HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-20, Page 1� A , - - - - ' - 7- -7 ­ -^­%-�- IF ^ 0L^%-0X%4JM^ � � 19 .'AVUU,:�T .20th, 1903. Whole, j-i**,i% " i*-Qn . I I ­­­ ­­­­­ - . . % ' � ­ ��'ll'"'I'll'"'I'll'',ll,'""',������""�������������������� W -- I -_ K-4�e^ ^ ',�� - � 1411: Aa4vW+64 !::1. . � ­­ . . .... � ... I I . I � ­.. I I � , -*r�-sn,tz^-t�,�,.n4��-:i.-3ro*,i�a*��-ta*t�^,+..^ �e , , - ,, ""!!��!��:�!"!���,,I:il�,�,1',I!il�i�i�������:��.^,- � 1. I - 11 ­ �- I . I (, , 3. nf%^ - ,+R0,%,^+,%94%,*�,^4, �^� WEDDINGS. I ... I , , I N W _�'r ' �^ LL - ^, 11 11 ", ,,, , , .11 . I I I . PARAGRAPHS. + � � . I , , W R, - .. . � 1'+,1*14��4i' _'ri�0�111 IIURON MODF414 SC110014S. I VAIVRAL. . I I I . 'J _4er-r � � ,7,;14 < � V +�_J� L' . - I v I 1 . . � . A� number of Weddings art., pxpect- 'tile farililics of Mr. J, A� . � . . . )$ATT=I�nl + ( - Ta , ; (R . . � � ad to, take place in Clinton, ylor alid, The Model schools .Of Goderiali, and Aniong those who left for ,0QNor- Arrs, Robert Marks of Oberlint Ka. - I ..< . . withilt Mr. G. V. l3rickenclan picui (I � A I . ..() . ) > the next motith and during tile first Dayfielti on Monday. . cke in Clintoyn,*wili Open Oil Wc(IIIQ6d%y,SQpt. .thw4st OIL Tuesday's excursion wC.ru : sast was visiting -friends in, thd Vill, () * - < > � 1� ( . , < ) f0ft'light of .9opte'tuber four Ratto�a- Rev. Dr. Cook c- . 2nd, ,at 9 0'. -On". Candiklates ;sivctu�d Missols I 14*gninia RQid,, Mao& litc,id, ago last weuk. I . I . School ( ')jury strcet ladies will, Change � oncluded his, sernion ulake application be (, .? I I . . () , timir, �Aat �qtl,uolay m6rulug with a wall- . to either of dlq Letitia Poster Mr. John Foster and Aliss Borders af ,troit is thio >4 < I 11wilV4s, r I I I insPettors'an. or before Aug. 29tili and Mr. A. '111=;611. guest of Mrs. Cull O,f tile White City.' . < . � .. < I . . molered solo. ' . State 'Which Alias JeArrid McKenzie and Miws Are- Mrs. Thou.1as 114rkor, who Ila& bee , u . ) . ... < "'014D FAVORl'r'8$ IN' SONG�,, , sellool they prefo:r to at� Dallell of Detroit am- viWting at tile visiting fricuds In tile villap t1w . . . I ..) A HAILSTORM IN Tlllll� J�*igs,l,. toll(l. - ., . . . . . . < . ' . . � � . foriner's parents, here. They cania, past two Months, left on. rut,sda. . The 'Ontario at I y I . > rcct La'aglue intend Winnipeg, Mall., Aug, 18-A severe ANO`TIIT`74R ACCIDUNT. . through liulu Goderielk ()It tile 4at for ho"r1ollie at Milton., North. Dli- 1 1 1 Books > having a Literary evcli I It I 0 kota. �Slw wag accompanied by UL99 .> . <> day, the subject bei tillig 'text X0,11- ailstorill visited Moolwiaw yesterday Charlie No excursion train oil -Monday night Dolly Parsons > � L ng "Old favorites and "early alt the windo;vs in tow,, fa- ore, ail eniploy" at tile a114 no persau, being at the 13race- .,, and - Messrs, Chris I > � < x ) in wyUg and story." A -good, progrant aing north we're broken, WhIle tile er � hQ11(t ' Aa6oli to ineet, th rher and John Howard. < < . . gall factory, 'net with an accident dill, they , a Z) � X !a prepared. There'Will be a collection in a clistrict c$ti.nIatQd to I OIIS Y11 Thursday, of last week in, went 111) to t wakening MrS. Charles Stewart of Londou Paid , , _ IQ twelitk ccyllse- lie hotel and a. � . )z @(i)���- �$$$@$(��� ( ) > , In aid Of tile I,Qague' funds. . iniles square are daniaged. 11411ce of Which lie is carrying Id,4 the propriotor were shown to a racyni, a sliort Visit to friends, in tile Vill- � . , . I I X - worst storin in tell ycars. It aft ]land in it .81in.g. it wag Ili$ first, They were just.oll, tile � (> . . . , TRU LOCAL BlAAK.HTS. ' ellu=! I " point Of retit age last Friday. I . . . 'tLr With a saw andthe t,11 <> I I . . . QneoUll . Mr. and Mrs, G. W. 1-10 I . . : . . . ;1 < ), I . 16 daina,ge is also roported front, Austin. lZI, Ing when they -saw the fire break Inian of 1�1­ � 3 I - Not Illuch new AvIleat, has yet been and 136issovain, Mailitol)a. and first ,two . fingers of his I -oft hand Out in the hotel baril and 'Were the inoadville spent Sunday Ili the virl-. - - � . Conie to us when you are buying your new . ' - < . ; I I age� . . < > supply of School Books and, School Suppi ies,lio we delivered. The local dealers say . , will always bear Luarks of it. first 'to tilt.- - alarni. . . . L . . . I . ' FOR 25 C.RNTS. . . -rile fit Mrs. Walw I . . . ) I ' the , in and Miss Nell. Wain -i . know exactly what .,e and have selectid . ly of tile, grain is� excellento I" � . .: q,,,, a 1, t I - ll.ta" of the late , Mrs, Miller you requit a te . . CLINTON 9, WINGITAN 1. lit) have beca Visiting friends L our stock accord .. . I . I l_t al la year, and Jrofil -what to still fnrtli6r increase . -,- � ;oil lVedn"(1-ay ;O� Istst, ingly, . . I > they �,n I 'it tile . Ili ordQr There, wa.,i it very I large attell- s 1L . I . <> Wee. lilicyt 7 village Itlit, past inantir, re- > The lacrosse. lbatch od ill tit i daiic(� of Ac at bie pursoltage . . I '91"I tile . earn ofu4!PtitY will tile circulation of The Naws�Ruccyroi, plaYc' 0 turned to Detroit, .oLl Sunday, Miss I . We have all the latest authorized Text Books )( quality, 'rile price is 70P it will' be saut to park -Tuesday afternoon was a walk- wit , 111Z1Q!1Vl Dr,, Daniels of f4ca� . ied them. . and our supply ut Scribblers is . so cboic-i that you to 72C. . . . . . ally addre4s to . . art, the , MaIllie. Wanisley accouipan ( . wont ever look elsewhere- . . �, < >< I . � . . . Jail 1904 for 2.5 ecliti. This is a, cIver. for thu hoille tea -ill, tile result forLit Q(glcluctud* tit,. services. Rev,AIr. Meas". W." 141liatt and Ben. and > I Joint, ,Spencer left oil Wednesday for . > triai OffQr aild thQ price oluotLd con, at* lie tilue being doubtfulo The'elill, Shaw of- Kippen took Charge of tile .1, , . L I . School Bags, Pencils, Pens, Iukii, Rtibbet,q, ( . 