HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-30, Page 5t
M ,
July aotla� 1909
UOUS140 FOR $414141
The undersigned offers, for salo a
i% btorey cottage with five beolroomis
1 (11111,11 too , in, parlQ.r, r.te. Sitti-
MY on IN aliam ,street, cpavouiput t9,
the Collegiate Institute . Poz further
particulais apply to James Scott,
Clinton, June 2,3rd.
The undersigned offers for sale that
choice 150 w.re farm on the Huron,
Road, Tuckersini0q, one mile east Of
Clinton. New frame house with sum-
iner kitchen, first class bank barn,
drive shed, lien I -Louse, pig pen, silo,
two wells, windmill, and small or-
chard. Tbc Dayfield river runs across
back end of lot. Thirty acres Of flat$
the finest of grass land. This is a
splendid farm, well situated , suld
will be sold on easy terms. I
June 9th.
Black%rnith shop for sale. One of
the best stands in Huron County. Al-
so first-class house and lot. Address
The undersigned oilers for sale a iX
storey frame house on Victoria street
%outh of the railway track. Sniall or-
chard, good well, stable, etc.
Also small frame house Oil James
street, near the knitting factory, X ,
aery of lund, g000 well, ,etc.
Will Ila sold on easy terms.
Clinton, January 6th. .
____ .---------.-..-------- I
Any quantit-y of
ixixi :
CHEn 10 ES
Red -or Black. Good
qualities. Highest
S 'U"' C A R -ON
WE have'just- unloaded
our first carload of Sugar
for 1903. As this car -
load has been shipped
directly frorn Redpath's
refinery, we are. enabled
to sell it as usual at
the wholosale price. -
As we have on hand a
carload of POTATOES
as well as a carload of
Sugar, we are putting
e at
very small profits.
Carriages . , . 0
Wehave a choice collection;
of Carriages in stock, in-'
clud Rubber Tire Bik-..
es, iwubber Tire Top'
BuPies, Mikadoes, and
ordinary buggies. Also
market and lumber wag-
ons. We invite you to
: call and inspect them.
Repairing promptly at-
tended to.
11 P
Huron St,, Clinton,
, - I � -__-.__1___-_111_ I., I I - _... .1 � � __ - -----,--------.----,-..-,-----,�=— __ . � -_��_ -, �-L��_ - ---��, _� � , , _. - - - �� - - _ - 1-111 I I I ����_ �
VOURS, X41ST 1903. XAX=G*Xq, q +44'. 1 ; 1 1. -P � H 44-1-l"I"I.44-H44 '. P++.H.++++.1.1 .1. , "4. , . 4+. #�"#*#*"#Oi*A**##*"**,#**""**-"& AL .A��
. , - +.k.l.q.
. , , . . .,
JAYNE�S—CLUNTVAIX—At Holy Trill. ' IS, I . � I— I
Vauicipality of the villwgq ot church, Detroit, oil July 8th, MISS SKIMINGS, CORItESPONDENT . I
- it. Rlt;v. Dcau, 6avagc, Air. Domis - -_____1_-. GOVEIRICH . ; � I - BLYTH
. ' b)yl I � 0 .MOKINNON& 00.
Dayfield, County of Iluron, ' IV. JaylICH of Vutroit, to Aliss
. .. = ++-9--f- i--*- . . I r__1:11�1__!T_ , __'!___L__.%_ - r , - 1, , I - -.1
I I Alit G ,- Clentian, " daughter of +++-.J��H 1 1 Ir ++ 14�"I"J r I P1 0�-010+41.0+rp� 1+I+-1-i.1+4H01 1*1 *-,79 __. -11 I .
� - rg"�`e ,
I Air. aluit Mrs. J,as. Clemiall of Miss Nate 'Bell of Sinclair, Mail., Mr. and Airs. p. Reid of Dublin M I aking Bu:§iness
Notico is hereby .given that I have .Morris. . . is the guest of relatives in town. _ . , - .. � =
trausmitt�d or delivered to the persotus ZWICKI-,*R—SAMPLI,'4—Ou.1uly 21$t . 11MV Occill)v the bouse, owned by Air. - HU .
0autioned in SeetiQuSr 8 aild 9 of tile, at thc� rcoidvnce of the �brldels The families of Dr. Whitely. *nd Or X - D�vis airld: la;tely opeurl4col, by r
Ontario Voters' List ActN the copi . as re. allut, 466. Duflerin. avellue, Loudon, Druggist Goode had. an outing av hl�. Vinder . . . We Are in the upcon4 week of our Great in I
. . -a' by such Istatkou to 1>0 so tr by'Rev. S. J. Allin, Bayfield -oil We( r Alidetlin or Clearing Sale.
quire axis. Mr. Geo. H. , Imsday of last weak. Air, and Mrs. McOregor, iteki Birdie 'Cho eutbusiasni is inmitinse, We have no) 11101I)AU011 to use words em.
mitted. or delivereol, of the list, urade 7,wicker of 14ondon and Miss 1�.R, Ili the evening Air. Ilarry S,turdy aud. IIorueN,$ have tal-A ill) thOr residence phasizingthevalties. 'We prefer to have you come and juoige for yo
pursuant to. said -act, of all persons all- ,Saulplla, formerly of llru%sels. his, friends took a valt. ti) I Ilaviialil. tit To4moroIo.-ii near Toronto. , up -
r self. Conle early, come oft(on, tile 614ok Is at your disposal, Inspect
_ The, I ettlar1red" aud Jililles; L. Turnintil was ill 11na- -the goods, ask (Iiiestions,buy if You vvisli,with thisollstinct understand- I
pearing by the last revised Assesskneirto Rli,l;,'VIP�-S—'.'i'IIAI)14,'�-TiA Seaforth 011 pavilimi has beel g - Dr
Roll of tba' said municipality to be out- July 218t; by Rev. F. 11. Larkin Inusle and dancing was the order (A W01 i.IsL week ,(lit Igjsil1eH,s and,return ing.that if the goods art, not, aq repret,ented you get Your money back,
r r
titled to vote in, the said municipality 11. A., Air- AVIII. Ceorge Reteves t(j). tile Uvelling. Pot (kit Mondav, Dr. Walter Turabult ,Apply thQ test to any of the following lines for this week - I
at elections for inembersr of the Legis- : Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. , Mrs. Jesse irocking and daughter, "L'elld`1 to' 'his PracticQ during his
fative Assembly and at Municipal , 14ticas .Shade, all of Seaforkli, r Miss GaIdys of Woodstock, tire tha abseneL. � . . Ladies' Cormets, made of fine drab jean, steel filled, long 410 mediur-4 .
