HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-27, Page 2I
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401111001h . �
2 - The Clintott News -Record I August 27th 1903.
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. . I .
Get tho most I AOONM�4w4omoftk.om�*.4w*omwmlo.aum%�'"W,Aommm*�A=ft."Rwodmmlm.Am , to See that you Oughtn't to Insult tIng used to one 4notherle ways. � You I ach yore sermons-
*s4 *+++"+1 0**++*++ss++* ++++.". Brother D111beck that way, when be'll see, bei waited a good, while Unit Was he was prodoetinated toga t4 tile coal I sech as they arc�-w rote Baker's yeers
Out of Your Food visiting our house and everybody Some older than X was. After Awhile, milnes ter boss ate4lial, 4up that life was ; till Gabriel Mowed Ills lung$ out, aW
I Yqu clon't iud, oaWt It your otom4ok I Py - - - knows what lie thinks about dancing'" though, we settled down UU4 now Ilm. too short to -be kickill, 4 U the Lord'o, � role Id still be moom9bluln?. An, Soule-
. ' 11
19, wQzkk. A VQak stomach does not 41-, �. I 11 WILL NO "No; he thought I did right About it." Awful 0144 1 let my father manage for way .ol ruianin' matters. Besides, he i times I think that SOVII fellers as Alan �
geqt, All that Is ordinarily taken into It# said Dolly. rae, You see, what your Pa U44 and Said, held heord that they Issued a Plug ! Bishop ort to be Paid ter what they do
� I "Then what to the name of common o! tobacco a week to chawin' prison -
it gets tire �ABN 1 hat my father settled on me made 1, in betterill, tile world. I don't see why
, d easily, gad what it fails to . sense is the watter, -with y w comfortable, and It A couple is. that ers, an' he could prove that be wits on
, . . AaMor of . ou, Dolly? Us 0 , )-ou tellers ort always to be allowed to.
idigeat IS, wasted, . _1 _ You can't pull the wool over my eyes, We 4 eight more fha4 the poor ones ol that sort of tbeyl(I look how he'd , rake'lu the Jack .pot unlesg yon,d ac -
Among the signs ofarveak stomach, � t d you needn't try It." are." ground his law teOtb dOWI) to tile : iomplish =Wn outsiders that -lest tilrii
are unenairl - Dolly faced About suddenly. � ,
-fo re " * 0, an
, eps after eating, Ats of nor Copyright. 190i. by. I Dolly stood before her mother, close g0ims'" the'r hands to the job at odd ti'mes.11
you". beRagolio, MCI' Ow"Q010 belch- I I IfAKPZIL Q A&W.. "I reckon you'll sit there all night un. e ough. to toueb, her. Her face wore "Hub"' grunted Dole again, his sharp : Dole drew LillitsvIf up. stTight and
� 11 . .
� . I U , l ."w"""r less I tell you all about It," si, gray ey rl a a ,
Ing% I . . . I vmAN L I li id - esouAbne af ceasif lie h It glared at t�ie offen(ler.
OT have been, trooleg With dyspepolklor 4 . %. 4 . Sharply. "Mother, Alan Bishop. was all indescribable expression of dissatis bellev,ed,that some of Illsown theories I
. . I _ . she had beard. I . "I think that IS, a rather personal
U41 ;�.ntl trledt ovopy remedy I heowd of; . �- . � 1, . 1-I 1. there." � faction with "What io. -
. ,
ye" "You dealt Say!'? "Mother, tell me one thing," sh s were being sneered itt, It was true I mark Brother Daniell" he said colilly
but never got anything that gave me rellet +++$ 1� $ $ $ +++..$++"++ 44."4 +-.*4**.++1*,14+V,�J-:4++* +*.*-4f-*0J$++ *+ I . � I I
t4uttl X took,Hoodlo ftrnaparills. I Carknot, - " ". **+-.+, 4'Yes, And Asked me to let him take "Did you ever let either Of those boys that he, being a Methodist, had not ad- i (':(; 1',I,', CO.NTINT10).)
pralse this medicine too highly for tf -11p B..,qv-euom.wAmb�,qw,qmug,.w469,w.,%W'Qamw.zwoqm�*-,�w I I In to -the two that you didn't ima I vocated a belief In predestination, but - , - � %. AQ ,�:�M=Mxmv
it has O.one, me. I always take it, Ilf thi , . I . me to church tomorrow even 91 .try, Abner Daniel had on more than one w-;--4%-. WCOW=�E- - .
7.,rIoVnd fall an4 rlth6ut I I I � 110b. lie did?" mean -kiss you?" . , I . ,;,C" I I ,
It , . would not be vi , . you on the street and not care A rap ra, Barclay state 9111 occasion shown a decided tendency to ; , . ,
, A g for you beyond tha , O'Yes; And, as I didn't Want father to , . d up (It her dau . . . �
I a thin , , t particular U . , 11 I_ "
. , NUGMT* Belleville, 014t. WIIC�tber her hat's on. right or not. She ter tor an Ins Ant, and then her' - I .. , ,
, _ - �t face bunch 411 stringent religious opinions
flood's Sarsaparilla I Pink froc" au4 yellow 'lead- 1 knew' will tell her husband all about It and Insult himi 11! together and Cast them down as out of ' q "�' 91 a Vial,
, , bow you feel, I've been there six 41f, aiiude to you as her first second or "You told him What your pit said?" broke Into a.broad smile of genuine . , U a
, . I
Stir,engli - stomach And. forellt times, beginning with 4 terrible "No; I just told him father didn't Amusement. She lowered her head to date, When In doubt in 4 conversation : , , ,
I . *
. home and Ones the long. Arst attack and dwindling down third fancy, as the case inay be, I e )Act knee and laughed out. with Abner, the proacher Assumed a _,, - - Pp.0 R T ,
tho whole digestive system, . have fulth In your future, but you've want me to receive him any mor'. coldness on the outswe that was often N U
, .1
. as I ..became Inoculated With experl. Heaven'Unows, that was enough"' "Dolly Barclay, you Are 13114 a tooll" ..
. �� 11 - & --- - . .400� . got a Iougj rocky row to hoe, and a she said, And then she laughed 49AID not consistent with the fires, within .
