HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-27, Page 4, � I I I a I � 4 . The Obiton Nows-Rocord August, 27th 1903. 1 � 1, I I . J we"01111111111111111111111".. ,.. .. .... - 7--;, � ­ on"" ,,,, .......... ------ .­­.. _� I.,......- 1--l- 1. 11-11 ­­.- -.01110111111114I.M.""00004". .­ � - -;---00001110 I 11111-1011111 _____ � . -.-- __ __ . �� .. 11 �� ............. .. . .1 I.. I I I 1. I � .1. ". ­ I 7 ­­ ­ -I , 1--___1_- _­__ � ;, i; -- __�_. - '. - - ­­_ , . I—- -_ . I . � � - ____ __________ . _.___.___._______._ . f4c. Tile pe�6ple of C%R&4& will thiell 1r0X,XESV1ZM Xr=TT TOW00=V. GRFMN CHH'48F, NOT WANTOW IN - *"**,"**********#"Oowvv,vv###"##"*#+ .1 . 'T. he-, News, w -Record ibo given all the 400tages which , 'iting at Mr. ' � . thic c1tv of, Portland bi so alixtiouslyl Mr. W. Q. 11,11.111101laild I%;ft ollAloll- Mrs. 140. Tighc is vis I BRITAIN. . is published, evvy Thursdoyat. .. altvaitiig. The Conmirvativc,policy iv day for 161ount Forest wlivre lit.- ba-� Jaitirs TiglIvIs. has I I " . The Xctw4-Rccord FrIntingUouse, .vrated for the peoplet -, obtained a situatitai. ' Tile Ntowsit,ccord will be �scn RL'TH a railway or t to The Dairy Divigsion, (Ittawa, MCK'NNO"'N &room M I tile 14ibeia recilt and Frost of Cliff- any goldre.-ya uutil Jan, 1904, 2 received advictl frout Alr. A,. W. �� ."-,-,. - " - " _ ,,, - .. I � I ­ I - .. I -1. ,.I policy is a railwaytobio Misses B. ex or �, I—— -_ I "­__ __­�,�M7!��.R__!. . 1 ,9 Grindloy"'ageut of . ALBERT STU= - (�U.XTOX. pro,gilted to the.'OrantlTrtink Ilacific, ton and 1VJiSS4 Vish-ur of Detroit ,)pcnt cents., 4 1 1 I tile Departfilvilit of . . .represented 'by Sellutor Cox and his Monday with friends in thr village. . Agriculture in 3ritaili, to tile effect . ANA -0 I I TLrin-4 of .5 If eel I '. that tile reputation Of Caltudian, clictr. IL -11W. ubscriptIQfi­_$x per year in associates. There Ia Only one c 01 Aliases Alice anti Bertie �)-Larlvy am� _%:1 ,Wft . a advance ; $i.5o way be charged if between 0 419 an I M V W t1w . he two propos' So has licen injured by thelar I `00`78 AP, N D HO"" .4 spent Sunday with frielids. near Ilrti- outilt that has bmi Sent from ainada thell1r, . E not ;io paid. No paper discontinuet, people NN -111 prefer to. cultivate c4vld. - WMIST TU0XEUS,X1TXX. this year ill A green Or uncured con. ' 0 SL stat I . 'rand T was , _ . -'ett ditioli. Dealer � that tile great e Wn P"k % 'nsteall of 111"fig tile Sabbath school withdrawn oil until all arrears are paid, unt ,as 0,14 coffcri'of the G runk Pacific. . $unda Miss Tillie Nott in visiting, Ronsall . the option of t , he publisher. Tile v afternoon on account of tile . bulk ol, Calralian ebimse has b"al: too Out, MoL and loliop trado is awoinjing. latipe prol)ortloim The (Ia. . funeral of the late Thos. Webster. friends, linniature, When shipped I and Callacli. , I i, r duto. to which every subscriptlionis, .. . . . lye Tiptild fill, better quality of shoel,,& 414 111011;I:,11)�, every tiny. Nveart. fillly , I are sorry to, hear that. Rev. J. Mr. Thos. O'llilou had the wisfor- alls will have only therillsolvesi to bI- I pilred to Ineet t tw*f1vuln lid.. . NNr, 1,;, v(t jllNb 1.1-1-vived, it Iarf,10 Stock of andL falls off gt�v paid is 0vnQ QNSURNATIVU-POLICY rAVOR11% ilumur's', bro0tor dlied near Loudon of) oeg top Illell, Nvollie'ricill.is"t; itildollildr-enflonli'liv evIvIlrate(Iractol'i0i . tea on the label. C tun� ta fall frotin a tank while pre- aute it the British "dolin . , L 1* . paring for, thrushing anti wits bailly front Site], ciluses as these. It fleed . Advertising rates- Transient adv(4r- NOX.Z , I Saturday. To shak,un. ill) thereby. 0, � I 4)fJ,I).Kiiigk(lo..Tol-ow-tti,.,j,ii(IJiiiiiI Alepliel,%f ill & 01o" Ifallilltorl'alsog - tisements, Ia cents po Ponpiguriel I . I,Tiss Lulu ,Stanley rcturneol to - Pot be pointed out that q, falling(A -tt,ge slock Of lower privect iTtitid..,frolit ;Nloutreal andqtipbor. The"King .r . ' Mis With Jewd. d , a lowo _ .1 I� 1, 1(i 111114001"thefino4l; wholoo;tovk leadierprocurAble,the fit TNe party of progro�ss in Catiada,thei. Icclo oil Tuesday. . s 1, Son left for Maui- In valand mealts -r price, it ia I Quit lity,, sholes line for first jusertiou %aad 3 cents �, . . . P, alld f* ish C�"JnAt , toba on Tuesday last. I 11) )1; hLJ eXt.pileti. U111. Stool( Ur 1, ,otits ar4d Sho 9 fop tile , � japorttQn. Con,svrvativo party, has givoll, another It is expected that Rev. J. Hussar ' . S. shil-I)ly a case of "killing tile gocISQ ..Liq_ ' _t" , foil per line for each Subsequent , - Mr. N. 1). Crich, Who Ila-, lgen, v! - that lays 9014qn- eggs - " trade iq largerand of blivvriov, quality to ativ Nve evor showed.0 Below , not t . 0 exceed Proof that it possesses it, �Ml grillop ,Vill tO;e his own work On 8unday. iting relatives horet for the past fort- IVI140i' 0 SaloStuall notes t1la.t tile We fliPlitl0ri J� fQw` btyle-4 -.11104 prickl"OvIliell lw�v be Interesting to olose . . I ,Small advertisouents , one inch, such as "Lost*" -Stray- of our requirements for better-, tritivi- .11 night left for his hatue (m Tuesday tendency of the choese inlarket I, 'C' olk-41. boyers., . . . ed ... ... Stolen,- etct, inserted OlIC0 Portation fatilitics. Tile West-deman- . . last. . downward, he is naturally anxious to 4; . . I L . . . . . . P01MEIR.'s .UILL. Mr. Holmes of Boston, brother of get rid of -the Stock lie has on hand ; 16 . . for 35 cents and each Subsequent in- ils ,additional outlets for its grain. I Mis$j M. Holtiles of tile 1j,est: I�uol, at other thitles, lie thinks. that