HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-06, Page 2, "'. �') R � I ­ I --__-1 . Itchin-a Skin =1 =20. 0L1XT0N)X)4WS_RS00,AD ) � Augl�st oth, 1903 . I � . I � I � - � , - - , - , - , , L � , " - , , , . "'W" , �,.T Dietregs, by 4A .� A , ce ju value no '"t The MM' A144 IKOOCL XO-- 'A 00,f#% Said -_�IT�AOP, - , y And, ltljgb�_. and Mar maynover au -van With a' satistlea -- I ; 8 "You are?" said 131001) aug qt T110,01 the 09'r4plAint Of those Who ." "' always be a dm(i weigliton your m9meut 100191119 at tile unmoved face chtlek)pt which to. tile Observing Pall. . rily, - 't- and r, who bad found some. lei 'sounded Very' Much III-(- exultation. oeouls, to, me you dou'l 411) laucli, else." , oy - - - hands! ot Ills fatht L ThIlitc Of tile 10,48 of Interest thing 14 the last clause of tile 0 _u. Ore 40 Unfortunate 04 W be 401toted WILL N. and the taxes to be kept Up. 1,lather, d Q "Whell you all know what I k "FoILN 'at wondi-rs a lot ,ain't so apt With r4qZeMA Or Sal�L V-1104m-alad out- 01 .. went which needed explanation; then , now, to, belleve (wer,tIllug they heer," re. You must listen to')- . , 1 yQ01 be laughlif oil t"other sides ol . WQkrd applications 4 ABNw"s R HARXEN I " her too, went out, yore months. I reckon 1,11 jest have torted Abner. "I was Just a-1yonderlill They Can't, . 0 I not gure. ,, I . 0 ,'Listen to notilln, thundered Rish- , I I I why that little, Spindle, shanked Peter r or � 4 OP, balf rising froin, his chair. "No- ' to let you all know about this or I Mosely bag been boldlat Ills boad so T 4 1 i I A " "" I The source of the trouble 1# J4, the "'W'Ci0tfall" * body axed you two to put 111. It,s MY CUAPTOR. 11 wourt have A Speck a,' peace from now I . I e* business, an, I,m a-goln, to attend to f"%" all. I didn't tell you at fust becalso high the last week or so. I'll bet I , . 11004 -make that - ' , I � AN found his , , could make a durn good guess , . pure, .p,A . ,. a tWo peal , (;9Pyrl$ht. 1902. by I it. I believe I'M (join" the right tblag. L IL unelo 0" th'P nobody kill keep a k;eeret as well as tile , R()W.,p 1. I 4 . " I [A I qreh washing his face .1 Ing, burning, itchlnO Skin disease will DANI L N-AILPF'IL 4t skoij., I ,.I ant that settle$. It. . back 1) L Man It belongs to, out I was afeered It "What under the Sun's Voter Mosely, 0 C . I , 4 find bands III a basin on the ud leak out 9 �i lisappoAx I . % W, .1. "The -right thing,-,,, moaned the old Ot to do with my busbiess?o burst � - 11 I woo tiAken with an * ,--� _ � . .an, damage MY Interests, I - , I - I I , Itching on ,my . A ' R Water shelf, The youpgM.In but this last 5,000 acres j st RI)O11t trom, Bislioly's Impatient lips. . ring ed very disagreeable. I . . — LL . 1� �_A L �� a chair and Walled against one of the wooden posts e "He's got a sorter roundabout (!a ' I a ... which prov '. . ­ , * .1 woman as She sank Into � . concluded It was salt rheum and bought a I iso+ +++"+"-�+"""$."..-.4,4.t.A...-.++++"*+,�*,�4.*4w..w4."4; . covered her face with her hands. I'Mr, which supported the low,toof of tile Sweeps all the best timber In the u L aod14 8 Trallue," st bOttloofU L .Aroaparilla. Intwodays , le went on fiercely, ,,When whole Cobutta section., an, I niought gts Itiection vvith It, I reckon," studied Ab: I ' *'M,W'MIMWdOMb.MWIMMWAolb.%W,qmmmwAmmb,�vm I I well let up' 1 reckou. you all know . to k ow t t be I . Porch and waited for him to conclude nergrlmly, 111bappen n ha A after T began taking it I felt better Ana It . L . ., ., F-4M=WA*"Lms"-_.-1Aq=Wr that factory, stock leaves our hands we tile Putting, sputtering operation, which Was not long, before I w It ,cured. UAve . . . a w0l"thave, a Single thin, ay of -my lana,sy;ls, nigh a ,j > never had any skin disease Since." MRS. L I 1. g to our names lie thia0y did by enveloping hjs:liead Tompkilis Hold 'Ira 2,000 acres or t1mbe I , ID4 R W,&]aD, Qgvo Ito . . "OHAPT4n 1, IL Aly Laro, Ir it ever aoes tur" 31111 W fW that . L railroad it ud be low at five times . , land. on Huckleberry ridge L Jest atter; _.. , . Int, Md. , will bring In a coot of Income, In a long towel hanging from a wood- I . . . - he'll scoop in euougb money, to set you you kin What I paid for It, don't you? Well, yore Atlanta man spent the day lookin, . r.r - f_—*_71334 young man stood In the an' your sister up for Wei Folks tell see how bad it is on a wornart On roller on the weatherboarding. ' round In these parts." . . I L . then, the long an' short of it is tha " Qo. d's Sarsan field road giving dir6ations to, who has Worked as lit rd to do ter her "Well," �be la . t . 'arilla a r I � 10 I we he owns Mighty near every stick . ughed, "yore Uncle Ab I I bappo,u to be on the inside all, know 'Bishop Was no fool, 'and he grasped 1 ride the blood of All impgritied 4114 . Obust liegro, who was plow- of timb r I d in the Coh 01111(1170,11 Us I have. Mr, Bishop always; � Abiteets meaning ev cures Oil eruptions. L. 14 ,Ing the corn, which In paral t e, . utta valley, said Adele, who I . didn't better Matters In thar overly -that a railroad Is gain, to be run from Oil before it Wag , - all' what It:" 0 visitill! her unclelo Much, but what could a foller do? ' , "_!­ I L bag he got fit the, bottom . .. Blue Lick Junction to Darley. IVII quite clear to, the others.. . I I ell rows stretched on to the main road figure-tr . family In Atlanta, should have that Yore Pals as bullheaded as a "ung be started inside of the n "Looky heer," be suld Sharply, "What I L - - --,.,=.