HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 3I
. . I__ __ . .. .. . .. , , , � .I - I .1 .. � --- - - . I .- .. -11
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- � - - I .
1. heart as well as You" band, You call
make thow, part of your household.
you call look upon your dollWatic
THE SERVANT QIJESTION help, Ill the ,941110 way that King Sur -
onion looked upoil Ills. Ile W48 ver-
.— bally painting the ideal condition of
' I when he ,wrote, "And had
An Ap cat to Housekeepers and S;"r'v'ao't's'e,bori% In xily home." That
P . illeans, as I take it, that tile ser-
cosis last winter was inade as, fol- , 0. 01 .o vvcor( o L io ,,4u in" . o
lowv . Butter three tilices of wbite . 111 ES& L-"�� large extent fixes the value. I
bread and two of grahaw. Ilut to. �, . 011% I 0 1 M .... .— I
getbor Alternately and presti togoth- I . � �. , F 05 I I FARM TOPICS.
,er, then out to the .size and shape "I 1, � , 11 : Tile farmer Who adopts a wise ro- . I
desired. Nb� I , 11
In getting vinegar for Pickles al- ' � "I � .11'.. - tation,of crops, who raises upon the
ways got older vineW, it it ig '========;;r� form the products for the support of �
ble thing. Other 1I frequ�ntly � hts .stock and his family, who -06
make the Pickles turn soit or eat up 1tXSTORE VE UTILITY- to Increase Ills stock Of manure lrom
" vants were part of himself. .11 any the pickles. It too s'trong, dilute Many of our farmers .%visa Are 04- every avAllabla 60itroc, all(! appirML4.
"eads of Families Everywhere . troubles should come those servants APIALVIIIZING IMLISHIES, with A little water. Pickles sbould ton heard to say that farming does It b4ck to file land, ' will r,ot 11kely,
. . would cling to. hilil and 10'.0. him on Celory Salad.—Ueat one cup of be tightly scaled, to prevent all' not pay, are really worUing on 06 complain of his farm running down.
, .
_______ 1 . Account of the love wl.tit which 110 nxilk and Stir in one level tablespoon from reacb.ing them, as tills kills the run-down farxn� There are Many Strength, endurance and speed In a .
9 � She is leavin,g for tile country YAM- loved them. YOU, CAU learn to love ful of cornstarch disolved in a little vinegar. i1irm � s which, while still Ili a fair st"tu borgo are not developed by violent � .
Entered according t0 ACt 9t 00 jI .
lte,tpoat'ol Uane,da, In. the, year 01,4P. tjon,. then site should not griu,nible Servants just tile, same as your ser- cold milk. Mix together one beaten, Here is a mosquito t -rap soLid to of fertility, have x1ot yet reached their usage, but ratber by a, judicious -.
Thousand Nine Xtundred and Thres. , Fusion. a suiall -
b , - egg, one level teaspoon of salt and be invaluable . .
oy ,A . he same vants, can work, for you frola a bIgh tin 1greatest capacity fox- production. It Amount of exerclso.givent so as to
ia. naily, 6f 1110ronto. at the it her servanto treat her in t. , .
'pakriiiI ot ,& 1, level tea� PAR cover On. the end of v, long sticI has been truthfully sii1d, iliat tile devolop but not strain. When the
. _grtctift tro. OttaWA-1 way, . . er owtive than that of getting 3110111 Itwo of sugar, one-half
AIISHONZWY IS COWPAGIOUS- ey, .They can learn to. love YOU- spoon of mustard and a dash of and put on it a large roll of cotton des of training goes beyond a certain point
A delspat:ch frQixk 0114cagO Say$ ' , Disbon- ,'our the hot nallk. slowly moistoned . With I a if tie kerosene. person wito call ilake two bla I
Rev. Frank Do W,Iitt Talmage preacb- Didlionesty is contagious- CORDS 01" A1i,F1,=rloN. cayeline. I . i graSs grow where only, one grow be- it becomes Injurious, so that ttio de- . .
- Psalm, e lmoral gel,411 Which is Housewives, it you will only jeII over the dry ingredients and cook Discovor your mosquito Where 110 Is fore IS looked upon, as a . elopment - of muscle, strength and
I benefactor V .
ed froflu, the following text P,tX is 44 Ill' *through a WbAD10 to love your servants until -it thic4en,pi, stirring All the resting upon tile wall ' aild nold this rmer Who can- tlic power of endurance, comes with- . .
SlWeAd and m4ie , to big kind, - but tile fa .
oxxiii, 2, "As tlio eyes of a intaidea alit to tixx)o. When Smooth take front the tr )tint ixI he wilts, make one grow where none at all In the trainer's province.
r iqllsitlre, fainxily as the diplithoria, geran, often their interests your interests, that el Just below I
ualto the halx4 of be gia," I I fire, add two tAblespoons each of process is most effective when Though not grownas extensively
, ill tho olden times used tie dosUOY love ,Would be returned to you in a vinegar and olive oil. Alixwell,,cool *0 insect is obliging enough to rest existed before is doing A greater .
That Qi6 housekeeper as well as All tile chilldren Of011e 1101106hold, thousand blessings. We can.prove and po . ur over. celery out Ili fine on the coiling. work, because the difficulties to be as some other roots in Canada, man- . .
I fflgont in her are greater. golds are (l valuable crop to grow. ,
tbe servan't call be III The sinful'plague of dislionesty and this by the silver cords of Affection pieces. . , I -lore IS. bow a contributor cans overcome .
duty there Is no doubt, lite psallil- Where the farmer. must purchase a No otber�crop can lie grown continu-
Idt, as a Spiritual diagnostician of untruthfallice4s and ,unfaithfulness which bound some of tile southern , Qrumbed Oucumbers.—Solect Ilargo pieplant. Peel and out the , .
does not Always enter a borne by stalks farin, that is run down, lie must lirst ously on the land from year to year .
the hea,rt's weaknesses, aisserts * it, the � back door. It is somotilneg planters to their bl%c% slaves. I)id full grown, but not ripe, cgetilabers, into halt inch pieces. Fill, into %. consider tile condition of the $Oil. and got a good - yield , as can in%xi- .
He figuratively SLAUIS to place .the u not those slaves return their illas- Pare and cut in halves lengthwise. glass can, pour in cold water, ' . . - It golds, At the great'llothamsted EI . .
co, ters' love by a noble devotion? There Mixane cup of b t1ireo enougil to fill,the spaces and get out
�lnfrartably ills"lled in the bo !doir and next the chemical condition
� -
maotress As 11, Ilroto-type before her 16,ng before it appears In. the sor- . . read crumlis, . , 11, the air bubbles. Set tho can in. is essential that the physical conI porimental Parm in England, man- - . � . I I
doiluesitic.s. Then, as a, young artiist ' was many and many a womall. it, tile tablespoons of melted butter, one a tion piust be good,before the c4exill- golds have been grown continuously .
vants" (varters, and its first nalrin, w4ter doep enough to cavpr I I �
study at the feet housobold . is tak,ell Upon the Par- South, who, after ber husband had rounding teaspo6rx of flnely chopped a Pall of � . cal constituents can becolIne effective. on the same piece of land for 27 .
of the old masterg and sits (lay 4n a �.sting in a been shot. In the civil War, would onion and a Very little sweet popper, it, And Screw oil the top under we- In this connection, we.'oftexx find an years. . �. . . . . . I
aj�d day out copying a Raphael's !or sofa And xiot by re lulvp starved to death had not the Sco6p the seeds out ,of the cucWtAr ter.. When wanted to use ,drain In .
