HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1903-07-16, Page 6#
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,,,,:.ill!"",I"ll::11::",I:l�,1::=",=;z�,.�.-",-7=-;:�. �m ; Z ...- 7!--711: I !7 - �= -1 1�11=1 - -- 7 i ! '! - - - .. -- ----'------ .. �4 ; r : I 7! . . I .. � � . . I MR -M 1. I 0- "
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MAU)r XrRVEV., TUE EAULT XORNING AM. m A fl r.Q fly 6 nnum 'Pl. What shrunfi,* yobr woolens ? anl'on T..A T. .,adm I .
F, r - kl) .r " - Q pmfteefl-
� Xt Ras a Virtue Over That of - Why did holes, wear SO'Soon ? sors having been Lady Palmf'rSton, r
� Pultorerer from Wervous Troumes Larly Granville, Lady Jolla Russell
Later llouri;. FOU14IGN XXXISTER OV QUXAT YOU USed common SOOP- ,and!' Ludy Salisbury. After the
Are U A $tatQ of C.Qutiuuous BUITAW.
TQrtUVe-;$u`ggC'1$rtiOnS as to� How ClieltuirAq have long ago told us not - SUNUIG . death Of Lady ,Salisbury these par-
. the Trouble 04n. be Overcome. j Only r what is tile exact cOlUPOSItiull Object of Popular ]Ko,tred Durius .HT ties languished, but now they have
of the air, but also that this Con" , the33oor War, laol of the been revived With more th-in their
. NN'Vwn. your nerves are shaky your position lR practically constant, old splendor by Lady Lansdowne.
aolf�cqntrol Is sbattered.�-your ,will wbother the air be that near the Publiu Xow. Lord Lansdowne holds no fewer
power is . broken. Sudden sound$ 111oulitain top or the, sea, or frona, 11ow fickle Is Popular favor," 0 than Xgurteoll. titles. Ho is, a Mar -
startle you; your temper is irritable; tile chemistry would not appear to said a well-known 4uglish politician . " " $ quis, thrice.a V4ocouxit, thrice an
your bands tremble, tbere is wojik� of -for any explanation of the benefit in a London club, recently. AlLook � I , 11',arl, four times it, Baron, and lo�ur I
ness in your knees; your Skin is pale dained from I's. change of air." t4luji- at Lansdowne. Not long ago, when r
,Xpzlqsx times A Knight as KM,., G. 0. S. ,
and parched; you are restless at IKrJY OverYone U11OWS tile sweetness our troops were encountering disas- S. G. C. I. B1. and 01r. C. 31, G.-hou-
night and tired w.hert you wake. It and freshness of the early 'mospitng ter upon disaster in South Africa, he 'Aak Ow the Gatex94 1W. ": ors bestowed by Queen Victp)la for
all coiRrvs trout nervous I exhaustion, All. , attractive pvoperti4s which adis- was the '. Anost unpopular loan ill t -f r his SUCCA'sSes in, tbe difficult art of I
perhaps due to overwork and worry, , appear I as the day advances, but so E'ligland. As Minister of War )to,- -- -- - .-- -- colonial government. .
late hours, hot days, and want of -far us analysis goes the composition was blamed for everything over- 11----_- 9!3r-- eMMS-----!Tf-- "-- I As Baron of Rerry ),to holds a iitle
blood. Dr. Williau& Pink Fills is of early morning air is not different looked or unforeseen by the army. It volout designs which he ascribed *to dating back to 1181, It.waR con-
� Russia. Lady Lansdowne took great ferred on one of his 'ancestors for
the only cure, They make UeNv, rich froia that of air at any other tinte. lie had gone among A 1.0ndou 'mob interest in the work, and Interviewed assisting in Strongbow's conquest of
blood. They brace tip jaugiLd nerves It is well to ,reineaulter, ho,wever, after Stroniberg, say, 1):� would have r J
and strength r several of the principal sples when Ireland. Since then a long line of
, ell tired bywUic They that during the passixig of night to stood a good chance of bolnig torn. to
I + 4-11 dav and Of da fi, ni ht --0 , - 11.1 they came into Calcutta or Simla FitzinD,urices have -alued titl- aft -
J. . W
give Alea V14 ALM ellorr�,y . v . IT b 41 now lie ,is a popular I estate after estate, in reward ---- �-- �. .- ------
weary, despondent men and wonlell. physical Changes take Place, Says the 1401. 119 has warne't Russia off the with reports of their observations 1,4 title, 1-1 I 111111 - Z_ -Z .
Strong proof is offered !4 the case of London Lancet. There i.9 a fall in. Persian Oulf, and iininedlately be is Ilersia, Kafirist4li, lialuehista'�, and for their,services, as Statesmen and . I I . -1 I . . 7 WEW-ii�= I E WZ.- W, V<%
Mrs. Wtu. Westoctit, of Seaforth, telliperature at sunset and a rise acclaiineu as another Palin , orston, other countries where liussian agents soldiers. . WO
Out., who says: --For 4 long time again at dawn, and consequently Tba wriggling of tittle 114S brought wore supposed to be busy, , ,, 41 1. ..
. 8portsmen In India still talk Of IT-AWICING AT 1Q2, � . F) C;
ittly health 'was in a bad state. I moisture is alternately being thrown, him.up.to the top a ainters' Thoughts I
WaS subject to headaches,. dizziness out and taken up again, and it is tonishing rapidity. gain With as- Lord Lansdowne's skill as a. shikarri . I
. .
and nervous exhaustion. Uy al],Pe- Well known that change of state is �'.No ulan evor seelue . or hunter of big game, and. the n4., Jobm Vaughan, who as A lad of I Think of every good point a perfect Raint'Brush
d more hopo" ti1cs %Peak with admiration of some fourteen WaA a bugler at the battle , , I
ttte was poor, and I was so badly accouillaniod, by electrical phenom- lensly rulned politically than Latis- of his exploits, . of Waterloo, is still living at Roth- should have and vou'll have a.mina picture of
run down I -could not stand the least elia and certain chemical.manifestti- doWne when, public indignation at '.
I tried sevoral, medicines tiOlis al%o. 1. I tile Z40uth African blunders forced Tho great ll�mpross did wisely in erlialn, Yorks, i'ligland, and, de- , .
mertion. sending the Sallib-Bahadu- across spite .his 102 .years, Is able to oke .
and consulted different doctors but Tbo formation of dew has probably, hint. to give up, the 4111co Of ;�imre- tile black wate .
I I . 'r to ruI0:QV6r Uq�" QUt,h1S POPIS1011 by lmWking. ,-
they did not belp tile an:v. One of therefore, far more profound offects tary of State for'Wgr, ' His ap- said ail old .11ohammedan, who had .... �� I .
. - -- - , I
my neighbors strongly urged me to. than merely the moistening of ob- POinthlents as Voreign. Xinister fill- acted. as. beater ' In some of Lord I t . . ' I .11 .1 . B (01 E �- 0,y K FPS,
try Dr, VVilliams' Pink Pills, and be- Jcctl§ with water. Dew is Vitalizing Illediately ait�srwEird was ,tll(� most � .
fom the second box Was finished the not entirely because -it is water, but I Unpopular act of Lord Salisbury' Lansdowne's ..tiger hunts. 11110 is HOW's ThIs I � . I .
