HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-06, Page 51. V Vk � I �1 August Oth, 1903. 0 The Clinton Nows,-Rocord 11 0 " I ___-, __ - - , - � ___ , _ Uousr4 FOR 5ALU. ___ .., � ,. ______ ­___Ix�_­­ - - ' " VOTUR81 LIST x9o3, .. - . --11-1-_-_ I . .. . .1 I . . I 1.11 I . - TAKE' XOTICH,. �. . .. .11 1. . . I .1 ; 1. ­ i i; , I "I �____­_­_ Live Stock Market - I � - , I ''... ­ . .­­­ I ; INEENWOMIRM, 1 � 11 "WRO-0 I ___ _ _ ______.__ _______ _._______.. . - , ,_ __' "I -11.11-11 ,.'_'�.. I - I 101401 I ,� 1 f. 16H ­. +P i .14 +q_1_1_11�1_H1.H--H_P111 ? ---. - . . , 6, , .1 .11 . _�; - �� ;; .. , 11 a - � - 7 1 _4��_ . 00DERICIT. . I . Ciinto , May i9th. ' .. ,'I but�-about 5 acres, fairly well fenced, . . 'ill, O' � ­ . , f the wife of Mr, Will, McX a pleasant visit' at*Lbe residence of . I � �� I .4+ . . � . . . ­ . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . % The undersigned offers for sale o6 IYS stdrey cottage with five bedrooms, M4uiclPAI1ttY Of tile Villago of ' co Tho utract for tile building of I a Toronto, August jst.--Ruccipts at . � T XISS SKIMIIqG$ �jl __ ______. - � CAJDD)6R1C11 CORRESPONDENT *_* The vycic Motorisf. Is having IfAl go,od thile but the, 11lotor large dining room, parlor, etc. $Itul ated on William street, convenient to Bayfield, County of Huron.. bridge and culvert at ill,.- f(xyt o; the the city'market yesterday wvre 12 � .1 -1; I powe 4;010 1111(1.q unpleasant a,, he ruslies, an. � . the Collegiate lu.stitutg, For further TWENTY ACRES 1, uA 8 A L 144�. I I Holilivsville hill leading to Colborne carloads, consisting of .;,�j cattle,, �T___ t_f__9_9__9__0__@_# e tv �,­ - _,#­ -"-- _9_q_#__q_q_ 4-4_* 9 9 9 ++!1_H_f+" '44-1-H 1 1 : I Air. Storey of $tratford was hi . . particular,% a ly to James . S Pp , .,cott, barrister. Notice is hereby given that 1 have will be let on the spot at 6 O'clock I). M.- on Alonday, August joill. 7,39 hogs, 91() AlMli and SL Ca.lVes. , The .quality of fat cattle generally I Miss Tichbouritv, who spent Ile, Tht: fitnural ot the, late Mrs. Jere. Cult. . . Alis -s Dultoxalt uaistcaa of T)ctxQIt j� , - =i. LAIRD, transmitted or delivered to the persons 111`011tioued in sections 8 and 9 of the JOHN MIDDLE'ToN, Ree". was not good. , - , , vacation here. the guest of her fr!,,, miall G ,ri llin took lilace it on, thc� tain- I fly rusideneL to St. Voter's " ends, tile Misse.4 06' guest of ]ter parents, 51r, an(! . AIrs . Ilaistea(l. Clinton, Jun a 23rol, . Ontario Voters, List ActN the copies re. lsvctim� Goderich township, Aug. 401. ' Trade in all the different classes Johnston, and with Olt her aulit, Alin.% E'lliott, I Monday. A solona requionit illastv was Airs. C. ?X. Whiteman (ri- DetivOgitl . of (lays with her sister, Mrs, John .speut dapq quired by such to be so trans:. ' . was fair ly good with 00 VX(lep'tiolt returned t(l cclelm�tcd by Rev. FaLhur West. Thu her home I and baby Aludelin are thu guest* of . - ­ _. . I . _. _ 17�1! mitted, ade -or delivered, Of the list, in S011'. . � I I . . . io- of the h4krior class of butche.rs, on Saturday at Brantf() rd, . choir w.ts fit- UttOndanCti. At tiler of.. �Iuall,s I Mrs. Whito pdrents Mr. and . 0111.N A D IAN purs�tant to said act, of all peIrsolisk all- I thejaStreViSe4 ASSOSSWitellit . I I � I - cattlo Which were slow of sale. Prices in the differvilt having bcull called, to* th,t Cit), by. lertory Aliss. �Ncllie 411cDonald sang' sudden taldil-gbill Airs. Ilalstcad. Mr. Chiudu Munro, : , . . . . ., pearingby � FARM FOR SALK all elas,se,4 ,tile of her father, "Nuaiar illy-Ood it) Thee," Air. It. Tichbournu. I With nephew of Mrs. Campion PACIFIC Roll of the said municipality to be sn4 titled to, in title . 'were unchanged with tile ex hitabs, . ceptiost of great depth ol feeling. Mr. and Mrs, Miss Rate, Hogan unAl Mr. 1). Munro, has rc-. . turned - _ - vote said municipality at elections for of tile Legis- . which wQre easier. Mr. William Harris bought of Detroit, wit()" Jeremiah Grillin were umrrio�d in, Cu-. spent ]ter vacation here, to the, (ild town from his re- . sidelluo tit Tuxas is - members. lative Out, of ther best loo-acry farms, in soo hogs I I for left for that, uuty Keyry, and on coming to Cana- � ,tv t1lis cl , and the guesiof , his PARM LABORERS Assembly and at Municipal Ullections, and .1hat thoo sai4 list warg ,, Tue4rsinith for sale. 04, Inil I est froill. Brucelield tile Alill at $6,25 select., and �fi for light$ and fats and reported ill,#, market Week. , . I a da relnalno�d sume titne at Montreal, The Misses ,Susie and Josio Gallo.