HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-27, Page 8The Clinton News•Recorti August, 27th 1900. or Fa111903 • School Supplies FIRST SRO W OF FA.LL IIATS• New Ready to Wear Hats for Fall are here. They are a foretaste of the coining season's fashions ancl will give you idea of the Millinery styles far Fall. Latest New York shapes, correct in every particular. Come in and see them. BLACK CAT BRAND CHICAGO-ROCKFORD HOSIERY COMPANY KENOSHA, WIS. School Bells Wil! Soon• tie Ringing, The Black Cal IS eady for The Opening. School bells will be ringing a,,gain next ,week - and boy's and girls will be getting luck to school., Lots of them will be wanting new stockings. The. Black Cat is ready and here with a big stock of this famous make of School Stockings. Black Cat Stockings are the Stocking for every hard wear, giving service and satisfaction as no other stookingi do. They are knittecl. just right with the greatest strength at the straia points, and dyed with dyes that stay in the enlacing and .never come off. •Double Knees. Dble Heels. Double Soles. Built to wear. 25c, 35c a T 140c a pair.. 4ffilwasivitwiliam3whwemmiveitai A Handkerchief Extra. ••.:18 Here is a'School Opening Bargain in Children's .School Handkerchiefs. 60 dozen here of hem -stitched cambfic handkerchiefs that we bought at a bar- - gain. It won't make much difference if the children do loose their handkerchiefs when you can get them at a price like this. Over 700 &Wren's white cambric handkerchiefs hem- • stitched, nice foe cloth, clearing lot We pi away • below their value.' lf we had not two stores for an out -let we would have had to let the bargain pass. They go oneats Saturday at your choice at the very low price ... . . ,...8 for 10c. NlitiiMIAPAIMMICAMIUMWRARW. PAILW AM) .1:\* ..••••••••.•012=0111/M. Rain Cowls FOR A FIVE DOLLAR -BILL Last week we got a bargain in Lalie's Rsin. Coats. Because we did yo z Cali get .one tide ;Week. There are just 22 of them They are this seasons styles aid made born pure wooden cloths and ab- solutely Rin Proof. a nice variety Of neat designs' ia greys, fawn4 aal broi,vip, $6.50 or. 87 00 wouldbe the rrice if we had not dot this clearing lot ht a bargain. ' Ladies Cloth Rain Coats, full skirt, largesIteve.4 loose beek, coat °oiler, Eases5 to 64. eel) ke,p their appearance and wear well, regular $G.00 to $7.00 g.hriiientk now on Hale at eaeb.. 0.111, 'mmommummir, THE NE W WAISTINGS. More Now Fancy •Waistings cams in this week. A betto er sock of Waist Materials we never ani bet of all th,re *are •only two or three Waists the slime in the colleetion Whett a pattern is once sold out w- i'l not repiace it. • French Flannel Waistitgs 50c. Bedford turd Waistings 60 Siiii Embroidered Redford Cord Waistino $1. Fancy (Cream Waistiogs 76c, $ Land $125 Mercerized cotton Waistings 75e4 ODGENS BROS. 116100.111011001111111111111111111.111MM' .0.0000-0.0000*(>0004:>0.0-Cs0-0-0. WE INVITE YOU To BRING YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLY NEEDS ',CO US AND HAVE THEM SAT- ISFIED. OUR or,akmIS To DO SO TO YOUR ADVANTAGE AND OUR PROFIT. IE YOU $F.ND YOUR CHILDREN WE WILL DO THE BEST WE CAN FOR THEM. ALL THE REGULAR TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES GENER- ALLY'. OUR SCRIBBLERS ARE riru 131$T, GOING FROM se UP, 13IG IN VARIETY AND VALUE, ATTRACTIVE IN COV- ER DESIGN. OUR PADS ARE AS BIG AS -ANY FOR. THE OUR PENCILS, BAGS, 130X.. E$, SLATES, ROLDERS, ETC., ETC.,• ARE BETTER THAN MANY SOLD AT THE PRICE. • WE DON'T BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS BUT WE BUY BIG B;NOU-- GI-I TO BUY CHEAP AND ALI, CHEAP . . . ..... 