HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 60 a 14 . . 1. � - - - - .11-- - -__1 ­ - � __ ­ ­__ .- - _ , - _ __ � - - - _____ I � I . . I I I . , , .1 ... 11 I—- .1-1 Z=- .4;-,;;, . - ­ ,-"-I--- � , .. - ­­­ --_-- I VDIMIF IPD orter gives it ag ",6r)4,. . . I � &.� 11 -.t I * . � A4 61 111IOUSIS S014 LIMUR's WONDIRB I . . a I 00("AMIRZIN. Making All reasOngb10 . I . � A roftcitl(mo for over4otI.jjVx,t,ejj in tiij* . . . � MMVV3v:Dz WXX=A,XSt VINU "Xy OP THEM VAXWT =AU- �� ,.. 1 case, also, there will be 4 41so.r.q. . � , .. I I . I . I , . 1'=X,S VOU VAZX 3?1X0RZ*. TXVUZ VICTUaroS. I I PINACY wwch is hard to explain. Do . # . . I . . . I we fe(ld illtllwliso qu,Antittlea of wheat �� �� I � . , ",� - I . � "I'll, "I - ., , . to stocx� ? Do we eat as A pe,Qple I � . fteeroxv trom Tug D106aso Axe in An . Armless 4ZI-4 * zerloofs nux 1.11, ". . A At' 011011140116 Amount, of Ilouil—the: I . � � I I I . 00#lt T041 ,44A 04OU14 not ZX- . visa Who To An Expert � 1. , I 1. . : Ceylon Ties, Is the finest oonstunilytion ill tho United Xingdont � .1 I I I . . J � Is only a little over ,four b0helv I " . X I pedluont with other .Ngglor. - . * Too the world pr I oducest �.por beatI, alld We have filready, al� I � . X04044.04' I Tho, recent g4vent In London of � , . I Joweid 7 for Oanada ? N,-� �, , (in ,. , Does F,ast,crA . .1, � " I Arc .. � VXQM­tb0 SUA., S04000,4,. Or Weoo, And leol"j) Miniature- on � g the ent;I Is sold only PM 10010 , Canada not, produce nearly as- nitIch, e., �, ., . , Atis ctl o .vinj . ., , . pt.. p4inter, who turnO, out Nary� $air e satl . f hit I .1 ", The Iddavyft Are 00 Moat IAY.Port- pivtoores, b,v liolding the brush be- a a ft Oys, par,k6too . Wheat as it clalins to 1wodue?. Or , '. I I oVgA -created no little WASNtig 4000 0,rly j - . I � " ,A- TAO,Y 1AWt litter every tween, his teeth, , oe.ouir oftial statistics of export A I ­ � - . 4110 And w0l d9aef, belonp to OvOrY Sleaks MIXed and Oreen. totally IA-cQXrQdt ? This is a ,90b. I V , .. � . . -, P of blood in. the body. It th,i sanis4tjoa. in art�pt,jo eirgIva, ftch I . . 11 "I , � , I '. I I I blood is, we% . -t worth* of attentl N - ,. I . I - . ,,k OW kid40y#'0kAITot do a p4rfori4Qjwo, hQwevor, Js by no Ugr Qf $4nl Je# on. I . � thei � , 1glit SOO-- M 14pan tea 44ak"s try ."S4144" C004 " . � � ­ . ,+­� ,0;! � (0,jA, � j r wovu. " the blood ia, left Meal* so unique as mom . . ,, . � . I I � i , , )r of Ithope , 16-4 . . X: I ­ '. onAltorgO ggd foul, An ................... " , . t -,-t �, I . I . , 4 the kift9YO Attending It scom to have Imagined, I ONE WAY TO. BE :'ITAX!M I 11 , �. * � I $Lft 16ft OlftgPd Wft V0is0AQuP iM� InAeo,d, In almPot All ages, And In, vellsation, And 41A*Ssed him lo"e'd �­ ! ":1-1 I � 11 l� I I 11�� I — . .. I ___ - . -, � 1-1 --­,__­­__ I—— ­­ � ­ - , I . rkuri'400. Than cf,viAo the bp4cac4ea prActicAlly oyery country artists. -with . munity In the -individual against the ROW 8, German Politician Took I . . , , , , I " 0 � me&A 14*1 ladnx 41"V440. halxdir�appad after a similar faoblou TTABTZ PRl13SDXT$. offoicts of the toxic infition"s, Those � � His Defeat, I I � Wt noglmt�,W,&t bapki $or 86 o similarly appealed to the ouf- - I .. - . ,, ,�rp, e hav VAL . who axe proof against tuberculosis 13lue PUbbon Tea, is Obill grown" Ceylon tea. � . . . 030mae4t. Atrike at tko.roo rafrep of their more fox-,tu,a , 'Want$, to -no happy, . The best tea beca= it grows slowly in the cool Mountal air . - of the � + ate follow Xro spent' three months in St. have strong constitutions inherited.' Zvoryboldy 1.11 � . , ; I I I firwt paruvTorsw of kidney I . Peter , . NVIlo succeeds. ? Buddhism fiAroiQlas . vex� U- ereatures, SbUrg, Mixing In the best 0oc- from sturdy-lforofatbers. It Is one � and obtains, all the fragrance and deliclousnqss the plant cao ble by enrldgvg, tbo blood w#h*z a sovereign ---Mmply don't want . I . . . , Perhaps tile moat famous of them lety, everywhere atitragting the of the exo'nVlificationa, of the accept- any0ing, way, long as you w extrac; . , � Miliawo' 3?ink Pillo--tho * 'Ir' A a And anxicky, yet od doctrine of the -survival of the As ant , . ,t from a soil rich ih these properties. . " . ,ply Wadi- 11 was A lady, Miss. Sarah 334ffla, greAteof at&entjo . � Do . , Anything it will prove A soupoe of A nervc-nourishing tea -a sense -pleasing tea -invaluable fog ' , . I , Ue 041 mpakop th�, blood r1ob, red who died At .Liviorpool in the year beilY.9 At 14ho sa,me timp treated with Attest. To bring the weak ones. to 'disappointment in case you . � 004 hoott 1 18,50, at the fairly ripe age, 'of the most brafa-workers,�-solac ng And . I b-jrtving. : don't I . , profound courtesy "d such a standard of resistance is the. balIpon to get it. .i comforting, . I . Mr, NVOPP, ' 00114'Wa. Of, 00.4,10-th, el This Ing respect. Xlewming ,his wanderings, advanced doctrine of the day, ' All live Is at the bottom of all wa . . I . � . � . I *11 , ��Xty�SjX, eniouo p"Upa, 11 As the deslrot-Q I N4, has proved tbot Dr. .1"Illax , uting, , . . . : � _*, Was. born A niero sl ­ , * : Pink' jklli W411 mwe the nvoot ob- .iApejft,,s trunk, be oromed Siberia by slaid-go 1rom elloizts iw other directions "va�"tO , that Is tile root Of unhappineas to Uaft 0 W I , ,with, of course, the head att"hed, west to east, 'and on the way' on. timo,and hinder oj)portunities. SO be , Sun he freely Viuve t1W. At tho. age of fourteen ohe,ls his guide died of exposure, while. his lag