- i later caming to clin�' Oil allot thelp relatives her(i. Air. C. Ii. Whitenian of D etroit will WANTED first Posted tt� in -my office at' Varna on Road,, Scat or- ilt 4.s, Inil". ,Splendid location, sch4i steady at. these quotationts : way of Chicago, accollipanied I)Y' t 1settlaini,x in, Ooderich in' 1854, 1 "'he)'i . spend his, vacari (Ili here at the rQsi- acre of land, gooO wellt etc. oil the 3oth. clay of June, 1903, and , oul oppositle. Go,od. state (if cultiva ENporters-Best Iou(N exporters are their brother Fred. frout that.. cit .. had '64"D sous and one daughter,Mrs. Y1, dunce ,if Mr. und Mrs. 17alstead. Ile . FARAI LABORERS' L�XCITRSION$t remains there for inspection, � tion, large orchard, about 9 aer o`9 worth $5 to $,5..io per cwt. ; Illedinin - . were all guests of Mrs. II�ale. i -faill" I)Lani Who lives IlLre and wa.4 will ,arrive at tile end of this week. � 'tcy Ulectors, are called upon to exam- good bush, 2 barn,%, large, slted, coin- to good tit about 54.75 to 54,90. At Victoria .street church oil Sun- , with ]ter lll()tllf,,r wIlull she (lie( e 1. ,Sit MiSs 14illio Fisher Of Kiveardinei W - St. -001111d Class,, will In! run Itat- % on call, pae. in Manitoba and ioin - ine the said list and if .any olmissiong fortable house. Apply to ,,,, xport Bull,s-Choice quality bull -s . (UY last the choir loft, pulpit 4114' ` was a loving luother and goudireigh- . �, , the guest of Aliss Anna Ilayn. � MiSs . .10'sinihoial West, South-West and or any other errors are found therent, to tal,;e Immediate proceedings to have I . . IL PIXIMSTRI"T", ASOld tit 54 to $4.25 per cwt - goo ol t d bulls s. d. a $,1.6o to ' $3,80' �Itar railing were beautifully draped, !)our The flowers were. very pretty a Xxt bl ck as a tribute to 06111ellu!ry J4 thaTivero; laid by loving hands upoll, I,uht Robinson, nur-w-in-traiul . "', 1, Vio;iorit'i hospital, 1,,ondon, i.9 . -west of 1xinuipeg as far as North the said qffors corrected according to . �N August 5th. I CI,INTO,, per cwt. I . I of illcilt late efficient tenor scyloisl- i tier cask-ut, Mrs.' Judgu lJoit &o!lIt w I t-kil, . her vacation and js�tlle guc4ti i A100SRJAW, ESTI44 N 'VA. $10 law.. . f, . I .. 1,,xl)ort Cows -lo' ,xport cows sold' at . $4 per cwt. � :and Sunday school teacher, ATE, John. I � ,. lovely showur boquet (if whito 'asters Sliantion. At tit,,. evening surviceRev. I; -and ferns and bunclics lovely flow- 9� �,,t� palrviw% Rev, .and Mrs. Rob- � illso, 1, tit Dungannon. - � .. . . AND YORKTON 11 1. . 11, W. ERWIM, . � . ' B utchetrs, cattle --choice picked lots A,lr, Grahaine preached a 11 of Most effact- 11 ers were brought I)y M r, Williain I ,file ginart bay I I is wanted in town. : 11 , ()it August i8th froin all .stations it% I Clerk of Bayfield, Daie'd at Bayfield, June r3oth, 1903. I . NOTICE. . . of butcher.4' weighing lrom 1025 to �LOK)' lbs . . 'Ve sermon for the occasion, selecting i and the Alisses Mellifo,sh and otIlet; for his text, An'M "Prepare, IVe have stmi se�vor4l'ads for h4in. ' � . Alr. Cluts. Wells ,t 0 r ario, main linc of Grandl Trunk, Toronto . . , . I ,- . Notice is hereby each, equal in - quality to best exporters sold at $4.65, loads oiF gooycl 4-12, to, kind friends. The, . � � pallbearers were : meet tlIv God 0 lsrac4l, Ile illus- AlessTs. JoillL Blcl"'VoV, f-,d%vtird Slat- I � illar"ket gardenur, . . . -cut his fitst cabbage four weeks ago. I to SiLl"llia, and all stations North (e.xccpt north of Cardwell Jet, � given that The Municipal Council of the v! 114ge ( so 4 at 54,40 to $4-51�), fair to good, trated tfic text' . . � S�ry, John Kelly, ULq1n1s'NXeNffl11e1W1I�.- We I and pulled his first peach about threci . -. and NorLII of Toronto an North Bay VOTERS,* LIST 1903, ' . , . . . . Of Bayfleld intencls at its meeting to bei $4-25 to'14-35, co'll"I"011 $3-75 to,,94, gh to infel - .1,ou ' lor $,%,6-" to $3.,_x5. must congratulate our towns- li"Ill Tighe. all(! 11. Ford. * Mr. 4nd people, Dr. Willio. east,, no,w of Owe - '111 , III Mrs. Michael Gray ' weeks 'ago. - 11c expected a Visit JX0111, - his father trot it Australia this season,. Section.) N 011e -%i, -ay tickets to- 11"'ll"IlL19 't only , I . I . . I � held at tile' Town Hall, Bayfield, :on Alonday, the 7th Day of Septumbert ,) I Feeders-Stuers of gotid quality 8OO to lb 1. and Air. J oilli ,-, - Sotrud, and Aliss .IlvrLle Trudgeon, livan of Guelph lattendtiii the litileral, t4e latu 'Dr. ' blit'the old gentlernau. has trot arriveol . will Ile 'sold N%ith a curtificate ex- Alunicipality of the, Township of . . . 'A D 1903, at 8 o'clock I); in., to too() -s- each, at $3-40' to �3.75 .daughter of Trudgcron of Ives as (lid a great itiany relat; fro,u; . 06derich, - . yet I. I,ieut, Cot. Varcoe ' , tuntling thL trip, bufore August 31sL, I Stanley, County of Huricill, p"s " a 1)y -law for the purpose of I per cwt. . � . Short-kc,p Fcedtrs_Q�ood *Leers,, it- who were joi Ited lit. lly- I�.iugsbridge. I I "Tull"s. bonds on July 16th in, wen 0 Airs. C+tirltoit has had a liew fouli- mot a number. , . I (if veterans oli Saturday night, inclu- . 'Without. ailditiolial cos,t, to Other . . . . selling and closing Ill) , the highway oO 11) � 12oo lbs. eacll,,. are worth $4 ,'ioIlll(l- � 1. . datiou put under her hou.so ou Ii, as t , ding Major..' Beck o -f* SaItfordt anol I points in Nilanitoba, and AstAniboia as . . or street known as Bruce. Crescent. to $4.25 per cwt. " Alr. John Macdonald, uldc,sti scilt .of street. . . , . � . Mr. Vows' of salue place and filmsr.%4 .. . . . above. If ptirchipsers engage as farm Notice is hereby given -that I ,have By order. , . . Stoc'kurs-One-vear' to two-vear�olcl . . 1. Captailt Malcofin Alacdouald, is Alr, and Mrs. - George, Andre%vs of' ]lull, Charlvs�Wvlls, R. . Roberts, Wil- laborers at AN'iinnipog., provided such transmitted or delivered to ill.- persons . it. w. ERwix-, ciemic, ,steers, 400 to j60 Ms. each, are wOrk- wheels.aian of tit(! largest freight swa- Cleveland, who spent u, week: hero I I Will Salkeld, John Mitchell and W. I farill laborers %vill work not less than' days harvesting and mentioned Ili sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Bayfield, � July .