HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 8et n The Ocean. On the Atlantic to -day are >tnany• cases and bales of Fall merchandise bound for our stores. The are coming as fast as the big Ocean Greyhounds can bring them, and their contents will soon be on our shelvess and counters. Whenever and wherever it has been to our advantage to do it we have gone to the European markets for our Fall stocks. The coming season will see here better assort- ments, more exclusive styles and better values. than ever before. This business keeps gnaw ing right along, and the stocks that are . on the way for the coming season, will bring bigger and better business to this store . than it has ever known before. Already new goods are beginning to arrive and to -day new Waistings, b tingp S aitinge :and Dress Mat- erials are here in assortments that are genorous en- ough to give early buyers ample variety to . select from. New Waist Mate. ials Fancy Waist materials. will be as popular as ever tl:i3 season. There is a selection here to.day that would do credit to a store a gooddeal larger than this. They come in short lengths, just two ' or three the same, and we will not re -order any pattern • when it is sold ort. Already they are selling ..fast, and if you want to get a choice of the patterns, the best time to buy is now. French Flannels 50c. Pure wool French Flannel waietings, made by the beat maket in France, polka dots and stripes, plaincolors with Persian borders, and - handsome fancy designs, all colors. suitable for Waists, $mono's and Dressing elaeques, per yard •50 Bedford Cords 60c. Bedford Cord Waistings, 27 ;mites wide, cream,green or blue grounds with oream spot, very stylish, per yard •60C French Flannels 75c Fine Menet Fieniiel Waist ings,•plain gronnde ..with ' small Camal'e Hair spout, in green, ,black, navy. --etc., . make nobby waists, per 'yd... ., Bed•lord ords$1.00 Fine Bedford Cord. Waistinge, oream grounds with silk cin- broidered spots, in' bl k; • red, blue, cream, eta; die fold, per. yd.....:.:., r �1: Fancy Crean Waisting Fancy oream materials, shit- • . able for waists, big range of new and exclusive -desi?ns, double fold et per yard' 76, 90 $1. Elegant Cotton Waistings There will be a lot c t heave. cotton Waistings sold this Fall, mostly plain white, or white with small colored spot or. figure. This ' week we :open out some handsome designs in . American Cotton Waist materials. They are very nobby goods, and there are no two waist lengths the same in the ' entire collection. Come in and see them. American Cotton Waistinge, in plain white or with small colored spots, mercerized finish, wall wash and donpwellVery new and serviceable. Jest enough tor a waist in each piece The waist length- -.82.00 ength— .82.00 and $ 2.50; New Wrapperettes lac, 12 r -2c and 15c. Nat fancy cotton waistiuggs and wrapppret:tes are here. . Goodqualities,now patterns large asl;'ort- u.ent and down right good values: ' irapperettes at 10c Wrapperettee in new designs ar.d ooloringe, etrong cloth, fast colors,.tripee, Persian patterns, eta., ,a big assortment,. 27• iriches'wide. Would be good value: ,t 121e, special at per yd..., AIM Wrapperettes at 12 1.2c. • Fancy cotton Wrapperettee, big range of colors and patterne suitable for waists and wrappers, not numb of any ono pattern in; stook, strong firm cloth, feet odors, special value per yd........ , . ,. 