HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-08-06, Page 2,
R �
I --__-1
Itchin-a Skin
=20. 0L1XT0N)X)4WS_RS00,AD
Augl�st oth, 1903
. I � . I � I � - � , - - , - , - , , L � , " - , , , . "'W" ,
Dietregs, by 4A .� A , ce ju value no '"t The MM' A144 IKOOCL XO-- 'A 00,f#% Said -_�IT�AOP, -
, y And, ltljgb�_. and Mar maynover au -van With a' satistlea --
I ; 8 "You are?" said 131001) aug qt
T110,01 the 09'r4plAint Of those Who ." "' always be a dm(i weigliton your m9meut 100191119 at tile unmoved face chtlek)pt which to. tile Observing Pall. . rily,
't- and r, who bad found some. lei 'sounded Very' Much III-(- exultation. oeouls, to, me you dou'l 411) laucli, else."
, oy - - - hands! ot Ills fatht
L ThIlitc Of tile 10,48 of Interest thing 14 the last clause of tile 0 _u.
Ore 40 Unfortunate 04 W be 401toted WILL N. and the taxes to be kept Up. 1,lather, d Q "Whell you all know what I k "FoILN 'at wondi-rs a lot ,ain't so apt
With r4qZeMA Or Sal�L V-1104m-alad out- 01 .. went which needed explanation; then , now, to, belleve (wer,tIllug they heer," re.
You must listen to')- . , 1 yQ01 be laughlif oil t"other sides ol
WQkrd applications 4 ABNw"s R HARXEN I " her too, went out, yore months. I reckon 1,11 jest have torted Abner. "I was Just a-1yonderlill
They Can't, . 0 I not gure. ,, I . 0 ,'Listen to notilln, thundered Rish- , I I I why that little, Spindle, shanked Peter
r or � 4 OP, balf rising froin, his chair. "No- ' to let you all know about this or I Mosely bag been boldlat Ills boad so
1 i
I A " "" I
The source of the trouble 1# J4, the "'W'Ci0tfall" * body axed you two to put 111. It,s MY CUAPTOR. 11 wourt have A Speck a,' peace from now
I . I e* business, an, I,m a-goln, to attend to f"%" all. I didn't tell you at fust becalso high the last week or so. I'll bet I , .
11004 -make that - ' , I � AN found his , , could make a durn good guess
, . pure, .p,A
. ,. a tWo peal
, (;9Pyrl$ht. 1902. by I it. I believe I'M (join" the right tblag. L IL unelo 0" th'P nobody kill keep a k;eeret as well as tile , R()W.,p 1. I
4 . " I [A I qreh washing his face
Ing, burning, itchlnO Skin disease will DANI L N-AILPF'IL 4t skoij., I ,.I ant that settle$. It. . back 1) L Man It belongs to, out I was afeered It "What under the Sun's Voter Mosely, 0
C . I , 4 find bands III a basin on the ud leak out 9 �i
lisappoAx I . % W, .1. "The -right thing,-,,, moaned the old Ot to do with my busbiess?o burst � -
11 I woo tiAken with an * ,--� _ � . .an, damage MY Interests, I - ,
, Itching on ,my . A ' R Water shelf, The youpgM.In but this last 5,000 acres j st RI)O11t trom, Bislioly's Impatient lips. .
ring ed very disagreeable. I . . — LL . 1� �_A L �� a chair and Walled against one of the wooden posts e "He's got a sorter roundabout (!a ' I
a ... which prov '. . , * .1 woman as She sank Into
� .
concluded It was salt rheum and bought a I iso+ +++"+"-�+"""$."..-.4,4.t.A...-.++++"*+,�*,�4.*4w..w4."4; . covered her face with her hands. I'Mr, which supported the low,toof of tile Sweeps all the best timber In the u
L aod14 8 Trallue," st
bOttloofU L .Aroaparilla. Intwodays , le went on fiercely, ,,When whole Cobutta section., an, I niought gts Itiection vvith It, I reckon," studied Ab: I '
*'M,W'MIMWdOMb.MWIMMWAolb.%W,qmmmwAmmb,�vm I I well let up' 1 reckou. you all know . to k ow t t be I
. Porch and waited for him to conclude nergrlmly, 111bappen n ha A
after T began taking it I felt better Ana It . L . ., ., F-4M=WA*"Lms"-_.-1Aq=Wr that factory, stock leaves our hands we tile Putting, sputtering operation, which
Was not long, before I w It ,cured. UAve . . .
a w0l"thave, a Single thin, ay of -my lana,sy;ls, nigh a ,j >
never had any skin disease Since." MRS. L I 1. g to our names lie thia0y did by enveloping hjs:liead Tompkilis Hold 'Ira 2,000 acres or t1mbe I
ID4 R W,&]aD, Qgvo Ito . . "OHAPT4n 1, IL Aly Laro, Ir it ever aoes tur" 31111 W fW that . L railroad it ud be low at five times . , land. on Huckleberry ridge L Jest atter;
_.. , . Int, Md. , will bring In a coot of Income, In a long towel hanging from a wood- I .
. . - he'll scoop in euougb money, to set you you kin What I paid for It, don't you? Well, yore Atlanta man spent the day lookin,
r.r - f_—*_71334 young man stood In the an' your sister up for Wei Folks tell see how bad it is on a wornart On roller on the weatherboarding. ' round In these parts." .
. I L . then, the long an' short of it is tha
" Qo. d's Sarsan field road giving dir6ations to, who has Worked as lit rd to do ter her "Well," �be la . t
. 'arilla a r I � 10 I we he owns Mighty near every stick . ughed, "yore Uncle Ab I I bappo,u to be on the inside all, know 'Bishop Was no fool, 'and he grasped 1
ride the blood of All impgritied 4114 . Obust liegro, who was plow- of timb r I d in the Coh 01111(1170,11 Us I have. Mr, Bishop always; � Abiteets meaning ev
cures Oil eruptions. L. 14 ,Ing the corn, which In paral t e, . utta valley, said Adele, who I . didn't better Matters In thar overly -that a railroad Is gain, to be run from Oil before it Wag ,
- all' what It:" 0 visitill! her unclelo Much, but what could a foller do? '
"_! I L bag he got fit the, bottom . .. Blue Lick Junction to Darley. IVII quite clear to, the others.. . I I
ell rows stretched on to the main road figure-tr . family In Atlanta, should have that Yore Pals as bullheaded as a "ung be started inside of the n "Looky heer," be suld Sharply, "What
- - --,.,=.-�....:.�-.���----�.-,��". TTT �--_� a quarter at a mile d I , , ext yeer .an,
L Istant. . stock. for a weddin't gift of she ever steer, an! he's already pl I do. you take me fer?"