, -
kitabell chair. - The Inistress, in stro , ng limbed . negroes who worked bers, lay, the balves in -'a buttered a colander and use as if fresh, . . abundance of plaut. food present in .. +__ I � '� .
Siotine Madonna" or a Paul VO1O Ithe soil but not tit all available con- SArB PLACE FOR THIEVES, �
s, ,a,Atto of lIxerself, is an. OXOMPlav to for her as "Slaves of tile 10,W" can- pan, till rounding full witli.tbe seas- small calls, . pint and half-pint, I . I I . . — I � .
nese's -Lasit Supper" or p, Retiben' , � .d dition. to betaken Ail) by the plants,
"Destent Front the Oro.1,6" Or A, the dalneStAc. Very often whenthe 11, to oned crumbs. Ilave tile oven hot where .the, latter call be procure , � I
finding -fault with her tillued, on ' their own free wi . xid it. depends upon a good pbyslcal London ir. Their Paradise. and I
st Judgment," h. SONNIN is. -slav, e the cucuanbers' until ton, .
BNchae-1 Angela's "La. '()Ill . !condition before it cna become avail- ' ,. Their Mecca. .
� * louncilrg the inal- %York for her as _,a of love," and bak � al�o best for putting up Preserves and; a I I
soilvar%t ske; is del - dor. � Janis, 11%e one -pound jArs, such as ! . - .
the psilditast raisys the inIAI iI own eI life. T'�ero was many A wounded Confeder . � lmy are able. Nearly all sells are improved
an a pedestal as a likodel for the omestic's ate soldier who would have died had Xacedoine Salad,r--F or this sala:a tile jams and preserves we I London is a big place and one that . .1
Tile havookeeper.is the d ' excellent for honle-�by the addition of humus -or voge-4
Servants. Day in and day � out the t his body servant, who Qllsibr take any cold voge't4bles, no ulat- put ill) lit,- are ; naturally hatbors in -any criminals, . . .
are being - d'u- In,odel also In t1lo inatter of sv.=- 120 . � ea. They Will hold.table matter, which increases the and a London, paper, desetinting oil .
�.11'ts c ed. into tho north- ter how many kinds are used at made prosery .
actions of tbe parlor erva �ould biiva escall I art of refuge, . .
, .
Adain. paitiby, - It sI widlies the s . . once, Peas, string beaus, a beet enough to Serve once, and that is soil's Power.' 'to absorb and re * tain its advantages - As a: p I .
IiI in the kitchen, Import,% fox, those Who have goliG from the
Claii0k, tilt, great coininionitator, in- to be sy,1114MM10I with llo�, troubles, pril lines, gladly and Willingly and a carrot, a potato or a t nip better than to It ' A, large q' which. is at great. .
thell t,yie ho'llselkeeper illus . yorfully nursed him back to health all(% ur aye uanti, moisture -
t be twin- Pra and a few flowerets of cauliflower All ty that, lip,ving to be opened sever- ance. . . . . narrow path, thus compares it With. .. � .
toll1prots, tiliuse words of my text 411 with t,heirs. ,Hier know- and *strength. There is niany a sev-7 . . . . .
tbb following way -. "Ao servalits 1,11911110tic ber s . or-Vants 011911t not to vant working to-daY as a hireling in, combine well togetber, and afterout- at times, is liable' to forinentation. Applying barnya:rd manure ih other resorts of like naturei I
loo(k to t1i,eil. ,nasters and nxkltreE�Ses 1111,911 or She Some hoille Who if she was loved by ting tlient into suitable shapes mix Somotimes it seems as if a can of abundance, is 9. natural way for re London, it says, Is Probably tile . .
I Ile , lialli'te5l �L-o their service, , thent. witli a French dressing. frult Is all juice and about the only storing soil fertility, but in many. safest of hiding placo for criminals �
to Sue horw they do their work, that cgs would return a Wealth Stuffed Baked Toxxlatoes�-Select use, one can make of it is in Pies. cases this plan Is not feasible, alld it wbom.the Police seek, dospito the fact I . .
they illay do it in the sa;ine way,'.' ubould take An 111tolve,,it Ili theitr poll� her illistr I I
%onal coliverns and iiiVe *041 cOun- of affection And devotion Stich as Site round, -ripe, tomatoes, cut off the In till,, case the pio'is a i1ttle diffl-lbecomes necessary to employ that tile ixiot�opolltan: police -force is - � ..
so aiI we correct sonte of. the evils. ,n p V r at I
. 4, . It sol and .11) Ill. ,thelq. 'Cli-iliculties. herself does not belie e bel..'901 c )- stout .end and scoop out the Seeds, cult to make, but.by draining oil thol CHEIMICAL FERTILIZERS; - the. most efficlent and successful in. '
� .
found lit blic kitchen by oxpasiftff tie . .. . .
ev�,M- 1.),racticed Ili the paxloir. All Trials atile t110 COMAII)OU lot Of ' oil" able of giving, The true. interprota- MIX one-half cup each of line bread juice, rubbing a little flour ,Into itl I
* - 1,010. The tilials �61 the houseliold tiorl of love *means S -1111I tills: it crumbs, finely chapped chicken and as it for gravy, and letting it cook, and the growing of such crops As the world. The fact is that to filld.. - .
. . 1 the legumes, for instance, that will -a hiding criminal in London (with . �
v1rttiles are not clothed Ili broad Will be all the easier to bea,r if the you love your servants, you will take haan.. Season With salt, pepper', till it 'thickens, then adding the, . soil and its .teeming initions of.'peopl.e 'of all .
cloth. All feAltinine unfalthifull)W'S ljolinelweper and her sellva,ut. meet thenx_4nto. your life and indke their onion Juice; a. little.rA � a.de mustard fruit and inaUng tit(, pie, theiv 'Will !supply free nitrogen to the . I , ,
and injustice do not waxill the'll- d '11spew-. large quantities of hulaius. Lime ofv- nationalities) Is a,trom6ndous tasq- . .
selves ii-eal, a kitebeil Stove or gunte.c the'll wit'll 'cla")ped hailds, ea,ch call! interests your -interests. An by and a Pinch of grattlidelovis, Season be neither Soggy crusts or a ten inay, be a . 'I .