2 Wrapperettes at 15c New Amerieen Wrapperettes imported by ourselves, pat- terns that are confined to uat. all the papulae colon, stripes, dote and fanny design., fi:ennel finish, sutt'sbiafor waists. or. wrappere, per cd ,1J Ilalf'Dollar Windom - On Saturday we will have. a, Half -Dollar Window. It \\ ill bo full of articles that ' are worth all the way fro= 75,; to 81.50:, - We have gathered the last ends of ax lot of s:mxtner stocks pix. them all in this wiado,v, and on Saturday morning you can take } our c hoice of the entire lo't fort -P' 112 if'R-Dollar. IIODG[NS IIROS. A SMALL QUANTITY ONLY FIFTEEN BUT A BIG BARGAIN A r 60 CENTS Its a Wrist Bag usually sold at One Dollar, and it's worth one dollar, but we - bought them cheap and OOc is the price. Black leather lined, in- side coin pocket, secure, clasp, sixteen inch . chain, either bright or gun metal finish. They are few in number but great in- value. We don't of- ten talk bargain but if you are interested in a wrist bag we could justly talk to you a- bout this one, at sixty cents worth not less than a dollar. Agents . Parker's Dye Works, The W, D, Fair Co. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. About People - We. Know. Mr.I)aviil '1'iplady was in Detroit tile• hast week. - Mr. James 11TcClay* - of Gatlerich was iu town yesterday: ' - Mr, Arthur McCrae, druggist, Detroit, is home • on a visit. Miss Olive Manning is visiting Bramp- ton too and 'Toronto friends. Mr,. A. E. Moore is visiting lI utril- ton -grad Toronto this week.'. Miss Maud Goodwin left on 'Tuesday to visit friends in St. '!'nomas. .14Its. $, S. Cooper. and ]tier little clan- ;ghtcr .are visiting the .1ionnetcad at 11ltiverton.• Mrs. C:. C. Rance and' Master-' -Toter are spending the week with 'lorvn- to - friends Mr and leIrs. W. Moffatt spent Satur- day, Sunday and Monday visiting St,. Clair, 'Midi,, friends Airs. 11I, Cornell of Cleveland, Ohio, is the guest of her -.parents, Mr. and tors. George- Swarts. Mrs. Alf. Barge and family returned Alonday afternoon • from a' week's' visit to friends at. Atiiberley: • • Mr. and' Mrs:' George Grant, of St.. 1\t`arye were guests .,of Mr. and Mrs. 1\ John . asema1 part 'of 'the past Mr and, Airs, •,•We Bryclonc •aftd 11Ir, tend' Mrs 1 tines MclliuieIute returned: • from Atlaiitie . City, :sew .Jersey,. yesterday, - Miss Gertie Se•11ery, .who ' was oilier way home to . hincirdinc from Gri- msby.„ is the guest Of her sister, . stirs. A. T.. CooPer. ' Mr, and • Mrs. - George Swartz, will leave about the.• 1st. of September. . ` to visit their datighter, Mrs, John Spooner 'of 14lgosontiin,. Assa. Miss Florence. Everett left on 1 ux s - day 'lot 1'ciroitto. where she. will viU-. it friends for a.' week or : so and afterwards attend . the Millinery ods cningS, Mr, - Henry Baker has bv' this bane reached ; Winnipeg an itis way tot :Several points in Manitoba and the Territteries, • He• purposed- going as far. West as.. Port Albert: Dlrs. ..Batt. Scott , and her two child- .rei.e of Reyelstokc, B. C., and Miss •Jeesie l'ot> e11 of TIamilton spentt the past week as • guests. of their • brother, • Dir,- Frank Powell.: Dlr., ..Teines Thompson: returned'• frooi. London on -Friday' 'and,: ori: Tuesday left for Whitemouth, .!Matt: IIelowns, •property in that district and . may ` letif .gti - at. the .high pries pre- . vi.iling.. 111;1. '1tiompsott.'eapeets to .return in. Sll` \t'CCkS Or So. - Mr, 'We Jackson •returned last • wEc' d. from1At otic City .and Neese York \ and .is tlnti • Week. in• Montreal (5:n business.. While in that city. he,will attend the. Commercial. C:ongrdss t� which, business men from all -parts of:the -Empire are delegates.' 11r. 