HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-16, Page 8M
All new, none worth less than $1.25.,
Most of them regular $1.5,01, and $2 lines.,
On sale Saturday morning at your choice of
the lot
for Ninety-five Cents each
This week we have a Lig barpain in Ladies
Readj -to-wepr8kirts. Lost week a big nlanufactur�
er offered us the balance of his season's stock st bi
.,a ig
reduction from the prices he had been selling them at
all season. He was taking stock, and rather than
carry them into another season was willing to ell -ear
ttiese last few dozens out foa less t.han. -it cost him to
make them, It was too big a bargaili to lot pass, and
we took Lbern. so, commencing SATUMAY, JULY
18, will clear them out at youirchcice of the cutfire lot
for the very low paieo of 0.5c. eaeli.
Every Skirt is now - Each was made for this
season's trade. The qua)ities and styles are I good,
and you can buy a R�-ad� - oo-, wcar NV ash Skirt, this
season9s st5 le, for lees money than the mal;ino, alme
wauld cost you.
Ladies' ",'ash 'okirts, �11 this se aeon's stylesi maa e from,
plain blue or black Ducks,' trimmed with bandp abd
white stitching; cream and natirral linen Crashes with
blue and white stripes; whito Ducks with blue or black
polka dots, plain linen Crarbee; fa�cy colored Unsling
in stripes and Ppots; and white Pique, plain and t.r.im.
med, made to retail at frobi $1.25, to $2 all a -,*zoo
choice of the lot, oommouci:og Saturday
See them in the window cA'FridAy. T6 earlier
you come the better wift be -v our choice.. This ia-tbo
Skirt Bargain of the year. Do not-Jef it. pass.
eurtain Barqainse
Don't forget the Curtain Bargains we ar . e giving
this il outh. Never have; we sold.as -good Curtaias
for so little money, CouldWt do it now if these bad
come to us in the reguhZr.'w_iy.. When,they. �r6 gone'. -
no more as cheap. Even if ou d . otiieea thein.
011; a n
right away, you' will. save if you b
uy n,owl.,
We are selling,
$1.25 Curtains for 98 cts...'
$1,50 Curtains I .$j.12
. . or
$1;65 Curtains for $.1.20:
V 75 Curtains for. 8-1.48
$q.25 Curtain& for'$l 68
$2.50 Curtainl& for
$3 75 Curtalm for $,t.
$4.25 Curtains for $300:''
Every pair -is new, and just came' in -this mouth
They are up-to-date patterns -and first-class quality
elearing out
Miss Randall leaws-for her ho , I'M lays in a ie'ek
or two, andwei want an empty. -Show.room when she
91068. TOget it we are qu6ting some pretty tempting -
P10ces for good 111illineri. Th6 balance of Ahis I se
on. 's stock is selling now at a:bout.oner a I I
h f tho regular
Trimnied Hats Halt Prile
Any trimmed bat' in the show -room for exactly half its
regular price. We positiVoy will lint carrV one over,
El very'one is this season's shape and style. � Trimmed
from good materials and as our milliners know how to
trim. Any trimmed bat, none resetyed, atea3h exftoi.
ly half price.
Untrinilued Hats 50,.
Any untrimmed hat in the show -room, except Leghorno,
for one half a dollar. PoAtivelY none -reserved, no
matter what the former prieo, 80-0 sold at 75o,
while the best were .$2 and $2 25i blacks of colors all,
no* atone pries. each 00C
Wash Tams 35c.
Wash Tams.made from goold qnaiity atfok Bind. piques,
good shape, silk ribbon bands with gold letters will
wabb and launder,well,. regulisr 50a, ole rin :15C
Linen Tanlls,15c.
Children's linen tam�, staple shape, will West andwitab
well, regular 25c and 85o, ol,mring at each
Hot Weather St f
This is a goodstore for hotvewb�r goodg
Stocks of strictly summer.
stuffs, will be kept
full alad complEte right up to the end. of.thd
season. Now,lines datnG in �last vve�k, and we
show to -day R complete assortment of
Lace, Glove's
Silk and Lis'le, Cloves
Cotton anti Lisle Gloves
Cottoll veqts
White - 3111,011 Underwear
New 11u.slin 8111.rt Waists
All are reliable qu%14110113 atid. real good value.