authorities on the sqbjact have far yet aniJ, and must do the best I Pa:rt104IA*_ of his 6W : ';T have flowribed as lbokiii, . � I I , cut out, This Is very simple, bon' suicte aazip of kidney tioul?lp� To but wilims all four ot the extrowl- cQuribired so f;trious a blizzard that Apparent is this f t t t � b le d- oxter of the . " ha t e; a but most people Ilaven't got that : 50off i . . tu�p Blue REID , - .g like a djspard� trAN91liAg cOmPanion, wes so badly w4rzI4 the public Against the use of I AX , fuftekod 'from ki;kney trouble for ad doll that had been badly t�*4.L`tod frost,bitoten that both his feet And all -patent 'remedies and urg6d the they can with their warlits And dIs- . ' . I t out, two yeorst" said Xr� 11�llznd, by its child nAstreoa. And oven ou;Q of his hands bad to be amptitat- hygienic I side. of troaktment," appointmollts,:- i "ITAVIng food .and . � ralinent, be -eoxibent," says Paul, amp. a pod scot free, but suffered 'very s In incipient stages of con�- 1 403 . . ever thAt I wduld be unable to *allka to the simplest and become Pre a � - ' - vary probable that All the And Socrates says. "Reduce your t � I 'Votraolinels Ole backache wiliall. ac- when 9. wom,an grown she only a- ad, , Oese#ine, howevor� iz�ot only pil"Vis , - ­ ; ani d tlie trouble would be so talued t,o the height ,of eacla l3at"'n't Ce y1or, 49 - A, YAUD AND AN INC -3K. little, if any, incoliveniemo, a fact sl,Anption, needs for aetwo is a full . � W*i*, and: I have often Rtiftered sev- * . . I , Attached to uothirrg,ll M van these . . , WI;llch caused him to roina;rk In his and nat,ural breathing of pure air e_ L I . . I Prely for woOw at a time, I tirled Yet the frail, Incomplete body was diajiT that "there was some advan,7- night and 'day, simple and nourioll- ..(.(%,lent sUggeAions go 4 beyond 33laoU, X$;zod Ce ahouli$ be AsIr for tb* . . � I . 1� a Aumbor'of modicines eald t ' be ,a � capable of! great And sustained 07-- tage after 411 in being born with- ing food, moderate bathing, gentle mdRt of us, It we could fin4 somg; cor-a0as oreen. 40 riftar Mod loub" j .1 �, . O' . way of . pure for kidney trouble. but I. found eA-ion I'or ye4rs she Worked, al� out llllltbs�ll I so In the sunlight, and a To- I seeing goo'd in, ouir disaps., , I . .____­�_-_.________­ . .. ­ : , ,-,---,-,- ' � . exenci 1. ­ . 'molit . I . moatug to holp me until on the ad- and -night at, her. chosen -Yet another, limbless wonder who gimen . of cheerful, oyAlinistle point .4$ it inigbit help us. For- ­ - - I I I . - - I � vice of a Wend I began the uise of 4:4 , And although her pro- . I � tunatelY, 'wo have An exartVIe ot I 11 _____ -----. . . I � . I . was AL90 a, great traveller wits Pet� thought. In fact, these 'i)raclices ]law this may be done, and it Is to � . . . Dr. WilllaTns' Pink Pills. These gr(AsIs wais for.4 lolig time oxceeklinp or JacUsou, or "Big, Fete," a negTe made 'into regular habit�s. would . OUR I I , I . I , 1. V�Uls spoo began to make their Xopd ly - slow, she in. the and Attaln0d of une , oxnxnon size, go a be h*J)e,d that we may be able . to , , Bon t I I , 10s legs anided At- long way- 'to. preventing any disease 10,10 . . . � . W*xlk felt, and aftea, uping them for such p1rolici6t,cy that she guepeedoad knees,' yet be stood fiv� feet seven , at all, . I , W Lit, ORANDS. 2I& i � , - . . . . ... 1� xbout a raouth evol'-pr veatige of bbo :In winning the gold..niedal of the inches In h The Varls Figaro, gives tbii�s ex- I I . . , . - pigli, and Ills chest dev"al- . I .4 I I � pp ,,,I, King 2dward . . i Experiment . : � I brguble ba;d disapipcdred, ai�ii I -have. Soclerty of � Arts and niany ,, other opment was prodigious, Vdtli his 11 . i . ' - . an"LlAe* of true ba . in6as and .1 ______0C1. .. � � 13, not since had a single symo.tjolm of honors. ,She als6 secured the .pmt -,,jaws . I regrets that it is 10 . f; - . M with : . ould lift, by means of a.. I a Go.riman anki-not . I . the disease., Dr. Wililiallis' - pink rondge of Royalty, and,.eolning � to stra I P, he 'a, c weight of fifteen, ,hundred HE COULD NOT . � - a V renchman that furnish . as it, . . other , and . . . I � ' ' I � � Pills have proved .a greal bleoplin , bli -a lo in the 1. . AS POIATICIAN AND .:K,AN, 60 Headlight 11 . D , , 11 . .1 g London .esta phed a. stud pounds, and bend An. ordinary kit- . . � "This,fortunate mortal -11 B.' RL .- � tio me and I am al*o.ys, glad to say. Strand. where she actually gave les- chen . . 10 HIS I " , says.tho --ro—is I � Inforlor ' I i, po4r NvIth As. little apparent I i , I BEDE. .1.11. I 1, . . ' , . -sona in art to numbers of pApils difficulty as. 4 child dealing aftor a . . . . .— I . , luary - IF, . . I . . . R good word In their favor. M,ll similar fas,bi rX with a , . rILL DODDPS . XIDNEY 'I � F, ' Dtwgomastei oi. a Gar- SI 1E 11 01 , ., 4 H. 9 , y brand,9. I .��i I AZ a ellredive niatlicino Dr. , _ endowed with the ordinary comP18- . !ILLS ""an city, where lie s7tood recently at a It � . I � . . ��, i1aals' Pink- Pills have never L yet menit of limbs. Of her I , S F SV,0,AR,CAW3)Y. DROVE AWAY NIS RHEV- an olee,tion'for ' - , $ . , " ". I L. - point ligs TIQX 00 . a logislativo o,Mce, - *00 r2004 , , - � I . � been equalled. They build up t1he many. wore pot -boil 0, And. more Peter l4rad himiself. out to a ,show-; � .1 M was beaten, and instead of bein . g � � . . I Ic - n , USE . I I ' .Or , I 11 . v , , �, blood and nerves, give now Ozength or less modi MATISX. , displeased lie addrepsed his' thanks dd V. . . ocrem; ,but a fair' Porten.! I . . . Viatorla 11 - . - M . . 