.�, - -�� . I 11 clice'till now tl liplaint amounts . "Well, that was the best thing for
.'to hard lie cou thing like this could spoll your ugeful- you to do." Airs, Barclay took a deep imost immoderately, her tape in h ,him. ,411 don't see what all that's got , SCOTT'S MULSIO'cl scrves a
� , ty more than a momentary throe ness and misdirect your talents. If, I L If a . er to do with Brother Bishop's mistake," ; a$ A
. ,When I see A, fresh one in 4 train for, , breath 40 she were.inhaling a de- lap., I lie Said frigidly as he Ieaue4 , back in ' brNge to, c2r*, the weakened and
couldgee how you could Profit by Wait- , , I I
i all bour'o ride. I can 40 you a, lot of , . � 11elous perfume, "IiVo much better than "I know what that mcans,Pl said : starved systtai,along until It can find
, .
. . good- it you'll Ilsten'to roe, I'll give you Ing, I'd let your flamo burn ullinolest- ' D611y, In high disgust, "Mother, I don't Ills chair. firin support lit ordinary '
ed; but cIrcumstancesare against US." to have him plun�e in. here some day "It sets me to wonderin' what de-� I . . . ..
x .
. . the benefit of my e perlouce.". . and have . � your father breal; - you can do me any' good. )(Ou'd . . food, . . I
r - I I . -- I . "I'd already seen my duty," said I : out like think . nomination Perkins belongs. to, tba,Vo. ' ., . Son,ifurfreq%onple, . I
"What good would your devilish ex. . . lie does In his rough way, What.did, 'better 99 to bed." . . I I
About 31awneto* I . Alan In a low tone as be came away I . I all,"' said Abner, with another smile. 1 Sf�'()T'r &. DOWNF, cilemists,
perlencedo me?'I.said, Alan Impatient- . Alan Say?" , I .. Urs. Barclay rose promptly, & .. 1. , To.=.W Ontario.
quently made In the : . from the window. 141 have all eagage, � . 01 know in reason he's a big Ike in
. I I I .�, . I
Magnets are fro . ly. . . "He said very little. but lie looked It. .. t 44I think I'd better, too," she said.. "It . ISUC. a7ld $i.04;. all 4ruggists,
� I
foim of a horseshoe or letter U, but a ,4it would III: any imarl's case If he'd Inent with her laterl and the subject you ought to have seen him. Frank makes your pit awful mad for me 0 sit Some church In Atlanta, f er I never .. '. .1 ". , - 1 . . .
I , . . I . -11 - I . . ���
horseshoe magnet to really nothing. it., i'vo made a study of shall be avoided," . . knowed. a lawyer tbat w.%sn!t foremost .1 '� -:::,� M
only believe I . I came up, just about that timeaiI4 in- up this way. I don't want to bear him. . I .
more than a bar magnet bent. As both love. I've .observed hundreds of typl. "Good man!" Alliler?z cigar was So vited we to have some lee I.out like be.alwa a does when he In that way 6' dolul. go6d, I'll bet a i ,�., 19
poles will attract Iron it is apparently cal cases all(! watched marriage from short that he stuck the blade of his , cream, and ral .y hoecake he belongs to some hifulp.l., ..,-,. �
' .
twice as strong as When in the bar. Inception through protracted Illness or penknife through it � that be ulight en- . Fbad to. leave him, He was as white catches me at It." - - I crowd ol worshipers that kneel down I . . . I I
. eet, He had made an engage- . After hot mother had gone Doll sat I . .
,- 1. y
form. A piece of from .laid across tho boredoni down to dumb resignation or joy It to the and without burning his . . . . on saft cushions an' believe In scooplal I
& Inent with me to sit out a dance and down on her bed. 11$4e never was in � , . �
poles Is attracted by both of them. III sudden death. I don't mean that 110 lingers, "That's the talk! � Now. I I I�a till love," she told herself. "Never, never, In all they kin In the Lord's name, an' .
. ' --- - "'
this case the Poles act oil opposite end.s . . st i.posey on downstairs and dauce, be didult'.come In ,the room aga: � & . that�charlty begins at home. I think &
1. I lovers of the� Ideal, sentimental bialld mu . I . � that dance was called, and then be never!_ And It's a pity. She never. could 11 .
. I
of the Irou and do not destroy each I are ever happy after marr! & Age,. but. I with that Miss Fewelothes from Ilome didn't even mention it. Ile acted so have talked that way It she had really that myself, Brother Dole, -fer' thar � 4 . 111 I . �
. . . I
other's effects, for each pole magtletiv(�S. do bolleve that open eyed courtship. . .-thd one ,with the auburn that peculiarly, I , could see It was nearly loved anybody as much asll-w- But Dol- never was a plant.as& hard to git rooted I . I
the portion of t1w tron opposite It, . The 'delighted' Whenever she -is Sim, as charity Is, tin' a body ought to have ., I
-on thert,"ore becomes al stronl nlag* that In nine cases out o . f ten, If people 111-111 to," . .. . I . . -awn ft wbar .they kin watch It close.. It'll . . . I
Ii Will beat the blind sort all hollow and Says I ' killing him, but, he wouldn't 'let me IY did not finish what lay on her � I -
I � . bring .up.the subject again. I came tongue. HowevQr,wbpnshe.hAddl .
not with Its north pole touchln� the were,mated by law accordlim to the Alan went back to tbe,window. Tile . die a heap 61 times of you jest look at .. I ) � . I �
� 0 uear dol= it, but lie Always steered. � the covers qp over her the cold tears It all' It mighty nigh always has bad ' .
South pole of t1u, horseshot, magnet and. jud . Por a long . I . . I I I f . . , A k ., I
' . . .
, gme o open eyed ju, -rain Was still beating on It round it."� rose Ili her eyes and rolled down. on her 1, �. .. .
I . . I .A - -11%
its South pOle toll(,.Iling the north poh. . ell. ur a drought to contend. With." �` . . � I
I -y, they ,Would be happier than they � time lie Stood* looking out, Into the - $.'Ae's a sensible young. man," de- pillow as she thought of Alan B10h6p's . Just then*Pole Baker, Who h4s. al- & I
This Is Popularly called 11 "keell"I%', Lit' now Are. , Nothing ever spoken Is truer blrtcklle�s.. The bad luck which bad, clared Mrs. Barclay. "Any one can r . ready bdea Introd6ced to the read I f ... 11 " -- I L
1 :4 Ave and dignified sufferIng,
Cause-, It "keelm." or preserves. tli(. thnn the ,commandment, 'Thou',phalt come to big father had been a blow to. see tbht by looking at ,him He?s not . "Poor follow," she said.. "Poor, dear , I . or, .. - 11, W i
" . ,
strvll�fth of the magliet, W11101 Do . p[L)u Ito other God but, mal Letaman. him- but its later offsprjng bad the responsible for Ills father's foolhardy Alan!" � . .. � I . . I d , up to the'fence and .hitched his � ! -- .
e(mies ninell wealun- when the keeiwr pnt . anything' above the principle of , grim,. cold countenance pf- death Itseff. ' . Venture, but It certainly & leaves him I . . . . � . horse. Ho.noddedito tile two men on I P I'l - & I , . )
. I . . the veranda'and went around ia .the � .
is left off. -St. Nicholas. -ad never, reklizeif till. now that . i I I � , -�, 11
. .
living right, nad he will be miserable. lie b . I In a bad fix as a marrying man. . Helil � CHAPTER IX. �. I 61116kehouse to get' a - I - I -,
I . I
. I . The man who holds gold, as the chief .Dolly Liartlay vyas so much a part of . .piece of bacon - �, I . .