�'Sth, 1903 4t . ! tit 1 $3 ex) $3.40 por cWt - ;� off-colori . wer (XI . - the lakes, tile B, -1 'the , ,, Mr.'and ; 143'111' of tl IV parents 1 il I", . Ski�nllllgs, town and.Alessrs. Josepli . . . .,,o tit prooltice Cel'tilie'te t(X that ollect, they will )lei Voters' I,ist. Act, the copies re.t. quired by such section to be so trans- � I . . ____ and (if poor' breeding futility of sall-lot weights .Ire worth ),$2,f 75 to $ '911litil. I . Mr. Swaflield has been ( . Mrs. '41t`,��,L. Andrews, alid Alr's; Dun- i )ff 011 -a 1,op, 1101111P, 151118, lleusall,, and Frase� and W. .Johnston (I( Goderich. township, A . returned to original startingpoint at Si8, Nov. 1903. . ,Witted or delivered, of the list, made . . � �. . ' TUACITHIL INIANTED. Al cwt. I . 13 pt- ruturlied to their ORS1111- tour to. l4akc Frio, Ile says . 'the, , day. * . � . .� 1, . I iLicut. . . . lual) Nvas spi"Cad out before them-aild . I oil or lyefore loth, Tickets oil "I'lliperial Lim- pursuant to said act, of all persons ap: by tlib Iasi .. . . - Alilej, C,ws-Arilch COWS and spring- . cr6ps between C I -odetich. and London Miss Lillict Dunlop avoonipanied Iter - look Co'l. Varcou was asked toll � I . llot good pearing revised Asseasenent . . .� .1 . � . . ...i- .crs arc worth $30 to $50, each'. fine but the a-pple crop . south, sis u(Irms, I ter, AIrs,*GcorgL A Ob her choo,%L their grants either, in, thq . itvd", 1�'or further particulars and tickets Roll of the said municipality to* be ell- titled � to votel in th4 said municipality', Assistant teacher .wanted I for thdi ' Calves-Calvest sold at $2 to. $10 'each or front $1.,5o to $5 - . Of T,011don will Ile a. poor wic. . return to her houlL. tit - Clovelaud, , OIL. Tuesduy'evenhig of latt week an, . Aliss Carey, ' XhL3Sal0lI district or some district in � . that A fund was made -tip . I I appl% to nearest rail-%vaN agent. . .1 2 . at elections for members of the Legis-' . . Bayfield. P I ublic school, duties to com -, per eNyt - � 1�5 , , , Sh-ulp-Prices' $�.6j to $:A., V�r. . .her nuices and iiel)li-. At llomk! was held ill , I Victoria street ews, Ilad a �qpivlulid ontlug t 11 I44 a .vicinity, �� atilong I theniselves, to lielp ", rry out4 - . A. 11. \01'MAN, lati ve Assembly _.,and at Muni,4til I . Mence Septeptiber ist, AppIA )cation& 'for cANies avol bucks at *52,', . i to� $I. tell, tile 6 . � chu cpasion being to-presoru . Porl.L." I . . . . .the uint4-r. - I Asst. (',ell. Pass. agent. 1`0RONTO. Elections, and. that tile. said list wai . - . first in ,illy Varna statfilg salary, etc., received tip tcx August l7th. Per.�unal , . I . Slitin I alubs-Prie�-s .steady at *z,- I 11 I I 4ea - ,, . I der Bolcher with a punic� . Coil I) I 1.1. Wilson,� Miss GladNs and littlo� taining fifty - . - Air.,;. 111raun - alld two ia'dy friettoh) . 111NIoulphis, posted tip office at I 'July, . . applicatic . � .. I I I - 4 each. � I dollars, Mr. Belcher s i's to, r and -Aliss. Jessie .13me4-lividge .Of Tenii,, tire the guests of 1. . . . ___ on, the I4th day of 1903, ait d preleired. : 1. . . Ilogs-liest select bacon hogs, u6t �was pleasantly. .surprised. The - pro- I (if . Norwich, , Conn.,' who Nvere called I I their 'friend, Mr�,. Chaflie. Symons, . I I remains there'for inspection. � . . . . . . . I � � I � . I . . J, W TIPPET Secretar ,less than 16o lbs., nor more Allan��.00 I gra ... was too, long to give lAut -Ile"s- here by tl I iu olLafth of their' mother, !_ The Misses Alezzies, who spent their .. .1., , . . . 1. J1 IbS, da,chl oil cars, ..,sold tit $6.-25 per. rs. ,,,,,,, and Broderick clelighted I I . . vacation., with their cousins, the Miss- . . .. . . . I % , - fine-muderillill accurnpanied t ' . . I . 111lectors are called upon to: exalu� July''28th. i�t. Box 5, I'BAYFIELD. Lll(,Jat, Mrs. John Breckenridge, .%,Veto ine the said list and if any orni. 4ions cwt" ; lights 'and fotts tit $h ; sOws tile audience with. their o their, home -oli Moll- " . TwLediel- returned Jast week to � I . , . I . yGUR gnnER or ay ' other errors are found therein, � N to $4,25 per ewt,, kind st4os ��' of the (*.,;acrd<l duo - "David alldt Golia- olay 1). 111. by their 4unt., Mis� Agnesr their home at Campballvillib. .1 " [Ali to ta -e immediate proceedings to have STANLEY FARM FOR SALE.. I 'to $3 per cwt, I . 0 . ill." The great event. of tile evening jy,illt�,,L Of (,O,I,ricIl . A - runaway occurred on Saturday . . : I . . . ' I . the said errors corrected aco�ording to 1. I . . - , ,. . I I .1. I . . .. . though..'Nvas t1ld surprise thaq aw4ited Air. Burt Breckeni'idge r.retilrned to. night- but uU7 accident occutred there- . . � -law. . . . . � . . � . . .. I . I - I . I - Mr. Belcher. Rcv.. Air. Grahame . was .Norwich last wo,,ek. . fr6ni. The horse and vehicle belonged . � I .1 I . ' 1. I . . . . I . . PLE92E . . I . . The undersigned offers for. sale -lot. . � I GODEnICH .1: . chairman of,thL ey.wlilig aud;�wlien. he Miss Jessie Miller has returned to to AIr. ,761iii Salkufd, Baylield Road, � . . ... . . . . � . I . . wit(?. canto in ,Some purchas- � I .. J. -R. HARNWULL, 6, ccin, 8, Stanley, consisting, Off, loo , . I . . ? I . I . called l4eader .Belcher to. thre . front Woodstock. . . 1. to make � - . � I . . . . acres clftr6d, balance tim- Aliss 1101a McDoug"I'll Of. � little DINq drc§,svdi Mrs, . W, A. 