HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-06, Page 3U
U �-o )r
I . wordl
kialpept, of On
Ousand Zito
y w9lo. nall.
0 ;19.t -
A despatch
Rev. Frank
preached from
Matthew xx., 2
be chief among
servant. "
The tremend
usefulness open
mestic is the s
to -day accessibl
dinary mental
ties will bring
cially and spiri
fered to the
The gods were
lowed the beau
to bless her
wonderful way.
rocky island w
touch would
with brilliant
with rich gre(
does God end
but in a better
come true. T
servant, be she
or a guardian
waitress in the
ply a charalyei
which will car
it goes.
But this ser
dark side as w
is shadowed e
by slothfulne
cause in deRl
other occupatio
iooial difficulti
others; by slo
one can do
lessly without
actor. The k
way be a thro
secreted dom
queen, or it ni
able drudgei),
stant bickering
olden times t
of servants, be
The Ono was t
of workers w
that true ser
humble, finplie
ness, Thus Jo
he wa3, gladly
the servant
was the servan
and Eliezer Nv
raham and Sa
men know that
sphere, were w
ment of tho w
their masters
The second c
composed of
tured in War.
most part, dis
servitors. T
anny of fate h
manacles upon
soon as poss
when chance to
there are wom
the kitchen An
act as if they
captured slave
ling agaJust t
pay. They or
their time in fi
mistresses and
Ing to find out
some other
can have more
the grand war
domestic, so m
evil behavior
slothful servan
The word "r
ad to station.
plied to any v
in her own sph
ful—conduct "
. fitting to a qu
ancial compons
Inadequate. I
large as any
proportion to
mental trainin
of her. I
A inerchant,
gross, returns
the net.
"These goods
Now I must fl
so Much for s
night watchni
pressago, so
travelers, so in
Much for ta
and so much
thing." Then
tracts the exT
receipts, and
Mugh not." N
,goods in a
tarifil laws eat
in raising po
road freight
the inarket
goods an- Tvor
Vantage in bet
And receivipg
the expenses p
fare and t
board and la
clothes absorb
s Whe
An aN%�rago ser
of fin Average
Ary is mostly
end of the Wet,
expenses have
ly nothing or
13ut thora Is
tageous Aspect
should not lip
the sorvant I V
Abraliani's ho
American hou
the cook tile
upon whose al,
physical, and
taut Also tile
the family d
Will venture t
cities, to lia,
more In tI
Where tile dpfa
the cook or )I
CoAtusion tin
hanest, inte.111
vator of healtlat Savarjn a
Invented a no
ter to manki
brightens your
dared dinner a
given zoqt to
ter to the h(
;rlwiy of tbe
00ir SkIll elt
. - _-1- .. - . - -
� __ � - - -
1. � I I I . . . 11 I I . 1.
. I - . 11 I .
I ____ " , , .
. I
. __—___
not tha,t their peoplo are bag, but
that they are becoming a pooplO
without homes. 1r,hey are 11,ying for
,-.-"-.-,�.---,---,--.-,-,-,�"--- -
*16161016** I
- . I 06*40*
-1 _ -
__ ., __1__1_--1_
winter, we dry ours on clotbes-barm,
standing the in'tter over P, f 0
register a the kltoiien range.
I 11 - .
I ��——__�_ - - 11
4 -_ -
. I I .
OW^ � ,
I I I I . I I � I . I IL __1 I—
Ills, oulph4te of potamb, Ana 20Q Its.
on salt per Am.
I .
the , most part In boar4lug houses
About the
To my thinking, woolens have a
11W '40
LOOK A111T_11A11�11r111111 UILIC.
aud in' routed ' rooms, from, which
they can move out at 0, couple of
fresher, sweeter odor without Iran-
Ing, Smooth with the hands and
. 11 1. . � fLh
" 19
July and August aro the months,
auk De W- itt
Talmage Speaks
U .
weelma' ZAIAQ U. cow- OMAN is QUED. X.
told neatly.
Never Put woolen blankets In the '
- I � � I
when bad taints in milk are most
prevalent, F ,&frons of choose factor -
I � M4-,744
The royal domestic is a queen. III le
- - - - - - - 1 �
--pl-1 . .
general wash. Choose a dull, windy
uAy It possible, and wash an Above.
QktI111AUNR1l!i$ OF D4141 I
.And croar4orles. should therefore
givo extra Attention to, the milk 4.ur:.
vier Many
Advantages :
kitchen the aursory Are the
1) "ON W . QUO expects 'A Woman
%WNG$ 0001) TO PAT,
'rho colored borders Of blankets will
According to % Dautell. journal the
, .
ing these Months. Cleanliness In
Milking e in utex�
rally to serve. I have no use
' _
Pe4ch Charlotte.—Cut stale bread
ies fade in spite of every
precaution, but there is Ito excuse
milluber Of dairies, I a umarX that
, .
site and In handling thp i d
., milk shout
I r those ascullue cynics who wo.ul,d
into slices as thin as will hord to-
but ignorance or carelessness for
is butter factories working on a
be strictly observed. In warm wea.
ng , Act of, e -
oad4. in the. year
Ing UP into the thousands of 401-
, ,
WbAr Women from tho difloreht vo-
cations of life. Some Men. 210 Mat-
geth0r, Or 4 little 100s than Quo-
their shrinking. Two persons are
large scale, all with sLparators arid
using Steam power, was In 1902 Al-
tbor Most of the germs causlitior bad
9 klundro4 0 Th -
, at,
of Woronto 0
S, They understand the cheluis-
, I
I IV have made
try of tho. kitchen; the,
ter what the geWus of 4 woman Play
quarter Inch. Cut Into three or
four-lach squares a d dip a
u We
,no s
needed property to pull 4 blariket
Into shape, Be c,aroful not to
together 1,406. Tou hundred And
taints tbrive best, and any flith or
unclean spots left on the pails and
Awrtrm,Wre, Ut�* &4
a, study of diateties,, aria their ex-
be, woluld SIAM. tile door of All use-
in melted butter, , Line a Pan with
stxate,b it when hanging over the
fifty-seven of those were co-oporativo
+110 cane are good.places for them to
,, ,
parlance is quite 40 valuable to their
ful means of earging an honest lilve-
litood In their faces. They
t1le bread, having the pieces lap All
. .dairies,
line, and to Pull into shape oc,�A_
209 were joint dairies, Ana
grow in, -lonce the need for . the
from Chicago. says.
employers as that of tile skilled
� slpterW
round and put the but side
,tered L
slonally during the procesio of dry-
the remainder 140 were estate
strictat attention to cleanliness,
Do Witt Talmigo, I
hysiclan. There Is abundant scope
say woman odiould not be a law,
,A. doctor, a
next to the pan, P&re 0, 11ozer,
in 9.
as handling exclusively their Own
There Is some difference of oplxilon
the foliOW11.19
7, "Whopoever will
P the kitchen. .
for arabition In
. .
yor, a minister., mer�
obant, An artist, a. writer or 04Y-
peaches and cut in halves, Dissolve
one and one-half vapp of .sugar in
I 1;
production of milk, twenty
years, Ago, from 1882 the co�opom-
as to the real value Of aerating =ilk.
