HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-30, Page 1"eeswweemalling.”Irmeeree- THE CLINTON 24th Year " AA •AAA A. A A f me szisirs.,r-,7i...,1,4,..1)7•741777,117, VFMCNOTTK se •,,,,,,sese ••• •—•.. > > ) < ) < ( > < < ( ) S < Z < ? < < 4 < < < ( , ....- < < s), < < >< < ><. 00 < <> S Z 5, •, < < < x5,,12 ,< < < . <>0 f. , (> 0-6 „4:49teva4f44ete4E)w+,4ekatete4erszNakkNwpFtsattgetc., ,A.,.184:Aptotasicter,K,T,loctoteletetE,4e*setormidaeleieleelemeietetagefi< r ,, , e e4,94616-ferefiCelett;FEW444",:.:/..:..ate4:04:4;,•+Aiii,lee+.+ < , < . < Saturday, > ) Monday and > t ) • . Tuesday, 4 > > August 1st, 3rd & 4th y 9 - 4 4" Will be 4 > 4 Bargain Days at<>< , > 4 ) Cooper's. > 4 > 4 > ) Book Store, 4 Clinton. ><, . 0 c . < 1 0 < p4) < <I I I I I 1 1 41 4 4 0 p I < , .< <> < > < > < <, ) ) < > < < > < -<.,• <> < , 4€),Ieteciesete,,,.,pf,lief 1.:JACKSON'S IFINE CUSTOM TAILORINGI • • Men's Suits to Order. seeeeele-e.ea Our Tailoring Department 1: has been trio busy to say a, good • word for itself since the rush began, mid it is only now that we can begin to take breath. • • • • • Have you ordered your I • Spring Suit yet? • We invite you to come nnd have a look at the lergest and finest ▪ stock of imported 'Worstede, Tweeds and Cheviots in the county. • • Our prices are modentte, while we give you all the styletfit and .. finish to he had in any city. OUR Ready=made • Clothing • Department • . Is now complete with all the 4. newest designs in Worsteds and . Serge Suits. In Tweeds all the new stripes. • Spring Overcoats in the very latest, styles. Youths' and Boys' Suits in all styles. • Small boys' nobby two-piece yoke New York suits, made „. from a good serviceable all -wool . • tweed, dark grey ground, in a neat stripe; pattern made yoke. • box pleats and belt finished,with farmer's satin linings. (bile nc Sizes 23 to 28. Price, qpo ILU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T. Jackson, Sr. • • '+-1-4.14-1.14-14-144-44444-144+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oee 0 0 0 0 0 • • 'X Authorized •Capital..: .$2,000,000 4., a. Paid-up 1,288,000 2 Reserve ....... ........ 210 002 X ..44.••••••4•••••••• ONE DOLLAR ••••• •I• • 0 TO DAY + or more if. ycni• can, will do to •?. open a Savings Bank Account. *.e.. ).• As often as you can dime with I ..t.• interest added twice a year. And you will. have a nest •••, • ' egg for a. horne Cinee in+ • e and talk aleOtte:it. • • .f TheSovereign Bank •:•• • of Canada. •.. .: X .!... •••••••••••••••••••••• .t. 4. t t X 11. T. RANCE, Ilgr„ Y X .:. CLINTON. .2. 4. 4. fe. .? ... <>+ •t• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000000000 Ready-made Clothing A chance that never before has been given the buyers Of Ready-made Clothing. We have a lot of Tweed that .we are going to make to YOUR ORDER cheaper than you would get the same quail eady-made. This is a genuine bargain. If you have been in the habit of buying Ready-made Clothi ng. Give us a chance and you will see that the clothing We are , making teat the smallprico wfll last as long, as any two of the ordinary nestly,mades. Ai J 1161.lowayi 0 0 0 0 0000000000 000000000000 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CtINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30ht, 1903. LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 72C to 73e Oats 3oc Eggs xic to tee Butter 120 to 14C LIVC Hogs fisao. Hay S6,00 A BIG ngr.ivERI, OF HOGS. Beatty Bros, of Varna delivered to Mr. Robt. ritzsiniceis on Tuesday nineteen hogs for which they received: $212.55. The price paid per cwt. was 55.40 So that it may easily be learn- ed what the porkers averaged. Mr. Fitzsimons shipped a aouble-aecicer to Ingersoll that day. ANOTHER ACCOVNTANT, Mr. • Andrew Porter has entered the service of the Sovereign Bank and will next week take up his duties aa accountant of the local (branch. In engaging Ma Porter the Sovereign has secured the services of a popular young man who has been well