HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-23, Page 8THS CLINTON NEW AD ouporiani SAII Of LINtNS. A ease of Makers Seconds at about one third lesslhan regular prices. We confluence to sell them Saturday morning, July 25th. These are the seconds of one of the largest Linen Weavers and Bleachers in Britain. A firm whose goods have a world-wide reputa- tion for their high finish and wearing qualities. They sent a few cases of seconds out to their Canadian agents and we were fortunate enough to secure one of them, as seconds in good Linens are not to be had every day. Commencing Saturday we pass them on to you at prices that are about one-third less than we sell the same qualities for in perfect goods. What Seconds Are Seconds are lines that pecans° of some slight imperfections in the weave, the drop of a thread, or an unevenness in the pattern are not allowed. to go out as per- fect goods. In most of cases these imperfections will not interfere with the wear in the least, and would be hard.to find were they not marked with a colored thread, which is easily removed .without damage to the, fabric. In many of these Clotlas and Napkins you will hardly be able to find the flaw, still the maker would not let them go out as perfect. There are some very choice Cloths and Napkins m the lot. Quantities are limited, and of course when they are gone we will have no more, for we cannot repeat them. We 1,tart t. 'e sate Saturday morning.. The earlier you come the better will be your choice. Secondsin Damask Cloths. Some particularly handsome Cloths in this lot. Very fine quality. rich sat iny finish, beautiful designs, same little flaw that prevonts tam being branded perfect, makes the prices as law as inese. Here is the list : Cloths at $1 .25 • Seconds in fine bleaohed Table Cloths, 07s09 inehee' good patterns, woald sell in the reveler way at . $1.65, because they are seconds you can buy them at each • .1..740 $2.75 Damask Cloths, 2 yards leng, veil/ line qual- ity and handsome patterns, became; they are sec- onds our pries is each • 2.00 $4.50 Linen Damask Table Cloths, 2 3 arde long,ex. - tre, fine quality, bemuse they are neeonds our re price is each 0.00. $3.25 double Damask Table Cloth% •heUdsome de- signs, 2 1-2 yards long, because they are seconds our price is each $3 50 Damask Table Clothe, yarda long, choice patterns and extra good quality, because they are • seconds our prize is each 2.75 $5.00 double Damask Linen Clothe, very hardsome . . patterns, 3 yd long, because they arose:tends our • price is, each 3.45 55.50 extra fine and heavy double Damask Table Cloths, handeoree new design% 2 1 2 yde long, be- „t cause they are secende our price iseaeh..: ..... $7 extra tine and heavy double Damask Tabie' Clothe,. handsome netv design% if they were not seconis $7.00 is the priest we would have to et for 2.50 them, as it is our price le each 5.00 • Extra Fine Cloths . • There are about ene half dozen extra fine double Damask Cloths in the case. They run from 3 to 3i and 4 yards in length,and are exceptionally handsome pieces of Table Linen, . In the .regular waythey would sell from . $8,50 ..to :$10, couldn't be sold for less. Becausethey are seconds we :are selling them at from, $6.25 ro $7,75. They are bargains. Seconds in Napki,- 8. 1 Twenty-five dozen Nanking that are slightly imperfect to ziell at prices that are much below what they would cost were it not for the flaws. Ia very few cases will the flaws effect the wear of the Napkin. '• Regular $1.25 NaPkillSt because they are seconds our Price is 90c Regular '3.00 Napkins, because they are seconds our price is $2.10 Regular 3 25 Napkins, because they are seconds our price is 2.20 Regular 275 Napkins, because they are seconds our price. is 1.90 Regular 3.h0 Napkins, because they are seconds our price is 2 50 Regular 5,00 Napkins, because they are seconds our price. is 2.95 Odd Napkins Broken lots of: which were less than a dozen to a pattern came in the case. . , Of some there are only two or three the same, of others one.ha,if dozen ' They are qualities that would sell at from. $1.50 to 6.00 per dozen. Because they are seconds we dear theta out at 10c, 2QC and 35c each.. If you want a few good. Napkins this should be your chance. Szconds in Towels 111 Colored Cloths A few extra Towels never conte amiss. Thee from o*r big case of seconds are really money -saving. Damask Towels 10e Towels,-.Pnre linen, aerneske 18x86 inehes, fringed ends, rek border, 20x42 inohes, beetle*, they are Id" seconds the price is each ...... .4.Pi 0. V.V. •• ivg; Towels 12ie Large Damask Towel% fringed ende'red border,20x,,e 42 inches, became they are seconds, ..... 