$ tho bravest Of all .&thibs. I have met. NVe. offer Oi . to 1-1 . undrod Dollars Aeward � IFLIMISLE OD P7N .
turning point for the better had been bec'ausO it possesses an invigorating;careor"4nd it was also the pluckiest. � , 113RIDLED M MUSH
reached, and by the thus I bad used action, due partly, at. ,any 1-tite, to But it bas'turned out well. I I haVQ seen him follow A wounded for any case of Caturrit tilat Cannot be, I . . . I
1.1,an�;down( tiger aloile and on ioot through the c"A"' "Y flail's Paturrh Cure ' .. .1 . .
a half dozen boxes, to the surprise the, fact that It is .saturated with I, -, starting as the best- F ', J ' Cli0N1t,Y & Co., ll'oledo, 0, � The bridle can, be.easily removed and replaced I
" -is not affected by.water, oil or paint -Works
of my friends and neighbors I was oxygen, and it has bnon stittvd that ated Ulan in British polltic,q, has jungle, and go right into the dark , 1v e, the undersignew, have known v. ,
again enjoying good health, and have duriag its formation peroxide of become the Inost popular British cave where.1t. crouched at bay. No- J. UhQney Nr tlio last 15 years, and . � .
thing could be seen of the beast ex. believe )%I , in perfectly honorable In all on a pivot and thus keeps the bristles elastic.
xince been strong and Well. I do hydrogen -and soino ozone are VOrelgll Minister since Rosvbury- cept it$,two g, , � business transactions anq financially . .
not lesom anything to equal Dr. developed, aring eyes shining.out able. to carry out any obligations inade 11 ISOLD BY ALLDEALERS . . .
It IS not Improbable that Perhaps Since Palmerston, 110 has of tile 'dal-kness. .,Tlio Saliib-liaba-e by t Am. , -' .
%" ," M I I .
,,� . .
WdIlisms' Pink Fills when the Sys- the peculiarly attractive and refrosh- it great career before him, and it dur p;itt a bullet betw . . IkJOIAX, Mwlesate ilrugglats, 11% 2
tem in run down." . . ing quality which marks the early would not lie surprising if.he sue- eell theiii as Toledo, 0. WALDING, KINNAN & QXRL 1r1MQ2fflWdZMM . I .
I ---,UW
Niftat the pills have done for origin iri thil; ceedod Mr. Balfou� in the Premier� instantly," 0. .-- - � -- - ,,,,=Ilxw-mokm=
oth- luorning all- has its I tile tjg4rw .sprung Upon him; lZilling it MARVIN, Wholesale I?ruggtsto, - 141oledo. I 11mgmaolaw4=1111 - ----
. -
ibrs t1hey will do for you, if you will Way, Certain it is that the bracing ship Wheu the latter. grows tirtid of , . . . . JAall's Catarrh Cure is takcan Inter- � . -.1---- -
give them a fair trial. Sold by all property of tile early.,Anorning air it.ff , I . � Before th4-y went to india, in 1,888, "aily, t4c�jng directly upon tile blood W=X31 . 11 .
. . The credit fo Lord and Lady Latit,downo pleased a;ad mucous surfacog of the system.
medicine dealers, br sent post paid wears OLT as � the day advances, and r the� Marquis of Lans, tile Canadian people by their . fri I end- Testlino 11 sent free, 41rice 75c. per A'ft ' ' ' ' 71. I ,
. . ,!a, by all firuggit;ts, - .
At 0 cents a box or six boxes foll it is easy to conceive that this loss dOWne's succes% at � tile British Vor- ly 'and . . . bottle. '.:2d . . .
Ss.w, i�y addressing ttke Dr. 1VilI4-. of freshness - is duo to tile oxygell eign Offlee is largely clue t ' . I . Mail's Family �Illls Are tlio.bost. . .6 re a t Prame Investment' 00, �
. TNASSUMING MANN140ORS . . . 1. . . I
Mm Xedicine, Co.. trock'ville. Ont. ozone or poroXIde of bydroge� . r". I I I . � I I � . . I . . I 1. I IIIIT4D� ; . I .
� � . � . , I which wore in- marked contrast ' to NVWIL� inan has. approhched the I Vapltal, $15P,080. filvideal two se,ao siukres.nr $5.(o r,niqP. .
. (whichever It may be) being used up Like many Elifflish,WOnien of *.noble those of former Governors 0encral North Pole within' 2038 mlIcs,- no 0114.1 *qpowro * . � . I
The difficulty of inducing grass to families, olitles her hob- . I . I
PRESENTS FOR JOCKEYS. she makes p . . OFFICE: 71 Victoria Street ' J. &I, 801,tar.ANK, Socratary
.- t1ourish under a tree in full lear is by. Bismarck used 'to call her the and their wives, At a garrisau ball hris yet stood w1thfu less than '772 . * 0001!ftii AND DlREOTORS . �7 � '. I
Koney and Gifts They Receive � I -ty that she a . . . . . . . Vrosldont.�Jt. r L.. Joynt, Esq- * .
. well known, and is genoi%llk explain- aulateul diplowatist ail( st t Halifax - the Colonel of tile regi- miles olJho 'South Pole. � A VALL1,181.1i lAVC5T41LMr
. �
. I
ed by saying that tile 'tree dbsorbs was too clever for most or hiSL Aiu� - niclit that � was giving, the dance � ., .. - . . *M.P.P., Toronto. . . It Ii not unreasonable to expect .
Fro= the Patrons of thd Turf; ' the nourishing c'onstitu 9 of -the bussed . Caine UP to .Lady Lansdowne and � .1 . . � . . . a *60zatiaii upon this property
.. �nt, . ors. That was in her ,Y9ul1g`- said: . . .1 L. . . . . Far 0-Y.4p 14I.NZY Years. . Vlce-p�dsidei)Lq.-h W. INICIZor- �
No public man comes in for more Soil. or that , it keeps the sunlight er days. - i Since then her I husband . . . -A,r Ouv, .k. -;D WzweTutzo ItOMR13Y. -'Mrs Cher,. llal,ef . . . within tl�(-Ive inotitlis W. from 200 1 .
&reservts froim persons lie li,as nevew away from -the grass and protects it bad been . I � *Lady. Larisd'dwile, won't.you give wincown "otwnjS�rup-Jba0 0(jeu azed. for ovor sial stev, Winnipeg: . It. A. to 500 per cent. It has doubled I
. .Viceroy of India and. Can- me . a dunce, pltiase? - I'm tired or iwA by antlions of wuLliers foe their ohildren whiia PY110, . I"s(I., 14-1),,. VJIX�, To- . . .
seen or heard of than a sue,cosakul from rain. - It is.doubtful whether and and there, too, has won golden tqotbing, With perfect oucaebs. It snotbets tile chil4l. )'Onto.,. ,, I I In valtie Since ail opflon wits. ob- I
. �
is 014 bast. ropedy for Warrhoea. Di P ea�ant tv tbo Are,�tors,l Olin �111ulall J."sq., . ,glit months a'go, ..
joclkoy. Xa,n,v of these gifts are pt any of these explana0ons Is true, the opinions .from everybody, - dancing.with. those -silly' little colon- softetto the guntr, ullara all pain, utirea ,T,ind colic, and . 7 tained about ei
1. . .