00 -Oso -000 -000:o -o -o -O -o -o-0-0-0-0-0* Agents Parker's Dye Works. The IV, D. Fair Co, Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. About People We Know Rev, Manning is in Muskoka, . Miss Ilertie Mason is in, London this week, Mr. and • Mrs. Richard Ransforcl are in Muskoka, • 'Mr. Lester Whitely returned to St, • ThotnaS •yesterday, ' Postinaster Gairdner of Baylleld was in Clinton on Tuesday: • • Mr. and Mrs. Wilson COok of. Varna were in town. on Monday, Mrs. F, W. Watts, visited Wingham and Gorrie friends last. weat, The. Misses Levy Of Toronto •are guests at. Mr. John Torrence's. Master . Frank Walker is home. from Stratford for a weeh's holidays. Miss Li•ezie Trowhill returned Mon- • day from a week's visit. at Ramil- ton. . ' . •Mr. P. Senn of Brantford, well.known this • district, is in town this . 'week. Mr. ',Wilfrid 'Stevenson .of London is spending his holidays at his. home Mir4. :tM°Ntvilirdoch •Ro;is, th well known • fisherman of Baylield, was -in town • on Friday .last. • , • . J. • A: Ford .is visiting • thei •Of Messrs. E. and .J. Ach- eson of Goderich, • . • Mra. Charles •Milne leas returned to. .town end will probably make her • home in-• • . .• • •Mr. W. 'comp left on Saturday for 'London: to take a position on :the • organ factory 'staff: •• . • Mr. Harry. Darrow,- mine host .of the .Cotninercialliotel, Bayfleid, was In Clinton on • Saturday. • • • . Dr. Milneof Jackson, Mich., sem of the .late Charles *Milne; is spending a few clays .iii •town.- •• Miss Nesbitt. •of • Detroit and Miss ' Macdonald. of Luckiiow are visiting at Mr. Harry . Canteion's. . • - Mr. and 'Mrs, Jahn Heblarof , Bow- maitville • are .guests of their sate Mr. V. H. Hellar, .jeweler; County Attorney • Lewis and Barrister • Proudfoot . of Goderich were in town •',1"tresday attending the inquest. Mr.. and Mrs. • E, • M. McLean, who .• had been suinenering • at leinclsor, returned to town . on • Thursday Mr and •Mrs. :Harvey .Plurnateel • of • Buffalo were guests last. wee1 . of the ••fortner's sister, Mrs. •W. T., O'Neil. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stochlart, .who had been spending. the :holidays at Lor - Onto. and Listowel, 'returiaxt home last week. Mrs. George • Ruinball and her datigh-.. • .ter, -Miss Emily. cif •Merlette, Mich,, are visiting at her mother's, Mrs. Rudd'A of towe. Miss Stanley of Toledo, Ohio, who has •been •• visiting friends and townshipITfor a. few weeks, lea- • ves for -borne this Week. Miss Jessie O'Neil of. Cleveland,Oltio, ' is the guest . of , her uncleo, Mr, CT... O'Neil. .1Ier .brother Charlee was. over last. week' but. made a shorter. visit, •Mr. • George Roberemi drove' to Brus-. • scis on Sunday and •on his return •..was • accOmpanied. by Mrs. Roberton, • whp had been .visiting. friends. there for • a fortnight. , • •Mr • G..L. Zeigler, the popular ledger - keeper . in :the . SoVereign. Bank, ' to - turned to duty oir Monday after en- joying his holidays at his horn O at Elmira .and elsewhere. Mr. Henry „R. Cole, 'son of . Mrs. (Dr.'t Cole of town, Who has. been living'in, Arizona for a few years, • has -Moved to. •Blake, •California, where he has accepted a still more lucrative" position. . • • . • • - • . Mrs. R. J. Miller and Iter mother, Mrs. C. Dale, of Ifullett returned, on Friday night last from a sin •,weeks' visit • to the lattor!s daugh- ter Mrs. Ben. Snell of Phoenix, 13ritish Coltrnibia, They also visited at Winnipeg andother points on . route, Mrs. Charles Stewart, who has been • visiting in 'Clinton and Stanley aiid Goclexich townships for several weeks, returned to her lionre in London on Saturday. Her many • friends, • will be (much pleased' to learn that her health has unieh. i'ii- praved Ammar those who 'left for the *est • .fritesday of last week were Messrs. Charles Lovett and Harry Woody yard of the 11a0 • Line. .The lat- ter's destination was Pilot Mound, while the former goes on to the Ca.rnduff district where his brother Noble .and •several old frietuls are farming. They have gone' a•visit- ing, but if they .should see any lyargains lying around they'll do business. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Masten of Coati- cooke, Quebec, have been guests for some days at the Ontario street par- sonage. For over forty years Mr, MaStett was cep -Le -cc' itt educational work and for two dozen years of that time principal trf the academy at Coatleoeke. He some titne since retired from the active work and is now living at ease mid ht receipt of a pension. Ile is one of the old- est members of the Protestant CO- • mien. of Ittlueatitm for the province ()I Quelsee, a position of consider- able responsibility and much sought after. Big Eargain.. in. .oys. Bchool'Clothing FOP Thursday, Friday and Saturday • On the above named days we have decided to place on Sale about 50 Boys' Suits at a great saving in price. These are odd lines of our best selling strits,there are all sizes in the lot but not all sizes of every kind. It will be your advantage to provide your boy with a new outfit during this sale before -school starts. Every garment in the lot is made to give satisfactory wear,and should they for nny reason not stand as they should we will gladly make it right.. • Boys' Suits at $2.50 Boys' two piece Suits made of an all wool Halifax tweed, well lined and tinished,•also odcl.lines Of tweed suits in assorted designs, worth up to,84_ at ••••••• • Ot ... Boys' Suits worth up to $5.50 at $3.75 Your choice of several lines of boys' three.plece Suits, made of good strongtweed,:wellilined and finished, some haying double seats and knees in pants, these are suits that sold up to $5,50 for Boys' Knickers at 50c 50 pairs of boys' Knickers made of extra strong tweed in assorted pat* terns, most of them have double .seats and knees, and seams are 50 double stitched these are lines worth up to 85e for. . ........., ...• 4 dozen Boys' Caps in Golf and Yacht shape, made of floe navy. blue • serge, also,fine Scotch tweed,all sizes from 6/ to n regular price 35c 25 and 50c to go at We have just opened up our stock cif new fall Caps for boys. They fare the new Yacht and Automobile shape, made of fine nave blue cloth with rubber peaks that will not break,. A splendid assortment to n choose froin .. • •U 2.50 3.15 1 dozen onlymen's Peak Caps in assorted colors?, only one or two of a kind. Regular prices are Wc and 75c to clear at 15 only boys' Crush Hats in colors of black,fawn and grey,just the thing for school wear, regular price is 75c to go at each 4 dozen Boys fine all wool Sweaters in colors of red, navy blue and green. Collars and wrist bands have white stt•ipes, all sizes for boys 4 to 16 years at one price 16 only fine negligee shirts in blue and white, red and white and hiaek and white stripes. Sizes 1.4 and 15 only. These are the best $1.25 shirts in Clinton to go at • Boys' Wool Hose at 30c and 35c • 200 pairs of boy heavy wool Hose in assinted sizes, these stockings are • made of an English' yarn that vein give excellent Wear. Sizes up to• .35 8 are 30c. 8, 9, 9i and 10 aro Boys' Cotton Hose at 2' pair for 25c,. 100 pairs of boys' ribbed cotton Hose.all at. e fast black and will ' d • . 25 . 35 . 50 .75 wear regular prices up to 20e, at 2 pair for, 4fl VO ...... ... .25 These Bargains Should Bring You. Here. Early Tlnirsday 50c and. 60c Summer Silk at 35c Corded Silk in colors of pinkandwhite stripe blue and white also plain • 0 g white regular 500 and 60e for.... .... . .. ...... .... ........ sOU • ' Colored rluslins worth up to 30c for Sc On Thursday morning we will place on sale another lot of colored mus • ft c • lins, that sold as high as'30c for ...... . : 1VIuslins worth up to 35c!at 10c We Still have a splendid assortment of colored Mullins that are worth in up to 85e foe ' • . • .:. , , , ... . . .. I U • ' Summer thoves 30o kinds for 20c . 40e, 45c and 50c kinds for 30c • Colors of Tan, Black and White. Lace and silk ef- fects. • 50c and 75c Corsets at 38c Odd lines of Summer Corsets of net and Batise regular 50e and 75c for:. 8 Paper Patterns worth 25cfand 30c tor 8c Your choice of 200 Paper Patterns, new Designs coming every month n8 that are marked 25e and 80c valuee for ........,. ... ... -....,. New Fall and Winter Mantles We are now making our first display of Mantles and we feel sure they are the best values ever seen in Clinton. We are also showing our new Suitings, Waistings, Tailor- made Skirts, Raincoats Flannelette Wear, Kid Gloves, Ete, Shirt Waists Are Being Sold At Big Reductions 85c and -90c for 50c $1.25 to $1.75 for 75c YOUR MONEY BACA YOV WANT Vt • • • CLINTON • STANLEY .TOWN811.1.P:. . • Miss Ea' ntna Wasson of • Chathairi, who has been visiting at her Uncle's; • Mr., Robt. Greer's; happeticcl with . • a very serious, accident. on Ines,day, Site was ' playing in the. barn while the mot Were' at work drawing up straw with the slings and became' entangled'. in the rape • which . jerked her out of the mow . mit° the floor about. twenty East below,. Ibreakiatg both arms aticl it isfeared she •is hurt internally. •. . Miss P. ' •Wilds . of Thessalow is home on a visit to. her brothtr. Valentine. Mr. . and Mrs. Swartz and family • of Buffalo,' who hhve been the • guests of Miss Maggie. Wilds the past welt, returned home, on Monday• , • Rohner •Bros." large barn on the Brownson Line. was totally desti-53,ed with the season's crop, by fire on Taesday • morning: . This is a serious foss as they • disposed' • of. . all their bush. last wmter. Theloss is partly •'covered by insurance. Mr, Robt, McMurray. is around apples.' for ,D, Canteloe. Bob' is the • right buyer.. • • • Mr. W. J. Stiesoit shipped • three • carloads of cattle to Montreal lase Week and another load on Monday, The News-RecOrd gives more ,Stale - ley township news than all. the other: •Papers put • tcigetlier. • • Mr. Robert Reid 13. A; • and Mrs. Reid . and daughter of Ridgetowe were the'. guests of Mr, and Mrs, Williestn Rathwell the other day: • • Mr. John W, Reid. shipped. • a load of fat cattle to Tarmac) on Monday last. Thesc cattle were fed by Mr,. Reid . and were a good lama, • Mieses Emma and Elizabeth .Burnett were the guests of Miss Stella Rath - well on Sunday last.• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wheatley of Clinton visited at the home of Mrs, John ,Reid, $r,, on Sunday la.st. • Mr, John Davidson • wears a bright smile these days, 'Why ? 130eause his better half presented him with a fine baby boy ,a few days ago. Mr, :fillet W. • Reid is 'smiling all over his face because a nice little baby boy mine. to his house -a few days ago.. µau. WOOD WANTED. too cordo wood wanted, itt • the bush or delivered. HARLAND BROS. August e6tli, • VCR AT,14:). The undersigned oilers for sale the building ott Rattenbury street forme - by used as an office by Dr. DowSley, the building to be removed frOnt the premiseS. August 26t11, HARLAND 13R0S. AUBURN. • • • , •• • • • Mr.. :Alfred . Lawrence of Welland has been visiting relatives and friend.,. here the past Week.' • . " •• Mr, litinkin and. neice, Mist .TOivn- iend, and M. • and Mrs. "Woods of • Londesboro. Suadayed in the 'Village. • Mr, •Geo, Rowett has purchased Mr. David Wilsort's old homestead of 15 acres and brick house. Mr. Wilson intendS building a neiv h.ouseon ' his other farm.. • • • • Mr.. Wiu. Mole and. Miss BileWinnie of Dungannon 'Sunclayed here. Mr. Harvey Malotigh of Colborne is again at' Mr, C. A. Howmmi's, V. S. Mister • . John Cullilb returns 'hamar to the .Soo this week, • $LYTH, . • The annual' Picnic of the Methodist Sunday school was.liehl in A. Sloan's grove on. 