. . . ' had bad luck, and be must put u ith HERE Is a certain class: of Bishop had promised .to sell -him on -, ' I / -F/ I .
The Plattresm. . thing In life will starve to*death In Its 'his very life. Por a, moment he almost tile consequences, There are plemiw of Individuals that will gather . I I . . I , I --
Some one has been hunflng tip the colUglitteri. while' a poupor. lit rags . gave way to a Bob that rose and strug-'. girls Who bav . 'Ospects T I credit. . . .� - . � . -1 �
. I I e no money or pr . ..around a man in misfortune, "Hub!", Dole gruntod, and -he crossed . - .
history of the mattress. Its be--laning. will have. a. laugA that rings with the .. gled withifi. him. He sat down agalu. Who would be gladto have. him, but"- I - I
� ..
was the collection of rags. husks Or : And It differs very iittle, It It his long'Aegs and -swung his foot up . --, -... �. .. . . I
. .
. .
. . , . .
reeds which were bound together and . jungle QfAmmortal. joy. * In the same* .* and. clagped his hands befdro hliiI. Ili .. 'Wiitber," .broke In Dolly as � if she, differs At.all, from the class that Warms, and down nervously. He. had,the look ". _5 � �---=, - >' - , .
I . .
. way the man -who declares that only dumb self. pity. Ke'told himself. that bad boom' .11steriffig t6 her own trou-. -itself In the glow of a inan!s. -prosper- ' i � . I
-- . I I I
thrown down anywhere to form 1i rest . one woman Issulted to him Is making Rayburn Miller was. right; .that only bled thoughts rather than her mother's & .1 I of a. man 'who.. was .wondering why The test of a heating systeM .
Ing place for the htnds and & serfs. of . the. a god'of her, raising her to a seaf that , weak men- I would act contrary to.such , Words, "lie didn't act aA if he Ity. - * - . I .. such Insufferable bores as Abner should 'is: the warmth of .the halls in & ' ' . . ' :
rich. It is Suggested that . their nameR .. dead, ,material - , wanted ' Horses , were .hitched to the fence so oftem deco'nipany a free dinner,.' He . . . 1. I .
. I
I wo 't support advice.. No,.It. was over-all, all over. .to see.iVe alone. The other couples fro . m the front gate till the way round elt drawn-tothe-iban,,and - y m6rrux � . I
were de. -11 .her I . I , " I tile, earl ' 'ig. -.A hot . I ., I
of shakedown and makeshift , �� -- . . 'ngagdments to taI4'durIng t tile . had,never f . . .�
. weight. I frankly believe that' the . ,4 . . . I who 'bad e 0 side entrance. The mountain It irritated him to think -that- just When- ' water system will keep 'a ' �
rived originally from the Arable glamour of, love is simply a Sort of in. . . .. & I . . . � I . . . .
word "matrab." In the nilddle ages I ' I . - . that dance.,woi;p. sitting In windows people -seemed to. have 'left their v�ri-' Ills meutal facilities needed rest Abner - corilfortablei even ternpera.: ' - ..'' �
. .
1. � sanity that his never been correctly ' . ' . . . And, out of'the'�Wity,. corhers, but he . . . I
feather beds found favor with the .named and treated bc6use so many . FTER the dance Fir nk Hill- . ous occupittions to subtl' enjoy tile , always, managed to Intioduc6 tbe'very ture all,'ver the house day I
I . .(t . kopt me'rIgbf where I was -and WAS AS ' y . � . � .. . 0 1 . I
I I - . I
wealthy and the mattress Was not used bo spectacle of a common man like them-, topics, which made. it ..neCeS$4ryz for ' .1
people have been the victims of -it." -, . use took Dolly home In one calrefully polite as If.we had just beeo . . and night. Getting -up time
by them. Inventories of estates owned' .1 . , , of the droached. Atd besilat- . , Selves who' -had reached too far after . -him to ke6p his WIN about, him. . - ' . � .
. Do you know," ,Alan. burst In al� ,. Introduced. 1. was sorry for ,*him and , . . fin.as perfect 6omfort �all . I
by the. Americ' . . t ' 'Bat . forbidden' fruit and lay maimed, And 'Take that feller 1har,ll Abner Went . I I . :
� I
an colonists Show * .that, rilpst afigrily, "when you ta a ered backs. The & -cla� mad at the �same time-. I could have . . - . " . . � i -the'house'i The ' I � �
mattresses were thea worth $� . ' I4 that *fly � . . .. . torn before -them. . .... � .1 .Ion, lieferri ' over . . . 1.
0.0 o4ch- 1 think -you are off. I know Whatrg . residence. -:was one ,Of the best'made pulle;1 his eats,"' " . . I � . ing to Baker "He!s about:fhe '." .. � . I . .
. . , . .. - I.. ' * -----10%',
being made of hair. In England,mat- - I . Their disapproval of the old man's. hardest customer in this guilty; apl yet * . . ' ' I
& -it., - an �dld "'Hels: seusl' - ' .
. the matter with you -you have simply and largmt In town. was . . . ble, very Sensi , � . ,. .0
tresses of, rabbits' far were Once- used I . I . � ! painted - , . ble 'I'' said hurry.- Providen I ' ' s beful-managed rl lit now. Ile�s got , . �
0 away your heart; your ability ' ' style soutberb., fra . I . .9 Uxf �rd
fritte " 1. .1 . . Alto. Barclay ln'a tone of ')varm &ad- , .1 . 0 . I .