Ot - real reason ,hxosi probably being that Lord Lans-d , . They no 'Stylo, . bofore bc)ng'fhlall.� jni�cliased by I .
a highly vallitable order, while I b . I Ial gir . I taste, �ioltl by druggidta in every vat of tire wor d. ,'Collect6,, ' - I . . .
ers speak plainer than words foo,r the the vitalizing. dew 4�dnnot 1!Orm upon . Owno was One .of tile bollevo I'm oil I of Customs, Toronto; � tile Company. -.NXhatever thb pro-- . I
� best Viceroys India ever -had; but gaged to ojict of t ieni r%vonty-siveoeasat-oale, Itx value in inoaictila4fe. . ebas, Young, M.P.P.., willillpe . - , , ", . . . I
acceirtwicity of the dvaoi, says Lou- tlio.grass under a tree- whereas as a the- English official . - for ,the - 'next danev, but ,you anight , .136 sure and a5k tot, Mrs. Nviusloly"o sootblug syrup. 9; fits ale, obleois of tile Colliparip L I
s used. to stly that Lad tt.tke no0bqrk!nd... - . .. . I , R- ',NTOtgan,A-'sq,, Junior'Coun . . . .
dou Tit . . I . . ty - and sb areb old ers. n2 0 .on the . -
-Bits, . rule both�raifi and light can reach it; Lady Lansd6wi e really governed. tile bo: kind enough to resc�iv me." . . . I It I . . � .
I , )Lady IJ . ' -L t i . I .203-74 - , ' udge, Toronto; it... .AV. ITill, sallic rooting, ano tho conlp6ny's. , 1. .. .
. � I .
. One of them wanted' . alisdowne* replied, It. ones � . .1 . . .. 11 . . � .
. . - , � .
Fired Arether was tile nwist for- PeW is -proliably essential to -the Coulltry� If _Ste L .. . i I Esq. Wjpnlpeg� T, W. Andrews, book�,. lirr� always, ppon� to the I'll- .
tulaute Jockey in thdis respect tallat . , . it loud,enough toi, everybody to hear; 't I;, , . ..
well-being .01!.- both 'plants and ani- bridge, or, ail Irrigation tank� or ' a l "The firs a ni or oil, tile Tbamo-q " s(f. WilinipeLn A." 1". Ilowvy, . . � 1.1
� ,that. the Colonel was Linfit 'to .as$o- � I I spectton of shni;eholtlors.
ever livtad, On one occavian $50,- mals to a greater. Gxtelxt.tlian. is Taluine -relief' appropriation for 'his .. . w6fi the "Marjory," ill - 1 81'4,. * ,',pbc: . .11 -'Sq-, Winnipeg, J. J. liorebank . . . -
* ., . I - . .
000 in. notes was sent him anomytra- known; and the beautiful expression. dlstrict; lit, -would try to inter"t ciafe-.iiith afiv decant poople" coloili- "Richillon 1"iiq., Tovolita; IT.- AT ,;.V a.4t,. All -cheques pavabic. on'account * . : . .
. .
ously, and he is said to bla�ve ra"Ide in the prayer b6ok, "POU -1, upon Lady Lansdowne in the matter rath-� al or dtherwi I so . ;.-aiid tionclitilud: ' . . d" .' followvd* I - lier . a year . . . of - q6)ck should 'be inado pay'able , ' - -'. - .
, i later,.. . � . . .1 , . 11'sq., Barrister, Turont . L1 .. . . . �
I ',If this is tile way.y6u treat .your.. . . � . .1 .. . . , . ,.
$45,000 a year by Presents of this th�ra the continual dew of Thy bless- er than the Viceroy, ,if. she could I I . � . Campbell, AVinnipp- ; , . �. to"..th6 qrdvr or. The. Trust afid �
. I
kind. But nowadays big gifts of i4,g,.'?.,may be renlei I Abered. . in th I is, . guest% .1 Will rolieve volt of the ilrc.g;- - . . .., . . . . I . I '.. , .1 ,� . Gil raotee C . - 17i .., . ... . . . . .
xqoftey are rarely bektowed, &I- , . � be convincod . thLit tile thing was ' ... TN9 0 EATPRAlitir iuv,-sri4cNr=JPANY, o., No, .1,� . - ng� S . t .
connecti6n, - . � - . I I . . oneg of Quo.,of thein at once." Tlitin Vile Lver's Dr -$gap (a. powder) . , , We 4 . . . . . .
. . . I � needed, she.would soon set th , Y. � Fl- I MWTID. - st, Toronto,. � . I . . . .
t1hougfi it is said. Waitts received , . . � o 4 � I I I . 0 'right slip ord6rea her carriage and left the tio.. 'Wn-.11 "6010118, "it'd .4all-nols!'- . Write for prospectils. ... . I .
810,OW from a.n 4d=irer four years I . . I . I wheels to work and got it. . ' . ball. , I � V . I rya,�'ll .like it. . .�' � .. � . . haya purebasecl. it huge block of. ': .. I � I . I -a... ' .1 I . �. � I .
. . . . . . . .1 . , I . . . . . I . .. : : . , . .. la STA-ir-MENT OF AS8z*8 - - - . . . % .
Ug)D- . When ,Lady Lansdowne ,went out . . . . . l h orporation lim- . I . � . . I . :
. IVIiile on, a tour in Manitoba One. . . . . . - . . .� � � .1 7 1. . . , .
Awther. hoWever, set ,gireater Store .. into'the strects her.carriage, , w4litia - . . its a?.: Winnipeg and embracing . The- Coin any has pt�irchased. - . I .
LUMBERMAK TELLS ' I I ho summer Lora *.and Lad' -LEinsdownfi .Vrsi Malaprop�-sovnetirncs hits.the. . . .P �.
Oin soUne of the more *dAing sou . . . bo surrounded by natives w want- y - - 4,500� building lots, situat - h ' . .. .
� . nail On the heo4 - Xt I o It! t e building.... i�ts, 25� " .. .
I ..1. ; . I I . � I . * - were driveil'by. &'hoavy thundevstorm rained in tsyr- . .4, 500 . .1 X 130 � .
. . �, .1 . . I I . I
Vet*rs lie received. F\.oT .iiistance, � � . � . ed grievances-*dressQd- ,at- privileges , * ' , . . h iii so,.- They kVI-4ts. as sbc lef tb!Q best rmidential - section, where, . -), 1-0 - . . I . I
1. . . . , . to Suok shelter in a -tvin o N : cMirch' on �1;up- tile jinpulse I .
- ' . 118 * EXP RIEND-111 granted�t6 them by the Governinenti . . . . rent. Total ' frontage. Itu 5 0 . '. .�
. . .
after he haid rkdden Silvio to vie . 4 I & , , 101, in values .will be . I . . .
.. .1 . 1� were togetber Ill a siliall QPL 3iijig without an -,innUrella. , I . 11 . I .
toiry ower the Derby ciotualse in .1877.' . � . . . 1. 8ho would go to gr6a:t ti -6 n ti.-ap'- . -1 � .1nost keenlyroati7ec.1, This liand.; .. feet. - . 'I., ��' : ,, � � ,.,,,. * I . . I . I .