. .
1441wtious, and illat t1resitiolliot was) . . I guests of Mrs. Ilockings' parents, Airs. Alex ,Kirkbride received a telo,w ' lengths, worth 50c, sale price 30c, ,
. I graut on. 1prid Ladies' Summer Corsets, in strong net, 0eel filled, In All sizes and leng�
ted. up in my office at Varna ; ZrZT1rX, Mr. and Airs. Fulford, all($ liar sister, advisintr 0-y a. m. from Detroit .
first P06 . I
.1 tfl� 3oth day -of June, 1903, 1 . liar ( ths, great value at 25c, 85c avol 60c. .
for inSpeetioll. r anol HEriLYAR—lit Clint Mrs. Frank- Humber. A the death of � liar bro�
remains there . on on July � 2,9th, tll`0r-ilIJiXW, Air Charles Vartoloy of Ladies' Black Cotton Rose, in three Ozes, a snap at Oe per pair. I
. to Mr. and. Mrs, W. IT. Rellyar, a Miss Alav IIevd of Hamilton, and that city. %Io :�as married. �at Chica- Ladies'. Fast Black Cotton Vow, Obbed and plain, heavy. weigbt, 4eamr,
� - r .
E'lectors, are callod upco to, exam- - datighte'r, I . .I liar neice, little *Miso Nessie Stuart of go aW)OVI't four month less, worth 18c, sale price 2 for 25c,
itic the said list and if any cimissionsi GRAY,14IS—In. Clinton On July 25th, tile same city, are the guests of their Glissio oakQ% In ago to Miss Men's Cotton Sock I s, seamless good value at 10c, for 5c. .
or any other errors are found therein, to Air. and Mrs. 14d. C' ,raelis, a auni, Mrs. licter MacVarlalle. IT , of Clinton, Ilis roilla- Me I . .
to take inuirediato proceedings to have $0D, . : ills wvro laid to rest oil, ,,Sunday ' at s Tleavv Ujotion 9ocks, worth 17c, Hale price 2 . .
. The Misses Carrie and F,Ila Blake WoOdIncre cenletery Aen"'s Fancy Stripe Sbircs, fast colors, worth 50c, for 890. .
. r
. accoillpanied by Air. Arthur Fishe Detroit. ' , lalt . two collars and one - pair detatched. I r I
tlie5aid effors corrected according to CAMP131414T4--At Zur ' left oil 214t July, I r, Mrs. Brunswick "Ilas been tile Men's Faricy Stripe Shirtv, -with
t were the guvsts of Mrs. Telybutt a - . cuffs, good valuo at $1, sale price 75e, I .
law I tile Wife� of ,Dr. Camilbell of Q1 r ,Sunday. I On tWo (weeks tit, guebt of Airs, 11VI, 1.1, av -ting, dark colors, woxth 10c, for 6'1% . .
dau,gliter. . - . Morris, . � I Hex ..y FlanneWtte Sbix .
IT.- W. ERVIN, SCTIAEFER—At Zurich on i9th July Alr-S-- Wilsoll Videall of Detroit and Towels, 15x3O inches, fringed ends., worth 9c, for �c. . .
Clerk of Bayfield. the Wife of Air r. John Axis$ Crystal Of Owen Sound is the New, Silks for waists, in white and colors, w6ith 50c per yard, sale
.1 . ' m tire tile guests- of liar pareirts, 91IL'St of her grandifiother, Mrs. 14ewis . . r r I � . .
Dated at Bayfleld, June t3citll, 19P Sliaefer, of ,hilolm �
. 3. . a ��aughtcr. Mr. and. Alrs.� T. J., Videali. 11"lliatt. price 85c. . . .
� . Table Linen, 45 inches Vride',rgood value at 85.c, forZc. , � . . .
. . � SX14IJON—In Morris on July 12th, Mrs. It, Btixtoqi aivol liar daughter of Rev, Murdoch McKay, who has been Men's. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, very specfnl at 25c, 35c and 50c. I I
I � . I . to Mr. wod.Mrs. Will. Skelton, a Patrolea are the guests Of lieu soii,,Xr, very ill at Dtitt .We have just received it large bbipment of Now Fall Dress Goods,some. I
VOTERS' L 1�03. - . I daughter. . . . George Buxtoil friyul hi � visiL toll, treturried last week .
. _ IST BUI,GER—Ifi Seaforth on uy Mrs. A. Moore and chil(Ire � $ here. His ailment is, � thing very new and natty. Ask to see them,
. . . I it, Mis20 aLnexiiia. . . . .. , . 1.
- tile wife of -Mr. John Bidger, ,4 Kathleen and Hugh, have returned' Miss Ida Grahatric, of Cleveland, . . � . 1. . . � . - . � I I
� �
- . ��—_ �
. - � I � .. I I
. —
Municipality of the. Township - of a Soil. from a pleasant visit to AfrS-MPOTL'S dauglifer of Air, F,, C Grallame, after . . % . I
* . PETHICK—In. ,90afOrtIL Oil July 2211d, PaRlits at Bothwell. , . spe 119 a few . days . with liar parents � . I , . . . .
Stanley, Co . urou. .. .r I Woillell'.9 Instit:11te will Illea , nidi " , , , ,
, unty of H the wife of . Mr. George Pethick, t on here left to pay a visit to liar sis- . � ,
. � I
. I . . I Thursday iTLxt,, 6tlt -gkugtist, at thd to. r �
I . . . . . . . . of a son. hoine of the. pres,iollint, Irs. 1). call- wt Zurich. . k -eat Fal . � � .�
CkICIT—In Tuckersinitli oil July l7th, I . Mrs. Charies,I)aNiis, Of V MoKINNON & coo .
Notice is hereby given, that I have tilt, Wife of Mr. Rli Crich, of a talon- . Montana, acconipg1lic(i � Is, . . .. .. . . . I
transmitted or tie I . daughter, . . Tile faiiii1v of Alr-*J. W. ,Smith. and. 13y liar sons, . :0 1-,'V' ric 11 I I , . . I . I
. ,livered to tIle persons ECKITH,RT—In AfcKillop oil July 2i, hi% �'visitors' front St. Louis,'and tile Borl"I'll"I W. R., are, tll� guests of . . . . . . � �
mentioned in sections 8.andg of tile Air ,( Mrs, F. Davis, their sist 4. I
the wife of Mr. Peter '9ekliert of family of Mr, X Swartz, SpOlItThu- ill -law. . er-,
Ontario, Voters' List Act, the copi" re-, - I � "*W"#*"*"""#W"iv**#"*""#V####""" � . I
oftured by such section to be so trans- a daughter I I rsday afternoon at- Biteeliler'sl Falls, Air and Mrs. * ,tainws Gledhill of Pe, . I � . . � ..
