HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-16, Page 7111111 - ME July I Otu I. 908 " 0 TKIT3 CLINTOV NBWS­,,UZ00RD " 7 lhs� ..1. ­__­ ­ -,----,---I e_.__-___ . 1. I �. I . I .� . . I . ­­ - I 11 1.11 -_ . ­ - _-1__._____-_--- I ,--,..----. , , , ­ I i ­ I - I I.. �. - ­_ ' -,.-".�-,-;�..�.,-,"-.---,--------.------ ­_ ­ �; - ____ _._1-_,.__.___._-_ ­­­0MON460".1"...- . , �_ ,�"-_ . I . OUlt MOTTe : GOLD CANNON SALM THE' TRUE FISHERMAN, -,..-..,- .. - I -,-----, - TheMolsons Bank I "111011 GRAPU' WORX ONLY !" . ________ i Irowler ot % f4malk1#1 wins. Old Wine ripplux, Incorporated by The 110ouall, 14 I I ­­ 'be tipplug habit I. -I bild virfugh (V. . a4la 'tile J011;9W 11111doit Treasure of nui we Unjoysi Nattit-'pt Deakitiv.,.-na to I "Swano," said as, oillelal of the zoo, % Tile hooliall 19 ouloked its a . , refresli. Act of Vatliallielli, 4855, ,­-�-� i'�,:%.,�---,-) ) ,,,�;) . xu'att;4 tudian 1121"CePtim. Sol 14 have great stronatIA of w1nK. it is er.mlivre, and Is %­PkP,r-,,t- in Lurolie ttiati Illent 11114 sl9l' Of A-11MV8111P by the CaPit"I - - - - - $2,5Q0,000 ".e ..- �-. 0 - - - bjkl,'rel lAoti.-IM-l'. said, that with 4 blow of its wing a llere� la tile elghtevotli Century It wati , )'�'(­`(- Not long ago 4111 old pear"alt w'Ja This angler's art li but it lirckti,xt. or, 111111vt"i or 131111;L ItIld not 11161-ely atJ 4 Rest - - - - - - 2,259,QQQ W,�kl�le�/� . " , 11 _". , i " RUAD Or FICE - -MONTREAL. el��I_e,�W_:_ i swan can break a wan's legi and ball It Is now. A $110ter I , W.114derIng III tile jun-le Ilbout 11' . , I a greater,uvil I liNury it , 'it it rather, the Inventive to a ritinblo. and . W11011 ' group of natives are Wril. Molsou Macpherson, President. I STRATFORD, ONT, mile from the city ot"Alimadnager, In not tile sole Object Of tile littliprIn..1n, I have no. doubt this Is so, A doctor told I the cornbill 51agazlile tells some , n Witted together and, as is tile custom, James Elliott General Manager. , FALL TERM 01114W$ SRUIT. ist. India, when lie found a round, ban (it uIlleg,3, ulas, Ile 11(slonj ,4 ) t t ) me one day, as we stood together .by stories to illustrate the olil ,vanditiou the hookall Is , Notes discounted. Collections made. . '!I (I il.a oo the voc, lake, that one of his first cases of things. , . I passed around to each In Scores of Business colleges - have Inetal-, It W-13 111-10c find 1004("d 111M conituou varlety. fit(.* wall v.111n.-k. Sole � turn It to considered very bad mit � uners Drafts issued. Stialing and Allier- ..tpplivol to its for our graduates, nn old Iron round sbot, but when ,tilt, i bad been that of a man whose arm In 1,;41nburgb Ili 1-400 tbe 14ovjvfy of ' to . � , object is bis ottvl.. stleb it niall Lisboa , f6r any one to dilelfile to have .a tow ican Is;xchauge bought and APIA. act its tvachurs in their schools. This old Mil), lifted It lie was sti-110; with . with, it wortil, Itlitos filivilitim-4 ht tile I a awan had broken with Its wing. Clerks enaxted that all servants Jillould. � Puirs- It WO 1100kAll Is thus refused . Inter"t allowcol. on deposits. J is the vviilwirc, yoit are louldito for Its iWin0lise wisIght, II(,, earried It depth of ills Iglsi;pt 1111,1 1)!.o,�(,: i "The accident oecurred In Arkansas, be forbidden to take tills awl 111(slubers , ,,I,.. .,,ills. : III itt frIvIld's house or while one is tho SAVINGS BANK as to the btsst school it), littclid. home and found oil scratching it tinit Ills 4,Ltatell IN 11 witness of 111;1 crit , on Swan lake, a body of water where be forbidden to give them. This exam- I Interest allowed on sums of $x 11(101 . gue-st Of (UlOther It Is regarded as an I and Thousands of our fornwr �studcuts are It WIls a, 111111p of solid gold, It w(,Igbi,d Ile is not it tisberman, but it but0jer. these birds abound, A huntsman was 910 'WARS followed by Other clubs and ,,,suit. It for any rea oil up, compounded hall yearly. � I now ill busitivs.9 life. Write for olur P�Iglit pO11114B and Its sale 111.1do the A yellow privirose Oil Me Avor's ballk 'fird, hunting," when a swan making societies. Today there Is the rule In , V, a native Is FARAI%RS. I llallds�,111Q catillogue. � . . finder r1eh for lifts. 'his head. most clubs against teeing tile servants. V,lt Out Of caste the fact is. strictly ' Money advanced to fariners on their . for the light, flew straight at marked. by Ills former caqte fellow"o, There 11.1-0 �Ilnlly more of these itan. is' to Jilin ;I 1JrIIlIro"4o "JI41 """Jilag Ile Put up his arm to 41U COMIltri IrIKII 9011tIOUltin, Lord ; own notes Nvith one or more oil- W. .1. ul'T'l(nT, Principal. more. . shield his face, e refusal to smoko witli, him, and any . lorsers. No mortgage required as =_� - - , ____ - - tion balls, ca(,11 wortli it small fortune, Till, true fisherman lo,V(,4 to vatch and the powerful wing of the big white WitatCe, used to attend Ills gu(,,3ts to the One who - cats, drInki or sinekes with - � .,security. - _____ . I lying bid or burlisa Ili tiie rtwe­'--(Ps of fish, to 111"tell his With! 11gaill4t tho � bird struck him like a club. .Both door, and If they offered any 111olley to 114 Outc-Ist .Is- billwelf outcaoted, I I " . C. BREW14111, Manager, Clinton. ***+**""*"********* till$ jungle, gild thi'll, story is it curious weary trout, but its he wanders from , bones In the forearm were broken; it the servants who were Ifiled ill). with . � I Was a compound fracture, the guests' buggage, the host woulij -­ �­ !!, �.'16T_!111.