lie will , Men'SFilie Dong,tla�Sho(Wiojn 101 vlvvia 4t*$IJ'A$I,76 And $2, - Sir Wilfrid, Lautier, With a gel in . . . . out mom. , Mrs. Douglas of Godcrich is the . v . Nef)L'S13OX (Jitif an,dFinti Doog-11i, ShOoli J.D.KInr,&Oo's,ojake ex- sertion io cents. I guest of Jwwr ne,pliew, Mr. Jobt; Tor- was "' gues-1; of his relatives for sopmc� a& e tile amount of tile abrinka It eirt's consideration as . L curing by Selling as soo tension. WeH, GoOdvit-ar 'wo,11; McXtty sewis,ln patent hiather Communications intended L , , to, the foasibil- rance. time. n as possible. ,a I and plain,at. $2.25,��0,0,$3;trfd $3,60, . for publica- Ity of III,% solivime, proposel to take TIW exporter, oil tile ther hand,look- 4 . A A*ssrs. Archie Ewart and Ilarry MISS 14111a, and Mr. A. Johns left ing to Ilia own intmediate profit on V Men's Hettvy Plow Shoes,exiiension soles at8oc.l$.$1,26 wid $1.50- . tion must, as a guarantee of good saven years, to construct 9, r4ilway Blake of D I etroit are spending this this week for their respective s9hools. tile transaction, buys clicese that I. -W Boys, Stalidard, School ellovs, At. 05c,$I, $1.25. and $1,61". L 4 faith, be accompanied by the name across a bitrmn country which will be week. at Bra",ide.L . A'special lino of T4stolles' Dorigol)l, Shoes, plait. or p.-40nl; toe cap, 4 presputed to a private company and _�- - L should lie loft in the curing.room ta * 1 . 4 of the writer. Miss Pearl IN ton, has returnwl ripen. The salesman is disposed to a, good value at $1,50, ourprice $1,25. 1 . 11 . thus attempts to solve tile difficulty. from Gxwlerich. ow � . Laclisiel�ne 14 toblication in current � . blairce the exporter for tliq prcavilt . Dongola 4nd ViclKid t5hoes, extiAnsir.illsolps, �,Xing 4 To insure p . issue The leader of tlw Opposition, by ac- MORRIS TOWNSHIP. I 11, L 6 lity" French, beel, lJoadyeat. well, at M -50N and $3.50'. co,)y of advertisements should . . - Macdonald spwit Suu� ­ condition of things and Vice vcrs Wornen's Pebbled and Glove Gritined J-3hoes, for every day wear, be quiTilig tile Canadian pacif MISS Grace . . , le. from , I , North Bay to Port Arthur, proposes clay at the home Of her uncle, Alr, John Jackson, 6th line, has leavoil but it t4kc,'; 'two to Make a bargaiii .. , I sent in early. J as � "S I McKillop town- and it: is Safe to. assullic that bot'll 121- . sold olKewbem, at $1.25-,(mr price $1. 1 to provide -%III g facilities to the. the Crcyder farm in . t... L � I I Ali Pacific !ell -o bIL ino.bf, this c' I 0 NVonipil'a Lnvy Sho 4. bleed'size's � to 8.a, snap lit 50C. 1 east at -once, "Irplin . Canadi X ii, telrl.in! Hamilton of GoTICT silip and will inove, to i a f t,cr his, partio are t a .f - Contract ratcs-The fallowing table -is .l. : , S r 41 - .t ase. It uisseh, aud, ohlitirotes suoie-;Ja greql; vitrjv1;y,aL.�IJ prie,14. cified per- at present has only one-telith of thei . gitest of bei sister, Mrs. Gar- crop is threshed here. - . I.,; greatly. to -be regretted that for 111i . . L allows our rates for spe I . I . . � differ. . . . � . , , 01. I . ... . . -.-. L . trallic needed *ta keep that section of . tile' SaI;Q of a littiv,� temporary ad- 1l, -'----'-' -, . I .1 -.---== , ' � I . . I iods and space : their gystoffi­ fully �occupicd. Mr. anti Mrs, Fred. Lindsay. of Mrs. Jant,es Petch, who has becu vantage both. factorymen. and export- .1 , This , . 're f IkS, I ' hw% Apm,tL 4 I yr. 6 'no. 3 "to- I mO. clearly proves that a seco6d eastern , , London are the guests of his parents, visiting lit, Or a few WLL has Lers should Ile willing to. .ondauger a , 0. ,- . . , . S Mr, and Mrs., D. Lindsav . returilvol to Manitoba. Iler ,son John , trade. ,which has requircol so many Il- a - qJ .4 Column $70 00 $40 00 $25 00 $8 50 link to a transcontinental railway )I . ng acewopainied a car- of settlers' effects years to reach its present high Stan Ll, McKIN"NON' & W 8 10 I Miss Lather. . . _ . 15 oo 6 cio tinuccessary. The Cotlscrvative� party s of Detroft lvvisiti . I I . L 4 � Column 40 00 25 00 I that were shipped, . . . Y4 Column 25 00 15 ao 8 00 2 5o declare that by giving the Canadian relative-, around licre' .. . . dardand which Areans,- so inany will- ' I -0 X 14 4 1 Messrs. Tovii'llaid �Icli, F41liott spent A trial of a case under the Ditches ions of dollars to the farinvurs Of Can, _:1N1r �, I nn IS 00 10 00 5 50 2 (O Pacific, Canadian Northerut Grand . - and Watereourst,s Act was held if, th6 , .. . . . � . � . 1 4 .% Colut. . fStinda : ill. E, moildville. . . ada. The patrons L of factories woitlol #*##ip10-V-#4-4-iVq4r"W4-.pV**4 ' 4 6 00 y . 9 . _V r - - -_ I Inch 3 50 2 00 1 25 Trunk and Intercolonial running pow- I I I township barl, Aloriis, before Judge be consulting their own interests. by Gr I . #*9*VV##"VV##4V#**404 W. i. AlITCHRIL ers from North: Bay to Port Arthur, � . . I peal of I - . . 1. . . I 1 4 1 . the road will becoine a. paying pro- . Doylo;,_ Tho case was the. ap insisting that their cheese be held .,'11___-____- . 1. Sainuel Irvine anti other,, against thu in the curing rootnt until it ...._._._=_____-______.1M�9 . E ,ditor und Proprietor. ,lerty and will be fullir utilized. All: $UTn1_rTR33iZL, , aiva,rd of James Marshall, P. 14, S.,int . . is in the . "' 'L ---.--�.�'-"---.