'N�Ilsoli , dild daughter' . I . . 0.!erk bf Stanley. acres. to . I Wingha . � Lillie Sewall, . es and a. inotor cycle -was being, iid-� � . . . I bered 'with pine, black ash and I btttntifully in pink satin, with �vhitu , '' .dcn. nindly around the square ' which : I . Let us have your or- . I . -soft i4' tile guest of her -cousin,' Mrs.. A'ra- Evelyn �of Manistee, A;1d1t_ . arb thel � . 1. . . . �Dat' el -in with . 86me CV(Iar; chic . 1. V41,ell6dulws *, Itice slij)ped away . frightened' ilic, horse and he bolted, - � . I . ed at Varna, July..X401,4903. � .Will -be sold McDonald. . . . W gitusis of Mrs. James Porter, Bay- . � I � I . . I . � . I . - '\ I where.21r. Bro�lerick oitt apd.he t o- field Road, and of.AIrs. �C,Qurgol`ur I I � dered for Huckleberries I ' ak for, holile, . : ' . I . . . . . on roiatonable terms, If farm is -not Mr. and AIr.s. J61111 New.all and . . - .. possibly. ' - - . . � : -ing licr*up ill his arms -gave her & ter,' . � . . 'We littyc learned that our Baptist � : . I . - I . . � sold before October ist, -will selltim_ fauffly have cliiite reco'veretl­ front �ry bealltifill bacluct oi:11owers with Ali�s Nettie - Cowan � - looking for a site. On I . I . . . . . and Thimbleberries we � . . vL . of llodgefts bkdtberi.f Are . . Y , I �. ber.'alone. - - their'attack (*)f fever and really en- wlifeli to -presen't Mr. Belcher and Brq.s. 'csta . � -ect a jilaqd of Worship. I FEMALE � TEACHER WANTED. I Al3i 4ouse - -and' lot in' ,Varna also' joy beitar livalth than for Vcar3 Ile, ti b-lishineut left on� Aloaclu3j which . to er . � . buy as ordered in ad- I I . I 1- ff 'I. . . I . tor Pad Iter' : bright little f 't�y , . . .1 tit they had Kingsti)III , . . . - ., , . o cred for sale, Huilse� 1�j storeys. f ore.. . . I � I � . loll 11 ace, �spelld her �acatioll tit 1wr 11Iyulty I.We heard th . . - Vance. Female teacher wal4ed fo , irl, 9, S. Good stable and driving. shed. . Hard .' Air.: -ancl AIrs, John Oko llt�vc -r,L'- � head crowned with ciirls,to, ailo�vtlru .if, Blvt1l. . :* - . . .. . I . � � . . .street in View" 1V& hope ,iO.' . . I .� � � . and soft water,'. .Orphard of *Peach turned fruill,13rautford and li�tivei' tak- ,people io ad -m-, ire the -wius,otn�ek little AIr. . � John .Ro I 115crtson. iiiitt two I Mrs. McFaul* of, ScaSorth and Miss - I 11, I . . . I No. I3, Stanley, duties. to coirtuidnee and plum 'trees, ,Best .situated. � placc� CIV 111) tli�ir rcsicloic& o � 1. Mrs. Jlairr'is inacle, -tile presenta- -'gr (I-da�ughteris -of Detroit� are :'. th,� Ilaivilt of St. Thomas wcie -the gu- I . * after I r , . . . . . . . ll staullcv�.$t, * gir purse ' Mr. all . , ca- of Mrs. and: Miss . - . . I . __ - -Z= # =_-- the surnme '-fiolidays.. Applica- ill .the villa I . ,AIrs. Fred. 110 tioll� of a .afttg - Broderick I-estq'* last w tions, personal preferred, -received ,up. . ge . . . dg,Soll and IIJ makol , , I . goests - of 'their . relativc,i-�, Mr. au�c . I .. I . . I . . I read the a'dolress which was sigited by . . 1. Neck)stie., * - � , . . to '-JUIy 24th. - . . � .. . I I . . I � Of, MeNiCb-1 Whu sikilt a. few -weicks, - -3-Irs George' Green. . ' I- " z.. .� I . . . .. I. . I ER, I ' - - -rs, - Br I., G'. . Ill. R"lliott (.)It -bellalf of. tile, Cot , . 'Mrs.. 11. T. � Halli is visiting., - fier. I *Whoevvv. looks at tlie Court Homo . . . . We have Peaches, To- . . . . I . . 'A. here with Al . icgel" Cainbriai 17 . , . I . . I . JUIY� 2701- �t* . : . . VARIN Road, . are' ' Lt�j( grogation 'tind J' IV. Brodotric.k�. ' -'b ' I . 1 cloick wIll surely thi.nk it is. aihout � . .. .. . I .. I 1. Vvc� � I . I I � 9,11 P7. relat* s ,,it - Exeter ,'and 'vicinitV., . � - - . . . JAS. - T. XUYS' � I - - . I . .1 I � . . . Willk t'le b6alltie,,; . of hall of tho3 choir'. . , 1. . . I . . . - high . motoes, Pickling Cucum- .. . q .. � . - . I . . I .. .. Collingivoiod alid vicinitv and arc, I . I . Alessrs. Bon.. . and Will. Smith. ar- . tinie the. alderman looked as I . . . . Sec.-Treasurcir, Vasta P.O. . I . 11 I . . . - . Thes 'S !S. 'picnic. of Victoria. stre6Q . . I . . : , . . . � � . . tflo� ,ts o f Mr Fru , -lodgsoll Sk; I r i v ed . -tic n I I ' Cl i i ca go - I a s t w uek'. t(')' v is i t 1�': �, as, tit(: c it po la, Alderm an Murray cou;- - I . I . . . .11 . gues 4. � d. 1. ' - is tit � i , , . I e. least effort .on , . ' , ber, Celery, and all sea- June 26th.' �. .: 47 % . . I I I . . . . I � T E A C IT E R WAN'fR D.* , �' . .of illat, city. . . . . � I ckurdi,, of. wit ich � Mr. Wooten I lot sw it without ill' I . I - . .1 . I I I � . . I , I . I � ­ . . u tht-ii. father .NN,Iio bas been. hidispoce(l. I sonable goods. . . . . i .. . . ,. � : . I . -.� . . I I . . . I . ;1 .., . Miss Violet 01(lbert of Ditri)it , is stipexillicild"llit, was, 'held - -in - Alr, for sonic, 'ifine'. Afr� Will, . Smith .r& his part, -but he is cbming wealthy, . . . � I ., . I . - c I .. I . I � . � Alale r.feinali6 t'4cher wante by . s Hattie llarri�on - M Q) , o oil A - tsi that*, . . . __ . � I a the gllk�st' (if AT is, ,%alld's Grove 6it ,'Wtford Heights' our turi' I* t "* Chicag ' I londay. ' .� . go rapidly he -possibly 1hink. . . . . I I � . I . � . 0 e I . . . 11 . � .S. No.. .5, Stmilley, dti-tics tcy. co'm- . . Saturday p. in The day Was. lovely fighter , the, Pull'o-fa roof: is turning into g�.Id. .