, Master Jack Swartz - was thu onl3q � . .
ml4ed or delivered, of the list, made . trole: . . .. . . �
VXAT313. luckv itinirod. am6iig thein . havi 11, were. the guest.% last Week -, . ____ — --- . � . .
PIITS�aut -to said act, ol� all persons ap- I . call J I WK, Air. and Airs, Toni, Gledhill and . . . � . I
I illt 17 bass. ' . ab . . . . . . .
pearingn by the last revised Asseomilent presout are the guests of the Gledhill 0-0- . -0 - , . . .
. McDONALD-In Walton on July i8tht Mrs, R. M. Cassells and children *******"O"**+******+****+**+ooss# - �w
Roll of the said Til.unipipality to-lbe en- Lewis Me'Doilald, aged 69 years, 4 of Stratford arrived oil Friday night fallilly, Benmiller. . *** * . ' ' - I.. I
titled to votel in tho said municipality', ' mouths and io days. Misi F41ith Wiggifis, teacher, visit. . . - I
at elections for members of. the Legis- CART,l.N . I . to spend souto Weeks 01L� guests `V ed friends in. DCtiroit. tile first part of I J. B. HOOVEP,- - . I � NELSON OALL . . � � . �
-In McKillolli 011 July 19th, Mrs. Cilssells' parents, Alderman and 11 � � . .
lative Assembly and at Municipal , JolianiTabi Quinane, ,wife of Mr, Mrs.. ,11trinber, . . ur .vacation and ]low is visiting fri- * — . . . . . �, .,. . 1. . .
. . .
Bleptions, and- that , tho'said, list. was * � Janies Carlin, : aged 56 years, 3 1 Air, and, Mrs, Joisopli G. Reinhardt ends in. -Adelaide, . * . I # . . . . , I
first posted up in ,my. office at Varila months and 12 days. . . Mrs.' Brunswick Ila% bean the' last * . . ... I .� � . .1 . . � * .
* ,
oil the ItIth, day Of .July, '1903,. and MANSON-In Sta . nley on . Ju I ly 21nd) returned Irow their. "V,`d(l'"g trip Oil conipanied by Miss Aggic, N`airn. for * . I . ., . I . . . .
I .
Saturday'. - I . their, honles in Detroit. + � t . I � . .
remains there for. inspec . ti I on., .. . Mrs. John Alaiis6n, aged 35 years, Miss Aggie, Xairn of Detroit is tllq Miss Vera � Davis hq'thL guest (if re- - . . I � . , FURNITURE . , , , . ,
Electors are called upon -to .ex . am- JACOBS-In- Stanley On July 24th, guest of liar brother, Air. *Charles latives at Seafortli, I - . .. 11 .
ine, the said list and if. any omissions . Joseph Jac . obs, .aged 78 YQarsi ; Nairn and' fairifly, -and of -liar aunt;, - I - . . . I . . . . 11
. I
or any , other errors -are found, therein, . � . . . I Mrs. J, E. Blorrisi. I .Mr. George Ditilleld Of llatarson,N, . * . , I *4 * � $***I . . ., I .1 .
I I J -t &lid daughters,' the missL lie - . I .. . . I . I . . 1. .
to take immediate proceedings to have - - . I .. Irodgeus Bros. tire having .their . s Milit . . . .. I I . . I
. I
. . . . . and Maggic, are the guest% Of the . I � . . I . . . .11 . .
. . .
the said errors corr cteid'according - to Strength -vigor come store front Painted in two. -of . - . t - .
.a , ,. t and' of, good t shailes cons ,Alr. and Airs, . Alittle'of *your moneyspentherel will do 1 I
I 1. I.. , vis, . I I �
law. . . - fooki duly digested. ,4Foree, I 9) rea- br - . Mr!h! � F. Da ' �., I .
. . . . . . own, gol4oii and.a lighter Nhadq. . and Mrs, *1 . . I . . . � I . .. . .
� I . I .. . . PAVa Brown �Liid three # much to -make home beautiful, . . � ,� � . .
. I . . dy-to-aerve . wheat and. -J)al%I6y food, Senator ,,and' Mrs. Hogan of Wash-. .children are 'low 6ccupying the hoitHe . . . � . . . . . . I
I J. E. HARNWE 14 � Iol � 1, � . adds.no burden, .but sustains, nou . rish- ington. are .again. registered at, - tile' lately occupied On Victoria street by ' . % � I .1. . . � . .. . . . . .. . I . . I . .. . . I . . .
- . % . . S . I .. . . , ,
. . I . . -. invigora . . : .. 4x6halig�., Tile. Senator look` th" ' . I . Jardiniere stands -in many'. , . ,
. . I 0en bettarthan. lie aid last season. .1. . 11 .
.1 . . . . Qlerk of Stanley. es, � tcs�_ , �__:_ British r S tO'80afortll�. Mr, Brown-willj carr . . - - � - .. -
I I . P, Messrs-, SlIer, *Ito have removed, .
I F I : . . 11 � �
. ' ' ,
Dated at Varna, July 141�, 1003. ' . . .. - . . Misses Maude .itlld Malilie Mellvae.A Y # , designs. 'We sell ch Api * .
. . . . .. � � . .. .- Oil 'LlIc, ISOM lbusilicis in - ' which tile . � . e# � .I. 1. . .
. � ,sts of their � . . . I
. I ' of.Ct6upbellville are'the gue . . . . . I
� I I I . .
. . I . � . . rRACHBR. WANTED. '. , u I nPle, Alr.'Cliarles�Twaedia. . Alessr.9_8her were, engaged here, . . . . . . . I I . . . . ..: I., . � . . . .
- I � ralltaills of tile la:te Robert J..
�.. . . . . . . I I - , The I .
. , . — . liss W611wood, of -New York ' . .
I � I . . . I � � 1% Spent) Alci f call,.-wllme sad death..We chronic- . - - * . I .. .
FEMALE TEACHER WANTED, : ' Assistant teacliLr wanted) for th sqoie'days in town the - guest, of .liar ied . . . UNDERTAKING . . 1. .. I . .
. . � . .. .. . . Q , - . I . .1 ... .. I... . .� ....
� I . 1 Bayfield Public'Ischool, duties to calli- sister, Mrs,' .vigut., . I. I I. lit last. is,stle, -wore laid to ie,st . . . I I . .. .. � . I .. I I I .
I . � .— . . . oil Wednesday afternociii- in the fam� � . I � .
I . I . . . I . . .