'Friday afternoott. On Friday, evening • the Y. P. A. of. the English church held their Mutual • garden • party on the church , grounds, It was Very' •well patronized. The Wiligham band having been engaged for the occasionplayed some excell- ent -selectioes during the. .evenieg..The, proceeds amounted to over $5o. • On Monday the relatiVes, of' the tin - fortunate young man, Mr. T. Thomp- son, • who met with suck serious in -- juries a few evenings ago, received word from the authorities of the Stratford hospital that. hehad passed away to the great beyond carly that morning, Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved mother and two sisters. On Wednesday afternoon. the funeral took place • front hie Mother's • resi- dence to the English elturch • where the funeral slervice was conducted by the Rcv. 3. Edmonds and Rev. w. Lowe of •Wingham after which the remains. were taken"' to the Union cemetery for interitteet. Constable Barr run a drunken trainp into the olet on Wednesday. Mr. William Phillips of Chicago, tut old Blyth boy, is renewing • old ac- ottaititances here for a 'few clays. Mrs, Edward Watson returned home oti Saturday frost visiting her daugh- ter in Manitoba, • Mr. and Mrs. Jones mid Mrs, PM. Murray of Brucefieldare guests at the Commercial for a few days. Rev. E. J. Edmonds; rector ot Trinity church; who had •been visit- ing friends in., Tarmac* and elsewhere the past month, returned home on Monday. Owing to the • den of the Wea- ther not tetany front here attended the Roman Catholic picnic at St. Angtistifte ou Tuesday. On 'Wednesday Mr, Bets. Raton who luta been ill for wpm tithe, lefeltere for St, Joseph's Itoepital to go under treatment which, his many friende hope will he betteficial to him. Mr. Harvey Morris left islet week for Clinton where he has scented a toition in the organ factory. r". • • i:ettingThe.Boy$:, • • ROadyi-Fot School. wili open again next week. Most boys will•need Something new before going back. Perhaps a Suit or a pair of Knickers, a Cap or a pair of Stockings -NX hatever it is Mothers will save time and money by comihg direct to this store. Stocks here are - large. Styles correct and .values good. We pay special attention to the Boy's department and the lines we carryare made to stand the rough and tumble wear the average boy gives his clothes. • HERE ARE A PEW SPECIALS. Boys caps 15c ' • Boys Tweed Caps, cloth peak, weli made, lined, assorted colors, regular S6o lines'olearing at eaoh.. . .. .. . 10C Boys Caps 25c. ••• Boys School Caps, Tweeds, Blue Serge and dark 12weede, glazed peake, new and nobby shapes, special „ 40C Boys Stets $2.9O. By Tweed Suits assorted eizee, made frons strong wool Tweeds, •well linel, the iset of lines that sold at $9.60 and 4,00, n „ • °leering at each x.uo Boys Tweed Sults $3.25. Bos Suite made from strong all wool Tweeds,' lined 'throughout • with good linings' made to stand hard wear, last of lines nk ko • that sold at $3,75to $5 00, a:easing at each, sk•XCI 111144tool Ittlickerstit 2119c Boys' all.wool Knickere, made from strong Woollen Tweede that will stand any amount of hard wear. We cleared the over- • makes of the faotory er we would have to ask 76e, for them, a Ash is,oar price is per pair .... , Heavy StoekIngs at 23c Boys' Ribbed Cotton Aose, heavy weight for fall wear, double knees, heels end soles, absolutely Fast dye, and will stand op. any amount of hard aciage, ell sizes, speoia per pair ....., C 0.0,04 . • .. oro,010A,A60104,0 .... 1.04/4orstrixootokoioidloti*A litidgens successors to Jackson Bros. Nalloos ofetsec 'New% etinoil