* - - . . i � _ HOUSE FOR SALH'OR TO RENT. S., . Harold Bla6kstouo 'has return,ed .-and the' childr and teachers enjoyed ' Alnj: tl)n.) Iiai * Will. � and dal .... I I It w � as � tinned- yea , rs. a . d I Also Fruit Jars at I W . .. , it 0 � . .. I - menco 'the beginning of lgaii. Appli- frinn. Clinton to lu I I Lit w4i�ed. but : is - I . . � I . I . I .. . . . . , .join t1i ­�)rgai f4c- . .All" K'athleen, , arti rygis aL� I . . .910 � I . . . . . � . . . � - � . . , . caduhs, , pergo'nal preferred,,'received -tory staff again so, ti I to ! Black,s I t . Ile puting'-Very illif6l, - �'. .. . I'Lake Vic'W" I . . I . .. . .1. I goldeft nqw, . . ., - � . .,. . . I � . I - ' . toilet ­ I � I I est prices. . � . . - , We- were sorry to learn of�thoidcatli .� . I ..� . � . . . .. . � . I ' . .For sale or -i& rent,' a,large frame .,by tIte ,'.undersigned, up .to . ist. � Sep,_ . orchestri will flourNh olIC6 ill6re . 11 . . ­ I � -1 ­_ I I . - . ______ . I . . . I I . . . llo,41-e . 6n Xridav-.of Ote- late .ownry .. -_ - I . I I . house on the 'corner of Mary wid, tqmber. ' . � . . . Aliss Tiudgeon' bat; taken a, -position , . . . . .. . _5____ . - . . . 1. . . Young ol _t to Foignie. Works,, after a, . 11 I . - I I Brie -streetsi containing five bedroom$;) - . . ' .'at -Wapitta, Assa�, .as teacher'of . aj - I , . . ' - ' . . . 1. ' death, - %�el#-,-6*.tt-"+-&,+��&&�t"+.e-&"-#*A"***t*********, A ' parlor, din-ing-Foom, kitchen, hard land July,,2mid. .. Se6retary; Varna P. 0. IhIblic . school. . . � few Ycdks, ittollisposititki. -.111.4 . . I ... . .,� I . 1. . . �� . . * I .. . . . � P. MAITLAZT.D. soft water under cover'. Also a small . � . � .. .. I . . � I . ATis k Ifitl, ildicol, -was sudden in that lie had , been, able I . . . . . .. � . � � . � . I 's Mav I rv(IL tind -I . . . . � I . . � . . . . . . . . - . � ' ' le . . . . . . . . e 0 � . stable.. -'Will be s0ld, ai easy : terms.' . , Miss .N�Wss�L ,1�tuart I .' io, Willk 'itbout and -Itad-'-�isito:cl. tht. . � I I / � ... . �. . � o retutiled to t te,jr. farulilv t)f, his bro, . . 11 . I I . - . � I , - . For particiflars apply to . �. . . . . I . o I I - ' . home. at lltoifflton 'after a -brief Vi4iti , Bell, . th Aher-in-hiw, AIr,' *D. I � I . - . , �Al . . . q I I., � . . � . '. , WANTED, .1 ... . . with .their uncle and . aufit,'.AIr.' a � noll . " IlToi'Vious.evening, Hevsuffer- Ho 'use . op, .. - Publicity , . .. ^tam ^ - . . . . 'L - affection of the heart . ; A_�__ - 9$*91 Mr., - IN * . . . . . . �d . . I - � MRS.* MAiT. ., Mary St. . . Mts. Petc-r MacFarlane. � L , f'rom soilic I . I . . . I .. . . Clinton, June . 3rd. � ' ' '". " ." .., . .. 1. . . . . . I I �� A%Wlft. I . -%�,%,qb��W. I . 11 . . . . Alrs� - Shelihard for vniaify� knunit.Irs. 1�u,C­could 'always ,i%,q%,�%,1%W1%W1%� - 1%W1q&�1qhW Oq :. all(] her. iolaughters, . � . . . I � I . . � .11 . . . I . . A good general sdrvanit. Tv�o of � a. `11fliv and lleleli She . p- ' ' -s . : . � .1 . . . . .. . . '. . � . . . 2 I 7 , . .: .. . .. I I tI1e-.Missc% li work until the past six ivo�ek , or so. .. � I � . . � . . . I . I . . - . � .1 . . : . . . I I I > . < . .. . � family., ,Wages $12 u� month; Apply * tajking *:a tr�p -with captaitt lie ledves a sorri)-wing, wife" ' 'and I - . '� : . . . � . . I . . . . . . � - � - I � . . . . I . I I . . I I . . . � I I . . � - . . . . I . . � . I . .. . . .. to � I . � . ird ar , I - baby son. His, step . . ' I � , I . . . ­ . "I iard. - ' ' Tbb Jewel6ry' Business diffe'rs-very material] - I � I F ^ V% ' " I . . A be4 ,�%Ilei)l' ., - daughter . alid I I !� .: ". - .. . ' . 'Chester Elliott wus * . : . I I , I � I . . I . I � . JERSEY CALF F OR SALE. I . .. I - . . Alaster . . I . the to . brother.. is, [Rk.. Salitoi :Youftg of' '' : . 1, v . ) : . . . . . . I : . MRS. RICHARD RAN. . � . . . r, .. I �ft,6 _* - k eepi , , , . � . < . . . ... - . � I.. .. ., " I . . 11 I 1. . tunate , recipient' . Of, tNN,o I G It. 'Tile remains were taken to Galt ,'' In sbop. I Tig and otber trade . ;_ It. has. inore .. .. � . . 1. __ ___ - - . I . . . I I . . wautifully, 'a ,. s . ' . . ' * * ' .1 SU UAHN Pure. Jersey heifer calf for sale, sev- . . . � I � . . . I bou-nd, , volonins -for proficiency . ilA . 011 i Aroliflay. Rev. . Jaines� , Aholorson. 1. � s O-do'with lu'xuries of an� � ornamental charac-� . . . � . I . , I . - '* : - - � .. . . � . . . ' iud' Ur ,iihlucii�, officiated -"&it the: iro,;idence. A. wrinber -'� - ,or les. 't s . - . . I . �;� I 1, a I ... ell weeks old. Ali -ply. at� this o5frice. ... � awardeil- lll�ouj . .. ter, and this fdci draws it .into the reafms of. .'sit and' ' . . I . I . ' . . .. . � I ED. I - - ' ' . t, of the� rclatives of AIrs, Young froin - . I � < __Ilk�� I � I . . I .. - I'll' Iteadier, AIi%s Ball, . at lei � . . . . . . .s ' I . . . . , . .. ,. . TZACIIER . WANT I . "'.)"I lis I � ' . . 0 fr. .. 1� . . . , � - . . - . , . I . ­ I ly . � �� . t I I . . . . , 1* Central . . . Goolerich. and v and -front llaui- � - - an ! . . . I > < . . . I . ... .. . . , I -1 . , School., I . '. . idillitv . I distinguishes 1 . ,om, mere merchandising, It is I - � . . ,. . .1 . . I - . . I .w I I . �1 . Nr'; iind Ali�. C harlps- . iltoll . 