'J"a4 "(;>'oOtI `10011,)'-�'* -1�19-'J,X(1(1 tains no profit for 'tile publisher but ton boys 'Played a' good combination services at t1w gruva; in ort Arthur to go . . ' . ­ Crayons, Slates, Etc. I I it sands The Teople's Pap,r -jut. and' -ill inake a fine showing i I tile family Inalit . oil tile govqru- I I . �, r . I . 1. . .Principal Lough has requested 'The . . S0111 11 t1lu plot at Chisellitust � celliatery. The 11- boat, Lord Stanley, . . . <* .. ( News more hoines i -final tinatelivs which will shar�_ oral Offerings were. . Inally, tile . Dr. =cr, who left. here about) . -Record to inthilatc to 1yarents nIfLlIY whem As inerit ly take place most. a. year and -a half ago 'for. theWest) .) Strong Mail ill& Book Covers supplied free vvith . < c school stholarsnot to buy . renewed- subscrip- joll -, The line up was as beautiful being � "Tba, gates ajar 11 am . . I _ allourschool books. . > their text,books until the openingaf, tiolls. . ; . OWS : . <) . . I () qfllubli Wills favor andL . - . . . I . offering grivo,-Ii -by tlIQ. was renewing old acquaintances in . I . . <5 � . . . . > school,' Ile conternplaXes a re-arrangia- I . 1. . . I Goal, W. Johnston . circuit ' OVQV tile village one da, . <:> I WILL CLINTON DO , . wIliall -Mr. Miller is pasi0r; The ,y last week, z. . �, <.) I I . � . I ()(> - luelit ,of wMie of tile -classes, licuc6 14IRFAVISF4 ? * . � . L. F. Kerr pallbr.arer,; wore : AlQssrs, J. li,. liaril Blaster Gkorge Fisher of Xhicarellut . I < ... . ("> � '.it .Will lbe WISQ to clefe;' tile PurCILA In tile town of Wilitl . . 1�11)11111,�� I Point, - is. tile guest. of Ili$ I'll I �� . . >< > . . I )y all electric liglift; . DL 0, I-,'. J.- F orresIter wall, G., It, Reywi, V., Al. 'Dielil, A. 1� . cl�iut, lWr,->, F; A. _)�i) I Ilse.. . I felic Doherty, P. joint, . . ' � Z < f @@@(�)��OSIR���4l I - . () . . -11 I - .and Water works by-law was carried Stoll, Porter, ' . Ste--pliet'Soll, .1. McKii . Iley and Guorgo) Udwarda, I .. . .1 Z I I ,� I - IL)o YOTJ W NT TO SF�LL ? I I . ' . _ Clarli�, . . Mrs. Storey %lid child of Ildertou*. . ' I . . . � , . on A1`11daY by a' vote Of 381 for and' . Centre, . . ' L Mr. . . I . . Chowen Ili last week's issnQ We - notice are tile. guPsts . of liar sister 1. .. , I ­. . I ( < UVOL . I ip against, It is � tile purpose of that Rollie, Whitely, .- Arnist ' d an Thalia I I . < . (i If you It anything to sell� that tow'! to spexad $6,5,000, in .supplying � . roligi itern about blacksillith . at as King, ' . . � * . .. . . a young 11 I . . .. < >,-� easiest, quickest and clicap . est way tLy .electric lighi alld ,water to tli4 citJ4 Coil I . . Clinton but We have a - stil . I younger RM Lawrence,'wife ' . .. I I . and family of . L � I . Autumn, Novelties * Outside, al . Irwill , oiiL h4re.- Ivan Nc,N C(Aval are' here for their I - . I ' ( . . . <> secure results .is by placing ail ad in Zens Of Wilitl)v, tile town to take ov- The rQferQQ .1 atighton, %(yll, (if . sunivicer va.- . < . . . . . . . > rhe News -Record. ' Ili this was. -it I.% er tIie-!QN.istiI1_g electric light planO Was. Air, If. Fair.- 1). Afc��,T general blacksmith catimi and Alm. . . I . . . . .. aughton, are boarding .at . � <> at once 11rought to the publicnotice; ,combining it Nvitil tile water works DIG :X, IRL- I1,T BRJTC� 11 IterQ, Is ,lot Only able to tak,Qcyll a . . . 5? 1 . - - . - . '> :. � Cowitt's'. , . .L � . . . . �?5� .. ­ (> . I � . . I - EVIRL.D. . Aloe and use"Illally of tile tools 'of Rev. Mexibboll, wifei and firritily of V> BUTTERICK PATTERNS >< In'.other ' words, - Thi, �Tipws-Record sYstel", ' . .. . I . .. I . .. . I Ailsa Craig are 6lianping in iowott,s ' L . I V'S . I . ... . <> brings those who (ILsire to sell wvd , . . . -About 2.30 Tuesiday iniorning fire the s"TT, I)tzt N al%O( (Illite faulilliar ., � . . Z 51� 5 . . I . . . . . . ' I NERT. was discovered in tile stable& of t, With tll� haunner and tongs, being grova 'or tile season. . I 1 . < those Who wish' to buy t,bg4tlier, - . I to : Alias 4 1 . I I M For September . . -- . I . . . .) 11 . Attiong the now advertisers. this � Tilt-, band call . cert tc) be 11cid . i . 11 . American hotel, l3rucallelol. The alartri able to take cast off shoes, straight, I Mrs. Ratl"Well and daughter, � I I .. . . I Z3 - . .. - oil and haianl0r 1.110111 into Addie, of Se�fortli are spoidiag 'aj . . ,. : . . week are. Aliss Holmes, Mr. C. Avery park on Thurstlay. evening of ttllc was at Oucc sounded and the villagersi . bars and ) . . . � � � . . . . . .) Z5 a:11d Mr. W. . . . 110ek'hasi been - I his flocked to the seohw. and Icnight .tile �yeld thQiii togatiler quite iiie,Lly. 'Jvan f9w weeks in'the villdge. .1 . I I � . I . � . , .. lirydone, lall of 'who'lll have ,W postponed until next fli:4 floind 'Vigar6usly. is Only a fe�r * Mrs.