----T!!e����In'�� . Will be treq -1 - - railways , �col alilw. The . . . . . . . I I � beat condition to please the British ,0***4;04,0***#O#***, ` Intercolonial will have fit) privilege Air. a L nd Alra Chas, Johnston and rercratIPL to it survev for ditchott5th cOnsunier. - . . . I . . I � I . ' . coil., running froin ,L;.'Jordan-'s thron- I ' : -1 , - I TIIE WEEK IN PARIJAIVIENT. that other lines will not enjoy, A Mr. and Mr,,, . John, Johnstolk land gh W. . C, Pro - . I L � . I . . J. B.. A-00VER. . . NELSON BALL4 cluminli.,isioll compoied of reliable ,fuen. family visiteti. under t efor's, A. Ilalfidtiyl.s, L. * . . . .. I � - . L . .4 Ilarlianient was enlivened thi,4 week will %-,gulate the . trafric and the politi- roof. 'on $unclay, . . I ."o lllu`!'c�ldal Williams, Alm. Proctor's anti Mrs,. . I . . NT - 1. i � . . , . . . Mr. G, Stt .. Corbett's properties. There Was also THE U,XTZNSIO, OF k MARKETS L I)y the able speech by Mr. R. L. Bor. cal element will bea swept oi.it of tbo trdy and sister, and Miss a small branch in ,9. Irvine's and I J" I . "'* " 4 0 00 den, who calls for a railway Owned. railway department, Unlike tile gov- E. i3itil of near Auburn v(sited. at Fc' VOA. AGRICUI,,TTJkA1, PRODUCTS. L I asition; pol- Mr.* Gea .rgtison's. After.-cwt.sidera,ble evideni- I . .. . .. . . � . . , * - i)v tile people and operated b the crunielit's scheme, the Opp MiS_$CS..LPHill's oil ,Sunclay, cc had been taken the judge, reserved For a mnab � 1* : 'ill y icy will recognize n10 particaliir road ,)y Hilf and Mabol Wilkie decision, - . . . . ,ger. of years the - Do- . . � I � 1 I pe-opliv, it is a practical scheme . ell- lyut will be managed for the. people 'Of 'Clinton Spent a, few days last . . . . I � I . partinent of riculture has paid par- Fullx IFFUREol dorsad by the leading railway meill, of assuring them all the advautagon. to weck'at, Mr, 1. 13rownlLe" . � . Oil August lith at Hartney, Man., ,ticular attention to, the -ant . s . . . ,; devolopm , : . Canada. the vague- be secured. ' L Mr. J, W.'Hill has gone *bel the , spirit' of Mr�,. I-Teriry Tiernan of . our , export trade in a-griettItLitral . 1 1#4 **06,84 . '41 "IP It has none of ow Tor, . I , . . - ' .1. � . . I I . . . ness which characterizes the Grand . � .. � Onto on the appld business fbr Mr. took its flight, ,Site had been ailing products. During. tile, South -African . I .1. . I I I I I . - . .... . I ,D. Cantelait of Clititom. . .1 . for the past year I , cancer - of the statri.- ;4ix. thti departinent alidertook to fill.. .. . . 'ill do . Trunk Pacific scheine. It is a pro- aelt be . A little 61your money spent here W '. 'tile 'S'litylay �chool in con . I . . to WHAT THE .. nectIon in -g tile cause. of deiLth and Sha a number -of very large orders, front . I . posal to extend the Intercoloniolul. I G. T. P. PROM(YkBRS -Inlil,c passed peacefully --away - as� above xtat-� the'wat office. ' a much to make., home beautiful. L . I . with St. 'Peter's church Sit "it as &Ill I ., 1. L . � L rhill, . I I ye t ha, I . . I �, . I . the great lakes by acquiring the Can- GET. . . I family flour, oats, Tfrea�tst Jam , ot " to Z., * , - I . . .: L ' . I . � . .Purpose'- holding a - picnic � no'xt -.Sattir. ed., It is -f:3 -years since the , c , i L . . '. . . I .. ada Atlantic, a Scheme abaridonedby da rdwoved from the, Smith Morris boun- value of over -* I . . I I party after paying mi)- The Grand' Trunk Pacific railway. y- i1fterno6p: oft. the river flats own. .$S,000,000 were pur- . . I �In many the Libera l ed by- Mr... Geo, I -Jill, We - liope, that dary to .the 'Wegit, Mr. Tiernan -'died chased in . Canacla: for the rnaintenan� I , - . ... � . . -jardiniere, stands' * lions of dollars for a connection with company's treatment at the hands all who are interested. in thesund in iF,76.. The surviving farnily collsis- Pe of tile army in tlie field. This I . . . ' ' I . , .� . .. . designs.. We sell. cheao.' nit, develops -Witll'ex�. School and. Work will'be present, ' . 1. I � . the city of Montreal in order to of the governmL . MY, ta of two sons" William athorneeind work was Carried off underth'o Super- . 1. . . carry it aut. The Conservative Party alinination. Not one cent will that .' Another."Piolleer DicparteiL-It is our RoVert. near DelOraitfoi and seven -vision of Prof. Robertaon,'commiss- . I I I - . . . I I also asked for the national i zation of cc A sad and- solenin fluty this.* week claught�rs,'Afrs. Weid6fibariier and Mrs, I ohadr - of AgricuTture and Dalry,imig, . . U N. D E a In"t T A K I N Q . . * ,�. ' the Canadian Pacific from North Ba, )ncern put- in o the new transcontin- recard the death of I to Wright ricair Deloraine, Mrs, Childsat but at .tile begitining of:the prosout . � . haillagy L I aticither-aged and . . I . L to Port Arthur, over which , en-tal railway. The government under- i, Lsj 3 Irs. Jos,' Ww.kins . 1,1 . M�rs,..Marquis 'at B61niant, Miss year it, was decid to Create a dis- ., . .. .. . .. . I . ected resident, A., . ) I . . I . . Fights will be given to tho -counect- takes to construct� t& eastern Section who L �'va ed . �. I . . . I �r� 1. . departed. this life allsaturday of ,,'at 1-Tartit,ey, Mrs,. P. Jackson .tin,Zt extension' Of -mark-etsi division . . . . . . ; . . . .. . . . I .. .. ing great railway systems of theeast from Moncton to Winnipeg. Aloreaver at - ill _ Orris toWlIship and' MrS.- T. Al- eitid to place at the .hcad� of it Mr. . IN A:C,L- ITS,BRANCI-IFIS'L I . I . . � c,. advanced acre -of 0 ' 'years. � . . . .. . 1. , . ; I .1 . , , I .. and west. they agree to guarantee 75 per tiirct, Her inaidwi nirr w�as Miss Isabella . . lie tw6 lilt-:., . , L . 