Female teacher wanted for,, S. 8� wence, Septeanber,�ist,. Applitpations- Mrs. Robinson. aud daughters,Misses,. . . . 1. � 11 . I . I . I I . I - I . . � ., I f ; ; I �
No. i3, Stanley, duties'to comw�ce stating salary, . etc,, .recoived. up ta .Clara and Bertha of $ault Ste.Mario i � Plot ill Maitland .cemetery.' .. The, . IN ALL ITS I I R A NX i'll F, S.' . . . I I 1� . . 1. � .
. . 1,�111 I 1) a a r L rs were, - Messrs.' Charled . 1, . � I
August I �'th. -Personal . applic4tiol B are -visiting their ,inaii ,. Iri6ilds , int ,.,IV, - . . . . . . . .. .% . . I . . .. . . ,. .1 .. . : I
. . � I . .. . . . .. : . .. . . ..
after the samr6r 'hoVidays, Ap�lica- . .. I . . I y liber�Robert Thompson Jr. ' Tho' . � . I . .
tious, il"pqnal preferred' . received . lip Preferred .� I : . . . . town. I . I . �: � . - ,. . . % �19 I . � . .. - — TISF ACT16 N GUARA. NTEE,I). _. m, 4 '_ _, � . . . . .
. . �
I . . . �.. . . I .. � , .. . . . � ,qA . . . � . I .
I . . . . I . . oliclai; 461'rOW, Oliver Whitely, Barrister.,M I . .. � . . . L' I . . � . . . � I . I I - .... . I .
I. . � . : I I . . . Judge Doyle is taking his 11 I . ... � . . . . I., . ., .1 . . �.. - . . I . . . I.. . . ; . . . . .1 . �
. .
. . --Ji W, TIPPET, Seerctaxy, tot visit his X)r0t.6ers and ,I istLis, Dr 4) iliels' I . �__ -_ . � . . .., . I . . .. .... I . I I
- '. . . I �. I
to JU-ly 24th. - ; � , : . , . , , . trip s . 10, Jobtlatoli aml Dr. Cia�rk-e, . Rev' I I . . ..1. I : .
� .1 .. ,. �. . , . , . � . . I . . . . I L I
-1 . .
I .. Ei . officiated at - -- - ,. % - --- . - , � .. . I . I
. JAS.� T. KUY51 , . � Jill y 2 . 8th. . 'Zi IJQx s, BAYFIRLD. af Sudbury. ITe is accoyinlyanied by) ,house aird, . . I . . . . . .
., I . '. e- Tho'couch caskd.t wit. covered :. �: : . � I I . . .. � . . I . � . � . . I . � . I : .. . . I : � i
. . . . . . . . . I . I ,. . . .. . . . 1 . his .soil, A - Ir. ' Joseph Do4rle. I ral' artilAcins, � .i28 earriag�s . I 0 E . ' *�- BA L L a .. .. . . I . ... 01.. I I
,. .. .
Sec.-Tr6asurer,.Vasha Y.O. - . . . grav H ' ON :: ' .R - A.
. .1 . . . -.TVnd -it have rc!�- with flo ., . I . � �
June 26th. 4* � .. .. . . . . . . .. . I I . Mrs. - all and. chilart, were .in the ftlilcral� proce-ssiou.. When .. 1. . . . I . _ . . ., .. . I I . . , . . , I
. . . . . . . turned to their, .4ioinic at, Cliesicy after .. . " � I .. . I . .. . I �
. . I HORSES ' R STRAY. -, - . Mr.. jZob , � . . .. I - I . .. � . � � . . . I., . . ... ...
�. . I . I . . I � .. *,; . . . . ; . 11, ; quost I elljo�kib,lc, visit witil I' art -Mebcall� received the terle- . . I I . .. . .. .. �� I . I
. . . . . ier mo- . ... .. . .
I . .� -grain adv ' ' I . . . ,
I � . . . . , . ising Ilin "T the death', f Night afid Sunday Pills answered a; residence of TV r, John,.. Powell or .
I . . . ; .. I .. � . . .. . . .... :. : ther, Mrs. 81�iectll.' ,., - . . I 0, a 0 - � elth " n . I � : .. . . I I
. I . There came to the preiiiisdsof' tile hiS, ,,;oil lie was, tit �Scljrffier, on -the * . or- of the pri cipals. . ' - ... . � I .
FOR SALE Ok �TO RENT. Miss , Jtky left for .Torotit6 after . . . . I �. �
HOUSE SOIL , , . I . .. I 11 I I .. .! � . �
. . . 1- . . .
. . . I . : C'. I'. R. near Port Artlilik. .' , - - I . .. � _.. I . �. I . . . I
I I I . .. ulidersignod. at lot 45, Bayfi0d Road, W very plLits"illt, Visft, vkth liar c4usihl 1 'Aliss . * *.** #*', *****,We$##. . . . *#."ft0l, - , � " I .. .t.
. - �
. .
I.. . . I . . I . . _. . . . 1. I . I .. Goderi6h - ov�nsliip, 'oil -or ' about ' I , _i . . .. . . 'I'lipmpion. of Balton is , 1 the , U++** **+#**+�+* . ** I . . . i � .
. .. . . . .. .. . t Airs. J A tkin, . . . � ' I 1. . I I . � . � . . . 1. , 1. . I . . ,
. . . Tlitilistiay-W * July 23rd, blla� Illare � ixild, . The Miss . ' r i . ,guest. of, liar, relatives; Air. and Mrs, ' . : - .1 I . � . . . . ., 11, . . . � .. .
, .
For sale.or , to rent, - a .large frame one horse. Owner. will please *Vrovo o � as r a nor of Cltia,tgu, our Varr, Aliss 1`116n,Pffoll snng a sacred . . . . - . . ..., . . . :. .;1.1. . - . . � . . .. . I . . . . I �
house on the corner� of Mary and . . . Id i friend.-;,.. 4re �travelling' in-EPrOPtA 9610 inost acceptal)ly ill Victari,a .; i . . . . I . . . .- I I . . .. I . . MINOW . . I 1. I . �� . * . .. � .
. property., �pay cxl)en.§Qs dittf take the� this , X) . .. . � chur . . . . . . . . . . . . I . .
. . .
Erie streets, -containing. five bedrooms, a I it . , . . . . . . �cas n. , � 4teld ,ilu , . extLitsivq, I I y a: Ili-. las . t6 - . I . . . I .�, , , . . � 11 .. . I .. .
par'lor, dining-roc�n, kitchwi, liard land . TWO'% away. '. I .... . . Hodgens ''.Bros. . all 611'sundit . 1. *****;** . ,� .
