HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-06, Page 6I __ ­­_._1�­­111­.1____ . � �-�--,-"-��,,�,--�-v-w-l�-TV�g,�W��'r __V­V�r_- ­- �;," ­ ­____,V.,T­ ­­­T� 11 . . . . . # T . W _�Tww V V IFIr- �­ ­ ��W ­Wr V — - ­ -T — _____.__ _ ___17" * I _..... ­ -­ � I— ­­_ ­­­ 1______----- _-___­_.______,_ ___ ,. . � I I - � ; .... I 0- �­­. . .. .11 I.. ­ I, . � . 11 I .. UIURRE10 Y IN THE SOUDAB . �11V,, , ",.d . —_ I � .1'.. , I DELY DISTaIRUT- I i:@ I �, '' I . 15, TUE MOST WIM TRAVZI,ER0 TAKE SLAVES I.. 0 � I I Z I ., .. Carting Blue Ribbon Tea. to Colombo A;,;! I . I., ,P ANXXALS - ALONG TP PAT B XPENSES - . . I . I/ � I I I . ­ — � .— - � I '. I ' .." 11 11 I., ­_ 11 . .. I Z Regigro, *Qre lRorses Caiq't Uva, . � Thousand Were Brought Into I � � - . as B.Coult . When Blue Ribbon T�a is hametically sealed in lead It Is I I —Great Range of Ceylon Tea Is the finest Xan.o at One Tinle , . I -t . � . �. -!(^ I cattle. � of Expedition. � � ' . Tea the warid prodmoost -i .,� There are very few cleans, Tile do the Ulp ri. � . . Witbin, the past three months Brit- ,carted from the upland. districts. of the interior of Ceyloi —where I , g' " ish troops under gir Vrancis Lugard . lYutqd of Ow donie.9tic aulm,alo. 11Q and Is sold only In load . ng operations in which Sunlighi IiNW ill tile lowly hut of the Afri� � havii Put all end to the su1)raWftcY Of 3ciap cannot 1:le used to advant* can savago "ud is 0i I f packets, � tlia Sultan ;9okoto, east of the Niger only the best tea grows —to Colombo . , 0 .00al.0wilion, 0 . I , there to lZe. It maljos the home brighl the Grentiland Eaquilliaux. tile laost BlaCk, Mixed and Green@ River, in tile Central Soudan. They -1 I nortcholu ilkilwbitauta of the world � 11 Iso occupied the famous town ind clean. . . 10 life is in faci; the Inseparable coW-. 'ap= t",drJA;rs tr� 1"Sa"11 Gmn *k ovfLvXJL� ano . be-sh' ed to Canada. A queer cavalcade it . . I � grid subjected Its Sultan i1pp A t�f paniou. of inuul =0 is fou-nd w0here� . * t -Z. The British flag is now supreme in i I — I -, __ oviur tile hullian race exists. H14 ,, 11 . 11 I I— I I : I the great country of the Hausa, 0 I - I0oRS. Imbitut makes—but it carries the richest mo,st -1 . CAPTIVE AXON�7Tiii* IiO� is t4lis extended further -_ tribes between the.Niger gaid Lake . , creau*st, . . � I north and fu%,thur south than. tU,At result Is tKot t1he animal Is not Tchad, . � I I , — -London. of =,y other dolliollitle wninlial, I I lopowla In 4bout'ono-thiml of South one of the most significant an- ' . I _1�1_Ail` Experience of the &1cious tasting tea in the universe# ­ . � I Th. ,horse also has a vory wide Auwrica, Including neaxly the evyre nouncouients in 4 long time relating "Timels" Correspondent. I - � I I and is nover seen in to Africa is the statement Ill the I � I habit"t. 11-c lives north of the AtinA%ou basin, _ . . I.,. . . , Walter B. Ilarris, the correspond- Arttic circle only in the nort,hor2l at least two.-thivU- of Africa. It London Times that the BrItWh, now � � ". .. I t , Norway and Swode%4 t,he lh,ea ill Morocco,. Algeila, along tho p , ropose to make an and, once for . ­­ 7 * "N"', . ont of the London Times ill Morocco, Paris of I � Black 1 2".0% , " . ... "I . - _� ' sfter three weohs of very unpleasant Aortlwrn half of -North America and Nile and among tile wb1t*s­ou the all, to slave raiding and the slave . .., . , 1%`4 � . , , tralffic throughout the Hausa I Mixed , t , . ,aptivity among the brigands in tile northern third of Asia nevor see east Emil wo4t.ceauls; but the vast Colin- IN o ro'A y Cents 0 1 1, I aortho-ii Morrocco, has at last . been Lim, Tile nuost northern pixit of expanses -of the S whara anid of the t . . I . � permitted to rejoin his friends. BOilir lils habitat ill Asia is aroval-d the t"O'Pical intorlor of Africa do no , t ry � : A � . � I - I I . . . . , . Tile overshadclwlng evil of the Call- - Ceylorx Green' Should be Fifir . ''I 1, P. white man he was regarded as a north alw�res, of the 8ea, of 0,hkDtsk know this ajdival. I . .1 I., , tral Soudan is Niava raiding and - cw-;4 I 4-ory valuable captive and Ills release and Ill tho neighborhood of Yakutsk The dowesiticated ostrich is not the iraffinc, in slaves. ' UP to this .- .. . 111111ge oil the Lane River. South of this fQu%(1. iu any of tile haunts Of the . % I was' obtained only by the exe . WUd btrid, but Is conAned in Africa year the evil has been entirely un- . - I I 11 . � Df sixteen ition who had been captur- latituido'ho is found nea,rly cvei,3� . Checked by any Caucasian influence, I Asl% I I t to t ,­ I I .1 ad from the tribe that held him Q. Whele except Ill very 'ItOist and bO Jbe nortili mild the south parts, of and there is probably no other part . N r I '__ � rogiali,s, like t ie Ammon basin ,and the cointinaot, where he is raised for � 1. . prisoner. . of Africa of �equal size where the Z07 U The natives Who caught ITarris are equirtoxial Alrica paid tile southern hir, feathers. As is well known- slave traffic in recent years has flour- 01 e � 0" � among the mountaineers who have Part of India. 