HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-30, Page 4F,
4 .
- ____ I -- _'1�1 , _. I I --=_1
The NewsavR,er -AA Won the disaster which AVRURN.
� ,ord ,,avo tht; ,
, Peenivol, unavoidable until W. Blair
is Published qvcty Thut,54ay at made himself heard and felt. . � AUSD Xorri'swx Of Buffalo Nva-, 111Q,
Tito NcNv.s Itc . Corti Printing Ilousc 9W.Wt Of Miss S. Cartcr I'Ist ut�!..
. Airs. I'arilie i,i tile gut;."t ('I .kll,j.
AI,BL-RT STRJiMiT, , - CLIXTON. VIVU DAMAOING VOINTS. (Dr.) vBtandio;lt at present.
. Mr. Oliver Baer (it Wvrlixt Wits rc-
- 904. A. G, Blair's explanation of neWing Old uquaintatices "rigindl
I'cruis of subsvriptjun_,�I per year ,ill, the U -0,5011S for his resignation, from livre last wee,k,
advance ; $1.50 may be charged if tbc govgrilment bron,g,ht oAvt soing� most Air. b'. ATatcali Oi BIVth Wa,l uIlt
nut su paid. Nu paper dis,con, coI remarkable evitivitce Of the adwinistra.-
, tiulle, fooking after the, tMplione, ,extension
until all arrears at,- tion's 'weal;aess. The points Which last Tuesday.
. paid, unless at im � 0
. pressed th%nsQJvQ,s oil those wit Mr. I'VellWOO4 and, Miss, Lie-pic, Wall -
the option of ,the publ'isildr., Thu listened to the debate were : Wood of 11,11itechurch, buildayed Lit
date to which every subscription is Virst—That ,Sir Wilfred Laurier, � Miss Blair's. I
paid is denoted un the label. Ionowing, that Air. Blair aras wholly Roy AlcBrion of Clinton Ivas vi,
oppoftd to the . 01ratul Trunk Pacific g ot!ra rc4aujotkv. .,,It.
Advertising rates— Transient adver- Policy) elideavortad to induce his inin- ill QUito A . number toOk iii the, social
tisements, to cents par nonparict i,5tvr of railways'to live tile lio andl last W�qk- ort Air. A, Ilortull's l"WU, ;tt
. .
""a fur first insertion And 3 cents lend hil; support .to tile opprobrious CaTIOW, . .
measure. Xr, 14. .Marshall Of VOTt Erie has
per liulu for each subsequent insertion. Second—That Sir Wilfred intellded been tile guest of friewls here.
,Small advertiscluents not to exceed to allilbunce, the governinvilt's pro. Misses Q. and 11 Vergusoll were vis-
une inch, such as "Lost," "Stray- gramme, trusting to Mr.,11lair, silche iting at the IsTile asl; weel"
� .9 a i
`d," "Stulvil," etc., bwer . ted on4pq to lend a 'color of cabinut uitauinlity Messrs. Ilarb. I<Ilc).x and lidgar Law -
to tile deal. . soil returned, houle frtylrl Umbra last
for -35 cents and leach subsequent hi� Tliird�-Tllat Mr, Blair stat�d, posi- Weak - .
sL,rtion to cents, I tively, that with I ilia exceptiuIll Of $ill The r,adivs, Aid (if tile Presbyterian
Wflftid Laurier Ito initilistai haq, church held a. social at . O 1
Cut "Ill tutica Wuns intended for publicu. the 11 it U (if
knowledgLe Of the negotiations which bIr3- W. T. Riddell Oha, &ty, lit,
� %ti
t'ull'must� as a guarantee of good led up to ilia agreement between the Mr. and Airs. I;,, Alutch (Vf *elintwl
faith, be accompanied by the nalne, railway proitnoters and ilia govern- week, .
of the Writer. Illetit, Bud tile cabillat had agruad to visited friends at Auburn recently. -
_ .
TO "'sure Publication lit current issu, It while ill this dexiso state of ignor- Mr. $. Crawford Of Blyth called Liu
, ance. . Miss MaggiQ *V.0unglilut ow,- day , just
co.)Y Of advertiscuit-lits should ])a * Fourtli—Thali .. built Mr. Tartu And week. .. .
. I .
sent in early. Air, Blair emphasize thAt while ill Air, Will. Fluker - of Clinton . is at
tile cablitot they clijoyed the !upport his father'6 at present,.
Contract rates—The following table and confidence of Only a Section, of Mr. G. Lawlor ,linudayed,tillder ilia
shows our rates for .specified per- their coinfreres ellowilig that internal parental roof. - . .
iods and space ; disselitions thro4ened .to dcaLroy thQ. Mr. and Mrs. J Curttr went to
� u.SLf"111066 of the, governiliclit. Groderich last �4ullda')%
I yr. 6vio. 3 lilo. 1 mo. ,Fiftft—That ,Sir Wilfred Laurier (lots Mr. And I]Mrs. '4tes bf Godariph, I
. " COlu'll't $70 00 $40 00 $2,5 00 $8 5o not hesitate to lay aside MO. lionor wal'c tile guests of �Ilrs. Illair lantl
I'-' C0111"I'll 40 00 25 Oct 15 ou 6 ou W11011 it suits ,his interests to (I I Sunday, . .
, Culti-rull. - . .. .. I 0 so, . I
0 25 Ou 15 uo 8 ou 2 56 . — I Mr. 8. Ecklin has started to build I
Is Column 18 Oo 10 00 5 50 2 00 . . I . Mr, G Lellip,s liew dwvllil�g 110use.
A Inch 2 00 I Air, ITerb Uovicr.uf l3lyth $und .
