HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 7I
. . . 7 795�
:1 The Cliftion !%;u-,-@sRecor4 �
0 . � .1
Atigust 20tit'. 1903 I—- ____ _______ '
� - - - - - - - - - � __ ______ . I _ 1. 144-07 - **** - � " I—- 1. 11
. 1.
-.41111b � I'll, 1. 1. ls;,P�V 1b 1-1.. 1-1.1 ... 7--!..... 1 11 - 00.0 N 10 11 I'll I -.111111 Q I ,Wftlt k" 4;4_-�A , VM �.%Iobl;;.
__ - _;� "I", -----1 -1 ... - _ _ " "... �. ,� . . - . - __ - -,.--- -'- I I - - __ . 1.
_--__�.__--__--- _ .__._1_..._1._-__..__ _ ... �. .
____ _e____1-..- '" ,
,,,, I "I � .--..�------�-�L�,-,�."-'�.,-�,�l--,�.�-.."-,.7-.,�.--"-�.i-.��- 1-- - . _ - . - $06.,4,o I A 4"Colp rAecoua ot Tallea men, Peclogo at 40,1411fig.r. I ,
19- 01VA NOTTO .. xo*wcols of color., .111at a "It b1luty. clj..,,,�I).-N To ,Nuitl.&L IIA(WIS When a nativo 11ollander wants to Why 44 wo Ila Ilinver ;find 14 tbeve f,
TheMolsonsBau:Kj 11111011 GRADV-4 WORX ONT,t I" Aix Interesting enumeration 1140 beQU There had bevii jujif 11 dozon stories. t.(;A".jT AM) 101"1`1114N. magazines the Iojj8 eggayo that were I
. tl . published III a technical journal of the ot thick fog$,, jil;t captain MimAdold show his hatred for ah 1,14119118hinall I o backbone of the old style pel!104- I
Ironlit r�it:Td by . . _�i'A(717 . __ lie Simply rercrs to him as it 1%teert I tu
,.K;�� sources of color. vrom this it Appear# hall, W, I
Parliaingut, i8,5S I , alted his turn, with patleuw. It ,,-ja Orval. Norilivro. Rallway. maW.--lu other words, "tile mail ,%itli A jeals? is It because there are nowa- . , 1.�
Capital - - - - $2,500,000 .. 4,,-Ae,14,1�.., that tile coolidne4l jusecto. furulsb- tile c;tIjje (it last, and the, othm, captains roiri-'Juiv '1131, to ."A;9llbt" I ,ill, IMe to, ,and are able W.,
'? 1�/Zl It tall." The legpild j3ays that Thomas
_M' .07) /
� " A "'! i'd-
ic i Of " CA, I 42- 0 `%!�4 1 11 " I days nok men who
Rcst - - - - - gorgeous carinine, erjaisou, Scarlet car- turned their weather beaten faces to- WC41481%c r(Atlit; tril), lati. elk S;i tit'll-
2,2,5,0,000 jQer. L:t. 1jL(,Uj it Beelwt cursed tho Kentish men N'V119 � to tall.go their pens in, hand and raxilble, �
111141AD OVVICE, - AlONUE'A14 STRATFORD, ONT. mine and purple lakes; the cuttlefish ward 111111 wititilit expriLsslull of 0 " %%,,L I"! j.,ju(,t& LIJUjolk t(A on. and on 4intleooly over hill and 41 ale, .1
417s0u, jlr� s,dQj)t. 1W,T, =MM OPUNS ,SUPT, ist. . 's Sepia -that IS' the inky 111114 ful credulity. , . V,vjjtt,,�, ,juct.14jiL, �% it.w., vt.rualltt, spitefully cut oty tile tall of his horso 1 .
Will - Alolsoll M actil gIVc 0 11111111111 1 'with many 4 leisurely pause 444 occa,
jaill s 11.1liot GmerA Manager Scores of BlIsiness Colleges have sh discharges In order to "I.Vivas told tile of it, bitime 8(-ttlll,- k r , iSij it(' %;uicott-ver and vitt, tjl I al while he wits riding tb .
L , which the A , - I sloual airy flights? To It because the ,
Not -s discoZtvd- Coll"k'001114100- applied to its for our gra4uat e, toL render the water opaque when attack- pretty IlIgh tile sholl4 Itlong balf,wily 1�,. �.., witi, k,.ri:ut .,\oraivra Italsway through the country, and that tile ell 1:
. . , ,enerationof Ticut which followed ' editors can find no writers who mire .�,
, at IiLt,- Lit .,�w,.4o 1,ropurtmitute xat,s tire 6
Dralts issued. -Sterling oull Amer- act 4s teachers in their schools. This ed; the Indian yellow comes from the down, the coast o' Maine," said Call- . , surell, r d wit view n 11, so to of
icall Exchange liought, and sold. IA011 "LlI ,-Mllts iL MALk.r.o. * iowu, wore t,bills like those of horses, John a ge It is o 4 r
-inteic.,t. a IoNNed an 4cj.Osits-- I is tilc evidence ),oil aro looking for camet, Ivory chips produce the Ivory tailt �jaljsjjeld. "I could sbow, you the ra until W- 13al I e, Edward VL's bishop of Ossory, j abstract subjectia, and could be moved - . 1,
as ta the Imst Nellool to attend. black and boneblacR, the exquisitO house If It came right, oil , wilt liv N;i,jitt wr rvt% egella, but gives s(PUIG, ! to 1111part those views at length to the �
I Thousands (if our fornwr students al'o It. .and 01110 11L,11 jult,rIlIaLloo. iLS,*t0 stoll (YvQr variations as to the cause of tile ig- 1 reaact's Of magazines? .
�ij%VINGS BANX I . Ltjl)kr l")01, 1903. mentlops tile I
Interest allowed till suills of $1 and now in business life. Write for ' our Prussian blue comes from fusing borse, rjous lopsided portico oil Certainly not.
up, collipounded hall yeArlY. handsome catulo lie. ' . hoots and .other refuse animal matter day I asked tile tuitu that Ilves there privi,Qct", tinle o% tr.aus, %Iwj)tjl3' cur unishment. Ile says John Call- ! Almost every loan who writes at all
__ i�A,Rmliut,s - I 9 . with. Impure potassium. carbonate, 814- wily it, happened to be built that queer ,tc,,. ,flk aj,j.IL;atiou to C114riks %�. noble P I ,I
� I s,jeugLr ,��gvnt. grave ,and Alexander of Esseby Bay- I would like to write essays -long es- . �
1%jollcy advallcett to fa Mors OU , W. .J. 14.'T,T,I0'rT, Principal. rious lakes are dei;lveit from, roots, shape. �..ra�ws, . i,sstr-00t, -I "� � I
I � L 44 INV (). �..jllg ;.At. oth.that "for custynge fysho, tayles at ' Says- But the wise editors wQWt have ' 11
their owl, ll(.tj.6 witit oile or . barks and gums; blue black comes 'ell" says lie, ,tile tolkis that the L.rv_t Nc rot,.ra Uallwix) I I St Augustine Dorsetsbyro Inca had , them any more, because tile people
we ic vudur.icrs. No Incyrtgage _____________.__ I __ , vine stock. mail who lived here first had a cousin k�Ost, 1wom A.a, 1orolito" Olit. � , .