1-1le thrivos in the there are a num,ber of ostrich ja;1`111:133 d as In the Hausa. countrY. VX I never admitted the right of the Sul- dr;v heat of the Sahara Dase,rt Ill Ill A,V1201111), end, southern Califoratp., 'Ile i B,ed CA . - many of the oz-ges, but he woul,d be wha�e the anitnal is Urriving. Most Of the slaves are obtained, . pf"'h V. . . tan of Morrocco to impose taxes UP , The honey boa -lives alrrxo�jt all not from outside of Hausaland, but Label 11 11 � ,*P on them; and of course they are part. .�okught for in vait), ill, tropical Africa ,% ers Aull) from Hausa villages and toWl's. The . . � t . arad parcel of. the rebels Who have. botlweea the latitude of the Cape over tile world vhore flow ply captors belong to the same tribe and - N."". J ... ", . Verde Islan!ds arid the Tropic of the bectax it requires, exw,pt in the I Q 41414, - I � I recuitly been making so inuch trouble Capricorn; Attinazon basin, in most of wlildh the race as the persons they enslave. The 8D. t �, __ 1. , � Nfol,occen (,lovernmelit. They ,,,,, r S r that the' cou .� wa for the I I)ee is not fouild. bee,'there. result -1 .ntry.has Prac- -11 C."'la, AA C I did not exert themselves, to luak when explorers pushed noithward� P 11 N X�_, .'4 11 tAiyo -r,-, I , I/ - I " from the Congo their native dcr� fQr8t Is distributed all over our tically'been in a condition of per at- I W, . their white captive enjoY Ills short vantis were givatly suxprluod on country, though very r4parisely. ill ual civil .w' I I . .. _. .. stay among �them, , . � � ar, "I . . � For iiine days . lie was unable to reaKfiiing a region near Lake C-1had the dry ii,nd unforested regions ,of RAIDS A VILLAaE. . " I , . - to find. the horse in abundance, the West. It is wholly absent In I Sultan at any time is, J 116. .44%�, �- . ______1110 � or change his clothing, for Their I A PQtty 1, a � A , I t& � , I . wash and most of. the dWert � thirty-six hours he was. left in soli- astouislutient was unbo'llayledr . tile Cold r .0 receive a luesSal,110 f1`0114 , -4.., . %r.hein they New the liormamn of.tba Part, of the world. , .. lixely t - tude with nothing to cat and for SO;LWa3l oil t -be fleetest of riding aiii. The silk 'worni girdles the earth superior lord ordering Win to .send I , 11 .. . . . Several days a hea,01ess corpse Occu- illials that, liEvd - - . between tJie fiftieth Parallel of nortal at price a cortain number of slav0s . r ,_ - . . . � I f ea.,twer, on I , min of having his Owil ,t:OWUs L�' 1-k pied the room In which he was Con- I latitude - and the Tropic o - I....', I I A . fined. and it was intiniated to him, VIVER 31ET THEIR GAZE. being found.further s6lith only . in raided. He accordingly saleCts sollie _-_�_ I ; " . � ' ' - y divtri-. Siam and Cochin China. . In other village Within his territory . or ,out- .. . - . . .. " . that his physical appearance Would ' 111ho nlulo I,; more generall otly �i . thf, I r . .. r 1k soon resemble that.of the, hapiess blited over South America t1han any wprdts, it ,lives wherever . . njul- side of. it, against, which he qui I � _.� . I I � victim of the brigands Whose re- otiler of.'the contiments, being fouind . bOr"Y and other tram oil - which . it sends a force large. enough to - OVL"- * . � ­_�_ I'll I .. . 1, . mains he saw before him. . . er cepting along a feeds are found in perfectlo-ii, It be- conic all resistance, attacks the 4. �.�, 4W_ _ 40� . , , I .. - Harris, however, lives to. tell the pktft .of , the hot, dainp coast be., lo?ngs di.stine"tively to. the noit.,hern town and carries oft -thb inhabitants. . . . . . a .40 ., W -W, - I . _ -I hemisphere, but may yet be Intro- Those who rosiBt are ki o :,- _ - ­_ ,_ A, . story of his captivity, and it will twoon Pernwilbuco and Rio Janeiro, . I _29iE= - . . - ­­.____ - . --------, r � . . . doubtless make good newspaper read- and 1,c is also practically unkoowfil doced Into parts of the ,%oukharn spot and the remainderare ill—k- .1 I t_9 . - in. the .0 -L. ba, I Ulsf)bere . that axe favorable ' for away in fetters. . Many Of th0in have . ...... . . . r ! . . I .1 .. . . . ------- I I ing. No other white man in Mo 4:uia , .Qi 5i . r . I nas the Am" � .....0932M .- rocco has in rucent years had so aind r Terra: del Placgo, 11U. hCrannol't1he I le'llilulberry. � .. . .. been included in Ahe annual. tribute I q. I . ('I ,W I - 11 I � I � many interosting stories to tPll of covers,perhLips a. fifth as mu6h area 4 - . . . payable to the Sultan of Sokoto, .- I I ,� P , OUR . . I . . - - . . his personal adventures as Ilarriis, as tliat-of the li-pne. . There fire ' I * * � . while others are- sent to Some Oth.el' I � . � 11� Don9t , r � I . . He first brought himself into lie- few iindes ravourrd. our Mroat Lakes U121 TROUBLES' .- .