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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 221WI
The Clinton Nows-Record
A11993st 20flit 003,,
�-_ __:,V_-__ M,_-___,__----_ �,�PI .
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An *flnci'ent F . 140000001. . doob�-WOOONON%.O"NNO�%W^Iowwo*,OM jost how an, assoi mo'i�11�1_0 O� me.-`�o town,", I I �
- , I
- 0- e .1 . ++++"+4 4`1++++0 . .............. + . ...... A magazines. I told him t rogular "It wasn't exactly the INtlad,,, rppilod � �
To health art4 happilles4 14 SQrQfUI;L- . '110 .
. priec, was 0 ILI.
-�+ .5 colits aplece, but I'd .111. a fuce. 1 1114 Illad a8 It wet hitu about tire whole
as ugly xe ever since time iMirreMorial. 41.1 Alail. "I'lu arrald you will torget ]Ile 06 I thill'g. Ile,g gilt it rolio tled to every
It causes bunches , � By ... 4- inarked loin (Iowa to live. lip looketl I It I stay oil the fill -111 fill ill(- tfulo." I understand," be beara blina I I
r : 414til... .1 g(n)IJ
,& sald It(. Irwill't goill, otjt o' fowl) till 1 stalled Ulss l3arehly. vou star nlore,,# . dval of Ilitilley, Ile thfalm
figures the Skin, inflames � you'll Buying, "lie does not want We to Visit i I
in the neok, dig- e. at '(III) for about lialf lilt hour tin' then I "WtA Certainly a v glad to have (1f I rit-ftel ])('is IVOt- III'll 110 liltends to leave
. , .
- -
. tke mucous. WILL NO +!. P F.,utulown ant beitevea hold take ojwk If i 11 Frank 11111bouse IR just tilt' tllljlg� Ile,
atembralle, w44teP the Musolep, weak. .. I knew Nbe*d oay that .1 Imew it, I fte tuade no relify.
e13B the boties, reduces th . I , N -!- , I'd read It to him., is I �
, , e pow A,BN R HAR-BIL 14 I. ,lip Pair tier 1411ows that .Is plahl as (lily. Ile III)-
� , or of
� power of % I knew It." said 11illbotlKe. A -I
- Craig, laughed heartily as he finished I " girl i ,vat0i a (Wep breath, and ber eyes welit tleed how frellut-litly You Quille to five, I
resistance to dlaeq, . :i: � ("tit Ulwa.F4 think of iil(,t,r tblit,mi it) 1 down to bor Ilowertt. Tho 11111141P KI -1104 P011Y ('fill scmitiA danger abeatl -aii(i .
� , se and the oqsicity. A"fbolr of .
for recovery, and develops intp con. Iq .#We-rf4rA,1t1P I say to a feller thrift Ills rival ez � ). The uiulattj� leader Stood waving slaiply put Ill,j p,j) -�
. . +4* tire story, and Air . in and UJIler johiml ' it). 0 a I 11,
sumption. �, p In. t Alown oil It, just
- 4 I I Squiro Trabuo was. toaming nit* tile Ot I. I lit$ fiddle and Calling for ,,fit(. graild, as f-ttlit'ra have lit'vil doing over HInce
Copyright, 1902, by V.1t "I want Yet' toremerabPr that yarn er day ahout Ilaw li�ll%l you wils o 1 111(frell" lit loud, 1110044olls tone -4. There tb0 il()('(I, MY 4VlIr boy, you've got a .
. A ... I , ) .
which kept growing deeper and figept them I X said Craig Jestingly. "I was JUS 1-1 I I I partnem
"Two of rAy children had scrofula sores DANI'g� L 11411i (4 RP%OS 1+ When you got to ov+(Irelleeklal oll lno." i I ont, 11"Ishop. but I t -41d Will tilt$ Mg was it sPrIlInblIng for - . The bitter I)III to tali(,%, I)Ilt yria,vo got to
from going . 4 f 110, 1 tile will, t1ho Ilion, viviory ror %till I � Young 111011 94VO their, ItIft "rill' _ .
to school for three m.ontills. , . I. 44 Illornill, Illat voll hit. .
. .. . . T tiell), tht$ I t I 8 10 tJJQ SwRIJOW It BkO It '411.1l. YO11're reaelled
Ointments and medicines did jig .t.l? ve 1 body. and, 11.4 tile rt'ller .said, I toto fair ludIP'.5 1111d inerrily dragged tf-ont jo A Point Where two rombi fork. It is
,. good until . T drawn Illorethall youl, depost
ving them Ifood's Sarsaparilla. 1 +++.,*,�+..*+++41+0�+4-"41+�.*.+O.*,*+,+,�%4.^41.*. .,. .... �-, to .... .., 0,14 , "OVOPCbeckod?" said Mill r, "You'll a . rid am abovolillartf,', their places, .
!rhb1=a149111Ine P � for you to decide Which one you,11
caused the soreir to bers, ww'"On "W"4MSW4M%_-'W-XAZWR1W A=X..�-,W , A.I.111 grv(Iti'll this with all fill but v!a- "I IlOpe Y611 do not titanic Ille'-fhat take'll
1, an - WW421,sl-7qWV44Cw=rA ' i
the children h , , d . - - - 'Mii� ,43 Ible '41111(lder. 'I'lloro was inuell It, film YOU (I �
love shown no Pigns of scrot, I - t"11; I have whell till my cbeclis got I I I i
ula since." J. W. MOCIUM, Woodstocjr, Out. fill the lawyers In tile 11roNi- all a R77-1 Walled a dozen today. They'll I OlIttbililithat III- BlIttlioclat- Alan, inade no- reply.' Rayburn XII� . . t "'A
d ollgalft(,(I ben0n, ailil good app..Ill r, In(.rt , for and Clunior Ingulfed tier words. for lighted,fil, ol gal, and beg
' 4 11 "No; nov ror two weero," retitle slide In oil you In about a week, find ,all to sluoke
students Of 14)v to enter and borrow Alan. . ,,I went to church with her to colilluvad hill) to till' Preferellert (if "Not not at all", be told tier, "But steadily. I .
Hood's Sarsaparilla I books or use the Over open desk. Sunday before, , last and have not so you'll telegraph 11KadstrQ(.-Vs to know . I
I- + nay thinking woniall. e�sprwlully wlwn IV$ awful; Winply awful! I know You I .
will rid you Rarburn Miller 'it . on hONV I stand. Tills Is a line banker," . "It's none of my business," Miller .
,of it, radically 4ad per. Was mail among, her SIURO. I was wondering If ,Ale had corltravtcd t9, 1111111t)asQ, who was (11,17 are atrue friend, And tit
manently, as it has rid thousau ell thousand lit life class. Just after heard about It." I I . MIllor Went on to Alan. "Ile twits me � . . of conifort.". . � UV$ 8011le sort burst otit suddenly, "but 1,11, frlQud � I
Ws. to .,OI, about overelivelchig occasionally.. Let enough or Yours t i hn ]]lie I
being graduated at the state University , yes; she's heard it from tile veto- a ilittlol-taller tball.Dolly and r is Slimy- �
. -
fwm�nw-w-a=�mw.�ur-.ris�--�.v�,,i—N-zamwob-w" he Was adirlitted to the but, and toolt net. it inn , � me tell You sollietblag. Last year I tug 111111,gilf evell lit 4 1, A " . "And always shall be," title, gulped. tII0 devil. , However, I doWt know . �
Isamboo ovals. Y surprise you' but the happened to have T'10,000 on my hands vailtago InJils ulli'villied till , , .
up. the practice of law. He could no. thing has rubbed him tile wrong way,,, 11,4101114 � . .
� 'roatt'r disilil. '$you Jurist try not to feel hurt, YOU What to Say.. I only wish I knew how
Bamboo als are peculiar 901118 doubtedly -bave - I waltIng to" tt -tottort factory to bvgla. Ills. ana Ablu!8 know my father is a very pecullar -Illan far youIve gone into It.,, . � .