- W, . Wasson . , . Z 5 Just received in our store, contain mnn'v novelties - I .( Z5 property for .sale. - .. . � Thursday cvqIiug­ wholl tile 11 - The W91tieli,tao, I weeks past. his twelfth . and two children Z5 .. . � 1. Wlsull assisted but thae' war' . birtholiLy. . of Ch'athain are tile guests of.' her' . '. .; . ,- � 13 In COMB, Wraps, Wrappers, Shirt Waists'and . >Z1 '. ])and will assist. ThLA piograin by -worker. a not cuotlgl� 'Tile � . . I sister,. Al . rs. Robert Johnston, - , , ' .. . . . a and no fire' fightiiig applian- In . coil- . . STOCK $1III)ATF . annual -garden party ; . .. �. Skirts. A two-piece Skitt in a rain�-Llav ,effect M I L .,NTS. '. - . I . tile 'Citi-/ans',Wqnd.'wjIl bc� Its- follows: des �0 tile flaieres so'da. -destroyed tile livetion w'ith St.-Jolin's clitirch. Cklalle -Alm. -J;OIII1 Blitchell and Alias- Alice .. I , . . . . 2 will be rutich sought after. In Misses' and Chil- . : 11 .� 3 ' I'll. st6ek shipmen-is front Clinton March, Rallilvil Rifl,es I stables, hotel, Callipbell's blackstrifth (YIT. last Weelitesday even it . � and -Master Bruce Mitcheli of Lobo,' - Z? dren's Clothes, the new Strap or 8 . a alle site I I g and was . Z uspender press I : ' all("Valt"',, Swect I'llOgell , shop and iLsi(lei'c, Suider's harlic�ss * , � 1) .statioli this wm,k inpludLot,one, car-- - Allelantu le !Uss in every QrQ the glIc-Sta of Mr, and, Mis.Bdm . . . Z) isshown. OurPaperPattern Depiliftasent is al- . load, of cattle --ach by C. 11� R6�ol, JN�,jreli, Dixie, Land - - - I 3 '33aird's store the .Lveniiig w a.� wav" ""'a wards this Weak. , I . � I � I ,- 5 . ways well stocked and well aervid. . . . lioly and 1im, - filia, and, � ver� largd We invite - . Waltz, Aviong' tile Roses . . , crowd. - ..ad : to. QII,,v . ill , Blr. R� Hollues, of Clintbro' and. � Afr ' �. I the ladies of Olinton to Call. . . ... . . . . . . JT, '.Q. Raid and R, Fitisiniansand two . best of* ilfe. business ly�xrt of tl;,u Vill- ., gatilat lnsalva% � . . ., . . . I I . .. . � tArloa(la by. Wa(Soll * =I,d To ' .. . I , I .I � � ... Pierce, of, 8 . . ... . . . ( I .. I . & Hinigh, Two a Action �* . . .age. vbry-Aittle of tile coylitents of I'lle 1.31'Zl Regfinalit bailcl'. cnliL . eaforth ,. spent Sunday . . . I . . ... . L < . carloads were�_- Tucker -sin - a Twinkling ,11�tars I ­ vaned thq. with th0ir �fsjrnilies at� 'el I . . . . - Choice Accito 1,1111.8- . . .- . . of tim ith , I ally�m()f the buildings was &Avetl will. � �Ycuillg wit" sL I lisi of I .the Whit . -- ---- 7-7, - bullocks which. Ithd , an averap of Cllatacteristic,, Iliawatlia* � � ffiaugh,. witl I I . tile excepti6i lell I . I I City. �. I . .. �., . . � . � . I � . . . . Popular Songs, Sallictililig , Dq , ' of Mr. , .. I .. ., L. . . . _. . Ali, i I - V. 'Robinson, 'prin I ' �. .. I .. I.. . . 1400 lbs. D CAntelon: shipped a ca- . . ing Cainp!Ydl, -all Carridd insurance, it. , �. , . . , cipal of th6 ­. Mardi , y., . . I load.61 hogs' to] Toronto, . -Dixie Girl_ . � will not -b any . nicans . covei the lus's. � , , . .0 . ---- !� . . Public, school, was ill ,tile villago . : - � i � > . The prica .. � I !. . :., .. . 4 , ", . . . � .. . . � 44 . . . : a I .. .. , paid; lot h6gs' this weak is'6c.. " The. Retisail I)aIld Will.' contribute, . .Alts. Aliirrii� , 1�7ho, had only -:ow � ,� I GOD-URICH. TOWNSUlp . . . w days this, *eek. I . . . I W. Coop' er Co., Clinton, . < I . * . . I It* 1. ,� . t jrLd . I . . Mrs. k'.- Morrison. of London . . . . . ­ ,9 s: I . tbe Anierican, I m a f LW. 11-ionth.s. but . . . . :1 I . . spent, a, ­ , I ( Mr,' John ,Hunter� shippad- 4-,ca�liyad. . t 0 folloxw'n L� sclectioll �. : , . � I hate � . I . . . . .1 . .. . . ea�t rday . � AlaiTil, - 'Reeve MiddlQt( " 'fQW (14*6 ,visiting friends Ili the'vill- I ' I ' . .1 . . . ­... .. . I . of �filie. cattle to) , Toronto y .e 1 � Golf Oirl . I . , . . during thd� I tillic., built 111) a, . largo I )II. 'has 140,'A o .1 . .1 .. .1. I I . .. 1<> .1 .. .1 . . 11 � I . . . �� . Walt7,, SIJIJSlIine ' I . . 11 iIIg+bualnas,sJs ., I,,- 9ais. -and as .file. y,Q1d is,' past , ,week. . I q � ­ �! .. I . . . . . . . .. . I I .. - go,o& .1 his I '. . . . I .. .: ,tile " . . . . . . . I . : . -oiii the indi 'd � at' ' ('A S r., L . . . . a il steadil� grow 4�i-,;Q�16- - ^ ":8461�^^ - .._ j. . SNvect CJIj1II(:.,; - . ,V 1080 - + The fire, apart h - . following . regiaterot . � . ',-H&r-#,'J-H,,^ ,-',�-,i'�-�:ta-l�'-,'fAl-'-':I���!.t-4-al-l�4--�-11,�,4-a$z^+,t^vf�-�-teie$.C--�f"--�- 9MO-449-M > A ST R A 146.V� - .. � Alazairka, , V bills Wi 1.1 be fairti, full. -, . I ' � ­ . .. . . . . � . . - . . ' . . � : . I . Ovarturo, 11'orld,s�., p�jir . � 1. vidual losses, I..,; a scrio-tisiti,k)w to, tllc� T�Iis, L, I ' ColudiiLrcial'lloiel this wQdk : F.'LL I -.11. .. I . - V - 11, , A o: s ' . I . I � . q Ylossie C I'* � . .Ia3t Wi.1fis ,Ali . � i q , I . . a,se .which continue,,;. t6 ptlz,�. . . I . o a was oil(,- ol�, . . � . ____ , . I le - Waltz, Adelaide. I at' week a. guest (if, Aliss Ida ., ftolitic.§ at ' . I - . I . . village kt,�* tlibre is a -problli)ility tit . - nev, s� Addic Rath -well, J. Pink- �' __1 � . ".. ­_ 1. � .- , . ­­­ . I tile local. doetois is that of tile thir- Ser* . a business place.,; will 110,I) thoir cottage by the fake. :*. 