* ��." ,central slave nia:rk0t to- be. sold. or I . . BRANDS. I � � \ � , , I , t"'I ,, , ( , , r ars ago by his venture- excepting. along . r th,�Ir 'sputhern , . taXen back to the town of their cap- . . . . " . .. I � .. tice a few ye. . shbres, - but from the.. lakes ,the arli- . . - - . .. . . I ;000 � .J . 9 I ns Edward *kt, , .:� A �. . some journey in disguise to the chief . - ,11 V . 1c, : . SL , I � I with NEVER GAME BAG" to,� .N town of one of the fanatical inoun- Inal extends �souihwai,d to , the' . I Whell c. ar. Robinson traveled . in ,"' v ti.-Ti-IINGS . . Mellor . r 1. I . tain tribes, who would have -killed Straits o - I INVa-gollan. I -Id's hom:F in . . . . . . I . I Haft.salan.d . a feW yetirs ago he said I I . �. . I N . I .� other and . I . . all taniperate An'd �h,6t.co,iinlxies i: . DODDIS that about 1,000 slaves wei-L brought , 11 Hoadlight 11 . U.", 1) � � him without any Preliminaries 'if 9 ERNEST. GRANT TOOK, X-- I " I . ., "�V` Inferior they had 'suspected .that he . was a .pra tically. cooxtimieive with that of . . RZ. RE. - into Kano on a single -occasion as 'a .- 0�� 009 , . r � ' . . , P .- end - - KIDNEY. PILLS�­T Y � . - . � . . I .. -� ; . . � . * . the horsQ, but it does not ext . � result of a s1tive-raiding qxpedition. - ­ .. I brands, - .white man. . 11 .. . , - . . -W,)�� " rt - it . 11 . - I I . At that time lie knew, no Arabic nearly- as far north ap the hdrse's * I MOVED THE CAUSE. ''.' - Bida lie Passed a -0 t� 4415gu 0 . , - . � aiid . I . � , . .. . . . . . Between Xano' . . . . � I . -- nor ariv of the native tonguesi and . . . . I , �, ­71,61in'T"2000 � 11 . . I . USE � .. range, 'and h,b I.,, not (duald in , the — large - nu mber of towns and villages- 5 ­ I . . ­_ . . . I . . though . his skin was stained to th . e. deserts. : . . . Us I�Ead Backache 6n.4 Urinary that - had 'recently. been. destroyed, 11 ��- I , .. 11 . L . I I , . - . . . , , _11X .. 1111� I .. . . * . . I . I i . � 'r . Tb range of t1i asts Is abdut . . and whose Inhabitants had. -been: .. r & " _ �, 11 Viotoria 11 - I - .r J� . . th e a -as - . . gold .. �� , � I I = . _. . . I . Proper Moroccan hue, and . a native . I Troubles for Twelve- 'Years- * Be-. . r . . �� rr / . ., .Q. " - . . � I 11 � Costume sat well Upon hinj lie; w . ould . lairge. I apz Viat of the in:ule. bulf. he . v . I . I [. as. SILLN-Os. This Was done not , by J� . . . . I.. -,. .. . . . -11 . . . r r. I . I , ore he Used. the. Great Kidney . . . r . . . lif 11 I . b � not have been able to, travel'a mile - lVes in Asia, far to tliL;e­noxthoaat f .. I . I . foreign invaders, but by the Sultan , - - . . . . I Little Garnet 11 R LLy - IEDDY 311 , r . I . . of 11he m!ule's .habitat.: -an4 Ills. hab. Remedy.. . � . �. . Whose terri . tory . the toNVI's - were . I I I I I . among the inountains-If lie had not - . . ill . . . I I . I rp itat stretclies .across..'t1fie--C1OPtinent _(Special,_ rinC . 19' r __ . � I . . . . . pretended to be a deaf inutak Ile I I 'far - -6 � Bailwl. . . Montreal, July . 27 . I.. ludod, . :r ' .. .1. I . I . . . . , . � .."What, LU61C 1; . * . . . r . . - -- � . . . as as IrklLutsk oil Lak -Urbain street, - 'JqCY � : � � r � . . . � 0 , __.�.__ . , had With him a faithful youfig .,,na- B est :di-antj.%t�87�. ., . SLAVES Altl",r C'URRE . , I I , , '. ". . _�_ . � � . r � I . I . � . - I . . . The 'range of the .faniv. reirAleer m . . r . . . . . I. ­., - _. . . � . . tive who carried on his cqn.varsa- has 'been widely- euxtendod in jl�orill_ this city, is'�aniong those who never ,* ' -Q to a 161,96. .. r Libby Luncheons oi ado ready in a ... mmsmm . . � IR foulid that sla,�es ill I . ama . . . r � . tions for him. I . .� .. . lot ,-an Opportunity pass, to say a oxternt -r the cut, - y . of. the Lottntl'N'� . I (Cw rnonlu.�Its. � I I iff I * . . r . ..03,11 Asia by. the tribe,� Uiai.-iiabmber . . �l ely", . . . ,� . ! . Price Afterwards�, . . I ,� When approaching the town which , . ' good 'word foi Do(fdls .Kidney gliks.. - . Goodness First� .. . ill m. 11311011g, tbeiv �`aluitbld aseebv - . . ' A n4itive ' .who Is r' about to 0�,IV01 lveal.Lbaf Potted Turkey - I . . . . .. --- . r . . .1 * I , him SlaV�.,s "p.ro­ � . . r � I .. I ... . . I no white man bad ever eiitered he lind npw 1ie is in'process Of bei i 116 has Iiis �reagolis for this, and ll�,re . usut�lly tilkes with . Deviled Harn Ox Tongue, &c., It . . . � . I . ­ . . � I . . I � . ng - . . I.. �, . .. . ... � . .1. . r. . . . . . passed two men. on foot,.who decid- wid;Ay.hltroduced in -to A.laj*a. : 'Civ- thqy are in his own. woeds: .. porti6nate ill numbEr to the length, , . Qukkly. made rqady to s9rve, . . . . . ... . ' . , , ' . . . ; I Should b,e the Inottor in ptlrchasing-househo�d articles- . I r ' ed that lie was a white'man;.- iindr' ill!ZatIbIl. t,lierefore, has done nruch I -bad be,ell troilbled.'with Back- of. his jouknery.. Atter traveling Per- - . , . . I . . I., . tno � re e . cloderiware. - . . I 1. . . I I when they reached the .same place .to'ext ache and 'Kidney Disease Xor twelve haps 100 in!W' ,. Ile. Will s6ll, a slave . Am U. S. Qov.ernme'nt Inspected. . 