�!__ - I . . I 2 Ounre _'1xteQI1th e0ll- pool to pool the songs of 'tile birds . ,, _,_­ I . t ; AA - . I ,,!, the enil of ilie � I I � . j?'or gill up-to-date I bar' the, greate4t i'lill ('rot' III11- greet him restfully. Elvery turn fix the If a swan accidentally can break In sayl "If you give, give it me, for It was I � dustan ever saw, was at t;ie bel., It this way a ma. Is arm, there,is, In my I t � liat Old buy the dinuer." . . �l stream rvvisal.4 it nook Ili which stri(uge . G. D. McTaggart HAIR CUT . of his glory, At tile befla of his con- opinion, no roQtu ,, well known colonel i0ille sitting , Dra Chase' Pills wild flowers nestle. The gentle ex, 4 to doubt that It. could, A $ . .- AND - �� . qu(,.ring army lie slunnionpoi Allinad. citement of the sport prevents the If It desIredt break with (I, well direct- at dinner inquIred the attilles, of tile � � I . CL nager to surrcuditr, T110 city and Its scene from becoming monsitonous - Tile 04 blow a Man's leg, I host's servants. ,"For," said be, "I can - BANKER. -EAN 15"AVE rich treasure were then under the rule element of chance, the uncertalutT of _ I I I not pay. them for such a good dinner, OUR FAMILY MEDICINE I � w 1hetu in try the leading barbers of the Princess (!ande. Knowing that the catch, add, the drop or tabaseo, �, - W � but I obould IIICQ to remembe SINCE 1067 A General Banking Business transact- I resistance could be but short, and Ill ,hat a Wond Enjoylso . my will." , . satice -which gives zest to tile day. And I There are few things, more ,amusing Another eceentric gentleman, after M R, G, W. PARISH, Sturgeon Bay, Ont., . , Notes discounted. Drafts NEXT DOOR To IRWIN'S QROIE Y noontide meal by the brink of.tbe i than to, 'watch a toad submitting to We patiently redeeming his hill, sword, writes. -Olin the year i867 I wa.s ver,v bad ed. .. R bider rage against tile oppressor, she tile ' . . � caused. all tile tri,sisure of gold and stream! 11,11en. did a meal have a more � . with my kidneys, , I could not work on . issued. Interest allowed on do- i silver to be melted down. 8110 cast delightful (Ittvor'.) Delmonleo never ; operation of a back ocratchlug. He Ana and Weak, to tile very bottom Of ,iccognt of my back being lame, sore and � George D. Roberton : Will at first'look somewhat suspiclous. c I � .. tbO Inetal Into canuon bnlls aiDd en- served a trout like unto those we have ly at the twig which you are advancing his purse, turned to the two rexualu*, "painful' 411 the time. Tfiough I carefully . � , ' � , posits. � graved upon each 111,,110dictlOus Against eaten by the banks of a 111011 I ntaln toward him. But after two or three Ing servants who were walthitzg, obtie- followed the: dimcdons; of our family � doctor . I ****"***<"*"*"*"<f> the conqueror, These were fired Into I brook with the clear blue 91 � gulouslY, each with 11 glove, unit KIM lie i� at unable to dome much good. At this . Albert street - - - - Clinton. ..;_-�L-" I . . - -I _ ----.- _,­­_­­ 1- . cy above, passes down his back his Manner. 1112- �aifably, "Kiaep thoso% I will not trou- time Dr, Cbase was becoming known as An . . . I . -;= the jungle and When Akbar entered the waving forest round about and . . the city,' Instead of tile rich board lie the murmuring stream at our feet. dergoeo a marked change, his eyes bie to .buy them back. They tire old cially successful physician, and on the had . hoped to win, lie found a treasury . I close with an expression of infinite rap- elY, - I Cook's COROUROOt COMPOUII4. The hour of contemplation comes and not worth a shilling." . ' a, �illx of my uncle, Charles Willianpi I went " � . I. SCOTT, � . I I sadleat I r I absolutely. empty. I . turel he plantshis feet w1<10 apart and - _4 to Dr. Chase at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and he . . � I I - . . . avorlte, � afterward, with the pipe of peace in his body swells I out to nearly double I gave me a box of his Pills for kidney disease.' . . � - - _ - Is file only safe, reliable That this is not the only occasion our blind Instead of the relinquished "Von can . . , .. woman upon.wbieb cannon balls of gold have rod. ltoum) , , BARRI$TER, SOI,ICITOR, ETC. - regulator on willich - , . Can depend 4"In the hour How far off the city seems! Are its ordinary size, as If to obtain'by . I ,TRIP , scarcely imagine how much good - . Money to loan. .. __ .. and time of need , 11 . been cast Is proved by the fact that in there su . these means more room for. enjoyment, . I they (10 Inc. t They helped me so much thitt � . . � I strength. I f in i orationsi , . Thus Ile will "N '1U*E I Nvent back o the doctor and bought 4 dozeia '- . Prepared in two de rees a the treasury of the $hall of Persia trusts, stoeks, bonds, electric 11glits " remain until you