1. . . Miss 1 � Ward,. Alias Clark, Sea-* . - , -: . . . . . . . 1+ - ., , - . . 0)ade, Foml Iraa,-t,,;, ­.,Ifilitary . 81)",l"! of tit � , . , . . . I . . . I . teLn Year -61d 'daughter ,Of 'Mrs. Heury sca . ... . . :. .. . � Tile' inemburs �of. C()IQ,g . Joseph , Albright, Detroit .; ', 1 . + Waltz, -Sweet Ro . �he rebuilt, + . - faitil ; . I 4>"*"**" '.. ... . Nichols of �towil. Six weeks ago 9116 � - . .. � I . . . I . , . . church pur- I -T...1, Ilarlblirf, Toronto . Ali . . . + . . e.# - I - . I . .. . I , I I 'Alarch,'1en Strike . '' . . . . . .. I I � poise holding - a harvef,t hall . 1 4. . I as *Laura% '.. . I . 1+ . I . 40 . . .. ie socia I � - . , � .. #!# . I . -_ was strack oil the temple by a cloor '. I I . .. I . . +1 WESTIVARD '110 I + .. in tile n6ar Jnturc I . . llesOfi, , Alias Rose Youngblut;. Pitts- , . . . I ; . � � . �. . . . A . . I . . I #- Auth rized � Capftal.%... $2,000,00q*�'! + . ' . .1 � . ,­ I .. . . 2 I . .. ifaticli iin" which site has bedn' tli,: ALL'-.'RI(1 , + �. . .1 - :1 , : . I I blirgli, -Pa. -1 'I Williani Waltem, Us-- , . I . � . st . . JIT. IN'SOR14, 111,4CES... Tile first harvest - cxciir,�ioj I ' -eft . � for' ,*� q, ThL E'p,,vortll LeagiI6 !in connection , I . , I � J . 0 . . . �. 1. . .# . . je�ct t . 11.1iness. . .� . I. . . I � I , ith c6le's. church has beeii cliaiigtil toWe ; Andrew You lit - Rensall - . , . . '. + : T Paid-up C ,286,0()o 4+ 0 periods of. unconabio Manitoba: on Tuesdit.3, and, liot' ith- IV, 'nith, , .. I . . * + .. +. I !ipItaI,.;. - During :sonic of .these: attacks she - ia I Oil Fiftlay last, Mr. Q. J. . Percy-eWalton, Mrs' S, miss' � . � ACKSONS :*' . . . ... .. 1. I . . ' Stew,artL ' W Troia Stiliday, evelling to Wednesday . .l .L . e.* � 1. I ... , LIll. 06, state , reselblAing, catal received. a letter it standing reports to the affect that evening , cal _' licing .at - half . past 0. X Sinitli,- Goderich - 6eo. 11, Ma- � � epsy and oin Air. Javrd-s, u1ne .. I . . I . . . .. , 270,00 -in- others, . While. unable to inove, .' or Harthey, Alan. IV lab,prprs are not in �uUi,' great - . ile- . Rev, Mr. I I.- + . . * . : .-. Reserve. ,.. . .., � at w ....... 2 ArinstrcA4 Of - forn, '*, th ;, London ;' R. R. Sinellia, .,ell + 4..* 1 . . I . . ' ' � " _r� . Sexlcll. QW30-11 . .�. Varna -'thls I -inaud as Iast:scason, a�latgenurnb' S11611 the pastor . � I � . . 1. " . . speak, site still -re-tcl:ins.ccYn-,ci.sai6�.. .IV -0I t I I County, W io stated.., . - . er will be preseilt+ at 'a ,a . . 1. +. . .. I I - 0**"+**+*' + 'm trict were, availod tlieniselv;�s, (yf' the ch6iLp rates, ting wIliell. wi 1. , . - The I 9 . . . . .1 FINE CUSTOM ' : .. 4.'. L"4#060 as* p These attac" have Of late bec, -no. thattlic-crops in that (!is , 111�0,4't .V.ry .,, �:t, lag, ;. A.J. Gri j, , plinton , I ; . . . . ­ . � . f Orty L or I .. . in,niversary se vices h6ld in . - . . ' ' Mllvon things soma � , . r . - . : , I �. I lookbig' 1,ltjegant,­ . a I .- � .: *% . - � . ... less frequent. � .- . 1� . . . . I Atud.. Illat there, niore, leaving'. ClintouL s'La- wliat� R,very .. per,96 with St, Andrew's churell - I � . . . W . . . t1lind Of . . I . . . . . . . ill 0011 Ll6tw. Probably +a I 11 welcoule. � . ' """Ile. boom op. Tlit� vi age . 010$0 - A largo! "Itilliber ;from this to ' 'suce ssful.. . . . I : " LT .'. . . ,, as a 9L ao).41111120.1�111ay were very a . . * ' s 1 t ... , . ; .. I. . . s. -i6,nds �+r onp-leas- . `W11- The a'. lit. and evening., services, wet I I . .. I. "I ' ` CHARIAU". - MIT,.NE ! bF,AIJ. I ' thougli, lit Said, Was fill] of men 11111 go cii.it to..ii it I! Ol ,,I, '. �@; 0.* , L .. .� . . . -, . .:. . . - Lire and prospecting. catubilled. . jp.tittoided the. annual gi�ordcin' -party . . .e ... . I . I . .. + . .:_ONE - I Mr. IV. , , . . I . ii.ble -to go to-., w�)rk, mfetring prillei, I I ' �rlla 110.1(1 ')Y-- Varna f,"Itglisll church + ,I ast, conducted by .-Rev,.Mr. McAlill 1. .. . . .. T1 . I .. . .1 � 11. . Farran received tli�' fol- pally to a - latter will ilive, ' I an, of - . I . � .. Tomato,. While Rev,, Mr. Lawrencii of . : ' . f., lowilig tclegr�,jn: ,frain Denver,,., Cole -, arl)entOks NVIIO Were uliabiu. at if tIlly th'alc tl'o 11'c(l)IesdaY :01-611ing'and report,a splell- C6wa . I . . *+" TAILORINGX " -, OMWOOM011=1­10 . I . " L I 1. . , 1r7 - to ])IV' -file ,sa�li alld haInIllet 'awIlIg 'prospect Will warrant tlicin pulling tit) (lid',ti I q)raached in the 'afternaoill. , I.. . .. aclo, yo . , 11M. - I � . . . .1 I.. . . , 'StQrday .' , _, _. , . . stakc' I I . . ­ . I . I . . . ­ . ­ . . ,. . .. L. . I . . . tOL a scarcity of 11yasong for, -15 licre and plant ng. thein, orithe v, Air I Richardson )f Wyorning, , . � I I . � . :: .41.1 � . . .. . .. ; .. % futtlMa� . . T.110're, w6c, I�r ­ . I. - . .. . I : . . .1 . . . I . ge congregations . at . . I - . 'Cliarli'e, , died 3 Will' arrive. tioll w6rk. : To pra � One of tile '.p * . was Re ) a . .. . . . ' * toda ,:. 0 litaliv Of one : craft.. iries. I assengers . -,Vbo has I .( 11 .tivq services and the collections , . X . '. . I , I In . B L )Call, Visiting his fricnda�.oiv oil K04_*" L' , . 9*.* 1* . .1 . . . � allothaf - 'this , ' ' tile: Frolit Road, St6lliav aillowited to. dighty-AbIlars, . ?