1� �pecially in w.'r . . I . oild the'liabitat of this a.-nimial I . $ . . . . � I 1-11 , . 1. ,illarr 1W 11111:'s .�__ . - . _ !. . . , . . r I � � . . . I . a few hours after Harris" ariiVal t o � t�,hj� .,�O' -ad ars, says Mr. Orant. i "My urine ,.and then travel anc . . . . 1: . . I. . . I I 1. . - I . . utb, but the domesticat ye ' :r , " " Reep in -the house for 'cinugencies�,for supw 1 . . . . r r ' ' . they lost. no time 'in spreading the rein�do4r bas' not been,. int,ro-duced in- was very del-] .;,. alld'.ldgh. colored. I I whon-. 4e' will sell a - s6cond an,d thus. pers�fdr iand,�%riche§-fbr say finie when 101, ! M= 9 . , , ** i ,I I . . . . . I r . -vot- Irkizdsorno ill%tratoa booklet. "Gpod Thfngo to 11' m 'mAl 8 . r news that One of the ,hated foreign- to most of.tb,6 greitt .regions of the would lose - lily iest lit night oil at- by tbe time he rot14"!ls home he - Will - - want something, gpod and Nvarit it quick. . � ers was there in disguise., The re- Arctic, 40tere the Wild animal roa,m.$ courit of *having to''rise, so ofien to have. sold all bi,.j. sifives and dt , . ,C . I 1- . L. ,% N t) , " ' . . m I . ' ' . .:i . I Eat"sentgrea. � and flvO 20 fiturnpa for largo Atlas ! port caused inuch excitdineiit, , with , at - will , . I . . . . . uriiiate. ; L.could g6t. nothing to - ad the money to -paY n e of. tho Wo0d, in ooloiro. . � . . .., I ' . . I . . . I . . . I . . . ,, . I . r. . . . . . .. .. . . . . * , A 'OF CATTLE , , . I � . I so of his journey. .� . . . . the result that in the'dixi-kness '-of. - THE It YGE . help :me;. , , s Libby, McNeill. & Libb I AN�t S *TUBS ,q . . , . .. r. . . .Y,.Chicagoj IlL 1 , . night 1-3-arris, who had.,beeri rodis- . . I .. I ' ; I I , � 'I tried several remedies, but -all The niaxi. Vill price for" a.14_yeaY_r I - ', . . .. . .__ ! . . . . � I . � . . . . . g1l r n - Ucall� ' I r I * I . . .. I . . I I I- . . I . ised a� a woma . at the home of is pract , ­ boaxtensite ,.with that. failed -until used Doddrs Kidney old girl ill 1<.allo is.about $,-,'5..to . V . . . I . .1 . I . r .. q . ' � . .. . . . I . . � . . I I . . r ' . horse. dattle., 11,0w'eVbr,, are pills., Whon.I had taken four boxes, $50. A young - mail of IS -.Z—. . ­ I � I his servant, stole out of the.' town ,of tl,w . r brings .��_ L . ­ I : i I . the goods It pays -the- housewife- .-to ,purchase. . and made -his way back to Tangier, found mio;ra extensively in very hot, _X Was a;ble to go to bed -and take about ,530,.a mail of . . . are . k, traveling only by night ank! .hiding da") . -elftnates*.tball thb-lioray., said illy rest, illy Backache, loft ,me'and I �the :iprice, doci r 1,64sing cis the ,� ago. il,zcordf�gly slider from debility and I : "Just as 1good",- means taking Chances, -Insist On . . , . axe end'i � L � . I oxhausition. The�­mre alsso liiLblo to � I . "yonr . dealer lig 0 �, . � in the forests in the daytime, . . rely absent. fr6in fty I deRert was,cured. Itlihs.neverco * rkle.-ba:Ck." . . . . . . r .. . . . suglying you mith thoserbeari . . . . . r- advances. .. dress careful] . k V "'-popularly priced. r - . % , , a r in. regions where, the -horsa, is a r _ Colds . -and need to y ,..name, "Cane'r: ewmar a . . .1 r . h ,_ r -their work fol� t410 I . . . . . � . I Harris has spent a longrtim ­ I -s.. - � , fc1utW In ;When Doll * d's *Xldnb�. Pills curp; th � , ,Vhi., is ofie�-of the inoio-thiekl�v. whon' t _, leave . r. � � I . - if Considerable numbom . y � � I . . . . . . � r Morocco and probably no whitd,man disiiasc never comes: back. The xc- peopled -parts. of Africa;'.and .it: witl open ir.' ' ' . .1 . . Cattle,'.for .exan4ple, aa,e - � wholly . I . I � ­ 11 q. . r . . a ,� . __ I � . . I . � . . . is better acquainted wit * h'the natives larking. .in . t4i � a dosk-rt :of., S ah4r move tile cause_ , I . . . , . ..a;-.grcat blessing to hundreds of,. .There is one danever to t:�%t._ IT r % _. - . ."'.. .- . . . r . I I . ­ . .. . I .. d "' , " . I �1- t1le,muging I I � be ,I,r " *lAch !�ome*j, I . "it is su , Illuilaiulle I n- _ -of � . . . ' ' . - and their country than 'this adV6 a' - - " � 4L A'�:�- - . - , thou-sa ". when tfie terribW PvU , Rng h �s ar& II&I,Iii. In 14iU I I theoi,izer . . � rt , . I turesome European. - ' . lyut tbey graze. ,in' the southern pa, I I :_ .. . r. ! , ' , 1V . opekaiiv ' TA,ULNNG .A,MU. ��MENT8' I , - "to .think. that, as a�great . I . . I , , - D HELPED BY HANDS'. slave. raiding'as -thoroughly suppreSs- . I � I .. � I r � . . . . .. . . . otZaldia, where no.iorses arc'f.6a�id, . REA I 1. � . . . . Hausalaild thiv 6pe.ration of ­ldz1i)g',­tbe yarn. . - st tit . osman � on ,rovevy man has I . . � . . ed. Life is not seculv. ill RXxVa lig,s Probably the indst clix ce said, . . r I . . . . . Tli ' are. gi.,own . wherover gra 1. - . . . �_ . I 1i,aW..P*or r . � before weaving it into the loaded, - r', I ,.y G.,, adillitt4d . . . 4'. I " , OY - . I ss gr . I iutua tax. in, blie* world. - It 1', called his pi. ce, , ,,, . u .