. � . "If It ever turns his Way," said ma ayed, sinash III run smack dab. through my proper -
It Was a beautiful fty. Th sun was Alan, ."But do you see any prospect er rried, an' Alan was to have the low. anyway, Yore m4ls wastin' breath; ty. Thar now! You kno orern you "I '411l't tuck you for notit
Wh�n'Ooro Wore Wigs, shining bri , ghtly, but the 4temospbere halt of this farm, Now,.what would but a -woman seems ve plenty f w in , Inr," said
A century and a halt ago wig wear- had dropped a 41m Tell over the n of its ever doing so, Mr, Trabue?" we have to give the girl-nothiul b . to. ha 0 thought you did, don't you?lt Abiter, with a grin. I'Lettotwise, I
car- L Ut it to spar.e. 4 Woman's tongue's like The little group . Stared into big gle*. '411-11"t"tUck yout fer *5,000 wiltho c
In& was at Its height, and little boys by mountain. Even the two storied The lawy,or .shrugged his shoulders, thousands ol acres or hills, mountains a windmill -It, takes breath to keep it Ing fue Incredulously. . I � . . I. at. I
four or five years of age submitted to , "I never bet on another Man's trlcl,,, an, gulches L
farmhouse, With its veranda and white I . full Or bear- wildcata -0 'a-volvir -lit - - ,j I I I . I
having their heads Shaved preparatory columns, to Which thefteld road led up
my Pay, and I never throw colo. Ivat
. er
oil the of Aspectilator..
catamoulits-land that it u
. . d break any
I I - , .." MU 4 14 nor
. � Is to. be built, father?" .1
to donning their false headdresses. A a gra dual slope, showed only Its out..
I �
Leyden professor�Rivers by' name- I
lines. However, Alan Bishop as he
plans I us
t ed
0 When I was about your age, but
. I
Young couple to bold on to, Much I,e
I put so
to any use. Oh, I feel
"It's no laughing matter, Uncle At),"
Alan despondently. "Something
exclaimed Alan. . . I
"That's what I oald.ff . . . . .
shocked all churches by declaring that steadied his gaze upon the hou I set ' 04W
saw so many of lem got rich by paying
AO Rttentloll. to me tha I right
Sick over ItIll . I
. ,said
must bftye gone wrong with father's
Mrs. Bishop's eyes Bashed with oud-
a Christian. must necessarily wear. a the figure of an elderly Woman come
wig or be eternally lost. On the other -_ - 11 .------- -,
,t quit
` off. A man ought to be allQwed to Use
, , ,
, here was a heavy, dragging step inj
the hall, and a long, lank
judgmenti He never has acted tbig
Way before." I
hope,. and theii, as It remembering
he, husband's limitations, her face fell,
hand Dr. Thlers, a celebrated Oath. Put of tJ'e gate alla ;Ith a quick Ste
.t , I P
. s mother.
Pilot assailed the wig wearing priests in hurry down to him. It was bi
Ills owl' Judgment. I
Old Bishop Iyas evJde litly not bear'
man of sIx_
ty or 1sixtY41ve Years of age paused in
� I
the doorw'ay, ife liad.-no
Tbo,'old man dropped the
. towel and
"Alfred 11 she asked. skeptically,
"how d,�s It happen that you know
86 was tall and aisgula'r and had big
a good sized volume. . . I 11
Ing a word of tbiq conversation, being
beard except
4 tuft of gray b0r on his chin, and lilo,
his long, aim
6 Ost 3olutless finger
Into his Test Ocket for a barn
about the railroad before .other folks
cheek bones and small blue eyes,
. . I . She
Cranks? 6 had rather thin '
. gray hair, which was
wholly absorbed In studying the de.
tang of. the deed before him. '14 reckon
. 6
- teeth, being few and far between, gave
to his cheeks a hallow
which, folded up like a jackknife, "I
was Jost
does?" . .
"How do I? That's it now -how do
Judge -Let us get this thing Wound Into a knot behind ber head,
It's all right," be finally Said. ,,you
appearance, 1-10
was Abner Daniel, Airs, Bishop's bach.
a-wouderlul," as. be began t6
rake big Shaggy hair Straight down
17" and the old man laughed freely.
and over It she wore only a small red
You say this r4jin whom we are exam- breakfast shawl, held
say the Tompkins children a re all of
ge?" I . . . . .
e ter brother, Who lived In the faintly.,
his eyes -"I was. Jest a-wonderin' of
jej, To had ray fun oUt 0, this thing,
Ining Is not Insane and Yet he. is'not.in which she In
his right mind. How Is that? . place by one of her long hands.
1 .. . .
I �'Yes, -Effle was the youngest," an...
"Henol" he exclaimed, shifting a big-
quid of tobacco from
' he could 'a' bent his skull In a I)ttle
that time his 'Ira
listenin! to what eyery crank said
about me beW craciced'aul -so on, but I
Witness -Lots 'of people, your ban- "Alan"' shOsaldl Panting from her
swered Trabue, "and She ste PPet] Over
one check t6.t)lo
Other. ."),Plottint agla the whites?, -1�,,f
mule thlowed aglin
the SWOOt gum. They say that
was Jest a-lylill IPW waltin, fee lily
or, who are not Insane are wro . brisk walk, want you to�come to the
na mind. a
. ed about everything. . house right off. Mr. Trabue has come
the line last Tuesday. There's
I I. . her
signature in black and white. - The,
You are, I'll decamp, as the- faller said'
. often
changes a body Powerful. Folks do
. . . I .
time.,r . ,. I
. 1. I
"Well, I'll be 1
. to see yore pa again, an' I can't do a
I I .
deed's all right, 1 don't draw up guy'
the bull yeerhirl butted lim in the'
Small or the back. HOW are your. -Mr.
. I I . . .-
switched,,, ejaculated
Abner Daniel, halt seriously, balf'sar- *
- '
- -.04M
. An Aid to Hemorr. thing,with Ilm4t, . . .
' .
Slopay-And, doctor, .If "'Well, what -does he want with himill
you - will, I' . .
other sort." . . I . . . I
. - .
, Alan went. to his father and leaned
., -
Trabue? Have they rull. you ont'o,
town for some or yore legal rascality!"'
I - 6 6
. .
- - � % .
castically. "Geewhillkinst A-railroadt :
. I've alwayi said one would pay like -'
wish you would give me something to, asked the Young man. His glance was
I . , ,
over him. 1i
. . . e said . softly
- "I redkon your sister thinks'It's ras-
- . 1_. ..