.pplied to advantage. It and in the case of alien crim nals the
I Ing tile either her FAStOr. ' your loving them. they will let You tbo inside- of oac,h toniato witit salt ed otit" pie.. . . . . . . y
), _+ acts -on the soil mechanically and natignititdo of the task is. doubled 6, . -
in a stupid alid stolid head wit, DUTY Or TIAE )90USF410E1E1101IiR. creep inI their hearts And.,ninke And sugar, fill with. stwfftlig and set- . t alters the texture' of the fact that the "descriptions" sup- . .
a waityu.,;s' cal.) or nm,,tlo in the Sol- , . . chemically, I . . .
fi_qh heart of the gi,rl who, wearing Syaripait'hy, Obd given, prattical your, .Interests. their Interests. - . in a . ba -king.* dish of � J ap.anese ware � NT the soil and.increases its power to plied to Scotland Yard by.fdivign ,-
. I . THE NERVOUS TEXPERAME . ally meagre '.'
I - breAk, down a �, ,or sorne other fireproof dish that oisturL-,, And in- authorities . .
, .. will look well enough for the table, . . I I absorb an,d retain in . .
a nurse g apron, pushes the baby's SV.I:jpat,I can � m, ny 4 TIT14 SERVANT OF ALL. . . — , � -oliable when they ar . �
t a.venue. If the baxille � T Wiiich to -day selparixtes the Oil, nlistresses'l Oh, housewiveA and . . � . creases its fertility, by assisting In. and unt e not Ali-
. . . . � .
. I Pour o�er the tonintoes A -table- I Child of a Nervou's Nature the decomposition of -the mineral sub- solutely Idiotic. - . . .. I .
, I
head of the house wishes her For- kat�jl,,ext front tifle parloil: The house- bousokeepdrs, .in your dealings with spoon of invited butt6r, . . or a . lititlo �. � Nust ' . DkqPIte, * however' the � advantages t . � . . .1
vairts ,to be faithful and t4lue to be" koepor is t1le servant's" niodi,l' also. servants litay you- reveal . . be Guided,,'Not Driven. I stances and tile organic matter can- . I .
�Q - ser.. your on each And- sprinkle with, sifted . . I . . .
, . . 1. ' ' -S fugutives - ' ' I
then ghe nr,usft first set an exaI in devotion'tO tho home. a gentle Christian life to broad cru3nbs. I . . . . % . � tained in the soil, Lime has. a ,�eh- London offel from jttstice, � . .
. . Bake about half all .
of fai ",1111leRA. She ni-II be true vant.S, Will jnevltabl� fail to ,aPPre- ,your- household. 'Iri your prayers, In hour . . .. .... .. , I. � . A child born ,With a ,nervous . con- dency to. make a �lay-soil more fri- when 4.11ritish �.ckiminal commits . A � �
axid kinA and loving and Christian- cia,to . the - dignity ali'd nobility of your consecrationo Ili youP fairlIlY Al- Lettuce And . Hani. .-Sal . ad.—Wash I stitution Is. to be pitied or envied able, and 11 a light, sandy soil more big . crime., whereby . he; obtains.tho ne- . . .
' " - .
like to her sc�rvaxits, and . to all ,the d(itaicOtie SU-vicc unless "their III . according as he has parents who do compact� . . CLISSally funds, lie generally gives tile' I I
I. 9 s 4 cc tba� -tbe highgept boxxI tars, in the pui,ity of. your Ili'(', "lay two beads of Rrxn lettuce and 'put or do not know how .to treat - 'him, . .. I . i . I . th, � �
pouple with wboan s1he colines ill eel'- tro sx f I . Vou always.11PIp i6lir.household ser- . . A good -%vay,-to , improve a -run- "Axis 'of ,the - Empire" a, wide ber .
. I
tact in her doiniezI walk of daily any N'V'OlIIkvI can .11'aVe is 'to preside ,, - ,� beyon . d tile . grax;u and ,.in. the icechest or in cold water to Cbaract.er'is made .or marrd(l,! .even. down soilAs t9 inallure.it well' in and endeavors to, .1 get somewhere .. .. .
I .. . . vants to look ' keel) it crisp4 Do not let'it standl. 611eye, by . vagu, so,t of 1111-; �
. over 'ttrod deiliLate her MCI her to look up. _ Then, wilen'your do- Ili water long. Cut A thin slice of ,more than we are wont to b the sprilig with barnyard -iiianure, if abroad * under a o I . .
life. � I . .. . . . .. . . I the tr4ining.'Willch the- child receives, available; if not, tl . tell oinplay artffi� pression that anyv%'rhero is safer than . .� .
INCULCA,TE 1-1-ONPIE,STY BY PRE, 1102116, 1� lilestics, through your C baill into small pieces aud-fry bro.wi f 'no child' is I tig -patash, and th.6 country *In wit ch he . * . �
- tile -future a more, 1v aint . 1 .I . I .
. . I
A charmed , I . CO MMITTED HIS - 0 RIME. - -, . I
C Elivil. - . Tile name. of home ought tcI Axlipl('�,* walk,hand in hanc I then add while hot two tablespoons' and cial fortil, .ors cont
. . .
for every true housewlfc� Christ - there will - be Ito "servant of �inegax�, two tablespoons at sour '�absolutcly Ili the keeping of. fts fcttli� phosphoric acid, omitting any -lArgo .
The llause4eeper is her sL S . oulid.. It r'..�eght tb be ape cillostioi . 1. . 11 'Why?' There shall be. no I creanl, and one beaten egg; Stir.the I er and ailother than is that of-, ttio . I . e T I he clixogtion, of whitber� be � sball bie - �
wvant's . It. by' her, I-qualiI of- nitrogenous elem lits .
mI That iniplics that the inis-� . aillers used to spell it, ' ' , nervous'ehild.. By injudicious treat� which call be furnished by 4egumin.- . .
,as -her grandin. unlaithf.ul and slothful diiiiieStics, ' mixturd . I constantly and when � it ill I Id .`be niade to . . . plowing.manuTo bixn�vdt is. one. -which lie - must find. - -
ti,wis ix!o!-,t be I�onmt if slit: waI14_S Ili ,,,any letters of gold. It ought to . 6 thickens ' Pour it �ovei- the - lettuce, exit. such a .chi .
. . ; Housewive6 and'housekeepers, heed I I . may ous crops., - After bonside'l-abI6 .difficulty in answerini, ..' - ,. .
heir servan-ts to be honest. Pla a- be sp lied. in tongues of flaulei 910w� Nt.c.11 tile' illll)ol�tallce'of'coiisecrati-iig Nvliicll* has been. drailled and arra physical and moral wreck, und-or Elil application of twenty busll�l I .
It I 0 . - , ng- grow up a . . . . and the difficulty is yearly being IA- - 1 . . .
� . I
' . *
the philoaalyber, onice tried to call- Ing . above '-the. hearthstone. - . It I � I . 'to Christ, 'not only for ed on 'a salad dish. . . . 1. at odds With all .tile .world,'. while .els Of' tint(, -should be. given,- and, the creased by the s*on,.1 - uding of. mox i6 '. . .. .1 ..
. y i lient it may .. de� o' .
Vey t;he idea that An evil mail's ,our lives � m I ToxxI Salad.---�Cahxie under. wise managoi , . .