0 Ou 3 50 �,5 CANADA'S IAIMIG ,RATIOX P0IjC):1 ad in, ilia village, "Y7
. . I
W. 'J. MITCHELL, I . Canada's bill for immigration last * Air. atill Mrs. J, N�, . icholson . visited 'I
Editor and Proprietor. ,
year Was $643,114. For this hninLn�, ;rieuds at thQ N116 - one, (lay, la%t
---'----- suill of InOney We secured 67t388 par . week, . I .. . I .
sons, so that the approxiiii4to cost Mr, . D. Patterson is hliprQvilllp
Tlll,, 1Vl-,I,,K EN; PARl,IAA1I,,,\T. . per head was .$iu, Much of the Ilion- slowly. * : . . I
The uy Was .spent in sevirring a. class of �. 1. . �. I
whole week in 11arliatuelit Was .%�.ttlurs which three Western, 'J�iberal . . . . - .
� .
V"lt tit in killing Illelubm's of Iiarlianit!ut, Alessrs, .. 1
- bN' tile gOVVI-11111 I
I L, � All-- IrulwN T H A C 1 1 1 � RS ATTE,'ND T Ifi,',
111"t" 'flle ckLb'"t!t 11,1,'� lWull I'llableto, Croary, Olivier and Iluttee declared to .. I I
"W'L � . . I
� 'u On its Grand Trunk .1-acific li,t1a.nI,eo1,4cU to tile futurc,ot the Wes
1-licy and- have I)ecn h()1diug top, Pub- Diseases of the t- ' SLAIMHM� SC`JIO01,.AT 1,0ND().J..
I J 'rilost, disgusting type ' . .
. . . .
ic hilsincss it ' litil the disputes .Lre are introd ountry and A suintrier achoul for -teacher's under
P Su"10 of tile ruinixtertal their cffa�t upon. j)osterity. cannot be the � contrul of , tile Ontario *Govern-
� -vL been marked by -most too'sorioiisly considered. Those who ment was op6neol ill j,(yndo)'
"'itched, It
r., I ings and on one oc- it Oil ilia
' , �a, are forced to live sIde by side With -15th hist. and ilia closing ,exercises
� ".are
,!aaiuul-rblgo,!�� exchanged by Min- t1le slami-civilized hordes i. which were held tile 25t1l -i . list. Last year
isters. � � or
two- prices are-being.p4id haw- vainly u-Sessioll was held iih Toronto, Thb'
Blr� Ceorge Loy, Liberal member besought , the goVernment to ,, - put .a attendance this year was ei Itty-follf,
for Bewiliarnois, %�as charged with a stop to indiscriminate iiiiini The subjects �`tau .9
violation of the Independence of Par . gzation. . -ght Were nature,
-tempt to I study, draWilig,. mantial training and.
liatnent Act, having sold 1 - Thousands Of persons who at .
and to the -enter the United States through Call- housullo-fild sciatica. #In addition'to the
government and the case is being. in- ada are , turried- )lack at the border. C ci trips'
vestigated. � .1 ctures ,several 'pleasailt.littl '
� Tha Aiii-aricatis posiUvely refuse to fornaiure s'tydN-.all(I'SkaCllitig Were
'Ilia fininigration policy of the gov- accept disease and poverty wider ally I-Iladd tO iliter,usting 'points Olt. tile
vrilluent was. again tip for cQnsidera- circuinstafteea and this, co.-rintry gets -Thallics, ,,(jVringbAnli,. Port '8tanloy,
tion and Air ,Siftoll was asked' to thb benefit' of tllbf
devote the 111011ey Ile is spending . m rejected. IIOII�Clill_ aud,othcr Plaues. ThLae w(ft'lad by
Q% Ord Siftalt defends, 'this policy Add sta- Poikipal, Dearness At. A_atul Mr.Dav--
, DoukhObors and other foreign races to te�s that lie .Will ta:ie ]to lc�solls� Voin, 11ds%')n', mas-to I r of drawing and! I
]tell) Canadians to secure good homes Acinerican � aXp.res-,
ation which. i's tild sive aft, acc('yinpairied.by the'. uilier,
ill Canada, instead of guilig tOthe, bcst* in ,thi'llintillrd. . .. . . .. . . . .� 1. .
- Sifton retused to wQiI the Ayllfitcd States regulatei its The followiik . �r are..( 'inioins- expresovd.
United States. Alr war, -ThO � system by teAchers.
accede to this reasonable request,.- itfirnigrationt costs millions au& is, y tile �st T
. , 11 ildvilts : ,,'I ain ala&l oan'ielll.
"It: is n. g . .
- .Saskatchewan la-nd deal, where- based On . xpaijencei in dval- grmving tililL T(;r 2ile- ,, ,,
Tile I . Years of a ,�Jf:
by valuable lands iverL handed ever Ang 'With 111a; low UIIropeau.'iiati6n,l_ 1 .6nly ,go� ille'.1, .
to LL graup of Ilon. Clifford Sifton's itias. � ,at�jr I � ,
I I . Vs 611 astTonouly ,
I A person NA10 is not fit --to be- I ,� � I . it!. .11lar,1141
fritnols for one . - I, 911oultl .,be* slitisfied 11 ,011 '. . ,
Ug -hat. I like " ,�O 1)i ' ' .
dollar . per acre, wasi co,lire a: citizen under tile Star,, And training is N� . I it you "
brought up and the papers coveri Stripes is not allitable As a. - "lludiaii Should be in MiSs Bu�'Cliartls vilasses
, boodling Scheme will bie brought resident. ,ItAs an outrage it fritlift ill :11.oll .
down. ' t at : .schOld ,scicn�e�ll etc etc
Sir Williall, Alul 901lefations should be burdened, with ' The Free Press -.or' iul�' � I tit .says :
ock startled Parlia- types which will. illa�vitably lower the, .!;F_r9m S1,101-th" affer eight in, tile
went by announcing that the govern- standard of, Our. people anAntdlly and 1`110011i"g. until'.-ilve .ill 'the afteriloolz
ment were not impressed with ilia physically... Mr.- sifton, refusea, � t6 be Sattrol -' I , * , I I
liveessity for a fast Atlantic sto, � . ays includedr t iv '.N'orill4l sch�
Ship lit aim- advised 'b those who realizei tit, , on- o6,I is a. Inlay place_' theso,'
le. Ile admitted that during or-mitY OFstich a"Polic' , ; nian, Schoollbo-ards - I ., �dti,3*,s--.
the seven years of Liberalrule Cana- ' y ; a wise . having oti-thdir st;aff
dialls had been purposely Inigled 15 always Open to coluiisel'.'.' '.. melt and warnan '�hp, N 'ill" "
. ,N, 'give -
by I . - . . I � I lAP
.1 -iieir lidlidays, �incu� 'travelling, alid
. . . . . t
'a'-sc stat'U'llctits as, to the negotia- . . . . I . . I . . A boai:.ding . ax ' . I "" , ,
tions that were bting carriedt ontq , , ,, . ,. . � Pauses' anc apply. tllelllsel7
. . I . . COL33ORVE. TOWN 9HIP. - I .Vag energetically' thr(jugh 6ese - hot
sco'llre a last mail service. � . . . _. . , ,
. I . .