. . : . . ; .. , � . 4440 ***. 4 4 * Of* $0 � .
soft water- under cover. Also a soiall. - 1. I.,. * . . 1. . I lition sa% oft, 'z3attirday Iast. Thcir* , `A inertiorial service 4, tribute - to. . . 1 . .1 . . . 1. . . .. . . I .. I . . . . . . . . . . ..
. AT,EX.� �F,1,1,10,1t- the death of theRoman.11. .
I . I . I .. tlp-to�dato store.was ciowded.. � Pontiff Pope , ... - P, - ' ' . . .. .
stable. 'Will be. -sold on casy Awms.. I 1. . .; I . elp"y 0 - . .. . .. .. ... ...
I . JILly 24tll.- : . .Clinton P*O, * 14�0 xiii t tO61, Place at St, Peter' i$ a - h I
For particular' apply to I '' , . Mrs.. Pred. Berifhardt':andJ littl r oil . H ur elf S' 16of S -. . .� I . . . .. .
. S � . . . .1 � . . .. . . . . . . "I Weduestlay evening' of last week, RaV�* . . I I . .. � . . . . . �
. . * I
. I I . .. .. .. I � � , Miss Isobel of the Bernhardt Houma, � . . . . . .
I '
. MRS.. MARTIN, Mary.$t, �- , I . 1 . . I I I !. . � .. . � -ttest, . Father Noibtligraves, t.ditor of tho - . . � . I � '. . . I .� � � .
I . .
� I . � . , � . � . . � Gatti are the g s, of 1VIr. 'B. *J*. London Catholic Reco'rd, preacliaoi-.ah � I . � Our -Stock,.must be reduced. . . . I .. . I . I . . .
. . -1 . - . I I ,,� I N' - r 'Of . . . I . . � ' . . I
- I .. . . STAI . .
. � .
. ..
Clinton., June 3rd I I i I " 1,F, x JARM j:,O9.SAI,E, Sa"Its: - tile Saillts '11011sc. .. I qlocluent sermoll front, �_Jld 'Saln1jel , " '- . This is � I .
. I . . . .. "I . , � . ... � 1, . . Airs. Joseph Merrit and"little sou,- .the Way'We are doindg it:
. 11 .. . .. . 1. . � I . I . , . . . . . I. I.. . 1. . . .
. I . . I . I . . I
� I — . , I . 1. Paul,- ara � t 10 9' WAS .of -liar jiarantH, I � t Ladies" Kid Buttoned Bbot� worth. $2.25,f6r $L50.' 1. . . _. . I I I
.: , ' ' I il, xxii --- �*21- . The altar ,and: choir lof`
. . .� I . � . � . . . . I ... ... .. . .: The, AtfidLrsigned oilers for sale; lot . '4alkL I'vere Ataped with bl�ck. . . * .. ' . * - . . .. . . I . .. . . .. I � . .
. . I
. . I I. . � �.. . 61'con. . 8, StaiiJ . ey, - consisting, of . Ali.- .:and Mrs. X61in, 1, Ad of t .1 ITI - w The ,law schooner ptirchas ' C ' Ladies,`ICid Uded'Bobts* ' rth $2.2-6 for '81.50,' � I . . .. I I 1. . � . .
JERSEY' CALF FOR SALE. .1 . 1,100 field R6tid- �� ' '' � ad by.. dp- . . wo . �
. Maple�," Bay .. I . ' . ' I.. . . .
. - I- � c I I . . . . ...
* ' '
. . . .1 . I . � I acres. io'cleres cleared,. balance tirn- otlor -of Burli tain. John Mapdonald . of2 tho'Schooner. I .. . I . Yausho'uld. se,q, them - they'are 'heap.,- t,.' . I .
. , I . bured -�Itli Pine black. ash and -soft . Mis,4 1%11ary 1) ugLon, - i� I'Coliage left �)u Albuday foi.1 . . � � I .. . . "..., . . . .. I �
Pu * s0vL, . . the guest 61 liar aunt, . timber
re Jermy heifer Pali for salej * I I . %, Mrs�, (Rev.) ` -
Phil with Saint- cedar. Will be sold - ' for- Chatharn from -JoInistou, ' Ladies' Oxfordsand. Strap. S11
,.? . 6 1 Christqpherson and .Airs. Alalcolillson. . A Harbor, . . . I . , ppers,.sol.d in - regular, way, , -. . -
an weeks .old. Apply�-atthi� 6frice. oil reasonable teri�o. . If fariii is ,not lVirs. .. I. Clifford 'of Cuero, T�xas, Mrs. - Macdonald' 'and two'Gf It . er dau- - . . . 1. . for $1.-.50all We'a'sk'f6r -them is $1 � . I . . . . . .� � .
. .- . I . . . � . . .
. . .
� . . . I . I 1. .. . .., . sold � before'October. Xst, will sell tim. - aiiol the AfiHacs Annie Laurie, Bessie -9l'tcr$ accompanied hini on theAr;t'p, . . . . . . 6 ,... I . I � .1, . � � � . .
- I I .
� .
� . . �. . .. . . I - - . . . -
I - . . .
. . -7--:-- boir'alptic. ... . . . . I . . .
. . . 1. � and .Georaldine brav", ' littlei 0 * Mis�esl Kid .Buttoned Boots worth- 1,50 only 99c . ..
. . .
. ... . ..� I .. . .1. also . ay .Air. Charles Graves of sc=li. . John Macdonald sold * � th " ... . . I t". .... .1 - siz . eg � I I;. 12; 1 . S,-.1,1and . 2. * I ' . . ... a 1. . .... � ... .. . .
I I GIRL WANTED. � Aly: house and Id't .in Varna "' u brs _ o [ - . Kolfaga to the Harbor Luin . . , ... All .. . . .. . I . . ...
. - 11 . I . . I . .
.. I . . . offered for gale. Houso, '1.�y �toreys- d e g" � place, are ill town..* ..'They b6r Co. Master John kacdonald,� old- 0 * , . �. e�_ 1 �... . .
I . . � ' 30. 13. ir . . ..
. . . .. . .
. .,a
I .. . __. - . I ... .. . �. I .'Good. stabl I and driving shed. Hard - th ab . I . est .soil of Capt4in J611n,; is now in, ,!!, Misses Kid Okfozds about a s I, .gu; ar ,�pri' In , , . .�...�.. I ,. ..
. - I ; . a I . . intend'visitittg the- -,ald hoineste.6olt . . . I. I . . . .. . �
` , * .