'accompanied ains� . td .. . I . ' ' ' ' ' ' .. .. � � � . � Bates of Alli- . . _ - -i-in w .' u9t . . I . . . TH ' - wanted for - * ' 'alt -�va& covered - with . pa�ioi - hich t > . ) � GIRI,,WA,X D.. � .: .. Teacher . . t1wo r6m * : occu . he purchaser's confidende In I . I ( > I . .. I I . . . " .. . .. � I . the Cl"ou . ake, Ohio,, `k1ro .the grtlest.'4 of' Air G .. The ' casket , � . . . I . . ­ � .� I . I - - � . � ,, WE hav - _... .. .. � . Model ,school,.- ,"ihile � neoided" during the B�atcs' . parents, �.Afr. aiId '7�1 I.s. Tga , )v -oil wliev,l was � ' .'he -placed in*the-Jeweler,'wbo, in turn amon , other 1, �- . . . . ­ . just unloaded ) . . .. . . i � I .. . . -* � q . . . I . . Ggo flowers,. A �I( ely brok R tigino' Works . I � . , : .1 � �7 , - 9 I ' : I I . I . I ' . - Model terin. Applicat'jons r6o�elved, Bateo. . . � . .,. . the'tribute .fro.q;i the ­ - . . . .. ­ . I .. . . . . . . . . . I I �. a ... _.., � , . I I - --of flowerii t I s customer1rom unv-. . I . � Good general se'rvant. wanted at the to August ., let.. State salary ...Per . . I � , , . . and ' boquets, large bliticliew . things, is:exp6q ed't6.pr0ect.11i I < Our first carload of Sugar ' -Ratteribury House. The highest wage tip . � . I I : . . . , ' � I . . . � I .. ' S', inoirth. �. % .�. _ .. . . � . . � � - . . . . . � . - I . I I I I . . I � and. 4 lurge, wreath.,were the tribut . ' If you - . n . thi . � . . . . 1 . . � will be paid:,, �, , .` " , - . . - . I - . . .. ­ � . �. . I . :. � . . , . .. fr es � due imblidity. rch�se -a y I. . � . . I I : .. . . . .. . .. : - . . ''. . - . .. � . .". ... .. . of other iends. - . 1. . I . , . � . . . . � . �pu. � pg1roXa. .us :.1 . .. 111. .. �.. ... � . -1 . . .. � . . ul I . I . .� . a , � . A , . �. . we will'nos publish it -on tbe,.housetop, . We are not . -, . . . . . < for 1903. As this car- < . .1 .. UNNINGHAM . . :.- WARPLU 393 . . .. I . Miss� Hattie- Harrison ' 'loft On , . . . . . . .. . . . < : . .. J. .tATTE16URI�, - � - �- .�. 'JOHN - Q - . � . . . . I I . . ., . , . . I ., . . . . . . . 11 I : V ot ^ ( , , , ( , , - ) , � � I # . . . * I I I t _%e 91�1 4 4 4 14 .4 (5 4 4 ) .441 ) S., :I S 1 41, Clinton May 27ch. . :.: . � . -.- - .. , ..: .., - . , . ...Secretary. (.)uZv --a. Ili. f(;r: .Nor ich * 'I ,.. desirous of hoto,rietfat,the expenie:of-oth-Ors. - - . I 4 4 � � . AT; w accoillpall-l- 4 . q . 4 . , - I STISAR-kIT I % I . . I I - load has been shipped i -. ' . , , ; 1 �_. � ., . . � . I � . � :. -1 .. I � CITP,LT,-At tile resi� I ed, by.*hcr young friend, -Miss Violet 4 . . ,� . . . . . . ... . ". .1 . . . . . .1 . . � . . . . . 11 � . I � . ­ - I . I . dqnce. of Mr�,. Fli.ntoff;. clinton,00. . . . U; . . 4 I . .. � . . . � . .1 . .. , . I . I .. � 1. . � - I I . I . 1. . .. or a ..# -:� Sp .0 nei.w ' ct . A . . . . < � . I . . I Oldbert .Nv6o .was her,g c�t.. I , . ,e . . . .. ­ � , I . . . . - I I . August' Ist,. by: Rev. Dr� . Cook . � I . I Our wind ws, �his N#.6ek for an n. tty� . . . _ . directly from Redpath s ' - �. . . I :1 - . � I ; . . . FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - ' '. .":'. Edith, daughter of Mr. 1�!illiam`" f6w days licre. . � , . � . . . I . 1. .. I . . . . - . I I p � � . . . . . . ' , , . i . I STORR- FOR SALE. . .. ,. . I . . . . . . .. I .. I I . I Masier, Frank Doy, soloist, As, 64r 11 4 � .. goods.- Theprices are right. - I . . I '. . � . . .. ,I . . . . . � I . . . - I 1, . . Mitchell oil Y,Xe6r', to; G", Shedil , .1 . 1. � .. � � . . �'... _. . . . . . I . ... ; � . -_ , , . , ... ,; . I . .. � . % . ' crl� j4 .. " . refinery., we are enabled _ . . . . I � . . . - of' Brantford. . . � . . . . articled 'clerk at Mr.,.Q.Oodo!,q, drug .� 4 .___ . .. . . . . I . . I � . . . . . .. . . � � I I . .. I . - . ittiated. oil , I . I I . . , � . . I . . . <) Country storoi with postoffice .. in A comfortable house si . F`O0T-­HOSXIV_.At Livingstoue,Altaq gist. .. .'. . . . '. 4 .. � . . . . I . . .1 .. � I . I I . I � I . ... ... . - I. . .: � . ;1 . I ' . . I ­ . I connection for 'sale. Poisessio'n can . - cor ne.r. ,of. Church and Osborne . streets:, -- ­X� W. T., , oil July, I.-ithi. Annat Miss . Ne'llic � hlacVicar,- .teacher. at I � � . 1. .1 I . . .1 �. .1 . '. I . � . . I to sell it as usual at. - I b -d iven at once � . . . I � . . � ,� . . . � . . . . . 'A . 1 .. I I . I I the �Bu§'ine.w . , College, . Barrie" ,and lies - .. I . I I � . . . . I W H H Atvnr I ..... . .., .1. ­� .. I.. . . � I . b . . M I.. I .. . '. S; . ......... Y,. L clL , x ang I ter Of IYAr I I . ,- I I . � . M # a 9* I � . I > . . .� All, .5 . In. : L.- HOLME,z), , . . Rober I t J. AT. Ii'j)oi V I icarsf I Is sistvr, Miss, Alag,giL MacVicarxil All- M . - . � I . I . .. . . � . I . �. - . � the wholesale price. < � I MRS.. .,I. .BROWNLEE, .. .Clinton,:- July i6th. . ' . I I I . . . . I of iclol, istoil, I are spending their vacation at 4. I I . . . I . I . . . I I � . . . I. I ...� � .. . .. . . I � I . . . . � .. I . � .. County. Kilkenny, - Ireland-, to V,r . ... . . . . � : . . 1. . . � , � ' <> ,. SUxAT:ERHILL I , . � . � . . .. nest, only $011 (;f I . � tile 11ollie of their parents, Bidd,lecoifibels Old JEWELLER AND'OPTICIAN . . . 