Oft , made his way at tills. "Why, I don't und6staud,ll oxchlillivil , attentions to box. .It - I I I
which are sometimes found in the alone, !]rid not otb ore absorb. Alan. "Has he"- . . operations down Ili Alablima, and. as atted Alan was sorry to I r tit(, k;pcct1l(-Ia and has all awful will, find nobody Was Alan saille(l. 111001lailletIlly. I . I
v tug talents (level I bad no Idea when the money would . Over so Obstinate." . ; "It you can't loork-at me and see how
stela of the baniboo. This gem Is ver. or, and m .
oped,within him. Hay. ."The old Inall has had aI)OIIt ,3,0 the ftIII0W Was nfaklug of lidnIsL-If and I Tilell Alan's sense of tile great III., far I've 90110, you ,ire blind," Ile said. .
rare frolu the fact that not one tit it Ing bad a few thousan(I dollars left : acres of laud over u � 00 ba called for, I placed It with his lilb�j .. tried to pass It . over,
� .
. .
thousand bawboo stems contains It. hill' Rt 1118 father's death, h . e begun to, ear your father's here ,on call., Things got In a tangle "I I usuallY come In on Saturda + , . � Justice of the thing rose tit) Nyitillh, him 1 "I donit mean that," replied Miller. )
I � I
at the mill, and they kept walting, find ,xplahled. . Oil Ili! ' and Ills blood began to boil. Illlerbap� "I WILS WO110011144, how far you had � .
. ;
Iltilize till4l cal4tal in "note sbaving" closely Watching all your father's (Jellis. our fdourl bere 6onclud , .I Ought to take mY name oft Your committed yourself-oll, hang iti- . I
These vegetable growths are called + Purchases, and it seems that Ile wits �
tobacur by the Filipinos. some of + and. other methods of turning over and, In splte'of Ills J"(1911101"t to the it to irl , ed, 1 had gIVAtIl * L "That's, true," said Dolly, with olic I -
thern are s6 similar -that is, they ex- I I . 0, . . .. . . , � card," be .said, drawing blinself up � . . . .
hibit so perfectly the characteristics of tioney for it handsome profit furnished contrary, Mr. Illsilop,s collodence 11, ' of tier rare smiles. * . . . 11fade love ill?(! fill that Fort 6f thlng.10 .
"I thought .you had forgotten you . . . SlIghtlY. "If 'lie were to bear that I .
by the' Unsettled conditions, the time that Sort of real OF . "Yes"-11111house. took another head- . "i've livver Spoken to l'or Oil tit
tile opal -that even experts frequently 111, + ,state has infilde bhu barl it,,, said Craig.' with flaother of tallied to +you I c sub
, toulgJit, be Might Make. I jeet',# Alan
fall to distinguish them from the real (I 10calitY. Ile soon became tin adept put it higher valuation on Ills liolflingg his Wild, or Into forbidden Waters -"he's about . it unpleashut_fOr you,,, +. 1. Informcd 111111 gloolully. I
Ill ,nally lines of SI)eculatjon, and as lie over t,l . lifections laughs. ., � (01 . � 1 4 -Good, good! t%ilvildidi" . �
gem. rare So* you, see, 110AV thilt your . "Ativivill . Joined your church, they tell m- . !'If, I shall never-never for. I w .
wits remarkably shrewd and cautiou.9 frithelop, . y", Nvvlft oil Miller, "I got a + Alan treated t4ls with fill. Indulgent I Alan st.frod In Surprise. -
- It Is not to be woudored. at that lie soon fore mistake Is -connaoix tail;, hr. Ill Sudden order for the aniol,int find ran ' give YOU," Sllc�ahswered, In a voice , �
-), and be ir S11111Q. -IIO Wd not dislike Hillhouse, ;
* '
Why me Applauded. accumulated quite it fortune. . ed to realize a big $)unit ,k On -bib' on mv way from the post- Uut he did not admire Win, und lie bad that Shook., There -wits, too, a glisten- "I don't Ulld(Yrstalld." lie said. "She . .
; Ing In her eyes as if tears were spring- � knOWN-t1l4t IS I think She kbows-7� .
"Are You fond of music?" asked a "Take a. seat," lie said to Alan as w0uts to blante sortie one'fol- it. .1 offIce. 1 Made out lily Owe! 1. never Quite liked It$ constant Effort. boir I feel, auct'i have llf)p(�d that"- �
stranger of the young man at the con- dOn't RVOW but that your rattler or it Under Ills ,logo,. (,,.,�'L I I . Ing. I'Wouldrl,t th ' .
they went Into tile office. and lie throw Poine one else made tit t So"Ottl YOU Polls f6 Mi9s Barclay. But it wlls� an - at show that. you 'IN , or itiffid- about tbat," Interrupted .
. . LV
cert who was applauding vigorously Ilh M an Offrr for ought to have glIon lt� harbored ill will agallist'rurs, when I. . Miller lavoilleally, .
0 � . nd, which lie refused. ISO YOU SO(' bellevo ile.blid half 11 It' a"Ilowlollg"' 'ffivt all"Ong 'Ile Society am si) helpless and troubled?" "Thore Is a chance . .
after a pretty girl had sung a song in lit itself Into the r volving chair tit lits, his [a Ili wilt. I (1011 � .
a very painful way. tored desk. 011. w,fillt to talk to you, Of it 1111110 IlOuSe, girls of Darley that if a girl refust4l to "Yes, it would, all 11 Of'. YOU. If You'll turn Squirm I
I It Is only natural for hint to be 4111- but lie had tell: IIIIIII(il . I for bot ''
I d I shrill cow& - aroun(l like Migible hunian belugs and .
"Not particularly," replied the young I suppose J'OU are fit for soine run p,runtled.11 - . . 1. I excuses. 110 go out"wIth any, )-Out an Ill good Ilftek,"'lle made answer. Ile rose, for
" . 11terit nie ,%valtlilg,tj,�o days and *bUstIv(I 19 m, .
. . st4ludjug It of long before she .� I I . .
The boys tire geithig up a dance at tile "I boe,ll said Alan. 4.1. 'reckon you. uround. to'boatotho bull(]. 110 tho gilt Nva is n . Hillhouse, calling loudl look the Mots In tile ra(iiI,11 . . . I
mill) frankly, "but I am extremely hotel, and they ,%4ant- Your dollar to . -11 was loft' . over his "You Invall^- I
fond of the musiclan.ft befird that fl-orn illiss Dolly?— . (it 1101110 o.fteuor than Was y -
help pay tire ll.,tnd. It's a good one Altiler Smoked Slowly.* . I was 90ing to close him Up;" . . pIllasatit. - Dolly was easily the best .,shoulder 'to some one, was thrusting "That it will Ile stupid,. chilaisli id. '
I , .. - "Tilat Il',as.., c.I()se shaveitt admitted-- 100)(1119 girl lit the rooni-not perhirps his'bow6d firm down toward. lick, , .
A Deadly Splrft tills Vale, They've ordered It from - I4Yes.1I-qrtpr,tj. rlus�(.�-"i drop ' locy for vither or both Or you 0 let .
' .
Feathers believe in t'llAtt"1100,1111. . It Will be down on p tiod III Craig. I'Neve� inind, about the over- the UIOA dallitIlY pretty, .but glre:pos. $41 beg your pArdon," he said to Dol.; this thin- spoll youn Ilros. - 11 , . 11 � . +
tone -Do you - . .the - there niglit bel'Ore'last, and -15he told IdIlOckilig, lily boy.- 1,:cOP It uP,.If It sossed a - J)Oauty willch strengt JY- "I didn't know they had called -the -'i (Ion" . I
ghosts? i:35. Got it inatcli?ll . . I I me litiont: It., Shk:,Ij;. ,lot One or 1-0111. will help you, I It of Ittarch. W4atve got sortie . lee cream 111d I t undorstalld'V611.11 . .., �
Alan had not, and Miller turned big . You are doing ultogeth- ellaraj�:t .
Travers-Wvll, for, years I bave been surface creniures. She talks ' ' 0 er altd, bitellectaloile could give '))'ell, you will before I'm through . I .