make 1101- -811, -� ,RS' Ji,XCt1R8110N1._ ny mind there is not a medicine Office -Elliott Block - - Clirtston. No. 1 any No. 2. I boxes. In i � I No. I. -For ordinary cases there may -be seen 'in the same room that amaze the sight, harsh warnings some sudden movement which startles , Og.l.T"l-Y V,h ull(l 218t, 1k1191t.1;L 4 Lit I,alf so good as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills . � . t- also 14i.ptcnil,er ist autt i�5, for ladney �rotlble and headache. We always . . inedlillne known,' fil"10113 Peacock of trolley gongs, the rumble and grind ting as he wants, when.. with a puff of roundArip ticlwts will lie issite(I keep them in tile house as a family med' * . is by far the -best dollar where stands tile him, or until he has had as much pe and 801, So. 2 -Por speclat cases -10 degrees thr6ne two small globular projectiles of the wheels and the brakes on the 113 � I IcmqV . I . . . . BRYDONR,, stronger -threes dollars per - box. regretful delight, he will reduce him- _T9 Chipag auJ ,it. I'al-til ,it single and I would not think ofusing any other." . . � * W. of gol � d. They were estimated by a re" fr.li 0 I I . elevated road which affrig, firsL-dws hirv, phis $.2 tij p()i2jt,,j (11, . ladies-4sk your druggist for Copies . I . bt the ea 7 self to Ills usual dimensions and h " . . I cent visitor to weigh about thirty-Que The horshest note that breaks ill st r , OP ills! OrQ-it Xorih�:ra, Ra' ." - Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pill a . I I BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Cotton Root Compounds Take no other I ,e - Ill. away, bent once more on th . a pleasures "W -8 In 'lie (I(Ni.-, 2$ cents a box, at all dealers, or I I . . I as all Pills, mlktures and Imitations are pounds eac-b find are roughly made. ness. here is the boom of the bit ern In Statt:s of � M !Wne. �o 1,.i, ld,d,�), Oregon, rdn1nn.,;(jn, Bates and Co., Toionto. � Notary, Public, Etc. . dangerous. No. I and No. 2 are sold and Their origin ,or ' . of the chase. I . . recommended.by all druggists in the,Do- - I purpose is, 'however, - the. distant marsh. . . . I . IPVash., ills') to all Imilits ill Briti8h. . . . . I Office -Sloane Block - - - Clinton minion of Cana,da. Mailed to any addiess totally. forgotten., .It. Is only known ,: Home, to camp the fisherman goes, I I I I I I Columbia. reaelted viti. Great *Nol-010`111 To protect you . against imitations tbe.portmit I I .. . . . . . The Rand Flswed. ,. Mid si I . . on receipt of ice and four 2 -cent postaze - that thdy are very old. taking, a cast ILI this silent pool In gnaturc of Dr, A, W. C , I � . . . . Ruilw��y, , Thu,tt lickuts ar'. V�Llid kor . hase, the famous . I - Istamps. Tire .Coolk Compan.7, . . I I . - General Custer believed tn having ileceipt buok author, are on every.bqx of his . L . I wlndsor� Out. . which the trout rose In the, forenoon . return pa.,s-ig-t. ;jitliii, 2T (Inv.% froill ' . . - . - .­ I c on all possible occasions. � remedies. . - . . . '�Voods I'llospbodille is, $old ill Clill-� , , . . to his cast,. but missed the fly, or in martial must , date of' is,,,1;,. 1,1111 ilifurni'diml, as, to I . . . I . I I . RIDOUT & IIALr,,, . ton 'bv Waits & Co., 11. 13,, Combel THE SHANK OF THE SHOE, -that dark hole deep Re would have the band out at 5 .stop -over pri'vileges, etc., by callillig ___ - . � I I . . . . � Conveyancers, Commissioners, Rea R. P. Reekie,and J, r4,. Ilovey, Drug- . 11 . ­­ . I . under. the bank o'clock in the morning and the last Oil Or Writilig Clies, 111. (Iraves - Dis� 11 ..-.-..-- . �� -11 11 .. - - '--- � . .-.-.------ . . . . I - . I In which a vigilm t eye hla� detect tile, thing in the evening,. One day when a trict. Passvii­.,r�agwit, 6 King St W., I � . .. . I . 11 I I I . i Estate and Insurance Agency-. gists:1 . . . . . . . � Wh'nt the Glx�zeAl, Metaille r4arks. brown sides of it trout with lazily W4 . , ... I . . I . I - , . . . . I I . . . . Thereon Irola tile Evolker. I . Y' regiment had just come Into camp Gen- Room 1,�,. Toronto, blit m . . � � . � ;,, ,.,. c so� - to ? , Money to loan. 11 , I - Ing fins, and tall, an old campaigner . I .. � . J� , ,T7 . . . . I . .. . . . % :3 r' �%.I!i�7�-�;A.,i,34 [I P: !I- I _­­_ __­_-___­_ I . . . . . . �Au­­�'. , __;4. . - -, . � . nalf a score of clerks In one of the no eral Custer ordered the band out. The . mi, .6. t. � . ",,;, . . t easily caught. -Dr . . . �., � �_ . � , * -,. . V., _'. . � . . . . '. . ". .t.� - I - , . . C. B. HALF; JOHN RIDOUT fhe Killop Nutual Fire' * largest brokerage houses in New York' in Wo�ld's Work. - . A. 111. Bristow men were tired and reported that they Laver's Y -Z (Wise 11 I R -g,g"1,T-. § - I .1 I . � Nvere astounded one morning whe . I ­ I coid)Disinfoctan't'goap 0.1,4. . .1 �: -4.� ­� -1 \-��, I � . . I .1 ,n . had lost the mouthpieces 'of their In- Powder is better th4n V 6 N! so, % -4, 14, 1, 'a q CO' N ".., . . � . ! odier-soap powilers, ,_,.,, , - . . . � . . I . ' . - - A� � - , Insuranee CoMpally one by.'ono, they were called- Into their . ; struments. . 