11 . I no cook of Grey - township. T IV, W, Moore Who was -An Sauth' Afri- . .. IL. . . � . I . . � . I .. . . - . . The government policy is in- -much of the cost of the western diviWon.. N1,atk` L rej.niali_� it to' See �'tlti�ir tinaft in .igoo ' and , * _sATisr&c.,T,rox. - (x,:aAiRA,\:rTr,,E,D. 0 ­ - - , - : . xn% � She was born In . . ter went Wes I ' �i ' naflier in ca for the - depar I . . I .. the same position as on July 30th, The Grand Trunk is privileged to pr6- a0i,, -Ireland, and'. panic i I -1 Ito - The funeral ,t(yak pia'Ce ' L OIL who has been inOmatOy �io:ounbcted . . �.. . 6 I . I I . . .11 , � ! . . . . . I . . I ,. . . I . . a Canada, ' " - - Witlt,L � � ­ I I 1. . . . . . . . , - __� . ; , -, �. . ... when it was announced by Sir Wil- vide the remaining 25 -per cent. for when four years old and livecl. in New' '4�,hursday. ' Mrs. Vierlian.'s. Triaiden. all the,. efforts M'hde 1 t increase : � . .. I . - L", i , . I . . �, ' . � L . . O" , 1. . - . . . . I ... . 11 ., ... . L. . I . � . . . so that it 13r for � , as Sarall Dobsou and s � � . . . . I I . . . .. �. I . . I frid Laurier. Minister after ministell that portion of the road, name w , be. was Canadian tratle % With that . country, � - �.- ; . I . ;L '" , . . . I all'SWiek L I four. years and. then - . MrL . I . . I . . I � & L I , 11 L.. L I a r% - df% I I I 1. -r t L . . .. : .. .. , tki . I . �10 A-.L:L'.' has spoken and a whole herd- of Lib- is to be a Irusent out and % out , to WithlICr­Parent,,;, Air. and MrN, �Jhos,, 68 ycars of age.' De'ecased.,,Xras* a It, need. sca�cely be, added - that . . lie Grand Trutik Pael'fic.; JBut .blie � N, ' e, found ., ready I 9J 0 , oral nembers have followed but noth- L L ANIA Its, Settled �oii ,, the Base; '; Line, 1110113ber of tbL �'H.jlish- ehurch� Slip, Mootie' will alwayg',,I�' : L rl %J %J V ER, . I . . . L. I � I. I I arra nt L is 'any -infomation I I .1 . . L ., . ing definite in regard to it has been beauty of this Whole Ilgeme on. the IQt So � . . hits -q, sister; Mrs. D. .'Patterson, , at to * afford enoluirerS L . � I . I . . . . . . . "tit of�'the ,)tie On whic If . . I .1 .1 . I . . . .. . . .. . . . . L . . '61 S s 0 . . . .. I i-ecl ac Ilesid flee .of . M r, Sohn P).L'ell or. � given to Parliaim.ent .and Vic country. that the Grand Trunk. Pacific finislics alic -has lived so. - I tg� , lie Was, inar- J,iltWood, L Ontario, MrS. Tiernan wa ,in his 1) wor kqgardi�k the- markets - :1 ( i w Tim administration is st;ll en,ra:gedin with a complete railway, $2 '5,qoP,'O?O' ried to Mr, JOS, WatkinSL'11 I885 and a kind inatherly wainiiii, highly. rf.- f6r Canadian - agricultural Products, - . . Nigh� anil Sunday calls answe. . . . . . . I ': . I - - - I hunting up trappers W"I hunterg who in common stock and $20,000,000 In lived oft' the fdrin' on which she di�d- SPLeted by all Who k�ew. her, . ,'� . I .. : I .. ... . . . - . , either of the.. principillS. L.. - . . . . I. I . I I., 1. I . ... . . .. . .. -1 . I . L. . � . L , 7. - . �.� �t " ... . I . . . L I.. ­ - - . . .. have been over wi.(',.� to :)etrawersed preferred stock. What bectimes ' 'of this during _her�, whole im-arriccl -life., .1' . I . . ... . ­ . . � I .. , I i -,d Tri.trk -in -a her e. . . . it, .11 . I . I . � � . . . 7: : I *+***"*+**+******* ****+***** ***** +4 by the Gra-, Pacific and i -iWense'sum of -in. ney 7 '11711.0" will arly life She. had. "Illany Anti, a' � I I . . '. .. . . .. .' ++" . L . . I . . .. � +. I � . I , - RtIT PUL .:'. - � - ..,.- . .11 . .. . . I 1. I . I I I and t ger . . . . r , P'. . . I � . I - u oted. as authoTiti receive . it ? Tile only possible.,'desti- ritills to faci, L . .1 ... . . I . I I .. L . . I . . . . L. .. I � ". I .. these are beir- es S . ..L-,VlliCll w& JI)OW . . I. I . . . . I . .. . . ' * . . . . L� . . . . as to tl'--, JiL,i;�g ilaalities of Such nation, for it * is in the packets Of tile .nothing of 1. a9XSJ6_tL. - �* . I . � . . M=nfflynx� - ____ . ., at tile tiflae the , country I I '. L , " . L L . 15iliking the' past few Weeks cousid- I I. .. I . .. I. L . . .. .. . .. . � . road. industriaus . promoters who.se energies was anostly forest 'fit , whicl; " iowned . . � . .1 . efable' correagbIldetice, has ie6chtid .tile - : . - , . . . . . m .. . � . . . ' � I � I . ... L , I . I . I I � . . . Dr S;-rai: u, 1',ast Gray : Mr. Haugh- havC been devoted to promising Pax- evellwolv'es 'and bears. Site. had . , . Tile rate of taxatioli. i,I,JJC-nSaj1 will Markets Division front Great. Britain'. , *" "' . t(,,i '.,- !w ,X, South Silricoe ;, Col. (Hu- liantent one thing and arranging, JojL L . ... .. . TA I 6, - , . . 11 'L.. ***-* ,****4,� . ****,O****4�oo.o***4**********4, . . .1 � .. . . .. L . . I . . . . . I I brother Mr. 11, Watkins 'of k_lcirt6n, be -a coulile ofmilills. higliter than �. last with especial reference to fruit Pu lis, ... . ' . I � . . 6 pberry. , Thc.f�clitL erop * . '-LIri�'VI'll . . . ." her : Miss- Mary aitil hlpssrs. bL reinicirtlyelred that instead oVilic side- in't-he United. Kingdom, .and 'on' the .L WL�� thru'r, 1,'.a�.t Hastings ; Mr. R. L. Bar- ier's privatle room. . It is if� gmat L 0 &a \ ntureS being . I - . - g4, -s, '-( , t1i Victoria ; Mr. W. B. Nor- Soniethitig cise in Sir Wilfrid' . Laur- A dev Aed husband. atid .4ix children year for t1w following reasons � It will 'particularly ras . . _. SL . # den, F' Llifax ; Mr. A. E. KentplEast gaiiie. Nai satisfied with the 545,00O - TI . ,aind , Jos, ,kH; * a]k (lob � .. I . .. . . . . .. . . .. � . . . I 110.9 61, tllm 11011le- �v L. . -iold'at'a prem- Continort,. is very poor and cansii- - .. .. I I I .. I . . I . . . .. . . Toron'to ; Mr. W. H. Bennett, .East �000 stock, the promoters may. - raise stea'd Mrs . Rev. . G., All -Xilty of .turn as. expected, it wits found necessary. quettitly. there' is d comsiderable'L dt, . . . . . L. . ., L L . . .. 