. -
- .
. rips an open. up a dern good, God
. , :
help my memory. I forget so easily. on. the plowm4w.and his horse. They
,and yet with, firmness;. "I wish you'd
canty.thAt's brought me out tollay,"
forsaken country. I'm glad you. are �
Doctor -Very well. I'll mend you a had :turned. the far end of the corn row
I . ,
bill every month.-Bgltimore and:were coming'back, . only the nod-
not act hastily in this deal. You ought
to. consider motbees -
t0thes, and she Is
laugh ed the lawyer. "We are . a .
� n ..a lit-
. a-goin' to start one, Alfred." , : .1
L ' . I
Alan!s face was filled.
, . .
can. .- __ . . - . ding,head of the 'alilmal,being visible
. .
� , .
nearly distracted over It," . I
. . .
. tle land deal." : . I �
"011, 'T 1, I'll move on," said Abner
r � .
.. with an: ex -
press'lon.of'blended doubt and pity for I
An Ancient Tragedir, . beyond a little rise. . .
.. I .
A historical paper in Lord Montagu's "He's corne to draw up' the papers
. 6. Bishop 'Was angry. His massive.,.
.Clean Shaven face was fed. "I'd, like.
Daniel, "I Jost wanted to tell Alan
that Rigg's - hogs gQ't Into his young
— ' '. I I
. 6 . " I .
his father's credulity. I'Father,ll he '
said gently, "are You sure yop got your
collection In London tells o0a strange for another land trade, yore pals�mak-
. to know what I'd consult *her ter," lie
- - corn fix the bottom Jest now an' rooted
! .1,
Information straight?"'.. I_ . .
I � .
tragedy "done In Holborn, a little bei- In'. He's the lawyer for the Tonipking
. .
. said. a matter or this kind.a WOM,
an's about'us responsible
up about .is manj acres as Pole Bak�
- 1 4-* '.1, I
"I got It, from beadquarteis'.11 The
ore Christmas," several centuries ago. .
as a suchint
baby." 6 .. .
errs plowed all day. Ef th Y"d a-rooto
. .e
I ". .
,. I I
old Man raised himself on Ills.toos and
. .
"A boy seven yearsi old came up . - %.
nto a gentleman's chamber and . pr4t- . .. .
� .
. - .-, - . ..
Trabue laughed heaktflYi "W611, I
In straight rows an' not gone too nigh
' the stalks, they mought la"done the
.1, .
. ---
knockbd bis-Ireels together, a habit he
liad*11ot indulged In for many a year.
. . .1 .
tied to him and drew his sword and .
. reckon ifs a good.. thing. your, Wife
cr4P More good than..harm but the'r
. . �-Iw .
I �. I
. "It was told to-ine confidentially by a
. .
o gentleman; I
didn't bear' that or she d show y'
. . ou
aim Or' Intention, one or Vother,
man who knows all about the whole
I'M- 4 Ik A 11!
wbotber She Was responsible - not - 1
h -JA - im lj� .
. .
'thing, a: man who is in the 'emnl- -'
__. .. I . . . . I .
is - . , wondered to see The boy I I I IV- . I . 0 S AS Ells. � away. - Mighty few � I . . . . .iirau, -_ . I ... I
toes his blade so* and said: 'So, good n couldn't have -got the fir I � the company that's goln' to build.1t." Mean to saj/P2 .
i . � n) .st word of - ' of �eni.rOotvvhen they root af`all-fee � . I ,�
. thraugh anybody but tbeleselves. W611,,Illl g1t . � . . . -a a Ion I
- Put in the would 'In! 'kno . I Mal,
boy, thou hast.done welli that off: my tongue before MY wife "Iltilil"' The exclamation Was Ab-� ton mill stock. - To .
. . -
sword.' The boy persisting, the gen . .. cited.,, me clean 'aloogtomy-room " ., . , . I . ner.,Dantells.'. 41DO you Mean that. At. .Short,, tile Atl � g story- - . .
. � - , � . I I .. I ." � .1 . - . . �� . . . . I . anta Jack le& -lawyer is I I . 1;
tleman rose and held him the scabbard, . . that wall,". . , � � . Don?t,go, Brother A:b,".pleaded his - - I . lanta lawyer, Perkins?" , .... . akin to th� Tompkins- faml . . . .
. � I
mtred Bisholy seemed not toc4jr . .. , Bishop stare , ` P . d bet a. neW, juit to, ly Some . .
and the rude handed lad, thl .e for sister. * 111, Want . 1, d, Ills 'mouth lost,some . Way. .
nk-In - to -- 1\ . .you to help - me, itand, - . ' -d '
w I 0 ty.' during-*buslness --hours, f 'he : 'up, ter my.riglit.s.: . of its pleased. firmuess,' and lie e I
sheath the Sword, lustily chopt it,into. , , I,- - , , levi Alfred M. about to' .... . eased ' cake ginger
-or the motion 6 1. . � . . th!lt Perkins I-110ver' owned tt� ... .. . � �
. . 'WA � � . - � I . , . . . .
Ills, belly. Company were called. ,one. I I@ .greeted this remdrk'OnIy*,Ivjth a fro,virn. SWItp our cotton. mill stock for, some . I f.hls feet,.-..._.', .. I . i sp6on I .
. He scanned the paper again- and Said, - � . : 66 I ful Or -land up he' . ,
, , . . or ant tbat bela�, .
. . I . . ' .
offered to strike the child. 'Lei him � ,. I Marc. Wild- Mountain 'land.."' .. � . What made 'You Mention his name?", Jest:be'plul the Tompkins folks on .
I r's any flav� J TI Spite Of his, u4tuial tende cy to - - I . 1. easked curlou$IY... . . . .. so .
alone," quoth the gentl4nnau. -bo4js "Weff, ef,;tba' ,in this I , W . . . I slY -to unload -some a' tb�r land, . the ' : . , .
I . � , n . I - ' . . � . .� .
, .
�. rhake i right." . 1. I .. "Oh .I dunno.' -:Somehow ''I Jest , they. ki . . . . �
Just. This boy's father (lid 1. kill five I I".... - . . . turn, everything Into it J09t"even the - I I . . . . I �1.1110ve West,."Whar -they've at- . . .
years since and none kh w he - . 1*1 . . "011, Yes, I'll make tiny mistake of - serious thiligg"ot..1i I thought. 0 film.. He looks.tot,me like ways Wanted e . . I I . I .