011g.11t to. b6.. sp0led in.a. word a( '' � d tongue may . I arlier this is done in the, spring the. . I
� . . . . your own sake, bbt also foi- the sak( op I , . - higlijest I-YPOB bietter. After tile . .. I � x�e 'extradition. treatles. and. " "..
ait lea"st l - � ' he Vol nto .6no of tfie . lir. ,�. grauild is tllor�' And In, a � lo . . .. - I
� . .
decily. cauld be coniecaled, eleven letters, �'01n)OrtuilitY;" Ill nxl� of your servants. Renicuiber that'it be used for this salad, - Slice, t . _ rl,gentle� ()uglily "Ared, 'it can.,be sowed to the, "I ellilig of , tl se. countries I .. ..
for n. thue. 'He illustrated this of_xlipc� letters, I'llappi- � of lovable man .or wonfai e . % .
.other- word .1 is fax easier for you to conillift a slil. tongue thin and cut ill Small pieces. . . .. . � P with,' which we. Already have - Such ` '
. -
story of the fabled " 'It ought to be SPe in.. . .Marillate with* Fren 'and affbctionate, , - bushel -of . I . -
thought by tt.c . lied. ' ch (ITegsing . setisliivei . Intellectual cow peas, -soy lbe&ns or one - I � .
.. ness. . Against thoso,whom.you snppoAc to . , . 1. . I I . ... I � ... I � � . treaties ,,to a morp,proijer sense., of I .,.
Gyges.' ring, whic,l). c6uld witillo . tile 'two'words the one of'-pight and the - .. tb' it . is Against when ready to, Serve-.1ilix with Shred- and dependable.' * '.. . peas to the acre drilled -in,. . their'. obligations. Owing t6 tile 6x- . 1.
. .. '
falkie actions of the wearor invisible othor of 'three lette�s; �.'rnaterxial be - lower than you. an above 'ded,lettuce - and wayonnixise dres's- ".Plie nervous child is often. diffielilt T�o fariner , who would have. his .. ' . . . .
those whom - . .
.v;oii suppose are, . . . . . ' .istence of scores of 0�tradition iroa�-.
to tile nak"d. eye, "Thus," wrate .. . . . . � to manage, .espe6lally -H the mother a It -0 of IQrti1itF- " I .. . I .
' .
. Jo' . - . It �s ea.510r for' a parent to ,Ing. . . . , I . I f * rin. suStain,a. big Stat ties, almost every coull.'ry is nomixt- , , I .
y 11 - It ought to be slielled'ili an . I . .. t , *
e Greek, t1u' truly hono3t � f SeV , ... b 1 . - , —_ IS impatidnt With its . despondency ol and iiot become.. run: down, should . . .
Plato tk. - other Word a _ on 16tterS,L I'liber- Y04 . � . .. . . ally as unsafe to fugitive -criminals
. '
man is tile one who would lie boll_ 1 Id . never sin against.a-king ' And retildin. er I I . I . ; :, its, irritability. ,. Seoldings. only hl'� keep the f4rill drops and feed th6m I . I
ly. " .The - true �Wife'Slibll ' It is easier. for' a i I COONING ON- THE FARM. .. * . , , , - bso wanted I ' or Political * - ' -11 ,-
est at all ifines wbea he could ,be -dor the to defy a parent; . - . I . orease-the tension of its nervous Sys- to. -the, Stock and sell the meat, but (excepiing th .
I . Th, � 1. . I . crimes) as our owxv�snug isl�iid,': but . :- .. .
,17' want to -be, Ahywhere but un king. to do.all -open' wpong to� & sl;))-. e. )Iou 'Wi severe ,punishment, ter . A �d Inaugurate, a. . I
di�ihonc-.,t and Ills di�khonosty n9ve w' of..Iber, home., -But though � . - fL, who must be chain- texn� And more . . . nd cbeese, an which * i " *
be foUnd out." B'ut is 91101 a con- shmdo ject. than for a subject to flagratitLy berniaid seaulotrass, cook, and fie- which : tile phlegmatic' child takes careftil system of rotation.. w I a be- nominally is - 110t Actually,, for .1
� ' I .
- p - � rin ,against . rellivinber ea ss, niust study,litenup - Scarce a - -th ,abOV6.S , . diff.6iince;the dinigrating evil-do�,r has- .. . . .
.p%fary ..Anderson; .' the*queen of the a- king. , And qu tly'latilldr, :' with whimper ainil to it's lieve that 0,
tiltgelic� ossible '? Who can ever - th,,t . . ' uggestions. are ,very rLaS .
be s.,re tliat his dishonesty is Safely Alnerlcar� stage, gladly abdicated lier . if c ori to be thankfill.
.. , further, thb,t God Judges ,our actiolis iwill build the brain .and brawn bQttermcht, is often cruel in tile' exa .worthy df - consideration, and .
'of rivals. of the �Qite in . order to. be. .. I . � . . . .. . More than , halt the troatieS, Our' - �
hidden ? 'Phe . eyes 'atrical ., th . . ,.,� just' tis ,much. by bow we treat our of �hcr faxiI take as little time . . . ..� I . : over Carefully, will. show the . . .
. � . renle. * . - I I I .. .
queen, of herl domestic fireside, a dan- . t . � . thouAt - 'governilleni b6lds Wiih� iorb'ign coun- . .
subordinates, of eiaplyees, are keen . I I . cattle as, our, masters, our underlings I 'as pasiSible to �prop.Are_ and 'at the I t types.of nervous cause Ill. many cases of worn-otit.or . . I �
. . of this age is for . I I There are wo . .1 . I . . - . I I
They gerous texidency . . . I . tries for the ext�adition.of our crim- � .1
. � .
and see more than we know. . I .. . v and, inothers to. vacate their as our omployer.q, our ser . vqnts as . sathe t4lie be palatable'and. sig.11tiy'. children—the , aefive child, always .011 run-down: farais-, � . ' . � , I o . country are . p'rae-. . .
, . .. May .the writes 1W . I . inals who: fly th �
a .to ingitate, 'too, both - the wl CS. . our husbands and Wives I s.. S. T. Rarer. 1 -ler life isjthe%�go,.- inquisitive and acqtflsitiye, . ' . I.. . . � , , . I
- .
good and Uie bad, so that* � oile domestic thfolies.. Tht,y want to Spirit insp . 1 re every housewife -to live . not all easy. - one, but.'she alI . it 1 but _ delicate. as . the - mimosa leaf . � � . . . I . , . tically dead I i otters. 'Were it ,lot for . � .. .. .
I wrongdoer ill -ay cause deterioration I -band aver the, Michell to their books, Stich a . ll( I ily . life - iliat ..her servants� wduld.seem, is I re,s�ponsiblo for many I . I . TI -11-P SAORTHORX.. I . Ahis f4dt there - wobld.v be only. Oho ,. - . .