. . .. . . uble,,�' to, and none of file vicerodal'.party was �11j,11111 il'l'iL*tl'till,g'tlli.JS'-iS'!" S3',�.o ejuCil; ; . . . . .1 , I . . I., I .
. . .. . . . 1. I
. . �
a tra-V came up to him and pri�- TJOw ina,ke, inquiry - into their cases . dild - - --------- . .. � � . I � I . JS* be'ruitifully'wooded.and is con- . Tile gornpomy',) oitlinato onpra- , '' .. . � . . . 1.
. ord.Lanscidwille -'gave, a I . . . . . ; I
DODD'S; KIDNEY � PILLS . with them. . 'L ' I''ted, . . I I . .1.
a tli�ree-penhay- I ' ' � ceded by fdl �*Wftuilpeg investors . I.
sented him with see, - justice done. At nights she. . I . . . . , . . . "ritvNitioptiftbolnudla-from . : . .
QUICXLY. CURED UIS'LAME " - his-nalne as�Fitzllladrice tile. family. 1, I . .- . . � � .. , 6,I.to to sm,00 per fost (anonid. - I a 1-1
. I Ve . garb- . . . I . . I . t -eq -t of . . I . . .
iyiece,,� which froxii, 1h,at day fo� . . would g6 disguised fit nati . o be.the best i ,idential Pat I inktolocarlbu).� 'llhis�N.vou)d , � . I
waafd he always wore as a talisman .1 . I BACK. I I � 1. . Into .tile poorest quart - naine Of the, LanstIcivnies ;eing- P.Ctrty- , - . BfXbElt 11"Al,ki '. . tbo ci L' .' A street cal- lino. W. �. . . .
. . . . .. org of .0 ,alcut- Fitz . . . . I 11 . . . I . . y yield at, even,an- average 0! � .
. . . L . - �*. I . .. .. . Inaurice,'. � I � . . . . . I . I I I . I . . , 63 00 perf6ut .......... %;., � -3 . . , , :
I S. 7,500.00 ,
in every race. 04i Derby Day ath- ta -'On Inissiolis -oi 6barity or -justice, - I. S-oule. of. tbe I inpo rtant' features'af. ; now being completed, which pass- � . . .. . . :
. N. Baskin, of Norwood, like . The farmor and Ills wife wolconied* ' as i Coat of Ittvid. edvortislog.*w�. � . .1 .
nulallY, too, he -A-a;s .tli,e m4ipiout of Williain , a fenifoine IRtroun-alRasc hid. . w flilda.10V rods o1-,6e'n6Tth- : . � � I . .
. . them, tho'.X-asw�-llarri4- Binder are.,. . - - ; . . . . .
ties Good �Vith true .21[anitoba hospitality,, 1pol.Lfl) . I I pewwi'.of mRnftg'Jm(ntJorL the'
a dozen linen Shirts frotm an anor* :9.i, Advice and Others A Patirect Indian. Judge tells :a curi- ENG .!>JVlDI!M3; -'NO ")Olt$. . end of this property; and anotber. : * ,., ensu ing yeari approNJ init Led 41; :I lf,000 00, ' , - .' .
I . . . and. insisted- upon thwir'staylli . 'You literely ' line is proje " - : - .��--�-"� - � . . . I . . I � .
Mous admirer, while 9,niong the oth- - are Following it' With..'S lendid *- - 0 u§ .stOl7. about - Lady. 1,allsdowne. . I . �' ror or ifuts -to' Linqcrow. To- � 'cied'. , to �run , 6n the ' . Pro'lit balance to Conipany .... 8-227,500-00 -. '
. � .
. . . 1.
v him were . ". . . . the night, as , the. storni ', did not lease, - , §P�Ijj� . . . �
er t1riAles recei'ved b, � . . p I I., coregal.. lodge - I. . it on tile. 6utside V- 01ts It;' - . - . . . . .. I I . I . . � . . I I .
a Ues'alts, . I .. He was dining'at the vi . t 'Sitle of . . .. 1. � . 11 . : . .1 � . I
�grsAd plano. a yacii�, a Htter of - I . . . ... . . . � abat6. I;.ady Lansdowne helped to, . L , --;.- .. . . I I - .
- . . . I . � . one night, . and. tbe .conversation . . . ' vider and unhock. the inside one to .. . I .
. �
Young Pigs, ankl a share bi a rLOrth- -Worwood, Ont.,' -July 6 (S,p�cial);�-- turned : . , upon . I got tea ready and d& tile t1vaning folci,j I . I . . I . �� . . 1. . . I � I . . . . 1. . . .1 �
. , a sensational inurder chores, while' her husband listened" hent, A youngsfterx's.ri d6. ' it : t--==�, '. . 41 .7 - � .. - -...-.--- . ..... �-'� I . .. . . . I
. . . I .
. I
country public-houso. William N. Baskin,' the w6ll-krioift trial 'Which lie was conducting at . . P a Vlerman.y dug 101 ii-Xillion toils .of , j.Touse-o . wilbr-"You. didn't pay �be . I '... . .1
. I . , easil�; and pro' erly, ' 710 Diviclai, . .
. ..
One of the most cuiriloibs i-alismaps lumberman - 'and reiilroa ' d �contractor the time. '' - ' -: . I gravely to, ' * the - f armer's Views Oil - a,f*C V01Y Agid, in their working pos- coiril last, year, raising- her to thlift rent last "k -"No? . . . t . .
ver worn by a joulkey wias the bul� of this place, 'tells of 1. ...what *tile G.Ovornnlon.C,of Canada � .
e% . � . . an experience After dinner Lady-Lansdowrie draw . ' . itions, ' and : reniafri -at whate�dr rank.as a 6oal-producing country. .. . .inout ' 11. Tenant ' , L
let . . . . i4 . ought to do and ought -not� to doi . . I -1 I . Well, J .Suppose yott'll hold in6 to .'�. -
always Ineep,arable fmim the late with Dodd's'..Xidney' Pills, that S the judge Apide and said:' , , - .. � Angle thdy- -arejolde�l over the.. con-, . . . �. I I - --: -1 .
. , . I . I . . - -. - - . your. agreeniont?' . -
Haimy GrImsiliaw. JAiwt 'befoi,e one bound to be 'of iliterest, to the pub- not want -to interfere With The declared 'a I . . . . Otviioi -"Agree- - . ,
, . .,,I do. Y. fterward tllftt it was veypr canvas. I . � . . � I ,
. . . inont! What., agreern I
. tile .. most enjoyable evening . -
of his big races a powerifully bu-11t. lie generally,., , .. your judicial 'dutie�, but I know. as � illey' FLOATING ,ELEVATORS. ' 6n0l" 7'ciiant- � I . . : 1.
'For'two yoarS,"- says. 11 . r.. Bas� . ---- !"hey I d S Liaheot Nato r ' -W 'y* ' ` . .
man came up and, Fiio,%ving him :a : " I � Spent ,while they were in -0iinadr.k.- liter , Mon-af , d ul. It-,,, when I rented, y . .
all-ab�Q'lute fact that the' illiul Ittho I . Q-IIV- noat.' Tbe gritin - cannat. .. . . . . ..QU said 'I . - .
' . "That - old, . *rarnwr,i, r .. . I . .