front the charcoal of the . . tayles ever after that," I Won't read them and won't even take
required as seci rity. . 410- <�11�.�$"**"*****" turkp,v red to tuade from, the madder that wan till architect up Boston way, . . But Polydorus .applies It to Kentish magazines that get tile reputation of
it. C. BR.h%N'UR, M'.L114901's Clinton. * . plant, which grows in Hindustan; tile and ouo time tile teller woo down here I Tile Wily WI'll 1111111%, IxtirborIng them. It fin editor craves
- . �*- For -,ill i:ip-twd,ate ,ese tree produces III it t , orrible foggy Spell, and lie waS Husband -You must try to keep our Illea at Stroud, by Rochester, "for out. - -a 4
� yellow. sap of a Mill. . � I . tinge oft Thomas. , Becket's horse's a small circulation
---.--- I bills down. . , In tilts day let bit bi
. �
I gawboge, raw slonna Is th .11 0 : a gither the essayists about lit , a 4
le -natural fig ring out to 108 cousin )low be could m It I
HXIR CUT earth from the neighborhood of Slena, build a little portico -of Such and such Wife -I dop but they're always .run.' tayle.11 One account ow,s 'ill t only . freely turn them loose upon his pagos. I !
0. D. MeTa art - AND - ... , I Italy; raw umber , Is an earth found dimensions, measuring out Into the U1119 UP, - . . . those living In Kent at the time of . �
I . - . the curse were, "afflicted with large, _%nev-.,!. . � . �
.1 near Umbria, India In% is made from fog with, his rule, 411d so OIL . - I drooping tayles, like 'brutes; their p I - b . .
� , ' . I . 00- I Sorry . � . .
� .
13ANKRIZ. burned camphor, mastic Is n terity being not so affected. Husband -Do you know that every ' - I
* , lade from " I 'Twas In the late afternoon; be , Ancleilt, Ideas of .ifr,10a, " no spolce,
* 4- wout off next day by tra �, ' 1% .
� ,.Ill. The tog In medl.mval times Afric was flit
� �
try fhe leading barbel% the gum of the mastic tree, whJeb ' Illn � . ., . I time a woman gets angry she .adds a . . I
NEXT DOOR TO IRWIN'S Gr6OCERY i. grows, in the, Grecian archipelago;, Still held, find along In tile mor g unknown contineill as well as Asia. , � � I I new wrinkle to her face? ' I I I
,14,NI�RAI, BANKING BT'SINL'SS . .. �* b1s.ter is. the soot of wood ashes; very the'lailil that lived here bappcn�d to' Until a few years after the discovery Edgar, aged six, wits recently sent. -No. I did not; but If It is so I � .
A C I little real ultramarine, obtained from notice -, int the marks of the rule out of Columbus no one bad Balled around to. seb(O for the first time, and upon I Wife . . . I
.. - . .
i6l I . .
TRANSACTED. 1NOTj?j1,3 DISCOUN- GeorY D. Robertom the precious lapis lilzull, -is found In the Into the fog were. still plain, so as ho It, and It was quite generally thought,. his return. howe lie asj�ed, "Papa, who. prostime. It Is a wise provision o,f Olt- . . ..
I I , I . I . . b
I � . . couldit,t"go a-tishfug he took some Into- as It find previously been thought In taugbt Adam thealphabet?" , I ture to let the world know what sort ; . .
I. ' I market. . . � I I
3e - +
TED. Dl?AIeTS ISSUED. INTERESTJ _' . her and built -the' foundations of this regard to Asia, that the Afr1cou conti. . . b . . of E4 husband a W.onlaji has, . . 11 . . I
. - I -
****"***O""* - "*>"0- ; ClittjnW Ott t L lie None For runtaAment portico. That queer jog that wokes nelit extended oil and on ludelbiltelY, _,��%!,_ ?t_n___!111�!��, ___�� -, . � � . . I
. . I
.__� � I - . I . . . . . . I I
ALLONNTM oX DI�POSITS. - - - -- I . . . I Itameses .11. of 4gypt cut off the I It lopsided Is where tile wind bore In it was supposed that far to the'so,util I
Mr. Jani-sScot.t-)
__ -..----------.-----
NOTARY, 1,1,111,Ie,
CLT'N if ON.
____ -- -
Mr. Jani-sScot.t-)
oll'iL-e f(xinerly
()cClll)iL'd bv Mr.
.)little% Scott,
ill EilicAt 13foiA . .
TO I,OA\'.
C011V C VILIX. r .;, Conlillisiiomrs, Real
list;'Ite und Insurance Agency.
Wfolley to 1.0all.
'r' 1�ire and I,ile Insur-
ii0le, .1\IoruFLlgUS DCVdS, XtC-1
I I , ,
dr1wii fur .Si e'ach. All work
Ileativ .Lild eliLlaply done.
,1,1), __ - - - ONT
R. C. 11. ,.,.,,(I 1,. I,,. C, S., Etliill,ur8h.
Night Calls at trout d(x)r(Ar,s.denLc
Oil I%'iLtLeiTljur%, str,el., opilosite
I-rCSIWt.riiLll ellnrc;i.
OFleIClP- Ontario strect-CLINTON.
. 3PIxo . spillodine, nose of any Person convicted of treason. oil tile fog, they soy; aild bent ,the was'the zone of heat,. fit w1plell no bli. . 90
Woodlig . ' , . I .
.1 The. Great English Remedy, br arsim. Actisanes, another Egyptian rule marks Ill., ,,-Youth*$ Companion. plan being could live. This was by an
I d -s In the sumo _.. . .means an uni-caso,,nible hifervilce, to - 6 t W . 14
. is an old, well catch. pu - . I JAULU KUL U UMM I . 11
. I , - ruler,' ,nishe robbei . . . I
lished -and reliable , I I * . . �.. . . . . fflo ..�
I = preparaltion, Hits beau way. After each nose had been ampu, A We!Idlux in. Uolland. . -the ancients. !Xhey know that the far- . . ' I . I -it
;W . 4 . . . . . a ,,�,
� prescribed ' and used tated bagk even with the 4 bridge" - the. - - - Of fullctiOulal .
, 11 " A Dutch weddIn, Js it curious con ther theysalled t6 the north the colder - Are In ly I . . 'A
I I ' � an . times an indication Or sYmPtOZA
11 over 40 years. All drug. Ar - ..III Holland w and that In tlie extreme uort . . I I
. RIStEl Ill the Dominion * 11 - deraueme .