and favorably known as assistant post- master., FIRST CLASS HONORS. Miss Jennie Woods of Porter's. Hill was succeesful in taking 1st demi honors in. Primary Theory and hon- ors in Junior Piano at the recent ex- amination of the London. Conservat- ory . of IVIusie. Miss Woods is a pupil .of Miss sybil Courtice who is doing - such excellent work with 1Vliss Carol Newconibe A,. le, C. M. - A CHANGE OF. ',gm:mks. Mr, Vale, who has. for 'some. time •.been leader of •the •Citizensband, • resigned the position and has been succeeded • by Mr. W. 1VIeLecel of 'Sea- • forth • who • • assumed the baton on Tuesday, He is , an expeeiencedebands- man. • . e Mr. Vele • will not, eve understand, leatie Clinton but will instead move his family here • from Toronto. • • A MISSIONARY ADDRESS. •• Rev. Mr - Priest will give an address at the meeting of the Wesley, Lea - gee on Monday evening next,- when he .will .. speak of missions and • 'tie missionary's *ork.• A • nutriber have already heard Mr. • Priest; but ' •there are ,niany More ale will le 'pleased'eo have thie opportunity,of hearinghim tell of lig life's ework.' A few aeusi- cal Selections will also be .given... • . .THE. STOCK WANTED: Mr. Jeeitee Stewart, representing the Palmerston Pecking Company, „Was in town on..Tuesday • conferring with the 'clitectOre orthe eItiroit Peeking Cam- po:fly with ,a view tohaving the lat- ter's• subscribed stock 'transferred • to the Palmerston concern. • If the direc- tors •are favorable' it will still be . an entirely optionalmatter with the.sub- .scribers,. DIED IN DETROIT. . . 'Mrs.' A. II. Goodwin received a tele- gra.inon Saturday informing. her the death . of Mit: C. C. Partello • of Detroit, who en Marchelast was iner-- .ricil to 'Miss C. Augusta Oakes of town, sister of . Mrs. Goodwin. Ili' .death was. due to; blood. poisoning as the, result of vaccination. Mr. • and Mrs. Goodwin ,left for Detroit by the :afternoon • erain • to 'attend 'the funer- al. . • . .. • strecgsSFur, TEACHER: . . . . . ' The following pupils of lelies " Maud -Goodwin were successful: at the recent • examination in. connect:4in with the, Toronto Cotreervatory of Music' Jun- ior Piano --Mi ee • Rose, Clark., 13lyth, honors Miss' . gdith Harlock, andMeta Allie :Belt, •Leedesboro, pees.. Primary • Piano—Miss • Maty Brogden, Londe sboroa honors ; Miss Vera HiltS; Loirdesboro, and Miss' Etle WanlesS, •Blyth, :both pass. • • . . . CATTLE 'ISHIPMENTS. • Seven. carloads of cattle. wcre shipp- ed from Clinton , on Monday, three' by II;Reid, one by J. Reid, two by J. • Hunter and, one. by Ford.. and McNeil. Thestock was of a fine quality, The bullocks delivered' " . by Mr. W. Glenn of..Stauley 'averaged eeo.6o at 4%e :tier pound.' Mr, Reia's lot had an • average of :Over eve pounds. . •, • • . Much •steak' was also delivered .at 'other . 'points,- a •• trainload of sixtect: cars passing through .Clintott• in the afternoon for the City markets. WANT HIM 'id STAY. A special meeting of the Presbytery of Huron was held in Willis church on Tuesday to. consider the call eke tended to. Rev. J.' Henderson of Hen.,- sall by one of the. reesbyterian cher- 'cites in New 'Westminster,. 11. C: • Rev. Henderson has been in Hensall forfifteen years • awl :wears so well that wheat it . became • known • there was a possibility of him leav- ing, w patitiion was Circulated attiongt the residents of • the villitge, regard- less of denomination, asking hint to stay. Everybody signed it. In addi- tion to this thirty members af • the church appeared before the Prcebytery to urge that the • call be not endors- ca, This placed . Rev. Henderson in a. quandary for much as lie appreciatea his present charge, lie has a hanker- ing for the West, The meeting. • was adjouritea for two hours to enable him to come to a deciaion, but when the hour had arrived the way did tuot s.xen any wore clear and the Presby- ter, adjourned until wet Tuesday. The Hetigall church has a ship of of 46o and gives