�y- 1arris -r. . . - I . in , r . .
up ' Ith 1, me ]Back Is c iged with that v - . . ft, 1), advanee o . not . at all .' . I .
bullet, said: "If yolp lose, 1.111- .put kin:� "I � 6 'I -'d * : fia 11 m said Lo�rd ;tic -k �r c h . . mus ay - 4 , . .! � -..�.,
wa , at w i a iurder is fit o. ' . I � Oka. jil�, tho, Iftse I I . . I � 1. . I � . ,
this through you, but if you' . , I I I I Lansdowne, -in 6 lecture on Canada. elcVia�t,or, .-no. 1 itter, 11 . .: 11 I �, -- . I.. . . . .1,
win. and X:ldhey Disease. I *would. ,at' Cont, . if you will .send 'a .ddtective . 14 W much it i's So She rej6ptevil you, d1d aho?. . . � I , 7- . . :I � ... ; �" ,
I U ' . . I I I . - ' . 0. . . , . . 11, I . � V 11 . I . . , �. . .. . . . � .
-rim .. times become �wea,k and to m& to-iii6rrow mornilig I.will.. di- . � . I , - . Your propwal dildra't,'plea,se her?". �
0 Shall wear it f.or life.'! Q I ' which be gave at Dovdr�! E'llgland, ' fluiieho,d.- . ' , - .
*.the of? wo have to. leave . . . ' I . I I I -.� . . . .
Naw won, a,nKI a few days lat as , 11 m rs afterward, "had a clear -w- I'D, MNOTTZR. Vapf� Itr Mhad's t1himeat.5tAums, etc-� - -, , -
er rk, People. Who knew me*.. r6ct'him to the hou,sa wl&e the real . . � �. SIATPI . ble of " NVO 1, I can bard'h, Sn 'it didn. - . . . I . ..
I . '
bullet set ill gold as a wartch. ohamn lumber'nian, and contract'or -6n- the Ailwder6r- I. !or bead . for p6)it!d%. 061,1 most Of adjustinent to' take . up . I.. . .. y . . . . I . � . . I
. 9 now � hiding. - C only - . . . Wear. - I pleimto her. J th-Ouglit. sqho'd never , ----�-- I - - I .
''. '
arrived. and be wVre At fill the day C. F,, R. ' and Pariy'Sound Railways discovered the, fac.t. this afternocii I the statesihen -and. diploniatIsts, J RENEDL., - Suited ' -'.for ' handling &foki lau Wirg. I! , . .. .� . � 0%. , . 0 .
of fils death. , . . . , " 11 . ., 1, . 1. �. I � I . . . . .. . . 1.9 . . . . , . .. . . . n Bay's : . I
. knew how: sick -1 was., ' : - I whon I'was down the hav'd mot.": . 1. . . ". . L crops.'Linder' all. condi.tions* of'- wea- . .. - , .. . Georgia
. m in ,disguis � . . . .� . I .. , . . �
. �
I . . . , , , I
, '
E'very successful jockey receiv,es, 'in "Reading � -ful cures . . . - one or �' ..'Lord Lansdowne is the I twelfill' of ther or. Jand. Ii: itrill pick'u(s tang- * '.. , " ` , I ravoTito tummet B . ota,3 , - I
., . 6f wondoi - by i with: oiir syces." ,. � , , I .., I I . . * MIMENT ' . . . . . . .�
jewelry in i , . ithp ptatesilien to whom:-thd' con(luct, �ed 'oi! laid gridn and,lay'it 4eatly 'L . . .
e. tot' t ry. �41,11'0. alloughi t ic mutdQrer . :was. ENGLISH SPAVIH -
the colurse of the season, srulfficiont Dodd'i X-Idney Pili�. 16d in . I . .1
I the shape .-of Vld- in of' foreign afYafrs..,;vas intrusted dur- On: tile table, It also .1madles long t � . . �
watralies. rings., and tic-pibs, to .1 them. ,. - I u'sed .three boxes and afn caught, its J,�dy Lansdowne, 116.11 . . . . I Affloves. all hard, sort or callouged lunlr,o .. �' I . . I
cbmpliately.. c'ured. I I .Can' say ',now .sdid, and the in ' I ifig-Alie reiga of, the lute Queen ViL-. or 01ort graln- with splendid -,vuc- . .. .. I .
stiock a sl .. . � I . ndc�ont mail was ro- . . . . � . I . . . and blernislios froni h-usm, blo,)d spavin, ' - . .
litall shop. Some jockeys i h .. Itoria".'aiid lie bids fair to achloye as :0F$. - . . i w. , . PA1111Y SOUND . .. . 1.
. 6�, 1 ave not had any pain.s since 11 .used- leased-,, This� .incident, bo.couling .. � I - . I . Curbs, splints, kini; bone, swe.oney, Atiftem., . . . . I � . .. . . . .
ftsibrib'ute those sauvenirs aip - . . . .1 . � ' t as 1,pra -vvolleti threat, cough4i WC., . .
. .. big a iypu atioh, ,o- ,R .BEARINGS 1hroughout iq�. soro arid. s .. .
tl;eir frien.cls, but Toni Can ' " .9.1 Dodd'dX4dnq,4,r' Pills.". . � I ., known) made lifir, Nwy.:Popular ' with ,any of his 131. ,11OLLF 1 '0�50 by use of one bot"o. - Wn rrant.6d - . . I .
non got I * ti I � . . � dbce�ssors.. . Ile' has a high s6nsa of to lij�jiten Vio draft an'd rnal.w. rLile .1 I`I&N most wonderful care ever , . THE SAM SOUCI . .
tile I - wh o NIL Bas- 1:0 people . of Calcutta, who are not I . . I . * ' . .
tog(APILI- a collection of all , : ,Others ha' followed Mr, � 4 . � I work dasy� for.. the horso$, Tile ; kmowrt. - iijoiniati . . . I . `JdOOX'RIVP�R P.0, .
queer gifts he Odn's e�dvice'and tried Dodd's I'Lidney' ,used to :r�,nglish ni6ni-sahibs. taking Public �dtit,y- and . . . � I . I I . . I I I . I . . , , .
I I � ll�asts know 'When they are hitched . 1, - . � , , . . I 1. . I .
receivvd. Among P;i3ls report shnilar,res' N - " , .1 . . 1.� I IN , I . a for rates, - - .. . . I I .
t Item was a pair of boots willich' had, . . tilts. ,o fo rin so hiluch interest in .' I . . .. U.NTI It G INDUSTRY. ' , 1'r � . .
. . . .� . �� ... .. . . I I I ns .9 - , bore � , killin . . I . . . I
� .. . I I . . . , .., to a M - 4�1-axrir�-it ru so:ea i I . Fandliar . Y, burt yo � Writ
walj� � of, Xi duey . Disease can stand befo' I .1 . � osGoy . . � . 11
been 9011t him' b. _ . I re I : THEIR IIUATJ3Lr. LIVES. .. .110 ! works 11 ,r than i'vily of - .. . ar I -ways busy w,lien'l aoiiile ill. I . �
v a illa,li who I th6m. , . � . . . . I .. I � �' . . ai!do ..Ills � . . � I . 1. . .1 . . I . 0'a . . I JAXES. K. PAISLEY �
. I . ' lig * his'd( . I' , , u, . . . . . 9 . I �
od front Yorl� tio Ek3s.om amd backed . . . . , Lady Lansdowne , would ,lot tell clerks, often sitti ,dt -sic until . . .1 The, �Victitu - . t still Yp"Li'.come : � . . . I I . .