Those 25c Silks,
This week we, ha;; been sol)ilig the best vAlues-
in silks ever sold in town, - There woke nearly" 0,
thousand yards to sell, tilt they baV6 been g ing,out
fast, and this week should q the laf 0
ee t Of them leave
the store. Still it good as4ottmellt left. -
H 0 D G...E N S B RO SO
Reaps of.C�,omfort
in a Hammock
and heaps of value in, the
ones we offer you..
A hamxnock is one of the
best known antidotes, for'
weariness. It has healthful,
restful qualitim, It is a good
place to sleep in and a fine
Place to read in with its pure
and'healthful air. It will re-
lieve yor mentally and physi.
cally more than it will your
-xuly 16tht 1908
This Stock Red-uction Sale
..... -----
Is the Greatest Money Saving,Sale
Clinton Has Eve.r Sem,
This opportunity for saving money is not confined to a single week. It will continue until out, Stock
has been.reducect to its proper size. And this will take time. But those who come first will ha
the best choice.
The goods we have on sale are this seasons choicest and all are being sold at one tbii d to one half
the regular prices.
This Lliz_t of Speciailsgoes o
.$1.50 Lace Curtains at $' 1. 10
35c, 60c to 75c Neckwear at 15c
Agents Parker's, Dye Works.
pa ru o o %, n_g atn Lace ur ains Ug yai us lopg. very Aine quality,
our regular $1.50 curtain., Reduction Sale price. ..................
Ladies fancy lawn and ]ace collars, ties., ate., that sold at, 35c, 15 50c to 75c,
to clear at each .......
sorme*tiinle b6on.. eunployed iii the o.T�:
The, IN A go.
f.,_has returned to Goderic)i.
.................... ...........
$Ilk Ribbons worth up to 30cfor 15c
Two Parasol Bargains,
Often the. cheiltpe4t, Always the Beat.
W,. 0. W. irijpndon on Mond"y
.150 yards of silk ribbons in assorked colors all. are shades that are in de -
itiand for neckwear,
-ricrdinand! of; Woodstock Nvere visit-
$ 1. and $1.25 Fancy Parasols at'38c.
ing at Mr,' J. B, H.00ver's last
regular prices 20c, 2.5c to 30c. S,
ale price ........
�Iessrs, Robert and Jones Ferguson
Your bhoice of ouir white and black and white stripe parasols that fire
$1.25 for—
25cMuslins at 121c
$� and ......... ......................
$1.25,$1.50.'to $1.95 Black Parasols at. 98c-
We are selling several hundred yards of fine muslins in colors of pink
blue. linen, ei�� that sold at2oc, 292c tind.25c at
Your choice of seyeral dozen Parasols in Black only sorne are made (if
Gloria; Silk others of Austria cloth, all tire guaranteed fast -b lack,
........ ... ....
30c and 35'* Muslins at 15c.
the ino�;t -circle�, theLt a
.9,1noral, cl&tlon for thc' � 11011sc *
We,' Know
regular pricies wei a $1.25, $1,50 to $1.05, to clear at.;* ................
French and.A ruerican Muslino in Pink, Blue,. Linen, that 30
, Of
egm. ons will,ta'ke place cluring, the
coTnlnlg aututinn, in, late
locality lie. has sl�exit.iliv,. J)"t lew
months. .'He',looks- if it agr'
Y-�U. '11. Have to - Hurry -
etc. sold at
and 35c. Reduction Sale price ..... c
probably Oc-
tober or earl Xovember. T rojiave
11", W. Graham has I lyeen, visitling.
AChance to buy Shirt Waists Cheap
Children's 35C.F* nCy Hose'
with Mr. u Cafitel n.
Miss Charlott-el�v eret-L returned, fronn
10T01116 last -week Mid' will be for
Rdv. Win, Stout of Xirkfon wan in
. town on Tuesday.
5 0
50C to 15c Shirt Waist f'r 35c,
Your choice of it)] our cbildiens fancy black and white hose als 0 lace
fliffile, the guest' of liev:-. . par-
its, Un and Mrs. W. Hveret'
Mr. CharIcas Ball lia!s teturned to
Several..dozen white and colored shirt waists tha� sold A 50c. to 75c, Will
hose that sold at 85�*for ...... .......... .......... .........
insptdator , Pais le;v . was in Wroxeter
last" week a'ctin"g as valuator* for
town from London,
Mr. J, Mr. Chambers & London spmt
go on salaThursda.y morning at ................ ...... ...