1, and enable the body to raxiok dis-' tage show con . derable merit, and mail., And accaxni�ailicd Irim practi- 1. . I .— . : . . . . not only to tho.6o wlia bad voted ' � ..., n I I . _ I , i . . .L I I . . . cally all over the world, On. retull Story of W, J; Dizon has set the, against him. . . . . at is � � . ease. Among the comolain0ba eurtd are even. now,eagerly shapped up, at Ing to New York, 'however. the two. . . - , , . 'A Little Com . Buy's. I I ' � by thene Pills axe rbeu=atlam, nvr- stiff prious, whono . iny Akwer� Settlement . "As a po 'ticiall;1 he said.1 - ex- - HU L10- ,CANADA : . ver -they, finil their quarrelled about money matters and , A a' . . 11 I I . voue disordem, paralyeig, St. Vitus, way �pori the markit.' - .. . " � � . (T so . I � I Twom m,y g�,ratitudo t6 all those who, r. � � �1 ..'r, K= rmw=00aminin � rm _____ � � . I'llig Pe'te" mauled his,mast ' , . . i!411-ing. �. . .. 1, ... 1. aliantly supported. me;, b4t,, . . I . . -9 � . dal%.ce,' Indigestion, anawalit, lung Another limbld§s wonder ,is' the badly that ills lif6 was despaired of. � . have V . —.-.----- * I ____._..__. , . . . I - _'­-._'_'_____ 11 : tronbles and the troublea.tbeIt make UuWati,- Kobelk,off, who visited Eng- He was arreat�d, but not before he ]�.avvick. 13.0,, Aug, 14D.,(Spe�iaj, as a man, I� am lixore dc�ply indebt- ­­­ . . . .1 . . . I tho lives of so many women' miser- land sonre" fou,� or Ave-yeaps ago, I -Almorig . , the sott � lers' here the cure ad to those who have'neglected no. . . . . . � . . I .. I 11 I . ., Eubte. Sold by all medicine. aealors, .aivd itaonisthed;- every one . by, the , had butted one policeman to death of NVAIIiam:Jobn Dixon'of, Rhequigt- li�e4na -.oV'defea:t4 4 1. . . . . � � . . 1. . � and severely Injured four others, �For . ng me and have. � � / -_LF - . I . . � . or soji-t po&t pald at 50c per, bocz ca,se. with -which her performed. ritim- thts .he -.Va$ senteywed :to'. twenty tivin is ,' causing xvilah'tal.k.. The, thus . .c6ntTibuted to my Personal ta 0 . ,�, L'�l . I 1. ow six -boxes for '$2.50,' by -,,Oriting bons of appayently-to I I Amr-linjilossi-I yeaas'-c-onfineunent in a*pcnitent ' laty, skory L of tb6 CUTO. 'Its tOld by. Mr'. .well-bping'and. happi�iiess.­ , I . . le�? one � .. - I .1. ` I ­� I eimeet to the T -'q-. -.WiIlIa=%i-' Medicine ble feats,, Dixon.himpelf, is as foll "It"is difficult," conclude' L &I J 0 8, E P mal CHAMBER A I ON"' ' ' � Co., 'Arockville, OA., Don't Oake a Par iniiance, heJuggled Where ho a1wrtly afterwards died.. " OVID: . -, - . � I . s the rig�- . 47 1 1 . .1 I � . . ... . . � . . . with cups and b�lls,'played, battle' - Dtoing tile, su,niliner of. 1'90.1 I ftro, "to bave a, better. Ana,art6r. I . I .. . . . ..A jar, happierm. fat�,, N�As. Aerved for - I . I I . . . . I . . . . . * . , i vubmt4tute at. -any p(dc4-oaly. tb,O dore� and shuttlecock. I ex�Lraor- Sanio Stots, the Ilin . b , less diver- of had,an attack of Ty 1,var; and It Js -rare Also- to be betlt&r divided - . . ,AND THE � ... .. . W . phold It. . � � . . .. . I I . . . . i . . ­ . . � I . I I . wnutme Pills eAn cu're. . � ., - dinary skill. and a dlty,� . ' I ov;an afte,r'I'got over. it. Rt-,,own;ati�hl, s t than are .the .oleodtors' of that con- !, . . . I 92 Ybkoliaina. ,.Orlj�iia3ly a poor� beg- .. . 0 - ' . . I ' ' . I ' . . 4. . . scored , quickly, and cleiij)ja't b,il- gar,witin, I he sonixyllow .found his way. in. I had �ains in my back and in gtitudlicy. They have at. one sitroke I I MASAI WARRIORS. * * . . 1. I . . � I . I - 1. . . . I .. I* . . LORD C11ARLIE'S RUGG E D WIT_ llaa.�dal li.oldlok a spc�,c.ially.�,rrrada �ua down to t1le..port fromAbe interfor,. My. , right hill so bad ��t I Nad.to irmoo two - persons: happy,­:tha . orie . . . I I . . . . I . � � . I . . I . . . , I . u1se:A, stick'to ,walk an;d ;had -ito who is elected an'd the pile who. is; * � �� . 4 1. I .. .� I Lord Charles W-resf . . 1. SETNMEX J*JS ,,r4Wjj. * - and starte'd giving,' -al fresco- ekhibi- , . . I . � . 1. h ...... REMA..RK BLEANCIDENT; ' , . I .. ... I � % I ord's wit li3., of . . . ;comfort 'Ili sleeping. �.. I . � ' - not.' Why not , t1itis ,after, 'every - . . 'on theoc, I � . . � . . . . I . I . . tions .,of* diving: for nioney throwzi ,, , I . 1. . casion of Alr..TOseph thainberlain's recent. , - �, . . . . � . the rugged, seafaring I kind, sbine- 'Willen Wrillig fi6- held his foirk. or . . I a could mal"c'dly dr6sp. myself ,for -eleckoial, Atiiggle ?" ., .N I - . . . visit to Njoinbuis, j-,aAt,Afrjc%, a torchlight Nvar. . . . . I , , , � irom� - the the - Passenger . , .. . � I . I . . I what lacking that Cheiterfleldian. kilife. cleverly betw66n.his 6bee�,:and I �� deeks of . Allbaxly, two niolitbs, and, for three o -r ' .. � i .. I . � I . . .. . . � . I . . . I I ­ � I . I steamers Calling there, - - His skill. � . a 4 1 .. . . . . , h:` d�aace by,tho picturesqueluasai warriors *as given . , , . - . - . I .. - Week -a' I -could not I e, my right , .. . 1, I � .. I . grace which characterizes 'the *itlof� his shoulder, He. could tbiread the grew by degrees to -be' , little loss four . .. . ac . I . I � .7� .. . I 11 I ... 