. . . clayi , to' pro es.ylol a
In ilia Public Accounts I MiSis Eva D'aftin of , I f , i I 1 hil,
Continittee ' Stratfood return-- . prolveinent,.,
the gra vest fraud s in, cauncetiotV with ad home.. Itist.week .after a coupi $1101114 ,;how .ill * some wibstantial,way,
. I a of, their. appraciatioll of that kilid (;f ,
accounts rendered by employees of the .Weeks'. Visit. with Aliss Falony Allin, - ... . .
census department were d4closed. - NX. Win. Maedel of SaItford. has� duty, I 1. I . 11 .
' '
, I I ' . ' ,sent from the cotin- .
11011- Sydney Fisher was roundly been enlarging '.his ta MCI! The tqach�rs. .prL I
criticised by Ilia own supporters. for Potter a�nd- . ,Y': SQ'itillel � t of Huron. were ; Misses Bolish. Par�.
. . john Rhy�in:liave th - Y ,
� . . . ,a coft� Ve,
introducing Tneddlesomc� bills .Which tract, . .. . I I 1. . ... Coll, Illst:, Goderich ; Anna Cona
' '
call have- no othur'effect than to inter- Miss �Maggi,e , Brownli6a- is * visi;tjl . lg, sitt, Hillegrecit:; Laura .Sh&naoII,.'FAh_
fere with agricultural dove friends in-TrickersiIiith' el , Mina Campbell," Crallbrook,- and .
lopment.. . at- present. ., � I . I
. . Quite .a number ' I *d Up . A1r1.W1J-T.'Jollnstoll, Kippen, . ,
. I ' ' are.. at . . with . it, i's a .,good sho.)
I scarlet lever at . I . .t,hig f(;i ().lit- ci)on�-
, .present in� this 16dal-- t . . . . .
ity. . . . 4 1. I I . . . I .y, - . I 1. . . 1. . .. ... .. . 11
� .
A MOST RNTIQUITOUS GERRYM-AX- ' We, are . Sotry to say that'.Urs.Alick . . .1. . 11 �.
. I .1 I .
. . .�
,I)ER. .Kirkpatrick is tin dcr the . do'etcor Is, care " ..� ., . ''. I .
A. 11 . . ' 1* . ..
. at present with in anlinatory then- . . .. 13L)tTIt. * .. * "
matiam. . . � I I .. I . : �... . I . I . 1 . . . � I � I
The special committee appointed .to . . . I .
determine the character of the redis- Miss Bess4e MULTford returned- li&na' ,'LkIr, J: J. Bailey; who lids *been prin-
molered necessary by the to T6rofifcy After -A, �,%V . cipal of Blyth pitiblic schot)l
tribution rL . . I couplid of �' ecks, . . . fo,lr thd
10 last census has concluded its deliber- Visit with.her fiiptids &rc... ... . - . ..Patt Year And, *.A half.,"has sectired.the.:
ations. Wheu Sir Wilfrid Laurier sug- Haying'. is abotit wolin�l -ol I position. of commercial i As t r ill -the
!or this -sea Wheat, Goderich Collegiate in'tittltL.
gested that the redistribuiion should Son and tile fall P now . ' s n a , I ilis,
I . . . I
lye referred to a: committee h, gAv1j in all cut.. � - . � . Salary will be $66o per annuirt, - f 25,
it as a reason for adop'ting this Our corxm�il Ila$ taken a iiew lwa - . -Inore thalt. lie got illBlyth. - � ,
y. of � 'A Dungannon - correspondent, re-
course, that it would result ill a fair makigg . roads' as 1:116� havi xtamted
. 111casure Nvlljcll wuuld give even ]land- �O strulmer-fallo Potts trntrbld beti,�ben'tltc *
. 1v .the sideroadry. leav- . .. . , driving park
`11 illst'cc t(J' built POlitical. parties 'rig therol'abollt ilnPassabl' Association and the agricultur . al society 'I
and to tile i , 6. . a.
�. . . _ ,. 11 . - I .
electors. Four Liberals ,;-- -_ , -.0— I , . :.ofthat'. villa
And- three Conservatives were appoint- I , �� . I 9,e, tile Outcome of..whleh
I . . � will be.na fall fair in ,Dungamion, tlds�
e'I to the eurilinittec, Tha fairnest of . 2MIFSALL. - .1. . year. We.Vegrvt. to hear illi]lt our Diunr
. .
tilt: treatment of tile Opposition, inin- Ott Thursd I ' * . � .1 gannOn friends are - having trouble, As.
oritv will be appreciated when it f last V�eek'Miso Alar- tllaY� always have a .good fall fair.
' I
sta is gaXei Ja�0 - %ItZart, daughter of , the .'Mis�k 'Stewart, .111illiller Jor Messrs.
I t7Lql that not out! proposal sub- late Donald Stlewa . t 6I.-Tuckersmith, McKinnotl&.Cd., ;MldMiss Robinson,
"ittc(l by the Conservatives received Passed Away rl
L . . at: the homie-. of John Itrilliner' for - Mr, .T,. A; A vidersoii. Aral
h vorable consideration. The Liberals Shepherd .of this'place. ,'She, debeased in Walkettolft where they will visit
bY the brute force of their majority was born in Fullerton in .T�52 and with friends for &While. I .. .