Chhd es
ren's. Aprons at Sale Pric
"air. Esty, the retiring landlord of
Ali a Walker Frouse in -that village�
Sunday' in 'Clinton,
Miss M. Sterling is licine from Lou-
$1.25 White Waists at 75c
All are triade.of fine India lawn and tire triturned with in6ettion .. down
45o Children's AWronsat 315c, 50c Children?e Aprons at 38c, �75c Childrens
Aprons, at. 5 91
Mrp,, Edivard 13a I!- has rqtittued- home
d6u for her holijij,
Mr.. and- Mrs, * Qous'ins of Ilramptou
back and front, $1.25 waists for
$1.75 W�ite aists fo
Al. re 90c and 95c Table Linen at 9c
to Windsor. 'after, spondMig . s . o7 I eral
weeks with her, parents, Air. and
are Vigitfirg at Mr. 8V. Robb'
Miss '11;evenworil I Of blavoland, Ohio'
$3.00 White Waists for $2.25
85 Yards more of 72 ive' wide Table Livien' full bleathed and warranted
all linen, elegant desigiis, regular 90c'and 95c. Reduction: Sale price
is tile guest of Miss Ida H610ke—
Miss Della Walkqr is ilic; 'st (A bar
Hortop's car7-
f!" I I .
rji an entirely, white, floweir . be -
de, 'drawn
25c.and 30c Sheleting at 19c
Misses'Allie Dell: and Mar Brogd"
intLrvien . a in tfij� promit case. . .
uncle, 'Mr. John klill.w -11arris-
Millinery. at One' Quarter one Third and
72 itich wide Grey U eached shteting
n 41 also NObite English Sheeting
Afiss, Lily Cantolon.' 'is Spend* a
Half.regulai price.
We wot d
day itcarry them over -so. in or er to
avy qua lity regular 2.5c and 30c, Sale price ...... .........
couple of fr'
weeks with riverton
50c, 85C to $1 Sailors at 25c.
-clear them out are selling them' ini-tihigway.'
9C Toweling at 6c
-200 �ards of all Linen Crash Tow'eling extra
, .
John, Clegg 'and - Jes; Cloa6y., Jiay.e
.-Mr, W. D, vair is' Toroutcy - Ithia
Ladies'.Sailors of,assorted colored straw, regular 50c, 86�*to $1 yttlues on
neavy. quality and reg
c value, sale price... - , * ular
...... ...... . ....... ............
arrived 110ine ffinii a four'weeik's '11
joyable trip, thmukh ilte West. They
week: att.m.dhig th'. Masonic' Grand
............ ......... ....: .........
60c to 75c Watgtingsat'38C
went as far as -Bguff and Edinonton
and met with ifidi fot3mer friends
X 'UcL�uglilan. 61 '�Godcrich� jis
tile guest of her mother,, Mrs.. W..
Ladies' $2 to $�':buting Hats at $1
Your cdoice of the�balance of.our Outing, -Hats i:bat sbld at $2 to $3, for
Your c6oice of several of our A
finest 609 to 75c waistings. in aisorted 1.
ors. and designs cc
'on Sale days at ..................
the youthful couple anti. , their 1 car-
choice ................. .1 ... I .. ............... ; ................. .25
.01, Stuiday week. Rev. A. F,�' j6ildg I
tile - new' on the B,olgrave Ci�,
Inessrs'. C. A, and.H,, F. Auklrews and It-ov.. Lo - oo.qu . 1 rimmed nats at :p2
ltfa�i�r Vr
auk wcre iju (1(ydprich, on Oobimenclog Tbursday morning Nve will pla, e on sale'the bs of our
T -day. ejrl� 0ance
.. tles, . . ' . Tri mined Hats that would ha've sold . . r., in the seligoij a�t $4 50 to.
mlss,ids, Siedwart sister of.,.Mrs.. Har- ... $5.50, for ......... -1 ................ I ............
.. � ., �'? ........ ........ 2soo.
vev* .1&43rien 'returned to London
Any.Trimmed Hat in:the StOre....