. . ew. No . I � . fe�the Sallow face . Ito go. P ter Arosely Is a I.
hs.th revenged Jt.P . I mine 'good," returned Trabue. "Th6 f the tall Man lengthened. H .. I . - he* mought be. bulldlul a railroad.' ur . Man.- on' the Watch out -for rail. Soft, . . 1. . I
And.the gentleman . I , . . � , . . . - . .. 0 e sta�ed - - 'I I . . . . . �
died the second dressing." . , . . � . I I � / . . Paper's all rlgbt.l� . I . . I I .Into tb6 faces itiound'jilm to . I , . - . j . Wo . P. . . - . � .. � . . g1lap§, f ,in' Wben Perkins, .m,hjspe ' I . I
. r a we- " ' . ' . red the- - _ I
. r I . . . . i'You see," Said. Alan 'to 'the lawyer, - m ; 11 .. . . "Wen, that's the 'Man, I mean," said big soeret '
I I . . , , ... % .. . I ent; then a, slow twinkle da - . I .11 I . ., . in bis' -, did to ' ' '.
. . . .1 .. .. . wood In I . - Yeer,.11ke lie - .
I .
__."_i_� -.0 . !�!��ftff."* I I -. "mother and.'I think .4ther bag 0-7 * his eye, � . . . I . .. 1. , , -Bishop, - mpre.itheasily. . .� . � you, he started -out on a. still hunt fer7 .1, ..
.__._!!W . � . . _ �
. . .. .. . . . I . I �_L� �
* . . .
. . � � '. 1. . . . . ready more at this '.sort , of prp"P6 . . . L��_ _ � . . , Somehow th4 others were all, looking' timbered land on th6;'Iln . .1 1.
. . . I . I L � 11 I . �1 . Irty. - -'I've nev& been IMOW010 take sides - , . . .. . .. ... . 'at Ab . ner'Dauipl, who ' . e of the.pr&- , . �
I I . . .... ��� . . I �
. I � than hecan carry, and"- In Tiny.connublal. . . posed 1ru *k li I
. I : � . . . tussle yet" he said. to "It's fto.14uahtng,m . . . grunted suddqn.� . n me due.west v -ah Lie
. . k_-, : .
104__Wrl�_ . . . t . . "I wish yoii and atteri Unc?,e Ab.11. ly ' . y .
---I .Yore mother. Id let,* Trdbue In "Alf Maj. I . . 'and almost angrily, ... skillet to Darloy, lv�th stop over'-privf- *. �
I .
. . , I . X . . , a dry tone. not 'think'bers " a&' -his cazlp on ,the Ian4 . 'I wouldn't trust that skunk no fur.. !eges at Buzzard Roost an' flfteen,mln�-' - . I
E:7-Dfl . I I . * I . . , I my. business. aloner", broke -in .13!shop,- -knoiv'whkit -lie's about right now, but .� I
. �- . . It - . Aring up again.. "Trabue beer k question, an' now der In I could fillig abull by the tail." � Wes for b sh. rot Springs. �
. '
. I . I. H. � � , All. . -Ilows., he's *Salomon hisset compared to a that. he�s'traded , his . a at Dog T ' . I
" . .. I . . . . . .... " I I've been wbirryin' , 'Ira for the la�t tw . .best nest egg fer-'anoth ' i , '.�You - Say you - Wouldn't.?".' Bishop 'Then' .somehow .
'! / I t
. . �� / , 0. fetter that w nd6riak I er swipe -o the
. . I . . , , Ill u e,. -to Settle a L . .I or other, by bo(
; . . 11 � I earth's surface, I tried to'smile, but tho' ' .)k or . ' '
�. --- -1 . � . .. � , I mo , .
- ,0 . . . � .. uths to get the Property Ill salable dispute. betwixt a Man a al his -wIf ' .'reckon. they'll tjklk I . . I � � � edorewlis ft fa- crOOk-mOstIY Mok,kbe ..Tompkins . -
.. .. . .
, I � . ,!-: _. ShAp -DO you re kon after, he gets It 'more cope , e- harder. But Yo clal failure. . . . ,
I 1, I " A -t . . . . . ': � � . . I . e. . a � . clan repa aftet-rid, fool. 'No . . I . ... .'. . 11 Wasn't . . .. I ..
!! I' I I - . . I Y the wife. Geewhillking! . up . dod-gin, anybody about. .that " .
r 6 I- I -that away I -want to listen -to yore two Plumb' Ithot, could 'a' managed' yore' , 'T would t trust ,hn , , .
. . . I . I never shall forget the timebld �ane - . wither, B'r6thei tiMe..-Peter UosqtY co4i(l ra'. run agin . ' .
. . .. ton es A-wagglill 1 si . ma'9s well as he has. -You see, I k In I
. - � � I , 9:6 . 11 Open .. OPPO 'ItIOn'. � Hardeway. come beer to spend _to -W ,Ab,". chime.q in Mrs. Bishop. "As soon �.'I with big eyes shut on a dark night, *
, . .. . . . I . . - . . .
, . �� . . . an Betsjr-spllt 'over buylli, . .. . I I I I ., .
... - . �
. I . I to it?" I � I . " Alf -tbar - ani: a Week . , what lie's accomplished, for I've been '. as 1, laid eyes on 'Im'I knowed -he "I was at -Nell -Filluorels'.store when ,�, * ,
' � . .With. r1m, eve . � . . . I . .
I There are verV .f6w cl ... s_ : Trab�e rubbed: his hands together .a hatr til . � r since .they was yoked wOuldnli do. HeI4 too mealy�mOuthed the. tWo met, all' ef
I ' ' J ' ., iwkeferl 6ball, Betsybad.seed ,togeth . all$ ' * . . .a trade Was ever - ' ,
"It really don make a -bit' � . � � . er.�. Wheri.they. was, married, she. Butter wouldn't, eit'l d'
ina Operations .. I It of differ-, . one, aver at Mason' ; . I . I .. I in 11 pa, e quicker bettrixt, t
ttl in Which .Sunlight . I . .1 . s at the -eampgrOund' 1. fawnial. . wo. folks it was . I '
Soap cannot be I . . once to me, Alan, .and. Way or the An' determMed shed ' I Was as wild fts A buck-aul ciny 4.bis -mouth. - He � bragged 6n..ever!tbjnj .-done by telegraph, alk' the paper. � .
used. t6 advant. - __ - __ .. 4a44C421 -other," be.sald pacifically.. `�Ilm. billy .you n' . have bile. Unybe . Ive'had 'while he was Leer., No Al� I .Was . 1. I ..