.. I . . . .
insisted "Poll schemes i3Oticll wilh re- Moved with her par�lljs to - Tucker�, - . . . . .
stilt in . , - I I . . .
011e Of the qho&t outrageous Smith . allotic -46 'years. ago. . Tw ,* .. - — - � - ., .
gerryin ant] ers ever proposed in Canada. Years, 'ago she ' 0 .1. . � . ... . . � ..... . . I I... I .
. .
Sir Wilfred's assurance that I with her'niothermov- 3TcX1LLOP-'TO'WNSR1P- � . . ..
nunicipal ad to Ilensall. where � th6 -latter ` died , '.' .. . .
boundaries wonld be observed Ila$ been a f - . � . . . . ..
a aW months after. Strickeliwith a ,pha� fall *Wlleaf was -nearly all cut
ignored as has the draft bill ulnuitt- painful- and ,incil.r&-ble 'disease the Cie
Opposi- 98 with great Much Xegret, iR fe . It Olt account of
ad by tile government t(l, ilia P�Xted bore liar sufferin . I- last week. It - is a -good average crop.
tioll, 11, Ontario tile constituencies bef, 'boyed up ,a deat-11
have been Patience and fortitudia .rig
gerrymandered until they by tile ti ,of Mr. 1,ewis Macdonald,
'are UnrCCog1li7,Al)lc, Christian I ,
lope 'bf tilt bi4ter ail extensive '' lumber inaitufacturer
have I)een aj lXrfeet T11c PrOccedings life beyond. Site we* a wOman
faTCU and Parlia- Strong religiou . Of And farmer.'hear �17altolt. lie wag 'a
"leat Will devote CLVITSWLrable timeto to the Ile I a cOnvicti011, devoted good bilsitles's man and had the Conti -
a full dislaussioll of the ,question. V thodist chtirall of which she: dance, aild cOfeem of the peopl.L. �
. was a - conSi'&ttlit member She Ic' A young lail, son of Air. Conrad
. . . as One 'sister, Mr�, Joh;i Zeph av-
The funeral took place oll erd. Uckho,rt, who w's
. a severeli Iturt'by a
,Sunday af- fall ill- Ilia father's, barn, is -iibile tof
Alr. BI,AIR 1,14AVF�S GOV3�RNAIUNT, ternooll, A memorial .-arvice was held be around. -again. . . . ... . I . .
. ill the " MethOdist church when Rev j�: Messrs. Wirt. Smith and Z � 9 13611
]Jolt. A. G. Blair, the stront'st, Sha'%'� occtiPiadt6 pulpit. There ' - ame
I I WAS have both purichas,al creaw separat-!
ineiriber of the Laurier cabinet, a ve.ry - large Trulliber Present, Sil O r.,4. - , . . � .
resigned front the government because Ilephaws of the, deltarted carried her I Thoillas Irvine of Stratford gpent'a
Of tile Gsand Trunk Pacific olvali As r'=�A'Jls t. tile tomb. da.y or two at hoilit in ilia early
minister of railways lie refu-sed to 3Qp_ On Monday U10riling of last wco,k Aft, part of last week.
port a deal which, if it goes throu It Cy'. C. ratty )had tile mlsfortllna� to .
$75,00o,000i for two ff The ,'oat �,=Op, which, ,ip Jo6,kjlIgl
means Libeial 10,'% a 17011 of bills Amounting to� Very well, will solon be ready for tfio
,Senators, a group of British capital. between � $,,,o a,nkl $7S, . nt thinI4 .
istP and a knort of Canadihit: grafters, pullad' the 111olley Out Ile binder. I .
It also ContemplatUs the parall his keys when ' talcing A very titkilable W0111'all It" Passed,
tilt ItItercolotti cling of Out Of Ilia pocket - whilo B,w I al . :1
destruction of al Railway and the sittin his rig opposite his, Own CA Ay ill ilia person Of Mrs, Tataos
millions of dollarg silop `Luit!Iis hot certolli, '. rlin of .ilia Iliiron Ro,itd, AfeXill6p.,
Wortli Of 1 rop,erty. When the Mr, . . She wase 57 -year% of age wid leaves,
Pu'hlic p, MeNevin of Dungannon, W
deal was first broached it looked as if has 'been visiting his daughter, AfhO a large -family. to mourn their loss.
rs. I .
no man in the g0vellit'llellt would have David. Ross, .for $02110 time, left w. �
the cuurage to ()13P(XLX it. In. a call. liar to visit another daughter ill ith . �
ells of the Lilmral party .a IlAtIlIber of ill, . I I . I . . Bly- MORIUS TOWNS111ro "
prutests were offered but SirXilfrid 11 . I . � . . I
/4aurier forced his followers to get I '-------- � lAiss Mav UcClY1110 . lit of Natchez,
into line And accept tile job as a . � CARt4OW. miss., is 'Asiting liar Aunt, Mrs, T4 -J-
Whole. Mr. Blair (lid ilot attelid that The . WiManis, 5th 1131,01. , .
Gaucus, but sent an ultinlatol", to thg Society Wolnell's YOreigh Missionary - Mr, and Airs, T. Winter Of near NAP.
held their ,In I a I it its Riefiniond CO., are at' present �
g0vel"Iment in which lie declared that 1101ne of Airs, JoIlt, lyll a t ng a t
Waltc0--' Ther6 alical at Robt. McMurray's, firov-
ndoned lie would tesign- was 0, 900d attelidallde. A full and V11111111189t
tion was abaolicy Of tile atinliniatra
unless tile P . intel.estill i ill� returned from An extellsive
Ile (lid so and Sir Wilfrcd,, thorough, Of the sog a
c,OtYPO't Of ilia organizo.tion trip to the Northwest. They want as
ly alarmed, (lid his otmost to have 'Towsle was given by Miss far as Iltilfall Tlead whcra� t1my llo,Vd .