'Gordon Cunnirigltame left -on Tuesday ' for Iiartitey, Man. This Will be- Iris :second. season -' in -the wheat fields and ie his already goad opiniciti.: of . that country iS neigh- tcncd • we • .:need ' li£irclly expect - to keep 'hiui ]n Clintrnt. • . Clarence! • .Sheppard accermpaniecl hint. - Mienes. Kelly . and, Strachan and • Mess- rs - F, .I'..Iack;;oit. and George Tlodd- ' gens deft Geedericlt'b' boat Sunday for a holiday trip 10 Detroit, u To- ledo; Cleveland and Other _places, ces , Mise Kelly will' .diiring herabsence::visit 'Mrs. J:. M.MMlcLean• at • Wind- sor.. !r. "Taeksoii goes • to Cleveland ...to meet itis • Cousin, 14Tr, • A. Snell, whom he has not seen for ten years though they tried annually to bring about a meeting. - Mr. George Barge' returned Ileum • esu Saturday fain Alis trip through • Manitoba and the Territories in the interests of Ilodgens .Bros. IIe went as far northwest as . Fclmon- ton• and , everywhere there was a •.hustle and bustle -that must creeds impress the More steady going Beet - enter. 'Mr:Barge . did a big,. Aroke of 0)usieees for the .firm winch leas orders wluelt Will keep its big staff' busy for many :weeks'. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smellie and two children. of .Chicago' have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Grigg the past' week. Dlr. Smellie, who is a brother of Mrs.. Grigg, is toaster of the Grand. Central depot at which 225 trains arrive and depart every day. lie is only a little over tltir- ty years of age but Ilan held the position for seven years .and -ie known among the railway men of Chicago ale the, "Kid Depot Dias • - ter." Ile is an exceedingly beightt young elan and is booked for pro motion. at n not distant (late til some still more lucrative position!, say. road •master. He i9 now . en- joying a nnonth's holidays. Rev. Sohn. Lloyd Soares of Geneva, New emit, spent a few days hast week with his brother, bIr, Williann ,ions of town, his first visit it - twelve years.. He is now a member of the :dew. York Methodist Confer- nee, but Was for Setae years en- gaged. in special work at which • he was very successful. It was due to his efforts that the first tnrriticipal playground for children Was estab- lislteti in Philadelphia. It required inuclt .entitttsiastic stick-at-it-lvettess to bring it about, but the result lute abundantly rewarded his exer- tions in the good cause. The eev crend gentlemalt is a 'Welshman and very often preaches in his dative tongue. The Clinton News•Record August, 20th 1903, THESE BARGAINS CO ON SALE FRIOAY BRB'S a list of Bargains that go on Sale Friday morning and they are well worth coming for. Bv- oA ery item will be found the same as advertised. It has always been our custom to carry over no goods belonging -to the season they were intended for, hence our reason for making these so Now. It will pay you to be on hand Friday morning and buy enough for next season.. These. Prices Will Fold (food Until Goods Are Sold 20c, 25c and 30c Muslins at 5c . On Friday morning we offer the best Muslin bargain we have ever had. 2U0 yards of fine Colored Muslins in assorted designs and colors: that .05 sold at 20e, 25c and 80c for 30c, 35c and 40c Muslins at 10c 200 yards ds of American and French Muslins in elegant designs and colors. These are all our Best Muslins,that sold at 30e, 35e and 40e. On sale at per yard 25c and 30c White Nuslins at 15e 150 yards of White Muslin and Dimities in assorted fancy lace stripe de. sfgnd', also plain corded effects that sold at 25c and 30e. Sale price.. .15 Save: a Half on Shirt Waists $1 Shirt Waists at 50c Ladies' line White. Lawn Waists nicely trimmed with embroidery ,inser- tion, regular $1 for..... , , .. .. . .......... .. :5 0 $1.50 to $1.75 Waists at 75c i' cur choice of two dozen Shirt Waists of fine white latvn, all ale nrecle. .in 'netveatstyles,•viarynicelytrimmed with .tucks, embroidery, in- ser.tion, etc. These waists sold at $1.50 to $1.7v, To clear tet....... „ .