HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-27, Page 60
I I I I , � , r , , ,. r , � � � , , , I I r . r I . I r . I r I . I I r ... I I I � .. � I - � - . � I I I I I � . .. .. � _ _ , _ _ � , , , , � , . - - — . — - - I.r - - - � � � r . � I � I I . I I . I I � . I I - I . . � . I . r . � . I I I I- —_ —_ . .
. . . - ,_ _. , � Im _ � . . ; -1. I I —_ . —_ __r .. � , , � . --' , '�_,:�_'_. , , , —_ —, — .
blood, however, a snake's venom V= OF TOBACCO. . .
JUST ARODT SOME SNAKE8 will kill Another Snake, will even kill TESTING OF HN BARREW ' ' ,
itself. � Paeans in Its Praise and Mawio. __ r , r �
UQW VUNQX — I 11 # XB tionS on the Wood r r ... �, _r .1
- �.,
T= Vsli: or a0AP, i 10 [ - '4`
X4QX TXEXR ]PANOS. TILEBIX =Artous. One of the most diffiCult things In � . I ,'A - F -
. .
. I I — It is But an Aid to Assist the :,Re- — tile .world is to got Any authorlta,- rep ---Jr �,, ..� . I .
110AVY Fine torSell Any Firearm tive conclusion about the effects of I
Xffqct IPA Digerent Animals of nIoval of Dust and. Grime. using tobacco, Literaturo- IS filled . 'r / ._1 I . k I I
, ;., - .r? -
A Sm4a D9139 of the vr Quu-bqxrel Not DUIY with paeans In hit Praise And 1xialle- W r � P, ri,� i
? �,�`_ .-, " .
� * f, - ,
. A Paper on the use of seat) ,natur- . I, 1, - .�_ �__ ;�
Ally involves. the consideration of - a Teated�4r There ill abun- I - 11, , 1-- 0�
79iso4l, r dictions in equal nwakturc- SAYS, the I �, , ill
' . I . . Unless the soap you J�hiladelphla Ledger, r =_ I i . ;..�ill ) t -
- .
The Qh1groforilatitig of a snake and number of facts regarding the skin . I I . A , I , 11 t ,
Just as a piece of gold or silver 4AAt Inedical t)IAnIon on its evil ef- J, 4111 , ;1�
bile it and Its uses. I - —e .1 ,
the extr"tion of Ito poison W. -mark, use has this brana you rects oil tile )wart, on tile throat 'I I I TJ rr,.rr . 1
liest unconscious are Opera jewellery is known by the hall X� - . / .
I , tions fro- The Skin by virtue of Its excretory I 4 e V fi., 1, :1iA!Ai , )'� .
I so is a firegrat known 'by ita proof- Und lungs, oil the nerves, an 5r- �__ 1! �
quently poyforme4 and Interesting to function rids the, system of an im- By an Act of parliament, � are not getting the blest, body knows the cbrollic 91TICAL11 . I I ", , li�i !" - � �', Ill
sea. ' Tile snake' is first Seized' with nionse, amount of the lilipuriti e held Mark,. , r , . .- I —1 . I r tit 11. * , I
r -wbose API)ot 1,i i ,
a lasso Alsout the. middle. The la- in solution in the watery elements of passed so long ago as 3.813, it WAS . Ito Is rldfwd, digestion IL :1 1 -.1 ,' 04,; � .
,ed, wboee nevves tire torn to I I , I _,...t I , I I, .,
r — _1�12'� I i( " r . "I � ' I
so is a leather IQQ ulade compulsory on the manufactur- . AM for il;him lootagen 04r. P45 finpUb
. p at the end of a the body. 31oisture evaporates, WAY- In —_ Shreds, who, is a hypochondriac, P, - , ".. .. . I I - . C11121 1111 .
stick like a broomstick,. And the Ing no trace of Its presence, but the ors of firear s to havo their gun and . . . bj -axLd a crol,-,s to his . . ,A__ ,,,A -
tightening o f the . rifle barrels tested, Says London An- fruit -pips are frequently .tile cause. la,niontablo-o act . I I
, hoop holds the inoro solid portions relitalixt on the s. ,arl, .
r . . . OtherrAtits of 1855 and 1868 "In many cases they set lip inflam- frien(IA on tile other hand, lie y A Connoisseuiets Tea I
Snake seour 'Iy, After it to caught. surface of the skin And these, togeth- Sw9rs. 1 . . everybody staokes, And there is no � I I
its head is pinned hown to A table er w r ith dust and grime, must be re- made it an offenee punishable.With'A niation, And cause a swelling which easier way of starting A. mutiny Oil . . .
fine of $100 to sell All'Y firearx"a 1weveats the foreign body front being The tender top shoots of .the t ange
or )A I . ea plant, known as "Or
with a n0tched Stick that JSr pressed moved it one woul(I kc,ep tile sk' arrol not duly tested, and mak- ejected by ordinary muscular � pro- land to out oil the to- Pekoe, are mainly used in Blue Ribbon Tea. .
lit ,. or sea thall
upon its neck. A tube one And one- healthy and up to its highest Stand- gun�bhe forging of p..00f marks a cossos. . ba,cco supply of soldier or sailor:
� r
half Inches fix diameter, containing a ard as ail excretory organ, Ing t 'Ing as much As -J)r. �,4.,JCclle t Sinitil, discussed tho pers,ons who .tire engaged in hard Tho "creme do la creme" of tea growths I Tile most delicious .
sponge saturated with chloroform, Is Perhaps every one is Aware that in misdemeanor, tatal . I A labor, or in exhausting pul'Sllftl; Of and tasty tea in the world. . i,
slipped over the snake's head, As a certain ' parts of the, world where two years" impirlsorment. question of appendicitis in, the LAU- any kind, know t1tat a suloke, ban- People who know,recognizQ this quality in Blue Ribbon Ceylon .
4 - is scarce, the use of clean sand . There Are Only two proof -houses Ill cet Some time Ago, and said that in is up the ravelled ' The delicious taste and fragrant aroma mean inner excel. A
gloyp is slipped on a finger, find watet . � isbas fatigue, kill
, I
soon the reptile is uuconscious. An is employed as a cleansing agent fok the country—elle in , London, the Ills student,days the diseaso was rare Sleeve of care. If your dentikit be Tea. � I �
assistant then seizes It by the neck, tile $kill, other in Birmingham. Gurx-�barrels and he was further Of tile opinion complaisant lie will tell YOU - tIlat lence' to them., . t
, ., .
and slips the edge of a saucer under For the mass of -mankind sent for proof are merely numbered. that the trouble frequently Arose smoking preserve$ the. teeth and I I I
the 'im of water Is more convenient, . ,. r
its upper jaw in such a manner as aild Is' of cour.se practjc4lly the Only The -name of their maker is -not en- from the different feeding conditions, . "kills the gerails"', yQur doet-or if he .0,&, .