But better
you, let him be your
thing else but�v, wife alod. a mother.$,
three-quarters cup of water
. Ana cook
tive crearnerles began to Spring up
until some plan is #volv
e4 we would Advise aerating All
ous opportuniiies of
by do-
But this its what I do AfIrin. : All
things being equal, .a woman ought
five Minutes to Make a Syrup, Cook
the pea,oli halves In this syrup and
. I
Brown sugar stops the bleeding of
all over Derxitl�ark, fear Was expressed
that the butter turned out from
Milk thoroughly Immadlat
, . ely After
to a consecrated do- .
Another advOtago offered
mastic service Is that its .surround-
to seek those vocations which are
coot with,out brealcing. Add one
.a fres-h wound. � I .
For indigestion trF the beaten
these dairies, that took in All kinds
milking. When this is done the xnilk
should be act In a place where the
ubject. No Position
to a woman Of or�
� gs are pu This rotatet'llent Is
in . rer.
natturally liters and let the 2non
those whic.n. naturally be-
te aspoon of arrowroot dissolved in
a little cold water and cook A few
I -
white of An, egg in a Wineglass Of
of milk, even from the very smallest
cottages, would dateriorateL in qUA1_
Atmosphere is pure to, keep over
and physical capabili-
not always true in reference to wo-
Man, who. have to work for their liv-
,ouV tOLL them.. . It is not natwal
Minutes, turn half over the peaches
cold water direMy after mek1s.
A mixture of equal parts of sweet
ity as compared . With what Was
, -
night. As to the value of cooling
milk there is also a difference of op�
greater returns, finan-
Ing outside of the four walls of e'
to,,. A wow -an to be ,a Are-
man4 A policeman. It is riot nat-
which ba(ve been put inside, of ,the
lined .
pan and fit a cover of t1iin
oil arid tincture of i6dine.lis said to
previously renowned As Parlish b ut-
ter, ruin reputation of Dan-
inion. To be on the safe side we
tually, than that of-
servant girl.
home, Without they*4re often "010-
ural.for L ber to, dig In the gutter or
. I
bread for the top. Bake halt an
relieve corns arid bunfons.-.
And :the .
ish butter Abroad, which would
would advise cooling the milk after
to have al-.
polled, even against their. W1,1115, to
work all a.da, labgror fix. the fields,
, L �
hour, turn on a plate An(! pour the
Headache, toothache, backa,che ":
undoubtedly have resulted 'a
it been aerated to below 70 do -
tiful quee n of Cyprus
. ,
inhale ths. vitiating Atmosphere of
They often compelled to
as sale IS, compelled: to do in foreign
laud her
remaining 13yrup rountl it, . . I
most Any joint ache will be, relieved
by heating the feet thoroughly with
lower prices, but, to the great Won-
L ,
grocs Fahr. and o
L n very tot nights
to 60 degrees -or under.
little kingdom in a,
Sin, are
see sights which their eyes Ought
S. It is not nutural for
'to slave In a factory or to till many.
Stuffed Sweet Pepper, .—Cut tile
stem end from foull green sweet pep,
the shoes on. . . .
,er of of the kind hap-!
it All, nothing '
' - In the course o,f a years
The farmer wh supplie's milk to
. 0
Every place of'the
hich her foot Might
never to behold and to hear sayings
of the clerical positions she is IIlliuK
pers and take out the seeds. Cover
- Mucilage has bwn found to- be An
excellent remedy for burns. . Ap
poned. .few.
after the co-operative movoinent had
a cheese factory or creamery cannot,
be* too handling,the
instantly be covered
WhichL ought ilover to be heard ,and
to stand Shoulder to shoulder with
jo,4dak. While, oil the other hand,
it to natural for her to be a nurse,
with L. boiling Water and simmer
twenty -Minutes, Brain arid fill with
It to the burn and lay on any soft
commenced, it ted with
dairy 1,
. caretyl in milk
- product, -for upon this depends.vary
ly colored flora or
Not so
. �
moral lepers, whose pins, if not con-
a L
a dreIsgma4er, a cook , chamber-
, _ .
a stuffing Made an one
follows :L MIX
paper, The �mueilaga 9 oothes
the pain, while th 'a apor excludes
a xhibitions publicly, And pri
vately by the opinions of the whole
largely tile quality of butter or
n verdure.
ow any human being;
tagious, by too L Much association
y infectious. Here,
me become. 'fatall 6
maid, a; waitress, w school teacher
antl laidy's companion, and hundreds
half cup of cold cooked chicken .or
. .
veal chopped fine With -one-half cup
the air, . . I
butter trade, that even the best ar-
choose made from It. Look after the
L L ,. .
way does the table
for *instance, is a �oung girl just ar I -
of other positions we nilglit. easily
of bl'C4d-crumbs, one-half table,spol.0111
For a still neck, pains in the chest
etc., warm same sweet oil antl rub
I -anged and most carefully conducted
estate dairies, -with their
. .
— 0 �_
he IiVmbla dOMoStiQ
cook in the kitchen,
rived from the country. She decides
4, facto' and becouxe
mention. I L
NOW, when a woman deserts the
of finor chopped parsley, ow -quarter
level teasnoon of salt. 4 Speck.. Of
on thoroughly with the hands, then
.Private L
several hundred of well kept cows,
In the nursery, or a I
to ente r .
Is 'day wage earner. That factory
positionSL for' Which God has speci . al�
. I
pepper a . nd, two tablespoons of
cover.w4th sheet wadding, the shiny
side out. Wear it until feel
had all they could do to keep In
with the produce
Xano, I
, a the , Manchester of the
dining room ' or sim-
I has I Of girls whom, she would
ly equipped ber, ,what is the Jaevit-
melted butter. Set the Stuffed pop-
c omfollable, . . you
general quality
from the co-operative dairies. As
Sudan. .
'The "extension
tnaid, may live , life
ry fragral ice ,wherever
r dare introduce to her old
1 Qhristian mother. That young girl .
able result ? Her work is not only
left und one, but she COMO
becomes a, .
pers In a baking pan and bak twen-
ty minutes. . L L
A treatment highly reeblumende'd
years have passed these latter have
recent . of British tg(t-
mintstrative authority over ttA
I j4L that
Within four weeks.' service
pat,to r ugxi,lust her father arid. broth-
. I .