. ,k into'itself atthe'fir-St - I . . ' 91 ' -
through w4i.ole .circles of Ills SuCiUITTilev Want to leave their children shrinking, bad . I . tual .refuge for our fugitive law-
. . can Well take . her as a- spivittial .lia,ridships * of *hich f4he c.Wi1plains. 11repulse or harsh Word; And the. pale, - On ,the - farm, - to tile nian. of, litt a ,ac .. .11
Inferi-ads. In tbe liolne, as in bus- I under tile : exclusive control of the The hours .. � r ak % hercas there are dozens; � - . -
model and 6an sea lit'her-face a re-' . which. she. Spends ill Aligent and, monC and.many children, tho-Shor �_ 1) e ers, , v � I
. . . . � �
Iness, the exiciluple of dishoxle;i'ty has I nurses. 'Phoy, Want, to be' selidrated' '. - . s .fancy Lelooking aiii :the Ir ' ., quiei,. sensitive',clilld, into ' y The Bonin 1,916nds', in the Pacific % ,:
fiection of'tbe loving girille -bf-Jesu oning , of � . . . stlppTying milk . 1. �
. thoughtful, but- retiring, . 'the child., liorn. is a boxxI 11 I .
lusbands on account of fan!py Clothing na . d'a, :good * 0 n, a d 6ff,ther -coast of Japan, . I .''
always tlic texidency to recoil on the I fr*0m ttieir I . I . Christ,, Who willingly,pecame tile set-- . I kht, for her,heititlis of.the first, into the. and buttbr an Salable. calf' ; cea .. in .. ,
The merchant w1io call- their Clubs. -tnt,to be liber- . . Sake; much better be given to rest- . typo -develops . I The -f�rm, I %: Vne, of constitute the sale remailibig.nom - .. . . . .1
wrongd,0011. . . .They. Wg ... vant of &M '.� . . , . . . t a. active philanthropist, At calling time. . A s
nives. at Ili!, clerk's cbeatin.g. of the i all bducatied in'6verytbing oil earth, . . : ., I I i "* * .. .. . -ing and recreation, : The latter., islinve.ri. or, . � , t1i - . .. .1 . . I;. � Nflolds. - flere �llc 6I refuge foi - .t ic. crimiftal �elasscs, , ' .
y .. � tho .promotek, the Schemer, the Idd- , ler greatest stronj � . i a . t favored by . 11, . .
, _ 10 ' . . I I . . I I ... sary a II - . . I . . . S refuge is - n � . . I ...
, in his inte - of I quite'as neces. s the for ' ival. Tbe..Jersey,' And thi .
,rests ITI'U'St )lot I __"Pt in the,old ' fashl ned .way IN AN ; OVERTURISTED SHIP*. -. . Complicaled' ,Zlixtures,' �iuch ..as .. . , . he lowest'. and'. most crim.- . . .
cwston,.!er�, 1'�arnln . . venturer, or the. leader. of, criminuls, staxids without. a r xxI any but t I. .
I . I
be' t4urlerisad if the clorks cheat hian. g how. to be.a good, haiisenrife . I . . — I I . dbeerding As -his trAinfixg has been AYA*hIr.e and .HolStelyi are great I � � . ... . �
. .
in t1viii- aw(n Interest. If a farmer an'd mother. .. , ' � .. I . . . � A . Capiai � al' . a' Exper' i . . . .. the s; preserves .aI jellies, Are Wise or foolish. - Tile. child- of the axxI but I ter cows, but calves are not JAial, I . . . . . '. . , . . I . I .
lance on seen in ,great va-riety and abundance - ... .. Ponsidered 'When. -Seek-11119:611ttle 'Alen. who have committed. crintos. I . I ,.
se weights -to I I-TON01-1ABLED MPLOY-4143NT.� . - , . Sailing :Ship' -Ern'dte. I . . ' ' ' 'be' .
kno-wirigly Fend,.s - fal ,. I -ocomes the hilosapher, to - I
inailket I and when lie is pacm. lig. . I . . I . .. , . ,� . . . on the farxxil�i6use table, all of. them secand type', b P . . 'the feed lQt. It is not fiece f ' @ h death, .Iife-long..imJirik3on .
I .a. " 'it a, di,9grace, as lxI women ... I . tit . thinker, the man.Of letters, the, for I 8sary or w ic hap, I ' : , .�
barrel good . I . -� A 'wonderful Story ,v�as told to the prodi�cing -inuch heat'with6ixt giving 0 ention. the ' A
es , . other beef .breeds : as merI Siberia, * or, pol- s, torture,
of apples Places the ,a -to thillk. it is, Zor a inother to , . l . poet, or the misanthrope, the sour to -ill .
S60 4 corresponding aniount of nitrogen I , �
Apples k .11 the top of tile. barrel malltiffie. court -at. Danzig recently � I ' poor man's cow, foi' would bQ'duo,punishment, have flown ,
ITO � . bo'.soexi wheoliiig II6�' baby carriage l . liling ar. :mu%clemaking. fbod.-, As the recluse, ,and the plotter: against so-. the farmer'S �or . .. I �: � . I . . I 1. . . �. .
all,d a ower grade of fruft beneath, . I .. . by the, captain, . of tbe.:steel sl ' . I- � . . I . Igh to to . ... . ' . . .
r own flesh. - I . . , , .. . . . ' - .
.along tile. streei; With' he' . of hard work'of the farm -Is eieti � and governinexiti . . none of I thk�m give milk enoi TIAM . B 0 N-1 N ISLANDS
thlat fartrier I,, leaebing Ills -fdr-in I .1 ship .1141rildie. It resembles some . 1. done dur- . . . . .. Ili training a �decently raise-:E.� caif.' A milk -pall at' '. - . . I . , .
aud�blood. in.t1lat.,earriage? For my . .. . .� ing the heated� .can* - On& groat niistake� I . . � I voi,ld, and have"7 � .. . I I . .
han'ds,, to be deceitful in their rola- . . Jules Verne's wonderful tales, .. . terin. any %one woliI churn is almost useless wborcvg� they fron 'all Parts of the v I
' . . '
� . own -part I think �uch.a:.publid Sight . . see at, a.gh�ncc the 'folly of suell a nerv6.us Wilid Is -to try* to stl .. . I 1. p . I
tions to lihil wben they are jatber- . I -0 6aptain Eng�ilandt sailed . from ream . -adn . iirable the III by I I . -set u a small c6lony 'of All that IS!," ' ,�� -
* ,
, 01, a.wife and 111661or is:* a, far. 11101L diet. .Butter arid c opposition. A n6rvous are bred. . .1 . . .
Is. 1. .. if I I . I I . s most brutal 1A.human'luiture;. .but ; � .
. Ing the I'vivit. I -Te is teat'hing. bi � � honorable. one th-Ein for such'a w6hian einel with a cargo .of'iiI for I t drivon; if. AS sirds and to blLiid . . .. I. .1.
lied aild be diq- Oldenburg. � The. captain, remained oo0s for'wiliI are 'unde'sdr�blc . in ,Child must be guided, no
nien 'to lie as he 'has .. . . - feederd, as moncy-niakers 'On- the* the gentlexiI criminal, tl .
to'be.,seen carrying. 'around A'po� dog, .1lo.t. weather, and- Still,' ditning lia afraid of 'the (lark it must not be and . - . ' ' .