-�....:.�-.���----�.-,��". ­TTT �--­_� a quarter at a mile d I , , ext yeer .an, L Istant. . stock. for a weddin't gift of she ever steer, an! he's already pl I do. you take me fer?" . � . "If It ever turns his Way," said ma ayed, sinash III run smack dab. through my proper - It Was a beautiful fty. Th sun was Alan, ."But do you see any prospect er rried, an' Alan was to have the low. anyway, Yore m4ls wastin' breath; ty. Thar now! You kno orern you "I '411l't tuck you for notit Wh�n'Ooro Wore Wigs, shining bri , ghtly, but the 4temospbere halt of this farm, Now,.what would but a -woman seems ve plenty f w in , Inr," said A century and a halt ago wig wear- had dropped a 41m Tell over the n of its ever doing so, Mr, Trabue?" we have to give the girl-nothiul b . to. ha 0 thought you did, don't you?lt Abiter, with a grin. I'Lettotwise, I car- L Ut it to spar.e. 4 Woman's tongue's like The little group . Stared into big gle*. '411-11"t"tUck yout fer *5,000 wiltho c L In& was at Its height, and little boys by mountain. Even the two storied The lawy,or .shrugged his shoulders, thousands ol acres or hills, mountains a windmill -It, takes breath to keep it Ing fue Incredulously. . I � . . I. at. I four or five years of age submitted to , "I never bet on another Man's trlcl,,, an, gulches L farmhouse, With its veranda and white I . full Or bear- wildcata -0 'a-volvir -lit - - ,j I I I . I . having their heads Shaved preparatory columns, to Which thefteld road led up . my Pay, and I never throw colo. Ivat . er oil the of Aspectilator.. . catamoulits-land that it u . . d break any I I - , .." MU 4 14 nor business,!' "A'railroad . � Is to. be built, father?" .1 to donning their false headdresses. A a gra dual slope, showed only Its out.. I � Leyden professor�Rivers by' name- I lines. However, Alan Bishop as he plans I us t ed 0 When I was about your age, but . I -, Young couple to bold on to, Much I,e . I put so to any use. Oh, I feel "It's no laughing matter, Uncle At)," Alan despondently. "Something exclaimed Alan. . . I "That's what I oald.ff . . . . . . shocked all churches by declaring that steadied his gaze upon the hou I set ' 04W saw so many of lem got rich by paying AO Rttentloll. to me tha I right ,perfectly Sick over ItIll . I . ,said must bftye gone wrong with father's Mrs. Bishop's eyes Bashed with oud- de, a Christian. must necessarily wear. a the figure of an elderly Woman come wig or be eternally lost. On the other -_ - 11 .------- -, ,t quit ` off. A man ought to be allQwed to Use , , , T , here was a heavy, dragging step inj the hall, and a long, lank judgmenti He never has acted tbig Way before." I hope,. and theii, as It remembering he, husband's limitations, her face fell, . hand Dr. Thlers, a celebrated Oath. Put of tJ'e gate alla ;Ith a quick Ste .t , I P . s mother. Pilot assailed the wig wearing priests in hurry down to him. It was bi I Ills owl' Judgment. I " Old Bishop Iyas evJde litly not bear' man of sIx_ ty or 1sixtY41ve Years of age paused in � I the doorw'ay, ife liad.-no Tbo,'old man dropped the . towel and thrust "Alfred 11 she asked. skeptically, I "how d,�s It happen that you know 86 was tall and aisgula'r and had big a good sized volume. . . I 11 . Ing a word of tbiq conversation, being , beard except 4 tuft of gray b0r on his chin, and lilo, his long, aim 6 Ost 3olutless finger Into his Test Ocket for a barn p about the railroad before .other folks cheek bones and small blue eyes, . . I . She Cranks? 6 had rather thin ' . gray hair, which was wholly absorbed In studying the de. . tang of. the deed before him. '14 reckon . . 6 - teeth, being few and far between, gave to his cheeks a hallow comb which, folded up like a jackknife, "I � was Jost does?" . . . "How do I? That's it now -how do Judge -Let us get this thing Wound Into a knot behind ber head, right. It's all right," be finally Said. ,,you . appearance, 1-10 was Abner Daniel, Airs, Bishop's bach. a-wouderlul," as. be began t6 rake big Shaggy hair Straight down 17" and the old man laughed freely. and over It she wore only a small red You say this r4jin whom we are exam- breakfast shawl, held say the Tompkins children a re all of ge?" I . . . . . a- e ter brother, Who lived In the faintly., -to his eyes -"I was. Jest a-wonderin' of jej, To had ray fun oUt 0, this thing, Ining Is not Insane and Yet he. is'not.in which she In his right mind. How Is that? . place by one of her long hands. . 1 .. . . I �'Yes, -Effle was the youngest," an... I "Henol" he exclaimed, shifting a big- quid of tobacco from ' he could 'a' bent his skull In a I)ttle that time his 'Ira listenin! to what eyery crank said about me beW craciced'aul -so on, but I . Witness -Lots 'of people, your ban- "Alan"' shO­saldl Panting from her "I swered Trabue, "and She ste PPet] Over one check t6.t)lo Other. ."),Plottint agla the whites?, -1�,,f mule thlowed aglin the SWOOt gum. They say that was Jest a-lylill IPW waltin, fee lily I or, who are not Insane are wro . brisk walk, want you to�come to the na mind. a . ed about everything. . house right off. Mr. Trabue has come the line last Tuesday. There's I I. . her signature in black and white. - The, You are, I'll decamp, as the- faller said' . When . often changes a body Powerful. Folks do . . . I . time.,r . ,. I I . 