Baked, 13ananas,—Select large 'ban-
by a Scientific magw/,Ino for polson
Ing from ivy is, to wet a Slice O"
made such headway that at -the pres-
out day it is a fact they are Ahead
1�aro, Katsena-and Sokoto 4istrictgo
Es up sEnV&NTS.
factory has seen L and heard more
i than she has ever -known
ers for theirs .' W'b4t is again tileL
inevitable rei�ult ? By the law of
,"US and'Stalip oll'one sectioil, Of the
skin, Set in rows in a .baking dish
,r .
bread with wate , dust it with com�
of the estate dairies as to quality.
in Northern Nigeria has, attracted
attention to prosperous 00
morlic theme has its
wickedness .
I before. Then this young girl goes
sullply And demand she not only
� L
and loosen the Skin a little AT each
Mon wasbing soda and apply to*
eruption, keeping the bread we.t from
This experience having gained
ground, by And by, the estat0'own-
fertile country. .X%ulo, which has a
hualtdred Is
ell As its bright. it
- .'
ther by avoidance or
ifrom her factory to her boarding
- .1 .
undarblas o for his post,
tion, but by that bid�lin'g 'the whole
side of the uncovpred portio n. Sprin-
kle with A few drops of lemon juice
. the outside,. Half an.hour of this
el -S it it would
began. to calcuIrkta I
thousand lnhab'tawts, .
Lthe metropolis of that part- of At-
ss—by avoidance .be-
house. Upon her small salary she
cannot. afford to pay a very big
. .,
systera of wages goeq down Sbe
and with sugar.. Bake about half
treatment Is said to be A, sure cure ,
not pay them better to discontinue
. to dairies and instead de-
L .
rice.. � . I
Aging it and seeking .
ns inconvelilences and
board bill. The result is that she
is the sufferer. He is the sufferer.
'I"he *ruisphief, is far reaching. ItAs
an hour, Ili a moderate oven. .
Snow Balls.—Beak the of
l .
— . 0 - � I : . .
Aivor their Milk to the nearest CO-
It has been called the ]Ka=hest*r
of the Sudan. FoT conturies. the
as are entailed on
lives -in a boarding� houte-near'
daily work. ,That boarding house
the result of. h6r turnin aside from, .
-bar natural employment in which
three eggs light, t
. hen add gradually
. .
operative dalry, L Many of them have '
Already done so, with the result that
. �
Ulto,usas, As tile people are called,
have been the clothanakers of north-
thfulness because .no
a duty badly . or care-
In .�11 probability has young -girls lu.
it whose lives are not whai : they
there is piressing need, of her service
cup of sugar And beat. Add
two tablespoons of milk, one cup of
. — .. .. ..
I . .
Mother Loire Changes Her Opinion
the number of private dairies is get-
while.. the
orn Africa. They raise cotton, spin
the 'ind-Igo
deteriorating in char-
ought to be, Seeing sin by day and
And in which she could find constant
flour in which two level teaspoons
. ' . �
ting smaller every yoAr, -
co-operative concerns ard. getting
-ya.rn, dye it .with or
. �
scarlet, and then weave it. But
itchen or the nursery
a con,
I .
necessarily seein r r u
OcOupation at remunerative wages,
She lea,vea-a plare u-nIftiled and forces
of ki
ba Ing powder aro sifted. Fold
in, the stifil beaten white S of two
of her Calling, .
- I
I . I .
- .
. .
both larger and also ulore.numerous.
. I
I "
there IS. not A factory in all the
lie room, .with
as -a
sin by.night has a hardening influ�-
I .
her way: into * a of lite, already
,� 'Y
eggs.,' Butter cups and fill -. 't*�_
.The, Visiting riuk,so. set out on her
B . total iiiiinber of, butter fac-
I ut, the I
country, , The w0l; of. weaving is
estic servant
ay be a den of miser- �
once upon the young 6""" soul-' Of
thic Divine Protector can,
Overcrowded and Ili which her com-
thirds full with.,the batter; steeLm'
errand . . of'merey in a rebellious
tortes ,in D6nniark is decreasing,
Three it Wag 1,544, in
done on hanti-loomaintlie.homeB ,of
the ..
and the scene of, con-
course, . .and
will preierve that Young
petition is inj urio,us to other Work-'
ells.- -, * 11
twenty . min utes," Turn . on- to. a
plato of powdered Sugar, 1.011 until
mood. Tha nursing was it, wretched
. , in it
business, There was nothing
.vqar-. ago.
1902,' as said- above, only 1,400. In
people. .
Much Oi th . a xuGrocco leather colues
and discontent. In
here two classes
. .country
girl true, arid pure and noble .if she
. .
coated with the sugak and. serve
but work,. work—alw6ys work, how-
the 'three years 131 estate dairies
from K&ho,* and this, too, is pre -
th male and female.
keeps clinging t6. the* omnipotent
I ,
,. I
. Now, . women of.Amerlea, whom
with a liquid saucL
. -.. , .
ever much the spirit.might flag. and
and 51'joint dairies have.been dig-
pa,;red. and� tanned by workmen at
. ..
homo. Their their
bat consecrated band
arra, bu,t without that superhuman
aid the moral tendency for the fe--c
God has called' 'to. be consecrated
, .
domestics, -I plead with you to enter
. linspboriy. Spo.nge._0rush one
quatt of raspberi-ies, add one-half'
the body grow weary. - That -there
wits poetry. in helpfulness was a
iy 44- new oo-op-
continued, while on] . lish -
PrixtiNre Oairies-have been.estab ad,
ca.rav,ans carry
I goods ac-rops the continent t4 Alex -
hich clearly reali zed
vice, no matter how
male ivo�kox, in the factory.is down-
. I . � .
the 'kitchen, arid tile nurs I
cup..of sugar. Cook. together � one;.
cream of the imaginaii .
on. .
The dairies Aire thus only slowly in-
ia, arid thbni6 (town tli� eAsteit'n
andr . .. . .; . M,
of the Rod_Sea to
d' honor and. useful-
ward. 71le-lile there, is in some,re-
11.01,10 becaime that 'is one of your
halt cup. of sugar and one and one-
the woman drew her cloak more
creasing in number, but the
.Shore even. eeca.
. ,
The cl. has been the conter of a
shua, great man that
spebts the same as that upon the
theatrical stage, abolat v�hich a not-
pattxral gpli�ares�
. that is a plate
wlleri,, Cxod'wants* �ou'tomqrk, The
half cups of water -for twenty minutes
Soak one-half box'of goh�tine in one-
closely about her to keep out �the
chill which - follows xain wh(�n tile
tity of milk handled by theni is- in-
creasing considerably every year, The
. .