,text ,no
the resignaticm withdraw,,, Mr. Blair y aild Mrs,, it, M.. yooll
_Ctin,g . lg� The ralati ves, While Out JVcst they als�,
r �fusad to lie imoved 4nd after givii will bol ill Ord church, visited Air, Winter'& btother,Gl I asgaW
Ills leader so,me w1lole-sonta adviSo ilg W11611, tile box of 010thill
n- Ir Will be, whom, 110 had not seen for MAW! 20 �
Slated upon separating hiniftif from Packed - The ladies of the,
would be glad to receive ir a0clOtY years. As tvi(lelica of tilt,, (ellorril(AW *
men who have so little thought for Otte articles that Wolild bao Om any� agricultural te'sotlrc�os of tile North -
the country's welfare. Tito 14iijetals those it, nced. f '"Q90 to West it may .be stated that & cousin .
then tried to indolec Mr. Plair to ge- 'the gardcl� party givell of Air, Winter's living At Fleillitig
c0Pt 0, Position. It was a deliberate young .1300ple Of t1le ,Ire by tho has 300 Acres Of wheat And 200actes
bribe. Title ex-,millistert howe"r, ha4 c1ttitell,on ,phursday evell,llg sbyteripa c,f oats. Ile ha, 'Of land
s 1400 Acre's
the public behind. him And itted not S,accessful, It Wag held Wag qtlitv,' oftwhich at preselit lie ktecl*75 head
WOrry As to thio Support lie Will OIL tilt bratty of,cattle and 65 horses. 1,
I-Tortolft, Olt the . .
4. Hiso fttioament 8th clonce Jolt, A boulitifill stipper
ceive from. all clame. r0- I JaWlt at Archibald
the harshest criticism of tho &al was strvp"
.d,alter W11,011 aptogr
tat could lie offered. The people Will VOC41 And illAt,un alit I 11111S,0'apin, 'of The, Nows-Reeord will be .mit . Uy :
accept his Action as Otte AvIlich ftlay etc, I a Mclta% alty attolress mitil the uid ot 19o,J
�) was giviou. I _,; for 25,0�
�_. . — I July 30th, 19,os
- I—; aafto- ON ,
. .
� .
Ann oal 0 0 * 0 I.
. .
xx,��_`Ir I . .
' * . I
. I
. Saturlda y, M - . Id -de .
I , ondayandTu
. 9
. I ' - . - "------" - S day,
I ' .
Allfrust is . an .. I I .. .
' I . I
. I
� � 41�4N � . � ....It. Jrd. . d. 4tho .. . ... .. . .
� . I I . .
. .
. .
The above -are the'dates of, -our three great I
. rg # T 0 0 . . Midstimmer Bargain Days for 1903, They -
I will be three: days 3f big ba. al 0
1 .n giving.- for us, -And big bargain getting for, piople who come to ,
this store. -Not often do we adveitfse I
I goods at cost or under, but for .three. days at the end'of
the season we. are willing to. lose sight of profit e ti ly, to, cle* the stock of our b' Ian
. n ,r� ar
, . . a ces and
. broken lots. Each season must stand on its own merits, and we want no 1903 summer gpods. I
. . on hand when the spring of 1904 comes around. 'That's why we .quote prices like these for, '
. . Bargain Days., " Come- Saturday, Monday or Tuesday, - which 'ever , suits You best. ' . ,- You - will ,
. .
.1 . I plenty -to interest and save, you money which ever da � � . . . . . .
. . 1. . . . I . y you conle�. . I . . . .
I .1
. I . I I I . .
. I 111gliargaws in Dres.8 Goods . � . - . g, � . � ..�.� I .. I.. 1. .
. I , . . I. . , Rat ains froin tile 31,illilier'y : * ... I ..
� Here is a- list of Dress Goods. bargs ins that plioulo.1 I , ' . big bArgah ' , . . .
. - . � Here' are some Astoviii(l up flis biggest I
.brintr lots of. business to thei Dress Goods coiipter.. Last I Millinery. season we. bave.'ever had. We ,
ends -and iDroken lots., ri I want an empty
. " ' that are clea Log at a4raction'Of 1 kliow-room wlien Nargain daVo,, are over
I thoir real worix. ' - . . . . . I , wid these
I I prices,ougiit to give it, to us, N 9
1 .60c "and Vic D ' I . I I � . I Ve won't carry the'goodii., . *
I ress Goods 3t.c Tancy Flannels 25c anc, over. . . 1. . � I . . .
I Plain and figured prose Goods; � . 0i5e . . . ., � . �. . �. I.. I .. . . I �. I . . I � .. I I
. . I 75 yards fancy pippah Flannels, . ,. . . . I . � . � �
� I .
.. I:- * do - uble fold, 38 to 42 inches � . nice sttarna,� Suitable for ,, ", Flowers 25r. . Rny Tr .
. of brown . . . � . Illowed B at, $1 . .
� wide, in good Shades . P ' A table of fl6wert;, fine quality, I .
. _. and havy, ail wool -4material . . waist. and dreeiing sacques, � We have . . .
I *
. . reglilair Price 50c pir y - t?usb a
r ard, regular 75o to $1.'25 per bunch, . , B,tb;e7- trimmea . -
.1 that wid eive ex:dellenr wo'ar, . .� . clearing Bargain Da,v at per clearing bargain days, at your h.sta lef a, than take
regular 603 and 75u, clearing. I , �'yard . i .... ;. hanceo of carrying them over
Bargain.Vays at per yard..,. 85a . , ... 2�ee'and 35c �. choice ................. � ... � 25c '.. '*a will -lye you Your choice :
. .
. I . one end Orly idark,rea Dross I - . . .. . . . .. %. . . 0
One only, colored areas pattern,. . . Tip.,4 50a I .- on bargain days of anytrim .
I.. sllka�d wool mixture, will � GOOde,all Pure woo.1,40 inellog, � I . I . , . . . mOa hat, In the show- room for 1.00. . � .
. . . . Wide, suitable. folechildren's . . I .. I . 1. .
. ,.. ,in ' Bke a hauldsorne. c:aLurne - areSB60 or would ln�k6. a eo0d A . table of tips, bla-.kiand boilor.� � ' . - 1. I ' I I I I I ..