all be no- adding: "Probably four�flfths of the. knows nothing about t1w, subject and
to elevate the two fangs. ,d to rid the skin of graved oil them, so there sh ,
I -
These agent einploye ty for spitO-or f,,,,, r chief perishable comestibles are fro r 7, N6Z % .r �v
fangs now lie, as it were, upon the impurities, . possible ,opportuni I . wantis to -stand high in your estima", , �
saucer. The operator takes thera,* Soap r is but an aid to, assist the oritiSm in the testing operatio-1, on or chilled for transixiis,gion or col- tion, .Will tell you. to 11ruse, tobacco, Blu %O Rl"ibbon ,
lection before reaching the consuiller. but list- it in modoration, the doctor �
time, between the thumb ranioyal of dust and grima by virtue - A TRIPLE CHARGE. r . Chilled or frozen meat_11sh- poultry, who Itas studied the subject is sure -
and forefinger of his right hand, and of its� solvent propertitio. Soap is al- 'prone to .that the "abuse I tobacco" Is a
strips them forward—squeezes them, so,.464rable when the water employ- Oil arrival at the Pr,00f,liouse the gaine, etc., are notoriously 0 62 I r
*whrn l ancot 1, �,
that is to say, from the base to the ad is bard; that is, when it contains barrel's diameter is first of all -tested, rapid . decomposition i removed very bad thing... The London L
Llso it. to and the result stamped upon it. front cold store, and degenerate rilore a conservittiVe authOrItY,' is nod Cemlon Te,. 111 U11 10G
tIp—and thus All their venom is ox,7 inineral. properties which cai ., I
- This venom, r free from Then . I . tain consitu- Eancit, Mixed , . .
tracted yellow, And be loss solvent thall, wate it is passed on into the loading- quickly after cooking than unfrozen sure that tile mptlerate use of tobac- .
runs Out, ill .- r room. This has three compartments; articles." co by pe'Sol" Of a car A0c Should bo - " -Aolr, for the I
of the thickness of molases' , Irwiai matter, I 4011s; Ceylon Green 0 Fifty 1-1 Z a d Y'Qh4pl ..
upon the saucer, and it i's gathered all separated with heavy brick walls, so 'Following the argument, I)r. NO- tion and teimperament is injUl .. *1 . . .. r
. -It I-, unnecessary to,.jay that so of lett Smith, thought that the inges-! and then wo IlAve the sage, Advice .
in a vial and sealed Up. ,. soap used as an aid,tQ dleaming tile r as to minimize the danger in -ca . — —_ � . .
I - tion of Chilled or frozen food vspeol-' Jilat you are to give ill) the use of "---"-- I V � -_ —
In experiments with live animals explosion. - I . , . I . �. I . . . . .
skin should be of good -quality, since . The loade' has ,some fifty copper ally liable to rapid decomposition I ObEvuo if you .can. do so with . 10W) I i .
.r � �_ I'll ,11 A . � . I I
that the university carries on, ,it 'is it is well ,known that s�baps Colitaill- . goptic state weila, and tear on YOUV happinova arid . I ,I' I I'.— i-%,� . . .
to inject the venom r ' r - measures before hinil which are mark-. might, result lit a inoro� . . . - r.
thought best Ing alkali in. a free state.are irritat I of the intesthto than ill-pno-cold stor- welfare than the continuance of the ,Ili5lR7MMW_%XW 11 , — _
hypodermically, rather than to al- Ing and make the skin dry and-harsit ad with tile proper testing ell PLrg(_1S - , ..
in charg- Ago days,. and possibly cause inflam- habit WOuld Cost yoli. - And so we &- I , =nWAZZIM N_
low the snake itself to do ther _ - The . - - - " . ,a. I
The use of soap-is,generally omit- to" the various calibres colixio, back to fundamentals.: Do not . %Y �1;1 r
,r with -ifled arms are for Illation of the appendix. , I : ��&k � .
jecting in the ordinary manne . .tea or. restricted oil parts of the es laid down for i lieve the smc)ke if tile results 'are haninful, , il � �',r
� -st proof three time$ tile stand- So that, it wo aro.to be i . ., ,r .
Its fangs, because a Snake does not body like the face, whore the skin 'is a fil . ' tbings-we do lai6w about. � r I , ��, . I ,,. I . .
alwQvs strike effectively. S'ometi d service charge of powder, and doctors, we niust reject all fruits and .. 13ut SOIXiO . . � .
mos thin and Where it Is'not subjected to ar frozen meats (luring the hot Weather, tobaceo : It Costs It prodigious deal i I '.-- I .1 . -_ I .
It fails to elevate its fangs sufDcl� tile intiniato contact ;j�itlx, dust 1vilich for a second proof twice tile chargo. I.,; one of the ntog-t 1xr,4pur-. � I . I - _., . .
ently to inject intcL its victim more falls to the lot of the. hands . � The 0 JWA plug is ordered lest, we fall aprey to appendicitis! of inoncy, . . . . I �
�. I . I
. ' ,r __�_+ r tant indusitries in t1le world, aild An , � . . . . ,
. -bullet of I V cant. bedvIL 1, . . I I N
than When �soap is employed freq,tiontly to be thirty-five per r . . of rovellue to all . h ,R.) i fl g � .
, . oily Sub- than the service . Weight, . . I . Itrilportant sourCo I 4t&- I .
A DROP OR TWO Or, VENOM. on the. face, -the protective, , . � nations. Anicricans ecintsuilie 7,000-1 1 . ..
Sometimes it strikes flero oved to When. the powder has been poilred SUFFERED HALF I . . I'S A1111LIally, and � tbu i BO "t'm 0 OKs 11 100"% 86 rra Ur us --'I, � &- % S .. . ..
cely and its stances of the skin are rent . . . . I 000,,00() ciga I I
leeth are actually fastened for A A greater extent than,..Is compatible into'thq barrel'a wad of cork Is f6rc- I . .1 . yearly, Were.se it, the consuldption is I I I I .. r . � ',
moment In the animal's flesh, but with its healthy. condition, and the ,ad down on top of it with'.a copper � I : LIFF TIME A,earj,v (5()0,()00,o0(). '1�4.xnokelrs Use 1 Take ther Mokalche out of Cloaning. . . I . r
I . goL r .
. .r. .
* f that -the. barrel 'a . . . . I . . I . . . . . I .3,0S,,6,0o0,0Go cl-are,ttes. anatially, ; . They are.absolutely the best brushes money can. bu� . . . . �
.he fangs are doubled backward and same Is true, although perhaps - to a r6d, And a ter . — . . ' . I I 0 . ' -tile best
aot a drop of the venom is injected less ext�nt, in tile case -of the Scalp. to the r second ' conipart:trient, whore - . . � . . 1. � � . and con'surtle in, othel- forians, u-, in . mi3Oc-bacUt, do not warp off -bristles do- not fall out . of .
. . I
'nto the wound. Yet, to all ap I pea . r- After. the use. of sciap-suds' oil the, the.loaden plixg�ls inserted * and top" ONE i MORE- SPLV NDID CURE sittiff, W149 and 5iiwoking tobacco, l3oackh's Scrubbing Brushes..'- Your grocer -sells them. . I . . . � 1. . I I
Ances, the bite has been a terrible scalp, which is occasionally resorted pod, With another,wad. In tII4 third � 'IEDITr . ,3L5 o-oo,00-U Pounds, exclusive of the I . r I � r . � I . I .
' CI ,,D: TO 'DODD'S r I � . . .
. . ' '� � None Genuino Without Hame 11 Hobokh " onback of Brush. rr ... .
one, and ail experimenter, administr to b,N� most persons as a bygenic coxilpartinent of the loading-koom the r ' . tob (1co ��xpurted and that used in . .
iring to the wounded animal a car- measure,, the use'of some oily Sub- charge is prilned. . I . . .. XIDN.EY PILLS. x1la - XI-LIf.,leture' of cjgax� and clgaretLs; I � . . . .: . I . �� . I
I . r .