Mr, Henderson Sr2oo a, year, a free manse and a, month's holidays. The New Westmitt- ster church pays the sante stipend,. so that this is not a vdiVirie call" to a larger salary, • Mr. Hoiderson has received calls from the United States and big sti- pends have been held out as induce- ments, but he turned a deaf ear to them, He is a staunch British sub- ject and not • at all in sympathy with the high Width of tinele Stan, so prefers here to there. Tit the meantime the Xiettsall PresL. bytetians are much coneerned about the matter and very krventiy hope that before next Tuesday Pastor Hen- derson will have deckled to abide with them. ....mm.•••••••••••••.,=•••••••••••••=.•••• ENSTS-RE ORR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••1•1 Whole Number 1277 A PR.OMOTION, Mr. W. Tier, mathematical master of the Collegiate Institute, has been appointed mathematical lecturer in Manitoba college, Winnipeg, a posi- tion" much sought after. Mr. Tier is an excellent teacher and the Collegi."* ate will be sorry to lose him, LAST WEEK'S RECORD. selattChlinton lacrosse team defeated The Clinton bowlerwon almost ev- erything in sight at the London tournament. Loyalty Council R. T. of T. won the special prize offered by the Grand Council. : • This is not a bad record for one week. LOYALTy COTeNCIL WINS HONORS The Greed Coeucil of R. T. of T's offered a prize of five dollars to the council having the largest percentage of its members present at a Special "rally night" naceting held hest Will - ter. The decision was giveir•ni favor of elintou last: week by the eeecetive who immediately forwarded. a eheeque for.the =lona to the secretary. The Cfinton Council 'feels. quite elated over it* success which will • no - doubt prove a atimulus to still greater ef- fort. • rvazsoNAL. Mr. Bert Pear= is visiting in Brawl,- Met°, i.li.'.' W. - Hatykshaw of London *p- ent Sunday at Mr. J. 13. Hoover's. Douglas Goodwin spent Saturday with Jus friend All. Goodwin of Gaiter- Mrics1.1. 'James Crich is . visiting . . her daughter) •Mrs. illodoland, ; in Lon - (1011. Dr, Crossinan of Detroit was the plea • of Mr. James Fair on Sunday .and Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cooper Of Toronto are, spending the -.week with Clint= relatives. . Mr. A. Esty of •Wroxeter, forinerly`of . Clinton • and Ritylield,was •in . town Master Harold Ro‘r.'ke'C'Peni; n: wee. k M. eirnip, the guest .of his aunt, Mia. • ' II.:. E.- Rorke, . •' . . . Mr,. Thos. Ginii of •Detroit Was; . ihe , guest of : his..father, .Mr. • A. Ginn, ..On. Wednesday. e • ' . •• ' • - Mti.' Parker and. • daughter of • 'New • : Ontario ..have been visiting .at Mr. •• J. "W. Eltiottee. •:.: : • . • •' • - • . ' Mr: and ::Mrs .• 111.. Y. MeLeen. of:Sea- forth were the gnegh of Mrs. John Cunninghame on .Titesday:. *.. and Mrs.- . Fred. -Pearen and two - Sons • of .Sturpon Falls have • bern. visiting at Mr: -J.6sli. Pearen's. • ,.'' .Mr. Gordon •Cenninghatne of the Can,- • ;khan Express :. office is opending a. . few days at ' the lakeside cottage. Mr,. John •Cutiningliathe. has returned lionie' after a holidayof nearly two . weeks at his cottage at,the lakeside. Rev. Robert ,Floody Of • Worchester, . Mass.; Who is visiting the old home at. illyth, was .• in town ,ori Tuesday. Mrs.' .W.. Young . of Gocierich has . been . spending a few days"Witliher inoth- er; :Mrs. Cooper., who is nearly nine- ty years: of age. . . Misses Amy and :Erma.. Andrews are spendieg la couple of weeks., weak the fortiter's, • aunt, Mrs. MeEtvan 1 of Aliso.' Craig.' •. - •• • ... .: .• • • .Miss T. Shaw, who. had -been the guest of her cousin, Mrs... ja• W. Elliott, for a fortnight., rettirnedtd •.• Toronto on. Friday. Mr: W.:W.. Barclay , .cif . the' firni Of e Copeland; • Chattereon & Co., •Toron- to,.•was a geese at Mr. Ra,IrWeils . .SaturdaY ..atul' Seeder. - - :• . Mr: and., Mrs. AV. ' Alexatidee , return , this • week froth e seven Weeks,' vie - it to • their •claugliter at Port Huron and relatives • in Detroit.. ';.