. ,
his iniounts. I . � ----"-�- I how she found Out tho'.uiurdtrer. �3hc dawn, writing important dospatches ,q)f4l'you ever notice 01at alin 'tj�ln. " . . . I I . . .. . . . Grand Union tlotol, . I .
. . . . .
. I O -S . I I . I... . . I . . . I . . .
On one occasion ail v�,nto BIRDS AS SURGEGN�9. ' I , all tho,' iiii.sers ine4iti6iietj i;n ., 1. I . . . I I OT rAWA,t CAN % � -
InYmolis � I said that .she wado it a ruJ6 never. to* King. Edward -s . ainba.,ssa6ors '? the . . I . . . 11 . . � I
. - .
. , .
. s a- .. � .. .1, . .1 -..-.- - .
- � . . � . . , 't nwl;ers are 't'iligle'll"'on? as3<�d.' -Neural&' ' �C=%.A6.- "4
gift to a iockey led to a pretty ro- I . to talk abowL .her ex�,-ursiorl*.. in'll ' wbich. lic, 'doe.q not care, to. entitis , - , MIn8rd's Llfllmeot-ReflevOs
* I. N1,:at.tR " , 'ToW, , I ano , n � I ''
Inan"P. The -Slaipc iviakes. a, very Credit- �,., �.". gvmwekl If�.,. I - ... . �
The jockey had J)mn for- tive costunle, 'lost slid should get oven, 'to'tb6-ni6sf c�.onfldential assist- I. .1 � ---� A WALKI
, I . . . . .1 .1 � . da; - I I I .
. . . . atts. '!'ANfaq1i'Je,d inivers are - tOIO: "or � "Tile acouaties ill
tfull-tim ('11ou"gli to stoor ail Oaks � able Dressing. . her na0VV'J-uid0S .alid fr�jends into Vant- . , . I . . . . . . . I�cotur of �,6ur OLEA I N G ' on 140:.. . .
whislur, and oil ev r�y -clubsequent ail- . . . ' .. I (-*Onlli'.On to be wtifth wentioning,,", � ." I V OUTINO .
V , Some Jnt&esting obsery I ati6rfs ro- trouble wit� tIlcir Own poopIt'. - His couraqo, moral. ''as *well tts. . I . I itali are, vory*bad, sir." , Proprietor LAD] . . .. .. �. SUITS. , . �.
L � I I i . .. , -- - I I � . � I .
niveis;oxy a box of eggp, arrive'd ,from . I ITer husband .was famous for .two k3hysical, is another iinportant Eluali� ' - . . . .. . . . I "No' air.iq: they're all 'right, 1t, was Can bo don* porfGatly by out French Process.: Tr� It. . . .
lating to the surgical treatniout of - � . , - , 77 I I " , . . . 1. �. � I .
lrrlani3, As the parcel was always - things during Ills stay'lu India -his 4 ficati oil fo*r his high 0111,1co. Ile i's thv's�>ap factory you sanelt. . .: BRITISH Mrutmk D.YgIfia go; . . . . .
110 I wounds' by birds - wore . recenti,9N dreEld. of tile ,Iu. S,alls ' . . to I M 0 . � . . I . I
vd-ltres-3(�d in a, lady's writj4)g . s and his i��ur- not .aftaid to make, tip IiLs, wind Oil M xd'sliol � dt fuf. sale'evefid "re .
. , I � � . . . ,. . . I . e - . 1. - ' ' TOURS ,.K0I1TA3AJ4 TOKONT0. OTTAWA a' CUEURd .
i brought byrAl,J'aflo before the lyny- i I � .. . . � ..
evenluftllv 'fl -de inquildeq anvl fouind, gor'�shooting.' Ile :sa.w the I a hig clu�stlon�or have.1t, niaile up. I. . . Xlyrr .. . . I
I Jsital.socleiy .of Coneva.., 1-10 quotes . . I I . PLAN NOW F OR SUI '�It ! . . ..1-44 � . .
tt-0 fl -y")" to bo an TrI,-Ji lass t.,ji- shand. of tile, Itussians overy'where-ill ! fov. him by his clovvr wlfk-and' to M0,1miis -- "ll'OV did. - . . . H I' . 1. - . � -- �
xag�,d fit poultry farii,6u,v. i the e4l�se of. the shipe, which 'he 114 ' SlAfg,lidnistan, 'in Persia, lit Kt I isinni.r. i stand. by i , t, whatev I or ill, 'I . .1s . k,, . I The looak- his arm?" A "UrPhY NO matter wiloro,you are going, ,I .:
rovevy lr-,d to a meeting,' 'Phe dis- 1 often. observed 6rigaged in rep . McKIllAa-9'FOI-J in.the United Statos; . Writo to Fred. i Dominton Lino. Steamships
airibig! :n.�tlje 1, ,, , , " . I . . I
� I .
'�� Wiih 10 atuirs, even it! �fiative, rfats . wfiid . of * Popular claindri- dbes no I t , "' I 1.1,g * � ille dolatol S
and. the up- 10WI1 - Pr(�,';cl1Ptl.On," 1). Pox, 'care'Laciawanna Itailroad, ' If'o - &I to Uvorpool. Ilastoyt to Liv,"r, . . I .
* d 4 A I I ag e S, -its beak arid feath- - . . . - . . I . ,C 6T:r ,eux � I �
71 I I Fortlaud to Livbrp9ol. Via quc - . .1
vli,ot of fbe nitatter ,wai, tilctt .tllcd ... � � lin Cal6itt.a,. :111s, subordiri is S116�vil NTc0'2l11nlS.- "Ph%�at Ill . . I . .
partif-t ck).n entered for the f el's �it iviakes a very' credItablo dress- at( 8 ,used inove him. an inbh�, ,That wt. � W4<1 ' Ills' - IW[Yalo N. �Y,, 'for Tates anti routes. , towe. - : , . . . . .
inabri�- I ' . - . VI ; I . . .
. . . �djng to; laugh dt� his Itupsophollia.' 0ailily ohovigh by Ills contompt -, -it bivkv atit av th',.-Arinidow, Very ch* sions during Abe.' . lAtite4ndl-'Aot$teainsbipo.,.4ui)eilbr ac,ornmo4ation , . . . .
movial MARes. . Ing, � applyllig plasters to' . . � . . . for I S : i for wt 0148004 of paps6ogers. stloorn; ftn� Statorooins . .1
. . . VOUI14 , bloc . "I really. 'bvllie�,c, Said one- of tile. .,;�pria.bf abusL ficaped, upon -bi'ii�� and .Murphy . . Wilit. after It...' I . I 1. . . . suinnicir. to Atlantic .Cit B t ' I . . .
, -orton rL sliccp�qspill joc * 111,' -� 'ing p bi'6ken .. . . I . I .. , y, .