. * ich � . . . . . .. the ,6ty, 'Who 'e0amps L :
bo-ne,4 a, -i be was dip.hone�-,t. If 0I at the wheal during a gale wh iti-j-' block, ,on the: grill,'- the Shorthorn .frabd ,from. . I Id' S
I . .
-out (IrIVI . . 1 no; when the. inen �d . . � P61,iid �
. I I m ' ' vest ill ard .:.at the forcedto SIv6p iri a, close rOOm.W I . .
- .
i)aryk afficials crinnna'lly. inisp-lace ov to be' seL . ng - with; � 0, overtook the'Ivessel -next� night,, and- greatest *stkaln, . . . It Should comes .nearer perfection than any with ions of thousandp of 0 1 .
is Fr�xleh poodle by her afde.,,You. may . , .�Iiese-.so--Lalled good' out a glimmer of light. . ' 'cc' ain safety with: all , I .
ti -P. i1i9titUtion's trust funds, there . at 'four in the ;inorning., went to. - I . I breed of beef -producing cattle, Prefers alloss, rt .
I things Of life ar'e most bountifully not be laughed at for, �s, * .
. sulilo it you will'at the'AgUre I have I . natural other 011.1;, but elern I .
)iq%elv to cofn),c a 0nic w1lon.olic Qf, his cabin. .to changg his, wet clothes. . � timidity, but should be gently. - call- These are' not more' asserti eat of. comfort And would prob-
unto you,- all, bostowed,upoil thein. . I rather be ai�r�sted than be ford-.
VTOSO bank milt , drawn; but J say 110 had - just got - . into dry under" I � . Are backed up-,by'long yahts of re-, ably . .
ployees will 'defa-ti-It - ' ' of the-grountl- . . .
I ,No. Ianger is, the. Overladen table. y Argument
and in the oinotied vlafe of tha:t wives � and .- 'mothers', that you can clothing when the ve4sel. capsized, yinced. b. same corded icsts; notably, the AmericAn ed 'W - �atrollize- the .boxxix� Isliaids, I .. �
.. . I
liank- ti -e sins of that rt servants- to appreciate . caittaining six or eight kinds of, pre- lessness of its fears. At. the . I Partictilarly. as there I.,; now every, - I . 11
lIallcial, In_ x1je.vor get.your . axiI an , I 1,'At Stock Show� at Chicago_�whoro ' J
. 'ZY : of 'a . domestic I bailing . a found himself st' ding.on the serves and 'a dozonk-in,d.,4f of. cake,. time its phygical .coitstitut-lon, should . 'Seventeen years show. go being covered by'. 1. I
stit-11tion will, like the proverbial the nobili I roof of the cabin, the door- of Which . ular, The Ili . . tile records of � hope ,of this refu . . .
. . Illitil you, yourself fully rdtilize. tbat - . . . POP -telligent wo,nian no receive careful �attexxtian. 'Tonics, . -
jiltic�kens, conic honle 'i,o rooat. � the sea -had. hermetically biased. . apcll�alr the'p�im for, the champion beef steer an dxtradition ,treaty . in.tbo .ilear: . I .
. I . . . longer stands over the hot fire t6' d, clige,�tible food, , an . . .
. th( 'grcatest work and the most 11Qn . unloosening the bo' . goo . . �-biod A" . . . ,.
-Llher ! Wi I 0 , . . . . . By ards of what - -i� cakes If , , hours 0 was won once..by A, pur Pgus, future.' . . . .
A Step fui Tf a hobse 6i,ablo -work you can have is that . preserve . or make .1am . . or 11,o, avoidance of' long . t -bred .Herefords, twice , Where, then, do cilininals fly? What
will bid her -iI inuid answer which is to' �o. found .within the four . was now the roof, he 'got into - the pies—all composed, porlia.ps, of good stu.dy; .frequent changes of air .. an twice by pure . � I ,
. 11 , .
the front door bell and toll the, I hold, which- -contained: only loose ;�ixo' by 6ross-bred .,I-Teroford Shorthorn,. is tile haven of rest for the 'Weary, . � .
. wa-lis of a consecrated home. � . I logoinc food� -but each better scene are All riot .only serVideab.10 fatir times by..pure-bred'Shorthox: . 'ns police -hunted -criminal? ' There arei .
wou,ld be caller that ShA IS'Oflti I . 'sails. -FoftuneLtely �ome shelves Of without being. 4id�dc complex. . she . � I
The .housekeeper is. ber servants' . . . . . but, one i1iight y; 'indispensable lit ab I . .. .
wilien she is in, that in!F.tres's . Is .. high cupboard, standing:in 06 cab-. takes. her bread-and-butter 9 sa and eight times by.grade Shortborns, many, And.. i ez Bal6ur:: showed C,
teaching her servent to be a liar . in i :model,' Tlivii, She 'must give .to them a - - - . � I and- the transformation of.'the child of .. .... .1 . . ..� . I . . .. , nderful di.icrotion wheliehe hit up- I
. . .
I Ille'r 10'vv.,as welt as -her sympathy.. .in. remained intact, and front . them. wi6h- with the 'fresh fruits,.'rAtlier ncrvoils�_ - d . ispogitloll. into . tile well- I I i . I. 1. - I Wo tiiio as his place . of' re- .
. all things As well as ill pal't*. If A. . he. collected tw16 tins of. condensed than ftibbing the butter into . . :. . � - v OU NDATION 'STOCK, ,. on. the AMOXI . . . . � .
. . . ' the poised nidn or woman, . . . . . . . .
. . .
0]�, 1Io,,, sonic .boligowife aii-swers, -lines, .1 I . . etolI . . . 11 � I. . . . 1. . I ., -for '. * - ' litine . is, Still A. � - � happy -
wife I,; false in 1:er dealings with I milk, some PI rice, sugal, . and flour And putting .,the awe I iI
,!T 'could not.love my:servhnts. , I� . I .. . � . . I When .4 -breeder purehasbs cows .
I sausage, He''also found -a hammer. - booked f . .. T ge
her grocer And but0ier and washer- . Ar ruit inside. In this: way .—+-- - .�bo. . Ar. I .
. -c Iiancial could. symliatbize with them in the . , 11 . . foundation st:ock he will ilways de-; huriting ground fof tiitish -erfininals, .
. I .
. .
weI aind fal. in her f1i For,*t*clve,.days 'the man ilve'd' in ,She. bag. better, and more, digestible . . I. . ,
,olli)lvs, but I could . . . . . . . inand threo*points, individuality, por- . Balfour's, cap
dealings with her servan;ts, Stile need t) not love,. theill his' prisson, eating as� sparingly As ' .foo'd. ' : .. . I � . . . 1. 1. NOT GREATIDMOTHE R. . and. Jab.oz � . ture was all
-Irviped if tl,o Why, if I loved. them .1 9hpuld 0 a .. .. �. I . __. . . , � , .1 . . . .1 .. . 'forinance and -pedigree. , Cows With . .
ndt laun6ress I . have liossibl, ', nd . drinkinq sea -water, . . . I . . I ,exceptionally good. strike of luck for . I
be gin . small udders or poor law and justice. There'are .Scores .