1. I "Well, I'll be 1 6 . to see yore pa again, an' I can't do a I I . deed's all right, 1 don't draw up guy' the bull yeerhirl butted lim in the' Small or the back. HOW are your. -Mr. ­ . I I . . .- switched,,, ejaculated Abner Daniel, halt seriously, balf'sar- * - ' - -.04M . An Aid to Hemorr. thing,with Ilm4t, . . . ' . Slopay-And, doctor, .If "'Well, what -does he want with himill you - will, I' . . other sort." . . I . . . I . - . , Alan went. to his father and leaned ., - "Fath6r," I Trabue? Have they rull. you ont'o, I town for some or yore legal rascality!"' I I - 6 6 - . . - - � % . castically. "Geewhillkinst A-railroadt : . I've alwayi said one would pay like -' wish you would give me something to, asked the Young man. His glance was I . , , over him. 1i . . . e said . softly 6 - "I redkon your sister thinks'It's ras- - . 1_. .. . - - . I . rips an open. up a dern good, God . , : ' help my memory. I forget so easily. on. the plowm4w.and his horse. They ,and yet with, firmness;. "I wish you'd 6 I . canty.thAt's brought me out tollay," - . forsaken country. I'm glad you. are � - Doctor -Very well. I'll mend you a had :turned. the far end of the corn row I . , bill every month.-Bgltimore and:were coming'back, . only the nod- not act hastily in this deal. You ought . to. consider motbees - t0thes, and she Is laugh ed the lawyer. "We are . a . � n ..a lit- ... "I . a-goin' to start one, Alfred." , : .1 L ' . I Alan!s face was filled. ,imek. , . . can. .- __ . . - . ding,head of the 'alilmal,being visible . . � , . nearly distracted over It," . I . . . . tle land deal." : . I � a] "011, 'T 1, I'll move on," said Abner r � . i. , .. with an: ex - press'lon.of'blended doubt and pity for I An Ancient Tragedir, . beyond a little rise. . . .. I . A historical paper in Lord Montagu's "He's corne to draw up' the papers . . 6. Bishop 'Was angry. His massive.,. .Clean Shaven face was fed. "I'd, like. � Daniel, "I Jost wanted to tell Alan that Rigg's - hogs gQ't Into his young - . — ' '. I I . 6 . " I . his father's credulity. I'Father,ll he ' . said gently, "are You sure yop got your collection In London tells o0a strange for another land trade, yore pals�mak- I . to know what I'd consult *her ter," lie "In - - corn fix the bottom Jest now an' rooted - ! .1, Information straight?"'.. I_ . . I � . tragedy "done In Holborn, a little bei- In'. He's the lawyer for the Tonipking . . . said. a matter or this kind.a WOM, an's about'us responsible up about .is manj acres as Pole Bak� - 1 4-* '.1, I "I got It, from beadquarteis'.11 The 6 ore Christmas," several centuries ago. . as a suchint baby." 6 .. . errs plowed all day. Ef th Y"d a-rooto . .e I ". . ,. I I old Man raised himself on Ills.toos and . . . "A boy seven yearsi old came up . - %. �!' nto a gentleman's chamber and . pr4t- . .. . � . . - .-, - . .. I Trabue laughed heaktflYi "W611, I 14 In straight rows an' not gone too nigh ' the stalks, they mought la"done the .1, . . --- //1 knockbd bis-Ireels together, a habit he ' liad*11ot indulged In for many a year. . . .1 . tied to him and drew his sword and . . reckon ifs a good.. thing. your, Wife cr4P More good than..harm but the'r . . �-Iw ­ . I �. I � . "It was told to-ine confidentially by a . . o gentleman; I I didn't bear' that or she d show y' . . ou � aim Or' Intention, one or Vother, - � man who knows all about the whole I'M- 4 Ik A 11! wbotber She Was responsible - not - 1 Was h -JA - im lj� . . . . 'thing, a: man who is in the 'emnl- -' __. .. I . . . . I . is - . , wondered to see The boy I I I IV- . I . 0 S AS Ells. � away. - Mighty few � I . . . . .iirau, -_ . I ... I toes his blade so* and said: 'So, good n couldn't have -got the fir I � the company that's goln' to build.1t." Mean to saj/P2 . i . � n) .st word of - ' of �eni.rOot­vvhen they root af`all-fee � . ­ I ,� . . . thraugh anybody but tbeleselves. W611,,Illl g1t . � . . . -a a Ion I - Put in the would 'In! 'kno . I Mal, boy, thou hast.done welli that off: my tongue before MY wife "Iltilil"' The exclamation Was Ab-� ton mill stock. - To . . . - sword.' The boy persisting, the gen . .. cited.,, me clean 'aloogtomy-room " ., . , . I . ner.,Dantells.'. 41DO you Mean that. At. .Short,, tile Atl � g story- - . . . � - , � . I I .. I ." � .1 . - . . �� . . . . I . anta Jack le& -lawyer is I I . 1; tleman rose and held him the scabbard, . . that wall,". . , � � . Don?t,go, Brother A:b,".pleaded his - - I . lanta lawyer, Perkins?" , .... . akin to th� Tompkins- faml . . . . . � I mtred Bisholy seemed not toc4jr . .. , Bishop stare , ` P . d bet a. neW, juit to, ly Some . . and the rude handed lad, thl .e for sister. * 111, Want . 1, d, Ills 'mouth lost,some . Way. . nk-In - to -- 1\ . .you to help - me, itand, - . ' ­ -d ' w I 0 ty.' during-*buslness --hours, f 'he : 'up, ter my.riglit.s.: . of its pleased. firmuess,' and lie e I sheath the Sword, lustily chopt it,into. , , I,- - , , levi Alfred M. about to' .... . eased ' cake ginger -or the motion 6 1. . � . . th!lt Perkins I-110ver' owned tt� ... .. ­ . � � . . 'WA � � . - � I . , . . . . Ills, belly. Company were called. ,one. I I@ .greeted this remdrk'OnIy*,Ivjth a fro,virn. SWItp our cotton. mill stock for, some . I f.hls feet,.