HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 41i t),
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Tho Clinton News-Rocord .
Auguat� 20th 1903. .
.." --1 .1-__.1__ .;11 , i � �.. q." m��; �, �� � , , " " � , . � . . . ...... _' , " �_. — ___ I . � .11 .----
_—, , —_ - — __1____1___-_-_-_ � _.__ .. .....
uo Ulooku or paltry thing will ever be , . JKlAXV. STANLEY TO I 4
The N ' 1144 At his- door, and %liklit he will RRYM)ALE. *A*************ft#*#** #—,0i##+V-,�VV##f—##"###4—,r#. + i .
, owswRocord � ;X�I�X�l I �
not fall in Jealous regard for his own, Harvest is about over forthis yvar Bliss BI. Forgic. of Nvingh,tin is vis- Alt. It. Talbot -is Again on tho ft M^ I
is publiSlied Qvury 'J'Iturg i I A his ollice and - -a' road with his throshing 4uttit and ux- . r%1 W , "
, � ola,y 4t iutw.ity tilt,, dignity K 41,14, the 1111111 of tile tIiro;sl:vr 11, ly be iting r0ativvs in this vicinity. : ,
� Ate Nows-RccQrd V � . heard once iucre. %MW 110 C K I NINUN & 000 ti" I TH �1% .,
, rjutjug J�Qu tile Character of Parliament. I I%lr. Join% Riclutrilson of' West lira -it. Ilocts to inalie .% big run. Harry has 0.� L
- 0 'SW a selt-fcoc%r this seasoll So M. _ .- � - . - 7 . - 9. -, � - I .�_"!11111,� __�--V----=--
$4 � Miss wsliarp of .tile Babylon callc�l ell, alivIlit, . I , + I.
ALBImT STRURT, — CIX 'kill, vinitud. tit tile hollic of pur Ila
VITON. . � I 00, Mrs. Howard last wevk. Ili,, i0rathur, .lit. Josulill Iticlia , I,- better equipped to give � (sk �
. . . rdgc;% that Ito ., . I .(*
. 14 1. '-"' 0 "".f j"4 E 11*11."P�, T C E 0 L
Terms at subscription-& pelz Year . A MrDD143QHSADUD RUGITLATION. We ,,are sarry to learn of ill,- ilizierp; thia week. satisfaction, to ]loth Grits aiul`roijt�s.
advance , $1.5o may be clia 4 , , 'There of Mr, J JbImston who has L,eellj Miss, A. Davideon of Goderich, bas Mr- John Hall of DaShWood wag UP u I: . , 11 . .
Irg . have been in, the ,last lots of laid . 111, * k_>
. -4 if with throat trouble_. Wo returned to tier dutie-, its te�jcbez of throtigh this. neighborhood buyllig � .
. 40t so paid. No paper discontinued mil"10'11010111 Atrocities perpetrated by hope soon 'to we Jilin arottud .tguill, $. 44. No. 3. - cattle and' made a few purchases from . .
until ttll arrears are paid, unless at those lit aittliority lit this province, ill Air, John Thirsk purchast�d a Villa- Mrs. X. Disiley And daughter, DUss M�,ssrs. Howard and Johnston. . I
the matter (it education, but tile Nill, , Dul ing tile I.a.;L fe%v ulontlin thore 11,11i bei'll it sharp advatice !little � I
k' able team for Itis tilti,.shing ontat, I'Allel, of E.Ilfs, Rallsits, and Mr. Airs. Durand Ila,-, been spenk a
the option of the publisher. 'tile e%t and 3nost unwarraut'041 of Any i,v one, � front Air. R. johnst,on, and tht-i Robvrt Disney ding prica of all cotton goods. 'Tho reasoil gi I-eit i -I t 11.1,; -. "Tilt- cot -tot) crop
date to which olvery subscriptionis tile puttitig- Onto, force this year *I)y . ,o)[ Chicago, wereguests few w0ek." witlt her daughter lit 1),osil- . .
other froin Mr. J. 1)(),iglas, tit the ho,tile I Mr. Josuph Richard- Wood. L is short, and a Now York byndieatti lt:ps hought up, tit'. t1le cotton ill . .
paid is denoted On the label. tile liducation - Deparbi . as I)i.en L � sightand are holdltiK it for higil prices. St;ver,ji ,41111# blive Ilad to, shur, I .
, I neat of tilt, xte� Air. 8�vayze is at Ilmsent colifineol sv,qL r."eutly. - Mr. W, J. 11oward h _ (KI tile down forwar4of rawcoiton." We Jorelo vlci:�o mb on tho rml-kets find
Advertising rates- Transign. gulation by, which t � i . when we knew tbi-re was to be an advance in pliew; wc� hought sev ral ..
.t aclv�,r- tl1e`re";"ltK of thol 0, Ills llol;se with a braken rij), tilt) A& Campbell of Seciforth was tile s tk list We Wish to � .%cc Win around e
,, junior And senior matriculation exam res�ult of a fit)) while repairing Air. gtiust of Ili, friend, AVIr. Richard pull Soon. I . -ey And White V,oLtoy)*, 12.8 ploves -( j Planuelettes,. 07 pieces
titlements, lo cents per , nou'pAricl inations, instmol of being lialide(I to ill" q . baleR of Gi
, p- Dolt las' ]lot go lit, Brucefielcl. lk-ch (in ,Stntday lust. $0 -r.a from this' part left for tit() � (J)f ',T -e I _ .
outs 13 at oll,cd for the benclit Of huncIrc4s A19 !, . I alWl lPikel ttes, and P4, heavy sitwic of Vottonodes, Shirtiligs, C, 11
line for first insertion and 3 c PresA 1, and . r,, 2 ve Al, I
. Us 11 'te - -
of Anxious scholars, . have been %nail,LN Iell,.?� 4 I Jolul. Weisluiller of . West on the I it excursion, I� , c ings, R .. Wi, have thtsm w-nrly 0i in stock iio, t' 4 .
per line for each subspoluout insertion. , I ,��,, Were ,tiests, of Mr, R. A all Rev. W. 0. Richardson B. A. And . larycs of I 0 ,d
, . ice- -It is ' - corit, l4wor, than I ey , ,e
direct to the � � 11 , -S spv,lit t1w'i Tuesday . are selling thool lit old ill s, wbit 25 pet ti al . . .
Small advertisements not to exceed Collegia, principal$ of tile various ,,,,,A(, ,, las, . I Sister, Mis. Alaggie, who . r 11 wol�th.today, In buying, goods ill large. qtlftxitit - ies we sollictillies get
. t.
One -1 tQ Institutes to, whom pupil.,) . . -yacatio'n lit home, returned to Wyoul- M-rs- -TOSOPII Oc.';cll lifts been on the, , bargains like Lhe folfowing .-
inell, such as "Lost,'! "Stray- unist Apply for the 'inforinatioln that, � -__ , mt� L 01, Friday IaSt. . sick list, I � . . I . 4 . .
ed," "Stolen," etc., inserted 11-loalis such a lot to. them. . I Thc townsill') council inet on I 'Mr. Williatu Turner is ., .. � I
for -3i cents andvitch once . IL LEAD]31JI�vY. L .. Aug,L S ill our znjd� Whiteand Oreawn Flallnelo't I tes'.10 inviles widu (note the width), LL ve . . I
Subsequent in- Tile results were ready for annou lee- . loth with all' the incklibers present . to havilig, returned fronn service on . . .
sertion lo cents. Itlent oil Friday 'light atul might just Alt. and Mrs. Binti entertained ab- After the reading -of tile Ininutes of tllx,3 tile survey boat Bayfl4d, IIIL regular price 121c, fol. Sr.. . � I
as well have been, given V) waiti and vivious, inceting, tile opening 11 was tile cause of big return. health .1 L - I . I
. og Out Sixty of their- friend,% all Friday 1) of I � 4 Wbite and Cream Flannelettoi.�, 3�).lrlches witie,regular price 8c,. .