1, An-hishonour. l�.thiicontiecti�iia.str.ikinginci-. � , .. I � . - I . . � 041141leat-eyed npadle- In far less tinl* than , marvellou&s. .' Ile -Rept..hilln, . self , . t leg on nly loft , I I . `dent, as honing the m,orld-M . . .. ,� . . � . . � the modern raconteur; - . � ' ' shoe. or liut my righ . Tlxr� ilq-LADITET) SUN. 8 ' . denscofliolloway's '. - Here is a story which. than .-most ordinary. , , peo,ple, zis kh�e. I .. . . . . 1. . . I . .. . . .. .. . . . L I . .. . � � faTROU&--graedies, Is illustvated by th . . ... . . . Illustrates. I - ahoat - arid perfornied all. sorts " of . I . � . . . . I . . "-it , . I a acco�dpau.y� : . � . . this contention .as applied to the mpthod.'being to fi,rg,f otick-it in 'the' I .. "My brot. An Astronomer has propounded the I ing pbotograj)h, taken on ilia spot -by a coyrespon- .1 � I . * I . . eXtr4ordinary - antics. and evolutions. . bar advised -me to , try . .. . . . . . . . . I �. . � � . . I Af- , . � I)pd,d's. Kidney Vit1s,-and after �tak- Aartling theory that the-vilin is in- . . I . .. I dent ot ThsA - . . I , famous admiral . lapet of. his coat with Ilia 1�eth, in the Witter b� a. tsort, I .. . I I phero. Indeed. �11 . Lord Charles on One .occasion was � ter which bw manipulated the t read sin of' srinuolip,. .Ing � three I boxei, I ."began. . to 'wA k, h-abit6d.'.. He believes. that Away 1n; 1 .., 11 i I � .. . . I I A . . ' . . ." ... � I . 11 .. I . I breakfasting in a, small hotel.fIxi ,Alt . - , . r - . Axe to. Kilartoll, . cruat sop"arated wn. It by � - �. in the country, and �accidentailly he, I xn ,will ware- beneath his, notice, .,,but he, 6f'At; is, I ha*a. had no. ,. . .. . . . I upset a cup of coffee over the. clean blave noticed - All. Homan, the - Arm- Rhouvila1film since." . . �, - , a non-zeonducting atfmosphare,- lies a, . �, . Ay 3.1 I I ". ` , . , - - with , I I , .. . .1 h I . aue-like, nlbvj��In�n , O� : Ilk � - 10 g' do, lily .work ar � y .1 . of-" ,the sun,,'' brilliant, : . I'm � lean, linibleps truil.k.: �., Copper coins , , al lace, xk1p in . sjhjoei,. the centre ' I - I ' ll!ltilp And -the btw.f ,,.-and -fay. f1r . W It .1.it%lls: n 0 LLO . , woiil4purstie�'& �ailirer or gold ple6e, .. Dod,d'q Ki I . I I 11 . . I . less: and -legleas d6likey boy. - . dney Pills take, the uile .beautiful.plan4f having all thd'injore . . . white tablecloth which the'k6o.d. lady' hoivev6r was n , 11,80� ,and - cmtdh it up bev;veOn hi� teeth 1�.. Rh,u� dcoirvblo char4cterlsities of our . :� , 4 .1 - ot born that, w�iy, I � 4 .acid oUt� of-tille blood. and il , , own PILLS AND � . - of the house had dug' , up froiii, her' � t �owea -I . A . 0 prig ere it had reached. the bottom. . I , - : . . I I I . I L . 1, 7 ­ � . . . I � . ' . . .. - , . , - I most sacred linen -cupboard, for:"the bu . 11 -s �OA plight to . . �.Ono day,. however.,, I it, was missing mief6i . tra.goes . with It, - - ,. , . . .. er,lth� . I .. . I I. . .1 .. I I . . 1. . � : 0 . I benefit of the 13ritish admiral.' . birilelty of the late:Khalif4, Abdul- , .1. I ---- - ----- - -- -- 4-- - , ; .. 4. 7- . . . INTMENT . . - I from his accustomed, haunts, and.it. , I ' . . . . . I 1 . . . . fortunateL Ull lkh. Mohanirned,' who had hira'thus .. .. .. WHERE DOES, OUR WHEAT GO P . Pezztfn6" -Cannot 'Be *,Cuted . . � . - . . are .used Wherev - er.flie white ma , , p : I v, the upsetting M the. mutilated, at different times, vvas found on' inqdixy that, - having. . - - . . � . , . - . .. . I . � . Ur . I ateaming coffee also upset -the- good as A!: accuipulated the equivalent'in . Eng- . '' I _1� - I . by local apPlications-as they cannot . . . '. I . : .. ,has set 7his -fbot. 1, . . ,� . .. Punishment..for. soallb Infraction Interesting Statistics of Gov.ern- - the' diseased portion of .tile. ,ear., - I I . I . . . . . I . . . . . . . . lady's temper, itn,d she smiudly. rated, o'ther of' *.one of . his n,l,a or 1jsh zvoriey* of about Z1,000, he -had I . . . . I .. reach one -w . ay to cure deafness, . . � . . ... .1 . � . I . I . .. I . 1. ny arbitrafy returned to Ilia native village and I nient .0 . . . .. ThereAs olil . .. . . � � ' . . . . I . . 1. - ' I . . . � Lord Charles for his- wakit df,tact.., .. fficials. . . I arid that Vby constitutional remedies. rujas and regulations. . Ali practi. . � . . . I "It's a good thing for you"" she callk sp ,wedded ilia daugh-'ter, of a t6priving. , ,NVIlere ,do -11 oil . ,11 ' ' , DuiLluesS.Iii 0ixU9ed,1,y an intikuned con- The Masai Warrior carrying, his grealse p lung from the IGbiof his right eat, Thcp�t itithis case . � I as a r w, iat go to ? . . . A as jar,and"Is . . -waking life ' wcllw.to-do I . lining. of the�hlus- � - W. 0; U01,LOWAY'9 OlZ4TX`E.1;T . e lobe of the car, had beqo stretched 4o get round the pot, . . said, "that -the. coffee has hot left a ds his entfre and _ ditjon: of the Inucous . I . . . I . . � . . I . . o,li'donkey-back, and'he .has' become, I � '�09PIWOPAr-,­4PL'ar7� Orperhaps tile questiqn.sjload rath- tachian Tubs, When thIs tube Ig infleLln, . � I I I . I . I . �.. . I ... I . I . . - , .1 I Inuch stain on my clothl". I . 1w . 'oonsoquenc,�, - .. � so extr ,-on's 'Weekly. I ,., . . . . . . ,or No wha,t is the iniatter with our. . ed you have iL � ruinbling sound.or Im. . � 1. . I ,- C . , . ... . I . I . . . "It was . . - . I .aorainarily. � . .... I . 14''� %. - . . perfect bearing, .find when It is ,entirely .�. I � . ­ . I I . I . 