Mr, W. I...-Dockrill,. Traveljing� Pvs-* thatwoulA sell ea:rlier'in the Season at $3 50, for .....
sefiger Agent - C. r. R. W .............
town -Wohda�: 20'c and 50c Flowers at 1.0c,
Mrs.. T: W, Rawktliaw And hei-daugh- Your choice of about 50 bunches oiFlo*w�ersiyegblar 20c t I o 50c, for . I Oc
tei Murta. of,' L6ndoh arb guests of
..Mrs. J. B. H overl.
Miss Sara� . Clu who -has bell t1i'd
guest of Mr, R. J. Cluffi' returns.
to Toronto oil Saturday,-'
IF Y01! WA:rf%l IT..
Mr, �Aivgus' :Dv1c1<a3r,. w-11;, - jilas. fjor
sorme*tiinle b6on.. eunployed iii the o.T�:
f.,_has returned to Goderic)i.
Mr J. 13. a: nu�ufting.
of the Board of . Maivigers'. of thel
W,. 0. W. irijpndon on Mond"y
Miss Pearl Racrotte and her broihr
-ricrdinand! of; Woodstock Nvere visit-
ing at Mr,' J. B, H.00ver's last
�Iessrs, Robert and Jones Ferguson
of Dungantion. ware In - Ciftilton, o . n
Alonday and called on The Xews-
Mrs. Robert Mijkart and her soln
George.. of the Telcl)hon� -CLin'trall,
The Toronto News'lia's'learned fe61n'
R. Moongy has arrived. liom6
have bxeiv visiting friends in South-.
the ino�;t -circle�, theLt a
.9,1noral, cl&tlon for thc' � 11011sc *
from S'ault Ste. AlariL in which
ur. J� .0. Henr
. y,-. apple expart6r,.09h;,
, Of
egm. ons will,ta'ke place cluring, the
coTnlnlg aututinn, in, late
locality lie. has sl�exit.iliv,. J)"t lew
months. .'He',looks- if it agr'
Y-�U. '11. Have to - Hurry -
AW -,
.a Tria& 'a.tour of the Huffi?n
a�ple . belt last week.6tv counpany
probably Oc-
tober or earl Xovember. T rojiave
wc�.I.witlj hiln.
I . .
Wlqb . WVA�b. QA:U W'Q6 QIft�@'qho Q1q2b.Q1qh, Aft M.1je
with Mr. u Cafitel n.
Miss Charlott-el�v eret-L returned, fronn
bftn rum(irs- so= e mo.11ths bacJk of
stich'a courk-, but, unless - something
10T01116 last -week Mid' will be for
011-titely uftexpecteil interveii-es, a, 4-
you watitto get. one of those stra h
w ats we
fliffile, the guest' of liev:-. . par-
its, Un and Mrs. W. Hveret'
. POat to th6 country- inay be viewed
as a ceitaint.,Y.' . It will be rcnik�
ii, the.s.t. Tit '
omas' Thries -report .6f
a "Pio-neer Processiaii" in the -T�1,;
are selling at 25c. No b etter hat value
insptdator , Pais le;v . was in Wroxeter
last" week a'ctin"g as valuator* for
ed thit in tho, SuitimeT of- 189§
shuilar coum Ny
. as dec'("ckl oil' ')'it "'t
the �f
hot celebratioii'we noite the lollowing
refercn& to X�Iasters R. 1,j6nL . I and
Went out of the store. Jus't-beca'use-the
"air. Esty, the retiring landlord of
Ali a Walker Frouse in -that village�
month September the , Soutli,-
AfricaAv was broke 6 tit and oNving t,6
clinton, - Paisley� Dunstuore, &4pds6m
Mr. J.
Mrp,, Edivard 13a I!- has rqtittued- home
th, upicoar that 9:rosa over Alie- s�nd'
-Of A?0:4%ley of town
"Wic of thP 'and niost.
er was w et and. -cold. in -June.- and Straw -Hat
to Windsor. 'after, spondMig . s . o7 I eral
weeks with her, parents, Air. and
in g of the Canadian coutingleitts,* tile
g"Qral elections '",'Voic postponed inA
spectacular - feathres of the , parade
"Tpininy), I
business* was. notwhat it-shbuld have. been, we
Mrs: A. Ha�ward of, Ac, London
Noven %ber, r9oo.' Notl!.Gg.6ppear& on
the horizon,. ho�vever, that is .
likely 'to
Hortop's car7-
f!" I I .
rji an entirely, white, floweir . be -
de, 'drawn
I I.
have more straw hats than should have to-
Misses'Allie Dell: and Mar Brogd"
intLrvien . a in tfij� promit case. . .
ed ..carriage' t by four puke
whita liorses'in whitc harness.