�Jle . ' . . � -1 . thJ*V08,r,`except-ia some hot-kegions Manual Training '.is Good r f' sons know whether they; will. goad,,i whicili a,ror sc4llt to. sollne parts .. I - , I . . - . . I . .. .. . . . . . the "aimigen, clit tax �­. and - w as In- int usely' practicaly worker, "and it. � . .. � , � '. r I. . Zackward' Children. � Continue to -liave� a home, a. family of A.sia china �Iil-, is us6d, which � � � ago 'to , - . ;si,ve ftundidit;y,- I . . - � I . et "ad fact that half -the time he I . . BABY'S ,VXTALITY.t- . of: exceis . . while, ,' thd *- -. . . . . . ,and liborty'froib: one -week's end to . into'.0ic ab -brass stit,utad!4. YeaV Or two � found is S .. .. I ., . � — r .1 . . 11.01.,§C. is � important. oni ill regfons ' pililaidolijilia's scho6i 'qysiteiln- has a �. . . . I .� auds its way . .t - . . a-. � I the P - - . I . � . I . . . . y . I . . , I ari insititustion. for .()6:1�, tirlduk . L . . r I I.. * � . . � ,a ' in supplements gil-a6s . a . ­ . It I the .: �title of Afi&ie ---_-4, ---��'.zt. I young w1her grai 'other. . .. . . ­ i s plo&crant to lroCord7g,j�vs can't gut it." � ' The vitality of infants and, r �S a f0atilTe � w-hi6h haids lio coultiterpart all a , , the ­1�mpress , . . ='_'�'_"I' : . hildron is at its lowest point. .dur- pwrt of his fo . . I ­ : Th' is a school. for . . ,a . laid up- - . . I . I I d,d. ' . . .. I ,The certainty that tile British, have Di, John T tbeau, Who writes of th p o- . . I An Canada. _�s . t1b .undatiom.'k * The tax is i , I . � . 1 I ei .. � a% VAITH 6 GAMMON. Z I ,1JUiPIls_ Who C ti6n. to , sup- ili-rJ1;st.ry ill- England,, "that . ing the hot' weather, gore children. The, li,en� embraces* nea-rly i -Ill :' ther annot atteuAd the regu-. the power,,and the.inten . , I . 'ran oVery &mluiseipent . �,d (: ,oi:o.�tora of ratenta . l)ri.u, ac� , � . wtorl;d, and,�Jts rang'e "Yould be as la ol�. owing to their 6ftQ1,;w1a,l'd press. this 'terrible evil betokens bot- cott'*-n opa��iiivcs do'llot- ad'd to ther. , ticket sold, m. %m%6k L-fo Balld v. , I die in summer than at any 'other .r ., . r :&Pho . ' I 1 I r 0 managers rais,3 ,� the RTENTS. � 1,0,4inW. � a the *. little 16 . ' a*!0t&LTl?2. I ),J�t 'at_ 6'tJjaj. of­'t1he do' ti,,ualacy * t& days and more prosperous and evils of 'their ocei�p&tion r VNI - u4due 1�110 * . . . a . g If. it ex� , .011tintled and . r . �. � � . I . more tharl I,- ZVORiZZIC season. This is'becaus .11mulltality or C ' lieaceful - tim6s: for this "r ` 0 0 . . I I condibglyt . . Alr��a4 . FE2Z'9.=M;.=W= Yrlt0g. - tetidod- farther niii4tli and south,'but, luisco''nducit. - - Theire' ilh6y,wauld o , 'ekion, ,Which rec urs' to alcoll.ol."' I y r .. . ones suffer more from bowel troub- r I r . . I . . . � ... - . .11 00'0*000 noulbles ha,,o been raised iv . . ... A I I nly in spite of the.barb . - . .. . . I I r . � : . .- [as, are nervous, weak, sleepless and it is .fou-nd-norili of the j�'rtic. Circle be. a- clog-. *oki the . pro&-ross. of Abo ,, r r arism froin -,whlch - �. " I . . � ... .. . I � . � . �11_ �_ . ___. 71t�� . � . . . : . I . I '.. r . . . . . . * YEING � '�Onva . , 11 -" * ' - --+- -- �.:� :tibjs:w4y. - . irritable. , Prompt action often. saves' only- in N -y mid'.Swedoir, and iki bl"10111t6l; or batter childran-. , it has suffered Win' 'ialiy I � pects , r . � . . . I I ------+--- OARPET 7b .. . . , . a's yet hLeking ili *the southern Part '.'kYne .of the. rema4kable, ,facts. dis- 'more highly Aeveloped thi.n most *. I Tl-IJ,,1 KING'S BODW11AIXI). .. 1P.br over $ixty Yiarg . .. . I and oieanhi�. This is a apeclilty'With the . + EL valuable little life, a:hd troubles of, of Soatii'Am6rica,* except'Nvhea�6 the ClOsad as the result of .the WhIoul's parts" of tropical Africa: - I � . � - . . . I . -b" been used b . 7 BRITIS14 AMERIOAN DYEING 09-, I . i this kind can he � promptly met and ., . . ' WhX._W1Nm.ow's'SooT111RG SYRUP. — , Saotc,h )lave settled In' Patagc,nia,' work is tll!at thp bo�-s wli,6 nla)�c. no _. 9 - � : . thn 1;.'.ii,�li.c4i bc4ly�,uar;d of gontle-, %illioua of mothers for thoir children vtlhile toothint. Send paruoularo by pott aud %yo ara sure to iW444. ,' . . cured by giving the little .01109 I - nwat-mins, Which is the "newest itcoothes tho child,� toftmi tho.guins. n1layn P4111, cures I . I 8 Box issi Niontreal. . * th.ro-tid,kiout. the nt6st of Vrofgro%,s ,Whc,LtoVer In the ragular � Deafness Cannot Be Cureil. , * 1130 I nd Is the". I Addros I. r . . . . 