-..._.', .. I . i sp6on I . . He scanned the paper again- and Said, - � . : 66 I ful Or -land up he' . , , , . . or ant tbat bela�, . � . . I . . ' . � . I offered to strike the child. 'Lei him � ,. I Marc. Wild- Mountain 'land.."' .. � . What made 'You Mention his name?", Jest:be'plul the Tompkins folks on . I r's any flav� J TI Spite Of his, u4tuial tende cy to - - I . 1. easked curlou$IY... . . . .. so . alone," quoth the gentl4nnau. -bo4js "Weff, ef,;tba' ,in this I , W . . . I slY -to unload -some a' tb�r land, . the ' : . , . I . � , n . I - ' . . � . .� . , . �. rhake i right." . 1. I .. "Oh .I dunno.' -:Somehow ''I Jest , they. ki . . . . � Just. This boy's father (lid 1. kill five I I".... - . . . turn, everything Into it J09t"even the - I I . . . . I �1.1110ve West,."Whar -they've at- . . . , years since and none kh w he - . 1*1 . . "011, Yes, I'll make tiny mistake of - serious thiligg"ot..1i I thought. 0 film.. He looks.tot,me like ways Wanted e . . I I . I . . . ew. No . I ­ � . fe�the Sallow face . Ito go. P ter Arosely Is a I. I hs.th revenged Jt.P . I mine 'good," returned Trabue. "Th6 f the tall Man lengthened. H .. I . - he* mought be. bulldlul a railroad.' ur . Man.- on' the Watch out -for rail. Soft, . . 1. . I And.the gentleman . I , . . � , . . . - . .. 0 e sta�ed - - 'I I . . . . . � died the second dressing." . , . . � . I I � / . . Paper's all rlgbt.l� . I . . I I .Into tb6 faces itiound'jilm to . I , . - . j . Wo . P. . . - . � .. � . . g1lap§, f ,in' Wben Perkins, .m,hjspe ' I . I . r a we- " ' . ' . red the- - _ I , . r I . . . . i'You see," Said. Alan 'to 'the lawyer, - m ; 11 .. . . "Wen, that's the 'Man, I mean," said big soeret ' I I . . , , ... % .. . I ent; then a, slow twinkle da - . I .11 I . ., . in bis' -, did to ' ' '. . . . .1 .. .. . wood In I . - Yeer,.11ke lie - . I . __."­_i­_� -.0 . !�!��­ftff."*­ I I -. "mother and.'I think .4ther bag 0-7 * his eye, � . . . I . .. 1. , , -Bishop, - mpre.itheasily. . .� . � you, he started -out on a. still hunt fer7 .1, .. .__._!!W . � . . _ � . . .. .. . . . I . I �_L� � * . . . . . ­ � � '. 1. . . . . ready more at this '.sort , of prp"P6 . . . L��_ _ � . . , Somehow th4 others were all, looking' timbered land on th6;'Iln . .1 1. I . . . I . I L � 11 I . �1 . Irty. - -'I've nev& been IMOW010 take sides - , . . .. . .. ... . 'at Ab . ner'Dauipl, who ' . e of the.pr&- , . � .. I I . . .... ��� . . I � . . I � than hecan carry, and"- In Tiny.connublal. . . posed 1ru *k li I . I : � . . . tussle yet" he said. to "It's fto.14uahtng,m . . . grunted suddqn.� . n me due.west v -ah Lie . . k_-, : . 104__Wrl�_ . . . t . . "I wish yoii and atteri Unc?,e Ab.11. ly ' . y . ---I .Yore mother. Id let,* Trdbue In "Alf Maj. ­ I . . 'and almost angrily, ... skillet to Darloy, lv�th stop over'-privf- *. � I . . . . , I . X . . , a dry tone. not 'think'bers " a&' -his cazlp on ,the Ian4 . 'I wouldn't trust that skunk no fur.. !eges at Buzzard Roost an' flfteen,mln�-' - . I E:7-Dfl . I I . * I . . , I my. business. aloner", broke -in .13!shop,- -knoiv'whkit -lie's about right now, but .� I . . � . �- . . It - . Aring up again.. "Trabue beer k question, an' now der In I could fillig abull by the tail." � Wes for b sh. rot Springs. � . ' . I . I. H. � � , All. . -Ilows., he's *Salomon hisset compared to a that. he�s'traded , his . a at Dog T ' . I " . .. I . . . . . .... " I I've been wbirryin' , 'Ira for the la�t tw . .best nest egg fer-'anoth ' i , '.�You - Say you - Wouldn't.?".' Bishop 'Then' .somehow . '! / I t . . �� / , 0. fetter that w nd6riak I er swipe -o the . . I . . , , Ill u e,. -to Settle a L . .I or other, by bo( ; . . 11 � I earth's surface, I tried to'smile, but tho' ' .)k or . ' ' �. --- -1 . � . .. � , I mo , . , - ,0 . . . � .. uths to get the Property Ill salable dispute. betwixt a Man a al his -wIf ' .'reckon. they'll tjklk I . . I � � � edorewlis ft fa- crOOk-mOstIY Mok­,kbe ..Tompkins . - .. .. . . , I � . ,!-: _. ShAp -DO you re kon after, he gets It 'more cope , e- harder. But Yo clal failure. . . . , I 1, I " A -t . . . . . ': � � . . I . e. . a � . clan repa aftet-rid, fool. 'No . . I . ... .'. . 11 Wasn't . . .. I .. !! I' I I - . . I Y the wife. Geewhillking! . up . dod-gin, anybody about. .that " . ' r 6 I- I -that away I -want to listen -to yore two Plumb' Ithot, could 'a' managed' yore' , 'T would t trust ,hn , , . . . . I . I never shall forget the timebld �ane - . wither, B'r6thei tiMe..-Peter UosqtY co4i(l ra'. run agin . ' . . . .. ton es A-wagglill 1 si . ma'9s well as he has. -You see, I k In I . - � � I , 9:6 . 11 Open .. OPPO 'ItIOn'. � Hardeway. come beer to spend _to -W ,Ab,". chime.q in Mrs. Bishop. "As soon �.'I with big eyes shut on a dark night, * , . .. . . . I . . - . . . , , . �� . . . an Betsjr-spllt 'over buylli, . .. . I I I I ., . , � ... - . � . I . I to it?" I � I . " Alf -tbar - ani: a Week . , what lie's accomplished, for I've been '. as 1, laid eyes on 'Im'I knowed -he "I was at -Nell -Filluorels'.store when ,�, * , ' � . .With. r1m, eve . � . . . I . . I There are verV .f6w cl ... s_ : Trab�e rubbed: his hands together .a hatr til . � r since .they was yoked wOuldnli do. HeI4 too mealy�mOuthed the. tWo met, all' ef I ' ' J ' ., iwkeferl 6ball, Betsybad.seed ,togeth . all$ ' * . . .a trade Was ever - ' , "It really don make a -bit' � . � � . er.