1. M . - Thomas M; Ho,&. I I .Stand, . I . . . . I . . . . . . . I . . . I . . . I � . . . I . I . . t . , -of NL 'rant of H. -M's- Cris- - - . . . . . � . . . . . - � .kin \ - - Mr. John G . % , 1. I I . I �,� wtom Abbott, Mijon,Blig, � . OppoMte.Toiwn Half. . Eyes Tested Free. . � .. , � � As we have on band a." - � . . ­ . . � , * FARM FOR' SALE. ., ,. land�- . . ., . . tdnis, has purchil5ed the stuou house, , I . .. . . I � y A'D iq ir lq,i�vn . . . . � I . . . . I . � . I . . . . . . I . . . . . : � . � I I )t + . 144- + r ILT, Ork The . . . . . . . ) ­� . . I - - . . . . . . . . : � . OR . P On . . . . . . . . . . I DOWNEY­IIARDING�At . I e, I 0311 . I . . . . carload of POTATOES. , .T , 1. .. . . . � � . . . . The tind�rsieed offers for sale that . � On Tuli? ,loth, , !J'ordwith It( se was, -dore I I I . . . 1. -, - I - � - I . . I . . . I I . . 1. . . : . � - . ., . I I .. .. . I. .1 I . .1 ' , I by Rov. 1). Rogers,. )11 Imilt li-� 11r, Theo V - . I . . . � . . . .eon-iienielitly-situated. and excellent 1. owney princjp� . .1 ff I lie .8 1. . . '. . . V._.__ I .. , d of. farm of ioo es urqiA I busiu�ss,he,re i�iany years'' . . . . . I . . . < Forin wanted in the neighborhoo' Mr. W.'li,'' D" * ' - - ,I of AT )T0hO:t1,'4V of' l3aYleld wh0l wa . . I . . I . I. . . . � . ;o; I ago. . _�_ . . as well as a carload of, Clinton. . 1. . . . Behnord Publid scli( 1, to Mi,s .11 - , . . I . . . . Road Tuekersinitli ill lot ,%O Ist . . .Alis:-, Mabel ,Stanbui- r�turnud to . . I . - . � . . K - I I ( Sugar, we are ( 1. . I . �� . I . . . . I ..� .. I-I.V,NRY. � BEATTIE, Solict . ior I I . I P I - concession" H. R, S'. It is ,*ill acalke(L . : Larding -Ot(tWiCh, . .villa 4 ()I I MclkSTALL-Iii fiucknow q1t July -5th I . . 11'er hollic ()It. tile. ' London Road . after putting I . Ciinto , May i9th. ' .. ,'I but�-about 5 acres, fairly well fenced, . . 'ill, O' � ­ . , f the wife of Mr, Will, McX a pleasant visit' at*Lbe residence of . I . , , both i n the market , . . � . . . ­ . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . it wi It'goQd stone house, barn and . I I . . . - a ,8011. . . . : Mrs. (Rev.) McGillivray. ,' .. . I 9A Outbuildings, plenty of water, small . . . . . . )Ii. . Pratt, a former photographer . . . I . ' I . � . < , < ) <! > orchard, midway between Clinton and . ... I . . I . . � . .2m . . . _ ,Of Go&ricli, came ill) last week front > > very sniall profits. ,2 TWENTY ACRES 1, uA 8 A L 144�. I I aforth. Phrticulars oil appli,cati Se ,on . , * , - . I I . Detroit to visit friends here' and at . ( < 11 11 , . � . , � . . . I a to James '*Lawrence, Seaforth,- or W. WR41369THR-011 July 26th, ill G loder" , , . Miicllcll� - � . . ­ > < �i I .1 . . I . � . S. Lawrence, 87 Alesserer street, Ot- , . . ich - township, tlie; Wild of Thosl - �... Miss Maggie' Fraser of Detroit at- .. I. > c > ( < The undersigned ,offers for sale north � , taw,. � , �. .. . . I Webster, -of a daukliter. - I . I .. rived last week . and spent Q coupla chard. river runs across back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats, I part of lot 36' onAlie, l6th. eon. of . I Goderich . township,'contaiiiing 2o acres. . 'J,41y i8th. r in . 11 - I � . . . . . . 'R JOYNK -In Clinton On July 29t14. . I ife tile wi of Fred, Joyner, �)f at . of (lays with her sister, Mrs, John .speut dapq .T.U19eii, ) . . . � . . I . ­ . - . Newc,11. S'llo also Soule, . . Good frame housi, barn with . stone . S011'. . � I I . . . . with ber Inlother, Mrs. FrOex,i AliiA: � . . . I . . o: stable. . Good orchard with all kinds . . I . TWO HOUSES I F OR S ALE. .. , . BRITTON--1,111 - Clinton oil Augu,.%L.3ro1,! . � cliell, . I . . > of fruit. �4 .tnil� froln corioration' of . : , . . . . ., :the wife of Thos. Britton, . of'Ed . - 'lorence Vras r of DdtroiO Miss .. 1, e - 4w 4/1 Y'le4em 'Wem- ^A 1� .� I-PRIII-IRG-Wic "_ I Clintonj , Y4 trilfe fro school. , Apply. � . .m . . . � . - - , - I I � . . I . . . . son. � . . I I . - Xiewell'thi'l visited her sistai I ' to . I I . . I The undersigned offers for sale a, IX XARGUL-41i Clifitan on August 211olf, ,Mrs. . � week . . I 1. . . The Maws-keeord will be *tit to tiny I � , T& HOLLAND, - I 1UPTI r". Storey -frame house -on Victor � ia street the wife -of .J. llaegel, a dau . .. . . I Vll� - , Mr: Stothers, blackstuddr, has hacl. - address until tile end '01 1903 lot t'.�cuty,fivd tents, this is lower than � I . . I I'LolmcavillefP.0 ., .. I 8outl'i of the railway.ti -ack. Small.or- chard,. good wellt stable; etc, . ter. . I I �. I . MOORR'­-Iu Brussels on July '24th, tO . another storey huilt al)(1ve Ili$ blacksInAll shof). . . $ April 14th, . . . . .. I :.., . . .Also small, frame' house- on James Mr. -,kind Alf,%, W. IT, Aloor e, I ov .: . - lilt. MaeVicar 0S .1tellova, grams on &pplicAtion, I UnUt'-COL- W- X, GARTSHOR13, 1,11L I . I Ao NUL990 . � � ____ . I Street� near.the knitting factory, 1% daughter, . . .John WesL Virginia, spent a -couple Of . I 11 I � . Ca acre of land, gooO wellt etc. MUNRY)R-4ii Wroxeter oil- July 26th, . . weeks, iiv town, the guest bf Itiq sis-! I 4 0 . . STANLEY FARM FOR S�ALU. ' I b d Will be sold on easy'tetm,4. . � to Amr. and Mrs, A.. Munroe, 9J. . .. so" ter, 'Mrs. (Captain) MacKu,Y, and hN . . . I I I . 0 . Farm for sale in Stanley township . . JOS, ALLENSON. . Clinton, Jasuary 6th. . - I . FRU'RMAN--lit Scaf( I . . 4.1 ! �41 )rth on., J'Ally 2,50, brother, Mr. Janivs MaeVicar. , Mrs, Wil.�on of Chicago, whoi ac- . . . . I I I . I . . . I . . . � - . I . � I . . I I .0 . . . . - . . . . , . I . . . I . , . . I. � . . . . I . I .. I I . . � . V. I � I I one Itile atid,m quarter south of Var- d . I na. 