� , ,
- In it 11:11111tod house. head to the open do' � sensibly , ,er too rutich busilless: with the other I to a face ablea dy, well fell. Out upstairs, antl somb of us are . lm . .
of,, An old negro on -4111 sorts of subjee s. *bank'td fruit me anyway.,l - twed. U'Ven , going 'With You, and I'll (10 you lip brown, I . .
111,111, happened to be passing, with an ax on silo's n t Of course* ' . . 1. llilr physical beality alone Iv for It. Won't ,Von takesome, IllshopT, + . I 1. .
Peattliet-stone-You don't tell me, . . Ot 901119 to allow tier benirt to .'. .. . . . I . ... as Of that "No, thank you," said Alan, and they . -.- -, -T,4411 . k . . . . � I . . q
Who Is It haunted by? his shoulder. ' - ' - . . . � . I
. . . . tO;Ktur6 which- gives the �elloldar an I :: �*-;�.�-.,;:,, "!-4 0� i . :
Me, but she couldn't tilde the fact thtit, left him. . . __ 1R.. ..G1 i. "011%, .1 '.
.1% I i ,
' ' - "N' I ;�, "
. - I ., A,,;ii 0) �\
-avers-ily my taller. "Height there, *.Uncle Ned I . CXIAPTL�'R VI. 1. j agrceabI6*sehse of solidity.' Sho.-Was I . . - -r '_� ,�,� . . , . .
Ti . Ill Miller yourtrouble wag Worrying tier it good . I .. I '. ��, �-. I . ,\
. . I ,.�r t ..
. , I.
called out, I + . 4paL ' I think she'd like 11a see yu ,r ,--'-,-, *k 4 I I D .You'll,-. 'People assembled well formed,. above Riedlum. height, i WIT, %.
. U I . � , R I"11,A\ . I
. .
The Dictionary 14alift. The. ikegro. bad PASsed, but he heard +the ball tonight at slowly 'It tbO dance that even had a beautiful neck and shoulders, I . CHAPTER VII, I -1 1, ,V% 11 ,� J§t,�&q=
Prank. Iilllho'ul . � . . I ,_ . .
" 11 1� - -
se -will . Ing 1. - R:",� .w 1, 't
his nam . Toward datli It had be- aftrk gruY eyes. and xibuildrilit goldeli , I�AN made big way along the 1�, , --- I � I ,.I ,.� 31 .
Priend-NN'lint queer language your e. called, and lie came back give you a dance -or two, Ife's going � � . .. 4 -,, I . Ik4I,", 1 -
husband usoq! lie pronounves evory and looked in'at the door. : . hm, gull 1'.11111119,. fill(], according brown hair. + . I I I . Ivall, Out of the track 'of the ' - �0:11 Y �4�� I � . .
I. to be bard to beat. Ile's the most . 11 t- to cus.torjn ' . . r', - 1.
. . . W, , " -
I -;-.�" �, I Z 1 i Vric`. .
Word. lialf a dozen (It fferent "Want me, Mat�4e'Raybufh?ll . , two livery stable carriages ' , "May J see your card?" asked Ahrn. . promenaders, into the oftic' " A." 7 , %'I .
. el - I
Ways. . tentIve fellow. I ever ran across. 'Ile's called "Ilticks," .W anximis to escape being spo ,4; 1 - _. . ,..-;;-?; .
11,11'e -yes. lie lifts half a dozen dif "Yes, you. -old scamp, Get me a . n oll- -"1+ came ��arly to.s6cur at least one." - _14 , .
e . *`%.X\- -.�!' �
+ �. -1
I got a -new buggy -a , re ular lilig-lll(,- . �_-M,-.g .,� I
. .9 . M.; I, . � . I . I
ferent olk--tiontirles, match or. I'll Shoot, thia top' of � vey.all the cOuPles to aud from the he.' �At this Fkall � by any one. .But hep severabjo- \� I T. 1, "? _ ,
� .
. your - t1ght-and R 111911 Stepping Kentucky tot. , I k- 11111bouse burst out 11: -_ ., �:, '.1,: ,
I . � . �, , ,..
... I ,% .� .
. head off." 1. . I ., . vial inch from the Mountains who y., , I I
1. I
- - __ . . I 1. 11111,-hilig, find She $failed up lit -Alan. . IIJ ,-Q---�_� Z0lIZ,, 0 . .
. .
__ I . + ainpaign. Xle'll. 14"verythin . I -,;Fq ; �, . -� . (., -
. I niare tot file striiinjor e, knew,lilm Intimately gathered around ;,...i. I 11 - I
I We are Inclined to believe in those "All right, Bull; all right, ,%large Ray- iffil,c so ne: me' . I I g In life,is r�elatlyc, and to "'Ile's been teasing me all- I . . `:Q "? ", 4:., 01
I I I .
- . , ._ , , .&;-,,
I ney tit bi'g father,solcaill, 3,oung I)OOpI . . . evening him an . I 1;, Na mi, �1
Whom we do not know because tIII-y burnYl � , . I . . . . NX, - I
. o 11,110 Often Wept to 0 about the premea , ol-began to Make la�ughlrtg re-, G I, . -1. - ---- pr
. . mon luelit IIIII Ill,".Sbe,ex- .1 . '(."�
. and all the old won' 4 %,�,.�,,Llr, � g4
. nell ,say lie's- the Icss pretentious entertainments thig marks. about � his dress.. - ' I 11,11, , �, .
have never decelved Us. . - . "YOU ought to know hini,"' said ,!Vill- best-c4tch 14 town beeaus�e' be doesn't alral , Plained. I-IThe trutb)g, ItIll not going. - "You look fel,the world I I Ike li.-dirt � KC M., . . . .-
. . .
))J�';-17— 4. - . .1
. 1- �; � I
ler, with a smile as the negro. hru�rleol. , ,drink lsa� a Sundfly sall6ol cl:l�sq r Wag r4thOk IlupkOsslv6 Ili Its vie: to (1011cO at all.. The presiding elder dauber.," . Is. comparison 'to -a'kind 11 ,�W, , .T:
. and gance; 4111ps ShOne evervivilere, all,(1. 1111ppe4ed,wil today,iDII Ills. 1i,,1_.V * - . E.", � � - . . .. .
Phoberinan's Luck. � Into the adjoining -office. ,,His wife will have money. 'We, tire allgollIg to bunches. of candles , it and . F!- I ;_ �
"So you think Justice should be rep- cooks for Colonel Barclay. He Might wear evening' I . bla7 ., I of black wasp Came f�om Pole Baker, - �11 I- � . .
suits touight. Ther . 0 .$put- thVoIIg.1 'and Is -it our house. You . I . 1112 I �.
. 0 ,11"! . 'know IJOW bitter'be Is against churcill' a tall, heavily built. farmer, 'with all � 0 �� . . .
resented with a rod and reel?" "Yes. tell YOU If Miss D011y's! 90149 tonight, . tered. Ili nooks lillilg about I�itll ever_ _V.;,.�Zt .. - .� I .
sonie..girls. from lJoille visiting II.Ittie I gl�ceuf; . . Thd girls'werei beconillip-ly ti.,t. I inernbers ditneing. 'At.'Iirst '111amull, enormous head, thick eyebrows. and , _� 'a%t�,_
* -a,
, -a, I
�R, - -a_ Z, . . .
of course! The big fish most always but 1, knoW she is. Frank - 11111house. Alexande*r,'and w.c don't want the,,, to � 1. � . � , .rl. .*. _ ;L, - . I
. I I .�, - 1. 11
. . aid 'I shouldn't come .1 stop 'but Air., . . 11 n It . . � � .
... - . - and i smell tiny in our 11,11r, you knoNv' 0 ,illy 1 so, . e � . w,. . � .
get away." checked her liatile off the list, tired In light evelling gowns, and in, long, shaggy hair. 11� lived On'lligh- - � . .
. 4,*N '' "I" "I-, .,
. Opts farin a d had. bee'll brought .lip ... ,Pw , 1, '- 1) , . . . .1
r-- ,q
. __., , " �� 1. � ..�.,- �! . I
'�',', �� I .