. . ' . . , r .. . . . . . 'a" -: I . I 2MMEMM�ZZZZGHSEMMEMMEM , 99 , . I
tain antidote, would decide that this stance may, be employed with ad- Theme -the barrels are passed onto ,' ... — . . The federal treasury. I %Ives $05, . r A -
. � . �'�,�,�'---�,--'--""---�--""-.--��.l.r..",� .. r , "
. . .
. - . . . � Ue -froill. .tile to- -. . I � I �
antidote was a marvollously potent vantage. This aet.q.'as A.temporary tile firing,4room,. which is a large, com- � D * ctors Said Nicholas Eelter Xad 000,000 dwitfal reven I MMMON I LLL . r
one -Would hold it to have cured the, Substitute Until nature has had time partment lined with sheet iron') and 0 . bacco tax; .tile* ilianufacturex'i alullp- i . - . . I . .
. havin'g great shutters of iron, which Gravel or 'Bright's Disease, or pay In salixi'l . es $10,000r,000 and 'in! �').. . .
. . OUR , r
I animal immediately, when, as a met- to replenish the hair with oil, . A Something Else-Dodd's. 1�-' .idnor, Nvagps $5�0,(,,,ijo,00.0 it year, and the .. . 11, . . 011 (3 B* "t . I I . I
ter of fact, r there Would, have been .botter plan is to wash. the - Scalp and can be dropped over r the wiadov�s. Pills G-rZV� I-Iiin the Vigor of . BRANDS50 I/ I I � .1
, , � . r
' ' . . annXial vA1Lw of tile Inallufact-ure(l.' , . - . I r .
hair 'viith water in which a tj?aapoon- $ov�ral dozen barrels are arranged Early _Manho6d. ' ' . . I I I . - . , , , , I . .
nothing the matter with the animal . � . . . � I ' o.ountry is Upward . 0 1 ' r 5xnorlmant . �
from the beginning. . . . cen- , . . prodtleC inr thi, . � I . , � . I I- . .
. ful�of vinegar has been, stirred. . on it sort of.:grooved rack In the r ., . . . : I - .
On small animals the effer 1P r I � Ont. Aug. 17�_' Of $200 .1000.000, . �r .i KJ9 Uward . D I Wi r I . � .
,t Of r. a' After ex oSure to sun and winds, tre of the roorn, their nitizzles all -St. Catharines, � I ., . 10000 I. � I .. I � .th �
-4- the use-of.s6ap on the' fuce should pointing ,the sanw.Way. Behind them (Speclul).-m-4NIcholas 11](0cer, ill(,- well- .. r.. . -----+—. � . . . I . . . . . .. . . I ot . her and ". . .
. . .. I . � r 11 - U
small does of venom is almost I' I r I I . I . . I . I
inediately fatal. A pigeon, for in- ,xievdr.ber resinted to, but" rather Some lis a lax -go bank of soft �and, whicli I known farixw,'. living near ,St. John's . I ' - 'r 1 61 . I . . . . � . : .
I r I . .r I I 1). 4)r, (,,I .tll(� (11 i(lint,
. V r!l1lJ(. of PeIIIJI'll, 11 1.13 NVjP.E,1'S, FAULT. . Headlight 11 .
I cant to save th -injury, byr, I . .r . . . � . - , I B... � RLU n . inforlor. -
stance, on receiving an injection of.soothing dilypr�epfiration; asfor ex- is In 6nt.from, I - . I . . . . me � . 11 �' r � . . I . .
three or four drops, walks a few amplej vaselia6, cold. croam'orr Co O' t ad a re oi , .r _ . r I 'o I� I . . y .
a he S (I It , e I . � . and Thorold Townships, wbo has been , Irlik"V wel speaking of the pm' I . . . ., r. I I All brandpv,. I .
. . . . . ... . . . . . . . I I . � 4, I
. .
. a'utionary incasure � 1�1'(..sjore(l _t(y. health Uft(,r tw6xity-liino Ini.stic inuiliber. ' . . ig, 1, , ,r �. � I I . t r "IAT I .� .. . .
- I
steps, crouches, gasps, rolls ovor on butter, .;As a'prec I A train � of , po*wder � is -: laid "along . . Eagie " I � � . E , , .
. .
its side, and in one or two ininutesi. Any' one I of - these xn,y r bti. used be- the' -barrels conI.JeCtil I Ig L all '. the breec 11 ! y6ars. 'stj Il'ori Ilk rrojJJ,J.:idnoy ljik,(�as�. 1.1h, -lievol, � looks . on the-bri t - ',- r,,—, L .. �' I I . . - .
* . .1 . . a .r;ift . , , . r. , . USE L
. . L . - , �fd(�, , " �, 611, ,: . . .
andL , i1n,(I Whell All * , tho 6 r * . � L . � r I . .
riVt�n e. 5
stateluent for PUI)Iiea_ " L t I � I . . .. . - .
sometimes in. less than one minute, foferh , to .prevent Irrita,fion :froni. vents, Is ready Nis . I I . '11(l ,�, . r , . . .. r � � I . I I
. * r . I . . 1 I �- Ncl,'� added anothol% "Uoreover , " , * 0I. .
is stone dead. . ekpoSutplp; this IS' o$Paciallyr useful, in -f -cussioji-cap, do-. t1oh" It.road-': , . . L , . . . - I . - $0 ��' .k ,. . L I
I . .train is frod by A pet I I . I— i 44 Victoria .
I .. i . �. � r' 1 "I I ia (I . -L v front Xldiwy it. t he , ally ., t. I . I .1 ' . .
- CUStoxii I, ad ,,,, r . - � _' - L ' .
On a larger animal such as a, dog, I L . . .. tont t by a bananer N�,orking oil :'a. , bovIt a sutT(�i � e re'�, , way for hiln to S lif , . . . � . I L L
. c � . . . * o blame fov S oil'' ' r . .. .. . . . I I I I . . 11
SL pj�ot . � I . . .. I r L (1.0inplaint f6i. twk�xAN11iric y.ars, I th, inisfortuite ' . I . . .
I I .
the poison doe not act so po*erful- It Wes forrilorly'th � to Use ", . I I I . � . I.. " r 4, 1: . , EDDY'S I
very. dry climates, , - I I I 1
L I L . ' "UttleCoMat" CA DA
- .
ly. A thirty-one pound bull terrier buttermilk for thq pldn'r And -the ap- IL r L L L 1. had.the laos.t distt-oising Backache, otherq,-rest assured he'll do- ito" : I - - . INKLY L
was lowered I at o a . rattlesnake's plication ,of this homely reinedy, as . 13AU111-1,LS THAT 'BUtCE. -... Irritation Of tl`l(� "4phlo, and 116ad- - ':Q11ite t so," concluded' a third, .. r . 'LL'A'�lPt'.. gzr-�& .. . ..
. . . . I r ' 92440915VW�_ - 1 I .
. I .
. OL . S That noise - af the almost sill . lult ' fic,s, c( . If tol(f 'tile, of. .. - I . . .
cage and was bitten on th rig4t a protective. against Sun:and.wl�xdj ii one-. Etc Puplod Lit 'thnes with- ail ex- wlil�, t.he 'other dtly:.thqy told 'me o.f . . . � r r. . . I r I -1 .
. , . . _
he bite was,a doubtless all that, it is claimed , -�to 611S. oxplo,sloh. .is,.tramendous. -. When cruciating - circularr,l), . . .
* .jjl� .,abotlt the his ' wife's'devoted nursing of .11till, . .r . .. . . . _ � . � _____ _,.._-7_..___.-_ . _.. . .. .1 . . .
