HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-23, Page 6M .
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Ivilat is the largest hang-
_ �_ I_,.____ -_ __.,____________ ". '._____ __ . , ,. _.1.--_' I ------
, urs
J si to flavor �Q.f the 404ut
VQ other roviJ00*00 tho exqw, .
M ldffiella�
sweaudog of his daughter's illn0au
. —
I . . .1
IF 11
Ing bell Ili the world is to be seen
Ili Maqdalay. This is the -
of the Worlds" can help shuddering
slightly when he remembers that
, ,
. .
� . 1
. I
L bank of *o Irra-
30 1 ii t' 0 r' b ppos
lwad'd?j -.x�b�,'llltgo ate. the city 01
. —
The $ad COU41itiOU Of A Bright Sir
Robert Ball Says it WOU14
... I . .
,.: . I �- . I
... , .Xan�
. I ... I
, 1, , linivellse bell meAs-
A 4,.,V I
uxes as, follows: He,J.ght to cro,w,u,
I i
14ttle %irl Until Dr. Wil�
Require a Flag as Bit
I � . I I . - -_ &
CeylonTea Is the, firlest
,.*-' feet; 21 feet high to tuo top of
UNS0,M=ft, ON
1i liazatil Pink PiUg Came
to lxqr Rescue, .
. as Irei,alld. I
, .
I -, � I,_ .... .. .... ..
More than half tho battle it,
Tea the world prodUeesv
tile griffirg-like monsters, diazueter
at tile III), 16 feet 8 inches; t,hldc-
� . . �
Xwg ylounf girls, scem�ftly In beings
Is Mars inhabited by Intelligent
who Are _ trying to signal us? '
gIgAgilig greas y dt$11es is, la tjle
I' gold orIly l"L lipad
and 0 . I
ness of ingtal from 0 luebe a to '12,
hicbes. it -weigba .about eighty
� I
11 I I
1130 ost of 1"alth, Sultvonl� grow
. .
117le ,
question Is Again 1), to
This -Ought
. I I .
If it's soullshl: Soap
packets. .
lid pemled on tbree
t<ms, a is sigis,
.. I �,
liotle.-is and loge strongth. CO1- the
t0toy become
front by the announceineut,
living as�
Wap yoU USev
Blacks Mixed and (Areen.
urassive rounfl -beams of tvpjk placed
� . I ;
.. � � . 11-
ow leaves their cheqJo, Prof.
Lowell-w4o Of all I .
- , � &a �
it s the best.
hollizo,tktally the one Over otlw-r,
1-1 __01*
Ithi-xi, have little or no appetite, and tronomers
knows most about the It ed
�, . I .
lapxn tea drinkeft UT QUIW' Greta U4
�Igeir onds resting on two pillars'Of
CEYLON Black Tea. I t—f
from lge,ak�apbes aind other
lboxiii- n -An - *ucli was the ease Of
Flaflet�lias just observed a brilliant
---i- --1 the edive Of the disk,
. ,
* t_11 I
01101`111101115 s1z", colliposeill of was-
�_ ."A lorge Unrialitt, tea% no$,ts.
. ---.-- -
!01111 I I III III . - _ - - . .
- . � . . I I �. I =
. IF
'Besole, pounW4s.t di4u,Nt�ter of Mr.
CbAs. .
I 00blOiglbi 1Q4AtQn COVIger, Ctue,
Tile brilliant imaginations of ,Mr.
H. G. Wells have, f ilIANZ04 14B all
— .1 .
. .
, U la QJ S In other
round the .art n p e .
. 1 -.6-
- - ..----
Tbi; bell was cast at tile end of
the eighteorith century, 'I - Inder tile
sweaudog of his daughter's illn0au
with tile possibilities of life on Mars#
b 0 M
p y leal respect$ , ars Is ossential-
. I
insperintelidellce 0 - the reigning
14nd wbseqwmt cure. Xr. C010$b
and no one who h4s, read "Tile War
ly similar to the earth, %ud it re�
r -
qornpla,trits. Qj 1pilth of Russian
4nff. I
says: , I Up to the age of elaven,,
Bessie ha4 always enjoye.4 the beat
of the Worlds" can help shuddering
slightly when he remembers that
quires. a o great stretch of litiagina-
tion �o seo , how the human consit-
I . 'Peasants,
.—�-+— .
'of health O.'ad took grvat ple"Uro .Just
Such a. projection indicated the
tUtjO4 , could be niodifled to live
. , I
- the
A G�ermaxg doctor, re.,iding in
How's This I
fia oot-of-door play. **Womly,
C'minexicement of that terrifilng Jrg-
there. , .
Russian province of Tchernigov,
, . I
libwever, siho Seemed to loft hW cn�
vasion. Let us be reassured. As,
So far the eviderce. of life on Mars
writes that the indescribably dirtY
I We .offer One'Hundrqd Dollars ReWard
eirgy; her appotite failed hor; 0,110
t;hin amid pale, slePt balld)Y At
tronogriers will tell US that, how-
conflnea itself to asserting Its possi-
habits cf,t,be Russian peasants ren-
our ally cauo,of Voltarrh thax cannot 04
c� by -.Ha I's Uatarrb Cure.
zA&Ut, and co,iniplained of d4s,tirefis-
ever realistic Mr. Wells Story Seem -
I '
bility, .Dirfict e.vidence of its pres-
der It . extreguely dithoult to cure
� 'V & Co.; Toledo, O.
P J. CkINNk,
11seadachas in the NIN
ed, it practiciilly impossible that
clice has been sought, and, as some
their wounds and illnesses, wid men-
We, the undersigned, have knoiin
Ing inruiAg,
thought that rest would be bene-
mankind should over have to fight
hold,, w
, ith success. This consists
tijDxis a li-axtioulax case wliJeh is
j. clign.)y for the last 15 y
believe him purfectly honorable in all
J�oial to her, axid so kelyt her trolin.
for Its life Against a Martian army,
and-thel ilyppillesis that wliat Prot
mainly, in' the apparently regular
change of certain features'of the
chivracterietie of mau.y he bas ex-
porlence(l. .
business transactions �zid lipanCially
able to carry out any obligations made
WI-xool, but instead of ruvaii,ning her
gtirer4gth, sthe gTew weaker and
. kused by
Lowell saw was the flash ce
planet1h surface,, Which is attributed
A peasant was F:uffering from a
b firin. L .