'Good water, 'buildings, orchard � . . . I . . . I � I - ! I � I to. W IU OA r. Mu. Preelliall, oI .� , a 8011� I I . I : L . companico.1 her mothe,r, Mrs, Thor- burit, frcmi 'that, city, I,* now. at Mrs. . -_ I I I . 1 .1 . . I ____t____2--_1_.___ ­_ - _7 _­­ .1 ­­- . I - ., I I . .1 . � . I � . . . I fences, ete., well drained and in good, TUCXERSMITIT FARM FOR SALE. SlIADU-4i, no,irpurlicy an July. - -251 tile wife of. Mr. Win, S110 v - e 1) ;k1lotburn's residence-, Palint,rston ave. with ]ter three childrot, A(Wive, and . I . �.. .1 . - . . . I � . I . 36. Annual ' . . I . . I . . � . . . '.' . . . We have a choice collection ' I state of ct4tivation. Apply to . � � . . . I I 1 . . THOMAS KEYS, � . .. I . � � . - , I The usidersigned �ffera for sale that . I. twin.sj boy and girl,�' I ROSS --lit 0,41ericli oil July ... 126th, t(A - Mr. and Mrs. 1). 11, Ross, it. boll, . ty twins, Oravilla aud G'rallt "111�11111.4.s Mel,aughlin of 11rosseN Is 640' illu Misses . . . I . � . ; * . 0 1 � I 0 L ,r ,Y ester, II F P�. L ndon* of Carriages in stock. in- - I � may, gill. 6t VARNA, I choice 15o ' atre farm on the Huron . 81,441XIOR-Itt 1,�,xotcr oil 3111V '29th, to guest of her collsin's, . , . .. .1 . . . . i eluding Rubber Tire Bik- ' . .. . .. ­ . , , , � . I Road, Tuckcrsrnitli� one mile east of I 4 'Air, and Alt's, Jos, Selifort a ;Iati. . . row. . Alk, 1ohn Breckenridge. left witIv I .1 . . . � . I � I es, Rubber Tire Top � � FOR � S.ALLE1 Clinton, . New Iran e house with sum- mer kitchen, first class bank barn, -house, ghtet. SITP�I?144�ill,'T,D_ill owen 8011114 on 311171, ',14 I his soll. Dalt. to . spend a, wItile Ili] Tivert011. . . . . Sept. 11th to loth, i9030 . I . . . . :I I Buggies, Mikadoes, and I ordinary buggies. Also - The undersigned offers for sale z dy � drive shed, lie-, pig pelt, silo, two wells, windmill, and small or-� TI,e Dayfield t I - 11, the wife of Mr, W. .1, She I field, formerly of Wingilam, of q I . Mr. -Hander.-go,it, turnkey at tit is verm ill. . .6 gack . . . I I . . . - . � I . . I . _. I - i - . I I . I . I . '.. market I and lumber Wag- , dblittle Carpet 1400M in good state of repair. Will sell for 3o per cent, o( chard. river runs across back end of lot. Thirty acres of flats, I NO, . ft. I . � . i I 3DZA+Nb. Mr, alud Mrs. Williain Watson and Miss Nellie 14irdie Of Chicago are, tho I . L I ntries close September . lQfb. I I t . I . I., ons. We invite you to Its valitc. Also I light donocrAt I I I agoin. Will bt sold cheap. w the finest of grass land, This is a splendid farmi well situated, laud I 1. guests or Air, and Mrs, W. Watson', I . I . I . I., . � I . . call and inspect them. . �GEOROH POTTS. will be, sold on easy bttms. JO1lX8TOX-1n Lower Winghattl Oh Suly' 27th, Win. Babo Johnstoui Airs. John Lennan has purchaft(t tit(-, house oil 'Bruce street from Mr. . _. . . . ., . . � Repairing prOMPtlY at' April t4th,, ARTHUR COUCIT, Clinton . soll of Wlll� J. Johnston, aged, � Vagall lateiv, occupied by Mr. and . An exhibition of mapit. . I 13igger and better than ever. A opleudid tended to. I I 0 1 .. .1 � .1titte gill, . . 7 years atal 7T mont'lls, PROCTOR -In Belgrave oil July '26f, Airs. Tani *iffln, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lounan, and ATTAY of attracrion,�-Tony gyder's celebrated ttoupe of performing, , Monkeys, nalloon aseensiong, It pAraebuto atop from a , FOR TWENTV FIVE CENTS. I I ' Abrahatnllroctor,'age�i 8 ' . 2 ve"s. eon,. MaMer Rarold, have.bcon. the Parachute, and, the'llost Gymnasts, Aerial Artists and Aeroboto to be had. Pireworks .1 I. I , . The Maws-keeord will be *tit to tiny i 13LACICSMXTII SHOP. Volt SALE, YOXTNGY-In Goderich Out, Sul� '24th, Harry Y011119, aged 48 veat-,, x of s ittaillL 010-StS hi. 'r, Mrs. 1'entian. They returned to Detroit thioweek. L I . "ch Ovehit)g COncludi1bg With "The'HombaTdintlat of Alexandria,& great tritiniph of modern l)yto)tecb1jy. I - r: address until tile end '01 1903 lot t'.�cuty,fivd tents, this is lower than - ; Dlacktmith shop for sale, Out of . tirouth atul M (lays. � AlACDONALD-In Clinton oil ,July p, Mi, Gregor Alcl,oan, son (If the late Dr, McLean of Conatft,, Florida, is, . � n' Xtra tral ha And 8 Peclid r9tes OVIr' $tit lintilt Prize Lists and Pro. . I . RUMBALL and M MATH tile cobt of tho qplattk paper and we I Dipect the; offer will her iffetly availed TO any of fat"Ily who art tile beat ttatids in Huron County, Al. go first-claos housd and lot. Address , Cathartne Macdonald ,of Lucknow, a., d 47 Yeats. r'-111 the guest Of Mr. Charles Lee. Air, and Mrs. MeOregor of "'A"s grams on &pplicAtion, I UnUt'-COL- W- X, GARTSHOR13, 1,11L I . I Ao NUL990 I Of'. your I RIT, 111vth oil July "'llt, Joint" Clistooiis,, Stratford, are holidayitig tit I . . Huron St., Clinton. o� how& at 1preft#. . THU, NVOWS-RECORD, I . � � 11ill, ageZI ML :Yeata, I . I I tile Park House, . I I prosidoot, sorratkq, I . I I . I I I � . ;�o . i . . I I . I . . . ,� 1, JI 0 I . . . I � . I �r 1,; � )b �. . � . I � I . 4 4", k�-�--"..--�--,.-,�'..,..,.�,--,,..,,&--,&,-,���1--�-,-.Iht�-&-.-�,��, ,� ,A,�& 4-6�A�,*�-�­&,A­A�,X�*­ * . ­ . ----& &,..W,A. -16-- �-,*.,A--.#�,�-*-.)L,�-,-.,*�&--.&,.,��,-�M�,�,A�--,�L�-�.,4---"4.*,�- I . 1. � I I . I 'L� �