. L I -- . �
thorough one. The dog whined - a b4i - as 'a preier�ati�ve of . -a good .,co - m-. it is byer* ,tho'barrels Are usually, lower I')iJI-t of th" body. Mbat (luring , his recent *itttack' of rlic'uma- 64" . . . . . I . Ch ILLFq A LrL . . . .L
�'. . . . , 'L ill t . ' . r_.IJJ I gp s'. fault4inding . , -PING I a
little after it was drawn up, inoped plexi6n - ,' -- - . r found almost buried., an I stWored., no pon van dos�rlbe. -fniL' tisni. r Ito of ll!. ' � r 1:.A'. AEL .. �
I I .1 .1 r . d eVerrythillm" silo could I L . C - " , r
-soap oil .the, hands i in, hind"t1le rack, :So - . lie. s d I r * I . , � - - -T - edwaTMESe . .
it while and in fifteen minutes was Th&* �se of I file are found to-isoinnia loo add(ld � its torrors afid I his sljoiisv di, . � 1PAT' N. 0
' L ' - fl6sh'.. I L . . ;'ONE: -THOUSAND . . I . I I .. .. r L �
SUr - . . -to a 31 his SVf- . � . � .. .,
so weak that it had to fle'down. At cold weather, , during.. expo to ))a burrit, and many was �groatly ,�odlxco'd il� .Alleviate )its. ll' In. OftL
er . are bqlged... But . � - 1, . . ,�,I)6 & SPECIAL . L
_ L Jr barrels will -rings would cause the poor thing 1.0 YounX Matt and W01111311 I ,
the end of twenty"five minutes it ,tyinds, and iii 'hot' we4ftlier, durl Often "Thr(.(4 difforent . 'dopto�s 'attendotir'f(L . . r : I . . ATTENTION I � . .
- n g, even .'the best O r . tears L as , r - 1. . I . RLIDUUT To PATENT r .
. ' *
could rise vlihen hidden, though -It, exp�sux,6 i4 the'sun, 'should be sup� bulgo, at a. f.IrSj test.� -Tbose ara!soni i4. * One"r said I had Gravol'. -Anotllpx�- burst inte) , She sat by ' Ills' To pr tire . r it ; . ... I . � . ' .
. . . r . . . r . L .. . . LIT 1QATi0N. .1
was growing weaker, At the end I r, oily -a, b 6k to their makers .who -Put, thent, called- it Rrlgh�'4- Disease v�IxIIc'thP',Ijt,dsid0*. �Voll, 61le'dayL'a frichd droi)- much 0 tei N. * . I , . .
of' pl6mented by ihe: use of: an pi �a ' ' , L , . ' . ee how the.'Invalid was mgitl 11 .1 , 1i ... I M AY 00' E E s nti for Handbook
. I ' angerous con-
i .
fifty minutes it had lost all power paration for keeping the skin in a to rigAl_, "J.4.- and send them.. 'up shird. said, I was in bv d � . ped in to s I . . it tha . . I a ontv'&o. I I I I
. I
I - men Ition, . - them. g Ve r In * - . . liold ) 11 ,'-. .. I .. IOS B,y St,,TORONTO 6,'l Pat I
. ,_. 'r._—,------- r ,
Over its hind legs, At the end of li6althv State and free froin'the inarty for -A fresh proof. Mr. Orebiler - di None of . A q any dotting 011. . .. ling" r t em "I . .
� . ..
, r - I
' r . Lof . . . .,.- .,Badly, badly ' LWa I , .
. .
eighty minutes its breathing was .disorders,. greitter or less -Severity tions a .� ease of: on6. barrel -..which perniaxient. hAp iind - my I Keiids . � . I. iled the pessi- 'these . 1. � . .. . . 11 'A LADI ES" - I
labored. At the end of three hmiri of Which - weatlxex� extremes may . J;6 . tirries, yet'eventually thought I could not iliv6 linucil, loxlg�_ Inistic ono.m: 'And, do you kno*, it's - . r . I- I'll, . .
. I I bulged eight r I . L . . . . M 'all Lessons OTTAN COLLEGE
' .
. . . . the startilig-point.-NIoutli's Compan- stood - the. test, and" proved satisfac-. or, . ... .. .. I 1. . : 1. . rall lily wife's fault." . r . /.� 1. 'A
. . . *
IT WAS DEAI). . . .. L r . I . . . ",'ll, 'ossibl Hatnosupa-ior RESWENTIAL 8,hool for .
- . .
. . L " . . - I I . . . L. . . . - . - - "At thi4 , �Stnge 'I gave lip other. . ip e!� gasped the friend inL - , -from. the .' I r ' Lr Cirlv. . -
A man�-or_e of the.atte-ridants-was i6n; . . , � ' r - I . '. . . �. Aoryt. . . . .. � . I r - . L 11 . . , ` . . . . . � . I iL I " . I . I . 11tea . . .. r
. .. I I r r - � . . .
. � — troat�kient, and started Using Dodd'9 surpris(i. , .� I . � ... ,
L . � #� r � * ' - � B -k. can . be. . :. r clantrAl, ., � I I Giii�s Abadefflic; U14tric"1200A %Wt 210168til,t COtlrgeg.
bitten by a rattler at the university L . , , ut before the - -mai * . � I -on,
' proof loy 'Quite Art, ,sure ,you,' Inur- . . For HUSIO (Canadisin oon�ervacorn Art, Elow-f - I
A WIDOW'S PORCINE � PET.; L : ' �Iirrels, even 1 on 1�idi - Pills.: After tal�ing,'two bqx- . , L . . .L il�, I aiq , . Business - , J� , I r ; EXCALEND"L � ' . . .
by accident-. In 0, f&'�' mintiteS ' heL . . . . , , stamped oil .tlia he :, . 1��,' , , . 151; -Wetedlawork,.ko; r
. I r, . - wore �11)iftg'mp a sic in 'It is .tliik% w ay . otiography, Arb .
. ... . . — � Und H r those'-whIch bave. satisractorgy, with� es !.found tlip� . nd Inured the . k all., bad for ni * College, , r , _ ... L 1. .SEND FOR .0ALE_N-bA!?. -1 . I L.. . .
became sick at the stomach and verv. tl�Kddy "' a ' .400 -Po i . . -cJs - r' a' T contiTiiied till I had takon sixteen 14%ixip places are . e; * y0 . . - . . I I 11 . ..
weak. His face paled, a cold swe %Ogi stood r the'Pdwdei� testi thel � q r TpltoiiTo..' .. Addreas.-THE LAIDY PUINCiPAt. � . �
it Ta'uglt Good -Manners. I . . . tlx�o� breath' boxes Wheii I was again t!nJoying the, thei-e that waillan sits .and Cries- just . . I I 1 11 . —_., L L . . . .
. L . L . .. . . st .to undergo. . . . . , . . . ., . — I L
broke out on hira. his breathing was . . further to' -�,* . -_ . . , .,. L L
. . . . . . . L of ja . . . top� s�lendid- v,lkor of varlier inanhood-,'.' to ul' a the.dir itioist.f,". L . ... . \. L . ' . . I
. . . 1. .. ach is -with' a lead s r I Ak . . . I . Porty Is RIGHT.'and we . .
hurried and his pulse feeble. This . . � , plugg0d L . . 1. .. . . � . , I . . � � . .., , . . . . - . . I
was the first stage of the attack, and Mrs., Ellen Canby, ail. aged child- per, and the barrel Allod with'boil- - '. I . , .. r - .4 � - 1. : . want to start another . ORANGES �LEMONS .