Communications intended for p hundreds, through tile, tile AliSs Minule Brown has returne for 50" 4
ablica- aIl'xl0tI$ new road and t1% (ligging of tile big � . eturiie&
of mcclill"ll, ev011ilig 'to a hop, from Port Hamm where she spent .
tion must, as a guarantee of good the . Toronto papers on Saturday Alt. G, 11. Mains' of lilyth called oil clitcla formed -tile chief t(ypic.s of ol,is- I I . 10,
nrornigg. But noo the Uduc � cussioll. The council thret -Woeks with her,cousin, I lq� Fancy Striped Flannelettes, 'A� to 30 inebes wide, licavy cloth, 4
aticul DO Lcmlbury friends ou ,91111dity, impr are favorably .
faith, be accompanied by the name Paxt'uQ'lt respectfully but firuily decliu- Air, John Scarlett was called to essed with the Work, of Mr. 11, . L 4� now Worth ac, for 5c., L 4 �
of tile writer. L . . . .
ed to repolat the practlee of fPrIller Blyth nit Sumday oil accot Gothe Whol is ulaicing a ,first-class job . . .. v4p 1 I . 4 �
. I 011i Angoin Sbirilopt, in fanc;V cliecks, 18 inches w;dt,, good weight, IV
years aud Waited until Monday morn- accident h 3 11" of all of the (ire .41 -auley's dralu. TWO MCIDANT6, I I 4 . now worth, l0c for Q'J.c, 4. �
To insure publication in current issue . . A , dgilig of �t . I , I I
a T. Thoilipsoll, Nvllo �' ' co 11"ll 'Blr' The rate was struck � . .
'copy of advertisenitnts should be- plug' to 111 Ai I tile I i st' ,i ' to the, marlou wl"ch 1"!fL fell off a wagon ' as. follow , � . 11 V
glatc, Institutes, county I I, �iliills 'Is, i "A sit]). .
rincipals of tile Colle and broke his b4ck.' Mr. Scarlett ae- . I , township I 4�19 lilit Tile G,orrit� Vidette, says, .. W Grey Ootton, fille even thread, 35, invilos wide,.now.'ortb 7c,for ;
sent in early. throogliout tile lyroviticc,�Torouto, conipanicta Mr. Thouipson, to, st schools X I-10.411ills, 116gan drain , her called the other (lay to pay - lic. . .
World. . . ., � I rat- I I 3-io Seri IL _ . . I. . I . � , I 4 1 � �
Contract ratcs--The following table forilk hospital where thLy mills, I.."chwallil (train J-3 Mill.. Air, tip. 110 said,. 'Every tinie look a � . �
I . . . m. I will parforill TI nas, Willev was're-appointed c* I AS eL .it Indigo Blue Shirtlit . . 4 -
sbows our rates for specified per- I an operati( Mr. Tholups, I 101 (>I- the label' I w mad vVith lrnya�-If but g, fast colors,. worth i5c, for 12A. ' .
I . on 3 many n L, . I L
L ,
L . . trienda .wish for his spee�]N'. recovery. r go 'U14 wie. again 11 -4 -VO 4)101th Would 1 up . .. � I
iods and space . . . ]cot , , i ce forgetting. At last I . . . .. L I . : .10 I .
.13L1Z7H1 . . The littin of the thrcshL�rls begixi ValitV and quoutity for the, imsi- l0ade tit) my irlind tox drive into 'Own =. I 11, 1.11 . . I ---,.-----�--'L-�--.--------��.--= 4 14 - I
I yr. 6 nit). 3 ino. I ino. . In tion. 'The 'll lumt .iwxt at El . . I
. all directions, I . council , Nvi and �qcttl(,N," Apother ' fariner, whos 4 I
A very %,,d accident bappene,cl here . ,Several from L t.jj,�g,t one. Welock li� ill. oil �4cutcmber �4t-il subscription expired last 111,011th & "L. C) ' . . '. .
. around here wen L " - ff % I
. %
11 Cull"mu $70 00 $40 00 $2,% 00 $8 50 as:t wlipch . -J U'. liar well, Clerk.A gave , it good reason . fbr being
Column r Friof play yet have oil .tile harvest excursion, L . No N(D N %J
40 00 25 oo i5 oo 6 co 0I _y , . 11, . McKI ck 1 I .1
/ a filial ending Air;. Thwiias Tiloulp- Miss Witinic Grieve, has, returiled. to � . 11 . t4rdy this year, but . Whet . I . I
. 11
Was going lip Street L � . . .. t 11 . _U 1-4-V IX 1_1 , .
�4 Coluilln 25 000 15 00 8 00 2 50 8011, , Grand- ;rrunk Soctiou, foreman, )let hoalife near Ijauder, Manitoq)a, af- . told that we had several hundred, on It - 1�
� C011111111 IS 00 10 00 5 50 2 CQ L .
n b 00 3 50 unit accepteci. a ter a, pleas - list that were a. year. or" nvorme in., I
.. � L ,aut two inonths, visit aill- . GODEXICLT TOVINS111F. . ro rs, too - � 11 . . . .
2 00 1 25 ride: With, a young mail w1to. driv%,; ong friends Item . . a * ked tbutider-struck and sai( , __*1_4W4P*_4*4W"_#i ,
W. J. MITCHELL, \ I I ' #"*;P+*ip44-,Pip#v-*+##.-#,P*O#V"4if�#10 V
1'()Wcll's c"" wagon. One * of the hor. . . Air, Geurge'D 11 can't understanil how a man has I . .
. IL . Ilaulov ba,� �old Ili. � I .
. � s .
EditGr und Proprietor. Nos lagged and the driver touched it - 11 [arm, lot 33 oil the gili conces"S . . the f ace * to read. - a liew . � . .
';1p i k% .
. . . I I lie has not paid for,t; ,eger that .-..m —_ '--. -_ 1 4 .
. lip with tile Whip When tile anflual I to Air. . W.�. J. Findlay of ' Ashfi,e"In, I - I ---X, .
— . . I I two, ill . I �__ .--... ,
jumped forward and, the bolt holding 331Q, LGRAVg, I It is all 80 -acre lot'in, a good ---..- cidents. will, we Ilopei ,be soggestivo . � .. I I . .
- � I .
L .
Se. L I rall -
I . I
THF, AVRFIK IN PARLIAMXXT. Uia doubletre'e broke and the hor 4 Chas. McClelland Spent a fe d of cultivation with good builuings. to III V. We need the . money , I I + - . , .
, �
the driver tried to� res,train -Bliss Coon of Toronto ItEls �Ucu*tic oil in . . . . . . .. . I . .. . . . ,� . NELSON BAL -f .:.
began to kicl� and. run, Air, Thomp- in. London, last w _. W - , ' ay" The selling ' price was Woo.' Air, � . � � . -
. eel, L . .— - .