M�� ::s I
. heard him say, she!d accdpted; � 11 w Of thorn Were good.lookIng, refined anji i Hillhouse 'find I succeeded* In getting � I �;A" � I . .
I 'way, that fellow will do to wittell. 1'. spik6tillis no, Ono .,Vill; so we. toulz� a� gr .. "Ceful. All were soft.,. doiriled 'of you ,.,Ok U,* -;�k��',41 �
The Only Difference, . By the .. the boys ate. unless...111 of us ivotir - 11 Spoken ana. ; till a collipt-0,1111se -, .1+ can-buly lo I with Alan.,,11111111 be .�!,�, , -_ I
I ... ",I � . -1 - � ---'-'.'- - - , . . .
I .. 1, r 11 , -_ .
. I � ok oil. ' .1 . . . . . . "K ,� - Xk, - N -!�,�,_ - ,_.�7. � I., � . .
" 11 14� Z<1
I " 11
"De difference between tie mail dat's think he and the colortel.. ar . e pretty vote, on it, a . no wo,11 1, oil, 11 bj! Oday Ill 001", Inalliters and eliber, Wore' -' But lily frieti(Is fire haviii4 ain't �filmbleon Yore feet, though. I've "N I I -1 - , " .
. . , pitycoll 11)�, �v 11 �-p, y
I . (I !!-, 0, . . . . Nz"\ ��-,-�-,,;,r ,?,.I;:.,- .,!i% 1. � . . . .
1, 1,,,;,�;�h.,`Q �,
I " - ! ,,,'. * %!�'Q'��,, - - - U ... .
hgerin' on perpetual motion," said Un. thIck.sp I J0 _i' , ' I � or carried 11GAverq, The 'evol - and 1111111- lily card for * , .)g Over on. " \'�',N " '_X,,x` 14'._.,,�. .. - 11 . . ..
- � �:, I , .I- . . I . sded�you cut the.pIgeon -%VII w ,"I" `Z11" ;�,�,.-,,40,4k";�� , � . I
1. I � K ,�_ . ,
. I I . . .. " ��,� � 1, , �_ ,�� E - . . .
cle Ellen, "an' de man There'li be *a 'devilish lot 'of lulglIts; I . . . )Ing suits I, what they (-till .. ""'."""'N 1�",_;;,1,�,:-.;"fAK;,NW Z.z 5�11 "
. . . 1111.1.1. �111. ; '. - �
. .,
dat's work& a do ' of tile 3'.oling Inon were, Weil Ili' Cwt . MQ8sy creek ,with t'llem big,' sfrllppft� "I, ,,; . _'.,��,N , I y, . I
- . , , , - \Z , ,I' , ,L%�5,14 �4`10 .. '. . .1
- . � . .. � � 11 I ,. \ , � &' - I N 1, ,"4',,�i% *"17N �N . . . .
. - : --' , A- - ,F ,
. - " ga -on had yo�eslgb �11'* ,�.�,,,,,\'�,��,-�� ,lk.'��'4'�:4'F,-��',N".!,"�'4�..-.'.)", "I I
. � " _ i4l, -
, - 1 7Z411 I Vlli`z"., ..
: �, �`,', " , "\"- ��,�" c e"-.. .�, . . . � .
. I I I ,�, A ,, ., , 1,."�'t� I
- A., W r t, up on .that?- . , ose who It favell't .quit$ are borrowing dence and Wore. hotic6abie to the 1116ar-, i 'Alan langlied. as lip. took , rd, Is 'f ore �3 ,is as high .. , "'I'* . . I
system to beat do races Is dat de per Ill you neve - le �' ' . Tit - ofllt . lollary dallee.�,," . " N W .`
I 1-11 -W".- .
.. , .�C , ,
't ;., .. . ,.- . - I I I \ �: 1_'r��I`'� .
. �, I'll , �, " I I
Petual motion man didn't bab an asked, -with'a" flush. - ' - - - : In all directions. ` Frank Buf6rd will �rs� themselves tlwn+tho�y ,%Voul!a have 11 . . � tile ca, . as these town folks, . . .. N: � , , - " � -,.7z ': .&.. - . � .
no moll- I ' � .. ,� . 'lliall Was 111MAdY almost �filled,. and . . I . � -,,I 1;1 ': ,.,:iv 2d ,.-.
If don1know t . , .. . . I ,\,',,,,I-. ,�,�.��,','�:,��
. I 1\ .."
ey in de fus' place.". . . hAt.1 ishall,".1auklied I rIg Out In C01611el l')ay's flut,31)(111 I'M been to 4 Spectator uicd to 0 1 ote his 'name .1 .. . "IV$ that',+tha ,.N;o t tit .1 "; ,, . Z� ,-,�
. . . + . r S I I I , ?� \, ,.\. " �. "... _24'.", .
I - fro. "It seems: so unny to seo , oggery. nVention- ! wr . it one of. the blank . . % \, I
Raybu _f . It . at glts, mi , .". , . I ,*1 .
Did Yon-kring'Yoursy", . c N , . _ ��l "_ . I .1 1. I
L '=-.---.- ,--- .. , or I style Of dress. Thoy, c l spaces. Some said .another.. "I r . X \ I . I I �
- ... - __ + eck6n tt?s, cut I( . . �
. '; one called * 11iiihouse I � I. . . . .. , .
;._L,a_nM%%Mr I .you arL,." . P ,_ I .+ I ran. an awkward silence - won't drap saft � victuals on It . "I , N 1. . �, . I . . . I.. ..
---I .,. ..-. .,� .being prossed,11 said -Alan. .' - - fell Upon them. . ' -but-I guess jou don't d " ' 1�, I I . .
' . I I "I've had three lit the ]list. six yo i o much eatin". i , I.., �, �
__ .0, rilftll,,and eV( Vor.. .the ffrsf time ,
I You in love, or -ra.ther, to see you think ; "It. bappeng to be at-Pa'rkor's 911 1). : ill 'all S'tflge.g of hiti-daptabillty to ffg� away, all(] J1 .. � . \\\ � \R\ R�R� .
I have never said I . . O &os too ItIrge or too, ,q Ill so you .. - � " \ \\\\ ., . .
- was," -)Bqld Alan . * . .. . I . 1. . . . � . . 11
. ;L;:.:Ij sharply. I. . . ... . ..: . .. . -'I"'," artOr-the dance begall there were.s&_ Alfin, noticed it'vvOirldol: expros.gloti 0 with thitt collar on. Itsaoh!t look, like : . . . I .
El E -t'. " � � . . . �t. I : �: . larigh0d Miller.. "You kn(jiv how 1111101, �rtl*Psivnj' , a - , , 'Of (!Oil . ' - I I n , - cou I Id stik . it peg. Un4 !,It's ,110.716 - "s Ii , I . .
I larger Torld $elni tban-I an - .1 . )a an a (file+ a.mobut. _,� tier face.. " ' . '.. . .. I . .. yore Adam's apple 1. . I of 177.1/ hushic, . .
"But . � . . . . . Jr ' Ifter'buris .'' . !
.You 'show. -it so blamed plainill::-, ' " 1IQ :Arittulation On the Improyen . rant. from o ' .der It." ' ` I . I � . I . I ) Y. .. I . � .
. . . I oat s tdtrol it' ' . .
- �. , 's fkk . . . . . - . F-1.1Y,ou bf(ve`n' --buit6nh;Ie bouquet 11 . . ... . � There ai-c. slouply tNvo coul,s6s 6p�ll to - I �. '. I .1i
. I . .
I , I .. I . ...
. .
I *. ,q =� sold Miller. -1 � . � 1. burst one 0 mine - f rohi collar to, Whist till) tippreclative faIr Sex' * The'young. - she 4saia, notlehl- With a good nittil, * � .
... ., , , I- , I -- , . . I . . � � . . . . 1, bla- 'bar6 'lairel. � rod reply and: a. .� I . .