1. . '. . . . : . � . I .Sitincoe ; Air. X B. Osleri West Tar- 552,000,000, on their bonds, rmitking Oranloll, �krs. , H. B, . AleVettic 'of to dispose of thein - at a loss of about .Inaud 'for foreign, or rather colonial, ' . . . &MVP S19 , I 1§-�et .. I onto ,and Mr. G. W. Gationg, Charlot- $97,000,000 in all and a road Si�6- This If" to r ' . . L . . ASON '* `U@ L % L: largely ,Nofth Bay and '.Mrs. R. J. Draper be made tip in this, fruit pl0l? .L The �iriarket is n0w:LbarQ1 U . .&J -V � -L, made strong speeches against the built by the gove�imfcll-,t. There is'llo of, . GO(lerl�h . .tawnsllip, 11 , f. V 10 , ai's taxes: 'the co Inty: and s6hoal 'Of SuPpI ea � and as. . NpNy Australian . . . . . . . . I L . . . - . � . t a 6 N I in yo, I t, L . I 1.� I : . . I . I . 1.� I � . . ". ...L.. I : . I . . IL . 1. .1 : govertrinetit's policy. getting alway front these facts. The I cherish in the heart$ tile toi�L rates togiatiler Iilak� an � I . . I.. .. . . . L. . � itiloilier iner6ase of will. not- arrive before 11arch ile- L I � '' . * . conditions are aIlL . . . .. I 1. . .. ... - . . . . .provided for in the' renlerilbralloc lovilig. ,_ loving over 5ioo. The stone, frarr Si..Mar�s exi:�Ilent opp6rtunity' 14 offered, )for - . . I .. . . I L - contract, and the peolile are a6ked to clevoired qII of A. . all,, : . I I , I . . . . � OW - I � . other; The whole comqnttni� togetheir with the .freight make a gbod, Canadian cannefs,.ff they lkave t1w I - � I.. -w 0 ,y )TV W E, IN. R hurrall: for them. . . .1 � . . . . . I . . I I I I L . A RAILWAY FOR TTI`E PEOPLE. . . 1: � .tv extends Jts. d6ppe-st. sy:itpathy", rotind suni so. that, the incieAse over goods to fill oWers. . L .1 1, 1. . . � ., . . I I I . . L I I . 11 . � . ... . 11 . . I . .. - I , . . 'tile following relatives besides ]for last. year is easily , a*-Colinted. for. .1 1. .. . . . . . ., L . . .. . . . ,- � 2 . .. I . I - .� . I . - . . . . � In marked contrast with the flow- 1. I . children vere present at. tile fiin&al -A"r' L HiCk-dy, w1lb has been paying . I ... . - .. � . . This week we conimence. it, Slaughte'r Sale of all Summer goods. � . - cry nothings wliieli characterized Sir GODERICH TOWVISHIP. 1. which Was conducted Vy. Reir. Mr.', to] I or L in tile Molsong'bank hor I a (or the ' . . . - , I . 1.o We bave,had an excellent trade. of Spring and Surniner'Foot- , I L . . . CIDER APPLES.' : . .. . . . .. ­ 14'right and largdly attended -'OnMon� Past' six months. has been 'transicrred , I . . . I : .* I , , . 1. at we' have left, its' 1 . Wilfrid Laurier's announcement of the M . . ; 1. . .. 1. . . . I . L wear and we'are now Willing tasacrifir ' e iih. r. Will. Jenkins, . vdio has been .clay, when: the .reinaiii,; were Iald- .to to the* LA xeter branch. Mr. ACatiiu of* LIn -view .'-of the ' sliart fruit,.cfop. ..... wemilst keep doi- stock .Uo tn date . We bm�e placed on. anit'. . * . ' . Grapol Trunk Pacific deal 'was tile ranching in the . Medicine Hat', dis- rest in Clinton ceinetery , .,' -Mr. ' and the .,.,Exeter branch . Ica§ taken. Mr. 'there -is likely . to ' be - a good.ddinand . . 'Bargain Racks 88 pairs of Child.ren's Oxfords, 'sizes 5 to 10LI, ' , . clear crit, busincss like statement of trict for the past year and a lialf, , Mrs 'H , Watld S Mis . s, D. Watkins, Hickey�s place, here and.iiallies to Hen- .in' Britain for -boiling and cidcr-�Mak�m . . .. . �wbl6h we,sold itt $1, soithe Were, $1.25, All going now. at ()lie. L� * , 11 , . L . . . . . . a$t . 'Ile . 'Mi. ,,, an)-tri-eficled, ., . . I.fi - . . pri - lit. a. : tile Conservative policy ,by Mr. R. L. returned home on. ,Saturday I Alit, J.. Watkins dhd Mri and a.*.' ,limit ghly - fee' . . - - I ce, .only 686. Tbev-;if�e eboap-And'sboula be all gone .1 .. - I I I -g apples. -Tllf, dipartmeni :has' .rc� , ., . I . . likes the country well and wil . .. . . . few days at -this price. ' Conie'and si-e thertf, they itre chedp.' . .. Borden. The 'leader of tile Opposition . . - pro- A. '-Qovsi im -of 'Clilltoh, Mr. - and tit$'. . - . Tile. following - uppQftrecl. in the legal 'CLfved advices from the. "tzadiain .� I. . L fl�j J, tile .. L . bably rebirn to it again. 'L Ill � d A '. ;' Cnittll.11l:S of w . . See ant- Min's Elarve9t; SbbE,s .tit 90c. 'They'are ai'bari�Ain- -1 . speak- Jos ,,Cuirie all Ir, and A ,'-*at a -1, .oni�triissioner -in London to the I , I , ,roptA ­ � ,. . 1Vr . - I ' ,9' �. L Mail id. U-111PIrc, .f I Igh. C ' ' .. r -25 f6r 1, .cs to extend ilie Intercoloniall ing of the West as a market for Oil- Thailipson of Goderith townsbip, r, . . � -firotn would take5,000 , I Llid le -s'. Laced. and Bill t6ned Bo6ots'w'afth V. ' $160 - , 1). C, as.1; aturda.y.` �. , I . effect that one -s . I . .1. to Georgian Bay and insLead of build- tario horses, lie . does nc�!t consider - anti Mrs antelQn'till I d daughtet I ,. � . I I Mr., : :' L'.. . "' Men!s Kid Galtoti - worth $3 going at $2 ' I ''. . I ' tli% ' J, 11 IT-ensall-Qu.