-me. h9use . - efto to ee cbuld.�. not be'
, : .
lind vegetable f1bets of vallolus kinds. to ,O r'e . d had.1VIIIte colunined yoi,all., . hav`iet�&n'lietter shown than in the a ,%Ylfo an' seven children all' Is a holy , 1 .. I .. �. I & I .1 . . .
. ve and, appreciate a'good Woman. white, RD ' mlratlon.� "A man like that.ought to, . . . .1 . . . * . '''' , . - .. . �
. . . I . . � I
.. �.. . - � . . ... . I . . . , . -rascally, condu ' t 6 .to ' ' h . , I , W� t r
.have served their turn. . . � - -perlp t , das Ga. two. sidow ,It was lo tlld� d ' ' fallure'of them all to.eommeut on Ii. rronwbell. e gits drunk. He used to
. . . . T.bank,heaven. your ex ,nq'e has no . . . . .. e.g"- I . I ,be Will do well . I .. ct of the Atlanta ,law � � . , I -1 0't .e , � . .
. , . . .�-,ei Along, and I r6ckon - .
� . .. .. � . .been in. � . and h'id an (,XtV115l.v6 lawn , , . I , . . '. I I . . . - . .. . yer. be the bIggqst.dared6vI1 =6.ushiner,ill . . 1, .. � I . I . � .
--- . W."-� 1. . ;" . , . . � . . I ome day.�' . � . I . .1 I I
� .
. .
I- .. . . -ept be - I - 6:t , � . -
- - - - " Ili front and altllo3t.'a .l1LtIc farm DO- . , . mountains, but Alan 1, - 1 .
Inet 1.4on't see'liow you,could 61' tile town 1 8
� ... -.7-!!�M11n:-_ � � . , . . ,� eiren chuckled over that - part'6f 11 the
t tl� - . � --7. . . over be happy with a woman. I coutdn't . .. � "But, mother," said Dolly, .her rich The - a So I , H - � . �
. . - .. . . . . I . ... .1 I , 1. . . � � ,. I 'in t. ,.To'.their., mindgTerklas -one way an' ano ' , r ! - . Anli Am" .
.. look a purei wife In the face and re. - . . " I . I � & the olden . . .firlendini llml1usf .tile. 1� rC;7.J&, - - .
I � Illud. � . 11 . . �. , round Voice rising , like a Wave ' And .' .. . . . .
-1 . �� I .. � k . � i�as 4 sait of faroff -persoilification.of A. . tell . Ile up one -day an' axed Alan what I I . . . 1
�� � . I � .. . nlember *aW the - flirtations you've. In., . Pollyls� mother had, never forgotten brea Ing., In hot threat '!he', ni4y nete'r . . I I I . . . . . I
� . . ' I
11 I , A"'. ,. I . , ., , necessary evil, who, like the devil him- he could do fer 'Im. I I
, . . ... . dulged ln--Ahatis, If they ,were mlbe.11 - th6t She was once it girl. herself. and in 1p . � � . Alan alin't none ol, 1 . . is the hl�hest. development
I ., ... .. . . . .. .. . , think about 'nit any. ore. , ' iatin'! , . . . . I
R .. 'i I - lateresi'ift ov- � 1OWell, that really would. e self, was .evidently .created to. show - yore sho kind ol. Chrisititno. He of hotwater. h�aflhg. oth
t ore .you. gojl'�,.!jaughed Mfller6 sb6.took the mostactive . � best, I . . er I .
I . � ,q,,� 1, . "Alake lt,:,personal., . ThaVs. the, only erything I pertaining to 1) '.I raort � .,
. 11 ,als their limitations. * . � . shakes a nimble toe at a: shindig when �
. . I
I I , I 611Y's� social dear,' under .the circumstamces. . . I . . . t. � makers come -as n6ar as they. . . I
. , , . I .
. , � ,�& I Nvav -the avera,� ' life.' .'.On Occasions 'like tII . .'Just '- ".316st?" Dolly. .blurted out. "'How . - . The. Rev. Charles ,B, Dole, a' tiLll*,, - he wants - an- knoiva the. - ace from a. . I
- "' _',- ... . . .�e I . , , . ' - i I 0 re I I
. �.. . 6ver itrguei.' 'i4in e �.otle I I . aln' f'dii to -the- Oxford -
, . I . . . . . sixty ot
".." I , � . : It lin 6ssible, to , when" ., I .. . pp4re man of ,, who preachbd'the' - i t Idea. That is 'the' standar�4 ,..: :. ,
4 A 15 ,. speaking In general tefi�s. *Let me -fin., Alescribed � slid found P carl'yotiady th4f,-.wlien" - � I � 61isbot, bu he gits thar . with. ev -y I
I .
" , � 11 . . � 6 exam . ples-first, * � th , e . S eeP . . I . , re ' -and ndays A - , � .. .
.. C. PW 11 . . lsli,.& Take .tw � I . 1. till her da tglitc,V rett rned, and .,,Dolly" you aj.6- mai '' all3i foolish first, second, third fourth Su claw Iii the * When' Some'n'.has to be , . . .
.. . "'.1 I . � - she . -Wade' �1. of each month. In four different- meet. done. .: So. when Pole axed lini that ' they try, to reach. If; YOU - � , , -,
� 7 .. -, L � = . . ellop crailly In.. love, who fates life. �. then slippod Upstalls and. . about hIm,'.ari4 you?" Mrs..Barclayls ' I . . . . . .. . . '' .. .
' . . -
. , . . - with the red rag of,bis,lnfatuatlba� 1 the girt tell all about. It �wlille she was '- face dropp6d into deeper. seriousness. . Ing houses within a day'.s. ride of-Bisli- ,ilam. lest Said,. as quiet As ef he' Was , . . prefer. -the Oxford Kea, i4- -
. . . I . . '
. * 1. I * . Op's, came. around,as,'the guest -of the axln?�Ilim.fer a at h to 11 * 't it
. . * & in 0 Isiit *that yQu gc - in the , ...
' his girl.. :No parentiII � objection every-. . disrobing. . Tollight.glie ,was nio�e nlert .'Dolly looked.Away and 'was ,silent .. . . .1. . glit.a eight, , I . . . .
- . .
.yclu - I I ' . 9.I . . farmhouse as often As his -circuit would, dQuit y inoonshiliffil, o . . � � .