• . • • M. • and Mrs. Sydney Johns of ' Sea. forth Were in town On Thursdayon their 'way , hoine froth a .viait. • to 'friends at Thessalon, AlgOina: : • Mrs. O. S. Martin of Chicago, .who - is accompanied by her: SOU; ISI Si)eud- ing a .few • .week's with , her • inotther, Mrs.. Barge Sr, and her lirother,•Mr, . Atf, Barge. •... ':' . . ' • - Miss Clare Wisemanana Mies Nee= . left on •. Tuesday to ;retina to ; the , -hospital ; at. Providelice„ . Rhode ]- land, •where . , they . are 'nereeetin- • •traiehre. ' • . • ' ... ; .: . , ;Arise' Mary Irwin ,and -ler, friend, Mese. Fanny ' Pahner, after spending e.yeky •pleasant - -vacation " witiong, Clittf.on relatives Of the:former, returned: to Toronto on , Monday. • : • ' Mrs, William •McCreeth • (nee Miss' Ma- mie. Young) . of New Brunswick, .11sT, • J., spit: a • -few. davs 'of the • ,p4ist week . With. Mrs. • Alt. ' ]large- . ..• he has rat treed to Godericha . : :. I' • Rev. IL Manning , and 'Mrs. Manning drove out to Burka' cainpieg greet.; nds with the attention of -selectinej a siteupoe which to , pitch ' their tents -for a summer outing. Mise 1.1;ttei. Proctor, who. has ' been teaching 'inthe state of Idaho, but has. returned to vieit at the home- stead neat, Constance, was a peen at Mr. Arthur Cook's • this week. Mrs. T. W. lIa,WIceliew and her daugh- ter, ,Miss Myrda, of London, who :have been guests of Mrs, 3, B.Hoo- ver, left on Wednesday for . Grand Bend tvherc. they will speed a week . et two. Mr.' Lennan of Detroit, ' whose wile has been . visiting herMother, Mrs. .. Gegen, .arrived .in town this week and Will spend his holidays here. . He is a member of the Detroit poi - ice force. Mrs. Geo. Hanley and Mtg, Rol*, Welsh and two sons, Masters Lorne and Nixon.' Welsh, were the guests of Mr, David Clark of. Goacrieh township recently. Master Nixon remained awl will spend his • holi- days there. Messrs. William and. ' Joseph -roster and their sister, • ititrs. Chutelt, at South McAllister, 'Whin Territory, are visiting old friends in Clinton, Stanley and Goderich townships, af- ter an absence of just about thirty years. They are natives of Goderich tewnship and $pent their early days on the nth concession, in the midee of the Tipperary settlement. The Messrs. Poster have for malt3t years been migaged extensively in the cat- tle Mule as rewriters and shippers and know the Southwest like a well- read book. Their numerous friends are, indeed, well pleased to have this opportunity of meeting ilia conversing with them again, • wrizieloor BY APOPLEXY. Mrs, Thps. Keinpton of near, • Kin - tail was stricken by a.popleecy last week and owing to her advanced age, 82 years, . but little, hope is •enter- to.ined for her recovery. She is the mother of Mrs. W. Cooper and T. Mackenzie of tciwn. The former has been -with her sime Saturday, and Mr. Mackenzie, accompanied. by Mr. J. .A.. Cooper of Toronto,: went . -up yesterday, CLINTON. DEFEATS SEAVORTII.- -The lacrosse match, clititou vs. Sea - forth, . played • on, Thursday last:, was, one of the 'cleanest and fastest-gait:nee seen here - foe • years. It was :closely contested throughout, but at the close stood 2 to 3 in . favor of the, home teatn. Fred. Ker . at poiat is a re- liable player and does good work. Jack Forrester is always in ad game and ie one of the quickest players in; the -district., This is his first seasolt on the. defence. • C. Porter is a. new player but always gets the ball. There is no more brillialtt player hz the district: than • Percy Couch and, as usual, le- put the-- ball. batmen the flags.. -• Sheppard sCidoete' makes mistakes, Armstrong aid- .some Pret- ty .. cowleination work and Macketteie on first home excelled hintself..White- ly 611 third home.. is fast anti sure. .