VerA iw S - and eN ni socul � . I . . Os 013 Are amidahip.1, Apecial attention has been given to the
. T,pv IS .. I . . .. -1 1. . I � I
pwmq(�rvted with tile saddle amwi'NVii1fillixub b 104MI, .'.Itbitt Lansdowne thinks. in in' the, varll��r stagqs.�of the, South ' - '�' . and Now . Yprk� ' Examrsioli . rates second Saloon slid tillilrd-Class a-cornluot Atiop. For 11
,y Ineahs of a stout-11gature.. i his licart of lica . rts that the Russians 'African war.. . �: . . , . , I Wea of Passage and all pagLioularlso apply to hity, !J .Pt� ., I -
, , I
I . "11111STIAN I .,' I v .
. . .. .. tl�Ni)L,-A.�Von . Plan . ,tTho company, or .
11st"ri ilt, the race. wid' th6se nj,� - Occasion Ile -killed 4i sniPol , . 1�' DEXVI,r, now tit . c(Tect to all resorts. . I .� . I
I a] Oil One i ' I 1 . I . . . . I . . I . . �.. . � . . I 1. .
tlaurw the, falilines. atid ,the floods The 111-itish Foreign Office luls beef), p"r . now, - . . . i klebardt MIR$ & co, 1). Terrance 4 Co.. I I . ..
ly ( � Qh:the phes't.g. larfre.dress . . I 'tile - JaLernati6nal Coliv ' - �� . . - ; .,
wvlYq .rvapped ill) I -ollvctjorj�* of which had - c " . . . I
.orting . - d a for.its hokipi- , t De �. . 9.0 . . .
' De ,))v t int �d of down taken . from ,I whi�h �- trouble 1. us,--Mry I now .and note for generation ofitlo;l . :1 V t4wat"llodon'. MontrealandPartlaitt?
Rl tD,o4;hjo-,A. At a -I .r compose � . . . . ' I )cc partioF �n,.,Or� july 9 th, to 130, .the . . . . .. . . . I '. I . . . . . . . I .
. I , �
ireett'rig a r,�%v Yer.u.g 0go tPle wil�liq&r pal�ts of the body and secu then." � . . . . t all ty. .file Foreign 0113 � Ilicial PoU6 solactild by'tho Tmus. Tbore,q 'a - 'young wimil . Ail 11 wh I o I ........ :--- . . . . . I .
rely 1,0141 Lansdowne spi,mt *large suins tire loading foatures'of.tondon's! so� I I :, .: , .
ning iocke.v F,ol(l It;.,; willip for *$2,�1-fixed it) tile wo'lind by tile ct).kgulk1L- . . . :.-rtatlon. Maildge-ra tot, Ontario *nd muli-z�s Httle thJngs cowlt." "Eryw I . . .
600 beol-�,- leavfiig� the cour's" - :. of woney while in' India in drvelop. clal life. . -Tit(, have been presided . . . . a U scientille ptincloali count foe -Anything � � I
0 ed. blood. Twlcv ' lio has brought- . . . .y . t I 0 b o t is -via the Chicago anti does .sho do.it?" "Teachos arIthmie- tb, pritent Inflated air pkd trusii should be is . � .
. I tocret , - by some of. the most accOni- I P) ,
ingAliv t oel,vic departiumit. lie ovet . School'L . ....... . .. . .
. 1. fbollll.."�Iflpe with interwoven foathers . .e . `brLhAVt,S't,,11Il and t-raiall, paLlill, tic in al pritirar3" . F&Ceosa, It, holdit 026 Paris in suph P08111031
-4-- hoped. it would circumvent tho ulal�� plisbod wonivn of the- Victorian ora. . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ti th fair Play tbeylkiwit boa[. 16111blit. . ..
Strapped an to the site of fracture. � - -t,. . --'-'.. -;- -:,,-�,���,.-:-,-'-'-";--...�--.� -, . ��,��=-= 1-11 -tIz.=-!�-, ...,rt,� ' �0 "IllWaYS. .Special. train of 4.6tii-Ist' I . I .'-' and your confid6nee I .
----- � I . . . % 'h V. t.b,o tQ wear, ,�
� . � . I � . - � - . - ---- . . . I I n -
11 of oue ot, . oth I . I . . . !&gw=� feeptag: cars. through , to Penvor, - . . I . '� 4 o mothent � I
SICKLY BABIES,� or* litub. Tile inost' � .. - I . .. I � . .1. r.st?.,odr1I1 it fa md.itisted, You
. . � . DS NOW . I I . froin 0gr lielb joid Trttss.
- . . ' 'A a4ino'. , . �
I . . I I was Cured, ot )Bronchitis and 14fic. 00- 116tri 4 t . ..
. ' Snipe, both of whose legs. lie li�d un� 199 . "(11, 116turn . limit ' Attgtts� 8:Lfjt, . . . . . Ave, Toroat'j, Write now. . . . I
r example was that of ,a *, . .1 I I . � I jokets oil salt- July Oth. 70 aild - . con lit oaure it, onl 11 �Poofxlfan,;, 433 SP . I . .
itt . , Dunips '*as W46r of a lass � Very low ratog from .ail Sta. 43 IJ NIMN, . , . .
-cat I fortunately biloken by ;a inisdirecit . , Jiln NT , .
Weak, sickly babies at o a. gl J illtoregiiu� I ? I . . V03 Asthma* by UINARD', .1 , I I :.- , 99-47 -, . . . . I ..�
-a. They need , con I I .- .� . 0 I 5 Who,,by her brightness,, led her 'long' n C . . LIVINUSTONE. . . - . I.. I
trial to mothoi - -shot. He recovered the atillual ofilyl 1. . . . I . . I . I I lanada, Writo lor ofilciat I MRS. zA, . '.1 I . ,. .
stant caro both night und day and 'I the day . fQIlowlI)g, and lie then found I . � I . I ,. . I � 'ndeavor folder, rates and I I . .. . .... . I
. class. 1111stian 14, Lot 5i P. ED, L � ..
. I . � . . � � I 'lui attack of (I IN it L" . . I I
loon wear tho inother out. Baby'.% � that, the pool, bird had contrived to I I . : I . The teacher Asked Mi.is . oll. illf6piriation .to 11, H, Boutiett .) I was C -ed of ct severe LINI�. .1.1 BAIN US . LEMOW. .1. . . .
., . . I . atism by MIN I . I
little stomach Is the cuitise of most ' *apply drossiligs 'and a sort of splint - . bumps the question: I "EvAt Xhigo Strout, Toronto, , -. ' . Allbuill' ARD,'S I .
I I I . I . .
. . - .
. . . � I I - I -- - . UONT. 1. . We have Nlexii!ans, Wlk' * . . I I I
Df the trouble; it is very weak, and to both linillg. . . "HoW can you best' assist. . I . . � I
� . �
In consequence very easily upset. . 11) Varrying out . this Operation � .. 1. I 11 . I digestion P " I �85-1111111 13Py (to gar(,v,n(-r) - VOU Mahone Bay. JOIIN MADE,R. C:tlifornia Navols� . . ilAvc- .
* , I .
I I .
. �
Ilaby's Own Tablets will curo. all. hei;s had become entangled, . . . I , . 1497* eating 'Force." When bavell't any sparecrows In �. 1� I was .Cured of a severelysprainod Valincias, atid . I THE - I
, I I solne rent .. . I . � aur. gal I I 1AXIM1,13NT. .. . . . . : .
baby t. oublos. They ara it Ildly. I around the boak, and, not being able I I told to hiln, , . don." Oa�tdwlL�4, - -N log by. MINA.HVS ISivillos. I 33r -,ST .
laxative and glvj� .1 . 0, illy boy", . I.