Good general sgrv�nt ,wanted ait-Alle and soft water. 'Or'ellaid, of peach ,,Morrisdale Parki" where Al *Cli7f , command ofille Koll*i,ge. �.. $1.35 to $1.75 now. goirig 'fo; 90c.` ., . . . ..... . . �. ,: . �, �.... I I I.:, ...
� . . rs: - . . - .
Rattenbury Houie.,- The hi&*t. wages and-pluni trecg._.Best situated .place I . - . 'fre high1v delighted to havet the) . . . . . I . . . .1� I .1 I � � ..�. ��. . , .
1. I I � , .� .. . . .. . I ford was born and where iiiiiny peoplo Wo " I . . - .��adi6s,.Stiap Slippers and Oxf6xds abo-ut.* 20 4'aim. to. . . . ..'�;. . I
will be paid-,. .. .. . .. . I - - .4h - the ;vill age. 'pleasure of visitWg. ) liodgell ' I I . . � .
. . . I . . ... I . � bli.i6y .tile hospitalit� of lier..broth6r,. - a - Baas. I . I I . . . I . . . .
. . i .
. . . . I .
� ... ... .. . . I . - ' � exilibitioll Of fi4ir_ furs . on'Sciturda ' . I I I ,. . .
. . Air,, .Hairy'Morris; und his Itiost anii- . ; cle,arat*80c,.you sliquld seelhem., . � � .
. - I - ,� ' josEi,ia FosTURi . - I . i . y * .1 - I - . . 1. - I I . . ... . -
. .I. RA.TtE1413URi. . . . . . ab a" has liaol evening � dk Persia,n lamb . 7 .. . . I .. - I ..
. . . N le wif ' Airs. Clifford 0 ,last. - A-bia . � . 1. '� 11
Clint6n, May 27.eh; . saly. �27tlll I VARNA%. . $3 25 o,oiDg at. $2.00 ' ' - . � � �. .... .
. . � . '.. 7t* .. I . . iacket with - deal).. collar of :sabl' VMen s Kid Gaftersworth' .. . . 0 .. � 1. � . .1
. I . . . .1-1 '. . . I . . . many .five, o'eld& teas : and -picnics - - ;. a and b . I . . . � ., . v. : . 1.
I . ,
� 1. . .. � *, I ,., . . . .. . I - . . . . . I . I made .ill liar hodor since liar. arri�al. a ja,ck�i of lickver with.a. aoilar of , * ,Youthsi'Laced Boots sizes 11,.12,aild i3. worth .$1.25 to: 1. I '' ' - � 1 '. - �.
� . . . . . ... � . 1. . . I . .. . .� . . . . I sable were 'very handsome. Beautiful" . �, � . . . . � �� I p : * ".
I I . % At St. Georko's church oi� the two . . ' . I .. � . "'.. .1. . ".
. � 11 - I 1) .. � I . w . . I ,. . 1. � . . .1 .I..... I
I STORE - . . . 1) as werii.thL�re, ' long, and ' I I sl.'50 -no' selling ,at 8-9.c.,' ,�.. I . . . I .
. . , VOR SALE. . - . . I . TEACHER IVAN . TED. . last Sundayi ;f July Rev. Alfred R. . nnffs ,, . . .
. . I. . . . I . 1, . I . I � i . . I - . � Taylor o . f Mar . ion; Ohio, preached ,.oat to all4tch Of . red.. 'fox, grev 'fox a and.. A line of ,sporting shoes me'n'sand boys' worth from 85C ,. . . 1. - 1.
I I . � . I.. . Mile or fernale, teacher wanted by the inorning serVices. 'On Sundaylist black fox, were shown. Our American . I I . . I .. . . 1. . . �, . I . . . I . .. i ,
. .
Country .store with .postoffic6 in g, �S� No. - .t;, ,Stn�nl6y, .,duties td_Pom� ' visitors will have a kood c Ao., $1 all'. to go at 601c. . *1 I. �114.� . . .... I . . . I . 1. ,�. . . . .
11 � I the ltev.'g�nticirian tobk for his tax''t I . hatice.,..to. . . � . . � . I ; . ' � . . . I . . - . :
I .
coi iection. for .sale. Possession Pan n6o.thebeginning -Of 1904- Appli-I tS - 13th ve I �At make Purchases -for the cool eveninza. I Bargains, all al6n a the - I ...
Ili( . _ me � . . ,ke 26th cha:pteri . rae, ., .... I I 6 .line at. the Old. Reliable. .. . . . .
givell at. once. . . . . _. A cations, personal preferred, received, dot -day- 0 King I saw in the Way, a . Air, John: Crooks, has. elia ille. I ; I . . - 1. � 1, I... . . . I I . I I I I . � . . . .
I .
I . . .
� . � igned'LUP to rst I - In - . . ... ... . . . _.. . . . .. . . . I. '.
. . . ;dRS, 1, BROWNLEE, by. the 'utiders . Sep lig-li.t. from. Iletiven' aiiove the � bright- f"T department. It $ant . ., . . 1- . I � � . . I . I - I :
. . I - !a
. i� rgo
I . .. .. � . I I 1. . , . � . . . . . .
. . - young. ,gentl a .' d . .
. � � I I SUMME RIII1,14. talubet. - - ! - .` . nL�s of.the sun shining round AbOut mannered �m n an Pa BPI-, .. , - .. 11 . I . .
. . . I .. .. I . . . . I . . . � : � E I I , nd * thoi I ii . which.jo-tirucyed.. 'with audid. salestnali. '. . � I I W . . . 41 I . I .. . I . . 1. I I . ..
. � . �. I . .1 t 'O nie a . . . , � . - . .
1 2 - Setretasy, area � P I me.)� . I . Mrs'. A. Moore, Miss Kathleen. and' . M., TAYLOR. & SO , - .
. , July. 2 lid, . V . . - . . . . I . . .
. . . . . .1 . . . �. � . : - .�,,! � . . .1 . . . . . . - . .
I I I . . . . .. . . - I � .. . . . Mastar -Hugh returned on.Monday 6v- .. I . , . .� . . . . .. � .. � , .. . I .
I � . . . . ND. ONE, PRICE' . �. �- ...
. t VARX'WANTED. . . Canip Inverness had a bright fiieet� . � . " .1, I , .
. I . . , . . . :. � ening to. their residence, Si. David's. . . .1 CA 81-1 A, . .—.E GGS TAKEN AS - OASH. � . .
. I . — �. ..., I I . ing oil Friday. eveiiing. Piper. Croligia, . I . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . � . . . I I . . ... . I . , ,
� . .. .. I . . , . . . . . BOY WANTO) , � interspersed 'tile mitintes-of the canip street, i . . , � .. 1. . ... , .. , W ; � �,
11 � . .. . I Th W-OnIati"s Institute -will meet ou - ssso+***.*****.****+**"************+",*,*-�---,�l, , . . : . I ... .