- The gate receipts were the •largest of any lacrosse •game played here in years andgreatly encoura.ged the teaiii whieh was made ;up as ;follows •:Cloal,. W. Johnston..1. point, IP; Xer ; cover' point, M. Vincent ;• defence, j, Forres- ter, H. :Doherty, C. Porter ectitre, W. Statham •; home; W. Wliiteiy,. W. Armstrong, 3. Mackenzie ;. outside,. . Couch iiisjde,• Ce ChepPard. • The Clinton. team • lead". the district' the. score 'standing this :". • • .Won Lost Tie •,Clinton, • a 3. Seaforth • et- • 3 . ' • Mitchell • 2 VARNA. Some Of the Varna girlpicnicked. at Bayfield on Friday, afternoon last. They were entirety .without male 05- c ort and . dressed in picnic attire me :ler (mite a natty. appearance as dei out of the village With Mr.-. Jos.Fo ter's nice driver hitched to, a splendid' top • 'Surrey. Migg Joeie Foster hand- led . the ribbons. The girls .report e an afternoon's splendid emoyntetet.„. , On:Monday morning as Maggie Col.:clotigh was going home from the vill- age -she found a silver \eaten on 'the road ticking pff the • time Of • day in the 'dust us • good :as if .. in its owner's Pocket.. It :afterwards turned out to be the • property,. of Mr. Wra. ‘Taylor whir lrad driven • cattle that way to Clinton earlier. in the morn - J. -propr.ieteal oP •the Big 'Livery, Clinton, was tint village. on Monday on Clinton, • Mr. • John Ward :and Miss Annie Foster were in Clinton On Situtday, . and witnessed the .big• -reception. -Of' the howlers in the everting. •.• . Mr. McTavish, who 'taught school there some years ago, is at. present in'• 'elm ViCiiiity; canvassing in the., inter - eats of a portrait firne. in Toronto:. . Mr. Joseph Foster returned on Sat - lest from a six 'weeks' -trip- to Manitoba. He visited several parts of the province and noted a great improvemmtt in • the five years since his previous Arlie, Land • has made •ia great advauee in :price, fine feria buildings are the 'rule and: the fanner without 'a bank- Account is a rarity, Mr: Foster says.- that while the etkali iS not equal to that of last season, there will ;be as much grain for aalu owing . to the increased acreage :under. cultivation,. , The • Manitobans are learning' by ex- perience that careless farming wont pay and .are giving. greater attention to .summer -fallowing and manuring.: Mr. Poster says he saw -many fields part of Which hail been Snanured and part .not and 'the difference in the crop was Very ; notieeable. Poorly worked land can't Stand the drofith. The labor market is over -stocked, I;itt while there is an abundance of men they are not: of "the right class. There are too many clerks, mechanica, and•foreigners,'nPt ••fasniliar with .• far- ming. Thefarmers are ..hiring the forognere at ficnit tea to twelve dot - tars per . month; but say they , are dear at that price, or at almost any price... A ybinig farmer from Ontario can Still conmeand good pa.y for the rush ,season. Mr, Foster's <>Pinion of the 'foreigners who swarm in Winni- peg cod the otlier towns agrees witli that expressed by Mr. G. J. Stewart in last week's News -Record, Naturally miceigh MT. Fiesta - was much .pleaseil wild the proviacial ele eations, which almost amtihilataa Mt. Greenways .fol•lowing.' South Huron. Conservatives stilt :reniember Green- ways treachery end • are glail to know thet, he has got a knock -out tblowe Aeiong the former residents of the township whom he visited were Robert Pollock, toeinerly of 'the Goshenwho now owns a splene did hell section near La, RiViere. built a (Mae barn title seamier, and is very emnfortably situated, indeed. HO was offered a big price for the place lately, but refusedto sell,' believing that a. farm that others are so anx- ious to pogeess iS not any too goo(' for him. John Parke now lives in the pretty village of La Riviere and is engaged in building operations. Ile is doing, VcrY well; there being an active de - mend for 'oarpentera. Sol, Taylor, brother of • William Taylor of the Front Road, mime, liv- ery stable in La Riviete iota is 'coin- ing I noney. John Pollock, once of the' Goebel* Line, sold his section near La Riviera for Se,000 and lies gone West to buy a bigger farm. McNattgliton, brother of Mrs. 