1� - ... . I jvfajo,.,_�ty, is limi�te;a Oind colic. regulates the woomeh,und I)uwb 9, a � . I'No"Ors guavid" to Ilis. � . r I. I jefit, rainedy for plarrh6ba, . Tiventy-five ocata a butdo I . . Baby's Own Tablets, , whicti * shovid* bo Afd-_� -,yd India and in raa,n little- sulwols, anid to %olloill even t1le rillo, a. ' I .. -,1-44 1 , . . I * � , , f , Tier- kuo"� . . .y . . Ist by. local . .4 plications 9 they cannot . . pq -uggitits throughout the world. Be sure %ad I .. k,wpt in every home ready or ai 11 V,i ,s i swid :of.,officers gold by 0.i .9MUPI" 23-74 —_ -_ . . -ts of .the world catil us- 1-oci:tille, d.utie (?i id ear. In liumbers, awl colt . . I — - . . . � are irkkmno, aalc, I)L�r, reach ,the 'fiseaski Portion of fl . kft)r"MUS.WIWSLOI'F".IEbOTRINO I Thero is only one - . gencies. These.Tablets speedily ro. Ually add chickens ,to ..their food re- .,4ualdad ill tile apocial ' ' ,vayto cure deafness, I Who have' scell actiXV .."CliVic.01 . who� " 1 �. .1 .... IN AL L ' . . schools to, be- � Is by cofistitutional reninotes. al -o of . a dert . ain height) and ti'Ma-'er . . , .. . and thal I � . — lieve, and promptly cure all stomach, vc(urces without diffidulty; but there voirke interested Laid eV01116UthlusI7, Doafn'esg 48 caused by an. intlanied. con- ,. . . �' ,,,(Iosling 6n his first,.dross sult)-'. i PAT EN TS - COUNTRIESO . I . � I bowel and other hot- weather ,ail- I I . le, . I . I . . . . ,us etiirs of age Lit the date cif' . . . illents, and give . sound refres1ling am some largo island � s, .like 41ow ll�gtf- ,... . . ditloii of the nitic.ous lining Of tile I-1 - fifty , V I . ) ,I so - I What do yon think,of. it, .Tom?" I . . . . � . . I Giiinea, -tyliere the hen is not 161,10d, � - Thc*sccret of- this is slaiil to be the fixthian Tubo. when this tube is lnflqn�- 14141voir4billuilt. ­ I-Ii.q. Akaje.stv e I n SPECIAL . . � - t. I - ally- !4( I 4 fe,rul hil,'4 Tonx�,,'Weli, if you Could � only ppt F sleep. 'Mrs. P. Ferguson, 105 Mans- and inore than -half of - 4ustkalid, is laa.g � ed you ht�vo aruhi6ling sound`or lm- OL�,Ls the officers who, . oil a more haughty. air y IRIDOUT & ATTENTION - I . ' treal, says: .,.,31TY: , , _ a proportion of. manual training porfocL lleLLI.ing; nrld when it is oil irey � ou. would. - To PATENT destitutd.,of this allitlial. - . . wor4 incluided in the oury,iouluan. A closed, - Deafness is tho result and un-..1-)MlNh guilild, and the appolli,tinwit lool� almost fis ginitloilaill . . 14TIGATION. I I ' I y ku% ..our I ken out is loul�,L.d 1h ,oil as- ii gi.-eat.liriv.o. TI.Wl I I . � baby was attacked with dysentry - * - I I. . � . M A YBEF-1 Sond foi- t4anobboh NEARLY ALL 'OL�It CATS - - - - sh,op for WoOdW.Org is ,ClireCted, by. losatho inglainniaijon can be in, J)Md Nvalter." . l . Pq . . and was hot and fevtrish. 1.1 ga,ve . 1. I nd thlq tube )r0f4fored to lts.n6rinal . . I ' - at ' receive, 1,11Nr, arid .1 . . � they are foua . ld to the south of soutliei%n . -the . Principal. A. Lincoln Sliencer, a ,ing'will be dd�troyodform gofitkilien-, -armcl, . - !!�s pz�y _ . - � ..1rc:L,6NTc� on �,ato�t�, ft _- - . . . midWon, boa, f�r. duty: oil. tho. ,VMtn=�__M==== � _ __.��t I . . . him Baby's Own Tabldts an . . t1llCy ai�p Called u-ildn . , . I . .. . . . . . . 41 .and tdie la,dt have turned out nuni- evo�. Nilie cases out Of *tell are cRuscd '. . .... .. . . * . . . . I : . � . I I this Icebwad, and NeW Zealand is, -tile catfirrll, wiliwi. is ndthing. but an ov(�asion of, all Court coren,lonieli, i.n. . � I . . . . . � . 8 Stwimshlpp - - . . . I - - ' promptly cured him, . Bef6re st ' pou I -,u. country .in Wh . ical er�ous sinnll 'useful .acid' ornaiiiental I 11)n�.Innd. cond.ition of the li�ucOus..$Or- 'Loredon or a �.. .. .... . . � Do , iv'er ul. I R .. . he had- been 'rather delicate, .but nio. ti M articles 'for the hau"- vildt--all sft*� I . . . t Nvludvor, -but they alrd � � .1 . . . . . Nlon�real ostoli to Lly6r, . been 'they live. They arc * al in I vices. . . I . I . akc�i away from. Englaild, s . . .. . I . 0, 1,o and to iorpool. ViaQueenal. . � . since using the Tablot� Ila biLs . Ost Whollv plV 11404de, of course, as tile oadL4t 'of Nj,c. will. give ono nundreci 1)ollars for �never t . . . � . . I � , I . I '.... � I . L . Lily Casa, of I � jea,filess (ccLused 'by cutarrh) Thoft, iumks 11.4 a very jSuod one and 1. � . . . . . . ... Wool' , . , way I I lacki.tig milorig tille islands bf tb� the pupils is !lot. njor 8 * e I . better and stronger it ,every . a Dwai thirteen I . Tar a ond tqtep6mBli.ps. u;ortor ae,oinTUOdW01 I . , . - C. RICYTATIi)S' & Co, - .' .. . .1 , ':rlth These Tablets canffje given with Pacif1c.0,cean, excepting the.-I-Nmai- . . � � red by Ilan's Catarrh, - lin -he ho'nor of C, - . . I !or hLows. , q� , J)tl )�,,trdjg HU , Latorno. ril . agei . , . that'cannot ho' cu - 'ree, . t.l.ey ouri&t. tl,y have t . . , , 'or I 0 1 'al 01 Non to t -1 .they Will fan group. There are plenty . of 'Whion a bo -v adV . ances. su liciontly . -;404Y AIL -00,, Toledo, 0. I entertattih . ig Royalties. The cal sed -' '"' ,h I 01 Silo . Vor . years of -L Dear Sir, -I haN-e it ArTN � ,,Ioo : d.. I i -11 on, 'I I an absolute cortaintf , � I cul �. Seud for wreulp.m, I )-; . 94,E; . � . that th'ay ,i,awt 11 0 1)� DrUggists, 75C. '' 0 livel, �Z. I I . I y, J, 01.11 , t.�, . Listrant 1) to Ill ageolk , . . do good to all chilaren fr,m a, . new tl-mn Ill, ,the Philippines; but to NMI is rclulut'll to tlic..?rcgult I , Sold . Itallicy Of th(I t,O(�iltic-iiit,�it-at-at-i'iit3 is a ARD'S LIN 0111 INT in t h -y q .. , '19 It rtle. ,. �. k.. . . . � � 01 . All r . I . . tao fleally tialk'noNN11 In the - iva,_. . 