. , I . i` culprit was sent to a colony of nosoless ast to an English .one, it gre I I .
I I . tits
. . . wedding party enters the church was a re-lon of perpetual lee and Snow, . hey a I I! . .
I bf Canada sell and felons, the place of banishment being , .the I I . Te in most cases due to f unctional wrongs to wilich
.recommend us bein I . In. from the �na,� - tw6 and -two, the procession being They niqo know that the-fiti-ther they . . . I I " -
" I I I I
Before .and Afier, the only medibine,u[ known as Rhinoconn � I . women only Are subject. : I . . I .
. its kind the t cures Aud ture, of the � punishment Its colonists hooded by the bride and bridegroom. salled to the.solith the wariner It grew, .. 4VOUT OFzNSRVI�811 women 1. . . ..
gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and Vorni$ are arranged In a sonitelrole and whot was ninro-natural for then] . I . . ( 11 A
permanently cares all forms of Nervous Weak. had undergone, I are the uightmare of, doctors. . , .
gions, Sperinatorrhcea, rmpofenc . ,young to suppose that t If thoy went far enoilgh "CRANKS - I I - is often , the designation . I
v., III England In JGT1 Lord Coventry, round the Pulpit, and there the , . . ,
nesds 0'lemflis�'ts of abu so or excesses;' the a 'ive I ,,, ' ople with their friends and relatives in that direction tbov'-womia. come Upon . I .. I . I . .
, Xcesii S .
use of Tobacco, 01)jum or Saintilants, Jr,wal then "great keeper of the British sea , Ile . I
I .
and Brain Ilrorry, all of which lead to Infirmity, had ; cut off. by order,of the. seat themselves.., The ceremony con- lands 'that were Tmrched and baked - . .. .11 I of those patients by physician . unable ' I , . , . .
Insanity, Consumption and all Early Grave. , his. nose , Ing of a p6rtlou of and upon ' I -1 - to underst . . . . I I .
. s of the. read I . and the cause .of their I � .. I I
Price $1 per package or six for $5. One witl king because he bad'dared to ask some sist . seas that bolled, whero noth. . . . . . . . . .
L prompty on re- questions about an actress then play- -Scripture, and a long admonition to ill(, Ing could live but salanialiders? . . . - irritable. condition. . . I . �
ploiase, six ivill cure. Mailed . I . I I I _
. . likide an . 11�zz� � .
belpt ofp;ice. Send for free pamphlet. Address in ne, theater. d bridegroom, delivered extem. . . � - . . �_� 1. ST. JAMUS WAVuRs have tendered . . .
.. g at Drury'. La, . ,� i§�3 . . .
. . �4__ 1
Tuo Wood Coil&panyi ' 1�_Z .. ... .
Windsors Outts Canad% A conscript, who protested openly pore by the black gowned minister. X(Aliiug trouhl 3 tl-c a, el -a -e Mall _ZZ . . . . . 1great service to such physicians in - .
. t.through like tl 'i" � :.. . . � � ' . - .
Woods Phosphodine is 'sold in Clin- 'that he, hadbeen enrolled. in. th6 army The prayers are Sa . le lom than tl.11 troliblu, of I S� re*gIl . ' them t6
ton by Watts & Co., 11. B. Coinbe, , of Frederick th' - Great In -'a fraud- rost of the'service, for'It Is against ljor? . . � . . .. . ... . . Great, Britain, 'who prescribe . I �. , I _.
e I .t . . . . I - . _1 I t nervous women. . . . �. . .
. I kileel to. proy.. . I I . I I . . .
R. P. Ikeckic land J. L-1. Hovey, Drug- ulent manner bad his .nose amputated Calvinistic custom to � . . . I � . a .. - .
. � I Ables are �' - . . � ;�� � ST, JAMt-S W.Ar,RRS afford great. ... .. . �
I I . � I . . 'It- . �
giAs.. , . . . I . At the close of the servIct, 13 . .. .. . . ... . -- . � . .
. . by'order of that sovereign, who spoke . . ) . . �� . . 11 relief, siniply by strengthening every - I I .
___ . . -'-' - of Ishment as -all ."Indelible *presented to the Young couple and tq� - ,w,1,11611 1zlen T'Ivy, ov POT I-,, 1,1%O �� . 'func: - I ... .
_ - _ ___.__=___=': the pull . . � I tional � ' ., .
' mark an the front side of the face." certain of their relatives. Tlion the ' ZAC 'R *WANTED. . �: organ 'affected -by the , 1. . . I .
* ' . . ... 1111irri6ge IS, regist . cred. This free (Ils- '. `* X I I I' M AN , 14, . � I Z* P 11 I wrongs in women, such, as weak . . . I . .
. . I . .
- .
The MCK1110D WWI Fire . . . .- . . - . .1 ir gentleinan' ill A . stoinach and w�all, . � � - - .
. .. � The'ImponallUle. 1. Arlbutlou of Bibles, whicb.is made by - Trustworthy. lady (. ,, - weak- back.- , .
. - . .
Insul. . . The . . Duk . e, o . f Wellington wanted a the, state, accounts for the very Small c,icli d;s,riet to Inallage olti. btsille��s . �� 11 nerves, . .1 . . . I . .. . I .. . 1. , . .. *
ance CoManD - '. . � I In . . alid, $(art lip�wlts in the :saIL of thu , . I . I I vs. WAr, Ims help- stomach, . � . I . I .
� . I certain piece of work done and. In- sale there -is for the . I I roly Script res - ' -/ed . . . .1 . .
. .
-Farin kind isolated lk6wfi: Pro crt . y�- structed an officer of -the R6yal engl- .In HOIIAnd.. . I . I . 011�ei�j and Autlmri* T,if,, of P ' c�pc . .. . ST. JAM - . . . .
" i
. I .p . .. . . . . f,eo xiii. Drok is�mmd uliderthe, till- I. , . -digest, *food and -send .the nutriment .. . � . .
. . * ' . 1.
U'red.- . � neers to do it. After examination.the . . 1,rmlature of. Cardinal Gil.boni - ailid - . ' Oft �TpmrT ,through the blood,. and- this is the .1 . .
. . . . - .1
I . ',; . ' Nuremberg. , - . X �K I . .
-Only Ing 5 �11 ." : .. ., I . - I
.. I I officer inforwed the duke that It Was cijdor�ed by tile .leading Al-cliblis"101M - . o 40",-H IYEAR k ly - ' lionecA Way to get beiilth and strengtIX, . . .
. I . .
. . � . . - whout tile U'llitc-1. � - - h', � VIR . .. . .
. impossible. ... .Nuremberg.. wbo.,-4'wjtlls are report. - -lot FUNF.SmA 'G the Icind that. lasts, develop§ and _.