'Thos. Willey of the ,Parr Line, lives at ease near Metliven. He has made good money out of land and quite recently .eleared St,000 liaShort; order on a 4 section. When in Winnipeg Mr. roster Met Mt. T. Cairns, formerly of thid village, who was on his way to the Moostjaw distriet en 11 prospecting trip. Mr. roster's son, George A., as matt - ager of a large mercantile establish- ment at Wawahese but purposes shortly embarking.in business on hie • men aeeottitte BAkrxxxx,p, The following registered et the Queen's ou Sunday : Messrs. W. King. and Smith of Clititen, Ur. and Mrie, Welsh, James Young, Abel and ins of Sealortie J. Given, Mist; Nichol- son, au. end Mr, Friezley, Mr, San- ders and Miss - Johnston of Goaeriele Mr. and Mrs. Fields and Mr. Harris of Monroe:, Mich.. • . - The following . spent Mondayat the Queens : Parker of Totreuta, Miss Gray of • Seaforth. • . • The• following guests arrived this: week' at the • Commercial hotel : • Mimi Nettie Lang, It S. Bubiock, Miss Amy Chambers, • BUSS Alice Chain - 'hers of Detroit,. Miss Ada L. Gowler, Batr. Dunkin MeMertin of London. Prof.- A. M. Shrieves of Windsor ar- rived. on Monday and will ',vend the week giving' :lectures in' the" evenings and Selling his great remedy "1.she pride of • the valley." Everybody is saying are you ..going to the garden party on the eth Front a musical end ...artistic stand: point this is bound to lead anything yet. The Battalion band gives a con- cert two hours in length. . • Mrs: Geo. Xing le•ft on Monday for - a visit among friends in North-- Hur- cat, .• • Mias K. Parke of "Paradise" hae been laid up for a few days with a severe cold, • Mr.• Richard Elliott has a- crop 'of potatoes this year that is hard to beat' Out of two hills last:Friday he dug 38 potatoes, 6 of thefts° weighed 314. .pounds and the largest aliment -ea ale'. inches by ice; inches, .• "Mrs. E. Sowings and Mrs, G. Bat- es were in Seeforth last Monday. • . Ma, W. J. Brandoij'. has completed, the improvements about bis premise* and now has on of the • inost1 com- plete .• meat. shops to be twine •any- where. ' , The tourist trade is not. yet up -to expectation; but a big milt is looked for in August.. The • advent of a • rail- way Would: bochn Bayfield and. make it the Most popular Stranner. resort along the west shore . of Lake 'Heron. The ile'.pullers are • getting,...into shape- for'the - season's : crop.e: „ ••.: . The cropsare turaing out splendid iIi. this sectioti ,and ;the -..Seasoa is fittrOritble. for • harvesting:. • STANLEY TowNsuip. 2iIrs. S. Ca Rathwell •. of Li.stowel vinited relatives on the Babylon Lind for •a few day's. last week. • • • • -We are sorry that Mr, Joh m McKin- ley est the Goshen Line is III a:e. present.; His many friends hope for his. speedy recovery. ; . • • • asad ,'Mrk. W. T,. Keys • of .the • Babylon Line were guests -of .Goderich township .friend e •one dav lust. week. '.Mr. Prank McLean 'of -Goderichand his, cousin, Miss Collins of • Kincar- ,dine, were guests • at •the • home of their uncle, Mr. Charles Legal, .01 the. Parr Line ou Thursday last, . • Miss.. Rota Keys of' the; Babylon Line spent a 'few . days of laet weeke in :Varna *siting Mr. and Mee. Thos. ,MeAsh. • . • • Mai.. Agnew froth California accoin- peenedby her son, •, Mr. E. Aeenew .frone Chicago, are at present • guests of the fortuer's sisters, ' Mrs: •Ea. • Robinson and Mrs. Geo.. Kennedyof the •Goshen Line. •• • •• Mrs, Ches.. Johnston viaited at the hotee .of Mr. Fred. Keys in Exeter S.aturiley. °and Sunday. Mrs.. Chas' , Parker adcompenied by• . her sister,...Mrs.... T. -Parker, :Tent • 'a few elaes' . last week in Ripley .the' guests of .their brother,„ Will. John-, h .01kgs. lesSrs.. 1.soni:. Elliott(' and D., Dew- ar were in Goderich on Monday with • Mrs. • Austin. and family returned home • on Sunday. • • • 'Mr. • and . Mrs. jOhn Watsmi were; the guests of Mr. Jas.. Switzer': on uShodiatire:: ol. the boys' receiveda rather severe shaking up it the hands of their older brethern at . the Presbyterian gardeui party • , Wednesday night. Wc think it would be Wise to USd More Of the rod at home aad less in . ' • Mr. -.141. 