I Engiish, Irid., .Sa�s :'a . ' . I A stor - 'J.4 visitors : � .1 L . thousand u"ard in.the �� : . . r . .., 'r . .
in it the woundL itself gave- no pain. I less widow, a ing water, Then another'lead plug - - . - ,,. -told or *soane �, . . . . L
jx�g .thl;011g)l �_ 'tr " ' ' r . . . . I . 1. We have Mexicans, 'WE �, r .
. .
Chicago. Chronicle correspondenti'lias is put ill the muzz I le �and forced down .Who wi'll'o go , epUll. V . .. . C H* I., e�Curcd . . . next -nionth. Will you . I 'L L . � . . .
In the second stage -the stage of re- he 'eiwort of 06., 'chief. . - Deal L be otyc of theni I � Rate
a- pig for �a pot, And . the 'animal . . I I under'.1 . . ness i not,B . California Navels, 'HAVE
. .
tovery,-the wound was painful. The .. . . hy striking.,it with a.hanimor. ! . ., of tr ' � .
I . . . . This. 9110 -'d,p - . - - by loual applica'tons as,thoy-cAnnot are d1socunted 50% for - .. � . Vilencias,-AndL � . THE - .
seems. to show. genuine aff6etion* for - * -of detedting woakA�lni ,I After h li-tl-le *1111-e . tile -N yeklCll tl'o r (11S("asea � portioh he car. next; thirty days.. Write I . ... .�
case of this man was typical. He � . 8 . , * , r . . . 'r , � "PO Wo- T ,E), is only olkl� wity to cure deafness, at once for particulars. L* r. givillis. - - - - �, . I �
. .the is for the purpose r I . i. . . . r Z. . . 13EST
' , Biddy, . . Spots in the barl, V, . ,,,),t. r . .
As she':call. . pig, al. 'If tliere is, tile. I ix"IJJ(,';0*'. a 'oOnJ"-i.n'%vJJ.ich thl L " hd, . . I . .; I .
. . . . . ' 11101 Nvol'a I r 'Mehr 111', I olle o'll(I. that is by.,colistitutional reined�cp. . ".Carespovideace 1. 11 I I *� M3_,&.PZ.&,nr.&,J% L * r''. , . .
, � I _ ScltVJxJg, - . . . 1: I I 1. . . . . 1.
was pulled through without trouble, hFrr ohe of a too numerous' family, t- 'o In I . central Bilsinege College, mr I
was, , L St. pin liole i �stea ,,�111:burst: I iled .y at, .Inflartied con- . .
The physicians' experiments ba,ve r , � IIJIL � the , - 1. bf the. . viAtors wbi4ipered 1.1wha't v, * J)Lafllos�l, IS -calu I I the Lus .1 All the above al- . .
and a gift to tlie-wrldow . ' ,. . r *dltion. of tbe ti - . .. Carload every week, . I .
., . L . iticous lining of I . .
r I i . TOAONTO. , . � I I
shown so far that the antidotes usu- I y. has. been L taught'to rL in .L., I illrouili it -and betray it. . . clous.-looking : cl�vatoros' . Pralvll tachlan gluboi '.W.heii .thi's tube'is inflarn- .. - ___._ 1. I .--- 1. inarket. prices.. We can ;idscl hzilpidle your: . . �
. . . I . I
L . .
ally recommended for snake bites an� , CO 0 210 Ths- cost ifteen -e I or ! , ."Tiova'.11se - . I . , . . . . . , I . I .. . . , . .
Bidd . of this 'is About f vVhrat aro� the"'. hol , old. you have 6, VullIlAing sound or Int .. . � ,. I , . . gS,L. I I
furihex� into .th6. liesidence. than the, ,bnj -rel, and is largelv . . � lierfect' lieuring, nad when, Wis ontirelY . . . .1 Dutter, E Poultry, � � L .
almost worthless. - al- . . s 40 each ))at I '' , , 1_1.,.T� IT " 9 I I
They regard . doorway,. wheile. she. enjoys ia rug. She I . I I I 0'.y. bavi,- no. other. homo, : This is closed,' D�affipss is the res It,. and .uh- L . ,�J). . JjP 11Y MdSQtT I . I
, f its� enforcement . that . u . .1 . L... .
cohol, taken internally, as very valu- � , oil account. o . ,. � I - otir-silting-ro0ni, arid they Are, illy .lessthe 111111-i'llatioll can bL taken out ., � I a Maole' Syfup and other produce.to. advan- . ,
t L , ,, never .forgets the limit � bf hei. Privis- de o and thI4 !;ubc 'restored to i *While Henry Olney. was dr I . L . �
able -not as an antidote, bu L. R,nglish guns are as rvodly lie d . to ts. nornatILL . ' L . I ta�e for yojLi. . . . . I . I .
. . - " yed for- ' 6 r . Ne tv 1 , . . �
as . a ,vife and two dauglAOIN" bltxn�dly.rv-: . ' .
stimulant. Persons bitten by snakes lt�ge. Sho � alwa�s follows her .. mis-, be the 'best in the World. - The bnl,y I . .. L condlLioll, hu""Ing will be destre ,,,,,,,d car thr6ugli , theL . � I .
.. . L .
. . .. . . 0.
. T
n take extraordinary qpuntitles of . tress to the door, of the grocery, other �ourttry - which -insists on tel;t. apoutl6d.the c1lief'v, . ,arc . Ter... . . 'ever. -Nine cases. out of ten .ro ' w ' I,' of, US DAWSON COMMtSSIGN 004, LIMIted., - .
"M . 01 . by Catarrh, which is nothing but an I3rungNv1ck;.NTow Jiarsdy, a 6 R-171 I 60r. WL0, ., TOZON. . I .
. . irearms is Belgium..- Uelgi- �, -. : 4 . - ined. Lcondition of the niticous ser- . I I . L
.. church .6r nalg4bor'6..'resideneei when for )ter 11 . . L . . 1. Infi& xl�ojq�litoos ,settlecl. or, -his fact,. I Por - a Markel. St. :
whiskey or braixdy�two quarts, say, . I , ; . . I .,. .. - _-, IV. - K, I - -.. ..: b 44 I . . .
Mrs 'Canby occasionally visits but um L . . . . . I I . -vicos. I . I . . _� twenty Inknutes the car was stopped �_-, .:�� I .
In an hour without exhibiting a si I d4it Liege, but the , FISITINO AND J1UXTIX0.-* ' , L ItiVe 0116, J..Jurl L ' � �._.: -_..1__--.. I �_ . . ..
We will drod Dollars for .
Caxiby always cariled La.riig for )ter I I I e . . I I � . . . the an I gi ample - ",arness (caused by eittarr ants. , . . . . . . L � I M . . � ...,
e*r ,presumes Upon entran'co. hIrs. proof . III % sail�
gn nev . . guns are prove I . ... . .. until o, had beaten off his� As, iP9 L .
of drunkenness. on Animals alcohol - Is, not So sov re as ours. Do inion Line Stoamsh . . .
. I ei� Will find in Xtah 'a (" bo cured I)y Hall's C&ta.rrh : .. .
has been tried as a stimulant with . "" for I . . I .. . . * . I .