�. Wheri.they. was, married, she. Butter wouldn't, eit'l d' ina Operations .. I It of differ-, . one, aver at Mason' ; . I . I .. I in 11 pa, e quicker bettrixt, t ttl in Which .Sunlight . I . .1 . s at the -eampgrOund' 1. fawnial. . wo. folks it was . I ' Soap cannot be I . . once to me, Alan, .and. Way or the An' determMed shed ' I Was as wild fts A buck-aul ciny 4.bis -mouth. - He � bragged 6n..ever!tbjnj .-done by telegraph, alk' the paper. � . * used. t6 advant. - __ - __ .. 4a44C421 -other," be.sald pacifically.. `�Ilm. billy .you n' . have bile. Unybe . Ive'had 'while he was Leer., No Al� I .Was . 1. I .. . . . � . .11 � . i - . � Oticod that fancy Contra Made our daddj�.wtilk a: chalk line,* but . I IV, signedbY IlglItnin". Abe 'said lie bad � � � age. It malkes the home bright acting as attorne ' ptlon 'In - Alfre&bas tapered lerdo fred, whai we must ' land'a' "iisten to' nothbil, " thunclered Bbhopi ' I . . 0 In. . Well,. Alf W wouldn't Dart Ivith *It at, - , 1- Y for'the'Tompkins' the- hall as you. com' wn beautiful. . git at I#, whatwas.. the , . . . - . . . . ­ .. ,seed O� . - - . . ' ne , - � IB -'estate. Yore p& tiled to buy' the land a trangf, . -am a wa $he. didn't, Want this'thing done I of helladlilt -boon bad in ne and clean. � eState-and get my fee whether there's a nigger unloadin'. It fl . .big 94joct In tellin'. you that tal6.Pl: . . any price . . I � � . . er or not, Thav, 6 901i -at . bit, an"yet it is s ' .. "Object!" . ed� , . I . . . . . S Tvbere. I stand ... the door 0 ettlqo by this ilmell". thundered her - husband,.-', Or Money, fer he'll6lieved it�was chilet-, . ,.%* ­ __ . -----I--.-- — ., . . it yeer ago, but. it Wasn't In' -shape to I in,the mitter.11 I .. ". . � I I I ­ rt�- inerniol, aul'when Betsy, the old man lo6k losing Ills temper in th . . . I .%_ I I I , . I . 41sp . � 9d through the hall to lip or bItLek majbj;ew . I 1.1-;_­ . ­ . roilt.'gate;-"yes, Trabile's unhitoij.'. ,-' ful. possibility that her words hlnt�d . -161P * .. = .. e age of. Oh, Alan, doult.y64 -see � � - ' I . . � I in f6er an' trembliu% told 'Im.wbit It ' the, f . . e falce of the aw. full O'Iron ore o4pston ' I 10, � . . . . . l . . . "But it's. not. wbar. I stand In It ,Mri w,0, ter be mighty -nigh had.a fit,4 , , . ater PoFer, to say nothin 0. ttm'� � . . . - " I" 1. � I .He '11�'g got them stock. c' at.'. "Are,yoli all a Pack.' n, p -'but It n . ,,,,.,O, " - _N - . . . � I he's *'gain' to ruin us' with his fool no' Trallue'll said a firm voice'lii-the hoor- 'sala big' folks ne' ' I In'. ertificates In , e. o'd bee '. ' _,,�� . I " . . . I tli)ns?. Folks an about are a4aughInI I . ver. had been -above. . . ''. � . . a assl �, ber., .. troubled so mqqb, . -,.;:.-,,0S- ­ - . . . . . LU, Packet, ant fool ? . I , .,P--. 0 , � �.-:=­4 .*:p I A" - - . way. -It- *ag Mrs., Bishop,' ber �'blue�_ fianglnl� tilerr coat$ an,_lta Y6re. Psi: has �tb'e deeds � Is - If You. -Must dive an, probe, about caah,'he said, that he'd made-up . ' . ` ,,-- 1�7 vll� ) ,§'t�� � - � - , at ,bi In for buylfit s - , ts on good. - 'In his note. *caijq. hen,4111, to ' I . ­ - ?" 714 _"t6 . . .. ' t -he oIvas,a. Slice . . ( � � -z. -, . . . . a much useless . or . . . 4 - �.,- * . Mountain land. I'm powerful afeera. - eyes fl"hing, her . lit pegs, an? as f9r, them . , . his mind to let 'or slide an' -the devit, lt4�"_� I � ,face pile and'ilgld.. - stout'nails. ai . When:%thIs gjt$ out, . 11 you 11 I I . � . .1 . 'il -think 'I've g I :Mospbacks from,hoer clb!ln to Gilmer, timDer. land above t I 'the contents. I never Seed tw I 1, . �v at a rlglit�--aild ,a ' H , yinjul a te .:. - . his mindis. wrong," ,*. � .. I - i .. big umbiella'jigl'S to ketab the'drip, be - .. ' alloy creek ' . I at . ., ./I " . � - � . . � I !'Well, moth6r, what cou I I ­ . oue-to. It e a. say So in this kind of a Said they was fancy � Oltboxes, in!' I 11 be trt(psin' In 'to dispose or land at so ' some or M in%an' ' so he.let. Me into the . I parties to a,deal:better satisfWd. The;r . . . . . . 14 .11 I . . Id -, I doT.' trade. A woman . i6tt's ,stayed by. a ivaifted to know of she � . much a front'foof.1, -. . �- ' � - .' secret out or pu . .. . N . Alan. Bishop' asked Impatiently. OYou ' expected a body .tq�ut what u I ." . .. * . ore g04 iWIII, 'Oh you both left'thd Store.with.a.strut., Mose. - - . "... .. I. N . . . mail's *side fer thirty'.odd yeer anl* to-do the'r chawin' gnF smokin, in that - , nder high heaven VVIII all cayn't skeer me.. .1 ala"t one,ol the ly's strut Was'the biggest, for lie wasn't I - � I .1 \ � , :know,he won't listen to Mo." - ' . , . . , . . . . r .' . . . . . I ­� �, .14 � raked an' scraped to.he'lp.,save ajittio. windy ball, Ile said It Jesi shoul - lie do. with it aillir, - .. I I . . skee In' kind." . .. 'Afeerd or nothitit, Tompkins lool' ., , ,.� . . I I - reckon you -can't sto 0 lat" sighed' ,handful . . I . d not . . I. . - I . . I . .. .. . . cod like., * - . ... . : � ' _ I P:f . , or. Property ,� ter her two chfl� -Stand -thar with an'them prongs, 4 .. *'Hold on.to,%'! grInned'Abner4 11that.. . But, notwitlista'Ild'Ing' this :.outburst, . 1. he wag afee4d. Mosely lud'QaU flit back . I . . .__ ' , the Woriian, "but I. Wish yould. come on 0611. . K , n'* . I It It was plain that- doubt It . . ant walitto rue," . ' ' I � I I . . � ' a . wed h . . has got.'a right tQ4aise a` rninpus arms to.. attack unwary�-folks . Is, of he - kill rake an', ser lid: I . .ad actually .1 . I I .. ! .