� 5 • • $1.25 Black Sateen Underskirts for $1 More •15c. Wrapperette at .1;0c 300 yards more of the best; Wrapperette in assorted colors and designs, - regular•value ISe for • • Two Glove Bargain 25c to 35c Gloves at 20c Your choice of several lines of silk and lace Gloves in white and black, that sold' at. 25e to 35e felt ■10 40c, 45c and 5.0c Gloves for 30c Two dozen pairs of silk and Lace Gloves in •blackand white that sold at l0e, lee and 50c for• 0 5Qc and 75c Corsets at 38c Three dozen Summer Corsets made of white batiste and net nil sires from 18 to 20 in stock. These are our very hest 50e and 75c Corsets for .38 A - Big Reduction in Ladies' and Children's Hose ' 25c and 35c Fancy Hose at 19c 1(fl pairs Of Children's fancy stripe and spotted hns5 in assor•tei sizes, all 'ire the herntsdorf (lye, regular pt ices 25e and 35e, Sole price.. • 1 0 Ladies' 35c Lace Hose at 25c Ladies' 45c Lace Hose at 30c Ladies' Clic Lace Hoseat 40c • 20c Puritan Brand Hose at 2 pair for 25c 300 pairs of boys' ribbed. cotton Hose, all are fast black, sizes 51 to. 01, all L 5 on. sale at 2 pair for ' Vests Worth .Up to 15c for 8e 200 Cotton Vests with and without Short sleeves .Vests, Sale price regular 12ee and 15c .08 • e'er alb.'A116'1hWlb"*.•^0.gb. at► is p o 0,� �dO!® ^o'er 0 17� 1i New Fall .Sniting's : and Waisti n:gs. We are now showing a very choice lot.of Fall Suit-' Ings in :the new: tweed effects, also Waistings in the latest material. A Grey sy. cOtton Bargain For F>r°><day. 7c. Cotton for 5c 300 yards' of 30 inch wide RI ey Cot ton, extra heavy quality, also free., of n� specks ,' our 7:c yalue for .0 i► New. all Clothing g an d Furnishings We h v. justreceived Our first .shipment 0£•Ze1 S and.I3o s fall and Pint l StithOvercoats and also`thc latestso\elties in Ties, Collars etc. Those who intend buying•'eally. will find it to their ad • l va htage to see our stock We Dave also:receivecl our'stoek .of Winter Underwear which is the best value w . have • \ e ever •shown. .1"len's. $1' -Straw l-Iats at 30c ' 'lien's $2.50'and $3: Hats at $1. Boys' Knickers at. •15c ur Yochokes of any of pen mens New ,Straw 4 On Friday morning we will place on sale the 1a pairs n f Boys' TweeiKnickeis . in sizes 23, Fedora Bats that sold as highns $1 00 balancesof ('ur wen'stor grey felt .ghats that 2-1•,,20 t .33. Coni; Fri for :30 ( sold at $2 50 and $3 ' Q'0 eon day morning ;.:.., and take your.'choice at, per pair Personal. YOttft MIIONEY I IIICI; IF VOU WANT IT truss Hattie . Pickett.; has returned frena Detroit, .Miss Ida Tebbutt Iias been .visiting b Detroit 't of friends. r itcls Mrs . •George Roberton has been.• visit- ing.Airs, James Ballantine -of Brus ltir George. '1Iloinpson of 'Park, Davis &. Co., Windsor, -tae been visiting his brother, Dr, Thompson, ' lhitster. Bertie harsh of near. Atibura, who has been. the . guess of • ' ' lits - .friend, Mister 12.0:y Ball, fin a week,. !returned itcnne. on. Friday last,. • Mr, John Rarisfrrrd left on,.Satueday for •:ticintreal. order to he present at -• the Boards • of Trade congress . at :which - there .are• represeneatives' frena all parts of the Bemire. 111r. andMrs `]hos: Wisetnait and two children ,of :New York City, who were guests of the. foruier ei 'brothel -4. •Mr. Joint Wiseman•, -are now: .visiting at the aid hontestcakt 'it Kirk -ton bat, return to CIilnton before leaving for their .home. Councillor \Varree Of Hullctt, lvlio has , been in . poor health for sonic trine, left .for . Loutdoa hospital oni :Wednesday of last week ,and eves accoauparuecl to his 'destination by Dr,. Thompsoui. Itis expected that he will have to speed a few weeks in the hospital. 141x'... George .Clti'dley, Who has - been. wril.