. . . ' to Indulge in* his favor- �'! ond circUlars, free, ., . . - to, Liviorpooll,
""y 0
thlat ca
prote co. on such occasions, and,' as 1. . . 9pp.61-tuilit! la� 11, L ' .. ' - .' . montrolal ' �, .
good effect. In every case it has 19 I �, I Cure. t�i . . ()I, � 14-14, & (10.,� 'Poledo, U. , t ' ' +-----m- - , a i tcin,to Liverpodi . I
. I -9 kk.-pt Scrupulously and in dirferolit, I fashion. .:The.li . - tIJeL itv sport. Tit(,- 1xiountain stredins Ill,(! 'A ly " . . .. , .L I , . .. �L I � as I . . I
done much to tide the victim OVol Biddy I. L clean' fe of I '11.1t, "'by I)ru gists, 75c, ' Larjo and Irlist itear&ghlps,.Sllperior,'uecommodation .
' L
the stage of prostration that follows is goo L . -t ,f* themL is s�i cleed *w.1th gailly 'trout and tile - ,. r nxily, Pills. aTe �tllo.bcst. ., jD TItII, JI().MM-SEF,XXQXtS b, all 6ol.),3 of l"Nise"fors. S%wom ruid staterootmil . .:
d Inarnetedi she. is always w�l- bps 0 1 so britif that to be- Q .11-11 . . . . RQUN , .
. . I . I . L . L l,ttl(! - I I . I I . . ,re aivildshilv. spoo?. attention has been wivoit to the
the snake's bite. . . . . come. .' " . .. I I. . . . -gin it by.11ring treble charges - would ,))lit less :. gainy black bass ,.. I __ :., . .. . IZXCUI�S-101,�S_. _ * - Spe.g1d Salo,lij ul%cl Thlrd-C)asa accolunlutiatl0n, FOC - I .
Biddy, .V�6 L . abounds in. tile watu . rs of Mah:Lako. 1. . . I . . . . . . . � . , jageanci all ilardot%146,aply to,anY I 1. . I
I lghs now . about 400 gre* ly`;-�shortorr'that life, and Jim- L . .. . I . aack Lover '(oxIkeeting an out -i 't 18th, also- Soi)tonibcl 'atL'3'01R-1.11 11990"611. 1 * I
The remedial agent that is of the L I . . at I . ,an bo. I ' ' On Augus . psnyj.or t6'passeoror agont, I . . . � .
greatest value is the lntcrmitter�t .pounds, and during'thek late boom in . I g 0 t. fn seasoh good duck, hunting c IjUl-St 6f'--gf_1of) ' �"Alld*L Wlla�t - w6til ' d'trip tiuk'- )Z.th..O. . I . .
I . , sibly ruin. 'the-shootift power! . . . . (I .1st and 15th, -1008, "Oun Y)O�NIXNION LINE OYFICE1. - ... . . L
. .
Ult pork - I%Irs.' Canby refused the.,highest tit had oi.% Utah Lake, the �JLord�n -tind. .- it ats N I Vi � . rara . . . . �
igature-the tight band, drawn abb L , sa�' I , 6� �
. a gun.., - Thb.'st6ol of which .it inod. . you , Should take your sist;er 11 be is&u&d 'froul. ohicago and . Istill. l,�jiooton. 17st. sla, 6nt St., Moatrca& -
market price.for herL pet, _excusing I'Ll"'Oolis of the . , I ,. ...- . . -..-. . . .
the wounded limb, that is loosened ern cannon' is made is tested before al'0611d .tile pouls; and g froill vo�l. ?" l'it-tio Helen (quietly L'.4t, .1'&Ul Mt. single fin4-clavS flux ( ;—. 1 .117. : . I . I �
' . . . .
I . Ice vallov. Oil the abountain . I i3'�Ijjoly) : "Thank you,'sir,". . that z0ai .
for an instant at stated I -herself on the .plea that. she honestly it 15' used, The "forgii1g" froin Salt I'a on 0
intervals . L , I)Usf, kir�, pl�xxfjrul, 'and larg� and . � . I I . .. - . pi" $2.00 to points S ' ' � ' - L.' '. ..
. ld' whic ,;�eap6n. ls'ta be built ' IS 8'd('�" ge' . I . . — , � . 'L I 1,
-pig's watchfulness :..'a - . . . . .., Noa�thorn Ry.' in tilic dtates 0 ,LJ, . L ..
thus allowing the poison to enter' believed the . It the. . I .Billiard , Table' '...
the system gradually ift tiny q'Uanti- love .,had, mora.,'than once ,paved the xnadd a little larger.than needed, 510 ei, gaine'.can, ho round blit -tile illotla-' ITSO I,var's -Pry Soal) (a powder) .1losotai Olreijon, Idallo., WaiiIiingtui I . . . I . .. .1 .
L . ' . . . . . . . . .
PiCCOSLcan be ,put in. Ei ght ,aln Ic' I$ . , .
tics. The system combats the house 'from attack.by robbers v�ho that test t , -.1fige of� tij�-'. TJ-hiltah and Un- to I wwAi. woolens iIad flannels,- EL)SO. to all poil#s. ill 11.1-itisil Coltill. I .
. . I � . .. The oost,At the Latilrost Pric(i
. Imagino there is mo.ney, in .tile house. pieces are taken, four I'voin each. end CoInPahgx'(l reservatipill . yG(Wil like it. - � . : . bia, reached -via Groat XOPWOrn RN I � Wel to -for Ter ' .� .. I I . . I I �
poison well where the internlittent. . ' L ' ,se . . L L . me
I . TO enable __ L These tielciats &I'(-, valid .for ratul I . . . . .
ligature is used; and alcohol, given . . I . . 6--, These are heatedAn load batliq, Q I I . I people toyvach'the . - 1. . . . . . .. I I., . . . I . � .
, HARD ON THE BABIES-, I . . I 111L 0,1. calities wilhout Illilleces- ... I
each time the baod is loose' L L . -hardenvd by phinging Then favored lo I I I 21 days fr L
. . . Ella , "Wbore does Bella. got her 1')asgage 'Nviblin C'm "" AEID BRO-94',' Wf!g 90-'Y - . - I . 1.
nod, helps I JILC gary 6%tionditure of tilne or-inpiley', good looks frojn��her.father or liar ,of i,;su . .. . . .. I . . I . ..
thuch to counteract the weakening One of the Ark 'effects Of a hot they are tested by a great bydrau -�i L 11 'of- . 0. . . . . * . . I 795 Kin6-.St, W. . � L . L . .
effect of the entering venom. Wave, pas-tic-Lilarly., ill -towns and. inachine, specially. construct ed for the. the UNION IINCIFIC 'llus plit m(Ahor ?" gtella' , "Front lier. fath- Trull -iniouniati.on as to Stop OTIr .
. . . feet voyy.lu rates and spiett�ild'trairx 'lie koons a drug store." . ____.____._� __ � ,
� . .
. I .
EXPE L � .,� eitie0i is a, pronounced, Increalse fil purpose. 1. . . � .W . . I er; � . .. . 'privilogem. 6-te" by .calling on. , t, ` ' . . I . .
ONE, RIAIENT tbe nulinber 0 I f deaths of infanks.. . Vlood. gun steel must g1w, thirtv- service front INIlpsouri 111vei'. _ Ac- I . ____ � Writing Charles W- GMYOS, DiAXIC .. . . ..�
. I . . , . . .10 11 I .
proves that the mechanism which Etven in loho opeii country the EAulYer- 'foUr to, forty-six ions breaki;�g coinniodations pt.ovidod foIr all cl�ss, . . t , . —: I Pasaenger Agent, L6 Xing at�, w6s;1 . I YOUR GVEROOK" . . I . I
. . I . . I . .. '. " .