,7,,, th�t�ir
.b 0 TkI,kJAX, Wholesale DruglKIN111,
W4-�'. To make lualt-ters woriset
the firing of a huge gun at the earth
by Mr. Lowell and others to the ac-
Wound that wo,ald not heal, and it
. 1
To,led . o, 0, WA,LDING, KINNAN At
Druggists, Toledo.
began to suftr frOM PAIL1,710 in
may be put out of qoxirt. . I
tion of Intelligent beings,
became glecorivary to take A, Piece
MARVIN, WlioXespLIO . ,
t�be side, which were almost pust
At de-
. It is with less certainty, however,
that we can decide that tile signal
are the well-known Ileg,nala,' seen
in,the best telescQpvs as a networlt
of skin from another pairt of
bc1dy and graft it on the injured
Rail's Catitrrh cure is talcell, inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood
giltkurance. this Stage WO
tided to try Dr. Williams' Pigilk
' imlibssibl e. In-
theory is equally
of lines on the Martian Aurface,
Spot. After washing the pat j
well, tbq doctor to take I
" 0 stela,
and zn%tcous surlacea of th 767 per
Testimonials sent free. Prlo
pills. Alter 4 couple of W0ekS, the
good effect of tai;s modiciall-I w . A's do-
deed, one Carl hardly go so as
to say that it is entirely inade-
whicli at certain seasohs, of the year
appear to be duplicated. . - .
the slice of skin x , d, but when *
he came to put it into a dis,hif�ct-i
bottle, ,13OL4 loy alt orugLzists. .
,4,4 . , ,,inily 11111.4 areL�he best.
. � . .
�ldedlv appax,1116t. Bewie begaite
c-beerful, her stop qpicklor, her
quate to explain thii projection'
th � ough the huprobability of its be-
LSOMe observers maintain that they.
ar ' S*lnply an optical, delusion—that
e I
, t Wiled to
Alit solution, he Was as Lon
I I ..
Golding (w h o has. given his con -
eyes were brighter a;n,d ske sconied
ing intended for our notice and pro'
the wish -to see the"' is fathOr to
find that it dissolved. C I user Ox,
ii-xilirration qbowed him. t1tat w h at
sent)—l'I hope, young man,, that you
more like hot, former self. ,Wo Con-
duced by quasi-huguan, Agency is cogg�
. .
the obse&atloll, But a littlO. POsi-
lie. heed ta3con for skin was really
know the value of the prNe �Ou
. '
tinued iving lier Cho pills for Sail-
siderable, In the first place, ast ro- -
tive evidence Ili such ma tters O1L.%t-
dirt, which . lidd so inluch a
will get in my daughter?" * :Young
oral weeks, longer, watil we felt that
nomers Admit that the weistenco -of
weigh much neg4tlyel, it." two or
part of the peasant's body as to -be
M411— "I'VvIl—er-no, Sir, I don't
"ne �
phe had fully repo,vc,rcd her heaRai'
life soinewhat alcin to our own Oil
threa.men have seen A,� ,thing, it Is A
lutlistgriguisha,ble, fe.0m, It. . I
knic)�Nv the exact value; but as ar
, �
Eard streng.t.h. I lio-glestly behove
Mars Is highly probable. . 1.
poor answer that twenty or thirty
I The Same 4oCtor was obliged in
as I can find out It's in the neigh-
had it not been foT Dr. Willia,ule
.111 the nature of things, there is no
.. le a enti le 0
have ,not He i e w are t d t
lrurK,drQds of cases to sc,rape tale dirt
borhood . of $25,000." . .
pilik F,ills, aur daughter womld not
ground fo� supposing that the earth
consider, at least. as a worr,ina by_
. I .
al�-d then to 4CXLA)
Off, his patients, .
� I
I I . I 4 a . .
have rec-A.)-vered her healtA, and
should be the only planet on which
pothesis, tile ,theory that these sirt-
. . hard bi ,usth
tilleni violently 'a
I . .
' I
StIrength, And I sha,11 alwA,,vS haVe
evolution has run tho*course which
gular marks are due to some.. vast
aivd'so4a and watar before he coulgi
. DINM R* TAXX. . .
Is medi-
a good wo,,r.d to say for t,h -
cine. " . .
e have resulted in proame,
big out, noble selves. Setting aside
engineering . or agricultural. opera -
Mars. I .
- giva them medical treatment. . He
I � . I I
'' - features. of
. Svrae of the, importmt
DI 1. WIllia-inn' pillk pills will cure,
troubles Vhat Arise' friom POv-
the hypothesis of a sp�cial Creation
Divine favoring tha
tions on . I -
I o *the pl�obablllty
If, then; we -ass6m, I
Marso It is
fouafd tbAt. the PeAS40'ts; as a'rll,le,
'ne,ver wmbed theinselN,es. froin ebild-
the 3Wsey�,11-mrris. Binder, are,
r-OLDIN0 DIVIDERS. — No bo,lts
erty of tbe blood or weak narIves.
and a reason for
earth beyond any. ro.ther planet—
Of sentient life 014 � all-
easy stop to'suppose that iis inhabi-
bioad to old� age, and .often
I tlie sainle clot-heS - next 'to. fbe skin
or -gluts to unscrew. You 'merely i�-
the outside' bi-,
Ainung such trolublOs 321aY be 044sed
headaclie, 130uVcJg'A, Cry-
which may be true,. but I$ not amen- ,
tants may wish to coniltnunicate with
for , . . . .
years togetber, .
lease a spring on,
vider 'and unho,ok the inside one to
sipelas, rheumatism, heaa't ailillients,
Able to dlscus�sfon by tile .of
i,hat ordered ,reason ,which WO Call
other planets, just as we should
deaily like Ao communicate wilth
A Russian . doyAor, X.''Sc . ll�m-61' "'-
,lt,h, N�ho restdvs.in the soAme pr,o--.