- - for miieb. . of . the
great slave tirmde ,
and willingly became
Moses, and Elisha
ed acto'r once wrote, I "Tbo%statldest
Chrl,5tian domestic should be,honor-
� .
h4lf-cup of cold water. Rub tKO
- - berries 'a.
east� wind is bloWing. Tler own (Its-
tendency seeing, to. be that the .large,
'dalz .
work in the fields aud.pr&tioally till
the work of transportation is dom
t of the great Elijah,
fact -about my profession is that. the
coxxstain� geoing�, of what arid. ought
ad both ,on ,earth L,tlid in'lleaven be-
cause she is uot'only able t,'do her
through fine
strainer or Steve, ' Add the soaked
I .
comfort tur rxad� her thoughts upon
hurud,xi sulTering—the futHity, of it
-les handling the. milk. from 1000
� .,6w up. tile
coWs..'and Uliwards .. swall I
with - th`b a6sIstance of slaves.- It is
as the servant of -Ab-
Illuel of Eli. Theso
riot to sbe. has, &.tendency to blunt
1mored blind
own Nvork-i but/'. -'also. to Ahifixess - her.
' .
latine t a the boiling syrup.
9' and
stir,until all s�6ms to' be dissolved.
oil. She began to -Speculate _ upon,
smaller ones,.,so 'that "whilp'the prp�
in, -is rap-
said Allai.not less than five h,linctred
men and U,omen- are offered for 6alc
they, in their hu Mb'o
the I . gansitivohoss , and
one's eyes- � to. his 'Moral duty and to
consecrated life iiii4olibly upon
. . . ..
others, I .. ..
T 'Urn I nto a c
. old bowl, Add the
. : I
tile*.. case
k before her with.th'at Indift-
Silence which comes from living too
duction of butter ,Denmark
. .
i number. of Dan-
idly incrdcI,9ihg, tht
0101 �a . onA of thc
7 %, in, the 'slave* zo
)rking for the advance -s
orld as truly as were
- , ", . �: . �* � . . . I
right , '. , . . � -1 I
. . . . 1. 11 I ..
� . .
. 'Thus, In clas g, 1. w I 6uld speak an
In '
.boriry and .lemon juice then -stir, or
beat,until it.begins to thicken. �Ada
close.*to 'tho wo . rld o I r Pain. .Tile ap-
is . h dairies is rapidly 'g t.ting sniall-,,
a ., _ ,
' , . . .. , .. _
Ci is firaffle,.-and slavory. it-
, ty. . I I
self, will be a,bolisdied at once. -.
, I
in their conspicuous
, TE MPTATION. AVoIblo-a .
. � .. . I .
I I ��� .
earn st world to those wom�n wlto. .
.a ,
Are about to-: 6ongecrate,theif lives
I 1.
the -stiff beaten whites of our eggs
� Y I
pilicition for aid bad said tl�at tl,
. 1, � I '
young woman: was dying, de.4titute,
er,'' ., I
u or ueor's C -
The:-Danish',B*tt Prod lom
- The money of the country Is Slaves
- Are
I I .
Then cohsld' 'a. base . I
. er -11 Atipg tamp-
to this line of. ,service, 'God has
and continue , b6atiui, When' it
* . . I
seenis film ell h to mold I'II-
� . .
lcia-ving -a little child a few� nionth§
1. I.
" .
pany, -a Society formed . with, the
and cowrie the slaves thc
. Shells,
large bills and the Shells the s: &I
lass of.sorvants was
the sullen slaves. cap-
tations ready � t04 great - the young
irl ' , ,
.opened for you'. �xnjghty p dsMbilitias
small mool'ag pour
to " or one I arge, and
. .1 I 1. . . . � I
0 Id. ' I ' . . I
vlew� of establlshlng� a unIf6rm mark.
for 'all butter -is
odin. 114hen, the. owner of a caravav
They were, for the
who Applies' .a position as
. I
good. , Mt. yourself forAbat
set on ice, Serve wfti� cream arid
Th nurse's niiud'llnger6d over,tlie
a .
'Situation. *
Danish exported,
. .
gr!Zi Danish:
runs' alior'i of lyro'visiqns he. buy,
. .
clerk in'a Jarge downtown.* store.
, .
worlc' as the Lord. Josuis Christ
powdered sugar.. . . . . .
Little � childion always
now said to embrace I 11
,more , aud pa�,rs for thoin'with e
gruntled and
hey felt I ,hat the tvr-
. .
171are.nts, it is high time that you
fully realize' - there aro_amone the.
would - have. you', Make -t-be Bible'
the chief. �Ie�ib:aok of your life. Fray,
Fig Layer': Cake. Or .
_� 'a "'
moVad -her to tenderness, Arid sh�
cbufd,pot kee p from wondering,about
daiHes. - , . . . .. . . . 1.
I . .. — . .., . .
. slavei takingAils cfirxnge� in thc
I .
. .
sllells.� - ,, . I
xd placed the captiveg`
owners'of large downtown dry goods
I .
Auld: unceasinglp Pray,, that tho Holy
'Ixxspf� .
of butter, adl ono,7an,d',6,,',�'�,','�.,,..-Ol.'
'of Sugar gra . dually an , d beat
, I
I .
this helpless -little one who was soon
. . I . � _ .
�'. . I ..
7 - .1 � .
Thidk ,walls- of M'Ud, thirty tool
their wrists, and as
stores some Who do not expect their
spirit W1,11 a you to speaJkAhe
, ,
Th�n ad -d the yolks of-threa. eggs
left a'
to 'bo lonti.. And the 'mother -7-.
. .
. .. . . . � . .1
high,, varround tale 'elty, whi6li I.,
ble they would . fle,
clerIks to * livp. upon .their Salaries.
I .
right.*or[d In,the right way, Above'
beaten.. light k4d. one teaspoon of.
.how, did it seem to hor'� The nurse
. .1 . .
" t give as'
-Though rx . ot grown . as ex *on
ilfboon miles. -in- cir6uniforence. - Thi
r escape offered. 190.
There are *huh-drods and thousands, of
ull,.whatsioever your station In Mp
vanilla, . .- O.f
, Stir In one-half cup
heriblf * had once, been happy- holding .
-some: . . .
other roots.in *Canada, Man-
le"90.1 A;rea, Ahils enclosed will,'aeoolift-
ell to -day serving in
. .
those young girls whose. costly dre.4s
may b6, let. 'me urge -you t6 ,ehter
milk and tl�reo, cups.o4 flou'r ',s-trt,ed
a litile child close In.,-h6r aruls. ,She
. . .
golds *are a valuable -ci*oP to.: grow.,
nxiodate,not only tbil population; bill
. 1.
d In the nursery *lie
proyps that,-thdy are not living up�bii
the . .service of Jesus Christ. Not
with four le�,ol teaspoons; of. -baking
lived the joy ov6r'a*gaJn and sighed
No oilicr cro . p pan grow * continuous-
inany. blg.laring� as .well, on �'hlcl
. .
believe that they. are
their ,weekly wages. Evei,ywhdre in
on. tb,O,. subject of your lii!6's. occu-
ev I
powder- Bake:lu layer cakq*' t - ins'lli
111 her, lonely -walk. ' � . . - , . ,I
. I . �
� .
ly 'on the land** froin. year tb 'year
is raised arid attle.pas�tured
grain "
S. They are griumb-:
those dQv�nt6wrx ' Stork' sin -stands
,paIlon' can compitre in. Importance
* .