. . . � . .11 � . i - . � Oticod that fancy Contra Made our daddj�.wtilk a: chalk line,* but . I IV, signedbY IlglItnin". Abe 'said lie bad � �
age. It malkes the home bright acting as attorne ' ptlon 'In - Alfre&bas tapered lerdo fred, whai we must ' land'a'
"iisten to' nothbil, " thunclered Bbhopi ' I . . 0 In. . Well,. Alf W wouldn't Dart Ivith *It at, -
, 1- Y for'the'Tompkins' the- hall as you. com' wn beautiful. . git at I#, whatwas.. the ,
. . . - . . . . .. ,seed O� . - - .
. ' ne ,
- � IB -'estate. Yore p& tiled to buy' the land a trangf, . -am a wa $he. didn't, Want this'thing done I of helladlilt -boon bad in ne
and clean. � eState-and get my fee whether there's a nigger unloadin'. It fl . .big 94joct In tellin'. you that tal6.Pl: . . any price .
. I � � . . er or not, Thav, 6 901i -at . bit, an"yet it is s ' .. "Object!" . ed� , . I .
. . . . S Tvbere. I stand ... the door 0 ettlqo by this ilmell". thundered her - husband,.-', Or Money, fer he'll6lieved it�was chilet-, .
,.%* __ . -----I--.-- — ., . . it yeer ago, but. it Wasn't In' -shape to I in,the mitter.11 I .. ". . � I I I rt�- inerniol, aul'when Betsy, the old man lo6k losing Ills temper in th . . . I
.%_ I I I , . I . 41sp . � 9d through the hall to lip or bItLek majbj;ew . I
1.1-;_ . . roilt.'gate;-"yes, Trabile's unhitoij.'. ,-' ful. possibility that her words hlnt�d . -161P * ..
= .. e age of. Oh, Alan, doult.y64 -see � � - ' I . . � I in f6er an' trembliu% told 'Im.wbit It ' the, f . . e falce of the aw. full O'Iron ore o4pston ' I
10, � . . . . . l . . . "But it's. not. wbar. I stand In It ,Mri w,0, ter be mighty -nigh had.a fit,4 , , . ater PoFer, to say nothin 0. ttm'� �
. . . -
" I" 1. � I .He '11�'g got them stock. c' at.'. "Are,yoli all a Pack.' n, p -'but It n .
,,,,.,O, " - _N - . . . � I he's *'gain' to ruin us' with his fool no' Trallue'll said a firm voice'lii-the hoor- 'sala big' folks ne' ' I In'. ertificates In , e. o'd bee '. '
_,,�� . I " . . . I tli)ns?. Folks an about are a4aughInI I . ver. had been -above. . . ''. � . . a assl �, ber., .. troubled so mqqb, .
-,.;:.-,,0S- - . . . . . LU, Packet, ant fool ? . I ,
0 , � �.-:=4 .*:p I
A" - - . way. -It- *ag Mrs., Bishop,' ber �'blue�_ fianglnl� tilerr coat$ an,_lta Y6re. Psi: has �tb'e deeds � Is - If You. -Must dive an, probe, about caah,'he said, that he'd made-up . ' . `
,,-- 1�7 vll� ) ,§'t�� � - � - , at ,bi In for buylfit s - , ts on good. - 'In his note. *caijq. hen,4111, to ' I .
- ?" 714 _"t6 . . .. ' t -he oIvas,a. Slice .
. ( � � -z. -, . . . . a much useless . or . . .
4 - �.,- * . Mountain land. I'm powerful afeera. - eyes fl"hing, her . lit pegs, an? as f9r, them . , . his mind to let 'or slide an' -the devit,
lt4�"_� I � ,face pile and'ilgld.. - stout'nails. ai . When:%thIs gjt$ out, . 11 you
11 I I . � . .1 . 'il -think 'I've g I :Mospbacks from,hoer clb!ln to Gilmer, timDer. land above t I 'the contents. I never Seed tw I
1, . �v at a rlglit�--aild ,a ' H , yinjul a te .:.
- . his mindis. wrong," ,*. � .. I - i .. big umbiella'jigl'S to ketab the'drip, be - .. ' alloy creek ' . I at . .,
./I " . � - � . . � I !'Well, moth6r, what cou I I . oue-to. It e a. say So in this kind of a Said they was fancy � Oltboxes, in!' I 11 be trt(psin' In 'to dispose or land at so ' some or M in%an' ' so he.let. Me into the . I parties to a,deal:better satisfWd. The;r . . . . . .
14 .11 I . . Id -, I doT.' trade. A woman . i6tt's ,stayed by. a ivaifted to know of she � . much a front'foof.1, -. . �- ' � - .' secret out or pu . ..
N . Alan. Bishop' asked Impatiently. OYou ' expected a body .tq�ut what u I ." . .. * . ore g04 iWIII, 'Oh you both left'thd Store.with.a.strut., Mose. - - . "... .. I.
N . . . mail's *side fer thirty'.odd yeer anl* to-do the'r chawin' gnF smokin, in that - , nder high heaven VVIII all cayn't skeer me.. .1 ala"t one,ol the ly's strut Was'the biggest, for lie wasn't I - � I
.1 \ � , :know,he won't listen to Mo." - ' . , . . ,
. . . . r .' . . . . . I
� �, .14 � raked an' scraped to.he'lp.,save ajittio. windy ball, Ile said It Jesi shoul - lie do. with it aillir, - .. I I . . skee In' kind." . .. 'Afeerd or nothitit, Tompkins lool' ., ,
,.� . . I I - reckon you -can't sto 0 lat" sighed' ,handful . . I . d not . . I. . - I . . I . .. .. . . cod like., * - . ... . : �
_ I P:f . , or. Property ,� ter her two chfl� -Stand -thar with an'them prongs, 4 .. *'Hold on.to,%'! grInned'Abner4 11that.. . But, notwitlista'Ild'Ing' this :.outburst, . 1. he wag afee4d. Mosely lud'QaU flit back . I . .
.__ ' , the Woriian, "but I. Wish yould. come on 0611. . K , n'* . I It It was plain that- doubt It . . ant walitto rue," . ' ' I � I I
. � ' a . wed h . . has got.'a right tQ4aise a` rninpus arms to.. attack unwary�-folks . Is, of he - kill rake an', ser lid: I . .ad actually .1 . I I .. ! .� . I . ... . . I
. , �j - to the house. .1 kn I . .e was, up to when I In the .. a enough to� are saysneu� . . I . . . . '. I . . .
. , . .her husband goes crooked like ' . . !'You MeAA to say, .
.. . I I � . 11 .