-Oypsics frequen- tOPnS Lof each of tha'above starts. , . Ohildreh's BlittbnO.d Boots .worth . * in- the eastern -ision of the new otir clealers call c.antinue to colillpete afW krs.. Belcher. of G,oderich 'Xii * I , " , - 11foore is now in coinnitinicatiort with ' . .1 I . .. � $1 for 75c: . . .. . ' I tack Win'g- fj oil the tole road in tlic�. leading iftift shippers to ascertain, 1, I .. : Ve 0 ter,Prices to cle.ar. ' ' .. ' t V 'Carnl) traiiscontinciA.il road, to nationalize with the ranchers, who can- r�.iao a Alontqtoificry - and Ximipbell �f Se' ant, of IS' 6f the . Se ' rid' iber Lines at Slaugh . . . . I lily farl1l' allol . . L � . I I , while (join ' L . . . . . . I . . . . . I . the C. 11. R. from North Bav to Port so) cheaply. The competition, is not, harn -and ,Rev, 01..M.'Xifty of Grant- g so . I - .1 I . . . . . I . . � I .. �. . . � Arthur. . so much with _,thd Canadian ranchers oil., Tit . they pasturti their hars&s in my fields whatlicr thev catt, � fill the bill, - Thd 'I; . . . ' . I . . .. I . ' I . C deceased. .Was cc COnsistent pioasibilit�. 01 shippinig­ c1dof 'is .alsoi � .,dAsn AND ONE PRICE. -EGGS TAXEN AS -OAM- . t-ilich a policy means ; who are stocking ill) and will L at night -and iise 'inV-fancea f6r ft,e� . - I . . of L tlli, , . , .. I . I 1. I . L. L ' flot inember. of -the Anglictili. church and wood. Can J - I boingr in6.4tigateid.% A trade. . 9 . . ".. .. . - ._ � . I. . . I . . .. *�.� .., .1 .. - First -the preservation of tile, Inter- dispose of anything but geldings, but I i veil �' prevent then! from calin- . � I . .. .. - . 1. I . . L 01" afford facilities�-. for � sell- ; I . .. .. . I . I . . . . ... in c0l(kilial 011 which $70,000,000 Of the 'with the big ranch I es -lit ' Al6it-ama., a life. bccofniji� to that of a. ping on .the road ,in front of my lapin' Sort - W . I 1. . . Christia,ii "wanian',' She lia'd been sorely g. to advantage'th i . . . -� . c. immense quall- , I I pcoplv's nionev has been Spent. On his way -down. Mr. Jenkins Saw &L and ,what- rucans can -T take to do so? titi s . . . . I f loon horses 'which were. he-' beiicg b6dfast for'-flcalrly six - filoliths.. . . 4 - Sr%N - ? lieril, a aill.icted with - ean'CLI' . of the stOliach, Alls.�'Ae Municipal .Act (section ex of cull apple *114ch nowg4?to" -: . .. Second --the ' iitilization of our canal I . -wasto in this co . WM, TAYLOR- WO W 11, : ing trailed to di'llerent, points .in tha Altho-lig 549Yertipowers.councils to pass by- . . . I. . . . .. I I I '.. I . . . .. systorli representing an iltiveistment by N(, It - dc­XtlI was not tritexpect . I . . 11 . .. . . . I . . .1 . - I �­ . . . . � . . I . L edi laws. for restraining and punishing 6t L I tilla people of $80,Ooo,000. , I )rtliwest and. disposed of byatiction yet , it bring'.-, with it that Aorrow llva,,rarits." L l3v .section ,267 of the . I I . - I . I .. . � . I L. I � . _. Good.7 Roomed Cottage. on-Oiltari.o *St.re - or private sale When properly I)rok- and pain which:trics tile hearts L .. . . .. . .. . . . . 1. . � . .. � � . L .. � . : L.. . " . I Third-tbe granting of haulage pow- ' of Criminal Co&�' a's .a�r-endcd in . 100, - : . I I . I . . ers to the four great Canadian rail- ell, Mr. Jeakine says, these ranch-breol tlIaSe near and dear to lier, -3311t all agratits aro . deffileA -thus -Every ono� - - '... . I I i K L TO RE Nrf-:. 1. �. . , . . ... honses are better.. adapted. for .. the. thinigs Work together . far good' to v I I L ' Live.SW,k'Market. � . . . .., �...., I -way sv%toiis frain North Day .. , .,;C. Who . not .1lavilig any visible, fileans of sub- . . . . . . . . . . I .L I . . . . .. . - IL .. � . 1. . I . .1 ' ' to West than Ontario stock. tho, 16VoL tile Lord and �i f P We . . .. L . L . . . . L . Port Arthur, thus avoiding the neces- . Ito. liveq Without ellIploy_ . Toronto, 'August.-�ist�Trade at tho I . . . I I . - .. Mrs. (Rev.) W. H, Cole. af.Fliltt�' trost ill. Hbn Ile Will. ctl�,p us tile. 31'stelice, W , , � 41>40****""++****"4.***** I sitv of con,striietim, a second railway ,�Ii, iiiwit, or . wh6:. is f6und wandering, a- Western Cattle Market ioday,continct- . .. . . 1. I ,, v g, , ar our grle , I I 1. . I th, c, � ell., arrived Monday and ,is isit� ,stien t1i.wd.fleed to lye ", .. f , broad or Jodging.-in any barn, . 6ut- ed good in butchers' ,cattle and quiet. ­ - , , '. . . . I I., I .1 :1. . .. _� ... � rixtah dillicult territory. ' . . . . I . I L . . . L � , . I I � I . . . . . . the _1;e=-t..t_._-_== " ing at the pardittif-I home*, Mr'. Wil- �'Tis hard to bteak the tender cord - Ito picol building ; ' exporters, Tht .receiptg i�ere I . I , . Foio-th-the guaranteeing far all tinic liam Cantclon,s. 1. : .. , I . . . I .L. use, or urloccu L . -also Jor . . .. I . .1 . . I . . . .. L . L.: . . . . . that Canadian freight will pass throu- L ' . . . 1 When love-lias I)Otilid.the; he�rt, ,� ' anyone who loitem oil any stredt, rather light as is L usual 01" 'V4 r'dolys, - � Se@0 _. . . . " & .)&o . SS888C L M-iss May RanCe , '.Clint .9 . @00 @C*G� 0-(i)ss 008(�) 016 . (D$(j�88S88@@SS@(RG* (D gh Canadian ports. of. J oriii is 'Ti hard, So hard-, 1,6. Speak the �vords ro�lcj,, highway Or pulllic Place anil but 6verything offering, sold fairly * . I I . "J�je rnu�st fordve Lr P ' . . . I .. � L . . . . . . ,�, . spending *a - L . I I., . r few days tit Mr. George r art." I Obstructs paas6igerg, or destr4sfen, early and prices were �rdll -mainn 1, : I�ifth-the develo!nlient of trainspor- lYfiddlLton'S. . .. I . . L .. Dearest loved 011ie We h - th6e ., .etc. -ion 2oS says - Every Rece I ipta a . mounted to 34 cars and' in- -� tatimi on the basis of a cam-prelieu- . 1. . . . . .ave Itlid I. . ces . Sect , . I om *R "41, , - -r.- -- EAT CASM STORE ' .TH L � 0 sive sys-tvni, liciving req to our Mrs. George FlUln'rifell-and 1V1iXgMa- L '111 thlepeaceful grave's. embrace, ' ' ' * loose, idle, disorderly person oil; va- cluded 495 cattle, 4,28 sheop and lanf� � , 1. �L. . . I I , ro, .ard ria Cook of Clinfon spent tli6 Gther Bilt thV i-ticinory %Vill be chorislij .. I . I I . L . I '. granif . as liable oft suitimary Convict-. .bs, 645 hogs and! Ia o0alves., . I . p . . . 