11all aniflY Vills are �\io best. , , 4 , born upwards. . They eon in no opi� anti prail . . Edhools, .and whedi, al ll- . 1, . . political a1g)ointineirt, and carries stable for over -a --year and consider 'it 111PAII . . . . � riad 1--itlands. to 'the east of' tiliat . -------+ I I � horSo tl("Sh.X-C . �p ,lin .lcl-.arda, N1111 ,_ - ", , . ' rrancoaa'o-�,, ate, or poisonous "soothing" stuff, � ' . � it the Very b 0 tAte ... bo ontnal ortlan , . corrigibility zoem. to 'have gond " lie � . . . . � . . beori'l I --L . . . got and strongly reconiniond it. , � . � , $6,000 a year. . I e.qt f + 776 Sold by modicinr. ttDalers or mailed aithipolago. Th -e* eat ha" n- Is' robu�iied, to the school w.holi,ce he . � TRA ES. . . . 4� ., _—, . . ut 25 cants a box by writing direct trodlilead: bito' the Daiiisli nottl I . . . ­ I . . ..... I I .. ..� . 1. . I . I . � � .. thing 11 . illoilitt; of southwest Groc, � a- callib" It is onfiv fit rare insfbainK!es I . .. . I . (;I',(). 110TRIII. if soientifto prinolpals c6tint fo illanki, but . � - . . I I to Dr. Williams 11ledicinil Co-., Brock- . I that it lad is�sent back, to tho slxv_-�. Cari on the Part of Workrnen'Will . ent Rgl'IeVeg fleUral& Livery $tables, Quebec. the patent,inflated air PVl trusa,81' ,.'.'Il b.,a I . . . � as a rule it is hot a doineatic. naii- , I . ' . . I . Minard's UnIm . . I . . . n ,00sg.t Ithoidtl t,ho parts In such Position .. . ville, Ont, . . fal. .401001 after -be has onco beon . Waid. Off Disease. . . I t�( . . I . � . . . ,,t,w, ay they ninst hottl, 1; is light . . . . .Mai anl4ng barbarou.s pooploo. The- . . . � ..., . . . I . I I . . . h fair pi. . . I . .. ,� dismissed'as "cured,". . �� I . . . . . . andodrafortablo to, w6ar, and �oxxr aonfld�snoj . I . . � . 4 - . __ . ..r.__:±_-_--_...- Ef very . 04!C1.1pation that men afe . . I I tint, it is adjustod. You . ­ I. .. . . .. . - . -.1 ___­ - I .... ==:,.!t1,�­7--t,:,:- ­.. 11"�_ Jackw-!'How' do you nianage to ' . I . I is restored the M0111 FEW GRAINS VAOX A,TON. I �. I . . ' - L . . .... � I . tho Belt and Truss . ­ - . P1­=W1===NhNZl= I ongagewl in secius to be in S-O;UlC-Wt'Y keop your, clothes looking so nitc!". ... � ct,n . — , � � , . . ff4!;ocure it onl,k frOn' ta, 433. Spadiftil , . I . . . itwn4cilig to, t;ho health, If we J'Adge - ' � , . I . I 7-59 , 81 00,., Iferililt Specialig . I Wonderful Property of &. 4N6*ly_ I . I I I A of lyurailt"', gtvoll . in (,'ool*gc-"X buy new . . ones. Occasional-. . 7'o ,Avo,. %;ronta- Write uolv- ,. . . � � I in D;inips and wife inwixiably I I froill the Ii, 0 , � . . . �. I .Physician : "Your heart 'seems . . .. 022�47 - � - I Discovered Mineral. � , . - gad 11 Force 11 f6r Sunday evening t�ag, , . I)T, ,pho'ilias (,)livee's '.'Dapig(trous ly-" I . I . — . . . . be affi.voted. 'You laust eitlivi, stop --.—.------, .. ­— . Alive to the . � . When co6k went out that afternoon. . -, ary frout I . � � . . .11 . I � . Tva,dcs�" The daugers ., I ­ . sm 'king' oi, give Up youll , gi 1-1 . - . t I S. public Interest wl4ch ;- " 'Tis Wt a saucer and a spood I I � Obvious Pel.ils of povAk-r-lillailu- , s 0 1 J " I ever's Y-7, (WI Pa I . c';". � i I . I the se T-Tca:d).DIsh1fect- tknit-"Thatls - easfly . ren i.,divd. I has been excitad In the now w6lider, I a, .e � facLurilig to tile slow turd oubtle . . ORANGES LEMOR I . radinim, Professor Laylkester bas ar- o wash -a task not rilll-, e an� A'ap Powder dusted In the J) , .. , . I I . I And A are lesised,11 laughed bad in.fluences Oil the health of loss . ' octor, hand ino my pipe, ploas�, i . I I SU bath, softens the w(xtor and disin-, . . ­�_­ I � . We have Mexicans, WE ralliged at the Natural History Mu- �', I 44 any 1M.10 dariftg ,,iii( -4, fectsi . . I ,it* . Souni, 4.4outh Xamington, Lonidon, I y . . ., bw -�,wm like loaning all 1 1 Q ifornia Navels, HAVE - '-% . . I . . itting! . . I CHEAPEST NEW IrQltX. 'as, and ' . . THE . a little oxhibition w�ylch anyone inay . I . day over a cutting, table Or "d . . . I Valenct . . . I I — . ,. .. . . . at a c6libler's haach. I . )EXCIII-tSX01W. I savilles. � I . . BV,8T inr,)Jeef. % a glass mucor tire three .. � - . . -, - tilat in , Slic-"Peoplo do not often marry. I � . . I . littip atonio of radium 9alt,- of a . I d) 0 . It 1�4 Comforting to lovmv L, a no doubt *you 1�ver planned goes via Lackaw-, =.0LrJ./-"W_a-0. . . yollow-brown color. One n(xWs fair- 1. all comuntries that cull A]10111'1�flvas th0ir first 10v S, 8 I V,arload every week. All the above At . civilized laws a1v inorew,ing Ill nuill- have noticed." Ile-11INTo, I suppose fiLnna August Il- - All'tl,aiiis. TO I . Iy good siglit to se(I theill, A few I .. '( 'S n At least, not liAvertisu its sc�nory,' � service and ! mal-ket Prices- We can also hotfidle youe . . I bar an'd offer tilvelle', to Vr`a*'*0llt tho-v don't Ofte - I grahis ssich as these are�all tbat, a,, I tbo�v dangers to wol-knIQ11 Wilkb are, iiloi,o