41;e -C Abont •tvs 0 dozen 'colored Damask Table Cloths, in turkey red and white, and green ground, standard size and -quai. ity, fringed all around. Regular $1,00 Cloths for 75o. Regular 1.50 Clothe for. 1 25 regular 2 25 Clothe for 1,50 • Regular 1.75 ClotEte for 1 35 • Renitants 4n.d Bargain Lots In the calm were a lot of ends of bleached and nte, bleached Table ;Darned% •Dovliee, ete. These' we have maeked at very low prices by Alio piece, and they will be sold by the end only. If there is one to fit your table you can getit at et bargain% Lengths- 1 1-2 to 5 yards. 1Seconds1.1 Table Linens.j Just a few ends of bleached and unbleached Table Linens in this case of sec- onds. WI...at there are are good qualities, the imperfections are siight, and the prices they are marked mean money saved for people who buy them. Table Linen at 35e One end only uribleeuthed Table tenon, 58 inehet wide, heavy weight, geed quality, neat pattern, if it were vette& we would have to Roll it at 45a, he cause there are a fee/flews in it our trice:per yd.ia 85e Table Linen 05c One end only about 50y,as, very fine quality, half bleached Table better by far than wo ester kept in stook,72 Mabee wide, wonIcl Bell in the reg. ery flee bleached Table Detnsek, ular wty et 00% beeanseft is e sewed our price is 1-15e Wide, One eed v 72 Maas extra good quelity. handsome new pattern% per yard " .a WW1 that wo coald not ken for lees. then $1.26, Bleached Damask 48c • heoeuse it is a second Our pride per yd is 95e 1 One end only bleached Table Deleask, regular 000. quality, slightly imperfect and. nur price per yd te 480 Iliefteited Damask 80c . One and only fine bleatbed Table Dareeter, good quality and pattern, 02 ineitee wide, a line we would have to sell at 75o.becs use it hi nsectond our price ie $1.25 1)amaSk 05t 60e IIODGI3NS BROS. CLINTON. simpo11mE10111.111.1.111111.11.111111111111.11111111111111111111.11111111 . , 1 • • s.:REconrs July 23r4, 19013 e lesetelelbeeretteeeeeserteettest al Wholesale House '161414'",114sikAW•lb•••1,ets%.avvi.wwlp.wIp4IN IS ME REASON FOR THESE BARGAINS A few weeks ago a large wholesale house of London failed. Their stock was bought by one of the firm at a very low rate on the dollar. Last Tuesday the members of our buying syndicate were telephoned to meet in London and we would be given first chance to buy the cream of the stock before it was opened to other buyers, We did so and the result is, we can give you new seasonable goods at ONE QUARTER, ONE THIRD and ONE HALF the regular price. This wholesale house had the reputation of being one of the best Ribbon House.s in Canada. Our syndicate bought Thousands of Pieces of Ribbon at a price that will enable us to have the greatest sale ever seen in Clinton. Here is a list of some of the things t,hat were bought at a very low price and go on sale ng awJuly 23rd- at Nine O'clock Thursday Niorni • Ribbons, Ostrich Feathe Ladies' rs, Flowers, Fine Dress Muslins, Laces, Silks, Straw Shapes, Rain Coats, etc. In addition to the above lines we 5c and 10c Ribbons at 2c 200 yards of Ribbons front to '2 inches wide in colors n cream, white, navy, turqnois, garnet, etc., also plaid 'silk assorted colors. suitable for fancy work these are regular per yard, all on Sale at., . 20c .Silk Ribbons at 12ic • 400 yards of wide silk Neck Ribbons, in shades of pink,sky, whit Oardinal, etc., all fine qnalities, that sell at 20e. Sale price.. 