"I "gere Itts, . lost sunorner'at the Springs.* .1 cau,t. . 1, d,y. ll�coi +. �.. .1 , I -0111; ul- . Y.- 010' is to tren t ColQ1161 ;. , .
f, 5', Maige RaYbuirn. !%large . I , at's IvIlat. you e did not feel, Alan hurkled. out .. ,
11 . . refui , a illyallyIpg each ,youlig mail 11 Th I . get for'not brhi-In- laugh h A .,F i)01 I q . 4 ', , I
.. - - 11 I __ � Trabue said you.cou)d have a whole' - . I. 6 - '.cut, God. blass, lein! jeff IIIg_: :,,if(, pjtuacd. it , sinall botioJifet Oil his ; ll.girl.' T.,et me ' " ' . of the office.and up to his room, , . , !��"I-ChIY's WISIICS AVIth dI�f`IIIfIQ(I'rO speet . I ,.
, 11
, I'll, t , : , .1. box Of 'yould put up w gins. married in. illy best Prince At-. . .,I,,s .t t t i 0 . - "Utlic,You one,!, + . . ' . wher'll ''. ruld bow � aild'yetirp just Its. any Il3u- . �
, id sullibur.oDes,11 � . �. . ` inpe 6 ba I V uild IIA,V6 been'tru., I , 'If Ivish- . he. .had left Ills himp Darning. itay- - .
. bert last week and spilled b6llqd cus .+ I - YOU Would," Ile silld thought- . , leman would. do when: told ' . � + .
Miller took tfie+m _., 1:O,)oan . .
atches from the out- , - - , .1 possible to-t'ell 'Ivllbthek 6 Aran had a I .fully, for fts'sbe.b it to searella,11641- .burn 1filler's hat and llgl' ' I + gentl .
, .
There are very f,vi,v ClearXs. stretched' hand'and �-tossed a cigar to . tard on, it, but be's got a -good. wife. I n taste. f, . . . 09.1 . I, wer6 on . tile I . it ovol!boat -that Ills pile was too aniall, to . be Coll- - : � . r i
Alan. . I I . I a Or flowers or Wits the j tier. flowers for. $owe rosebuds brid.' - Alan -sat dOr",11 in . .. . .
ing operation:3 in "Say, ' Unoile 'Ned," . find P fair job oil. a rallrohd lit T(11)-.1 will,ng victim to tl� ta.ste . . . I I -aild ;fJolered." .; - ' '- � . . 1. . . 11
� ness . . . -).,a noted. agaill thci expr(I,,; . . . I . . 1. ,� ..
Ile asked, . .eS one Of the I .
WhIC11 Su.nilght bighel. than. � ICRN stiff backed, split bottom: *' .1 r
Soap , cannot be use ' 0 "do you know that" gentleman?" I ee now. -I'd have gIvell-Illm the � )XIS Own. , , �� . . I . I I . 1. . , . .�I(ln .61, "'And the. other?" askod -Alan'sbarp- , I
d to advant. . Poll- � .. . . . of C, 'llance - tba t 11 airs -and Stared straight lit front .. . ,
. . I .. (10 life of ... . . , I
. eating Alan with a tied of lits,he'lld. coaij .but he'd never have ,deteptbd if I[ � ffi�14 ... . .! - lilt(] filrd I hily puz- 'in'lils-11fe had he suifereli . Ity. . . .. .. I :. I I . . 4
a . ybvrn ,,)I . I �, : I'M . . . ,
a - � , ashewdanow.suffeHrig; Elecouldseo,
ge - rid been mild the rest, of flier and Alan sat sluolk- zled I'll). . - , , � �: , . . him. Never, � : -her I . :� '. . �
, . 1. Ills life at ! Ing ,uld taIrtin.-: Ill tile 1:.Ooln 'of th I cc you - I �- I . a to follow In the feet- - - .
It makes thc horre bright A qainical look .dawned,. ln�. the'dId L ., , . . : "The oL, . . I
. I *� flegro's -eyes, -a . rid tboin'lle gave a' illy Oir6r..: flarld�r said sornebody. baA , " .0 , are so popular.!' Itic wont no hope aheado ilia girl. lie lb' I � .steps Of llearly-every Sol . Itimental. fool. " * � , � "I .
and d an. re- � la.tter till hill -past 0 0 C100C, I h .8, Ved fts f.1 -;, t , , :, W - bOin , . I
1B ,. * . f and t 6,11'4: 011, 11 S eyes Oil 116� deft linker "I'd , .
Sounding guffaw tip shook' 11 a, tis � � I I V V as I
I 1-11 __- - d ull.oVer. � tried to * Scrall the: O" tard off. with to - 1 . I I and .go around look- '
. . .. they WC11t., down.. As a general 1.1110* : better try to' niake aliother ,.Her father had 4oard ' ,
I . . engage. . .
161 . I �r and that lie batl a lot of.,' . I I` I, . . Ing like a last your's 'bird's* ne'st. or, �
. his : hoss, Marso tr I voting mail . . the foolhardiness of Id mau:Hlshoof� . I
,--- - * _- �,�, reckon I know . . ,liarp knife' ' 1.0 expect6d to escovill ment, I'd as Well confe,gs that I came 16st,to lit I m. . ; . -0 . �4 � . . . .. � . I
� -,I- . . .1 . � . I I Ivbr�e -yet, persuading the girl to clope . .
- - Rayburn," he,tittered., , : ouble bleaning it. �- I Ivore -the coat , Ios to.-daneecs' when the young moll , In town Solely to ask- you'to �Jft tne and,, like many andther �vell meaning . .� ,.
, P�!,', .�., -\ . "That's a good'o I .. . .. . yesterday. a , Ild felt-lik I e I was golng� to., - ind 1. � . parent, had . . . I + I 1, . .
" ' . find thus angering, Ildr fit her ad that - . .
ue on: ,you, Alfthill . .. . Y, ' I . save Ills . I. , . It .
�,_,-; ,� Rk� �Z__r I. want ai all' but.Alan' was: often -.O.v- � take -YOU to chu Jr. to : . .
t _��' 7,1�� . ;
.<%.(� " % �_�. \ lau.-bed Miller. be" Ust-lia4left P . � . to will 0 - out of wbat'g coming ' . .1. '
- I . luarded, --Toad in Kc Morrow even- .
((�, I 11 I solll,e Ing." � . .. . � .
� I _), __ "He knows'youk ,hoss., . . . daughter from th . . . .1 .
�_-'�'__�__,(��, I , - I . I , C1180d front so dOf.ngon:acc6uut.-Of'IiV_ ; . .ut tier . -
"'CS )i ,AA1 ;) ".:P 'his slilvers'In It. I re ' . . . Ing. a *. to 'tier and what. is her right, my bo , . �
� --� I of * . - 0 folly of, marry' _
. I
I 'fflv , .- Z. , I'll -have to spring.that V when I - - . elcon. ,thrifts as, in I, .tile' bount * Or sia�lt.' , She raise . d her penniless Man-'wh6.bad 'doubtless *& � . . I , . I
% �;r. � . ,� �� \ :% !�� - - on Y6 � .
� ' I . ." Jil
I I IN 1� I "i': lz� It . . near as 'Pll 6VOr me to, tb . � sit y. .
. . �\"!__ �%, . rY, and Miller litid t ' Ile saw -h .
U".j, - _�,,_:.— N see you two together. .. . . co Q bitching ,'+Vroken d6wIl every precedent :Ili that' ' CY' 'to 'his. I herited big fathe e'luaY be Vvilling to. live oil 4 ].)read � , - ., .
. I
, �.-- .�, ,\,Z,_- - - �� , . .. .. .. . (IS . � .
, I post',,. . + . � . if most imploringly. alid r's+ lack�. of, Judgment and, Water diet for awlifle, but shot � ' �... .. . .
* , . �, I +9 . I . ! respect art(] it . and. caution. � . ..� I - .
. . I . evcr ilivited a.girl'to go, ' their .'she.1001ced down. He-gl:6,v hor .: . . 1. .. .-
- V.- * , V_ .\ '�_�__.N;l 11 As the ne to -1eit the 6flice, Mr. Tril- Just theil a thill, .till I . . .. .: OSO .11
N " :-�;I , _\ _��.i bue letined In the'd . . n �nia.n ent6red, i with - ,,Jill. . Ile aton - )leave' suddeul. ,Is Ith tight-, . . . I -61511' itild teilitl& In,the'long' * .. .1 .