- DOLL -. with tile. body at Elora*.on� Friday . ,- I , ,in (I , il'ot L ail 0.11 gh 'A . I, young ady fro ayribld 1016. will ' %^%^­_�^ . AR. ... . Helen Mililld." .. . I niatle hil . I . . I . . would stain to fniply. Mr. Stewaxt be ulllitM in-iiiarriage.on reaching ]ter. 111161c, 'AIr. -) . I 1: ..� . 4.*' , I . ­ . � .. ... . , . . to: a prosperatia . Dakota , 11 ­ 'Ricliardsoii,' ()Il tile ijtl , (lay cveiiiiig,_Rcv.o McMillan gave - his. L I .� . i I I- - .. ... llilw� . . .� This' r.efers -to Mr.. Q � "o leftfor, Hartliev Oil Tilesiday 9 destination I ­ a- YIng visit � - �. last week.. . I . I . I ar. la@tilre 'oil J. Al. Darric which . I . . . . I I . havi ... lariner .formerly. of Stanley ' Atnong � . + . ...! I . . . � . . harles Millib ". i. . . 1) 11 I _� . . .. . . .. . . e.# � for. -sonile years, prt),prietor. of , the 11#. a- tL'sidc.nce built .tbere but I I'Mili pleasetl tile' large munber' pres-7 ­ _ '+ .. 0. I . . .,e . . ' Miss 11611116s -and littl " 1 '' I. I I . _. Queens hotel. front which he� raitred� will, libt 'Illavo .1lia.'railli1v out' until , those -'who p6chased their, �tiakets ' i I 0 'Ali$$, - Lana cut. . The ptoc�eds of ,the 'silver dol- I ..;1 , � . . . l. . ; i I . . . .1 11�* , lectioll, I I - . . _! I will, . clillid � . 1. ,. in. -of ClintOn and Alias Dunn. -of Toro ' : I � 11ext. spiing'l.by. which ti-nic *he . it . . . � to,. 'Who rt�c; caulpi . aniounted td. fourteen dollars, - :: mela's suit 4. ^. L' fast spri,ng. He - was for inany 'years - . .. , ,%yqe ! . .. � I lig. at 13.ayfieltis .:. *.*# bal .tile J)etter able ,to tell hy ('I Froin"P. R: Hodgerts 'fthe'G'.T.R.: were: guests. Of. Miss ,, . I * S - : 4. TO,. OA , _, I � . of Cljnt�n and Nvaa.a luruch .xpeH- 0 1 .,, p16,99ic tole . (;11 Miss , -Alic6 , Tippet lias .been.. laid . 4 L I � .., , A resident ' I . . . . . . 11 X -it . I . . . � . : ti7e , ' ance whether or liat to nlakc� his'.jitiliTe Alex. MLdd, J. Thompso'n, J, E. - How- Sunday last, ­ . . L up J(yt� a- few clays but 'is'-nbw lin- _ ' . .. . . .. 1* . ' , # : .respected i�i n atid -a modal . land- . I . . � . � . , . . ­ . . I., 1. . . . :: 4- 1 "01*48" . Pernianclitly - in tile West. He 0111-, ard, "Afri. F. R.'I�arkef,. � : -Parker, . .Tltc No�, proved: .1 . . . . . ... .: 1 X , - . . . I . , .. . � . -�'. Iord He, retired owing,Acy ill licalth 6 . C. . � . 10 Rs. S: has bean. undergo-. , . . . . . I . , . . . .. . . I ­ - I . . . I 14 I� rks' at duce, 'in tile' ifiercantil busi- Jas. Whenhani and wife, '. Edward iiig . I . I One -. tllase� happy' dvelits - wIlf ch. I - � . to Order. e.- I . 1 I � I . *;& . and Want to Lolqriaold hn tile hope inuch liaQ(Ted rbi�kirs d � Of . . I . � I a -f.'())r- Robiltisc , .. .. uring , the . . . �;'.. . .. 44 -or. more - if 'you � can, will e-# that a a I' ucs'i' with Mr.. 'Robert AlcCoo,1, on , and family, W. � Cautelobi, loiiclays, . . . .1 .. cables lyllt­o,nca� . rul, - . .. . . . I 1. � . do to .% . , , I ange of air - would offect-all , PI'L . C. , Miss Cl, I . .. . . as � . . ar took ' placo. � 1''.. I �. I . . - I * � � . . . i-inprovolilent, but it' *was '. In Valli, , , ) till of , Clinton ,was for a . . . I . marl ' y Of 11"llatti' wll() opened- out in Williain . Cdhtelon, It. A. l3t0w on 'Satfirdtiy last at tile residenceof . open a Sa . g Hartney .?011ie -hiontlis - ago ` 'rile rj�ill SItaphord, G..'Cuilliffigharne, !. � few, days . Mr + .1. . + :: I , , ,; Ving Bank'Account. ,*e: Mriv., Mille. .gurViVes., hilil, together . this, Week 'q ga'a . Galpin when his dagghter . Vllc�i I . .. .J� . I � I . � .1 ## . I , . . . .1 . . + . 's,t iLt Air, , I .. .,. 'A . I .-!. -with. , 101, wllo� is lIractising as 'al Ila.,; experienee lilIALcapital 6d 'we ex� , Frain -W. Jackson 61 tht, .C., P. -R...: John tluft'��, Bayfield 'Linti - I wa's Mnftect'in marriage to.Mr.. - - , '' . . ., * .. his Is : .1 . , , ,e I . I . it. I .. . I + . . L .. a oft6n as -you can aft0r,4fth S * veterit ' Jackson Mich. .. I + :111tat 119 With G - J + Stewart; . C, Vcy6d- Mr, . C114rlia Tebi)utf bf kolilleavillo , v - � . I I .. . . . . #* . iary . surgeon in pact to 1kcar of them I- Green of -T.6folito. 1hei w6olding. was . . . - , , . I I . � Lovettl H. I � . lll� 06 iminiediate r6lati I I - -t , ,fore .'. coming td Clill resided I I .. . . I.'+ , "* I . 'g., McT,aughl.in,.. . j_ ,took., ilid - service in -ate, 0 - ves - , - - . .t� interest added twice it ' -.- - Be &I OcLss' I" . . - 1 Otir Tailoring Department X #'i� , . y4rd, 11. Baker . . . . . toll lid � - .. . . . ' ' .:Sliarun .M6A- 110- - ­ * _._ L .. I - a R. lShep�ard, Nj�. E . ing present, 'The gfoom . �' I year. ', . .. . I .. t. ,I - pTlv A - -p- at r I di, I ... I , �Ior 'wh6ro the fulierat takes A :C' -.'T.* cIjIC * ' Slicppard� Geo. at Olt Stinda I and, friends be � . � � . I has iWen too busy L? say a good Ill .0 . . �.. . S , . UNTONTAN lk ,� - I . . 11',11.. a afternoon last. . I . , , . . * 'riday� - ; + + , I ,' . . AGO- ' � ChicIIQy - A. Agnew, Ali ,ly rr(At`.Qoin1ll&lI. ' I wotd for itself since the . . .1 *;# .. _r place; oil 1, I I . , 1. . I . . ,Mr. a was assisted, ,by - Mr. William. Os- I . . I � � - .. . . . : . I . . . I . ss Cauipbell,. 1 ced his . .1 I . . .faNt ., . 11 I . . I . . , S., No. 9 Oil Mon- linstou .* I 1. .. . * that we can begin I � . 