30c and 40c Silk Ribbons at 18c 500 yards of wide silk Neck Ribbons'in plain colors of white, cream, pink, mauve, turquoie, cardinal, navy, etc, Also fanny Neck bons in plaids and stripes that are regular 80c to 40e values. S price 75c, 85c and $1 Ribbons at 25c 150 yards of extra wide silk ribbons in fancy efferte only, these are the finest gualities that sold at 75c, 85c and $1 per yard all on sale at one price 50c and 60c Japaneese Silk at 35c 500 yards of 23 and 27 inch wide French Dyed Japanese silk, in shades of sky, pink, navy, cardinal, turquoie, white, cream, etc., these are • the finest 50c and 60c silks, and will go on sale Thursday morning at • $1.75 Black Figured Silk at $1 . Black Figured Silk of the very finest quality, very neat design, regular • price $1.75. Safe price ' will place on f pink, sky, - ribbons in Se to 10e e,black, sky, rib - ale • .1 sale many bargains from our own stock. $1 Straw Shapes at 45c . 02 ini 18 . 25 .3 5 1.00 Here's The Biggest Dress Muslin Bargain This Store ' . • Has Ever Given 25c and 30c Muslins at 9c • _ 800 yards of 82 inch wide Muslins in the newest linen colored effects and • , stripes and facny designs every piece we guarantee to wash and nn keep its color, regulttr prices 25c and 30c, Sale price... 50c Surntr.ier Silks at 23c • 100 yards of Summer Silks in stripes only, colors of pink, blue, eteereg- 23 ular price 50e. Sale price . .. A Sndp in Children's Hose 200 pairs of Children's Black Cotton Hose,(The Puritan Brand) in aseort- ed sizes all are Warratritect to give good wear and keep the color. 15c • and 20c kinds to go at25 ,2 pair for On Thursday morning we will place on sale, 100 fine straw shapes that are well worth $1.'to 52 each at, Outing Hats $2 to 2,50 for $1 Straw Sailors 50c, 750, 85c to $1 for 25c Children's 40c Straw Sailors for 25c 30c, 35c, 40c and 45c Muslins at 15c • 500 yards of 82 inch wide French and AmeriCan Muslim in assorted fan- • cy designs and colors also linen colored muslins with white spot and colored border, which is used for trimming, regular prices aro 30e, 35c, 40e and 45a. Sale price • WhiteWaists at Sale Prices 50c Waists at 25c Two dozen Shirtwaists in white and colors that sold at 50e for.. , 79c White 'Waists at 35c . Your choice of any White Waists in the store that sold at 70c for 35c. some are laze trimmed others have tucks and hemstitching, sizes 36, 38 and 40 only. Regular 79e for •• • 35 $1.25 and $1.50 White and • Colored Shirt Waists at 75c 25 Shirtwaists made of fine white lawn all are trimmed with embroidery Insertion and tucks, colored waists are of tine ginghants in stripes, • all have self stock collars, regular prices are $1.25 and $1,50. Sale 7 price ••. • . I U .45 .15 1.85 Lunstre Skirts for $1 • Lathes' Black Lustre Skirts lined with good quality of lining, bound I nn with velvet, regular $1.86, for. -.... .. .... . .. . I .UU $5:50 Tailor Made Skirts at $3.95 . • T.Adi s' Skirts made of an all wool homespun in black and Oxford only, 0 n all ate rnade in newest style, our regular $5,50 skirt onside at, .Q • $1.50 Sateen Underskirts at $1.16 • . 24 Underskirts made of a,fast black satana cloth, trimmed With flounce . having three rotve.of frills the regular • price of this skirt is $1.50. I Sale price ..... . . . ... . .. ... . . . . .. 11• Fancy Flowers at Half Price . . • • YO It Al ON KV 1131M1 • IF YOU WANT • cLiNrr ON A Great Clearance Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnish- ings Commences THURSDAY MOR- 104 will be to your advantage to come to the store early to get first choice. The Saving will ay- erage ONE T IRD About, People We Know Miss Susie Carling is visitings. friends in. He/mall. •' • IVIise' Lillie Miller is visiting relatives in BaySelti ' Miss Lottie. Holinee of •Stre.throy•• is she guest of her brother, 1)r, . ;• Mr. Jas.- Leslie of Chicago..is home • on a visit - to his father,. ,Mr. John Ltsne. Mr. .. W. Fee and Miss roe 'of Zurich were guests at Mr.joint Torratice's over Sunday.. , .• • . 1Vlisses Ethel ande 'Maggie Ross af • Gotlerich are spending -their itolidays • withoth, "grandniather;.Mre. Geo CtMr..' Bert • • Armstrong . of. Hamilton, organizer of ' thn D. V., is hi town this week in the . interests of ivitis,she 0.14rydelira; •13artlift of Clinton was the guest.. 