(old them, .A youngrAor call do -it
dyspepsia, partial paralyAls, St. Vi-
. ,
scioggce�'e-cdgg 11 e at; once ,that.
w a Be
I Helice it is. often sul5posed
i I 0111, .
1,vince, wid has had in,411001 -exd�eri-
easily and properly. .Dividers
axe very rigid iri their worklug pos-
tus' daince, a. -rd the ailments tuat
the lives of 90
If all the plaggets are but cooled and
that any remarkable Appearance Oil
ence Ili serveral ot)ier piarts.0f Rus-
itions . in At. whatever
I , and rdigga .
render iniscra,ble
niany women. BP 9UTO 3'Okl get the
hardened portions of the: same Ori-
ginal nebula, tile real mag-ve� would
lWars may be -a sign6l to ouii ad-'
The difficulties In thus
sla s t�llese --batemen,U,,". aq'id
1. coni
a&s -�,bat the conditions 'described'
, .
ott,gle.they Aro-.1olded. over the clogi-
I . .
gonuine with t1be full name
Pills for Pale�, Peo�
1. I
be 'not that life should..exist on oth-
.dress, ,chief � .
interpreting, such. an obsibrvation as
by his derinIggi colleague are gen-
vey%or canvas,, ..
V41liams, Pink,
,r �oanetq liui-- that' it should have
-ar - T -11 has Just--inade are two-
,.n,l +110u-b-ut the rul "al'distriets
I a I r"11 sin can -not
ple, on tile wrappe,r ar,oun4 every * I ., 01 I � literally - Oat. . b- . . . . � I . .
Sold by all me�aigillc defil come into being - oil- the -earth Alone. fold. The first is thitt the. gigantic of 13,u0%iA., - Tberd are illillIons , of - ' in the Massey -Harris ----+-..- - ... �...- . I --
box, Pro, I . . Itick or . clWke I --- . nowuw_ 1% - I . - I
I SlinilAr causes ' ,,must ,be assumed si of such a signal for us to Per- 1-tus-sians, who never wash ar.4 never - no iii,attor how much it , is . .
or sent by wall. post paid, at. 500' ve , . . I elevator, I . . . . I .
per box, or six bo.xes for -F2-.50; by to produce similar effects, though ceive it Seems to bar the possibility enjoy a pliartge of linen.. � . I . .. .
. . ' �.
I +
. man is too� apt to think that an of its art.ib6lfti nature; + . I . I.. _ 1, 1. F - '. I bunched. . . . Capable of . . � I . . �
I writing diroct tp the Dr, WIlliairns + . . . I I 1. I . . 4 SIXF.m. KNO1I`T=. I . I . I . . I
. . . : exc�ptional interest and merit attach . I I .. I . . . . . Painters' Thoughts I I
,dicine Company, BroeUmille, Ont I , adjuistm4nt -to tal,6 up wear. 1. ..
We I . I SIR ROBELtT BALL - . . . . . � � . . � ... � . �
.. I . . . . ... I I
� I
. __+_ . . : fo thei,.'� inconsideriiblq planet that says that signalling fi-oin -Mars to . . I R(IML.. -, Suit�d, . for bandling, . .1 I . . . � . . I
LEARNED By SCIENTISTS.: - has had the. honor of'bearing him. SiCK TWO 'YEARS , n4itions of wtia- : Think of. every good point w p�rfact'Paint. Brugh :
. . . the earth .,;iould need A, flag. the. size - , . . -crops. under all co, I - . . 11 . . I � I
. I If, then, we .mUst'a9sume,the pro- . + Ither or land', It Will pick up'ta,ng- ... I I . . I ld hav- and'ybulil havd amilnd picture of,. I . . ''
er . I � . . i . I d I it -neatly' I . I I .. I I .1 . . 1. . ,. . � I I I .
. that there AN '.'otii* � ' AS . OUPIE D .
Length of rays does -not affect'the. b . Ability worlds of Ireland - or all .electr4c light'as. big :.. � , -BUT.W' tecd or jai grain and lay . . .1 I .
. There is iio 'r6at,ex- . . ,. . .. .
of light, although th 'ours other sentient - be' .As London . .1 9� . �. . . . . I . I It aisp ' . . . � . , '. , .
chemical activity all , t . . Ing$. . . .1 �� ;1 _+ . . I un ille table.. . , handfes long � � MR= . .
� � - -atidn in stich, a calculation.. :. I I . I � I . . 9 I . .
Prof. Lodge Surmises, that the pro- Where are'wii to. look, r them? - 11 � .. � � . . I . I I � . . I
. 1: : - . I .. 1-1 ..'just been. observed is duc�tq sun- - 11 I . . . � 'VX . C- .1 I , L . I .
it determines their color. I . within. the limits -6fi Our Systelial Aggei . I. . . . . �, I . . I or sh6rt.,grain with splerldid. . �� W- -, S
' -
I fo , , , Prdbablv tile proje%tion. whielilias -bODD19 XIDNE-y� PILLS C�BMDIT- ler I - � � . . . .. I. I I .
.. . .S. ''
I � � . I : All-OTHzit. IIOLLEI� BkARIN,GS throtl-&Iout '. .
cess of dislntegr4t�iorg of atoms .Into, . . "ON MAI�S. . � .' . � .
blecti-cus. - of which they' are+ madw . . . Lilor�, . �'! . light, sti-Ilting k.cloud at'a height.of � . . I . � . . �
I F .1 .. . . . . .I ...I. ' Tony OVER LUMBAGO. . to lighten the draft arAd make the � � . I .
. � some . tweggty� iiii es in the Martian. ' 1. I . � . . . .. s. The . . � - . . . . I .
Up, ay constitute the evolution of : Every Argument poirits to MaV9 -as' . . . .. . . . . � . woilc easy for tile . horso I I . . , 11 . . .
in I I I . , . I . FLEXISLE R . . . . .
. � . the ter atmosphere,*. . according, to the ,- re- .. I . .� — . . . tebod. I * . . 0 B."USH I I . I
the chemical elements. ., - most. likely.. place. The: ou ' . . . . .. . . bea,sts. kno* when 'they are hi BRIDLE . I . ' �.