A, moderate oven, .. Chop line une
In softened, mood the'nurSo came
. . .
and get a good as can' I map-'
Tilus the City is ,&&pable of wif-h.
heir work end meager
Around.: with putstratched arins cry-
-with tile crucial . question whether
- I
arid Stir into a boiled
cu ' f .
into her pa:tlent's-quiet room. III
golds. At. the great Roihanister Ex-�
standing a long .sl6goi The. Britigl
a spending - one .half of
. .
Ing "Goinol 'Comet '.and wo4r fliie
you are A servant of our Lord. Make
lcip,jo, theg.s
between: -the cakes.
her new sympathy,she was touched,
'perimental Farm, in Erlglaiid,"mall-
have extended t1teir authority o,vel
nding fault with their
clothes! Come And 'be respected �as'
tliat youi., first, Yolir chief buainess,
, � .
. .
Cover the .top with lixin � boiled -ic-
by the �lain nefatne I
, ss dfthe place
grown b0ntinUo1iS-
golds have been .
tho'city-And the Erurrounding terri
the other halfin tryr
You cannot be in the kitchen or the
that you are Accepted, of him and
Ing. ,. .. , , . ... . .. I . . �
and by tbe-aspect of tile slight form
ly 'on the same piece of' I f, om
land' or- -a
tory because the native ruler$ Ila
- , . .
A. yray of escape Into
. . . '
nursery!, Come �,aiid ' ha,�,a Your �
that you obeying Ills commands.
, * ' I.
Sinall �Br6wn Bread Loaves.;wMix
'6up '
on the bed. - . . . q .
. . .. . I . I : .
. ' ..
years. ' the results of -these exparl-
AtseO.,J a siurrcnder� - the. murlderers a
occupation where L they
eL �
106iii -and see
nights to yourNelfl. ,
for you"
Look . not 4 r rewards from
- . I
I. . .
And sift one .,6ach of a = I
. , .. I . ea '
. � 0.
, It - Seemed . t6 her Incredible . that.
11 I . I
I. erftg Lire published in' the
n last
a British offix-lal.; . " . .
- . . ,
liberty and Increased
the! brightest . .
pArtof city;lffe-through
Man, but so live that in the great'
doy ' - I
graham wititw flour,. Molasses and
� r�aj � .
even life could have touched roughly
.. .
issue -of'. the Journal...Agricu'ltural
� I ,
. . I -----+ —,,— . .
As we would -praise
. I
, . ..
the'undimmed'eyes of youth 11 - And
of ant
, J'"dgm . you MAV
I ... I
,milk and ei,bl teaspoon each of
. .
go, tender aria so* young a thing.
... I . .
�. I
Socict�, aiid"are. sumnlarized as folm
- :.- - - � . �
k of the congecy4ted
. I �
the'young . t
the coun ry,
best of all oucarniums : "Well done.!
. . �
salt and soda. DeAt vigorougly and
There must be some� 'brute. Instinct
I I .
' I . � � . -..
16,,�s. , - I .1. . . �
� A waridel4�1 beard* is worl- bS
a would denounce the
by - the hundre I I
ds *and' tho,ugands, are
11, art one.of.my qu
IOU - ecus i Thou
into pound
turn , powder tins
. -
in., the vital force .that moves the
. I . � .
I .
'Mangolds can be .. grown coutiliu
Joan: Conloin, of Mbultlucon, France
of the wicked And
turning thdir .. backs- upon the refined
. ,
fiast�been ablef of all.vomen i Thou
bast been. - A Igithful, seryan . t,11, , .
that have been greased. Put ' ' 'oil
coyers'that fit well. Set the tins
universe; he* itise could :that fra . il
- 'on., 1, .
0 'saine, withbu*t in-
usIv on the - land .
It IS 10 fect-10J. inAes in liangth
�. I
einployment. Of ,a -Wo -And
flin'g'ihk themselves Into the whirling,
. . . I
. I .. � 1.
. , �_ 4 � 1. � .. I *
. I
' on -a'- trivet In' a,kettle And 1111 half
'6f. 'the
or eature lle� -her . bed
1. ,of Pain
coughing. - a,way the. little hope that
�jurlrig the.tilth of the dand or the
. . ' I . .
health of the, crop, ,
-fe6t' of I , .when ho
dAd .nearly IV." It
I sitialas' erect, re*s on the floor. rllh(
oyal" is not restrict.-
. . .
brain destroying, 'heart crushing
.. .
. " . . . 11 .
full boiling water. %
l,60.1 I . . I . *Cover
tt a, With A: pan. that fits closely
� �
sho *still. hold Of w tormollrow. with'...
. -
I .
. �
,,A'ilboral: dressing of farinyard
.. .
lehdo of -his� moustache hank belov
. �
It is legitimately ap-
maelstro.m. of temptation, ,where so
.. .
�' A young lad.v presented her Intend-
And set' where 't e.
h Water will, boll,
tibo* tiny -babe beside' her? Yet per-
, . . .
ll.aps� to-morroWs were
manu,r� forms. the beat basis of the
` -
. . . .1 .
JiU,'Ivaist- - . I -
* . *. . I . . . ; �
oman whose conduct
ore Is noble and faith-
Inany have boon' destrbfyed forever.
. I
Tho L r6V'al . I ,domestic Should , be
. .
ad with -a: boA,urt Ifully worked
of' .911 pair
and he ac,knoWleldged
continuously for one and one-balf
' h m 1.
hoUPS; Repl6uish Water wit 0
earthlY riot.
, ne 'by
eded .su6b. as she. Certainly.At,
. . L- ...
Izanitre , for. mixng,�lds...
, "The crop will 1. rther respond , to'
U . . . . .1.
. .
.. .
.;, �, . . .. . . .1.
.' . MA.KING THE BEST. OF 1T. �,
. ... I 1: .
. .
which is becoming or
among the .'.most, . boitored of'all
the presion - t b� sohding her' his pit,'..that
I .
is bolll.ng, � " . 1: . . �.e .
would seem- fror her exprossibri-that.
.. I
considerable. Additions of active ni. t-.
-� I
. 0 . ernrau,� . i . has I buAt Senile of * the
een." Nor' is the fin-
. womeii.' _It. largely tlep�rods ..on hei.,
lure oric-asad In* a handsojue frame,'
.Broiled' To q � . .
ih,,tocs,--S6lcc't . Aar go
he found; . the present joy enough.