, �� , .1 1,% � oorway, holding his . ., ad 'for this slro)ft' �'breast There was 6 ra . . . . ,run. . .
0',��J- , ,I,- A= , . . 1.
y J_ - . . He wore a rather t1ire . 1. W . p on the cl6sed,do'br, If* .
I\ " __!t�.-�, - battered slllr�hat in his'lland-and m6p-- . I adbare frock ' I. . .1 y You don't Wake as. much . I
\ I' ,�z�� . coming by contributing most liberally. � . 01IN + lips shel .11114", 11121114ldlAtelY afterward'Itayburn. _ .nioney for - - --.
11 � I 1, _. I . I I called forward ,to Pill the . . Or as you eause hOr�to lose, S'lloqI tell , - . . ..
I - ,
I � , ;��'. I)illg his perspiring face.. .- + ... . . I . coat, unevenly ..bound with braid, alid I to, every, Plitertalarneilt ijiven by ,the, � .floNvers on hIs . -Coat, The' JeWdIs,in ,u� MIller'turned the -knob.und ca,lbe , I In'. , .h , . , . � .
r, He iforlaea to AI�fi a s -atfiel ' i. I . . I I � . I
., .. . r ugs flasbod...under Ills eyes. I ' .1 it Of It SOine day o '� ht iQaqt, let you ..
I , . had , .allow, sunkon find I - four .4 . �
;. I k 0 ' - swept the - fave of . see it and that's as. lOng as. It's 'wide. , .
,\\ 11 , A + lInd'sald to Mil- - . . . 9*� � yo r,
, %,, ... , 'i �. l I -face. It Was Sallinel Craig, Of Y011n .Poiovlv�, c.A,On Nvhcn'h6 -,vas ut 1 Tbei-e. Ills. kindly glance, .,�
11 lqr, "Do'YOU won't 6"write'r, . . : .1. . . IQ of the *. Of tONVII. * 1.1c Use(I .jc, §' . . . . I 1 I'� . ..
�� Ill Ili . I . . . -IY- It( Ills -fridtid, and, he7 said, N it .. ... � ..
0400110. -VP 0
�,F. "I
1i I
, " 1
4,1 ,It
I f 'I �
'I ,
- ke 11
. . . �1 . . . two PPIVate:bailkers otthe town.' He .- ,. I. -, liked to 1 'was it delicate portume iii..%the' I., Ilghtness: - %, , - . . . . v . . . 11 'forced, - You. are iiow 'giving youl'solf, a trelit- , . ..� .�
K 11 , .. f �:: , "Not tiny more 6r yoll, t4liks", said I. - . .. gr�ze -aild 1111-11)JO at such things. and -I' about- her glorip,us -head. Hehad ' � . � . .. . . . . ,
'1111, � . 1.
I I * . . + was abOut sixty Year$ of a- and bad , � . . . . I . I . ,
- . . . � � .e I . .. I ment fil� self hypil6timil telling yov's, . � .+ 1. - . . .*i
- .K I - Miller. "I have' the - backitche n . feel fr�e to go to,bed: ' . -He - � . re you, old a an that life hir *I ? .
I (61, I - I.. . I . Ow + . . . , I never is .. V elf �
- I . ... a pronounced stool). , . I .. � . . . . . . or busluess,at. ! seen bet look so beautiful before.: 1, don't want:to bo .
. I . . � .! �. - . . L . I I .1
1\ - . I I - ,is not aud�callllbt produce .�
. . I . . . I . .. -
.. from those depositions. I made out.for . 'it * will. , saw 1 . � .
"I , .. � . Hello!" -Iie�. said pleaBautly.' ' . � .. I . I wondered at her Silence at just such a' ,but. I just had. to follow yet,, , I I �
I '"'_N i'Toll - � . cro 13l�,*CoiIIt,rIN[,l,,D.) .. .� . I .
_11� / I . . . ' you yesterday." .'. 9 I � . Youn- bloodsare, a-goln' to,pla'y smash , As the two feiends entered the big , nionient. The tightnes's of tier ]Ills from YOUk looks as You - loft the - ball�`) - +. I . . . . . . . . . .:�
. . . I
I . � . .1
, " /I � - "Oh, I don't. mean " tllflf'l� tile old , . . .:1 'r aye wnyi and they fell to fret I . =1931= . . . .
.101 I . . . .. With the gals' beal,ts jonig . pa,lor Alan espled tise,girl about vi,boill � _g., . nbllng too5in that someth"rig wris Nvi-6fig _. 11 I . 1. I . . . �� I 1.
.11 � . P ,and � . I . , . . � . . I
1. 4 . lawyer assured him, :"but'- I ]rod to % .1 � . . , ' bt,'l realion.' . lie Ila(]. been tilt rildrig all day, She wti� r am .afraid X'kii IV what -it. is. � . I .1 � � . . .,, I
.borrow. -yoiro Ink' just . Sill-, go it while, You a Pt.%' � I . I a f when she sttirted to speak.. + 0 You . , . - I . . .. . I . .
Don't Frown I � now', all!,, sedlut + . I young. itfty-. SVfltCd In olle Of the deep, lft-6e clir. .1 . ill hardly know,what i -O. say,0, she. � see, Captain Elf . . I. . ... ... I". .. -
' I� burn, I want'jo.gef one or tile,' . I relay Is a rough, Out. ! �'T'�%^"Z-1v4_1".1 I ,. I 1.
. you at yore desk uli + . � 11 . troll- , 4"t ,I I I ... . I I 1` '. . . . � . I I t , . I I I I I .
. . I . . b .
llmv inanyjro�vs are inforred :)y tit( 'need lit.".. . . . . . I ' ,.�. .
I .
. I . t1gly %1'rinkle called. a frown. "Oh; If I do,$, JqSte�d .jilller, � gi-I can
. buy another bofile at the bookstore. '.
It Conics from trying to fix tile eye., They pay taq a comial .
. .. . . .800il oil, the Ink
on a given poi -iii, and forcing theill t( I furnish tile few. They let me it . five it .
lici-forin tasks for which they are i . it cheap by,'the cilse. Whatatumps � me L '
I .
chpac�tated . . Is'that you looked In to see if fneeded
A PAIR Ol� GOOD ('11,ASS L RS, I�IT,1% It. . You are breaking the. rule, Air.. '.
ED BY 1T.S, Trallue. They gerterrilly make rue hunt
WI1,T, ASSIST IN fOl' my 011100 -ti , irlilture wbeWl.nelid it. '
. I
DRIVING AWAY Till,, FROWN. They've', borrowed. everything I . have -
( " I..------------ -_ - t -Z --_t _�_. __
� - . -_ -,z.,, except my troll .safe. Their ignorance
,/", 1� A , C P, Z Cr CW of the c6mbination, Its .w6fgbt and
I // , . tile]]. confirmed laziness, . are fill - that ,
C&C-nt*r- . I . . I
, ,5 1,11C Jewe-2or anit, $lived R."' . .
, opticiazz When- the old lawyer had gone, Viol.'
CLINTON, oz�T. two friends sat and smelted In s1lence
C� (I � for several minutes. Altin-was study-.
, ,,&;�,__�
� _,i _� 'Q __ 0 1
� -5L f"' Ing Illiler's face, .19 metblng, told him .
� . ; .
- -.--- . .11 I .—.. LL'I't 'Ile news Of Ills filtber's'disustOr
.. -, . -7- had Petiolied lifill and that Miller was .
. :: - , .:. g0lag to sPell IC of It., Ile, wag not m%.
.... , : .
.V . ..::.: !: . .
. : --..* i 2 !,-. tnken, for the lawyer soon broached
:.Z:, - ..: ;: � �i-*�,..-.-, : _! I I
.. 1.� .....; i ! ..., ; . : .
- . : ; , 1 the subject. , . . . .. . .
'S' �`-i:,.'i%, ;., . . .1 .