The week lit Parliament wa3 ee son .,,I lid 1 Ilattlay, - who gives up'possessi . . . . . J.B. HOOVER, , I �L
vOted to tile govexanient's , Grand tilt horses but the tougue, fell avol t. of Bliss Flom Flatt, L � October, is yet it - ilolecided As to where, - 1 14D CXNOW., I 1 . . . . . I .
lied wi-th Mr, m Aiinic 111ractor of I, Udall . is at Will*10c4ti, but it Will ill all likL- . .... . . . I . . . , . "
r no- v%plan Tit aillpson underneath, Hc'was injtlrx�d presbtit visiting tit her hos Ifilood be in Clintoin, - 'tile com'.10,11-nity , on tile L . *"44*4*- .
Trunk Pacific I)ill. So la the wagon was 6vertirr 111�!,�i 11 It(!
stion of tile Scheme has been g lic here, - . . L L L boundary . I . . . . I . . I
L .
Village, where �
ivell about tile ]lead and his back Was bro- � T� ficatiolrott ha.s. conlinelleed tile A foyuns family re�xtff ion took cast of the e several . . . t , 4 .
to the country. Three ininisters have. hou. The -doctors did what they . ed during. the past year, L ffin I * .1 .
I lial . I .
ifity Alow's relief at;(!' -oil - Ariss ' 1kinity' "McCrao of London is Son, of the 16th colt, (.)it: Wednesdav a,"' well as tile whole - neighborhood, I rAW 4 .
- I
for the poor fr -tie of Blr.� Robert Richard- . pq I * 4
sPoken. but they all dealt with ent could brick work oil the li,nglish -cilurch. at. tile. hot place deaths occurr . WT n1h VA -1 * . I .
generalities based oil records of doubi- Monday inorning lie was 'taken: to. tile visiting - iinclei the parental roof, - of last week winin. 11 wero - start] ed on F IF C H.LV ITURIE80 0 . t
fill origin all(] ,quite unappropriate hoh) ital at Sir . r , - is' thred-Wrother,4, learned th ridaV Wheat it I Was . : , . . . + . .. .
9 atforot, M .- Jolin Sea- Rev. and Mrs, 1- .Tohn, the. latter had 4 . � �#00
JaStie left last Week JoqcPh, Janies, and at Mrs. RciibeA Purves "
when applied to a ,niodern railway. - rlett of Leadbury,. who .is a.-consin for their ho*Iidays ill .Mount- Forest and' of W�,st Bratiell, , A-licll,, ' and � Ills Justahtancollsly drollptil. dead that . I I , . . I : -
. . . �
I -Ion. A. G. Blair made a -most VIg- of .Mr. Thn3lipsoll, came ovIer oil Sat- ot.her places. � " 1. . . : .. sistei, Mrs. Disney, Of E,Ilis, K�ailsas, in-oroing.- - Although' site was al6nel . . , � � I .
Grolis attack urday when he heard of the accident - Mr. . I � . . I . � � . . .
on the governmout's � . 4. l0rank Wheeler, who *]ill.% -becil all nict torther oncer wove, It was wlicat tier- final ,call. came, her daugh- A little of your 'money -spent here`will do . + � I
I .
. I
. . ters, hail.'not. been Out. of tile houge . m ch to m . . 10 I �. . . I
proposal, which lie declared wast solely and accompanied hint to vstratfor& sick for soinetittle, is improving g1mv- �Iicir first Inecting ill, twenty-fivel ,tl,r,L,. minutes when they rot U . 40,
for the benefit of Senator George Cox. The injured inan, .whot i's thirty-fivej ly. * . . . . - : 31ears, Airs. .,Di � sne-y and -Blf, John folruk, ,11 urned atiti . . . ake. . home beautiful. ! . I I
. . .
lie showed that the line will C,4t years of lr�fc,,, had been in.the culploy Bliss Rosc'8olucrvi I . a I'lle I . I I . - I I
' , C � Ile, who. hali bem Richia7clson having been residents of 01iing position-thelik� * �, � � . . . I � . . . 4�1 I
over one hundred inillion dollars for of th 'rill, . Trunk for nearly twen- viSibing' at, Alex.-Sto3wart's for sonle, .1,11cle Sain's domahi,% 1(�r. that. 1" leg.', body-, of their lOv0d one who had * I I . . . . . &
I Ong , . I . . i .
� . . c .. .
. with him. .. . � . t I ties are I a. - - . . � . .
the country, . % - . in. their . + , . designs. ''We sell cheap.... Y. - �
which no return will be received bN ty years. His mother and sister lived - tittle, left TOT her lioule, lit Vaudecar period The foug-absv so Shortly. befoir I)cen ils�i&tillg Uicin ardiniere stands in inan
. ,11C o t k i
I . . I last. Week. . ,. . � ijig advantage ot. their visit to call. . Inorning's, Work. . � 0. . , , I . . . . . I I . 1:
. '- . lil - Dr, ald-thlw friends in ' thio � - One of tile Sa4dest deaths thaj Ilds, * . . . . .� �� .. . . .
Mr. F, 1). Monk, leader of the Q)u;o-- We since learn that Bit. Thompson Dt J. ,.'), Anderson and wife a d lipon other . , * , . �
bee Conservatives, declared that was Operated on.,and saille pieces. ,Qf� 13. Anderson Of I'll i I adelpli i a are vi I , - . . . All the villa` . . * . - .. , � I . . . I 11 I .
his I I � X . . isit- Itowlighip., . . I . ever taken vlacci - � ' ..
province would receive flo benefit front bonts takcit - out 6f his back, � His their.'parcilts,, Mf. and Mrs. .Finla . . � I . .. . � , I ecl at the: holue of Nit, and ge.,occurr . ' . ' A 11 .. . � . ..
. I . - I .
'g I . I . � y '� - '. - . . . - ., �UN'r%ERTXMKING . � ..
Mativ ritilrowls were i'!. '. . . I . . R. - Alclllt6sll 1 , . I . I . .. I I I
the new roa,d. spint is injured and poor .encouroge- A idjerson.. - I � . I I —I � t . .0 I
I needed in tile 1, nielit. was given ,as to .tho-'Kesilits. : ' : . � . . ., . I ... . I I .. . ' .. � .. I . oil ,Sunday ihorninp,. * I . � I . . . I .. . r . .
iettled. portions of that . . , I I . . . . I I 'VVAW.ANOSH. , . whati.thuir'seco id � daugliter, Misv- Etltm + . . . I I . ,� . . 11 , . . . ,
great d,ivistioa of the Donvinion ,I-yltt A number � . . . .� . .. ZAST . Civil - McIntosh, passii'd awpy.,' 'Miss. . .�
* ,
of our citizens .took in I . . . . � . . . .. I � . . . . � . I . I . . , I _N ALL �. ITS BRANCIU,S. .�. I . . ,
the Grand Triink Pacific would not tile � . -Mrs. Gillespie' of Brantford i-,, , tho E�fiel had becii �iu poor licalth fin t - .. I . , . , � 11 I � . . . . I .
. . . .
give any relief. eteursion to Detroit on Satur7 . �" , ST. H-EVONS. guest eev6ral . -inotiths aty- . ... . , , . . . . � ,
day, retiurning home ?ii. . Monday - , , . I I . .. : of 'her sister him, A. - Header- .1 .n6t, until a s1lott .. I . .. . . . . . I . .