Farin wanted hi the neighbothood of . . .: . with soine.'fine Scotch airs- - C � .. ,. . I . . - .. . I I . �,Iwr,�W-Ip; : . I : . . . .
, � I. �. . I I I I . I TI . ., ,� . . . �._ I . .
'Clinton. . . :1� I, I. I � . .. — . I At last Air; Xing, lanolloT�(b of the, hursday next, August+ :6Lh - Ht the I I .� .I � . . I .. I . � I
I - �
I . - _ , - POINEENNNNNE I 1. . I ..
, .
' '
. � I . ,. ,.� � . �1. . Boy wanted to learil the printiiig. hote'l+'on: Xingst . oil street� knowivwheli wsi . oltrice of +the. .presidetit 'Mrs; .D.. . . . i �. . .
HENRY' I I . . . . . . . . I .. . ' . . . . I I . . . . . . . I I . . . � . . . . . � . .. . . .1. . '. .1 . � . . I
B U . ATTIE, Solicitor. Apply at 1. � . " . . .. built as the "Iiit6ritational, a -very Cani:Llom The, nienibers* are all . ex- . 11 .1 . . .1 . . I . . I I . . . . 1. .. . .
Clinton, May 19th. . +1 :, I I .... � . . . . . . . V, Ilas, its ,law pected to be presd1it, , , + .. � 0 @@@(�8s@s@@S@(D��. . . .
I + -11� NEWSrRECORD OFFICE. good"naltie in its Wk. I 8@@(�)es(�)@(.�@(�)@@ew,.)(i)ao- so. C. (�,)S@ ... � . .
� , � � . � . . . ... . � TI I I I I . I I------ I Hotel,+, lia1ilted * The,- dr�dge Clialleugd was at Work . 6 . I + . I . . . � . . � I . � . .. I . . 0 1 I � . .
. I . . I .. I . . . 6 . . . I . — its fr�),Ilt. ill Very well loilned ill out harbor but'has been taken to .. I . .
TWENTY ACRE S 1, ux SALE. . . . I . .. . .� . .. I I . , i upon i I g6ld ona stono Kincardille for a week's work� � 0 THF G R EATCAS H. STOR E 6 . . ... .
. ,
. I . . I . . . . . . I .. WANTED. -, 1. - % .. letters of' black aW Nvork of Mr. Goo. 1he schooner Comet from Fleasan —_ - - 0 : . . . � I
. I . . I . . . .. .1 .. . . colored* ground, *the � . . I . . � . I . I —
I . . . . . ' Valley with i,l,000 cedar - posts and, o . I . 0 �
. . . � � I . . . . 11 . . . I �
. ! . . . . — Wilson. I . � I . , . . . I
. . . �. *
. rth A good . general - servwnt Two Of a .1 The P I latforin and.steps in front 70,0100 shingles arrived ill Port lasti . I - ummer * . , .1 . ... . I
The undersigned. offtrs,for'sale no � wee �, . so Tremendous TME'd S Sale *
t " f lot 36 on the i6th, con. of 4 Captain Trmiclws' dwelling haive had . . I ,, I . .�
. I I
par o . cres family. Wages $12 a mo*nth. Apply., 0 . old, . ' Mi-.�s , Alfc� Bycrs, . � stenographer 0 - . I . . � . . I .1 0 . . . � . .
Goderi . I . I . . 11
ch township, containing a0a . I . .new ones Irlade to r6place tile t 0 � . . . . . '. I . 0 . . : .. �
Good" t . . . . . . . . )Wn of Chica,gois the Pittsburg; Ila., is spending liar � va- , . . . I I . .
frani:e house, barn with stone 0 , I . � I Vss� Alice Br(� . Nev'er before have'. we �given the. buying 'public ' * . . .
stable'. ' Good orchard with all kinds . � . � . . f -liar inother and, also liar pis- cati6n with liar gfand2riptheir and o . �. . . . * . I
. I
' . MRS. RICHARD RANSP OR.11. . . '
of fruit'. Y, mile from corporation of . : I I . . guest 11 S., Dunlop. I . . . aunt, Mrs. and 'Miss Dona - Idson. - o such a grand opportunity of securing bargains �as during . . . . .
!Clinton, Y4.mile .from school, Apply I . I .. I . I 11 1, tLL1 rsA.11lackett left Oil',- Tuesday to go Miss AclicAon -gang ver3r pleasingly this sale.. Below we quoteyou'a few of t ' , ' I 0 , " . . . . . I.: . .
, I , . 1. � . : .1 I . . . . . . I --chnreh last Slanday I , e prices.: - . .
- . . I I ,saiuo frietid,supon otio in Xorth street . . . I � . I I �. . a . I .
to . . . I . . I cmmpillg with rt. the pretty ; �_ I � I.b. � I I a .
' � TnACHS R WANTED, - I .of tile ilottli shore islank1s. a .-r � . solo, I I . 0 dry those ' . � .
JEPTHA HOLLAND,?, . I I I . . . . The followilig front tile .Wiarton teats. 11 I . . I ,X. Men's fine - Straw Rats_*ort4'$1 for 50c . .0 .
. . " . � .
. . I
. . Holtnesville!P.O. . — I I . 31casing to note, whicil Aliss 1'red, Mara of Tunwal Station , (I - it It t4, to I
I Echo is very I . I 60c ": 25c ' I
April 14th, - . . Teacher. wanted for the' Clin4on fdr� to. one of our poliulav court- is the guest of liar mother, Mrs, . a
. I � cc Judge, Hurley . . 0 . Men's and Boys. 11 ,I 11 �5c 1, 10c . . .
. . . Model scbc�oyl, while needed diiring the hottse officials : - "Ifis Hollor I � 1. . I . � ' 0 .1. I .
___ . .
. . . I . . I Model iterm. Applications tecei"d ,11olt of 0(uletich, who is tho pratrol, ,. V I . . Men's White Wash Vests 11 '$I 11 50c � I . Is .
STAXIAY FARM FOR. SALM ", to August. ist, State. .salary p�r possessor of.Ah.tiii Station Island, is- ' . . � I . I 0 . ;. . . . .
. . month, . I exp this weak with, his .. . I - - Men's Summer ,Coats worth $150.11.$l - , . . .. � � �
I . I . octeol to arrive , , . . SALGRA.VZ,. . '. . ,. . It 4( I . It 'I I ( �. . I * .
I . . . #
. . . I . I Party. Tie will Itse canvas 400 yea.r, I I 0 . . . sy. to 50C
. � I
. I .