I ' . . . . 1. t I --A I . . .
controls the act of striking In the Ing of the holp,less lit-t1a on ,I *1 I d strength L for a piece of about,- one- IDS 0 ptxssellgolls� - , I I . . I I . .1todin 1.1,). Toronto. Out., . . . . . . . 1. , .
.e ,.t I . I . I L.. . . And faded Sul til wotild I ook better jV no Agesd , .1 . . d
1, qU L Full iliforniatioll cheorfullv furnish- . . .. . . t ,elt. 1Y . . .
rattlesnake lies in the spinal cord, -d6st -1waii. I -. � . ontrohl, Box 164; , .
xn�ovo the hat StOinlach arter in(I.Ii diametei The elasticity I . . . I _. . ...A— . ..:. � of ours In Your tovfl, Writa direq. � . � I . . .
A snake's head was cut off an& then -tro0ble and. diarrhoea are 1,110. 'foos of the metal before breaking Is an, ad. oil. application to 1"'.. If. Choate, . .. . L . . .� . . I . . . . . aftIT1.414 L A -f . . I . . .
the physician's assistant pinclIed :its lnd�%t �'to be drea.ded at- thiq tf Which JSL ._ (4, A�., 12)(3 Woodward Ave., Detroit, . � . . . 1. . I 1, The Stotit: 0110 : "Ob� I fell Across! ' mEnloAu bYr-yla CO. .i.. I
. ' ' I I . .
I .
tile -and other Important point care JLf. P, ( arter, T. P. A., 14 I ' '' Cured ' urs. the '.-other . XONZREA.L. :.. .
tall. Instantly the neck dafted -back civery try,obbor should Appreciate tile fitilly noticed. The best steel Str6tch- julch,, .or ! was of Acut6 Bronchitis 6n old friond of yo L � .
I . L ' Thin 0110 : -Md .VOtl ? I . 1 1-44 . I .1 . I . . , .
like lightning and struck the Ina Is n" 4_-fi�y of , Cal-6ri'll L .OiL'� and alten- oo �onliderably before it beftdS, L JAM'S Building, Toronto, Canada. ' by IIINARD'S 1�,INII%IEXT, dav 11 Tile ..." . I - .
A oc I . . ' - . --';'-';' .
. . . . . I I . I J. 31. G'AA1PBr,,LU NVJJYI�h h6sidtal did Jhey take I hilli � �* : . . . . .
hand a hard blow. This acti6ri has tion at the rokut sign of llio�.,e trottr Special weapons are Submitted to . L . I . . . . . � � -, . I . I
often been credited to the beheaded blos. Aredlicille should rover be special tests. Por Instance, a' Lives Of 4oino great nien rellibid us ' Bay *f Islands, I . to ?!, I . . coma,li,ss cooy,,. L .
SpLort- , 0 . � . . . . . � . ; . . .
rattlesnake, but usually � with a given to dheek diarrhoea excal3t ing kun has had two hundred sit That we ShOUld, If we are wi.w,. T was Cured of Vacial Neuralgia . . . _�. . . . . An TrIsIrwonian Was lool'ing tit . .
sceptical sneer. Prof. Brower of t4pon the advii-ce of at, phy-stoian. 'A it day fired from it for a fortnight O ts Leave 01-11- 11iodes-ty behind its by �IINARD'S LIOWE'NT, � . -refeigoratol's ill 11 ; hbilso-purnitilling . .
on � Arid coln.111clice to advertise.' .1 I NVAL DANIELS. Isk fo[. Bard's and take no, othe.rl establishillont battle we(iks ligo, Aftfir . . .
n N. L,. . . .
Yale claimed that years ago lic was diet' litrii t ad. ahno.qt, ent-frely to boil- end to tost'its chdura cc. , Other , I I �! . I Springhill, ,4. 1 . .. . -ing into the nievits ruid quail- - - � , .
In California and had his tripod and ed wilk And tile ulso Of Bal."Y's Own tests are made for closeness of pat- . 1. . I I ----- fliquil .
other surveyor's Instraine,rits in the Tablets v;'JJI' CUre aln'SOC ' I Was Cured' of Chronic Illieuma- L tion of a litlillber of thani, sho pox- . . . I . .,
ft ay). ent LDM L I
field. Stepping along in tile bushes 'And ),%Oar) baby in lie V case torn And p(inetration. But those do- Woold' s Llolill bumn's filen.d. tisih by AllbTARD'S LVIISTE,'NT. . Itogitiald Lftpea�rt ' ,,Do N"Ou ever chased. � tile . one that the sttlos�inari I . . L
. alth, Wirs. W. st:,Ibed lit this article are the only . I d(real�l ()f 1110, da,rIllig? A�Jls,q Pin- . I L'' I
T� DasE)t%I . . I .
he felt a movement under his foot ,,. r� .ot Xingslo,a, Oxi't,, L a Lt . . . I I � . � GEO. TINGIAdy. I %y.13,11litter -,' ,,Only when I bavo the aarliured liar would kucp food ,.tl,o I L. � ,
and found that he was standing oil Writes : L . . . L ones th all firearnis made. In this I . — is L Albert Co,, X; B. kL -6 . . .. . I . �, . best. I I .. tIli) L . I . . .
a four and one-lialf foot tattlesnako I 1W Country haV6 Upen.submitted to. TlIk1j; Stand -a -lot I "NT�V husband 1. I I . L nightillul 21 � . afterwards worliAll
I ilk . _, , . . . . 14(yaw da"Vs
-hell r little girl was Alma . . a great inventon?" .' Airs. TwI990 . . . - . . 11ld reC111081ed tJ'!JlJI to. tl�.ke . - I . I
-a large, vicious and fighting fc,l- three tilobtlis old .she. suffered wit)i - AP15E VDICITIS T35r, ORIVS. , -Indeed I 1VjxatL does lie Invent ?10 . I . L .. . 1. I . 1. I . I. . I 1. . : . . . I .. L called I' rigeratoll back AS, it W,nutd . . 11
low, 13ut the snake WAS !go pinioned *%tornilting and lia(I dlax,,rhoca con.,, I -I 'yo . . . . I I BANNI!"M ROUT111. . that ref '�II-"t,JJiIJgL 'Iwt,ter than In . I
I OA to 11tuit and . . 1;o..;..:11-.1'-'. I I.. - I .— . t
�if;e6tvst,111,� -T did not find any n edicine Di�epao Attri1out 'All.s. stalld-a,lot: "Excuses, _210 - TJ -11,1 . . no )�cep . . I
that he could not Strike the thick t 't I 1t)(A Ilor lintil w began giv- . � . I __ I . 14 . I , , There is nothing Illore Assuring to tile. old-rm"Iliollot Ilivat-Sare L ill . tile � , . .
boot that held him fast, Prof, Brow- Vrozen Coratatibles. ., . Pot over -sixty years . Diggs " !15fy Wife Is a w0iydelrful tile iravelel. t1lon his knowledg'o of larder. , .., .
or held the rattler's head down 'with .naby's Own Taoilotv. After ' 41,ir -Froderick Trovos'. who, it wil . I WltqL. WtXsJ.oV8 800TIFTHO BVIMP 1146 b6totlilod by vocalist. Why, I have known hor tile fadt Th F1110.41110,11 Inildly sugge:Aotl I
ing her I
cut off his rattles. giving Jior tbe Tablets the voiniti p1lill nit o vao irn r , . that )to is traveling on a U . L . i
Stepping Aside, I 119 be renic-inberod, ationded and operat-; it 114 ou of to hold liar audiell,4co for bonra—" poslglblv She bad not Put onot'g.T1
at4d diall-0,400 -d Ahe ))ega". serious ,Vigo th is 0 lill Fats a he ill IN. 111116 g!)kin , firm roadbod, uJ)On Which is laid tile tht" .