' . .�
� Her byes. did 'leave fs
to - the `dung', par-
. . � .
finest, fAstes;t vessels, afioa,t, . a�
I . I -
ation for her service
"a a4iness to,fitirf6rith. her du,ties'.and,
He ,4rote A.* note to ser�d. with. it,
Arm: -tomatoes "I' 'hi
I �ut in t lek slices,
not'. the ball
.. . . Y,
'� 'n
ticulairly of nitrate of,soda. -
though she1s not..goo&aphically .
. I
or remuneration Is as
her officlanky Ili her Service, whether
' ' . .
-and at the Sarno time replied angirl-
dip, into melwd butter, . then. . inw .
Ar a*ce,' - . , - . I . . I � . I � .
. "It's I
I "A,friie I supply of potash Salts, I.$
. ., .
mol%iti - pountxy, ' and . n . o
Me othei
other wage earner In
Or no, this country Is to be 0. nation
ly to an oft-l-ropeated dun for an, un-
flour'..4nd broll. ...Serve well butte)r-
.strange,11- she'- said, 0, you,
osseutlal'tq the pr gpdr d6vel6pritient
couixtry'Is . go � latgely dependent (it;
the physical labor And.
of uOrnes. I 'God: 8ettoth thO soil-*
- puld-for suit� of cloUles, ; He an-
ad on a hot.disli. , This is 'a' good
know I'm lonely, just 4 -,little.,'. 'The
I of the niangold, hence A, Specific Pot-
.others f6r;.'the raw rimaterials%wh4cl
g which are required
Vary in himllies-!' or as YcU'cdul�
,gaged it boy, to deliver the package
1. . .
disli for breakfast. , z , - .
little fellow st�olns so far Away so. MQ-
sh:maintrinf.is desii-able even. when
a I I .
. ,the Making 0 i, a Ship. ,
ouftr into .
. I
. .
rea& it in the Bible margin f'God
and notes. . The younk lady I .13-
0harlott Russe.—Line n .
a s6,rvi i
how just because IcaA put my. arm S
- I. I
dung is -used in ,large quantities, Arid'
Vftile To prove to you that Dr,
Chaie's 01ritinentla a cortair
never consi8ors the
netteth 1he solitary in 6, iYOUEe."
cei�v6d a note in her., Ad -
. pred one's
dish with thin glices'of spOn-go' cake.
I . I
. ... � I .
about' him.". . .
She fell back the 'pillow White
. soil. initially rich in pot-
or, a, sO,ong . .
of his business, but*
What does. that Mean? Simply
Ilan - -OOM
dwriting, and floWL'to 110i I
Beat one-half cup of croam, adding
L on ,
The future,.. her future,
ash. - When nitrogen ous manures a ire
arid absolute owe, for onot
(F S itching,
le says to himself,,
thin : -Every ideal unit of
be What is
to devour its contents. . -She open-
one-half cup of powdprea sugar and
and mute.
. I . -
dropped its IOW, � and
Used In additional duxxg� the, potash
� 6
and every form. of
blo6dingand protrading pilots,
-should &.home. - an.ldeal
home? A father
ad the missive with eager fingers
' 1. 1.
Ono teaspoon of vanilla flavoring.
pale curtain
the dark the.
salts should increased pi; . rato,
. .
the linanufactureirs have guaranteed 1b. eatep.
nd out my expenses—
-'.� and a rno that, for.,
the heads, the table, for
and' read :— . . I .. I
� � .
Pour the cream, into the cake -lined
- lay
r:oom, grew upon nurse's .
I - ,.
Ili order to maintain the. health Arid,
. .
Unionials in the daily press and aik yournelgb�
bors they thilik'ofit Woucarl'ugaltane
tore rout, so much for
of childronL
. .
the narsery; servants to help
.,,,I am. g4ttl g t er.
I n trod of. your ov
lasting The %is
dish and over. the top .4. few
macAroons. This is the simpl6st
.once more. L .1 I � I
. . . . .
feeding.. value.'of' the: crop and to.
it to turity. , - - I
11glour monev bacla it not cured. We a box. al
an , So mucti for ox-
I provide
for the While the.
attention a. suit
' -out L .
. . . L .
I Way to make a. chartotte russe,
�.. . .
�, . .1
1. . 0, .. I
in ,,
bring a I
"In diing,
Cal ealara . Ot EDMAMON.BATRS & Co.,Tororitc,
much for commercial
.domostic .Wants ,
huslband�,. is off to bust the. Wife
about worn I alrogildy. it never
L L and
in easier than lining
. . .. .
. .1 L
conjuniction. with- phos -
ls.. hardly
- Chase's Ointmeni
uch for advertising, S9
muist b6 doing her work in the� house,
Amounted to Much, aLnyway. Please
go, to Jet,laho I ". .. .
much a uld.
A glass dish if -one can be found of,
, � . -
phatio Inallure: necessary
'and Will little - appreciable: ro-
L .. 1. I
I .
, I � . . ..
�DoctorSo you ` *think my
xes, so much for tilts
. .
Dut.-there is a limit to.9, wife's
L - . ,. I
the right shap.0i is best for the char"
, . , — ' L
give I
the is
that And the other
. L L phy-
' 'NO AV-
�ical and mental capacities.
.And was .struck utterly
when. be open6d,
10tiO uiade�ift this v�ay. L 'L
. B r
Va ains Addition-
Day a Nan G .
, .
. . ,
tu 1. n especiailly when crop
in tation. , ' L
.old I .
IS ji'app ineSS Lie Safe In y6qr
that merchant Sub-
orag� inother can perform her domos-
.duanb a parcel and
I .
discovered the of his'dolln-
GhocolAte Custarld.-Melt. two
. al. Wisdom.,.,
. . . .- .
- .
grown , ro . . '
.. "As alkaline salts; are benb-
ioaughter' .
hands -ell?" Young, lbol�tor-'% khbw
)arises from the gross
tic Work without help, 'She .&n-
oustomer,, with a.u.6to that
squares,. of chocolate in. a SlAutopall
� . . .