� . I . ... . . I . , �j - to the house. .1 kn I . .e was, up to when I In the .. a enough to� are saysneu�­ . . I . . . . '. I . . . . , . .her husband goes crooked like ' . . !'You MeAA to say, . .. . I I � . 11 . � . I ­ . somelil. Ever, day for the last week I .. . � I .dark,', an' he toted I It out to tha� buggy gethee. to pay the taxes. Why, last yeer I J. .. I- B.Ut OldZisho ��� . . , - ' , . 1) I . . . i . � . - . Alfred bits an' starts in to bankrupt ihod. Thatgot Betsy�s dander up, ant his takes: Mighty 11194 floored 'tin, apt � ,t He des0ended. the steps and crossed ; seemed unable to put bis grOWIng.f6ar ' . . I t,_ I I he's been ridin' up the valley an' rollint tem. all Jest ter a blind notion 61. hls'n.30 � ' . . .. , � � I . . . . . , � . 11 � I an, tulublin' at night an' ebawlal tefi . L .-She put it back agin the Wall ant said I the expenses on this county -hels,jest . he .Yard to the barn. T110 saw - him . Into.Ivords. - . . 1. - . I I . , , I ' I I , I I I "Oh, tbar you arel" said Bishop, lift- it 'Ind Stay t1lar of she had a n ll push. . I . erall-fence for a -moment "Oh, . I (Ion I It kn I I . . . .1 1. - / - _*N . , tIM613'as much tobacco as be art.. , Oh, ' Ing his eyes fro . lim- like rips, for lean over tb . I OW 216thin'. for obr. . .1 ' ' -its If In.troubled thought �. ; . tain," Said Abner Daniel . .. . ! in the paper and glar, behind -It an' bold It In pla0e,- If 110W,.yOu know, It th- . I . .. I . be,s gain, to ruin, us! Brother Abner " * . A . . e'll have to do'WI , sympa. . . . � ­ I - . , /I �, . Ing at her over ,his glasses. - "I know6d., ;�Va . sn't' do t ' , "Poor father," said Alan to his'uncle ' theticlAny, "but of .1 was You -I'd go, .. I 7 . — says he Is bilyin' becalse he-thinks-.jes.' "t ne Fe., .He 'lowed of they. out,'the Income on big factory gtock. ' I , v Into ti . � . . . I . . I.Fd bavq to'have a knodlido,,vil an - was to hav, .Is be's got.tbe right so as big mother. retired plowl, I a �� Perkins. Y.ou . I . . ' Don't Frowill ; . 'gain' to advance in , value,�'but sech, drag but fight with you If* . e sech a.purty trick as that'. But. lie think w h So. "He seemi - u le down to'Atlitlita J31 too ' � . . . property haln't advanced X I � . . . . ore. I signed on tile -hill it. had to st�Y it tile best by the Steer. ,Before long he inay yen On UP bled, and It may.1 kin. tall by. the *ay he act$ whether ' ' . . . I .a.speck sense � MY name, go- sail in: ant, gifit over� 'roon, in tile. 4buser. so be put It beer In' , Out to us to come .help 'Im - turn lei-, mean: our ruill-absolute ruin."p I . .1h4r's`h4y.thIn r . . How many I -rows are marred 1) , tile 'I kin iemember any Is bein' sold ever' . . I . . .. y I . � 9 In Ills rail oad story or . . . . . � parlor by: tile pla - . .. Trallue's got to ride back to town.,, ,. . , tile f � "'It ain't no -trifitlit Matter " adniii,od � not. But, by . . ugly wrinkle called a frown, yqer for tax money.l:r .� I 1 . . 110t But Betsy IPoge, but he's waltzin with. 'ter now." 'I Da ' . I ; 91.1ni, YOU Oft to know . . . .. � . I -PBut'.wbar in the, name Or common took -It back'two or threellmes, an' be . . , hiel. "Thar's-no tellint ho* iii,)*11y I whar you .stand. - You've loaded yore- , I 1. . ­ . . At this juncture Mrs Bishop .came . I - I I !. . It conics from trying to fix the eyes. . "No, Wo Tory Toollsh''6f him." Said , Sense Is..tho Money t6 come gr - oM?Pl.the- I I... . thousand acres he may I . I � �. an hurled at.her busband 'a's She ;v�otk'fer nothitir un" finally qu1j. totjlj� 'on -her ap�on. , . . .. I He'8 keepin' s i , 't Plant Yore feet on� Some'n. .L . . . -,the young man as the twoturned-to � -worn' , larnt that lie was wdbin' it sight or out of the dining rooni wiping Iler eyes I . . I have. bor..,.;ht.:! o0f 'from Ignd td fore quarters� an' of I . . . . . � . I . . . . . I em.ethin!.to hjqsolf.� I re. ,,!you .don . 1: I on a given poitit and forchig theiii'to. . ward the house. "Father keeps tillking' Vested one of her bony bands on .1 . Member Jost when *that durn'-skiink Of 1. I . I .. I I I ,. I " I . . . � 60 �If about "Afothbr,!'� said .Alan' . You'llgo down.!, . I � . I perform tasks for which they are im her on such proDerty, I . tenderly,. . "try it, lawyer put that flea: in bi � . . i ' i ' * about* the fine ti, edge of the table and glared at him; � "But that, alurt what I started Irt to. not to . Worry, over.tills"Any more than . a yeor� They j3jSIIO clutched this P , OsItf I I but It is entire'llyn too far from it rafl-_ . . I S i I 1) rail on as' a , � I Capacitated. . . . "As I understand Itr. tharls about 5,000, tel). . . . W48 at. Han Oil's Mill an' talked con- drowning mail ,would a straw : ,,Well, . read ever to be worth an�,tlilug. I asl�- acres -in th As I was a-saybil, old j 11 liolp.lp . I � ' fidential together mighty nigh all '. , .� I . 