an -%, 16� I Big -n
sed tl,. I -- bu 11itif �-
it eca'
Ills tripod and cut it off. Then he to ,Inljl,(Yvc ftInJoIyt At ol.,Co, .old upon the Xing (luring his h colic lit ''qt I .
he SAW the body of the Snake, Part i 14 L Ing to kkit, r , I , 'i oU gg - : "(Jet out I', Digin -, "Alter 11011vipSt of, stopi rails, inadc true Ill tc(�, i I it to'l�,00p Ole thing, cold. . . �
- '. Ince illne4q. of last year, has, accordl or iarr , 1i vo.collto 1% n 'hic" . I
thoji whow,vor lii,r ot,ow,cfeft is ovxi,t of 30 IA i tbro Ag 10 I PI 1311,6 ro w, It Aie would lay It in'tIle cradle .their curvos, alid that tile train I�Ijojigjl I(,(,, In it ? Why, i,,, It
the professOr took hold -of the I the onlooker, stated that one 'of the tal or", Ill, I IV. V W lm, 23 all . I I
. sorp- ord(w or Ovi is Constipated we give L 0 .71 , and rock It to sloop." ,,Vhlch carries him is oi the hig ,,� c�,, tit re. 1� T doWt inif nintY
,11ost cra.v,.�, 'L :
. .
ly coiled, lying very still. Taking . her tbe Table deadliest swootincata is preserved I . . L excellence known to rail- let% in it. 1-1,11"Irt" I anything will livep . . . �
out his SUIO to measure its length, n that we dmire. IPP(.V Are gingor, which cannot be eaten with I nbnp�t Say," roni-ark,od -the 1) I I I,- qtandard of its des- cowld, I" Vill Put ce Ill If" A bol;ght . I .. I
K roads kind Is bt-1119, guided to t:o as I wovIdn't. .
ent to straighten it out, t"' "I'(1 t'o "'"'it IS al.; ,;a , "your husband N ill A, bad ENGLISH SAVI Ll IMEN'T tination by experienced inindq. These 011 .
-5 A" sat(. by anyone who has a tendoney sle n I efllig�rftfor
"Quick as an oleo -trio shook," qa1d ie '�' 1�w-.t tyi6dicine, 1: ha'v� ovo� -ty . lixay - , . I
tj i - 'r'y appelif -Any mrrangonicn-ts you � lee," .
(d lot. A chil(J." to , fleitis. way, ' I , Oft Lor dallowed luiliva . 00,01110 ap- leed till, I .,- .
t6b, ,s I . L . I
Prof. 13rewet, "that headless snake y Ilineapple, fresh or Preserved, Is inay,,Want 'to ivalag-_ "oil do,c- Itonlovea all hard. a ara tile conditions which I) L. I �. 1,
, Own Tableta tire sold 1),V sbo ca led 'It' ciould naver, think r,nd blemiAbeg froni husoo, blo4d 904T)", Parent to tlli� frequent travo.lor oil ... 1. ... � L
brought the neck Over And Struck o, all dl��ttlpvq fit metliolne or will 1)'� sald by the great surgoon to be al- tor" . . tlurk)s, al)llhtA. ring load, Awaane3r, st I'll fnp, an(I wlileii have ___ . I
hard blow upon Of r"y wnt poskpaid, (tt 1-werio'-five celytq ,r of marrying again." I hs, oore atid swollen throat, 1,011 il"110 Wablisli IL, . .1 . , ,MW42� , I I
the back . Ix noat, equally rlsky;-and oraligns, figs, . __ . . C"V111350 by Utis Of Of W1.31�:1111t,"t,60"i made that line justly fdIllotTs. The im __
. to batt'e. QJ
hand." Ito added- "X knew that box, lyv t1lo I, mm,leilld raPPborries--in . fact, all frui,ts wi I th al a .1 intist wondakful Blotnish cute 0 1 at -ails dirs . 0"A_ I I., k, , " ., !
. KeeL MInald,8 L101' ani 10 The 110US8 # L I
big head was off and that he � 'noiViL, I 't"All no
. J)r. Nj%IIl1o,tr,.q tit .
could ColillpAy, 111,001oville" My L t, � , pipso are, stated to he very dangerous' I WAbasil has Jtq o%vn i oet to we etro adtfrif 016111, yd" of '110" 4%.-, i,
�, I I . fit Saint I Tho 10f, to th I C11014-OPL"
not poison tie, but that quick find I eating. P M tile World's Vair Grounds otlij,r tvit,Iq Will bold tb-M tht'Sr 0416 to U111
4 . Stella I Don't you thfilk %riss Louis. All AVabaslil through trainS -,Wlitt Wd tiet J;0 hold." patl It rucs. It. 116,4�6
VT IT, . T-Inquirfes 4t St Dartholoinow'n , ThitVA 011t Pst 11t Pri"unlatto 1 11 ti
hard blow of the rattler made ray I NO DO�JIT A;�) it" 'Id'sl Fair �3'tatloft (110r, the odA66 of the Wound togetilo" Ao 0.4r, V1 t I % ( I
I c4hoppor's at Is A pooln V, Bell,, -, Stop at Wol � ot violl; Y41U emft, Lot .
hair Atand on end." NN111`6 (dioplil'yllig new J)onn(,.f) I-- Ilospital resulted in replios, Which "I's every bale lit your hoad nuln- ".Woll, it looks toL '1110 Inore like m sytll) in order to give, passengers Ail 016Y It "I" Mill. YOU Wliy, r"euratl,i OA)Q from
Very I '9t faq I
Shilke' poison, taken into the ##Thiq is ti.e 0, . hloil, L tonded to confirm Sir 14'redericklo beoeed, grandljo.?"�I'Vos, my child.', VeLlp P)l'tUnity to View frolu tile traing wor*o JOIL110 Soll '*64, ,6. 11
11:10,torical Ito Op � Tim 13EI"r AND TutyilR M,F(;. Co:, lftraik I
Atomaeb, IS AS harinleS4 as brdad, John," solnewhat.gloolily view of Inatters, "I'Vell, grarillpa", said tile little to]- __ N .1,461,pik ..... ,1 ii y . ',F.W". 1.
tile World'S Pair 11111111111199. J- ,, . I . I � .
Shakos have hoon made to swallow I�usbanld (4gliNg) I 11% wish It "It in quite true," Said nue*of the. law, an 110 dolitelilplated tile preat . I)ags. Agent, To. _�11_
thatr 6*n venow, dnd no, ovil results was, but X know it lWt, 'I'liere'll house Surgeons, "appendicitis Is more bald PPOt, "you baven't got much o I Ilichardson, Dist I 166ug No.. 04-0:1
. have !pllmved. Injaetod into the J be Another 0110 ,Out next ittlonth. " [coxalixon than you Suppose, -and a head foil f1gul-85." . i mina(d s Liked Is used bi phisidans Ironto atid St. Thowas.
, .
. L .
k� / . - I � � . I L .
1"', - -1 - , � — - - . 111111111�� � -4111111 A_�. I. A , - - — &j6�.W_J .&--I ________A1_4__