11. . . I I n riding and gulding'the-par- .1 I I 1. .. . . I ,a ?, ' "It Ja - � . � I � . I - XT too Weak, ma'am,' ' ' re- skilful I . -- : .. � statistk ju)" n9vi very closed, Deafness is the result,. and ui)- TH.Z PILIJ31. � I I I TAU 03M�Tj,M - . . . I.. . . .. inxotor�avt that the peo oil :Out . . . plied the 'admiral. "You'll have t1j, .ticular anim-als.:Ilb Affe6 . , , . . . . .vplo Ili i0ireat tess the inflarArnation can to tak prompt'an . d Orectual, but - is thle greate I s � tho0nr agent known for Old. . . stain your coffee .before * . W, that -lie -is . IRR4TIQ*AL XEDIOINE. I gentIq and banign..rcrnedy fo� all disorders BokeS and all skin afrectioiis, IMinniadam' I I . . YOU. cah at-, able to p6rfdr�ri, with . . Riltain, should� khow exactly what and this., tube* restored to its normal * -. are a Wonderfhlly I . -their.aid, the, - � . . I _' ' ' . . ' � I condition;- hea%riiijk will.be destroyedfor- of the Liver and,llowpls. 'rhey cleanseand' 1. and Sciatica Nield to its influence quite . . . pact to stain your table -linen. Use 'most romarkaill -� .1 . , ' amiount of' ...wheat' Caaliada already, Nitie casLs out'of ton,aro.caused * I thoroughly rLgulate the a � yetem I . � 9 - xparts as a � lYaAis foir estifi4ting, should mever bevithout thim. I troubles. . a : feats "of lla_,,Maan� Good Habits Wou d Go 6, Long a ,er,, .'.Fewalqs Inngically, Its also niost I* . beans, ma'am; ' use.. . in re 'Ship. " . Thus, , fie - �y e ' arrfi, I . . _4roap end, cheat more I y , hich' is *nothing but. an . I . . � . . : I Way to Preventing. Disease. . ,. w,)� b __'t w - mucous oel, . . . beans! ". . . . a ' ill stand .oil his . I � .0t I t117 . . I blit. od .Foadition. . of*tbei� . .1 . — I . .. I . .. . . , , — a ,�Phlle ,the donkO . . I I . . . m I I I . . . .hea;d iii..tb, saddl . .. . . '. this coun is cAliable of ex., vice$. , . .. .11 I . I I . I I. � . . . - . I . � i . .Z'': is i and Itlion, Th6re' I . � . � al portillg. under. an increased aerea-ge. Wo will give One Hundred D'Ijars for � I . I "4/ I . . . going, at - full gallop . . . Its I soin6tbing' irriatioli . . . . 0 Manufartured'only at A New Oxford:Street (late 53-3,.0xf6fd Street), London, . I ,ing hlfn*s bls'should�-rs to about doping the body'.with dalugs . '31 . �. I I . . . : .. . I . . . . IOW(A , j. elf to . uch of oiir' ,. wbetii. caters G�roat any case - of I)eafness (caused. by catarrh) . I I BABY'S SECOND SUMMER p ,t be cured by.,Halj�s.oatarrh, ' I.. I . . � . . � . . I . 1. . ,. I . . . . . I . , -Ili- case of di ease. , Sfedlelne, may :Br . . . to thatCanoc 11 . .. I . . I --- _-, I . . .. 94111 the necessary Irapetus,.will pro- s itain - under . - the . general ' rni Cute. Scnd� for � circulars, free. - , I . I M ". - . — - ".. , . . . I . .1 . , ! . . ., . . I . ­ . I . � , jwt himiself upside',down-jrito the, indeed contain -food. olemimt,q land- in "Alinerica, -ays tile. Ivibilipeg Tel -v - F�J, 0311ENEY ,& CO., W _. - __­� _. , I __�­_�_.­i . Vhy it is a Dangerous Time , . . ll,:� � a " � 1!t ­_!=n-li� ._­ � � For air 'like a bli-man rocket-, ajighting a&. ,far :be good; or it -may- arouse a egranl_bald Bpitish �st.ati.,Ai6 do',not� Sold. by''Druggists,'75c. . . . 1.1 I 1:1 . . I . I I ,. - . I . .- I U411's FwiI4 I'Alls are, the best. - . ROUND TRIP RATES VIA UX- $AIT" & 0ARIERON ., ' ' I -the, tell,.14ho coi-tect story,. but, thero, is � : I .. .. , , . I .. The Little Ones. : , - on the. a' - . violent., reaciloh on tile .part 6f. � . -, - . _ . , . ,.. , , . . * : � aidialtordofilsk6nts I '. I ,.�. .. Alwiyg off, send . . . I . .. .. � . � . .. , , , . . 1� ION PACITPIC. . . � �. I � . . �, . � 1. systanijo, throw tbil'intruder 'Out no reason Wby our own statistics . 1. . I .. � . I Canada Wo BuildI6 I I Zaby's second sttraxer is consId. . , IN'TIM - SAX9 POSITTiox. . . Id'n it As . A� � �elQw�match is made of rope �to-.Tnany points 'in the states 'of . Col. PATENTS,. To,onto.. , : . . . �.. .. . . .. I . .and,acts: As. a puige, .Put in the end ahou -at be correcA. ' Vet .1 . 4k . I . ered a d-angerous-time In the life of � . steeped In* a solution Of "Itliett'd orad6l Utah Calif6rnia, Xonj.alla,. . LGEP dAd—flue , . . . . I . Another -favorite. exhibition of his it ls,* the vital power "of the body� al,anjost lip,pogsible te believe .itbal . I I I ., a I I *_4-56 7 . I . . . � every infant beca,use of the distilrb- . '3' 'd lir WAshingto.n. fro -in Mis, ' . . � ance to the digeki �, Is to plant hin-4self bri 'the grouaid on that heals all,wounds and txpels all� they are correct. : Ili th6 blue bdok� - an- . .zie, �yatei.% . , ., ." � . . Oregon and . I ­­­ I.- .. -_ . � I I I — .. . � . � it Ve fu0oti Mp . his thighs, 'b6n4 allow diseases%,' Almost s6ases naw there are given what� ibre clakwod to ,. . I � . . . I . . ; . . wurl �Rlver ."kerniihal�i-Cvuiicil ` .� I urdrig the hot . I , . . Byufps to Xanlpaa.City' litt,lusiv . * 1) ed by cutting teeth d One caus- the 'stu' a -of ' all.'di . LAWES" . . a- donkey, whicli. he .has trained for arioe, from the. pteschice of noxious be tile oomplate figures - of tile ox- . , . - - . . . 'de ree the purpose; to charge full tilt at m1crob0s. One -is ,afraid f6 sitick porits of 04riadian produce, Take I , I � . a - weather. In slightly lwm Ask tv 11 ads' , d1d % no othef. TW. -S& .. to . Ilwiver, . Col�!ra.do OTTAW&COLLEGE - � I I. . 9 � .. . every summer is a time of- 'danger - I a " �nr� Lixample. ."the year cnding� June, � , � . ­ . � Spcings And Pueblo, daily.to-S-op�, ' . 1. . for babies as Is. ahowm by the in� him. , Then, just- . as th aulmal .his nose out of doons.samotimes lest . . . .. — . .. � , go. .. . . , Uarnosuwrlor V,E0,l0U4TlAL &-h(tol for . , I ctleased dea,fAli I . . rearbes him, and li-looks as though , lic'mee , t - .one of these fearfully proli!, &0,. 