Eoteals the st.ray liandkerelilefs II I-OCCIVO he 'holy at . .. A. -story of prince 1I, of Wales III udders, or.
. which apPQars to have had no Ili of- , , : lyn� R GRAPE FAITH, . . ar a to - I safe- .
collanq aild the cook adlifully. was. 11 . Ile Spent his free -time in hiiin- . ,, .. . LShOWS' him not in ills most diecreet fore-udder.q, or small' teats 11 scores'of British criminals .
jcc..'holivs' of my heart. � I should-fri one feet, . II 0 . I I
I to make thein part I NY'llon the grapos ripen, then -1 Will st a humaft,oxxI The be avoided, as are those also that I
the butter and filches the ci.,Pboard, s0nsv have . Or my' moving on 0.6 steel bottom -of the mood, but at lea 13t yet-ired in the Argaitine, Republic's
. . I .
heard i . .. 1 I
And perliaps goes '40 fa,r as to sellj'own family, I cannot plate my ser-.. ship to attract the . attention ,of got 'fa;t and stroxig," we a ,latter says that, when A, Very little I baVe short and heavy. bull -like nocks. country., I � . .. . ".
- '
al I vdilts ,Slide by side chil& 'chance iiiissing veAsels,''and slept At w0ary-pyed . woman say . , and She bay, he WAS listening to his tckch6r, The model- udder reaches Wall for- . .. _+ I i . .1 . . � I .
. ,
t -be potatoes and the egfr,4- If , ' with my. did . Grapes were her favorite fruit. , WII6,was trying to give him. Some ward in a gra�eful curve, And ex- � EXO JOS IN THE, 1CL09DIXE, . .
hou,sewife. to protect bor%elf, is tin., ren.." . Yes, my, sistor� you, can love nights, for after, the Pirst to*. days.. I . . .T � . .
I '& had . Many - .. I .
just to Jior servants, Mid tivnis I ' , firili faith lit their pow6rIS, idea of heaven. . tends-bigh up.bobilld, I begin- realize what
, I as well as � qympathize with Vour do- the sea.was smooth. He know when and she ate hear . I 111,11vorybody . ' ' -ners make the inig Sing One can the, better � .
. them off at a main 's notice wben I Illestics .You,. can givd thcm.'your it was. day, for EL.dlm light penotrat- . . .tlly of then . i -as long w will be haPpy,'� sitid take Of suppo are luxuries of the table Ill tile val- , .
, .
on� I . 7, .. �- ,. , - - . ed .tile watLM . . . � as one clung to the vine, . .... . 'sh6, . -11141werybody. will .sharo happf� that those animals are of:a..superior ley of tho Yukon by reading -311's. - ... .
� ��, � � . I On the 6volftll day the Norwegian ,AV-orn with .the spring work, and cgs equally,". ..' . .' � ., .. .. typo ,that aro-daintY and delicate And Sullivall'a book, "A Woman W1110. I ,, .. .
� in 6 ' ' of harvest days and nluch. .n. I -kin v in Size. .As a I matter of fdet, , .
- :iSha I we b.11 be ioally equal?" Ine g . . I ,
. . . Steamer Aurora, saw -the wreck and . aillinals I r . I it WAS on the - ., .
I . . cooking, she ., felt "all tired oui". 'Yes, niy- dean'! .1 I I .slender, graceful a o likely Wont to Alaska," I .
. . I
She Nur,m ed the zi i c. k I I sent: a boat. to take it in tow. . l,',ng- .prove Way down the. -river from PaWSOTI, �
9 3 I � I I ellandt had- fallen as] by the time rs ly grapes "All of uS,.rcA;l1Y?" . to lie deficient in vigor And to er party came . . .
Rop, but hear- rip6n,d. Theii-she got better, . Iter 11 f that h -upon the lirst .-
" 9% ink footsteps over his, h step 'Yes, all of ug..". . " . disappointing. The perfornlance 0 . . I . .
. oad.lie began liecaipe , buoyant, her , eyes "Great-grandni. . II this 'be . Ing t I he an animal is one of the best gau�es vegotable-gardexiI . . I I . I
knocking with his hanimer and brighter, fier arins rounder. Grapes (I . � of Ile an can. - Thb river banks were lined with '
And Ruinred H g.h. r I Im d coulth . ,r value, The average ill I
a I . shouting, The Aurora's men. -r 6bon, "and'all?" . oes; 'many nattves stood looking �
. . . Pturn- wore )ter medicine, alid. she could nat yp ilot afford'to�btly world beaters, but can . F ' . .
. ir *ship for tools, and bored 11ave told why. .. . "Yes, ovan her majesty. . I . am the Share, and while .
. .. ed to tbel I I I . .4!1 am t 6 will do well.to pay the addition- At us. fr .
Montils tars. Myles Lay a H01131088 Sufferar - From Nervous a hole through -the ,botto�n of the . Thare is said to'- be a life-giving Sure,— .Said ill(-, young prince ]I a asked for superior stevedores handled tile. wood, man .
For - Wreck where � thev ,had heard *.the principle .in grape . s, which budds decidedlyi "that great -grandma woh't 61. price which I assongers visit'dd the town. -It Was �
ally crow Weaker and.Weaker, � 'bilulates the sym:pathe- like that I at all, QUIU- SUre"I I AS coniparod ,with inferior . perform- I 1)
Pro3tration and Cradu knockln4, When they drew out their tissuo,Aud st . -1 not long befol-6 they came back with .
. __ � __ . .. .. I _..==____�__ -- - .— handfuls �d I
' drili tv man's . finger. followed, and tie-iiorvau$ System, bringing to- a __ - __ _t__.____77t�_�:_..___ . I . __ __ . f till-liI juSt Pulled front
� .