The Gjoa, with theniagnetic pole. planets are t6o far.frogn .tli6 sun for c6ived explanation of .similar obser- - I . . . 9 . sey-m-axtris-it ruggs.,so easi- . . . . . I . . I I . I .
. . * . a Bricklayer,. to A Ma . 1, . ' ' - .
, vaiions made foor or live times *ith- 46hu b'llp" A� Quebec . " . . . I , . .1 I . . rainjoye'd And repincod .
a i - . .. .,. . � .1 I . . . . . . The b idle .can be easily -
expedition, has sailed for Qr�!enlaid, Such life As W6 -knOW .to Xuaintai t ' . I , ; "' . : . ri
. 'the remote cold- in ti ,e h.a . . . , I � . . .
. ie last g i1ei-atJon. BU't if the , Tells 4oWJRit; ,.Troubles Vanis . .. . I . . . I . . .. - - paintw�xvorks .
. , � . I . . . . . � -IS not affected.by watei, .oil 01. . .
and will attempt to pass north:', of self upon thenl;,An � �. . . # �;-�- I . . . . . . .
. . . .
. I ' '
. n ,* of' Neptune Ol' Uranus,. OA.Y 'a -�', ?�Artl.ans are rqally.soAar ad,vanced ed When '11-9 Tried the Groat : + I . 1. tles 461a.4ilc. . ' .
� . . I . . . I . .
� the American continent. to Bphring, . ess I 1 ' ' 6 able to ca:r-' - Canadian. Xidu Remedy. �. . � �. .. I . .. . .. . . _. 1: .. .1 on aphio't and thus -keeps the bIr's I . . . . . . I
This � . . te iti; . -Ing as to b * ' . QY . . . I .
strait. will take the.party gao ,or bee, r .could live wi,th any in. evigineet . . I
near tha north pole. :, . + . . . . , .co-infort, imaiginati6ii..'refuses, to-ccn-, ry out irrigation works .: on the - vast . � . , - A , "Wbat course should a lai�yer pur� � 6OLD -13Y ALL DEALERS . I . . .
J. J. Thoinson. professor ,of ex-� ceive a cfvilized society of typhoid scale - that . the canali imply, they :, Qu0bec, . -July. 13-.-(Spocia,1) 0 'a. sue when called on to defeud,a' man � . . . . . I . I
perimental - physics at Cambridge, geri � xgs,.� Jupiter Js aigno'st .certainly ought,to be 6,apablo of making+ such hwre' - remarkable. 'cure, has-b4gl whom" ite..'kno*s. to be+ guilty?" RS11- . I . . I I
. I i
00.1- still Ili a stai6 of red -heat and one Signals, it"nioney was no 9bject, ukarked up:�t(j .t,he credit of'.DOd&.s bd the'exanilnc� of the New Loking- . . . I SUIRDEN�__ - . I . . .1 I
England, said the � other - day at . .in -:'thia city ' John t , + . .1 The . examined � .--- -_ ��_________ . .
ugnbia university, after having re� might 'as well try to -live'-i� d�.Dutch even* a trre trial engineer could ar- - KidneY Pills . I on - Applicant. - - __ . . I
. . � &h , of '5 Little Ohara- . . ead a tuotneut -and I I I . I .
� oven' as where Xai6ury swims Irr the range. a system of -electric IiAts that Ball; bricklayer ' 7 �i � scratched-- his h . . . .
. . I . . 11 . . would send -a flash as far 'I ' ,Aill.stre6t, is, -the lilun cured. -' an I - of , � .. . � . � 1% � . I I .
ceived its degree of doctor of science, as Mars.. 01, .. If', swered: "Charge . him dcuble,. � .
. .
that teachers of science. in the Uxlit-o sunbeams.. 11"Ji.e.minor planets, these I The second and more powerful ob- telrvIewe.d xegargitiig the gum-bor ,.. lie Course. � 1. . . ... . . �. . .. I I I I . Don X
. ed States, receive smaller salaries disjoirted. members of a "Planet that . . . ,sAid: , . . .. . . .. .. : - � .1 I . I.. I . I � 1. .. � . . I � . ,A-.&f,,j
. .. never w�as, ". ar I e barred,by+our kggow� jectioig to the signal'theory .is that , : I roubled + wIf4b Luin�'- + ., . — . . .. . I BRANDS. .. U, I .. . . I .
. . . . . . .
I . .. - .
11 I
I than in any other country. : . I' have been t . . . I I . , .. � I I � . � I . I � V . . " t I . .
. ' I , .1 . � . . . I '. ..
� . I -HOLISH: SPAYIN . t . _ I . � , I I
- n Edware i -1 -,
. . gent message,-fiag been .sent, I . � . . t , , ' ' � ; . I experiMSIT . . I
Pneumonia has now given. way t6 ledie of. physics, which tells US that' m6 infelli . I � I . . I . bogo for two yeaws .wrld. COuld no T I ;
. +
I ause di not even the largdst .of' them I can whence it is � .more natural to con I s 6 wa . -Serl-ig E . � . t HIMEN � I KI Edwstrd ' . . .. I with I
consumption as the leading c . . do .my work. I was A, . � I c . allowed IUMPS __ff . .. , .. 11 I I . ..
clude that tliesc . prajectiohs are + .1 4-d - I � Ror soft or I _100087- , . I , � + + � I .
death. Pneumonia is est �6sseso qggy,,N�estiges of sm Atmos-. fpc,ill Winary . troubles RAld ly 'to � . . . - r , I .1
. mere] .. . -ti ' . -' lik)rSeq, blood apaTill, . I I � .. . 4. ��, .[) ., . ; othe and I
bile the smaller buds, aro�so v� .accidental clobd:r6flec qns,. -it - I r%nd 'bleallshes from+ .. . I . . . � I . .
term polluted,. phere; w � . !, . get, up t night so, wtich that my ,aplints, ring bone, sweener, stifles, I . I
disease of vitiated, b � � g "force Before. we. accept ,the 'Agsartion 4 that � . - �* i.� � .1. . rurbs. 11.4'. e C. " Healiftkt " .' I . , 0 1� Inferior 11
- + Con- ill:-piovidedL With, j�ravitatirg' . . . . reist. was apolled. , ?pr&ing ou" ..4. + . �
and overheated atmosphere; . . I + ,:Mars'fa signaling, iyo must- 4w,ait for I.. Save $�)Soro and swollen thxrbat,�' We . . I I I
. . 1!1' bought one box Of Dodd's Kid-' by u"o of one bottle. rranted + A� . , . . I . I
sumption, while also a commU1117 than An ordinilcry man's jump :would . . 1116A won4eaui klientish Cure over . . .. . � 1�1 , , � . % �, . . 13rafideg L . ,
. � something 'that, Call bp. twisted .Into * ed theg�xx �116 . . I .. . . ; � .� . ! . . . . . . . . . I .