. .I I've been intending to ride. put to '
M (I
... .
_. .;
:� : see you 111thost every,day tills week,"
: �
:.. ;;;;.. ; I tie Said, ,,but business has always pro-
_-I'V�:vlt . � .. .
:::,;!fi: . ,,, � � PT vented My leaving town.11
- . 'I ., *1 ** :
: .: %4", RAI 4'.1 -` �! I .
* *' "'
11 . , - i 1111011 You'lziivo heard"- . �
.. .: '.. N:
: .. % I....
, I. , '. ::� r :: "Yes, Alan, vin xorry, but 104 all
. ..
;.,.! : -,, I i .
.. -
!:! l � ; P� i n . .) Over tire couhtr3�, A mail's *bad luck
..... . � : . - q
_. ., i: '. ;:; 0i
. I I ... ::t; . . :i Will. news. J
:;: ;: IsPr011(IS as fast us good
j:: ) ;:
1W. �v . f:!:: :: i i z I heard It tile' next day after your fa.
I 1 M.(, ." IRLOws lieLlind the piano.
: Ft-Illk 1111111011se wils just presenting
. egan. -YOU know I said the pre-',
. siding.older,was, at our tiouse.'4not'l-
spoken man,' and 'lie made it :remark I P . . . .
, ,) . I .
the. other .dity which reached me.. I I p I'Ve like bb,9t:to eall. - ` . : � .. ��
. . . 11 ..
11 to hier 11'fallftlessly attired' traveling
[. "Ob, I undel,stand," broke Ili Alan;
. 1,
. I' . -.. -
- .
W-aslPt sure Jt was trud, so f '(11dutt , -% SCOTT'S.- EhIULS .. .
I I � , , ON' . .
: salesniall. 4t tills juncture. one k)f tj e
- . I
� floor
, 1�dl thaVs all-�rlgh '' Of course, 0
. . 11 . . It'. . . so your
. I
. . I .
mention It, but I reckoir illy 1nfot,!.,!11nt ' - I I , I
, a fol, . ..
' -K )CMilliQ'it stands ,,o .. I
infinaget- with a JVhIJ'
i I . .5 a rosette oil.
1 hTs lapol called IIIIIcr awhy-to ask.1lis .
. . . . 1,
11 . . . . I ..
Ow 11 .
', ,,No, I niu's't be illftlh'�wltb 11 She
, . .
I -Z) .,
- - - ein-. . I
I . � I
knew What IIQ WaS talking rlbotll'." I , I : 'e� Ph"'.1"i6aily lo" 1*16Ct.nutritioll.. ,
� 1 r - ,
-Alan nodded despondently. "�J
: advice. , out Sol . be do . tai '
. . ab I� find Alan.
. .
brok o.1n, rhising a pair of -helpless, tor-
. .�
nAted.. % . . . ,
. . �11. ",):idl. Vet�An t , 'tttm..0 . .
. . .
her, togb'to church it(, .. . stor-
"wMil i toinorr ' . I I he 01, . -1 fTe
I turned Out of the parlor !,life the wi(le
, '
. , I I �
. . ..
,`- ' .
I . I . I . .
I I (P L i'l'y �1.1)1) flio, I
'�'' . . I
�IlJgbt. S110 was 111irfullY embarrassed I �, C , I . .
of giving.. n6tv � I
0, �916 'to
'I corridor which ran tlirougb�jlle house..
Ife, (IM this In obedieneq, to anothor
'i 'law
aild.firially told rue OT'her falbe ,s Ob. en- th -the tilstles, 6specially. , - .. �
. . �. r . " . . . I ..
J�,dtlofls.` , " i I . - to illo rier�"cs', its -action is .
. : . .1 �� . I �, . " J
. .
. .
allwelftch governing Darley'li so�
� I . .
� W1111rd-rooin, whence came the CIICI'-
. I
. 1111�1 _V/
. I . . :
11 * I ,
. I I ` I
... ..,. . I I .. . .. . th t : I . .1
�'X I of d. 111col , , I � I ; a . I . . .
, think I know *NVbat fired the old 4 � ,- IiHI'le.. . .
� - Of, -
"ll-Intercourse�that it Would be IfI17
I .
p6lite for a resident to fit
�t., ,. *
ro,� . I
I / I I I
. V ; . .
. V .. � �
- . �
evil up,,! said 'NJI'lice. .. . . . .. I . afil�fe - . � 1, � . �� .. .
4 . . Pend for rtee % . � '. . . .. ..
* o). I I
"You -
I ift'de himself upon a ,stranger wl)o
� .
. I
. 'I .
I . ,;.��. . , �
I ,
I .
I do?" - - - t) T.rtini�;_' -7--' `11callsts, I . I
'It was that inIstrIke 6 1 .. . Ontario. . . . I
"YO.S. . sm and' .,'t�bo fall dragosti,. . I ..
r your- I �
I had Just beef] Introduced to ,
I a lady, So.
, I
�- i
. - . � .
father, ",As I told ybu, the colonel Is - - . - I . --
.'! 110"wOnt down to tile ground Dolor And
gti�oiled into the office. full of
... I
-, . I
, I
. 1� �,�=�J�t:;* .%.,�.-J�-�_,Cg_-Vl".=�.A . .. I I I 1. �
�_,_ .-I' . . .,
I . -
,� I .1 Z;��,��!!!. �M,!��:� 7'.�:,-,�tn&=�w-z,t�_-_A ,� I I . . I
� .-. 0
..It .was
tobacco smoke and fi tfir-ug of
I � I �, 7_7f?f.1.",/
. . . . . I . . I '..
- . , . I
. _1 . . . .
. ,I,-- � . . .. .. .. I . : I I
� sorne of whom were frolin the coutitry.
., I ;1 ," 11
1. .
11 -illid. other,%' from the town Arawn to
IX I ,�'t
1 tile boteil by the.fes vitics" Prom the
I Office a door opelicd*Into,a bar, and
i r
. I
. '..,
� W1111rd-rooin, whence came the CIICI'-
. I
. Ili.- of Ivory balls. find the, grounding,
1 - I
. .
. I
of CUCS. A1100OP''dooi led Into the
-1 . , J �
�- i
. large dlnfiyg roolu, Which had'' been
11 �el)-";Z
-1 ,
� cleared Of ft9 ta�blcg that It might- be
; �
- i*,* ,
used. for dancing. There were a sit wing
1 of fiddles, the twanging of guitars, the
; �
� Jfugle oUtanibourfues and thoi. groan-
I or,
'"��, . __
� Ing of it bass viol. The musicians,
I'Th 1, it .
. 11 I
. ��
. � �,� � - -- .
11 .
, ,I -( 1. � . �
��- 111"W':;?t� ; $.X v � . .
, � 77 - - -a�c, rJ%-,W-,Ikg-;k,! .
. - -lx ,_"�' , , ,
.. , 1. '. ,og@m .-
, p,%qn,g I I ,,� ., � .
,_ , R-,;�,_,,. -1 ". - I 1
,,�--;7-1�,� , - .. a,,,,�,,,, I . .
- P
,_ .1;
- ,1_1�.14,�',� xv-:7 ..
,, ,;, - lip
- , --W 11 �� _r_1 .
. 1,61,�,
. I I Vl/ . , "p..'r ,, ., - P.__'1:, . .
,, !'1//.,A _, V, .
, �0
�T�, WN11.1; I : I
Wtkk =44:., j/1, k", . 1. . I ..
. �
M3 �r.'771"., "I 7r I, � . .
J ,., 'r Q',�,,,,� " v ,.
- ".", " ,
.. � � tkjt�, � .
* `__ 11;��_,,,� -,-"XXIw �C� �tZ � .. . I . . . . . .
I.Z,''K-1� VT@41,�. __1 � I .
lw�p � 41A ��C.' .
.�S`l_ I :1
t, -r,�:W - � I. -
L � �0' .
'�� � .. ,�,
Z� 'I ,� ,
, ,,,f�r,V,�, - . _N - 0, J� �.A,,'.I;kt�`Jk.',��Jlj� 11 L,
. I . . ,� irs - '. �,�.-.�-'i-�'��z . _ , � I . I
. .. I
fi I,J� �,z'e.xj.,A� � N�4, 1 : - . . I .