4:a, �,� I.) .. . . I . . wn . . tem ' CHINESE- it; also acts is . a disinfLot,tint. ' . .. , f--,,,, . . 1 � ,Inl' - I J . plover's private office'and asked to CONTRASTS. "Very well," said the geneial, "you ae . od - I-- . 'r .,� . L,.k-,,,-,,. ;F, ,I, . I. B. R. 11IGGINS Farm and Isolated To � Pr, - - I . . . . � . I - I ,_ � . o, - -14:1 . . . opex ' . I .. . .. it�,,� I - . . I . , . .,,i: �t _ - - , _r�;. -�� I,L;r " . . ,, � -s � ' . may take pickaxes and shovels and . .--4 .0.,11.1, ,_'It� ,"A . �1, � I . . ty Only Insured hold up their feet and show the sbank . , " " rg I . , I . . ,�:V fti, - G., %, ., "', . . I I I . - 11 .1 - I . � . . .. , Conveyancer, Fire and 1,ife Insurance, - I ' � We -bake bread; in .China they stoam .help 'repair the roads.. You may find ..... . ,�.itr . ,4;, " .. . . Or, FICERS I of their shoes. They thought.the "old . , . ��`-'.-�� "' . I ". � ' .�,Z.,A;�.Z4 1 . . . I ;; , 11 9 -, .,�: '. �;. rZ1 . I .. � . . . . . � . . It, I - . ER SEXTY YEARS. . M_ "� " �­ ­', I � I . . . ­­:., I -.1. _, , , ". , , , ­. Mortgages, Decols, Etc., drawn for Dian" 'bad gone quite.. mad, E ach . . the missing mouthpieces while you are �_k`:. -, .,- `P, I Ef,,� �', � t- -� 771 1'�, ..% I Lean, President,, Kippen 11� ,4 . , . . , , ,.,/ I .T. .B. -Me - . . . . , , I � . &!:�,:.,�__,_ ­­ I _. , . I I $i each. All work neatly all" We divide t Airs; Winslow!s 'Soothing Syrup has, ,,,, 1.r=._: .� I,, I W . " entY-four working." , I - . 1?x. 1, . - 41 � O.-; Thos. 'Priser,.'Vice-President, youlig man as be-entdred.the,6foce be. day, Into tw "'Q " ,,�', . � , I ') . -T. , , . % . , I ��.,"'.�,�;­ -11�,�-� '­/,.��'­, ­' . �t - I . It4s Unnecessary to state been ,,sea by . ",;,�_ i.,;. '. , . � rheaply done. I . nlillioiis Of lnotlicrs*.for . __,­,",�j ,1,y,�,,­,� I I I . .,�­;",_;­,,..'1,.. . Brucelleld was told to . . . _.", ".�, '. -� '000,)t �,'Z'j I � P. 0. i, T.' R_Xla�ys, $6s.- sit down and put Ills foot hours; they into twelve. � that the band played soon after. Y, - �. � Q � I I � . . , . I their children while tectiling. If dis- . I'll � 11.1 �;k", " � , '­ .5,51­1,�!,�' . ,�� " , . I . . . I .�, - " � - ­ , Ut, . � - -_ � BRUCEFIELD I - - - - - - Treasuncr, Seafoith P, o; . up oil a corner of the desk where It - We locate Intellect in the brain; they . - I .. . . � i�'.-'.�._�`_;��:�,­� X,4,Y.*Z ., " I I ONT. . . . . � I !-- . , ': i.. . I . . . I I . � . tprbed of night and bralw4 of ,your . _--�_,;:'­�,.,% ":, � i, �$.'47�- ­_ .- ­_ . . . I I . . . Thr I'' I. - � I I tied. 0 I t . OUWU the craeks., . ."'.1"...., ,�,��",�', . . . I I I DIRECTORS m - - .. could be examl Tbeit-the head of, . 1 C6 6 It In - the OtOmfleb-, . . � i rest by a �gjck .child slity.tTeri 11 _ � '­�_ , " I - ' � - . . _ - 'Our c4lendarls based on ng and , " .. . . , �rjl, .1. . I . - -1., . , , ", , . _,� -- ­�. . � hesilidy, Sealoith ;- solar tlWe,, ' . . brated divine, Edward crying,with, pain 61 c6tting teeth. �end- , , -.1-1 , � f� ,­,� � ­ I Willi M C the ,house put. oil bis. glasses - ­ - 'A ,r,',',�­­ . I and ry , When the cele � . 11, - - .- . - 'r . . . . John - I 0'. . . inized the sbau - theirs Is based on 3iln' . - .1��."P,-,��-,I*"-,,,,,,�,A",;� . ,�11 I I � . .� DR. W. GUNN, 1. G ,rievkle, - Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea- - carefiffly scrut ik of"etio artime. . Irving, was -on a preactilngJaur In -at, once - and -et- a bottle' of I I Airs. - 1� . - . ...;�,�X­, .. 1. P" I . . , . . � . ­ . . I ' ; . 1; - -I-"- . . . I.. . . .John 8110e., I � I . . � I . With us� the sent of h . "�.� I P �� .. . . .1 forth ,- - John Watt,' Hari0ek. ; 1 . . . . onor Is.on'the .Scotland two Dumfries men of decided Winslow's Sodhin,i Syrup" for child-. I _,V.3 I -T '4111- ..,.". 1".. . , , . . . ` ,� . . . 11 . I . I . . . . . . ren tee,think. .10 . ".­ ;., ­�.v - .. . . . I I . . Bennewies, Brailliagau ; "J'allieg Evall�, � When oll"had U606.pilt throngil this � right; with them It.is on the* left. . . opinions .went to bear him..' W)Ien - . e ,I or . 99;'=­�,�, I . . . � . R. C. P. and L. R. 0. S., Edinburgh. �' It ,%viii-ieliuve'th, �5_ " �, I I . I . . I - ' ' ' I I . ...;.;�-:Pv. I . . , . . � , . .. . - . I i I Night calls at fron door ui rLsiolci4ce Rcechwood ;.Jaiues Connolly, Clinton,,, eXtInjinaticin be called the entire"force i Our 61ven name precedes - . . the sur. ' they left the hall one said to the other: little sidlerer ininiediatLly,. Depend, . . . . . , . , R . . . . , . I I , (in Rattenbury street, Opposi La .John McLeilus; Ki .. . . . 1.�.. ., . . of 61orks into .. * sd :..hame;*tbe1r0 follows the . I _. . "Well, Willie, what%do you thin I k?" upon it,.niotllots, there is no InNtake : . ..: ": . . I I . . . � � ­ :. . I . �.., . . . ... -1 . . . . . � . . � . . . name. , .. . I . , , , I . � ppell, Ills.0flice and e'xplahw i.suk i '. L. Pit Ob 11 said tbeotber con about, it It : oea regu-� . . �., '. Presbyterian church. . . . * . . ptuously, 1 t. - -ti, , cuics' Diarl-ii . ' ' ' r , , , , , .�� - . ... . A04NTS. _ .: ' _ - .to them iv, , I tem, �`R(I'tf'011b'ilir' ` . I I . Office -Ontario street - - Chuton. 1. . . . . by' tIlls'upumial. extimillution i - The:needle. 