. I . . . . .. Igns of vitpld . decay, .1111d jriv'st.4 idi-rut print, d in Ilotll py 1, 9.t I I . .
OFF.ICERS. . I The duke ,sent for .another. officer, ..a ed.to , be sbo'%N�1119 9 I . States and Ca'nada"; 1� ENRICHT11CROOD . energy wh - � .
. I r , -be, t ,. 'nglish and Fr c � UTI014 br6eds ' the ich ace . 0111- I .. .
wqo once almost .tile rit ,;t and 1110s, ell it. , 'z2o �;traight cash, .
.T. B. Mcl,ean, Pres,ident, . tZippen P. inuollyounge ma it .an' d attached -to an- . . . I,, 11 g �-� TIIE CONSTIt . . . . I
. . - I, , es much; . I I I . . .
- . . I .
. Vida -President, . . �fV � . I . . _ I .
O.; Thos. Vrasjr, .. � Isto . , , This'offial .1 to 8 -II.-that - t1ireci -s s . 1�aid - ev ch : week '9 �� . . . . . .
. 111olls -town - in Europe. Tile.. wdll skilary' and expel plish
Brucefield P. 0. ; T. E`.-Ilay,%, ,Sec.- I oth6r dtv n of the army. - known saying of Pope Plu . froll.l. 'I,te;jdcjuartCrs , ; expense . * . ..11,P0,1'e" . .. . I . . . ... . I I . . � I .11 �
. cer did what,the duke required. I 11 1. 1_�Z . . . V � - .. - � I . 4 _ . I . . ..
I � ;.pernian 3i - - _ I r -rave itsed St. james Wafers , . I . I .
Treasurer, ,9eaforth P. 10'. - . - ' In iiuremberg eltizen. IA,11,; better off lilonev advanced t.1l9lition. . ... 4 : . . .
. . I � 11 I . The -next morning there appeared in . . _�Iondol",F� ' '- r. - .0 , . VAth.*such succeiss as to 'piact � I . . ..
. . . , 1. 'than a.Scottish kiii-w-wds justified ,by Adcjr,%;,;. 1),,tvid R. Cl, -r .s.jil, ,p..j Der- . `Z; . ontr,af.co"B'51-LT 11 ., . � I . -in on Z . . . . . .... 1
9.' . f t . 14' 0 .; the ity list of reliables.". .. .. I .
DIR.F,CTOR, � the "orders o li� day" the following ell pre *s,r.cl., 011C;1,110. . . I - NZ__ . . . . 11 I— . I . I .
'lle, I* iiforLI1. I . ..- Tolift - the accollunts,tilat have be Herv6d 4)ol it . . . . . . . .- _Pe_* - ... � I . . ., Dr. cha6. U. Springer. . . I I .. .
I k,i r.Z RI -_ , .. . I I
�A'jjl.ialll 1,) -snev, S�e -- eolgrammatiii note. "OlIeF whii In. war � -ht -her, � . . . .. . . I � . . - 4, 1P cr- � 4,.r .. . . , .
. Q of the town id Its buiA, s. J u ,tile . ,-- . I .. T, . � .. . . 3W:adoni gngllauO. .. . . �
flr:eve M'hithro- Gecr -e D -ale t 'L� fails to do what he undertakAs may.al- . . . . 1. ., .. . . m . '�,* I lT8RTAM1��0FjzjCA ,-,M-. .. I I I . . I
n- � . I I . I . . � I I
olelelCle Ontario ,,treet -Cl,1N'1 . 0 N. .
Oillmsite St. Palil's Church. .
- �- - - - ---.- - ____ -
I)IZ. C. 1�-. THOMPSON ,
.SpL:cial ,11.t.016011 gi%Cll to (16LI18LS Of
tile li,.Nu, har, .'Kt..%,! and Throat . - ,
_()jIlce and Residence-
AI,131,*,RT STR.lz,I;,T A%*EST, CI.I,\TON.
North of Ratt�iibtxy St.
01fice fornicriv occul,icd by Dr. Pal -
,\Iain strCLt. �
Ilistur on I
BAYFIlUX, - - - - ONT
- -.---.----------------
- DE,NTISTS, - -
, alltry �
011,1': ad ' joining v1i,,t,, G, . - 01'ell
cN cry djLN- itild SILIt-r-a . % I 1ljgLA WiLli
. .
4o o clocK. �
Allhurn L!ver. V -Monclay.
I)JIllglilmoll L.ery 'lliksklay.
DR. G. IeRNE.ST liol,11y".18) .
,SI)L6Uli',A 11 ai'd 1�,I-A,c Y-ork
. i it L ni\%
3). 1). S.-6radnat, ( 'I tile R0, "I Col�
lege of 1),,Ilt.l ,iurgcow, iA ontar-
3'.3 io. ,�, ljoll(,r grad
_). 6_teilst el.."! - uato
"i mntal DQparLJ11etlt Of 'foronto
c;pvcial ,%Ltellti(),, paid topr"%ervation
of ellildroll,*'s teeth.
Avill I,e ,it tile RivLrllotel, llayriial%
. every j\Iowlay front to a. Ill. to
1). ill.
A Incinher of tile Vt;t,,r;nary Itle'i -1 �
Associations of i,olidon and .Vdill-
I)tjrgh and Gradtiate of the Ontar
jo V cteritivry Colltge-_
(011Ficipr- I-Ittrim sLrett Cl,INTON.
. t to .Cj;jljlljLrciaI IIOLCI
Phollu 97 .
Marriage .
J. B. Rumballiplinton
_. I - - ___.__
,t,-,� , ,� ye -1-:51
".."/., E,XPERIalloiz
. 1� -, ! ..0
- ,� ��,',
I . I
I -
;12_�_. -1 . . L A I .a
r . ill ; I . el I � I
,jolia watt.,-1-larlock - ' Jolill"
. �
I .
I ad accident, wh 'tibl�
ways pie tell invarl F
fifteenth century thom,. catile Iron;
- .
.:...;, . . . 1. "'. , . I
. . � . 7 I � I - '.,
. - 5, . el'. I
I -5 ,& clicalls "
i! /
" . .
'111tewltS, 1'rodliagait ;. JWil','es BVi]U-S,
. ... . .
attends millta ry affairs; but he .Who de-'
� Nuteuiberg the,first watLilleq known.as
. . . I
", .11
J.eiv.ar'S Y-Z(Wiso TTend)DisitifectalitSoall
I �. . . . I ,
. . 11 � /
� . �-Zi . . I. . . -
I .. . . �_ !?,i�
i;iW1,6�1,-, :, :
cechwood ;'Jallws Colliiollyj CLU"Ou ..
.. � . . I
I . .. .
cares thing to� be, jinpossible 'which
I st ( inion,
"Nuremberg 6igs) the fir .. ..