3LASSES, VITT� I I I I Is piece alone, an' yolie '11ardoway thought she!d' soiter put a I, 'Your paps; gettill' old an' Childish,".. I a Wli� �o see 'IMi" he Said. -I'll go Jest . J A PAIR OF GOOD C rang YOU 'Can . morn- � m �lg . - . . ed Rayburn Miller about It, and he a��PayluO a'dollar a -.acre. Wbarrs it - . fill- But let's not, cross a' brid,re tell we y, . RD BY US, WILL ASSIST IN . told me to do all I could to. s'ta'p father. Ward in. tile di9pute to pay kej her' whimp6r6d Mrs. Blslaop. "He's heerd . . .: . Sti, s you. . As fet its I'm concern' , . � 4-comin' from, Ildlike, to knoW? Whar'a . . . , Somebody timber la lul .up . . in the- git to it. Let's talk about-someln el � on' ed . i I . DRIVING AWAY TRE, FROWN. from Investing. andYO'u know 1108 as' � It to come from 10 � � I . board aW keep, milshe told Betsy that I � so. t -know he wa ' t tellih, me no 116, but, .1 . ­ _--1_1 . . . . . It wa� a)) 6whil.to tile way -the ]Bishops . . yoo ===-Z �---- � I �barp' a speculator am over mountains SZ some day advaiftee,'aill . . I I tell You, .I rockoh;ydU all-nover Ill rest till V t;,"t W 11 It. hilln't never had* a chance to . . ­---��w-, . lived; but , . Bishopsalffed and ran a. steady hand � . . . . �, � . . . . I . . ,� , . . . to. .. . 11 . . ... 0 'his short, -gray hair -- "You see . was raised that Alf couldn't stand. to he forgets that hers too'. old to get the . . .. � .. (TO Iln-CONTINUM),), . I . P�. J. . GRI leg 1119 money, . ; . ver . 1111VO things nice about Ihn. She I � said b efit ,of It. -Ile's gain' to bankru � . . � - �.,-,, I . . I � I : . . . . There was a paling fence aroun ' It thL On . pt , . . . ' sclontific'sevve1br, and I I ' d. the .how little she knows or My businessl all . . us Or . . I . . I . ___._­ .--... __.. '. _ ­ _. 0 � ow %TgMWA0X&,M"Wr4W,ft=,, . I . .1 . It . I I . . . ­ I. ��. L ­ * .. � .. . ouse; and'the Inclosure was alive, with he said .to the lawyer. "Heer she's q 11191101)8 she'd ever knoWed had � I I I . . . ll� ­ . I I I . . rm� _. I - �-o - L' - . -, 1. -__ " . . . I � ) 00-Mbib;m , . , a natural Stoop that they gof by,livint Bf I doill'-th(i man accused - tho I : G_ -.-. 11 11 CLINtrOW, ONT& . chIckells, turkeys, geesej-ducks and pen, ralsin' the devil an, Tom Walker-abotit Ill 7��` .. I . I I � .cablils with low roofs. ' . dored from the hall as he str6d To get iha ' . . I . . L . fowls. In the sunshine oil the veranda thei trade, an'she don't a . LSho Wasn't e out, , , L t. appetizing, . . I . I . , o much, no ,spreadin' lei- butter as thick am she "It'll be my money thaVs lost-monej , brown appearance and out. .1 I . I . . ( .. I I � t- I . � Q__ _147--___��N11 , �� I two pointers Jay sleeping.. but at the know whar the money's- .. I . 0 . . I I., , , ­­_ . I to come from.', thought .Sho,was-ur L nlaybe It was the that I Made bYL hard work." ' . I � . I . .ted the side. crispyness on roasts of ... �� -X � � . . L U"--- �_LL___ -..;I , . �7 . .Round Of the opening gate they rose, ­ "HOW �vns I t6 knowr, )*Ptoi r . ��l , Nz , I I . I I . . . I . L I " . b1s.0yeglai8es a 9 over lamb, beef, etc.,tO keep � �� j I . � - ___ - ­_. I -womah, "When You've been tellial me blo,ed up like thOL'-woods afire ' In a He stood beto t e, his wife. "I've had * . ), 'S , . . . Stretched themselves lazily and gaped. sort 9110 was spr6adinr-for l3eisY . them, glarin 11 . t,21 I * , — . __ ___ .- . . I "They are In.the.parlor," said Mrs. ter tile' last six manths, that thar . high wind. It didn't take old Jane enough of yore'totigue,-my lady. Ef . their �oodness ill them- they �rl 01/1 .j t "I A,: .. - -, I I � , a� I I Digital), as she whisked ad he� break- wasnit enough I: the bank to give the long to diskiver that tbar'was several I'd not had so nine must be basted. In the old LL , , . . L alo V�.�Nl� ... I I -�. , e, - . L'4', �kA� I . . '411 -hr h to think about in I . . I . fast shaNvI. "Go, right In; I'll come In . house a coat *O,Ylfresh Paint alit patch breeds or Bishops out or jail, ant she thar lost now, I'd la! shiat you up soon- . . 9 5� ) , 0-1--' I 1. . a minute, I want to see how Linda is . . . tYle Stove this niCCegsitated . . " .k. the barn roof,l) , " I'll ... .�� I . . . , - , � : . I � . IV '4you L knowed I had $6,000 W11th .01 gin, on some she'd re I'm doint the best I ki ' L g"/.' .1. . i . . . I spent mostol the rest or her visit brag, er. Dry ,Up noW-not another word, . j 'yv- -j. .1 I.. nitakin' out With the churnhil tal I . into the hot oven . _ W _ ., I id nb6ut, .. She 1 n accordin' to - * , I I I (, ." st... . W. . I feel like It's 9 WaStO Or time to do a stock in -th * =ng the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the . . Z�.j :5� ,.",% ,t . W I . . a Shoal Rl,�er cotton mills, Said the name sounded like the start my Ilghts to provide for my children, . I front of, . 11 k, 1,0 lick or ork with him In thar nctlbO fit �, the I . C �, , L (lid t you?" asked Bishop defiantly oven while it -was basted. A tedious perfortnallee with , 1.9 ...., .. f . a L . of 'am had, been religious and'sub. an' I wou"t be interfered wIth.00 , � I q., . like a ehild, 'Of we botli'go In together, lid yet ,with the manner of. a man sianch,o) � . . . - . ; I slts, The draw -out oven racl� bf the ., I � I ,�. I It'll look like we've concocked somew throwing' a missile which he hoped I I NO ,One spoke for rL moment, lElow. . . . I.. I I . . .. . lffl� ` "BrOtho Abner," Whined Slrs*. Plah- eyt% Mrs. Bishop finally retorted, as I .. 0 If. - ., tbin', hut we must Stop ,fin of -we kifl.o Would fall lightly. * I . L I .� ' . . t�. " _... � ' opt, 11 wlsht you,d hush till that fool- her brother knew She Would In 'bet. . . . 