46 - I . ,S 'Fo$t CLINTON, a call , .1 . I I acted ' as bridesinaid. �Tlie ceremony" . . . e8t "- MORWTROPHII� Tile following apileaieof ill tile' * :: *.I. - And 0 . � I Miss Jennison. ' 8 rush begmi, and I is ooly now You Will have a n � T . . . , . ellities again in Mond while Miss Nomina J0 t, , : . ... � . . . I . issue of th � Caniadia-ii-Aincri .. . ,.(Ia.y morning ", also (lid Miss 11 . . * ,a lo take - cyf _. p Li- .was Perforined by�'the.,11ev,.I&. .C.. ­ . I 11 I � . - breAth, � 41*.: � .. egg for a home, Come Ili X Chiulga.: " , 'I .. I I - . . day in No. 10 after a anost I - I . . . 1. I .. . ' I . � .. . 0 , . � .. . # A nionth- ago Mr, .W. Jackson was " adisoyn Arco .. . . � I � . I I ail! vacation. . � I Telillifigs. " Aftcr the wedding dinn . . i: � .## . And I ' le.4 elected president .of the 'Western 011-L t frain W I .1 �. .. . . . lar. . � talk, about it. 41l, ' cot- . . tlid - he'lip butile *left for.10'ronto , , , , YO � u . I e.4 ,.: .- . . .1 . t. tario, Bowling Associa6an-ind the 11rh ,avelitloi' to 46th stre,!t. is, . ill') I , 1. I . . � I I I Mr, I -R. G. Cole A Seafotth, accoul- y c , .' *. Have you ordered r 4"s 1. .. . . � palii6d, by ll�is fric ' Via Clinton conli I a generous oupp of . ... . . . I 1. . .. . . T 'Clinton Bowling Club 'won tijecll* re- scene o,f*a gay cdrhival this . R;,ay.' R, BaLraby ,'and fainily. of'Mil­ . ijxt, Mr., Keys,,apellt lies and old 'al . I I . . . .. I � I . . I .* I .. al * 'weekk Verton spedt a -iew ,da a last �wesk last Thuisd iQ, holi good ,, wis ( IT.ap- � � . . . . 4-1* . T, I . � . . ­ � . . . 4 # p1con-Wip and ticarly- everything. eIS6 thoi affaAr beingAo. oiQlal)r�i' I ,My, Sdafortfils Civ . Spring Suit yet? . g. all I. tile turn,� with y * ,..,LtIJ6 J� " , 17 'With Jliein the, beo9t * L . -� . - at . the Lo4r4on 'It � I re.lights, in that, his - faLther-in-faw, � Mr. lviscyn.* I 111 . al. ayfiel-d .pY conple, take. . .. , ... . . . '!' ',l,Qy . . . . a ' . Lffia, " i' .. . . 1. . . ' ­ The Sovereign Bank --. Competed. � � for I I day, - at It 8 116 i I I . 8 L 1 *- � 1� I - , . . Of. the :11cw':a � I � wi lies ,of 'all .theiv friends". to.thoir . . , . . .. : , . *i�, . 1, . . . . � . I 40 11 tournaniefit. � . L' . . . . 1. .. section' Of 'tile 'citY- Tilt ciirnival .Mrs....117alker of Waterloo is also via- . . .� , '' . holne in the Qtl"n city I L L � � _j . . . . I ..e. . . 1. . - Wednesday with. a . -ithig 11'6r father,. Mr,. Win. , Ivisfoll.. Bliss "P,olilrils, - Ratinvell, 6-� �Clilltolll I � ,. I... ".. . . I .. . IWe invite you to come and have .i - ., I . . . X .- At , the . � tournahlent of . illion- 'riday they and the Ivison fain- also littlel'. Niss UaTy Rol)inSoll, of Air H, Peak'. had *one of. the" now ". , . : y � . third annual . opelled on: � y -file 1311si- � . - of ... U., . I . 'T Whox>ters ' As. ily held � a'picnic at Bayfield. * 11rilcefi4ld have lor the ' patclit Tuachilles . thieshingJ'or' hiiii. � . . a look at tile 1 -ti -gest and linest X ';' ,' . . I I . I. star procession gotten up. 1), Last'V .. el, .1 tile. Dominion . rap ­ IQ -ar 1. �ast week bNti I I . - - . . 5, , al ', in Toronto last - 'of 1-6 ell ` dlt'd -Mr- - f ain i %,I I�clslil this wtek, : , . I .''.., . .. stook of imported Worsteds, t nada, . sociation, 11 d ntsf; quen along tli� lit vil"tors. at. Mt. Al=.- . . I .. � * . . .. . J pre I * Alfre(VIVIiiteman. and "Lly I fict . d Line.. - . . . I a,' 13ay . I . Tweeds and Ohaviots in (lie T . week.Mr. .T.-B.'Cantelon .was elected Wed',tCybe. the,hest attractiol Of havo'raturved to Chicago' . . I _- Rev, R..- X. F. Gaitdner of - Gran - ` I , � .the kind ever 'given on, th . aftor'spe elf. - . I :: county. Ir , vict-pratident.' Tile - fol W1119, inenr�, 'lid- � I I , - -***#**####*##**4*####* , ing a week 4aliong friends lie . . q inalty , I friends of'Aliss . I Annie Rapids�, I .. . . I I . F . . I I, 16 ­ a streets of . 174. � Th Mich;,, -will preach . ill, St�, I . I .. ". . I I.. bers of the Clinton. GtIn. Club took Clli'tagO. 'rile.. carnIval: will rair - toil- . . .a . . . . . . 00 plca,4ed to- hear, at . . Our prices are moderate, while . 4. tilluousIv until tile end of next weA , Alias Lillian .Whitainan of Detroit Rathwell, will. be , Andmwl church 'at.- seven 61clack 0 . I .. . part in tile coillpetitiots' and snade a and di6reut attractions a ' I& . . is reco . fR next *Suu&Ly evening. : . . I I . . T , . 00 at r At vering froin. liar . I . . we give yoot all the style, flt and : : t ,0rnt* visitijig.,under the par , serf, I I spla*Ml allowing . J. R. llo�ey, J, 9. ' to - )it 1. . I .. � I'm -Way COOpbr a Ous' ""'as'%, Mr. W, Osinond hks* had a, piotty.- , . 0 - 01b . CH*,. Agri, T, 'rL . ,* . T -PAN furnished each jdg�ht. Prominent ent r3 , . som. foot -for a few days as, tile re- . .. finish to bo had in any city. X .H al 0 I I pent Sun�ldlay T . . . Catitalon, .R, Graliain, IV. J. Rass� 0. liar liable oil th 9th, con, I � I - .. X 4 I � . I #;* atllon.�r those in char ' . Mr,- Johnston, and fain ily are. back � � I ? � I . e# .14,'. Halines, J, C Forrester, 'J. Ire- I,, N,, ge 'Of tile affair . Tvfr,.. Robert F 0air and Suit of' all'accident which happened . . I .. . . 4* . 024 . I ass a fir"111 of again after spending six weeks al daughter' of ,� ON.. . . I � 1 � - . Olt Sati ' I :, -!