'Bates .was around this, Week looking for cattle -to bey., Maesays the markets are very To*. , Mr.. Will. Codk had his hand badly. lacerated a 'few • days ago • as," ca result. ore pimp ' on• the end of a trip Tope tearing its Way through' the Taint eof his hand. • Mrs., John Manson of the Goshen, 'Line died on Wednesday of last week .aged thirty -live years. She had. been ill for -some time and her death was not uncepectea. She was a datightet of Mr, Peter Douglas and her'is the .first death in a...family of twelve. She leaves to woUrn their irreparable loss her husbaed and four children, the, youngest only tett months ;old. .The funcial' took place on Fridayto Day - field cemetery, the• Services .being' con- ducted by Rev, Mr. Davidson of , : • • Joieph jaeobs of the. 5tIt cone case:ion of • Stanley was found dead in bed on Fridaymorning last. , He had been ill for some time, but tlte end was unexpectedly sudden. Heart disease was • the- cause of the sudden call. Ire was , native of Glengarry and was in his ta.venay-eightle. year. Ile had a family of ;eight. children, four of his sons living 111 Michigan. One of hie daughters, Mrs. Harris of Grand Rapids, Mich.,. arrived the evening- previous to his death. Mr. Jacobs had beett for many years care- taker of 13aird's cemetery where his remains were interred on Sunday. The services et house and graveside were conducted by Rev. E. C, Jennings. The ;pallbearers were : James Aiken - head, John Foote, Alex. Thompson, William Reid, Thomas Stinson and S. McBride. Harvesting is now in lull Mast and the 'crops promise. a good .yield. • Mr. Itenry gaighoffer, accompabied by Miss min, kiparks, returned to Detroit after a few weeks` visit in the village. Mr. E. Eskr has. returned from his visit to the Prairie -Province, Quite a umber of harvest , hands intend taking -,in the eecui.sion to the West. Tide /will make help scarce. • .8.4.00710,143). The Misses Torrance of Clinton are visitinglocaono411. teir grandfather, m er, Mr. Ja Aes Mr. Fritz. Geminhardt, who left last .spring to take it positiote on at hbat, returned Immo last welt. has been laid off with gekness tar quite it while but is on the mend' Mr. James Parsons of Hillsgreen Spent Suude.y in the) village. thwq Mier.:ec,nny Moorehause of ,Lendpn. was visiting hie parents a few days Mr. Claude :Troyer of Toronto is spending, a short while in elle village Lor the good of his health. Miss Hoare of Strathroy isthe guest of Mrs, Tisdale in the White City, Jowett' s Grave, Miss. Violet Thomson . entertained the- choir of St. Andrew's church On Friday evening last. The garden. party under the a,u- iiee f St. Ant:Ewer's church arranged for Tuesday evening of last week, wee postponed on .account of rain t. ot :Wednesday evening. The Clinton brass hand was: present and pleased all • with eitt.e music, !Refreshment:4 were • served from 6 to'9 o'clock. pin ancially and otherwise it was a grand sueeSS.S. • Mr. J. W. Tippet, secretary' of mut Publie, seltool is advertising in. The News -Record for an assistant teacher.. ' Rev. McMillan., wife and family, cif Toronto have ticen rooms. in the house formerly ocettpied by Mrs. Mar- gau. • Miss Ella McGee; Who • was spend- ing her .holidays at her home, • •re- turned to Toronto this Week. Rev,Pr. Paterson and wife 'of Switport, Penn., were the guests: .of Rev. Mr, and Mrs, Snell • a few days last:week. Mr. Charles Pickord of Washington! D. at one time a merchant of this village, paid it " short , visit to friends one day last week, 1 • Mise Edna Green of De(roit ia honie on a short visit.- ' Mrs. James Donaldson of . Bruce Mines is, visiting friends • in the -vil- lage. • . . ' • . Rev, J. Hoelglins, • Wife end fatally of Seaferth 'head ,teeted, one of .