. . . .. . I I I I I - . ago � was tile slightest tfiou�r�lt of . . . . ---"7q , S 'D. I � � � . . :
Mr. Barker, the Conservative meol- night. - . I . � . . . . Bliss Minnie Raniage, left. jast wt-ek, %oll. .. � ... . . tillic, . ; . .: ,. 7 _,AT1 FACTION 0,11ARANTER — �- � .. ;
.. I � .11,; . ,.. :. . I . . I I . I . . _ I I . . . I " .1 1: . . I . . I I
_ . � .: r : . I . I . � . I I . . . .�
her for Hamilton, exposed the dupli- for a visit to friend,q in Sarnia. .. . I . tile, -§Lriotts ilaturw of tier illuess- .ever t... . I _.____L__ � _.�._,. - . ,.: I . . i
, . Jigs, 'j4.1 � I Bliss, Ijzltic " ed'. . . � I — . _ ��.__._ . 1- - . .. 11 ..
tolke 1]16�,le 4A Goder " 'd, ..
His 11ollor J1 - .:� Rowlaii -wh �
citv which has characterized the lie- ich Was ill , . lifie M. Clail, left this wo o "'as -])cell -cutpriaili t,
tou'll oil. mlid -k- visiting friends in �J'iiiolialj "I . � .. � by , ber, parolis. ' , 4'' � _. - ". .. I . 1 2 . ' .. , . . - I
0 I., ill$ . . . . � ' : . .1 - :
. SLY - . for Yorkton, Assa., 7NvIrure-slic Ila.% turned . .. .. M ' ' ' + I i .1 ;
. . . - � . . I . � - . I I 1--%k , ,s -b- . 411 . . .*' . .. �. � . . .
A large trumber, -of the pe4le froin secured a.. stliocii. . � , . . � 1. I . % brdloc N r � : Aimp � � . , . . * � I. , 1,
president, Mr. Hays, atvl Sir Wilfrid this vicinitv took- lit. .tile excutsi � . �, : 11 , .visit . iq .1 - partic, , V `ktwov - R . B A L L 8 0: � I . I
goiiations between the Grand Trunic . hoille. I .. . . . . 0111i night recentIv s6me party .pfl
. I
. ,
Laurier. Mr. Ilays niade promise " . 1 . .1 liss F,Ima . Arinour is, open ' the tw6- door§ lea- . . V E VNO%k � ...
S. to . . Oil to I, Quite a* number fton! around ,.hei-C efids. estfiefol. I . . . . ri- - 4ing to the- . council clialliber of tile : , .. . . . I . . . .. I . I I . .
Manitoba c5n' Tiresdiiy. .,� . 111 IM . . � I . I . . . . . �, ...
ortryinittee wohich Jid . . - in the si'oll,, to - the - IN' 6's t . .1. . '' ' I . � i. 1. . I � .
the Railwav C' . I . t6lok ,, excur. Whwanosh. township hall pear St. ' , . . . .
� . . I , '. � . . . . . I. . .
. . . .
well', d(Avii ' Mr� - Powell, divinity- student . . of thia week. : . :- . . . ,. . .Air. :Di�k Davis who. lilts �bcell tile : - .
stairs and vialated as Soon . � I I., I . 14-elens and, ransack�cl'the Clerk's 6flica Nig4. arid Sunday cnIlr, answered ac vesidcneG of Mr. John P 11 .
as lie .saw the pr,uder. He also sit' 1-11tioll C91lep 'Will '� olliciate on Sull-w � Bit. Win,, Miller is - visiting 'at Mrs- guest Of -Air, D. Spr,oab for,, smuo tlirc I 1. . either of the princip'als. . . . . . .. owe" or'.10 : � . I ..
- - O`w_ - . . .. . owing �Ahe poi;p'eis,'-etc..,-.6n, tile, I . � . . I I . .. . : .. . . . I �
Qol t1fat %% hile the governin,ont will .be day next in tile . i4il li§11 Chur6h. '" - - R -, K'. M I I I er, s. , ", m � I tfilie,' lum retar.ited - to his honve ,. iti licoor. We 'tinderstanol'th ...... � .. . . . . . . I . . , . , .. .
. . 9 . . Z. . I I � . I . e council i ll� . � . . . . � . . . . I . . ,
� . . . .
engaged in constructing and . . . Miss Martha Salkeld ,has return%l Fallel, - . .. .**04;*.-t*****+O;,"**#*"**** - I . . I
nlaiu- Mr. Rolw4rd,31ole of Auburn is'irtati- - . .. � ten�s .bfleriilg* a1ibeial r ' ard for the * - . �
. - . . .� CW � 11 . I 1. .. . .
taining the eastern division, 'the �roin visiting. I friends in Goderi,ell, , - Air; .John .11allallas - S ildayed` With. Colly)Ction Of -the, guilty. parties ,, who I I . ... I 1. I . . . , � .. . �
aga of tile Ulectric light Worics, , 61 .1 , u . . . � __ , . ,. r I . . .. . . � . . I . I.. :, I . . � . I .. � . . . I . ..
.. � '16 )e dealf with,severelv. - - . _ I �
'rand Trunk will be ollerat-Iour tOwn. " . . .. . I I , ; . . ^rj.n ,nois. Ili Clinto � ' . .. . . _. .
G Pacific I .. . . I .. Mrs� .T, 11. T,acev of P - hap" re- friL � . Ill � � W! ,I .
. . . . . � I � turneclJo .tier, hi;nie d,fter visiting.lier . .'Blrs� Jo . hit 'Coll � )tog ,wa . . . , . . .. � . I . .. . 11 . � .: . I L I . .- . . . �
inging the western division and send- We *llre; .. -to Widerstaqd that � . ., the glitst - Mr.. Alex. S. ,Xerr,. who lias * ' ' .1 . I . � I i - I .
- , ,
ilig its freight thrairgh United States given sister, Tam Will, Barl�o)u�, . .,Jr. of llr$. Vred. Cook - recei'tiv i SIMI lying " Calvi it . church of ,St. I , been �, . � . _ . . ;. . ' I I . 11
Mr. Ist . ) It'l .
I � -tac Barr ',, has disposal of his' `Bliss turned , I I . I . , ellS - ***-**** * 0***** *+****401*400*#",$.*04t�**,O,#***4 .
* ,
terminals. property in this town to; Mt.Nichol' to I*r . . Carric Well-vvboil.lias re Miss ,&cir�, Corley and Mi.,ug Bri . uIlle. and Last Wawanosl,i, has left .fqr .,� . . . I +. * . . . . � . " . I i
� . ; s . 1. . . . I
Flon. John G. Haggart. I)v indiSput- Clinimings who intefids. retiring from p,,i,. W clut'c at toston al"t - ,MISS .-Arinour wire -tile I gilests. of - MISS, Itew flcl'cl accompanied' by tile � . .
� - Us . . . .gtXXI 0-4 40 � . . �
York:, . � , % . . . L * 4 . . .
able evidence, ellw(miT. to tier School at Now. : S L A U G` " TE'A 71, '? SALE '
showed thai the raltol I . . I I .1 �vlalres, Of both congreg'ations, having JIL.L
h i s f arin, hairing recently disp6sed of . . . Ada and- Minnie N'ethw�v I�Jgt week. . . . . J :
froin AlOnctoll to Winnipeg would all it to 'o I. I I . , I . '. . Illada 116sts Of. friefi( .. L I . . .. � . I
lie Of Ills -gdns, *-,Toliti of:,God : - . . I - L .. .. . I . .- . .1 . .1 Mt�ssrs. J,.and. T. Quinn Of ��Juftl_ I . . . .Is- and Won, gol.deni - I . .� . I I I I . . I
, . . C W11 �J, L . . I . . . . .
pass through a country inuch- of whidli crich toAvuship,, �* - � .. . I � )n 4111 sidio,S.. .11 , "I )Q1;J1lc:- , L I : �
I I . .. 1. . . . — I . . . I)eg, - Man. � - am Ilic, guests,,of , illc�r. o'plul"'lls ( 13. �111 IiIS( L . . i , . . . � . - ' I I �
. .
is absolutely barren and difficult to On Wednesday and I'll urs(I'vi, - Itorse . L faffier,- Mr. Gco. -Guilln� .. I . cWled, :by. the. R e V., . - .Ta . . )n of . '" 1.�
. .
build a road throuali. . L. '001130RXE TOWNSHIP. : ��L�Mr. ',in(] MjS":,T'�sL G1l(j'uQ0e, L ''. . ... I . . , . . . I I ... ...L 9 e *1 . 1!