-into infinite space. . I ' afte"r- T had Us . . . . . � * . N . . . � I . I I .
cable germ disease, has . all reasons take .him . away . ementary As. 1101'��- ]Pills wrod . known.. . . . . . . RX - It. . . � .1 1� . ' . . I .
for its own. . . . It would be rash' perhaps' to "sort a message, be it ag -el� , to see arld feel -it r-hAngc- - I � . I ' .. is � I
. . . I � . . . began .. . . I — E Is , . .
. . Animal foods, judged by bulk and that life , witbout'L an atmosphere . Is -the "One. two, three" which , Mr. lAave xxsejd+ three boxes and -1. &=,now , I 1. h a-ve here,'! said the industrious 1.7--ar.v2doe I t 0. .. USE . I . .
� - . I
. . cannot' conce;vp - Tesla, once. found arriVink from -outer. . .. .� 1. .. * ' ' . � . . I _. I . . I .
weight, are more expensive, .pound impossible., but we . � I . I cured.-- . I . � - book-akent, + "a' Volume which is . . ,- 1. � . . . law I . . .
, . ax� � would behefit'VOU iE . . t ; � . I .
, There I . . . .1 I . � - I . + vt� Do'dd's - - . . 1. � I Victoria" ' - #I. .. I . ... ... , .1 �. EDDY. S , .-. ,
. . ." . � .... . space on his wireless tel6gr`aphic rC- . S'jjillar. . cures by Dodd's Kidtle� especially. ilcgpfu�j 'to business .men. 6 ..
for pound, than vegetable foods, But it. , � . . . . I I I I 'd. so iroq,Ucaly tho.t , . . , ..
as a whole vegetable foods are. not . r6ug]ain, then, only 'our two ceiver. What we have recently Pills i ,- -reports I'm certAin . It
more economical. Animal . - foodi furA .nearizst . neighbors, 'Xkrs. 'And Venus, lear4d' of' tile. possibilities of. .'wirc� it se,olzui. ,.-Safe to q%iy thic _. 'i d, Call, i , . you. mention. any � 6� Littld Comet HUL .' . I 6111 HIMA I . . I � I �
, I - '
nish more than six -tenths of the pro- 'as'the p . otsible ,holnes .of'such like less �t�leg-raplgy, or of -that Still sub- �Cijlney "Pills will -cure any form Of. .bus I ineSs man it beis benefited?" broke - _7 - . � ; . . . I . � _.
. l
. I —
- . . . � . of. radiation which 14 Kid-ney., .COxnpljIrJ% 'oa,+ any. dis.oase . .1 I' one in the tiffice - - . - I — . . . .. .� I
tein and nineAcriths of the fat of the as we .Can Imagine to exist in con-. tier. , form I . . . . . . 1. in - the sce.l)tica - � . .. I . . I I
I I . . ... . I L 1+ . ,
. . vagu(il,-,"r ,per;eeivedL Ili ph6noineiga, t LId 'by. asordetfid Kidneys. + I �ha'ir, � "L'8 .. _ .
. I ditibrigs not too utterly 'iAnlike ..our . the I L . ups I � . - , . + � ure. . There's- me, for in- I . — . ���.�� .. ., .
. . . I .
' ' I i .
. . .
total food consumea. + ' . � . . . . , . . .. of telopatliv .And ... thought transfer- .. � L. � . I �_-L . I I get A, -big ComlnfsSlon_'.' L TL- --------- - . 1. . . at, 1;A:rCheS
By experiments of great accuracy own' �. .1 L .. . ' 'St,L � I ! 4 . .... L . st4nce: �, .. . . .. ... IF ather (trying to read)-l'What's . n Stars Inn. . _ -
e once, gg�st6 that whenLMars tries . . . I . . . hall?'.'L
th I . BBHAV on .03?. CROWDS.... . . r. .1 I . �, , 'L . . . the I ' ter Ent. land .
Prof, Babcock has shown that half Thbre; are grave difficulties in I . . L . � . C I crribl& 'ra:cket. in L The Save boasts of having. been ,
I .
a ton of ice weighs. more tliaxgo the way .of studying Venus frogn this in 'earnest to conimunicate with Us . . 1. I. . � � . . . I . . L . . . S 0, that t . children -.311st "I r I . .
g I ill tiot be by' mere. heliography I , nd . . . . 0 1 . Afother-"We . of, the r4 athor- licensed ,'for 550 years. . L � I I
that Vol -At Of. low and attention has it wl .. A Study of Those. of Britain a NOW& Llnlhoe.ot ure.. a.d.ruf., L I I ..
water obtained from meltin V , - . "flag wagging.,1+1 We are daily I . I . . ,. L L . L L I I I 1. " 11 I fell down the'. S.tairs." , * � �, . . )M L +
quantity of ice. Therefore tha been conceAttrated . on Mars, where or I . + + . . . . . I I .. . - I 1�'tl ehildren if illc-Y ___ - I . : - ,,, ... I.... I - 1. .
I . � I I getting wireless messages frorm , the . . Xiipaxi. * , . . L. . 11 Vou tell the. I .