• Mr. Marks" 'cottegesfor the sea.so,i 'and took peSsession 031 Tuesday. . Mj, Alexi • Porterfield •of.- 'Belgrave. spent..a few days With ..his sister,IVIrs. • James Vergusou, Pie past 'week. : MeSsrs. LOraine and Gorclote Thoin- son, Frank Hawking .and Getdon Skinner of Mitchell are camping in„ Sowett's Grove. • . • Mise Anna Whiddoe,. who ' took a. eouise at the Conservatory of Mucks. • . . London, 'is spending:a few days ill Clinton with Mise. Newcombe. Miss • . • Whiddon purposes .teaching muSie here and will .shortly organize 6: class. • Rev.. James Stewart of SPiiiit. Lon- don, with • his 'Sister, Miss ateviart, and his deeiglilere, Misses int-gee:rite and Maybelle ate guests- of his) sister, Mrs, (Dr.) gtanbitrye • Barrister. Stanbiery..of Exeter, ' son of our . wet -thy . reeve, has taken a' three . weeks! holiday' trip, to Port Arthur,. the Soonnct other points. •• • Mr. ,,Toe, Atelier, • who :met :with so Severe.ati -aecedept several weeks ago, isinipioving rapidly and .is now able to, move ebenitep. little: •• Many of our eitizens are complain - lig or the 'antics of an Old man rom .Goderich. tow.nehip who: coMes to the •eillege• every day or: tteo and s alureet Invariably. -drunk. While n thise stete his . appearance end lane guage cause ' thins; t� : be . shunned.. Ve don't...know, •Where he gets his :iquor,. but "hope' lion& of our local lealere sell to him'. • • Atr. • John "whiddan is having al ixty:foot additimi made' to his. wrap- rator Which Will make' it one of the argest, • if , not actually theesegeet, ittildings •of the. kind an. the .county. 'le addition Will increase the capec- ty of .the oaporator fully one-third nd Will be ready.: for the opeeing of he Season September 1st.' Heretofore . Tr.. Whideoit has used wodd as fuel, • lit:Owing- to the 'difficulty of getting 11 eclectiato supply, lie will in futhre 7 se coal . aind is new getting .te tock, a two -ton : lot arriving'. alt • rucefield station -this' Week. . • Messrs. Ed; and. Toni Swartz, . W. ae awl W. 'Horton of Goderich were 1 the • village on Thursday last ant • heir way to. encl. from. St. Josepla• viler° they weee attending a • meeting , f the St. Joseph Load Company, in licit they are etocklealders. There is aid. to have: been quite a gathering 1: "The City” that day including everee from Montreal who lave in'- ested in " Contin.e's seheme. It iS' eported that more feeds -heVe been deured awl that building • operations lay be resumed, -but we don't apech yr the correctness of the - rumor. . .Mr, and Mrs. Walter Buchan • have aye been guests of their daughter, Irs, • (De.) Woods„ for the past Week'. hey are emelt pleased with the • ape earance of our balney, 'breezy sumne • r resort andhave enjoyed their visit ere. mech. They expect to, return to tele home. in Durham this wectla Mrs. Dean and her daughter,: •' lYfiss Lateen, of London are spending their . alidays at Ma Sohn IPorguspn'S. .• Messrs. John Darrow and . rinetrong have returnedfront their, sit • to the ,:Nortlitveet. They travell., 1 over • coneicierable of that wountry tal think it is all right. The . fishermen ore snaking fairly; and hauls these days aed havitig a tecesehtl ecaton: • Jowett'e & Mustard's tog went tie oderich hist Friday to get a couple scows Avith WhiCli to gather statics > flitish the pier. - The dredge, which has been at work t Goderich harbor, is expected this eek to deepen die entrance to our arbor. The dredge belongs to Clark Co, of Goclerielt and her owners are• aid 58 an hour for hot services, Miss Lizzie Ferguson, Toronto, is )ending her holidays at her home itt le village. Mrs. • Robert Marks and het son ecu l of (Aetna, 1<auses, have beOlt siting at Mr. T. J. Marks', Miss Florence Turner of .nrysdalo: cut part of last week at the tee* Mrs. V, E. Edwards returned hottin Elticartlint Ittst week. Miss McNaughton and Master flit - tie McNattgliton visited in town 0110 ty last week. Miss 'Collins of Kinceedine was the test of Mise iTekit Catnrreit twit eek. • • • • • • • •