` I .. I . . Pi W: jai I
races .ire to I lie . held in Bfus4els wl�an . . . . . � Netlivry Sunday- .. L I . I.. . I � 0 F ,S7"-AtS,""NABL*0 � `
I "'.
� L. ... I . . . I .1. .- I.. I., .I ..... ...... . I r !" . I I L . I
In tile public accounts committee it is expected that-' a, li�nnb f , '* ' ed - with. Difli'g,ittinon friLinds. ' . , 1. I . � . . .. .. 1. r I . I - � Z . , . I
Commissioner . . .1 er 0 Our Thrqglliilg�As tile order of tile day . . . , L ' � I _. I . I I I I . . . � . L . . �. . .- . .. L .
McDougall, who It ig, fraterfifty., w'ill. b . . 14.9 - . . .
ad. spOrth I e . ' ,: Ali. 111arv..'CorlLy 'Stilrd,ive-ti WijllL I �.. � I L I(
S�p� L . . . . . . . I .. . .. � .
charge of tile census in Bliddlesex, On Fr . . pie*el.lt* L Quite a:.. pleasant afternoon was I Morris friends.,- ' I ..... 1. . .. 1XM'W1SHIJ11 : , , . I il I I I 1.
iday evening next the young :crlt� at � . . .. MORRIS . . � ' � .
I � Mrs. T , Nethery' visitoid L . . I. . . . . . I L 1. I .
I . I .
. . L . . .
' . s .eulest - dliiiglfttt I I L We are sorr . I ... � -1: .. . . . I . . .
.eople of the Ftiglish 'ehurtilt, intend la§t- N hell' hi S c c of, d. illl;j kind . 00""WEAR'. I . .
a(I-tnitted that n-i-anv of the accout ts 1p V ' Mr-Allo,q. Millian's - *Frida% . . F i
evi-tified bv him were frandittle � I . I . . � Air. and * Mrs. ,T_.` L J�?ightlllajj (ill , 1111_ v to hear that ! ..John . . I . . * -
ut. holding their annital.-garde.n. party oil gave a birthday-, part)- to quite. a . : . ... .. S . 1) , , ' . . , I .1 . . I . . t
nev Fisher , however, . . . day. - - - ' .1 avis, Jr., olth'llb�, is 'lot ciijqying .as . . I . . I . . L � .. . .. . . . . , . . .. . I . .L. L I '..
11011. Svd, , has the clitireh :grounds., The Wilr9ha-ul- !lumber of tile'. young.. lyec�plc.�. � . .- . . . , . .
. I
paid the, slio't. without a in-urmar. band liag been . ,engaged - for tile ' I " , i1r. 1). Denh 6`11i�i -Of. BlytIt sl)e,rb robust -health as itguaL . . 1 .1 . This week we contrueneeL a 8langll.t'0rS'Jlleof:A * . . . ...I
, , : ucett,-. � Mr. and 'Airs. Ged.' Onfria of NiJ6 ' . . 11 sommer goods. .*
� Sion. L * ' .. I .. . . f. , guests. of Mr, and Mrs. Cli- * t Alt. AT. IN'clslils. - ,. lik-fiss -�Tulia 'Sharp hak reqe�ved�dhjue- . . Wq have lind an exbeltent trade of Spring and Suininer'-poot- .
L I . ' L
, L
. L L I .
' I . (� _ . .
, :1 et 'it
. . �, . . were. the S""! 'y got(! Inedal wear and We. are now willing to sa'(.-riflee 2i�bii6 we hav e . Is .
� - . I Mr. . Arthur Ja�ksoa, a .former bp I er� aries,Braigo oil Sabl . )atJL;.Cvcllillg..: . , BIL.'a."'. Blati!liford, Tanian ' ,and . . irdin the Aniassa Wood . . . I , : .
, . I tilL ij . upw 110.qpital� .Board " �f St. Tho�nas, a �� I we must keep our stock iip- t n date. , - We have placed ob 'Our # . . I . . ,
31R. BORDFN' AND HIS POI,ICY,^ Of Mr.. ., -Messrs, NT-0186it, Craig at.. Hallett: starte( U . , . s an. . " , . .;
.; Bargain Racks 88 pairs of Children's oxfopot,�,. . ze , to 10 , . L..,. , .
. f I . . ! - .Mr. - J-(.)Illl C )�Ili',, 6ti-tward. toi.ken of - tier . 8 5 � .
ator at Blyth station and SMI - Alfilloy, .Heniv Brevit hay. 1)rcm at, . , , �
. � James .Taoksou a Morris,' is. now .GLr�. Ward Gledhill, . Coil iii e'13i Ssett, DavioF alopi � . cc�filpletioii o -F si I . .1
the . , I .. ' I L. � . * which we spld�a,f$l, soij)e were $1,25,,. alf going. n6%' : 1. L . . I .
A .: last 'iver . . . -� a t, onb - *: - I
I�flitor Willson, . who directL . agent at I_Jal, L- A ' ' , the 'terni 'as' a train d -nurie . fi�oiii
and Trunk 1111ton Beech. Alillidn and George Moore Ieft Tore.,;- .., , . . , . . L . . . . . . � .. . e . . .. . 1. . � . . I I
Iftt, f L I, tll,L , , . . . : , . I � . . -L . that institii-tion, . . 11 . Price, onl� 65c. .�-Tbey Ar ' e cbeap and should Ile .all gilbo. in a * � .
, .1,arVt,.t, .1 . . . . . .
" , I .
A red upon'his � new cill'ties. i . 0 1 . few days at, thi,4 price. Cclnle�alid See theon, they tire cheap.. . . . . .
El"tinies. of the Toronto Globe JOr ,and , has e tC la� L fOr L tile * . � L ' I
I . I L I � I. . . ... . .1 Word Ila's bu6n received herd thait, . L . .. I
years, but is now managing director He was laid off,--duty-for - five mKin tivi al lo Mrs, 'VanNt6iiv, Airs. Ailing Fish-" . .... . I . ..See out, Men's. 11irv"t Shoes tit 00�. Tllev,lro a lla�gaih L . . .
. .
L , I .
of the Toronto News, " Owing tO illtiosS and a i)ad leg; Tllc� er: and Bliss Tanny All'io who, ,We t - . I Ir-ENSALL. Will.-. Barrle� . a. fot,naer ie ideut L Of -s' Laceditti-d-ButtonM Boots wor ' , : :
� . . . A 1 .
said last week. .. . . " . it . .L" . , � . . � Ladic �. ,)5) f O v $ 1, a ... , � , . . . .
. . I . . . ... . . I . th V. -1 0 .. �
greater plift of lljS:IayOlI'W ent tx�. spend �.1 few month% with. iti6ids 11 .. . . . . ;; .. . . Morris tpwIuLqhjp died -lit Manitoba.* .. I . I . . . *. _
" for Thp I xititerg mrnrth-.$3 going at $2 - �� . * . I
. ' . L I MenVgidC - . .