Increases as its . some eminent astronomers believe . . 1. . . 11 L Old.Fariner (tending tbresb,ing ma- - - � §tairs+ quieIly �he�'11 I . + .
weight of a body .. ;Aun; -why shouldnot a sentient.being, IT1- . . for �ob)-"E Ver -cari!t fall 'down I pATENTS $MIT 0 EROIJ
.- , �11& AM
. . - they ]lave Lfound evidence for tha 10 Jap.alliese papers are Iscuss- chinc,. to'L . . . . I
temperature falls, � � ; that I . . . d, us+ ' one from - Mars some day? . di applicant. plicaut liave.to Stop it - J . " I , . . I . . i . molimtorl of I'shonts I I I .
--*-' . existence of Intelligent being I 'rigtks done any t . i . Cauade, L fo. Build v -
_. — . s� The .sell . Ing tile omparative Charlie%'- liresbing?" Ap, . .. . .1 . , , + , .
in being . "t c and JApa,glese, crowds. father of � .. I To,obto- 1.
WUAT LA MOTHER SAYS. . .4ervidenco is rather thin, indeed, - Coll- But there is no Use oo , of. Britigh (inddestly)--,"I. am. . the . I .. . I L .1 . MZ=M=WMXWa . Write for tr a &4ylca
.. I
I . . . demoostrat I !on previous;" And, one must conclude 114o Occasion was furnished by the 've C 1. . . . 6JJeV0SLJ:eUfaJaJ8 I ,== __.__#.____ . .
sisting mainly in the . . so ,oteen hildren.!' '.,' ' 1. *-d,-r)z
"Tt gives me great pleasugle to say that Xars+is +quit I ed' f6r'L tbl� OX'St- that there .1s.no ground for suppos� �Ceilt fek-,tlyities which have occull-, .. . . . I. . — .. , I . : - Minard'S 11011fled i . I , . - _ . �
a gooill world for. Baby's Own ,Tab- ingAhat what Air. Lowell saw Was � re . y with .1 . .. , _. . I I -
t5le Age of two, month,s onceof -life. In the'first place,� Marti ed in Japan_xnore especiall '14ead) , bi,i;iilfc4t�-, . .. . .. I . . I .
. I
-1. - r
' - J.'�Jliperor Of Japan's visit I to . . . I . I FFEATHER D YE . .L
my baby Nlru's P � . L hun blill- - ' . .
t d ,t,h( -ING
lets. A greatly ongtiptatek, possesses an atgn si)hero gribre': rari- a signal 'froiri Mars, ihough It woul. r Lever's Y4Z (Wiso . + L. . -.k--- -
C . ' obe wid -the opoAii)g of.L . he Osaka Alit Sea powder Is better .t . '. 11.111'r. GeYser, wily � do, you weal' Maslen! nd Curling and lcid oloyea cleahod. That . I
I . . t9 . pressure S be biklily * unscieritific, to deny - the' i,C L !t . . p '...As it is both soap and t.,. �dd rk a .
CrL . _ bat?,, �,Bccalise, I nabs
wit his -food .' aod fled than, our.. own�i .). I . _% po*ders . . - . V d.ear ,u #ant 61L post'.10 r.er oz.,the beat, plade Is
He could not dig,. I L . .1 . I 1. . L tha . . �. . I .
. pirob6.blynot,itiore.tho,ixtwo,or,thteeiljPSS.ibility. of sue),* VL11.-dxPlaXlAti6n, B xhibitj6n. . .0 infoo-ta:r;i, .. L . . low$ - sb� will - L not I go
r . . I . . .' ril- sir, Mr I .
screaAlied i=evsantly. + I was -al- . . l .. � + . The Nobe- Chronicle. ill vpry 01 dW I � I � �. 9: G. 1 . .
G+ pounds ..to the square..inch,7 correg-o .1, r,, . I . . . . 0.� , . . .1 .. . -_ L L . . . oilge .with me Until'I. get... 1391TISH 'AMERICAW MIMI 'GO, I
roost in despair, .but sind 1 . I . " _. .. � . ,y -,to t'lle japtanese, ainid d I .. . � � .out Of': t4e, It t I I . . 1. � .1 I JJw . .... ; . .. .
gi'vGg ng. of �. .. . �. . . . I. plitniontw . .. . ROXTRF .
hilan the Tablets lie IY&s beeig -well ponding to+ a barobAetric readi . . . . L, . . I . 1 , L g Oh . . L. . � .. � . L .
L . . I . . I . e arest. I 'Probably - tivore , is . no Elderly' Folliale 06ctur-ln teln- ,a new ofie-'.' , . 1. I %-" 1
. . and is growing spaendidl " Such five.! or , six ipch", of. mercury-I)irt I-10AV, TO PRovE His DE-vOTICal. . .. I . I -----,,-------- —
Y. I " country In the world whore - . such, perance)-"And 3: Argued '-with xr4y L I .. .. . . . — ,
Mrs still. : coriceivably'. adequato to Sup- . 1, I r . . . . . I . for twelve L + 1. . . L . I .. I � . I
is the ty.r.timiully Of I ;. S. Craig, . . . 1. JeL '(Just been. retus'ed)-"Therx life good order, politeness And consider- husband . long Years, paid PLAN xowr.6R SUnT&EIX TOURS 0% ian Bay's .
port'llfd that had been dovel�ped in I . . I � . . . Georg . .
329 Ba,thurSt strect, Toronto, And *111 atio. for others and general '& At + last , induced - hlin to sign th6 elp .
. .. . speakL it, though a man transported thither has, no' -further dhArin', : X shall 1, , .. . I I L -0 YOU are going, It ' . '14 1
. thousaigAiti of otJ)or mot1ers, . . .1 I I . . Favorit4 Stuntiler 110b, I I .