� Mv 1_1,'�� I � t , � �
, I �� . .
;,�_��4� ___'. � . ktAA I y .
q - _� . I . I
1, il117E�' . . L
S_-'-, -_-,-:tr' 11- �..�, I . � I �
. , ;,
. - I � - �_ .""—" _= . k� *. - . . I
�`__!i`, U ` . , . I
I . I 1, ru .
I "AW ,YC 0tV,*..00CUPIc(,l CLIaIKU Oil . . . .. . I . , — ,
I � . I �. 1 4� �,'_t,,
one of tile tablos,: Which ,bad been i . . '.
I placed against the wall and oU6 Of I I . I V The oven of ,an tn)perlAI 0xrord'Range ,and tile old. . . .. 44
. 4-1.11- .1 � I- .
i: : i - . "Llelto"I he,4aid pleas . I .. � I 11 �,_ ne sp I. Wore all open fireplace do better r(gi.sting than any other cookingr
N 0 : ther r6turnod from Atlanta, and saw tly, - i the floor mililagers Was .engirged In I . I I
0 ,;: : all I � . I - apparattis rivented, I .
0 I P ; I tile NVIJOIQ tlllll�g In a flash, The truth clad Mortgage blanks. Vve got a fol.'.. f whittling paraffin candied, -over the - . I - _"_,tr�_ � - . . In tile Olden days the ifpt hn(l to Tic kept turning to r,(q ,ill s,1,1e,; (& a roast
. : ___ I
: . . 18. I'(tI'J,IIlS had the dileek to try 'Ills. , ler, that is disposed to 1,V),Icv,'.nhI I floor find rubbing It In with his feet, . cooked,, It is tritich the zuriot Milt the ordinary cook-sto�:e. The Iwat of t Ile
: : fi "
I :; . . I — ,
., I . I! SCIle"10 oil 010. I'm the first target of 11VAnt to tie bliwilp. The Inventor or I Seeing What ,he was doing, some of . oven is greatest on the $ire side -toltsts, I,read, v: v., have to be
.1 : that forin Is it bloo.�glhg to 111,111INitId", I ----=- � I turned ouid twisted to got (bent cooked at rill. The , "'c!' inisatisr.,le.
�`;`l . I �
; ,i! 1;1' Jle_� C, I I
.. .. eVOPY scoundrel who has somethlt)g to I the young inch, dogirous of trying their . I I 1� lit 10"
� . .- . I ,.,, !� 11. III
Sell. find I've lear'lled many of their 1111olp yobrself," sirilled Miller. Ill 110AV pritent leather pumps, came - Ill. Ljz�!- I I - 'I ' "' L � '.. .. tolq cooking-goold food ruiiietl. Ilic diffilsiVa ill.le, C()nStrtzcd.On Of tile
Ivils lust tOIJlag , I" Trabue t1lat 1. I � I . I ,,, . . . � I I
D.e.velophj, tricks, I didn't 118ten to all Ile bad to I U I was and began to waltv' slugly and In eorf- tot harft knotb tvhat to sa%ll she betlan. I I I IN . % ,VLr 1�0 I ,
� 81I.Y. but got 1-1ol 00 him as soon us I running R SIR t1OlIcrY Store, and R 1 was ples, 0 his. "Yoll.vivill not thluk i 01", I / ,
could, YOU Must not bluma the old Out of anything In tile IAUO I'd order It . ___ J�a qe,��,� rii " ,,, ,
tured eyes t imw,, w-n.,io.; d
The art of 1)br)t(i�o,l,1.p1lY S allift, Ag I see it how, It was a laost for IIIIUP . . I . . When ovorytbing was In reftillnexg, I had anything to do With it. ,U fact, . I . �96
� . . . . . I the goor Manager piloted the danoera. P . .
Continually deVe1OPi1IL1-n(-W 1)Iau,qJbJo scheme, and the sliftale of it The banker lAuglied -cd)y (lownstairs. 14"roin the office Alan saw my heatt Is utmost brolter, I'm very, ^ e -1k
I Is that tie one can be handled for It. good Iturum i very unbal,)py.11 I . _ I Ranez. r4�
idea -I kind niethods ail'o Coll- as 110 sOlectOd several of tire blanks I them filing Into the big room air() tak. : I . Cwiv I
from tire 61) , . . 11 . "'. -
your f0tII& Will-I'llVe to gi-la and beat drawer Itayburn, bad cited I Ing seats In the clinirs arranged against lie Wag Still totally at sea as to tile M ryesh air into the I'llic chtimber, Anpor.lic;its it and (Il(r1I.qV..q it evenly over ilia
- , cause of hot- strange distress, 9,110'r- oven, thus healing it q , -rilly lick, fr,
stantly appearing. . it Ire really didn't Day it"Niblilous 11) tile Oak, . . i t1lo wilMs oil all sido.s. Ile saw Frank - dra
Our gallery keeps just ,a Price for the land, and it he were In a I t � tilckly, thoroughl and Itilil'ol -b. )lit And sides
"I holre You won't complahl'als inuch I 11111hoty4e nud. Dolly Barelay aft down blips Yoold rathOr not tell me a (ill I)' C'Sait iL
- are at ilia saille equal real Cratilre. 4he r 4 Jilloy, tender romls, li, lit,
little Alelid of' tj e rt_ ,9t COndidoll to bold on to it ror, say, of hard times (is Julio IlItnor does," lie I noor the Irtind, 010 stilostriall Ill)(] dis. 110 Bald Sympathetically. tills tone ne�- 11 pristry, evenly raised tread-successall cooil,ing. I .11,
tWelAY-five yefteg be mig Or llftd- Wn so tender, "You need no'lit, (Maln
lit not 1080 chnekled. 111 flagged Illgi.401,01,11000101, J aripenrod. Alan tfirow Ills elgar away I I I � I ey youbity, nit linperial I Oxford Range you get tile regUlt. or over sixty yedrs'
a little bett(.r work,just liltitile money. But 'who can do that sol -t of dayi W1106 11O.Was standin' over Gonto I and went straight to tier. You know," L . thought and experience ill scientirld colistructitin of cooking r1pliftratuS.
, I . .
botter nu:thods titid acees8()r. thing? I have 0res and acres or OId friagAZIlles that hold niariced do%vil. , "Oil, here, you firell, laughed Frank I'lluf lVa it thing t could hot keep . I � L
i es. MOUtAilln land Offered we tit a much 11 ,How,$ trade?' I asked ,Jul, 'It's i 11111bollse as Alan,*s1look bands with from you long Anyway," abb said tivin- I ThO GOMCI�'I F'O'Undr��, Coil, Winit-eld .
lower figure, but what little inolloy gono clean to the dogs,l lie Bald, and. I no. i hell. "I told Misg Dolly coming on UIOUsIY- "ta fact, It Is due you -all ex. "rorointto,. Cali%Ada , . . . .
.1 a L fl,f I've made has been Made by turning t I Iced held beon drinking, 11,11 give you � that the west wirld would blow you planation, X mean, Oil, Alan, papa bag Monti -4661 wiftiritlisdit vaftdottvor 9 ,
H R 13, Piliora STUDII ow 0111tal farildly 11titta - , a samille, of my customers, tie -Ota. ,%,- I this wn- fruit wh-11 I tia- flott *,fittno taken uti the JAhn 44-4. 1 �
I . 'I � %. oww" t . W� ILP, W#J %4'10*_,� .... 1. , 11, I .� '' ''' 1111-1111I.J
Pq0 0109,4 Jt.b4PP040471$ . W taller from the Mountains 00MO In just now I know rou'd #truck the like ouch other too ranch, ttfudix-
. . . ..�,% �. _.. - ..., - - . I I . T11.0 1-1to 04 SOU1 000M64 to lewf,o Por Sale by .
I .. . _. �___-_ )AVI -0- ffA I
; I Q & ROW4 "N Do
I I . "
. . I - .,.... . I 41 I '. .