_ , I .
_Ieeeage � , L . .. I I �
. L . .
is the stronghold of Conser- in Hamilt011 li3OSPI.tal'WIIC!reL.lifl4sil.l,egI tit tile. Wcvt. We wish - theiii a Sala �,,, A Nzy McKenzie left last week I Children's Buttoned Boots worth $1 fnr 75c . . .
Toronto, a L . . . I � , . d waS Well known in these . . . .
I titil . , �uc * I - . . . . I., . . . I � .
vatisili in Canada, will greatly re ret was am,putat ' ' s.0 trip 'and a. plea,sant Visit-* . . ti . wh6re lie has j4koin L a posi- . parts and was - aged about 62 y6iij�s. * - . ! , .. .
9 ed ,three es, thd � la . - ' orm Ili � . 8 ev e rit) 6ther Lin es at SI ab g h ter' Pri des t o. clear, , � 10 , I . I I
Mr. Borden's absence front today's de- ti -me at th� hip.. - .. . I. . I I - ". Mr, Jag,. Mitchell -ot �ed-ar V'alfcy . -a, 'harrim inanufactor Was. a -metulier 64 tile S. 0. S. ... I . . I . . . . I I I .
I . . . I .1 .. . He * . 1� .... . ....; . I.. . L' . . I . L - I
itionstratioll, forciriall, : . I . .. YL 'is " -and 'carried a life insur : . .. - . *
The Conservative lead- Mr., and Alrs. John Scott who 181 building a how boat.and will have. . . . . . anceill i ..that . .... .... ... . 1, � ' I L. � . � . L I �
. . I hei . iailing ill Cedar Va, ley Creek in. Bliss Rose, YoungbItit,' who: had , a Society Of $1"000' L I . . . . . . .
er is. gaining Steadily in the wbex spent the pitst six weeklit visitilig fri- 1, . .. I . � . . I . 1. . . . .. I .
c -in . L y, left . oit, 'k, I . .. . I I posffloll . Lai ]lead milliner ill theIr. S. Mr.! Nicholas Culning 11 sold hi -q* . . � . � .1 . .. . I .1 . . 1, ... . I
.ends 'in Myth and viefivit about 'it Wee . . .. ' as . . . .. . I . _._____� — . I .... 1 . I
Collfidellce of his party and in I ' , .4. , T., Ii, Bliflii 1101111 " accollipanied by a� frj�end, farlu; lot 1,� con. 8, Aloiris, to it is , Son - . I I I .. .
anil ,Bit-., and �M� In And' is 1 . ..", I .� . I . . . , I I .. + � - . - 'i ..
tile good -will and good opiflion of all. Saturday for Toronto * and oil, tile fol- W". Jas. Mil an 'of Goderich aall�d Mis - e . i . - L . . . . .
lowing Tuesda . , Ii Laura M. � Be soil, of Pittsburg, ohn, Who will ta,ke'lipsSessi.011. next . . L � .., I
- Ile lionin in Deloraino, . Man- L , . rticilds ill this 10cality.1he t . . .. : � . .1 Sp I . , I ..
classes of ill's fellow countr�lucn y they left 'for their , . I . . I c . I L I L ' j�3 One . `a 0 X . .. . . .
()It pag - 11cull , , ring. The fartu 'has i1q. acres and
L . o �Oft Wme L! TAYLOIR" & S L 1.
reveals the qualitiLs of the national , Mr John -McKayaf B tine I We4ik. . , . . , . .1 . I . .: *11. ArI14(ild Land wife left for.Tor 11to lie choicest "fartits in, M6rris I .. � .. I I . 1L. �. . .. . . . L . I 0 . I I 11., . �
r',Ltlier than the (A pau,$or- I I . I . .., I % �: , . .t. - --� I Alas. takeit tov�ns Tb4 sale pric was *57360. . I I . . . .
� Provincial politician. . . . L Ills wicit lit. Arnol(l a - hip.. I
His partisanship is not of' the tit i;&�Otaj all(I'lMr., Will, McKay, of I I . ... 1. . 4 ., '. . . c . . � I . . I
. . . .,
i . 1. , ,John Cuni-ing is at present resid -(300,4.7 R - Onf ariot Street 1. I . I
. . .. . . . 7. . . p6sition, in. tilt,, Sovereigni ljaiW. - I'le'L J11r. - . . � I . , oolned Cotta e.on I .. - L . ... I
. . ' ! . . - . g L . , I . . � �
which brewis uneasiness alliong type 11cusa.11, spent 'last. week' lit tile home . . . inity jetto'li jo Ile � I . . - I � � . I
I i . I .ug 11 L aptUr ' ijt�v ilig oil a farv,,ll in Goderich, townSliip. . I .. . I I . I . r
. . 4 a . . ... I . . I I . I .
. I . ! � . I .. I . '.. .. � I . . 4
i's their untic,-_Mr� Stotbers. Alt. . . . . I : Air. Nichblas,Cttrnlug' Wili'move to - . . . — I 0 RENT_ I .. . I I . .
i-riends and ii-ritation -ammig his op- of . UcKILLOF TOWNSAX V. � , months, - ,, � , I
I . I . . I . . I I
. . . L 1 Mi' . . . . . . 1, . . I
Ponents- Whilil' lie iEi loyal to t1rd John mcrc.lty has only recently retur-. . . Tile grain, with the except . ss 14"astborpL, also Mr, * Sillitil (yr Bryth when lie 4uit�q the farm and on- ' ' ' L I . . . . . . . L . �'. I I . I
best traditions of his party, zealoi:$ r, � ,spoit * . , toll - (I f a St L � � . . ,S L . . . . . ... .. I I ,: . . . L .. .. ...., I .
. . 1. i . . � I I
acol frcnii Aust ilia where lie . , . Marys, have been visiting lien,� Jay the fru it
. . I few 'late peas� ,.was near Fy, a) I cut . last, I - - - of au.iudttgtrioii& ,and : . . 1. L I . .. . . . . . . . .. . .
S, - L . I I L ' I . . � . .
for its reputation, eager for. its re- tliv past seventeen year . I , :W , sall relatives c jile frugal Jife,. .. I 1. I . � .1 . * I
. I ' eLk, . . . 1. . . . I I .and 'a conipanied , I � . I I 1. . . 1. I . � I L .. 1.
turn to ollice and Convinced of its Mr. Will. Barr, of LoudcY4 is t4kiiig� .Tile I'lahoili-Ist 'Soeial* - at Winthrop . Misses Back and W. J<elup to.,Gj,and. John, Mason of tile 3fol line has re- . 11, I . . . .. .. I . . � . . 1, I . .. . L, 11 . i
. I I .
efliciency as an instrument at G a wall-carned and forced rest at thc was .Well attel I B�lld myljercl� they are the tufned froni -a holiday trip to. Maiii- I � ,L L. � I L I . — I I . .. - ==-=_,��,_, I _L___A'
ov- II(Ane of Lit,. ,father'. Ch, . Wed and' eitjoyaille� The, week. I . S'pending L ., * . . . . . I . .
ernolDent, Ile could ll<)t S ef � Barr.. A . I I I - Oba . auft: die � West.. : . .. . . 1. . I . . . . .