Mrs. John Myles, Sy, of�'Sotith Dr.,Oliaso's Nerve Food 1. began t0i I _ . . so been
'figellandt s -------,--- ", �
I . tb,v soon learned 'that k', tate of working calm, And soothing I I _� _�__ I . . . . t;4SJkQ,' o ground, Which, hiLd the
Woodsloo, Essex 00, Ont., IS. well gain Ili weight and to feel .9tranger. I had food for four (1&ys more and an I�rltatod, Inflanied mucaus sur- . I . 1, 11t,1110 most luscious 'fruit., could not I I
known throligboilt ilie sltrrollnI Since t I Ilan I have been gradually ro� .. , I . . . , relish. I I
country llaratuoc of her work -among Stored to health alid In looking1wIshed to bo. towed to.Pland ' for it face. They arb Also thought, to row . � have been eaten With mort-
-a. . Wag Impossible to release him ln�.the .1love cortaiii -urinary disorders,' . . .. I I . � I . I tried to buy one from a Young .
the al�.k and guffolping And it was all back call s, V thrtt the improvement I .
account of over � exertion in this rc� hag been. something wonderful. I I Open Sca. . ' . . I . . man, but he had evidently booll 10119
gard that hor health broke down. ust,d In All fo boxes of thfs pre -1 The Aurora towed tbo, wrock Safely HINTS TO 1-IOtTS1,M,r1,EPruRs. ,1 - A I I ,� . I away froin such luxurie.q, for lie re -
and she lay weak and helpleqq, a parixtion And lit"el It it duty as well i to . Noufalirwasser, 'Where with can- 1111,vo quarts of Stainni,ed currantS I . I I ... futod 'to solL Afterward his gallan-
vicUrn or nervous prostb�atift- 130o.! as a privilege to recoxiintend It to siderable difriculQ it Was Attached make two pints of Juice. and with . � 1. . . ! try got the better of him, and 110
- and sbo re- all who are suftering from neiwbus to a hilgo crane, a plate was d three . I of file,
. tin. two pounds of sugar mak f politely orf-ored me one-half
tol's could not bell) lie% . iloosened,.and the Impriqoned captain glas'Ses of Jelly. . . , I . — I turnip, which I took with thanks.
Solved to try Dr. Chase's Nerve disorders. Several persons to 1. \\ ,_ _. � AS
Pood. - As a rmult she has been Whom I have describodAny 4a,se have I freed; Ve Wag p0rfe,ctly Conscious, Ill putting away Pickles It is A I'll, � " . . III.V brother pooled the preclol'S,
. I and even able to walk alone. The good plan- to put a Slice Or two Of "kl . how long it, Nvzls .
thoroughly restored and by reicona- u.sod it and been ourod anid I api 1 . I .
mending this tron1nient to others Sure that three inch who had constituted ills borsertidinh root Ili ,each can. This � . ,.� thing, I asked hill% -TW()
I owe uly presefit good! D sineo lie . bad catell Oil(-.
has mn of briniginglitv-1c healt'll, if Hot lirci. It,Self to Dr, crow were probably ,drowned ipholl keeps the vinegar clear and free . - lj� ,
. . 1) -carg," ho prompt 1`000(1 -
and happiness to mai)y a. Chase's Nerve. Vood," . the vessel capslz(sd. �, front Scam. I . I � A. ,� Knowing that be 'WAS OSPeCiallY
heal,th . It in Said that Adding half a bush,, I I I ate
wowkenod and discouraged Sufferer Xarvouq prostration W.,.d oXimus- .-----+-. — — . el of grape lev,ves to a barrel of ,cu- I .11.1 .. �-,,. lond of slich things, , a HnIall I
. .�.o 1���,_�111 slice, xtll(llgm�vo hini. the r6mainaer.
frOnt �IqO%JSOR Of 1110 IlOrV(I,A. tion, hea4achos, dyapepsla, LIIZV,V XTIMICAL Vl-`,RIL,%. cumbers Ili brine will keel) them 9% � �110" , __" I .
1 7 ;Pr111_
� ,,v - _* I
I V,1116S, WrIti'.1.6 !—"Wbeft I b0- an& fainting spells, I)aralysis, loco- I HoltInd and firm' And give them a - _�� - I I IMITIS
xvil'S. "O'. ., M T,1 IN�Vri.StitIrsI.,,XTgg. *
In Boloachistan, When a physician rf_�,�., W��
s Chasels; xervo motor Ataxia, fooling.tt of weaktic-A, give. expected to par- good green color. . - '.. I � I ...... :
- Food 1. ,ty.a�q confined � tor ni�v bed with depropsion, and dimpondeney -are q a does, he Is A sandwich wbich had great liuc. . I&A, I ,, - - 11P The groat Itlereaso that haR -nOM31% -
what tile doctom-sald was nervous tak6 of a similar one himself -as a . . ecl Ili 11111LISh InMI abroad vis
My stomach was vor ovierconle by tilts treattlio6t, work. parant,e _.__..__.___..__ . "I'.
praAration. V1111g, ils It'does, hand Ili hand with tt �%of his good faith, Rhould ----- tv, ,ravo th y6ti that *. ___` Apparent lit some figuros )1lontioned
and I Could not Sleep At a tile Pt t dio under his hands, the .11 py. ;
I I .
I � ii 1
I ,
I - -� , I
weak 11 na,ture" Though gra4uall tile rom M11 - Role' 014tinalitidneortbin �� i- - I . 11. jqr, Ititellic, it tow days' age, ill .
13 ults are aln relatives, though they rarely exer- "I .. . - in". 11011no of Conlillonq. In.
and abstilutil cure l0r Oath ��" , ti
7_�� , " a British
for any IC119-th of t1,1110, NeII n , till tile iihore cort alid ... ..... , " �,
chills Mid trOmblilIP: . 'WOUld else It, have tile right of putting r - r0a ilild evory fatift 01 It6hill9i . I— -___ - � i:�. a% slatistlea, lie said, Miowed
c0tile lalingy-, alnd by noting your illpercase I I'll � 11 III . I �, . collie t
over ma tit times wid I &coined to in weight, you call provo to your 111111 to death, U111eq-11 a Special Agree- 0 bloodillgiltdProtruding Pilo& M , - 1
4 g�L'.e;-,- - 1, . . .
t �:;% o ;� I ... I'., I 1-11 ��_, I 1881-2 tbo inco"I'a
, Al 11 I I i 50 112, "
thnotnatiurAettirdtohi%voguo,ranteedit. 06011. .. I �- _� _'. - '. , .. . -
� � ,� bat
0.;., '_, t whereas lit
UiW yo . I 1. - de'lived from flive
' I
be getting kV0aL- ,itiII, that now, fillm . 9"11 Mont has been made freeing him from I - �h U ur"*h' %�Z A. ". I ,qf,tno)its abroad
""id " " "I U18 TU OUBLE. '30A Years later� it
" �"
q1hCNr6 WOM n,190 P(lblh and tlSsUe, all respons! onnequences; � 0 6,& �d 4 b.z 60 . . - Was 41'. )00,000, tell
Cd T�
tile timo. is being added. W1111e, it they should -decide upon im. foxl� YOU ?11 I've just paid my Wife Was 54,600,000, and Ill 1,001-2 no
Trlz b 6 "i 1114 YO f , ,6ft000.
' m'A " "
ih I �d a k 46""t
t 6 1 nu'*�'h
ibility as to c b , " "b"tho ' I
jt� "r M ix� b
I g y " ,
art top ,of the beadiWhich CaViI like centa a box, SIX boxes tar t )() f Wo V�OVAKOXIB4" t 11010's the lilatter With "Sod'Sick,
witlel) Auf7bring and anxiety, Mradmwn, Xktes )1kolating him, lie In fully expected to 6 r g less 11OLU 402
At all dealers, or L yield to his into like a 111011. . to at � sotn� n I I s sunialer-hotel. bill." . I . .
gfter uship; half a dozoit boxes of and Co-, TMIAD- I .