. . .. .thing smooth alid a.carlohd of silver- and. wldeaNk,ake than us.ual�. She Opened T. for a moment.- , Theo she faltered- , P ld,'� That . -ialno om - - I
. I . . I � . . ' ore ' . . � ori;,�,fi t.tM iiriitafi
re, a - clock for ever ro6in - Iii the - tile frobt door for Do w, mother. I�Ilm afra . Id If I mit. He was called the "Ilghtlll�, was all he Said. Pole looked lim straight .
use has this brandYou ' wa ' T . . .. .1 . 11Y and 1111110st * don'.t kno per This illustration. shows the� ' . -
� - P d 011.��the'girlls heels is she fol- o now'i'll never - her" because be had bad:several I . '' . I I � . .. .
. house. ' They itart. out on their hone.y. 'Step e . . . keepon, feeling like 1 d' preac .. n the eye fek it minuto'an' tb6n said- * . - .
, ,.. . � � I &.. f . .1 . . . ,� .fearless.bhnd to hand encounters ,v�ith -""Alan Bishop, you don't in a - -utility of the *grate construc:-. , '
are not getting.the' best 'moom, dolne the -cbFef - cities, at the lo,wed heir upstairs. . . ' I ' . I gei. over it., - I . 11 . � . . .. I . . can that!" I 'ion. The ash base *front: I , - ,
� --�-. hlgg�bst hotels and the theaters In:tbe ; * "WAS it nitO'l sho asli' I , "Ali,.but you'll riot keeIi on..,feeling �'certain moonshiners whose conduct. he 11 11�esj I do, Pole,' said Alan., !Quit! � � ... �
. 1. ed. .., .. .. , ' j
� I . .1 I .1
. . I .
. � -eh-, ured to .call ungodly' because � I - I . . - 1. .
AM for the OctngO)L BfUrr , 045. tlirec:dollar Seats. - They Room t1rol ,of . ,. I'Yes-,`ver�,"'Dolly 'replied.., R pq , Ilk you,do n6w," coiisolcd'� the older had vent * . . . Quit smack off? . . I . . . is easily reinoved,. repairs �
. , .
. . I . I
I . I I & . 1. . I �. up .the I. � I .9 , - . I Imilawful. -1 : .1. � �� .. . L.
. . . he turned' . 1 . 04 'Y ... .
. . � . �. thein�elves and lay it to the trip. - E - ,- Ing. her .room, So e .1 . Ow� woman. ."Of cbu�se, right now" just.. .. . ' oil ax that as. a favor?' said, Pole. I made to. grate and returned I
. . 7 . . . . ,
. . . I . eiing"hom, liard hL- took . It,' . I on 'An' .1 �� � I .
muso.ow ery day, they ralce &Wa a.banoful of * bilirulng' lamp and, st4udlng before , a, .On tile - see d Saturday. after 131sh- - ,,, � to it! --.,i��'
��,��tl=-7:- . y . after se *On . I Yes, As a, favor' ' said ,Alan, 3 place), withou, - -5 ZZ., -.�� -
. -....- .- . .1 . ' . I . � op's mishap,: as Dole Was to preach the . - to . . * � '- i . . %, M
I I elamour -feom. -each other till, wholls i;jIm-or, bedan to take'sbme flOworS out -will kind of sympathl' I I . you Are a goin' to do It O.P �t . � .specialist. .
. . I . . I - & � I - z.e wlth:bIM and, ' . . 1. . . � I . .. ,sistance- of �. 4.
. . . . . ' ,If.her iinir. 'Mrs.'Barcla.v sat down on . Want, to bet' - next day at Rock Crdst meeting house, -"Then Pole begun to 'contend, with - .. . .
-- , they feach: home, * they have. come, to I � . � . 1) Inni; but that. will all - . . - . . .; Our booklets ori 46n)6 beating will ' I
- 71� . . the conclusion that they are.only lit-. the'64ge-of the -high poste& mallogany � as. ,,, 'ay, . 1. reilieniber - whon, I . he rbde,up.as usual and.ttirned his 'fin 'You.are a-axin! that b6ca!se you - it . . .
. . . � . - . , p . W. I �. . . I was . 11 . . .. � I 1. . � liltere yqu-they -are free -write u8, .
��,Ifl' I .. and' not the . highest order* ai . '�ed and ialse& one'of her'blare fi horse into the stable And fed him With think. I'll be Retched up'wltb,� he'sald ' . . . I . . I . .
- s:3r . * man,' � ' 00't about' y6ur, - age I had. .1 falling- out. . . . I '� `
.0 - 44 � !"� - � 11:�,�- . . .Ahat. . For' . a . . . . . . ed, - ' 'the il� y -foundry ' : .*
,e -",., "
- t in he but I tell yo*ii the' 'ain't no,'ma on,ihe
:�e�-V,11" - ��tll , . while they have a siege'of:* and held I r .*hand.*,, She .Was a . With Will t)epl. a �,6�llg man my his own hands. . Then.he Joined Abner 31 . s , G' rne 1 . .
4� - f�(r�,-�,,13-- .. - ��;,7-- . . I Daniel on the veranda. : Abner,had I .. . . . . . & a
;:r -N . �, I %, � . : discontemt, - Wondering where. 'it's all - thin woman, with Iron gray hair,'ifild .. 'father didn't like because his' graudfa- . . face .ol .the earth that .could fl'nd my, . co, i mmliod , . I . .. . &.
. .
N . ' - About fifty y6ars Of ' seen'lifin ride;up, and purposely b,uri d ' ' still. now... You could stand in two fee't . .. . . , I . .
M -W -, gone 111nally the man - Is forced :to , . . . . age. ,She looked 'iller. had bebi! an overseet., .. 4*id,'do , . ' . .e& . . ' . I .. .. . ., .. . . . .
I - as 8 - ',1$0119'6f you know - I PAP � 1.
& .
I ., � . . .. : - about his ' ' ' - Lit he Were cold, but for� n' , - would a6tually �, his heAd,in Ills.'nows er to keep,from of the dobr to,11; all.'day An? not find it . : . .
I .
1. I
- I. & ,go . work, and:the ,womail her'owli s . . � I .t.thought I 6 ' ' ' Toronto.. I .
4- - 11-. I , . gets. to :making things ,to: go on . the he ,was not willing for Dbily., kill alvsolf. . 17refused to cat a bite and .'horse, for Abner if you.1ooked. ferit wlthmspyjlas�. I C: a .i .
.. � I . I _, , .
I . I .�. - -- . backs of chairs and It. I ying -to spre d to remark it. L. L 1-1 .. � ". ", � threilte , ne .to I run: aw - 6y wlill �Iyiljl. rk -' did. not like . the preqchO . rL .. sdany: I to � kin. make bug juice all the rest ol. . my..- .ftngLdgL . . . . I I '.. I . 'L'. . ..