Ile clasi;ed with proceeds ant ()tilt tact., to uc��Iy . . 1. t L . '. I .. L'�
that Marquis of 1,undouderry who fig few days ago he,was thrown frant - - A . $6o�. I Will. Bloore, - up�v of Dultith, is vis- The township vote . (1)��W8(�)W- (g)�@Se@(i)S@s@Se(�)@W- sm)@S(�)�w I . .
It., J. -J, Irvine i.4 away this wetk . , L I I . L ab� � I ral list has., been -. . . . I . I I . 0) I . . .
ured in the agitation against tive first -the -driver's .seat of a Tiondon'call by on' it trip to 11timilton, Niagara, Falls iting *tile parental hooic after all printed alicl colitmins a total of 834 . I . 114) . ..
. I I dvan,tagL of the se . ' - ' do% BMF � - ' : * L '
. .nee L of _ .
Buffalo''takluk a nearly three years. . nattic,s, sub -divided a,s. follows . Part I, '9 'THE * GREAT CASH ST v. WR E ` � � . .
Reforin Bill, or, as Ile woruld have it the horse& running away and his rio allot : , I
the "Revolutionary Bill," and who I, ght loucc�badiyAwisted. -' ' c rsion ratus as Hamiltoyn. e i TaX 3t 39- 409 are IL I .1 �
I — � . I
. from A�cxillop in 9 of 'S'taffa, to Bliss ,(Ilia . . . ,�� I
Bob Norris attend (I ihe' .
XCIl as far , ,urarriage, -of 715 ; part'l',86-' t 11 � . .
persuadad that Me. and Mrs.* D. � Al. Melleath � left Ouite it nunlUx - . .
said to have lwohi - hi brother Hugh .11fied to serve' as Jurors. . . . L . I (I . . .
Toryisin was front heaven and would last Week for a two weelis' vacation going to Clinton and. ilullett Dow 'of, Carlingford, Miss .Jessie , "A telegram vi�as rec�ived on Wednes- 0 , I ' L . I . . � . . L , . I..
make heaven oil earth if it only had vi with filend-o at Paisl' tertol .1 6. - I . . L . .
They Will L N't - L Vniol Ilobt-irk and Sain and .Tanics Horton .: (lay 'of . last weel, by Mrs. John Moon� I mendou .XU -S ' ' - -
f -,Lir play. L I Catholic .picnic oil Thursday, were also,* .. . . I Tire s i ummer Sale c5 . �
. ley *and. Barrie, ' . Mr. It. 0'ray Of 1,1yarepta It .present, I. ay giving the Sad intilliatiob that, tier I . . . . I I .
. ...., I . . . as 1;ceu . I . .: � .1, . I 11 I . .. .. . . . I . I - 01 I 11 . I
It is tile tel"dolcy of all Oppovition . I L. . ,� . . I visiting in Mexillop for tile past, . -11 I , , . . I . S1St,er,'1Irs,'.RI1Ja.h Xendall, 01,Hawk- . . . . . . . . . , 0 . I
. . L '
. I . , I
to 1) narrow-gauge, factiolls,* Ill- 1. I I week- orAwo. . .1 I . I .Stoll hhd passed away, aged aboitt-75 , # � . _. . ..
'coille . . . . . I ,s Never,before have we given the buying 0 .. .., I .
L, . ., ' . . . �Veaf$. ', Q L -, . . .
tellip'erate and no -n -constructive, Under . I Alessrs. D. Boyd and le. Iraggite ,.'. , - ' Z . , ll the, oldesL sister and . � pu�hc - 'A 11 I . . ..
Sir . 331MCEF'tVjLD' - ... 'URICII. - . L. . ,been Poo . Such a grand opportunity of securing bargains as du' . 1� . I . . .. I
Chaxles Tupper the Conservative I . . . are , happy follows theSe tittles, thd , , . . (4 f . . rly for Some time heaft fail- I rix Q - 'W I I .
. 111L I any friend,-, ) Mr. Xiarry preL being 'tile ftifillent" Mrs, MOOney I . I I I . ...
party was factions and intemperate, Blim, V,tta Rose of I"olixIon Ila% bech . reason being that baby 63.oys have ar- � 4 I 9 t4is'sale., Below.we�qtloteyou aTewof.the prices I : 0 . . I
. . . .
but was still progressive and con. the guest of Mrs. Seat 'and. Other rived at cuch. home. Doall, wi I be pleasLd to learn, th-dt and tier brother, IV. C. Stretton, 61 . . . I . . I *
� I I � L' I
. - 1`4aticastc I ' ' . 11 6
structive. Uircler Mr. Borilen, it is, less friend.%. . I . . Mr. John Crov.ier ilag leas6d 103 lie Is I)r )grossing so favorably . that ,r,. Ohio, who with his wife 0 MeJjIs fine Straiv Hats worth $I 'for' 50c 1 I
factious and bess violcirt and, perhaps, Bliss Aggic Sawers entertained the 156,acre farin for a terni,of yearsat .11.0 Coll�alltplatcs .being ill) and and daughter were visiting here, left. e it . it , .. to it . . it . L .
less conk%tructive. If We could got at Ideal Club to higk tca.a' recent ov- it yearly rental Of $400, . around tic house Ili a fewdaysin6re, for Rawhgtoil to attend the ftiiieral. 0 . 5001, 25c . � 0 .
it . . . 0$
the inner c-Incils of thol Conservat. Luilig. . . I L Miss Anvie Oray of Morris) was vis- Hethinks lie will sullervery littlo Alt. Xchdall and ii: large familysur- * L A/16n's andBoys " . to 26c."I * 10a , I . . .
ive party front Confederation down to, . ititig, friends fit 'ilic northern part of iticonvellienct Crain tile effect,, of tile vive. 4 . I I . � I . # I �
Mims Alice Marks, wl�fo It . I trampling lie received ouce lie is, ,up. Reeve Ishister has retur hnitte 0 MensWhite Wash Vests it $1 it . . . 0 1
its defeat, seven yearx ago, we silould ,, a's bee" tile Brokillop last week. . lied . a . 500 . .
probably find that Sir Charles Tup. ,liest of her grattolinittither, Mrs. Mar- The f(Alo*ing voting ladies, left-oll and takes oil 0, little inore flesh. . froirt ,a very enjoyable trip to the ,,: Men's Summer Coats W rth $1.50 11 $1 .� .., .1 0 . I
per was its Supreme constructive� g - '48, and tier Aunt, Airs, Ratteubury tile excursion to)" Manitoba this I . . Air. Reuben Ilionachethas disposed West. . . . . . 41 . . I 0 . . � . . 6 . I I
oil week , . . 11 . I . it I it 94 It I . I
has returnetl to )ter hoine lit Dilluth I . . I .. . 1. ,
tile chief arehitect of inaliV 1 $1 1 11 50c A.." 6 ,
hig amd Minn. . I . Misses4fary Coatso Clarit'Crawford, of Ills property here t6 Mr. Jolin. Del- . . - * . %
of its greater achieveinents. Ile a , . . . . I 1. cliert. anol intends reninving with his . . � I I . . I I . I (4,�
w - I imili, Itlecutcholl. altil IdA Dmviolsolt. I - Men's Surnmer Underwear worth 4 ,45c and 60c, your q�
I . .