01 . . * . . . . . . .. . 11 ... I � . . L 0 railways and waterways. . .011 * � 'C'. I - ioit ))vfore it Illagistrate, to Mfiltell0t, , Export Cattlb-T here, Were practical- 0 - ... . .. . 11 a . � � . I I $50 ' t ' L 'Son!n1ellfto � . 1�ixth­thc - upbuilding of our lake Cook of the' I tll'�011'� L L I ,. . oxcoedilig or a inipri IV ITO cattle on t1te market, and trade clay with their brother., Mr. ,Geor,go 11 We sed thy IleaVenly fac . , I I . L� I.. . . L - If . S I . . , I � ports. L Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Blackwell �aud , - . . I . � . . with. or without hard lab6r, . for aITV -%6s qufct.� ' - T ere is a demand L 'for 'a NEW'GOOD . . . a . ' - . .. .. . � . L . L ... Seventh -the establishirie.flit of free fafmily rettrued oft Saturday to, L RULLET'T TOW11WII17 tc�rirc flat exCeelling Six LiciallthS a'r to good cattle and prices are quoted utt- a . . . I . . I . I . . . a . 8, e t1s% I 40I i),)rts oil our soal)(Yard and, the St. Woodstock after a'fartnight'g- Visit L 'L . � . . I . .1 both. It'ikav be that there is ,it � by- , charged and lion final, Extra choicc, " � , F911* Goods of all kind ar r hfiig ba I these' dkvs, . i,awrelice. with Mr. an4d Mrs. Williain. �Colciorugh� mans Miii,grgie Drowlt of Detroit, ac- 411111licip.ality relating tq . cattle 'are .. worth . al' )out $4,10 to 4,8c, * � I . I I I I Vagrancy, anclyou. ulayba,ve a ramt- Cho - conseqt E,iglith--an a."itrance of low freight The bliange and rest greiltly impeoved COIlIPaIlicd by her fricild, Miss rien . $440 . tently we ai() rushink out sumriier - and seas6n- o L L ,- O'D . ice $4.40 to $4.6o, others � . I � ' ­ . a rates to the people of MI sectians, of 11r. Blackwell's licalth and lie I Went at tile salue citv� is visiting at her gy for, t1loullisafice und-erthe proVis- to $4.30 and COWS at $2,50 to $3.10. able goods at sweeping reductions, to make room. It � - Canada, back to'work much invigorattol, - liaille, 'XIlis 1S.hjr1SS O'Bricill,%'. 1617NC.lalls Of that hy-law- If' hawov'r1thete , Butchers' Cattic-�-Tfie demand, Jor I . 0 -all% . t and I we I Ill - . L , , 0 *11 - see what we are showing before bqil1g. 0 Ninill-a. railway niati-aged by tile Mrs. Alary Disney of K as, tl,C� visit to Caliadd and. Hull6t, I , no by-luw; theil. thd vagrancy hi,gh e cattle continif" good but wi pay ypa to , - . . . I people and for dic people. allghter Mi' .1 hape slid )flay Carry 'away Such - provisions of the, Orimilial, Code whidi, very it . . . � . � . .. ... 6 cani'panic by her d' . $a ktll(, . . 11:11 ,,, �bcso kinds ate c6mingp , . -WH ITAVE JUST Rgonivrw , I I Tentli-the saving of an expenditure ,Ubert of Chicago, who lia,ve nuriable recolleldtiol L ': that. Site P WILill I IthaVe quoted may Ile. applicable . . - ,if $im,ono,noo w1flch Sir Wilfrid! I)CLI1 visithig cit the beautifulrosicIttui come again. .0 . a �rard, There was. a inoderate run . . -The flnest range of Golf and Silk I a I . the -case. ,Gypsied -are' not necessarily of fair togoodcattleofferilig and . _1110 ever Olawn in slyth. - . 0 - T,aiitier purposes to nialce for the bell. qf the foriner's brot'hocri Mr. James The Hallett cotincil iflet on 'Satur.. --vagraniq but their acts may bring everything. was sold. at prices well tip * . . -THr - , 0 erit 4)f Senator Georgill Cox. thera witbin the provisions of tile law IiXVIIAENSE RANGE Or, I 1, kichardsoit, returned' to Chicago . oil clay$ the 15th, with 111cinbers all pre- . with thoso of yesterday. Picked,lots * Vel, . - , , newest In DRRSS GOODS. . Wednesday, .Xc pt Coil if ci I lor, Warreft, .who relating to vagrancy., 11 � brOlight'44,40 to $4.6o, choice $4-20 * Ia yotor tinle to .get &nice I - 0 - sent ( C ) . I I Now� L . (i i fgan, We regret, is .not improving ity health, . I . � a . . * Mr. John Richardson of Mich � U) 4,10, (Air to 900d $3-75 to $00' * choice t rock bottom Prices, . I � I b I . L. 0 . . . . ,,�l L CONSERVATIVE,S FOR CANADIAN -110 has bubit thwgrte�qt of III.,; rather 1-10 has flow gone to .the London has. I rough to C0111tron $2.25 tb $3.20 and ' ., � I (L�D 1 Ar. Jairies Richardson, returned to pitat whure.he expects to havelletter I I (§)� PORTS. .1 I , . I rom-sTrrvs FOR soyiTtI ArniCA COWS $1.50 to $3-$O, 1 * . New Clothing for. Men and Boys, his hotne Wedoosday, . . treattriellit'. . . . . . L Stmkers and Peederg-The dLifland e I I . . . . I . . I q!� I . C# The Liberal prens has been painting AT4-s Lizzic, Telll;utt, who, has bovan Tile usital b law for levying tile . Recent letters received at the Do- for thele, cattle toutinues light, whito e 0oneisting of Stilts- aud Overeauts for Men, Suits, Ovprcoats and �� .;I. L () I r siling at hoint. for soordl weeks, taxe! #L . . ya. L, ' -it glowing pictitre' of tile ain lint 0. rand pa&od. Forcotin- partiticift indicate that Oft VLCCaftfttOf not triany are Willing forward. Qua- Pants for Do � W a- at . � O retu�'noed, t; Berlin an Monday, ty pltrpalcs.� the S11111 askeal for -is drought tljd .grain crops in tile Trans, tations. all round tire ,lificliallgetl * Just to hand it largo consignmen b of Cat pets, Moot, OlIcloths 0 ft,eight which will pass through C M t . Nesbitt waa. In London %1,86t.6o,'being $50almore than, lilt". Vaal Will ho- Short this Season and $2�75 toL and tAnolemnsi. . _,� I . $4.20 fat feeders anti $2.50 �) madian ports after tile Gnand, Trulikk this week. . ship Purposea L thu that in coitsequotite thcria is likely to or.