T10wder is' better than .0; ]let suaR powiers
. -;. . , I-
� 3$ZIL . . . . . . . .- .11, . :
. - -1:
I i�*__ qlg f�. 1.
. . �
olin hUcl,eau, NIP . . ..
1-oll.- . � .
I - . . '
is Subsequently accomplished r egisteis.
e first gnij I ck,.tbe,.fir�t wire draw-
ill .
, :, 4 it Also acts as a Ll.allifoutlillt.- , . ,
. 24
I .
, � o� i., - I , " .
,4 �
N:.Z_§-' .. -, 1.
flit P,
. . - - o I ... i I
-_ . 1��
� . ... . . � .
I . A G ENT T 8 -. . . .
. I
, _ ."
it pf - , , .
his own InLiapac y . I , .
. � . ,
Ing maelifne.Alle clarinet. vt;rt:lIn do -
tery and tile , *
" art, of
scriptions of :&t .
. . .1 . .
I .
; I . �,
- . ..----- I . ___ ... _ .
.: . I
� I .
.",� - �� ! .
. -,�* . . . . . . � I - �K�
, �,
,�,;l � . ; ... i.
1� -, - ... I
- , - =_ - Q5
� ==
1.olYeft 1; Iarlt.ck- , Mob�rt M, e-
, inith, I . ,
lillan'tSell.fortli ; J'allits - Qullllilhlk-.�,
egniondtille ; ,.J. W, Yeo, , Hol-ints-
. . . I . �, ...
ille. I . . . . �
I ..
� . . � . �
I I � I
, .
- Blunt UkVoUXIV TrPe in the Wov1d.
e ,
* Probably* the. itiost expens . ive tree to'.
thie -world Is in f;4�.Ofty 'of London. on'
� .
. .
. �
. illthl'�,. oil ghls�
psi I ': Poi. ,400 years As
I , ails'dofendt,d tho Vill.
U0%.N','decaylnIr. w� I - .
. , ,
% ley o? thie -Itegilitz fl�nllllst till ellelolcis.,
,., - * .
..* A,� � --- topped -the.
. 1; . . . . . !
. . I
. . I . .
.( -1 . .. . . I
FIR 11- - � I
� .
. . .. I
. . . ... _
�___= .
,.. ,
. . - . . .
. - .
. . - . - I . .
I - A .
. Oil V� Can8da.: "-�, T C, 1 D, -, ,
. . . . . ^ ^() �
.. -
. 6ix.lbutl.los 10. ;*3.%A 5� -
I . . . .
. . . .
t 11
Parties desiriltis t-6 effee . * igtnran6e
!the 6rner: of Chblipside and'WoOd -
. �
bour .h LA.dre 11 . � . ,.
- - 'm
w but oniy aboui.it third of thi
. . .. � . .1 I .. I � � �. . � � I .. . 1. . . . . I ... : . . � I -1 . I �.
% - - , . � I .
__�4iA,,&.,,� .
0!0=A%=Zft_A-.t44:--�K.�-�,-r,- I
I - ... . . . ,
,.r transact other brisiliess will IA
I . .
street, about midway - Iyetiveen the
. . � . �
tiffs, . . . .
. . .. . .
re tnalil.- �
PUNUNLIt1b. , L . . ______ �.___. . -_ ".. ... . .. - .
I . .... � . . ... . ; . .. , .- . . . .. . , . , . . .. , .. . , .�, .. . .
*. ".
rotiil)tiv- atUnded t .)n . application
0 L � .
Bank- of England and - St.'Pajil's. lt'�
now - .,
. . . .. . I
� . . . I .. . I � .
. . . . .. . .. . I . ! � . �
. . . . . �.. I . . ..
, cs.sed
() ally C;f tile allOve ofliders. addr
o, their resI.ective pcsLOII!Ce.%..' I'la.'es
dir,:ctt)r *wItO, liV0,
* . . .
is. tin. en . ormous. oak, and Is sald,to,bii
. . .
-.100-.yoars old. It to . protect6d by a.
I . I. . . . . . .. I
� .. 'The� lillmon ' aire Dialady. ' -
-%(-rjq�()d hi -:01h. and ,
Alen who liavel 4.
� I .. I .
I . ... . . ... .: .. . . I . . . . . I I . . � . 1. I
" ; . . . . I � , .. � I .
11 �,� . ..- .� � . - .1 . . I . � . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . I .
I . - I .
, . .
. .. . . . 41ON EXHIBITION ' -
ll.%p(.f tLci i)y the
. . I . . .
the seellL.
.� . tile devil df -the Rio
thinse in. � . pqrt.v
- 1. , -it I Allivs and: . In-
youth,'serlinped ttictir, f.
. .1 . I �. .. .
� I 1. . � .11 , . I .-DOM-1. It 1. . . . . I . . . .11 � . I -
. � . . . . ' : . I
kearest , .
. . ,
� . . .
--- �_'
which forbids' destrue.tion of' tree or
hi-tinches.- Areliltects -were -tonloelled .
. .
to lilan it rather. pe�ullar building to
. .. . 6quire-
,.d,. tIjeIr..djg�-sil6h' In the it .,
.Jpr.- . I
ment of a ,,pile" Often -think, they are
. . . .
's. litimanit
' . . . 40� - . . � .
. . I I . . . .1903 '-.' 701RON"Ir . ! � . - . 1.
I.. . . ,... . . � I . � . I . - . . '.. ... ..
) - .. 11 1. I . I . 1. - Auh. 971tk to SEPT. 12th , � . . . . �
. � I . - .. . . I . . . I I . . . 11, . I
.' - ,' .. . I I ..
- . I- -.-- - ___ - . . - � ,---=
a r .&
, 1�.
fifflIR"I.-1,11111A I i MIP ,
. � .
. �
avold�ibo'braiwh(-A. 'Khere-it ,stands,
. .
aPd-thut 'y
� public ben6fnctol. . I
fit general'owes the'll d&bt or gratl-.
. . . . I The Agricultural, Manufacturihg and Natural rdsources of , � . � .
I �
, 1. I ... I 1, %''.,' .. . . .:
e . . I .
ill be exhibited: on a Scale ' ev� r hefor' attqtnpted'
11 I I . -w n .1 I I I
1616A, "
- - .
. . I � . . �
. in. tile coriter of one of tht� bil"IeSt
, . I I f
..Stre'ets fit London, occupying gro"M 0�
i I
. . . . - I
tudelor being do rich. .In consequence
I . -
�reiient its c ruel Injustice the to
I ,. � . �e . I _.
1. I .. . I .. I I .. . . I . . . � , I . .. . .. ... � . I
' * . 1 . . . ,DAILY PARADES OF -LIVE STOOK - , .- . � I— . �11 . . .
. . - �: .. .. . � . : . . _. _ . . �
� ... � I . .. I
.. .. . I ... � . .1 . . : ..... ,
. : � I
T RJR, TABLE.. , - -
I . .� .1 I ..