6f'our compass points to ' . . . 4 CS W Stomach arid Bowel.9'. I y Street V Orks. -.. � � . -' " . I I . I I . Robert Sniitli, llarlock�-; Robeft. Met had -been madc., . . .. . . . . . .. ­ ­ "the man's -cracked"', .,*. ...; I I C11re" 1. " . � . _ . . . . . . I , . . . , :_'... I .. 1. � . � ' . I . � 8 - � � . I . -I.- the north; *theirs points to.tbe South. - , .: Th , � Wind Colic, sbftcl�s tliL Gtims, rc,duct]"s . * . . - .... � , '.. , . ' n1n,** I - v�e standard welglits and mett�- � I I vol gives tone and en -' D11 eet iiii,porterst, I . . . . . - . �, . _. . . h1illan, Scafortli , James Culli, ' ' s'You are well awaris," said he"Ithat'. - We li�� , ' e'first speaker laid a quiet hand Infiallimatioil :a . . : . 'J., W. Yea'.1i.h.1114; 1. .1 . . . . I I . . Wo i k ritin - . . .. I Egnionolvilie ; S-* T."will not.havii it drinking -mall Ili'. on his. shoulder. I . . real teething is pleasant to the*,.tastL - t,hipa dMittepi,ti guartinteed; . . . : - Ville. - . � . . 1, . I . .1 . , Illy ures; tbelr`vvelghts and ineitsdres differ.: 4vill'PI 8 I , I � _�. 11 L . .. . . � I I I � . . . DR. SHAW, I . .. � . I .. I . . , employ lls� .1 know It.... lilor solbe- time In.0fich dIstrIcL ' . . aid be, "you'll. often see a ' and is the -pres , on,of one of tile , I , I .1 . . . . .1 .. � , _ . . ' CV, I i . . I � I . I � . Parties den-iroili. -�o cJlect instiroan" . I have lia-d good reasons for believing ' ' " m . . light peeping. t1 rough a crack.": ' ' - " oldest and be."t f�11111�,Iu, plij,8`1cians and , * I I . :1 � . . . . . .) . I I I . I ­ iIHY�91CIAN AND SURGEWNT.' . or transact other busin�ssi w-111 be that. several of the: young in . . . ,.Our children stand facing I 1 I . . . . I . . 0. nurses - in the-tTilited Stat",`� Price , "EALE �, . I , the teach. - . I � . . 1. � I J-. 6 " b I I promptly . attinided icr .oil appficatioi�' M elf bef,ON%� er to recite'tbeir lessons; 1beirs turn - . . ... natber Gaive Rini A*n7t,'. - _ �le_ SdId by - 611 - drug- - I . . . . � . . I I . I � . . . . 0.1fice-Ontario street - - Clinton. . e have' -been .indulging . quite t' . . .. . -25 coilts a ])oil , . I .. . . . qed , 00 ' their bac -ber. I 1. I * . . . I .. . .. . � . 11 " .. . �. I . - " to ally of the above oflicers addres, I mijeh.''. Now, I knoN'v'If. Here gre,the i , .4s, to the teac . I ! . r, ond fi�ather (showing' Oft, his.-om 'gist�i throukhOitt the, wbrici..' 13a sure I , I . PROPRIETORS. , ', . . . . . . I . I . I . . Opposite St. Paul's church. to their respective j)cwtollices. 1,bs . " Utir watchmen . quietly go ',their ' argy -to tile w1lble syst�'tl�. so Mrs. i - . ­ . I .. . ., a . . . . . . -'; 0 S marks of the bar .rail on the, bottoms f . ' . spring';3 intelligence)�Now, kisle'deari- � . I . . I � I . . . . . . - . . I I . . . I . . . . . . . . . inspected directur who ,lives' � . I , 'robnds ,with a' vle * . . I . . . , . . . . . . . by. the . . w to � catchin I winslow's'. Soothing Syrup" for child- CF.!�,;r -,t,WrZ=7,r_-SMMWLTV6r- 1. , . . . . I 1. . of, your,. shoes.".' - I .. . . I.. . . . .9 what ls'a.catl ., .. . . ... I I . " ' I . .�_, I .,I-_Z&2JfflRM==JR" I . . . . . ilearest tile I scene. . . . . . . I . . Severaf of the rouni'men 'braced . thlev,es6 theIrs beat gongs -and yell to, � , Rlsie�Dunuo. ' ' . . . . . I � .. and ask' for - 1.1 Airs. lYinslow's Sooth- . ­ . ­ . ­­ -1 �­_­__- :­ . ­­­­ . � . . . I . . . . . ... � . I . . . . . . . . . 1. , Ing Sy'rup.1! . ..'' I . P M.�. I . - . . - .. � . DR. C. W, THOMPSON - - . I in_- themselv4akainst the Wall and Ilfteil I frighten. them away,. -, , . �. ; Pond Fatber-Well, what's that fun- � . . . . .. - I I . . . .., . . . . . . . . ­ _ � .., ' . .. . . � . � ' - Ve b - comes -_ __ �- 11 . 11 . . ' N . . . . . =7�� � blacksmith lifts tile foot I � . i A a . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO. I I .. tI.eIr feet its h i firy otir dead a few days after. ny littleanimal that'. - creeping. - . � , I I . . . I . I - _`;1 - -1 , , ' . . .; T H I . .... ,1rr1.r.VVN'11 I Special aLtelition given to disraNes 61 . . 1: . ; 11 , MM , , ;_.1 I 0 orse.' Sure enough,' -there, werc ; their decease; they- often keep theirs Ili ' up.ibe stairs when every onels'In bed? ,. KOWN' . . . - . . . -1 - .is � xi Li I - . f a b . I the boiled 4W heavy,. sealed.coffins -for Elsie (Promptly)�Pflpi. - �. � , - ` . I 2 . I . : . . . . , ' the glazed., metallic marks oil tile dry �, , . - . I - .1 � -e, Iws.r, Nose and Throat. - _ 1 ... - the y ___ - ;;? . . . � .. . � - . . - : . .. . � � I 1. Rlaama Bon I ral . ... . . . . . . Office aittl Residence- � . I years, i . . I . 9 . � . . leather. ,They ,"-else the evidences of . , � "� " I , I , . - - . I . . � . I. . � . . 11%. . I . . . . - . . . . 4 i ; . . . . . " . -� 'TABLE . - guilt,.' the young men's; faces . . . �.._ . - . . � . . I � ., Albert streut East, Clinton. I 711,1L I . land � I 1. I . __ - I . . I 1 Not the Donkey. He Wgnted. , I I . . I . . I � I I ., . . .,. , tvil. . I �1`1 see you advertise,16t'a doDkey' - I 'el , I . . � I . I I ­_.�,., . .. . . - . , I. , . ..., . �I. 0 . , i . I � �, � I � � . k North of Rattunbury .