01 'nisi-. Ida . Zilliax iii sfew. • 'days' this , Listow.ed Standard. •Mr. and Mrs, W. • 3. Paisley returned honie 011 *.ltriday from -a ten days' visit with friends in Howiek and • Cuirass towuships. Miss Nettie MeCuaig, who has been. visiting 'friends ith, -,town •for the past. three weeks, has rebooted to her home in Toronto,. • Postmaster Scott returned. home Mon- day: ..frem visit of 'sante days, .antong fricedS in Oxford county, Itisotn'. home 'before he located. Crib- . Master Robertson MeLeatt of Staforth le a guest at Mr, John Cunning - ham's and is spending a few days aitioraMr. C's . cottage on ' the lake s Mr. W. Belfry of the. Q. 1'. R. Staff, Montreal, .was the guest of 'his uncle, Mr. Jos. Rattottlintry, this week. ik, also visited friends' in Myth utid Gexlerich. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stevetison re- turned on: Monday evening from Toronto and Buffalo, Stevenson was 'a pest of Mee..Whitt, a former re- oident of this town, who, is at pres- ent very ill, Mr. Charles Honey and bride arrived ilt 'LOWit on rriday eveningt and were were guests for a few days of the groom's .eister, Mrs. G. A. Rorke. Mr, Honey is 'manager and an ex- , tensive shareholder in the nee: Na- tional Bank of 74Elmore North Da- kota, Iiist bride was 'IVIiss Rose Xultn, a charming young lady of 3.)ark River, sante etate. The yorng couple are 'enjoying their honey - nun*, httving arrived here from Chicago. [While here G. A. and Mrs. Rorke took them for a drive to. (loderieli and Mrs. Rorke accom- panied theku to Mount 3'oreat and from there they go to Hamilton, linflaio, Detroit and other Oates; Mrs. Maybee Of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. W. Q. Phillips... Miss Dailey of The Nile is the guest of Miss Olive Hellyar, • • • ; • Miss Mary e Moore of •E;ingston is home on a visit to her mother =l- ather relatives. • •. • The many friends of Mrs.. . George •.Cottle Will be sorry to lemon thati she 'is 'quite. ill "at present.- Mr. ,George tHainilton of Sarnia • ie enjoying at week's holidays at the Imre of his father), Dr. Hamilton, • Mr.s and Mrs. 3. W. Treleaven of Car- leton Plate late guests atthe lat- • ter's old home, Mr. John Gibbing's, Miss Mambo . Cook of Rattenbury • street is spending' her holidays with her aunt, Mrs.. James Livermore of Seaforth. . Mr, Wellesley Whitely, who has been visiting at his mother's here for/ . some time, • left .for his home; in Now Orleans yesterday. Mr, Alex. Robinson of the Colborne • IforeSe, Goderiele was in town on • Friday last. Ile has disposed af his lease and giveup possession, th• e first week, in August. Mr..Robinson itt. as yet undeeided, but May pay a, prospceting trip 4.o the. West. • i•• • T1 HER WANTED. • • • Malt or female teacher wanted by • S. 'No, 5, Stetilley, deities tee ecent-, mance the 'beginning of Igoe.•Appli- cations, personal preferred,. teceived by the undersigned up to rat Sep- tember. • GEORGE AiliAS'IsRONG, July. 221td, Seeretary, Varna P.O. tioaij$ �fUomfort 111 a Italtliiitick: and heaps of value in the ones we offer you. A hammock is one of the best known antidotes for weariness. It has healthful, restful qualities. It is a good place to sleep in and a fine place to read in with its pure and healthful air. It will re- lieve yor mentally and physi- cally more than it will, your pocketbook. Agents Parker's Dy4 Works. l'he •Bit Fair Cos Often tke Citootit, iktinizi titi Baits Just leven Left There are just 11 suits of the line of Summer Tweeds we have been making to order for $1 . There is not what you would call a bad pattern in the lot and if you want a suit that will stand a lot of hard • wear and not cost you very much you should get one of the eleven. • Mc* suits made to order from good Can. adieu and Scotch TWeeds, the last of lines that were selling at $12 and $14. well made and lined throughout with good linings, special to your order, at Ten Dollars HODCENS BRDS., Clinton. CLOTEUNCI svokla, JACKSON MOS, OLD STAND. 1 I. 6 •