. . . L cor,lkin pravAils as .in JtW,a,u in this pltidge. � I *as, so overcome with . No matter whol
in a WmIlar strain. or a Martian suddenly brought hith- inyself." . o 'nd .his in th6 United 15tates, write to Frod. I .
and. Id equally'be unable to sur- 'Sher-�-"By .poison?" I. . .� m4ttor." , . . "Horse -play Is get'- jov . a 11ailroad
. , that I.threw my arms r u -a LackaNVIL1111. . �
S umnier is bere ngotkers er wou �L I Voieo'frogn 1'. r'�ox, eai "'L TW BELVIDERE
rd �Jvowjthout a diving costu I I He�-Probably." erally- collSpic�ous by, its .absence, neck and kissed him." . , LIO X y ' for rates And rout i . . I . I
Should take rvilecial pains to gua. � . . Me. . � Sb,(,,.___ Well, youl.11 excuse my men- aind drunkenness IS [L cOnilyaratively the Audience (ser! ously)m--"Ser.va h.lin. BUM � o -
: - . .. . . . Very' 4, '�Ncursions .during the . P.kRHY SOUND . .
their little ones against illgioSs" L At , WITAT HAS BEEN SEMN' - it, but byother Jack, 'has rare concomitant-" . . . . V1 I I . I . 'be'ap . . I . . . . .1
this season infa-ilt inortiality is' At - . .. . . tioning. � .. . . ,onicle: d . ocs not - like rig it . . . . 9 - - - 1 —7 summer to Atlantie City, Bostow L
. its greatest; Colic, diax0loca abil, Thfi4 is proved not only by spec-. just opened a chpinist'o :91101), YOU The Kobe Chi . . . __1 - L I rk. . btx6ursion TiAOS ' * L THE' SANS 'SOUCI -
I I . have * ho Japanese police' I . . I . . find 1,11..r Orts. . Plan . I . .
.observations which know,, and w6uld :�ou mind huyln�',' the 00nAuct, Of't ' . L .1 . 'w In `40 es , I . 3dOOX urvint P,% , I .
. weinniar complaints can be "gilar4ed troscopic � I 0 1 ISO of hinil, lt . would en- ill il)SUItilIg lilio,tl the 11114OVOring of L .� .. 1. .. . . . no � .. + Lt..tO. . . . �, I . . I . . L .
. . . I . .
L t1l 0 L . � ..
against ayvd prevented by the Use of shown the presence of An atmosphere th po n heat.is ' long before , Emperor's . .L . . � I I .. . . . . L now.. . � �, . L Write for rates, I .. . . . I � .
, ' . . � I 1. . .
. Baby's Own Tablets. Keel) -a .box 'containing water vapor, but by the courage poor iaek�- And prove 'youll. . � L . � . . 11
. . � � . . I L . JAMB K. PAISLEY I L .
in the house - they inay Dave Y.oklii regular . waxing and.waning pf the 'dL ion t6.1're." L' .. . carriage caim�s in sight, bUt it lik00 . L' . I. I I .. . � I I
�vot I . . . + I 0 -
. -1607' - Would-be . , � 11 .
I Sold by drugg ,tb I I - Of snow that gut- 14o still liv L .L I I I .the quiet bebavior of t,be crowd, I .L I I .13a,lddeek,' .1 line 11, CyCliSt-"X thoUght * YOU . . L ' . .
as, 1. - with � I . ' ' -an I . -Grand Union ilotel, . .
. .
little one's life. , ir v white patel.. as I . I . L L. . . ___ . __�� I - ,,The allnogt fumeral silellcC. , of P. C. nICHAILDS & CO. ... - said that ,Aft4�r ,twelve lessonq,pf . . I . . . . . I . I . I
_____. I . I I I � .
or may be had by niail, at 25 cent ____ . I-- L which His Majesty, t,he J.,laliperor I LINI hour each I should know how to I . OT VAWA CAX4 + . .
. L box by ar_M1-e.,;Atng 'Phe Jh% Wits I I . , ts Deor '$irg, -'M;l1,;4TARD'S . . . � .
k .1milan, is grdeieo by his subJec . struitoro--"SO yOU' ! .-�--- I
barns' ANIeflicine Co., . Bruckiville.' , I . . I __ .1 . ndfairally Seems Sx)mcwht�t 'stratige ,MF,NT .IS:Lmy remd.dy foT. NZ URA.L ride?" Cycling Ili e .
. . +
otalt. � I I . . I �ffl - . . But the f6eling of QXA. . . �. L . L would, .sit*, if you hadn't spent the Dominion.1.1'ne Steamships. .1
— . .to westerners. roliavos at once, . best part of tllp,, tigue on tile . Monirtaltol,ly bol. Bouton to TAy6r.
+_ . �� . + taps, Physician once loyalty is there Just tile same. In It ground.". . . ,Pool, rottlanaltr-Tvarpool, VI&Quatafi- I I I . .
' I Jim Du L . a -Vel . L - - A. S. Mc!)ONALD totio . ; I J
. ONE FOR THE 11AGISTTAATED. � , .1 I . (411 Ill. , . both �01111tries tile people will tr . . . . I I I L �_ 1��rfe 1%ua ratt stearesli,ps, superior necoremodatiou .
. , .
, I . SAW he I 4 I I'll have no Z) nilles ah;d sufier lWililindi"ablO Inc011` . . I ... � . I . iot &I elft"40 oWitodgers. sa 00118 and Stateroom .
A certan stipendiary inagistrate in ,., . . . I I . .. I iraikoldshipa, pacip,l&ttailtioillio.sb6enLeltootothd I
I . . draught or pill." .%lelliences 'to h6nor their oavereigli, . go""d Sal000 und Third,0110h A.-DWAIITIO&Aion. Foil, .
I + - ou're 110trically OppoSito . . Minari'lliolmentfortale evet1wh9le- I
England has a remarkable head of . . Said Jim.- s4l4o, ho, y And thquirli, than I . 1. . . I tat" O[Faalago,and all partioulars, apply to any Val, I 11
hair. I -To I.,; rather prbud of his . . I . on the obelft in expresgio'll, the sJilrit is 1&vtical. . I . I I I . . . . "the orepany. at I ,_ . � .
. I .1 . . ,. I I " 1:1-9 . � I I — ",ards. t1ilig & C9, 1). Toetailto & 06,. .1
possession, and has no intenti6n of . You who curt other3s I %nj6ys his WaY Of a d as the rNW086,208t6n. moutreal aud portlapd, .