I .
- - at and tl�part
enorinotio', vadue-ftlid P6s1tivPIy tbo
I . I . I
only tree ]it tLe City.,of London Out,, .
-they . 1. .
tigue, chagrin I ant) newspapor notoriety
, . .
'that Invarfiibly 'bri-jigs. In its
. !! 'IV . . . . . . . , .: - - � .�!
,. � . . �. . . 11 . I . . I I . . . .. . , . L, I . "a - - 1 �.':.7.. . , . .1,
- � . . I . . . . . . . � . . ....
. . . .. . . . I . . . . .. ,. . 1, : I .... .
I . :- � I . a,
will airive
rom Clintoa stat.on, as'lo'1iows.:- � .
. . . .�: I .
. . .
.side of the parks. .' - I '.
I .
. I . I . I . .1 . . �
.. money
-be about as cons .
-trail. It.would .
. .. 1� . � . . . 1. . . I . � ., .. 1. . I
. . - .� � . i I., _R' .1. ... ... �. -1.
.. .. . .
. . .� . . . � I 1, �
fteubur�- Street Works . .. - . . . . : * .11 . ! , , * - - I .
Ra !
. . .
. .
1. . wroxkg� poot out -of Bed. -
. . � .
for. a little boy ,Who bad gorged,bints elf'
on ' Mottled. .,-apples 'to' f'c!l,- Injulled
I . . I . . . ,
. . I . . . .. . I � . .. . I � 'h& addition, -by oi.der a
I .
. Wreet, i1iijawl(rs. AVorkni I fill. . . I . . .. . . . . " ING. - -_ . I . � . :..- . . . . . . ..; �. .
I - I
. � ,
. .
' - 7.38 41'.111, I -
,o�ng East Express .
I About haff'the world puts the wrong
. . .
whpli'an avenging stoulach to)-
. - * . , . . . r . .
. Al it i4l guarnut'ved. - I . . . .. ., . � � ....
I - ir". -ju TG � j .
. All p mild -Lot . ... 1. � . SILEE .PRESEN � , . �� . .
11 13 11 . : 3.23 IiJn.
' . � .
3oing Least Alixed � 4.15 Ppra-
. 11 p
foot out*of bod fit tile moriii jx ,Ut
I . . lrr�hg, foot? It i's, a su-,.
.-W.blch, Is the
. -egory In . - Con-
lowed g!uttony..-Ellot Gi z
. . . ... I .
�. J'. � I . � . . .
I. . . tiler, %be late Queen Victoria, wl1l,bc exbibited FREE; aswell I I . .� .
' . . -of illi august'ino ..� . . . � .
J, '. G and Co., haj by perilitasion of His Dowager Duclieps of Duff( till azid Ava,,, I 1 . . . ... .
- .,
;aing NN'Lst kixed .. ' 10-15 a-111.
' aq tile hills that If the,
perstition as -ofd . .
tury.�: . ;. I. I- � � . I I I
.� .. �� � . . . . ..
I . I I . I
.SEAL18, . .
.�. . . . I . I , � �� . I . . I . . - .
,.� i . PROPRIETOR.S. ,' . .. I . .. . THE DUFFER1W. PRESENTS j ' I . * . '_
3()ill,g 11'e.st Lx�pr,-SS . ., .32.5.5 1).111..
- " " - - a.in,,
loft foot touches the floor first you will
. have bad luck thot-day.. Probably nint-
.. . .
. ; otir godontrie Pbranev. ,i ,
. .. .
- . . . I . I . � . ". .... . 1. . I I . I . . . -1 . . I I .� . ; 1 . . � .1 . I
- ' . . . . . . I . . � , � , I I : � .
. . . - I �- And by untess of Abordeen treasures . . I 11. � � .
.1 I I !!!Ir!_�� * �,�. .1 permission oFtive 6 I . .. I . .
. .. �7.o5
_ �
. . 10.32 P.M.,
" I 11 I$ 1 . 1, .: '
. . I . .
, .
. men. ' avoid this 'by slecOng
,Wh�Ao we alWa sAalk -of outting on
.. 7
. coat and veSt?, Who puts 611, a .00
1 ,
. . :.- I I ..f . .
I . . . . . I . .,
.. � . . . . �... I . - . . . 'IRISH MANUFAc-T-URE , I I. � . I I . . . �
. .1 �.,:: . , �
, . .. . . - ,
* * ROUND TRIP: . .i . I �
� � I . . . , I . OF * , - .... I . �,.: . �
R, 1. .
- DIV.
,oNTr,o,.\1, Au 0N`:.AN'D-BRtr.CE
. . " . I
011' h' r ght side of the bed. so -that in
t e .1 - �
, ,
elsing the right foot natura y. comes
before' a -v6t? .We ItIS6 say putting on
. � . I . . � ... .. . I . ... I., .. .
I I .1 t I I— ..
.1 The special joatitree, Including an,entirely Yra�yiipotaculirprodftc tonentited, i I . I �. . :. �. ..
. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. 1. . . 1.
. . : � �� .. I .
"Lling Sunth I`I'xj"res�s . ,.. �7 A7 ,11, in �
. ! contact with flieAlodr. I It Is
firsi 'in
. ndstoc�lnlgi? Wboplitsonsboeg
'Shoes a ft .
- .1 � . . .. . ,
I � A CARNIVAI- IN .V . , . . . - . �
Gi�and TrUnk . 19NICIE 11 - - �
. . . y I .
11 11
. MixW .-.. . 4.1 .m.
11 � 3o.i� 1)
NorLh 14,'Xprt,.s9 a a3n.
- .
sald'to'li -it fact that.most people lie on
- - I I ' . .
before- the
. - St6clil Igo?. - We also' put. -up
signs tolling people twwIpe their -feet.
�. � . . . .. ... � . . - � . '. - . � ..
. ' . I � . . I., . . . . . . I . . I .1 " * . I I . , I 11 I , I . � .
. I . underthe personal dircotlon,of Dolosst Mralfy,'will be sit a scale n6ver.befors . . .
� I q . I .. .1
' ., ' attemiked at an Annus) fair In any Part ot t1le-Marld, 1
I I ) I
Mixed -it'.
fi-55 1)
their.ri-Ilt side because of preva-
0 ..
. . . I
when we mean th6ir - boots or shoes.
. .� .
to' . Vaii�6�ivcr and - 4
�,';6,46 , Clilitoll ' , . Reduced rates-bi land and water from. exorywhirei, Consult your station � � . I . .�
. . .
, . : . . I.
I . .. ,
, � . I
Ient notion that 1he heart has freer no-.
. . . I
And a father tells a boy *he will warm
. . . I I � . . I ,
- . 1. . -
� , agent...