� .
I . somelil. Ever, day for the last week I .. . � I .dark,', an' he toted I It out to tha� buggy gethee. to pay the taxes. Why, last yeer I J. .. I- B.Ut OldZisho
��� . . , - ' , . 1) I .
i . � . - . Alfred bits an' starts in to bankrupt ihod. Thatgot Betsy�s dander up, ant his takes: Mighty 11194 floored 'tin, apt � ,t He des0ended. the steps and crossed ; seemed unable to put bis grOWIng.f6ar ' . .
I t,_ I I he's been ridin' up the valley an' rollint tem. all Jest ter a blind notion 61. hls'n.30 � ' . . .. , � � I . . . . .
, � .
11 � I an, tulublin' at night an' ebawlal tefi . L .-She put it back agin the Wall ant said I the expenses on this county -hels,jest . he .Yard to the barn. T110 saw - him . Into.Ivords. - . . 1. - . I I .
, I
' I I , I I
I "Oh, tbar you arel" said Bishop, lift- it 'Ind Stay t1lar of she had a n ll push. . I . erall-fence for a -moment "Oh, . I (Ion I It kn I I . . . .1 1.
- / - _*N . , tIM613'as much tobacco as be art.. , Oh, ' Ing his eyes fro . lim- like rips, for lean over tb . I OW 216thin'. for obr.
.1 ' ' -its If In.troubled thought �. ; . tain," Said Abner Daniel . ..
. ! in the paper and glar, behind -It an' bold It In pla0e,- If 110W,.yOu know, It th- . I . ..
I . be,s gain, to ruin, us! Brother Abner " * . A . . e'll have to do'WI , sympa. . .
. �
I - . , /I �, . Ing at her over ,his glasses. - "I know6d., ;�Va . sn't' do t ' , "Poor father," said Alan to his'uncle ' theticlAny, "but of .1 was You -I'd go, .. I
7 . — says he Is bilyin' becalse he-thinks-.jes.' "t ne Fe., .He 'lowed of they. out,'the Income on big factory gtock. ' I , v Into ti .
� . . . I . . I.Fd bavq to'have a knodlido,,vil an - was to hav, .Is be's got.tbe right so as big mother. retired plowl, I a �� Perkins. Y.ou . I . .
Don't Frowill ; . 'gain' to advance in , value,�'but sech, drag but fight with you If* . e sech a.purty trick as that'. But. lie think w h So. "He seemi - u le down to'Atlitlita J31 too
� . . . property haln't advanced X I � . . . . ore. I signed on tile -hill it. had to st�Y it tile best by the Steer. ,Before long he inay yen On UP bled, and It may.1 kin. tall by. the *ay he act$ whether ' ' . . .
I .a.speck sense � MY name, go- sail in: ant, gifit over� 'roon, in tile. 4buser. so be put It beer In' , Out to us to come .help 'Im - turn lei-, mean: our ruill-absolute ruin."p I . .1h4r's`h4y.thIn r .
How many I -rows are marred 1) , tile 'I kin iemember any Is bein' sold ever' . . I . . ..
y I . � 9 In Ills rail oad story or .
. . . . � parlor by: tile pla -
. .. Trallue's got to ride back to town.,, ,. . , tile f � "'It ain't no -trifitlit Matter " adniii,od � not. But, by . .
ugly wrinkle called a frown, yqer for tax money.l:r .� I 1 . . 110t But Betsy IPoge, but he's waltzin with. 'ter now." 'I Da ' . I ; 91.1ni, YOU Oft to know . .
.. � . I -PBut'.wbar in the, name Or common took -It back'two or threellmes, an' be . . , hiel. "Thar's-no tellint ho* iii,)*11y I whar you .stand. - You've loaded yore- , I 1. .
. . At this juncture Mrs Bishop .came . I - I I !. .
It conics from trying to fix the eyes. . "No, Wo Tory Toollsh''6f him." Said , Sense Is..tho Money t6 come gr - oM?Pl.the- I I... . thousand acres he may I .
�. an hurled at.her busband 'a's She ;v�otk'fer nothitir un" finally qu1j. totjlj� 'on -her ap�on. , . . .. I He'8 keepin' s i , 't Plant Yore feet on� Some'n. .L .
. . -,the young man as the twoturned-to � -worn' , larnt that lie was wdbin' it sight or out of the dining rooni wiping Iler eyes I . . I have. bor..,.;ht.:! o0f 'from Ignd td fore quarters� an' of I .
. . . �
. I . . . . . I em.ethin!.to hjqsolf.� I re. ,,!you .don . 1: I
on a given poitit and forchig theiii'to. . ward the house. "Father keeps tillking' Vested one of her bony bands on .1 . Member Jost when *that durn'-skiink Of 1. I . I .. I I I ,.
I " I . . . � 60 �If about "Afothbr,!'� said .Alan' . You'llgo down.!, . I � .
perform tasks for which they are im her on such proDerty, I . tenderly,. . "try it, lawyer put that flea: in bi �
. .
i ' i ' * about* the fine ti, edge of the table and glared at him; � "But that, alurt what I started Irt to. not to . Worry, over.tills"Any more than . a yeor� They j3jSIIO clutched this P , OsItf
I but It is entire'llyn too far from it rafl-_ . . I S i I 1) rail on as' a , � I
Capacitated. . . . "As I understand Itr. tharls about 5,000, tel). . . . W48 at. Han Oil's Mill an' talked con- drowning mail ,would a straw : ,,Well,
. read ever to be worth an�,tlilug. I asl�- acres -in th As I was a-saybil, old j 11 liolp.lp . I � ' fidential together mighty nigh all '. , .� I .
3LASSES, VITT� I I I I Is piece alone, an' yolie '11ardoway thought she!d' soiter put a I, 'Your paps; gettill' old an' Childish,".. I a Wli� �o see 'IMi" he Said. -I'll go Jest .
A PAIR OF GOOD C rang YOU 'Can . morn- � m �lg .
- . . ed Rayburn Miller about It, and he a��PayluO a'dollar a -.acre. Wbarrs it - . fill- But let's not, cross a' brid,re tell we y, .
RD BY US, WILL ASSIST IN . told me to do all I could to. s'ta'p father. Ward in. tile di9pute to pay kej her' whimp6r6d Mrs. Blslaop. "He's heerd . . .: . Sti, s you. . As fet its I'm concern'
, . � 4-comin' from, Ildlike, to knoW? Whar'a . . . , Somebody timber la lul .up . . in the- git to it. Let's talk about-someln el � on' ed
. i
I .