. . I . cure yourielf", I I ll'qlo Egggifollinnal e ost, &bd t1l e L J a P. �;=# A - I - - I -_ , . A school caught fire, p .. - .
� parting with it At present. . ThL,n JI'm sent no. some hanoring his lang 1) of the. Magnilia-1 'Well. Charles, I'll R117- bOys ,watth6d 'it, One 'in txuothar L, I : . I 9 -ea.
Not long ago a local ne'er-do-well A,neia prefPrs his OWYI Way; . L I .
I . it Vrorce Il to'hith, . . -9 Vo you this time,. and it's very %chool said enthilsiAS66111Y, to his `---__� I
. I was brought before h1in on a chargo , ' LLLL 4 i'Thil't'S L What 'he ndedaL JJ, tw he oubtedly the 1 lette . r Say- Ion-' Johnuy, don't .You It tiolontl9c orinalpall count for Alixthing ,
of poaching. and Ili the eourso of tile I . ?i. I luore ImpregSiVo, Itaid it Is lvrobal)lo Pretty Of YOU to write a compan . .. . . ed Air PAd tru$" 611 e I . I I I
gen. g vou are Sorry," Charlas-"Yes, I the pittent illflat
. hearing of the case all ainushig Ili- . quoth 41 Sunny Jim, IMAI .tile weatergit4g, has luare '111 toar it Up, PIL wish it wp.o oursl" .. . 3,,Jpdsw, Ithoids the pArto In, ouch pbsillon .
* . ..
-'W(10 Of ma, but don't ease. I I I I .� � � I
I L L that *lth fait Play tbe), lituot lical. Itialight
cident occurred, The prisoner was 2. . uJile Appreciation of tile Vic . 11
L wd Under t4u.ch con- M41113hat'-"W'hy, Charles?" Charles - Andoornfortabic to wear. and your do tIdtnoa ,
exceedingly Impudent, interrupting L . . 19 , It Japitu'eso CVO --lieco,uso It Will do for the next D'ENVElt AND COLORADO, . lal,ostoradtho Womsilt It is "Inated. You
the witnesses find insulting all who .. ,a"% L diticiiis -thanL boa t-�hp' .Ia-pa!glogo for , . july. 10th, Inclit- canprocurofto 15n -
.3 J�
,�yfro ilthe 110ft &nd Tful"
- Alm'.. Ing, aglxJ Craning time." . I on' June, 80th to' . . 'Nifit, 11O." 11 14 1� ciatists, 483 Spadina �
flu Itlye shoutilig, cruss;h 1: I � . I I labash Wi % I round trip A,,,, %;gonti, -orivist ii -w. . � I I
had anything to say to or against sm � L 11 I I . . �_ . sive, tile W 11 Se , . _- I
hiln. . . I . of a gatbering of WoSker(n PeOPIO." Denver, Colorado Springs 92-4 *
. � 1. ... I I . etC, or pueblo, Colo, fit the Inwest ever _�_.___ —
Considering - the I . Nftftov I MID'uh Wind Co `C`Cts to -----.
vrd, r, — . I . . res Buffis, + I
stipendiary, turned to the prisoner . . The UwAy-to-34tTecarett I I 11 . . . I I A WAnNI140. I . _� . . . L made from Cana�a, All tiNots good IN S
. . . . ' 131.8t, 1903, 1
and asked:- . .. I I . ]gust , . N
. . I 1. �, Sleep at Visitog-.,,$1 O
L I .ou. don't mean to tell to return �uyltfl Al
"Have you any I%. k i 130 careful hONV you go ti ist to 10th inclusive, spo. I
nitar *s to ingkoll, I I � . I
"Yes, I have," r4i�sponded he, Aip- for doctor . . I An auction, A gentlelylan settled me that ,you h&VC llvPd ill this Out' on July 0 excursions to Sail We h.Avo Atexicarts, Wit I . .
. pantly. "'Vour hair wautg eutting,r" - .1 I I � himself In a eblufortable chair and, of -the -way place foi. fifteen �*oarsl>ll cial low rat HAVlt- I
and P04161it- . L l ' en -"I havil, for a. certainty Francisco, 0 1,os Ajig0,0A or -SAII , CaliforiiiA Navck, THVI . �
Thcri3 was nti alldible titter , in. . '. - I IL his sonsos ,qoothed, by the auction- 010V I,lq(-d. I can't �ea . Diego, Cal, good to return until Va)tnciag, und. . I SEST
, court, which developed into a roar I L . eer'v lullAbyo soon droppitA asleep. V1.4itOr-"I'n1 sorp ore to keel) you Allogullft '31st. Tickets good'to Stop s6vW09'. L
. . 11 When his n&P ov 1, or frt, st of . 2 31 . a .: MT a 6 % I.: M . IN. .
I of laughtpr as the witty StIpandiodly - L was over lie left the what, you call find It th) V days we. fil"A silo 1
coolly replied:- . lace. The nost, ,day lie WAS astouh- busy." clwteu Neither . can 1.� ColorMo point. ;kift Will be the
, . p I given J)MoAd ever), week. All tile gbovd at
"So does youis, my friend, Three dad at receiving. ti bill for nearly That's wily I IWO It." grandest Opportunity over . sharket prices, We vAll M40 1'40�16 your, I *
. . d other ..� . passengoi-I to visit Colorado And
. L te$L going i SUtt
11: montbR.11 oftaso. S250 worth of carpets, all received IrAt ortr Stitt TOAtAi- California. Divc-rso rou I , , 6rJ rtggsj POVAtryl,
� Before the laughter had 'Subsided ff" "teo vhtao endi. things, The Auctioneer has . AN O,LD AN01 WftVTjLJ*b V,61MIDY. - Uri and retUhling, jjqto Syrn p and otlitt produce to advattio
441 *is gtttAed Imt MAY bY 6P . his sonmolont nods for bids. that lb000 uaad tot 0*0 A a Detroit I
the prisoner was In the cello, 9 Win4l.swo tsdahing olfilti. [draft 01! All titketa should read VI tage for you,
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from hiq book, "What does a man's -to. $old by dfugglAta ift ever'l P. '� .
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