I A passion ior growth, a, Yearning
fie'tal'to the crap, elther. as
L .
loves me, and I do not aca:how
he says, "'I makd 'so
*not be -nurse and dr,eesmaker .and
said -- � . I L
with one-half cup of sugar, and two
ro'r.a larger life, is -characteristic
. t-11.
dfrect foods or economisers.,of
live Without Old -Doe,
a advantage Ili buying
coolt'and,dhainberinaid And Waitress
' �Vi&ll YdU -gaze upon my faA;t,,Ur(W,
tablespoOns of h9t jvAtor,, Doat
all great gouts. -A manAs measured
. po
a dressing � of salt 'should al-
,could. ,her."
tor- "Well, -,you are a young mail
foreign market. if the
and marketer all In one. She MIUst
think how mumb. I owe you." -
four eggs Nvoll'. ftdd four CUPS Of Milk
by his power to grow, to becomo,
wa�g be included aniong, the manures
Of 90 od character, and I will givc
tip all the prorits.
have fentialo assiotance. She must
- When tile ullfol.W.Iiate young W.An
%nd 'the ppoparoo ohocolatb, L
L ..
larger, broader, nobler The intan-
fo�. the marigold crop." � . ..
my consent. * oil coinditlon."
tatoes and apples in
. I
have a .servant or sery . ants'to aid
em)lod that o' L ve
Veining to, rpeof tiho
intp.buIttered clups aifd set them Ill
sity of his desire reach out and
, Based these findings liber-
Young Dootok-w-Xamie it I'L, Old
p Montana it the rail-
L .
her, or else she must give Up tot1se-
. .
happy acknowledgment of Ills swee�
� pan qf hot water ill A I'lo'lor4to
UP. defines his capacity. for davelop
upon a
mangolds be
DO(ItOx-:-"It� is that waien She IS Ill
to bring t1ke fruit to
. �
. . . .
keeping, , I . L
' It'lle Wag Ver'S, (J.'lliekly sJIX
heA, OWil � O#
130va !ce col .
QVPA.L ' d,
� .
L nt. . . I .
al'dreilsl�g .for .would
. .
stablolL me -
YOU Won't* try to doctor her, Your.
�osts inpre than the
'L .
. .
Ow -doorstpp by fhe Young 1p-4y1p
. . . —.4- 1 L I
Any Ono, young or old, possessed,
num, Ms. iiitrate of soda,
P . � . I .
self.' .
th. NO financial ad-
I one I to
. " Bt . it," says. Some . "I.4
fatiball, . . . IL
b YL 4 passion , for growth IS COU-
,500 19500
, . ,
. . . .
__; I - ,"
. —
. * I . . . � .
' '.' '
ng g glowntown clerk
, ino
. I .
thd responsibility of. tie-Americall,
. . I .
. I
:-- . I .
. Aftei trying, t,gi)r oumbk)r of ditlor-
I . a go. La-
stantly adding to. his knowl'd I
a wpek . If
who will riot beco' .
Me domestic
. .
. I
. . THE A1011T.11 Lor� Won
I ay.::('of N%shing wooleus. in tin
ways pusixin Lg Ills horizon a Nile
ft I . . ., . I
n -.H
W 0MIR ave .
f room rent And call
L .
girl & .
, Drvant so great ?
01 linot.wen 4od
L � . .K. .
. . I . .
' '
�rt tg fli4d one' thP4,Would clean
"It, So
. ,
furthar� Every'. day 110 gains addi-
I . I . I
T#XF I. I .
. .
he lunch counter . and
I I . .Ca
women who live in boarding. hounes
No -man is safe frorp the sitifTerifigs
, .
withopt sbrilikino them, the une
tloria*l wisdom every filgWhe Ili a
.11 . I .
I L ' , , , ,
I . a � I
undpy bill and extra
and *hotels be just as good as those
of ovbr-�warm woathe�,' NQ es POJIR8
" �
lip. -a rocopi;nplided has boon used
little. larger lie was. in the
I .1.
All thp salary. Ands
husbanUs and., wives Who hai,e their
been found from bodily 41spoulfpvt
. ve N W
fp4, seypr4l. , ,ar ith entire satts-
morning, ITO keeps gi-owing as long
�.' - . ' . Va
Aace the net inconle of
own' homes ?
Xo,'my broth,er, I
where the theirmornetef runs Above
.. I
0 . I
f4e$i' li; 611,0 ap two, ,numbers ,of our
. .
AS 110 live . .. I .
. S. I .
. I .
L . I
Vgpi, girl Against that
do not. think so. I believe the
ninety. Tho best Way to reduce tq
faulil� Nyp4� AII_N
. - vaol vilderWeitr tile
. .
We often firid"plants arid trees that
I �
�. . .1
clerk you find her sal-
, home is tllb most vital I '
, disepinf9irt
. A Minimum. tile gh . .
- * .
ontirp yop,r, lt has certainly ' been
Ake not fully ,developed, but' .have
. ; .
gain, While his, at the
for gooll, In all
.stituti Aniprica, I
is to. hustlo for sinos a 4rid forget
,11 tt thorovot trial. By adhar-
limit of thoir growth,
.reached the .
4nd Orton Mako the Vtistake.of Attribuiting th4w
� ..
k, aftpr his legitimatp
believe it. Is the. foundation stone
the trying condltlo�' if 0? Wegthoil
. V .
t,ho sitriplo rules )%,ore
I . 91vorl,
They cannot be male to respond to
. I . 11, I
Resulting 8" kache to Other' Causes.
been met, Is absolute -i
n pi only of the altar of Cltrf%t, but
is Warm,, think of spniptlilng filso and
ftny gl;ado of woolons cAu be cioang-
- -
tho. woning of enriched soil or COW
I .
. . .^
About patting.
Also of the terrIple 6f noighbprly love
msiVo, If
6o hegt. Vill riot be g() pffe I
ad without abriAldrig but tile rulos
ous Watering 'rho Power for . tile
I I .. I I
. . .. I
. . . .
and also, of, our national legishitivp
file perspiration .. st(trts opt of the
. �
, - '
thin), as littlp it llpsgi-
aro positivoly
peavide,:a gonerotif Allowance, of
extension of call' life so elus to have
. .
� . .
still gnofher advan-
-hall. If a .uian Is not anchoied in
. RS
porps, � , pi .
ble, and think. IlLs Inueb ,of samothing.
hot ',
soft lVator, whIta Zastile, Ivory.
departod. . .
Dr. Chase"s K"Idney Liver. Pills
of tile question Which
A. locality by alloino, that qnplio$ hp
, -
Work rill, .61
, P4 ,prit, suffpring.
Or othel - puro.soap� and borax, Rave
There avo . wany human Plants of
Bit, they
. I., .� . I �
overlookpif. Eliever,
has, a:s a rulioi, ut� iwdividti4l' 6,iirch
pisp. I
f.�941l, the jie�t, ilnIl' a SqUONIP f()I-
tho, - Nvrwllltlg antl rinslug waters of
similar tiatore. Lilarly in
from which
Many woniou have kidney disease scores and hundreds of statemenU
As the phief mai I M
eprinectipti. not living ulVdpr
more bupilless Wili oi�o 4 bottOr foOl�
iproe of hout. Make a
tI.10 HWOU del ,
le into grooves no-
qott t1loul.. q,hore I,
and do not know it. T1 ley coufuse Nyhich are recolved at these officas
- In h.W
usehold Many
tile . sfittdo,W of tlip church Spiro
Ills father
. .