%. , . , year, and for towl). to $3.40 for stoolc a Our business Is stond ily increasing And no pitins havo been spared JAL , I Vacific is completcoll, III the contract Mr. J. 11, Stewart vvvnt to Torou- �Aknate(l tfiiituint is $5,725 or I mills be a good detnalA tot Canadian, food ,selecting the very latest goods at the lowest prlces thab the 14ying ptill, C' to with a eakloacl Of Cattle. oft, tile dollar. $5,97, ed by prochictg in the ,%ister' colony. Alilch Cow.q.-TItere, were few after- ��) I which the government purposes to oft- .. I is raquil lie might save inciney by, calling here. tile' triistoo 'Woords, (ior all sohotil . ilig' and triacio Was squict. The raugo * OEI.q (11) - I I 11 .1 ­­ , . I I Any quality of Butter and Eggg takon in exchutage for go ,. I ter into with the 40111,13afty not one . . . 0- p'llrilOso-, and of that .tann $r,go7 Will Of prices was inclined to be easier at , _ �. �� , �, �, , , . ___ __� ... - I _,__ti=__-- I ­­_'__._­_ ' . ­­­'. (�) Word appea7s to ju.4tify such a claini. I be raise(I by sb general rate ,.oil tile � $30 to $45 each, - . I . . I I . (!) � a . . . 11LAXE. , .. WULT4 SALT30 BUTTER. I ' (t; L . � The corrip Lny can drive a -coach alul P. 8. sup.pj)ttxr!i of the whola towli- . Calves -The rtin. wav very light and BEA " four through the agreCifient and a,l. . all Were -sold early. Quotations are 0, Do M.Mc 'H - tic SLYTHo I ' . Harvesting is now c6niplatecl, and ship. There is also if. local il"'ProVe. L One day recently one of our general . . I �11 ready preparations tire g Made at thro�shiiig. is the, order of tile day. melit draina-ge tax at $9,kf.o. The who- inierellauts recelvlo�d '(L tub of butter, ad slightly firitict Olt 44(1 to s�l,.q per lb., * 3protoklia IM1001k. , . .9 Portland, olle Of he Itaffing , (�), - , t;lilln ,Xr. Jolill Hunter, his dauglijet, to its estimated Will 111OLL-io the tax lie StIpposed, but when. thdtub, was. or $2 to $Ia eftell. a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 * 0 0 a * a 0 *_-*),Cogxwoca,c*coco(*DSCV)(1�Cee,obcsx8co�Soosss"o , T)Ilitod States ports, to handle Mrs. Vaattr, and her daughter, miss .toll tip to $15,5'19, nearly 2i per cent. opened by Mr. Armiour of Win;.Ilaul, Sheep atid, 14mnibs- Reeelpts were I . . . 1AW6 , I� . - - r, ", .1 1-1 ­ I— I I .. . 'L I I -1. 11 LL. -'A Crand 'rrutik Pacifit freight. The Coil- Limie of 14'.airgrove, Mfell., have .beoll higher than last VeAr, Olicily'L ie'au'led WlIo hased it froin hint, it'Was. light and trade being good everything =W -_ - ',icrvativogs have Offered it poliey whicat tj ts of W. R. .Allail, building the ft, B. brid IV OPt, IL!tll , feeling, ill I . . I . get, which disu to contain fiv)o ehurniaga of Was Sold. Bevood 0, .fihner . . . rc�apol ,O . . a Unchallge It, gues led all Molutay Oflast, I�v *117ool M _d� Ex. . will coilipel any eacinpany ItSing the '961,00 . will ost butter, between each beigg a layet Of fambs quotaiialisL 6 ' ' i govern-illont Ilitc, front Nirth Bay to week' to the regret of tile littleone,s. � A by-law WJJ.'4L JJa'.,A'C(J L " WlIcIl Wei tjI)tjtkJ the Port 4olleellL are oltiated at $2.,qo to I . . gl'iVilig alith- stilt, which, gJIL(l 0 Ill n I " - 11,ort Arthur to forward till their froi- Mr. Thitsk 1� having spitte repairs oiitv to tile reeve and treasurer to scale% at jicof;rly s&tu pouu&. Tim $1.6o, cull,l; at $2, to $3, lainflig �itt I . I gilt tilroligh Canadiall torillivals. Th'ar'd dona in his older mill Which Will Soon boriow the nyouey necessary for curr, party who (lelivered tile till) in tovii; $2.5o to $4 each, 'or $4.25 too $4,50 1 . I. I will be ne, dadghtg tit's its'sue. Thif opell for abqtlltr Season's work.. out expell;;AQ14, g at proSentL unknown as the tub wag per awt. Adve tising in T U 0meolian Northern, CAURdiall Paci&, Motors. Xotinati Boyce ticul Arthur Cattlicillot's ratterst-M and McMillan JI(L't opell'al 1111til it reacho(l, Willglion : 11op.-There were not inany hings , L . OX eriell'i I tter 1164e (1,rand Trunk, Otand Tritnik Vote!& Udigholter fittend a I were appointed a callitilitteb to took WIloever Was ItIt.,01, enough to, do this is' ouerilig but the buyers word Pretty WSWfl . L C ,�exving for It C -O . a 'It , Mi � and In-tereolollial will 0,11 U."thtliAt- to attend tha i I,egiata At i .q r p III settle for tilt, building of worth watching anti should be prosecatt- well loaded up, veslWrdaM and Vtoota� I iollallt.cd tilik frat" the cast to. the CXliftg. , cirlirrefe wotk, ete. ed to the full extent of the law forsuch tiolts arp- tinchailgisd at $6.21 pertwt. west 'aud will t1tereforof be fol,ftol t0 Alvi, voltteritaft of Carol, Mich., is coutwil adjoutned and will oftet a. & inoag, daitatilly trick,-Oorrio Vi- for lights gtfiol fats; &04� S6.j� for Ilea- 110 ecord Pays# X)rOvido calladiall 011t1vto i9t thtir tra. visiting hot Itlother, mr1p, 'TAN, Uisler, $&Ill When, allool by th clerk,& dotto� f .. Vito. I . I I I I - I I I -1 i , , ! � , � � 3 i *A*" �1�(11!0�. 4 1 2 1� Ito., -, I - 1 41 �4 I - 9 I I , " � 0. 1"' I 0. : I I t 0 - .1 . I + .1 , , - - - I I I i I I . I I � I I . 11 . I . � � . . I . 01 I I . . L I L 11 � I . . . . . I . I 6 � 0 ., I I I . . . 0 1 1 . . I . ) . ft.� l!". I I 11 � - . 0` n, " �% ,. , ��. ; , . . L �, . I ....... � I I Zil,I�W_ I I r . AL&I, .- . I -,.- , 1, kx�t ,_ 'l, �� �,_ � _1L,lJ.�d.d1WJ&h`k, _ I ., 11, - I I I .1 - L - I , ___ - - -- te , _,,_,JW1 � ,,, .1� I. I Akai& �" &.0, L��',%'"!"",_-ta%l­ .JMLNML- - 1 - ­�. -.,L _ �