1 -to use its cl , . I This story tickled it Sunny Jim." I , 1 6-� '%f I , .. -T . I O . I
prompt relieff. Con- aWS to get. rid of them.. . . . S41fall Iloy Olyn,ocoatly) I JOSJTJA IVYNACIIT, . I .
verning them Mrs. R. J. Balfour, . ft, was allilost dead from hunger whe . 1. . CoOrso, you do'"'t. wil'ut, t-lioln whan Bridgewater. I 1 I I 1. . I . . . I � .
Omenine, Ont., says: ' "I have -ur I I III I I . Oakond every week. All Own'bove tit � . I . .
, ,ed ' discovered.. � . . . I �. � I . . you ilra there youl-�p1r,,1 1, . . . . . . . .. . "rkef. prices. Wo call i .&)so handle y.oqr . I
Baby's Own Tablets I . �;. I . � I . : . , I . I
. for stomaell In a case recorded by ,M, Magnin, . QS I . . I . I Butter, oultryt 11 .
troubles and constipation froln whicil a s1lfPv which' was obavrved to fly .1 I . . 11 DENVVIt AND 001�On2�DO. ----..- . r=ggst P . .
� I I '
Illy little girl surfarcd and they en4 away with a broken leg Was sabse- I I . Oil Juno 30th to . Jlo. :Loth Inclu. Viderly Lirdy - 1,Was, that vour I'AtalpieSy'rtipat.idotlioilpi,odtYcOr toadvao, . .. .
. I � I I I I
. 16 1 QQ I tw,e for you, . . .
tiroly etin-d her. They produced (ItI.ently found to bave forced the - I � . . I I . I .81vo, tile UrabaSh will sell round trip tis,tvr I Saw yod %% I th yentordia,N-, I 0 1
sound, rufrc,shing! ,qlceri, and I regaril Iraginellt, I ,kots 'to Tie -
s : Into a parallel po, " � .
,ition, � . UL Spillngs, John'tw?" & - (,tly si --�'O W CAWSON COMM14910140ol Lidiltatito
I I I , pfl,jln�N 'ad '. x) . �
them P.q indisimitisible fit any holll(), the uppor ,fragment roaching to the � I . I or Pueblo, Colo,, at the Inwest vlve�l T 1(yok, � 111-�p a tollol� wlt�'a waso., Ills cor. *60t matekat ot., v6gorvro. , I
I Vo . I . . I . .
where ih(ry at,(, little ones,' knoe. and secured thein there by I . � I . made from Canada, 4111 itZkoiR good tiluo O'll sisters I . 4 44
.. - ..... . - �. '. .. ..... .
Mothers rroni all Parts of Canada InoullS of a strong band of � -to return until August lilot, 19o;3, ,
feathers � I . r, k, � . � * . .. . I 1,11, I .
write Ill favor nf BaIWA Own Tab- and Inoq. .. I I Oil Julv 3-st to 10�11 Inclusive, spo. M00=601111am- 111119113M W�l
q fnterynln�le(l. The obser- � I L � ; . I . . I . � .
lots. proving tl)o 09hy, that they art) Vers were Particularly struck by the I 11 tCha, gexdy,t�-Isorvb Coma I . - I �fftllow * rate exOrsiong to 'San CUPI �n , K*
% I . \ . .
the %,(-r:v best niedicille for all the aj)pIi(!fttjqn Of -a ligature of & kind of I , I L Pralicisco, Los A3igo,vs 'oi, San . . . : U001
ininor ills of Infants and young l DlOgO, CDJ. , -0turn OnANDS14 .W �� P
; clill- fiat -leaved gi as, the A -R -C good to 3 until .
dron. Ouarantecd to"colitaill no s Wound .round tile . . �� . . i August 31st. Tickets good to stop 41 'Pt .
. so . 1. R 1i Edw4rd r � I F. Uperimoot
Illub In a SPIral form, and, fixed by of ' od health. 9
OPfate. PrIce 21y cents a box at all means .of a sort of ghte, I . L .. over for thirty days west of 112'st - I I )011i, I
. , lolorado Point. this will he tile --1095i
druggiqfs or direct from The Dr. . I I I I Q . I w1th
Willianis' Modicine Co., Brockville, 1 �4� . I . .� .. . I �. I # grAnAle.qt opportunity over g1l veil 94 to 00tor rind
Ont. . . . . V passbilgers , to visit Colorado il.nd -Netkillight
1. I . GROWTIT 01-1 11AIIJ. . &a 1 Calitornia. Diverse routes going . vsgil� �-,U B. *% Wk P . 11 .1 Ififorlor
---+-- 11 Like . 0 riov 'Aid At%4 flooldiv. . V I . I and 'returning, I I I � AT 0-5 . I
most Vegetation tile hair . : . All tickets should read via Detroit 01 eftale, t , 4AT IV brafidd,
I I - 11 . I
i I lit I
I. I
1. N
i *1
i I
.. .1
� . I
I AV, 1%
. ifek 4W would . .. I 11
SOLD PIG TO SrM!, 81 -WW grows better in. light than in dark- u 14 My HU16 bo� Was ,Vtry 4 . � E. *11 .
The autlioritios of all Ii3figII.q1 . town ness becauso - Of the Stimulating ot t0o any nourislalleut, I got 4 P .stgo � and over the great W416asli route. -100, ,r4sot I I
MOU I � , . ., I
. .
of- , of I Force I and fed him on It, and Ain illeAted � I . , V'or full Particulars addre . 111se I
have placed it hall on- efreus<,s, oil feet of light and sutishine. It hao 1 . . � . � I V&,*A.
IsthrivItC, 1*111torwittlitmbei, I I . Wabas;h, Agent, or J., .8. 'i'mila,17.. a, vlat6rla 11 . 0. '. I I I?
010 glooklilt) that they tornpt. poor Often been- noticed' lit ths3 ca,sa of to 011, lo of HIS Age, JW be . 6 big 444 1 .. District Passenger . Agent -It I � , 11 I .- . .
. 6
OMCC4 with one 141do - FO , I � I I
people, it) spand to() 11VItch 21.1 111011'WhO Sit Ill hildo'bithar %ri feed him oil Is .,�.;1;4 If . I I !;oil, . . .
�$Ci,.' , Votthd&st, corm -sr Vinr and Yon .
One umn, Vwy qX, lXA4.,J.,ttXJJXJIf Kit , . I
y, sold (I I Z� always turned towards the light that � a ., , � , . W� is uttlosomot "11 . I
I I i.q 0:1n -4 1 , I EDDY'S
I -frooft Toronto. - I 11
pig last nimith In ordel- to ta�ke Ills the inonotache or board of that side I 1� 1,40 -11�. 0 ''Ill "I'll, -1 , � ...,.---A----------. I . L4 -11, CAN PA.— 1-11., , .
la", "" !�, �, I --�---...,:Iool,ll�limihi*!I.Iiii'it-],-.---,-,�.�-�'..� - .
ly to a Wild West show., "grows longor thAll on tho Other. . , I i . issue NO. 28- 03 - I . - .;..71� I F1
. A Ak t -d