-treet. Trains' will arrive I it and depart shOWed-it-* .., ­ I . - . 1. ­ . ,� '.. I 8 I 9 Ll' ' . I I . � I from Clijtiton-StaLiou-a�.fbllows.� . I G -W.11084' Re � I . s ood is'. pqsItive. ,said the , I .. . . - lllfs� u1Mistakab1e'prqof`,II sidd the . . In h I . I �". . ii� . . Evil Is merely. I .pit wbo looked'as if be ad . . � � . . . . . . . I ad of e . . te. ' a P C-01 " -to - sale. - - I ;. ... . I . . . .. '. " .. .. p � 1: ., . DR. G. W. MANNING SMITH . BtTFFAl,0 AiqD.GOD-Ek1C1-1 DIV, - - house.* IfYou may fix lip . Privative, not 4beolu ,it Ii if]; �il_. something . r 1. 1. . . � . I � . ' . . . . ­ - - . . . .. - , . I . . -_ _' .. I I 1. I'll . . ' , .. , your breath at thd'drug store and the i .*%,hlch Is the.prl�atlon of lwjjt� .'k li I P.'bb, yes," said the busy man, stopt., , I . I I I . �.. - . � I �� � t . . I . . . Going- Last Expte�s. . , '-38 * a- � ln� barber can clean up your eyos and .evil Is so much 'deatb,*or . iloiwntlfy.- . .. '.'plug'lils work for a .'mifitite10 look 'do, . 'lj� . ' ' PHYSICIAN AND STJRGEON. . I, It 4, .. 7 1. . TOI,1�1)0��qall -`,jjc.��'j ric' Di vision.* I - - .. - I ., I Ili . I � ' -2.56 li: in. face,. but .you 'neglect is . - Emerson; . . . � .. ' . . . I . . . . . . I I I � 4. * ' . I ... . . . , "but I wautaU6 , � Frei�ht - . .1 . I Office fornierly occupied by Dr. Pat- � . 11 Mixed: ' 4-15� P.. M. 1 I the shanks ol , . . . . ... .with four legs."I�Bos- ,. ." . and *i1I;tssLugvr, - . I . It is, . your shoes." - � ­ I . � .1 . . .. . ton'3ournal. ' . :, I . I I . . . . . . I . -t. West . 10 1,5 a - m . ''. . � . I '. : . � . .. : , . I .. .. .1 . I . .. . . . � I .. . � I I . I . .. . . I . - . 1% . I . I . . . lister on Main streL . . . . :, , is . Expros4. . . ,'. - - - , That' ttftdrnoon. three young -.,men i , '.1 , A IPoor sairwatner. � . ... L , . - is �[ ­ . � . . I .. I. . . .. . I . . . I I . . BAYFIL, LD - - - Ont. . 12-55 p. in. . ; . . . .: .. , � I . . . . . . penny ­ ' . . . - . athoir' pqrlitittilig steiiiiien will .. 1 4 it . It I cleaned.' ,but, their'desks ,and gave the I Jfthel-1 ofrered, Ferdy, a . fer .� V e� I . I I . . . . I � I . . . . . . '. . .7:0� .a.: Ili- - . ., � his thobghts. �'�' w . I I � ., .1 * *� I . ,. . ... � . ... .1 I � . - - �l O!, � , it - '' I10.27 p� M.' k61701 to the.. hianagIng clerk. .. I . . ; 4qkxe"tIve Alillilty.?ls, : I .. . -depart -peF schadule sbbw1,l* below, .i 4 1, I I I , . . ­ . .; I I . . er let youdd, any . � . . . N - '. . " . ' - . l4but then,- of course,' he'llas execu- ' . 1 . . I I I � NDON, IiURON ' AINTD,BRUCE� DIV ; Edith -Well, P'l] nev , , . . , , I , I , 1�02 . � . 6 I A ­ � . � I . . � I . I , ., � . 1. . . - I , , I �% 71 1 � . � , I . .1 I . . I EW & FOWf,le,ll I ._ � . . I' Shopping tot mel -puck. :7' '- -,. tl�e ability'," we said conclusiveli. . , -, . . . I , 11, . . .. DRS. AGN Going . . I 't Y $outh Expric." - '� - 7.47 a, in., - - - . I . � . . � . . !. . 11 ... I 1. .� � . 11 . xed Care of, 11bol , * ------- - - wri�_ ­X*I'N'�G VIDWARD " I . , . 19 . . - . 'rE DR . . ac. .. � I I .. . �. I 1 14' . . I .. . I .. I DE NTISTS. 1. ,g Mi � 4.15, P.� in, � �0 I I . . . � 4 Office adjoining Photo Gallery, Open I .A� ,over, . i - "Executlye vibilltyl!" repovited:our' �. - North lt'xifresa .10.15 . of books will. always take I.- ONLY, O\ '. QrAS.P,1. :,. . - quaintance., .."What..' I . . . � every day and Saturday nights until 60 . 9, . a. in 4 I I I do yo'q Mean .by. Godarich,'.4jort,11 bojji�(l v . .. . 1. . I 1. . - - of them. Ile' never ifold% 1. There .is cr'niv, 01112 Dr.'�hu,�4' of RL-� that?" .'' . .. . � . I . . , a cry I . . . -, . , . . I lo o'clock, . . Mixea. . - 6 . SS p.'ni. 9004 care . .� .. "I" V at 9 1). Ill: for 4 a i s te . I I . . .1 I . . . . I I the, book by' the' corne' . . � . 11111hy� the. qydllt.v Pof,16 ' -Saturde: 11 . ,; Id ... I. . , . I , . I I . . . . I Atiburn every Monday. , A. 01 PATTE,SO.�� Ageni. . . elpt Bw)k 461re-Only one'Dr. *Chase ., ,, Iding aubor�. , . M-1-ic, - T'ea,V�es, Goderich south bound 1711GH CLASS . ' ' I esday. . never turns �'down leaves, never lays ,who i,q. known thes w6r,ld-Ow-�r beeaiis,y . dInates responsible for failures 'ah4 .elvery Thursday at i2.,Io 1). �lfl, for., . . i I. . . I . . Dtingannon every Tu I F. It, RODGENS, 'Town. Ticket Agent th o n ther ivith the of the great I)re,,i . V, .IVindsor, Detroit and T . I . I . J. D. MACDONALD, District Passen- I . criptiolis 1,(, ga L to - taking credit to ourselves for their sue. . olcolo, calling . . . . � ' . , ' I , . . I , . I I __ . . . . 1. ger Agoft, Torullt.u. face downward� or '�n. Its ,back, and Illankitid, His �portra,it and S, gliattire 'Cesses," we respou'ditil. , , -at interniediate ports., , * �� , , I . . HARNESS'SHOV_ I I . � I � . � never breaks the binding by _A. 1Y Chase, m. D­-� , , . I . I . .. . . .. 1. I . . . 1. I.. I �.. . 1. I. ERNEST ITOLAIES, -11 = . . - --- . I . . ,Opening . are. oil i.. every f Which we copsidered rather cleyer , I I . STR, 11OSSIFRAGM1;. . . . ... I . . - . . . . . . . . I . .. I . 1. . DR. C - ­.. � I -----.. 