. . .. regular price $11, On ba�galn`6. . 6d,,liues that 001d, at $1 and 'Baby.113ort net's I
. days Y6u can boly it. for � , ,00 � : (IQ It lininR, xegular.prioa,400, I , . $1.25,ohoice of the lot on bart I � , , 1 .
g#ain . A few babie , , .
. .
. . ...... Wearing bargain days at pet . days, each' .. i ......... 600 81 muslin boinnets.Ao,
I . T%tc Only eltitt lengths, figuria .. yard -_,...,;., ........... �'.... 190 . . .. . 1. .,
I . � .1 . .. .. � Llnen.TavaslOe :', � . be cleared,on Bola ft.e. I .1
black malarial, all wool, Xegn- - . : . I One end only. cardinal 1. 500 to 650,00 " The I
. lar $4,zle4ring bargain days'. . Cash- - � - , . � . I bar icy 6y yo'u , " I
, I . at each . mera, Slightly., 0ail:,.Aged, all � Children's Won Vame, regular can thke yoQr 11109�-Oa adtha.lbb .
. .— ...... I ........ 11-2-6.0 � . Pure wool, 45 1, 25c and'350i 'clearing out, on * at pach ,.,,. �,;. � ....... � .. ... 25 c I
. ... I . I .. . . ' itioliev wido;.. . .. — I . . , i
I U Plain and fi ured black dre6o . � regulat696, clearing 1�4rgam . . 1. .,Bargain baya,.&D you). ohoi.io% 100 . - � ' I ; . : - � I I
. � . -
* a eyard ............. . . ]or Rats 5 - .
. , . ,. good a,' �lt wbol materi4l-, e . - ' .days 6 pe 40c '- ' - I . . Sal. I C. ., . . I
. . . . . I .. I 1 I . . . � . US& * , . � . I
I . I 7 Pladh Or ))Bat Small figur�g, 46 . . . Four Oply m.Lqgborn'Hats, Alf thiii '. - . Lidiw, "illor Rate, 'trimmed I .
. . . . Skirt Patterns, all, - BeEkoton's - Shapes,. ' . . I
� ort lengi,be, .. . 75o and -41 ' - � ' I , .
,. 1. to,44 Ili. wide all , . I . wOot flouted bla6ic zn�teriilb 11 .'. I .Clual-ty, just tb 'h'*t for chil. .. . air, �ntritnmed the las,t � we. . , I
. . . . , e A -
I- I I but monoll 10�, a .Dhirt.in arty [ will mahe l"'. . I I � I , 1. 14 1-MIld '*a vi 'tit -them
I . I I - It V0 Jett W a'
� . . SO. viceable andsty - ' � arenlamear, clearing%bor ain - , . 0 84i I
of ther'14750and $1 lines,clear. , . 1, -lob Skirts tekulAr $6. Rild $6, . days at yoQr ehoide Of the' 6d cot On bargain 6ava. I .
. I
. I I . . 'hig bargain days at per yard_ 48o,. �.clearin �' 3 t - '160 . - !4old at . 50oi-jo $1.�5 h ,
I , I . . . . I . g argain days each... 0 'for eaoth:_ ........ .......... 506 . 'a
� .----7— . . I . . I . 11 . .. . . ... . I ) olce of
. . — �. . . - . I the lotfor bargain days step, 15c. , - -
� I * .1 � --.--,7-- . .. I . 013 1 .
. I . —_ . . .
I ,.. . T,usi�e'Skirfi& �J.75 -. wm� - __ .. . -�_ .
. . . - -
. . sevorionly.black Uinre.Dree*ft . , . 1. � ... I . - .. , I =111111141111MMOM Ladles' Illose,. 'I> pair for 2115.C.
.. . I- * .� �. Iskirts,,mell made' from good * ' lteliinauts'for, Bargai,p".Pays , .. . . ' . -I . , . . Ladiae fast bhiclt coEpOn.hose, � �... . . — I
t - .CJU U t keep. ': , . . . I . . . . I . . .. I I spliped beel arldaol6; size' 8.1, . �
'. . ,., slity material, wi . . .. ., , . . � . 1. . . . .1
. lheirn lor,well hn6d throlluh�: ., '.. . . . � . A hh� attractip a for B � . I '9,91, regulftr 20e,otlelaring Bar_� ' ' . I . I I
. � 0 . � ., 0 aigain. Day&-will,bb 6dr . :gii
Out. �ejvet, bindilig illia. Sea. X . . 11; -Days sto 2 pair for,.....,., ..215c, � .
. . I 11
. I I son's at% Is, -regular $2 25 for enina*nt table.' You. will find if ait the back of the Roys" istocl�lllgs',,_�, Pali fo ,
. Bar. r�5
. . - 0ain Days Oparilou at each 1.7,5 store.. - Qa it we will plue rewhants'collected from man make; :'apaml6sa feett , .
I iins , , * ' , I . . ' ' Boye'ribb6d cOtfoll LI,066, Amer
Same silk Harg. � . . . . . . -
. 1-16figue 'Silk., 25 incliep I Al departments. E r i ' .1
. . . wide', ve Y. -piece will.be. measured. ' -'dotbltt knee�f%st blo,ek,riplar . I .1
. -
. . . .very Forvices6ble for .wilata or ' I .... and. -the length �an 3 price M64rk"'ed. thereon. -We price 25c, a clearing 'lot *we - I � I I
.. ..
. . : drf,98cs, reedlar.5.0c for Bar. clear-these,iena,,auf � . . . . W! 1-1 'picked n aws, .an er vairle. .. . .. .. .
. gains, Da�s ........... ...... 3 5C . . S. out. at prices -that will sav 0, on. 13'ar Sin . aye J By go on ' I -
. . Onf, end only naturil .ronueei You mPney. ., C n the tab`14' I . �8al� . I . . I *
I ..,. ,silk, .with black atkembruld- . . I . . .. Y,qg will find - . . - - � . �.t wo at) our a cice cf tile lot..