- CLINT ­ a &'R a Call- I. I George Rudid's thi&.week, - . , r: 'With �a cow which -preferred t6 to any .. - ]III,(], ' X� Ball, W. 0 ,. Doherty and, arday. While , helVing a friend . . �. a natty sweaters 4# � I f J. Dadds. r' � . n" CollhigWood were, visiting Al .* . � . " " , "' � . "' OlIg .friends . in Matelcirig and vi*cl'l - .. . . , * The wo Philli . as$, Mr. Ross i� . at . "l-11%%/N-Ne� . .1 ... . . ld so..". having ity'. A - ineethig ' . . I .. .. "e* . T, and white hats, and Wert, the adinirL been''borii. aliol raised '1110 Misses Moore of Toronto are I . I I . #4 . ill Clinton; Out,-, and to his 'unit-iring - of Ii. 0. L. No, I ,,Way 'but tlJ'G right One, thd rope got' , 4, h 1. *,$�*4>****""*"4> * of 'all aolinirers, In, the teani cvoltts� will lie lield on, the 6velling of t89 caught ar6tind his foot and he ivas - . . .. - I . � .. ***"* tlit� dcfmte& the gon I clubs -of 'Tfor- efforts is (tile Ili 110. little 'nifea th " visiting with their tincle, Mr,. D. . 'to -dragged .sanic distalico� . . . . . . . .. . . . sure �d Grassick. . . ' * . . . .. last - Monday iu'. Auguii Whati a � h ... I .. - . OUR ..... . :-: : - __ _­ ! � . onto Junction, 33ramptati* alleges-, at the carnival. The . . I . 'I' Tile gews-Record casi . . . � , aft onto', Tor' . ollicer.9 attendance of t -Il' Xde 1)�rsi ly - leads " foii _ . X .. I . . . and 11amiltoll. I . . of the business nidn's, asSociatioll 11-11 . Mrs. (Dr.). .Grassick and daughter of . Col. . . 6 in .a rtoluest-, Bayfield news, I . ... . . . . . . . .4, a 0 0 0 0 & a 0.0 0 0 0 0 # * a 0 0 .. # 0. . I I . . . der whOsQ . auspices the "carnival j; Buxton, North Dakota, .have returned. . I. . 1i , I. 'rile Xewa-Reeord: of last week I 1. I . X . * � . . . . Mr. Hovey especially dis , i The new pastor , eliurell . . � - . �. * . 0 he'd ming , w�ek& Ta . of � ,Ila at wag niade to a . preselita.- , . � Ready=made. hilits0f and, t1ug"is I , given' are .- Chaffillait, Alcler- hunte after spending 'a few. � Y,�r's. Corners Rev. W.. .1-r. refercute . � carried off tile honors Of Inan secretaryi P. , - . . It ; Gra- 1, . X 0 m J - X Scullv� ; ,F with friends here, , I a Ila$ alrl I tion tO fiss Dolly PDXsolis all belialf . . X . , ktid ' tirilaoidat, winning. the big tro- Ross tr I A, boitnieous haxvci�t 11JISL - been i cut I _, ,vady' became quite popu- 4. . . - * . --77 . - . -1 ar at -egation of the Mekhodi.Yb . 0 . Clothing 0 PlIv for the fOtlr days average, ii, . . ; cast . trer,. �, V. Xalarti.11 . . allot is bei id large congregationS attend at Of tile �0119.�t: I . . I . I lig housed, All *crops wil . L . I . � . . 0. .. . X 0 . seicynd. trophy for the third day's av- TIM StTCCESSFUr, CANDIDATHS. yield aLbothelantly. . every service. . . , . . church. The lixticles of which shot was . . . . i 6 . a Clothe . 0 crage and the Parker competition for . . I xr� R. CIlikubers has III Inade the recipiplit consisted of 9, 1141i 1 . I IRS, . Mr. Gl McDonald, ,who has, bdeto. ill . is new bouse, ofoZan .,ilv, . : : Department .. 0. I - . wlitch the prize is a $xoo 'gun inade roallowing ardthc nallies Of the st'l- the past week, is sainewhat bott4r. allout coulpletal and C. Si)611ce; is, . 'r . knives, and, fotks,'butter 0. 04 0 0 to order by that dell-ts of the Chiltoll. -Collegiate lit- Mrs. J* Jill Jones, We are sorr,y to, also sidilig up Ilia llousa,� Which Iliak-, knife, Sligat shoff and creou: laffle, � � I . . . .celebrated firni.- TIi6 , 0 , T110 P.reselitation was Inadq by Nliafi 6. J. 0 1 '. . . P,ark,Qr . con -test was- especially e(Rai - -sltc�essful at tile Say, is not improving as liar friends at itilprovenient. . . . . t stitute who, were 08 a 9M ­ .. a A chance that never before lllg� 'and all -other events were 4m recent ox4tilinations.. Afr Thotnas Burrows of 0,oderiali Clara * J�rwitr while the fallo:j�illg gol- 0 ,_ � . desire. . - I . * . . . . . . .. I Vol while. it was in ProgTeso. The News -Record congratul I . I ._ . � tL g1rost at Mr. Ott( dress wa* read, 1) I -1 18 now complete With it], glVeh the buyers of Perlde .� . %vda y Miss Addie, Wallim I kegdY-�mddo Clothing.. I I ates t1lein . - - - I . � . ... . - ut Willsoli,a . . * newest designs in .Worsteds n 0 . Havoy wait out by- defeating Dr. all, but itiore especially EW, Jenkins .- - Miss, Daily Parsons,: I . I . I . . Serge Suits. ...1 . I .. 6, R11-Itt ,0f HVIlliltOn by 27 to A6 out who wotild no doubt !lava ,w6lt a . � . . . . I I . Dcar Priend'-It 1& With sahweb� re- - I 0 We, have a lot of 0 of 3o lyirdg, 11is AUVU312t. ' . ­ . * , -0 1 . . . �, fi... InTweedsall the newatripes. I 0 vietory� W s hadnotsovoial weeks .ill. � � . .. . . .. ­. �. I 0 . I gret that wet the friends of thoJ3&V. . . I 0 Tweed,, that We are - popular one for Mr. Hovey is a velty ness interrupted his gtildica, . Aliss, Alice Vole visited Scaforth , , - . 8AY713EZ0. I field Methoolik church, assarrible to 131161 I . � . a- Illoolt9t and . unafisit * I 1-0 you Ig mail, I onor Matriculation-p,el. .j, jell� r 4 . I � I . 1 .6. Spring Overcoats in the very :� , 1011( the past week, . I � . a 11 eve our latest styles. . 