1,902, with the. figures covering I � .. I . . I as& . Girls.. , - . � . Paris has now 6�. wonleri -doctors 00.150 to *OgOen and Salt Lake alvop �cade�cjc, matrionlatiou nnl Soleote I'Conreez. . r.ci ace gives I .. For HUM (Canadian 04.noervatorr), Art, Rio,uliou '. rate altiong bliam, dtlr-. . 11 , "other instant lie is ' inevitably fie, cre%U�es'. 13ut , *0 , , us -the arop of 1001. The blue books 'out �f a'total of 3,600 medical prac- City 'daily to Sept.. 30. tag the heated term, Of.great in't"er-, 1 .. 1. � � . going to . � 1, . . - to' mai,un O" all co-ilii�- . . , at.,,d 15. 4 . . SEND FOR OALFENDAK. .. . I wriggIcia .his tilig.11S wide kept zed upo. it Is I -Women p . op,�, 1 4 , . I . - , ..� . ceft to every mother- therefore, Is a haels."Ali 'be sent flying bead . ova'� this comfort� Provided ilia body is iftate that In that stear there were. titiouers. In 188� Paris bad only . $".SO fo'Spokarie Ain g .4 and iS, Stonography, Arb,Xetdlowok. &(j,, SeX CALENDa , . . ca1m43aratively rec��i dielcovery 6f a tc�, all exill(,jr.ted 4roni Cana&o. t seven bystel I an.4. . . . 8 . . � . . . . � I &part, the donk,gy lower his head attacks of the gonue bacillu.s. This . tries 216,117,680 'bushels of. wheat . .. ` ' . � . . . wMah Mrs. David Lee, of Ll�d!say,: a . � I - "Bridget, did the -dog eat . much $0�.00 to Portlaaid',, Tacolina and '___Addrou,THE LADY FRUCIPAL. . to tile grouri,d, and the next I-00an- lets us Into a great smrot. No w1dA 086,648-barilclis of 11mir, or a. And 18, 8 . I I .1 1, � 1, . I Oat., -im6s as follow's :- , �. ." 1. I . wben 'he 'got � Into, the pantry?" S-oitrtlb Ajug.' 4 . ept. 1 and, . . . ... '414y little girl ha,d a hial,d ent man and beast -are I non barear- Ion . . .�-'3hure mum,. lie ate overiithing but 1�5. .� I I . . I . 19 gbrr p6vr.poisons' into the fine, tottalof,. say, 80,600,000 bushels of , . � . . . . "Xdo Ing rapidly aero;ss the d' .sysitem:in order, 'to � wb"t� gq- ' I j . % 11yelney I - cleaulng I , . . eSert, 4 .,v, tbe tol,al, Calladiari . I jrot"ng her teeth. ,She *.gd, fever. .the .dollcate human � I the dog biscuit." � I . � $4,5.00 to.'San I ritaci4wzo' And Los b , . . . ? . her, foparier seated wat,ride the latter's kill lilicrobes, but bra6e the' I ,i of that.year was eitan-atted at . .. . . I I ' I I 0 Ish, her ton,guie was cdazted nock. , . . o. '. � . illysical c1rol, 0 0 0.,000 bus)he1q, and we . 11 . I . . .. . . Aageles U,g., I to 14 lncIuiiv*e. . For the vory badscadyout work W the . . I I . . man .wltli- simple. hygienic living and,, abou't ") ,, 0 � . " . broath offensive, and she votalled � . A,jljoilg limbless . ; . � Lever's' Y -Z. (Nyise Read) Pisinfectr $45.00 , to. Portlanil, Tacwna' and,j ",BRITISH AMERMAN DVEINQ CO." .1 . I . t;Tavoll(irs, 'Mr. nature wili see .that disease gets no know fbr :certain that over �4.0-00- . . .1 � - ,00k for &cant, la-yourwir , or ifead . Wrt 6. I . ourdl6d milk. On. ibd Advice of our . . . . .. . I a. boon to. any Seattle Aug. 1 to .'14. nclusi 6 . Charles 111asoltine staild,s'dasily ffi,st� lbdgiriont. oi- also that � it4s cast out 000 ll'U'llels: was fiisipoetvil Ili. Winni ant Soap Powder 'ig � ve n . l � . I ' . � I . . . , treal,Torontoi Ottawaj Quebm . , , only son.. of a wel . . . ­ . . . � IV)va,t bq,ca,me of thle Ind . . home. It disinfects And dleant -at I a � . I L dodbar I gave�her Baby's Own Tab. ItIlL . . I-todo vlr�64�, lleck And be�ls. I Plego � Allce � . I . �50.00 .to, San Fralicisco ,n� 3�oslj �on . . . Ai*46lea 0 . 11 In.clumve, I ' '', Isto and she bogoa , I in�proving , at lie hAd,- er4 'i-eaching his ni,ajority, i-mkir.,01�-- r, oil .0,6N1sUMPTI,Vrt 8, . bat-woon. the 8.0,,600,.000 1buishols' tile Saito t.imol . . . . b:t 11 to � A_" . . .. , I . once. She haid not slept well at . . I — I . Por 'full Infairanation ad4ress Irl, F _ ------ _­ ­ I I. I. . I � �., Ilight for wbout three n,4enths, An'd I visited- Prance, .Spain, 0-ol-marij,, T) a New 1"ork X-rerald, in speaking exj�(trted.awl -the 90,QOO,000 buishols � Ily 1004. � t I he pay of the pitivato in Cartcv.,. t.P.k.., :L4: Janes Duildbig, � asimm FBORM ,�,,� �. Holland and.ltelglun).. .NVbon� in his of tile. irvAtionality r Suppose Nye Allow. fdr I . . . � , � vfts almosf worn outcaring for 'twenty-hfib yeAr his father and *411titoxit m of se'um. and &O'N'Val ? the British Army will belralsed to Toronto; Caiiada, , . It . . hbr. Nothing did etho'ds in case of jl,on.� .401110 exaIggeratJon in the estimate Toron-to, Canada. V. B. Choate, G, . I Mr 'An goo'd --an- . 1s.6d 'a day for� men' wlib have serv- � I IND FA N T S " I 1 41 1 gave her -the tablais. y Now her mother both died, within a -few *aAks ouinjiltdon, and - of the, sirniplo rome� of the yield, � ,yet thereis no qxft�� . . . A., -126 Woodward Ave., Detroit, I � * . ' in the, aalilount Inbilectad. at ad tw�. years or mOre. . . . : ; lood d1gests properly, her brea,fji is of one Another, and he � then doeld� 'dies tit jjand, %�Jtlhin, tile reach of goraltlo� . . . . . I . Mich. . . . I . . . ". . . . . � . oweet bor tongue clea , -practically All of which . I . ... --- . D ELI G-11 IT I . n And she is' ad haidylg 'no ties to -keep him. at � All,, for ..,;.t"n hening ille patient to. Winnipeg, , .. %X n . 