� lered spot, one.v.ard wWe. will . . . , air for .................. Ose
, , I , . . IV
. . � . - , Roinants of Prlllfs'� - . . . . I - . L. ' . . �
: ' ., I .1 InenVollars"ye
I . lbake k htin6ome waint, re'll. . I I I . 1. I
I � lar � -85c cl0dr113g . Dafgain . it � .. 1. . , '. . 11'.� . - ' . I LAdies Linen Coll -Bra, asFarted .
I , " . , eHRIA-lits of Luieti's * . ,
� . Davis per"yard.-..'... �..;...... 50c 1 &. . . I . .1 1. 1, - .shapes, ail - Sizes in the' )Pt# I , .
. I ;X Upffig Bargain - - " , ninants of coitli I . - not all -S1'6S.10f..:1BVa1y
* I . It .
. . . -It' I
. :1 � '' kind! regular hr 1-'� - 6nd 'I�o ' .
5C A ret'Ale at 8e. -% - -, , , , . . . bre tg
, 1. , I . Wooill Dre"'"oil$
... . One enil fanev -Cretobe, orearn . : - I nelflnant�, of - .. . S8 Coods'' I L quell leg clearingi �: Bargain:
. I . Days'ateacb....'—, ..."... _., . .
. groDnd with brown fl:)wer � 0, ` . . � Rewillantg of sliks.. - ,-' � ;. . � , , I . :50
.. - . . . .
. reenlar 15c. for bargain days - ,aq Reralia,nis ,of . all . ' .. . .1 � I . � Erabrof dories �At �7c : .. . . I
'Art Dennfirt 1 ,4�4,�] e r e d -from all over, I .
. .kinas,' ,& . TWO Hundred'yards Of E,m_
. 2 1 i: 21C . .! e, and t t, ' . 6i .
One end b1tie,'grev AqDenhhh. I
. naiked �. br deries itnaltrigortione,. ae-
0 ' ... I :. 0 . are posit-. torted -width
L I Printed both sides, iegalar 20 I ly, moriey-gL . . � ,prices wthAt . .
. lyla avlug. � . .. - .� �.. . .. . . .. I �. and quoiaes, , ,
I I � for.Bargain Daye.'... ...... 121o' L . . � . L last pieces of lines that sold'
. . PCI I I . . I . . I , I I �
arl Buttons ric I . . .. . P - I L . . . .. 11 . 1. . , at 19161t"W'. 150'. LWe .alesr . .
. 1. . Peforl button 9,, tii8aiu in Size$,, . 11 I . �W . .1 . Lz� . . I . =,�� MJ the. rgain 1),iys. .at. ...
. � . I white or smoked, two 1101 . at,'. . . , . . ... . . 7 '. �, . _. . . . - - , , your choice par yard....-...*. .. � - �
.1 I . . 8 t a, - * IffiSlillS _t* � � - I I ., Te
. I. 80111C argallIS 111'.1 ., .... . ,;.,.� ... - . . - . .11- . I .
r6knlar-fo�, clearing bargain I . I L . .1 � . . � .1. . .. � . . . . Laces tit I . .. L .. . I .
ar,dozen., _; � L. . . I .. . Abotit-300� aide -of v4letideunii -
I " SP ........ L 5C . ' - Ney6r have we had 811 I * I "Ottfin and HeAvy,tacea an
. . 1 1600111y1y. Table Coyees.'silk mix', . 'Dre S. - . - . . L . .ci a good. season .in C d L tnaer�, , .,
I - lure. I.J -;do squsie, 1rinozed, God 1 never have �,yiie given sn6b Barpini; to tions, DBAM-t0d. widths and I
. ' .
. ;, regular $1.50, clearing bar. .25c wind tip a'season with -as . . qualities', brokv-n Joke land orid... . . I . .
gain Days at es -h ... i.. i.. - . we. will next Saturd�y, Mon'- � lineir and sold lit IN to -25* . � r I..
� . I . I 0 . .
One aild Cream Curtain i'U's- .4ay and.Tuesday.. H46re th' � clearing Out on Bargain Days .. ... L
. � Jin, 45 inalng, wide, hanasome . . . . . I . . I . . eyare., Do hot miss them. at 1,pr yhra.... .......,_ L
... I . ... . . _. , .. 5C ,
I .
. . Me bress. Muslins 25 , . . 25e,wa .. L I
.., . Pattern, reanlar'. 5,0o clearing 5 I C , . I .., . . . I .
. I . I . I sh -VeHing joe .- .. L .
. . . .: Barg'aln Dave at per yard-. 2 56 T . . .Fine light Drees Albalins, 'silk. .am braidered Spite,' will -malce . . . White Net. Wash Veiling, , 18
Llloole�urn Ends, . . . hand'a B, I inches �wjde, I
'�'hase will be sold by the PlecL6 . I 0`1 wai8t8,'reduI%r 500, clearing. Bargain 3),%y� at. 2. . embrei .
. I � . per yard ......... - . I ... 5(! . , q,,ali,V that was n ,,P,'drf0,',' . ,
I I . L ....... — — . ever
oill . 11"Slin , 15(. . L. . '. .....�. .............. I . � titan 25a. We oleAred'L �
. 11 Y. L () [10 Piece four 'y i role . . . . . I . . %,�' los� ,
. . ,
. wide, 17 long, razujar 75a per or 1, e . S , . I . . ''. . � .
. .. ]DIndIty . � . . . . I � . ". tile )alit 106 a big linporter . . .
U � IteDimi . .
. square yard; for bar.ein dave Oe . 150 yards fine will tY NdOlina, linilort'ea direct by aftr- ". had in, stock siod on ,Saturday . 1.
. I
I One.eud.dxtra heavy, 4 yards L ' - .. .. I . selvbi, very line quality, whitp or blacks, neat stripes and- . . : . I put tile entire, 16� on- sale at 106L I . I
. loing, regular - - - � 0 0". 14r206 aa&c quatiti6s 0)[earing Bargain Day i ., , * ' I
. widex 6 yards books r 'a I Yout'aboSico per yard ........