DRIVING AWAY TRE, FROWN. from Investing. andYO'u know 1108 as' � It to come from 10 � � I . board aW keep, milshe told Betsy that I � so. t -know he wa ' t tellih, me no 116, but, .1 .
_--1_1 . . . . . It wa� a)) 6whil.to tile way -the ]Bishops . . yoo
===-Z �---- � I �barp' a speculator am over mountains SZ some day advaiftee,'aill . . I I tell You, .I rockoh;ydU all-nover Ill rest till V
t;,"t W 11 It. hilln't never had* a chance to .
. ---��w-, . lived; but , . Bishopsalffed and ran a. steady hand � . . . . �, � . . . . I . .
,� , . . . to. .. . 11 . . ... 0 'his short, -gray hair -- "You see . was raised that Alf couldn't stand. to he forgets that hers too'. old to get the . . .. � .. (TO Iln-CONTINUM),), .
. P�. J. . GRI leg 1119 money, . ; . ver . 1111VO things nice about Ihn. She I � said b efit ,of It. -Ile's gain' to bankru � . . � - �.,-,, I . . I � I : . . . .
There was a paling fence aroun ' It thL On . pt , . . .
sclontific'sevve1br, and I I ' d. the .how little she knows or My businessl all . . us Or . . I . . I . ___._ .--... __.. '. _ _. 0 � ow %TgMWA0X&,M"Wr4W,ft=,, . I
. .1
. It . I I . . . I. ��. L * .. �
.. . ouse; and'the Inclosure was alive, with he said .to the lawyer. "Heer she's q 11191101)8 she'd ever knoWed had � I I I . . . ll� . I I I . . rm� _. I - �-o - L' - . -, 1. -__ " . . . I � )
00-Mbib;m , . , a natural Stoop that they gof by,livint Bf I doill'-th(i man accused - tho I : G_ -.-. 11
11 CLINtrOW, ONT& . chIckells, turkeys, geesej-ducks and pen, ralsin' the devil an, Tom Walker-abotit Ill 7��` ..
I . I I � .cablils with low roofs. ' . dored from the hall as he str6d To get iha ' . . I . .
L . fowls. In the sunshine oil the veranda thei trade, an'she don't a . LSho Wasn't e out, , , L t. appetizing, . . I . I .
, o much, no ,spreadin' lei- butter as thick am she "It'll be my money thaVs lost-monej , brown appearance and out. .1 I . I . .
( .. I I � t- I
� Q__ _147--___��N11 , �� I two pointers Jay sleeping.. but at the know whar the money's- .. I . 0
. . I I., , , _ . I to come from.', thought .Sho,was-ur L nlaybe It was the that I Made bYL hard work." ' . I � . I .
.ted the side. crispyness on roasts of ... �� -X � � . . L
U"--- �_LL___ -..;I , . �7 . .Round Of the opening gate they rose, "HOW �vns I t6 knowr, )*Ptoi r . ��l , Nz , I I . I I . . . I
. L I " .
b1s.0yeglai8es a 9 over lamb, beef, etc.,tO keep � �� j I .
� - ___ - _. I -womah, "When You've been tellial me blo,ed up like thOL'-woods afire ' In a He stood beto t e, his wife. "I've had * . ), 'S ,
. .
Stretched themselves lazily and gaped. sort 9110 was spr6adinr-for l3eisY . them, glarin 11 . t,21 I * ,
— . __ ___ .- . . I "They are In.the.parlor," said Mrs. ter tile' last six manths, that thar . high wind. It didn't take old Jane enough of yore'totigue,-my lady. Ef . their �oodness ill them- they �rl 01/1 .j t "I A,: .. - -, I I
� ,
a� I I Digital), as she whisked ad he� break- wasnit enough I: the bank to give the long to diskiver that tbar'was several I'd not had so nine must be basted. In the old LL , , . . L
V�.�Nl� ... I I
-�. , e, - .
L'4', �kA� I . .
'411 -hr h to think about in
I . . I . fast shaNvI. "Go, right In; I'll come In . house a coat *O,Ylfresh Paint alit patch breeds or Bishops out or jail, ant she thar lost now, I'd la! shiat you up soon- . . 9
5� ) ,
0-1--' I 1. . a minute, I want to see how Linda is . . . tYle Stove this niCCegsitated .
. " .k. the barn roof,l) ,
" I'll ... .�� I . . . ,
- , � : .
� .
IV '4you L knowed I had $6,000 W11th .01 gin, on some she'd re I'm doint the best I ki ' L
g"/.' .1. . i . . . I spent mostol the rest or her visit brag, er. Dry ,Up noW-not another word, .
j 'yv- -j. .1 I.. nitakin' out With the churnhil tal I . into the hot oven .
_ W
_ ., I id nb6ut, .. She 1 n accordin' to - * , I I
I (, ." st... . W. . I feel like It's 9 WaStO Or time to do a stock in -th * =ng the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the
. . Z�.j :5� ,.",% ,t . W I . . a Shoal Rl,�er cotton mills, Said the name sounded like the start my Ilghts to provide for my children, . I front of,
. 11 k, 1,0 lick or ork with him In thar nctlbO fit �, the
I . C �, , L (lid t you?" asked Bishop defiantly oven while it -was basted. A tedious perfortnallee with ,
1.9 ...., .. f . a L . of 'am had, been religious and'sub. an' I wou"t be interfered wIth.00 , �
I q., . like a ehild, 'Of we botli'go In together, lid yet ,with the manner of. a man sianch,o) � . . .
- . ; I slts, The draw -out oven racl� bf the ., I �
I ,�. I It'll look like we've concocked somew throwing' a missile which he hoped I I NO ,One spoke for rL moment, lElow. . . . I..
I I . . ..
. lffl� ` "BrOtho Abner," Whined Slrs*. Plah- eyt% Mrs. Bishop finally retorted, as I
.. 0 If. - ., tbin', hut we must Stop ,fin of -we kifl.o Would fall lightly. * I . L I .� '
. . t�. " _... � ' opt, 11 wlsht you,d hush till that fool- her brother knew She Would In 'bet. . .
. 01:1- fr Mall welit into the parlor oil the left "Yes, I knowed that,' butlf- The . ___ . I
11 0'. .. . . L Imperi - I r% f4ird -
- '... , "'.t. of the Wide, uncarpeted ball The room woman's eyes were two s ishness an, help'lue In the children out Own time. - I ;1 a WX I
k. I
0 , . .