14 1 � I . � . ,.61nc, 'to inake A; more oxtendod -ag� resist the dW 91t welfit.. Q,agt. in. tile Shape, eith .nt . For Over' SiXtY Years , ... . " I quiet And qpdd- I can strongly re. � ease, Says :. . . all .. WRO. WtVSLOW'S 906THTNO SVIRM hits botu need by Oil-cako is. the most, valuable - form . I . . I with hyreign lanft, Il'o "'So. far all atto.inpt.s to d6aro� graJn or fl&W-� 11'ply did 14',000,- pflilloiia of tnotbirg for thdir dhildreo while le,lthfulf. of food for Stook. L Three pounds of .ap . , , j� - .qi 411 SyX JIM n L eqtes Toijet SO ; rotmMerid & tablets to other ,h tiaintaroo , I . .Mo '. - 1IIjq . . 1 . CL proceeded to Roiiic, wlyov.b ..oftcoi the cunks, , . A,� , . brrj as they culred my baby When W 'L ho, the geritit, In 0e lungs have gl�ynally 000 .4bushols of this wheat diRAI). tt000thog the Vdid, � 011-dake are equal to tell pouh6. of I . . . � 1. kind colic reg listub thu vi othiob and bowals, asia is the � , . * hing else wbuld'. " . . . � 0 received ln'gpetiai audiongo by failed., So long as tile bodily toil -peat, ?. - A good deal, of Xanitbba ,eatr( .... Ply Iol, Dlarrho,tt. Tiventy-fivi cents a 130WO hay. or five pounds -of oats. ' 13est Or . L nAOt I . . I ,Best for I I I the J'Opa' L *Proxa there he trq.Volja�a is favollable for the propAgjXtjOnL of .�v,hon,t.ls'consnlnod . .1d b hout the world,. Be sure mMd� � I I . I I 'baby's Own Tablets are sold _ '0800THINGSVAIM" 23-14 Big FoRs Little Folks , rago "is th,.ug ,.k f.r.� . . I Xo.,�w�,Or,w . F11 L I I b� by daigy RtagOs to. COnOtanfinople, tlia�mfcrobps 'thcly will mplOply, In ., J -X IMSTVIIIX CANADA. W At 'dealora in Medicine Or will - be . L"' I . ,;._ L 1. . I . - . 0oh't nosb),)aid at t I wenty-five ce�f'?, a Where the S3,101tall sent for him, an- spite of local. trilitithlent. The prlm-� bil t as )#�,a-,Wrfi CallOA, prOd'a-cog . Thel'o, are . I . . bud'sLialment Lumbetmao's end ' " **>0"4gC_<_t_* L L ' 470, n the. Thilte(I States 1'.7 . . . . I.. I . , . - I a lie gaged blin, for soveral bouwg in con. j ciry Indication is � to. create an .init- moi,o than elloligh for, its pivil. con- ),o people L I L ; '10HM .my-topt & Co. . L . . � I . I .1 — � � ,�ox, by the Dr. Willisima Medl I I .. . L .. . ' . .1. I .L 1. . - .. . -he Manitoba, wheat : used: � IC I, 11.91 over ten W110 Cannot L I 'Deny, 11rcibkville, OnIt. _ suntation, t . Com . . 11 . gpa� �ijf�, - these. there An excellent and pleasant disinfeci. Perf=ors and. Soap Make I . . - � 1,7.11 1 1 � ­ - 1. I . � . I 1. I .1 1. . 11 L I- I- . - - -­_ -lease. va.-�,torh wheat are , , 1. Desides of 0 . rs -, L I j - , - . - , - there would re 12, 0() Ind! . . I . . . I I � . . I . I . I I . . for export-. 3t is probable-tbal; six ans, The majority.of tatit 18. made per .cent � essence . TORONTO, AN I . . I . I ORI41MAL -SIN. - 11 . - 6' � : .1 . I JiML DiInIPS exult.16d, "we I bw�hols per h juld bo high these are Gerinans� 11 11 I of thyina And 18 per q ' ant. a serice of 299manw-MOMMUMEMIM19 r . . I . - do not# I I ­ .ead w( . a I.. I -0_ geraniuni mixed in alcohol. . . I -_ , N onoulgh average for 44.6n,'XIIII'll-tion _ I . I . . _. . . I . . -.-k- I � Australian Childven's Definition - , L . ­ L 0 On Susmat days so claze � Omnada, perhaps, too high. btit Ivalce . I L . . . . . L , V ... 11 , i . . � L I . � . L L ,�. . L Of it, � . A 11 . I I . L and hato - 10 It7 ,IeVon bushels per head, And we . L I � I no TIN.D Tim noula-SnIMI, %Z I N.A L..L - I - : I . . I I I . . . Build up it Arc and r,t*%v . tXC.VRSX0ka 0 GOUNTIRIES. f L The gc;od old Scotcli lady Who I I , . . . .. .1 .. akid ateitra I could account oil. tile score of COTI- 0. 0, 1110MR:09' & CO, - . I I L Ra PATERA .... . I I sul-notion for only about .18,500,000 Nar Sir.9,1--.4 have ro&t falth in . I . . . I 694d the doctrine of total depravity I I A digh ot'k FONVA b0WI ; . - 9 On A,ugus't 18-1.1l', Also SepWinber P401M. L . I .0 buthels. , Tile Wquirerreltfq for soo7d M=L,tjD,S LIX,O�T, As loaft\year ist and 16.tli, 190U, round trip'tio'k- � 'TrZATI61W L . k I . Was -a very good thing �f you could . f. creasn, I . "M I If 3"' GRUT & 'A I. i Only liVe tip to, 'it, Lperbapa ie . . is just, the fo6d to fit Our L wnuJ4 not be more th-an abatit 10.- I eurod a horse of nlng�bonaj with otg will W i4mod front 0111cago and . I TO PATENT . L. . I L some instruction in the cato.chis oded . I I whiia, - � OMJ(Ioo bllslielo� Taking'ttle two to- fiVo bottles, I St. ,Paul At alnile fira'0140S4 fal'( - LITIQktION, ' 1. , . m to . . a UL r keither we might ateount f&� ab6ut 01% MAYBEE � clear, up her ideaa but if 116 L'b .0 I's - , I)t blistered the horoo but In, - A �pljlj§ $,�,Oo to poinla the Gr4eaj .. thudiforKA(ldhook . # otter - I And koe !4-$0` jjw",� 00,1000,000 bushols, batthiii w�oitld j0301ftVdt-,'V01I10"T40. Ofit'atOntw'", .. L 11 I.. I . . method were oinilloyed.tharl the : . I laugged UAAr I 0 L.0 molith thOrb w" 110. I'1119-b011b Uld Northern R,V. in tho Mates of '111,1- _,.