' ViqLoria, 11,.C., 19caiLl, - and * " . I I . . . I I . . . I I
, . . I .
;k. 0. PATTISON, Aguilt. ::� � . ,
.. .
. I . . . .
. .
J10n. . I I I
. I., .- . .
, '
. . .
it his
his. jacket when be:means t(? w rm
- . . � . � . '. I . . .� .
Tdco�lla,� AN'llsli", P(irt- I - - - - . � � . 1.
. W. K. MoNAUCIHT I a. 0. ORR, � . , . .
, � ' . I'M&ML , I ManageraWavivIM. . I .
I land, , Oregon, . .. . . . � I . .. I I I
Le. R . lIODQE,N,91 Town T :c',- et' Agent.
. . . . . I
* . . I � .
pantaloons.' We ajre a little eccentric
. . . . . .. __ � __ . . .. .
I ' � .. . �.. � . . . I . . I I � I
. . .� . . . .
1. 1). MACDONArj), District Pa.s.,n-
' ' ..When Romans NINIVed. �
. I ughter. f,
the beautiful da 0
In our ' *
obr�ses at times. - .
. I
. . ,. - ,. . . ..
� Tie'(,ts oil stile Auily until August . � . . I . . . . I . I '. . . .1 I I
11 . . . I
I . I .. . : . .
" .. . I .
. I get Agizat, Toronto.
� . I .
� . � . I . . . .
j3LIi. Valid tnitii . O.etober � " . .. . . . . .
-.---- ,
. . .. ,
the Saxon Hengist. Is'eredited .wltlr*
. .
.having introduced -kissing Into the
. I .
Tile quall .In Orance- : ,'
. - .
In F rance the uall is, called The bird
, q
.returning .- . . t-
.1 5-Lli, ii)o� . I . . .- I -, I
I I . . . � , ,. . I . . ._____..___-,._______ ___ ___ __ . .1 .. I
, , * * ,
, , . I 1, . I I . . I
I �
. .�58,45,CljiiLon to 1,(js,-AngCIC.% Or (S'EIM, , . I.1 - .
� � _ .
I �%-
- ngzvf" � W." .
------__--__ - -
. "... . . . .,
. I I
�. . ,� I
BrIiIsh . Islands. - The Romans.had &
. . . . � . I . I I
delightful kiss
of proplicey, this from an Ideft. that
Vralidscoi California. ... _ , . . . �
. . I I I I . . .
'rictlets on. .sale. daily nati.1 Atigust �
- ,
, .
. , . . . I
really . word fora oscu�
, luni_ which came froni, us, the mouthi
� . � .
and meant a little mouth'. a Sweet
month,. "Give me a sweet little -mouth"
ai I
.- the number of his ,' c I 6010 s tile
pricO of wheat. If. he -calls" tWICO
without resting the former expects but
,3 e,.j_,. or bushel for' his grolu; it
� . . . I .
. . . .
-I 3-th. .Valid rLtuilling pntil. OcLober . . �. I . . .. .. . I . .
I , - 1903 . . .. . . . � . . . . ... . . . . . - I .. I 1. .
,15th . . I �g% I I
IW� lti,p,,,;()Izlil,,-',-.,.,Ijleil.did servi,�c 7� I . I I
VOCR I .L . . .
, . . . 0 1 0 � I � I
-...-- - . . 1, I
. . . . . I .. �
I .
. I would be the phrase used when'a, good V * pacts "or- trip, or tour through the 1-11151t(Y-. .. .. . . P .�11\ � . . I .
" I . ! � � I tile bird'ealls' four times he, ex . I . - . I . . I . I . I
� . I I I I . e,�, T,ave of� BaA.s, . Xawartha . . �. 11 I . I � . I I .
p[N 001 4 le Romam b9y asked -his mother for. -h two' '�ft'14ab- - . � . L. U11 U �
h _ . . I . to r6alize twice the price WhIL to ir to. Que- , , . . � . .
kiss. . . .. . .. . � . . . . .. ! calls insure, . - _1 I I.. I . . , t"11, s, Maglietewall River, C , it, * - , . I . I . . . � . . . . I � I I
LIP ' FPS ' "t . . . I . . . . I � . . . . I . . !)�� I portland,. Qld ,'Oreh , ard, AVlj c - . � . . . . . . I . . I . . . .
. . I X-�- - � , � I. ' tains. - All reaclied via , ("ralld., - . . . .
I I 10 Ifte First Allusion to the Hoixe, - � ..! 11111i particular Une. .. .%iotln . . . .. I . I . I
-MONTH V'.Y,'9""MAGAZ1.NZ,'& ' Trt(lik, 10or ticicet% and d(seriptiv.c I . , I I
. 'l L16 " RY f-,. ' � In that portion of Gene0is- which tells' , "That new man of yours," said tbi� literatitm al)l)ly*. to . . . . . . . . I
A FAMILY, RA the story ,of .Toseph, the famine, etc., � � -' ' . . , . I . .
1. ' I proprietor ?! tl,,e 9�ore to- tile do.pnrt . .1 � � I . .1 .. et b I
4B.:_,1S.t, C . . . 1,
we find the first historical allusion to . _or. be a in] lity . . r, ,. R. HODOPIN11) . . y �
The Best In 'Current, Liter, atur I 0 . rnent.:manag , - g . I Vc:wt Agent" Chilton. , S � I I
12 COM . PLE-rc NOVEL1111 YEARLY.. f, . theborse, and- farther on In holy writ hard work6r."*. I ' I I . I I . . .. � ;
. . . 0 "Yev, -eplled I . . � . .. I .
we read � f the horses of the great nu& - "th'at Is his i u � - .
. . . I tile `itte'r; . . . .. � Pa Th ""ill I � I
. MANY SHORIS STORIES AND wise Solomon, which numbered 40,000. Sp . , . . � - -.---.--- . . . . . .
PAPERS ON TIMELY -TOPICS belaiti.11 . A, - ., . __ . �. _� . .
, . � . - . I I .
. -that is, if the 40,000 stalls for horsed - ,,Nyllat�wOrki ng ?,, . . � . . . . -
$2.50,PER VZAR *,, 216 cT8.'A'Q0PY tire to be titkon as a criterion. , . . . . ' . "No-seethitig to."- . . ". . . . . . � .. . I , .1 : . , . .. . 1. � . I I I . ,. . . . I .
dR I ES'4' . . I -
INUED ST I I I . � I I . . I I - *1
.. . : ... . � .1 I . I �. I I . central . . - N wv' -'R ecord .'. .
r � He Dared . .. �. Roma � I s mn 1. �
.VZRV IjUMISICR coMPLICTIC IN IT8ZLr . . . - .- �. ! -,- . The I V It .. . . � I
11 I I Parke-Peterkiii has a lot .6f 'moral L .. ... � 1. . . * . . . 1. . 1. . . . . t 'Ir . I . I
I . . . . . I I . . . I . -
. . . . . __.. wm� courage. hasn't W . . I . . I I - .