. � I . i1rd I
I 8.5c per Square yardi Bargait. � 11 . . at pery .................. ..'. O.. .; I .......... � ...;. - 15C - 300 yards of odlored Lining to � L ' -
,at' $C., LL. � L.., - : ", . I I . . ( . be cleared out at halr_...)tice ,-: ,
. DAYA. .....'-..,.,..-,.i ........ . Oft ISC Muslim . , � -� . .. � I
I O,as end .2 yda Wi(le End 3 yda .. . I I I . .. . -1 on.Baraltin Day- � . .
I Intig; One 6a 1) yda wide and � . -. ' . 150 yards otolgred Dr6n Musline, . I : . F. . Cra4m, . . I
- . I . fine quality' -and 'RO04 Pat Pink,.Madve4nd Yelhw, re4.
3,� yds Juno,' one slid 2 yds, 'I. ': *.. ' ',,' terne,- Will *ash well, regular priee.LlSd 'or Yard, Ojea,rin' I *
oing,.all re'. , rgain-Daya ........... . . -o' ' ' � ' r '00' clearing at per yard -44e.
Wide and 4 yards I . Be, . . P � ' - R1'1')"bon Reinnanis .
. . I ............. I-- .. I .... .. - 80, .... I I .
I 9111-Voc oJuplities, ana atear.:' 25110 and -Me Muslins at; 15c' , .. I .1 . . 11 L I I . .. .. A table -of Ribbon remnants, 0, .'
. file 4rgainDayeat �er yd. 350- . The 1'48t of Our best Drees Muslim,fine qualiby,p L 11 . lengbha of onoto lk pirag . . �..
Jue end -onlv heavy . oltiality - ' hoice phitdrns, lurted 'dollal, SIJk:;r s�tjn, �
. L'2 yda W gJL . .. . Iii3ea ihat.sold at 25% 803 and 850, many of I . . eae L
, ids X 2 1 2 ydw' hin ' one . thom-not more lights,dwiark dolaes,xegnlar
I I .
rogulat $1,00 per square . yaj . I . , . than t Or two dre.qae8 ota, pattern. Patterns that are I . 100 to ISO Per Yard, alearino . '.
clearing 6y L , ydi I suitable'for walsto or dresses, regular 25 . ,�,
Bittgain D 13 at tier a, aria a5c, clear. 13argam Days at your oboia:" , I 11, �,
solaare Yd ....... �'. I itigBargsinDays at per.yard .................. ;_...., I
. ,'�,
.. . .ThAge will be go d b .......... 500 i 5 e, per end .......... ,I. I ... 11.1 5 e . I.,
. . 1- Piece only, Fine Unun Dress')Ius!-Ins 506 , , A Glove Barga n. , � , . I . 11 I
. , t", , . . . Black at -d White Silk Glovbg, . 11.
. � sod P68t not be out, . I �85 yeado fina -litlen Dress Muslin% with silk aild veNeb stripe . -
, Si I�X,zv�',.' Door Rats, �!�
. 'c'. X 0001 . .. Same . - good (Itiality, assorted a
X 0"? � I Of ill$ I'Allasomeat goods we ,have ever had in the' .. !?ad)'
. 1101-32Y incho", I Da� ar: 45c, 5 I . store. These sold st $1.60 &lid 01 00 per yard, B .I regular 500'. linegialearing the I
.. clear 13LA", . argain
. I #19 t,aln 8 each. , 2 0 . . . : balance on Bargain Days at
. I I . I DBYS YPu coin take ard: ............... 50C .... I ... —1. I".
Sol .PrieS �,(,U(,, ' . I . � ) out all . nice at per p I . per Pair. ' ' ..35c'
L . .
I Part, I L. . I 1 . I
. 10 . I
. I . . , .. . .1L. . . i hirt Walas for,8arg;d1i Oa .. , . 4. . . .
. Parasols ' w'. .1 . � . YS.* , , , :
. . are as good orie season an another,but e. L Xot a single Shirt W�ist i's to be carried' into no " "
w0uld rather h Ne'tbe m ney these represejatL than keep''PeasOn. EverL . Xt..,
- . out, 'They, are all
. L -we.wl*ll ,five tew. E very one was, bought for this seasOrOs trade a . nd
. . them all winter, On Bargain Da s y on a to be cleared
� Y , you 11
y"t chOicO Of all PArasols left in istockait exactly on10, Ith"S sea,aon roust see them sold, Bargain Days sbould
qwirter less than the regular. price. This - means I ' see the last o.,- them lea, th'
I � . L . .1 I. . 1 :7�' TO estore. Commencing -sat.
L � $1 50111arasols for, $1.13. . urda3 .we, are going to sell every Shirt Waist in the �tore
I ,
. .. 1 2 00 Parawls for I 50 . I . at exactly half-price, Do not miss- these bargains. Al I I
L . . q,50 Parascls for I ST � are stylish now and up to- date goodg. 01, Bargain Days
, I
. 9.00 Parasoig for 2.25 . you can buy any of ,our ,_ I
. . � I
Yon, 01111 eaSily figULre 1) the sav! . ng, all are Perfe I . � Aily $1.25 Slilrt Waists jol. 03'e - �
t ot Uy 1,75 Shirt Waist rol- 88(.
goodff� tops tl)at w'l)l not tuurn green and neat and stylish
bandle04. 'L - . V 7 Any Z00 Sidd Waist for $l.4)11(,,
L '� I . . � I AitY t-50 Shirt MuSt for .1 /,*)15(-; L
. . We never mine'emattets whell it eomes.to clearing out the,la8t of the 8easdn1,%.qt00k,'
I this adverd'sem'ent chief U11Y. , 11,'very pricei out is g' in IteAd ev,617 word 'in
t e been plac
. ,Otj on
. � ear greater than they really are. Bring his list itlong vvith. Y,(u
� he goods in order to make the Bargains app 6111111 e. 11, no ease has a fictitiong valu
it juist as represented. L .
You will find everyttling on i t I
. 1101001
IF -
I .I!
I - I
I .
. . '
., ... ..
. " 0, , AF -M . I . I . . .
a Iff AVI"M
. aulff I .
- -
. ar�ff "ID G E N, S "ROSO''
... .
. .
1, -