\ ) . : ,4, ., I . . L � . . . . . . L I
. , . I I L I . I I . .d 0 �� . . . I . I .
� 11\ I I Was tb e?" slf6 Ask I I . . � . . , liurt"'as:be would have put It... . . - *Ithou L . --- ' "U � - ,..
\.\ I ---- t-DussleaV..,over tile next ye 1 "Who er ecd. . � this 'da .1 really doi!'V know what I , . life, an" sell It t bein' ketched.1 . . ,. . . . .
'-I A I
0, R F* �
� III!.,
T, J*
-1 * -
0, � I I
.1 ... I
I 11
.0 I �
� N r .. , ar find . ' , - . . .y . . , 'D61' I . ''...4 . . . . I L . .M403mtreal -L . . . . I .
they begin � to court resignation.. Now, "Ob, e,�erybody.'?' . . . . . I e did not'. care much. for Abner . 'I -want you to.give IC1up' saIdAlan, . . .. . I
. - . .
9 -��, � , ., I I . Would. have . dot' 1, L " ' . .
i lkki� I � if � the L 0:.Ir your gra. dfathet ,, W n -d
k k, ... ; ���� � . I F had.*not L had.the g)aa.iour Lat.. ' - "Is. that so?, I thought agood many I hadift seared him away.with a 9 . hota either.- %They I�id*eagaged in.*severa an� Pole did. It Was like Pullin' an,eye. , - in ive I .� � . . I
I .
I .
, to * -Would stay away because It -was abnd . I do�triuhl discussions ln.�Lwhlch the, � togtb, but Pole'ytinked1t. out. ,Alan Is. Vlailcouver I .
� tack their-.' would have got down.. gun. WIll.kept writing 'notes to me. .. . . . . .. � . . . . .
. . . I .
. . . ' ' ' L preac ',r Some wokldill on 'fin, IT w to git. Ilin .to .quit , .- .
1. business Sooner, that's allo. and they '; - night, but I regkon they are as anxious. 1. was afraid to ansWor them - her had Waxed foriogs ovL 0 1 . . . . I .
- . . I . . . . .. I . . I . L L . "L. . . . .
. -- 4 . . I � . L . I . . , but. my.* .1 of Daniel'$ views, which,he described G '. I . . . .
'k, -:,,, - .. . :. � .would baTe. .set a better.. example to to go as we used to be. Then you all . . . . . .. - -liquor, but that ain't so easy. Ho'c uld 1. I - . ., .
I . I . ,. I . I . I . fatbor got hold. of one and went after . ' . . . I � - w
11 .. I . other -plungers. 5ccqm'd'. did have the hacXs?',' - - 11 . . 1. him on: . . . aii,decidedl unorthodox. . Daniel had walk a crack with. a gallolf S1041iiii, - I
, Now for the i . . a fast. horse. . I ly . ' L�' : I .. . I . I
. . . . . " - ., Will's family , �: : - ` .
.11, I . - . . kept his temper beautifully and had about in 'fill. Now, as I started to say, , I I - .L L' I.. .1 I .
.4 .1 , 1� . 1� It Illustra P(iverty� oil one - sl - , "Yes; they �i�d the hacks.ff. ere . I:, P.,
tion: de, . a I TIIL Ile -id what was 'up, ,and they kept. -
. .
% I . . L the 6ther; more glamour . was a pause, duving Which one 1) I all- of . nce of. ,.being .amused Alan to. fn't got no cut �An' dried den6ail- ; � .,
' :., boodle '. on 'eyes . ; him out III the swailip for a few days, through -It all,. and *this, Dole found untioll all, .dblft Ilave tojvalk any par, . . . : ! . � " iiiii LI! . . . . . . . -, . I L � . .
� I - ease because of - the gulf L W" fixed'irather . vacantly on'tile, 11 . . . . : .
Don't Frown ... tliall In other . . . I .. . . and. then: they, sent hill! to Texas, The , I . ".! L . .
. . � . I .. harder to f give than Inything Abner - ticular'-kiiid 6'. foot log to do. big work .* . i :;, . . .
I I whole Despree family took; It up:am(l . . . . . . .-,.. .6 � .. ..
I . bad- Said..' I . � ., � . but it's a4goin' oil lost the same. No* . . - - . I I . .�
, talked ocafid?louwabout lio." '. . . ".'You - all have had some trouble,, I' . I ' ' L . I I .� I, . . . 1�
i I I . . . . . , A don't inean no reflection on yore Way .. . 1 44 L �
.. . "And: you .Soon, got ov ' er It, mother?l ' I I . beer, ,gence ,I SAW YOU last - said the- 'be- .. I .. . . i
. I . � e �ltchlnl wings on folks, but I do .:
I asked D I I .. . L. - . . . . . . . . . . .
. , .olly .almost. In. a tone of,'4119" Preacher as he sat down, and began to - ' . LLLL . --- . . ,
may. L I., I �. . . L . 1---..---. . - -..,. .1. - --,--,-7------ ,- . .
. .. I . 1 L I . I . � .. wipe . his perspiring brow -with a big ` I . , 1� . ip . I . . . I
. I ,. � M . . i . .1
. . - . . . , - I I . . L ;'N" --�� . .., I
1 � � 41 .Well,?' said Mksi Barclay reflective , handkeichief. - . zllrvfffiwzww'1511�-� ,,, ..., . -
* , ,
I ly, "Will * .acted the foo�.l sot'e'rrlbly. He - ', "Well,'l ' reckon It mought' be palled . I . I L . . I . . I .. . I L. . . . I . . . I ..., . . �.
. . . . I , L ' L ' '
. wasn't out In Texas ' three montfig,be. � tfigt,!, Abner -replied as o. he carefully . �- 5 C , t , , .
. . fore lie, sent back a marked paper With kolded lils newspaper .and' put, It into , A -t . . I
!, -
. an. article Ili it about lils-engagement to Ills coat Pocket, � &,Xorle of us was. et- . . , .. n 8 , . 1.
.1 I ' .. . I
. the ,daughter of - it rich mail who, we pectin' �'of - It, an' - It sorter'bulsted out . 1. ' . . . I
I found out afterward, .used, to- keep it calculations. Alf had laid,-out.to put 2 6 . . . : !
livery stablb; the . u I reckoll hardly any new ,bes in Rock Crest . . I I
. . high back benL I 'L I
girl. would keep carling for a'boy -when ' An ' new lamps an' 6ne. thing another,. .. I I I . � L I I L
Ilia- 'folks WAS Aelling such lies'about ' e to me,,-Abnor wiped his I . I 11. L I
. an' It So Ins . . .