Just the ally whoin Sir John Mae- Mr. Ocorgo Little of X11ox College, . 4 fantily to Vigeoh, Mich., -whore, it VA � .1. I 1. I I , . . I - ti, I Ill .11 I 0 1 . I . . . 6c , . I 11
dolvald necdL - (I and these two hilell Ttwoltto,. was a pleasant visitor at . 7 . I . Wit, lie wilt vilgage, in 'tile slic'm , a choice for 25c 1 I .1, I . . . I . .
e I 111111150 . I � . . . L in, collipany . . 0 " .
were undoubtecily title chief factors in ill last week: re'llor ,,, I X&V= - 250,40I,150 ,
. . "BROSTVI 4MITI-1 PROMOUD. . 11,114ill with his bro . 400 yards Dress -Goods'worth 0 .
tile 10119 ascendancy of the Conserva. 'the Christian Zide,avor ]lad 9, very � V � Ur -in-law, Mr. James,Litioctlaw. . 0 (4) I
, I I I � . a it town has - —I)oMIN10"q � Ladles' Wr&PpAlP lit $1 for 75c, $1,50 for $1,15, $175 tot $1,25. (i) . .
Uve party. It is, hardly ungencrotiq guccessfut picilic at litlyfleld on Won,. Mr� A. 11, Swith, well'known lit Miss Milut Do 11 of t is � . " 0 Maslins, Pfints and Ready-made Blouses lit sweeping'peol I .
to Say that Mr. Borden has no one 6ay. . . . Clinton and brother of Rev, Y tons. �
,. )3, smtred a, School lit Wetaskiwin, Al- . --iNn,vsTRrAr�—, - .' I (0.
wilong his, ficuteirant4, who equals Sir berba, X. W T and will leave on .' . I . We are se1jing F ruit Jars very cheap. Ally (ILI 11n(' � Of 6) I
The people, Awl frimids. of Mr. Mil- Stnitl � . a i,
Alstructive skill ler of Varna Were very inuellsliocked 1 f()rul0r1v of C"lltnil ')'it now Thur. , " . � W 6
of Carl)errv, 'Blatt., who has( 'es , 4 0 go
Charles Tupper in cc 9day to, assillue her dititt . —XXIIIIIXTION� Butter andEggs takon in exchange for ods. .
and, in aggressive eottrago, nor (to we to heat filled Blaster Ilarottl Johnson, who has . . . I&
of the sudden, death of his the positlqA of teller ill tile Sovtrci- I 0 _ _., _.____._____.._______._ '_,.� " I I
- �
expect that Air. Borden, hiur.4elf will Wife and all 1 extend their sincete.q.t Ilank at IfNeter Since .its Opening' been %pt'lldbig his holidays with Ill's � —TORONTO— 0 - --t= . . � I 0� - _,_!w . .. . I (�) . I .
'ity for sylupatily to him, , - Tho. 11 h
develop tile exceptional capac , ITIL1.14 'beell given tile (Illalll*�rship of unelle, ,4,-�,T.011nsoll, Ila.q raturtred to / *-*-*-,*,-* ,* P. (�)
party leadership Which Sir Allin M". We Are pleasV.1 to. hear tbat Mr,C,1� the branch of tile Ills holue fil"Clilitoll. . . D.. M. M-08EATH � BLYTmil ( .
saine Imik at War- . . 01 pke-coria 31310 � 1*1 ,
doni�ld possessed. it inav lye Said, Ifill, W110, Ila-, beelt very ill, is to. mota. Duriiiig Mr, "initill. AtIC11T,4T ,a,th to 81-WTV-04111M 1.201 I 0U. � I W
llowevpr, that lie IS alreidy beloved covering. C . 8 q Stay ill . -&� V-.* . .8 . I . (�i 'I.
. U,xottr I)v bis cciiirteous. and gtnial q_*_*_ -0_# ,)-8os8g(EK9)8e(�)�.�(���)S(F�0-90coc"(!� �, (Fco,,�,*W-0)8ss(�� W
1) his fnllowerq in ParliAment, tIllit Dr. McIntosh is- intproving the all. mantier 'lle ina(le, hillise,lf execedingly A W1,,,r,C0M141 �
y ,t VA1%1R. (I .
lie 'is tactful and sagacious ill the pearalleo ..
, of Iii.,4 ru,sidence by plaoing popular with not only tite patroug of J� I � MIXTON' TO TORONTO AND . I. 1 � - � I . � _ ....., . _ . I . ..
management of his party, and t1lat a celue 'r1leSt Catlin,g of Cockburn !!!"ttw_� 0 - I !!t!,,"!!!t� .
,lit platiorn, in Irout 61 ,itl, tile bank lint tile bu4iutpgccynljltl.11lt1ty, Mr. RR"MAN $1.-O. , . I � _,___ ______ 0
his Kraciolis dolneallat and digility . Mi." Lalltg� f4aWer& Wai the guest gent -rally and his mativ frieudsi, wllilcf 1.810,11d in renii[tting his Subscription I I I . I . I � - . 1.
of hearing and madi�ratioll of stitte- of r,(341dou friend. , t Week . pleased ' tit his desct,�ed prolanotiott, says ThL News-Recor is a l- Good going Aug, 29th to Sept. 11th 11 0 1 I �
I Lis . �
nit, rely regret to lelarnthat lie c0fille ancl intich ap)reciateii paper. iltclwo,ive. . � X, . . .
hi' fellow. IT'Of fS Safe, it lit who havc beru. tile guest.o. of their is ' - of i 001% well posted I
aul(Ing .4 14. abotT tol leave aa will'also t1lo By Means of it lie I ! I
It -
4T '441
* T
4111 I
1 4
1 1
41 I I 1
i*111. ,4
1 4
il '4
� * I.
. :
I ,
* 11
- *
- 1
14 1
��-. 11
1 il
I. -I
d .
is not great, ,t tile t1iq P(Ywtlt, siftee- uncle, Mr. Vkbrge Ilart, havereturn. many friends of Mi-%, Smith, who haq t ,S1iI1TI,0NBV,A Tv. 3, 5, 8 AN to dvertisin ff ' The I . �
. ,
inent given Iflin exceptin4loil autljori�,y The Mi-qg_4 Spaulding of Pair =, g ,,
. ,lie ift the happenings Of Old Ituton Mr. 1) �,2.75 - A . in
lie ansinned theleaderslOp of thd op. ed 11ollie. I . also endeared litmelf to a host of Catlillp 'k�oulcl liot like, to he �Vlth. I I . . 0 I I 11L.
pos>itioll has, beell so Proll6lillocett that Alf, Alex, Rogs, Illig rctlltftil Itoin Itialids, during her resideuct, tll4ere. out The I'seople't Paper. All tickets Valid ftturning on or I
it Would lie hiltdrolotiq to got bounds a pteasailt trip to �faltitol)a, I . Iloth will Ile 'Illuth ill I gged And Mr, Oetir of Mr. before Septenybor rStf.t. � ' � I %. '
to the statute whith lie itlay yet at- go W, �
The RtAr. Mr. 18'awers ig awmLy fo.r their Ilially frivilds will wish them ,toblt, 1101 of "ill, writt.,* VoT "filrillet iltforniation, Apply to . .
tailt kill tile IM115110 life, of 'tilt coull. 1110 holidays, Btf, V00tc is $nI)l;1yJft,g tilt kilulft of pro.,q)crity ill t1leir I r I it t 9tou. ill A.G. Vattisolt or V, R. 1fo;c1ge1i%,agV11t.q . I
try, we may ,at least bo Sure .4 luvIca:1411i'111111ill, I ew
that 1111 pulpit. tow f 6 it I e .q ate (t),r . I' saRecord Pays,.
. . I homos . I 11111011 thri mu's strailt., � at Milton, � . I 11 I
. I 0 1 L
V � I
. IJ
� I
to , 10 I I .�
� "