. .
of Londesbaro, who have been writ -
Facing a scaf with flowers 'banked
We wot d
day itcarry them over -so. in or er to
ing On. a �rnusiml axon -illation �ati
Godprichi spent'a �oupiq' of days in
on a white' - sa'tin terrace sat I tho,
sweet, ind'eliarming 'little bridd, lit--
-clear them out are selling them' ini-tihigway.'
with miss itruia, Kaiser.
Mr. W.. - cudlui. ore, Who has 1;eelt em-
, .
John, Clegg 'and - Jes; Cloa6y., Jiay.e
tle Miss Alma Worth, well known for
her talent as an 'elocutioiiis� of rare.
ployed in, the organ. factor at
London,. -was home last w.eek, but
arrived 110ine ffinii a four'weeik's '11
joyable trip, thmukh ilte West. They
11 bridegxoom was Alasfer R.
Nen's,an d Boys' strav� Hatsi apsorted sizes, and styles, coarse
and fine straws, all sizes in the lot, but not;Jdl sizes of any
has gone to Goderich fo.adcept ein-
went as far as -Bguff and Edinonton
and met with ifidi fot3mer friends
1011al Dunsmore, Elgin street and
one. kind, regular 40c, 60o and 60c clearing Saturday tit ypur
me 't in the organ fact6vy t"cre;
Wotheral of Aub Wab
while eft rointe.
the youthful couple anti. , their 1 car-
choice ................. .1 ... I .. ............... ; ................. .25
in town Monday on his wm t6
5pefid, his brother
.01, Stuiday week. Rev. A. F,�' j6ildg I
tile - new' on the B,olgrave Ci�,
riaie. clicitea iniich admiring com-
The I)ride iti,
njent. - bo;c- herself. w
a-.mofith. with at.
clikrining iii6ilesty and - the grooin
stitsville" Mich. He wa,s awheal ana
cuit proached his .'ititroductory t1is.
With , EL sercile - dignity not at alk
putiliosed inzLking he journeV in tlAaj
Way, -at least'al far as qurttia.. .-
WM. Hodder of Chicago is lierq; His�
usital'with'gTown-np bridegroomis,
Ill allotfier, handsaine. carriage iLn -
Here is a go.6d, thing tosave-your hqnds if you
Initpiector'Robb.returiicd to Brussels
wife has been- taking'i2arc. of Mrs,
bi6diately f6llowhig were the - HUI'
haVe any out -door- -work to- -d 0, Gloves made from
oil Saturd�y -after a fortniglit spenh
in. Clihton presiding ovei exatri.!,
lfodtler, - impther 'of the fornier - for
several inontlis but the old, hady agrqcd
bridwondids' anct , pa�ges in tlic: bridal
train. T11c. bridestudids %vere the little -
strong canton. flannel, napped side in-, come up high on
The worthy: inspector ha:9 a great
to go to- fice.,tollIg hoint,, jvjrs� Rod.
Misses Wilsoii and AluriLlPat-.
the -wrist and %��sh and wear well. 'Just the'thing, for
lil-ing. f , or: Clinton, itaid if - hist itt-
der, is 8� years of ate and. along
ter�o.0 and. Alasters ... Fstnond McKee
gardehing and 6i�t-doo'r Work, per pair, 15c.
:Zlectorate. were only shop-.
with her husband,- caine to Mo'rris-
and Clintoil Paisley: Dinismore. 'The
I lid would be only too glad. 'to
40 years ago-, Mr, 11odder. to -tit yLars
little partv also carried t1ransolven.
take up: his zresidence in the 1411b, ,
ago� died, a good old age.
diguit�, The�two carkiag-
Rev. J. C. Dunlop of Clinton, Olt 01115
The council tiiA as Court ofRe-
vision Oil June- '29th, when the4ollOW.-
ninch adiliiratlo'll And
t is due Alr: XIortop for
thife pastot of the Baptist church
here, paid a flying Visit to his.inaily
ing al)peals were disposed of i* Hobb
his "trp�!ii
and to "Jack" Watson,
Here is a good, thing for the boys these hot days.
friends !if town* and vicinity from
0.11vI Coornoll, entered BL V. S��' lot 8,
0011* 2 ; Joseph Hogg, entered tenant
who des-iglied the turnout,"
Wash Suits that. will keep their �olor and kavd the
Saturday till Toesday.. Mopreacliled
6 and 7, G'. S., BItievale ; F. Xeys
-boys' better clothes �g well.