6, going, to ' wake e Oil Tue . kins, first . class honors ill r4l,ilglisli,11 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Xnox and lahu- Mr. IV. Lane, county. clQrk, and do-parture ani its. Wt have learned . .. : *. . ip # 0 to YOUR ORDICIR sdav 6velling tho lnemb�rsof od . you, but to app-- � * I tit, Gun Chili and a few gne�L%gjtI1_ GQViliall, Ilistory and Physics ; ,see- ily Of Brumfield were tho gu.L%,tg Of Wife of 0, orich alid Mr. Armstrong 'lot ol* to 101V(11 " .. Youths' and Boys' Stilts in all "b I 0 Ond Clas a foriner's patents all ruesolay, . and wife of Detroit spent Monday fix reciate, - your Worth and tile . kilid lb cheaper ailed at the Mason House Whore R In Mathelliatics and Latin, tit I . 6 feast Of good things had been, pre- Pass Matrictilation-Jerotri I Air. and Mrs. Moon of Lotidtaborty , tile village. - : . than you - a spirit with, which you have ever dis- * . styles. . d 0 1 r Ballour, . . :: Small boys' nobby two-pil would got the same - parext for them. Mr, ,L P,. Calotelon Alice Worthington. . Sundayed at tile pargottlago, .. Mr, ,laftICS Uarl,s, who Ila.% beell, at chargea tile several ditties, W12.1010lavii . I . � ece, 4. 0 * Presided and after -tile cloth had boe�x ,Senior Leaving, pal -t I Ali,ss NcXniglit of Dakota I.%, tlici MI101y Crack Millts, Colortula, for thei tested upou you. We Sliall Ili!as yol . ' . -W,111, J. gou";t of Mrs. J, FinglantL . past few years, ,wast called linine Oft in, tile elloir, the Sabbath school,tha yoke New York sultso made ., . I quality Ready-made. a beinavOl all address was presented to r)tllllo Upworth League, and in fact in all I : - from a good serviceable All -wool .4 -6. This is a genuine . Mr, � Hovey exp . �a), k"d, Jenkins, *Annabel Mel,',W- Miss Trick ol CIbiton is the git,A Alonday oil account of Ilia luother's, . . tweed, dark grey grotind, in A . It ressing their regard an, Albert J. McQueen. Part ,2 W. or liar aunt, Mrs. 1, Washingtoit. Jlltlo.q'.� L I tilt depattuiotit,4 of our church work, � - p - . . 0, for hiftio as a, citizen and cmigra ulat- 'I - The Misses 1010,mio Mooir antd TiOsia - ., ,� If you have . G ' rOV, that 00d fit Rig great lo,vd : : neat stripe. Attern made yoke bargain, t lhufl,op, R kI, Jenkins, ,,ordon Alan- 'Ale 1) � box pleats and belt finit,hed,wit.h - 4 * Ing hini upoll his. i ning. - . 1. '.' . 11ra4ford of - t,oncle,Awaro spent I as t I n; fty 't Ily b1fts yolt in ;yo,at . a . I a been in the habit of - QA trap sit I 91161V farmer's satin lining . ... at,% .of. tile cautifielli.. .. . . limlie and JWW lif6 anit that, with tile � " Sizes 23 to 28. Price'. $3625. 4k 4 1 buying Ready Ire was abxy presented with a haltol- Jullior'Imaving, Part -2 (there is trow week Ili tilt village. . AUS'111t1q. � . � Mne Dadour, ,Jcati Miss 11ties'Lly' is again visiting ini I one who filial] I)c Y61ir coullmiticylb a EL souvenir of C,t4ing, ',Ulsie Clark, Olive J�(Atjiier, . through life you Inay be tile InC9110 0: 0 -made is solild Chocolate .act a. no Part Y) - Jar � 6 lothing. . lb � the octa.qion, Mr. Hovey tlli,q ety'limuldiv. Alta. Ceichralte of Clinton ja tllc " : " C a of wililling ,souls, and helping Oil ule I � . In4wdo a pearl NL,I)ouahl, Thornton Wfustard" Mr, atid Mr.4, ly�' C, Riehards, and A"Ift'St, Of liar Urcyther, Mr, Jas. Car� - *-~%^^-0N 0 . alve us a absnoo And you will suitable reply after which short Coll- W, 11., 11, WOrk of Alto MaAer's Xiligoloin. Wd NO thilt the, 616think, * _nfound, Xeil D. Ross, Alice s,t)lls Of prjtgsal�o Sullelayed lur the Vill- to, � . o wo 4ra grattilatory speecliv§ wore inadc. by WOrthill,gtoll" . �T . . I ft illakfnK 111) atthe sinallptleo will 0 . . aga. . I . extend out best wishes. for your fut- � I IRA 48 10112 as liby twey 40f they. 4 f � . . � i 10 T SPI , 5 < � I > < . I . , '� I I , I < .D , S " � , , I I ... - ., .. , , ) � . , . . 11___­_� 1_� I I .1 Or ( ot I �1 ., .� , , < _ < '.) . , . " e < ) �..> . < )�. > ,., .. Z ) <.'� .- , � ; (5 � , . .5 , .. <. .. .. , . I <.> ., r',� F -N 12* t 11 I I- .1. I` X 'I- :,.. 0 : T X. I !. 1 1 . .1-4 . �� 0 Captwitt MeTaggatt, W TaCksoli, Dr. Cotivitl6rcial Diploina-ULaud. Scatt. Mfiq,& Zellft Whitelv Of 1,011cle, urc flappiness and ask that you will I ' Ordinalry __Uea4�,niadea, Shaw, 3, Il. Mover, k: '0,rallaln atid I sly(wa . . accept this slight tokelt of, our love I :tile followit C011100ted 11111fOr M fis the guest of Mis.; Am& Sturdy ljApAo T. Jackson, S 6 14 . 6 A. Porter. . . I tricidation : V�Ialter S. Daird (Cliall'it-, shis week, ,RAPITS. , ' anti III)I)reciation, hoping. that as you 0 .. Tht trophits won by Mr. ROV6y isity), Melvin ("rallain (Latin, Mr. R.J. 8prung wa.q nit the . . use tholl. in ,your new holne. yoll Inqy, I 11 At J. HollowAm. and sick Mr. and Afts. Wi:11�111 . a . 1,_1 . ... I& 11 . I* Will 11ye oil exhibition, in Ilotlgoll� 1�reilelol�, Icelit Valluitig Wrench) Ulu yjat the bogiluling of the Wook. , it' " at Mr. Cartt'T's, orcii oftell thfilk (it the frkollds in, Bayfiel � I 6 Mos. clotbing 8tore window oil $at_ 0 . vl,j lu� , �, who had 1) l(A .Signed oil belialf Of the coitgregatiall. ,V 444114+4"I +44" 9 a a 6 0 # a 0 . . . . . . . . 'Wit (070nnaW), RAI. C, W11110ril Mrs, 00o, Askwith fit oil the aick I Ti(eoday to rett rly try pilot Art)1111(1, -,T. A. f4pell, Clara A. V'rwin, Jeffliioi timay, I I . (V'reil0l,) list, I . I . . I � � Mail, , . . 1.4will, TIVO, 111. Wallia. .1-1 I I #W � A.. . I. ,,� .. I . I . . I I A11WL ik...�, .ML-,. __ I � - . � L,.-. I � I 4 /h . . '"'�� - .d­A.AL-L.%_ - L. I . ., _-%_____.___A . __WW_&_MffiW..1_,_.____i ______ � K � - � 41101111all"_ _1__j&_ - __