__ . =----I--.--- La , ? ' . * Tfie. News.-Re.eor.d ,* am fil no be Sent. to any'address un, . .1
I .
I . � no. -How do you. know I i 9. -5 A . Q Re. Sto 6 D LIIJEJ 1. . . . � . I � . .
I ..
. .
L^.vt Hair
� it My hair came out bythehand-
ful,,and 66, grAy hairs. began to
creep in.. I tried Ayer's lialt'Vigor,
and It stopped the bair from Coin -
Ing but and restotod the color."-
. Airt, M. 13. GrAyo No., Sal6m, Mass,
,There's a, pleasure In
offering such A prepara-
tion is Ayer"s Hair Vigm
It gives to sill who use It
. such satisfaction. The
hair becomes thicker,
longer, softer., and more
, glossy. And 'you feel so
secure la using such an
old stud relutble preparst-
60ni- - $Uilslisfilt. Allktqtt"
I I . - "I'll 1. I mi - - . , - 1".. -
lot 6 druggist asimot agnply.
If " ,
send to it* dollar lakild Vii 10#1 0 1`111111
Y6U 4 Wilt% 1% Oaks ' I . 6 a
of yoor milrett 461Mf4i 6 , Add ,
I j.0.A is wolli I
01061whill" , ,
.. � "Why, I got half way through I h
story 1 was telling him when I asked
. - him If he had heard Itl and ho said he
. I . .
had," .. . � .
I . till 1904 .
I .
'�, . , . .
. . I .
. . . . . I
11 . .. .
T 11 �, - �.
'ault Sic I%Taric Division.
6x",E,D0-S � , .
� I 10 . I I I
fo 25
til the end. or 1903 Pir .1 .
� . . I I . . . . .
I .
. . cepAs., I I . I I I .
. � , . - I .. I .
. 1110R. OV.V,R SIXTY Y1UAR$- ,
� I � " . . - :
. 1. I I . unhupwr bFuns
. Bfrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
. .
, Freight' and Passenger. -
. . I I
. I . I
. . .� . . . .. . . .
. . I I .� . I . .
11yes, my old friendo I have been, the
victim of misfortune In all my love at.
been, used bY I'liIiiUll-8 Of lIlbt1iet,-;A,r
their children while teething. If. dis-
I -
- .. I I.. .
kWeaLlier .. porinittiuk .0teamors will
I ,. .
. . . I I !:
+ The Nelvs-Recbrd a
faira.. My first Sweetheart died, .the
tecond jilted me, and the third bee=6
turl , led by night and brolCeft. of yoitr
.rest, bv a, sick child suffering au4
. + .
,leparL . I)er schedule shown 1) � 01.0w. .
. �. �
.is, .
. . .
I I I . I I . I
. I � . . I
leadert. � I
my wifel" - . + .
I -
crying'witil -pahi of cotting teeth .solid
at once and get 0, hottle of "Mrs.
-- .. . .. I
8 It . P_ 1,XIN0 IMNVAIM"
I L . . . . . .
I '. .1 .1 . � . I I . . I .
. �
The Jor4an's course In a straight line
Along its
Winslow's imoothing Syrup" for child-
reu itething. It will relieve 60 POO1
I � .
Leaves cloderich, north bound, every
� . I .. I ,
- � y S; . �
. if you . -are ourself ,
to only sitty miloo, stream
jittl $1111crot . inillictliately, Depend
SeLturday at 9 1). Ill. for Sault Sic,
It measiargs 213 udlee., ._,..... .1... ..
.. � : . .
upoit it, inothers, there is no Mistake
it. It cut s WAS"IlOca, 1`0911-
. c
11laric, T,eaves (3odericit south bound
' at, 11.�jo P. 111. 10i
every Thuradq.
. . � , . I I-
ft I . .
subscriber. Dlease recom
. .
latestlla§toluach and Bowels, ctir�s
Windsor, Detroit and Tolcdo, cal,hig
.. - . .
valloo Itaille Illit Iblisnuethoni Wilmo.
(jueen, Elizabeth had eighty wigs In
Wind Colic, Softens the 0,11111s, reduces
11111alli-Illatioll and givestond and Ou-
"t.interillediate ports. .
-,oS8XVILA0E. 1-1
I , ' ; � I
I ! .
ild it to ycur fri a I
me I ends I
tier collection, and her cousin, Mary#
orgy to. tile whole, systum. ,, "Mrs.
I/ . .
. . _.
queen of Scots, bad 'lag milky as ft bull-
Willslow's Soot1ling ,,;�,rulw for child.
,wt'l leave (Io&r'eh, J\Torth lloattd,,
. I
deed," and AM009 the Incongruous.
prt,scnta made her while confined a
rot teething is plulsaitt to tile taste
and is the lites of one of tile
bo,L�ril)tfl.111 phy'sliciatis and
,it rolla
12 o'clocl 11. ln� WO(Ill"'ItINS for Sault
,qa ant intl,rine(litite Ports,
14to. Ala ( I
I for
. I
� I I 11 � 40"4 00 I
11.0 R -W I
�S! R
. " N '
EjVV % RD . I
mHu h
prisollet, in gloomy LochleVog, provIOUS
OWL and
in the ttilitc(I State% Price
returnilig will leave Godorich
. ej .
to her being bobmdod, wIgAl were nu.
I morous. Gentlemen Who,pattleftlarly
aursLa .,, I - ,
15 cents OL bottle, sold by al (rug-
, 111intisor, JN_,troit and To!tdo git
o'cloA 1). ill. Ott Alondays.
. .. .
I .
� wishod t6 pleaA6 their IddY friends Dre.
nouted thom with wigs Of the latest
S tbroughout tile worfil. site
9'st rs. Witialow's Sooill.
and ask for I 'Al .
I 11
. I +
Vor rates and further illf(it'llatioll
mo%v . I
I llulro\T 1, B
I lug 8yrali.11
Will. Tice, GotIvrich, or
� .4, Yi 11W 6 .
shade Of halt and noweat stylo 6t
tolnurifig. Iffincy a gontleman of to^
day presenting his sweetheart the
I I -I----,---..------
IT PAVS TO Anvy,X1`104 .
W, 11, lto.SF�M,',All, .
0onerul Trallic Mallager,
� I a .
I 11 �
I _______ �. _ ._..__1..__-___ -....1-1- --1 '+ ".
Idest III bak hairl .
S0,111t Fte. Uaric Out,
I , I
�� I . P_��
I . I . ";� ---- ;%�.,14F_ . - "'M .- � . . .
. 11
4.,"k�4%,- ,�- -,�_ 0. #.---W+� . I I- . ,.I .I- 1: I I I � I. �
, . vfj,.kot� . . I