Ing tct, thosp''OlhO Are qpnppiftted I'Vith
ita sudo for the firr3t; watm but
90c ,
thing ran
the, tylliptolus of kidnvy disease with front raputdble people in All walks al
sohol-do, think ,You, Is
Wilora and whorp his �Iifld�
ren warp born'. A
rilliq OP b1181110 .
the one Whe � g�g, No
011 110 conoldomtlorx put 8001) oil tile
no further growth, no more pPo9r(18S
tot, They have reached their
those of Ailments of a feminine Ila- life. I I
prippipal functionary,
Ill And profeloncy the
. map egnnot
loaril to l6ve jtn in'divIfOual church
god )ijs upipsi; be �As
ilay JR, s6,164lg an tbo J(lle (Jay, r�fld
110 Ono spiYorp 00 sv�riouply from beat
001100 article Itself, Ifave till, ,.Va.
ter as hot as the hands can boar
thein, . I . I
goal. �v
1�,lllploye(!4 often think that th
ture, We would warn .you against Mrs. W. Wilkins, Mnr)r street,
this .danger, as a few days' negloct 116116ville. ont" States- "I slufforol:
to p, vor,v large og-
. 0hurell' peW
beon WprshfpIpg in that�
0 the idlpr*V - The busiripso wall 0an
comfortably, &nd allow one level taa�
. .. ,
kept back closignedly and that,
of kidnoy disease may moall years 4 great. deal with Pains In, the smal'
inoral, contlition of
church ,for
M011010 ap!d if w IIPLs
therefore' billp blo omployos atict Ili$
opooliful of borax for every gallon
serving Are pushed
less de.
� 1. ,
of Sugaring. . of the back cituspd " from kidue,%
apends? There tire# I
. �vgrp. tngu
no holuo R*d can M ovil overy JONV
vistowero to (� bettor appr oci tion of
vater, IMIllorse the dibtfloo and
of A I .
them to stand ton fifteen
others .
of them, when the real trouble
Pains fix tho'galall .of the bdelc al* trouble. Whonever I stooped I coal,
o offirin, htindrodo. of
. I
Ill'onths hy gimply Packing Up iitfs
- their oomforto b�t providing b4l,g4ill's
a6w or
before Washing; then woi -k
Is With themselves. They IIAVO cPa8-
we"noss And lameness of the back searcely rise again, tile paing Well(
boines Ill our large
trurik 411a calling on exprossrogia
to 004upy 010 Iiiinds Of thOP10 WhOse
down, If
to They tontinuo to Move
, the inont ilia -od symptont's sc
Are rk of so grent. ' The disease bbearno
nothing of as Inany
, leg th;It ho hap lqo polkilbors;
tAiTids Might OthOrWISO b0'U1IOccUPI-
them tip and squeoze, And
nece9gary ruti With-tbo hands, but
ed grow.
in a circle. They bavo not been WI -90
Idtiney diseases,, others Are loss of sovoro that it affected MY genera
a towns a ,hd villagoo,
e. IMP1108 th4t his joys arid sor�
od, I . .
novel- on, a washboard,
keep, pace with, the tro
to Q
flosli, dry, harsh skin, deposits In the health, and I Was becoming vor�
etion or Incapacity of
row" are not his, . .
. �
The water must be squeoz6d, not
of the time04 I
Urine, Swelling of the feet and legs, mueh rutn down. Since using Dr
ousolw�por would 1110AII
r1ille �Jome in the foundation stone
Airs. Do deAri I
twisto(i out, consequently a wringer
. . .
severe headachos, stiffness And sore- Cliaso'oAlCidnoy-Liver Viii -4 "' can 814A,�
d migerY. A good,
of the, telliple of, patriotivrd. It has
haVe picked out A, husband foil you, 00
is batter' than the ]land(;, Ringo
V so � i I .
nes$ of the axw4cles, I'llounlatle Pains, that My trouble ling entirely disap
gent cook IS a conser-
beell Well .-Aid by A, great writer,
MISS ZA j,"aghion-I'Very Well, but
through two waters, tising a little
SITT'l CutTmi'mIn 111M. .
oold rhills In back And loins, scald- poared, J%can speak In tile highes,
ppiness. Brit-
Surest way to destroy atiatchy
I Want to say flow, that
leis bofax And ho soap, bA Allow-
410assaildra", hero
Ing, painful urinatfon, woqxIness and . torms of this Medicine from the wvt�
nee said that he Who
;,"71to'bring About a social Coodition
whou It ,comes to buying 'tile wod-
Ing the clothes to lie ton, minutep in
sigbo Our I
. despondency. . 'it acted in my ettse," ..
V, Sallee Wag a benefae-
Where V 7 Man can own a home",
ding dress, I AM, going to SOIL,ct,tho
each, working, them up !�nd pown
. I .
Is soritiothing Witbill MO that
lunorillost 1,0008-904
There it, we believe, no propara- 11r. Cimso's Xidnoy-I*Av6r VMS, out
nd: So the took Who
0 ex
When a man sKs Upon his own door.
materials wysolf, 00 there."
and squeezing.
tbrtlls ilia to tl%o
tion extant which all,Odo such I)IIL a dow, 25 cents a box, At al
table With a Well or-
tUp he tmly feels be is an Anwrican
After rringipg, jl�ill into sbapo
,of my Soul, I jaunt tell you of
file doubt,
: pl,ompt rellof for backadha And the dealers, or 141,dmansou, Bates & 00,
id 1#11090 OU11ftarY Skill
citk9oft. IT; Will thell, if heceseary,
Bitiks-I'Tho doctor advises short,
And lavy As ul�kly 09, po�sslblo, I)Q,
b4lfiftting heaviness, of
- "
� other dIstregging symptonia of kidney Toronto. To protea you dgains,
Appetite Is A bohofac-
be Moto willing to 410 for that coun.
runq: govoral times a daY, I )ut
Ing out itt tivio dprilig tho
� .
tbo dread, the pain that Me"
'f(rei, elvAl," tittOtA Our h0rolne,
di"aso as Dr, Chase'a Xidney-Liver Imitations the portrait -and sigriatur4
ilia. Them Are chefs
tty of willell Ills kome IS a part.
. SAVA the n
.xorclme will do luo no
0�0& P,f Orying.
proc nA uluot
, V .
That this on is & of Dr. A. W. Chem. &* *A *Wr.,
ill, who by reason ;3i
AM One Of 010 91'eUteat OutOes
� good �inleAs It ),As i aft objecti I I Jinks
116v0r be )lung In'& Ilpt,19'U'VI) IAOV Out
;you boon eating green All'%
th"ough cure ii� by tho bi*d
_.A4AA .616.11AM 4"%ftokd1kl1%&+4ft&
lim. .101�&h r-AU&It &n,AAtr I&
_60"..'. . A40&4+# 1,6+_00
of doorg 1A **VINAI� *"-144A_A*. in
�� I . .