7 1 . ­=tt:�­== e turns the i box of ills- renledics. I'llitittors (4). 110t. for studied improm. . . I . Good quality lis,ruess, bot.h �igbt , . Specialist in crown aid 11rioliv Work I I I � ... . '. I . . the book .too forcibly. .H ilurL to relmi(fitee thes,sj., .Tp,cy are the .' . PtU# . - L I .. .1 . N'orih I . I I I . � leaves one by. one, taking great. care. . I' I D. D. S.-Oraduate of tile I?oyal Cut- llp,.,�Ry lip, . . . . . . . � . . 1. . Wj':] leave GodCrich, . Bound, � . . . . . ,ATTIU. :, . . . not ito soil or tear them, and uses -the guarantee: which 'jmotuct'.,; .-,,oil llgains� I , . . . . ,rguons of Outax- �) . I .1 _, " , . � � , I i . . It - 12.o'cloc*k, 1). ill., JITedili-sdaysP jor ,5ailli 1 aild heavy,' at mod6rittat, prices-. . - . I I I i I i I " I .1 I I 1 3 p , , �, 4 ­_ I 1!1V'.'!1_' , , 11 ��,_ 4 ­ � il. � ,� I �1' i .11 "" ;:� tl i .� I I I I 'I I i It I I I lege of Dental 5t. . I I . . I . .1 fialld. ,13U 811re tile 'tire 011 11W box . . $to, 'Marie and iiit'rinwhat'! 11orts., ;' I I . � I io. .. I . volume gently. It makes no differ. you buy-, . ... .. y i . I . 1111- THE, NXWS-RECORD. . L , " - . . sell - be§,t Saskatchewan 'Robes . I � . I . � . 1. . . L. 1). S. -First class honor graduate ('8mccessor to Blr*. James Scott.) epee If the book be obeap or viorn; . . 11 I . . . �. � . IT PAYS"TO ADV.URTISE returnini will Idave Goderich for 1. I I . . .. . - - -1 . 11 . . .. I . . a . . . - I . Wind" ,oi, Detroit and Toledo. . at 2 i - Iso Rtigs, .111ankets, ,.Trunks, Val- , .. c)f Dental Depaittimut of Toronto 11-ARRISTER, SOLICITOR F4111C . he always handles it.gently. . � . __. _W10111111111illummill ___ I I . . - . . . # I . . 1. I I . . I I I . . . . __-_ ­: ­_ ____ _ - -_ I - . 4 I J;uiver.�ity. . . ... . I . . .1 .1 . . _... _­77!�'�____­. - . ol,clock 1). tn., 6n Mondays, . . I . . - , . I . I I I ., - . 1. . � isest Etc'- . � . � ... . . . , I . . . . . . . . . 7 � R FR32111ilMit - I 1 .. - . .- I For.:rates and furdier .information - I . I I . . . . . � . I . . I Special attention paid to prescry . atior" U "lice formerly 6 * ectiIiied by Air. -Scott, 1. qultt� 1�'Ajpartlatl. - . .., . ,. 2:21� I . . � . of childrizri's teetil. , M ON 1,,� �' TO- LOAN, Mrs. Hiram Offerk-I understand you I . . _� I I I I , .. . ­ , . .. . �. . .. I � In the Elliott Block ,. - . I I Im .addres,.%Win. Lee; Goderich or -. 1, . . . , . I . � . . . Will be at the River Notel, Bayfield, . . . to say . if � I . .. 1. � . . ... .1 . . . .1 1. .. . 11 . I .. ,. I I I 11 . . � I . . you're a good, all round*co6ki _ I . . . . . .. . I. I .� ,". � I . 1. I I ., 0 I I . every Monday Iron, io a. in. to 6 . I ­ I . - . . , I �4 _ . I . I I . . . LR � , . , . a I I I I . . . .. . I . - ltr! 1: but of course you must have some ipn-� I . .2. . .. . . I .� . � . . . . .... 7. 131 ROISri'vW I , . . . . I I P. M., I ' IDR J. FREMIANT, . VETERINARY SU, R GE ON. JL nienI13�x of tlie Veterillal'y IlIC(iiCal ' Associations of London and Edin- burgh and Graduate of the Ontar- io veterialaxy College. - � ,)dLce-ontarics street - Clinton Opposite St. Paul's church. Phone 97- . - � IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE . I IN TliU N141WS-RECORD. . . I . � I . . I I . . 'kal Traffic Mattage I . . , I vorlte dishes?' . . .. .. . . - - , . . . 1. . I - I , 0 . ,� , Gene "I r . �. 4 � , I . I . . . . . �. �. . ; - . . .. . ,. 7 1 . Sault 'St'. Marie, Out, a MUM VY IAN . . I .1 . - i. Applicant -210, ma'am. . They're' all 7 1 . I I I I , .1 "I I I � I . _. I .. .. . . I. .. Wan to me. .01'ni not the koind to be � ". I I I . .. . . I . . . I � I . I . . I I , . ___ - , I I . . . . � � � . . - . - I-- .., . ____ntnr!!!!, I . . I conslilerin, Whoth6l, a dIsb is thape Or:, wo - . , U'l I 9 e les I .1 ,1 I . . . . . 1. .. . ely-Pinsivo .. whlu Oitin breakInI it. 11 .1 W o k,, 1. IN 0% V 0M. MAP",,, ­ 00 � .. , .� . .. 11 . . � .­ I 1. .. . . � . . J i.. I . ... I .. i.... ''.... I I... I .� ... 1; 1-. I . . U 81 !tl . � � 1. ... I , . .. _ ... � I . . . I . . I 1. �.... I I . I �. . . I ... 1. I I ..: I . Inforansina. . . . . . I I . I . . I 1, TrIa .1 11 . ., , . . � � � . ; .. "Who lives in that.big. bouse on the ... ­ . ^ 5 C - Rt . ... I I .. I ,A L . I- I. 1. L,m I . ..... � I s. , I * 1. I � . I . corner* Dennis?" . � ... . . .., . I . I 1'1� 1. I .. - � . , , . � . . . I . I ' I 1 . . . . . i -"The Widdy 011falle'y, sor, I I I I A ro�,,Iiledy Nvhich acts through .. I . . W�o Is. - . . I � I - . . � the I . .. . . I I dead." . . . � . � . I I 10 u . . I * . ! � "Indeedl . When ,dld'ghe die?", I 1. . . 11 U, P . 6 , 0 S4 I I , foncd vsoe titr�ition, by thebuilding I . .1 . - . I I 11 . . . . I i . ' . . I . . I up of ne�v aild healthy tissues Is not . . '. I � .. . I - . I : "If she had lived till -x S I I I., I I .1 I � I 1. to bd.e.�,pected to irianifest. its action .- . I � . I : she Would have been 'dead a yearill : - - . . I � . 1. . . I le ' ­ . .. . . I I .. � 1. . . . � ,�.%,%.,*I*e%l�%�-al�&A�.�,41�,,ii�,,%.%�,%,%,*,.Wfti�&� � . -- in a, Nvidays, - - � * . . I . . . . I . � . I I . I . . I I I .1WIWAII.,101-111.4so��6'.1is.