'her famlly.r�. ,. * ' 1. I .too facile Plouth-11like I heerd Ilia say � . I . I .
Dolly �vas staring. studiously at the one day that you wasn't paid emough 1.
I I ter - yore thunder an! - that he'd , stir I L . . Tf I
. -
,� "Mother," she *asked, "don't you be. around� An" See what could be done," . .
� Ileve In- real love I ?". . %.. . I . . . . Abner's eyes'twinkled, "But, lawsy . . . � 'he , Bill . .
. speaker. � . . . L ays. . . I .
Airs,. Barclay laughed ,as -if highly mel I reckon of he kin Possibly raise . . I . 1. . L . .
� amused.. "I llLbllevo in a different sort the scads to pay. the tax on 'his lnvestw . . I I . I I . L I . � I
. to the puppy love 1 had for that boy. ment next- yeer heoll do all the Lord 6�- . I . I . I . . � . .
11 . L I . . . I I .. I . I I I .11 .1 L I . . . .. .
Then' after that there was Another Poets, I . . . . I . .
young mail that. I thought . more of, It . L "Hub, I L r . eckoill" grunted Dole, Irri- . I , d will
� . I The N. ews-R - - - - -
.anything, than I did of Will, but he tated, , as usual, by Abnor's double . I I I I A- L � � . .
, was as poor. as Job's turkey, and my � meaning, "I take it that the. Lord .
folks Was all cravy for me and youl, pa, 'haln't got .much to do with blUmall be sent to. any dress un -
. .
who L I'd never seen, to get married. I Speculations one way . or other.,, - . I I . Lof 1,903 1 L.. . \ L
. .0�.
held out against the Idea, Just like you 'Int I Just had that scamp that roped . til the end . for'25 ,,,
- are doing with Frank, I reckon, but 'Im in.before me a minute, rd fix,lwl . . I . . . . I . . I . .1 .11
when your pa come with his Shiny said Abner. "Do you know what de- . I I I . . . .
broadcloth coat and Spotted Silk vest" tominationTerkina.belongs tol" I.. cents, . .1 . I . .
no- It was satift I think with rod snots "No I don't" Dole blurted out "an' I . . L . . . .
. . I .
litaween.. They geL married; hey nave
. ' '
Ilow mally l,rows urc macred ;)y.the
..to.*. They've Inherited the ijtupld Idea.
� .
- .. * '
ugly wrinkle called a frown. . .
that the Lord -is at bottom of It
' 'is.
and that the � glamour his. smile.
tllc.�,YL '�
It Comes from trying to., fi,x .
!L* L . I
.th, , L L
, e elother couple their eyes are
. I
. . ,.
D11 a given . pohit and . forcing. thelli, 'to,
finallLy-'Lopened to tile fhetS'L and.they
perform tasks for which they ,dre'. I . n .
begin. to Secretly wonder - What Ws., All
. .1 . � . �
VApacitaUd . � . .
about. The' one -with. the. spondulles .
A illkiiz oF QOOD GLAssus, v I TT - -
wonderiL Jjarder:th an the one who has
- ' ' - ,
l�.,) iiy us, WIr,L ASSIST IN " ,
none. If the man, has the - wouey, - he
I wil . I feel'good at first over doing so .
much for Ills AfFinity, but if. lie has an
-.- . . -
L;1. %--- 7,
eye for earthly values-4nd good busl-
, .
. .
.^,. J. GP.IGG
. I
moss. men bave=there .will be' Wiles ,
Jones, whose wife
,* SulaiLtific je%volez� ftma .
. . I . 1. .
I � .
had as many'rocks as Jones. Love.
I? . Optician . . ,
,,ad capital go together like railn and : ,
, "Ir I
sunshine,- they are productive of some*- � -
� .
, �
I '�� ,
f 0----11--"e -1111$7�
thing. Then IfAlle woman has tile
' ,
I - -I _
" " ==�, -
� �.. IC17f. ---�-�---=�.. g
hasn't therd0o'
money .,and the man �
. . L� . .
tragely-g, Blow cuttli ,g of 1hroAts, ,
. .. :
- �- . .
She Is Irresistibly drawn with the -rest , '
of the World . into the thought that She
I - I ---.. - .f'-�--!! :
. . . 1.
has tied berself And her money t6'an
I . .
- -
automaton,. for .such men are Invarl-
I , .
I . I . _6 L , .0- �. 6 L ,
it 'o
continwilly deve lopinbu-11mv.
"I didn't know anything was ,wroug
. ,
...., i.l.
. 1. ..�
�, 1 4
� .
:! , ,I.' ...i. I .
ably lifeless. They seem to loso-the '
. . .
.4 t1l)(1 lie sire coii-
i (i (_., , I t1lo(IS
.....,:? I - �
-�, - I
. .; n..'...'i -, �-
..'. ::..,.
.3E".... :*...., 1,
; : i I z ;.;.
.. ., " -z I;, 1. 1 ! : -
:;: .: '. ,
��` """
factilty of earning money -In any other.
ol Iyo soap, ter one thing. She liddfilt
. - �
I.;- .M."It ---% - ;;
V� "
I .-.,.-.
,, ..;;:; t: U
. .... -
! . .:.* 1: ::. ,
way. And its for a proper title for the
aet queor; t declare you do,"
fig serted Mrs. Uarelay. "You general.
: .1. 1.2. , ,;!:
- . .
tiettallosO young Idiot that publicly ad- .
()LI1. I rtli'lel"V lt(�el)S JUS,t� .
, k . ,%
1.1 V (
... �
'::"':%'j�',-� !-,i!:
;*.;.%;-.*.,i..;".."...."!.,�',%I :1
i I
% I
vertl§eg himself as worth enough, In
'fin Ag happy as of he was gol I o o
fi ff ft
I .;
:.m..: ........ 11!m
V ;:;;I
:1 lalii
: I
: .i
IL to sacrifice her
himself, for a . gir
,Frank had it falling out?"
Dolly gave hot# Shoulders A Sudden
::-oz... ii :.-.1.. w
,:;:, �-%Yii*;i
i �t
money to, live with Illin-well, the un-
better xictliods and accessor-
;I .
- ,,- !;
i ii. - - i, I ". 501 : .
J2 ,..
. I I
abridged does hot l'urtilsh It. Jack, Ass .