01:1- fr Mall welit into the parlor oil the left "Yes, I knowed that,' butlf- The . ___ . I � 11 0'. .. . . L Imperi - I r% f4ird - - '... , "'.t. of the Wide, uncarpeted ball The room woman's eyes were two s ishness an, help'lue In the children out Own time. - I ;1 a WX I k. I 0 , . . .1 . - wall fifes Or thig- awful fix, Alfred always would "I don"t call buyin, thousands 0 , - . I .1twi VvIdta plastered walls, but the call- burning h'dllgrlli for Information be, *listen to You.', I I . . 6 e makes basting a A and L - ., )) I . .. LL Z ; - Ifix WaH of boards planed by hand and yond their teach, , L ­ . . . acre L I successful operation. in 10 ­ � '. I . . . . . . . I I � I . a W ungalablo land providin'. for I Raing Maw the � I PA1nt0d1�sI,.'V bill,-. lb one corner stood "Well; it happens that Shoa . Is I tack is I "Well 11 and the old matt smiled and anything excep . t. L the, porebouso," She. . .. I . ' . . 1. - '. . . - __ . A vory. old piano witli i Winked'at the lawyer, ,41,11 give you fumed, . . . . I . .. . . I handle in front Ofth(l oven for. . .. . . I _ r 1. pointed.' oct4g- , Jost the tame, on the market as ready both all the advice I kin. Now, the "That's bedalse you don't happento .. ward4nd therack brings theparl - I 0 L MAI 1,10 and a stool with balreloth, bout the bust as I . .. . . � 'is contents out of the oven . . -evlaoe was wide and MOtrOWo but never varyin, moreln 11 now, but bf the mill was to keteh on �4.*6�, 1 . I I � -vorino. The BI I money' lip a little today ant 'down to- Shoal River stock is a -good thing 1-Ight know as much a USA � andi : IT IS A AIOST I I%RWAS) XT . .I .1'.. . ­ 1. .. .1 —, 001006000MMUNK , fraction Of R cent on tile dollar, an' so fire ant burn down thned be a logo, ".. . ­ .. waie� . I , . I . . where h may be.illorouglIly . . high and bA4 a Screen made at a dtd_ the Tompkins beirs Say they,d jest go Then as — . . A —_ . � basted Ivith the greatest ease, 111TV07 TO I-1AVR P110TOGRAPINC for timber land, It ain't easy -_ �� .. . �'j � The Imperial oxford IL-ingo, I AT R14COTTYLAR 1NT.8RVAtj8, ; orat6d Win.dow shade tightly Pasted on Ileve have It, all, its I'm Itchin' to rO, to, sell but It mought I . . 80 AS a Wooden tpAn),q. take a start be. , . ?j .lessens tile labor ofcooking and TO IMCALT4 JItt"Wr wirA.T 014 Man Bishop gat )love them of the'r land It didn't take tore �'hotbor flood. I my It mought, . I h . OXTR near a window Ana f4gUgh bi$ Steel 'us 10,19 to come togetherill CV �� E, , AT fj.Amed noseglasseo Walt p . . - _ insures t a most sueoessfUl , I I-eiTITIDIZ1114M Iloolcul) -1, Ix ,!A, , .. ant then agin Lit moughtn,t. The mill Mother's Car -1 results, 4. . J)tjPJf%'j�LR,NT I%RTODS� Olt" 11%11�41R ferollY read. , Xf he bad struelt tile woman squarely Mought burn, all' then ngLin it � I I I Call at one of our agoncks or write, . X,IVA,8, t,N AOT1,01 YX'Awl; Tinve4y, 11.19'A long document Written on legal 14 t1lO t(t0e, $Ile could not bave; Sit A W40mo, IN Md*Nff*qqW of" 4 WHIM V w6ia � OW11 monifitn't. NOW, of You Ulls kin be NUMININO AkV #1VPA.1r, A I I for the Imptrial, Oxford leaget. . I 111,10TOORAMIS A1114', 0Rl4A,AT1IY efti) paper. Ile paid no attention to the MOM PUPPI!100� 0he bec.ame white to helped by this Advice you are W I 0 , ovb 40 THM I � I . . I I . . entrance of his son, but th Oe Me, *70jVrJV4t f0of poms ROPO4 irl.01t L 'All PR RICIA111101) Ov 11,1111*1 CIIIIII)RUN a lawyer, it the lips and Witt) it low Pry tilklied to tQ It frop A, phargo. Xot 011angin, tug V-054 I I I $jt 'r.,Vj�'.',�. . IZ,)Lq , 41,L A IZI.A . IT111111AT. 'CORD silort fat Man Of OixtY-five With thick hdr 0611. "Oft, Alan, don, � I I ... , , t-doult lot 811*4, d14 ya'u' ups know urs., Rich, A00ykr,s mmui.wo '. . . I INIL-A-0 0arner tt fall below big coat ool. 'fin do It. It's all We ba firdSon,of he � - �_ ,t)10 TIM, $R,Vl,W A010t, YOU W11j, . black hair thil . N I 04AINY) IT INTI-MUM141, I Itti, rose and extended his hand, We olib depend on I It will TO left thAt .&(!r,o got a calfj L t V�Ckajj 1611004108 YNN A014M J6rA*jV4j-0 A," . . . 1� ... Foundrr Co. L . ruin lust" she won't borrow so muoh milk after NUMM'SHAr"r 'sa N4td***A*V 00* . 11 I I I . � x0ithiftct . .- . I . - I I I Pleasantly. YUM HNAJ.ta 00 `*6tN M0'rHX*A*0 . Torontor � "ITOW'S A11111T) lie ftsked ,,why, father, surety'" Protested hem g1tA good.,$ � CHIL04 . . , BE NIRY's PHO TO STUDIO 11 I Saw You dowly Ill tho gold as t came Alan its lie Put his grin around big Trtibuto ShIlled broadly no, the gaunt 86nd for Irej mftkVj6, . & , I *46*000410, W16*0061t, fA , I along, but'l eouldart eatch your eye. mother, "Aurely you can't MO-'lu to, lot M411 Wltbdrew, but hIA amusement SCOM&DOWN9, Chetfiliti, , . vafte,64*4o ftik- �. . 4 -he Autho vrill ba alased Wiedilesday Y04 SPA I'm Out after Santo or Your go your mill Investment Which'IAL pa.V. Wall Abort )ITed, for ij ., ­ ". Lfrig..Dishop began TotoQ, ofitArlo, 41 , , I' I-,,- h6-4 ­­ -,*Z+14 r- � . . ­­ ­ ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' ' - ' L� , . , . 'j . . . . L , 'I . � " � I , � I I j 5 *L d !T 0 � I— " ' ' L ' 'i $I*. � . ­ — . . . ­ . - .. Y, and sliq Soon rqse In desp#Ir L . 6- 11 A0ti:r11ooj* #1110V Ino;ith pf Ailgas't. - dAT1_1e,u8bjt go# Duying hiseef rich, Ing 15 vor coat to Put the_MOA.e.V Into I to or. md $1,06 I *It atogluts. _"__�__ 1006-0 For Sale . 11 : .11.1 1. I �_­___-!�Y_ DAV1804 K 11 . '"40WL I I . I r-,� , I I T . 3 - I , , I .6 ; . 6 1 _^-XV.- ..4 _-01%_ I �,