.1 . - wall fifes Or thig- awful fix, Alfred always would "I don"t call buyin, thousands 0 ,
- . I .1twi VvIdta plastered walls, but the call- burning h'dllgrlli for Information be, *listen to You.', I I . . 6 e makes basting a A and L - ., ))
.. LL Z ; - Ifix WaH of boards planed by hand and yond their teach, , L . . . acre L I successful operation. in 10 �
'. I . . . . . . . I I � I . a W ungalablo land providin'. for I Raing Maw the �
PA1nt0d1�sI,.'V bill,-. lb one corner stood "Well; it happens that Shoa . Is I tack is I "Well 11 and the old matt smiled and anything excep . t. L the, porebouso," She. . ..
I .
. . 1. - '. . . - __ . A vory. old piano witli i Winked'at the lawyer, ,41,11 give you fumed, . . . . I . .. . . I handle in front Ofth(l oven for. . .. . .
I _ r 1. pointed.' oct4g- , Jost the tame, on the market as ready both all the advice I kin. Now, the "That's bedalse you don't happento .. ward4nd therack brings theparl
- I 0 L MAI 1,10 and a stool with balreloth, bout the bust as I . .. . . � 'is contents out of the oven . .
-evlaoe was wide and MOtrOWo but never varyin, moreln 11 now, but bf the mill was to keteh on �4.*6�, 1 . I
I � -vorino. The BI I money' lip a little today ant 'down to- Shoal River stock is a -good thing 1-Ight know as much a USA � andi :
IT IS A AIOST I I%RWAS) XT . .I .1'.. . 1. .. .1 —, 001006000MMUNK , fraction Of R cent on tile dollar, an' so fire ant burn down thned be a logo, ".. . .. waie� . I , . I . . where h may be.illorouglIly . .
high and bA4 a Screen made at a dtd_ the Tompkins beirs Say they,d jest go Then as — . .
A —_ . � basted Ivith the greatest ease,
111TV07 TO I-1AVR P110TOGRAPINC for timber land, It ain't easy -_ �� .. . �'j � The Imperial oxford IL-ingo, I
AT R14COTTYLAR 1NT.8RVAtj8, ; orat6d Win.dow shade tightly Pasted on Ileve have It, all, its I'm Itchin' to rO, to, sell but It mought I . .
80 AS a Wooden tpAn),q. take a start be. , . ?j .lessens tile labor ofcooking and
TO IMCALT4 JItt"Wr wirA.T 014 Man Bishop gat )love them of the'r land It didn't take tore �'hotbor flood. I my It mought, . I h .
OXTR near a window Ana f4gUgh bi$ Steel 'us 10,19 to come togetherill CV ��
E, , AT fj.Amed noseglasseo Walt p . . - _ insures t a most sueoessfUl , I
I-eiTITIDIZ1114M Iloolcul) -1, Ix ,!A, , .. ant then agin Lit moughtn,t. The mill Mother's Car -1 results, 4.
J)tjPJf%'j�LR,NT I%RTODS� Olt" 11%11�41R ferollY read. , Xf he bad struelt tile woman squarely Mought burn, all' then ngLin it � I I I Call at one of our agoncks or write, .
X,IVA,8, t,N AOT1,01 YX'Awl; Tinve4y, 11.19'A long document Written on legal 14 t1lO t(t0e, $Ile could not bave; Sit A W40mo, IN Md*Nff*qqW of" 4 WHIM V w6ia �
OW11 monifitn't. NOW, of You Ulls kin be NUMININO AkV #1VPA.1r, A I I for the Imptrial, Oxford leaget. . I
111,10TOORAMIS A1114', 0Rl4A,AT1IY efti) paper. Ile paid no attention to the MOM PUPPI!100� 0he bec.ame white to helped by this Advice you are W I 0 , ovb 40 THM I � I . . I I . .
entrance of his son, but th Oe Me, *70jVrJV4t f0of poms ROPO4 irl.01t L
'All PR RICIA111101) Ov 11,1111*1 CIIIIII)RUN a lawyer, it the lips and Witt) it low Pry tilklied to tQ It frop A, phargo. Xot 011angin, tug V-054 I I I
'r.,Vj�'.',�. . IZ,)Lq
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IT111111AT. 'CORD silort fat Man Of OixtY-five With thick hdr 0611. "Oft, Alan, don, � I I ... ,
t-doult lot 811*4, d14 ya'u' ups know urs., Rich, A00ykr,s mmui.wo '. . . I INIL-A-0 0arner
tt fall below big coat ool. 'fin do It. It's all We ba firdSon,of he � - �_
,t)10 TIM, $R,Vl,W A010t, YOU W11j, . black hair thil . N I
04AINY) IT INTI-MUM141, I Itti, rose and extended his hand, We olib depend on I It will TO left thAt .&(!r,o got a calfj L t V�Ckajj 1611004108 YNN A014M J6rA*jV4j-0 A," . . . 1� ... Foundrr Co.
L . ruin lust" she won't borrow so muoh milk after NUMM'SHAr"r 'sa N4td***A*V 00* . 11 I I I . � x0ithiftct . .- . I
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Pleasantly. YUM HNAJ.ta 00 `*6tN M0'rHX*A*0 . Torontor �
"ITOW'S A11111T) lie ftsked ,,why, father, surety'" Protested hem g1tA good.,$ � CHIL04 . . ,
BE NIRY's PHO TO STUDIO 11 I Saw You dowly Ill tho gold as t came Alan its lie Put his grin around big Trtibuto ShIlled broadly no, the gaunt 86nd for Irej mftkVj6, . & , I *46*000410, W16*0061t, fA , I
along, but'l eouldart eatch your eye. mother, "Aurely you can't MO-'lu to, lot M411 Wltbdrew, but hIA amusement SCOM&DOWN9, Chetfiliti, , . vafte,64*4o ftik- �. .
4 -he Autho vrill ba alased Wiedilesday Y04 SPA I'm Out after Santo or Your go your mill Investment Which'IAL pa.V. Wall Abort )ITed, for ij ., ".
Lfrig..Dishop began TotoQ, ofitArlo, 41 , , I' I-,,- h6-4 -,*Z+14 r- � .
. ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' ' - ' L� , . , . 'j . . . . L , 'I . � " � I , � I I j 5 *L d !T 0 � I— " ' ' L ' 'i
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. . - .. Y, and sliq Soon rqse In desp#Ir L . 6- 11
A0ti:r11ooj* #1110V Ino;ith pf Ailgas't. - dAT1_1e,u8bjt go# Duying hiseef rich, Ing 15 vor coat to Put the_MOA.e.V Into I to or. md $1,06 I *It atogluts.
_"__�__ 1006-0 For Sale
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