iliait onceill . I . . I equipment, the I ackawaxiiiii, Railroad ! BUtter, EggSii POUItrYli I to he Qxtraztml, aftoi an alabotato � 11 cr-'a, . Uot u,13"ojutcly vw�elltial to their . will, on Aug. li, Put Olt sale tickets Maple Syrup and other produce -to advall- . and (-Ostl,V proc6gs. from a Xon I of � . I .. . .. I . . I I . I the'. mi1wral pitchbleme, two 11�11 . work. I . . M1, , I % at nUffalo tit $1YJ30 the Pound trip, � tage for you. I XIM � I Tho Itutly-to-saye caroal t (Jengeroll'S twales good fox- 15 days returning. This � . of w11ch, from C6riiwall wid nahein. . I Anlohg the 111A)s e � ; ited � inlaustille." M-0 flard s 101ment 'CLUr S Daldfall Is tile longest 1.111lit ever- givell. ; 09 CIAW90H 00hIM1981614 00.1, Lim q . . In iwq)actfully, wke plated at - the . . are ditst-pradilvilig . . ! . 64r, West Market 8t.. TO . I of woolen. and cot� . , 99004'ro s f d e. I I I . I th.40 JlJ,(LUUfMCt1u1l*C � — . . Choico of Wvu traju,4 leaving Buffalo - a ", I . I 8 laot- Wife­�-"I'm tired to death-becil tit 12,45 and 8 a.m., - 15 I I Dul w1int will chiefly intors't Is -a I . . ton gx)odv,, glass, pottOrY, an 5.80, S.45 ail4l. I TIM =�,� "M49M%=rWy, EW � als that icqidre grindi�n�, filing, nuillhaving tho baby's.pliotograph tak"un 11.80 p.m. If yoil' want aten bour, , . daiik box irvhowing the 1.14111illious pro- I . . po)iq . . I � , hil1g. 3), noaplN, all thinqo occll�; by the Instantanpous p rocess .I .44 Tits- trip It' will cost $0,60 oil flit) Lack - Port',' of 111,fliulll. On lifting it blaolc , I t ti1X(1�!hal1d-­ITO.ir long did it take?" Wife awairlia Limited, tile fine.4t train in 1 "15 cloCh at. ovie on,'(1 o,ml pnol-ing in, tile pleases everybody " , pa . tions it Is �,m and 0, INFANTS' wrilld "11flidi'llil," i'A- eal4tal lottor,g, I 11 on the ))art Ot tit(, wal4vtally -"About four hours. I I service. For our Canadian friends. dp% in n tind a little panol of light al -0 Cipitr- in every upay. I I above all, tellip4l.a.1we Ill div lus-'e,of . special diagranis will be seiit to � r% . I,%, to ho di"Ittil"Ittlit'lw(l, As if A (hill . . * . . . � alcohol, fro rar toward IVIOV011ting ., . . �. Goo Unzyard, 3S Youge street, To-' � , Li EL.1 %XnT lamp WO -0 01inirg through glaPs, Tn 1, � , --l"i-S ... 11 � the diseasos owas(101 by t140 Work. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT rollio, Wi;ore,bookings cau-bo luade.t Tollot 8 Cop a p . fact blip bo;X ]a okitirely dark p . - I � � .� ­ lft� I One 111:(lustry Will �% as an exani- lloluovali 0,11 hArd. sort or ealloup6a lunir.# What over you do, illave .1%%ervat iolls i , xcept �� ��' sliry that looks to the 6 now. 1.10� partinilars of this and� i � ==;;W1 pik,, an hit(lu. , ,, eft�, ,has lro� ho"68, b10&,1,d AD&VI , Best for * Bust for I nvinoral, . the . I olirlb)ary 1)(11'.,011 g tin b. �'wo I V, Atilltifio 'other excursions write Frod ly, Fox,, leftielle; lia,virig been . -'-Iks d ,juin bromide on a ,_ P I d 0 6" hs' ato' 1D, P, A., Buftlo, 9. Y. . CUP for tko self--roolitabied 4lit frorn the �, 1�1 I hanliles,,S 011011911. b' "' h.. 11 " Workerit In cOttAyll-11111IN sUJTQr ?"011' "u'. _'JAW. .a tli'"t, C.'a i Little NUN � , p 1.0%'. ", of . t, %V Big it . . 0 So .6 i.. . W painto with rad , r , �,,� $ by hot rmnled . tho presonce of "fluIT" (1,1111 "fluc" 6 "olit W'. 6,ftil Al"ll 'ill C"o bVor L . i SALADA I I , M ­,'q I ,L- � � ; 4i__I�_N .4 1 1 'I ",atoi4inl (hexagonal skilphida - of I , . . "NWI)e-Q-01104 zllrw) %olliell batnoillos Itimino-Its whon . I . � that esempa frayll tho cottoll, Good �kn6wo, . Irothol-l'You naughty boy, -you've I JrOITV TAYLOR & 00. \4 . reldiu-in ecinignouwd Is near It. . . � voniflailon will in Imilt counteract . I - I a . Wo L*6 W ­ this d4llgCr- COtt011'0011101.s have Oeorgo (norvoligly)-l'I'd lifto OvOr booll playing with these 811fly chil Perfumers anct FAO,-.Lp Maker.- _-#_� I . I to WOI* 411 t.110 Voill, 3*0111,td in ti, 4o inuch to, marry you, Xitty, bilt 1. drell again!" Wellington -1,11o, 1, , "W6 Use 'Voftd* At h6ow oad like 11 � I 1, Vary w�aj.lyl, Ijulylid'atilloaphCre, and don't knoW how tty proposo." Xitty haln't, mal I jus' been fighting 'ein," I r Ton'"O. . I "What evalftod n It 6xce6ditigly. liv, - I . � . 1. ­­­ -1_--. . (proAntitly nud practically)-l'That's . &a0MtWXW%0WWVW9MR_A + mliteh factory?" "Thero was lioina 9� SAVIOAAS", r I I � .. I... I . dl right George, You've flnishild � — _Wd­_ __�� . I . !' ­�7"­ 'L ... ... I ­ ­ I I ... I'll. 1. .... ---r, .. �. � ... 41 .11 � __ ___ �1 U4 with 1110i, now go to PAP4.11 1 Minatdlt. UAW Cutes liiuk - if -:4i ' fr4ctioll, I believe, ainoug the heads .., X I . . Surd's Llolmeot for sale HVIA Burns, etc, i , + . I of the departments," � � . I I . . I I � .. I I . I I . I . � . - 0 � I I . I � I � . . . ­ , . ,,,,,, .. ;-I - 11 .... L "' A.-, A., -,AL- � . ­ � -1 - .. � -1 .11 . .11 .. ­ � - -A - ­ -A - . ­_ - .. -1 ., - I " ­ � "' � I - I 11 - ...... I- . .1 .1 ........ . --- I . . .� - LL ­ - -,. _ � . I I A—A-A --- vp � . . —,.,.—..- _______