__�­­�� , I . I . , 1011OWing Yn;Atitutod by a follow� . I I . I 11 I I I soonito be 01 utsfd,o 11mit. On a no I& I mejios�q. , � 11 I . nm6ta, Opegern, Idaho, Wasalingtol I i � . ... .. . t1. si, 0o,,0oo,cj)o busb6l. crop we xbould - . ­ couAtivillan, she Would got litt-lo L I . . .. I L . ­ 3)AXIIL,M.TjRC-1AjS0x, Also to aWp6bits ift'llritiall, Cahill � . I I . ��' vport 40,000,090 j?.6Uf ralls, X, P ­ ,4 Great Nol'Itjjorn Ij,% 1. help. Tho Loildon Zail�t O�jrojlclo , I �3 11 � 1. e*dl;� be able to 0, � bia rooehoilvIV 'ORANGES LEMONS ; I 1�i �.dcsm� doom gg=& . I I . . I I � I "A wealthy Avotralian Seotapyl,,., . . . . . are vallfX for 'rotul We have bleXICA11%, Wt. . I ­ �Vo_q tile other 1,0,oV.0.004) bUsbeLs, passage. within 21 .days fralti dai California Navdls, 14AVt . , I I . . years a _" %_"o toil to' Atoe"k, oi- wits 'it never grown . I . � 1110 I Pull Inforan4tion as to stop wo;- Sevilles. . . I l tells tile stol., I I Air"a MW " , bwtAbols, yet the offidial figuTes credit . . _. These tickots v, I L us only with' 30.4000,000 bushels. . I . nambd Allaii, died s6nio V-90, I . %A 0� e, . of Imue. ValailejaSp and,L ' TIM. I ablo sum M fill I ()T, t4 I ­ - - L- -1-1 .. -_ jilegod, BEST of moft6� to P* ,aking on y tbo AlAuro,.4 - -_ 6,tc. , . . .�dV,doLpoWpetjjal tWjjZ0S Th.* geAdy464aft Mud) .,., - y6,_F6qer ­­tban *K413, COVW1006,9- ri A , by calling oil 't I " . 4 to tile PvesbFtoriah chllor�i�. of tile . I -1. ��-Iil for NVInnipeg inspection, is it POSW- of �onsalojjtjou% .1 objection to vaceina. , , " harlm IV. Gro,vog. Disvri( . . W , . evw_-�DAWAV44I L for I)II10ficitf,cy bi 11k L ,. ble to believe that 14,M0,000 bw;lt tift of obildran ware received last E'.`o,g,"'-C� Agent, 6 Xing St., Wovi Carload evoey week, All thd ttb6vo, at L I PIS wIligh t,)a,QjSed tjjjr0jr.P"jj W'jIjnjt)Qf�? The li�,teait not & blood "ter' L . L I asta,il C I 3111,r t�y the vaccinttion officers Of Room 12, 11"dron,to, Ont�, , tharkot. prices, We can also handle your I Wev-lptural knowtodge, t ,nnadit , . ropout of the Allan bequest corilvilit. was cowe,lianed fit Ii! 14 ' Buttor, Igggt, Potalte "O. KAI.�, I � . wit4iolit releasing a single blwhol of 'tWand and Ivalos. -.,-.* . ,I . Z IsOrIted. to t1lb'Pro4byterlan. . . . . L Ak­"�� I I., I too, PrO I 1011n wh6at for OxTiolt ? WO have , Professor 4acobl has bepeathed Ustile Syruparld other prod . eas I . ijee toiadt%n- . 06hf4llai A,oAombly Ili Vvlbotirklo, con. . , , , iiros for tbo taga for you; I not V L teCtils ,90me (nitolltaining reading, . I I L � ot the COMIA00 fig #O'r ENCLISH SPAVIN LINIMg"T �10,,000 I'larks-to tild Univetalty of #0 0AINOON COMM14SION 00.1 KIP44d,# I � . ill - 'OnAing June "10, 10043. but -lie proviso that the I , Iftat Is 0o dibroneo botwon. ibri. . . . I yetul, 'he C I I Berlin, :with t . , I rea�r I, -x- 46r. W46t MAIPkd I .. 1. . . '61,Ovon illojilfis of that N 14,0VON 01 hard, baft ot i*llouodd luffito alltitlu ,an. � It st,,,rok�ovo -Wh v0d 46tuAl Airl V elicited . , 9A46,r),24) buoll- d blomfmhoa ftarn hormao, b)orid spayin, ti tWo deliartinentaL aro open to, Nvo- ----_,_-:7-...#- 1, __*�., III " * I . I nionoy sball not�becoolo av . 91nal *-.�'. - I .1 thesse ailovvers ainoug otb.ors : #Oil- , - � .1 I porta aro g1vell As 2 Whe, AW000ty. At'1166, L I I ­­­­ I.- 11 . � I I Wa "IAMA01ft". . ,014 ',Of wileat And 1,049,91.111 harrelq Ills., spllu% 11figL I gihi�l sin Is Adam � � , alfil. el * bat xwb)lellthroxt� opahs, oiC men ijtu&jits'_� eating forbidden ,91 avokof I ix *A 449 kdftt�6r kobd 1w . of iloor, Oti aboutt ,1).3.A(.)0.()00 bualb- ra sao Irly lii# of: ol3o bottio. MOW -_ 061n["1611 Ll"a "'Steat"hip'S L ' I I L IflUit: 40tudl N111 is Cain killing 4kou It 00JAM2 414*6106 ** hakoulkV I 11 els aIjgOg,(�j,bkkv, * yet tile eroji of vuest woudedvil Also%1*1% C"t,34 OV#f' j''W �­,, M.144,�'. L .. . ..... 11 1-1.. ��_. . �4 . 'One. 1. � , tAbhtfaftf to Ll*trobol I AbA. I q good sin; the otbor is 'ftft%* *W We kfl*W L , , 41,Wh- I . -"*40600 XV , . botton to Livorpool .� ( 1# . '. 6*6ty * bod%, III wily 4�esl V 1,002 wtm groator ilball 'that "Of 1001 I I "46o& � I bad 01n. I lorigilml sifi Is Din wlth� y*t, in attho I 01IM09 OW . . 541fte "s 4 lot ftsko* K*6r of Of* bt #At dhAI)i 6f 111 W out . bttt ac�tual Wn 1, L � , 661q 117110 . 96 , M -W 0 T^rj# itail Va,A Atdaftftrs, f4f%�rio? r,t-.01R11r16df1U0k1 I �, medt'dot, q 'Ain, I j ( I hV about 8,400,NIO I)MO - - k Not Clilneho but Japaneme are the - , e4, "4:4102,11 Jtjj'Ij4f-%'0f"oL.f*4� , " � ; . ­� � L L I . . ct3 SALAD ft, il'l - - _R I " i T41 - fi - /11 I Ad go" " , I .I I I "I �1 I i .- 1`� I I N Ing" lorightal W ftO of t1w blool. I'mor G. StAw"S.1) greatest rico eatorol, Vach jap eato 4"IA1011114141A L4001h rittonflull Ito I'd, 11 fivm to thd I el"anadian SULUNU041 yOar 1100 We IWO to M. '(440 tbo* Vvh,*u n6 N, mottiiing tou'val sin Is )O . & . bt1h+'r, trAm toil r, 4'4)�r th011 '00*4 to tit, 3M * iA IN in T0 I LL ,. ' , , , . 'amadian rrt)!l tk,q 0,626, 0 %t� 44bltwu un4 Third,0111A <�� uni,kil tio �L I . . I C on an Average 800 pounds of vice In "t %# '. . I L . thd thinge Wo Ought to do, "ttial 1: , L .Aives the "Whu WA I obl4tilt,1104110% kt. %W. ipm,YwAt.ixd#Llly)iittlot%liito,*I,I)lyt(ki%iiY6 . " to . ..a6l� ... _­­ ....... --.1.11 " " ......... "I'l.- --"I'll ­ -- L-1.1 . 111,111 ­ � 80 bilOhelfl, aW The Vnited t4tat6A tho course of a year. I I.Xkak, 40V t %t**1W* W TrOW. it)=W with# voopioy, or t6, omniper steeta 11 . sin 13 the thinga Vv ong�t not , , 1 I I—— 111-1-11 ­­­­ K . * �%*f 20,64 V41th I%k Iff).4 13.141.11 (WeRIM: I . . . � . . -__.___;.1-1_.____, . "," 4111test ft " 0% W, ; "a' ("'i eft ))out,* ly ad,& -,AiiWal biti, inenfis r, wav . � I . . ' 1114 .bt 6 7 *", T mt*b)A mlhfmm , 7N#Ae8.-rJ"0.)tVft, IV �# t4,k larnflutst., moutw I I ob6dlonce; but �oj:jgjftftj'$jn JAL 4% 'Ot�Or('kll � . IN T Wh ,PG. 00'.. "AM ­­ — . of rroxidendo,' ��'- . . Keerftarh Liftint lo ih House, kaid'sUpled,11,1111 by php1dan's F I Af � ..*.&& .1 . " L i I I h6suit isim 33-0-4 , I 1 I . I . . L � I 10. i . I I � � . . . I 11