt tussio." I - are ours � ' ;
., . ! �:,. . i -I s It ho feared that their. arriv to give that daddy 0 her'll
I .;�Ii; i elusion that no harin will be'done no, IIe gulped two or three thoeo 'fore he reins It you elf a .
i how, bodalse minors ain't too Well paid spoke; then -he said, 11 know what You at the farmhouse mIgIrt,interrupt What � I y � .
stnyway, an' ef I Jest keep It ant don't think. You think I took one t1other day ! he had to saY.' 011APTnit XT. 6 i
i Of no good out of it I won't be in it When I was lookful In the showcase, I ,,Well,,, Said Alan, "you delivered the III Morning early In 3uno, tit subscriber, please recom-
( I .
Develop, i ii.5 . but you are mistaken., hamor) .
0 I uny more In ef I'd never got hold 0 the � 14 41 ,I � ' . , Alan Was passing Pole B& = L .
I I ' - , blamed thlng.10 ever said rt word about Yell "Yes." Abner was looking straight ker's cabin on big Way to. I
I'll, 'flie art of phOtOglal) I)' is I "But the IKIW, Brother ftlter,vl. Said takful one,' Pole Yelled At 'fill, 'but I ahead Of him, "They was for colonel Darley, Pole's'Wife 000 Out . end it to...-Yrour friends. 1� I
11 colitillufFtIly developing -neuti Dole solemnly. "Without the law wold you'd bettor Yank. out that dollar all' Seth Barclay. I dtivl up to th6 side Ir . . . -7, 1
. I . nt till I to tile fence and stopped him. She wall I I I
i(le"Is tilld 11 are Col.. be an awful lot ol people, lin' every buy one, you fleed it., gate, after I'd holloed In fro 4 slender, ill clad Woman, who had I I � I IL "
lethods , do you ro&on . VVE
I . man Ort to upheld it, Itender the "The teller did It. I beerd tile money Was hoarse, an' Who once been, pretty, and her face still had F-11 Im In , " �
t . ,t,llltly appearing. . I things that are Ctesarla Unto otosar", elluk as Ito laid it on: t'he glass, an' I collie tripplill out 0 the dinin' rooml I sort of Wistful attractiveness thitt T XKA WS-nXTORD ,
�� 0m, gallel'y 1%',(�('PS 1118t fl, I Pole,'M face was blank tot, a moment, knowed he was convicted. It Was her. I,lf you haln't never ketched was appealing to One Who knew What
i It -d round the hOU86,
L, littlo alit'llil ()f the rest_j1l.L,t I and Abner came to his rescue with a JI 'They are only wuth Ob centA,l be ir offlu her gum Since her mar
I ad smile and sudden, laugh. said kinder faintlikO. You've missed .It, treat. Dutiled Of I I
a littip t)vttvr work, iUSt alittl', 1 br, out a hat on flage. .
; "I reckon you don't remombo blim, , .0 .yd,ro it Ilar" Polo Yelled (Lt ,fin, dou't like ter better with "Are.you goin? to town, Mr. Alaill" I -
better methods and, ftecussol-I role." he Said, "Ile's dead, Ile was -gt for you've Jost paid a dollar fer one on than with till the fluffy flatUdOO410 that silo asked nervougly. . CLINTON. � !�. A
Iligger that used to belong to old man . YOVO Own tiecount. NOW I'll Jost 91VO gals put on When they 90 Out. She wag IsYos, Mrs. Baker," Alan, anSWer0d. I � I . I
I i0s, I 1XII11ogmUtim, In the to% He used to YOU two Minutes to straddle that mule. as neat as it Ilew pill, an' Seemed pow' "is there anyttlillig 1 040 do for YOU?" . .. _. ......- I. I � I—— -__-.--_1 - �
I ,I I I Sho did not roplY at Once, but came .
t P� I be sech'an awful thief during slavery 9f ,you don't, I'll take you to the sheriff orful glad to see me. That made Ino :
11, f1c, liny PROTO STUDIO 0 bless the Vidder %uo�vdcr. fe: ciola'dill$' ;
.. . - , I
t days that It got to be a 001111non iq4ylA1 tdyqolfr you thleL . — *&� __. , thi 11#0 Ptet OLOU "11118 I 1,
I'll — " .�_ ., . .. .... .. I � MOVAU,
1 4 I I -t:.- I I � I
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