�*'-w . � I � I . I % I I I . I . . . . . " . I . . . I . . . . � . I . . 1 4� . I . . . .. I . I I . __ I . . W ben the disease is of - recent ori- � I � ... - . _ - Plot " .. . . .1 - � . . ' . .� � I . . � - I 11 . . - I. . . .. � � I . . gin, thi8 earl� and immediate action � I . . I 1.1, I A Faiftake, - � � , I . . Th 't bi ­ Family Weeklies, *ill often be itict with. . Otherwise, - . I � .. I I 94 p e wo g - _ - I . � � . . See here, young man ill said the min- . I - It . I . 1:5 - ­ I Z. -I .. �. .When it ho already lasted some time, I . . , marriao'e, I I L Ister. "You never paid Me that fee for - 't I � . � I I I . T.he News-Recor'd an'd The FaInfly I . � . . � Ong. , . marrying you." . I . I . . . . . I . I .. the a6tion . of the remedy must be I . . . .. I . i I . I . 'You're mighty lucky.1 haven't sued S�l ohrotiic I ilr.6 the disease itself. . . Licenses L ' llair � - Hc,rald. and'.Weekly'. Star,' each a \Vz . I . I . � ­ . I . . � . - , Thi-, N why the lei3gih of the use . . __ . I you for damages." '. . I I . - I I . . � :�, I . . . . . I P�,11.,z"1_1.0,cl '', I I I . Leader in its own'field, will be sent If, Of ST. J�%1,4'5 WAVnRS Will. Vary with . I . . .1 I . . 1. ISSUED BY I I About a year ago my, hair Was I . I .� Still More AutocratWo - I .� . I I . . . . I I � I': . I every ind-ividtfal case; but itisa fact I : . I . I .. . .. coming outvery fast, so I bought 1CnIcker­-4)Idn1t he find It bird. to to;' to any .address 'antil the -endof , I which no one will now deny that in . . . a bottle of Ayer's IlMr Vigor. It tuth to, civil life after commanding'In: I .--I- a the treattitent of general debility ST. . . I . I stopped the falling and made mr the,ptrmy? � '. . I . I I I . . . 1903 for 65 06nts, . I I I I J. B. RUMball,101inton hair�roW very rapidly, until now t Mcker-No, Ifia0ed. 110 got 11 posi- I . � . I � .. I I . JAMUS %VAVAk8 PrOduce remarkable, . � . I I I . . . --- � -Airs, A. . . 1� I le i .. 7 . is 4 Itycheg in length," 1rs. A. . t '111 I I" ,, � and in ,;Ome cases, ittilliediate effects. - - I I .. ..- . jou a-4 janitor. . t E e who take,§ ad' van- �5111, 1. I . I . , " Boydston, Atchiaoft� Kling. . I I - I I . � " . . . . . '4� V ii ST. JAmus WArmRs help stonlachi, I . �� � ;. : .." , . I � � �4ijky I digest food and send the nutrixgint I I ...':-'...",�', , P " MK . "��_ . f - o-' r will receive a Freo !�ZAI( 'n" Stl � "I �":", 1". _ , LN I E N 0 L . Wben a beautiful woman smiles some tage-o this 116 REN �H TOW - .. C "" . .. . . ;.. '6 the �. , .. ­. I I TheWa onother -hunger Oopkotbool;: is WeeDing,-Schoolmastor. NIEV 3t0,4AC1J'WE4XHEFAAigffat.wJA - through the blood, and this i . I ` i � � . . .. . ihan that I the Stomach. copy of eacl) of the two picture 6!5 honest Avay to get health and strength, �... . . . I .1 I . . I S � qty-f,"l- ruNMONA. 90H 5 1 Hair hUnger, for instance. . . I . . I I 1. . . 1;. "'Ill 1 nr ULU ST N the kitid that lasts, deitelops and . I !_i. !Hl! CONSTITU ' I I " PUrity" Mid " Alone-" I . ,_ Nbreeds I lie energy which I Hungry hairineeds food, START1,ING R1,,'VV,t,,ATIOXS. _, _��"Ip , accomplishes I I . , #1 . . . , I to inuoll. -1 14 1: A 9 I � it fre, ten, 1 1 t . . . . A, I I . I " 110C. al 41 U V Igur-A V43r SLO liftffer 1` 'y 1.1,11mit.S. E, la -1; people . 41.4t�AI&��"���*,%.,&,%.*.�w.q.,W,*ql�%,%,%.�4b�� 11 - ,_ -, ­ I 4'lsl4fgdddtioottho!atdtiltLohi§*, . I . for lycar.,j froin kidne deral . . . ajidort6NI .,,,,gjf�b. 40 - This is wh - sa d t , y Vol' I - H'AffeaT4 go . 5 Yrllne�d Wafets nte alinost if S%ot I 11101t, witholit kilowitig the cause of . ". , "I., .1 I tile a qtletific.� X have criat I I kaelle'S, aching lilllb,q all(l I L . .1 � � I ee_ " �.tlth 112 thelft.20 . . .. . Igo � ()tll.� I AM . l 6' .6 for t , o ub" _­� . . l3r. n4wafill A. ltoliPlligon, I . . Ayals Hair Uer YwTy3s their I)ae, regtorei color ind ni*Voia I .6 0 10a,vs W S 11 - _09 IN , AmEkICA ' ­ $ the hair g*row long gnd heavy. st.ovowit. m, driqlISIA, A ht)rkasommly 11111,4trts'd % 61-T4M. 11 AlWat 011t ,mliation of tiny'. ­�.IA,�,I,,11'64 rotma.p5t; fitirmoink,ot V Po,l by all litwol,eplorsk P. rp 3! -,18P60+ -.:Pt', phl-�J yr .,t� 11_112iffl) `� ,& ''' * , r"uhl viw'�',Q ato V1`Jtb-.:: ,,,,, - is. ;.� " H) Y 8011cring.", suddenly,tile trulit fis revealed tO tht-01 that' tire ille-victinis of serious kicillevfiliv citfic aild ill fillinfilent, danger, *There 1.14 Ito lift(licifte. which give,% At"cil i praml)t nilil la,,,ting relief k)r every form of Xiirllt.v I(1j,X;caNe ab,J)P'Cliase's xidilty-T'iver liil!q, Iftcy art� lyc8itive- , ly euectivt, elicit in the .1nowit Chronic 041ves, i . . I . . � 6 I scriptions and t W 0 . " I . . I 11 K5# , `-I'll I Flaturea* . , . . I I I , Otto Itl Comma .. $ I "00 ., six bottw tot $$too to .�P` ' Issmot Waileis-sapetudaseeret feta. '.�virf,yilieiiig�;teo,00it&ctoi,te.. C,1*P­,I,PJ.1tIJPr f4wo, to, II/eir pailepsit too, i ill r1li.(Ormia's upon y1e0ell, W! .r0dealar.qAre116fA0lIIugth6 W,0,;,.9, thevoire iliftited upon te. oell t Of �; pr1tv, at tilt 'Canatlitill brav 111. � t, JAM01, WAIrs Co., 1728 St. 0.1hallo, it., MoRtreal.