Stilidaywiening to his old coji grega-
fl(m oil 11"ChOoLCter Duilding" whicli
entered M.P., SYj 10t25i C011, 5 ; ii,
r1allid- i i I V, 6., lot con.
ay, en erer , 51
. I .
BOys"W66ilb Suits, made from sfteducks and bloullings,b1nime
was eftjoyed a well-filled church.
He wa.,� aecobipanied by Mrs, Dun-
A,, F,,jou'es, entered occup.aut lot
21, Bolgrave Alfred, J. r4owry wi-
%% X-IAV:V,, YOV S U X T. INT 44, 1
cloates 'with White sailor collar, knee'pants, Atnerican,int Lks
fast colors, very nobby garmentsi eac 75
lolj.—Durhain Chronicle,
t6r, Owner Sx/, 18, con, Geo.test,
................... b 0
Mr. Chorge Vno 6f jile xoth con. of
uttered oWtier N,% 24i con, 6.
tlullett was in town Monday, 11h is
, Taylor—Shaw--Tliat tha Court -of Re-
Op We desire every silbsWj)-� 4.*#
one of thO Piouccrg Of that t0wll-
S1111), Well-to-do ,Wd niuch respeetWI
and, 110040thstandilig J%is
tviaion be now closed and that tIVO
assosgj tient roll as now revised and
0., tion , paid in advance for 4e'
Oe 1903. There are somp who #0.0
Brow 0 Overalls made from strong, Derr�
. Y-
four years; walked to towli at a.
corrected be ifirined atid-establishod',
as the as;sessineut roll for. t1w town'
P;1# have.not remitted. If you 0.*
Wkp, have overlooked this,'inatter 4.4
good "'s
and Denim's I
America,, make, strong and servicoable
gait that would hzvo taxod - the
strength of nially 'a, YOM11ger 'niall�,
Mr. Hno hns becit
ship of Morris for the Wrreitt.ycar,
V.14 kindly give it your 12111ned- .40
0.+ into attelition.' WL- are try -
just the' thing for holiday �vear, per pftir 35c, 40c 50c.'
always- a..Aauticli
friend of The, Xews-ltecord but itev-
Slj,aW_C,0d6_,,Vljgt Air. Taylor be, fit-
9tructed to e xpend $�o in gravolliti
44.4 ifig to keep The Xows-Roc- 4.
4... 6rd ill) to tht top 110tch Of
er just so Inuell so as at th
unt time. a Prcs-
on side Una bttwaoji lots 5 anti 6 ou
+*4v excellence all(l ask the Co- 0.0
con. S.—Carried.
Code—Jackson—TItat the Reove ba
ep operation of our subscribers 0.#
lly ptotupt, ronewals. -.0
Boys' Bothitig Trunks, fancy stripeg, tape bands,
instructed to have bridge,
ist line,. rolloorcil.—Carried.
4;+ 040
X . . . .
good quality, per pair 16o,
MR- Mr. Malt, MilliSter of )Zail-
A cotntililivichtion Was received frolit
3�4', T,. Dickinson on beltalf of
#aYs ih the Laurier Goverivin '011t, hwj
Ulgatod owing to, disagtom"ti it witlt
111orrand, Claiming da,111ages to Ift
groportr ill th� evelit of the con�qtruc.
,is colleagites over a questiou of pol-
ey % The retiromwit of mossrg. Blair,
tion. o the Latnont dain.
Code—Taylor—Tho Reeve ill-
HO GENS bKOS, Ulutofto
in(! TArte, Withill a yoar dms not $;trjjctW
leelitl to ifidicato coinpleto hartiri
to procure legal advito iit ilia
011atter droln, -it. Vallptone of Whig.
A couifortal)la liougo situated olt
eorjj(,r of Church and Osborne streots.
" ffil icr citelel atf 0=a lialit,
awt 'report to Ulu Cl0k.—Car.
miss At. r4l 11014must
_ ' - ". "" - ____ " - ' �' -__1 , '',
Militoll'. JAIly z6th�- I