-grounded in the drygootls- bttSd- nests. by Mr. W. 'Coats,left on Ttt- csday for Ilrandtnt; Man., where . a situation .'.awaits hint.. : He is. a - Sterling Young gentleman who will be well .thought of by his enttplpy- ors and .their custunnere. The Ne'ivs- Recorct, 'which takes a lively inter- est in the welfare'.. of Clinton'sC boys, fully expects • George will meet with success. Mr, l;d, X oht isc) sold his house on, ,Maple street on Monday to `a 14lr,Fal- coner of near lBeet:0 eld and the next morning left accompanied by his • wife a'nd. seven of their child- ren for MacGregor, Man., whore los • second ohlett son took up . land fast euntnner. -It is almost twenty ydars since he llirst cane to Clip - tan and his departure was due' itt a 7rteasure to the prior health . of Mrs. henry - for whom the ;doctor s advised a change Of climate, .Their many friends here hope that the tati\\^estotls. ntay corms My to their cxpee- Mr. and Mrs. George • II. Fowler of "Maplelntrst Tartu" - on the Ist _eon- cession of GQderiell township were in town on. Friday last on their way home front it business visit to Sottforth. Mr. Fowler ntakcsa specialty of small fruits andduring the season, the berry . Reasolt, par- ticularly, the is a very busy intalt.. Fowler's raspberries have a local lame. A mail order brings ,just as ffora . lot as personal inspection, or to his credit be it said, he 'doesn't put his l,igget berries on the top of the basket and the little otter act tiro buttotm • • • Mr: Ilarald ;Blackstone• of Goderich • was iii town :oil Wednesday... Rev. Priest preached in the Baptist:, church, Goderich, • on. Sunday. itS. r' Z . Sohn ui I aster ' 1 returned has a nd o lorri c. !'nail vrsittng.her sister. in Lond(n' Who is -very ill Misses Gertie and Aday \Icl3rien' of Auburn were visiting, at Mrs. Epi,. Ball's last. week, Miss Cora Bawden, nurse iii -training at a Guelph hospital, is home for a fortnight's holidays. Mr,. and 'Mr's; - Jamas Jewell of Ben- miller culled on the .-lattor:s .sist'er, Miss Jennie Wright, on Saturday last. Mr, and Mrs. Jewell leave on' Sandal; -'next for Detroit where ",Iifn''' will leave- a Mass eye put - iia to. replace "the one. taken -- o -tit some time ago..' Mr. Eli McLaughlin who has ' .been: living for- sonic: time in •Goderich, left on-?1'tresday'. for Oxbow, Assa. Ile has a, fartn iii that). disitfi(etf which he purposes. d.i'sposing of and it may be that. he will locate •ile. one of the Wester n town$ thinks there is a good opening at his . trade, barbering. During-' • his absence Mrs.. McLauglt•lin. will reside - with her parents, Mr. and MIs. W. raker of town. HTJttETr TOWNSHIP Mr. 'David Bruce and sister of Lon- don have seem eeisitltig at Mr. Sohn Medd's.-- 4lrs. Jaynes Mutter and Miss Mag- gie spent ai few days -in I3ayfreil. . Miss A. •Tyernian' spent two weeks witit friends' In Listowel, Miss J. T. 1VfeLaughlitt•. of torrid and !Miss Brisbane of ,Listowel spent a few days - at Mr, 'l'yerrnan'r late']v. Tlid cement work of the new bridge at the ]tog's back - is nearly complet- ed. I3IRTHL LOUCKS—To Muntroal MI August 10th to Mt', and Mrs, Loucks, a son. Mrs, Loucks win -4 fortnerly Miss Addie Mcl3riett of Clinton. PLUMS. Largest plum orchard in the county. About 4,000 baskets choice plums for rale in season at right prices. ' Also a stock of choice qual- ity honey. C. 'Hoare, Clinton. Huron CentraT Fruit Farm. imeiwommencmgemnimes ..First rariv Of Our Big Stock of Amei...: can Styles In`. New and: Natty -FELT HATS Just in this week as on ICE They Cane to us Direct From New York amu. ..a..,..., „- •....._. They - Will Be Open .. Saturday . . CLOTHINO STORE, w JACKSON BROW.,OLD STAN!)