Patm for sale in Stanley township, JOT -IN. CUN'NIXG.HAMI� . . but exPeCts to erect a cottage , next The annual garden, Pa,t, be o a �- . . � . .
one mile and a quarter south of Var- S;Wratary, Season ,, I I O� v�,,,will
. � � 11e)d tit tile residence . John *o Men�; Summer Underwear worth 40C,45c and 50c, your. 0 . . . .
iia, Good water, Vuildings, otchatol, I . I . . Mr. '.To�Hh, Thoulas, jeweler, Elgin, Scandrett oil Aug. 6th. The Biussels o. 'choice for 250 1 . . . I . . . I .4 .. I .
f6lites, etc,, wall drained ina I good Illinois, a one ti-Ine cornet player batiol will be in attendance and, tlw I * , .
State Of rtAtivAtioll. .Apply, toll ' � . . � I . )ant a few days vilth ![Ielgrave quartetto will sing, . 10 . 409 yards Dress Goods worth 25c for 15o ' � � * I I I .
FOR SAT,Z OIL To RUNT..' here of ilote, .6yl Inc.% a -lid Trinity church -is closed for 'exteti- .. 0 Ladits' Wrappers at $1 for 75 )a, $1.50 for $1.15, $175 for $1,25 1 . . . 1. . . I . . I
THOMAS KRYS, � . . I I . . hiq brothers hare, MeH.-,ws. Ja . Aluslin lilts and Ready-made Blouses at sweeping rgoluittions, , * . . . I
. Thowas. He found Ili.% fadler, Gar- sive, -rc,pairs &lid alterationsi. SgrviecA .0 0 .
� Miy 9th. - � 6t' . VARNA- . A comfortablabotift sittuated On dener-TIwillaS, I qtlitc, vigorous for hi$ were helotlast Slititiq Al�tllxl rores- . . �, We are !,�Gvl ling Fruit Jars Very, cheap. Any quantity of - . .
. . tev'A 0 service for 0 � . �
� I . 'i . I corner of Church and Osborne streeta, year.%. . liallt ,4fto t1l4t it Butter and 14' ,ggs taken in exchange for goods, a .
- — . I I .
I .. \ . 10d. ,'4 . ..
I . I . � Mrs Taines, Thollias, accompfIll out , WOVICH Ag . the rector, Mr, V,4- , 0 . in .
I I -_ - I
I FOR SALP41 I. I . . , ' 1'. nol'Alus, UP, . and � Mrs, Jo'h Thm-das oil their tionda, will bt away ou,a well-carli- 0 —.----,�-----",----...'��-,.''-----;t.�-,.�-!�=t ___ I __ 0 .
. Clinton, J �u"S x86 J!'... I MO. 0
- . . .. return to their hoine at I-49ill" 111. d holiday. The renovated thurell will I . K a . :
The undersigned ofterg for asdo, i Oy ,, . . ..... ..:- , - � I __� This is the fartners' record b0cakijig a opened abottt Swpt. .rsth % D 6 BEATH'- - BLYTH, . .
9hattle Carpet Loom in good state Of .. haying thite.. Air. . Alfred Tobbutt The well drinera are bus� 'drilling % - . . . 11r4etoria 33loolt, ' I . " ,
VARM. FOR SALE. told Its that lils Ilaying was finished a, well for D_Sproa.t- I @ I 0
repair. Will sell for 30 Per rent, (A . .. � (�C- (�(- 4 �-*"as�)(�8w- 0-*(�)(�) (�-,C- (.,'C.)C.,' ci;\(*X_)(���S@wo 0 0 4,
its value. Also I light democrat I - (A Saturday and that ho Was tile Miss ME19gia -Xix0h Of WillghAlu is . -)"o a I
wagon. Will be sold cheap. . Tile undersigned offers for sale tll&t 'fortunate Mr Of 54 big 16ad3. visiting. her grandparents, Air. and I I . I . � .. - I - I I .1 I I . .
I eXcello-lit This is P�88flas .
I ��cj conveniontly-a tuated and ,ho riner,s recorol breaking Airs. lzichard $toneltouse. __ - . I --.-- . .
. OVIORGE POT � -1 farm of loo I acres 61t tk6 Huron haying tinic. Air, Alfred Tebbut told John Stewart Of BlYth SPOM SIAII- . .
April t4th- Road, Tuckersmith, beilig lot 30, Ist its " tilat his bayiI.Ig was. finished oft day at his liollie hao, - 0 6 , 6 I
t ,
+ I
.1 - - ,
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11 ..., .- I _1 I - . . - .1. � colicessiOn, '11. $t. S., It is 0.11 cloa*d Saturday dild, tll�t Ito . was tile hwtltlt�, Iftippy Dick Davis ot Ethel . i�o vis- . is, . . * . .
VOR TWtl XTY V IVR CAXTS, ' but about 5 ae-reS, fairly W011 f0il[Ved, atO po,18es-sor of 54 big 10,0% of 114Y. iti�jljg tit 1). 8J)ToWtt% . I I . .
with good stone Mr.s. Robprt St .1, .
. houfte, bara and ' 6ar-k of , - 1`411 �', A, PVoctor SV. still coAfflntle% Adver't Ing in, The I .
. .
The News -Record will be 46t to outbuildings, PlentY 'of wgtbr, Ot"All with liar fat"Ily tile Misses V,thel, Ad- ill poor health. . b .
, Ointou and the guest'. I t
1903 ,% otchard, midway b4w0bil, elitio ana 14',dwin Cltitk, are § Thos. Alillor ,
Addrogg utail the and of a a 5th lille, , who has '
gie and 011,06 Ville, is finprov- . uly
twenty live tefti!§. Thisi is lower thwit S6alotth- particulais oil applicati0h of Mrs. (Captain) ,lolln Crai beell sick foV . �
the Post of tile 4blahk poiptr And wa to J'Atu*3 Lawrellec, Slaaforth, Or W. Mrs. colatio and Mr, Robert Clatko. ing slowly, I
"Ptoet the' ,Offer will be Oftly a.vailp, Mrs. Jowett of Payfield and AIM. Mrs. Wattl of Wilighalft is 'r0l0witIg I
d $. Lawrelift 87 BOSSOtar f3treett Ot- Mr." . I "ewlaflecod ,Pays - -
I of. To atily Of your Wilily ;Who Arit tawa. 9 Wright of Tottetiliatti were tho ()lit acIltlailitatleca in thia neighbor- I - � #
401'14 jl6t P*"tA ' L , . 'Inly 18th., I rd , .. I ptst last week of Mrh sylliolls.. I hood.,