An' X woudcred what could It' wa4o
' IM so contented, No I hiade some In- .
:: ..
, , ..
Hil"iflil! ,� *1 -.!i
*.!... .....
:.. 0 W
� i 11 .
!I � ,�, !,
Ili billboard letters would come nearer
: . , 4
.. "..4 : 11 I 1; ..
- - - ii* tl , 74
"'; W l". i! " 1 ,
1. .. . I ;!
, i4: w :!
I fli
I(I It 1:11ftli allytillng LII*L V ins v me
I noW. - I'm not afraid to say It. for I
. . �
neo(vt to taftsoineflowers outof lterhai,r�
f f
on it -and every girl In town was crazy
to ihore
0 0 0 0
n't care."
'what's more, I do .
"Well, I It Inter.
. -1 . I . . .
. "
The News-Recorcl is a ,
I I . - V..-.
. . I
$ 'I
, know yould,nevor cause Any ,111 -1 to
- without knowing
give up her fortune
' mage, Ill the mirror. The other pair,
catch 41m and was ,no end of
repo rts about the ulggers he owned
acknowledge Sorter
eats me," went on our Philosopher In
. . I . I L
. . I
... I
, I I �
, . I I
- . i.... J
at least W bother you could replace It
full of Impatient Inquiry, restea.uitcr*
and his high � tonnections-well, as I
an Inscrutable tone, "becalse, Brother
. I
� �.
zWfl;i 1.
�, :, ;p ,
�.' . .. ,
. . .
I . I
or not." .
inatelst on the Image and Its mak or-
Bay, it wasn't a wool; before I Was
Dole,you kin often trace a,maills good
. . I . .
I . . t
L i, I - if.-`- � ": .'I
, , . I �i-.-, .
I f '.
.. I it. .
. .. i1i.1 i� i
.i ,, I i U , 4
I Alan Arose .-And paced tile room,
"Tbat.11 he said as he stood between
"I don't -believe you bad A good
t1mo," broke the silence In
tentative toile. I , . a rising . ,
it .hold see Joe Tinsley, and hear
About me and him. My father wag in
, !it bad doln's to his belief In Bible mat-
ters. Maybe you don"t roinember Jabe
. '. . . I
- I I
. I L L
the face curtains at the window, agninst
"Yes; I did,
for the match from the very jump, and.
Lynam that stold Thad Wilson's stump
. .. ,you are yourse a
. .
Developing , - I ' L
which the rain .beat steadIly-11thal Is
why I feel so blue, I don't believe
. "Then, what's tho-matter With you?"
Airs, Barchlylo im-
so IVAN your pit's folks. Ito put up At
- our house with his nigger Servant and
sucklml boss ADO Was ketched an'
up. I was at the courthouse In Darley
* �. I
subscriber, please reconn-
. . ,
Tile art of 1)1I()t0glj�J1)1Jy i,q
Colonel Barclay would ever forgive
, bet, And I'd die before I'd make her
voice 1.41ig with
pat * lence.. "I never Saw you act like
you,do tonigbt-nover In my life."
didn't want to: go about town much,
I reckon I Was Pleased to have him
Whom he received his Sentence, His
wife Solit me to lim to carry big pipe
I , .
I . I . _6 L , .0- �. 6 L ,
it 'o
continwilly deve lopinbu-11mv.
lose it thltlg.11� . �
I ..
"I didn't know anything was ,wroug
Pick ino out and go we soon fixed
up, tordy, he only had tolaeution Soo
all' *no thing. or other -it pair 61 oockg
ant other necessary tricks, it little can
mend your trlo-nds.
.4 t1l)(1 lie sire coii-
i (i (_., , I t1lo(IS
You are right.," returned Miller, re,
lighting his algar At the lamp. 'land
with Ine, Inother.11 .
Tinsley to we after We got M111 -1110d. to
ol Iyo soap, ter one thing. She liddfilt
. .
. I
A I .
stantly.Appearill". .
0 -
. held oft her off without a cent I know
1 him. But Whitt to troubling we to that,
aet queor; t declare you do,"
fig serted Mrs. Uarelay. "You general.
'111tylie ma do Anything lie wanted. To
this day 11-6 4:111-OW14 him Up to Me, for
the time to go, its She said she, bad a
patch ol young corn to hoe out. I found
. I
()LI1. I rtli'lel"V lt(�el)S JUS,t� .
, k . ,%
1.1 V (
1 you Inay not be bomBfited by my logic.
ly have a lot 'to ��Bay. Have you And
.Joe never ,did amount to Anything. Ile
'fin Ag happy as of he was gol I o o
fi ff ft
,&.Lb W V
littletfll�-a(j of t6a rest-'
I .1 It st
it I Ittle better work, just alittle.
Don't 411OW this to go tiny flarthor.
Lot hot- alone from tonight on, And,
,Frank had it falling out?"
Dolly gave hot# Shoulders A Sudden
tri ed to borrow money from your pa
ftf ter you was borm, The neighbors had
it excursion. go laughed aul Ilowe4
It U4 be Some time Ofore he' got back,
. . . � I
. . L �
- ,
better xictliods and accessor-
you'll find In it few months that You
811rug of contempt.
O; we kot alongas well as we eve
"N 'I.
to feed big childron."
"nut 3 ,
.06, loved father, didn t sou V
An' X woudcred what could It' wa4o
' IM so contented, No I hiade some In- .
. L I '#** 11 1P
M2 L
0. IN Tull
. . 1
i es.
tire r#sIgned to it, just Ilka the average
widower who wants to
I get Married 0%
aid," .
Dolly breathed, Ili some rel of over
iqlairlea on that line. I found that lie
s � I
1 wontlis after his loss, And when slid
Is married and has a baby #boll moot
thought, mnybo he wits a littlo
tnad beertuse you ,wouldn't dance. to.
but surely ho's sow
what Rho tbought was colulng.
"Well, I ean't say I did," -said Itra.
was it -firm bellovor In Ivedestinatle
am' that what wAs to be was foreox I
a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ............ .11,111,11, I ..... -1111111111111111111 ................ rr"I'll, ........... "I'll, ...... . . . . . � I -----1 1111, I I
!?.Igll� g9t quouSh
p q W4 4 terrlWo ti o Sot.
kl�o _,�. -9 - . 1. .- , I'm
falood, #0 0414 that, bf Armll WIPYS4
-�� � .
. .
�., .�
. .
�, . 4
" .. .1 1.�
. . ?
L� L'' 11